Buy & Sell December-January 2020-21

Page 1

Addison Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36-37 Black Hawk Real Estate . . . . . . . . .20-21 Brandon W. Frazier, Attorney at Law PLLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Cabin & Creek Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22-26 Conner Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Crye-Leike Stedman Realtors . . . . . . . .7 Debbie Stovall Realty, LLC . . . . . .12-13 Doug Rushing Realty, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Tylertown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28-29 McComb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30-35 First Bank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 4 Corner Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 First South Farm Credit . . . . . . . . . . . .40

Frazier Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Homes and Land Real Estate. . . . . . .27 Larry Bright Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Latter & Blum Hometown Realty. . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-17 NOLA Lending Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Quality Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 R & C Realty Group . . . . . . . . . . . .18-19 RE/MAX Southland Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Robison & Holmes, Attorneys . . . . . . .15 Services Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Christmas Tree Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 United Country Gibson Realty . . . . . .8-9

To sell your home quickly, tell your Realtor to advertise in Buy & Sell and get results!

Buy & Sell

Buy & Sell is a bi-monthly publication of the Enterprise-Journal. All rights reserved. All advertising photos and copy ads contained herein are solely the responsibility of the advertiser. All advertised houses are subject to prior sale. The Enterprise-Journal reserves the right to edit or refuse any advertising submitted to this publication. All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of dwellings, and in other housing-related transactions, based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under the age of 18), and handicap (disability). This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.

601-684-2421 tÉ=aç=_ìëáåÉëë=áå=^ÅÅçêÇ~åÅÉ=táíÜ=íÜÉ=cÉÇÉê~ä=c~áê=eçìëáåÖ=i~ï EqáíäÉ=sfff=çÑ=íÜÉ=`áîáä=oáÖÜíë=^Åí=çÑ=NVSUI=~ë=^ãÉåÇÉÇ=Äó=íÜÉ=eçìëáåÖ=~åÇ=`çããìåáíó=aÉîÉäçéãÉåí=^Åí=çÑ=NVTQF

Market good despite virus Broker said low interest rates propel business

By Caleb McCluskey Enterprise-Journal The real estate business had a good year despite the pandemic that devastated other small business sectors across the nation, according to 4 Corner Properties owner Gary Stewart. Stewart said despite the pandemic, the market has done fairly well. He believes as long as interest rates stay low, the housing market will stay the course. “From what I’m gathering, 2020 from a real estate perspective has been a decent year,” he said. “It has held on the trend of previous years under the current administration, but, of course, with the pandemic and a new administration coming on, there is some uncertainty there. “I think the low-interest rates are fueling the business, so I think the interest rates are going to determine how the industry is going to go. As long as they stay low, the real estate business is going to be pretty good.” He also noted that the stock market’s disorder this year has led more people into real estate because it is “something tangible” that can be used while accruing value. Stewart has some knowledge of moving from sector to sector during a tough time. He said he moved from buying and selling land and tim-

Cover On the

Let the agents at 4 Corner Properties help you with your next real estate transaction. Check out the listings on page 5.


ber in 2009 to real estate when the market crashed during the 2008 housing bubble crashed. “After the recession, you know, real estate crashed, banking crash, and that was when I got my license,” he said. “Real estate crashed,

Brookhaven. The smell of lumber from a nearby sawmill fills the air as visitors walk into the simple, rustic office filled with trophies from successful hunts, including ducks, turkey feet and feathers, deer and even an empty paper wasp nest.

well. “4 Corner Properties is geared toward land and agriculture, so that is our bread and butter. However, we do have agents that specialize in residential. Everyone needs a house. Not everybody needs 100 acres, but everybody has got to have a house,” he said. “It is a full-service real estate company.” His company has around 35 agents between his Lincoln County headquarters and Jackson office, and Stewart said each has their own strengths and set of skills. “Our agents all have different backgrounds,” he said. “They bring an array of expertise through real-life experience and education to help buyers and sellers make the right choice. That is what I look for in an agent. Not just someone who can sell a piece of property.” Stewart said buying a home is on average a one- or twice-in-a-lifetime experience, so he and his agents are there to facilitate buyers and give them as much information as they can before the buying process “You want the buyer to get the best deal, but you don’t want the seller to leave any money on the table, so you want both sides to walk away with a good deal,” he said.

In photo: Tonya Stewart and Gary Stewart

and it was so risky to buy and sell anymore. You could list it for people that needed to buy or sell, so it kind of took the risk out of the real estate business.” 4 Corner Properties is located at 149 Auburn Drive just off Interstate 55 and just south of Highway 84 in


Stewart started working in the lumber industry in 1989 and slowly worked his way into the real estate by 2009 when he got his licenses. His real estate business primarily deals in land sales for poultry farms, timber and hunting, but it has residential and commercial listings as

Buy Sell • December - January 2020-21

Brookhaven Office 149 Auburn Drive SW Bogue Chitto, MS 39629 Office: 601-952-2828 or visit them online at


Gary Stewart Owner/Broker MS/LA Realtor 601-757-3009

Tonya Stewart MS/LA Realtor 601-754-3006

Lila Robin MS/LA Realtor 601-748-3080

Clint Stewart MS/LA Realtor Forester 601-757-8787

Cathy T. Bradley Realtor 601-320-4663

Richie Privette LA Realtor 985-373-7333

Jaymie Palmer Realtor 601-810-3569


Just A FEW of Our Listings IF YOU ARE A BUYER, WE ARE YOUR AGENT!!! iáåÅçäå=`çìåíó √=NMP=^îÉåìÉ=_=_êççâÜ~îÉåI=jp √==VSQ`=_êççâï~ó=_äîÇ=EiÉ~ëÉF= `ÜÉÅâ=çìí=íÜáë=åÉ~í=P_oLO_^ _áÖ=_çñ=aáëíK ÜçãÉ=áå=~=èìáÉí=Åçããìåáíó= √==QPU=dêÉÉåïççÇ=iåJ=Q=_oLP=_~íÜ=== √==NPV=gçëÉéÜáåÉ=pí=i~êÖÉ=äçíI çå=T=~ÅêÉë=ÅäçëÉ=íç=íçïåK √====Q_oLP_^=QMMMÛ=çîÉêëáòÉÇ=ÜçãÉ=ëáíì~í= ÑêÉëÜ=é~áåí=~åÇ=ÅäçëÉ=íç=íçïå ÉÇ=çå=NN=ÄÉ~ìíáÑìääó=ã~åáÅìêÉÇ=~ÅêÉëK= √==NPV=b=`ÜáééÉï~=pí=qìêåâÉó==Äìëá eçãÉ=ÑÉ~íìêÉë=Éñé~åëáîÉ=Ñêçåí=éçêÅÜI= åÉëëI=ÅÉåíê~ääó=äçÅ~íÉÇIçéíáçå=çÑ=àìëí= ÜìÖÉ=ä~ìåÇêó=êççãI=é~îÉÇ=ÇêáîÉï~ó= íÜÉ=ÄìáäÇáåÖ=ïáíÜçìí=íÜÉ=ÄìëáåÉëëK √==OUMM=pìããáí=aêáîÉ=mêáÅÉÇ=íç=ëÉääI=P_o== ~åÇ=ã~åó=ãçêÉ=ÇÉëáê~ÄäÉ=ÑÉ~íìêÉëK O_^=ÜçãÉ=çå=O=~ÅêÉë=pçäÇ √==PS=^ÅêÉëI=Ñêçåíë=fJRRk=C=máâÉ=`çK= √==ONQN=wÉíìë=oÇ=_êççâÜ~îÉåI=jp=J= iáåÉ=oÇK==mÉåÇáåÖ Q_oLP_^=ïáíÜ=Ä~Åâ=é~íáçI=ëé~Åáçìë== √==SM=^ÅêÉë=PMMM=oç~Ç=cêçåí~ÖÉ=pb=iáå= ÅçäåK`çK=qáãÄÉê=C=eìåíáåÖI=eçìëÉ=páíÉëK= êççãëLëìåêççãë=~åÇ=áãã~Åìä~íÉ= √==ONO=^ÅêÉë=pb=iáåÅçäåLpt==i~ïêÉåÅÉ=`çK âÉéí=ó~êÇK= √==RTO=t=`çåÖêÉëë=pí=_êççâÜ~îÉåI=jp= √==OM=H=^ÅêÉ=íê~Åâ=áå=pb=iáåÅçäå=`çK= qÜáë=áë=~=ìåáèìÉ=éáÉÅÉ=çÑ=éêçéÉêíó=áå= √==NN=^ÅêÉ=ÄÉ~ìíó=áå=kb=iáåÅçäå=`ç íÜ~í=áí=áåÅäìÇÉë=U=êÉëáÇÉåíá~ä=êÉåí~ä= √==OQPQ=etv=RUP=pbJ`çìåíêó=R=~ÅêÉ ~é~êíãÉåíëI=~å=çÑÑáÅÉ=ëé~ÅÉI=~=ãÉí ëÉííáåÖ=ïÉää=ã~áåí~áåÉÇ=ÜçãÉ √==OVKR=~ÅêÉë=ïLÇÄä=êÇK=Ñêçåí~ÖÉ===C=ÅêÉÉâK ~ä=ïçêâëÜçé=~åÇ=~ää=çå=NKR=~ÅêÉëK √==QOKUP=~ÅêÉë=çÑ=ÖÉåíäó=êçääáåÖ=éêçéÉêíó= √==NRM=~ÅêÉëÓ=_ÉíÜÉä=oÇ=J=ÜçãÉJëáíÉëI= éáåÉ=~åÇ=Ü~êÇ=ïççÇëI=éçåÇëK ÅçîÉêÉÇ=áå=óçìåÖ=Ü~êÇ=ïççÇC=éáåÉ √==NMV^=oáÅÜãçåÇ=qê~áä=_êççâÜ~îÉåI=jp=J= √==SUS=etv=RUP=_êççâÜ~îÉåI=jp=Ó= mÉêÑÉÅí=ÜçãÉ=çê=áåîÉëíãÉåí=éêçéÉêíó O_oLN_^=Ñ~êãÜçìëÉ=NQM=~ÅêÉë=áå=bå P_oLO_^=íçïåÜçìëÉ=íÜ~í=ëáíë=çå=~=ÅçêJ íÉêéêáëÉ=pÅÜççä=aáëíêáÅíK= åÉê=äçí=áå=íÜÉ=ÜÉ~êí=çÑ=_êççâÜ~îÉåK=== √===iáåÅçäå=NT=etv=RUP=Ó=P_oLN_^=NVRMë Ñ~êãÜçìëÉ=ïáíÜ=~=ïçêâëÜçé=ãáåìíÉë= pçäÇ √===OQPQ=eïó=RUP=ÑÉ~íìêÉë=Q_oLO_^=ïÉää== Ñêçã=ÜáëíçêáÅ=Ççïåíçïå=_êççâÜ~îÉå mofjb=il`^qflk>>> ã~áåí~áåÉÇ=ÜçãÉ=áå=_çÖìÉ=`Üáííç== pÅÜççä=aáëíêáÅí>=mÉåÇáåÖ

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BUYERS...Call 4 CORNER PROPERTIES today...We don’t want you to OVERPAY!!!


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601-684-7770 e-mail address:

Wayne Frazier, Broker Cell: 601-248-9264

Check our Website for local listings that we can sell!

346A Scott Dr., McComb, MS 39648 • RESIDENTIAL ORR=tbpq=o^fiol^a=^sbKI j^dklif^ √=P_LO_^qe=objlabiba efpqlof`^i=eljb √=tefqb=mf`hbq=cbk`b=fk=colkq=== ^ka=i^odb=qobbp=clo=dlla pe^ab √=colkq=mlo`e=^ka=ob^o=ab`h= √=pqlo^db=peba=^ka=pqlo^db= ollj===


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We offer property management services on residential and commercial properties. Also offering property rentals. Call Frazier Realty at 601-684-7770 for details.

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Phone 601-876-3654 1211 Magnolia Ave., Tylertown, MS 39667 ESTABLISHED - 1966 Located 3 blocks west of the Courthouse Web Site:

Your personal service Larry Bright Broker/Realtor


Beth Cowart Realtor

in Tylertown


SO MOVE IN READY! 819 Meadowbrook Lane, Tylertown, MS— Are you looking for a great deal on a house? Well, this is it. This 1271 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 1 bath, brick home with carport and utility room would be a great starter, investment, or retirement home. Outside you will enjoy a wonderful patio in the back with 2 storage sheds. This house also comes with a large extra lot in the back which would be great for a garden or other activities. You will enjoy this nice quiet neighborhood which is located close to downtown Tylertown. Priced at $89,500.



805 Memory Lane - This home is turn key ready in a very nice part of town. 1368 sq. ft, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, nice living roomdining room, opens to back screened porch. Large lot and outdoor storage bldg. Only $99,500. Must see now


618 Broad Street—This is the old Dr. Crawford home, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2262 sq. ft. heated and cooled, zoned residential or professional. Wit a little TLC this Victorian home can be restored to its former glory. $59,000



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518 Cleveland Avenue—3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2000 sq. ft. heated and cooled, beautiful courtyard opening to a 3-room guest house, all on 1 acre corner lot with large live oaks providing plenty of shade. You will fall in love with this house. $120,000.


414 Broad Street—Classic style, 2,112 sq. ft. home in great neighborhood on dead-end street. Its privacy is great, back of lot goes all the way to Dry Creek. 3 bedrooms, updated 2 baths, and kitchen, hardwood floors, has a living room and a den. $85,000.



911 Pecan Lane - Pretty home on corner large lot. 2,200 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, elegant breeze way, double carport. Only $85,000.





704 Broad St.—In town, great location, 1500 sq. ft. near elementary school, two bedrooms, 1 bath, great retirement home, walk to town. $50,000.

Commercial—312, 314, and 316 Tyler Avenue—Three separate buildings. Known as the old bakery in Tylertown. Great rental property on the well traveled and high exposed Hwy 27 in the middle of town, all totaled 24,000 sq. feet. All New Roof! Great Investment. Only $69,000.

Payne Road and Hwy. 98 - 19 wooded acres just on the edge of Tylertown - off Hwy. 98. $79,500.




720 Union Road - Nearly 2 acres and a spacious 2,220 sq. ft. in a great neighborhood in town across from the library, 3 bedrooms, (2 on 1 end and 1 on the other), 2 baths, living roomdining room, den, kitchen. Carpet over beautiful hardwood floors, all brick and carpet. $85,000.


Buy Sell


Investment Land—20 beautiful acres in town. Trees and open spaces. $60,000

Where Experience & Professionalism Go Hand In Hand


COMMERCIAL LEASE - 1024 Hwy 51 &98,Suite D, McComb, (across from WalMart . approx.1500 sq. ft. 4 offices, reception area, 1/2 bath, large meeting room, CHA, off street parking. $1,625 monthly.


217 S. Broadway - Commercial location could be nice office location, entry foyer, 3 offices, kitchen and break area. Heart pine floors, mostly beaded board walls, 3 antique mantels. REDUCED to $49,900. Broker Owner


3061 Cowart Price Rd. Tylertown, MS Log cabin on 19.5 acres +/- with pond approximately 6 to 7 acres open balance in nice timber. Located in North Pike School, the cabin has 3 bedrooms a loft, 2 baths and a large family room with fireplace. Needs some finishing work. Asking $195,000.00.






428 N. Broadway - Commercial metal building currently use as car detail business. Building has a small office with half bath, drive through and shop on other end. REDUCED to $39,000.00


129 Acres +/- Smithtown Rd. - Approx. 1/2 mile frontage on Topisaw Creek. Back 90 acres has approx. 47 acres of planted pine ready to thin and balance in young hardwood and front 39 acres mostly cutover with some regeneration. $520,000. BROKER/OWNER





42.3 acres +/- SUMMIT-HOLMESVILLE RD. at RABBIT LN, approximately 40 acres in 3 year old planted pines balance in hardwoods. North Pike School Dist., excellent hunting and close to Bogue Chitto River. Asking $124,900. BROKER/OWNER.

NNMR=o~åÉó=`áê 2000 Clayton Danville mobile home, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen with breakfast area, nice family room, central heat and air, with front and back porch. Mobile home to be moved. only$19750.00

1.5 Acres +/- McComb Cedar Ridge Residential home site on private road. REDUCED $25,000. By IC Lake. Broker/Owner

LOT• 655 Delaware Ave. $31,500.00

4114 & 4116 Hwy. 51 M-M - Two metal buildings, 4114 has 5 offices, waiting area, central heat & air and 1/2 bath. Back of 4114 has lounge area with large living area, resting area and full bath. 4116 is shop area with approximately 2420 square feet. All located on approximately 1 acre. Asking $325,000.


Buy Sell


Wxuu|x fàÉätÄÄ

Relocating Families Across America or Across Town with Years of Experience... We ª Referrals

Realty, Realty, LLC LLC


Wxuu|x fàÉätÄÄ?




701 Laurel St. • Summit, MS 39666 601-276-2100 E-mail:

Kit Stovall,



Jacob Brumfield 601-248-7036

2440 Bethel Road, New Listing, Deer Run, just outside Liberty with fifty beautiful acres. Beautiful Quiet and secluded Country Setting. Cypress siding outside and some cypress ceilings. Old heart pine for floors add to the casual, yet elegant remodeled and with new addition space indoors. A porch on each side to enjoy the surroundings of 8000 planted pines on property and Gorgeous Stocked Pond.


10007 Osyka Progress rd Magnolia, MS MLS #: R131769A - Well kept house located in the progress community. Enjoy your privacy on 9+/acres. Three bedroom three baths, sun room and office. Outdoor shed and pole barn for all your toys. Conveniently located just 12 min from Magnolia and 17 minutes from McComb. $235,000

5007 Highway 48 W, McComb, MS MLS # 131684 - Charming two story house just minutes from Mccomb. House is located just north of Percy Quin state park. Concrete driveway, above ground pool and deck. Pool house/ apartment. Three bedrooms down stairs, open layout style kitchen and living room. Upstairs master bedroom and bath with living room and workout space. $390,000

P e n d in

Tyler Drive Summit, MS MLS #: L131336A- Looking for a beautiful place to build your forever home? Or just a small piece of land for great hunting and fishing.on the weekends? You will love the quiet setting of this 14-acre track nestled into this fantastic location just about 6 minutes to the MALL. Convenient for anything you need. Shopping, Hospital, Grocery, Pharmacy...!! $98,000


325 7th St, McComb, MS Spacious home close to Schools, is back on Market...and it is reduced.Home has been Remodeled, New Roof, New Kitchen,3 Bed, 2 Baths, hardwood floors. Energy efficient windows. High Ceilings, large rooms. Concrete, enclosed Crawl Space. Home has private entrance and parking from Virginia Avenue $129,900


1090 Old Mill Rd., Osyka - 129 Acres. Turn key deal. Offers everything from trails for horseback riding, fishing, hunting and timber in different stages. Also a 36x90 barn with living quarters and 12 ft. overhang with tractors and other equipment. $495,000 - MLS# L129190


Buy Sell

601 Maxine Ave, McComb, MS - Great Location near the Hospital, Walmart, Mall, Walgreens, and everything else the city has to offer. It is rented and tenant needs notice before showing. To be sold with Court approval. 3 bed, 2 bath,100 sqft 0.29acre lot

Wxuu|x fàÉätÄÄ

Relocating Families Across America or Across Town with Years of Experience... We ª Referrals

Realty, Realty, LLC LLC


Wxuu|x fàÉätÄÄ?




701 Laurel St. • Summit, MS 39666 601-276-2100 E-mail:

Kit Stovall,



Jacob Brumfield 601-248-7036

2047 Cecil Reeves Rd, Wesson, MS, 39191 - 8 house chicken farm. There are 3 46'x500' houses finished in 2017. There are 4 44'x500' finished in 2002 and retrofitted in 2014 and 1 house that is 40'x420' finished in 1998 and retrofitted in 2014. John Deere Gator 855D, John Deere ztrak 997 zero turn mower, Kubota M9960 4x4, John Deere 5085m Front end loader 4x4, John Deere 3038 Front end loader 4x4, 500 gallon fuel tank. You wont find a cleaner farm than this one. 4 bed, 3 bath, 1,600sqft, 52.65acre lot. Call today.

LAND 1 5 0 + /- A


Hwy. 48, McComb - Minutes from town, borders Percy Quin State Park. Lots of river frontage on Tangipahoa. Great deer hunting. 150+/- acres +/-. $350,000.

Shell Oil Rd., Summit - 6 year old planted pines, good deer hunting, and a good timber investment. $80,000. L126465(A) n ­­n­n Robb Street, Summit - Corner lot approx size 125 x 146, next to Summit Post Office in Summit. Zoned Commercial C-1. Estate of Wilton Washington. Great possibilities. $29,000. n­n­n

Robb Street Summit Great Lot in Summit.. Corner Lot next to the Summit Post Office. Cleared and would need less done for a building site. It is in consideration for the commercial zoning change in Summit and The Price may change following.

Buck Circle - Two acre lot in a fantastic location ready to build your new home. Very close to downtown McComb. $15,000. It is located very close to Downtown Summit or McComb.

W Presley Blvd McComb, One of the zoned, "Highway Commercial" - 2acre parcels available, #1, #2, or #3. Each Has Frontage on Presley Blvd. Take your pick of one of three parcels or purchase all three. There is a possibility of purchasing all 30 Acres if needed. This has great visibility and in high traffic locations close to I-55. See the survey drawing attached. Corners Old Liberty Street. The entire 32 Acres also corners Parklane. MLS #: L130450A

n­n­n 00 Baldwin and Calhoun St. Summit, MS MLS #: L129112A - Located within walking distance from downtown Summit. Perfect location for single home or can be developed into small gated subdivision.. Great potential. $25,000 n­n­n 1105 Oak Street Summit, MS MLS #: L130738A - Nice Corner Lot for Your New Home... with a Great Price for this vacant property. This will be sold with the courts' approval. $12,000


Buy Sell


Ole Springs Rd Summit, MS 5.1 acres of land for sale on the west side of Lake Dixie Springs. Frontage directly on the creek and bayou feeding the lake. just a few miles north of Summit and McComb, MS and is less than 3 miles from I-55. $56,000....MLS #: L123916S `~ää=háí=qçÇ~ó>=OOUJONSJPNMM




Buy Sell

Real Estate Guide Services Directory KIM SCHMIDT Area Manager

Ph: 601.876.3317 P.O. Box 268 Voice Mail Ext #11 Tylertown, MS 39667 Cell: 601.810.6566

Let the Real Estate Market know about your business by placing your ad here!


Buy Sell


Carol Easley Broker-Owner 601-810-0221

Robin McDaniel Broker-Owner 601-249-9520

Barry Smith 601-248-3734

Lindsey Wool 504-237-2145

June Gilbert 601-248-3738

Bob Miller 504-621-5895

Kim Moak 601-551-9988

Don Jackson 601-248-0848

703 Delaware Ave. McComb, MS. (601) 249-0485 R




1130 Slay Road • $748,888 5Bedroom, 4.5Bath Attached guest house. Approx. 20 acres, 2 ponds

3123 Cole Thomas Rd. • $ 146,000 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bath Priced below appraisal! Recently refurbished


705 A & B Robb St. • $275,000 Three seperate rental units six car parking in rear Owner/Agent





3 br, 2.5 b split level home Close to hospital, shopping and grocery Brick patio and storage building


2 bedroom, 2 bath cottage Guest house Above ground pool


4575 Barron Rd Summit • $475,000

325 Delaware Ave • $240,000

Luxury country living at its finest! Located on approx 4 acres in Amite County 3 Br, 2.5 b, w/too many aminities to list Additional accreage avail.

10 rooms, 2 bathroom Commercial property Located on one of McCombs busiest streets


1417 Wren St • $120,000




715 Burke Ave $119,500





520 Jackson Ave • $105,000 3 bedroom, 2 bath brick rancher Spacious kitchen, large family room


Buy Sell

908 Delaware Ave. • $85,000

Was recently used as medical clinic. May purchase the building with all equipment for $129,000


(601) 249-0485



1010 Bogue Chitto

3 br, 2 bath mobile home approx 14.5 acres in Bogue Chitto Schools Shady trees and 2 stocked ponds


523 Hillcrest Dr $69,900 3 br, 1 bath brick house cathedral ceiling in den fenced yard



32 Luthers Rd • $60,000

3 Bedroom, 1 bath New roof Located in Walthal County


405 West St N

1013 Lazy J Lane Magnolia • $349,000

411 S Second St., Gloster • $109,900 3 BR, 2B renovated Victorian home 12 ft ceilings, beautiful real pine and oak hardwood floors, wood counter tops, claw foot tub, farm sink

3194 Shell Oil Rd • $79,500 3BR, 1 bath Great fixer upper for refuge in the country. NPSD on approx. 5.9 acres

3 bedroom, 2 bathroom brick rancher Fenched back yard We helped this buyer, let us help you too!

3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bathroom, renovated home Heart pine floors, cypress doors, renovated home garage w/workshop on approx. 30 wooded acres


908 10th St McComb • $55,000

3 bedroom, 2 bathroom Brick ranch style house Close to everything McComb has to offer.




1057 Shelia Dr. • $64,000 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bath CH/A, gas water heater Brick ranch style house

144 Horseshoe Rd Tylertown • $74,900 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom mobile home outdoor equipment shed with electricity 30 minutes north of Franklinton, LA

2105 Wardlaw Rd • $60,000

530 Third St. • $68,000 3 bed, 2 bath Victorian Home Window units, space heaters Wraparound porch

918 College St. • $ 49,000

507 3rd St., McComb • $37,500 3 Bedroom, 1 bath Window units, space heaters Long term rental property

1208 Harper St. • $35,000 2 Bedroom, 1 bath Window units, space heaters Currently rented

3 Bedroom, 2 bath Kitchen, Living room, dining room Large backyard

5945 Highway 584 Liberty $92,000 Cute 4 bedroom 2 bath home open floor plan


Buy Sell

3 bedroom, 2 bathroom mobile home Completely renovated approx 2.97 acres

Park Place lot. This quiet country living 4 acres property is the premier site within the Rusland Village subdivision $53,000

Lot #34 Cedar Cove $16,000 Beautiful home site in Dixie Springs Estates. Vacant improvements.

1004 Oakleigh Dr. Corner Lot with Utilities and House Pad $44,900

1096 Alford Bridge RD. $75,000 Hillcrest Farms $11,900


601-684-2474 Office

Residential • Land • Commercial 4080 Hwy. 24 West, McComb, MS 39648



Rick McAlister

Connie McAlister

Broker/Owner 601-218-1150

Realtor/Owner 601-831-0225





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"Experienced, Caring Professionals Looking Out For You!" 18


Buy Sell


Residential • Land • Commercial 4080 Hwy. 24 West, McComb, MS 39648 P.O. Box 3232, Brookhaven, MS 39602 601-684-2474




Richard Hall

Teri Hawn

Justin Hawn

Realtor 601-341-1424

Broker/Realtor 601-310-8304

Realtor 601-467-2627



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20 Acres - Horseshoe Ln, McComb - $79,500 MLS #131466 (Hunting/Timber) 21 Acres - Raborn Rd, Magnolia - $75,000 MLS #127593 (Hunting/Timber) 10 Acres - Robb St Ext, Summit - $99,500 MLS #130830 (Covenants) 10 Acres - Essie Ln, Summit (Pond) - $85,500 MLS #130839 (Covenants) 27 Acres - Sagewood Dr, Brookhaven - $177,900 MLS #128825 (Building sites) 8 Acres - W. Industrial Park Rd. Brookhaven - $260,000 MLS #128824(Commercial) 35 Acres - W. Industrial Park Rd. Brookhaven - $437,900 MLS #129581 17 Acres - Mudline Rd, Magnolia - $44,750 - MLS #124919 (Hunting) 33 Acres - Mudline Rd, Magnolia - $83,450 - MLS #130853 (Hunting) 51 Acres - Mudline Rd. Magnolia - $128,200 - MLS #130854 (Hunting) 25.87 Acres - 000 Summit Holmesville Rd, McComb - $116,415 MLS#131505 (NPSD) .92 Acres - Lot - 501A Commanche Dr, McComb - $20,000 - MLS #132140 1+ Acre - Lots 1010 Robb St. Ext, Summit - $12,500 - MLS #132039 1+ Acre - Lots 1010 Essie Ln, Summit - $8600 - MLS #131878 60 Acres - Running Horses Estates, Hwy 10E, Clinton, LA $795,000 MLS #133420

"Experienced, Caring Professionals Looking Out For You!"


Buy Sell


BLACK HAWK REAL ESTATE 601-276-9551 1136 Hwy. 51 South Summit

FAX 601-276-9552

Gerald Honea REALTOR Cell 601-551-5148

Ray Smith Broker Cell 601-249-6957

Ray Smith, Broker - Home, 601-276-2129 Realtor Associates

1004 Heritage Dr, Summit, MS 39666 - NPSD This executive quality house located in one of North Pike School Districts fastest growing subdivisions. The home features a great room with gas log fireplace, 10 foot ceiling with executive quality millwork. The kitchen comes with granite counter tops, good quality appliances and large pantry. The house has three bedrooms featuring a master bedroom and master bath with large walk in closet, double vanity, stand up shower and large tub. You will certainly love the large sunroom for your plants or just enjoy using it for a recreation room, sewing room, or art studio with all the natural light. Priced to sell $269,900

700 Chestnut St., Summit, MS 39666 This is the old Summit Post OfficeBuilding. This good quality commercial building features a metal roof, block w/ brick veneer walls, no load bearing interior walls, perfect for retail. The Summit retail climate is excellent and building will sell quickly at $120,000. Phone today Ray Smith Broker 601-249-6957




1021 Smith Ln, McComb, MS, 39648 This one is in move in condition, nothing to be done, just bring your furniture. Executive quality throughout with six panel solid wood doors, vaulted ceiling in family room with great view overlooking the manicured 4.86 acres of hardwood and fish pond with waterfalls. House features three bedrooms with 3.5 baths, formal dining, breakfast area, large utility room and nice entrance foyer. The house comes with large woodworking shop with new roof, central vacuum system, motor home shed with utility hook-ups, and a detached single carport with guest bedroom or office space with half bath. All on 4.86 manicured acres. Come See! $279,500

1129 Wheelock St., Mccomb, MS You will have plenty of room for your family in this 3BR, 2 bath home on corner lot featuring large living room, kitchen with all appliances. For the business person, there’s a home office with exterior entrance formally used as a beauty shop. The aluminum portable handicap ramp be easily removed. The oak hardwood floors throughout the home have recently been sanded. Large basement with overhead door is ready for your handyman shop. $124,500 $119,900



701 Peters St, Summit, MS,





3169 Shell Oil Rd. Black Hawk Sold this. We can sell yours!



ED ) AT ered V I RE MOTonsid ER c LL rs SE o ffe l (al


D 1887 Williams Rd., Amite County

1062 Howell Dr. Another Black Hawk Sale! List with us.


This country home on approximately 3 acres is located in the Gillsburg area of Amite Co. convenient to Baton Rouge and Hammond. The exterior is brick with metal roof and the interior features 3 BR’s and 2 baths with updated kitchen featuring new granite countertops and ceramic back splash. Lots of interior storage area and several outbuildings. $175,000.

1048 Lakeview Dixie Springs Estate We are selling! List with Black Hawk.


Buy Sell



Ray Smith, Broker - 601-276-9551, 601-276-2129 • Email

1136 Hwy. 51 South, Summit

Black Hawk Sales People Can Show You Any Listing in this Guide


1068 Dogwood Trail, McComb Bogue Chitto Water Park Summer is right around the corner. No better way to enjoy it than a cabin on the Bogue Chitto River. Only $45,000 with one acre.





504 Laurel St., Summit

Don’t miss seeing this great family home featuring 4-5BR, 2 baths, featuring hardwood floors, CH/A and fenced yard. $99,500. $89,500.



407 West Ave N., McComb, MS This 3/BR, 2 bath home has been completely renovated. $139,500


329 Brine Ave., McComb, MS Good investment property.

426 Cameron, McComb, MS

This large family home features 3 BR, 2 bath, large wrap around porch, living room dining and is move-in ready. House is in good condition with new paint and new roof. $99,500

Freeman Rd., Lincoln Co.

49 acres with camp, prime hunting with 1800 sq. ftg commercially built metal building with camp inside. The camo has livingroom with a vaulted ceiling, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and full bath. Sliding door on end of room for tractor, four wheelers, shop, and equipment. $183,500.

108 Price St. , Mccomb , MS . This one is zoned for commercial or professional use. Great location for child care, attorney office, CPA, medical related or you decide. Residential use 3BR, 2 bath. $143,000.

To see our Listings go to NEW LISTING - Freeman Rd. 49 Acres with camp NEW LISTING - 28 Acres Burt Jordan Road in Franklin County. $3,500/Acre. Current survey.





Edgewood Mall Smithdale Road

1015 Park St. N., McComb

Professional Office Building in Medical District

3 Bedroom, 1 & 1/2 Bath home with tons of storage. The kitchen/dining area features Knotty Pine cabinets and walls. features a large bar with pedestal bar stools. Has a Pantry/storage near kitchen. The living room is huge and the floors have been professionally redone. Living area and Bedrooms were recently painted. Sewer lines and water piping replaced. Has a new Hot water heater. The home is on an over size lot and has low maintenance exterior. Home is clean and move in ready. Schedule an appointment and come take a look. You will like what you see. Motivated seller. $85,000. or Best Offer

D Call forLinfo. SO Currently used for medical office. Summit

Hwy. 51

NEW LISTING - 17+ acres inside Summit city limits with all utilities, water, sewer, electrical, and natural gas on site ready for development. $97,000. --LOTS High Point Gated Subdivision, Summit - Three one acre lots available, prices range $25,000 to $35,000. Deed restrictions --Three 1 acre building lots Golf Lane, Summit - Your choice $18,000 each $12,000 each. Community water available. --NPSD - Old farm house and 15 acres $90,500

Black Hawk





Buy Sell


Chuck Paulk Broker-Owner 601-810-2104

Adrianne Weekley Becky Barron Realtor Broker Associate 601-324-9698 601-754-9638

Sherry Davis Realtor 601-757-9981

Jillian Nettles Realtor 601-209-2222

Angela Simmons Realtor 601-248-0643

Poonam Budhiraja Realtor 701-552-2937

Andy Lewis Realtor 601-341-9433

Angela Waguespack Realtor 985-703-0178

1105 Laurel St., Suite A, Summit, MS 39666

601-680-4606 Locally Owned & Operated

Taylor Armstreet Realtor 601-551-8150

Napoleon Hodges Realtor 601-248-4623

Featured Property

1186 Old Liberty Rd. - McComb, MS $539,000 • 3600 SF, 3 Bedroom, 3 Bath • Greek Revival, Renovated Kitchen, Hardwood Floors • 41 Acres, Landscaped, Barn

! D L O S

1050 Emileigh Dr. - Summit, MS $324,900 • 3050 SF, 3 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath • French Country Style, Custom Built • 2 Acres Landscaped yard, North Pike

1407 Delaware Ave. - Mccomb $295,000 • Prime Commercial Site • 3500 SF, Parking Area, Direct Road Front • High Traffic Count, Additional Lot Available



Buy Sell


Locally Owned & Operated


1050 Chantilly Dr., Summit, MS $279,000 • 2331SF, 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath • New Construction, Top Quality • 1.67 Acre Lot,, NPSD

6761 MS Hwy 569 N - Smithdale, MS $275,000 • 2120SF, 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths • Wood Fireplace, Large Bedrooms • 14 Acres, Secluded, Nice Pool

! D L O S

1015 Chantilly - Summit, MS $255,000 • 2006SF, 4 Bedrooms, 2 Baths • New Construction, Upscale Kitchen • 1.82 Acres, Nice Subdivision, NPSD

1.12 Acres - Lake Dixie Springs, Summit $250,000 • Waterfront Directly on Lake • Utilities at Site, Pier, Great Views! • Boat Slip, Boat Ramp, NPSD

1059 Hwy 51 & 98 - McComb, MS $199,000 • Prime Commercial Lot • High Visibility, High Traffic Count • Corner Lot on 51

8115 Summit Holmesville Rd - McComb, MS $179,500 • 2000 SF, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bath, • Cathedrial Ceiling, Spacious Living • 1 Acres, Fenced Yard, NPSD

1135 Ave. F Ext. - McComb, MS $210,000 • 1100 SF, 3 Units • Perfect Rental Opportunity • 15.29 Acres, Room for More Units

Corner of Rawls & White - McComb, MS $175,000 • 40,000 SF Commercial Lot • Zoned C2, Medical Center Community • Located on Corner, Parcel Available


Buy Sell


Locally Owned & Operated

1198 Joel Lang Rd - McComb $120,000 • 54.99 acres, Quiet Neighborhood • Great Hunting Opportunity • Pond & Rolling Hills

630 Missouri Ave. - McComb, MS $157,900 • 2130 SF, 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath • 2 Upscale Residences • Historic Downtown Property

17 Acres, Ole Springs Road $95,000 • Creek Frontage, Pond • Artesian Well, Mature Hardwood & Pine • North Pike Schools, No Restrictions


8104 Centerville Rd. - Magnolia, MS $61,000 • 1810 SF, 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath • Beautiful Wood Floors, Large Rooms • 1.33 Acres, Large Workshop or Store

1031 Eagle Ridge - Summit, MS $149,000 • 3470 SF, 4 Bedroom, 4 Bath • Dream Home Potential • 6.5 Acres, 1500 SF Shop

811 Summit St. - McComb, MS $75,000 • 3000 Acres Commercial Space • Generously Open Area • Plenty of Storage, Great Investment


3750 A Winding Rd. - Liberty, MS $55,000 • 1560 SF, 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath • 2014 Like New Mobile Home • Detached 2 Car Carport

252 S. First St. - Gloster, MS $45,000 • 2833 SF, 5 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath • Historical Home, Large Formal Living • Screened Deck, Sits on 4 Lots



Buy Sell

Pecan Grove Lakeshores Dr. - Woodville, MS $16,500 • 5 Individual Lots at $16,500 Each •Waterfront Views, Community Well • Great Hunting, Fishing Nearby

Locally Owned & Operated

LOTS FOR SALE Old Liberty Rd. McComb, MS $173,000 • 34.66 Acres, Suitable for Commercial or Industrial 43.73 Acres Gibson Rd. - McComb $160,000 • North Pike Schools

Corner of Rawls & White Hillcrest Lane - McComb, MS • $39,000 Summit, MS $16,000 & up Ea. • 4 Commercial Parcels • Residential Lots • North Pike Schools 3 Acres Old Brookhaven 1.6 Acre Lot 2, Rd. & Cypress Trail Timber Dr. - McComb - Summit, MS $13,500 $32,400 • Residential Lot, North • Residential Lot, North Pike School Pike Schools

1060 Hwy. 51 & 98 3.07 Acres - Old Brookha- McComb ven Rd. - Summit, MS Clearview Dr. -Magnolia, MS $129,900 $32,400 • 1 Acre Prime Visibility Lo- • Residential Lot, North $9,500 & Up • Residential Lots cation, Commercial Pike Schools 2.5 Acres - Cypress Trail - Hwy. 570 West Cheyenne Dr. - McComb Summit, MS $90,000 Enterprise Rd. - McComb $32,400 • 1 Acre Prime Location, $450,000 • Residential Lot, North Commercial • Prime Commercial Pike Schools Location,7.2 Acres


Buy Sell




Buy Sell

Homes and Land Real Estate Co.

Benton Thompson Broker/Owner 601-341-0441

Jennifer T. Gayden REALTOR 601-341-0521

Leal McMullen Broker Assoc. 601-395-9500

Alesia Butler REALTOR 601-810-3140

Sonja Wells REALTOR 601-249-9955

Felicia Thornton REALTOR 601-810-3868

903 Delaware Ave., P.O. Box 346, McComb, Mississippi 39649

601-684-2121 Fax 601-684-2107

“Our Staff can show and sell you any listing in this Guide.”

Happy Holidays from the Staff of Homes & Land Real Estate



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Sold By Homes and Land Real Estate Co.



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2.7 Acres +/- on Pine Cove Dr., Terry, MS - Lot size approx. 189x589, Lot #22 E Lefleurs Plantation, building with utilities nearby. Agent owned. $31,000. MLS# 129095. 50 Acres +/- on Burris Rd., Liberty, MS - Excellent hunting ground. It is L-shaped and ready for your deer stand in time for hunting season. List price $250,000. MLS# 126484. 5.14 Acres +/- on Old Hwy. 24 - Lots of road frontage and previously surveyed. Excellent home site or mobile home site. List price $25,700 or make an offer. SOLD







5.14 Acres +/- on Old Hwy. 24 - MAKE AN OFFER! Lots of road frontage and previously surveyed. Excellent home site or mobile home site. List price $25,700 SOLD 15.38 Acres Old Hwy. 24 - List price $35,000. M=d~êåÉê=oÇKI=g~óÉëë=J=RUKR=HLJ=~ÅêÉë=çÑ=Ñ~êãä~åÇI=íáãÄÉêä~åÇI=ÑáëÜáåÖ=éçåÇK=bñÅÉääÉåí Ñçê=ÄìáäÇáåÖK=jip@=NOQUMQK=iáëí=éêáÅÉ=AOPQIMMMK


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Buy Sell

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Tylertown Office - 301 Franklinton St., Tylertown, MS 39667 • Licensed in MS and LA

Office: 601-876-3409 Fax: 601-876-2971

Alan Bridevaux, Broker 601-249-8436

Members of the New Orleans MLS Service

720 Tyler Ave Tylertown, MS- Remarkableturn of the 20th century home. Completely updated with charm! Home was built around 1904 and features 3 bedroom, 2 Bath, wood floors, fireplace with gas logs, fenced yard, 2 car garage and lots of storage. Original looks updated to today's standards for a wonderful home in town. Come take a look! Appointment only. Listed at $144,900....................................….MLS#130304



McNeil Mitchell, Realtor 601-876-1638

Jacob Cantrell, Realtor 601-876-7984

Jason Lee, Realtor 601-303-0826

158 Hwy 48 Tylertown, MS - Completely remodeled 3/2.5 modern farm. Chef's kitchen features granite countertops, tile backsplash, & all new appliances. The living room has tile flooring & a wood-burning fireplace. Updated bathrooms offer new tub/shower units & granite countertops throughout. Spacious master suite has a private bath & huge walk-in closet. The home is served by a freeflowing artisan well with excellent waterquality and backs up to a small, very scenic creek with mature hardwoods $114,900…MLS#130736

523 Stallings Bridge Rd Tylertown, MS- Home and 1.7 acres. Very nice updated home here with a country setting - right across from a farm. Home is 2371 square feet with a 3 bedroom 2 bath setup with 2 large living rooms ! One of the bedrooms are currently being used as an office that could easily be converted back to a bedroom. Exterior is vinyl with a 1 car carport. Property also has an on slab workshop with electricity that is perfect to stow away any thing or make a little man cave. Asking $149,500……MLS#131614

3160 Tanglewood Rd Magnolia, MS - Home & 46.5 acres. Newly remodeled home has had 100,000 dollars in updates. Open kitchen & living room layout with french doors leading to an office area or could be a comfortable dinning room. 3 bedroom / 2 bath layout. Paved circle driveway, 2 car garage and metal roof. Barn on slab and has a "needs to be redone" apartment upstairs. Towering 25 year old thinned pines balanced in hardwoods along the meandering creek in the rear of the property. The land has plenty of interior trails, good road frontage, 2 small ponds, and deer sign in every turn. $419,000….MLS#132230

304 Tyler Ave Tylertown, MS - Office building (former law office) with almost 2,000 Sf in a great location in Tylertown just north of the Courthouse. There is another smaller wood frame building currently being used as a beauty shop. Frontage on Tyler Ave and Ball Ave. $45,000……MLS#131826


702 Grant Street Summit, MS - Wonderfully restored 1850's era house in Summit. Nice front porch and rear deck. Updated throughout. 3 Bedrooms 3.5 baths on two lots. Hardwood floors and landscaped yard make this a true treasure of a home. $210,000….MLS#132264


83 Gene McKenzie Rd Tylertown, MS - Country Home on 1 Acre--Very peaceful & quiet area of Salem 1 mile east of school is this 3BR, 1&1/2 BA home. Approx 1400 sq ft living with Central H/AC, ceiling fans throughout, spacious dining area open to the kitchen, with a very nice covered front porch w/swing and big back deck to boot. There's a water well, beautiful landscaping in the yard with scattered trees and a workshop on slab that's roughly 400 plus sq feet and is equipped w/power. $82,500.00…...MLS#133505

3171 Emerald Lane, Magnolia, MS - The land is 98 percent utilized as an outstanding small cattle operation. Pasture has 2 nice watering ponds, well maintained 6 strand barbwire fencing, cross fencing and scattered trees for shade. Chain link fenced area of about an acre that protects a clean as a button 1997 mobile home consiting of 3 bedrooms/ 2 baths and a small work shop out back. Home plus 64 acres. Asking $325,000....MLS# 129642

P 3159 Hwy 43 A Silver Creek, MS- Hidden Gem(s) 2 secluded homes on 26 acres. The 1st home is 3600 sq ft, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 10 foot ceilings, kitchenette and an entertainment room upstairs. 30x40 shop building with a roll up door (all on slab) next to another open air slab with a small building (there was once a double wide @ this location). The secondary house is an older home approx. 1,200 sq ft good shape ( it could use some updating and some paint) 2 large living room setup with 1 bedroom. All this sits on 26 acres that is about 1/2 open and 1/2 wooded. $399,500………….MLS#133436


Dan Parker, Realtor 601-248-0670



915 Louisiana Ave. Tylertown, MS - 3BR, 3BA home has approx 2330 sq ft of living area, roughly 3100 under roof, open-style kitchen w/breakfast bar, ceramic tile, modern appliances & free-standing gas stove. Dining area off from kitchen as well as a formal dining room. Over-sized laundry room & attached 2-car carport. Also part of the main house is a big bonus room roughly 360 sq ft. Central H&C, home was completely remodeled in recent years and still looks practically brand new! Storage building & back patio out back. Also in place 18 K/W generator. $149,500…..MLS#132171


69 Sawmill Rd Sandy Hook, MS -Very well maintained 3 Br 2.5 Ba on 13.7 surveyed acres on a quiet country road overlooking a flowing creek. Listed at $197,500………….. MLS#132049


Buy Sell




1585 Myers Rd Meadville, MS - -Neat Property nestled in the Homochitto National Forest on9.3 acres with beautiful hardwoods throughout and a front yard that feels like your local country club. This 1968 square foot residence is a doublewide that is metal roofed covered and sits on a full slab with a huge carport (with enclosed storage) that can meet the needs of entertainment at its best. Interior of this home has been fully remodeled by and is crossed with new floors and dotted with hunters choice elegance. The secluded peaceful setting is behind a nice locked gate/ wood fencing entrance. $145,650………..MLS#131972


Office: 601-876-3409 Fax: 601-876-2971 Members of the New Orleans MLS Service

711 Ball Ave., Tylertown, MS - Cozy home in town - brick home on Ball Ave. in a very quiet & peaceful neighborhood in Tylertown. 2BR/1BA. There’s roughly 1050 sq. ft. of living area and besides the bedrooms & bath there’s a laundry room, spacious den, & large kitchen open to the dining area. A huge attached, single car garage is through the door right off the kitchen & has remote door opener. $49,500. Call for appt....... MLS# 127721.

110 Fleet Holmes Rd Kokomo, MS- Country Home & 61 acres. 3BR, 1BA w/ceramic tile, cent H/AC, energy efficient windows, granite counter tops, sun room, & security system. 400 sq ft covered front porch, numerous outbuildings, attached carport, architectural shingles on roof & a separate guest room with heat & A/C, full kitchen w/refrigerator, range/oven. Full bath, BR & living area. 1.5 acres. Unattached is the remaining 59.5 acres 's own entrance. Fronting the road on rolling pasture (roughly 8 acres) w/remainder of tract being in mixed pine &hardwood w/a food plot and stand. $235,000…MLS#130747











305 Hunt Rd Kokomo, MS - 79 Acres of old fields& aged cut over, a wildlife paradise. Property also has a neat as a pin 2 bedroom home that is excellent shape & move in ready. The fields could be reclaimed easily of left for wildlife. A nice pond sits behind the house and good trail system surrounds the property. The seller states he has all minerals and will convey them with the sale. $216,500…..MLS#131109

506 Beulah Ave., Walthall Co. - One of Tylertown’s oldest homes located on Beulah Ave. 3BR/1BA, formal dining and living room, large wrap around front porch. Spacious kitchen and bedrooms. Well maintained and move in ready. $84,500.... MLS# 123776

289 Jayess Rd Tylertown, MS-Nice older farmhouse located in a quiet area of Walthall County. Home has been remodeled through the years and would make a nice getaway or permanent home. Home is 3 bedroom, 2 bath with approx. 1763 sq ft of living area. Lots of outside storage and workshop. $84,500……MLS#132397

100 New Jerusalem Rd Foxworth, MS-Secluded MSSecluded Home on 3.5 acres-- 3BR, 2BA home boasting roughly 1,900 sq ft of living area, ceramic tile, wood flooring, gas log fireplace, 9 ft ceilings in part of the house & 11 ft in the large den. Office down from the laundry room. All appliances remain with the home. Roughly 400 sq ftattached double car garage. $159,500…..MLS#130416

105 Ryals Rd Tylertown, MS-Home & 41 acres. Home-site is located down a winding, secluded driveway tucked behind a wall of mature pine & hardwood timber. Majority of 41 acres is in mature timber w/ a good trail system & 2 food plots. Home was built in 2000 & has a metal roof/ large back patio area/ full home generator/ & is all on slab. The interior of the home is as clean as you can have it with 2 bedroom/ 2 baths. There’s a "pool table" room/ game room that could easily be converted into a 3rd bedroom. Behind the house sits a 30x32 on slab building with a roll up door. $299,500……MLS#129848

625 Tyler Ave Tylertown, MS - -Nice in Town home in the beautiful little town of Tylertown on Tyler Ave. This 1374 square foot home is nestled on a hardwood shaded .35 acre lot with a fenced in back yard that possesses a small deck. Home is a 3 bedroom 1.5 bath setup with a neat interior layout. Asking $69,200….MLS#131871

1088 Progress School Rd Osyka, MS 35 acres with mobile home in Osyka, MS located 3 miles north of the LA/MS line. Land is fully wooded with 1/2 of the property in 20 year old pines & the balance in towering mater pines with a mix of hardwoods throughout. Good internal road system making it a great little hunting tract. 2008 mobile home is in excellent condition with front and rear porches. Cleaning shed and closed (on slab) shop building ready to go for $129,500….MLS#130111

95 Fordsville Rd Tylertown, MSExecutive Style Home situated on 64 acres (+/-)This home is approx. 85% complete boasting 8900 square feet & 3 car garage. 4 bedroom 5 1/2 bath set up along with an apartment above the garage that is set up with its own kitchen. 3rd floor has a theater room with its own 1/2 bath & kitchenette area. The 1st floor kitchen is the largest room in the residence having its own fireplace, 17 foot cherry bark island, & custom cabinetry that is second to none. The master bedroom has triple vault ceilings with a massive bathroom possessing a safe room & 2 large closet spaces. Home is situated off the road & has a nice creek. 1/2 open and 1/2 wooded with a beautiful pond settled in front of the house. $950,000…..MLS#131333






229 Brockdale Rd., Tylertown - large country store/restaurant opportunity. Store was recently completely remodeled inside, re-wired & re-plumbed, new septic system! Beautiful wood flooring, new furnishings, and equipment. 2 restrooms, walk-in cooler & breakfast bar 2600 plus SF facility. Equipment remaining includes big commercial oven, 3 compartment sink, gas fryer, a tabletop electric fryer, huge commercial refrigerator, big freezer, 6 burner griddle, steamer table and much more. $59,500!!!....... MLS# 123095

148 Johnson Rd Tylertown, MS-Very well maintained hilltop home in the country sitting on 3.8 acres. Located on a low traffic paved county road in the Lexie community of Walthall County. Two car carport aand outside storage building make this a great place to call home. $124,900………MLS#131324

For all of our Land Listings visit our website:


Buy Sell


601-249-3400 • 601-684-2131 McComb, MS •

Jo-Jo Kent 601-810-6371

Gail King, CRS 601-551-6719

Alan Bridevaux 601-249-8436

Seth Touchstone 601-248-9656

Ron Rushing 601-249-7684

Steve Rushing 601-303-9900

Blake Bridevaux 601-395-2619

Amy Watts 225-281-1714

Cliff Magee 601-551-0670

Dee Parker 601-248-8114

Shannon Boone 601-341-4775

Marilyn Abadie 504-701-1232

Angela Harvey, Realtor 601-810-5092

Noggin Wild, CRB, CRS 601-551-9453

Dell Choate 601-248-7227

Nancy Mulligan 601-248-2942

3082 Old Brookhaven Road Summit, MS - NPSD! 3 Bedroom 2 Bath home on 2.12 acres in a quiet neighborhood just on the edge of town. Large 2 car carport with 2 additional rooms adjoining that provides opportunity for extra storage or small office. The property also boast another 800 square foot building located on the back of the property that can be used as a shop or storage for your ATV, boat or other equipment. This 20 x 40 building also has a covered shed on the side. $170,000….MLS#131931

3137 W Topisaw N Ruth, MS - North Pike Schools. 3600 sqft, 4 bedrooms, 4 bath, formal dining room, great room with 14' ceilings, bonus room, & children's den. Kitchen has large island w/ granite tops, stainless gas stove, ss dishwasher, & painted cabinets w/ lots of storage. 2 car garage, porches, courtyard area & 3.25 acres $359,000... MLS#129087

100 Railroad Avenue East Magnolia, MS- The corner location boasts an average daily traffic count of 7,500, and consists of 2 buildings with 4 rental spaces. The main building at 100 E. Railroad Ave. includes an operating Pizza Hut Restaurant paying $950/mo, and a fully equipped restaurant and lounge that just needs someone to start serving meals. The restaurant space can be leased for $3,000/month, and it is also adaptable to other commercial use. The 2nd building, at on East Bay Street (Hwy 48) contains 2 office spaces, one of which is currently rented at $350/mo, and the other offered at $175/mo. Owner is also willing to sell the buildings separately - $299,500 for the restaurant building, and $37,500 for the neighboring office building. …. MLS #131511


190 Hinson Rd Tylertown, MS - - Secluded cabin with additional living quarters under the cabin and 2 additional cabins away from the main cabin both 1 bed 1 bath with kitchen/ living room. Main cabin is a 3 bedroom 2 bath with living/dining/kitchen(granite countertops & nice cabinetry) open floor plan. Complete walk around porch with an extended patio area on one side. Patios under the camp as well as separate living quarters which is 1 bed, 1 bath with kitchen/ living open floor plan.....$339,500! MLS#131862


Max Stinson 601-303-0043

229 N. James Avenue McComb, MS - This 4 Bedroom, 2 1/2 bath Southern Belle offers something for every household member. A walkout basement provides the perfect place for a home shop. For the homemaker, the kitchen & laundry include all appliances and tons of cabinetry. For the kids, bedrooms share an adjoining bath. A massive central hall can serve double duty as secondary entertaining space, or as a 'dogtrot' when you want to open up the house during balmy weather. Wrap-around porch and rear deck. A cavernous attic offers plenty of space to create additional living area upstairs. $110,000………MLS#132249


Buy Sell



16 Robey Jefferson Rd Jayess, MS - 38.6 Acres with Camp/Home. Custom built w/ Cypress Board & Batten Siding, a 26 gauge Galvanized aluminum roof, 2 porches, a she shed/guest house, & a new backup whole home generator. 3BR/1BA in main home, additional bath in guest house. Several barns & storage. Large hardwoods, 3 ponds, great trail system, several fruit trees, and a 5 acre high fenced area that current owners used to grow red deer. Property is home to whitetail deer, eastern wild turkey and several other wildlife species. $229,900……. MLS#132242

Office: 601-249-3400 McComb, MS www.doug r ushing

85 Alexander Road Jayess, MS - 48 Acre home-place or getaway property with lake. Immaculate 2 bed 2 bath home / camp with winding paved drive. Completely updated with 1 bedroom, 1 bath and a huge kitchen / living area downstairs, upstairs is the other bedroom & bath with a great bonus room, large sleeping quarters, whole house generator. Covered front porch, back porch & heated pool area is professionally screened in. The property has self-contained Tiny House, work shop & three barns, all with water & electric. 1/2 open 1/2 wooded with a approximately 2 1/2 acre lake, lots of wildlife and hardwoods throughout. Priced at $450,000 the owner would sell both tractors with implements, lawn mowers, ATV's and all the shop tools with the property for $500,000….. MLS#132147

204 Clark, 235 & 225 Railroad, Magnolia, MS- Luxurious and Relaxing Yoga Retreat, or maybe a Top of the Line B&B. This is your opportunity to own three beautiful historic, fully furnished homes, to create your own dream business. This turn key investment opportunity comes fully equipt to start any business, with a commercial kitchen, dishes, laundry room, bedroom furnishings, and an amazing outdoor area. $933,000….MLS#133537

204 Clark Street Magnolia, MS- ‘The Coney House” Built in 1886, this 8 bedroom, 7.5 baths boast 5971 square foot of a perfectly restored Victorian Home. With 3 stories with a double staircase, stained glass skylight, multiple porches, a balcony, commercial grade kitchen, fruit trees and even a guest house, this home is fully equipped to be a top of the line Bed & Breakfast, or the perfect home for entertainment. $399,900……..MLS#133509 225 Railroad Magnolia, MS-Own a piece of history with this beautiful 1890's Victorian home. With a bit of “New Orleans Flare”, this 6 bedroom , 2.5 bath, 2 story home has so much charm, personality, & located in the unique and quaint town of Magnolia, MS. It was used as a yoga/wellness retreat, and perfectly set up for a Bed and Breakfast or make it your cozy permanent home while enjoying your morning coffee sitting on the porch or the balcony. Asking $199,900.….MLS#133490

1517 Huckleberry Trail SW Bogue Chitto, MS -Set Up and Ready to Go !!! This Custom Built Mobile Home sitting on a slab is set back off the road and has 3 bedroom, 2 full baths, large den, spacious kitchen with center island, central air/heat, Sheetrock walls, laminate wood floors and a has a large 16' x 44' covered deck for your outdoor entertaining. All furnishings negotiable. The entire tract has merchantable timber mostly pine with some mature hardwoods bottoms, 4 food plots, 8' x 20' container unit for storage, 12' x 20' skinning shed, trails throughout and blacktop frontage on public road. $395,000…..MLS#132151

503 Apache Drive McComb, MS- Prime commercial Building for sale in prime , high traffic McComb, Mississippi location. Located on Apache Drive ( frontage road ) overlooking I-55. Over 24,000 vehicles pass by this property every 48 hours. The clear span, 16' eave building has 4 loading docks, 2 are hydraulic and two are manual. 7000 square feet of heating and cooled storage space with offices, lounge, men and womens locker rooms and storage room. An additional 1420 square feet under canopy. The building sits on 1.73 acres with over 25,000 square feet of lighted and paved parking. It is zoned c-2 which allows the building to be used for most commercial uses. $685,000……MLS#131510







198 Hwy 583 N Tylertown, MS -Great getaway or home place. This 70 acre place has about 30 acres of pasture w/ 2 ponds and is fenced and cross fenced. Back 40 acres is wooded & provides great hunting & wildlife. 4 bedroom 2 bath home has a roomy kitchen, a huge family room and comes mostly furnished. There is a shop building and barn on the property also. $399,500…MLS#130598



104 Bilbo Lane Magnolia, MS- Secluded Cabin,135.14 acres. Spring fed Minnehaha Creek flowing through the property, 3 acre Spring Fed Lake loaded with big Bass, trails, food plots, fruit orchard, numerous Catalpa trees, wood duck hunting, turkey and deer hunting, hardwoods with scattered pines and approx.15 acres planted in 1 yr old pine. The cabin can be used as 1 or 2 bedroom, central air/heat, 1,166 square feet, large den-kitchen, 40' x 60' and 40' x 45' metal pole barns and has 2 RV hookups. $475,000….MLS#131750


819 11th Street McComb, MS -This is a 1921 SF, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom home on a corner lot, conveniently located within city limits. This house features a 3 car garage, large den with fireplace, walk-in closet and central heat/air. There are 2 out buildings, 1 has air conditioner and water, could be used as office or hobby room. Great for a first-time home buyer or investment property. Make your appointment today to view this listing! $61,000………….MLS#132137


5997 N. Greensburg Smithdale, MS-Home on 6.4 acres (various acreage options) overlooking a large stocked bass pond, a gorgeous in ground pool with brick fireplace and sitting area and 1/2 mile of Amite River frontage. Remodeled kitchen with granite counter-tops, commercial grade gas cook-top, double oven and stainless appliances, any chef's fantasy. The master bedroom as an elegant double tray ceiling; the spacious master bath has plenty of counterspace with "his and hers" sinks, a custom shower and 2 walk-in closets. The second floor offers 3 bed/2 bath and a bonus craft room; one bedroom opens onto a private balcony overlooking backyard. $479,000……..MLS#133576




187 Mt. Moriah Rd Tylertown, MS- Ranch Style Brick overlooking 38 wooded acres..... The home has approx. 1713 sf. of living area, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, country kitchen, spacious den with wood burning fireplace, central air/heat and carport. The property has frontage on 2 county roads, large shade trees around the home, hardwood drains, good hunting, mostly 5 year old planted pines and is located approx. 5 miles east of Tylertown. $189,000…..MLS#131509

506 Lakeshore Dr. McComb, MS-LAKEFRONT PROPERTY! With a great view of the lake from any room, this 3 bed, 3.5 bath home features an open design of the kitchen and living area, as well as hardwood floors throughout (hickory downstairs and pine upstairs). Updated living area above the garage, overlooking the lake, includes a full bathroom, hardwood flooring, and AC unit. $254,000…..MLS#133500


620 Northwest Ave. McComb, MS-As you enter the front door of this 3 bedroom 2 bath you will feel as though you are home ! Some of the features are beautiful oak floors, a fireplace with gas logs in the living room, a dining room, large country kitchen, sun room, and a 2 car garage with office/workshop attached , Outside you will enjoy a wonderful patio and a large corner lot. $119,500……….MLS#132113


Buy Sell

211 Gay Street McComb, MS-Prime location near the medical center & other major commercial development that includes retail and office space. Building was re-roofed following a 2013 hail storm. Carpet, ceiling tiles, and paint were also updated. It is currently divided into 3 separate spaces of appx 4,800 SF (south), 950 SF (center), and 1,850 SF (north). Space is also available for lease (as is) at rates that range from $10-12/SF, depending on the space is selected, and Lessor will entertain reconfiguring/remodeling-to-suit…$450,000..........MLS#130556


Office: 601-249-3400 McComb, MS

235 Railroad Magnolia, MSOwn a piece of history with this beautiful 1920's Victorian home. With a bit of “New Orleans Flare”, this 5 bedroom , 2.5 bath, 2 story home has so much charm and personality and located in the unique and quaint town of Magnolia, MS. It was used as a yoga/wellness retreat, and perfectly set up for a Bed and Breakfast or make it your cozy permanent home while enjoying your morning coffee sitting on the porch or the balcony. $159,000…..MLS#133484


1119 Guiding Light Rd Magnolia, MS-Tucked in the middle of 7.87 Acres, is this beautiful country home with 5 large bedrooms, 4 baths, 18' ceilings in the living room, there is plenty of room for a big family, and even more room outside with the salt water pool, hot tub and gazebo. The master has a sitting room overlooking the pool and a double walk-in closet, the living room also has sun room, for more added space and relaxation. But that is not all....this home comes fully furnished!!! $350,000………….MLS#133488




3180 CD Rayborn Road Jayess, MS-Sitting on a hilltop on 1 acre in the North Pike School District this 3 bedroom 1.5 bath brick rancher is ready & waiting for the perfect family. New roof. $92,000….MLS#132107

97 Mesa Walkers Bridge Rd. Tylertown, MS-3 Story Home overlooking 5 acres, 5/6 Bedrooms, 3 full baths, 2- 1/2 baths, approx. 5009 sf. of living area. The roof and windows have recently been replaced and seller is willing to offer a 1 year Home Warranty. Outside you will find nice landscaping, large shade trees, in ground pool, covered sitting area, paved drive, 60'x60' barn, cattle catch pen. (additional acreage available). $399,500 ... MLS#128673

1191 Ted Thompson Road Summit, MSBeautiful home on 13.39 acres. The land is absolutely gorgeous with plenty of space to raise horses hunt or just stretch your legs. The property is fenced in with cross fencing with a metal barn and separate wooden hay barn easily converted to stalls. The barns have their own separate well, electricity and generac generator. The home is 3 bedrooms and 2 baths with custom oak cabinets and mantle. $345,000……MLS#133469

2056 McComb Holmesville Rd McComb, MS -Farm home with Garage apartments, metal building w/ 2 RV Hook ups large enough for two RVs, another barn with stalls, hay loft, chicken coup, bays off the end to park equipment, a steel catch pin, 65 acres of rolling pastureland, scattered trees and some heavily wooded areas, fenced; cross fenced with 4 small ponds. Main part of home is 2 or 3 bed, 2 bath home; the garage apt can be accessed from in or outside the house is a 1 bedroom 1 bath with a kitchen and living/ dining room. NPSD. Home garage apt could be rented if you only had use for the land. A lot to offer...$268,500....MLS#130481

210 South Broadway Ave McComb, MS- The building has approx.. 10,532 SF under roof, of which approx. 7,280 SF is H&C. Reception area, general office, 12 private offices, a conference room, break room, expansive common work area, & several multi-purpose rooms. 3-phase electrical service and is pre-wired with fiber optic and phone lines. HVAC is zoned between the front & center sections of the building. The property is also offered for lease at $2,200/mo. If your space needs are smaller, HVAC and wiring configurations make it feasible to separate the building into 2 individually metered zones. $180,000….MLS#130850

105 CEDAR RIDGE RD., MCCOMB, MS - Exquisite views and lush landscaping provide a park-like setting for this spacious executive home in the exclusive Cedar Ridge subdivision of Edgewood. Special features includes generously proportioned rooms, whole home back-up generator, irrigation system, and much more - even a safe room and a hothouse for the green thumb of the household! Homeowners Association membership is required with a $1,000 joining fee, plus $400 annual dues. Restrictive covenants apply. MLS# 127442. REDUCED TO $369,000.

3167 Hwy 51 MM McComb, MS- Great Multi-use property with over 12,000 SF under roof. The main building has a reception area with offices and bathroom, a large conference room with storage and a 5 bedroom 3 bath living quarters. Out back there is over 4,000 SF of storage area (about 1/2 enclosed) on slab with high roof. There is also a small 2 bedroom home on the property that would be perfect for a manger or caretaker. Lots of room to expand, add retail etc. out front. $297,500…..MLS#130928

1021 Singleton Drive Summit, MS - Beautiful 5 year old home, 4-5 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath sitting on 5 acres in the sought out NPSD. Master includes his & her dressing stations, his & her walk-in-closets and a walk in shower with a Jack & Jill sitting area or extra bedroom. Utility room with full bath, office, Jack & Jill bath in kids room. Stainless steel appliances, marble countertops,snack area with built in icemaker & walk in pantry. 3 car attached garage. $430,000... MLS#129567

400 Delaware Aveune McComb, MS - Let the tenants pay for your new business location, or lease out this prime commercial property as an income producing investment. At the corner of Delaware and 4th, the building is divided into an office/retail triplex, each having a floor plan containing 2 private offices, combination reception area / general office / showroom, and restroom. Water, sewer, and garbage pickup are metered together, but each unit is separately wired for power. The northernmost unit houses a long-term tenant, and other units are available for lease at $875/month each. $220,000………..MLS#132098

254 Old River Rd Tylertown, MS- Charming 1910 Farm house on 33 acres. Home is totally updated with central air and heat with 3 bedrooms and 2 bath. 25 plus year old pine plantations and some hardwoods loaded with wildlife. Home over looks stocked pond with its on water well to keep levels up. 24x30 metal shop on slab with one 14x30 drop shed for equipment storage and a 20x40 drop shed with 50 amp service and water for RV. $330,000…………MLS#133450


Buy Sell

116 Kirklin Rd Tylertown, MS-Ranch Style Brick Home suited for two families or one large family on 8.85 acres with lots of shade trees and landscaping. The home is designed having approx. 3542 sf. of living area with 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, living area and full kitchen on it’s north wing (handicap accessible) and 3 bedroom, 2 bath, spacious kitchen with custom built cabinets, living room, large den with vaulted ceilings- fireplace, hobby room, and oversized garage on it. $269,500.... MLS#132170








520 Northwest Ave McComb, MS-Great home located in the Edgewood Addition. Home has approximately 1,792 sq,ft. of living area with2 bedrooms, 2 baths and two fireplaces. Home is on a corner lot and is conveniently located to medical facilities, shopping, schools and Churches. Home has central air and heat . Home has a fenced in courtyard. Priced at only $89,500…..MLS#130691

This Charming Cottage Style Home is a must see in historic Summit, MS. With over 2,100 square feet heated and cooled, this 3BR/2BA home has it all. Home has been completely remodeled. Gourmet kitchen with stainless steel appliances, granite counter tops and almost new custom built kitchen cabinets. Home has spacious master bedroom with en-suite. Priced $169,500..... MLS#131966

210 Georgia Avenue McComb, MS - Commercial Investment Opportunity... Shopping Center on approx 3.44 acres that has been recently updated and is currently divided into 6 units with the following square footage---1930 sf., 3217 sf., 3970 sf., 14,464 sf., 3528 sf., 3552 sf. having a total area of 30,661 sf. and having approx. 50,000 sf. of asphalt parking. Located at the busy intersection, traffic signal and the corner lot of Broadway (Hwy 51) and Georgia Ave............ MLS#128598

1157 Ted Thompson Road Summit, MS-The Perfect Place 358 acres of absolute perfection. 3 bedroom 3 bath cabin overlooking 5 to 6 acre lake . State of the art horse barn including 4 large stalls with office slash living quarters, wash rack, round pen and several equipment bays. The land consists of mature timber with pine plantations over 25 years old ready to be thinned. over 12 food plots with turkey and deer abundant. Internal road system is second to none. Wood fencing with key pad gated entrance. $1,495,000….MLS#133448

Apache Drive, McComb - .481 Acre Commercial lot (20,952.26SF) located on Apache Dr., between Downtown McComb - Delaware Ave. Exit and Veterans Blvd. The tract offers all city utilities, cable, high speed internet access, 105.06’ of frontage, professional offices adjoining, additional access down a privatepaved -lighted boulevard, near restaurants, shopping, hospital and all conveniences of the city. The lot topo is levfel and zoned C-2. $146,500. MLS# 125166

200-218 Main St., McComb - 41,811SF. Commercial building located in downtown McComb fronting on Main st. and N. Front St. At street level there are 6 rental units totaling 6948SF of which 3 are rent able at this time and below is a partially finished basecond level consits of 21,157SF, would need extensive work and use to be known as the old McCoglen Hotel. This sale will also include the adjoining parking lot which has approx. 27,900SF. Investors may also want to take advantage of the historic tax credit program available. $199,900.... MLS# 125445

2300 Delaware Ave Ext, MS - This is a 4.157 acre (181,100 sq. ft.) parcel of commercial property with improvements located a block W of I-55 and Delaware Ave. interchange with 344 ft. of road frontage on the N side of Delaware Ave. Ext and 400 ft. of road frontage on the W side of Apache Dr. Improvements include a 9,900SF commercial metal bldg. with 288 SF attached metal canopies, 33,600 SF od concrete, 36,600 SF of asphalt, and gravel paving. $499,000....MLS# 131978

223-225 3RD STREET MCCOMB, MS - Downtown double office building with almost 5000 square feet. 223 third has 6 offices and 225 third has 7 with both sides having 2 half baths. Nice reception room and conference room, supply room and common breakfast area. $149,500. ....MLS#131893

2300 Delaware Ave. Ext., McComb, MS - 2 acre (87,100SF) parcel of commercial property with improvements located a block W of I-55 & Delaware Ave. interchange with 344 ft. of road frontage on the N side of Delaware Ave. Ext. & 400 ft. road frontage on the W side of Apache Dr. Improvements include a 9,900SF commercial metal bldg. with 288SF attached metal canopies, concrete, asphalt, and gravel paving. $299,000. MLS# 131979

129 Dillons Bridge Rd Lot 22 Tylertown, MSBogue Chitto River camp with a large pavilion for entertaining, 4 RV hook ups and huge sand bar with walk in river access. Camp has a covered wrap around porch, 2 bedrooms (could be 3) and one bath and is finished with beautiful pine wood throughout. The pavilion is on slab with a its own bath with shower, outdoor kitchen area and wood deck overlooking the river. The land is almost three acres that extends to the middle of the river. $310,000….MLS#130674

2301 Delware Avenue, McComb, MS - 3.287 acres (143, 186SF) Located on Delaware ave., approx. 1000 ft. west of I-55 and the downtown McComb exit, great building site. $115,000.... MLS# 131977

102-104 Main Street McComb, MS-Downtown Mccomb Building- Great Investment Opportunity...Building is located on a corner lot at Main and N Railroad, adjoins the City Parking Garage, has approx. 9423 sf of heated/cooled area and is divided into 5 rental units-each having separate meters for utilities. Owner is currently operating as a dance studio (business not for sale) so it has been well maintained. If you have been searching for good opportunity for investing in Commercial Real Estate or are in the need for a location withgood visibly for retail or office space etc...give us a call to take a look. $189,500…MLS#133551

1156 Summit Holmesville Rd McComb, MS -Commercial Building and 1.6 acres. Lots of room. 8900 sq foot building with office space large activity rooms, multiple bathrooms, and a commercial grade kitchen. Previously used as a daycare and a bar/ dance hall before that. Would be excellent for healthcare, partition walls and make apartments, many possibilities...$79,500….MLS#130431

Office: 601-249-3400 McComb, MS www.doug r ushing

627 Tyler Ave. Tylertown, MS - 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath home located at 627 Tyler Ave. ( downtown Tylertown). The home has a spacious kitchen with snack bar, nice den, central air/heat, approx. 1200 sf. of living area, all electric, large screened in front porch, concrete drive, covered carport, and 2 outbuildings for storage. Would be great for your own residence or rental investment property. $55,900….MLS#131225


Buy Sell


For all of our Land Listings visit our website: Office: 601-249-3400 McComb, MS

3873 Will Rd Gloster, MS- Home and 18 acres. 4BR/3BA with large den and kitchen. With almost 2,500 square feet of living area this spacious home offers the perfect spot for a large family. Property is in a rural area known for good deer hunting. This would make a great second home or weekend getaway as well as a primary residence. Property consist of mainly 11 year old pine plantation. This is a rare find so don't miss out on this country getaway. Priced at $230,000…..MLS#133425

2001 Hawthorne Dr. McComb, MS -This charming traditional Southern style home sits on a beautiful 2.8 acre wooded lot with pond frontage and plenty of open space for gardening. Large front porch and a covered deck area on the back of home. This is a spacious home with a large, well planned kitchen that opens into living room. Shop included that would be great for projects, hobbies, or storage for tools/mower. 4 bedrooms, with 1 suitable as an office, and 3.5 bathrooms. $279,000……MLS#133410





16 Eaton Tylertown, MS - Charming country home with a hill top view. Home has a spacious lot with landscaping and fruit trees. Home has approximately 1,144 sq. ft. of living area with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, central heat and air and new laminate wood flooring. Make you appointment today to view this charming home.Priced at only $87,500..... MLS#130182

602 Franklinton St Tylertown, MS-4 bedroom 2 bath home with 2 bedroom 1 bath guest home. The home features 3,000 SF of living space with 4 bedrooms and two baths, lots of storage and built-ins, central vacuum, literally to many extras to list. Well insulated and built to last with beautiful landscaping, patios, and a gazebo. Shown to qualified buyers by appointment. $129,000 MLS#128798

614 3rd Street McComb, MS - Charming Tudor style home with approximately 2,524 sq.ft. of living area. Home has 3 bedrooms, two baths and a sun room. Home has hardwood floors and has a 400 sq.ft. guest apartment. Home is conveniently located to shopping, medical facilities,Churches and schools. Make your appointment today to view this charming home. Priced at only $129,500….MLS#130972

56 Hwy 587 Foxworth, MS - 7326 sf. Commercial Building with approx. 22,000 sf. of asphalt parking, formerly operated as a Country Meat Market & Grocery, now closed, offers you the opportunity to start your own business of any kind... Located on busy Hwy. 587 just off of Hwy. 98 in Foxworth, MS. on 1.02 acres. (Built in 2010) The building consist of approx. 5614 sf. in the main building, 781 sf.-cooler/freezer room, 661 sf. covered entry & screened smoker room, 270 sf. block smoker room, butcher shop room and all equipment shown in pictures (4 refrigerated display cases & 19 door retail area coolers, serving bar), 3 phase power and roll up door for easy unloading for deliveries...... $249,900……… MLS#132086

534 Michigan Ave. W McComb, MS-Spacious home with approximately 2,369 sq, ft. of living area. This home could be used as residential or commercial. Home has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, central air and heat. Home is conveniently located to shopping centers, medical facilities, schools and Churches. Make your appointment today to view this home. Priced at only $84,500……..MLS#132371


2220 VETERANS BLVD., MCCOMB - From top to bottom, everything

1052 Hart Lane Summit, MS - This is a 3 bedroom, 1.5

about this incredible home is custom tailored to luxurious, yet very

bathroom home with large family room. All kitchen

functional, living. Flooring includes exquisite marble, ceramic, & hard-

appliances remain. Lots of storage- walk in closet in one

wood surfaces. Other special features include an art studio, executive office, sunroom, adult’s and children’s dens, huge walk-in closets everywhere, 4 fireplaces, a pool, lighted tennis court, and extensive landscaping. Priced with 5 acres, but an additional 32 acres +/- is available. $750,000. MLS# 128142


bedroom. Shop/utility room located off of carport. Home is sitting on 5.59 acres on a dead end road right off of Robb St. Ext. in Summit. Listed at $97,000…..MLS#132367


Buy Sell




1081 Great Point Drive McComb, MS -Beautiful new construction located on 4 acres with pond in NPSD. It has approximately 3000 sq. ft. of living area & approximately 5200 under roof. Master suite is downstairs with 3 bedrooms upstairs. Kitchen has stainless steel appliances, including a gas range & carrera marble counter tops. Built with family enjoyment & entertainment in mind, the kitchen/family room, opens into a 41' x 8' sun room overlooking the pond. Basement consists of outdoor kitchen area, safe room, shop, another 1/2 bath, and is wired & positioned for whole house generator. Special feature sheet included with disclosure will show the quality of construction. $297,500…..MLS#131081

For all of our Land Listings visit our website: Office: 601-249-3400

McComb, MS www.doug r ushing

526 BURKE AVE., McCOMB - Edgewood Subdivision. The 3356 sq. ft. rancher is a great family home that was built to last. The floor plan includes 3BR/2.5BA, dining room and formal living with a cozy gas log fireplace, high ceilings and wood floors throughout. Kitchen sits between these two areas. $129,900. MLS# 127592





3167 Old Hwy 51 South Osyka, MS-This historic property is a gem like no other - a sanctuary for the spirit. It is a versatile paradise that is strategically located in SW Mississippi, just over an hour’s drive from Jackson, Baton Rouge, and New Orleans. In addition, it is only a few minutes from the City of McComb. The property is ell adapted for use as a retirement center, rehabilitation facility, school campus, or retreat and recreational center, to name a few. Improvements include dormitories, private homes, offices, classrooms, a gymnasium, commercial cafeteria, worship centers, maintenance building/laundry, swimming pool, and tennis court. The grounds encompass 406 rolling, wooded acres in mature pine and hardwood timber with frontage along the scenic Tangipahoa River. $3,500,000…MLS#130338

2012 Natchez Dr. McComb, MS - 2 Commercial Buildings each having approx. 5075 sf. on 2.2 acres all under commercial grade fencing with asphalt parking. The east buildings features, 10' x 10' roll up door at the rear, insulated, 3 restrooms, offices, central air/heat, entry area with granite counter tops and custom built cabinets, approx 1/2 is office space and 1/2 warehouse area. The west building features three 22' x 10' roll up doors, loading dock, one restroom, insulated, all warehouse space and has fluorescent lighting. $549,500 MLS#128171

200 N Broadway McComb, MS - Upscale, fully furnished office in a high-visibility corner location with impressive traffic count. Floor plan includes a lobby, large general office area, 6 private offices, a conference/training room, break room, 2 restrooms, storage, and file rooms. $225,000…. MLS#128988

2049 Adams Rd McComb, MS-Multipurpose Property 2400 sf. Metal Building on 13.72 acres located approx. 3 miles east of the I-55/Fernwood Exit and appox. 2 miles SE of Mccomb at 2049 Adams Rd. The property consist of approx. 5 acres of paved parking, pond, lagoon, two water wells,17 x 26 office building, over 1/2 mile of cyclone fencing and truck scales. The metal building has lobby, 5 offices, bathrooms, kitchenette area, central a/h and 3 phase power available. $299,500…MLS#132273

404 W Presley Blvd McComb, MS - LOCATION! 1.21 Acre Commercial Property on Presley Blvd with 28 x 60 shop building with roll up doors, 532 sf sales office with 8 x 36 front porch, concrete parking or sales lot, great visibility and high traffic volume. Formally used as a car dealership.....$219,500 (Owner would consider leasing @ $2000/month). MLS#128901

1085 Hwy 51 & 98 McComb, MS-Commercial Building and Lot in High Traffic Area on Highway 51 between Summit and McComb, MS. This property was currently used as a used car dealership but has unlimited business uses. Location is outstanding with frontage on George Edwards Road and Highway 51. The building is over 5,000 square feet and has 3 offices, a kitchen, two 1/2 baths and a garage area. Lots of storage as well. Don't miss this opportunity. Priced at $225,000…MLS#130876

119 N. Broadway McComb, MS - Spacious office includes an entrance foyer/reception area, 3 office spaces, conference room, small break room and one bathroom. Asking $69,500…..................................MLS # 129394 117 North Broadway is also listed next door for $29,500...MLS#129395

2552 McClendon Road Magnolia, MS - Built in 2010, this 2567 sq ft 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath sits on a beautiful 2 acre tract tucked away in the country setting of Amite County. 12 ft ceiling in the living area and 10 foot ceilings throughout the rest of the home, a 900 sq ft master bed/bath with a walk-in shower with two rain heads, open kitchen/living area floor plan, above ground pool, fish pond, a storage shed to match the home, and a 2 car garage. $239,000…….MLS#132307


Buy Sell


LLC Lakisha Thompson Realtor 601-600-0311

Kalynthia Addison Broker/Owner 601-810-7030

Katherine Thompson Realtor 601-810-9147

307 Apache Dr. Suite A, McComb, MS 39648 • 601-810-7030

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“Your Search Ends Here!!


c re s


Buy Sell

LLC Kalynthia Addison Broker/Owner 601-810-7030

Lakisha Thompson Realtor 601-600-0311

Katherine Thompson Realtor 601-810-9147

307 Apache Dr. Suite A, McComb, MS 39648 • 601-810-7030

" If you are Serious about buying then our team is serious about helping!!"

“Your Search Ends Here!!


Buy Sell




Buy Sell

What to Pack Last Keep these items handy on moving day. Here’s a list of the items you’ll be using on moving day at yoru old place and your new place. Reserve a carton for these last-minute items, plus other things you’ll need immediately upon arrival at your new home.

q Toiletries (soap, shampoo, razors, etc.)

q Disposable milk/creamer and eating utensils

q First-aid kit

q Pet supplies

q Aspirin or pain reliever

q Plastic trash bags

q medications and eyeglasses

q Light bulbs

q Box cutter or knife

q Flashlight

q Tape and dispenser

q Bedding and linens

q Work gloves

q Alarm clock

q Scissors

q Local phone book

q Extension cords and batteries

q Screwdriver and hammer

q Basic cleaning supplies &

q Map of the new area

paper towels

q _______________________

q Coffee Maker or

q _______________________

instant coffee/tea q Powdered milk/creamer

q _______________________ q _______________________ q _______________________

and sugar q Snacks

q _______________________


Buy Sell


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