Enterprise Africa January 2024

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January 2024


Mission-Driven KZN Oils Upholds Lasting Legacy Exclusive interview with KZN Oils CEO, Esay Reddy ALSO IN THIS ISSUE:

Exxaro / Macsteel / South African Breweries / Aerosud


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EDITOR Joe Forshaw joe@enterprise-africa.net


SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER Sam Hendricks sam@enterprise-africa.net SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER James Davey jamesd@enterprise-africa.net PROJECT MANAGER Eleanor Sarbutt-King eleanor@enterprise-africa.net PROJECT MANAGER Tommy Atkinson tommy@enterprise-africa.net PROJECT MANAGER Jamie Waters jamie@enterprise-africa.net PROJECT MANAGER Chris Bolderstone chris@enterprise-africa.net LEAD DESIGNER Aaron Protheroe aaron@enterprise-africa.net ACCOUNT MANAGER Isabel Murphy isabel@enterprise-africa.net

CONTRIBUTOR Manelesi Dumasi CONTRIBUTOR Timothy Reeder CONTRIBUTOR Benjamin Southwold CONTRIBUTOR William Denstone

Yet again, we are astounded by the lengths organisations will go to benefit their communities – especially when commercial gain is not the main driver. For a business leader to go out and ask the team to participate in activity that generates little or no revenue for the business, that presents opportunity cost, and that only brings a positive outcome for others, is the true sign of sustainability. In South Africa, there are plenty of examples of businesses that do this, but few that do it with real care and compassion. For those that can go beyond doing good to gain reputation; just doing good because it’s the right thing to do, there are major benefits to be had. KZN Oils – leading fuels and lubricants business – is busy building its presence, growing quickly in its home province, but doing so by involving people, creating opportunity, and using the power of the group to deliver on its values. A new LPG cylinder has been developed for use in rural communities to remove reliance on paraffin. This is not a core business for KZN Oils, and not super profitable, but Group CEO Esay Reddy is keen on the idea because it will simply bring positivity for people who need it. Exxaro, the famed coal miner, is investing heavily in renewable energy, repositioning itself as a sustainable energy partner for the country and export markets. While still in the early stages of the transition, this effort is difficult and costly, but longer-term it will provide major environmental benefits for local communities. South African Breweries is always uplifting and upskilling, and consistently going above and beyond the call of duty to make life better for its people and its local community. Now, the company is serving up bursaries for entrepreneurs to help them get their business off the ground – without an obvious expectation of reimbursement in the short-term. If more businesses could work like this, and if more had the confidence in the local market to think beyond their own company, there would be so much more opportunity.

Published by Chris Bolderstone – General Manager E. chris@cmb-multimedia.co.uk

Get in touch and let us know how your business is going above and beyond its own financial goals to help others achieve success. We’re online at LinkedIn.

Fuel Studios, Kiln House, Pottergate, Norwich NR2 1DX +44 (0) 20 3097 1743 www.cmb-media.co.uk CMB Media Group does not accept responsibility for omissions or errors. The points of view expressed in articles by attributing writers and/or in advertisements included in this magazine do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within this magazine, no legal responsibility will be accepted by the publishers for loss arising from use of information published. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrievable system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the publisher. © CMB Media Group Ltd 2024

Joe Forshaw EDITOR GET IN TOUCH +44 20 3097 1743 joe@enterprise-africa.net www.enterprise-africa.net

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CONTENTS KZN OILS 6 Mission-Driven KZN Oils Upholds Lasting Legacy EXXARO 16 Transitioning and Decarbonising with Long-Term Sustainability the Goal MACSTEEL 20 Serious Metal in Superior Steel Solutions


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40 SOUTH AFRICAN BREWERIES 26 Toasting a Future Filled with Cheer AEROSUD Heights in Aircraft Component Manufacturing 32 New PINDULO VDM African Logistics Meet World-Class Capabilities 36 South SANDTON PLANT HIRE Plant Pioneers 40 Heavy-Duty www.enterprise-africa.net / 5


Mission-Driven KZN Oils Upholds Lasting Legacy PRODUCTION: Jamie Waters

Leading fuels distribution and retail business, KZN Oils, is on an aggressive growth journey in the wake of losing its long-term CEO, Rajen Reddy, in 2021. New leader Esay Reddy has taken the reins and continues to build opportunity, create employment, drive economic development, while ensuring sustainability from this family-run industry powerhouse. She tells Enterprise Africa more about exciting expansion plans for the near future. 6 / www.enterprise-africa.net


the ever-ambitious Rajen took on another large tender, which his focus on quality saw him awarded by the State Tender Board (STB). This game-changing contract had KZN Oils supplying fuels and lubricants to SOEs, government departments, and all related sectors for 12 years. “That was a huge learning curve,” smiles Esay. In a relatively short period, he had grown the business from idea to corporate scale, without losing the family ownership and value that had made the company appealing to so many. “We are now a billion Rand business,” confirms Esay who has been involved since day one and took on responsibility for KZN Oils and the RR Group when her husband passed. “Volumes create the revenue. Bigger volume equal better margins. We hope to double revenue from commercial side of the business in 2024.”

Esay Reddy, CEO


Esay Reddy, Group CEO at KZN Oils, sits in her office in Durban under a photo of her late husband Rajen. She thinks about progress since the family and the business lost Rajen in 2021. “Whatever we do, we do it with kindness and consideration – maybe that kind of philosophy isn’t popular among others in the industry, but it has been three years since my husband passed and I think we have done pretty well.” Rajen Reddy established the company in 1999, in a different South Africa and a very different world. The first venture was a closed corporation – a small business supplying products to the Port of Durban. Rajen, everthe-entrepreneur, quickly spotted an opportunity at the largest port

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in Africa. Handling more than 31 million tons of cargo every year, the port is a melting pot of movement and action. The businessman jumped into lubricants and supplied various businesses at the port with products that he personally bought and sold. Quickly, he applied for his refinery license – unheard of at the time – and turned KZN Oils into a Pty company. In 2001, he tendered for a contract with Transnet at the port, winning the tender to supply lubricants and fuels – one of the first black companies to do so. This put KZN Oils on the map and allowed the company to grow its throughput significantly. Building relationships with the majors in the petroleum industry catalysed the business and the entrepreneur. After success with Transnet,

MAJOR OPPORTUNITIES KZN Oils has three main arms – lubricants, commercial, and retail. The retail side of the business offers major growth potential, and this is where Esay is particularly excited about carrying on Rajen’s legacy. In 2011, the company won a tender from Caltex (now Astron Energy) to supply retail fuels across the province. This allowed for job creation and economic development – passions of Rajen. “We divided KZN into three sections – north, south, and central. In the north, we stretch from Ballito to St Lucia, all the way across to Vryheid and Harrismith, and down to Greytown. In the south, we work from Toti to the Wild Coast and up to Pietermaritzburg, Ladysmith, and Newcastle in lubricants only. Those were the areas we were able to build, buy, and look after service stations,” details Esay. “We grew our cluster from 28 to 37 stations, and next year we will bring on a further 10. By 2025, we will bring on another 10 sites and that will grow our cluster tremendously. There is huge


opportunity in the north where there is a big requirement for truck stops. On the N2, there is a big opportunity and that is where we are focussed right now.” From Port Shepstone to Mthatha, KZN Oils is looking at adjacent services and alternative energy services/ products to unlock the latent potential in the major highways along that route. On the commercial side, the Port of Durban expanding is good news for KZN Oils which remains a key stakeholder in our value chain. Transnet has already announced a request for proposals for the reconstruction, deepening, and lengthening of two berths on the container terminal’s Pier 2 North Quay. Durban is to be positioned as the country’s premier continuer and automotive hub as part of the R154 billion KwaZulu-Natal Ports Master Plan.

// WE GREW OUR CLUSTER FROM 28 TO 37 STATIONS, AND NEXT YEAR WE WILL BRING ON A FURTHER 10. BY 2025, WE WILL BRING ON ANOTHER 10 SITES AND THAT WILL GROW OUR CLUSTER TREMENDOUSLY // Major expansion, and job creation, is planned in the city over the next three decades, including significant backof-port infrastructure development. Here, KZN Oils will continue with the success it has always achieved. “My husband started with one drum of oil but persevered and built a business. The port gave us the opportunity to become who we are today,” says Esay. In lubricants, the company is a national industry leader and has

a fantastic reputation for quality. Obvious expansion opportunities remain in this part of the business, especially in the northern parts of the province where other expansion strategies are already being rolled out. “We already do around 1.5 million litres per year,” explains Esay, “but we don’t think we have tapped the full potential in KZN - and there is major potential. We are looking at expending our distribution network through our

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franchise, The Oil Spot. We will offer a target and business plan, and mentor certain people in certain areas to go and sell our lubricants and our brand.” Again, the focus on job creation remains as the business also looks for opportunities through its CSR work. “We had a very hard time in the last three years. It is imperative that we create employment here, and that is what we are busy doing – especially for the youth,” highlights Esay.

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LPG INNOVATION Working from its roots in fuels, the company will be streaming a next generation, innovative energy product, designed specifically for rural regions of South Africa that brings safety and affordability as key offerings. A new LPG cylinder – refillable, eco-friendly, and serving a basic need of people around energy for life, this new concept is already gaining traction. “We want to bring in a composite

cylinder – not made from steel. Ours is made of spun plastic with an outer covering which is very light. My vision is to give that to human settlement camps. We want to introduce gas to communities to be much safer when compared with using paraffin,” explains Esay. Already selling around 30,000 kgs of LPG each month, this product will complement the KZN Oils portfolio. “We have laid the foundations and we have a distribution programme in place with the manufacturer of these cylinders. “Normally when you buy LPG gas in a cylinder, you exchange the bottle. We don’t need you to exchange. We are giving the bottle, and we have a scale. With composite gas cylinders, you can buy however much gas you want – whatever you can afford, take it out and put it on the scale, see how much you have, and take it home and cook. It’s basic and it is a need here in South Africa. “This is a project that is close to my


heart as I know it will help people,” she adds. “Recently, we had a fire in Durban that wiped out more than 100 homes and people just stood in the road and watched as it went down – that is not acceptable in this day and age. Our cylinder is light, you can wash it, it’s safe, and it is SABS approved. All the approvals are international standard.” CONTINENTAL VISION Longer-term, KZN Oils has big ambitions, and Esay is following a path laid by Rajen that will see the company immerse itself deeper on the commercial side of the industry. Currently, the country struggles with storage and refinery capacity, limiting the ability of petroleum businesses to make sustainable, long-term plans, and often impacting on pricing. “The energy industry is hard to be in right now. Everything impacts the industry,” she details. “South Africa has only one refinery working to full capacity and the others are not up

to standard. Our country needs to bring in finished product and that is a huge challenge right now. We are optimistic and we think that situation will turn around, but it has taught us to strengthen competencies - we are busy with that now, we actively want to build storage solutions.” The company is busy finalising paperwork to cement its position in the market and bring it to the level required to build storage capacity. Esay is unequivocal in her call for more storage in country. “We have a lot of vehicles on the road, we transport a lot across the borders, and we must create storage so that we have enough fuel. We also distribute fuel to Botswana, and that means there is a lot of work to do here.” Even with major opportunities in KwaZulu-Natal, and across South Africa, the ambition within KZN Oils continues and Esay has been exploring prospects in Africa, specifically Ethiopia and Mauritius, which she

describes as very forward thinking and equally ambitious nations with clear plans for economic development. “We have been to Ethiopia and we are looking to build service stations there. Because the country is landlocked, you have to transport fuels 920km from the Port of Djibouti. We were approached to look at building storage so people could access fuels without having to go into Addis Abada. We have looked at Mauritius where we also want to build service stations and where storage is also an issue.” Internally, the company is also growing and changing. In this new era under the leadership of Esay (and a 100% female leadership team), there is encouragement to update, adapt, and improve – even where long-standing processes continue to serve a purpose. Modern technology is the first step, and a change process is under way. “We want to run our company Continues on page 15

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HEMERA has proven experience in new construction, maintenance and turnarounds in the petrochemical industry. Our multidisciplinary approach enables us to marshal and coordinate a whole spectrum of skills, expertise and operatives, and to guarantee the timely implementation of scheduled maintenance programmes. We always work in close partnership with operating management to provide worldleading standards of safety.

HEMERA provides all the equipment that you need to setup a complete solar power system. Our primary focus is on the promotion of green living and we aim to make solar power affordable for everyone, as a result our prices are reasonable and we have regular special offers and promotions.

Petroleum, Maintenance and Installations

T +27 31 811 6843 E info@hemera.co.za www.hemera.co.za

Solar Installations and Maintenance

DURBAN BRANCH Unit 12 Old Mill Industrial Park 15 Sucrose Crescent Mount Edgecombe, Durban

GAUTENG BRANCH Unit 35 Poplar Avenue, Marais Steyn Park, Edenvale, Gauteng

HEMERA is an organisation that designs of solar power plants and micro solar energy grids, as a renewable, sustainable and efficient energy source, that meet safety and design regulations. HEMERA has since established an Electrical division with qualified staff & management whom have many years of experience in the petro chemical & construction industry. To date have major success in the industry with UST upgrades, electrical installations at petro sites and electrical maintenance to corporate clients and general electrical.

ELECTRICAL ENERGY Commercial Electrical Installations

Our electrical installation services for the industrial and commercial sectors include all single and three-phase electrical systems. These range from installation only to complete project planning, designing, installation and project management. From custom-designed projects that suit the specific needs of our clients to standard electrical installations, our master electricians ensure that all work completed by HEMERA is done to comply with all SABS standards and keeps to the high quality workmanship you can expect from us.


HEMERA is fully equipped to supply Oil and Fuel as well as aid in the setup of Service stations The most important area of expertise for any organization wishing to offer services on petroleum sites is that of safety. As a result, not many organization have the ability to provide services and solutions to petroleum organizations.

Accredited Contractor


OUTSTANDING TRACK RECORD SPARKS BRIGHT FUTURE FOR HEMERA Leading the way in compliance, transformation, and history of service and safety excellence, Hemera stands as one of the South Africa’s most trusted electrical installation, maintenance, and upgrade specialists. Recent success on site with KZN Oils is further proof that this is a company that can handle the job, big or small. Hemera has been involved in South Africa’s electrical installation industry – working across design, manufacture, and implementation of power systems, reticulation solutions and automation systems – for 20 years. Established in 2004 by industry veteran Seshan Sabapathy, the company has built a loyal customer base thanks to its focus on product and service excellence, and innovation that allows for cost-effective, long-term solutions to difficult problems. At the same time, Hemera has grown its dedicated and highly-skilled team to ensure that each project is completed with the same level of detail, especially when it comes to safety across the South African landscape, with key branches located in strategic provinces. “A company that focuses on being the best at supplying cost-effective products to the South African electrical and alternative energy industry that will show a return investment for all,” is the vision held by Hemera, and to date this is being upheld. “With trust, confidence, and quality products we aim to contribute to the people and companies of South Africa and the world by creating and putting new values for the future with our products and knowledge,” the company states. Accreditation from many essential certification businesses including SABS, ISO, ECA, and TÜV Rheinland gives clients confidence of the Hemera commitment to global quality standards. As a result, the company was given responsibility for tank installation at Astron Energy’s Marburg site, the forecourt connections at Astron in Marburg, BP in Kwadukuza, and Shell in Cornubia to name few. Hemera has also worked at several sites across the Chevron network and continues to contract for many other local and international players in the fuels and mining industry. As the demand for reliable, cost-effective solutions grows in line with the country’s ability to grow exponentially in the near future, Hemera sees itself as the leader in the oil and gas industry. In Hemera’s home province of KwaZulu-Natal, leading fuels business, KZN Oils, recently opted for a solar installation on the rooftop of its blending plant close to Durban.

Hemera was the obvious choice to assist in this important project. The company’s highly qualified technical and associated team was on hand, capable of working in hazardous environments such as on forecourts and in petrochemical facilities (fuel retail sites and fuel depots). The relationship between KZN Oils and HEMERA spans in excess of a period of 10 years, where mutual visions are the key factor in the bond between the two organisations. The late Mr Rajen Reddy the founder of KZN Oils had guided and mentored Mr Seshan Sabapathy who subsequently utilised the valuable lessons and advice with his own experience in expanding HEMERA Group nationally, with branches in Gauteng, Cape Town, Eastern Cape, and Kwa-Zulu Natal. “Our team was on hand to provide support throughout the project. We have built up an impressive portfolio of successful installations and asset management history,” says Seshan Sabapathy. “We use and promote only leading brands and technology in our Industry as there are no second chances - first time right is the company’s key pillar, and efficiency is always promoted in alignment with safety. There are sites that offer some challenges in terms of working at height and being able to work around petrochemical products, but we have all the necessary certification, safety precautions and experience to easily provide effective solutions,” he adds. “It is a pleasure to work with other likeminded businesses in South Africa: PRAGMA, CBRE, VONTIER, KZN Oils, BP, ASTRON, and companies abroad that will ensure a service that is an investment in the future.” Hemera has the ability to conduct major projects country-wide and is recognised as an industry leader in the construction, petrochemical, electrical, automation and instrumentation sectors, the company is currently the channel partner to Gilbarco, an internationally recognised OEM for oil and gas equipment since 1865, and this valuable partnership bears testament to the core values of the organisation and CEO Seshan Sabapathy with the vision of quality, respect and partnership. The business looks to create long-term partnerships where the Hemera difference can be felt by all players in the industry, the objective is to ensure business continuity in a fair, honest and value adding role. “With full use of the latest technology and our accumulated experience, we continue striving to offer new values, quality service and products to our customers.”

Contact today to learn more about how Hemera can spark new life in your industrial electrical systems. www.hemera.co.za | 031 811 6843 | info@hemera.co.za

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Continued from page 11 paperless,” explains Esay. “We have been looking at various systems and software to drive our usage down. We are an old school business when it comes to digitisation and we are trying to get our people to become more comfortable with digital tools. We are creating platforms so that people can use technology more effectively and it is for us to convert those who are used to doing business in a certain way, that works, and help them to adjust. “We have a fantastic young team who are creating systems that give us access to information anywhere it is needed. Covid left us no choice but to adapt, and we are getting there. We will need to accelerate this because we have big plans to expand into Africa,” she says, again highlight a burning ambition for development.

HELPING PEOPLE FIRST Since 2021, KZN Oils has not only done well, it continues to transform and improve with not small, iterative gains but large leaps forward, benefiting the 300 people in the group as well as the wider communities across its network. “We are all in business to make money, but we add another element. We try to do business that helps people first – that is why the LPG project is close to my heart,” says Esay. “What separates us as a brand is that we are well-known – that is a legacy Rajen leaves us with. In South Africa and Africa many people recognise us and that is half the battle won. They know you are ethical, they know you are trustworthy, and they know you are reliable when it comes to the supply of petroleum based products. Those are the core elements of the company and they have been

since my husband was here. “Our values guide us and we have been successful,” she concludes. In 2022, Esay was labelled as the Standard Bank KZN Business Personality of the Year, highlighting her innovation and ambition, and her dedication to upholding Rajen’s legacy of helping others. Clearly, KZN Oils is in good hands and is doing great things. And, with so much opportunity on the horizon, the story will continue because of the mission-driven nature installed by the family.


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Transitioning and Decarbonising with

Long-Term Sustainability the Goal PRODUCTION: Jamie Waters

Exxaro continues to look forward with ambition as new opportunities for growth open up in renewable, alternative energy. Already a powerhouse in coal, this integrated organisation is positioning itself as a front runner in the energy transition, trying hard to shake the reputation of industrial scale emitter. Several projects are underway that will help the miner to embrace a cleaner future.


At Exxaro, the South African mining powerhouse, an identity shift is underway. As longstanding CEO Mxolisi Mgojo handed the reins to Dr Nombasa Tsengwa in 2022, there has been a notable change in rhetoric from the business that has always had a deep focus on coal. Of course, this won’t change entirely anytime soon, and Mgojo’s retirement was not the

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spark that started the change, but 2023 saw more commitment to an alternative way forward. However, today, the company’s operations are across coal, iron ore and ferrous, and zinc. Major coal mines exist in Mpumalanga and Limpopo. The Grootegeluk, Leeuwpan, and Belfast mines are major suppliers to domestic and export markets, and JV’s at Mafube and Matla are also critical for the markets they serve.

A Ferroalloys Ferrosilicon Plant in Gauteng processes materials for domestic and export, and Exxaro also owns a stake in Sishen Iron Ore Company and Black Mountain Mining, which it is looking to divest from. In the Eastern Cape, Exxaro has laid foundations for its future with two wind energy farms that generate 239MW for the national grid. Renewable energy is a key focus for the company going forward

Exxaro CEO, Dr Nombasa Tsengwa & Limpopo Premier, Chupu Stanley Mathabatha © Exxaro


© Exxaro

and, whether to power its own operations or to feed into a strained electricity supply for the benefit of the country, this unavoidable transition is gathering pace. “We are building Exxaro into a sustainable and impactful business that catalyses economic growth, environmental stewardship, and


positive change,” the company states as part of its vision. The strategy includes transforming the business, over the next decade, from a coal business to a minerals business and a renewable energy company that can thrive in a low-carbon future. PAVING THE WAY As part of the commitment, in December 2023, the company signed a MOU with the Council of Geoscience (CGS) to intensify its sustainability and decarbonisation progress. Mandated with ownership of geological information in South Africa, the CGS partnered with Exxaro to explore carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) initiatives that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions in heavy industry. “This collaboration comes at the right time where we have made tremendous strides on the technical front in implementing this scientific intervention, the CCUS, and the geological characterisation has progressed exponentially to confirm the suitability of the targeted

reservoir to the pilot carbon dioxide sequestration project,” said CGS CEO, Mosa Mabuza. “The CCUS project is a co-funded initiative by the South African Government and the World Bank and its partners and is intended to contribute significantly to the climate mitigation programme as well as energy security trajectory.” Mongezi Veti, Exxaro Chief of Sustainable Impact Officer, was equally happy with the agreement, highlighting the need for collaboration. “Our strategy also aims for an integrated, multi-stakeholder approach to positioning the business for a resilient and sustainable future. We cannot act alone to create the impact we are aiming for, hence strategic partnerships such as the one with the Council of Geoscience, are key to ensure that our carbon neutrality goal become a reality.” Exxaro CEO Dr Nombasa Tsengwa added: “We aim to draw upon the Council of Geoscience’s knowledge and expertise to promote positive, solutions-driven approaches to climate change mitigation and adaptation


and to highlight transformational climate action. We have a long way to go, but the first steps are the most valuable as they help us gain momentum in this journey towards reducing our climate impacts.” LEPHALALE SOLAR In November 2023, the company was already taking steps to further diversify its renewable energy portfolio when it held a sod turning ceremony for the Lephalale Solar Project (LSP) – a 68 MW development that will generate 176 Gigawatt hours of clean energy annually in South Africa’s north. Located close to the mighty Grootegeluk mine, this project is led by Cennergi, the renewable energy division of Exxaro, acquired in 2019. At the event, an excited Limpopo Premier, Chupu Stanley Mathabatha, said: “We have been following the developments which have today led to this successful sod turning, from the signing of Memorandum to develop wind farms in 2009; to the bidding of Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme; until Cennergi become a full subsidiary of Exxaro which today we are here with you witnessing the mission fulfilled.” Leon Groenewald, Managing Director of Energy at Exxaro, added: “Our mission goes beyond profit; we also aim to be stewards of the environment in which we operate. We are actively engaging with the local community, and during the peak of construction, we aim to employ between 300 to 400 individuals, with a significant emphasis on sourcing local talent. We will contribute towards economic growth within this region.” Tsengwa was unequivocal in her call for ongoing transformation, aligning the company’s growth with the environment. “We aim to grow from the exceptional business we have built over the past 17 years,” she said. “Together, we can power possibility as we take advantage of the abundant renewable

w w w. a m a g r o u p . c o . z a

resources of our country, in the form of sunlight, wind and strategic minerals, and build shared prosperity and sustainable development because we know that there is a better place to be tomorrow, than where we are today.” While in the early stages, no one at Exxaro is denying a strategic transition that will see the company more and more involved in renewable energy, with an environmental focus, but with a strict concentration of returning shareholder value. In the company’s interim financial results for the year ending 30 June 2023, several headwinds were identified that will impact the business from a coal perspective. But performance remained robust, with both CEO and CFO pointing to a more diversified portfolio than ever before as a key driver behind Exxaro’s ability to weather storms.

“We are steadfast in our commitment to grow your business and diversifying the portfolio to contribute to the global energy transition,” said Tsengwa. While the future remains uncertain, one thing is abundantly clear – South Africa’s biggest coal miner is changing course, and is doing so collaboratively, involving partners at every turn to ensure long-term sustainability. Perhaps the energy transition well underway in other parts of the world is not as far behind in South Africa as many expect.


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Serious Metal in Superior

Steel Solutions PRODUCTION: Jamie Waters

A rich legacy spanning close to 120 years, a strategic network of over 40 service centres, branches, franchise partnership outlets, and warehouses and staff dedicated to excellence have all served to establish Macsteel as Africa’s leader in the manufacturing, merchandising and distribution of steel and value-added products. 20 / www.enterprise-africa.net



The mantra, “one size doesn’t fit all,” has possibly never rung truer than at Macsteel. “We understand the full steel picture and how you, our valued customers, can benefit from value-added services that elevate your quality steel purchase to new heights,” the company expands. “Our product offering is designed around the needs of the industries in which our customers

operate, and we pride ourselves in taking the time to understand customers’ exact requirements.” CUSTOMER CENTRICITY Just one highlight among an extensive product portfolio in which the continuous pursuit of reinvention is at the forefront, Macsteel VRN offers specialised plate, stainless steel and aluminium, as well as the largest


network of steel service centres in sub-Saharan Africa. Having become part of the Macsteel group in 1990, today Macsteel VRN supplies specialised steel for specific needs including quenched and tempered carbon steel, stainless steel flat and long products and aluminium in flat and extruded form. “We have a large network of steel service centres and that is where the value-add comes in,” explains Uys Loubser, Senior Branch Manager at VRN Gauteng of this unique offering. “We’ve invested in technologically advanced equipment which enables us to supply complex cut and profiled components with tight tolerance to a diverse set of industries – from rail and transport components, to Continues on page 24


Continued from page 22 mining, to as far as stainless steel chambers for the medical industry. “We provide these solutions to our customers from a network of eight

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branches in Gauteng, Durban, Cape Town, Kathu, Klerksdorp, Rustenburg, Springbok and Witbank, and our footprint is shaped by the spread of targeted industries - wherever there is a sustainable demand for our services.”

As Loubser points out, no-one ever uses a raw piece of plate - something must be done to every single one, whether cut, bent or shaped in some way. “We provide expert advice on the best materials for the job and we work with the customer to agree on the best solution,” Loubser says. “Then we cut the material to size and, in the end, the customer is provided with a kit containing easy to assemble pieces. “We pride ourselves on ensuring the highest quality standards are maintained,” Loubser reiterates. “When it comes to specific, safety critical applications, we need to ensure that the steel conforms to the customer and application requirements. Macsteel VRN remains committed to providing the best material, ready-made for assembly at the right time, at the right price. That is what customer-centricity is all about.”


// WHEN IT COMES TO SPECIFIC, SAFETY CRITICAL APPLICATIONS, WE NEED TO ENSURE THAT THE STEEL CONFORMS TO THE CUSTOMER AND APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS // COMPLETE SOLUTION Structural steel is as diverse as it is critical, and may fall into light, medium or heavy categories. Light structural steel is easy to work with, with low carbon used predominantly in our everyday life. Medium and heavy structural steel, meanwhile, is used for applications bearing a load and which would require material test certificates - building houses, for instance, or warehouses and structures in the mining environment, among many others. For customers in such industries

like fabricators and construction companies, the most important consideration is the peace of mind that the material will not fail, making its quality of pivotal importance. “In this economy, it’s about what you get for the price you pay,” condenses Martin Mokoena, Senior Regional Sales Manager: Gauteng, in an increasingly competitive steel business where Macsteel must enable the customer to be competitive while keeping its own business thriving and sustainable. “We have to drive efficiencies to

keep the price as low as possible but not get involved in price wars,” explains Martin. “We have to ensure quality of our products and maintain our reputation for only supplying material that you can trust. Macsteel is further differentiated by their stockholding capabilities. When customers require products, we are able to supply and deliver according to their project schedules. Being agile and offering flexibility when the customer needs it most. “All of these differentiators prove to their customers that Macsteel is able to partner with them so that they don’t just focus on the price or just on quality. Macsteel offers the complete solution.”


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Toasting a Future Filled with Cheer PRODUCTION: Eleanor Sarbutt-King

The South African Breweries (SAB) is today the world’s largest brewer and a truly landmark South African company. As it has throughout its lifetime, SAB continues to go beyond beer brewing and use its legacy and heritage to support, empower and uplift in order to better lives across the country it has always been proud to call home. 2 / www.enterprise-africa.net




More than 125 years has passed since SAB’s humble beginnings, a time in which change has been rife and significant. Throughout roaring inflation, political violence, labour unrest and restrictive trading sanctions, SAB has remained guided by the vision of its original team of leaders to create a sustainable business that would develop and invest in the communities within which it operates. “What was once the passion project of a man from England has now become a fixed point on the South African landscape,” SAB beams, “working in balance with the land and her people, to create something magnificent. “We’ve had many challenges


along the way, but have weathered the course. From the first batch of home-brewed beer, to a state-of-the-art facility overflowing with love for our craft and our country, we’ve learned what it means to grow, and what it means to be part of something great.” PROUDLY LOCAL “We always have been, and will continue to be, a part of the fabric of South Africa. For us, South Africa is not just another market. South Africa is our home.” Over the years, SAB has become truly entrenched in the landscape of its place and culture of origin. “As South Africa goes through changes,” SAB expands, “we have changed too – finding new, better ways to source ingredients, produce worldclass beer, and give back to the people and places we work with. “Our home comes first. To date, we source almost 100% of our raw materials locally, which includes the local farms which grow the ingredients used to brew our quality beers, and the factories that produce the bottles they

come in. It’s a closed loop, with South Africa situated perfectly in the centre.” Fittingly, SAB maintains a steadfast commitment to giving back more than it takes, creating numerous funds and programmes to ameliorate the communities which enjoy its beers and renovating and improving the taverns that stock them, as well as platforms for young people to learn and grow to become future leaders and innovators. “Our philosophy is rooted in bettering lives across the country, and it starts in South African soil,” says SAB. “Part of building an empowered nation means working with the people who call that country home; all SAB operations are localised to the country they’re in. “We make sustainable investments, creating opportunity for employment across South Africa and driving real, tangible economic growth wherever the SAB logo is displayed.” SUPPORT AND SUSTAIN Social innovators have been among the most richly-recognised by SAB in recent years, with more than R15


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million awarded to 17 entrepreneurs at the 13th annual SAB Foundation Social Innovation and 8th annual Disability Empowerment Awards last October. “These awards stand as a testament to the Foundation’s unwavering commitment to fostering entrepreneurial development in South Africa,” the company stated. “The programme is focused on supporting businesses that have developed products, services, business models and processes which directly address social challenges, while simultaneously creating a sustainable business model,” added Bridgit Evans, SAB Foundation Executive Director. “It is heartening to see these deserving entrepreneurs provide solutions for the challenges affecting communities across our country with their innovative approaches.” The all-encompassing drive to support and sustain extends through the lifeblood of SAB, with the company able to proudly toast its inclusion among the Top Employers for 2023. “As a business that is focused on leading and growing the beer category responsibly, SAB also has an ambition to be the employer of choice in South Africa,” the company rounded up, with Vice President of People, Bridget Makhura, leading the celebrations. “SAB is a company that has a wide footprint with a workforce of more than 5 600 employees. This recognition bears testament to the strength of our employer brand and our ability to attract great people who help shape our amazing company and its iconic brands,” she declared. “We are deliberate in our efforts to create a thriving workplace for all our employees which empowers them to dream big and create a future with more cheers.”


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New Heights in Aircraft Component Manufacturing PRODUCTION: Eleanor Sarbutt-King

“It all starts with a passion,” beams renowned supplier of aerostructure and aircraft interior components, Aerosud, where the unique combination an expert engineering team and the in-house availability of the pinnacle of multiple manufacturing technologies allows the most complex industrialisation projects to be executed at breakneck speed.


Harnessing the wealth of expertise boasted by its 500 employees and the collective know-how garnered over a more than 30-year history, Aerosud’s aerostructure and aircraft components are trusted by some of the true giants of the industry. “Aerosud is well known to be the Swiss Army knife of extended manufacturing capability, and always supportive of emergent customer requirements in industrialising new

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products,” says Pilatus Aircraft, a viewpoint shared by Airbus Defence & Space: “Aerosud is technically agile in specialised manufacturing solutions; it is our manufacturing partner for the long-term offering innovative technology-driven solutions.” MULTIFACETED MANUFACTURE Such lofty billing does not come by accident, of course; it is earned only through rigorous processes,

a peerless project portfolio and a policy of continuous development and improvement. Aerosud’s metallic fabrication covers the full spectrum from traditional hand-formed parts to complex pressformed parts. “All associated tooling is designed in-house,” the company furthers, “with the design process making use of simulation software to ensure it is right first time. “Our supply chain network


includes a large number of South African-based tooling manufacturers.” In-house capability includes 3-axis and 5-axis machining and our wellestablished local network of world class machining suppliers includes the capability to machine hard metals. “We also manufacture simple as well as complex geometry parts,” Aerosud

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says, “using materials ranging from polycarbonates to Continuous Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastics (CFRTP). “Our in-house capability allows us to manufacture CFRTP parts up to 1m x 2m in size.” On the composite manufacturing side, Aerosud’s competences include both oven and autoclave cured parts

with an on-site autoclave enabling the manufacture of parts up to a diameter of 1.5 metres and length of three metres. “We complement our traditional composite manufacturing know-how with our patented technology, known as Cellular Core Technology (CCT),” explains Aerosud. “This unique manufacturing process results in significant weight and cost reductions. “Our composite facility includes a material testing laboratory where we are able to perform chemical analysis, thermal analysis, thermo-mechanical testing as well as mechanical testing at elevated temperatures.” Expertise and OEM approvals in various joining technologies, such as adhesive bonding and riveting and fastening, means that Aerosud is able to manufacture complex assemblies from detailed parts, while robotic welding cells provide significant capacity to absorb production rate increases.



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NEW TECHNOLOGIES “We are built on passion,” Aerosud summarises. “We take that passion and develop it, with more than 600 pairs of hands building aircraft parts and more than 600 voices communicating daily. We are an African solution, focusing on partnerships and collaboration.” In order to remain the first-choice African provider, as well as to ensure the continuous provision of a competitive total cost of business in the global aerospace market, Aerosud has in recent years consistently invested in the development of multiple technology streams, including those connected to Industry 4.0. One particular development, a patented technology known as cellular core technology (CCT), paves the way for the manufacture of highly complex assemblies in one single piece; the result is significant reductions in part

count as well as assembly time, which in turn reduces overall cost and weight. Traditionally, assembly of aircraft structures is complex and comprises costly machined metallic parts that are fastened together using large quantities of metallic fasteners, labour intensive assembly methods as well as expensive assembly jigs. The contemporary requirement for lighter and, therefore, fuel-efficient structures, has led to a significant increase in the use of composite materials in the latest generation aircraft structures. “For Aerosud to remain a relevant supplier in the aerostructures supply chain, we have over the past number of years invested in a unique manufacturing and tooling technology specifically developed for structural composite parts,” the company responds. “The uniqueness of CCT is in

the tooling methodology used for manufacture of the part. To date, CCT has demonstrated the ability to achieve a reduction in part count of up to 75% together with a weight reduction exceeding 20%. Customers have reported on an estimated cost reduction of up to 30%,” Aerosud sums up, with its forward-thinking ethos and renowned nurturing and support of industry talent set to keep it soaring long into the future.


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South African Logistics

Meet World-Class Capabilities PRODUCTION: Eleanor Sarbutt-King

Class-leading provider of innovative and client-centric logistics solutions, under the dynamic and inspiring leadership of co-CEOs Kevin Changoo and Deon van der Merwe, Pindulo is committed to finding solutions that meet clients’ unique needs and enable them to streamline their supply chains.

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The compelling Pindulo proposition comes down to exceptional value and innovative, customer-centric end-toend logistics solutions. “The Pindulo team is dedicated to providing exceptional logistics services that help our clients streamline their supply chains,” outlines this staunchly South African company possessed of world-class capabilities. “Our core values, customised and integrated services, flexibility, experienced team and use of technology all contribute to why we excel at what we do. “We are committed to providing superior service and unparalleled quality and seek to stand out by offering best-in-class services. From storage to stevedoring, import and export transport via road or rail, Pindulo is the logistics partner you can trust.” BEYOND BORDERS More than 400 vehicle combinations at its disposal allows Pindulo VDM to provide intelligent logistics and

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transport solutions, supported by experience garnered over nearly half a decade of operations and innovative technology. “We strive to be creative and innovative in our approach to business,” Pindulo outlines. “We are committed to providing superior service and unparalleled quality, and strive to be thought leaders in the industry and to set the standard for excellence. “Pindulo VDM is a proudly South African name for a proudly South African business, where excellence comes as standard.” Headquartered in Saldanha Bay, with offices in Cape Town and Johannesburg, Pindulo’s current area of operations is swelling outside of its native South Africa into Namibia, Swaziland and Botswana, and the Maputo Corridor. “We seek to be the leading logistics solution provider in South Africa and beyond,” Pindulo affirms of its overarching vision. Versatile, dynamic and multimodal, a massive fleet of more than 500 managed road vehicles is backed by five operational hubs and more

than 2,000 multipurpose open-top containers to underpin the operations of this 500-strong company. “We offer road transportation and handling of more than 750,000 tonnes of metal concentrates and handle over 3.5 million tonnes of bulk commodities per annum.” Optimal driver performance, fleet safety and fleet utilisation are all crucial to the successful running of an innovative and ambitious organisation such as this, and in order to attain the very best in each of these areas Pindulo VDM has recently elected to partner with SA’s MiX Telematics, a global provider of connected fleet and mobile asset management solutions. MIX TELEMATICS The partnership entails the implementation of a variety of advanced fleet management solutions, in a relationship dating back to December 2018. Assessment of Pindulo’s requirements resulted in the installation of the premium MiX Fleet Manager telematics solution, in

PINDULO VDM return_investment_vertical_70x187.pdf












order to fully maximise fleet utilisation, as well as solutions including the vehicle recovery service, the MiX Vision fleet security camera solution and the MiX Vision Bureau service. “These solutions assist in increasing safety and security, improving driver behaviour, ensuring driver compliance and mitigating risk,” MiX Telematics enthused,” with each and every one of these solutions working hand-in-hand with the premium MiX Fleet Manager platform to provide access to insightful data that can be used to identify areas in need of further improvement in terms of cost saving and efficiency. “The implementation of all these MiX Telematics services and solutions have resulted in Pindulo VDM gaining greater control of their fleet and improving driver behaviour, which has led to a much safer fleet.” Pindulo VDM co-CEO Kevin Changoo agreed, with this significant partnership just one element of a sustained drive to adapt to changing market conditions and customer needs to offer services that ensure that customers receive their goods on time and in excellent condition. “We attribute the improvements within our fleet to the increased insight into driver behaviour and related driving events that mix telematics’ solutions are providing,” he effused, summarising the peerless appeal of Pindulo as the preferred logistics provider both in South Africa and much further afield. “Pindulo is the ideal logistics partner for your business, thanks to our commitment to providing exceptional service and innovative logistics solutions,” he closed. “We take ownership of our work and our relationships, are accountable for our actions and take pride in delivering exceptional results.”


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Heavy-Duty Plant Pioneers PRODUCTION: James Davey

Through key partnerships and what it terms a, “yearning for excellence,” Sandton Plant Hire has grown exponentially and is a key link in the ever-growing Sandton Group of companies. World-class equipment is only one element of a sustained drive for excellence, and, in turn, the provision of a world-class service.

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© Sandton Plant Hire



“Our vision is to be the best and most reliable supplier of heavy-duty plant and equipment in South Africa and neighbouring African countries.” Incorporated in South Africa with interests primarily in the mining industry, Sandton Plant Hire operates as a contractor performing open cast mining, drilling and blasting, and bulk material handling services, as well as plant hire on long-term, three- to five-year contracts. “The company operates in South Africa,” it explains, “and would like to expand to the rest of Sub-Saharan


© Sandton Plant Hire

18 / www.enterprise-africa.net

Africa in the near future.” Of the various markets in which Sandton Plant Hire is currently active, the principal contributors range through anthracite, chrome, gold, coal and iron ore, with a workforce of more than 2000 comprising the group as a whole. “At Sandton Plant Hire, worldclass products and service combine to ensure timely and effective production,” stresses the outfit which constantly pushes to ensure marketleading innovations in every single one of its products and services. WORLD-CLASS AIMS “We specialise in the supply and operational management of various earthmoving, construction, mining and quarrying plant equipment,” the company delineates, and an extensive core service offering covers the full gamut from bulk material handling and drilling and blasting to open cast mining and plant hire equipment. “Our highest priority is the fulfilment of customer expectations through top quality products, service and industry-leading customer support,”

stresses Sandton Plant Hire. “Through our leadership we will establish and communicate our vision for the organisation and exemplify our core values to guide the behaviour of all. “Customer satisfaction is the most important measure of our achievement.” These relationships are of paramount importance at Sandton Plant Hire, forming and maintaining strong professional bonds through striving for the best solution and service for clients. “Our mission is to establish long-term partnerships with our customers by providing them with world-class products and service,” the company says, “to ensure timely and effective production throughout Southern Africa whilst achieving maximum profitability for the company. “We will endeavour to achieve the highest aspirations of our customers, our potential customers and the members of our organisation.” SAFETY FIRST The benefits of stringent safety standards within an organisation such as this speak for themselves, but in fact


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go way beyond the obvious: enhanced ergonomics, improved productivity and a resultant conformance to quality standards, as well as reduced operating cost and enhanced client satisfaction are further lucrative reverberations. It is something which preoccupies Sandton Plant Hire to a nearunprecedented degree. “Safety is an utmost determining factor in every facet of our operational philosophy,” it underlines, “with a specific pertinence to productivity, reputation, employee relations and financial results. “Our management is committed to maintain a healthy and safe working environment for all our employees. “Our machinery represents a number of internationally renowned manufacturers whose products are designed to meet the strict emission and safety control regulations that

apply to the industrialised first-world countries,” the company affirms. Famed for the utmost care of its competent, loyal and expert employees, in a sustained bid to create an enabling environment for BBBEE, Sandton Plant Hire engages in numerous empowerment initiatives: social upliftment projects, partnering with black-owned entities and accelerating skills development to name but a few. “We attach great importance to the education of our younger management members - sponsoring programmes for tomorrow’s leaders and seminars for managers,” adds Sandton Plant Hire. “We have strong, committed management members who can ensure that their clients are given the best professional and personal service. “Our companies have a reputation for service excellence,” the organisation

concludes. “A reputation that has been built by consistently supplying quality people and the right equipment in an efficient and timely manner. We have been in business for more than thirty years; we maintain high standards and are dedicated to excellence. We take pride in meeting our clients’ needs in far broader aspects and our emphasis on ethics is communicated to our employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders.”


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AFRICAN AIR EXPO: EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE FEB 12-14 | CAPE TOWN The African Air Expo SA aims to become a global gathering point for the aviation industry in a successful worldwide trade event. The event will attract different skills from the aviation sector, including Commercial Aviation, MRO, Business & General Aviation, Airport Infrastructure, Human Capital Development in Aviation, Air Cargo, and eVTOL – The Future of Aviation. The event will also focus on the latest trends, training, and recruitment within the aviation industry, empowering through training. The African Air Expo SA targets commercial & general aviation exhibitors who will come together on a static area. The exhibition will be at the CTICC hall and will host more than 300 booths where exhibitors will showcase a full range of aviation services and products. It is anticipated that aviation equipment suppliers, avionics companies, airport facility providers, infrastructure experts, security, and air traffic control companies, among others, will use the opportunity to present their products to the burgeoning African aviation marketplace.




Africa Agri Expo is a very well-established event promoting Africa’s rich Agriculture sector and presenting international companies with an unparalleled way to explore the huge business potential of this historic continent. The event provides an excellent networking platform for Agriculture Companies, Machinery & Equipment Companies, Technology Companies, Agro-Chemical companies, Agri-Input companies, Poultry / Livestock companies & other agriculture Solution companies to build valuable connections and explore numerous business opportunities. Each edition had 1500+ targeted industry visitors, 500+ senior conference delegates, 400+ Agriculture companies, and 40+ Speakers over 10 sessions.

MEETINGS AFRICA 2024 FEB 26-28 | JOHANNESBURG Meetings Africa is a Pan-African trade show, where African associations and meetings industry professionals come together to showcase Africa’s diverse offering of business events services and products to global buyers. At Meetings Africa, delegates also come together to share knowledge as they partner to contribute to transforming and growing the continent’s business events sector.Meetings Africa’s official host partners, the Gauteng Tourism Authority, along with the City of Johannesburg and the Sandton Convention Centre, are also ready to welcome delegates to Meetings Africa.

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Smart, embedded clean energy solutions Blue Energy Africa is a leading South African based, Africa focussed, developer and operator of embedded clean energy infrastructure. We partner with our clients to develop lasting and impactful solutions that aid their resilience and assist with their transition to Net-zero.


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