Enterprise IT World

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OPPORTUNITIES Unquestionably the biggest revolution of the Internet era, IoT has taken the world by storm connecting machines and people in an efficient web of communication. ... p16











a vast product lines or installations and these products need to be managed remotely. For example, the street lights, water supply, gas lines, electricity meter, etc. need to be managed remotely in terms of putting them in switch off and switch on mode or taking the reading of the meter, fault finding and managing, etc. without even touching or seeing these devices. So, government would first of all create a mechanism to keep these connected devices immune from cyber-attacks. This has to be taken very seriously from the word go.


Indian IT industry is about to touch a trillion market by 2020. Of course a good news

for the entire country but imagine how many devices will be IP enabled by that time, probably some millions. Do you think these devices would be left without being managed? Of course not! All the devices would be managed for better result of the. So the IoT technology would probably be at its best by that time. But imagine, today we are at a very nascent stage and trying to imagine what would be future when the connected devices would be in place everywhere. You will be living in connected households, connected cars, connected – virtually everything. But can you imagine the amount of security breaches might happen at the individual level? Therefore, today, most of the organizations and individuals are quire apprehensive about the IOT regime - although the products are ready and pilots have started happening in various organizations. To me government would be the biggest consumer followed by the PSUs reason being these organizations have ownership of quite


Besides, there is a huge commercially operated units available which needs to be connected through IOT technology. For example, India is aspiring to become manufacturing super power in a few years and all its manufacturing floors need to be IOT enabled in order to make the machines and devices talk to each other or managed remotely in order to avoid accidents, delays, etc. Besides, IOT has a big play in retail, supply chain, etc. It all depends upon the ISVs to develop as many services as possible. Last but not the list is the whole lot of consumer applications, including connected cars, households, etc., which have mammoth opportunity. This issue of Enterprise IT World is dedicated to various contours of IOT applications in India. Besides, we feel there is a huge spectrum of commercial application around Drone is awaiting in India apart from being used for Army or Police. There are many remote places, where medication is not reached with conventional method. People need to be provided with relief, medication, etc. during disasters like flood, earth quake, etc. India needs this technology very badly and needs our legislature, judiciary, civil society and the technocrats to work on Drone for good.




Cognitive Technology

Industrial Robotics

Globally, the use of cognitive technology is on rise in life science, defence, FSI, health care, etc. But when it comes to India the impact is yet to be perceived. In September issue, we would try to find out the reality.

Industrial robotics has been there in global scenario for a long time. But India as a country has not used it to that extent due to lack of manufacilities. Now that the PM is aggressive on manufacturing, it is time to evaluate such technology.


CXO Challenges

With Cognitive technology in the scenario, the role of CXOs is very difficult as to answer the questiions from the superiors as to why, how and when it should happen.

Send in your inputs to sanjay@accentinfomedia.com










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THE INTERNET OF OPPORTUNITIES Unquestionably the biggest revolution of the Internet era, IoT has taken the world by storm connecting machines and people in an efficient web of communication.


Dell Power Edge FX2 Modular Infrastructure



“While IoT opens up new terrains, there are many road blocks”

MORE INSIDE Editorial ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 04 News ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 06 Products ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30



“Drones for Good Time ”

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“GST for Business: A New Beginning but Apprehension”





While IoT opens up new terrains, there are many road blocks. Page 15



Industrial Digitization to Reach 65% in Next Five Years

B Y S A N J AY @ A C C E N T I N FO M E D I A . C O M

According to PwC’s Industry 4.0: Building the Digital Enterprise report, more than a quarter (27%) of the industrial companies in this survey have rated their level of digitization as high, and this value is expected to rise to 65% within the next five years in India. Globally this number is expected to grow from 33% to 72% during this period. Digital is now a priority for most CEOs of industrial companies in India. Industrial leaders are digitizing essential functions within their internal vertical operations processes and are focused on driving both revenue growth and operational efficiencies. Industrial companies in India and Asia-Pacific have the advantage to leapfrog ahead of those in the developed economies given their Greenfield starting positions. As a result, they have fewer legacy issues pertaining to outdated systems, processes, technological capabilities, etc., which need to be 6



addressed. In order for industrial companies to leverage the full value of Industry 4.0, they need to overcome key challenges. These include lack of a clear digital operations vision from the leadership (45%), lack of skills in data analytics capabilities (53%) and fostering a strong digital culture (41%). Overcoming these challenges will enable them to reach their potential and objectives of digitization by 2020. Sudipta Ghosh, Leader, Data and Analytics, PwC India said, “For an emerging economy like ours with a very strong focus on the growth agenda, it is only natural that Industrial Products sector will leverage the technological breakthroughs for building its digital ecosystem. This will enable them to add significant value to their customers by knowing how the product is being used and will also drive efficiency improvements across the value chain.”



per cent Increase of smart phone sales happened in 2016 over 2015.


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WD Makes Major Breakthrough in 3D NAND Technology

Sterlite Power Facilitates Dronebased Power-line Monitoring Palo Alto-based Sharper Shape, the global market leader of automated drone-based asset inspections, and Sterlite Power, leading power transmission company have entered a strategic partnership to provide drone inspection services for utility assets in India, according to the press release. As part of the cooperation, Sterlite Power will make a minority investment into Sharper Shape to foster Indian market growth and continued technology development. The partnership agreement was signed in February to deliver cutting-edge drone technologies for the power transmission industry in the presence of the Prime Minister of Finland Juha Sipilä in Mumbai during the ‘Make in India’ week. Sterlite Power and Sharper Shape are currently awaiting approvals from India’s Directorate General of Civil Aviation

(DGCA) for large-scale, long distance drone flights to inspect utility assets. Long distance drone flights could provide significant benefits by enabling a safe, efficient and faster method of inspection. In addition to improving the reliability, resilience and safety of Sterlite Power’s transmission lines, the partnership aims to provide services for other utilities in India. Pratik Agarwal, Chief Executive Officer, Sterlite Power, “We are delighted to partner with Sharper Shape in bringing automated asset management to the Indian power transmission industry. Drones are transforming the way in which infrastructure is built and maintained. Sterlite Power is committed to solving the toughest challenges of energy delivery. We are proud to contribute towards India’s vision for a 24X7 power-for-all.”



26–29 AUG

MOD 2016 2nd International Workshop on Machine learning, Optimization and Big Data including real-world applications for the workshop proceedings VOLTERRA (PISA), ITALY




Western Digital Corporation has announced that it has successfully developed its next generation 3D NAND technology, BiCS3, with 64 layers of vertical storage capability. Pilot production of the new technology has commenced in the Yokkaichi, Japan joint venture facilities and initial output is expected later this year. Western Digital expects meaningful commercial volumes of BiCS3 in the first half of calendar 2017. Dr. Siva Sivaram, executive vice president, memory technology, Western Digital said, “The launch of the next generation 3D NAND technology based on our industry-leading 64 layer architecture reinforces our leadership in NAND flash technology. BiCS3 will feature the use of 3-bits-per-cell technology along with advances in high aspect ratio semiconductor processing to deliver higher capacity, superior performance and reliability at an attractive cost. Together with BiCS2, our 3D NAND portfolio has broadened significantly, enhancing our ability to address a full spectrum of customer applications in retail, mobile and data center.” BiCS3, which has been developed jointly with WD’s technology and manufacturing partner Toshiba, will be initially deployed in 256 gigabit capacity and will be available in a range of capacities up to half a terabit on a single chip. Western Digital expects volume shipments of BiCS3 for the retail market in the Q4 16 calendar year.

29 AUG 02 SEP

10–19 SEP

19–20 SEP

ECAI European Conference on Artificial Intelligence offers opportunity to hear about the research.

SANS Network Security 2016 Hands-on training from SANS worldclass instructors and learn what it takes to stop cybercrime for your organization




BIGIT 2016 Recognized by industry experts as the ‘Leading Big Data Show in Asia’, aims to drive conversations and promote Big Data Analytics in SEA





“ India has attracted investment from 37 mobile manufacturing companies in last one year that have generated 40,000 direct jobs and 1.25 lakh indirect employment. We decided to make India a big hub of electronics manufacturing.”

IBM Debuts Mobile First for iOS Garage IBM has unveiled a new IBM MobileFirst for iOS Garage in Bangalore, India. The Garage — part of a network of centers at Atlanta, Cupertino, Toronto and Chicago — will help clients around the world achieve mobile-led, digital transformations at speed and at scale on the iOS platform. As per the release, IBM also announced Mobile at Scale for iOS, a new offering specifically for clients looking to invest in digital transformation projects that include more than three iOS apps over a multi-year period. Clients opting for this model have full access to IBM’s portfolio of MobileFirst for iOS apps to jump start their digital transformation, iOS App Accelerators for rapid app development and customization, and Enterprise Design Services that align the app experience to the needs of the user. The Garage specializes in handling these end-to-end client engagements to design, develop and implement multiple, bespoke iOS apps. IBM partnered with Apple in July 2014 to transform enterprise mobility through a new class of ‘made for business’ apps — bringing IBM’s big data and analytics capabilities to Apple devices in the enterprise. To date, IBM has developed over 100 apps across 15 industries and delivered nearly 2,000 client engagements. The Garage will extend the design, development and delivery skills gained from IBM’s partnership with Apple to serve a broader set of global clients. Mahmoud Naghshineh, general manager, Apple partnership, IBM, said, “With each IBM MobileFirst for iOS client’s success, we see the conversation shifting from wanting a single app to cultivating a broader business transformation led by mobile. Our global network of MobileFirst for iOS Garages are a key accelerator for our clients and a significant differentiator for IBM.”



“The biggest challenge for all of us, not just politicians or bureaucrats, is that we, Indians, have the highest ego per unit of achievement. I would humbly request, we be open-minded to those who have performed better than us..” N A R AYA N M U R T H Y , C O - FO U N D E R , I N FO SY S

Tata Communications Q1 17 ended June 30th 2016 announced that its consolidated EBITDA grew by 18% YoY to INR 863 crores with 307 bps improvement in YoY EBITDA margins. Core business (excluding Neotel) grew by 2% in revenues YoY while EBITDA increased by 32% to INR 786 crores. AUGUST 2016




One in Two Indian CIOs Plan All-Flash Data Center Move by 2020

Avg. Total Cost of Data Breach to an Organization – INR 97.3 million IBM Security has unveiled the results of a global study analyzing the financial impact of data breaches to a company’s bottom line. Sponsored by IBM and conducted by the Ponemon Institute, the study found that the total average cost paid by a company increased from 88.5 million INR to 97.3 million INR in 2016 in India. According to the release, Cybersecurity incidents continue to grow in both volume and sophistication, with 64% more security incidents reported in 2015 than in 2014. As these threats become more complex, the cost to companies continues to rise. In fact, the study has found that companies lose up to INR 3,704 per compromised record. Breaches in highly


regulated industries were even more costly: breaches in financial institutions had a per capita cost of INR 5,544 which is well above the mean of INR 3,700. While data breaches due to third party errors or extensive migration to the cloud increase the per capita cost, according to the study, leveraging an incident response team was the single biggest factor associated with reducing the cost of a data breach – from INR 3,704 to INR 2,498 on average. In contrast, third party involvement in the cause of the data breach increased the average cost to as much as INR 4,622. The study also found the longer it takes to detect and contain a data breach, the more costly it becomes to resolve.

EMC-sponsored research from Frost & Sullivan reveals that all-flash storage is rapidly becoming the storage technology of choice for CIOs in India. One in two CIOs surveyed in the ‘Flash Adoption Study’ plan to move to an all-flash data center by 2020. This highlights the readiness of enterprises today to accept flash into their IT infrastructure in order to boost agility and mobility against the backdrop of an increasingly complex business landscape. The study shows aggressive evaluation of flash over the last two years and reveals a commitment to making a positive shift toward flash. In fact, 70 percent of enterprises in India expect to have an all-flash storage infrastructure to support most business critical applications by 2020. The primary goal of all-flash deployment by technology heads and CIOs in India surveyed is operational efficiency; 39 percent of the respondents highlighted it as the number one factor that determines their technology investment and usage. Speed and agility are critical for the enterprise today as they have strong implications for revenue growth and profitability. A millisecond delay in application response can lead to delay in sales, loss in brand equity, and even churn to competitors.


Canon India appoints Subrangshu Kumar Das as the Senior Director & Head of India Systems Development Centre (ISDC). He will lead the R&D Ops in the Country. Sunil Gupta joins Paladion as President and COO. He will be responsible for the business strategies and outcomes in MEA and India.



Falcon Autotech Announces Vineet Baid as New CEO. Vineet brings over 9 years of international experience and domain expertise on board. Infor appoints Tarik Taman as new Regional Head for IMEA business unit. He will lead the IMEA business unit from Infor’s office in

Dubai, UAE. Iron Mountain ropes in Anand Lakhwani as Head-IT Infra Practice. Will be responsible for advancing Infra businesses, focusing on Cloud Computing, Data Analytics, Enterprise Mobility and UC Iron Mountain ropes in Hitesh Gupta as Managing Director India. Appointment is part of Iron Mountain India’s rapid investment and expansion plan.


HIPAA Certifies Pi Data centers 100% Compliant Within a couple of months of receiving the ISO certifications, Pi Datacenters has been awarded the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Compliance certificate, setting a new benchmark in the industry. HIPAA sets the standard for protecting sensitive patient data. It is the US legislation that provides data privacy and security provisions for safeguarding medical information and any firm that deals with protected health information must ensure that Lakshmi Narayana, Vice President, Operations & all the required physical, Governance network, and process security measures are in place and followed. On receiving the HIPAA certificate, T Lakshmi Narayana, Vice President, Operations & Governance said, “Pi Datacenters is committed to provide data centre services on par with global standards. HIPAA certification is another feather in the cap for us and it proves our datacenter abilities in meeting rigorous standards and compliance, which are going to be very crucial for our clients” Speaking about its strategic relevance, Debmalya Dey Roy, Vice President – Sales & Marketing said, “Healthcare and pharma constitute a key part of our GTM strategy. We being HIPAA compliant would drive in confidence to the enterprise community with global footprint, to partner us and leverage our enterprise cloud and datacenter services, meeting the stringent privacy compliance parameters.” Pi Datacenters’ facility named ‘Fort Amaravati’, at Mangalagiri is a Greenfield, TIER IV software defined strategic datacenter, built grounds up across 10 acres. State-of-the–art infrastructure and best in class architecture form the core of the intelligent datacenter. The product portfolio designed to cater to enterprises across industry verticals, ranges from tailored cloud enabled solutions IaaS, PaaS, Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS), to off the shelf services like co-location, managed hosting and managed services. The datacenter ensures Uninterrupted Power, Strong Network Connectivity and Abundance of space for customers to ride on.

Gemalto Secures Mobile Payments for Yes Bank YES BANK has deployed Gemalto SafeNet Network HSM to secure mobile payment transactions for millions of its customers under India’s recently implemented Unified Payments Interface (UPI). As per the release, YES BANK has acted as a front runner in deploying UPI, India’s next generation online payments solution which enables all account holders to send and receive money from their smartphones with a single identifier – such as mobile number or virtual payments address – without entering any bank account information. The SafeNet Network HSM (formerly SafeNet Luna SA HSM) provides strong end-to-end data security and encryption to protect user credential confidentiality and the private keys responsible for digital signing, thus establishing a secure root of trust for financial transactions throughout the UPI payment process. Anup Purohit, Chief Information


Officer at YES BANK commented, “With a widespread network of over 860+ branches and 1,625+ ATMs Pan India, we’re committed to taking a customer-centric approach to our banking services. The Unified Payments Interface offers clients revolutionary convenience when it comes to banking and payments, and we want to ensure the highest levels of security for users of the platform. We’re thrilled to integrate Gemalto’s industry-leading SafeNet HSM technology into the UPI application to support this initiative.” Ashesh Thanawala, Sales Director for India Identity & Data Protection at Gemalto said, “By working with YES BANK India, we are delighted to ensure that its customers benefit from the convenience UPI offers, without compromising on security through the application of strong encryption and protection of user credentials in the prestigious UPI project.”



Launch of govt. e-marketplace is a step towards #DigitalIndia It will make govt. procurement more transparent & lead to #TransformingIndia. – Arun Jaitley Shows how digitization leads to transparency in governance and public procurement. Source: http://twitter.com/enterpriseitworld





Oracle & SBI to Digital Skill Rural India

Intel, DST and SINE-IITB Launch Joint Incubation Program for Hardware & Systems Startups Reinforcing their commitment to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship as a step towards making Digital India successful, Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India, Intel India, and Society for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (SINE), IIT Bombay have collaborated to launch the Collaborative Incubation Program for Hardware and Systems Startups. With this program the industry, academia and Government have come together to support hardware and systemsbased start-ups in the country through mentoring, training, lab facilities, hardware kits, prototyping, business services, funding, etc. The announcement was made on Saturday in the presence of Prof. Ashutosh

Sharma, Secretary, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, Ramesh Abhishek, Secretary, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Government of India, Nivruti Rai, General Manager, Intel India, Vice President, Platform Engineering Group, Intel, Prof. Devang Khakhar, Director of IIT, Bombay. According to the release, the Program will address gaps in the hardware and systems start-up ecosystem that companies face in product design, development, commercialization, and creating scale for their solutions. DST, Intel India and SINE aim to support up to 20 start-ups under this Program, and the call for applications for the first batch will be announced in early August 2016.

In a first-of-its-kind joint corporate citizenship collaboration, State Bank of India (SBI) and Oracle India have launched the ‘D-Change’ programme. The initiative supports Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “Skill India” and “Digital India” plan and furthers Oracle’s commitment to expand within the region. As one of India’s largest digital and joint employee-volunteer programs employees from both organizations, including senior leadership, “D-Change” will support education and learning, women’s empowerment and rural skills development in India. Further reinforcing the 20-year relationship between SBI and Oracle India, “D-Change” will merge SBI’s financial expertise and expansive reach with Oracle’s technology leadership to help local communities drive substantial change and develop D-Charge a skilled economy. As per the press release, Oracle and SBI volunteers will help enhance IT literacy among high school students, teachers and parents from over 100 SBI-supported government schools through an initiative called “Digital Kushalta ki Aur.” As the first project to be launched under “D-Change,” it will be initiated at Rotary Bangalore Vidyalaya in Bengaluru and Mandal Parishad High School, Kondapur in Hyderabad on Aug 6, 2016.

NASSCOM Initiates Technology Re-skilling via HR Summit 2016 Focusing on need of re-skilling to keep up with the rapid technologies, NASSCOM has kickstarted the 13th edition of HR Summit 2016 at ITC Grand Chola, in Chennai. With the theme “Navigating Uncertain


Waters” the summit aimed at providing a platform for participants across sectors to come together and discuss the different facets of how digital technologies are reshaping HR and the proactive role it will need to play while technology


leads to new job avenues. On the sidelines of the summit, NASSCOM also showcased the findings of its report titled “Technology Shifts and Workforce Priorities” to highlight the changes in the ecosystem and how companies and

employees need to evolve. As per the release, the Indian IT – BPM industry currently employs 3.7

million employees, India continues to maintain its leadership in technology arena.




The HP Way: How Bill Hewlett and I Built Our Company


By 2020 “Shift to Cloud” Impact will surpass $1 Trillion in IT Spending




RS. 399

Cloud Shift Summary by Market Segment LEGACY SEGMENT

Business Process Outsourcing Application Software Application Infrastructure Software System Infrastructure




$119 billion

$42 billion



$144 billion

$36 billion



$177 billion

$11 billion



$294 billion

$22 billion


BPaaS = business process as a service; IaaS = infrastructure as a service; PaaS = platform as a service; SaaS = software as a service

Source: Gartner (July 2016)

More than $1 trillion in IT spending will be directly or indirectly affected by the shift to cloud during the next five years, said Gartner. This will make cloud computing one of the most disruptive forces of IT spending since the early days of the digital age. As per the report, IT spending is steadily shifting from traditional IT offerings to cloud services (cloud shift). The aggregate amount of cloud shift in 2016 is estimated to reach $111 billion, increasing to $216 billion in 2020. Cloud shift rates are determined by comparing IT spending on cloud services with traditional noncloud services in the same market categories (see Table 1). In addition to the direct effects of



cloud shift, many markets will be affected indirectly. Identifying indirect effects can help IT asset and purchasing managers ensure they are getting the best value out of new expenditure and are protected against risk, as well as assisting them to exploit the new opportunities caused by cloud shift. For example, instead of buying operating systems (OSs) for each user in the traditional way, many will be provided as OS images — particularly with the use of containers for next-generation applications. Another example is that enterprise storage needs could be met with a lower upfront cost and far more scalability by switching to cloud solutions instead of buying dedicated hardware.


About The Book An example of corporate culture for an entire Industry, the HP way is a quintessential success story. It is about two young men, brimming with ability; that started out from a garage in Palo Alto, backed by just $538, and created one of the largest technology companies in the world.

Key Features Insights and stories about HP’s journey from the man himself, it wonderfully elaborates on the corporate culture Bill Hewlett and David Packard formed, and the legacy they left behind them at HP, a truly global tech giant.

SOTI to Invest $12 Million in India What it seems to be a strategy to strengthen its R&D activities, SOTI invests US$ 12 million in India. The objective is to add 300 new jobs within the span of two years. And, SOTI has already expanded its operations into a new state-ofthe-art facility — built on the vision of creating an environment to enable creativity and foster innovation. “This is an exciting time to be in India. With the proliferation of mobile phones, the Indian ecosystem is undergoing a monumental digital disruption. We believe with SOTI’s competency

in enterprise mobility and focus on enabling business transformation across vertical sectors, we are uniquely positioned to execute on a connected enterprise mobility and IoT strategy,” Carl Rodrigues, CEO, SOTI Inc. said. “We have a deep focus on innovation, and this expansion is part of the company’s larger R&D growth strategy. SOTI is leading the way to the next generation of mobility management,” he added. SOTI is the only player in the industry that works across solutions for both the knowledge and task worker, rugged and consumer devices. AUGUST 2016




Juniper Networks Partnerse with Verizon to Expand VNS



“The most dangerous poison is the feeling of achievement. The antidote is to every evening think what can be done better tomorrow.” — INGVAR KAMPRAD, IKEA FOUNDER

REXEL India Expands in South Juniper Networks announced today that it is part of Verizon Enterprise Solutions’ tech partner ecosystem. With Juniper’s Cloud CPE solution serving as a foundational engine for Verizon’s Virtual Network Services, enterprises will have greater choice in selecting the right solution for their needs. According to the press release, this shift toward network functions virtualization (NFV) as a service delivery platform is transforming the way service providers’ managed services offerings are provisioned, purchased and consumed – enabling greater levels of business agility and drastically reducing operational complexities. Juniper’s Cloud CPE solution has also transformed the managed services model by enabling service providers to offer their enterprise customers multivendor capabilities without the burden of managing disparate systems. Verizon’s Virtual Network Services is a major milestone in the company’s multistage journey towards fully virtualizing the network and delivering virtual business services that increase reliability, agility and efficiency. This initiative plays a major part in the company’s overall Enterprise Solutions strategy, which is committed to helping its clients accelerate innovation and maintain a competitive edge through simplified management and cost control. The advent of SDN and NFV has changed the networking landscape and given service providers new approaches to more efficiently deliver customized, value-added services that are cost effective for end users. 14 ENTERPRISE IT WORLD


REXEL India to open in Chennai and Hyderabad next month for Schneider Electric products. Commenting on this, Vikas Garg, Managing Director, REXEL India Pvt. Ltd. said, “With this, REXEL will be able to serve a large base of customers and will also improve the professional distribution of Electrical and Automation supplies across vast geography of North. We were already present in Chandigarh, J&K, Punjab, Himachal, Uttaranchal and Haryana, with Gurgaon branch we will be able to cater to UP, Rajasthan and NCR thus covering full north. We have been growing at a CAGR of 22% last 4-5 years and we are hoping to reach a turnover of Rs. 500 crores by 2018.” Anil Chaudhry, Country President & Managing Director, Greater India Zone, Schneider Electric said “On behalf of Schneider Electric India, I congratulate

Rexel India on the inauguration of its new office. We have been associated with Rexel in India as well as global and have witnessed some remarkable achievements over the years. We are positive that this new office will further strengthen the organization’s footprint in the country and help us enhance proximity, supplies and ensure superior service to our customers” “REXEL India’s mission is to support its customers to be at their best in running their business, by providing a broad range of innovative products and services in the field of industrial automation, energy management, supply chain consolidation and electrical supplies. We bring to India our global expertise and aim to be the best technical distributor for our customers, our suppliers and our employees, delivering reliability, proximity and expertise,” added Vikas Garg, Managing Director, REXEL India Pvt. Ltd


WHILE IOT OPENS UP NEW TERRAINS, THERE ARE MANY ROAD BLOCKS IOT as a disruptive technology surely going to play a big role in the enterprise transformation towards digitization and India is part of this wave as well. EnterpriseIT World spoke to Sunil Paul, CoFounder & COO, Finesse to know about the role of the ISVs and SP in the entire scheme of things. Excerpts…

“We see that the IoT presents a massive opportunity to Indian and other IT services providers with recent trends


promising that IoT will be the next wave of technology taking over the world.”

As a solution provider, how do you see the IOT opportunity in India? Goldman Sachs predicts that India - comprising 15% of the world population, with a growth rate of 7 to 8%, could be the second largest economy by 2030. The Department of Electronics & Information Technology of India published Internet of Things policy estimating IoT industry in India to grow up to INR 940 billion, by 2020. Focus areas include agriculture, health, water quality, natural disasters, transportation, security, automobile, supply chain management, smart cities, automated metering and monitoring of utilities, waste management, oil and gas. Consumer electronics, BFSI, home & building, energy & utilities, retail, supply chain & logistic sectors, and manufacturing are the key emerging application areas where IoT technology is majorly being adopted. According to ‘India Internet of Things (IoT) Market Forecast & Opportunities, 2020’, IoT market in India is projected to grow at a CAGR over 28% during 2015 - 2020. IoT is being rapidly brought into use across diverse industry verticals to reduce operational and manpower costs, and increase operational efficiency. However, India’s

Sunil Paul, Co-Founder & COO, Finesse

IoT market is highly fragmented with numerous players operating across the value chain. We see that the Internet of Things (IoT) presents a massive opportunity to Indian and other IT services providers with recent trends promising that IoT will be the next wave of technology taking over the world and soonIoT will make for hefty IT services revenues for India’s IT sector. What is Finesse strength in IoT integration? Finesse has always been the pioneers in bringing innovative solutions, and the IoT space is no different. We have been investing heavily in learning, development and testing, and working closely with our partners to deliver IoTsolutions for our clients. We will be leveraging on our existing expertise in Business Intelligence, Big Data analytics and enterprise information management for delivering meaningful insights. Finesse together with our partners is all set to play a lead role as the IoTdomain is fast taking shape. Finesse will leverage on our experience in Infrastructure Management, Networking and on Application Integration to come out with effective

business solutions. Looking at the growth in IoT, the security challenges are many, what are the best ways to keep the entire system safe. The increasing trend in the adoption of mobile, cloud, social and IoTs increases the risk of information leakages. Enterprises have no option but to adapt and increasingly use new security technologies in the coming years. This adds to the existing challenges being faced by enterprises primarily in maintaining the skills to adapt new technologies. Therefore, they will surely turn to solution providers and system integrators. These will create new opportunities for SIs and solution providers like Finesse as we understand security threats better through the use of contextual information and intelligence tools. By deploying right solutions and the right skill sets enterprises can be relieved from the challenges of information security threats. (To read full interview check www.enterpriseitworld.com) AUGUST 2016









Unquestionably the biggest revolution of the Internet era, IoT has taken the world by storm connecting machines and people in an efficient web of communication. In India too, the phenomenon is gaining momentum with Government Initiatives and Enterprise adoption, opening up a box of possibilities, leading the way to India’s digital transformation. BY CHITRESH SEHGAL CSEHGAL@ACCENTINFOMEDIA.COM


he Internet of Things phenomenon has taken the entire world by storm. Perhaps the most disruptive technological phenomenon of recent times, Internet of Things is fast influencing businesses and consumers all over the globe. With the proliferation of wireless and connected devices all over the world, the application of IoT can be seen in a variety of verticals ranging from connected sensors to continuous monitoring systems. To define, the Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. It is one of the most exciting concepts of the Information era, bringing with it a pool of opportunities. IoT applications, solutions and products have already found implementation in sectors like manufacturing, transportation, logistics, healthcare, governance and retail. In India too, IoT has taken the front seat across sectors, with both government and private organizations streamlining their operations with a view to better efficiency and accuracy. There are projections that IoT in India will be a 15 billion dollar industry in the next five years, and as wireless connectivity and digitization transforms India into its digital successor, the scope is getting wider and wider.

“As India is changing and becoming more automated, IOT as a technology is becoming a Catalyst, for the CXOs.”

IoT: An Ocean of Opportunities According to a recent NASSCOM study, the global opportunity brought about by IoT is likely to touch USD 300 billion by 2020 and in comparison, India would boast of a USD 15 billion market. Indian government released its first IoT framework in 2014 that aims to create a huge IoT market by 2020, impacting the growth of connected devices from the current 200 million to 2.7 billion by 2020. Sectors like manufacturing, logistics, aviation and healthcare have already started installing smart solutions with sensors and monitoring systems. The government’s digital initiatives have also added to the impetus. Andy Stevenson, Head of Middle East and India, Managing Director for India, Fujitsu believes, “India’s continuous investment of time, energy, and money in Digital India initiative resonates with IoT’s importance in the scheme of things. With Maharashtra government announcing the commissioning of 34 cyber laboratories in the state to deal with the rising menace of cybercrime, stands proof to the fact that India recognizes the massive potential of IoT, and is taking necessary measures to facilitate the same.” George Chacko, Principal Systems Engineer & Lead Technical Consultant, Brocade India elaborates on IoT implementation thus far, “Many verticals such as manufacturing, automotive, IT/ ITeS, consumer, healthcare already have presence in the entire IoT scheme of things. Indian Government’s focus on developing smart cities and e-governance will further boost the growth of IoT in India. The manufacturing sector whether it is automation or supply chain management would be a key growth area in India.” Sai Pratyush, Product AUGUST 2016





“With IoT, industries will become interconnected and data will be used across

businesses and industries, fueling innovation.”


“IoT can revolutionize Industries by facilitating new business models, improving efficiency, generating new forms of revenue and save costs.”

Head, Managed Services, Enterprise Business – Tata Teleservices believes that once enterprises cross the initial hurdles, the adoption will grow, “IoT is seeing success in Utilities, Logistics, Transport and Retail in India. Despite widespread awareness, large scale adoption and implementation of IoT is still a challenge primarily because organizations are still struggling with the IoT ecosystem and more importantly, the Business Case to justify IoT investments.” K Nageswara Rao, Vice President, India Technology Center, Unisys gives a brief on why IoT has suddenly shifted into top gear, “With smart appliances and devices, consumers are witnessing an extension of the internet beyond desktops and mobile devices. Major triggers for this phenomenon are the dropping prices of sensors, processing power, and networking bandwidth. And in the agriculture sector many companies are working on fighting climate change using IoT and Big Data through the collection and processing of data on wind, temperature, and climate. I believe environment monitoring (agriculture), urban infrastructure (smart buildings, traffic monitoring, and management), industrial & asset tracking, healthcare (3D printing, fitness and preventive), and consumer electronics (personal safety, entertainment) will emerge as top areas in industrial scale for IoT in India.”



Buzz among Enterprises IoT as a phenomenon has the potential to make businesses more efficient than ever before. Ashish Gulati, Country Head, Telit India opines, “With new IoT products under development or recently launched—ranging from medical-monitoring systems to sensors for cars—and it is believed that the IoT will be poised for even greater gains. With IoT industries will become interconnected. Data will be used across businesses and industries, fueling innovation. As an enabler of IoT solutions, we see growth in India coming from Telecom, Energy and Automotive Telematics sectors. Another area where IoT will see a major uptake around the Smarty City projects across India. IoT will challenge companies to be innovative in the same way as mobile internet did.” RV Raghu, International Director at ISACA believes, “IoT takes us to the next logical set in the progression of or coming together of technology, connectivity, content, data, and computational ability. We have sensors and other devices that are being used to monitor or collect or record various data e.g. weather data, traffic density, and temperature. Increasingly devices are being used to collect various data about humans be it health data or consumption data.” While IoT in enterprises is not a new phenomenon, its adoption in SMEs is. “What excites us the most is the fact that in the last year or so, the adoption of

digital solutions in the SME space has also seen a significant increase and that’s a great sign for the industry,” says Sai Pratyush of Tata Teleservices. Dr. Sumit D Chowdhury, CEO & Founder of Gaia Smart Cities adds, “IoT has the potential to enhance the life of existing machinery and improve efficiency by reducing downtime, improving accuracy, reducing manual intervention, creating opportunity for remote monitoring of critical infrastructure.” How IoT is Transforming Businesses IoT takes enterprise and business connectivity to the next level. It makes way for new approaches, give enterprises leverage and opens new scope of revenue generation, “The internet of things enables to unleash massive amounts of data, and opportunities for the improvement of cities, industries, and energy operations – as well as helps improve daily lives. Prime examples include Uber’s disruption of transportation, Airbnb’s disruption of the travel industry, and numerous digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, automation and robotics transforming the manufacturing industry. Likewise new business models such as trains-as-a-service will enable to reduce the risk that comes from the predictability provided by analytics,” opines Vivekanand Venugopal, VP and GM, Hitachi Data Systems, India. IoT is revolutionizing businesses every day, and for mid markets, it might be a boon as per G.B. Ravichandra, Director, Network Connectivity, Schneider Electric India, “For mid-market businesses focused on manufacturing, distribution or logistics, IOT will definitely be a game changer. Internet of Things being a network of low-cost sensors, two-way controllers, and machineto-machine networks (M2M) can add new competitive advantages across the supply chain, can play vital role in Manufacturing Maintenance and Product Quality, can monitor cold chain, can



“For manufacturing companies and, municipal governments, IoT has great potential and making our companies and cities efficient.” K NAGESWARA RAO, VICE PRESIDENT, INDIA TECHNOLOGY CENTER, UNISYS

help in asset counting, tracking, forecasting and inventory.”

“Major triggers for this phenomenon (IoT) are the dropping prices of sensors,

processing power, and networking bandwidth.”

Digital India and Smart Cities Proliferation of connected devices and campaigns like Digital India and Make in India have put consumer IoT on the front foot. Gaia Smart Cities’ Dr. Chowdhury believes, “For manufacturing companies and municipal governments who are doing it for the first time, IoT has great potential to streamline processes and making our companies and cities efficient. The Government’s promise of setting up more than 100 Smart Cities also creates opportunities for IoT and embedding of technology


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“Organizations are still struggling with the IoT ecosystem and more importantly, the Business Case to justify IoT investments.”


“IoT can help automate solutions to problems in agriculture, health services, energy, security and disaster management through remotely connected devices.”

into the city urban infrastructure.” HDS’ Vivekanand Venugopal states, “The Indian Government has plans to develop 100 smart cities in the country, for which Rs 7,060 crore has been earmarked in the current year’s budget. Infact, Indian government initiatives like Make in India, Digital India and Smart Cities will require the coming together of all sectors including IoT implementations to make them possible and sustainable.” A number of IoT related such developments have already taken place, Fujitsu’s Andy Stevenson says, “There are multiple IoT related developments taking place in the Indian public sector, especially in the healthcare, education, and manufacturing sector.” Dr. Rishi Bhatnagar, President India, Aeris Communication believes that the Government has been the biggest push behind IoT growth, “The biggest enterprise making serious investments in using connected technology to enable awareness, better reach and proper utilization of resources is the Government. The vision of creating 100 smart cities requires an investment of over $150 billion over the next few years, with private sector being a significant contributor, nearly $120 billion. India has also been inviting foreign partnership in developing the smart cities with Germany, the US, Spain, Singapore, Japan and the UK.”



Challenges that come with IoT India as a market for IoT is still in a very early phase. There is a lot of understanding yet to be garnered, which makes risk awareness a key. RV Raghu of ISACA says, “Indian market needs to mature further on several aspects relating to IoT. IoT could potentially be the driver to ensure not only connectivity but also effective connectivity which can be leveraged by devices and business which rely on these devices. There is an absence of standard which can be used these could be national/regional or international standards to which mandatory adherence should be ensured so as to as to assure security, interoperability and

scalability.” Stevenson of Fujitsu believes collaboration is key to management and protection of the vast amount of data that comes with IoT, “Lack of collaboration is another risk associated with IoT. The entire process of digital transformation isn’t the sole responsibility of a business unit or the IT department. There are the heightened security risks that have to be dealt with. The hacking of one connected device is enough to affect all the networks or devices connected it.” The Aspect of Enterprise Security IoT brings with it a vast amount of Data, and the collaboration and connectivity brings with it a number of security loopholes, addressing which is an inevitable priority for enterprises. George Chacko of Brocade believes, “Since IoT is a concept of devices talking to one another, there is a lot of data transfer happening which is vulnerable to cyber threats as well. The cloud can work as a catalyst to make IoT work and for that, there has to be a right kind of framework that can assist it. The GRC (governance, risk management and compliance) guidelines can play an important


“While IoT is expanding the limitst of technology beyond our imagination,

it is also opening up greater avenues for cybercriminals.”



“For mid-market businesses focused on manufacturing, distribution or logistics, IOT will definitely be a game changer.”


“IoT takes us to the next logical set in the progression of technology,

connectivity, content, data, and computational ability.”

part to make IoT work in a proper manner. So security strategies must include capabilities for fast identification and notification of possible breaches. Companies focused on embedded security are actively developing software and toolkits for IoT developers to leverage.” “Enterprises are alert about the situation and consider security as one of the top most factors. Given that by nature IoT is in the public domain, built-in security is imminent. Micro-segmentation security solutions like Stealth have a key role to play in IoT and already companies like Unisys are working on advanced security solutions, specifically for IoT environments,” says Unisys’ KNageshwar Rao. Telit India’s Ashish Gulati states that addressing these issues as soon as possible should be priority, “Security and privacy concerns on deployments must be addressed for IoT to succeed. If the proper balance is not struck between the benefits and individual privacy and security, the evolution of the IoT is likely to be seriously compromised.” IoT in Future The industry believes that IoT in India has just taken baby steps and there is an immense scope of growth, as Telit India’s Ashish Gulati puts it, “The growth in IoT will far exceed that of other connected devices. In India IoT is at its initial stages and waiting to explode. Government sector

would be one large contributor to the growth of IoT. IT services companies like Infosys, Wipro, TCS and Tech Mahindra are working on designing and developing solutions to make smart cities. Besides these IT services giants, a number of start-ups are also working on design and development of IoT.” Dr. Chowdhury too believes that growth would be fuelled by the developments in public sector shifting towards IOT application, “Public sector is a big user of IoT worldwide and all the Smart City initiatives are an example of that. Sensors are being added for tracking water, power, gas distribution, garbage collection, traffic management, security alerts, space management, Smart LED lighting etc. Public Sector companies like Railways and Power companies also have enormous opportunities to use IoT to automate their processes.” Fujitsu’s Stevenson also believes that success of projects like smart cities is pivotal to the IoT scenario in future for India, “The integration of technology and IoT will provide the resources required to make the cities smart in terms of installing RFID tags, GPS sensor, scanners etc. In other words, IoT will be the key to achieving the intelligent management that smart cities promise. Once IoT has been completely implemented in all possible spheres, the entry of new players with new business models and approaches will change the face of the entire industry.” Sai

Pratyush of Tata Teleservices opines that IoT will make the world appear differently, “Over the next decade, IoT is expected to see huge adoption across sectors. It is expected to bring billions of data-generating devices online and connect a vast stream of data with people, processes and other devices.” Finally, The Internet of Things phenomenon is appealing on all fronts, be it enterprise level usage or public sector and governance. Meticulous tasks like utility and supply management, aggregations, weather and disaster prediction and response, logistics management, systems and hazard monitoring and many such activities will become totally independent of day to day human influence, truly transforming societies and organizations. The Digital India initiative has created a strategic roadmap to build and strengthen domain competency and place India on the global IoT map. On the enterprise front, a business leader interested in the IoT should have a very clear understanding of the business case for IoT and how IoT maps into the long term strategy of the business. An investment in IoT should be based on a clear strategy and understanding of the risks and opportunities in the context of the organization/business. The aim of the IoT strategy is to make the business more successful and deliver sustainable business advantage. It should enable new insights into their business to drive new ways of working; and to create new innovative business models and services that can be offered. Going virtual, mobile, and social are three mega trends that are creating a world of opportunities for organizations to effectively and efficiently connect with their customers, employees and ecosystem partners. Specific use of data and the corresponding analytics is where CIOs should be more focused. AUGUST 2016






Finding a number of applications, both government and enterprises are all set to adopt the global Drone phenomenon. In India, civilian use is currently restricted, but once the DGCA guide lines are out, the scope are endless. BY CHITRESH SEHGAL CSEHGAL@ACCENTINFOMEDIA.COM


Top Global Players

he sky and the skill of flying have always fascinated man. The advent of planes meant that man could finally accomplish the dream and stamp authority on the skies. Less than a century forward, a new technology called the unmanned aerial vehicle or drone is giving the impetus back to man, who is now technologically empowered enough to be able to control these aerial systems from the ground. As a concept, drones are not a new phenomenon. Nations have been experimenting, producing and using drones for more than a decade. Defense organizations have been using there drones from the start of the 21st century for tasks like reconnaissance, aerial photography, 22 ENTERPRISE IT WORLD


spying and locating targets and even in combat sometimes. The Indian government itself uses Israeli made ‘Heron MALE’ and ‘Harpy Combat’ drones as well as indigenously built ‘Nishant’ for police and surveillance jobs. On the enterprise front, drone usage has been littered with controversies and solutions. Consumer based organizations like Amazon and Domino’s Pizza have been known to use it in permitted airspace when making express deliveries. UAVs are being increasingly used by enterprises for aerial photography and cinematography, auditing, supply line monitoring, surveying and precision agriculture. Apart from enterprises, an incredible number of hobby drone flyers have emerged all over the globe which has seen a surge in micro and small UAVs for recreational use.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

DJI Boeing Company Lockheed Martin Northrop Grumman AeroVironment Prox Dynamics AS Israeli Aerospace Industries SAIC

Top Indian Players 1. Tata Advanced Systems 2. DRDO 3. Drona Aviation 4. Edall Systems 5. Skylark Drones


Geographical Mapping

Agricultural Survey

The Drone Market According to a recent market survey, the global UAV-Drones market is expected to reach USD 5.59 Billion between 2015 and 2020 at an estimated CAGR of 32.22%. Although there has been an exponential increase in global sales with USA and China leading the way, the domestic market in India is still in its early stages. Apurva Godbole, CEO of Drona Aviation, a domestic UAV manufacturer comments, “Drone industry is in a very nascent stage right now. People are focusing on specific applications and service industry right now. Going forward, we see a market worth US$5-10 billion when the government regulations open up.” Although the DGCA, the regulatory authority for civil aviation in the country, has currently

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Drones will be used for rapid digitization of all our assets spread across geographies which is going to bring in the much needed authenticity and accountability in large industries.

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“Drone industry is in a very nascent stage right now Going forward, we see a market worth

“The applications of drones are going to have an impact across various industries

“Drones present a wide range of risks, from privacy invasion to corporate espionage to

US$5-10 billion when the government regulations open up.”

right from infrastructure and mining to utilities, agriculture and logistics.”

terrorism; they can be used to snoop on confidential projects or gather competitive intelligence.”

Reginol Cross-Border Value Shifts 2015-Q1 2016

Current Deployments UAVs are usually segmented into Large, Medium, and Small/

Source: Droneii.com


restricted civil usage of drones without permission from authorities, it has said that regulations are in the pipeline and there will be concrete guidelines on the same by the end of the 2016. The industry is abuzz in anticipation of the same. Mughilan TR, Co-Founder at Skylark Drones, a Bangalore based startup opines, “The Drone market is set for exponential growth over the coming years. I believe the inflection point for the drone market is going to take place late next year. The applications of drones are going to have an impact across various industries right from infrastructure and mining to utilities, agriculture and logistics.”



Micro based on their weight, capacity and flight endurance. The large and medium versions are mainly used by defense organizations. The small and micro drones are where the real potential lies with regard to enterprise level. Some of the current applications of drones in enterprises globally include surveying and auditing, power line monitoring, retail delivery, aerial photography and cinematography. Apurva states, “Our services business (aerial cinematography) started facing hurdles when government ban came in. But that’s when we pivot to core technology in Nano Drones’ space. Since, we operate under the roof; we do not face hurdles of government regulations. Our product Pluto has been sold by students, enthusiasts, application developers and research labs.”

We expect the DGCA will be receptive of the industry feedback. We also expect that the regulations should come out by the year end 2016.

Apart from the Armed Forces, there have been a number of deployments in governance too. Police Departments have been deploying UAVs to monitor processions and religious gatherings for unlawful activities, public works departments have been contemplating their use in controlling leaks and faults in supply lines. There is a gigantic market in India for precision agriculture with the help of drones. Mughilan says, “I believe drones will be used for rapid digitization of all our assets spread across geographies which is going to bring in the much needed authenticity and accountability in large industries such as infrastructure, mining and utilities.” Role of the Government After a couple of incidents involving civil and private drones hovering over prohibited places, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation came out with a ban on recreational UAV flying. This ban is though a temporary one and the restrictions are set to be over once the regulations come in. As Apurva puts it, “Drone emergence has been largely insulated of industry participation; except for the drones used in defense. Now the government has started a conversation with the industry which will hopefully give it the legal structure to grow to large scales. We expect the DGCA will be (and has been) receptive of the industry feedback. We also expect that the regulations should come out by the year end 2016.” The industry has a lot of hopes from the DGCA’s formulation of UAV laws and believes a big part of the future of the technology in the

country depends upon these regulations. “The growth of the industry only depends on the regulations set forward by the Government. If clear regulations are set forth by the government for building, deployment of UAVs, the sky is the limit for operation for these vehicles,” says Mughilan TR. Issues and Challenges Although highly useful in a vast array of implementations, these aerial systems come with their own sheath of security issues. Drones are unmanned aerial traffic that might pose threat to other aircrafts if flown in the vicinity of an airport. Ground injuries due to crashing of malfunctioning drones are an issue in populated vicinities. The main apprehension on the government front however revolves around spying and photography of soft targets by foreign entities which might compromise national security. Sanjai Gangadharan, Regional Director, SAARC, A10 Networks believes, “Consumer drones are big now and they will get even bigger in 2016, with expectations to generate over $1 billion in revenues. But their increased popularity will also introduce new cyber security and physical security risks.” He continues, “Drones present a wide range of risks, from privacy invasion to corporate espionage to terrorism. Drones can also be used to snoop on confidential projects or gather competitive intelligence. For example, oil exploration companies should be wary of competitors using drones to learn where they are drilling for oil. And IT administrators should make sure that drones do not gain access to corporate Wi-Fi networks by providing closer proximity for the use of sniffers and other snooping tools.” IT administrators should make sure that drones do not gain access to corporate Wi-Fi networks by providing closer proximity for the use of sniffers and other snooping tools.

Good Times Ahead With the ongoing digital transformation, India is becoming an IT hub with a number of indigenous IT companies providing big data and analytic services to enterprises. Coupled with growing number of drone manufacturers coming up, the country has the potential of being one of the biggest drone markets globally. Government initiatives like Digital India and Make in India are expected to be the main growth drivers behind this. “We expect the drone applications industry to grow to US$20 billion by 2020 when industries start adopting these on a large scale,” remarks

Drona’s Apurva. Regulations governing and subsequently permitting civil use will be another catalyst for the sector. “Simultaneously, the civilian market for hobby and cinematography will be a significant part of this large market.” He added. Skylark Drones’ Mughilan TR believes that smart cities and the digitization that comes with it will open a number of opportunities for the UAV market. Drones as per him are crucial to implementing the digitization plans and will be a crucial towards implementation of IoT solutions in cities as well as industries. “ Mughilan said, “In India, I believe drones will be used for rapid digitization of all our assets spread across geographies which is going to bring in the much needed authenticity and accountability in large industries such as infrastructure, mining and utilities.” Touchdown As an enterprise application, UAVs have a lot of scope, bringing a lot of excitement across the industry. Although not a path breaker in terms of technology all by itself, UAVs in itself is a collaboration of aeronautics and information technology. It conjures extensive data that can then be analyzed and used by different organizations. Moreover, with the recent infrastructure development and a spurt of a number of indigenous big data and analytics firms, India is poised to become one of the world’s largest drone markets eventually once the regulations are out. As a trained aviator, I can vouch for the fact that the technology’s benefits outdo the risks involved. Being able to control drones from the ground an even connect them across systems via IoT will give the impetus to technologically equipped organizations to go about exploring newer options and avenues for application of UAVs. The industry is all set and braced for the future proliferation of dro0nes in the country. The country is undergoing a rapid transformation thanks to the technology pro Central Government which has been pushing innovators and enterprises, bringing in new technologies for the betterment of the society. Drones too, have a huge scope of opportunity that can be leveraged. Apart from the major sectors, civil usage of drones in emergency services, disaster management will make assessment, response and relief activities can be performed more efficiently than ever before. Bringing in regulations that are pro enterprise level operations would permit private organizations to come up with projects which can ably assist the policy makers in governance and citizen services. Drones are an exciting new prospect and pro policies are pivotal to realizing its application across sectors. The technology is here, but how the government regulations influence its growth in the country, is the big question. AUGUST 2016




As the Indian economy enters a new phase of transformation, the much hailed GST bill will finally be a reality. The consolidation of the structure, which currently has more than 10 separate taxes and duties, is expected to benefit businesses, consumers and the economy. This might be a landmark step, but a lot of work and time is still left in GST being officially implemented. The historic passing of the bill is a new beginning, and the industry is excited about what GST has in store for the future. BY CHITRESH SEHGAL CSEHGAL@ACCENTINFOMEDIA.COM


ednesday 7th of August saw the Rajya Sabha pass the much anticipated GST bill with a majority vote with a deadline of April 1st 2017 to roll out the GST regime in the country. Being touted as the biggest revolution in terms of India taxation laws, the ruling party BJP believes it with have a huge transformational impact on the economy of the country. The GST bill had been stuck in the political corridors for decades till now but this landmark step is expected to go a long way in consolidating the economy. For a layman, GST formally means Goods & Services Tax and it will replace the number of taxes levied by Central government including Central Excise Duty, Duties of Excise, Additional Duties of Customs (commonly known as CVD), Special Additional Duty of Customs (SAD), Service Tax, Cess and surcharges. It will also 26 ENTERPRISE IT WORLD



Rate of GST















New Zealand








subsume state-driven taxes like State VAT, Central Sales Tax, Purchase Tax, Luxury Tax, Entry Tax, Entertainment Tax, cess and surcharges.

GST, when in exercise, will enable a clutter-free tax environment, and also is expected to improve compliance and check on tax evasion. As a nation binder with the motto of One India One Tax, GST’s impact of the economy is being projected to improve check with dual monitoring by the Centre & states to reduce tax evasion, better compliance through real time matching of supplier & purchaser, reduction in approximately Rs 1.8 lakh crore annual loss due to excise duty exemptions and cut in Rs 1.5 lakh crore estimated loss to states due to tax exemptions. On the other hand, that is, from the enterprise perspective, GST has quite a few promises in store like tax credits to lower tax burden, improve profit margin for some, no distinction between product and service for tax, uniform tax across the country to ease business, and smooth movement of products across states. The concept of unified taxation laws is not a new one. Countries like Singapore and New



Zealand tax almost all commodities at a single rate. In China, GST applies only to goods and services like repair, replacement and processing. In Canada, GST replaced the federal manufacturer’s sales tax which was levied at 60%, and was similar to the Indian CENVAT. One of the biggest positives of GST for industry is that it will make India a unified market for business with uniform laws and easy access to state markets. Unified state taxes will erase the need for duties and cess and in turn this will check cascading of tax. The IT industry has welcomed the GST as it will definitely improve the ease of doing business across the country, however many players are still unsure about its long term impact. Pooja Singh, Director, Clockwork Business Solutions, an SAP Gold Partner believes, “Whenever there is a reform or new policy change that is already being successfully implemented in a other countries as well (including Pakistan which already has a GST in place), there are bound to be mixed reactions. I personally think that with the GST we have a single consumption-based tax instead of the earlier manufacturing- based tax. I believe this is

going to bring clarity financially, and also increase efficiency and compliance.” With a wider tax base GST comes as a landmark impact of the economy. NASSCOM President R Chandrashekhar states, “The passage of the amendment bill will unarguably usher in the most impactful tax reform this country has seen. The services industry at large was administered under a single authority in the centre under the Service Tax regime. The simplicity and certainty that it offered needs to be emulated in the GST law that States and Centre adopt subsequently. The new tax regime should also be future ready and cater to the needs of the emerging digital economy in the country.” Mahesh Jaising, Partner, BMR Associates believes the effect is bound to ease the tax headache of businessmen, he remarks, “Presently, the IT industry is plagued with dual taxation in respect of supply of software electronically, AMC contracts, etc – this would get sorted out under GST. IT/ Telecom service providers were ineligible to avail VAT credits on purchase of goods used for provision of services and with seamless flow of credit offered under

GST, tax cost in the system will be reduced to a great extent.” Ashok P. Hinduja, Chairman of Hinduja Group welcomed GST as the biggest transformation since 1991, saying, “GST will be the biggest reform since 1991 which will make India an attractive destination for foreign investments. Manufacturing will get more competitive due to the emergence of a national market as against the present fragmented one. The low tax to GDP ratio of the country will go up, helping the government to adhere to fiscal discipline and keep the inflation in check. It will improve productivity and transparency. Elimination of tax cascading is expected to place the economy in the growth trajectory of 8% and above with seamless flow of goods and services.” Jaswinder Ahuja, Corporate Vice President & Managing Director, Cadence Design Systems believes GST is the key to the success of ‘Make in India’, “We welcome the proposed move to the GST regime by the Government of India. It will help herald a more comprehensive and congruent tax structure benefitting the electronics and semiconductor industries and AUGUST 2016









“It will definitely be beneficial Because it will reduce multiple taxes to one tax structure

“prices of services are likely to go up with the 3% increase in service tax. The effect on goods is

“The new tax regime should also be future ready and cater to the needs of the emerging

and bring uniformity across industries.”

complex and would vary with products.”


THAT GST ABSORBS Central taxes that the GST will replace Central Excise Duty Duties of Excise (medicinal and toilet preparations) l Additional Duties of Excise (goodsof special importance) l Additional Duties of Excise (textiles and textile products) l Additional Duties of Customs (commonly known as CVD) l Special Additional Duty of Customs (SAD) l Service Tax l Cesses and surcharges in so far as they relate to supply of goods or services l l



State taxes that the GST will Subsume State VAT Central Sales Tax l Purchase Tax l Luxury Tax l Entry Tax (all forms) l Entertainment Tax (not levied by local bodies) l Taxes on advertisements l Taxes on lotteries, betting and gambling l State cesses and surcharges l l

digital economy in the country.”

the business communities at large. As the market opportunities for electronics keep getting larger, especially in a growing economy like India, GST will encourage in the seamless transfer of goods and services across the country. It will also give a boost to the ‘Make in India’ campaign.” One thing is certain that implementation of GST will go a long way in boosting the Indian market and also foreign investment with much clearer tax laws. J.B. Hooda, Director, Progression Infonet believes that though GST is going to vastly improve the ease of doing business, how the tax base affects the industry will only be seen with time, “With GST, the business process is sure to get easier as now we won’t have to worry about taxes and registrations. About the Rate of Tax which is 18%, prices of services are likely to go up with the 3% increase from service tax. The effect on goods is complex and would vary with products.” TAIT President Rushabh Shah says companies need to plan the way forward accordingly, Software is taxed twice as service tax and VAT. Now it will be single tax. We feel that GST will simplify compliance and will free up resources to concentrate on business expansion.






“With GST, There WIll Now BE a single consumptionBased tax instead of Earlier manufacturing-

“with decentralised taxation of services, requirement of state-wise Segregation of

Though, implementation will be done only after things are in place, companies need to start planning for future.” With the positives, GST sure has some drawbacks. There is bound to be some inflation with the increased tax rates. The Finance Minister put this at a minimum 0.3-0.7%. The dual Central and State government compliance is another issue that is being said could turn out as a huge challenge for exports to different states. Mahesh Jaising opines, “Centralised billing and accounting for service transactions with respect to pan India contracts under the present regime ensured that taxation of services is simple and clear. However, with decentralised basis of taxation of services, the likely requirement of state-wise segregation of contracts/ billing may prove a huge challenge for the industry. GST may also prove to be a nightmare for service exporter having pan India export units, especially in a case where the service providers are forced to apply for refunds in each state where such services are consumed.” Rajeev Dimri, Indirect Tax Leader for BMR Associates believes there are unknown price fluctuations in store with the implementation of GST,

“GST is likely to subsume some major Central and State levies such as duties of excise, additional duties of customs (applied in lieu of excise and local taxes), service tax, value added tax, central sales tax, entry tax, octroi and luxury tax. These taxes in aggregate constitute typically 25 percent to 40 percent of the price of products with certain categories being taxed at lower rates. There could be a reduction of tax incidence for several product categories if the standard GST rate is notified in the range of 18 percent to 20 percent. Headline tax rate on services is likely to increase as these are currently taxed at 15 percent even though expansion of the input credit base should partially offset the increase.” Apart from this clarity on older exemptions and way forward is a must according to Ashok Hinduja, “Clarity is needed on the continuance of existing exemptions especially those linked to investment made both at the centre and state levels. Input tax credit possible only after ensuring vendor remit the tax to their authorities – provision will be difficult to comply.”Easy ERP MD Kunal Singhal wishes the government clarifies the position of old stocks and transactions soon,

based taxes, Bringing Financial clarity and increased compliance.”

Contracts/ billing may prove a huge challenge for the industry”

“However, with its benefits it brings in a lot of complications. The Input for GST can be claimed only if the seller has posted the details in his return. The complete invoice wise data needs to be uploaded to the department. What will happen to the old stocks and contracts?” As the initial opinion on the viability of GST builds, one thing that industry players have a common belief on is the role on information technology in the successful implementation of GST. Ashok Hinduja believes apart from implementation, timing will also be crucial, “Fullfledged IT system should be in place so that there is no dispute in arriving at the losses incurred by States in the first five years. Roll over on the 1st of April 2017 may affect the last quarter business of 2016-2017. Hence, implementation during mid 2017-18 would be ideal and preferable.” However, a lot of verticals see unsure on how the bill will impact business, Sanjeev Bikhchandani, Chairman, NASSCOM Internet Council and Executive Vice Chairman, Infoedge, believes there are apprehensions which need to be addressed, “The GST regime should adapt to these changes with an eye on the future. However, apprehensions prevail on the administrative requirements that could potentially render internet enabled businesses uncompetitive. We believe this is not the intent of the Government and will work closely with Revenue officials towards enabling a simple and enabling GST regime for all.” KR Sreenivasan, Founder and Director at Infoholic Research also cites a lot of worry among industries, “However, various sectors currently operating in India are going to get impacted that is for sure. The industries that will benefit are Auto Media & Entertainment and Consumer Staples. Meanwhile, taxes on Banking sector, Consumer discretionary, Telecom and Pharma sector will go up and this might have some effect in consumers. Sectors like cement, metals and transportation will not see any major bearing as change in the rate of tax is minimal even after GST in these industry segments.” There is no doubt that the GST is a welcome change in the financial system which had grown and branched into a complex structure. The equal state tax everywhere in the country will come as a huge plus making India a unified market not just for domestic businesses, but foreign traders too. There will be better compliance and check too and tax cascading is also bound to come down. But the true impact of such a major step will only be witnessed through time. Before its implementation, next year, the government needs to ready the infrastructure for its implementation. IT and digital are expected to play a big role, but the real impact of this Economical Revolution can only be gauged with time. AUGUST 2016





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