Hy-Vee BY C H A R L I E M E N C H AC A
The retailer employs large ceiling banners with “Low Price Lockdown” messaging and oversized packaging shots of a variety of brands, from Kimberly-Clark’s Huggies to Del Monte Foods green beans.
Even after 91 years in business, Hy-Vee continues to experiment and test different offerings to enhance its shopper appeal. Charles Hyde and David Vredenburg opened their first store in Beaconfield, Iowa, in 1930. These days, the employee-owned grocer has more than 275 stores in eight Midwestern states. The retailer is not afraid to employ a variety of signage and display types to grab shopper attention. For instance, the amount of balloons in its stores is dwarfed only by the COVID-19 safety messaging that is all but standard at retail these days. With some locations boasting footprints of more than 90,000 square feet, the retailer has room to devote to experiences that set itself apart from other supermarkets. In the fall of 2020, Hy-Vee opened DSW Designer Shoe Warehouse mini-stores within six of its existing Minnesota sites. In April, the retailer opened the first of several in-store nail salons planned for select locations through a partnership with The W Nail Bar.
May 2021
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