There’s retail gold to be discovered with the Placid Multideck Refrigerated Island Merchandiser from Southern CaseArts. Our engineers designed a dynamic three-tier unit that efficiently makes high-margin impulse items impossible to miss. Perfect for snacks & sandwiches, beverages, cheese, and prepared foods, these easy-to-maintain coolers provide reduced energy costs, feature brilliant LED lighting and adjustable shelving. Unearth a treasure trove of added sales, visit southerncasearts.com for more.
8550 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. Ste. 225, Chicago, IL 60631 Phone: 773-992-4450 Fax: 773-992-4455 www.ensembleiq.com
VICE PRESIDENT & GROUP BRAND DIRECTOR Paula Lashinsky 917-446-4117 plashinsky@ensembleiq.com
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PROGRESSIVE GROCER (ISSN 0033-0787, USPS 920-600) is published monthly, except for July/August and November/December, which are double issues, by EnsembleIQ, 8550 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. Ste. 225, Chicago, IL 60631. Single copy price $17, except selected special issues. Foreign single copy price $20.40, except selected special issues. Subscription: $150 a year; $276 for a two year supscription; Canada/Mexico $204 for a one year supscription; $390 for a two year supscription (Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement No. 40031729. Foreign $204 a one year supscrption; $390 for a two year supscription (call for air mail rates). Digital Subscription: $87 one year supscription; $161 two year supscription. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, IL 60631 and additional mailing offices. Printed in USA. POSTMASTER: Send all address changes to brand, 8550 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. Ste. 225, Chicago, IL 60631. Copyright ©2024 EnsembleIQ All rights reserved, including the rights to reproduce in whole or in part. All letters to the editors of this magazine will be treated as having been submitted for publication. The magazine reserves the right to edit and abridge them. The publication is available in microform from University Microfilms International, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the consent of the publisher. The publisher is not responsible for product claims and representations.
GOYA® Doradas, Sociales, and Saltines deliver the savory versatility your shoppers crave. These crackers are perfect for spreads or enjoyed on their own. They provide a crunch and crisp bite, with the authenticity only GOYA® can create.
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he grocery industry has had a turbulent few months.
In March, the Federal Trade Commission published a report attributing high grocery prices to retailer and consumer goods companies’ profits during the pandemic. Prolonged food inflation is angering consumers, and they’re being cautious with their spending.
In April, Dom’s Kitchen & Market, an exquisite grocery format in Chicago, abruptly shut down. So did its sister brand, Foxtrot Market. So did 116-year-old New Jersey institution Sickles Market.
That same month, Walmart proceeded to shock the industry some more by shuttering its retail health business, citing “lack of profitability.” Walmart will close all 51 of its doctor-staffed health clinics (and telehealth services) just one month after the company had said that it hoped to expand its footprint of clinics to 70 by the end of this year.
Despite the crises du jour in the industry, though, there’s always a silver lining (or two), and I was reminded of that on a recent visit to some excellent supermarket operators in upstate New York. Tops Friendly Markets and Price Chopper/Market 32 – the banners operated by Northeast Grocery Inc. and profiled in this issue – are a reminder of why so many of you are in this business in the first place: to nourish people and communities. Tops in particular has turned tragedy into triumph, as this month marks the two-year anniversary of a horrible day for the retailer and the U.S. grocery industry.
On May 14, 2022, a gunman entered the Tops store at Jefferson Avenue in Buffalo, N.Y., and shot 13 people, 10 of them fatally. The racially motivated killings shook the nation and the industry.
Since that awful day, the company has done so many things to nourish the neighborhood and lift a community out of a fog of grief and fear, from donating food, to building memorials at the store, to providing transportation for shoppers to other stores while the Tops on Jefferson Avenue was being remodeled from top to bottom.
But the most important consequence of that terrible tragedy can be deeply felt when one walks into the store. There’s a memorial “water wall” at the front end, featuring a poem from Buffalo poet laureate Jillian Hanesworth. Some of the employees who were at the store at the time of the shooting were there on the day in March when I visited. They had smiles on their faces, happily greeting customers and talking about how important it was for the store to reopen. They spoke openly about how proud they are to work for
Tops store associates spoke openly about how proud they are to work for a company that didn’t abandon a community, but instead doubled down and opened an even better store than what was there before.
a company that didn’t abandon a community, but instead doubled down and opened an even better store than what was there before.
The newly remodeled store features enhanced and expanded foodservice and produce departments, and beautiful lighting. It also now features an increased security presence, an updated camera and alarm system, and more emergency exits. Employees wear special lanyards with buttons that, when pressed, immediately send an alert to the local police department to respond to that location.
No matter how much disruption happens in the industry, grocers should always remember and celebrate the why: Nourishing people and communities remains a powerful guiding light, illuminating the way to overcome any kind of turmoil.
National Baked Bean Month
National Blueberry Month
National Grilling Month
National Hot Dog Month
National Day of Rock ‘n’ Roll. We did disco; now it’s time to pipe in some headbanging favorites (within reason, of course).
International Chicken Wing Day. These delicacies are loved the world over.
National Freezer Pop Day. Run a sale on these – full-sugar versions and betterfor-you options alike.
National Ice Cream Month
National Independent Retailer Month
National Peach Month
National Picnic Month
Shark Awareness Day. Stores in beachfront communities can offer tips to keep residents and visitors safe from attacks.
National Disco Day. Let’s mark this fun New Zealand observance by playing some vintage dance tunes in the aisles.
Fashion Day. Encourage your associates to strut down the catwalk for fun and to raise money for a good cause.
15 Orange Chicken Day. Publish a kidfriendly version of this Asian-inspired favorite for the whole family to enjoy.
Legal Drinking Age Day. Give a refresher course to clerks to make sure they’re checking IDs for alcohol purchases.
National Tree Day. Adopt one in your area, and help it grow tall and strong.
National Hammock Day. Provide a display of the ideal snacks and drinks to accompany a lazy swing in the backyard.
National Challenged Champions and Heroes Awareness Day
Artificial Intelligence Appreciation Day. Give thanks for all of the AI solutions that are streamlining your company’s operations.
National Chocolate Wafer Day
Don’t Step on a Bee Day. Use this curiously named U.K. observance to educate customers about endangered pollinators and what you’re doing to help.
Unsurprisingly, the Fourth of July falls on this date, so make sure you’ve got everything customers need to celebrate our nation’s birthday.
National State Fair Food Day. Post recipes to reproduce the goodies found at these popular events: Funnel cake, anyone?
National Hawaii Day
World Kebab Day. Suggest all-veggie options for those who don’t eat meat.
On Take Your Webmaster to Lunch Day, ask them how you can make your site even better.
Hot Enough For Ya Day. We can almost guarantee that it will be.
National Tattoo Day. Ask customers and associates to post any wholesome food-related ink on your social media platforms.
National DriveThru Day. If you offer this type of service, be sure to promote it.
National Father-in-Law Day. Suggest that shoppers pay tribute to their significant others’ dads with a card or small gift.
Perfect Family Day. We get it – no one’s perfect. But you can still offer some cooking activities that will enable families to have a perfectly wonderful time together.
19 International Retainer Day. Did you remember to wear yours? Neither did we, but you can advise others to keep theirs clean with a little white wine vinegar.
National Beans ‘n’ Franks Day, or is it franks and beans?
20 Moon Day – time to commemorate that giant leap for mankind.
Harry Potter Birthday. To mark another year for The (fictional) Boy Who Lived, hold a Hogwartsthemed party in the breakroom.
For Culinarians Day, salute the corporate and in-store chefs who, together with their hardworking staffs, make your prepared food offerings special.
World Coffee Milkshake Day. We’ll take ours with vanilla ice cream, please.
National New Jersey Day. Spotlight all of the great food and beverage products from the Garden State.
What is the average unit price for packaged coffee products versus the year-ago period?
Consumers predictably favor convention in occasions, dayparts, and how to use bacon or lunchmeat, yet brands can boost loyalty and inspire new tastes by embracing diverse ideas. As the line between meals and snacks becomes more blurred, it’s time to double down on the notion that bacon and lunchmeat serve many needs.
Brand loyalty doesn’t run deep with bacon and lunchmeat, yet when quality standards meet better-for-you selections, consumers aspire to product upgrades whenever possible. Making premium, and seemingly healthier, options appear just as versatile as mainstream choices can create new value.
Whether they’re seeking new flavors or value, bacon and lunchmeat shoppers express interest in exploration in a number of forms. While innovation is exciting and certainly can move the sales needle, it’s not the only way to guide consumers to try something new.
The year 2023 found consumer shifts in product choice in both directions – trading down to the consistency and value of packaged products, but also up to fresher options from the deli counter.
Despite increased prices across food and drink, including bacon and lunchmeat, the majority of category participants reported no change in bacon and lunchmeat consumption. Price and health were the leading reasons among those who reduced engagement, suggesting that attrition can be addressed, at least in part.
Predictably, less affluent consumers were the most likely to seek the lowest price options, yet willingness to upgrade despite financial comfort level suggests that brands and retailers should provide premium options at every price point.
Younger adults are willing to break from tradition with new products and, even more within reach, with new applications. Brands can disrupt habits by reminding consumers to take bacon and lunchmeat beyond breakfast and “just” a sandwich.
Brands have work to do in narrowing the gap between awareness and trial of specialty meats. More than half of Millennials express interest in trial of new options, calling for brands to expand their efforts to build an understanding of the origins, tastes and applications of specialty meats beyond the charcuterie board.
Salient interest in trial, coupled with relatively low awareness of specialty processed meats, reminds brands to employ tactics that ease shoppers into the segment. Variety packs, bundling incentives, pairing suggestions, and recipes that blend mainstream meats with new tastes can activate trial with increased confidence.
here are some astounding statistics that put the impact of the consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry into perspective. According to the Consumer Brands Association, jobs associated with the CPG industry account for one in every 10 American jobs and the CPG industry’s total contributions represent 10% of the national gross domestic product (GDP). Professional services company Deloitte also reports that 67 of the top 100 global CPG companies belong to the food and beverage industry.
With so many products gracing virtual and physical store shelves, there’s bound to be some intersection of combined motives between retailers and CPGs. Creating and maintaining relationships with CPGs that your customers enjoy will lead to bigger baskets and more trips to the grocery store.
Creating and maintaining relationships with CPGs that your customers enjoy will lead to bigger baskets and more trips to the
pharmacists, dietitians or clinic nursing staff, in social media reels in partnership with CPGs. This can build credibility and brand awareness when the focus is on nutritious foods such as lean proteins, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
Finding ways to partner up with CPGs at the physical store level can bring ideas to life that reach a broad span of shopper demographics. Position your retailer as not only a food and beverage hub, but also as a place where health and wellness take center stage. Consider expanding CPG opportunities from vendor-sponsored cooking demonstrations and product features to wellness festivals and pharmacy marketing efforts. Identify ways to co-brand products and services that result in more spend at your grocery stores, benefiting both your business and the CPG brand.
The omnipresent digital space can open many opportunities to capitalize on CPG partnerships that make the online experience intuitive, easy and streamlined. Automatic coupon downloads when adding products under a CPG promotion to a digital shopping cart can mean big wins for traffic to a retailer site or app, as well as for CPG companies. The never-ending digital shelf edge makes it simple to advertise CPG offerings, including produce and better-for-you products, and encourage brand recognition. CPG brands may even be able to pinpoint their target markets with intentional advertising using data analytics within certain retailers.
The reach of social media can’t be ignored, even if potential and existing customers find their way onto a retailer’s Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or X account just to browse current sales or promotions. Take advantage of this by pitching fun, engaging social media spots to CPGs that may already be that quarter’s grocery category focus at your retailer. Swap out celebrity endorsements for qualified health professionals, such as your retailer’s
Gaining and keeping trust with customers are paramount. To do so, the voice of the retailer should be reliable and genuine, with messages being consistent. As steps are taken to connect with various CPGs, be sure that brands match the strategic aim of your company and align with the overall mission of your business. This may mean that your retailer’s priorities — such as sustainability, health, or diversity and inclusion — need to be examined before signing a contract. Be certain to enlist the help of your retail dietitians for clarity on the nutrition value of CPG products evaluated for partnerships, as dietitians uphold a code of ethics that includes standards such as “collaborating with others to reduce health disparities.” CPG partnerships, particularly those that involve dietitians, are mutually beneficial to retailers and brands as creative strategies are used to build sales, engagement, loyalty and trust.
PG’s 91st Annual Report/The PG 100 reveals retailers’ intent to sync their operations and stakeholders.
By Lynn Petrakop-up situations — in some cases, bona fide crises — defined the early years of this decade and led to a laser-like focus on specific driving issues, whether it was the pandemic, supply chain bottlenecks, labor shortages or, more recently, inflation. Those old enough to remember Whac-A-Mole might see an analogy between that arcade game and the often necessary approach to handle (and sometimes hammer) problems at hand.
As rapid-onset, acute challenges have largely receded, grocers and brands are moving from pivot mode to harmonizing their operations and approaches with employees, shoppers and partners, leaning into innovations like advanced technologies while also adhering to practices that made them resilient during the toughest times. The results of Progressive Grocer’s 91st Annual Report affirm that retailers
are working to connect the dots across many aspects of their operations to create cohesion and a shape that reflects their mission and values, all while striving to keep or add to their margins. While understandably wary about the potential for additional unexpected events or trends — especially during an election year at a time of ongoing global discord and economic wobbliness — grocers facing the midpoint of this decade are more positive than they have been during recent disruptive years. Of the retailers polled by Progressive Grocer, 19% have a strong positive outlook for 2024, giving that sentiment a nineout-of-10 score. While that rate may not seem overwhelming, it’s up 10% from the prior year. Further, a solid majority of 57% rate their company prospects as a seven or eight out of 10.
With a more positive outlook — or a less negative one, as the case may be — grocers have room to think about strengthening and then aligning facets of their operations to move their organizations forward. They also recognize the imperative of shoring up their respective operations as competition gets stronger within and beyond retail.
Based on retailer feedback, the state of this industry remains admirably resilient, thanks to investments in technologies and infrastructure, a collective embrace of innovation across products and experiences, and, perhaps most important, a sustaining belief that food retailers play a pivotal role in supporting people and communities.
A closer look at PG’s latest state-of-the-industry study reveals some areas that are becoming more connected in the effort to better define grocery businesses and bolster their performance.
We don’t have plans for an omnichannel strategy
We have a fully integrated strategy involving instore, online, and digital channels
We’re just getting started on an omnichannel strategy
of food retailers have a positive outlook for 2024. 19% of food retailers have a strong positive outlook for 2024, giving that sentiment a score of 9/10, up 10 points from last year. An additional 57% rated their company prospects as 7-8/10.
The words “seamless” gets tossed around a lot, but with good cause: In an increasingly omnichannel world, grocers are working to create a consistent experience for shoppers in both the digital and physical space.
Another common expression right now is to meet consumers “wherever they are on their journey.” To that end, grocers reported that they’re investing in several points on that omnichannel voyage. When asked about their best investment over the past one to three years, survey respondents ranked technology upgrades and investments first.
Omnichannel may not be omnipresent, but it’s getting there, as 43% of retailers said that they have such a strategy in development, and 23% reported that they have a fully integrated strategy involving in-store, online and digital channels. The other two-thirds indicated that their omnichannel investments are in the early stages (23%) or not applicable (10%).
Taking a closer look at omnichannel strategies, 62% of grocers surveyed by PG said that they currently offer services for online ordering with in-store pickup, and the same number provide online ordering with curbside pickup, indicating an
We’ve established a strategy that we’re executing for omnichannel, but there's room for growth
of survey respondents have an in-house e-commerce app that’s in development or already active.
of food retailers offer online ordering services for both in-store and curbside pickup.
understanding of the need to offer both types of fulfillment. More than half (57%) have a mobile shopping app. Their work in this area isn’t done, either, as 80% are making current or near-future investments in curbside pickup and mobile apps.
On that note, grocers are keen on providing apps that give their shoppers the best experience for online and in-store buying. According to the state-of-the-industry study, nearly half (48%) of grocery retailers said that customers like apps for their ability to create a shopping list and access order history, and 45% believe that shoppers place a high value on personalized deals and product recommendations.
Grocers also recognize the importance of smartphones, both with technologies that are already deployed and those yet to be tapped. More than a third (35%) of respondents said that their shoppers appreciate the ability to scan QR codes in stores via their phones, and nearly a quarter (23%) reported that customers value mobile wallets for payments.
Taking control of mobile apps has become more of a play, often as a way to manage the path to purchase within a company’s own system. While 62% of survey respondents are satisfied with current third-party vendors used for delivery/pickup, 42% said that they already have an active in-house app for those
services, and an additional 44% are either “very” or “somewhat” likely to develop native apps.
A majority of food retailers are devoting part of their budget to connecting technologies across their operations. A solid 59% are investing now or in the near future in in-store mobile product scanning, and a perhaps surprising 24% are focused on delivery via autonomous vehicles, while 26% plan to offer ordering kiosks.
Labor (e.g., recruitment, retention, diversity)
Macroeconomic conditions (e.g., inflation, deflation)
Increasing costs (e.g., energy, infrastructure maintenance)
Wages and benefits
Competitive threats
of retailers reported that associate feedback is their main tool for improving business operations, followed by digital communications/online surveys (51%) and loyalty card data (48%).
Create Your Own Merchandising Masterpiece with Trion Fixtures
The forecast is a cold cooler front when you use Trion’s Air Flow Baffle in coolers. Product temperature can be difficult to maintain at the front of a cooler. This Air Flow Baffle ensures that cold air is forced forward to keep items at their ideal temperature. Use as part of your cooler outfitting strategy, along with WonderBar ® Bar Merchandisers and hooks, EWTTM Expandable Wire Tray System, and cooler capable Clear Scan® label holders.
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Merchandise all size drinks from mini Red Bull® cans to oversized Gatorade® bottles. ZIP Track® is the most versatile and cost-effective Grab-and-Go system available on the market. Use actual product to set lane width from 2" to 3 3/4 " Reset lane width on set-up in less than 30 seconds. Shelf-based and coolerready, this anchored system billboards product for easy selection and fast sale. ZIP Track® forwards and faces product at
offers a wide range of adjustability for this ever-evolving beverage category
Neatly and effectively display cooler and freezer items, including yogurt, dips, puddings, ice cream, single-serve foods, and more. Our small Adjustable Merchandising Tray (AMT) fits a range of 4- to 6-ounce cups; the medium AMT organizes mid-range offerings; and the large AMT gives ice cream lovers pause to browse and choose a pint of their favorite flavor (hmmm why not get both Cherry Vanilla and Rocky Road?). This manual-feed tray ensures that products remain faced and accessible. Time to re-stock? Just lift out and refill. Add Clear Scan® Label Holder, and you’re finished! Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
It’s not just for coolers or beverages. Use ZIP Track® in multiple categories to showcase many different types of product. This is the most versatile system, of its kind available on the market. Manufactured from durable, modern plastics, it provides extended merchandising life. ZIP Track® offers a wide range of adjustability. Custom spring tensions and lane depths are available to fit any and all shelf and product needs.
Clip It! Installs in an Instant Zip Track® Components
If you think the WonderBar EWT is great, wait till you meet its big brother! Oversized just like some of your products, this weightlifter stays strong on both metal and open wire shelves and bar. One-piece installation means you can drop this bad boy right into place, adjust as needed, and watch the revenue increase. The EWT takes over from there, automatically feeding product to the front and billboarding merchandise for maximum visibility. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
ZIP Track ® components clip on the front rail allowing easy adjustment. Lanes can slide on the rail even when full or to add additional facings. Zip It! Setting Width is a Breeze Fill It! With a Wide Range of Products Zip Track® Sells it All
WonderBar® Displays are the versatile heroes of the Trion product family, coming to the rescue when you need muscle and good looks to merchandise items of all sizes. These Bar Hooks can lift heavy loads in their capable arms. Display or Scan, Saddle Mount or Plug in, there are Trion WonderBar Hooks for every need.
Fill it with product. ZIP Track® maintains its width accurately for the entire depth of facing without the need for a rear anchor system.
Create Your Own Merchandising Masterpiece with Trion Fixtures
The forecast is a cold cooler front when you use Trion’s Air Flow Baffle in coolers. Product temperature can be difficult to maintain at the front of a cooler. This Air Flow Baffle ensures that cold air is forced forward to keep items at their ideal temperature. Use as part of your cooler outfitting strategy, along with WonderBar ® Bar Merchandisers and hooks, EWTTM Expandable Wire Tray System, and cooler capable Clear Scan® label holders.
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Trion delivers your merchandising solutions on a platter actually, more of a tray. WonderBar® Trays solve the problem of how to stock, display, and sell an unlimited variety of products, including hardware, soft goods, coffee, dry goods, pet treats, and more. Adjust the tray from 51⁄2 " to 8 " wide, creating customized widths that accommodate boxes, bags, pillow packs, gusseted bags, bottles, clam shells, blister packs, and various tub shapes. Depths range from 13 " to 24 ", and trays feature integrated label holders. You’ll sell more when customers can see more! After the sale, simply lift out the tray
Trion delivers your merchandising solutions on a platter actually, more of a tray. WonderBar® Trays solve the problem of how to stock, display, and sell an unlimited variety of products, including hardware, soft goods, coffee, dry goods, pet treats, and more. Adjust the tray from 51⁄2 " to 8 " wide, creating customized widths that accommodate boxes, bags, pillow packs, gusseted bags, bottles, clam shells, blister packs, and various tub shapes. Depths range from 13 " to 24 ", and trays feature integrated label holders.
Trion delivers your merchandising solutions on a platter actually, more of a tray. WonderBar® Trays solve the problem of how to stock, display, and sell an unlimited variety of products, including hardware, soft goods, coffee, dry goods, pet treats, and more. Adjust the tray from 51⁄2 " to 8 " wide, creating customized widths that accommodate boxes, bags, pillow packs, gusseted bags, bottles, clam shells, blister packs, and various tub shapes. Depths range from 13 " to 24 ", and trays feature integrated label holders. You’ll sell more when customers can see more! After the sale, simply lift out the tray
It’s not just for coolers or beverages. Use ZIP Track® in grocery to arrange and organize peanut butter & jelly, salad dressings, condiments, and more. The most versatile system of its kind on the market and in the supermarket. Easy to install, ZIP Track® components clip on a front rail allowing lanes to adjust quickly, even when full or to add additional facings. Use actual product to set lane width from 2" up to 3 3/4" Slide product front-to-back to “ZIP”
What’s better than a pouch hook that automatically positions products for purchasing? A pouch hook that allows for easy restocking and is compatible with existing bar merchandising systems, that’s what! Need more reasons? They are available in 4 lengths to accommodate varied depths; feature a rear-loading design; include flip-front label holder, and tool-free installation on gondola, on pegboard, and in coolers. Of course, standard pouch hooks are available in case you are not a believer in gravity feed or gravity itself.
After one item is removed from our auto-feed, adjustable dual lane trays, the next product moves right into position. Each lane can be individually adjusted to a range of widths to maximize cross-sell opportunities. In addition, you can choose the push strength for either lightweight or heavy items. Dual Lane Trays give you the ability to customize displays to suit your inventory offerings.
After one item is removed from our auto-feed, adjustable dual lane trays, the next product moves right into position. Each lane can be individually adjusted to a range of widths to maximize cross-sell opportunities. In addition, you can choose the push strength for either lightweight or heavy items. Dual Lane Trays give you the ability to customize displays to suit your inventory offerings.
After one item is removed from our auto-feed, adjustable dual lane trays, the next product moves right into position. Each lane can be individually adjusted to a range of widths to maximize cross-sell opportunities. In addition, you can choose the push strength for either lightweight or heavy items. Dual Lane Trays give you the ability to customize displays to suit your inventory offerings.
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Neatly and effectively display cooler and freezer items, including yogurt, dips, puddings, ice cream, single-serve foods, and more. Our small Adjustable Merchandising Tray (AMT) fits a range of 4- to 6-ounce cups; the medium AMT organizes mid-range offerings; and the large AMT gives ice cream lovers pause to browse and choose a pint of their favorite flavor (hmmm why not get both Cherry Vanilla and Rocky Road?). This manual-feed tray ensures that products remain faced and accessible. Time to re-stock? Just lift out and refill. Add Clear Scan® Label Holder, and you’re finished! Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
What’s better than a pouch hook that automatically positions products for purchasing? A pouch hook that allows for easy restocking and is compatible with existing bar merchandising systems, that’s what! Need more reasons? They are available in 4 lengths to accommodate varied depths; feature a rear-loading design; include flip-front label holder, and tool-free installation on gondola, on pegboard, and in coolers. Of course, standard pouch hooks are available in case you are not a believer in gravity feed or gravity itself.
What’s better than a pouch hook that automatically positions products for purchasing? A pouch hook that allows for easy restocking and is compatible with existing bar merchandising systems, that’s what! Need more reasons? They are available in 4 lengths to accommodate varied depths; feature a rear-loading design; include flip-front label holder, and tool-free installation on gondola, on pegboard, and in coolers. Of course, standard pouch hooks are available in case you are not a believer in gravity feed or gravity itself.
What’s better than a pouch hook that automatically positions products for purchasing? A pouch hook that allows for easy restocking and is compatible with existing bar merchandising systems, that’s what! Need more reasons? They are available in 4 lengths to accommodate varied depths; feature a rear-loading design; include flip-front label holder, and tool-free installation on gondola, on pegboard, and in coolers. Of course, standard pouch hooks are available in case you are not a believer in gravity feed or gravity itself.
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
If you think the WonderBar EWT is great, wait till you meet its big brother! Oversized just like some of your products, this weightlifter stays strong on both metal and open wire shelves and bar. One-piece installation means you can drop this bad boy right into place, adjust as needed, and watch the revenue increase. The EWT takes over from there, automatically feeding product to the front and billboarding merchandise for maximum visibility. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com Super Hooks!
WonderBar® Displays are the versatile heroes of the Trion product family, coming to the rescue when you need muscle and good looks to merchandise items of all sizes. These Bar Hooks can lift heavy loads in their capable arms. Display or Scan, Saddle Mount or Plug in, there are Trion WonderBar Hooks for every need.
Let’s be clear. These are the best systems to display colorful items that draw the customers’ eyes... and their dollars. Sturdy enough for busy retail environments, these dividers let products promote themselves keeping packaging visible. Trion pushers keep items forwarded and faced for best visibility. Deploy Trion’s acrylic options for items including cosmetics, vitamins and supplements, crafts, party supplies, and more.
Let’s be clear. These are the best systems to display colorful items that draw the customers’ eyes... and their dollars. Sturdy enough for busy retail environments, these dividers let products promote themselves keeping packaging visible. Trion pushers keep items forwarded and faced for best visibility. Deploy Trion’s acrylic options for items including cosmetics, vitamins and supplements, crafts, party supplies, and more.
Let’s be clear. These are the best systems to display colorful items that draw the customers’ eyes... and their dollars. Sturdy enough for busy retail environments, these dividers let products promote themselves keeping packaging visible. Trion pushers keep items forwarded and faced for best visibility. Deploy Trion’s acrylic options for items including cosmetics, vitamins and supplements, crafts, party supplies, and more.
Trion delivers your merchandising actually, more of a tray. WonderBar Trays solve the problem of how to stock, display, and sell an unlimited variety of products, including hardware, soft goods, coffee, dry goods, pet treats, and more. Adjust the tray from 51⁄2 " to 8 " wide, creating customized widths that accommodate boxes, bags, pillow packs, gusseted bags, bottles, clam shells, blister packs, and various tub shapes. Depths range from 13 " to 24 ", and trays feature integrated label holders. You’ll sell more when customers can see more! After the sale, simply lift out the tray for convenient rear restocking. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
faced. Feature items of
widths via asymmetric lane configurations. Cross merchandise a variety of products with ease. Trays install without tools and lift out for quick restocking or product rotation. Full line includes standard and oversize trays, and display, scan and pusher hooks. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
1 ⁄4 . Each lane features a separate pusher paddle to keep products forwarded and faced. Feature items of different widths via asymmetric lane configurations. Cross merchandise a variety of products with ease. Trays install without tools and lift out for quick restocking or product rotation. Full line includes standard and oversize trays, and display, scan and pusher hooks. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
This cross-selling approach makes shopping easier for the customer and more profitable for you. Select from a range of other Trion outfitting to maximize selling space from the base deck to the top shelf and beyond. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
the display space and create unique presentations of similar or related items. This cross-selling approach makes shopping easier for the customer and more profitable for you. Select from a range of other Trion outfitting to maximize selling space from the base deck to the top shelf and beyond.
Create Your Own Merchandising Masterpiece with Trion Fixtures
The forecast is a cold cooler front when you use Trion’s Air Flow Baffle in coolers. Product temperature can be difficult to maintain at the front of a cooler. This Air Flow Baffle ensures that cold air is forced forward to keep items at their ideal temperature. Use as part of your cooler outfitting strategy, along with WonderBar ® Bar Merchandisers and hooks, EWTTM Expandable Wire Tray System, and cooler capable Clear Scan® label holders.
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
For Easy Selection and Fast Sales Z ip
This mini tray leads to maximum revenue, because it allows complimentary items to be featured together. Dual lanes adjust to fit narrow merchandise sizes as small as 1 3⁄4 ". Each lane features a separate pusher paddle to keep products forwarded and faced. Feature items of different widths via asymmetric lane configurations. Cross merchandise a variety of products with ease. Trays install without tools and lift out for quick restocking or product rotation. Full line includes standard and oversize trays, and display, scan and pusher hooks.
Storewide solutions for any labeling need. Available in a variety of profiles (shapes), these bright, clear label holders are easily positioned in all standard C-channel configurations, as well as displays incorporating metal, glass, wood, wire baskets, wire shelving, wire fencing, and scanning hooks. Plain paper labels drop in behind a clear flexible PVC front, allowing labels to be changed quickly and inexpensively without messy adhesive backing. Adhesive label holders and strips also available if that is your need. Save time, increase visibility, and boost sales with this storewide labeling system.
Use ZIP Track® in multiple categories to showcase many different types of product. It’s not just for coolers or beverages. This is the most versatile system of its kind on the market. Easy to install, ZIP Track® components clip on a front rail allowing lanes to adjust quickly, even when full or to add additional facings. Use actual product to set lane width from 2" up to 3 3/4 " Slide product front-to-back to “ZIP” each track together. Custom spring tensions and lane depths are available to fit any and all shelf and product needs. The sturdy plastic is durable, with an extended merchandising life.
Storewide solutions for any labeling need. Available in a variety of profiles (shapes), these bright, clear label holders are easily positioned in all standard C-channel configurations, as well as displays incorporating metal, glass, wood, wire baskets, wire shelving, wire fencing, and scanning hooks. Plain paper labels drop in behind a clear flexible PVC front, allowing labels to be changed quickly and inexpensively without messy adhesive backing. Adhesive label holders and strips also available if that is your need. Save time, increase visibility, and boost sales with this storewide labeling system. Cooler capable, color, and built-in promo
Neatly and effectively display cooler and freezer items, including yogurt, dips, puddings, ice cream, single-serve foods, and more. Our small Adjustable Merchandising Tray (AMT) fits a range of 4- to 6-ounce cups; the medium AMT organizes mid-range offerings; and the large AMT gives ice cream lovers pause to browse and choose a pint of their favorite flavor (hmmm why not get both Cherry Vanilla and Rocky Road?). This manual-feed tray ensures that products remain faced and accessible. Time to re-stock? Just lift out and refill. Add Clear Scan® Label Holder, and you’re finished! Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Storewide solutions for any labeling need. Available in a variety of profiles (shapes), these bright, clear label holders are easily positioned in all standard C-channel configurations, as well as displays incorporating metal, glass, wood, wire baskets, wire shelving, wire fencing, and scanning hooks. Plain paper labels drop in behind a clear flexible PVC front, allowing labels to be changed quickly and inexpensively without messy adhesive backing. Adhesive label holders and strips also available if that is your need. Save time, increase visibility, and boost sales with this storewide labeling system. Cooler capable, color, and built-in promo Clip label holders and strips available. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
If you think the WonderBar EWT is great, wait till you meet its big brother! Oversized just like some of your products, this weightlifter stays strong on both metal and open wire shelves and bar. One-piece installation means you can drop this bad boy right into place, adjust as needed, and watch the revenue increase. The EWT takes over from there, automatically feeding product to the front and billboarding merchandise for maximum visibility. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Flip-Scan® hooks are an open and shut case for ease of use. The articulated label holder lifts up and out of the way for easy product access, then falls back to vertical for viewing product and price info. Our unique label holder flexes open so plain paper labels can be inserted effortlessly. Available with short label holders or full length label strips and constructed of long-life materials, these durable, attractive scan hooks can outfit all display surfaces, including pegboard, slatwall, grid, crossbar, and corrugated. Fully compatible with the Clear Scan® Label Holder System for C-channel, shelf edge, wire basket, and refrigerated areas storewide.
This bottom is tops for displaying heavy, bulky, or hard-to-fit items. Display them attractively and neatly using front fencing and dividers to customize the display space and create unique presentations of similar or related items. This cross-selling approach makes shopping easier for the customer and more profitable for you. Select from a range of other Trion outfitting to maximize selling space from the base deck to the top shelf and beyond. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Flip-Scan® hooks are an open and shut case for ease of use. The articulated label holder lifts up and out of the way for easy product access, then falls back to vertical for viewing product and price info. Our unique label holder flexes open so plain paper labels can be inserted effortlessly. Available with short label holders or full length label strips and constructed of long-life materials, these durable, attractive scan hooks can outfit all display surfaces, including pegboard, slatwall, grid, crossbar, and corrugated. Fully compatible with the Clear Scan® Label Holder System for C-channel, shelf edge, wire basket, and refrigerated areas storewide.
WonderBar® Displays are the versatile heroes of the Trion product family, coming to the rescue when you need muscle and good looks to merchandise items of all sizes. These Bar Hooks can lift heavy loads in their capable arms. Display or Scan, Saddle Mount or Plug in, there are Trion WonderBar Hooks for every need.
Flip-Scan® hooks are an open and shut case for ease of use. The articulated label holder lifts up and out of the way for easy product access, then falls back to vertical for viewing product and price info. Our unique label holder flexes open so plain paper labels can be inserted effortlessly. Available with short label holders or full length label strips and constructed of long-life materials, these durable, attractive scan hooks can outfit all display surfaces, including pegboard, slatwall, grid, crossbar, and corrugated. Fully compatible with the Clear Scan® Label Holder System for C-channel,
This mini tray leads to maximum revenue, because it allows complimentary items to be featured together. Dual lanes adjust to fit narrow merchandise sizes as small as 1 3⁄4 ". Each lane features a separate pusher paddle to keep products forwarded and faced. Feature items of different widths via asymmetric lane configurations. Cross merchandise a variety of products with ease. Trays install without tools and lift out for quick restocking or product rotation. Full line includes standard and oversize trays, and display, scan and pusher hooks. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
The forecast is a cold cooler front when you use Trion’s Air Flow Baffle in coolers. Product temperature can be difficult to maintain at the front of a cooler. This Air Flow Baffle ensures that cold air is forced forward to keep items at their ideal temperature. Use as part of your cooler outfitting strategy, along with WonderBar ® Bar Merchandisers and hooks, EWTTM Expandable Wire Tray System, and cooler capable Clear Scan® label holders.
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Product offerings come in different sizes, so it makes sense that displays should come in different sizes, too. That’s why Trion created the WonderBar ® Expandable Wire Tray System. We included every feature you would want if you created it yourself: powder-coated galvanized wire that stands up to harsh environments; adjustable width; easy custom configuration; rail mount and freestanding units; wire or clear acrylic product stops. EWT mounts on pegboard, slatwall, gondola shelf, table top and cooler.
Product offerings come in different sizes, so it makes sense that displays should come in different sizes, too. That’s why Trion created the WonderBar® Expandable Wire Tray System, aka EWT. We included every feature you would want if you created it yourself: powdercoated galvanized wire that stands up to harsh environments; adjustable width; easy custom configuration; rail mount and freestanding units; wire or clear acrylic product stops. EWT mounts on pegboard, slatwall, gondola shelf, table top and cooler.
If you think the WonderBar EWT is great, wait till you meet its big brother! Oversized just like some of your products, this weightlifter stays strong on both metal and open wire shelves and bar. One-piece installation means you can drop this bad boy right into place, adjust as needed, and watch the revenue increase. The EWT takes over from there, automatically feeding product to the front and billboarding merchandise for maximum visibility. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Bin there, organized that! Trion’s deck fencing helps you bin small, large, bulk or packaged items while keeping them accessible to customers. Customize your display to create closed-front or open-front compartments using straight or offset front fence, then add our convenient labeling systems to finish the job right.
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Use ZIP Track ® storewide for neat and tidy health, beauty and wellness displays. This is the most versatile system of its kind on the market. Easy to install, ZIP Track® components clip on a front rail allowing lanes to adjust quickly, even when full or to add additional facings. Use actual product to set lane width from 2" up to 3 3/4 " Slide product front-to-back to “ZIP” each track together. Custom spring tensions and lane depths are available to fit any and all shelf and product needs. Manufactured from durable, modern plastics, ZIP Track® provides an extended merchandising life.
Think of these extruded signs as a GPS for your retail setting. Quickly guide customers to the products they want and need with these versatile sign holders. Plan your customer’s routes, then slide in signs when you’re ready. Creative merchandisers might also use these sign holders for monthly or weekly specials, buy-one-get-one offers, specialized category definition (think gluten free, organic, fair trade, etc.), or promotion of in-store loyalty cards. A variety of mounting options are available including hooks, push pin, and foam tape. The opportunities for use are endless. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Neatly and effectively display cooler and freezer items, including yogurt, dips, puddings, ice cream, single-serve foods, and more. Our small Adjustable Merchandising Tray (AMT) fits a range of 4- to 6-ounce cups; the medium AMT organizes mid-range offerings; and the large AMT gives ice cream lovers pause to browse and choose a pint of their favorite flavor (hmmm why not get both Cherry Vanilla and Rocky Road?). This manual-feed tray ensures that products remain faced and accessible. Time to re-stock? Just lift out and refill. Add Clear Scan® Label Holder, and you’re finished! Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Think of these extruded signs as a GPS for your retail setting. Quickly guide customers to the products they want and need with these versatile sign holders. Plan your customer’s routes, then slide in signs when you’re ready. Creative merchandisers might also use these sign holders for monthly or weekly specials, buy-one-get-one offers, specialized category definition (think gluten free, organic, fair trade, etc.), or promotion of in-store loyalty cards. A variety of mounting options are available including hooks, push pin, and foam tape. The opportunities for use are endless. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
WonderBar® Displays are the versatile heroes of the Trion product family, coming to the rescue when you need muscle and good looks to merchandise items of all sizes. These Bar Hooks can lift heavy loads in their capable arms. Display or Scan, Saddle Mount or Plug in, there are Trion WonderBar Hooks for every need.
Let’s review your wish list of slatwall hook features: flat back plate base? Trion’s got it. Even load distribution? Check. Customizable with Clear Scan Labels? Yep. Flip-front or metal plate Label Holder, gotcha. Like your varied products, Trion’s Slatwall Hooks are offered in a range of standard, medium, heavy, and extra heavy gauges. Our hooks fit all industry standard slatwall slots, and many work with slot inserts. Call for a sample to check the fit with your design.
Let’s review your wish list of slatwall hook features: flat back plate base? Trion’s got it. Even load distribution? Check. Customizable with Clear Scan Labels? Yep. Flip-front or metal plate Label Holder, gotcha. Like your varied products, Trion’s Slatwall Hooks are offered in a range of standard, medium, heavy, and extra heavy gauges. Our hooks fit all industry standard slatwall slots, and many work with slot inserts. Call for a sample to check the fit with your design.
Create Your Own Merchandising Masterpiece with Trion Fixtures
Oversize? No Problem! WonderBar® EWTTM Large
the length and uses. Mount level or in gravity-feed mode from pegboard or slatwall, or place on shelves or table tops. Pair the baskets with hang tags, efficiently displaying both products and prices. Customize your baskets with handy dividers to create exactly the compartmentalization you need.
effectively, attractively merchandise in these baskets is, well, endless, as is the length and uses. Mount level or in gravity-feed mode from pegboard or slatwall, or place on shelves or table tops. Pair the baskets with hang tags, efficiently displaying both products and prices. Customize your baskets with handy dividers to create exactly the compartmentalization you need.
The forecast is a cold cooler front when you use Trion’s Air Flow Baffle in coolers. Product temperature can be difficult to maintain at the front of a cooler. This Air Flow Baffle ensures that cold air is forced forward to keep items at their ideal temperature. Use as part of your cooler outfitting strategy, along with WonderBar ® Bar Merchandisers and hooks, EWTTM Expandable Wire Tray System, and cooler capable Clear Scan® label holders.
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Use ZIP Track® storewide to organize various types of cleaning products, insect repellent and various other household items. It is the most versatile system of its kind on the market. Easy to install, ZIP Track® components clip on a front rail allowing lanes to adjust quickly, even when full or to add additional facings. Use actual product to set lane width from 2" up to 3 3/4 " Slide product front-to-back to “ZIP” offers a wide range of adjustability for
The number of products you can effectively, attractively merchandise in these baskets is, well, endless, as is the length and uses. Mount level or in gravity-feed mode from pegboard or slatwall, or place on shelves or table tops. Pair the baskets with hang tags, efficiently displaying both products and prices. Customize your baskets with handy dividers to create exactly the
The number of products you can effectively, attractively merchandise in these baskets is, well, endless, as is the length and uses. Mount level or in gravity-feed mode from pegboard or slatwall, or place on shelves or table tops. Pair the baskets with hang tags, efficiently displaying both products and prices. Customize your baskets with handy dividers to create exactly the
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
If you think the WonderBar EWT is great, wait till you meet its big brother! Oversized just like some of your products, this weightlifter stays strong on both metal and open wire shelves and bar. One-piece installation means you can drop this bad boy right into place, adjust as needed, and watch the revenue increase. The EWT takes over from there, automatically feeding product to the front and billboarding merchandise for maximum visibility.
customers can spot and browse neatly displayed, upscale merchandise. Adjustable, multi-functional dividers allow you to customize depth and change the width of displays just as fast as new products are delivered. Sturdy, clear presentation keeps products looking their best, highlighting the colors, options, sizes, quality, and billboarding brands. Trion’s Clear Acrylic Divider Systems are among the best looking and adaptable merchandising systems. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
The way to profits is clear when customers can spot and browse neatly displayed, upscale merchandise. Adjustable, multi-functional dividers allow you to customize depth and change the width of displays just as fast as new products are delivered. Sturdy, clear presentation keeps products looking their best, highlighting the colors, options, sizes, quality, and billboarding brands. Trion’s Clear Acrylic Divider Systems are among the best looking and adaptable merchandising systems. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
The way to profits is clear when customers can spot and browse neatly displayed, upscale merchandise. Adjustable, multi-functional dividers allow you to customize depth and change the width of displays just as fast as new products are delivered. Sturdy, clear presentation keeps products looking their best, highlighting the colors, options, sizes, quality, and billboarding brands. Trion’s Clear Acrylic Divider Systems are among the best looking and adaptable merchandising systems. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
The way to profits is clear when customers can spot and browse neatly displayed, upscale merchandise. Adjustable, multi-functional dividers allow you to customize depth and change the width of displays just as fast as new products are delivered. Sturdy, clear presentation keeps products looking their best, highlighting the colors, options, sizes, quality, and billboarding brands. Trion’s Clear Acrylic Divider Systems are among the best looking and adaptable merchandising systems.
assembled – a dream come true for speeding labor intensive projects. Because the hooks are already assembled, you can display merchandise as quickly as you can say “profits.” Once installed, these hooks come apart easily, making merchandising changes in tight displays fast and easy. Reinforced to host even heavy items, these hooks are available in standard, medium and heavy gauge frontwires with engineering grade plastic backplates to provide durable and attractive ways to keep your merchandise accessible.
straight-entry hooks arrive already assembled – a dream come true for speeding labor intensive projects. Because the hooks are already assembled, you can display merchandise as quickly as you can say “profits.” Once installed, these hooks come apart easily, making merchandising changes in tight displays fast and easy. Reinforced to host even heavy items, these hooks are available in standard, medium and heavy gauge frontwires with engineering grade plastic backplates to provide durable and attractive ways to keep your merchandise accessible.
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Neatly and effectively display cooler and freezer items, including yogurt, dips, puddings, ice cream, single-serve foods, and more. Our small Adjustable Merchandising Tray (AMT) fits a range of 4- to 6-ounce cups; the medium AMT organizes mid-range offerings; and the large AMT gives ice cream lovers pause to browse and choose a pint of their favorite flavor (hmmm why not get both Cherry Vanilla and Rocky Road?). This manual-feed tray ensures that products remain faced and accessible. Time to re-stock? Just lift out and refill. Add Clear Scan® Label Holder, and you’re finished! Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
You read that right. These two-piece straight-entry hooks arrive already assembled – a dream come true for speeding labor intensive projects. Because the hooks are already assembled, you can display merchandise as quickly as you can say “profits.” Once installed, these hooks come apart easily, making merchandising changes in tight displays fast and easy. Reinforced to host even heavy items, these hooks are available in standard, medium and heavy gauge frontwires with engineering grade plastic backplates to provide durable and attractive ways to keep your merchandise accessible. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
You read that right. These two-piece straight-entry hooks arrive already assembled – a dream come true for speeding labor intensive projects. Because the hooks are already assembled, you can display merchandise as quickly as you can say “profits.” Once installed, these hooks come apart easily, making merchandising changes in tight displays fast and easy. Reinforced to host even heavy items, these hooks are available in standard, medium and heavy gauge frontwires with engineering grade plastic backplates to provide durable and attractive ways to keep your merchandise accessible.
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
WonderBar® Displays are the versatile heroes of the Trion product family, coming to the rescue when you need muscle and good looks to merchandise items of all sizes. These Bar Hooks can lift heavy loads in their capable arms. Display or Scan, Saddle Mount or Plug in, there are Trion WonderBar Hooks for every need.
pegboard extenders. Use them to layer display surfaces so you can simultaneously show tall and short items. Commonly used to merchandise mops, brooms, long handled tools and more, with cross sells and accessories directly in front. Pegboard extenders extend your merchandising reach.
layer display surfaces so you can simultaneously show tall and short items. Commonly used to merchandise mops, brooms, long handled tools and more, with cross sells and accessories directly in front. Pegboard extenders extend your merchandising reach.
Extend your opportunities to increase revenue with Trion’s pegboard extenders. Use them to layer display surfaces so you can simultaneously show tall and short items. Commonly used to merchandise mops, brooms, long handled tools and more, with cross sells and accessories directly in front. Pegboard extenders extend your merchandising reach.
Extend your opportunities to increase revenue with Trion’s pegboard extenders. Use them to layer display surfaces so you can simultaneously show tall and short items. Commonly used to merchandise mops, brooms, long handled tools and more, with cross sells and accessories directly in front. Pegboard extenders extend your merchandising reach.
Create Your Own Merchandising Masterpiece with Trion Fixtures
Oversize? No Problem!
The forecast is a cold cooler front when you use Trion’s Air Flow Baffle in coolers. Product temperature can be difficult to maintain at the front of a cooler. This Air Flow Baffle ensures that cold air is forced forward to keep items at their ideal temperature. Use as part of your cooler outfitting strategy, along with WonderBar ® Bar Merchandisers and hooks, EWTTM Expandable Wire Tray System, and cooler capable Clear Scan® label holders.
The forecast is a cold cooler front when you use Trion’s Air Flow Baffle in coolers. Product temperature can be difficult to maintain at the front of a cooler. This Air Flow Baffle ensures that cold air is forced forward to keep items at their ideal temperature. Use as part of your cooler outfitting strategy, along with WonderBar ® Bar Merchandisers and hooks, EWTTM Expandable Wire Tray System, and cooler capable Clear Scan® label holders.
The forecast is a cold cooler front when you use Trion’s Air Flow Baffle in coolers. Product temperature can be difficult to maintain at the front of a cooler. This Air Flow Baffle ensures that cold air is forced forward to keep items at their ideal temperature. Use as part of your cooler outfitting strategy, along with WonderBar ® Bar Merchandisers and hooks, EWTTM Expandable Wire Tray System, and cooler capable Clear Scan® label holders.
The forecast is a cold cooler front when you use Trion’s Air Flow Baffle in coolers. Product temperature can be difficult to maintain at the front of a cooler. This Air Flow Baffle ensures that cold air is forced forward to keep items at their ideal temperature. Use as part of your cooler outfitting strategy, along with WonderBar ® Bar Merchandisers and hooks, EWTTM Expandable Wire Tray System, and cooler capable Clear Scan® label holders.
If you think the WonderBar EWT is great, wait till you meet its big brother! Oversized just like some of your products, this weightlifter stays strong on both metal and open wire shelves and bar. One-piece installation means you can drop this bad boy right into place, adjust as needed, and watch the revenue increase. The EWT takes over from there, automatically feeding product to the front and billboarding merchandise for maximum visibility.
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Neatly and effectively display cooler and freezer items, including yogurt, dips, puddings, ice cream, single-serve foods, and more. Our small Adjustable Merchandising Tray (AMT) fits a range of 4- to 6-ounce cups; the medium AMT organizes mid-range offerings; and the large AMT gives ice cream lovers pause to browse and choose a pint of their favorite flavor (hmmm why not get both Cherry Vanilla and Rocky Road?). This manual-feed tray ensures that products remain faced and accessible. Time to re-stock? Just lift out and refill. Add Clear Scan® Label Holder, and you’re finished!
WonderBar® Displays are the versatile heroes of the Trion product family, coming to the rescue when you need muscle and good looks to merchandise items of all sizes. These Bar Hooks can lift heavy loads in their capable arms. Display or Scan, Saddle Mount or Plug in, there are Trion WonderBar Hooks for every need.
Neatly and effectively display cooler and freezer items, including yogurt, dips, puddings, ice cream, single-serve foods, and more. Our small Adjustable Merchandising Tray (AMT) fits a range of 4- to 6-ounce cups; the medium AMT organizes mid-range offerings; and the large AMT gives ice cream lovers pause to browse and choose a pint of their favorite flavor (hmmm why not get both Cherry Vanilla and Rocky Road?). This manual-feed tray ensures that products remain faced and accessible. Time to re-stock? Just lift out and refill. Add Clear Scan® Label Holder, and you’re finished! Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
If you think the WonderBar EWT is great, wait till you meet its big brother! Oversized just like some of your products, this weightlifter stays strong on both metal and open wire shelves and bar. One-piece installation means you can drop this bad boy right into place, adjust as needed, and watch the revenue increase. The EWT takes over from there, automatically feeding product to the front and billboarding merchandise for maximum visibility. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
The forecast is a cold cooler front when you use Trion’s Air Flow Baffle in coolers. Product temperature can be difficult to maintain at the front of a cooler. This Air Flow Baffle ensures that cold air is forced forward to keep items at their ideal temperature. Use as part of your cooler outfitting strategy, along with WonderBar ® Bar Merchandisers and hooks, EWTTM Expandable Wire Tray System, and cooler capable Clear Scan® label holders.
If you think the WonderBar EWT is great, wait till you meet its big brother! Oversized just like some of your products, this weightlifter stays strong on both metal and open wire shelves and bar. One-piece installation means you can drop this bad boy right into place, adjust as needed, and watch the revenue increase. The EWT takes over from there, automatically feeding product to the front and billboarding merchandise for maximum visibility. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
If you think the WonderBar EWT is great, wait till you meet its big brother! Oversized just like some of your products, this weightlifter stays strong on both metal and open wire shelves and bar. One-piece installation means you can drop this bad boy right into place, adjust as needed, and watch the revenue increase. The EWT takes over from there, automatically feeding product to the front and billboarding merchandise for maximum visibility. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
If you think the WonderBar EWT is great, wait till you meet its big brother! Oversized just like some of your products, this weightlifter stays strong on both metal and open wire shelves and bar. One-piece installation means you can drop this bad boy right into place, adjust as needed, and watch the revenue increase. The EWT takes over from there, automatically feeding product to the front and billboarding merchandise for maximum visibility. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Neatly and effectively display cooler and freezer items, including yogurt, dips, puddings, ice cream, single-serve foods, and more. Our small Adjustable Merchandising Tray (AMT) fits a range of 4- to 6-ounce cups; the medium AMT organizes mid-range offerings; and the large AMT gives ice cream lovers pause to browse and choose a pint of their favorite flavor (hmmm why not get both Cherry Vanilla and Rocky Road?). This manual-feed tray ensures that products remain faced and accessible. Time to re-stock? Just lift out and refill. Add Clear Scan® Label Holder, and you’re finished! Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Neatly and effectively display cooler and freezer items, including yogurt, dips, puddings, ice cream, single-serve foods, and more. Our small Adjustable Merchandising Tray (AMT) fits a range of 4- to 6-ounce cups; the medium AMT organizes mid-range offerings; and the large AMT gives ice cream lovers pause to browse and choose a pint of their favorite flavor (hmmm why not get both Cherry Vanilla and Rocky Road?). This manual-feed tray ensures that products remain faced and accessible. Time to re-stock? Just lift out and refill. Add Clear Scan® Label Holder, and you’re finished! Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
WonderBar® Displays are the versatile heroes of the Trion product family, coming to the rescue when you need muscle and good looks to merchandise items of all sizes. These Bar Hooks can lift heavy loads in their capable arms. Display or Scan, Saddle Mount or Plug in, there are Trion WonderBar Hooks for every need.
WonderBar® Displays are the versatile heroes of the Trion product family, coming to the rescue when you need muscle and good looks to merchandise items of all sizes. These Bar Hooks can lift heavy loads in their capable arms. Display or Scan, Saddle Mount or Plug in, there are Trion WonderBar Hooks for every need.
WonderBar® Displays are the versatile heroes of the Trion product family, coming to the rescue when you need muscle and good looks to merchandise items of all sizes. These Bar Hooks can lift heavy loads in their capable arms. Display or Scan, Saddle Mount or Plug in, there are Trion WonderBar Hooks for every need.
WonderBar® Displays are the versatile heroes of the Trion product family, coming to the rescue when you need muscle and good looks to merchandise items of all sizes. These Bar Hooks can lift heavy loads in their capable arms. Display or Scan, Saddle Mount or Plug in, there are Trion WonderBar Hooks for every need.
WonderBar® Displays are the versatile heroes of the Trion product family, coming to the rescue when you need muscle and good looks to merchandise items of all sizes. These Bar Hooks can lift heavy loads in their capable arms. Display or Scan, Saddle Mount or Plug in, there are Trion WonderBar Hooks for every need.
Neatly and effectively display cooler and freezer items, including yogurt, dips, puddings, ice cream, single-serve foods, and more. Our small Adjustable Merchandising Tray (AMT) fits a range of 4- to 6-ounce cups; the medium AMT organizes mid-range offerings; and the large AMT gives ice cream lovers pause to browse and choose a pint of their favorite flavor (hmmm why not get both Cherry Vanilla and Rocky Road?). This manual-feed tray ensures that products remain faced and accessible. Time to re-stock? Just lift out and refill. Add Clear Scan® Label Holder, and you’re finished! Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
The forecast is a cold cooler front when you use Trion’s Air Flow Baffle in coolers. Product temperature can be difficult to maintain at the front of a cooler. This Air Flow Baffle ensures that cold air is forced forward to keep items at their ideal temperature. Use as part of your cooler outfitting strategy, along with WonderBar ® Bar Merchandisers and hooks, EWTTM Expandable Wire Tray System, and cooler capable Clear Scan® label holders.
Don’t judge a literature holder by its cover these coated-wire multi-taskers can be used to accommodate anything that is best displayed upright. Rather than stacking that merchandise flat on shelves, show off features and benefits where customers can fully view the entire item. Creatively deploy these to sell almost anything, including games, mirrors, frames, clocks, puzzles, life vests, baking sheets, and — for traditionalists —even product literature. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Don’t judge a literature holder by its cover these coated-wire multi-taskers can be used to accommodate anything that is best displayed upright. Rather than stacking that merchandise flat on shelves, show off features and benefits where customers can fully view the entire item. Creatively deploy these to sell almost anything, including games, mirrors, frames, clocks, puzzles, life vests, baking sheets, and — for traditionalists —even product literature.
Don’t judge a literature holder by its cover these coated-wire multi-taskers can be used to accommodate anything that is best displayed upright. Rather than stacking that merchandise flat on shelves, show off features and benefits where customers can fully view the entire item. Creatively deploy these to sell almost anything, including games, mirrors, frames, clocks, puzzles, life vests, baking sheets, and — for traditionalists —even product literature. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Use ZIP Track ® storewide for a wellorganized display of spray paint cans, and other craft items. Works well with caulking tubes in hardware too. This is the most versatile system of its kind on the market. Easy to install, ZIP Track® components clip on a front rail allowing lanes to adjust quickly, even when full or to add additional facings. Use actual product to set lane width from 2" up to 3 3/4 ". Slide product front-to-back to “ZIP” each offers a wide range of adjustability for changing
Don’t judge a literature holder by its cover these coated-wire multi-taskers can be used to accommodate anything that is best displayed upright. Rather than stacking that merchandise flat on shelves, show off features and benefits where customers can fully view the entire item. Creatively deploy these to sell almost anything, including games, mirrors, frames, clocks, puzzles, life vests, baking sheets, and — for traditionalists —even product literature.
You’ll be hooked on these Clear Scan® Label Holders when you see how easily they accommodate drop-in plain paper labels. Promote product and price or features and benefits so customers can choose easily .. . and so can you! Make your selection of Clear Scan Label Holders from a variety of profiles, colors and lengths, then add them to hooks with flip-front or FISH-TipTM mounts. Skip the mess of sticky adhesive labels and trade up to easy-to-use plain paper label holder systems.
Truth or dare? The truth is that Trion’s ShelfWorks® Clear Dividers and Product Stops are up to any dare. Choose straight, reversible, or interlocking-front clear dividers to align, stack, divide, and organize almost any product you want to sell. Another truth is Trion’s products are durable, high-quality items that will work as hard as you do. Try to find better merchandising solutions. We double-dog dare you.
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Truth or dare? The truth is that Trion’s ShelfWorks® Clear Dividers and Product Stops are up to any dare. Choose straight, reversible, or interlocking-front clear dividers to align, stack, divide, and organize almost any product you want to sell. Another truth is Trion’s products are durable, high-quality items that will work as hard as you do. Try to find better merchandising solutions. We double-dog dare you.
Truth or dare? The truth is that Trion’s ShelfWorks® Clear Dividers and Product Stops are up to any dare. Choose straight, reversible, or interlocking-front clear dividers to align, stack, divide, and organize almost any product you want to sell. Another truth is Trion’s products are durable, high-quality items that will work as hard as you do. Try to find better merchandising solutions. We double-dog dare you.
Don’t judge a literature holder by its cover these coated-wire multi-taskers can be used to accommodate anything that is best displayed upright. Rather than stacking that merchandise flat on shelves, show off features and benefits where customers can fully view the entire item. Creatively deploy these to sell almost anything, including games, mirrors, frames, clocks, puzzles, life vests, baking sheets, and — for traditionalists —even product literature. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
If you think the WonderBar EWT is great, wait till you meet its big brother! Oversized just like some of your products, this weightlifter stays strong on both metal and open wire shelves and bar. One-piece installation means you can drop this bad boy right into place, adjust as needed, and watch the revenue increase. The EWT takes over from there, automatically feeding product to the front and billboarding merchandise for maximum visibility. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Truth or dare? The truth is that Trion’s ShelfWorks® Clear Dividers and Product Stops are up to any dare. Choose straight, reversible, or interlocking-front clear dividers to align, stack, divide, and organize almost any product you want to sell. Another truth is Trion’s products are durable, high-quality items that will work as hard as you do. Try to find better merchandising solutions. We double-dog dare you.
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
You’ll be hooked on these Clear Scan® Label Holders when you see how easily they accommodate drop-in plain paper labels. Promote product and price or features and benefits so customers can choose easily and so can you! Make your selection of Clear Scan Label Holders from a variety of profiles, colors and lengths, then add them to hooks with flip-front or FISH-TipTM mounts. Skip the mess of sticky adhesive labels and trade up to easy-to-use plain paper label holder systems.
You’ll be hooked on these Clear Scan® Label Holders when you see how easily they accommodate drop-in plain paper labels. Promote product and price or features and benefits so customers can choose easily and so can you! Make your selection of Clear Scan Label Holders from a variety of profiles, colors and lengths, then add them to hooks with flip-front or FISH-TipTM mounts. Skip the mess of sticky adhesive labels and trade up to easy-to-use plain paper label holder systems.
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
You’ll be hooked on these Clear Scan® Label Holders when you see how easily they accommodate drop-in plain paper labels. Promote product and price or features and benefits so customers can choose easily and so can you! Make your selection of Clear Scan Label Holders from a variety of profiles, colors and lengths, then add them to hooks with flip-front or FISH-TipTM mounts. Skip the mess of sticky adhesive labels and trade up to easy-to-use plain paper label holder systems.
Neatly and effectively display cooler and freezer items, including yogurt, dips, puddings, ice cream, single-serve foods, and more. Our small Adjustable Merchandising Tray (AMT) fits a range of 4- to 6-ounce cups; the medium AMT organizes mid-range offerings; and the large AMT gives ice cream lovers pause to browse and choose a pint of their favorite flavor (hmmm why not get both Cherry Vanilla and Rocky Road?). This manual-feed tray ensures that products remain faced and accessible. Time to re-stock? Just lift out and refill. Add Clear Scan® Label Holder, and you’re finished! Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Keep those carded products tidy and easy to see when you add inventory control clips (ICCs) to your standard, medium, heavy or extra heavy wire hook displays. These handy clips keep merchandise faced and double as a marker to let you know when it’s time to reorder or re-stock products. Available in Rabbit Ear ICC and circular Sham configurations. Or order with half-moon ATICC Inventory control clips already pre-mounted on the hook for you.
WonderBar® Displays are the versatile heroes of the Trion product family, coming to the rescue when you need muscle and good looks to merchandise items of all sizes. These Bar Hooks can lift heavy loads in their capable arms. Display or Scan, Saddle Mount or Plug in, there are Trion WonderBar Hooks for every need.
Keep those carded products tidy and easy to see when you add inventory control clips (ICCs) to your standard, medium, heavy or extra heavy wire hook displays. These handy clips keep merchandise faced and double as a marker to let you know when it’s time to reorder or re-stock products. Available in Rabbit Ear ICC and circular Sham configurations. Or order with half-moon ATICC Inventory control clips already pre-mounted on the hook for you.
Keep those carded products tidy and easy to see when you add inventory control clips (ICCs) to your standard, medium, heavy or extra heavy wire hook displays. These handy clips keep merchandise faced and double as a marker to let you know when it’s time to reorder or re-stock products. Available in Rabbit Ear ICC and circular Sham configurations. Or order with half-moon ATICC Inventory control clips already pre-mounted on the hook for you.
You’ll be hooked on these Clear Scan® Label Holders when you see how easily they accommodate drop-in plain paper labels. Promote product and price or features and benefits so customers can choose easily .. . and so can you! Make your selection of Clear Scan Label Holders from a variety of profiles, colors and lengths, then add them to hooks with flip-front or FISH-TipTM mounts. Skip the mess of sticky adhesive labels and trade up to easy-to-use plain paper label holder systems.
Keep those carded products tidy and easy to see when you add inventory control clips (ICCs) to your standard, medium, heavy or extra heavy wire hook displays. These handy clips keep merchandise faced and double as a marker to let you know when it’s time to reorder or re-stock products. Available in Rabbit Ear ICC and circular Sham configurations. Or order with half-moon ATICC Inventory control clips already pre-mounted on the hook for you.
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
you use Trion’s Air Flow Baffle in coolers. Product temperature can be difficult to maintain at the front of a cooler. This Air Flow Baffle ensures that cold air is forced forward to keep items at their ideal temperature. Use as part of your cooler outfitting strategy, along with WonderBar ® Bar Merchandisers and hooks, EWTTM Expandable Wire Tray System, and cooler capable Clear Scan® label holders.
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
This mini tray leads to maximum revenue, because it allows complimentary items to be featured together. Dual lanes adjust to fit narrow merchandise sizes as small as 1 3⁄4 ". Each lane features a separate pusher paddle to keep products forwarded and faced. Feature items of different widths via asymmetric lane configurations. Cross merchandise a variety of products with ease. Trays install without tools and lift out for quick restocking or product rotation. Full line includes standard and oversize trays, and display, scan and pusher hooks. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
These strong, downward-canted waterfall hooks lift more weights than a personal trainer. Ready for a workout, Trion Industries’ hooks display heavy products, like free weights in multiple sizes, with both sales and safety in mind. Your customers can easily browse the merchandise, which is held in place by built-in pins to keep product from shifting or falling. Exercise your opportunity to cross-sell related products and keep your bottom line in shape! Of course these waterfall utility
Merchandise all size drinks from mini Red Bull® cans to oversized Gatorade® bottles. ZIP Track® is the most versatile and cost-effective Grab-and-Go system available on the market. Use actual product to set lane width from 2" to 3 3/4 " Reset lane width on set-up in less than 30 seconds. Shelf-based and coolerready, this anchored system billboards product for easy selection and fast sale. ZIP Track® forwards and faces product at all times. Quickly add lanes with this easy to install and adjust system. ZIP Track® offers a wide range of adjustability for this ever-evolving beverage category and changing package designs.
If you think the WonderBar EWT is great, wait till you meet its big brother! Oversized just like some of your products, this weightlifter stays strong on both metal and open wire shelves and bar. One-piece installation means you can drop this bad boy right into place, adjust as needed, and watch the revenue increase. The EWT takes over from there, automatically feeding product to the front and billboarding merchandise for maximum visibility. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Mirror, mirror on the wall. You can be the most difficult item to display of all. Clever merchandisers use large literature holders for three-dimensional, awkwardly sized items like mirrors, framed art, clocks, and more. Available in a range of sizes, gauges, and weights, Trion’s large literature holders can be spaced horizontally to accommodate all manner of product sizes.
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
This bottom is tops for displaying heavy, bulky, or hard-to-fit items. Display them attractively and neatly using front fencing and dividers to customize the display space and create unique presentations of similar or related items. This cross-selling approach makes shopping easier for the customer and more profitable for you. Select from a range of other Trion outfitting to maximize selling space from the base deck to the top shelf and beyond. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Create Your Own
Staging Areas Built In Pin-Stop Waterfall Hooks
These strong, downward-canted waterfall hooks lift more weights than a personal trainer. Ready for a workout, Trion Industries’ hooks display heavy products, like free weights in multiple sizes, with both sales and safety in mind. Your customers can easily browse the merchandise, which is held in place by built-in pins to keep product from shifting or falling. Exercise your opportunity to cross-sell related products and keep your bottom line in shape! Of course these waterfall utility hooks are perfect for more than hand weights. Give them a try.
Neatly and effectively display cooler and freezer items, including yogurt, dips, puddings, ice cream, single-serve foods, and more. Our small Adjustable Merchandising Tray (AMT) fits a range of 4- to 6-ounce cups; the medium AMT organizes mid-range offerings; and the large AMT gives ice cream lovers pause to browse and choose a pint of their favorite flavor (hmmm why not get both Cherry Vanilla and Rocky Road?). This manual-feed tray ensures that products remain faced and accessible. Time to re-stock? Just lift out and refill. Add Clear Scan® Label Holder, and you’re finished! Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Storewide solutions for any labeling need. Available in a variety of profiles (shapes), these bright, clear label holders are easily positioned in all standard C-channel configurations, as well as displays incorporating metal, glass, wood, wire baskets, wire shelving, wire fencing, and scanning hooks. Plain paper labels drop in behind a clear flexible PVC front, allowing labels to be changed quickly and inexpensively without messy adhesive backing. Adhesive label holders and strips also available if that is your need. Save time, increase visibility, and boost sales with this storewide labeling system. Cooler capable, color, and built-in promo Clip label holders and strips available. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
What do you want your customers to know? Want to promote great prices or unique product features? Add wall tags to your displays faster than you can say “sign up!” Wall tags allow you to mount your product and price separately on vertical display surfaces, for cleaner overall presentation.
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
These strong, downward-canted waterfall hooks lift more weights than a personal trainer. Ready for a workout, Trion Industries’ hooks display heavy products, like free weights in multiple sizes, with both sales and safety in mind. Your customers can easily browse the merchandise, which is held in place by built-in pins to keep product from shifting or falling. Exercise your opportunity to cross-sell related products and keep your bottom line in shape! Of course these waterfall utility hooks are perfect for more than hand weights. Give them a try.
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
heroes of the Trion product family, coming to the rescue when you need muscle and good looks to merchandise items of all sizes. These Bar Hooks can lift heavy loads in their capable arms. Display or Scan, Saddle Mount or Plug in, there are Trion WonderBar Hooks for every need.
| TrionOnline.com
make it easy to label and price products, regardless of plan-o-gram fixture layout, unusual product shape, or tightly spaced displays. When you need a flexible aid to label and price items quickly and conveniently, turn to this Swiss Army knife of outfitting. Scan-ItTM is available in a range of back plate sizes and label holder configurations.
Mirror, mirror on the wall. You can be the most difficult item to display of all. Clever merchandisers use large literature holders for three-dimensional, awkwardly sized items like mirrors, framed art, clocks, and more. Available in a range of sizes, gauges, and weights, Trion’s large literature holders can be spaced horizontally to accommodate all manner of product sizes.
case for ease of use. The articulated label holder lifts up and out of the way for easy product access, then falls back to vertical for viewing product and price info. Our unique label holder flexes open so plain paper labels can be inserted effortlessly. Available with short label holders or full length label strips and constructed of long-life materials, these durable, attractive scan hooks can outfit all display surfaces, including pegboard, slatwall, grid, crossbar, and corrugated. Fully compatible with the Clear Scan® Label Holder System for C-channel, shelf edge, wire basket, and refrigerated areas storewide.
| TrionOnline.com
Create Your Own Merchandising Masterpiece with Trion Fixtures
Check out the benefits of our promotional products, and you’ll want to sign up!
Extruded sign holders are multi-purpose fit your fixture needs. Use plastic pushbuttons to attach signs to pegboard. FISH Tip TM hooks to position outboard on pegboard, slatwall and more. These sign holders make it easy to define product categories update price specials, highlight product features, and offer special deals to your customers. Extruded holders are offered in 4 heights and almost any length. Staggered rear mounts allow positioning at 4 different heights. 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
The forecast is a cold cooler front when you use Trion’s Air Flow Baffle in coolers. Product temperature can be difficult to maintain at the front of a cooler. This Air Flow Baffle ensures that cold air is forced forward to keep items at their ideal temperature. Use as part of your cooler outfitting strategy, along with WonderBar ® Bar Merchandisers and hooks, EWTTM Expandable Wire Tray System, and cooler capable Clear Scan® label holders.
Check out the benefits of our promotional products, and you’ll want to sign up! Extruded sign holders are multi-purpose to fit your fixture needs. Use plastic pushbuttons to attach signs to pegboard. Use FISH Tip TM hooks to position outboard on pegboard, slatwall and more. These sign holders make it easy to define product categories update price specials, highlight product features, and offer special deals to your customers. Extruded sign holders are offered in 4 heights and almost any length. Staggered rear mounts allow positioning at 4 different heights.
Check out the benefits of our promotional products, and you’ll want to sign up! Extruded sign holders are multi-purpose to fit your fixture needs. Use plastic pushbuttons to attach signs to pegboard. Use FISH Tip TM hooks to position outboard on pegboard, slatwall and more. These sign holders make it easy to define product categories update price specials, highlight product features, and offer special deals to your customers. Extruded sign holders are offered in 4 heights and almost any length. Staggered rear mounts allow positioning at 4 different heights. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Check out the benefits of our promotional products, and you’ll want to sign up! Extruded sign holders are multi-purpose to fit your fixture needs. Use plastic pushbuttons to attach signs to pegboard. Use FISH Tip TM hooks to position outboard on pegboard, slatwall and more. These sign holders make it easy to define product categories update price specials, highlight product features, and offer special deals to your customers. Extruded sign holders are offered in 4 heights and almost any length. Staggered rear mounts allow positioning at 4 different heights. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Check out the benefits of our promotional products, and you’ll want to sign up! Extruded sign holders are multi-purpose to fit your fixture needs. Use plastic pushbuttons to attach signs to pegboard. Use FISH Tip TM hooks to position outboard on pegboard, slatwall and more. These sign holders make it easy to define product categories update price specials, highlight product features, and offer special deals to your customers. Extruded sign holders are offered in 4 heights and almost any length. Staggered rear mounts
Stop! Thief! Send your loss prevention team for a long lunch when Scanlock® Scan Hook Locks are on the job. The great price is a steal in itself, but don’t let the fool you. These locks secure most common scan hooks and can retrofit existing hooks. Choose your preferred lock-up: purchase the locks alone or choose full lock-and-hook combinations. Open hooks when customers request, replace items and re-lock without need for the key. Even the lock itself is secure, as it stays in place while items are accessed by staff. These locks have been rightly accused of protecting merchandise of all types while protecting profits. Verdict: guilty!
Stop! Thief! Send your loss prevention team for a long lunch when Scanlock® Scan Hook Locks are on the job. The great price is a steal in itself, but don’t let the deal fool you. These locks secure most common scan hooks and can retrofit existing hooks. Choose your preferred lock-up: purchase the locks alone or choose full lock-and-hook combinations. Open hooks when customers request, then replace items and re-lock without the need for the key. Even the lock itself is secure, as it stays in place while items are accessed by staff. These locks have been rightly accused of protecting merchandise of all types while protecting your profits. Verdict: guilty!
Oversize? No Problem! WonderBar® EWTTM Large
Hammer sales when home and garden tools are attractively merchandised. Trion specialty hooks are designed to work as hard as the items they hold. Sort, angle, hang, and sell all types of hand tools using a pegboard display, then nail down the details with accessories like our FlipScan® Label Holders and Strips, Scan ItTM Sign Holders, wall tags, and more.
Hammer sales when home and garden tools are attractively merchandised. Trion specialty hooks are designed to work as hard as the items they hold. Sort, angle, hang, and sell all types of hand tools using a pegboard display, then nail down the details with accessories like our FlipScan® Label Holders and Strips, Scan ItTM Sign Holders, wall tags, and more.
Hammer sales when home and garden tools are attractively merchandised. Trion specialty hooks are designed to work as hard as the items they hold. Sort, angle, hang, and sell all types of hand tools using a pegboard display, then nail down the details with accessories like our FlipScan® Label Holders and Strips, Scan ItTM Sign Holders, wall tags, and more. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Hammer sales when home and garden tools are attractively merchandised. Trion specialty hooks are designed to work as hard as the items they hold. Sort, angle, hang, and sell all types of hand tools using a pegboard display, then nail down the details with accessories like our FlipScan® Label Holders and Strips, Scan ItTM Sign Holders, wall tags, and more. Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Hammer sales when home and garden tools are attractively merchandised. Trion specialty hooks are designed to work as hard as the items they hold. Sort, angle, hang, and sell all types of hand tools using a pegboard display, then nail down the details with accessories like our FlipScan® Label Holders and Strips, Scan ItTM Sign Holders, wall tags, and more.
If you think the WonderBar EWT is great, wait till you meet its big brother! Oversized just like some of your products, this weightlifter stays strong on both metal and open wire shelves and bar. One-piece installation means you can drop this bad boy right into place, adjust as needed, and watch the revenue increase. The EWT takes over from there, automatically feeding product to the front and billboarding merchandise for maximum visibility.
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Neatly and effectively display cooler and freezer items, including yogurt, dips, puddings, ice cream, single-serve foods, and more. Our small Adjustable Merchandising Tray (AMT) fits a range of 4- to 6-ounce cups; the medium AMT organizes mid-range offerings; and the large AMT gives ice cream lovers pause to browse and choose a pint of their favorite flavor (hmmm why not get both Cherry Vanilla and Rocky Road?). This manual-feed tray ensures that products remain faced and accessible. Time to re-stock? Just lift out and refill. Add Clear Scan® Label Holder, and you’re finished! Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Stop! Thief! Send your loss prevention team for a long lunch when Scanlock® Scan Hook Locks are on the job. The great price is a steal in itself, but don’t let the deal fool you. These locks secure most common scan hooks and can retrofit existing hooks. Choose your preferred lock-up: purchase the locks alone or choose full lock-and-hook combinations. Open hooks when customers request, then replace items and re-lock without the need for the key. Even the lock itself is secure, as it stays in place while items are accessed by staff. These locks have been rightly accused of protecting merchandise of all types while protecting your profits. Verdict: guilty! Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Stop! Thief! Send your loss prevention team for a long lunch when Scanlock® Scan Hook Locks are on the job. The great price is a steal in itself, but don’t let the deal fool you. These locks secure most common scan hooks and can retrofit existing hooks. Choose your preferred lock-up: purchase the locks alone or choose full lock-and-hook combinations. Open hooks when customers request, then replace items and re-lock without the need for the key. Even the lock itself is secure, as it stays in place while items are accessed by staff. These locks have been rightly accused of protecting merchandise of all types while protecting your profits. Verdict: guilty!
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Stop! Thief! Send your loss prevention team for a long lunch when Scanlock® Scan Hook Locks are on the job. The great price is a steal in itself, but don’t let the deal fool you. These locks secure most common scan hooks and can retrofit existing hooks. Choose your preferred lock-up: purchase the locks alone or choose full lock-and-hook combinations. Open hooks when customers request, then replace items and re-lock without the need for the key. Even the lock itself is secure, as it stays in place while items are accessed by staff. These locks have been rightly accused of protecting merchandise of all types while protecting your profits. Verdict: guilty! Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
Call 800-444-4665 | TrionOnline.com
WonderBar® Displays are the versatile heroes of the Trion product family, coming to the rescue when you need muscle and good looks to merchandise items of all sizes. These Bar Hooks can lift heavy loads in their capable arms. Display or Scan, Saddle Mount or Plug in, there are Trion WonderBar Hooks for every need.
Slat or flat! Trion Industries makes slatgrid or flatgrid scan hooks for that. Flip or clip, you get your choice of label holder styles. Choose from flatback metal, or open wire backplates in single prong, loop, or scan hook fronts. You then have a choice of label holder styles. The entire range of 1 " , 3 " and 4 " grid surfaces are supported. If slatwire or gridwall is your display surface, your hook choice should be Trion.
Slat or flat! Trion Industries makes slatgrid or flatgrid scan hooks for that. Flip or clip, you get your choice of label holder styles. Choose from flatback metal, or open wire backplates in single prong, loop, or scan hook fronts. You then have a choice of label holder styles. The entire range of 1 " , 3 " and 4 " grid surfaces are supported. If slatwire or gridwall is your display surface, your hook choice should be Trion.
Slat or flat! Trion Industries makes slatgrid or flatgrid scan hooks for that. Flip or clip, you get your choice of label holder styles. Choose from flatback metal, or open wire backplates in single prong, loop, or scan hook fronts. You then have a choice of label holder styles. The entire range of 1 " , 3 " and 4 " grid surfaces are supported. If slatwire or gridwall is your display surface, your hook choice should be Trion.
Slat or flat! Trion Industries makes slatgrid or flatgrid scan hooks for that. Flip or clip, you get your choice of label holder styles. Choose from flatback metal, or open wire backplates in single prong, loop, or scan hook fronts. You then have a choice of label holder styles. The entire range of 1 " , 3 " and 4 " grid surfaces are supported. If slatwire or gridwall is your display surface, your hook choice should be Trion.
Slat or flat! Trion Industries makes slatgrid or flatgrid scan hooks for that. Flip or clip, you get your choice of label holder styles. Choose from flatback metal, or open wire backplates in single prong, loop, or scan hook fronts. You then have a choice of label holder styles. The entire range of 1 " , 3 " and 4 " grid surfaces are supported. If slatwire or gridwall is your display surface, your hook choice should be Trion.
Merchandising is more than fitout and fixtures. It’s the art of creating an attractive, well-organized retail presentation. as with any artistic composition, a wide variety of tools may be used to create your masterpiece. In retail Visual Merchandising, a gondola, pegboard, slatwall or shelf is your blank canvas. When combined with tools such as display hooks, label and sign holders, bar merchandisers, tray systems, and merchandising accessories, there are endless ways to effectively display all kinds of products and inspire your target audience to make a purchase. As one of the world’s top retail fixture manufacturers, Trion offers a generous palette of over 25,000 components with 55 years of experience using them to execute precise planogram solutions, store designs and retail displays. call us to turn your vision into an inspired retail masterpiece.
Zip Track ® Merchandising sYsTeM
displaY & scan hOOks
label hOlder sYsTeMs
securiTY & anTi-TheFT FixTures
divider & pusher sYsTeMs
bar Merchandising sYsTeMs
cOOler Merchandising sYsTeMs
As grocers invest in technologies to link in-store and online experiences, they haven’t lost sight of the human aspect of their operations — specifically, human resources.
The labor crunch of the past few years, coupled with environmental, social and governance (ESG) plans that emphasize employee engagement, have led many retailers to prioritize their people to keep day-to-day and long-range operations humming along and capable of dealing with any new challenge that might get thrown their way.
The new state-of-the-industry study confirms that workforces and workplaces are top of mind among grocers, for better or worse. Labor is No. 1 on the list of the top five issues that keep grocers up at night, ranking first, at 71%, and outpacing the second-ranking concern of macroeconomic conditions by a whopping 30 percentage points.
When looking at overall investments over the next one to three years, retailers put improved hiring, training and reten-
tion programs first, followed by the construction of new stores and tech upgrades. These programs — many of which give workers growth opportunities — can help combat retention issues and strengthen the pipeline of future leaders. As one grocery respondent put it, “None of the other options do any good if our stores are understaffed!”
While they work hard to fully and properly staff stores, grocers are doing more than managing headcount. According to the state-of-the-industry study, associate feedback was cited as the most valuable input for improving business operations.
Back at the store level, grocers are also taking time after or in between acute challenges to provide shoppers with products that fit their lifestyles, tastes and needs. Grocery stores have always been that kind of go-to resource for households, of course, but food retailers told PG that they’re looking at offerings and programs with fresh eyes to capture more loyalty and dollars.
For example, as foodservice inflation continues to outpace grocery inflation, food retailers are adding more meal solutions. PG’s study found that 83% of grocers agreed that prepared foods are important for store and brand enhancement, followed by private label offerings and signature items.
Products amplified by services also enhance shoppers’ engagement with supermarkets. In the PG survey, more than 70% of retailers agreed that on-site butchers are highly important, followed by seafood specialists and wellness experts. Nearly a third (32%) said that cheesemongers are important, and 26% believe that wine consultants are a key in-store resource.
of grocers cited social media as a top tool for customer engagement, followed by the in-store customer service desk (71%) and loyalty card data (68%).
Making shoppers aware of expanded assortments and services is pivotal in engendering loyalty and positioning grocery stores as crucial providers. To that end, 77% of retailers queried by PG said that in-store signage is a highly important component of consumer marketing and advertising efforts, and 74% cited retail media as a central part of these programs.
Try CSX Greenway - a streamlined, door-to-door service for fresh produce, frozen foods and other refrigerated goods along the I-95 corridor. It combines the reliability of trucking with the economic advantages, capacity and sustainability of rail. CSX Greenway is equipped with the assets you need to drive
Grocers are running a parallel track to improve the physical store as they connect their brick-and-mortar locations to the online experience and fill them with offerings that their customers want and need. Food retailers who took part in this year’s state-of-th-industry survey are taking a fresh look at their structures and infrastructures.
For example, the remodeling of existing stores ranked third in the list of grocers’ best investments over the past few years, followed by the construction of new stores. Those efforts were deemed more of a priority than private label/ store-brand investments and social media strategies.
Given the flurry of recent announcements about ground-breaking ceremonies and new store openings over the past year, one can expect these investments to continue. Indeed, looking ahead to the next one to three years, the building of new stores was cited as the second top investment, behind employee hiring, training and retention.
Some survey respondents opined further on the importance of refreshing or adding new physical locations.
“There’s room for growth,” noted one retailer looking at greenfield construction. Others weighed in that growing competition, interest in community event space, and the need to serve today’s discerning shoppers in an appealing environment are all fueling the construction boom.
Finally, beyond the physical store and digital apps and websites, grocers are looking to connect the proverbial dots within their broader market.
This year’s Annual Report reveals that 74% of grocers feel that community involvement is a crucial strategy for customer interaction.
Progressive Grocer’s 2024 Annual Report survey was fielded between March 1 and March 22, 2024. The goal of the survey was to understand how grocers are thinking about strategy and operations over the next year, and to establish benchmarks to inform future retail business strategies. For more insights, contact EnsembleIQ’s Insights and Innovations team: Beth Brickel, bbrickel@ensembleiq.com; Andie Wright, awright@ensembleiq.com.
Northeast Grocery has a renewed strategy for retail success.By Gina Acosta
here’s a grocery store in Buffalo, N.Y., where you should consider whether to remove your shoes before entering.
It’s the place where 10 innocent souls lost their lives on May 14, 2022 — holy ground that’s marked by a gentle waterfall at the front end of the store.
Walking into the Tops Friendly Market on Jefferson Avenue is a somber experience, but the team at Tops, which operates 148 stores in three northeastern states, has emerged so much stronger from the tragedy two years ago.
“It’s part of our history, and one of the things that we tell people is, because it is part of our history, it’s
also part of our responsibility to talk about what happened, how we handled it, if we could be of assistance, what we learned from it,” says John Persons, CEO of Northeast Grocery Inc., who was president of Tops at that time. “There were good things that came out of this horrible tragedy.”
How can good come from such a horrendous event? The senior leadership team at Northeast Grocery graciously invited Progressive Grocer to upstate and Western New York to see firsthand not only how Tops has overcome the adversity of a deadly tragedy, but also how successfully both of its operating companies — Price Chopper/Market 32 and Tops — are navigating the operational challenges posed by their 2021 merger.
Price Chopper/Market 32, upstate New York’s first full-service supermarket chain, was founded more than 90 years ago and operates 130 stores in six states across the Northeast.
“Market 32, our contemporary customer research-driven banner, which launched in 2014, was designed to entice a younger generation of shoppers,” says Price Chopper/Market 32 President Blaine Bringhurst. “It elevates the shopping experience by romancing the product and extending a higher level of service.”
Both banners recently completed significant acquisitions that they believe will further strengthen their market share and continue longstanding histories of serving local communities. Price Chopper closed on five former ShopRite locations in New
York’s Capital Region; four are being converted and will reopen as Market 32 stores this summer. Tops acquired five franchisee locations, all of which will remain open as they’re taken over by the banner’s store management team.
Today, the combined company of Northeast Grocery is invigorated, with deepened community connections and a renewed strategy focused on winning with friendly service, curated assortments and traffic-driving promotional programs.
Northeast Grocery Inc. (NGI) was born in 2021, when Tops Friendly Markets (established in 1962) and Price Chopper/ Market 32 (established in 1932) united after individually navigating various acquisitions and transitions through the decades. The company elevated Persons, its COO and the former president of Tops, to CEO of NGI earlier this year. Bringhurst, who shepherded the development and rollout of Price Chopper’s Market 32 brand, leads Price Chopper/Market 32 as president, and Ron Ferri, Tops’ former EVP operations and distribution, now leads Tops Friendly Markets, also as president.
“The principle of the merger was about building for the future, not about the immediacy of trying to be more efficient and look for cost savings,” says Persons. Our premise is we’re going to put these two longtime regional companies together into this great platform, and we’re going to grow this organization, the two companies and Northeast Grocery.”
Price Chopper/Market 32 is based in Schenectady, N.Y., while Tops is based in the Buffalo suburb of Williamsville. With a combined workforce of more than 30,000, both operating companies rely on the Northeast Shared Services (NSS) group,
which provides back-office support in areas like marketing, merchandising, IT and legal. The structure is serving the company well, as both banners have strong local and regional roots influenced by distinctive competitive landscapes.
“Tops and Price Chopper still generally operate independently, with the support mechanism of Northeast Shared Services in the middle,” says Persons.
This year, the team has been busy finalizing integration of the IT- and merchandising-focused areas of both companies.
“There’s still a good deal of transition to be done from an IT standpoint,” admits Persons, “but we have the end in sight for the merger of the applications. We have a good pathway leading us there. By the end of this summer, the merchandising area will be fully integrated in support of both operating companies. And by the end of 2024, our integration will be 95% complete.”
NGI has also been focused on “what it means to be Northeast Grocery,” as opposed to just being Tops or Price Chopper/Market 32.
“Is there a Northeast Grocery culture? Yes. But both companies do operate with a different competitive set, and both companies are very strong regionally and so important in their respective communities,” notes Persons. “They are great corporate citizens and ingrained in their communities. We don’t want to diminish the importance of the organizations within the communities that they operate.”
At the same time, NGI is cognizant of the value of bringing the two organizations together culturally. Uniting two distinct organizations isn’t for the faint of heart, and famously difficult to accomplish. Yet Northeast Grocery is doing all of the right things to get everyone working together with a shared vision while preserving tremendous respect for what each company has built, according to Mike Miller, EVP and chief administrative officer of NSS.
“Both Price Chopper/Market 32 and Tops are rooted in strong cultures, with many similarities and some unique differences,” says Miller. “It’s been rewarding to watch these two cultures come together and our people to collaborate so effectively. We work each day on the continued evolution of integration and culture, having developed a unified mission, purpose and set of core values for Northeast Grocery that we will be working to communicate and reinforce throughout the company.”
One of the benefits of having operated in the same region is that the Tops and Price Chopper teams were already
familiar with one another. You can see and feel that geniality when you spend time with staff from each operating company in a store.
Although the value propositions for Price Chopper/Market 32 and Tops are unique, they do have things in common when it comes to their offering to the Northeastern shopper. Price Chopper/ Market 32 stores range in size from 40,000 to 100,000 square feet (with an average 35,000 SKUs) and come in three distinct formats. Tops stores range in size from 8,000 to more than 100,000 square feet (with an average 33,000 SKUs) and come in four distinct formats.
Walking into a Tops or Market 32 store, for example, the shopper is hit with a barrage of fresh splendor. Both banners emphasize fresh and freshly prepared foods, with select stores offering made-toorder Starbucks drinks. Tops stores have farmers market-style produce departments that call out a variety of local produce; they also have a broad range of deli and appetizer options and other locally curated fresh departments.
Market 32 stores have a large designer-driven floral
“Is there a Northeast Grocery culture? Yes. But both companies do operate with a different competitive set, and both companies are very strong regionally and so important in their respective communities. They are great corporate citizens and ingrained in their communities. We don’t want to diminish the importance of the organizations within the communities that they operate.”—John Persons, CEO, Northeast Grocery Inc.
department, a vast array of fresh seafood and custom-cut meat, a patisserie with a place for shoppers to have their morning croissant and coffee, and a smokehouse offering glistening ribs and brisket. One store PG visited this past March has a giant specialty cheese locker, an LED-lit oyster bath, tomahawk steaks, and an end cap dedicated to at least 20 kinds of fresh mushrooms. Each operating company maintains a full-service kosher store-within-a-store that satisfies observant Jewish dietary restrictions. Both banners also feature inviting and easy-toshop layouts that offer product education and a nationally branded assortment with many products not offered by competitors. They employ a hybrid pricing strategy delivering everyday value and sophisticated promotions geared to what customers want. Some Tops stores even have fuel stations.
Tops makes “10 promises” to its customer, while Price Chopper’s Market 32 banner gives customers “32 reasons” to love it. Between both of these banners, that’s 42 reasons that Northeast Grocery has such high penetration and loyalty in the region.
“Being regional grocers, our operating companies really understand the various shoppers they serve,” says Diane Colgan, SVP, marketing for NSS. “They listen to what customers are saying, which helps us retain customers.”
Communications to shoppers for both operating companies continue to evolve as customers keep adopting new ways to receive and engage. NGI is focused on digitizing and personalizing marketing and promotional strategies to build and strengthen relationships with shoppers. Both companies still distribute weekly ads in print and digital formats, but also offer websites and mobile apps, as well as employing traditional in-store signs alongside a growing number of digital screens throughout the store and at checkout. Tops also has 25-plus stores with Shop+Scan capabilities enabling shoppers to bag as they go and enjoy an expedited checkout. At one Market 32 store PG visited, shoppers can scan the banner’s app to download coupons for everything from Coke products to prepared foods.
“We know from our customers that center-of-the-plate and traditional food is really what to concentrate on,” notes Persons. “We don’t feel the need to replicate everything that our competitors might be doing with foodservice or deli, but we want to make sure that we’re providing our customers with what they’re looking for. Probably six or seven years ago, we launched a partnership with Boar’s Head, which has increasingly become a more important brand. We’ve been rolling it out across our organization, and we’ve seen great customer response as a result. Tops, Market 32 and Price Chopper are the only major food retailers in the Northeast that have it, so it’s a differentiator for us.”
Price Chopper/Market 32 actually operates a commissary to produce some foodservice products, and the combined company is now trying to determine how to possibly expand that operation to service all of Northeast Grocery.
“The commissary supports roughly 45 stores now,” says Persons, “so we are now trying to figure out whether to have one in each market, or one central commissary that serves both banners. We’re researching it to make it as efficient as possible. We don’t want to jeopardize the quality of fresh-made products in-store, but some other things we can make centrally and ship out to stores. So that will be an enhancement for us in the near future.”
Over the past five years, both operating companies have invested millions of dollars in capital improvements — more than 43 store remodels for Tops and nearly 26 full-fledged conversions from Price Chopper to Market 32. Both types of projects put the focus on fresh the moment a customer enters the store. Center store aisle flow and category planograms create ease of shop and points of differentiation. Further, the assortment is curated to meet shopper needs, with an emphasis on products that are locally grown, manufactured and produced. The banners have hundreds of local partners and host a Local Summit each fall to welcome more into the fold.
overwhelming experience; the landmark features a poem from Buffalo poet laureate Jillian Hanesworth.
A big focus of remodels has also been on self-checkout expansion. “From a customer contact standpoint, we have been adding self-checkouts and upgrading our self-checkout hardware to be more user-friendly,” says Ferri. “So, when we do a remodel now, we may have 10 to 15 self-checkouts installed, whereas in the past we only had four to six. Some of these stores have 60% to 70% usage for self-checkout. Customers are definitely comfortable using them. The downside we’re seeing to that is increased shrink.”
As for how the Northeast Grocery customer will be shopping in the near future, it looks like most of those trips will happen in-store. According to NGI, e-commerce penetration has normalized to around 6%, and 75% of online orders are for delivery, not pickup. Ferri says that the company is going to continue its cap ex program in the next year with those shopping behaviors in mind.
“We started out with a heavy concentration here in Western New York,” he notes, “and then last year, we focused on Rochester. Now, we’re starting in the Syracuse market. And one of the things we’re most proud of is that during the pandemic, we did not stop our remodel program.”
So, while the supply chain was snarled, labor shortages were intense and construction costs skyrocketed, Northeast Grocery kept not only its transition going, but also its store openings and renovations. “We had to rely on reconditioned equipment,” says Ferri. “The benefit of some of that is it allowed us, when the supply chains dried up of equipment, to continue our program. Now, with both organizations collaborating, there are some things that we are learning and leveraging off each other from a construction standpoint.”
On May 14, 2022, the Northeast Grocery family experienced a previously unimaginable tragedy. A gunman entered the Tops Friendly Markets store at Jefferson Avenue in Buffalo and shot 13 people, 10 of them fatally.
Walking into the store on a snowy March day and seeing the memorial “water wall” at the front is an emotionally
“The tragedy really had us do some self-reflection on our involvement in the community,” observes Persons. “We have 100% re-engaged with local organizations, community members, churches. We are now involved at the grass-roots level.”
In the wake of the event, Persons says that Tops began to receive calls almost immediately begging the company not to abandon the community. Later, the company began to receive calls saying the store should not reopen because it’s sacred ground. Tops leaders had a lot of things weighing on their minds as they mulled how to proceed.
“Within 10 days we decided the approach had to be for us to reopen,” notes Persons. “We decided to essentially remodel the store top to bottom, front to back, completely, so when you walked in there as a customer, you wouldn’t even realize it was the same store. That’s what we did, and we did it in two months, working around the clock day and night.”
During those two months, Tops provided transportation to people in the community to other area stores, and also gave away tons of food. The team aditionally surveyed the neighborhood and local politicians for ideas on what the remodeled store should have in terms of new features.
“They asked for a little bit bigger meat department, a little bit bigger produce department,” says Persons. Security features were also added.
When the store reopened in July 2022, “we had so many people who were just so thankful that we did that, that we didn’t abandon the neighborhood,” he recounts.
At the time of PG’s visit, there was another memorial under construction at the Jefferson Avenue Tops market. This one is outside, in the parking lot, and scheduled to open this year on the second anniversary of the shooting. On the day that PG was there, though, a shopper peered through the fence surrounding the site, excited for what was to come: a remembrance of the past, as well as a tribute to the future.
Mike Duffhe events of the past several years have changed consumers’ ideas of just what premium meat is and in what circumstances they’ll pay more for a better experience.
Of course, consumers will consider grade and variety, such as Angus, but the combination of the COVID-19 pandemic and fears of meat shortages, followed by an infl ationary period, has prompted consumers to consider what constitutes enough added value to spend more money as they shop for meat. Health-and-wellness concerns play a part, along with the growing importance of knowing where food comes from. In some cases, consumers who are more comfortable knowing the origins of their meat will go out of their way to shop at sellers they trust. Also, considerations such as grass-fed and natural designations are more attractive to a signifi cant proportion of the eating public.
As a result, grocers need to thoroughly understand their core meat customers, what they want and how to win more meat sales from consumers who shop their stores but do all or a significant amount of their purchasing from specialty providers.
It’s important to note that 91% of consumers surveyed say that they can be persuaded to spend a little more on meat and poultry, according to the 2024 “Power of Meat” report from Arlington, Va.-based FMI – The Food Industry Association, suggesting that delivery of value messages for premium meat will get the attention of shoppers. A clear value proposition that allows consumers to better assess what they might purchase can draw the 30% of shoppers who account for 66% of dollar sales, FMI notes.
Grocers need to thoroughly understand their core meat customers, what they want and how to win more meat sales from specialty providers.
Pack size variety, freezer-ready packaging, secondary displays, and cross-merchandising to optimize trips and units per trip can all improve the consumer proposition.
Convenience can still get consumers to pay a premium for meat, even if infl ation has crimped gains there.
Grocers can capitalize on their relationship with shoppers, but FMI acknowledges that they may want to reconsider operations. With consumers in stores weekly, the opportunity to upsell is always there. As shopper case-ready acceptance reaches a record high, pack size variety, freezer-ready packaging, secondary displays, and cross-merchandising to optimize trips and units per trip can all improve the consumer proposition.
“Consumers continue to prioritize taste, texture and tenderness when purchasing and consuming beef.”
—Hilary Gerard, Cargill
The impact of price, combined with longer-term demographic shifts, hints at an opportunity to realign assortment, marketing and merchandising to address changing purchase patterns. Inflation may put pressure on consumers overall, but Patrick Fleming, new business development manager at Midan Marketing, a Chicago-based marketing agency specializing in the meat and agriculture industries, says that doesn’t necessarily mean that consumers are shying away from premium meat. Rather, he argues, consumers are making choices in their budgeting, at times cutting back on other items to make premium purchases on those foods, including meat, that make the meal.
Given that many consumers improved their cooking skills during the pandemic, and that restaurant meals are often cut back when consumers are under budget pressure, premium meat is a simple-to-prepare way to get a restaurant-quality meal at home, and so becomes a bargain, particularly if grocers remind their shoppers of that fact. Simple messaging on how premium meat can make a meal special can get a Wednesday shopper thinking about the weekend and how they would like to see a delicious cut of meat come sizzling out of the broiler or off the grill.
“A gentle nudge can move premium meat up the shopper’s mental page,” advises Fleming.
An understanding of consumer preferences on a community-by-community and even a store-by- store basis is key to
maximizing premium meat sales potential. Convenience remains important but takes a backseat to price as consumers balance their spending. Meat and poultry can be found in 87% of home-prepared meals, which reflects a mix of scratch-cooked and semi-and fully prepared items.
Most consumers bought value-added products, typically sold at a price premium, less often in 2023, according to FMI, but that’s the first time in years that value-added meat and poultry sales were down, demonstrating that convenience can get consumers to pay a premium for meat, even if inflation has crimped gains there. However, grocers themselves can help shoppers create meals that they’ll want to make again: 92% of shoppers agree that meat and poultry have a great price/value pairing. So, in-store messaging as simple as reminding consumers that premium meat and a salad can be a great dinner can encourage purchasing, suggests Fleming.
According to Jackie Lopez, director of marketing for Arkansas City, Kan.-based Creekstone Farms: “In the last five years, premium meats have truly come into their own. The 2024 ‘Power of Meat’ report reaffirmed consumers remain keen on recreating a fine-dining experience at home. The data showed us that among the 43% of consumers who dine out less frequently, 75% are trying to create restaurant-style dishes at home. That translates into 32% of the total population.”
In another approach to getting consumers to trade up to premium meat, holidays, special occasions and entertaining are top occasions when grocers can upsell consumers. FMI’s study underscores the need to optimize sales during primary and secondary holidays while recognizing that traditions are changing. As such, grocers should understand what cut or variety of meat shoppers deem healthier, pack sizes or brands they prefer, and what level of convenience they’re seeking, as these are all factors that can get consumers to spend more on a shopping trip.
Meat sales have benefited from a shift in consumers’ perception of protein in their diets so that, today, some 70% of consumers believe meat is an overall healthy choice that provides fuel and essential nutrients. Still, consumers are interested in portion size, variety and suggestions for nutritious choices, although flavor and value factor heavily into the purchase equation. Compared with 2008, protein is a more desirable package callout, while fewer consumers focus on fat, sodium, cholesterol and saturated fat when buying meat and poultry, according to FMI.
Anne-Marie Roerink, principal and founder of San Antonio-based 210 Analytics LLC, notes that how consumers look at premium meat is different today, because their preferences are more personalized. (Roerink also weighed in on PG’s Dairy Report on page 39.)
“Premium is definitely a moving target as it relates
to consumers,” she says. “Whereas the industry has very specific standards and definitions relative to quality, such as Select, Choice and Prime for beef, premium can mean all sorts of things to consumers. It can be where they buy it, something with a particular production claim, a particular breed, what they’re doing with it, but obviously also the cut and kind they are purchasing. Relative to where, consumers often see purchasing something from the butcher as being more premium. Likewise, in stores, they view meat and poultry sold in the full-service case as being more
premium. In some cases, this is absolutely true, with many grocers focused on higher-end beef and pork cuts at the counter.”
Roerink adds that another consideration is that the consumer definition of premium is related to production claims such as organic, grass-fed or free-range. For many consumers, health, animal welfare and the environment are all interconnected when they think of a better-for-you choice.
“There is certainly a price differential, which also feeds into that premium definition,” she points out.
Additionally, branding continues to play a role in how consumers look at premium meat.
“Breeds such as Angus and Hereford have done a tremendous job in driving a quality and premium image,” says Roerick. “One of the strongest examples there is Certified Angus Beef, that through very precise quality standards has developed a differentiated position in the consumer’s mind by always educating about the intersection between quality and consistency and taste.”
Although it may be a more fragmented segment of the meat business, some traditional considerations continue to weigh heavily when it comes to consumer perceptions of premium meat, even if recent events have had their own
particular effects. Take beef, for example.
“Consumers continue to prioritize taste, texture and tenderness when purchasing and consuming beef,” observes Hilary Gerard, director of retail marketing for the North American protein business at Cargill, in Wayzata, Minn. “The pandemic fueled interest in premium cuts, as consumers had more time to sharpen their culinary skills at home and attempted to replicate restaurant meals that were unavailable at the time. While higher-income consumers express a willingness to pay more for premium types of meat such as USDA
Prime, Angus, grass-fed, organic and Wagyu beef, we’ve seen inflation impacting some consumers, especially those with lower household incomes.”
Creekstone Farms, for one, has evolved its business in alignment with changing consumer circumstances, notes Ryan Meyer, the company’s SVP of procurement and marketing.
“While Creekstone Farms continues to have strong demand from the foodservice sector, the past few years we’ve witnessed a surge in retail interest,” says Meyer. “In response, we have adapted our operations to ensure a consistent supply of top-tier products for consumers. We take pride in our array of offerings – from high-end steaks for special occasions to practical options like ground beef or pork loins for a weekday meal. We are committed to equipping our retailer partners as the ultimate destination for consumers.”
“Beef consumption had been on the rise prior to the pandemic, but the pandemic broadened and grew the consumer base for premium meats,” says Gerard. “Consumption behaviors have remained consistent over the last few years, with younger consumers, and especially Gen Z and Millennials, driving consumption growth, according to our proprietary research.”
Mike Duffhe popularity of bacon has blossomed to a degree that, today, premium products have a wide-open opportunity to command purchasing as consumers continue to look for the next way to enjoy it. This isn’t just influencing consumers’ breakfast choices, though: Premium bacon can emerge as an enticing presence just about anywhere these days, even in cocktails.
At Off the Brook, a restaurant in the New York City suburb of Merrick, N.Y., the specialty cocktail menu includes the Maple Bacon Old Fashioned. A slice of premium glazed bacon floats on top of Sap56 whiskey, bitters and orange peel; over a dried cherry; and across a maple cinnamon sugar rim. Sure, the bacon Bloody Mary has been around for a while, but the Off the Brook concoction is indicative of the regard in which premium bacon products are held today.
Jessica Scarlett, brand manager for Smithfield at Smithfield Foods, in Smithfield, Va., affirms that bacon has broad appeal, but what constitutes value can change from one consumer to the next. For some, that means making restaurant-quality food at home.
“As consumers look for more value in their bacon purchases, a segment of those prefer premium cuts of bacon and enhanced flavor profiles,” says Scarlett, adding, “Consumers can use premium bacon to recreate their favorite out-of-home dining dishes.”
From the perspective of the category, premium products can have a prominent effect.
“Premium bacon elevates the category and offers retailers additional selections to provide consumers with distinctive flavors, such as Smithfield’s Double Thick Double Smoked Bacon Lover’s Bacon and Maple Bacon, but also preferred higher-quality cuts, for instance, Smithfield Center Cut Bacon as a leaner option,” notes Scarlett.
As a favored and regular purchase, bacon draws a lot of consumers, but, to get the better purchase that grocers want, it should be clear to shoppers what the value proposition is.
“Positioning premium bacon to showcase the product benefits and added value to the overall bacon category adds to the strength of the retailers’ set,” explains Scarlett. “Establishing a strong presence in the retailer set is accomplished by a variety of elements, including a robust on-shelf brand block, additional bunkers, and point-of-sale material that speaks to the premium-ness of the cuts and flavors.”
To help bring this impactful merchandising to life, “Smithfield works closely with retailers to develop programs designed to
Making the case for premium bacon’s value can generate better rings with less effort than once might have been the case, by using different media in combination.
Flavored bacon, particular cuts and processing can persuade consumers to pay a little bit more and make additional premium purchases.
Grocers can promote premium bacon as a special meal component or as a flavoring that easily brings additional taste to any number of dishes.
drive purchase consideration,” she says. “We also provide point-of-sale materials to help consumers at point of purchase.”
Today, grocers have the ability to connect with consumers in a lot of ways, and making the case for premium bacon’s value can generate better rings with less effort than once might have been the case, by using different media in combination.
For Scarlett, of course, that means promoting the particular benefits of Smithfield products.
“Consumers are always looking for something new, and the thing about bacon is, you can put bacon in just about anything, and you’re not going to ruin it.”
“Promotion through retailers’ websites, circulars and social media channels helps to drive not just brand, but category awareness for the attributes of the Smithfield Premium Bacon line as consumers look for ways to enhance their dining experiences,” she notes.
—Mike Holland, Holland Brothers Quality Meats & Catering
From the entrepreneurial perspective, flavored bacon, particular cuts and processing can persuade consumers to pay a little bit more and make additional premium purchases. Whether they tend to experiment with new bacon flavors or emphasize traditional processing, specialty meat stores that are bacon producers as well as retailers are attractive to a lot of consumers these days and provide a view on the premium bacon consumer.
When he and his cousin purchased the company from their respective fathers, Mike Holland, owner of Duncansville, Pa.-
based Holland Brothers Quality Meats & Catering, says that he wanted to make bacon a bigger and more conspicuous part of the business. At that time, Holland Brothers offered three varieties: regular, pepper and Cajun. Holland decided that he would expand the bacon offering, testing different spice combinations and developing new flavor profiles.
The company now offers seven flavors and can produce seasonal bacon, including apple cinnamon and pumpkin spice flavors. Other items that received trial include a honey barbecue bacon.
“The thing about bacon, when you have flavor profiles, you get your regular customers who just love bacon, regular bacon,” says Holland. “In a new flavor profile, now it’s an added sale. They keep their pound of bacon, and see you have a jalapeño bacon, and they say, ‘Give me a pack of that, I’m going to try it.’ Now you’ve sold 2 pounds of bacon compared to 1 pound of bacon. Consumers are always looking for something new, and the thing about bacon is, you can put bacon in just about anything, and you’re
“As consumers look for more value in their bacon purchases, a segment of those prefer premium cuts of bacon and enhanced flavor profiles. Consumers can use premium bacon to recreate their favorite outof-home dining dishes.”
—Jessica Scarlett, Smithfield Foods
not going to ruin it. What people do with bacon now is phenomenal.”
So, flavored bacon has a double advantage — one in straight-up consumption, the other in providing consumers with a unique flavor additive.
According to Patrick Fleming, new business development manager at Chicago-based Midan Marketing, grocers can promote premium bacon as a special meal component or as a flavoring that easily brings additional taste to any number of dishes.
“It’s a meat condiment,” notes Fleming. “It can make anything it goes on taste better.”
From its traditional role as a breakfast staple, to bacon ice cream, to bacon Manhattans, the acceptance of bacon is enormous across the United States. As such, the opportunity to promote it is constant. Further, because fl avor is bacon’s main appeal, with ease of preparation another plus, Fleming points out that the ability to get consumers to trade up is vast as a fl avor component for cooks who learned a lot during the COVID-19 pandemic but who might be time-pressed now and can use bacon to elevate a dish, or as the centerpiece of an occasion meal like the weekend breakfast that consum-
ers look forward to all week.
Premiumization is a trend across a lot of food sectors, and bacon in particular, he says. With bacon, the pursuit of an even more premium variety is constantly emerging from processors. These days, thick-cut bacon is getting a step up in weight class to steak-cut. Thus, premium bacon covers a lot of fl avor profi les and cuts, but also price points.
Grocers that make a promotional point of premium bacon on its own and as a meal component to draw consumers to its place in the case can let consumers apply their own personal price/value equations regarding taste and budget.
In some cases, a dedication to tradition and old-fashioned quality is enough to make people recognize that your bacon is premium, or at least that’s the case for Mark and Laura Reynolds, owners of Country Meat Market, in Mobery, Mo.
“Bacon is our No. 1 item,” asserts Mark Reynolds. “Country Meat Market has won the National Grand Champion bacon six times. We offer one cut [in] 1-pound packages and 1.5-pound packages. We have regular bacon, peppered bacon, and ends and pieces. Nothing fancy, nothing trendy. Just amazing bacon. Word of mouth drives our bacon sales. We do not advertise.”
By Bridget Goldschmidtet’s be clear: Dairy products are still considered essentials by most consumers, but that doesn’t mean that the category hasn’t faced some real challenges in recent years.
“Dairy has solidified its reputation as a household staple over the past few years,” affirms Anne-Marie Roerink, principal and founder of San Antonio-based 210 Analytics. “Now a $80 billion department in Circana’s MULO+ [multioutlet] data universe, it is not only a bigger seller, but also boasts tremendous consumer engagement. The deflation in eggs is the sole reason for total
dairy dollars to be down year-on-year, at -1.0%.” (Roerink also discusses premium meats in the article starting on page 29.)
Further, considering what Roerink calls “the truer measure of demand” — units — dairy emerges as “one of the stronger performers across the store, with a gain of 1.4%. Only two items are down in units year-on-year: milk (-0.9%) and processed cheese (-1.5%).”
As for standout dairy segments, Roerink points first to cottage cheese, which “is on fire at the moment, with a year-onyear unit gain of 12.2%. Cottage cheese is trending in several TikToks, such as chicken sausage and cottage cheese, but is also popular among those looking for [a] healthier swap to use as an alternative to yogurt, with fruit, in salads and replacing mayonnaise in dips. Cottage cheese has been highly successful in building a reputation as a high-protein, nutritious part of the diet, widely used by athletes and often recommended in weight loss plans.”
Another successful segment identified by Roerink is that of whipped toppings. “That one is interesting to me, because when we flip over to the produce department, berries have been a growth area for many, many years,” she notes. “And when we look on the bakery side, pies are doing very well both in center store and perimeter bakery. For years, Boomers were the ones driving pie sales, but lately we see all generations
Dairy has solidified its reputation as a household staple over the past few years, but it’s still facing headwinds, including the consumer perception that it’s too expensive.
To create excitement in the category, retailers should reinforce the health benefits of most dairy offerings through sampling and dietitian recommendations, as well as engaging in creative marketing and merchandising, and offering innovative products.
Future areas of focus will include gut-friendly options and greater product variety.
getting involved, driving big gains. The American Bakers Association just released its first-edition ‘Bakery Playbook 2024’ that probed into some of the whys. The study found that 58% of consumers believe there is such a thing as better-for-you baked treats and desserts, and the first and foremost way they define that is by having fruit and/or vegetable inclusions. That means cross-merchandising displays in produce and bakery can be a big win for whipped toppings.”
As for the more basic dairy products, she observes: “Items like milk, cheese and eggs have high household penetration and are bought many times throughout the year. Despite there being substantial pressure on income these days, we still see high levels of sales and engagement.”
With eggs, for example, “last year, when prices were up 60%, we still only saw units down by about 1%-2%,” says Roerink. “That truly says something about the strength of demand. Prices haven’t come down to pre-pandemic levels, but units are up 2.7% over year ago. As avian influenza lingers, egg prices continue to be volatile, especially during Easter, when we always see the big spike in consumer demand, but eggs continue to be a household staple.”
On the supplier side, Laurie Drake, VP of marketing, category growth at Organic Valley, a La Farge, Wis.-based dairy farmer-owned cooperative, cites SPINS data when she notes, “Spending on dairy products remains modestly higher, outperforming the overall food and beverage sector,” with such segments as yogurt, cheese, creams/ creamers, and products like butter, cottage cheese and sour cream showing growth in both dollar sales and unit sales versus the previous year.” She adds that despite a slight decline in milk sales, “they still exceed the performance of the broader food and beverage market.”
When asked about issues affecting the category, Gary M. Stibel, founder and CEO of The New England Consulting Group, in Westport, Conn., is blunt: “Dairy is facing many challenges today, ranging from its perceived poor price value to the most recent changes in SNAP and WIC which reallocate funds available for dairy to fresh fruits and vegetables, but by far, the biggest challenge facing the category and industry is the value proposition that results in dairy being perceived as too expensive for many.”
Stibel also points to such lesser challenges as “[ultra-high temperature] milk and other non-refrigerated ‘dairy’ products that can be stocked outside the dairy section and fortified as necessary to make specific claims,” and plant-based dairy alternatives, which “are also growing, but most have disappointed to date.”
More dairy producers are calling out the nutritional attributes of their offerings, as Organic Valley is doing with its DHA Omega 3-enhanced milk.
Dairy can be part of a grab-and-go beverage set, as is the case with Darigold products.
Also picking up on the dairy-free trend among some consumers, Drake observes: “Milk continues to be a cornerstone product in the dairy sector, yet it is experiencing a decline as consumers increasingly opt for alternative beverages. Water has become the primary substitute, significantly reducing milk’s market share. Consumers have more choices on the shelves, with a broader variety of beverages now available. Despite this trend, certain segments within the dairy industry are still experiencing growth, such as yogurt, cheese, grass-fed products and lactose-free options.”
“Dairy, much like meat, does have a share of the population who have concerns over animal welfare, along with dairy’s impact on the planet and paying farmers fairly,” notes Roerink. “Otherwise, we still see the impact of several years of high inflation, where total food and beverage prices measured in the Circana universe are now 32%-35% higher than they were pre-pandemic. That means consumers are hyper-focused on price and promotions in all departments, including dairy.”
To counter the consumer perception of dairy as too expensive, Stibel advises: “The way to overcome this hurdle is to reinforce the health benefits of most dairy offerings, ranging from prebiotics and probiotics to milk, cheese and other better-for-you products. There is also a huge opportunity in dairy protein, which is already growing because of the basic demand for protein, and the particular need for protein among the growing number of Americans on GLP-1 weight loss diets.”
He additionally points to new product opportunities in healthy protein drinks, which “have the potential to be better-tasting and healthier than anything in the cold case”; cheeses, which can be premiumized like wine and chocolate; yogurt, which may serve as a meal replacement, liquid beverage or snack; and other dairy snacks, which are able “to trade people up from salty and sweet to something that is much more enjoyable and far healthier.”
In the area of in-store marketing, Sibel asserts: “There are many things that grocers can do to stimulate demand for dairy products, but none more important than in-store sampling and dietitian recommendations. In-store sampling has proven time and again to be of great value to our dairy clients and also to be of value to grocers by driving traffic to the dairy. This sampling
can be done in concert with complementary products such as wine and cheese, chips and dips, etc. Ditto dietitian recommendations, because dietitians know more about nutrition than most doctors and nurses, and have the ability to nudge consumers toward better-for-you products, even at higher prices.”
To further nudge shoppers toward dairy, Stibel offers a few outside-the-box ideas, including “the creation of a dairy bar, which could be a cheese bar one week, a protein shake bar the next and a yogurt bar the following. There could also be a very creative personalization-type vending machine, not unlike the Coca-Cola Freestyle or retail coffee dispensers in grocery, that permit consumers to personalize their dairy selections, from yogurts to shakes.”
Meanwhile, according to Roerink: “Transparency is the currency of trust, and we’re seeing more retailers provide information to drive permissibility. We also see these concerns being addressed in the integration of locally sourced items; grass-fed milk, cheese and butter; organic eggs; vegan or vegetarian alternatives to dairy items, etc. I believe consumer education and information, hand-in-hand with assortment variety, is that winning continuum of choice that will help shoppers be engaged.”
Regarding health, she notes: “Nutrition is a big win for dairy, and more retailers are calling out protein content and the wide variety of nutrients delivered by the various dairy items. Protein continues to be red-hot, and items across the store are calling out protein content
Fun new flavors and formats, like Crystal Farms' Pepper Jack snack cubes with jalapeño peppers, will help keep the dairy category vibrant.
and linking it to many benefits, whether getting ready or recovering from a workout, or general energy and sustenance.”
As far as product development goes, Roerink asserts: “Dairy has done a tremendous job in limited-time flavors, line extensions and the integration of completely new items. Especially around the major holidays, items ranging from dairy creamers to cheese and yogurt will introduce holiday-relevant limited flavors, and that is exactly what consumers are looking for.”
Additionally, merchandising the category can
involve more than just the dairy department. “Lately, I’m seeing more cross-merchandising displays aimed at breakfast, with several breakfast staples experiencing deflation [being offered at] enticing price points,” says Roerink. “For instance, H-E-B had a breakfast taco display with tortillas, shredded cheese, eggs, bacon, etc. These types of things work for many reasons, easy meal ideation and ease of shopping [among them.]”
“We believe it’s crucial to align our marketing with our mission, both in-store and beyond,” notes Drake. “Our new brand campaign, Protecting Where Your Food Comes From, emphasizes the origins of our products. We aim to inform consumers that by choosing Organic Valley, they are helping to protect the sources of our food. Supporting our climate-friendly dairy, sourced from small family farms, allows consumers to make a positive impact on the environment.”
What are upcoming areas of focus in dairy? “Addressing digestive and gut health within the dairy sector remains a critical focus,” observes Drake. “As consumer awareness and demand for functional foods increase, it’s essential to continue developing and enhancing dairy products that support these health needs. This involves innovating with probiotics, prebiotics and other gut-friendly ingredients to create a range of dairy products that taste good and offer significant health benefits. By prioritizing digestion-friendly options, we can
“Dairy has done a tremendous job in limitedtime flavors, line extensions and the integration of completely new items.”
—Anne-Marie Roerink, 210 Analytics
meet the evolving preferences of health-conscious consumers and maintain a competitive edge in the market.”
“I think variety is going to be a big one, a.k.a. multiple flavors in one package, or mix-and-match promotions,” predicts Roerink. “Today’s consumer has their favorites, but experimentation with new flavors is a definite trend across the store. That means more limited-time flavors, more mixed varieties, and the inclusion of some more exotic and global flavors.”
She adds: “I think we’ll see more protein callouts across dairy items, along with education about other important nutrients. Both meat and dairy are running behind other categories on that, and it is a big selling opportunity. The aging Boomer generation is more focused on protein, calcium, etc. — the positives in food — than they were 10-15 years ago, when the focus was more on the negatives such as fat, saturated fat and cholesterol.”
“It’s not easy being green.”
ermit the Frog will be happy to learn that this statement no longer holds true — at least in regard to retail packaging. This is driven by the fact that more than half of today’s shoppers are concerned about climate change, according to 84.51°, the retail data science, insights and media arm of The Kroger Co., which is based in Cincinnati. As a result, many consumers are striving to shop more sustainably, which includes being on the lookout for environmentally friendly packaging.
From the perimeter to center store, suppliers and food retailers are addressing the call for green packaging with solutions that don’t compromise on quality.
Food packaging solutions provider Sabert Corp. launched its new line of Pulp Protein and Produce Trays in April. This certified commercially compostable packaging solution provides foodservice operators with an eco-friendly alternative to traditional foam trays without adversely affecting performance.
Sabert’s new line of Pulp Produce and Protein Trays are sustainable packaging alternatives to traditional foam trays that do not compromise on quality or performance.
The Pulp 2S Produce Tray caters to the growing consumer trend of hybrid cooking, blending meal planning, meal kits and ready-to-eat items. The tray is ideal for whole or cut vegetables and fruits and fresh meal ingredients. Engineered with Sabert’s Pulp Plus molded fiber blend, the Pulp Produce Tray is refrigeratorsafe for up to seven days.
The Pulp 3P Protein Tray is suitable for a wide range of proteins, including chicken, beef, steak and seafood, as well as plant-based alternatives. Crafted with Sabert’s new proprietary Pulp Ultra coated formulation, the tray offers moisture protection, ensuring that oil-heavy food items remain fresh. The Pulp Protein Tray is designed to be refrigerator-safe for up to 30 days, which, according to the company, surpasses the average supermarket shelf life.
“Our new Pulp Produce and Protein Trays are the perfect example of Sabert’s mission-driven purpose of reinventing food packaging to nourish and protect our world,”
From the perimeter to center store, suppliers and food retailers are addressing the call for green packaging with solutions that don’t compromise on quality.
With all of the success private label is experiencing lately, it’s more important than ever for retailers to stand out in this coveted space through such avenues as greener packaging.
When it comes to sustainable packaging, Wegmans’ focus is on reducing plastic usage and opting for packaging crafted from renewable or recycled materials.
Corrugated boxes make the world go ‘round in a truly circular motion. The industry’s long-standing commitment to sustainability adds up to an incredible 50% per unit reduction in the greenhouse gas emissions for an average corrugated box from 2006 – 2020, and we’re still improving. Boxes transport everything with the right combination of new, fresh fibers and recycled fibers to maximize reuse and enable circularity. New fibers come from renewable, sustainably managed trees that take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere – tackling a major threat to our climate. And, more than 90% of corrugated boxes are successfully recycled. If you’re thinking circular, you’re thinking corrugated.
Learn more about the renewability, recyclability and responsibility of boxes at: https://www.fibrebox.org/life-cycle-assessments.
Eastman and Sealed Air’s lightweight tray for protein packaging performs like traditional plastic in a challenging atmosphere and yet provides an end-of-life solution through composting.
says Stephny Halstead, VP, marketing and new product development at Sayreville, N.J.-based Sabert. “The trays combine sustainability, versatility and durability, helping retailers and operators meet the growing demand for environmentally responsible solutions that still deliver food protection, preservation and presentation.”
The compostable PFAS-free pulp trays are derived from renewable resources and support a circular solution with sustainable end-of-life disposal. Both trays can be overwrapped or film-sealed for easy integration into current supermarket operations.
Also in the area of protein packaging, Eastman and Sealed Air have launched a compostable, lightweight tray designed as a drop-in replacement for traditional polystyrene foam trays that can work on existing industrial food-packaging equipment. The tray is already successfully performing in several market applications. Sealed Air introduced its Cryovac brand compostable overwrap tray to the market in January.
The new tray is made from Eastman Avent Renew compostable materials, which are produced from sustainably sourced wood pulp and acetyl sourced from a portfolio of recycled material. The tray can be composted in home and industrial environments. Predominately containing cellulose acetate derived from wood pulp, the new trays are compostable by naturally occurring microbes. Aventa Renew material doesn’t remain as microplastics in the environment; it’s a unique compostable material that contains both bio-based and certified-recycled content.
“One of the most exciting features of these trays is that they perform like traditional plastic in a challenging atmosphere and yet provide an end-of-life solution through composting — a ‘win-win’ for the environment,” says Jeff Carbeck, Ph.D., VP of corporate innovation at
“Encouraging development of a circular plastics economy takes dedication and collaboration from all aspects of the value chain, including where we source our materials.”
—Tiffani Burt, Sealed Air.
Kingsport, Tenn.-based Eastman.
“Encouraging development of a circular plastics economy takes dedication and collaboration from all aspects of the value chain, including where we source our materials,” adds Tiffani Burt, Ph.D., executive director of strategic marketing and sustainability for the Americas at Charlotte, N.C.-based Sealed Air.
Meanwhile, London-based Klöckner Pentaplast (kp) has launched what it says are the first food packaging trays comprising 100% recycled PET (rPET) derived exclusively from other trays.
According to the company, food packaging trays have traditionally been manufactured using ever-increasing proportions of recovered PET material. The newly launched kp tray is the first to be composed entirely of recycled tray material. This milestone is the result of kp’s Tray2Tray initiative, which aims to rewrite the PET recycling rules.
“Most rPET in the material loop comes from plastic bottles, of which just 30% goes into food packaging trays, and most of this does not end up being recovered,” explains Thomas Kure Jakobsen, president of food packaging at kp. “As a result, countless tonnes of rPET tray material are wasted each year.
“kp Tray2Tray challenges this by creating a robust closed-loop system of PET flake from trays,” continues Jakobsen. “We work with suppliers to create a separate supply stream of recycled PET from trays, which can be used to create more of the same, rather than being downcycled.”
Thanks to this breakthrough, kp customers can access a fully circular tray solution for food packaging. The kp supply chain is RecyClass certified, ensuring the safety, quality and traceability of its PCR packaging solutions.
“One of the biggest advantages of partnering with kp and using kp Tray2Tray content is that it’s a perfect ‘drop in’ solution, so switching over is easy, and packaging performance isn’t compromised,” notes Jakobsen. “Our 100% kp Tray2Tray packaging is a real, workable tray that offers a glimpse into the future of tray packaging circularity.”
Hoboken, N.J.-based Celestial Seasonings recently revealed a significant step forward in its commitment to improving the sustainability of its packaging. The global specialty tea brand will no longer include plastic overwrap on the boxes of more than 130 teas, a move estimated to eliminate up to 165,000 pounds of plastic waste from landfills in 2024 alone. According to the company, the removal of the overwrap is the equivalent of approximately 16,000 miles of plastic.
“We are thrilled to announce this exciting step towards reducing our environmental footprint,” says Emily Rosen, Celestial Seasonings’ marketing director. “While we are removing the plastic overwrap from our boxes, we’re still delivering the same great taste that people expect when they enjoy our teas.”
Meanwhile, Mother Parkers Tea & Coffee has in-
Global specialty tea brand Celestial Seasonings will no longer include plastic overwrap on the boxes of 130-plus teas, a move estimated to eliminate up to 165,000 pounds of plastic waste from landfills in 2024 alone.
vested in new production capability to provide a more sustainable packaging option than traditional coffee formats. Mother Parkers is a customer solutions provider, manufacturing and supplying coffee and tea to food retailers.
The company’s new packaging is the result of a partnership with Atlanta-based Graphic Packaging to create a recyclable fiber-based solution specifically tailored to coffee, using Graphic Packaging’s Boardio technology. The Boardio fiber-based packaging offers an alternative to plastic, glass and metal containers that delivers the same level of freshness and food safety, with less waste. The packaging is also certified by Charlottesville, Va.-based How2Recycle.
Mother Parkers will begin packing roast and ground coffee in the Boardio format from its Fort Worth, Texas, facility beginning in late 2024.
“Our new packaging solution is a win for the planet, for our customers and their consumers,” says Kim Cunningham, chief commercial officer at Mother Parkers. “It offers a recyclable packaging option with less plastic, without sacrificing any of the freshness, consistency or quality that Mother Parkers-produced coffee is known for. For retailers with private label coffee programs, it’s a way to show innovation, gain share, and drive shelf and transportation efficiencies, all while supporting their sustainability objectives.”
Speaking of private label, with all of the success this category is experiencing lately, it’s more important than ever for retailers to stand out in this coveted space. Offering greener packaging is one way to do so. For example, Keasbey, N.J.-based Wakefern Food Corp. recently expanded its Paperbird Blue line, part of the retailer cooperative’s Paperbird own-brand cleaning and paper products, to include recycled packaging.
Sustainability is a major focus at Rochester, N.Y.-based Wegmans Food Markets Inc. Every year, it strives to further reduce its waste, carbon footprint and use of plastic packaging. For instance, the grocer recently found an unconventional solution in fiber-based packaging for its prepared food offerings. When it comes to improving sustainability, however, it’s all about the journey.
“We’ve been on a journey to reduce plastic packaging since 2019. It’s a priority for our company and for our customers,” says Jason Wadsworth, packaging, energy and sustainability category merchant at Wegmans. “The part that can be hard to understand is why it takes a journey. On the face of it, switching from one material to another seems like a fairly easy task, but the truth is, packaging is as complex as the food it’s protecting.”
According to the company, when switching to a more sustainable material like fiber, which isn’t as inherently good at protecting food as plastic, finding a solution that can accomplish this task is more difficult. The more complex the food, the harder it is to find a sustainable solution.
“When looking for a fiber-based option for our poke bowls and power meals, we faced a number of challenges, the biggest one being the oils, sauces and moisture,” explains Ed Riederer, sus-
tainability procurement area manager for packaging at Wegmans. “Finding anything made of fiber that can contain those liquids was a challenge. On top of that, the packaging also had to stand up to production, storage in the coolers, and cold and/or hot merchandising.”
Adds Joe Pucci, Wegmans’ restaurant foods group manager: “You also have to look at how it travels and how it will hold up in a customer’s fridge. Then there are the labels — making sure they stick to the package, hold up and then also peel off when necessary. And most importantly, of course, is maintaining the integrity of the product, so we’re not changing the eating experience for our customers.”
To solve all of these challenges, Wegmans’ restaurant foods and sustainability teams partnered to find a solution that satisfied their combined wants and needs. For both groups, protecting the product and preserving its quality and integrity for customers to enjoy were top priorities.
“We had been exploring fiber-based packaging options for these products for some time, but nothing on the market could solve for the use case we had,” explains Wadsworth. “It wasn’t until recently that new innovation in fiber packaging made it possible for us to move away from plastic for these products.”
When it comes to sustainable packaging, the team’s focus is on reducing plastic usage and opting for packaging crafted from renewable or recycled materials. In the case of the poke bowls and the power meals, there was the opportunity to trade plastic for renewable plant-based fiber. However, switching to a fiber container won’t always be an option, based on the needs of certain products.
“There’s no one easy answer or approach for doing what’s best for the environment, and in many cases, it’s taking small steps to get closer to the ideal as the science and technology continue to evolve,” notes Wadsworth. “We continue to make progress, celebrating our wins while also tackling the next project.”
The team continues to focus its attention on packaging within its Market Café, currently testing a recyclable coffee cup that uses a water-based coating in place of the standard plastic lining.
On its journey to improved sustainability, Wegmans recently discovered an opportunity to trade plastic for renewable plantbased fiber in its poke bowl and power meal packaging.
any Americans have little awareness of Indigenous cuisines, but Tocabe intends to change that. 14-plus years ago, Ben Jacobs, a member of the Osage Nation, and his partner, Matthew Chandra, co-founded Tocabe: An American Indian Eatery; then, in 2021, they launched Tocabe Indigenous Marketplace. Both are based in Denver. “Our journey began with the inspiration drawn from my parents’ restaurant, Grayhorse: An American Indian Eatery, which they established in 1989 on Denver’s 16th Street Mall,” recounts Jacobs.
Online marketplace Tocabe offers a direct-toconsumer line of ready-made Harvest Meals, consisting of Native-supplied options ranging from bison dishes to vegan bowls.
ingredients we source. This consolidation allows us to efficiently receive, store and ship pallet loads of products all from a single facility.”
The online marketplace offers the diverse fl avors and traditions of Indigenous cultures to customers nationwide. “Tocabe is dedicated to sourcing ingredients from Native farmers, ranchers and producers, supporting Native communities and preserving Indigenous culture,” explains Jacobs. “Our aim is to honor our heritage and create a more inclusive culinary landscape.”
“Our aim is to honor our heritage and create a more inclusive culinary landscape.”
—Ben Jacobs, Tocabe
To that end, the marketplace has established relationships with such producers as Ramona Farms, Red Lake, Navajo Pride Foods, Bow and Arrow, and Seka Hills. “We’re constantly doing outreach and making new relationships in the Native community in the hopes of growing this list,” says Jacobs.
Asked what these vendor partnerships look like, he responds: “Our process is to connect with producers and discuss their products, story, mission, goals and desired approaches. After that, our next step is to discuss the product lines they have developed and how we may best support those products.”
Among the marketplace’s offerings is a direct-to-consumer line of Harvest Meals, which consists of Native-supplied options ranging from bison dishes to vegan bowls. “One of the many things that makes this meal prep unique is there’s no subscription required,” notes Jacobs. “You’re able to order as you go, through Tocabe’s online marketplace at shoptocabe. com. These meals are prepared and ready to heat, making mealtime hassle-free while still offering healthy options.”
The business has seen a busy 12 months. According to Jacobs: “Tocabe has undergone significant growth and transformation in the past year. While our original restaurant remains integral to our company culture, we made the tough decision to close and repurpose our other location into a full-scale production facility to support our prepared meal development. We’ve successfully launched our ready-made Harvest Meals for direct-to-consumer purchase, and our marketplace has evolved into its own stand-alone warehouse to accommodate the growing volume of
As to what’s in the pipeline, he notes: “Over the next year, we are focused on expanding our direct-to-consumer offerings to make Native-produced products and prepared meals more accessible. This includes enhancing our prepared meal menu and introducing new protein options, starting with bison items, as well as creating meals tailored specifically for children. Additionally, we’re planning to expand our Direct to Tribe program, reinforcing our commitment to serving Native people and Tribal communities.”
There’s one expansion that the company isn’t currently considering, however. As to whether Harvest Meals or other products offered by Tocabe might launch in retail stores, Jacobs replies, “Not yet, but this is an opportunity we may [pursue] in the future.”
What’s more important to him at present is that Tocabe customers “are participating in food sovereignty and supporting Tribal and local farmers across the nation making a positive impact in our communities.”