Bs june2016

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Dream Builders Realty, LLC

Fortenberry Agency máâÉ=`çìåíóÛë=^Åíáçå=^ÖÉåÅó



Buy Sell

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Homes and Land Real Estate Co.

Paul Green & Associates Southland Real Estate




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Advantage Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Black Hawk Real Estate . . . . . .19-20-21 Brandon W. Frazier, Attorney at Law PLLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Cabin & Creek Real Estate . . . . . . . . . .22-23-24-25-26 Conner Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 Crye-Leike Stedman Realtors . .54-55-56 Debbie Stovall Realty, LLC . . . . . . . .4-5 Doug Rushing Realty, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31-32-33-34-35 . . . . . . . . . . . .36-37-38-39-40-41-42-43 Dream Builders Realty . . . . . . . . . .59-60 ERA Wild Realty . . . . . . . . . . . .8-9-10-11 4 Corner Properties . . . . . . . . . . . .57-58 First Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 First South Farm Credit . . . . . . . . . . . .68 Frazier Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62


Homes and Land Real Estate . . . . .28-29 John Boyd Realty & Investments . . . . .30 Land Company Real Estate Inc . . . . . .61 Larry Bright Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 Latter & Blum Hometown Realty . . . . . . . . . .16-17-18 NOLA Lending Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Quality Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 RE/MAX Southland Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . .12-13-14-15 Robison & Holmes, Attorneys . . . . . . . .6 Services Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Southern Ag Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Sportsman & Associates Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63-64 United Country Gibson Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44-45-46-47-48-49-50-51-52-53

To sell your home quickly, tell your Realtor to advertise in Buy & Sell and get results!

Buy & Sell Buy & Sell is a bi-monthly publication of the Enterprise-Journal. All rights reserved. All advertising photos and copy ads contained herein are solely the responsibility of the advertiser. All advertised houses are subject to prior sale. The Enterprise-Journal reserves the right to edit or refuse any advertising submitted to this publication. All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of dwellings, and in other housing-related transactions, based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under the age of 18), and handicap (disability). This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.

601-684-2421 tÉ=aç=_ìëáåÉëë=áå=^ÅÅçêÇ~åÅÉ=táíÜ=íÜÉ=cÉÇÉê~ä=c~áê=eçìëáåÖ=i~ï EqáíäÉ=sfff=çÑ=íÜÉ=`áîáä=oáÖÜíë=^Åí=çÑ=NVSUI=~ë=^ãÉåÇÉÇ=Äó=íÜÉ=eçìëáåÖ=~åÇ=`çããìåáíó=aÉîÉäçéãÉåí=^Åí=çÑ=NVTQF

Service with a smile Debbie Stovall Realty may be small, but does it all! BY CLAY RUSSELL FOR THE ENTERPRISE-JOURNAL

Everyone who drives through downtown Summit knows Debbie Stovall Realty. Even for folks who don’t need help with a real estate transaction, it’s hard not to notice the quaint 19th century brick building on Laurel Street just north of the town’s only traffic light. The bright red-and-mustard storefront and the pops of red from the geraniums in window boxes together say “open for business.” If buildings can smile, Debbie Stovall’s office has an ear-toear grin. The exterior of Debbie Stovall Realty reflects its owner’s effervescent spirit when she talks about helping her clients. She points out that her business involves far more than finding properties for buyers and buyers for sellers. Once the initial property matchmaking is done, a fair price has to be agreed upon. Of course, buyers and sellers might have different opinions about what is fair, but Stovall and her colleagues work hard to bring the highest possible price for sellers while keeping as much of buyers’ money in their pockets as possible. “We are negotiation experts,” she says with pride. She and her team work with lenders, home inspectors, surveyors, insurance agents, attorneys and even pest control providers. They also guide their clients through the world of home warranties, which provide peace of mind for both buyers and sellers

On the

`over Pictured on our cover is Debbie Stovall with her associates, Kit Stovall and Angela Melson in front of their downtown Summit office. Check out her listings on Pages 4-5.

during what can sometimes be a stressful process. Stovall sums things up simply: “Our office is small, but we do it all.” Born and raised in McComb, Stovall’s path to becoming a top real estate professional was hardly a straight line. She graduated from McComb High School and Southwest Mississippi Community College and opened a ceramics shop. The owner of the building she rented on Delaware Avenue asked her if she wanted to purchase it, “and that was my first piece of real estate,” Stovall said. Stovall’s life in real estate began as an investor and eventually transitioned into agent, broker and business Debbie Stovall at her desk in her downtown Summit office welcomes the opportunity to owner. Her agents, son Kit serve your real estate needs. Stovall and Angela Simmons Melson, share the office. Be- ments, she exposed the brick walls blocks in the area without seeing tween them they handle residen- and repurposed much of the orig- one of her ubiquitous red signs. She and her agents are also tial, recreational and commercial inal wood and materials during its renovation. members of the Mississippi Gulf transactions across Mississippi It is a charming comfortable Coast Multiple Listing Service, and beyond. home base for Stovall’s thriving broadening their ability to serve Debbie Stovall describes her clients being relocated or looking son and Melson as “young and en- business. Stovall also owns the office for a second home. ergetic,” adding, “They keep me at space next door, with plans to exStovall serves as president of the top of my game.” pand her agency in the near futhe Southwest Mississippi Board Kit caught the real estate bug of Realtors, demonstrating her infrom his mom, and as soon as he ture. She explains that the real es- terest not only in making a sale tocame home from Ole Miss he tate business has natural cycles. day but in keeping her profession earned his real estate license and Spring and summer are usually the best it can be. went to work with her. She also serves on boards for She had been working from her busy, for example, because families don’t want to move when kids the Pike County chamber of Comhome on Lake Dixie Springs when are in school. merce, Southwest Mississippi she noticed a For Sale sign on a This spring, “we are busy as Community College Institute for small building in downtown SumLearning in Retirement and, mit. As the real estate saying goes, bees,” Stovall says with a smile. “Pike County is a gem — in a along with her husband Clem, it was a fixer-upper. With holes in fabulous location geographically was past president of the Pike the roof and a derelict interior, it — and it draws a lot of people to County Arts Council. took vision to see beyond the our area,” Stovall said. nnn shortcomings. Part of the Debbie Stovall RealDebbie Stovall Realty is locatBut Stovall recognized the potential and bought it. With respect ty service is aggressive marketing ed at 703 Laurel St., Summit or for the original architectural ele- using internet advertising. And by calling 601-276-2100 it’s hard to drive more than a few


Buy Sell • June-July 2016


Selling Properties and Relocating Families Across America with Years of Experience... We ª Referrals

Wxuu|x fàÉätÄÄ

Wxuu|x fàÉätÄÄ? GRI Broker 228-216-4520

oÉ~äíóI=ii` oÉ~äíóI=ii`

703 Laurel St. • Summit, MS 39666 601-276-2100/276-2126 E-mail: `~ää=ìë=Ñçê=çìê=äáëíáåÖ=ê~íÉ=~åÇ=äáëí=çÑ=ëÉêîáÅÉëK

Kit Stovall,


Professional REALTOR


Angela Melson REALTOR


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Buy Sell • June-July 2016

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Selling Properties and Relocating Families Across America with Years of Experience... We ª Referrals

Wxuu|x fàÉätÄÄ

Wxuu|x fàÉätÄÄ? GRI Broker 228-216-4520

oÉ~äíóI=ii` oÉ~äíóI=ii`

703 Laurel St. • Summit, MS 39666 601-276-2100/276-2126 E-mail: `~ää=ìë=Ñçê=çìê=äáëíáåÖ=ê~íÉ=~åÇ=äáëí=çÑ=ëÉêîáÅÉëK

Kit Stovall,


Professional REALTOR


Angela Melson REALTOR


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Buy Sell • June-July 2016

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What to Pack Last Keep these items handy on moving day. Here’s a list of the items you’ll be using on moving day at yoru old place and your new place. Reserve a carton for these last-minute items, plus other things you’ll need immediately upon arrival at your new home.

q Toiletries (soap, shampoo, razors, etc.) q First-aid kit q Aspirin or pain reliever q medications and eyeglasses q Box cutter or knife q Tape and dispenser q Work gloves q Scissors q Extension cords and batteries q Basic cleaning supplies & paper towels q Coffee Maker or instant coffee/tea q Powdered milk/creamer and sugar q Snacks q Disposable milk/creamer and eating utensils q Pet supplies q Plastic trash bags q Light bulbs q Flashlight q Bedding and linens q Alarm clock q Local phone book q Screwdriver and hammer q Map of the new area q _______________________ q _______________________

Real Estate Guide Services Directory

McComb Wholesale Carpet

Owners Dwayne & Tamela Golmon 29 Years Experience

Wholesale Prices Carpet • Vinyl • Tile • Laminate Sales & Installation Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5 & Sat. 9-1 616 S. Broadway McComb, MS 39648

Store (601) 684-6102 Cell (601) 757-3619 Fax (601) 684-6818


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Buy Sell • June-July 2016

200 N. Broadway, P.O. Box 725 McComb, MS 39649 Phone: 601-684-2131 Toll Free: 800-613-TEAM (8326) Internet: Y




THIS 4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH ON NEARLY 2 1/2 ACRES NEAR PERCY QUIN STATE PARK includes central air/heat, appliances, fenced yard, outbuilding, and more. Only $117,500. MLS# 122007

Individual Members




`çìåÅáä=çÑ oÉëáÇÉåíá~ä=péÉÅá~äáëíë



A FABULOUS DECK is perfect for alone time or cookouts with friends in this 3 bedroom, 2 bath at 1809 White St. Roof & central air upgrades, appliances, privacy fence, more. $105,000. MLS# 123546.

DON’T WAIT TOO LONG! Call today about this 3 bedroom, 2 bath on a wooded site at 427 Lakeview. Great location, fresh paint, new flooring, appliances, central air & heat. $114,000. MLS# 123693

ONE OF THE CITY’S FINEST HOMES in a park-like setting at 1606 Ellen. Three bedroom, 3.5 bath. Finest materials. Spacious rooms. Many extras and recent upgrades. $244,900. MLS# 121652






MINT CONDITION! Spacious 3 Bedroom, 2 bath with open plan at 227 Aston. Hardwood floors, central air/heat, fully equipped kitchen, deck overlooking fenced yard. $102,000. MLS# 123020

EXQUISITE QUEEN ANNE, 265 W. Railroad North. 8 bedrooms, 4 1/2 baths, guest house, 3 car garage. Everything updated while preserving period architecture. $375,000. MLS# 123270.

DON’T WAIT TOO LONG! Call today on this 3 bedroom, 2 bath with split plan at 1022 Prairie Lane. Includes kitchen & laundry equipment, window blinds, fenced yard. $109,000. MLS# 123495.

MOVE-IN READY - Only $89,500 for this spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bath at 1205 Wheelock with recent upgrades to roof and appliances. Hardwood, central air/heat, fenced yard & more! MLS# 121675

PERFECT STARTER HOME OR DOWNSIZER! 2 bedroom, 1 bath at 507 Cameron features lovely wood floors, beaded board, central air & heat, screened porch, and appliances. $65,000. MLS# 123777

FENCED YARD AND LOW TRAFFIC AREA at 1023 Prairie Lane add security for small children and pets. Open plan, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, appliances, central air/heat. $114,500, MLS# 123103.

EXECUTIVE LIVING IN A PARK-LIKE SETTING at 150 Caroline Drive. Brick walls & arches, heart pine flooring & beams, granite and marble, lawn irrigation, exquisite views. $325,000. MLS# 123548.

FORE! One of 2 new homes in exclusive Fairway Cove. Three bedroom, 2 bath bordering the golf course. Too many custom features to list - CALL FOR DETAILS! $269,000. MLS# 123014.

ATTENTION PROPERTY SPECULATORS! There is a ton of potential in this 3 bedroom, 2 bath fixer-upper. On a huge, 142 x 209 lot at 321 N. Chestnut. ONLY $25,000 - CALL TODAY. MLS# 123530.

ENJOY OUTSIDE AS MUCH AS INSIDE! 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, 1039 Stuart Robison Rd. Professional kitchen, expansive pool & patio with shop, much more. $225,000. MLS# 122817.


OPEN FLOOR PLAN featured in this 3 bedroom, 2 bath at 1016 Cannon Ln, North Pike. Includes kitchen appliances, large workshop, utility shed, and camper canopy. $182,000. MLS# 122964.

Buy Sell • June-July 2016

OPEN, AIRY PLAN makes this roomy 2 bedroom, 1 bath feel even more spacious. On a 100x200 site with fenced yard at 802 Wheelock, this home features bright cheerful colors, beautiful wood floors, and central air & heat. $79,900. MLS# 123072

Gail King, CRS Monica Garner, CRS 601-551-6719 ~ TEAM PARTNERS ~ 601-551-6542

Marilyn Abadie 601-783-5216

Brooke LeBlanc, Realtor 601-248-9016

Angela Harvey, Realtor 601-810-5092

Amanda Lewis, Realtor 601-384-0342

Jessica Troutman 601-248-5985

CUSTOM THROUGHOUT BY ONE OF THE AREA’S PREMIER BUILDERS! 4 bedrooms, 2 full, 2 half baths at 505 Westover. Formal plan, and perfect for entertaining. $244,500. MLS# 122452.

OWNING THIS HOME CAN BE CHEAPER THAN RENTING - CALL TO LEARN HOW! This 3 bedroom at 502 Jackson includes central heat, pine floors, and kitchen appliances. $75,000. MLS# 123255.

FORE! One of 2 new homes in exclusive Fairway Cove. Three bedroom, 2 bath bordering the golf course. Too many custom features to list - CALL FOR DETAILS! $249,000. MLS# 123015.

PELLA WINDOWS AND HARDWOOD FLOORS exemplify the quality put into this 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath on 2+ landscaped acres, 1011 Apache. Includes many ‘extras!’ $211,000. MLS# 123686

HUGE RAMBLER ON 2 ACRES - MORE LAND AVAILABLE at 1115 WA Walker Rd. Totally renovated 5 bedroom, 4 bath with central air/heat, appliances, huge porch. $189,000. MLS# 122775.

SPACIOUS 4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH on 1 acre at 1055 Erin near N. Pike High School. Cathedral ceiling, fully equipped kitchen, central air & heat, outbuilding, and much more. $171,000. MLS# 123622

NEED 4 BEDROOMS & 3 BATHS? Check out this N. Pike home on 1.5 acres, 2062 Hwy. 44-E. Includes appliances, central air/heat, wood fireplace, outbuilding. $165,000. MLS# 121342.

ONLY $35,000 for this 2 bedroom at 2074 Magnolia-Pisgah Road on leased 16th section land. Remodeled kitchen, hardwood and ceramic floors, appliances, storage shed, and more. MLS# 117460.

DON’T HESITATE - HOMES IN THIS AREA MOVE QUICKLY! 3 bedroom at 608 Marion includes central air & heat, covered patio, fenced yard, workshed, and more. ONLY $83,000. MLS# 122720.

DON’T HESITATE - WON’T LAST LONG! On 2 1/2 acres at 1018 Pineview, N. Pike, this 4 bedroom, 2 bath includes all appliances, central air & heat, and much more. ONLY $64,000. MLS# 123412

WHEN CRAFTSMANSHIP AND QUALITY RULED THE DAY! This 14-room, 4 bedroom, 4 1/2 bath is one of a kind. Shown strictly by appointmen to pre-qualified candidates. $850,000.

GREAT POSSIBILITIES AS A STARTER HOME OR INVESTMENT PROPERTY. Two bedroom on 200’ deep lot, 832 Missouri. Includes new roof, security system, utility shed. $44,500. MLS# 122421.





A RARE FIND - LAKEFRONT HOME at 1026 Northwest Avenue. Picture windows provide unobstructed views of the lake. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, huge deck, & many extras. $230,000. MLS# 122616

LIVE LIKE A KING! Huge 5 bedroom, 7 bath, 1001 Pinehurst Pl. Lavishly appointed home includes gourmet kitchen, huge master suite, patio-pool-cabana, much more. $399,500. MLS# 121550


ANOTHER ONE GONE WILD at 1005 Matthews Rd. Whether selling or buying, call ERA Wild. Experience how ERA is “1st in Customer Satisfaction.”SM

Buy Sell • June-July 2016




We offer property management services on residential and commercial properties. Call Watkins “Noggin” Wild at (601) 684-2131 for details.

If you are interested in a career path that is limited only by your capacity to dream, real estate may be your answer. Call Watkins “Noggin” Wild at (601) 684-2131 for more information. All inquiries are kept confidential.

MOTIVATED SELLER! Three bedroom, 2 bath on nearly 1/2 acre site at 380 Wilson Dr., Magnolia. Kitchen range, central air/heat, fenced yard. ONLY $54,050 - CALL TODAY! MLS#

WON’T LAST LONG - CALL TODAY! 3 bedroom, 2 bath on 2 acres, 1150 Wells Rd., N. Pike. New hardwood and tile flooring, kitchen appliances, fenced yard, utility shed. $128,000. MLS# 123741

EXECUTIVE HOME ON 5.42 ACRES, N. PIKE - ADDITIONAL LAND AND STABLE AVAILABLE. This 3 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath at 1047 Clabber Creek is nestled among magnificent hardwoods. Features lovely millwork, hardwood, ceramic tile, appliances, RV shed, and even guest house. $285,000. Adjoining 6.16 acres and horse barn available for an additional $45,000. MLS# 122383. www.WildRealtycom





+/- 43 ACRES, NORTH PIKE 2062 Brent Road. Includes a roomy 3 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home in a beautiful, private setting, central air/heat, new roof, porches and deck, carport. $180,000. MLS 120149

SPECTACULAR! Heart pine, gourmet kitchen, high ceilings with heavy millwork, French doors - just a taste of what awaits in this 3 bedroom or 4, 2 1/2 bath, 115 N. Cherry, Magnolia. $285,000. MLS# 123748

3+ ACRES, N. PIKE at 1011 Red Hawk Way. Immaculate 3 bedroom, 2 bath includes central air & heat, all kitchen appliances, window treatments, fireplace, and more. $99,500. MLS# 123883

PRICED-TO-SELL, MOVE-IN READY! 3 bedroom 2 bath, 920 Avenue C on lot with fenced back yard. Central air/heat, kitchen and laundry appliances. CALL TODAY! $59,000. MLS# 123053.

ANOTHER ONE GONE WILD at 1027 Starnes Rd. Whether selling or buying, call ERA Wild. Experience how ERA is “1st in Customer Satisfaction.”SM

MUST SEE TO BELIEVE! Totally renovated 3 bedroom, 2 bath at 519 Hillcrest. For starters, new roof, central air & heat, paint, on-demand hot water, granite counters, & pool. $123,500. MLS# 123706

ACADIAN-STYLE at 234 4th has been lovingly restored to original elegance with decorator colors and lovely refinished floors. Spacious and includes all modern amenities. $119,500. MLS# 123647

COULD THIS BE HOME TO YOUR NEXT BUSINESS VENTURE? Spacious, renovated building in high-visibility corner location at 411 S. Broadway. SELLER MOTIVATED! $75,000. MLS# 123623


THIS PROPERTY CAN PAY FOR ITSELF! 3+ acres with 400+ feet of frontage along Hwy. 98-E. High visibility and traffic count. Includes 3 buildings, 2 of which are currently leased for a combined monthly rent of $2,050. Whether you’re looking for a new business location, an investment, or both, this is a rare opportunity. $179,950. MLS# 117895.



Buy Sell • June-July 2016

Individual Member

Shannon Boone Realtor 601-341-4775

Dee Parker Admin. Asst. 601-684-2131

Garland Burris Realtor 601-551-2825

Noggin Wild, CRB, CRS 601-684-2131

BUILDING SITES / LAND PERFECT MINI-FARM, HUNTING PLOT, OR GET-A-WAY! 25.52 acres at Mary Walker Bridge Road and River Road, Liberty. Lots of road frontage and teeming with wildlife. $76,560. MLS# 123343. BEAUTIFULLY WOODED 2-ACRE SITE on Joel Lang Road. Perfect spot to build your dream home. Only $10,500. MLS# 123351/ www/

MULTI-FUNCTIONAL BUILDING on an acre at S. Magnolia and Avenue C. Includes office and warehouse space, loading dock, several overhead doors. $125,000. MLS# 120992

PRIME OFFICE LOCATION  at 211 Gay St. More than 7,600 square feet of subdividable space at $7/SF, & will consider selling. Owner will remodel to suit or sell for $615,000. MLS# 120989

RARE OPPORTUNITY - HOMESITES in Cedar Ridge. Lakefront sites for $55,000. Lakeview sites for $30,000. Restrictive covenants. MLS #’s 123129, 123130, 123133, 123134, and 123135. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING LOTS, CHASE DRIVE.  1.73 acre site with community water available just a couple of minutes from McComb. $10,500. MLS# 121349. N. PIKE - TOPISAW TRAIL SUBDIVISION.  These 1 and 2 acre homesites near Pricedale have community water available and are priced tos ell at $5,000/acre. MLS# 115162. THIS MAY BE THE ONLY CHANCE YOU’LL EVER HAVE  to build on a site in the “Indian Reservation.” Beautiful wooded home site on Arrowhead drive. $28,000. MLS# 121328 REDUCED - GREAT SPOT TO CALL HOME. Wooded site consisting of 8 acres, more or less, fronts Barto Leggett Rd. Great site for home or mobile home. Only $24,000. MLS# 120987. 32.5 ACRES, LONDON ROAD IN WEST LINCOLN. Mixed pine and hardwood with some cutover. Several good home sites. Good recraetional possibilities. $79,000. MLS 119932 GREAT BUILDING SITE FOR YOUR NEW HOME! 3 acres on Clearview Circle. $17,000. MLS# 119781.

IN McCOMB’S NEWEST BUSINESS PARK,  one of sevearl prime sites. All city services and easy access to I-55 & Hwy. 98. $112,765. MLS# 122784

PERFECT MINI-FARM, HUNTING PLOT, OR GETA-WAY! 25.52 acres at Mary Walker Bridge Road and River Road, Liberty. Lots of road frontage and teeming with wildlife. $76,560. MLS# 123343.

North Pike - Beautiful 1.9 acre building site on Cedar Lane, Dixie Springs Estates. Restrictive convenants apply. $18,800. MLS 120643 LOCATED IN McCOMB’S NEWEST BUSINESS PARK - Select commercial sites. Choose from any of 4 lots ranging in size from 0.62 to 2.71 acres on Parklane Rd. or Business Center Drive. Pricing ranges from $52,550 - $188,700 per lot. Call for further details. MOBILE HOMES WELCOME! Almost 10 acres on Schillings Rd., Osyka. Many great home sites. Community water available. Includes frontage along Mount Herman Rd. $40,000. MLS# 122784. HALF ACRE LOT, corner of N. Chestnut and Avenue F - AT ONLY $6,000. BETTER ACT NOW! MLS# 123597. BEAUTIFUL TRACT FOR YOUR NEXT HOME, OR A RECREATIONAL RETREAT! Nearly 40 acres with scenic creek. Mixed timber and pasture. Located off LaBlanc Road. $115,000. MLS# 121208 2 PRIME BUILDING SITES IN MAGNOLIA! These adjoining lots on W. Bay St. each contain approximately 1/2 acre. Offered at $12,500 for each lot, and will consider discounting if bought together. MLS# 123631 6.38 BEAUTIFULLY WOODED ACRES, N. PIKE! Located just east of McComb on Summit-Holmesville Rd. $25,000. MLS# 123785.

THIS COULD BE THE VIEW FROM YOUR DEN! Cedar Ridge lakefront sites for $55,000, or lakeview sites for $30,000. Restrictions apply. MLS#’s 123129, 123130, 123133, 123134, and 123135.

EXCLUSIVE FAIRWAY COVE! Includes choice sites adjoining the golf course at Fernwood COuntry Club, and lakefront lots. Underground utilities. Curb and guttering. $40,000/lot. MLS# 122784

MOBILE HOMES WELCOME!  Almost 10 acres on Schillings Rd., Osyka. Many great home sites. Community water available. Includes frontage along Mount Herman Rd. $40,000. MLS# 122784

32.5 ACRES, LONDON ROAD IN WEST LINCOLN. Mixed pine and hardwood with some cutover. Several good home sites. Good recreational possibilities. $79,000. MLS 119931


BEAUTIFUL TRACT FOR YOUR NEXT HOME, OR A RECREATIONAL RETREAT! Nearly 40 acres with scenic creek off LaBlanc Road. Mixed timber and pasture. $115,000. MLS# 121208

Buy&Sell • June-July 2016

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NPSD - $799,000 – Live the life of luxury on this lake front property. This dramatic masterpiece sits on 4.8 Acres with 6BR, 5 baths, media room, and sun porch overlooking custom hot tub and pool with stone decking, cascading waterfall and LED lighting.





Summit - 501 Calhoun St. - This Custom Built home has endless High-End features. Stone fireplace, large deck for entertaining, Bonus Room and many more.



1100 Rollingwood Dr. - Charming, 1.5-story cabin style home has 3 bdrm, 2 bath home with a 2-stall garage will give you 1,832 sq. ft. of generous space to move about (without losing that quaint, cozy atmosphere when it’s time to cuddle up by the fireplace with a good book).

Summit - 1037 Greentree Lane – Located at the end of the Lane, this home has much to offer. Large family room and living room connects to a newly updated kitchen. Outdoor kitchen and full bath on the patio by the pool. Also features a guest house!


McComb - $105,000 – Great country living just minutes from town in the NPSD could be a showplace sitting on 2 acres. New Architectural shingles recently put on roof. Large kitchen with breakfast. Additional acreage is available.



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Pinehurst Sub. Div - $183,000 – Wooded, hilltop view makes this home a rare find in one of Pike county’s nicest subdivisions. It has a beautiful fireplace in the den, formal dining room, and a patio overlooking the fenced yard. Includes a large shop and onsite RV parking with water and electricity.


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Brookhaven - 900 Denton Trail NW – Enjoy this beautiful home in a peaceful setting on a 1 acre lot. This 1996, 2258 sq. ft. traditional home offers 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, including a bonus room on the second floor. Modern fixtures are throughout this home.


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Magnolia - $129,000 – Beautiful country setting close to I-55 and town. This home has a new roof and new central air and heating unit. Enjoy entertaining with the formal living room, dining room, and a large shaded lot.




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626 Louisiana Avenue - Beautiful wood floors guide you throughout this masterfully crafted and renovated home! Large family room, formal dining room, updated kitchen and sitting area off the kitchen will wow you! Entertaining on the oversized deck overlooking the back yard will be huge hit!

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McComb - 1030 Stonegate Drive - This architectural gem sets the scene for luxury living. Enterting the elegant foyer, the combination of archways, columns, and exquisite chandeliers, demand your attention. Features Lanai with panoramic view, Master suite in secluded wing of house, and Dream kitchen.


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1151 Guy Barkdull - Summit – NPSD boasts this 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath home. Scored concrete floors, separate dining areas, safe room enclosed by concrete, large bonus room upstairs, 20x20 workshop all situated on 2.55 acres. A must see!


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Liberty - 2305 Dominick Road - Country living at its best! This home sits off the road for privacy and on 2 acres. Vaulted ceilings with exosed beams, wood burning fireplace, an office and a 30x40 workshop. Home warranty included.

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Buy&Sell • June-July 2016

YOU HEARD IT THEY SAID RE/MAX The word going around? More Buyers and Sellers would recommend RE/MAX than any other real estate brand, helping RE/MAX Agents start more conversations and gain more new and repeat business. Talk about pitch perfect. Your career makes sense at RE/MAX. Call Trish today for a confidential interview! 601-551-0343 p





Summit - $89,900 – Large home located close to SMCC, has 4BR/2Baths and a 1/2 bath off the garage work area. Large fenced in back yard.



204 Westview Circle – This arge well maintained ranch home is located in a quiet neighborhood. Large family room has an inviting fireplace, updated kitchen, formal dining room, roof is 3 years old.


Tylertown - $62,500 - This home is located within the city limits of Tylertown. 4BR/2BA brick home is located near the school, shopping, dining, and medical facilities.

415 West Avenue N. - $135,000 - Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath ranch style home is situated on a shady lot with plenty of curb appeal, and manicured landscaping, just blocks from medical facilities, shopping, schools and activities, you will find this home gives you that quiet neighborhood feeling.





395 Wilson Avenue - $40,000 - This 3 bedroom/2 bath home sits on a quiet dead end street in the city limits of Magnolia. The home is priced to sell and would be great starter home or investment.



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301 James Ave. N – $89,900 - Well maintained, this home features a Large Sunroom, Separate Dining Room, and 2 fireplaces. Convenient to Hospital and shopping.


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$189,900 - 2005 Old Hwy. 24, McComb - Must see this property located down a secluded peaceful driveway in the NPSD. 2 ponds and includes a cabin style guest house.


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$135,000 - McComb - Great Home for the first time home buyer or college student! This 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath home has New Flooring, Painted Walls, and Beautiful Trey Ceilings.

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816 Sedgewick Street – With a little TLC this home would make a great rental property. Home has a deck and fenced in backyard.


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5006 Summit Holmesville Road - This newly constructed home in the Twin Oaks Subdivision features an open floor plan with custom built cabinets, granite countertops in kitchen and bathroom and 11 ft. ceiling in main room.

McComb - 8102 Old Hwy. 24 – Great property situated on 4.33 acresThis property has numerous storage areas and a guest house. This 2600+ sq. ft. home has 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths for any family to enjoy.

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1040 Brights Bend - Summit - $99,900 – Do you want to live like you are on vacation everyday? Then we’ve found the perfect place for you with this 3 Bedroom, 1 bath cabin overlooking the Bogue Chitto River.

View additional listings at


Buy Sell • June-July 2016



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Summit – 806 Laurel Street - $99,000 - This cottage is in mint condition and has been completely renovated. A home warranty is included with purchase.




Foxworth Area - 14 Johnson Cutoff – Adorable rustic house, shaded by a beautiful oak, has 2 acres with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. Perfect front porch and side deck for lazy Sunday afternoons or family gatherings.


Gas Station – 6822 Hwy 568 – Magnolia – This property is currently a running Gas Station/Convenience store in Amite county, right in the heart of all oil activity. Call for more information.





McComb - 529 Presley Blvd. – Commercial property in prime location. Located in an area with new development growth and high traffic.

McComb Commercial - 1311 Harrison Avenue High traffic area in a fast growing medical business location. This property has a large lot to expand.



Monticello - 1639 Hwy. 27 – 400 plus acres with 71 acres containing 16 yr. old pines. Approx. 180 acres are fenced and ready for livestock. There’s 100 acres of cleared pasture and 2 main established roads.


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Osyka – 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath cabin located on 5.59 acres of pristine property. This property has a large shop with a 2BR/1BA guest house with a kitchen.


Commercial - 601 Bendat Street - $72,000 – 1935 sq. ft. Commercial property in prime location. This property has high traffic count and plenty of parking. Start your business today, give us a call.





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411 Aston Avenue - This lovely maintained home offers spacious rooms, formal dining room, large living room with wood burning-insert fireplace, large custom workshop, an office, and a pool for family enjoyment.


Fernwood - 1005 Hickory Ln - Great home for First TIme Buyer or as investment property. Conveniently located close to I-55 and shopping. Schedule your appointment today.

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Brookhaven - East Washington Street – 8 beautiful acres inside the city limits of Brookhaven.




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Parklane Business Center Lots. Priced at Appraisal Value • Lot 2 - 0.62 Acres $81,472 • Lot 3 - 0.62 Acres $80,599 • Lot 4 - 1.43 Acres $187,039 • Lot 5 - 1.38 Acres $180,502 • Lot 7 - 0.94 Acres $143,858


Summit – 3.92 Acres – Build your dream home in NPSD. Extra acreage available for purchase.



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Tylertown - $65,000 - This secluded brick home is located down private driveway surrounded by wooded area. It has a fenced yard with large sized storage shed. This is a quiet and peaceful spot. Great starter home.






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Foreclosure - 1002 Lincs Lane - Large brick home on a dead end street is a great investment at this price! This 3 bedroom, 2 bath home offers a separate living room and dining room for family entertaining.


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McComb - 625 Louisiana Ave. – This 3 bedroom, 2 bath home boasts character and charm. Beautiful original features include pine floors, window seats, soaring ceilings, and built in wooden desk. New roof, siding and central HVAC is only a few years old.

View additional listings at 14


Buy Sell • June-July 2016

601-249-0485 Kelly Adams Angela Bates 601-248-7291 601-810-9696

Carol Easley Broker-Owner 601-810-0221

Robin McDaniel Broker-Owner 601-249-9520

Barry Smith 601-248-3734

June Gilbert 601-248-3738

Lindsey Wool Wan Franklin Jenna Karl Robert Miller Lisa Dillon David Turnage 504-237-2145 601-551-1770 601-248-6300 504-621-5895 601-810-8326 601-248-7732




Martha Simmons 601-810-1116








3015 Van Norman Curve • $282,000

1130 Slay Road • $888,888 Elegant home in Amite County, beautifully landscaped lawn w/fountains, creek and 2 ponds on approx. 20 acres. 5BR, 4.5B, lg. open foyer, LR w/fireplace, DR, office, laundry, media room and game room, kitchen w/butlers pantry. Also included is an attached guest house.

88 New Home Church Rd, Jayess • This is a must see property! Beautiful 4BR/4BA home that sits back off road on 14.6 ac. Features great sized kitchen with island bar, granite counter tops, tons of cabinet space and wine cooler. French doors open off family room to back screened in back patio. Master BR has door that goes out to back porch, bath has Jacuzzi tub, huge shower, double sinks, towel warmer and 2 walk in closets. Under the stairwell has been reinforced for a storm shelter. House has many other amenities.

North Pike School District! Check out this custom home with 4 bedrooms, three bathrooms, greatroom with gas logs in fireplace, kitchen with granite squares on countertops and island, breakfastnook, spacious foyer, split floor plan. The oversized master suite has sitting area in bedroom, separate his/hers bathrooms, large walk-in closets and large office with access to back patio. Additional land is available.







526 Lakeview Ave. • $77,500 4BR, 2 BA hme located in the heart of McComb. Spacious home at a great price - don’t let this one pass you by!

4196 Emerald State Line Rd., Magnolia • $209,000 Looking for country living? Then this home is for you. 3BR, 2 Ba home on approx. 12 acres with barn, shed and pole shed. Lots of pine trees and several fruit trees - the possibilities are endless.






373 Hwy. 44, Jayess • $275,000 Exquisite 3BR, 3 Ba. home located on a beautifully l andscaped yard on approx. 4 acres. Great room w/wood floors, kitchen featuring custom cabinets & granite countertops, spacious rooms, covered patio, deck, pool and shed makes this a must see property.

5044 Old Brookhaven Rd. • $350,000 Commercial property - great business investment. Located close to the Pike-Lincoln county line. An established convenience store in a great location. Call for more details.

1004 Bellwood Circle • $319,000 Executive style home located just off Apache Dr. outside McComb city limits. Featuring a spacious den, gas logs, sunroom with brick floors. Also has a spacious kitchen w/granite countertops and breakfast area. A wonderful master suite and outside kitchen and pool completes the property.















4151 Hwy. 48 • $338,000 This lovely home has a great view from wrap around porches. 3BR, 3.5 Ba., open living/kitchen/dining. Custom kitchen with quartz countertops. Also includes guest house with 2BR, 2 Ba. adjoining Percy Quin State Park.


212 Oak St. • $135,000 3BR, 2.5BA home on tree lined street, corner lot quiet neighborhood, convenient to schools, shopping and medical facilities. Includes rec room/man cave with wet bar and lots of storage in every room. PRICED BELOW APPRAISAL.




1122 Lakeview Dr., Summit • $239,900 Wonderful home in North Pike School District in Dixie Springs Estates. It features an open floor plan with a large living area. The master suite is spacious. The sun room is a perfect place to relax. There is a bonus room over the garage.






1054 Hawthorne Dr. • $220,000 4 BR, 2.5 bath home located in Pinehurst Subdivision also includes dining room, living room, den/office, kitchen, breakfast nook, wet bar and large laundry room. For your convenience a double garage and circle driveway.






1199 River Ridge Rd. • $220,000 Beautiful executive style home in NPSD. Granite counter tops and custom cabinets in kitchen. Columns separating the den and dining room. 3 bed, 2.5 bath.





1052 Rolling Oaks • $259,900 NPSD features open floor plan, 4 BR, custom kitchen w/granite, family room and screened porch. ALso includes a guest house with 2BR, 1 Bath.



1207 Ave. F Extension • $245,000 Unique investment property just outside the city limits in NPSD. Includes 3 rental homes and approx. 15.29 acres.

Buy&Sell • June-July 2016




410 Wilson Dr. • $88,500 Cute home conveniently located close to schools, shopping and medical. Features 3BR, 2 Ba., kitchen, dining room and spacious den.

703 Delaware Ave., McComb, MS 39648 • 601-249-0485 • Fax 601-249-0496 • N









1729 Hwy. 27 N., Jayess • $128,500 3 bed, 2 bath, completely renovated, hardwood floors, ceramic tile, 3.5+/- acres with pond and beautiful white oak trees. Shed has a half bath with storage.




1221 Parklane Rd. • $380,000 Commercial listing. Great business opportunity in a growing area, located near I-55. Currently being used as Space Taser Tag and mini golf. Owner is willing to negotiate price of equipment. Lease Purchase may be an option.

715 Virginia • $89,900

917 College St. • $62,000

3 Bedroom, 2 bath home located in the historic district, close to shopping, schools and hospital. Don’t miss out on this adorable house!

Very spacious well maintained home on a corner lot. The kitchen has numerous cabinets, home has lots of windows & plenty of storage space.






1020 Curtis Dr. • $79,000 Brick rancher featuring 3 bedrooms, 2 baths in NPSD. Located on 6 acres. Call today for an appointment.

1017 Beacham Hill Rd., Magnolia • $70,000 Move in ready 2BR, 1.5 Bath in a quiet area. Kitchen has been renovated w/new floors, cabinets, microwave & dishwasher. Back deck, 2 car carport, shop and lawnmower shed.


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817 Howe St. • $79,000 3BR, 2 Ba., 2 story spacious house with lots of storage, completely renovated, new carpet on a quiet tree lined street.





3002 Hwy. 48 E., Magnolia • $165,000 50+ Acres with 2 ponds and timber.

8116 Osyka Progress Rd. • $290,000 Your chance to own your own farm! Approx. 38 acres located close to the MS/LA line with large horse barn. Barn has several stalls, office space, private living quarters and roll up doors.




512 Louisiana, McComb • $45,000 4 bedroom/2 bath. Original hardwood floors, spacious living room and dining room, large walk-in closet, close to schools, walking track, shopping and medical facilities.

8094 Centerville Rd., Magnolia • $49,900 3BR, 2 Ba. brick rancher on approx. 1.25 acres, on quiet tree lined street, close to I-55.

322 Virginia Ave. • $9,000 1BR, 1 bath handyman special. Great investment property. Call today.

429 S. Broadway • $64,900 Charming Victorian remodeled on corner lot. Newly painted interior and exterior with natural wood trim. 12 ft. ceiling, electrical rewired, new plumbing in kitchen and both baths, wood floors refinished, central heat and air. Large rooms, bay window and plenty of storage closets. There is also a screened in patio, fenced yard, front porch and unattached garage with lots of extra storage.



427 Virginia Ave. • $82,000 Very well-kept home in historic district. Open living room/kitchen, den, formal dining room, office. Twenty-six double-insulated windows help keep the electricity bill low. Three security doors and a storm door. Nice partially covered deck that looks over the back yard below. Basement features a workshop area, another room & safe room. Move-in ready.





346 Yellow Pine, Bogue Chitto • $69,000 3 bed/2 bath, older Victorian home, wood floors, wrap around porch, move in ready. Priced below appraisal. Workshp and basement. Seller is motivated to sell.

1109 Boyanton Rd. • $163,900 Located in North Pike School District. This is perfect for a large family. It features a den and a family room. Outside area features a pool and deck. Perfect for entertaining. Property includes a large workshop.





3175 Hwy. 44 E. • $125,000 Immaculate home located in North Pike School District. It features a nice master suite with a large walkin closet along with 3 other bedrooms. Spacious utility room with storage cubbies. A must see.

320 Edgar St. • $119,500 Beautiful update across from the Dinner Bell, 4 BR, 2 baths, new items are roof, HVac. Also features wood floors, fireplaces, pocket doors and landscaped lawn with watering system.

Buy&Sell • June-July 2016

1047 Henry Burch • $94,000 Located in North Pike School District it features three bedrooms and one bathroom. The living/dining area is open. Country setting, close to town.


703 Delaware Ave., McComb, MS 39648 • 601-249-0485 • Fax 601-249-0496 • ING





213 Caston Ave. • $65,000 Check out this three bedroom, two bathroom house located inside the city limits. Spacious rooms and beautiful wood floors make this a must see!


10053 Hwy. 570E., Summit • $400,000 This is our chance to be your own boss! A profitable business located close to 4 county lines. The building was completed in 2012. Just some of the improvements are: New A/C, new beer cooler and new concrete parking lot. Also includes a full kitchen, 2 bedroom apartment and 2 outbuildings for extra storage. Price does not include inventory.

RE 144 Lees Chapel Rd., Tylertown • This 4 bedroom/3 bath Cypress home on 1 acre sits back off the road. (52 additional acres behind the house may be available for purchase). This home has a nice sized covered back patio, 2 metal buildings and a shed with electricity and water.

313 Bay St. West, Magnolia • $185,000 Spacious 4BR, 3 bath home on approx. 4.45 acres of beautiful land bordering the Minnehaha Creek. Let’s make this house your home for the holidays! Call today.








207 Shannon Dr. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath brick house. New roof, new floors, new paint inside and out. Convenient to schools, shopping. Large tree shaded lot. Must see.

1015 Gum Grove Lane • $190,000 2 large BR, 2 Ba. on approx. 2 acres. House features brick and vinyl exterior, modern kitchen with island and well insulated.

3757 Lower Liberty Gloster Rd., Liberty • $234,000 This nice sized, open floor plan mobile home is move in ready! Includes approx. 15 acres pasture and 11 acres wooded. Wooded. Woods have a perimeter trail all the way around, trails throughout with deer stand and food plot. The kitchen is huge with massive sized island, tons of cabinets, large master suite. Also includes back deck, workshop w/roll up door, storage shed, bunny & chicken coups and plenty of fruit trees.


1147 Hwy. 44 • $25,000 NPSD - Cute 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom house approx. 7 miles outside of McComb on +/1/3 acre of land with lots of trees. Don’t miss out on this - it’s priced to sell.







R 67 Pigott Rd., Tylertown • $168,000


805 Delaware Ave. • $70,000 A rare opportunity for either residential or commercial property on one of the main streets in McComb.

318 Virginia Ave. • $25,000 2BR, 2 bath home waiting for the right hands. Great investment property. Call today.

7290 Brown Rd. • $95,000 Check out this house! Located only minutes from McComb in Amite County, this 3 bedroom home has new flooring in living room and bedrooms. Eat in kitchen with ceramic flooring and countertops. Enjoy the outdoors with a covered patio and in ground pool.






2015 Richard Rd. • $17,000 2000 Sunshine mobile home, three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Mobile home to be moved.

Magnolia Village Estates, 9 lots at $91,500/ea. Restrictive covenants. Owner financing available. Country Club Rd lot. $60,000 overlooking the 18th fairway at Fernwood Country Club. 1062 Howell Dr. - $17,000, located in Howell Subdivision. Choctaw Dr. Lot in Indian Reservation Subdivision. $22,000. 501 Cherry St. N - 1.5 corner lot. $5,000.

W.A. Walker Rd. $149,000 approx. 50 acres.





522 Lakeview Ave. • $73,500 Adorable 3 BR, 1 bath home close to everything you need at a price you don’t want to pass up.

Great move in ready 4BR/2BA manufctured home sits on top of a hill and away from road. The land of the property features 15.85 acres about 10 of it is pasture, a fully stocked 1 acre pond with catfish, poerch and bass, huge 20x60 covered back patio with concreted floor, 30x40 workshop that has a 12 ft. roll updoor and electricity, tractor shed, and a small shed close to the pond. The home has a great sized island in the kitchen, lots of cabinet space, crown molding throughout, propane fireplace and the master has a huge walk in closet, double sinks and nice Jacuzzi tub.



1052 Meadow Lane • $154,000 Beautiful 3BR, 2 BA home in Pine Meadow Subdivision. Nice open floor plan, granite countertops, built-ins in living room. Priced to sell. Motivated sellers.

McComb-Holmesville Rd., Summit $150,000 approx. 50 acres w/trails, food plots and wildlife! Pinehurst West $25,000 approx. 2.75 acres in Pinehurst Subdivision. Lot 11 Fox Run Subdivision $19,000. Lot 18 Lexington Lane in Pinehurst Subdivision. $44,000 approx. 3.73 acres. PENDING - Adams Road - Approx. 4.36 acres close to town. Lot 1 in Stonegate Subdivision $13,900. Close to Buy&Sell • June-July 2016


310 Enochs St., Tylertown • $65,000 3 Bed, 1 bath conveniently located. Hurricane evacuation route. Great starter home.

Percy Quin State Park. 1096 Alford’s Bridge Rd. Summit $91,000. Approx. 13 acres located in North Pike School District. Approx. 4 acres NPSD $16,000. Great home site mobile homes allowed. 7.32 +/- Acres on Osyka-Progress Rd. $19,000. PENDING - 4 Acres Fred Martin - $14,000.

BLACK HAWK REAL ESTATE 601-276-9551 1136 Hwy. 51 South Summit



FAX 601-276-9552

Randy Gordon REALTOR Cell 601-730-5886

Ray Smith, Broker - Home, 601-276-2129 Realtor Associates David Feldman, Cell 601-248-8980

Gerald Honea REALTOR Cell 601-551-5148








Ray Smith Broker Cell 601-249-6957




1086 Stone Gate 1142 W. Topisaw Rd. Black Hawk Real Estate found this quality listing with five acres and shop. Give us a call and we will find your new home. 601276-9551.

This immaculate executive quality 4BR, 3 bath home on a large 1.8 acrelot in one of the areas finest subdivisions features formal dining, modern kit. withgranite, up scale appliances, and large living area with entertainment center. $294,500.

103 GERALD DRIVE This well maintained 3BR, 2 bath features original oak flooring, garden tub bath, modern kit. and landscaped yard. $89,500. $86,900.






811 Minnesota Ave. Conveniently located 3BR, 2 bath brick home on corner lot near McComb High School. $114,000. $79,900. MLS# 123112

t Lis




375 S. Prewett St., Magnolia One of the best deals on the market in this 3BR home with new roof, hardwood floors, large covered deck, vinyl siding on corner lot. $85,500. MLS# 123537

2105 Wardlaw Rd., McComb

3069 Old Brookhaven Rd. - NPSD

Great investment property in this 3BR, 2 bath mobile home on 2.97 Acres. $55,000. MLS# 123107

Executive quality home featuring heavy millwork, open floor plan, with quartz countertops in custom kitchen, large living area with formal dining, sunroom, and patio with brick columns and wrought iron fence. $205,000. Call for appt. MLS# 123529

801 St. Augustine Ave Ext., McComb

Commercial Building 700 S. Broadway, McComb

Move in ready with new roof, new paint, remodeled kit. and baths all this 3BR, 1 1/2 bath home needs is you as the owner. $100,000.

Great location in this 6500 SF shop bldg. currently leased as electrical motor repair business. $75,000. MLS# 123192

1142 Harrison - NPSD

Good starter or retirement home features 2BR, 1 bath, attached carport on 1 acre. $45,000. MLS# 123124




1140 Harrison Drive - NPSD Large 6BR, 4 bath main house with a double wide 3BR, 2 bath include all on 3 acres with another 9.5 acres available. Great rental and development property. $200,000. MLS# 123123





1025 Timber Drive, McComb

North Pike School District - This is a 5, yes I said five bedroom, with 3 full baths and it is only 2 years old on a 1.5 acre lot. The house features a great room with hardwood floors and tray ceiling, kitchen with custom built cabinets with granite tops, two dishwashers and electric ceramic top range. There is a two car garage with power lift door, a large covered back porch and a slab has been poured for a studio/guest house with plumbing in place. $249,500 MLS 120128

1031 Pine Tree - NPSD Good investment property in this 3BR, 1110 New York Avenue 2 bath mobile home currently rented on Looking for a large comfortable 4BR, 4 1/2 bath home in great area plan to view this home 1.81 acres. $45,000. MLS# 123119 on a large 1.14 acre lot with circle drive. $195,000. $185,000.

Buy&Sell • June-July 2016




Hwy. 51 South, Summit

Ray Smith, Broker - 601-276-9551, 601-276-2129 • Email

Black Hawk Sales People Can Show You Any Listing in this Guide




1052 Verna Lane - NPSD This one bedroom caabin will make a good weekend getaway or hunting cabin with some TLC. Won’t last long at $12,000.





1023 Pine Tree Lane - NPSD Large 2.27 acre tree shaded lot with 3BR, 2 bath mobile home. Good starter or investment property. $45,000. MLS# 123118

3080 Hwy 98E, McComb

This 12,000SF building with 80 paved parking spaces was used for entertainment but can be adapted oro ther uses such as school, church, group home, restaurant, manufacturing, antique shop or indoor flea market. Subject has 4 baths, kitchen and stage. $375,000. $329,000. MLS# 122764





1030 Pine Tree Lane - NPSD

1035 Pine Tree - NPSD

This 3BR, 2 bath mobile home on a large 1.3 acre lot in North Pike School District is a good starter or retirement choice. $45,000. $40,000. MLS# 122761

This 2002 model doublewide with 1900 sq. ft. features 3BR’s, 2 baths and located on a large 2 acre lot. $65,000. MLS# 123120

1089 Johnston Station Rd., House plus 8 acres +/Great location in this 4BR, 3 bath home with large kitchen, recreation room, LR and den with wood burning fireplace, inground gunite pool and large covered patio. $189,500.



To see our Listings go to NEW LISTING - Commercial location in


Black Hawk needs your listing here. Have Buyers for Acreage and Lots.




LAND Development Land - 15.6 Acres with city sewer, city water, on paved street $59,280. --This 31.7 Acres of prime pasture, fenced and cross fenced, with two poonds, two water wells and great house site won’t last long at $128,000. --Quail Ridge Subd. - North Pike School: Lot 15 - $15,000; Lot 16 - $14,000; Lot 17 - $14,000. --REDUCED - 30 acres near Wal-Mart. 9 acres, commercial, balance NPSD residential. $390,000. $325,000.

Edgewood Mall Smithdale Road

1034 Fair Oaks, NPSD

Black Hawk

236 Westview Circle, McComb

Affordable brick home on one acre, featuring modern kit., family room, 2 BR, 2 baths, fenced yard with shop bldg. $105,000.

This one is in move in condition featuring 3BR’s, 2 baths. LR/DR, large kit. with breakfast area, covered deck, fenced yard, and double carport. Only $75,000. MLS# 123469

Hwy. 98 Mini-Storage

Looking for investment property, check out this 96 unit mini-storage business. $325,000.

We have Buyers, we need listings, give us a call to list your property.


Hwy. 51

this 2.7 acres Hwy. 51 between McComb and Summit. All utilities inside Summit city limits. Better hurry at $65,000. LOTS High Point Gated Subdivision, Summit Three one acre lots available, prices range $25,000 to $35,000. Deed restrictions --Three 1 acre building lots Golf Lane, Summit - Your choice $18,000 each $12,000 each. Community water available. --We have lots in Lincoln County (Bogue Chitto School District) from 2 to 10 acres. All lots are wooded. Some front on Hwy. 51 and some on Freeman Road. Prices start at $12,000 with owner financing. (Sorry no mobile homes). Sold with deed restrictions.




Buy&Sell • June-July 2016



Hwy. 51 South, Summit

Ray Smith, Broker - 601-276-9551, 601-276-2129 • Email

Black Hawk Sales People Can Show You Any Listing in this Guide ICE




417 Nebraska Ave. Tastefully renovated cottage with new wiring, new plumbing, new roof and new kitchen. Home features 3BR’s, 1 bath with single garage and studio workshop with fenced yard. $74,500. $69,500.

1065 Joel Lang Road Great buy in this 3BR, 2 bath on 1 acre lot.This one will make a great first home or retirement home. $45,000.MLS# 123125

3421 Jordan Rd. SW, West Lincoln School

You won’t find a better buy in a large house on five acres than this new listing. This 3430 sq. ft. +/- brick home features 4BR’s, 2.5 baths, large DR, wood burning fireplace, and modern kit. $142,000.













You are looking at a part of Pike County history in this 1860’s home across street from Pike Co.Courthouse. Long time Mayor W.J. Simmons operated his tv repair business in lg. workshop & resided in the 4BR home. House has new metal roof & fresh outside paint. Great location for professional office or family home. Better hurry at $140,000. $135,000. $119,900. MLS 120651

529 Missouri Ave., McComb Better hurry on this 3BR, 2 bath brick home on large corner lot. Call for appt. to view. 601-276-9551. $62,500.

1197 Hamp Lea, Magnolia This 3BR, 1 bath on one acre has CH/A, good roof, single carport and priced for quick sale. $30,000.

1060 Hwy. 51 & 98, McComb TWO HOMES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE - 1017 & 1021 INDIAN HILLS DR., NPSD

The home at 1017 features over 2,000 sq. ft. of living space with 3BR’s, 2 baths, double detached carport and a 1500 sq. ft. quonset metal shop building with overhead doors. The home at 1021 is a 1997 double wide featuring 3 BR’s, 2 baths in 1420 sq. ft. of living space with large front porch. Homes are located on a wooded 10.3 acres in North Pike School District. $175,000. MLS 119943



1024 Pine Crest Drive - NPSD Plan to inspect this 2000 model doublewide with over 1900 sq. ft. featuring 3BR’s, 2 baths all on 1.49 acres. $75,000. Large shop bldg. inculded. MLS# 123109



Edgewood Mall Smithdale Road



Black Hawk SOLD tis quality listing on Hwy. 48 Magnolia and we can sell yours. Give us a call to discuss your real estate needs whether buying or selling we can help. 601276-9551.






3078 Hwy. 98 E. - Commercial Great business opportunity in this multi-purchase business location. Current businesses include used car lot, with office bldg., large 4 bay repair shop with two lifts, and 100 unit mini storage facility all located on large 2.96 acre lot with asphalt parking. $700,000. MLS# 123045. Call for more info.


Hwy. 51



8095 Centerville Rd., Magnolia 4 Bedroom, 3.5 bath brick on 2.81 acres in nice Magnolia subdivision. $225,000.

Black Hawk

Great commercial location near Wal-Mart in this 30 acre tract with all city utilities. Front 9 acres is zoned commercial and the back 20 with all utilities is in the NPSD residential zoning. Great development potential. Reduced to only $325,000.




Buy&Sell • June-July 2016


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124 N. Broadway • McComb, MS 39648


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Buy&Sell • June-July 2016

NMOV=m~áÖÉ=^îÉK=J=jÅ`çãÄI=jp APORIMMM • 2140 SF Home, 3 Bed, 2.5 Bath • Guest House, 2 Acre Landscaped Lot • Energy Efficient, Great Neighborhood


PMUU=^ääêÉÇ=J=tÉëëçåI=jp AOVRIMMM • 2829 SF, 4 Bed, 2 Bath • Gourmet Kitchen, Fireplace • 4 Acres, Pool, Loyd Star Schools

UON=aÉä~ï~êÉ=^îÉåìÉ=J=jÅ`çãÄI=jp AORMIMMM • “Buddy’s” Restaurant & Bar • Regionally Known, Profitable • Real Estate, Name, Equipment Included

NMQQ=dêÉÉåÄáÉê=`áêÅäÉ=J=tÉëëçåI=jp APNRIMMM • 2650 SF, 3 Bed, 2.5 Bath • Custom Built, Top-Shelf Amenities • Over Looks Wolf Hollow Golf Course


ONSS=_ê~åÇá=oç~Ç=J=pìããáíI=jp AOTVIMMM • 1500 SF, 3 Bed, 2 Bath Cabin Style • 5.4 Riverfront Acres, Shop, Island • Beautiful, Private, North Pike Schools

NKNO=^ÅêÉë=J=i~âÉ=aáñáÉ=péêáåÖëI=pìããáí AORMIMMM • Waterfront Directly on Lake • Utilities at Site, Pier • Boat Slip, Boat Ramp, NPSD

NMNP=qïáå=i~âÉë=J=pìããáíI=jp AOSVIMMM • 2400 SF, 3 Bed, 2.5 Bath • 3.63 Acres, Lake Front • Immaculate, North Pike Schools

NNMS=jáääíçïåÉ=J=tÉëëçåI=jp AORMIMMM • 1900 SF, 3 Bed, 2 Bath • Custom Built, Gourmet Kitchen • Overlooks Wolf Hollow Golf Course

HOMES • LAND • INVESTMENTS Buy&Sell • June-July 2016



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Buy&Sell • June-July 2016


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HOMES • LAND • INVESTMENTS Buy&Sell • June-July 2016


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Buy&Sell • June-July 2016

^Çî~åí~ÖÉ oÉ~ä=bëí~íÉ

Specializing in rural property in Amite County and surrounding areas.

NNM=bK=j~áå=píêÉÉíI=iáÄÉêíóI=jp=PVSQR `~åÇó=qçäÉê=`çäÉã~å=C=aìÇäÉó _êçâÉê∆ áå=i^=C=jpI=jÉãÄÉê=çÑ=íÜÉ kÉï=lêäÉ~åëI=_~íçå=oçìÖÉ=C=pçìíÜïÉëí jáëëáëëáééá=jip

605-567-8910 or 225-222-3222 View our other listings on our Web site:

Breathtaking views and peaceful seclusion await you on this 128.38 acre estate joining the Homochitto National Forrest! Relax on your back porch and enjoy the view for miles or just look down in the bottom and watch the deer and turkey! This paradise joins the Homochitto National Forrest on 2 sides and Plum Creek timber land on one side with approximately 114 acres in timber and 14 acres in fenced and cross fenced bermuda/bahia pasture. The 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath (3637 sq. ft.) custom built brick home has all of the extras, granite counters with sitting for 7 around the large double tiered bar, custom cabinets with soft touch close, an apron front solid granite farm house sink, DCS commercial style gas range with 5 burners and large convection oven, walk-in pantry, large master suite with his and her walk-in closets, Kohler claw foot soaking tub beneath a 6 candelabra chandelier and a separate shower with a 7 head shower tower, open floor plan with cathedral ceiling in the living room and dining area and a jetted tub in the guest bath. On the outdoor covered entertainment area you will find a crushed ice machine, gas grill, stainless cabinet with sink and right beside this a 6 person hot tub! The 3200 sq. ft. ( 40 x 80 ) shop features four 12 x 12 ft. roll up doors, clear span and brick accents. Other features include a 21 x 20 hay shed, sprayed in foam insulation in the walls and in the attic of the house, cellular security system with 8 cameras for the house and shop, gated entrance, miles of trails throughout the property, 2 permanent deer stands, outdoor horse stalls and dog pen and you can ride from the property to the Brushy Creek horse trails. Best of all this once in a lifetime property has over 3400 of frontage on the crystal clear, spring fed Brushy Creek with its numerous white sand bars! Amite County, MS. Owner/agent. $765,000. REDUCED TO $715,000!

20 Acres - Amite County, MS. Beautiful rolling, wooded hills with a 14’ x 40’ building overlooking a secluded 2+/- acre pond. This would be an ideal property for a weekend retreat or a great place to build your dream home! $80,000.


LAND 98.74 Acres - Pasture with shop and barn, St. Helena. $665,000. plia 24.92 Acres - Beautiful pasture, St. Helena. $105,000. plia 20.68 Acres - Woods, creek, camp, St. Helena. $112,000. plia

*Measurements not warranted.

Buy&Sell • June-July 2016


Homes and Land Real Estate Co.

Benton Thompson Broker/Owner 601-341-0441

Jennifer T. Gayden REALTOR 601-341-0521

Leal McMullen Broker Assoc. 601-395-9500

Alesia Butler REALTOR 601-810-3140

Sonja Wells REALTOR 601-249-9955

Felicia Thornton REALTOR 601-810-3868



“Our Staff can show and sell you any listing in this Guide.” ING



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Homes and Land Real Estate Co.

Buy&Sell • June-July 2016

PNM=táäëçå=aêKI=jÅ`çãÄ=J=P=ÄÇêãI=O=Ä~K ÄêáÅâ=ÜçãÉ=íçí~ääó=êÉåçî~íÉÇ=~åÇ=êÉ~Çó=íç ãçîÉ=áåK=iáëí=éêáÅÉK=AVRIMMMK

Homes and Land Real Estate Co.

Benton Thompson Broker/Owner 601-341-0441

Jennifer T. Gayden REALTOR 601-341-0521

Leal McMullen Broker Assoc. 601-395-9500

Alesia Butler REALTOR 601-810-3140

Sonja Wells REALTOR 601-249-9955

Felicia Thornton REALTOR 601-810-3868



“Our Staff can show and sell you any listing in this Guide.”








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Homes and Land Real Estate Co.

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LAND LISTINGS 5.14 Acres +/- on Old Hwy. 24 Lots of road frontage and previously surveyed. Excellent home site or mobile home site. List price $25,700 or make an offer. 5.14 Acres +/- on Old Hwy. 24 MAKE AN OFFER! Lots of road frontage and previously surveyed. Excellent home site or mobile home site. List price $25,700 or make an offer. 3 Acre tract on Old Industrial Park RoadSOL-D Wooded with great road frontage, minutes from McComb. No deed restrictions, mobile home welcomed! $19,725. MLS# 120899 52 Acres - On Fred Martin Rd., LD Summit, NPSD with timber, water SO well system in place and electricity at property. And it has a mini lake. Listed at $5,000/acre. Great home site. 2.78 Acres Old Hwy. 24 - Great LD home SO site for building or mobile home. This property has a house on it that is occupied. List price $25,000. 15.38 Acres Old Hwy. 24 - List price $35,000.

NT= na=aáääçå= oÇKI= qóäÉêíçïå= J= qÜáë= ÄêáÅâ ê~åÅÜ=ëíóäÉ=ÜçãÉ=Äç~ëíë=OIQRM=ÜÉ~íáåÖ=~åÇ ÅççäáåÖ=ëé~ÅÉ=~åÇ=Ü~ë=Q_oI=O=_~K=~ää=çå=N ~ÅêÉK= qÜÉêÉ= áë= ~å= ~íí~ÅÜÉÇ= O= Å~ê= Ö~ê~ÖÉK kÉÉÇë= ëçãÉ= qi`K= mçëëáÄäÉä= çåïÉê= Ñáå~åÅJ áåÖ=Ñçê=ÉäáÖáÄäÉ=ÄìóÉêë=çåäóK=kç=êÉåíáåÖK=iáëí éêáÅÉ=ANVIRMMK=jip@=NOPQOP

Buy&Sell • June-July 2016

5.14 Acres +/- on Old Hwy. 24, LD SO McComb - Great location for building or MH w/plenty of rd. frontage. $25,700.





àçÜåÄçóÇRRR]Öã~áäKÅçã g~ëçå=cçêíáåÄÉêêó=√==SMNJUNMJVNOT `Ü~êäáÉ=d~äÇáåç=√==QUMJRQQJPUTO

Pike County’s Newest Subdivision is Now Underway!


Elegant Country French Architectural Designs Lot Sizes from 1.25 Acres to 2.75 Acres Prices starting in the low 200’s

Call today to preview sites and floor plans.

Want A New Home? Our Company Can Make Your Dream Home Become A Reality Build On One of Our Home Sites or Yours! Pricing starting at $140,000 Call Today For More Details! 30


Buy Sell • June-July 2016

qóäÉêíçïå=lÑÑáÅÉ=J=PMN=cê~åâäáåíçå=píKI qóäÉêíçïåI=jp=PVSST=√==iáÅÉåëÉÇ=áå=jp=~åÇ=i^

Office: 601-876-3409 Fax: 601-876-2971 Members of the New Orleans MLS Service

Alan Bridevaux, Broker 601-249-8436

94 A.C. Dillon Rd., Walthall Co. - 3400SF gorgeous creek-side home with 32 acres that are 1/2 wooded, 1/2 open w/frontage on Magee’s Creek. 3BR/2BA, 2 story with lots of entertainment areas, 2 fireplaces, custom kitchen w/granite, stainless appls., beautiful wood flooring, outbuildings and secluded away down a 1/4 mi. drive. Too much to list here! $429,500. MLS# 123424

Gloria Fortinberry, Realtor 601-876-8646

McNeil Mitchell, Realtor 601-876-1638

Jacob Cantrell, Realtor 601-876-7984

42 Ed Taylor Road, Walthall Co. - Secluded cabin/home on 39 heavily wooded acres with 3BR/2BA, 1325SF, 2 fireplaces, large garage, large outbuilding. About 1 acre is yard w/garden spot, blueberry bushes, and the remainder of the property is nice pine and hardwood timber. Plenty of game! $174,500. MLS# 120878

667 Hwy. 27 North, Walthall Co. - Home, lodge, guesthouse and 43 acres. 8BR/7.5BA total! Too many amenities to mention! Property has large stocked pond, is mostly wooded w/15-16 pine, some young pines, pasture, fruit/nut trees. Fuel tank, tractor, implements and some furniture stays. $625,000. MLS# 123704

Jason Lee, Realtor Dan Parker, Realtor Etheleen Herron, Realtor 601-303-0826 601-248-0670 601-303-2252

104 Robert Road, Walthall Co. - Unique architecture and lots of custom amenities in this huge 3700SF, 4BR/3BA home on a large corner lot! Close to hospital, churches, shopping, etc. $159,900. MLS# 123127

512 Broad Street, Walthall Co. - Elegant contemporary 2840SF home in town. 3BR/2BA, fireplace, 2 dens, huge MBA w/Jacuzzi tub, beautiful kitchen, large backyard w/pool, covered patio, 2 car garage. Close to everything! Furnishings available at additional price. $150,000. MLS# 122405

100 Briarwood Drive, Walthall Co. - Very nice 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath home with huge living room and master bedroom suite. You won’t believe the cabinets, butlers pantry, utility room, fullwall china cabinet. Beautifully landscaped yard, in-ground pool. Plenty of room to entertain inside and out! $165,000. MLS# 121511

1070 Hwy. 27 N., Walthall Co. - Splendid 1837SF, 4BR/2.5BA cabin in the country w/3 acres. TOngue and groove pine, MBR has its own fireplace, great room w/fireplace, vaulted ceiling, kitchen w/island, spacious deck, inground pool. $219,500. MLS# 121865

27 Dillons Bridge Rd., Walthall Co. - 3BR/2BA mobile home w/wood frame add-ons under heavy metal roof and on 5.59 acres within easy walking distance of the Bogue Chitto River! Huge family room w/den, in excellent condition, nicely landscaped. $77,500.

915 Louisiana Ave., Walthall Co. - Immaculate 3BR/3BA, 2702SF home in town is big enough for everyone! MBA has a walk-in shower and walk-in closet. Open living plan, dining areas off kitchen adjoin family room, fireplace, built-ins, spacious patio, sprinkler system, and back-up generator during power outages! $180,000. MLS# 122144

31 J.W. Pigott Rd., Walthall Co. - Secluded 3.5 year old 1920SF home and 2 acres w/3BR/2BA, open living plan, well insulated above and below for lower utilities. SUrrounded by big timber, nearly landscaped yard, small metal shop, nice covered rear porch! Extremely quiet living in the Salem SD. Well priced! $119,500. MLS# 122479

84 Horseshoe Road, Walthall Co. - 2007 Modular home w/3 bedrooms, 2 baths on 5 acres just minutes from the Bogue Chitto River. Would make a perfect 1st home or storm getaway. Located between Tylertown and the river w/a perfect country feel. All appliances stay with the home. $95,000. MLS# 121927


Buy Sell • June-July 2016


Office: 601-876-3409 Fax: 601-876-2971

158 Hwy. 48 East, Walthall Co. - Nice 2 bedroom farmhouse on 1+/- acre located only 1.5 miles from Tylertown on Hwy. 48 East. $59,500. MLS# 123774

1010 Cato St., Walthall Co. - 2BR/1BA brick home with 975SF, carport. Property is currently a rental, does not have central heat and air and is being sold “AS IS”. $34,500. MLS# 122376

158 Ellis Road, Walthall Co. - 1 1/2 story country home w/3BR/2.5BA, 1800SF, lg. great room w/fireplace, kitchen has island and bfast bar, covered porches and 10 acres of pastureland w/big barn. At last, peace and quiet! $175,000. MLS# 123247

809 Pine Drive, Walthall Co. - Very well maintained 3BR/2BA ranch home! 1527SF with a 2 car garage, steel framed RV shed and a 30’x12’ workshop. Very near school, churches and downtown Tylertown. Priced to sell! $120,000. MLS# 122377

54 E. Sunny Hill Rd., Walthall Co. - 1997 Waverly MH (Zone II rating) on 8 acres of 3 year old pines and scattered hardwoods. 1280SF, 3BR/2BA, spacious kitchen w/island, master bath has large garden tub. Homesits well off the road for seclusion and privacy. $64,000. MLS# 122849

403 Dillons Bridge Rd., Walthall Co. - MOTIVATED SELLER! Secluded 3BR/2BA brick home and 8 wooded acres. This 42 yr. old home rests on a hill beyond the locked gate and long winding drive. 1943SF heated, fireplace, formal living & dining, brick patio, large trees. Needs some TLC. $119,500. MLS# 122222

206 MLK Jr. Dr., Walthall Co. - This awesome 2BR/1BA cottage is 968SF located on a 80’ x 110’ lot. This house is a great investment property, is convenient to schools, shopping and hospital. Make an appointment today! Don’t let it get away at the bargain price of $25,500! MLS# 121426

Hwy. 583, Jayess, Walthall Co. - 45 acres of prime hunting land w/2BR home! Weekend getaway, storm retreat, permanent home! Plenty of deer, turkeys and even ducks, hardwood bottoms, areas of pine plantation, rolling hills, well-maintained trail system, large cut over tracs that adjoins it on the west. $199,000. MLS# 123243

146 Hinson Road, Walthall Co. - 1500SF cabin and 4.15 acres near the MS/LA line. Beautiful wood interior, 2 lg. BR downstairs w/1.5 baths and 1 BR upstairs w/bath and loft overlooking the living room. Front/back porches span 30x8 (rear is screened). $183,000. More Ac. available. MLS# 121623

506 Beulah Ave., Walthall Co. - One of TYlertown’s oldest homes located on Beulah Ave. 3BR/1BA, formal dining and living room, large wrap around front porch. Spacious kitchen and bedrooms. Well maintained and move in ready. $128,500. MLS# 123776

214 New Home Church Rd., Walthall Co. - 13 acre minifarm w/3BR/1.5BA ranch-style home. 1180SF, C/H/A, 2 car garage, circular drive. All fenced pasture waiting for hungry livestock! 13 miles N. of Tylertown. Offered at $99,500. MLS# 122619

420 acres with stunning southern Colonial home featuring 4 bedrooms, 4 baths, 3887SF, large open great room, towering stone fireplace, formal and casual dining, kitchen w/beautiful cabinetry and state of the art appliances. Enormous master bath, large in-ground pool, 2 car garage, shp w/plenty of storage, a 4BR/2BA guest house w/shop/storage. Acreage is about 100 ac. lush fenced pasture, 60 ac. cutover, 8 ac. lake, lg. pond, balance in timberland. 40 ac. lies in LA. This choice offering is only 10 mi. S. of Tylertown. $1,975,000. MLS# 122014

3 Union Creek Rd., Walthall Co. - Well maintained 3BR/2BA MH on .7 acre just north of Tylertown. Features a 20x30 shop on a slab that was once used as a gunsmith shop. Great starter home! $39,900. MLS# 123137

31 Old Sandy Hook Rd., Walthall Co. - Large secluded 4 bedroom, 2 bath home on 2 acres. Home has had some updating done but still needs a little TLC. A very good value in a secluded area. OWNER IS VERY MOTIVATED!! $89,500. MLS# 123906 Members of the New Orleans MLS Service



Buy Sell • June-July 2016

Office: 601-876-3409 Fax: 601-876-2971

Racetrack Road, Marion Co. - 30 acres and camp w/17 acres of 4-6 year old pine plantation balance in mature pine/hardwoods, good trail system, food plots, natural spring. Needs a little cosmetic TLC. $125,000. MLS# 123806

Hudson Road, Jeff/Claiborne Co. - 398 timbered acres and virtually new DWMH! Beautiful views, stocked pond, food plots, stands. $3300/Ac. MLS# 123808.

61 Sontag-Nolan Rd., Lawrence Co. - 19.55 tranquil acres with this gorgeous 2-story country home! Quality construction w/3BR/2BA and approx. 2600SF living. Lovely countertops in spacious kitchen, lots of cabinets, snack bar, custom touches galore! Exterior has wrap-around porch overlooking a sto0cked 1.5 acre pond, mostly wooded w/trails and hunting. Exceptional property offered at $259,500. MLS# 051216

4144 Old Mill Rd., Pike Co. - Brick home and 1 acrew ith a nice front porch and 2-car garage, small storage. About 1550SF and has 4 bedrooms, 1 bath, nice sized living room, C/H/A and well. Ready to go! $115,000. MLS# 122229 Members of the New Orleans MLS Service

691 Hwy. 98 W, Walthall Co. - Completely remodeled 4BR/3BA 2 story home with spacious den, bonus room and kitchen overlooks huge in-ground pool, attached grage, almost new roof, and on 4.7 acres w/pond. $139,000. MLS# 123402

906 Pecan Lane, Walthall Co. - 3BR/1.5BA home in quiet subdivision in TYlertown. OPen living plan, easy access to outdoor laundry room, space heat and window unit for cooling. Large fenced back yard w/additional fenced lot, 2 storage bldgs. Needs some TLC but not to be confused with a fixer upper. Great starter home at $69,500. MLS# 123437

644 Hwy. 48 W, Walthall Co. - THIS IS IT - Starter/investment home w/2BR/2BA, updated amenities, in-ground sprinkler system and approx. 6 acres. Easily walk to Bogue Chitto River. Sold AS IS. $123,000. MLS# 123454

44 Dunaway Rd., Marion Co. - Home and 98 acres in Morgantown, 2100SF, 3BR/2Ba., new roof, 2 car carport. Matching 40x15 brick shop w/utilities. The property has 2 small ponds and 1 large pond (all stocked), great trail system, with 3 food plots, mostly wooded (50 ac. of 5 yr. old pines, bal. in open areas and hardwoods). Also a pole barn for equipment/storage and an old home built in the 30’s. $329,500 or purchase home and 2 acres for $89,500. MLS# 122774

21 Camp Drive, Marion Co. - Beautiful waterfront 2BR/2BA cabin on the Pearl River. Security system, warp around porch, custom pier, stainless appliances stay. Short ride to Columbia. $160,000. MLS# 122778

Hudson Road, Jefferson/Covington Co. - Immaculate 3 yr. old 2000SF DWMH and 504 acres w/approx. 220 ac. of 12-18 year old plantation pines w/bal. in mature hardwoods and pines. 6+ food plots, xlnt trail system. Move-in ready property! $1,663,200. MLS# 123441

67 Knoxo Road, Marion Co. - Modest 950SF farmhouse full of charm on 2 acres! 2BR/1BA, huge covered rear porch, 3 stall barn, chicken coop, 2 wells, community water, fruit and pecan trees and more! Nice and quiet! $59,500. MLS# 122671

959 Bogue Chitto Rd SE, Lincoln Co. - Secluded 3BR?3BA home and 50 acres of gorgeous, wooded, rolling hills. 1800SF, only 3 yrs. old! Antique-themed bathroom hardware and kitchen appliances, oak hardwood flooring, pine oak and cypress woodwork and vaulted ceiling. Cozy loft upstairs w/full bath, front/back covered porches, carort, and generator. Good interior roads, 1750SF shop, large barn, lots of wildlife. Equipment for sale as well. Asking $329,500. MLS# 122767

518 Old Hwy. 24 West, Marion Co. - Virtually new 2012 custom built 3BR/2BA, 2560SF with fireplace, huge master suite with garden tub and generous shower. Kitchen appliances stay (has monster fridge!). Storm rated Zone. 25 acres of ready to thin 12 year old plantation pines. $149,500. MLS# 120972


Buy Sell • June-July 2016


369 Stovall Road, Marion Co. Immaculate 2 story executive style home nestled on 9.24 open acres. 4400SF, 5BR/3BA, formal dining, breakfast nook, lg. kitchen w/ample counter space, and beautiful architectural design. Cathedral ceiling, large windows, French doors, fireplace, built-in entertainment center, built-in laundry chutes, and HUGE master suite! So many amenities and conveniences in this home! $445,000. MLS# 121855

Office: 601-876-3409 Fax: 601-876-2971 Members of the New Orleans MLS Service


3303 Hwy. 13 S., Marion Co. - 113 acre wooded paradise with over a MILE of river frontage, 2 ponds, spring-fed creek, trail system and features a covered 2BR/2BA MH, and lg. barn w/water and power. This property has it all w/several sand bars along the river for great summer time fun. $439,900. MLS# 123406

6029 Hancock Rd., Amite Co. - Spacious 3200SF brick 5 bedroom, 3 bath, split-level home with large rear open deck for entertaining and overlooking 20 acres of mature pines and hardwood forest. 3 deer stands, seasonal creek, stocked pond, lots of trails, fruit trees. Home has fireplace, lots of new painting, carpet and ceramic tile flooring. $259,500. MLS# 123409

511 Tyler Ave., Walthall Co. - Commercial restaurant building located at busy intersection. Well maintained, about 1000SF dining area and a total of 2586SF. Large parking area. All stainless steel equipment needed, everything from fryers, stoves, walk in freezers and coolers. Nice office and storage rea. Private outdoor area that could be utilized for smokers and outdoor cooking, and a drive-thru window. $210,000. MLS# 123839


1134 E. Broad St., Lawrence Co. - Formerly operated as an Adult Daycare, 3600SF home conversion features 7BR, 4.5BA, dining, kitchen. A small 720SF guest house/rent home included. Multiple possibilities! $225,000. MLS# 122835

2051 Ferguson Mill Rd., Lawrence Co. - Privately-owned Detox facility, w/7BR, 4.5BA, acctivity/dining room, den, kitchen and tranquil 5.34 acre surroundings. Handles up to 12 patients and staffed with 3 full-time and 3 part-time employees. Could be turned into a bed and breakfast, shelter, large family home, continued to operate as is or whatever you decide. $350,000. MLS# 122836

5124 Hwy. 44 NE, Pike Co. - Busy country location on Hwy. 44 for this rustic 4800SF multi-purpose building, with C/H/A, attractive concrete flooring, cypress board and batten, 14’x16’ walk-in cooler 12’ ceilings, 2 gazebos, paved parking lot for 55. Formerly operated as a restaurant and lounge. DEVELOP YOUR DREAM. Priced at $245,000. MLS# 121084

620 Campbell Loop, Forrest Co. - 12,300SF allsteel commercial building on 2.9 acres in Hattiesburg. Fronts I-59 near intersection with 4 lane Hwy. 49 to Miss. Gulf Coast & Jackson. Central A/H, 3-10 foot overhead doors, 12’ eaves and 18’4” ridge height. 660SF drive through canopy and blacktop parking for 75 +/- autos. $325,000. MLS# 119875

597 Hwy. 98, Marion Co. - “Popwell’s Family Restaurant” provitable & well established in operation for 7 years. Sales $750-$800K per year. Walk out deal includes real estate, reatuarnt equipment and stock. 4000SF and seating for 240. Parking for 100, great location on busy hwy. About 9 miles from Columbia and/or Tylertown. $225,000. MLS# 119925

Hwy. 198 East, Walthall Co. - 14,000SF multi-purpose steel commercial building formally Hudson’s Salvage with large paved parking lot. Fully insulated, built in 1995, but completely redone after fire damage. Endless opportunities for the entrepreneur or expansion site, and a great location! Just $200,000. MLS# 122227



Buy Sell • June-July 2016



Tom Lewis Rd. • 20 Acres that is 1/3 open, (fenced) bal. wooded with 5 acres of cypress plantation, stocked pond, creek, and food plot. Nice homesite w/community water. $79,000 MLS#121612 St. Paul Rd. • 2 acre homesite about 4 miles N. of Tylertown. Cleared with beautiful lush green grass and a couple of scattered trees and a nice area where a pond could be constructed. Community water and power onsite. $16,500 MLS#122031 Kirklin Rd. • 10 1/2 acres untouched mature pine and hardwoods. Great homesite or weekend getaway. $43,350 MLS#123797

Hwy. 27 N. •Secluded 10 acres located down a private gated drive. Very secluded and wooded w/massive oaks and some virgin pines. Great trail system and 800’ frontage on Magee’s Creek! $99,500 MLS#123038

Hwy. 27 N. •105 Acres in the center of deer country! Good trails, hwd. bottoms, 60 ac. 10-12 yr. old pines needing thinning. Good camp/home site, awesome hilltop view! $3,300/Ac. MLS#123811

Office: 601-876-3409 Fax: 601-876-2971 www.doug r ushing Members of the New Orleans MLS Service

Hinson Road •47 riverfront acrs on the Bogue Chitto! About 5 open acres with old homeplace. Balance is all large timber, mostly hardwoods with trails and pushed road thatleads you right to the 1000’ river frontage. Great deer & turkey hunting. Adjoining wood cabin and 4 acres for sale for $183,000. $225,000 MLS#122203 Hwy. 98 W •28.8 acres of ready tot hin 20 year old pines! Features a 30x40 metal building with a built-in loft, once used as living quarters. Water and power on property. $100,800 MLS#123516 Rushing Rayborn Rd. •75 acres within easy access of I-55. Mainly a 2 year old cut-over that has regenerated scattered oaks and pine with sections of larger uncut timber along the creek and bottoms. Convert to pasture or let it grow. Great hunting tract (trails in place, and food plots). Comm. water/power avail. Will need surveying. $2,595/Acre MLS#123603


JEFFERSON DAVIS COUNTY Hammond Rd. • 94 Acres of fantastic hunting (3 food plots) and great timberland investment. Primarily in 6 year old planted pines and some 13 year old pines. Gravel tests indicate that there is significant gravel deposits. Power and community water. $2,000/Acre MLS#123588 Hammond Rd. •57 Acres hunting (2 food plots) and timberland primarily in 6 yr. old planted pine with some 13 yr. old pines, small pond, 1/4 mile road frontage and has power, community water, and substantial gravel deposits. $2,250/Acre MLS#123590 Bass Burkett Road • Very nice 14.5 small acreagetract w/4-5 acres open and balance wooded. Great home site with power on the property. $2,200/Acre MLS#122464

Reagan Rd. • 76 Acres of great hunting and timber investment, (some timber needs thinning). Power at the property. $2,450/Acre MLS#121582 Hwy. 43 South • 16 Acres of waterfront property on Pearl River about 12 miles S. of Columbia. Beautiful hardwood, pine timber, duck slough, boat launch adjoining at SW corner. $89,500 MLS#113369

LAMAR COUNTY McGraw Road • 18.5 water front acres on the Lower LIttle River. Towering timber, sand bars, spring water, nice camp or homesites. Lots of wildlife and almost 1/2 mile of riverfront. Very nice rural area! $3,250/acre MLS#119923 Bond Circle • 13.5 Acres of “SECLUSION” and the perfect spot for that cabin or just to get away from it all. Electricity nearby. Accessed by deeded easement. $94,500 MLS#123596

PEARL RIVER COUNTY Spencewood Lane • Unique, location, multiple opportunities! 185 acres just N. of Picayune. Seclusion, few neighbors, about 15 ac. throughout has been mined for gravel, xlnt road system, 3+ ac. stocked lake, 58 acres 15 yr. old pine, 25 ac. 8 yr. old pine, bal. in hardwoods along 1 mi. frontage on Hobolochitto Creek. 15x12 bldg., water, power. $545,750 MLS#122354

AMITE COUNTY Cobb Road •4 one of a kind acres w/nice home site overlooking scenic Brushy Creek and not farm from the Homochitto Nat’l Forest. Large scattered oaks and a small mixture of pines with some under brushing. $39,750 MLS#123755


Ginntown Rd. •14 acres on beautiful Magee’s Creek! 1 mile down private gravel road w/big hardwoods, small open field areas! 700’ creek frontage, 2 ponds, artesian well, septic! Exceptional listing! $149,500 MLS#122910

Smith Hill Road • 139 acres approx. 15 miles NW of Columbia in Bunker Hill area. Already set up and ready to hunt. Pine re-growth of approx. 10 years age (very nice regrowth) lots of nice hardwoods along creek. Great trail system throughout, several food plots throughout thge tract. $1,950/Acre MLS#119503

Red Bird Road •34 acres of very nice pines and hardwoods, adjoined by Timber Co. property on 3 sides. $3,500/Acre MLS#122944

Hwy. 98W & Rushing Rayborn Rd. •195 acre timber farm w/95 ac. in merchantable pine timber, bal. in 4 year old cutover. Features over 1/4 mile frontage on Hwy. 98 and almost 1/2 mile of road frontage on Rushing-Rayborn Rd. awesome hardwoods in the hollows w/great deer hunting! Wonderful lake sites and homesites. $546,000 MLS#122966

Buddy Price Rd. • 5.91 Acres just W. of Prentiss and in 12 year old pine timber ready to be thinned. Poer at site, community water nearby. Great home site or development potential. $32,560 MLS#121616

Horse Creek Road • 31 wooded acres near the national forest. 2 food plots with power nearby. Great price at $3,350/Acre MLS#122381

Morris O’Quinn Swan Rd. •107 acres near the Bogue Chitto River. Great investment/recreation tract w/15 year old plantation pine and balance in 12 year old plantation along with hardwood bottoms and creek frontage. Plnety of trails, food plots and only 3 miles from public access to the river. Accessed by a 30’ deeded ROW w/driveway already constructed. $2450/Acre MLS#122185 Walkers Cove •Lot #44 is a off-river 1 acre lot with all utilities in place, storage shed, and beginnings of camp. 2 common areas for river and creek enjoyment. $26,500 MLS#122662 3.90 Secluded Acres •With scattered hardwoods and pines. Beautiful home site at the end of a dead end road. Water/electricity nearby. $16,000 MLS#121779 6.67 Acres •Odell Rd., Walthall Co. - 6.67 acres of cutover timberland with a great home site and community water and power. Secluded and a great investment for only $20,677 MLS#121464 Rushing Rayborn Rd. •40 Acres just w. of Tylertown 1/2 wooded with 18+/- yr. old pine and bal. in 2 year old cut-over. Good road frontage, community water and power.Additional acreage available. $2,900/Ac. MLS#123607 Elliott Cemetery Rd. •A beautiful wooded residential tract of 12 acres with all utilities and about 900’ road frontage. Mostly wooded with a mix of hardwood/pines. Survey needed. $3,750/Ac. MLS#123743 Walkers Cove • Bogue Chitto River! 1 acre located in a scenic private riverfront community approx. 13 miles from I-55 @ Magnolia. Does not have river frontage h owever you have ownership in the sandbar common ground which is only about 800’ away. No bank erosion and 9’ higher than the riverfront lots. Has access to power and fully wooded w/large shade trees. No mobile homes. Owner/Agent. $13,950 MLS#118922 Front Street • Your choice one of two choice-residential lots that are site ready with city water, city sewer, and power within sight of county hospital and very convenient to schools and downtown. The lots are about 125’x275’ and located ine of the nicer areas of Tylertown. Both lots for $20,000 or either lot for $11,500 MLS#000000 Reid Herrin Rd. • 80 acres of 3 yr. old planted pines w/deeded access 12 miles SE of Tylertown. Pushpatapa Creek flows through the property. Fantastic hunting, access roads. Awesome deer hunting & priced well below market. $1585/acre MLS#118079

Bethany Church Rd. • 6 acres near Prentiss city limits. Has well, septic tank and power on site. Minimal site prep needed for residential or heavy duty commercial. Lots of blacktop frontage. $28,800 MLS#121618


PIKE COUNTY Charlie Rhodus Rd. •15 surveyed acres w/700’ frontage on Bala Chitto Creek! 1/2 wooded, 1/2 open, mature hardwoods! Homesite, utilities avail. Won’t last! $73,750 MLS#123882


Monticello Road • 190 Acres of 85 to 90% hardwood deer haven! Turnkey deal w/an 14x80, 3BR/2BA MH (most furniture remains), covered front porch; a bulldozer, tractor w/implements, 2 lg. storage containers. Tons of trails throughout and several food plots. HOme is unseen from road. All you need are clothes and toothbrush! $380,000 MLS#122208

Sam Leake Rd. • 178 acres timberland w/64 ac. in 20+ yr. old pine, 64 ac. 3 yr. old pine, 42 ac. lg. hardwoods along creek and internal drains. Only 1/4 mile SW of Buffalo River and has creek frontage on Dry Fork Creek (200-300 feet). Good internal roads and ready for hunting. $575,000 MLS#121908



Dean Griner Rd. • 6.2 acres recently harvested but a nice buffer of trees has been left around the perimeters. The property would make for a nice lot in town or could be used for development potential for housing. Good road frontage and access to utilities. Survey will be needed. $32,500 MLS#123651

JS King Road • 57 mostly wooded acres N. of Franklinton off Hwy. 438. 7 open acres w/beautiful home site, utilities, large food plot. Excellent secluded hunting tract. $3,750/Acre MLS#123308

Dean Griner Rd. • 1/2 acre residential lot west of downtown Columbia. Conveniently located near grocery and access to major highways. $10,000 MLS#123652

Wood Duck Lane • 465 Acres all hardwood tract with areas of virgin hardwoods on the W side of Adams Creek, 1.5 miles of frontage on Pushepatapa Creek that is flat bottom boat accessible and can be boated all the way out to the Pearl River. Some trails, food plots, a great camp site overlooking the Pushepatapa w/electricity and water. Covered steel piling structure that can be converted into camp material. Great duck/deer hunting and water recreation. $2,500/Acre MLS#122323

Dean Griner Rd. • 75 acres fronting Hwy. 35S, Dean Griner Rd., and Dean Griner Dr. and 150-200’ frontage on Pearl River. Near ball park. Commercial/Residential potential. $225,500 MLS#123653 Horseshoe Road • 26.5 mostly wooded acers w/small pond, foodplot and black building, power nearby. An excellent hunting track or weekend getaway! $66,250 MLS#123244 Hwy. 35 South • 2 cabins and 642 acres! About 280 ac. of BIG hardwoods and small perennial creek fed by a natural spring, w/bal. in 15 yr. old pine plantation ready for thinning. 12+ large food plots w/enclosed stands, excellent road system throughout, approx. 5 ac. old gravel pit w/plenty of gravel left if needed for roads, 2 cabins and large shop are almost 2100’ off main road - very secluded. One is 2000SF w/3BR/3BA, the other is 700SF bunkhouse w/kitchen and bath. Shop has nice enclosure/deer cleaning area, walk in freezer/and lean to for theJohn Deere 450 dozer that’s included. Also has outdoor entertaining/cooking area with screened in porches/needs a little TLC but can easily be ready to go. $2,511/Acre MLS#122806


Buy Sell • June-July 2016

Ragland Lane • 1215 all hardwood acres containing miles of interior roads accessing the whole tract. Numerous lg. food plots w/insulated box stands and other stands. 12-20 acre lake filled w/white perch, about 1 mile of frontage on a fished filled oxbow lake, 1/2 mile of frontage on the Pearl River (high bank), 1.5 miles of frontage on the PUshepatapa Creek and areas of duck sloughs. Access to power, nice home site at entrance. $1,500/Acre MLS#122322 Ragland Lane • 1600 acres +/- with camp, miles of interior rods (steel bridges crossing waterways), 15+ food plots, cypress sloughs, 15 acre lake for great duck hunting, oxbow lake frontage, loaded w/fish! 1/2 mi. of frontage on the Pearl River AND frontage on the Pushapatapa Creek and Adams Creek. The camp w/well and all utilities overlooks the Pushapatapa Creek. Only $1,500/Acre MLS#121516

ST. TAMMANY PARISH LA Hwy. 21 •49 acres with frontage on Hwy. 40 and Hwy. 21 W. of Bush. All wooded except for pipeline row running through the center of property. Located is well suited for development being located East of Money Hill. Survey available. $733,890 MLS#121185


601-249-3400 McComb, MS •

Jo-Jo Paulk 601-810-6371

Andy Lewis 601-341-9433

Ron Rushing 601-249-7684

Alan Bridevaux 601-249-8436

Seth Touchstone 601-248-9656

Max Stinson 601-303-0043

Shawn Lowery 601-551-3454

Steve Rushing 601-303-9900

Blake Bridevaux 601-395-2619

Amy Watts 225-281-1714

Cliff Magee 601-551-0670

1112 Chatawa Bluffs N., Magnolia, MS - Get ready to fall in love! The rolling hills and the view of the Tangipahoa River from the house will bring out the nature lover in you for sure! Large family room that features a spiral staircase and large stone fireplace is great for entertaining or spending a cozy night at home. This home boast over 3,500 sq. ft. of living space with 12 rooms containing 4BR/4BA including an office that is over 800 sq. ft. that is separate from gross living area ready for use. New metal roof less than 1 yr. old. MLS# 122293. $289,900.

1086 Oakleigh, Summit, MS - Beautifully landscaped home, perfect for entertaining with salt water pool overlooking the lake, and must see media room. With 4BR/3.5BA, large master suite, office space and pool house, this ho me has plenty to offer. Priced at $439,000 and shown by appointment only. MLS# 123669.

8024 Magnolia-Holmesville Rd., McComb, MS - This 109 acre tract is an excellent recreation or hunting tract, with a 3BR/2BA camp house. Property has creek frontage and has a mixture of pine and hardwood timber. Priced at only $319,500. MLS# 123731

48 Long Branch, Carriere, MS - Secluded log home overlooking beautiful lake on 42 acres. Home has 4BR/2.5BA, granite countertops, stone fireplace with gas logs, cathedral ceilings in the kitchen and living room, and an in-ground pool. This is an excellent recreation or hunting tract. Priced at only $490,000. MLS# 123768.

762 Lovers Lane, Woodville, MS - Unique in every way!!! tHIS 3,219 sf monolithic dome home is everything you’re looking for and more. Seclusion, efficiency, storm and disaster protection, totallyl self-sufficient. The home offers a large open floor plan, 12’ ceilings and 27’ vaulted ceilings, 4 BR, solar panels, full house generator for backup, and an elevator! All appliances, including washer and dryer, stay with the home. The 17.98 mostly wooded acres boasts good hunting, a creek, a 20’ x 50’ greenhouse for the avid gardener, a playground for the kids, your very own 900’ landing strip, 50’ x 89’ workshop w/full bath, utility room, office/bedroom, 3 car garage, and much more. T his is the ultimate Hurricane retreat and is being offred at $349,500. MLS# 123828

88 Ruth 11617 Lane, Monticello, MS - Secluded 3400 SF, 3 story, beautiful rustic cypress cabin on 202 acres, with 5 BR/3.5 baths, porches, 3 car carport, approx. 2000 ft. off the road and much more! There is a cypress slough great for duck hunting, also excellent deer and turkey tract. Located approx. 3 miles N. of Monticello on Hwy. 27. $699,500. MLS# 123838



Buy Sell • June-July 2016




Office: 601-249-3400 McComb, MS www.doug r ushing

5237 Hwy. 98 E, Meadville - Right near Lake Okhissa & the National Forest. Secluded 3 bedroom, 2 bath home sitting way back off the road (can’t be seen from Hwy. 98), 2 story, approx. 1720 SF of living area and 2 car carport. The land is simply beautiful being in all mature hardwoods, rolling hills, deer tracks all around the home, great hunting and is about 1 mile from the gates of the lake. Located approx. 20 miles west of I-55 (Summit Exit) and 3 miles east of Meadville. Would be a great getaway to hunt your own land but also close to thousands of acres of National Forest & fish in the nearby lake. $109,500. MLS# 123141

1010 Patsy Hill Rd., Tylertown, MS - Like new 3BR/2BA brick on 10 wooded acres (additional acreage available). The home has approx. 2254SF of living area, quality construction, spacious den and kitchen, snack bar, granite counter tops, lots of cabinet space, 285SF office/hobby room, solid oak trim work, 2 car garage, 43’ porch across the front and rear of home, large master bedroom & bath. Outside you will find approx. 2 acres of open land, balance is mature timber (mixed pine and hardwoods), good hunting and a nice metal storage/workshop building. $229,500.

520 John Amacker Rd., Poplarville, MS - Just doesn’t get any prettier than this! 267 acres with 2 story brick home, 6 BR, 4 baths w/approx. 4500 SF, with guest hoome and pool overlooking 45 acre stocked lake. The home sits approx. 1 mile off the public road down a private paved driveway and has nice gated entrance with lots of white board fencing. Also includes a 3rd dwelling for guest or rental, catfish pond and metal building for storage or workshop. The property is all wooded, offers good hunting, trails, food plots, old barn, lots of countyroad frontage and is located midway between Poplarville, MS and Bogalusa, LA. South of Hwy. 26. The owner has spent a lifetime putting this together and is a must see to appreciate. $1,200,000

1043 Hwy. 583 N., Tylertown - 1200SF Cabin with attached 30’x40’ workshp with roll up dors on 99.5 wooded acres, small creek, mixed pine and mature hardwoods, trails, fantastic hunting and timber investment. The cabin has new carpet, heating/cooling units, Den/Kitchen (Open floor plant) and 1/2 bath downstairs, 2 bedroom and full bath upstairs. Located approx. 9 miles north of Tylertown on Hwy. 583. $375,000. MLS# 122401

2126 Caston Rd., McComb, MS - Great home for the first time homebuyer or someone looking for a space to relax. This home is situated on .93 acres in the country and has 2 metal storage sheds that will stay with the home. Home has been well kept and some renovations have been done. Must see to appreciate. $69,000. MLS# 122952

2230 Morgan Road, Liberty - COUNTRY HOME WITH ACREAGE! Beautiful 4 BR, 3 bath home situated on 18.71 secluded acres in Amite County is a must see! The open living, dining and kitchen floor plan makes entertaining effortless. Featured in the living area are vaulted pine ceilings with cypress beams. Outside features include a stocked pond, RV shed with 30 or 50 amp, a 24 x 31 workshop with a roll up door, and a shed for cleaning game. Escape to the country life you’ve dreamed of. Offered at $285,000. MLS# 123377

2019 Patsy Hill Rd., Tylertown, MS - 57.4 Acre Country Estate with 2 homes, stocked lake, 3 ponds, spring fed creek, 5 barns, pasture and woods located approx. 15 miles East of McComb, MS. The main home has approx. 3200SF of living area, 3BR/2.5BA, large den w/wood burning fireplace, spacious kitchen/dining combo w/snack bar, customized oak cabinets, granite countertops, walkin pantry, lg. utility, office - man cave or hobby room, 2 car garage, lg. porches across front and rear of home overlooking 3 acre stocked lake w/gazebo out back for cookouts. Adjoining is an additional home or guest home w/approx. 1891 SF of living area, lg. porches, 4 car carport, 2BR/2BA. Other amenities, 57,000 watt generator, stocked lake having bream, bass, catfish and crappie, will also include a pump that in a drought season would allow the owner to pump water from the creek to keep the lake full., 2 fenced pastures each having a pond, spring fed creek, woods for hunting, fruit orchard, underground fall-out shelter having 8” thick floor, ceiling and walls (38’x38’), 40x50 hay barn, 31x42 equipment shed, 40x75 insulated metal building, 45x60 horse barn with loft, 36x64 metal building/workshop. $589,500.




1621 Hwy. 27 N, Jayess - Quality is what this home is all about. This 2 story Executive style home boast 4084SF of living area and overlooks 5.32 manicured rolling acres with nice pond, and is being sold completely furnished. Large master bedroom downstairs with x-large bathroom with Jacuzzi tub and separate shower, large den w/fireplace, entertainment center, formal dining, spacious kitchen with lots of cabinets, breakfast area and 12’ snack bar, large utility, 2 car garage, 50’ long porch across the front and large deck at rear of home with view of pond, lots of fruit trees. Upstairs 2BR with 2 x-large bathrooms each having Jacuzzi tubs and separate stand-alone showers, x 39’ x 16’ bonus room. Located approx. 12 miles north of Tylertown in the Sartinville Community. $329,500. MLS# 122706

4038 Conerly Rd., McComb, MS - A perfect country home or getaway on 41.9 acres +/-. This 3 bedroom, 2 bath brick home is barely 10 years old and is beautiful inside and out. Located in the hills just a short distance from the Bogue Chitto water park east of McComb, MS, the land features pine on the hills with hardwood in the bottoms, trails and food plots are in place. The home has all the updated features you want plus a nice patio overlooking the pond in the back yard and a enclosed brick garage or storage building. Ride four-wheelers and hunt and fish or just walk the trails and enjoy nature. Anyone would be proud to own this place. $327,500. MLS# 122990.

Caston Road, McComb - Beautiful wooded 40 acre tract in the city limits of McComb. Enjoy the solitude of the country life within minutes of restaurants, the hospital, and grocery stores. Property can be divided into smaller tracts. $200,000. MLS# 122481

486 Bay Street West, Magnolia - Adorable 3 bedroom, 2 bath cottage in Historic Magnolia. Spacious rooms, lots of windows, hardwood floors, and a cedar lined closet are just a few characteristics that make this home so charming. $89,900. MLS# 123172

4092 Johnston Station Rd., McComb - Riverfront paradise! The 1681SF, 2 BR, 2 bath cabin is situated on 72 acres of beautiful hardwoods on the Bogue Chitto River. A cozy fireplace, vaulted ceiing and large windows overlooking the property, carport, shop, and a barn are just a few of the amenities. With 3 food plots, it is a hunters dream. A full time home or weekend getaway, this property is a rare find. Priced at $485,500. MLS# 121872


Buy Sell • June-July 2016






4020 Pike 93 S, Magnolia - Beautifully restored 100 + year old farm house. Situated on 5 shady landscaped acres down a quiet country road just north of Osyka MS & the LA state line. Every part of this place has been touched, updated and improved, but still has all the charm of an old country farm house. This 3BR, 2.5BA home has C A/H, wood burning stove, and an updated kit. Over 2300SF you’ll have plenty of room for the whole family, yet it still has that cozy feeling. A three-car carport with enclosed workshop, 3 porches, this property literally has too many improvements to list. Call for appt. to see how much home you can get for $208,000. MLS# 118955

1010 Pinecreast Dr., McComb, MS - For the person looking to be in the NPSD, this nice 3 BR/2BA brick home is waiting for you. Built in 1999 and sitting on .95 acres, thos home offers a split floor plan and is conveniently located close to town. Priced to move so you will need to call today to schedule a showing. $129,900. MLS# 123092

8074 Magnolia-Holmesville Rd., McComb - Like new manufactured home on 20 (+/-) wooded acres. This home has 3BR, 2 baths, sheetrock walls and ceilings, in excellent condition. This property is a great hunting tract for both deer and turkey. Property is wooded with deer stand overlooking pipeline. Priced at only $148,500. MLS# 120881

1090 Pinecrest Drive, McComb - NPSD - Beautiful 4BR/3BA home located on 3.29 acres. Large master suite with walk in closets. Custom built cabinetry throughout the house. Large living room with a gas log fireplace, separate dining room off of kitchen. Each bedroom has large walk in closets for plenty of room. Covered patio, pond, and spacious yard. There is also a 20 x 20 pad ready to build shop on. Property to be shown by appointment only with a 24 hr. notice. $269,300. MLS# 122630.

Old Brookhaven Rd., (Lot 2) - Looking for a nice wooded lot to build your new home with a country feel in NPSD? Look no further. Located minutes away from Summit and McComb. The lot has been surveyed. Underground utilities are present. There are several gorgeous homes already present in the subdivision and all of them have several acres with a buffer of trees around them. Don’t miss out on this opportunity. $33,000. MLS# 122771

2121 Pike 93 N - This rustic beauty is modern log home located in North Pike School District in Holmesville Comm. of Pike County. The home is a roomy 2950 SF with 2BR (could be 3 bedroom) & 2 baths with very open floor plan. The 2.6 acres of landscaped land has a old pond that could be repaired with very little effort, large workshop/barn, detached 2 car carport, paved drive & fenced area big enough for livestock. Located in neat, quiet community near Bogue Chitto River and only 15 minutes from I-55 and McComb, MS this is the type of property people dream about owning. Priced at $224,500. MLS# 123147

79 Union Church Road, Tylertown, MS - Cottage style farm home on 1 acre in Walthall Co. Beautiful setting in unbelievable neighborhood in the country only minutes from town. You get the fresh air and solitude with the conveniences of town only minutes away. 3BR/1BA with rustic wood interior. Perfect home for the simple things in life. $69,000. MLS# 123582

1625 Burt Jordan Road, McCall Creek - This 74 acre tract is a hunters dream. Property consist of mature hardwoods and mixed pine. The property also has a three bedroom, 2 cath camp house with several outbuildings. Excellent hunting property for both deer and turkey. Make your appointment to view this property. Priced at only $290,000. MLS# 123178

602 Burke Ave., McComb - FIRST TIME HOMEBUYERS should take a look at this corner lot home. Located in a quiet neighborhood with 3BR and 1.5 baths, shaded fenced in back yard, bricked front walkway, and step down den with brick floors and fireplace. This home has great potential to be the cutest home on the block. $69,500. MLS# 122477.

Cypress Trail, Summit, MS - NPSD - Looking for a nice wooded lot to build your new home with a country feel in NPSD? Look no further. Located minutes away from Summit and McComb. The lot has been surveyed. Underground utilities are present. There are several gorgeous homes already present in the subdivision and all of them have several acres with a buffer of trees around them. Don’t miss out on this opportunity. $33,000. MLS# 122769

1010 Robb St. Ext East, Summit, MS - Secluded rustic style country home on 20 acres of land, located just outside of Summit, MS. You can hunt, fish and enjoy nature all within walking distance of the quaint little town of Summit, MS. A long winding drive, leads to the 3 or 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath home on a hill and mixed wooded and open areas. The 2 story home has front and side porch, fireplace, wood burning heater and a sun room. Separate central heat and air units for the upper and lower floors make this property practical for large or small families with plenty of room and something to like for everybody. $279,500. MLS# 123559

347 Walnut Street, Gloster - Great investment property located in the town of Gloster. This home ahs 3BR/1 bath, 12 foot ceilings throughout, and a 420 SF 1BR/1 bath efficiency apartment. $29,500.

189 Salem Church Rd., Tylertown - Peace and tranquility at its finest. Get out of the rat race of the city. Come relax on the porch of this beautiful rustic cabin overlooking the serene water. Fantastic pasture land fenced and cross fenced with hay barn and shop included with this 26 acregetaway. If you picture whitetail deer prancing across your back yard in the morning dew then this place is for you. You cannot put a price on peace and happiness. $249,500. MLS# 122465

2141 Magnolia-Progress, Magnolia, MS - With a little TLC, this could be a great investment property or a great starter home. $56,000. MLS# 123583.

Office: 601-249-3400 McComb, MS www.doug r ushing











Buy Sell • June-July 2016




Office: 601-249-3400 McComb, MS

602 Franklinton St., Tylertown, MS - Homey and warm are the first thoughts that come to mind when you walk into the spacious and unique property. The home features 3,000SF of living space with 4 BR/3BA, lots of storage and built-ins, central vacuum, literally too many extras to list. Glass porches and bay windows all around help bring the outside in. Well insulated and built to last with beautiful landscaping, patios, and a gazebo. In addition is a 2BR/1BA guest house out back. Located in South TYlertown convenient to schools, churches and shopping. Showing to qualified buyers by appointment. $184,900. MLS# 123538

Old Hwy. 24, McComb - Nice wooded 3.77 acres fronts on Old Hwy. 24. Close to McComb and I-55 but far enough out to be country. This is a great home site or getaway place. $18,000. MLS# 122912

29380 Archie Simmons Rd., Mt. Herman - SILVER CREEK RANCH - This extraordinary 350 acre Ranch Style Setting has it all. 2 dwellings, 8 ponds, lots of frontage on Silver Creek, 1/2 wooded and 1/2 beautiful rolling hills of pasture, fantastic hunting and great opportunity for horses and/or cattle, located in Western Washington Parish, LA making it easy access to I-55, Baton Rouge, Covington and New Orleans. Call for more details. $2,300,000.

516 Ball Ave., Tylertown - 3BR/2 Bath wood frame home in a quiet & well kept neighborhood, approx. 1176SF of living area, 1396 total SF, nice front porch & paint, central A/H, beautiful wood floors in den/dining area, snack bar, lots of cabinets, single carport and much more. $69,500. MLS#

1146 Dogwood Trail, Lot A, McComb - Rest and relaxation on the Bogue Chitto River. Cabin with 2 BR, 1 B with porch overlooking the grounds from high. Camp is elevated with plenty of storage underneath. Fireplace makes this a cozy hideaway for winter months. Camp is surrounded by huge oaks for peaceful summer or fall day. Private access to river makes the place perfect for summer break. $81,800. MLS# 122827

409 Jackson St., Tylertown, MS - Great starter home or retirement home conveniently located to shopping, churches, school and medical facilities. Priced at only $60,000. MLS# 123528

38 Catfish Lane, Columbia, MS - Turnkey fishing camp & weekend getaway on the Pearl Riv. Camp comes completely furnished with everything you need to enjoy your time. The camp has 1 bedroom and one bath with plenty of extra room to sleep six or more. It has refrigerator, washer, dryer, recliners, couches and bed. There is a huge concrete deck underneath for cookouts and hanging out. Access to the river is a paved boat ramp for easy launching of your boat for fishing or recreation. Come see how much you can get for $49,000. MLS#E 123479

126 Van Holmes Road, Tylertown - This is a A-1 pasture tract located in a high end hunting area (the best of both worlds) fenced and cross fenced with wooded wildlife habitat all around. There is 2100SF rustic camp/home with central air onthe property along with a hay barn with cattle pens. $375,000. MLS# 122631

Jones St., McComb - Commercial lot located just south of busy intersection of Hwy. 51 & 98 (Presley Blvd.) Ready to build on. Lot size is 125’ x 137.5’ or 34,375SF $35,000. MLS# 115407

138 Taylor Rd., Kokomo - Home and 2 acres located midway between Tylertown and Columbia in Kokomo. The home has 1 lg. BR, 2 full baths, spacious den, central ac/heat, approx. 800 SF living area, porch across the entire back of home, dbl. carport and most appliances are included. 49,500. MLS# 122324

42002 Paradise Drive., Franklinton, LA - Secluded cedar cabin overlooking the beautiful Bogue Chitto River. Great weekend getaway. Offers fishing, swimming, tubing, canoeing and many other river fun activities. The cabin has approx. 942 sq. ft. of living area, metal roof, large den with lots of woodwork and windows, gas log heater, 1BR/1BA and comes furnished. Located at the end of the road named Paradise Lane about midway between Franklinton, LA and TYlertown, MS and just S. of Warnerton, LA. $125,000. MLS# 123727

1102 Grant Street, Summit, MS - House is 4BR/2 Bath that sits on 3.45 acres. This house is about 50% completed and is ready to be customized with your own personal touch. The land has plenty of road frontage with roads on 3 sides of the property. Listed at $183,000. MLS# 122949


Buy Sell • June-July 2016


Office: 601-249-3400 McComb, MS

100 F New River Rd., Tylertown, MS - Beautiful secluded property on the Bogue Chitto River in the Walkers Bridge community of Walthall County. Property features a rustic cabin (with all utilities) over 1000’ frontage on the river and a huge sandbar. The home site is shaded with huge hardwoods and a great view of the river. The sandbar offers walk-in access to the river. The balance of the property is wooded providing good hunting and seclusion. Shown by appointment only. Priced at $149,000. MLS# 123794.

100 Magnolia Street, Magnolia, MS - Versatility - Residential or Commercial. Unique 3BR/2BA home on fenced corner lot in the city limits of Magnolia, with a nice yard, large rooms, in-law apartment/suite, metal roof, hardwood floors, carpet and tile. This large home has lots of potential and is listed at only $99,500. MLS# 123802.

3940 Rollinson Road, Liberty, MS - Rustic Beauty - Log Cabin and 15 acres in Amite County. This 2 story home has 2,078 SF of living space with 3BR< 2BA, and wood burning fireplace. Cozy and comfortable home or weekend retreat, large front & rear porches, and upstairs deck. The land is mostly mature hardwood, has a garden spot, and is walking distance to the Homochitto National Forest, great hunting. Priced at $209,500. MLS# 123803

3002 Chapel, Summit, MS - Great condition double wide mobile home on 1 acre, great location, new appliances included. 3BR/2Ba in North Pike School District, approx. 5 miles W. of I55. $85,000. MLS# 123836

409 Brumfield, Tylertown, MS - Older wood frame home on 3 acres in downtown Tylertown. This property would be a great fixer upper. All city utilities, great location. $19,500. MLS# 123842

130 High Street, Tylertown, MS - Ranch style brick home located in downtown Tylertown. The home has 3BR/1BA, new central a/h unit, new architectural shingle roof and exterior paint, approx. 1119 sq. ft. of living area, single carport, storage roof, all city utilities, ready to move in now. This home should qualify for most any type of loan including USDA and FHA. $59,900. MLS# 123843

2050 Monticello Road, Wesson, MS - 190 acres on Monticello Road in Copiah County of extremely good 20 year old pine plantation and mature timber, there is about 70-80 acres of plantation pines, the balance is in mature hardwoods and pine, beautiful creek frontage on 2 creeks, brand new 2 acre pond, camp site, power and water available, very nice food plots, this tract is one of the cleanest manicured tracts we have for sale, priced at $625,000. MLS# 123486

Park Pace, McComb, MS - Beautiful 2.76 acres residential lot in Rusland Village near Percy Quin State Park, hardwoods scattered throughout. Nice, recently constructed homes on this dead end street. Covenenats and restrictions. Build your dream home in this beautiful area close to town. Listed at $39,500. MLS# 123581

2666 Arch Byrd Road, Meadville, MS - 224 Acres of super Deer and Turkey hunting in Franklin County, MS, complete with a 1440 square foot 4BR/2BA camp overlooking a stocked pond, also has barn and skinning shed, 6 food plots with box stands including one 9 acre food plot, flowing creek, owners have killed a 180 buck off this hidden jewel, current owners lease an adjoining 300 plus acres of hunting land and would be willing to turn it over to new buyer, schedule your appointment now to see this turnkey hunting property, priced at $825,000. MLS# 123643

2050 Monticello Road, Wesson, MS - 70 acres fronting Monticello Road in Copiah County with mature hardwoods and 21 year old pine plantation, heavily timbered with good internal road system and food plots, power available with nice camp site and ated entrances, frontage on the beautiful Bahala Creek, this is the complete recreational property with heavy timber value on it. $245,000. MLS# 123718

8024 Magnolia-Holmesville Rd., McComb, MS - This 109 acre tract is an excellent recreation or hunting tract, with a 3 bedroom, 2 bath camp house. PRoperty has creek frontage and has a mixture of pine and hardwood timber. $319,500. MLS# 123732

100 F New River Rd., Tylertown, MS - Beautiful secluded property on the Bogue Chitto River in the Walkers Bridge Community of Walthall Co. Property features a rustic cabin (with all utilities) over 1000’ of frontage on the river and a huge sandbar. The home site is shaded with hgue hardwoods and a great view of the river. The sandbar offers walk-in access to the river. The balance of the property is wooded providing good hunting and seclusio. Shown by appointment only. Priced at $149,000. MLS# 123796

Fox Run, McComb, MS - 9 acres located approx. 3 miles W. of I-55 at end of Fox Run Rd. and in the city limits of McComb. Property was platted for subdivision development, adjoins Fox Run Subdivision, community water and sewer adjoins this tract but has not been run through it. Woudl be a great investment for a builder or just someone wanting a larger tract close to shopping, hopsital and all the other conveniences of the city. $54,500. MLS# 123825

2018 Church Rd., Magnolia, MS - 20 Acre getaway and hunting porperty with great Fords Creek frontage and a small camp. Property is located about 10 minutes off of I-55 at Gillsburg exit. Nicely wooded with a great trail system and lots of wildlife, a well, electricity and a good all weather drive. The camp is practically brand new with new appliances and fixtures, all it needs is for a little plumbing work to be completed to be 100%. $79,900. MLS# 123835.



Buy Sell • June-July 2016

WATERFRONT AND RECREATIONAL 3120 Hwy. 24 E Woodville - 318.31 acre high game fence hunting property in Wilkinson Co., MS, excellent location with gently rolling terrain in a great neighborhood, property has two 1 acre ponds as well as a 3 acre lake that is loaded with large bass and crappie, immaculate 16x80 mobile home, 40x50 insulated metal building with 2 roll up doors and 2 walk in doors, and 20x50 covered area between home and building, all on slab and all covered with metal roofing, concreted well covered with pump house, covered deer skinning area with slab, 14 manicured food plots, 7 5x6 Texas tower stands, property is high game fenced with 12 gates for easy access and maintenance, property is setup with a deer herd with great genetics, if youare looking for a place to grow huge bucks this is it, all located in aquiet peaceful neigborhood with great neighbors, this is a must see for the trophy deer hunter, don’t miss this opportunity, by appointment only, priced at $1,495,000. MLS# 123167

Office: 601-249-3400 McComb, MS www.doug r ushing





Hickory Grove Rd. - 228 acres of hunting and timber land with great road frontage with electricity on the property and is located in the Desoto National Forest. Property is about half 15 and 18 year old plantation pine with the balance in pine/hardwood mix with mostly hardwood in the bottoms along the TWO creeks that cross the property. Located just east of Lumberton and jo ining hundreds of acres of national forest land this is a hunting jessie with plenty of opportunity for year round enjoyment, all of this and priced at only $2,950.Acre. MLS# L123023

546 Hwy. 51, Brookhaven - 88 +/- Acres of hardwoods and wildlife habitat with both the East and West branches of the Bogue Chitto River crossing the property. There is a extensive trail and bridge system in place giving great access to the whole property. The feeders are kept full year round and the food plots are planted. The camp is ready to go! This is a turn key hunting property that is ready to hunt this season. Well priced at $249,000. MLS# 123029

4747 Donegal Rd., Woodville UNBELIEVABLE HARDWOOD TRACT that has been, bow hunting only, for 10 yrs., approx. 8 miles SW of Woodville. FEATURES intense road system throughout, 5 ponds, 2 creeks, approx. 1085 acres in lge. scattered food plots, terrain is great, lge adjoining land owners, M/Home for camp, 40’ x 60’ metal bldg. w/utilities, walk in cooler, walk in freezer, fruit trees, saw tooth oaks and other wildlife trees. More details available. $5,025,000. MLS# 122422

Rosemary Road, Terry, MS - 1530 Acres on the Pearl River just east of I-55/Terry exit. Fantastic hunting and timberland investment tract, miles of interior roads, mostly a hardwood tract, food plots, fishing on the Pearl River, duck hunting in the sloughs, power available, approx. 2 miles frontage on the Pearl River and approx. 1 1/2 county road frontage. $4,300,000. MLS# 122687


2301 Delaware Avenue, McComb, MS - 3.287 acres (143, 186 SF) located on Delaware Ave. approx. 1000 ft. west of I-55 and the downtown McComb exit, great building site, across from the Rainbow Dodge Jeep dealership. $349,900. MLS# 120023

301 Oakdale Ave. - McComb - 4200SF bldg. located just S. of busy intersection of Hwy. 51 & 98. Lot is 125’x200’ or 25,000SF mostly under chain link fencing. 800SF office space, 3400SF open space, 7 roll up overhead doors. Fantastic visibility from 2 of the most highly traveled hwys. in McComb. $145,000. MLS# 115397

Hwy. 98 Tylertown - This 11 acres +/- located on Hwy. 98 just west of Tylertown is perfect for any business or commercial user desiring a high visibility and high traffic area. Property has over 2,000’ of road frontage, two state highways and a county road. $225,000. MLS# 122745





4152 Hwy. S. - McComb - 4873SF bldg. has 2 roll up overhead doors & office in one area presently used as mechanic & alternator repair shop, additional area of warehouse & has add’l area presently being rented for bait shop. A total of approx. 23,750SF. Fantastic location! $109,500. MLS# 115406

6.4 Acres of Prime Commercial - Property with approx. 651 feet of frontage on I-55 and approx. 651 feet of frontage on Apache Drive. $585,400. MLS# 114094


Buy Sell • June-July 2016

Income Producing Opportunity - Apartment Complex located approx. 10 miles west of McComb on Brumfield Rd. SW just north of Hwy. 98. There are 6 units total, 3 units have 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 2 units have 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1 unit has 4 bedrooms, 2 baths and there is an area containing 3500 SF that is unfinished and could be rented for storage or divided into 2 additional rental units. The Gross Potential Income at this time according to past rental income if $32,400/yr. $119,500. MLS# 121648


2300 Delaware Ave Ext, MS - This is a 4.157 acre (181,100 sq. ft.) parcel of commercial property with improvements located a block W of I-55 and Delaware Ave. interchange with 344 ft. of road frontage on the N side of Delaware Ave. Ext and 400 ft. of road frontage on the W side of Apache Dr. Imjprovements include a 9,900SF commercial metal bldg. with 288 SF attached metal canopies, 33,600 SF od concrete, 36,600 SF of asphalt, and gravel paving - current use is automobile dealership. Floor plan includes a sales/showroom, individual sales offices, manager’s office, general office, customer waiting area, restrooms, parts and service office, and a parts dept. and service repair garage with overhead doors, sealed concrete floors, strip flourescent lighting, and suspended gas heaters. The property was renovated approximately 4 years ago with a new facade, renovated showroom, and additional parking. $899,500. MLS# 123022





Office: 601-249-3400 McComb, MS www.doug r ushing

Mall Drive, McComb, MS 2.25 acres locates just off of the north of McComb exit, adjoining Edgewood Mall to the south and Holiday Inn Express to the west. All city utilities available, over 500’ frontage on Mall Drive and ready for building on (Zoned C-PL). This property isvisible form I-55 and traffic at the mall. $489,500. MLS# 123826

Broadway, McComb, MS 3.55 acre Commercial site with road frontage on 3 city streets. Fantastic location for business needing visibility. All city utilities available. $146,500. MLS# 123827



Commercial Development Opportunities - McComb Crossing - One of McComb’s LARGEST NEW DEVELOPMENTS -Lots available from 1.00 acres and up, located at the South McComb Exit at the site of the New MOVIE THEATRE! Coming soon!

183 Old Settlement Rd., Tylertown, MS - Ultimate secluded getaway property in Walthall Co. just a couple of miles north of the LA state line. The property is mostly fenced pasture with a very nice pond and a few acres of wood blocking the view from the road. The 3 bedroom, 2 bath home is under a 86’x40’ metal shed that provides plenty of shade for the front and back porch. The two largest barns on the property, 36’x40’ and 24’x40’ are enclosed and have electricity to them, there are also a couple of smaller buildings by the pond. The property is set up to run cattle or horses (perfect for riding horses/4 wheelers or hunting) but could easily be transformed into a wooded paradise. The home comes furnished and the place is priced to sell at $198,500. MLS# 123355

60 Mesa Rd., Tylertown, MS - 2 Breeder houses located just west of Tylertown on Mesa Rd. with 10 acres. Houses are in great condition and the grounds are kept immaculate. New well, generator, and has Rodem Controls. Additional acreage available. The owner has 2 full time workers that have been there for many years and would like to stay on if new owner desires. $449,500. MLS# 123369


West Topisaw N., Ruth, MS - This wooded tract is an excellent recreational tract or place to build your dream home. Property is in a rural country setting and is located in the North Pike School District. Easy access to power and community water. Priced at only $102,000. MLS# 123238

Bean Rd., Osyka, MS - 28.4 Acres +/- 5 minutes north of the LA line in Amite Co., MS w/community water and electricity available. Property is nicely wooded, very pretty, great get away and hunting. Convenient location in a good area with a perfect camp site. $99,400. MLS# 123416

1625 Burt Jordan Rd., McCall Creek, MS - This 74 acre tract is a hunters dream. Property consists of mature hardwoods and mixed pine. The property also has a three bedroom, 2 bath camp house with sevearl outbuildings. Excellent hunting for both deer and turkey. Priced at only $290,000. MLS# 123427

326 Simon Rd., Tylertown, MS - A little bit of it all. 184 acres located just north of the LA line and south of TYlertown, MS on Simon Rd. Mature timber, cutover and scattered hardwoods, approx. 100 acres of fenced and cross fenced pastures, metal barn, homesite with all utilities, second homesite with all utilities (had a mobile home in its place used for a rental but now moved), beautiful rolling hills, great hunting and blacktop frontage. $2,50/acre. MLS# 123439

326 Simon Rd., Tylertown, MS - 93 acres located near the LA line on Simon Rd. south of Tylertown, MS. Mature timber, cutover and scattered hardwoods, fantastic hunting and approx. 20 acres of rolling pasture, beautiful homesite high on hill shaded by mature oaks and great pond sites. Whether looking for a place for a weekend getaway or permanent home, this tract offers a little bit of it all at $2,785/acre. MLS# 123440

Adams Rd., Smithdale, MS - 50 Acres in Amite County, MS, lots of hardwood timber, pines that are ready to be thinned, new road built to property, camp site overlooking pond, food plots with new box stands, really n ice secluded hunting property, priced at $194,500. Owner/Agent


Buy&Sell • June-July 2016

40 Acres • Caston Road, McComb - Beautiful wooded 40 acre tract in the city limits of McComb. Enjoy the solitude of the country life within minutes of restaurants, the hospital, and grocery stores. Property can be divided into smaller tracts. $200,000 MLS# 122481

Causey Road • Causey Rd., Fernwood, MS - Great homesite conveniently located with water and electricity available. 4.33 acres, heavily wooded with road frontage and bordering Minnehaha Creek. $21,500/Acre MLS# 122176

Office: 601-249-3400

AMITE COUNTY 6722 Hamp Lea Rd., Magnolia • Great recreational tract that is wooded w/power and water already at the property. This property will make an excellent weekend get-a-way, located in rural Amite COunty near the Louisiana State Line. $39,500 MLS# 123318

50 Acres • Adams Rd., Smithdale - 50 Acres, lots of hardwood timber, pines that are ready to be thinned, new road built to property, camp site overlooking pond, food plots with new box stands, really nice secluded hunting property, priced at $149,500/Owner/Agent MLS#123580

28.4 Acres • Bean Rd., Osyka - 28.4 Acres +/- 5 minutes north of the LA line in Amite County, MS w/community water and electricity availalbe, located in a good area w ith a perfect camp site. $99,400 MLS# 123416

148 Acres •Pine Grove Lane, Brookhaven - Timberland and hunting land in Lincoln and Lawrence counties, 45 acres of 7 yr. old pine plantation, mature hardwoods, nice food plots with good internal road system, water well, frontage on Bear Creek, surrounded by big landowners, excellent deer hunting property, accessed by old county road, an additional 36 acres can possibly be purchased from neighboring land owner that has septic tank, water, and power, this 148 acres is priced very reasonable. $225,000 MLS# 122588


68 Wooded Acres •Located approx. 12 miles NE of Brookhaven on Woolworth Rd. New trails throughout, great homesites, power and community water available, food plots, small pond, rolling hills, 1/4 mile county road frontage, approx. 28 acres of 5-6 yr. old pines, the balance is a volunteer stand of mixed pine with hardwoods in the bottoms. $2,500/Acre MLS# 121719


MARION COUNTY 40 Wooded Acres • 40 wooded acres located just north of Crosby, MS off of Airport Rd. The property has been managed by a Registered Forester and consists of approx. 8 year old planted pines. The property sits back off the road and is accessed VIA Deeded Access, would be a great hunting tract and timber investment. $2,625/acre MLS# 117803

FRANKLIN COUNTY 68 Acres • Wooded acres located approx. 5 miles south of Roxie, MS east of Hwy. 33 on White Apple Road. Property consists of all mature timber including both hardwood & pine, blacktop frontage, pond, fantastic timber investment & hunting tract, power & community water available. $169,900 MLS# 117934

1 Acre Camp Site • Mallard Lane, Foxworth, MS - 1 acre camp site located south of Columbia, MS, east of Hwy. 35 with road frontage, power, surveyed, access with launch to the Pearl River. $22,500 MLS# 123449

40 Acres • Located in Cedar Grove/Bunker Hill Comm. The tract consists of 25 ac. pine saw-timber, chip-n-saw and pulpwood, w/balance in 7 yr. natural regeneration & hardwoods. Harper Creek flows along southern boundary of prop. providing ex. wildlife opportunities. $105,000 MLS# 122063

PIKE COUNTY LINCOLN COUNTY 2.06 Acres •Recently surgeyed 2.06 acres $4,500/Acre MLS# 119620

North Pike School District •Newly surveyed, water, electricity 4 Acres - $14,950. MLS# 121095 1.09 Acres - $6,500. MLS# 121096

2070 Fernwood Road, Magnolia • 1.74 Acre wooded home site located approx. 5 mile east of I-55 (Fernwood Exit). The property has mature timber, great homesites, blacktop frontage and community water and power available. $11,900 MLS#123157


72 Acre Riverfront Paradise • With 2 BR/2 BA cabin on the Bogue CHitto River. A half wrapped deck w/hot tub overlooks the peaceful river. Property also includes carport, shop, barn and 3 food plots. Rare find at $485,500 MLS# 121891

118 Acres •Vaniel Holmes Rd., Tylertown, MS - 118 Acres +/located north of Tylertown. About 20 acres wooded with the balance in pasture. Fenced and cross fenced with a nice pond and good road frontage. $2,900/Acre MLS# 122172

Jessie Stogner Rd., Sandy Hook • 43.78 wooded acres located approx. 18 miles SE of Tylertown with frontage on Hwy. 48 and Jessie Stogner Rd., gently rolling terrain, mostly scattered hardwoods, good hunting tract, great homesites. $2,650/Acre MLS# 120357

99.5 Wooded Acres •1043 Hwy. 583 N., Tylertown - 99.5 wooded acres w/1200SF cabin w/attached 30’x40’ workshop with roll up doors, small creek, mixed pine and mature hardwoods, trails, fantastic hunting and timber investment. $375,000 MLS# 122653


Old Hwy. 24, Magnolia •20 Acres of aged cutover. Good area with good hunting. Property would make a good timber tract. At this time there is no legal access to the property. $44,000 MLS# 123834

38.3 Acres •West Topisaw Road, Ruth - Wooded acres located on West Topisaw Road approx. 10 miles NE of McComb. Great hunting and timber investment property, 30 acres in 24 year old planted pine under the CRP program with annual payments to the land owner of $923 through 2022, balance is also in mature timber, North Pike School District, power at property and community water available. REDUCED $3,000/Acre MLS# 119644

7114 Hwy. 98 E., McComb •17.70 Acres located on Highway 98 E outside of McComb, located in a high traffic area, would make a great rural business location or home site, power, water and septic is on site. $120,000 MLS# 123663

100 Acres • Garner Rd., Jayess - 100 acres on Garner Road in Walthall Co., MS, recently harvested timberland ready to be replanted or turned into pastureland, would make a great hunting property, priced to sell. $185,000 MLS# 122336

38.86 Acres •Mannings Crossing Rd., Tylertown - 38.86 wooded acres, fantastic hardwood tract, good hunting, surveyed, blacktop frontage, perimeter trail, small creek. $112,111 MLS# 122515

WILKINSON COUNTY 96 Pristine Acres •Wilkinson County - Lots of mature hardwoods, timber being select cut, small pastures, slightly rolling terrain, paved road frontage, power is available, great hunting, small creek, extremely unique piece of property. REDUCED! $2,500/Acre MLS# 120712


WALTHALL COUNTY 183 Old Settlement Rd., Tylertown •Ultimate secluded getaway property a couple of miles north of the LA state line. The property is mostly fenced pasture with a very nice pond and a few acres of wood blocking the view from the road with a 3BR/2 bath home under x 86’ x 40’ metal shed, 2 large barns w/elec. $198,500. MLS# 123356

Mesa Mt. Olive Rd., Tylertown •20 Acres of Walthall county rolling hills, in one year old planted pines. Cleared easement, great lake site, good hunting, secluded and a great investment. $2,450/Ac. MLS# 121374

Buy&Sell • June-July 2016

Beautiful Waterfront Lot •Lot on Lake Mary, power at property. Fishing at its finest. $17,000 MLS# 122028

WASHINGTON PARISH 6 Acres • Mostly pasture located just east of Thomas, LA on Hwy. 438. Great homesite, gently rolling etrrain. Pasture was very grown up and seller has recedntly had dozer and tractor on the property. Ready for livestock and/or to build on, no restrictions. $35,950 MLS# 120450


QNOQ=eïóK=OQt jÅ`çãÄI=jp=PVSQU Office:

601-250-0017 Fax: 601-684-2339


Patrick Gibson, Broker Assoc.

Scott Campbell, Realtor

Scott Lindsey, Broker/Forester

Jeff Daughdrill, Realtor

Melissa Field, Broker Assoc.

Rick McAlister, Broker Assoc.

Stuart Hemphill, Broker Assoc.

Jackye Murray, Realtor

Kelly Parker, Realtor

Kyle Bass, Realtor

Slade Priest, Realtor

Alton Harvey, Realtor

Scott Lindsey, Broker/Forester . . . . . . . . . 601-248-3561 Patrick Gibson, Broker Associate Scott Campbell, Realtor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .601-248-4595 Jeff Daughdrill, Realtor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601-810-5511 Melissa Field, Broker Assoc. . . . . . . . . . . .601-467-7070 Rick McAlister, Broker Assoc. . . . . . . . . . . 601-218-1150 Stuart Hemphill, Broker Assoc. . . . . . . . . .601-248-7637 Jackye Murray, Realtor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .601-248-4391 Kelly Parker, Realtor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .601-324-9760 Kyle Bass, Realtor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .601-248-1448 Slade Priest, Realtor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .601-888-0094 Alton Harvey, Realtor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .601-303-7107

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1045 Rollingwood, Summit • Custom Built beauty with pool • 6BR, 4.5 baths • 4.5 Wooded Acres MLS# 122670 $510,000

1056 Lazy Lake, Summit • 2,900SF 5BR/4BA home on private 40 acre lake • NPSD, 1.2 acre lot, gorgeous views, great fishing • Modern with all amenities, dbl. carport MLS# 122989

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1099 Lakeview Drive, Summit • Gorgeous home in NPSD • 11.78, Home and Pool • Dead end street, Dixie Springs Estates MLS# 123319 $455,000


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304 3rd St South, Osyka • Magnolia Manor • Historic renovated Greek Revival • 4 Bed/4.5 Bath on corner lot MLS# 123674

#1 United Country Office in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2014 Agent/Office Locations: McComb, Centreville, Tylertown, Hattiesburg, Heidelberg and Madison

400 Cherokee Drive, McComb • Luxury brick home, 4 BR/3.5BA • Wine Cellar • Premier neighborhood MLS# 122201 $439,000

1018 Marcus Lane, McComb • Executive home in Pinehurst Estates • 5BR/3BA & bonus room • Private setting on 3.18 acres MLS# 122260



$315,000 44

Buy&Sell • June-July 2016

1048 Hawthorne Drive, McComb •4BR/3.5BA, 3.87 Acres, pool/patio • 3 car garage, concrete drive, wet bar • 4800 SF, sunroom, formal dining, stone fireplace MLS# 121853


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1017 Oakleigh Drive, Summit • Executive Home & 2.47 Acres • 4 Bedroom, 3 baths • Oakleigh Subdivision MLS# 123867

2997 Delaware Ave., McComb • 3,900SF 3/4BR, Office, Formal dining, Patio • 1.86 Ac., concrete circular dr., dbl. garage • Granite counters, hardwood floors, huge master suite MLS# 123352 $429,500

1117 Lakeview Drive, Summit • House & 3 Lots (5.3 Acres) in NPSD • 3 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath • Dixie Springs Estates Subdivision MLS# 123779


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1013 Pinehurst Place, McComb • Lakefront with private, park like setting • Prestigious Neighborhood • Updated spacious split plan MLS# 123295



Office: ïïïKÖáÄëçåêÉ~äíóãëKÅçã


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1010 Murray Road, McComb • Large brick 4BR/4BA homeon 4.6 acres • Manicured grounds • Energy efficient MLS# 122794


1136 Hawthorne, McComb • Located in Pinehurst Estates •4BR/4BA home w/lg. yard • Eecutive style, loaded with amenities MLS# 123584


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1090 Pinecrest, McComb • Country living in North Pike School District • Pond • 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath MLS#123644


1120 Country Lake Dr., Summit • 2500SF, 3BR/3.5BA, 5 Ac. mostly wooded • NPSD, Workshop, Formal Dining, Den, Bonus Room • Back Patio, Dbl. Garage, Upstairs Office MLS# 122187


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2002 Bala Chitto Road, Magnolia • House & 41+/- acres • 2BR/2BA, 1456SF H&C • Great recreational, getaway property MLS# 122025 $229,000

2112 Woodlands Dr., McComb • Cul-de-sac • GGGGreat outdoor entertaining space • Sought after neighborhood MLS# 000000 $215,000

1092 Quail Ridge Dr., McComb • 3BR/2BA 2000SF heated, granite counters • NPSD, Like New, extremely well maintained • 1.8 ac., Quail Ridge II Subdivision MLS# 123237 $209,000

180 Railroad Ave., Magnolia • Magnolia Terrace Bed & Breakfast • 10 Bedrooms/10 Baths • Business Opportunity MLS# 123781 $199,500

1019 Monty Drive, McComb • 4BR/3BA brick home • 2.14 acres, shop • One mile west of I-55 MLS# 120639


2006 Park Drive Ext., McComb • 3BR,2BA brick home w/1,820 heated & cooled SF • Formal living/dining combo • Huge den w/FP & just outside city limits MLS# 000000 $185,000

1009 White Horse Lane, Magnolia • 3BR/2BA • Secluded get-away • 4.33 Acres MLS# 122181 $172,500

2021 Park Drive Ext., McComb • 3BR/2BA home w/2,181 SF • Updated kitchen w/granite counters • Large shop & 3 car garage MLS# 123261 $174,900

1073 River Ridge Road, Summit • 3BR/2.5BA brick Ranch • 2 Ac., partial wooded/large greenhouse • Private 2,112SF with over-sized den MLS# 122820 $159,900

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1064 Pine Cone, Summit • Home with 7.5 Acres • Open floor plan • Quiet and secluded MLS# 123721

2112 Woodlands Drive, McComb •3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths • Over 2,000 square feet • Cul-de-sac MLS# 123662 $220,000


2021 Park Dr. Ext., McComb • 3BR/2BA with nearly 4,000SF under roof • Granite counters & stainless appliances • Just outside McComb city limits MLS# 123261 $169,500 Buy&Sell • June-July 2016


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Office: ïïïKÖáÄëçåêÉ~äíóãëKÅçã

506 Oakbrook, McComb • 4BR/4BA home • Large family room • Large fenced backyard MLS# 123463


5099 Hwy. 48 West, McComb • Lovely Brick Home • 2.32 Acres • Workshop MLS# 122138


2053 Hwy. 570 East, McComb • 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath, 1800SF home on 1 acre • Minutes from SMCC, 20x24 workshop • Updated, move in condition MLS# 123696 $144,000

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1026 Kenna Road, Summit • North PIke School District • 1.64 Acre - 1446SF • Open floor plan MLS# 122923 $139,500

1029 Winding Rd., Summit • Brand new construction! NPSD 1.8 acres • 3BR/2BA, Dbl. garage, granite counter • 10’ ceiling, crown molding, split floor plan MLS# 123451 $189,500

4012 Enterprise Road, Summit • 3BR/2BA brick home in SW MS • 1.25 acres with shop • 1450SF living space MLS# 122564 $119,950

507 Caston Ave., McComb • Spacious family home • Large fenced back yard • Workshop MLS# 123203

1020 Pleasant Grove Rd., McComb • 4BR/2BA on 4 Ac. move in condition • Central H/A, large back yard • Storage shed, landscaping, comm. water MLS# 122374 $99,500

1052 Hart Ln, Summit • 1684 Sq. Ft. 3BR/1.5BA Country Cottage • 6 Acres, Wooded and Open, Shed • Quiet dead end lane just west of Summit MLS# 121365 $79,500

1005 Wood Creek Lane, McComb • Cabin at Percy Quin State Park • Golf, fishing, swimming, nature trails • Great family getaway or home MLS# 200001 $85,000

617 Louisiana Ave., McComb • 4BR/2BA home w/2136SF living area • Tall ceilings, wood floors, spacious rooms • Lg. front porch, concrete dr., garage apt. MLS# 122143 $74,900

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425 S. Broadway St., McComb • Recently remodeled historic home • 3BR/2.5BA 1971SF • Private courtyard, garage & storage area MLS#121506 $79,900


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704 Jackson Avenue, McComb • 3Bedroom, 1.5 Bath home, 1,910SF • Near Edgewood Park • Large lot MLS#123452 $79,500


4003 McComb Holmesville Rd., McComb • 2BR, 2Ba 1200SF home on 5 acres • NPSD, Move in ready, close to town • New AC compressor, paint, and many upgrades MLS#123667 $74,900

8095 Hwy. 48 East, Magnolia • Brick home & 4 Acres • Wooded and private • Selling “As Is” MLS# 123054 $60,000

629 Missouri Ave., McComb • 4BR/2BA home with 1875SF heated • Original wood interior walls& floors • Updated kit., corner lot, single carport MLS# 122468 $58,000

1189 Caston Road, McComb • 2BR/2BA home • 3 Acres • Beautiful neighborhood MLS#122332

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416 Caston Ave., McComb • 3BR, 2BA Brick home, large den • Formal Living room, move in ready • Large lot, great starter home or investment property MLS# 123117 $69,500

910 Bendat Street, McComb • 3BR, 2 BA home • New Appliances • 20% Down MLS# 123223



Buy&Sell • June-July 2016

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Office: ïïïKÖáÄëçåêÉ~äíóãëKÅçã

1041 Summer Oaks Lane, Summit • 2007 3BR,2BA 16x80 MH on 1.5 ac. • NPSD, wooded, beautiful back deck • Well maintained, located west of I-55 MLS# 122906 $57,000

617 5th Street, McComb • 3 Bedroom, 2 bath • Storage shed and workshop • Investment opportunity MLS# 123665

3123 Hwy. 51 McComb • Lovely cottage 1200 square feet • 2 Bedrooms / 1 Bath • Move-in ready! MLS# 123789 $49,500

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1013 Ave. D - McComb • Rent to own - 20% down • 2BR/1BA • 1 Acre lot MLS# 120772



áåÖ í ë á =i kÉï 5417 E. Homochitto Rd., Gloster • 14.38 Ac. • 4 Bedroom, 2 bath brick home • Near Homochitto National Forest MLS# 123269 $210,000

4002 Hamp Lea Road, Magnolia • 3 Bedroom, 2 bath $45,800

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MLS# 000000


Tatum Plantation - Gloster • 2,200 acres, high fenced • 2 homes on lakes • World renowned hunting MLS# 119066 $11,975,000

7547 Hwy. 61 N, Woodville • Wilkinson Co. 5800SF custom home • 180 acres, timber, creek • Guest house, horse barn, pond MLS# 122582 $2,150,000

Hermanville Patterson Rd., Hermanville • 325 Acres hardwood - Claiborne Co. • Antebellum home • Mature timber & wildlife MLS# 120113 $1,100,000

2853 Womack Lane, Liberty • 169 Acres timberland, Amite Co. • Beautiful brick home • Beaver Creek frontage MLS# 122501 $799,000

3930 Graves Road, Liberty • Beautiful custom log home • 80 Acres • Amite Co. MLS# 122524 $599,000

1049 Browing Lane, Osyka • Amite County 45 Acres • Main House & Guest Cabin • 1700 SF metal shop MLS# 123143 $525,000

5602 Mullins Rd., Gloster • Amite County Country Estate • Borders HNF on 2 sides • 3700SF Custom homeon 40 acres MLS#123494 $475,000

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5153 Hwy. 43 North, New Hebron • House & 300 Ac. • 3BR, 1.5 Bath, 1737 SF • Timber, Pond & Creek MLS# 123740 $790,000

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7912-A Hwy. 98 West, Summit • House and 6.57 acres in SW MS • 4BR, 3.5 Baths • Shop & Pond in Amite County MLS# 123724 $425,000

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3676 Burt Jordan Road SE, McCall Creek • 3BR/2BA brick home on 80 acres • Franklin County, pine timber • Will sell less land MLS# 123758 $339,000

1350 Brabham Road, Osyka • Hunting, 2 ponds & timber • 2,100 SF home, 3 BR/2BA • 60 Acres - pasture/timber MLS# 123579

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7 Old Hwy. 24, Magnolia • Riverfront cabin on Bogue Chitto Riv • 3BR/3BA, 2500 SF • 1.65 acres - Magnolia MLS# 122553 $259,900 Buy&Sell • June-July 2016


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Office: ïïïKÖáÄëçåêÉ~äíóãëKÅçã

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65 Whittimore Road, Tylertown • Riverfront home & 1.3 Acres • 4BR/3.5BA, 3870SF • Located on the Bogue Chitto River MLS# 122166 $245,500

737 Old Holmesville Rd., Tylertown • 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath home • 5 Acres • Paved driveway with gated entrance MLS# 123744 $229,500

55 David Jefferson Rd., Tylertown • 3BR/2BA house 1400SF • 30 Ac. mature trees • Blacktop road frontage MLS# 122887 $229,000

1134 Lin-Frank Line Dr. SW, McCall Creek • 3800SF 5BR/3BA home with triple CP • 5.29 ac., 1/2 hardwood timber, 1/2 open • Totally renovated, quiet location MLS# 122365 $185,000

1537 Pecan Grove Rd., Woodville • Lake Mary waterfront camp • Pristine ox bow lake, no crowds • Fish, ski, hunt & relax MLS# 120505 $185,000

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827 Pecan Grove, Woodville • Lake Mary custom camp for sale • Wilkinson County • Fish, Ski, Hunt MLS# 122652 $215,000

158 Ellis Rd., Tylertown • 4BR/2.5BA, 1824SF home • 10 acres with fenced pasture • 1 mi. north of the LA/MS line MLS# 122220 $175,000

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30 Boyd Harvey Road, Jayess • Country home on 5 acres • 3-4 Bedrooms/2.5 Baths • Fishing pond MLS# 121850


4155 Middle Gladding Rd., Magnolia • 3BR/2BA, 1994SF brick home • Beautiful 2.87 acres, shaded yard • Amite County, low taxes MLS# 122735 $160,000

4552 E. Homochitto, Gloster • Amite County • 2600SF 3BR/2BA - 2 acres • 20x40 ft. pool MLS# 122399 $169,500

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314 Rokofee Rd. - Vidalia, LA • 3BR/1BA home • Located on Old River (Lake Minorca) • 70’x200’ lot, more lots available MLS# 120804 $149,900

1227 Whites School Rd. - Centreville • Secluded brick home • Beautiful view • 3BR/2Bath MLS# 120892

860 W. Cherokee, Centreville • Solid Brick Home • 3BR, 2 Bath • Fenced Yard MLS# 123102 $130,000

322 W. St. Mary, Centreville • Solid brick home, 2BR/2BA • Corner lot • Guest house MLS# 123368



120 Second St. E, Meadville • Circa 1904 4BR/2BA home on corner lot • 3000+SF of living area, 12 ft. ceilings • New roof, huge front porch, great condition MLS# 121568 $149,000

5799 Wilkinson Road, Liberty • 3BR, 2 Bath home • 1 Acre • Move in ready condition MLS# 122748


2037 Pecan Grove Rd., Woodville • Lake Make - Waterfront camp • All Cypress • 2 BR, loft, screened porch MLS# 119926 $65,000


Buy Sell • June-July 2016


311 N. Lafayette, Centreville • Beautiful historic home • Restored and renovated • One acre landscaped lot MLS# 121491

6093 Lake Mary, Woodville • Lake Mary Camp for sale • 100’ lot, deck and pier • 3BR/2BA home MLS# 122638




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Office: ïïïKÖáÄëçåêÉ~äíóãëKÅçã

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142 Sawmill Road, Sandy Hook • Poultry Farm, 4 House Broiler • 65 Acres, pasture, shops • Nice 3576SF home with pool MLS# 122930


7706 Hwy. 35, Mize • MS Poultry farm with 40 acres • 4 Broiler houses, 42 x 500’ • MH, pasture land, great location MLS# 122635

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140 Sullivan Rd, Mt. Olive • 3 house breeder farm on 60 acres • Large shop with living quarters • Fenced pasture land for livestock MLS# 122839 $998,000


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1150 Henry Thurman Rd., New Hebron • Broiler Farm • Farm with contract • Turnkey with all equipment MLS# 123894 $625,000

131 McKenzie Rd., Tylertown • Poultry farm 4 house pullet farm • Good income, pay based off Sq. ft • 15 Acres in Walthall County MLS# 123204 $625,000

111 SCR 77, Mize • Poultry farm, Mize, MS • 70.5 Acres • 4 House Broiler Farm MLS# 122853 $549,000


9.59 Ac., Hwy. 51 N, McComb • 9.59 commercial acres just across from Walmart • Hwy. 51 frontage between Reliable and State Bank • Zone C-2, high traffic location, owner will divide MLS# 119630 $875,000

2487 Melvin Mason Rd., Brookhaven • Poultry farm, southwest MS • 5 40x500” Broiler farm on 40 acres • Nice ranch style 3BR/2BA house MLS# 122266 $915,000

3.57 Acres - Cheyenne Drive, McComb • 3.57 Acres • Commercial Property • Close to I-55, Mall & Hospital MLS# 122089 $425,000

Hwy. 570 - McComb • High traffic, ready for development • Access roads on two sides MLS# 119110


1724 Beulah Ave., Tylertown • Oil Change & Auto Repair Shop • Great location and business opportunity • An additional 2.78 Acres available MLS# 121969 $209,900

229 Main St. - McComb • Great investment property • 5 Executive offices, 2 conference rooms • Nice interior, hardwood floors, vaulted ceilings MLS# 121076 $398,000

104 Presley Blvd., McComb • 50x100 metal com. building on .75 acres • Bank owned, Zoned C2, Hwy. 98 frtge. • Clear span bldg. w/bar & 2 BA MLS# 121512 $215,000 Buy&Sell • June-July 2016




Office: ïïïKÖáÄëçåêÉ~äíóãëKÅçã

White Blvd. - McComb • Nearly one acre comm. lot • Just south of Hwy. 98 • High visibility MLS# 118802


117 Hwy. 24, Centreville • Commercial property • High traffic area • 2,736 SF MLS# 123380


ïå l = ç í=í oÉå

150 Gaulden Clinton Rd., Centreville • 3600 SF Auto/Paint/Body Shop • Paint Booth, etc. optional • 2 Acre parcel MLS# 121798


129 Thompson St., McComb • Attitudes Beauty Salon • Equipment & supplies • Great location MLS# 121706


818 N. MS Hwy. 33, Gloster • Restaurant/Convenience Store • Adjacent to hotel • Hwy. 33/Amite County MLS# 121689


169 N. First, Gloster • 8192 Sq. ft. Metal building • 600 Sq. Ft. paved parking lot • Corner lot w/rear and side alleys MLS# 122041


2.5 Ac. Hershal Grady Hwy Summit 533 Hwy. 24, Centreville, MS • 5,000+ square feet • Former auto parts store • Across from new hospital site MLS# 114483

•2.5 Ac. Commercial Zoned, High Traffic Area • All City utilities in place $75,000

MLS# 119402 $69,000

747 S. Cosby, Centreville • 6700 SF building • Store front and large shop • Roll up doors MLS# 123701 $35,500

161 Railroad Ave., Magnolia • Commercial Building • Downtown Magnolia • Business Opportunity MLS# 123804 $79,500


PIKE COUNTY 213.8 Ac. - Hayles Rd., Magnolia • 213.8 Ac. M/L. Frontage on Little Tangipahoa River • Hunting & Timber tract MLS# 121647 $425,000

93.04 Ac. - 1172 Mudline Road, Magnolia • 93.04 Acres hunting • 8 yr. old timber, $2,800 per acre MLS# 123152 $261,080

87.5 Acres - 3198 Shell Oil Rd. - Summit, MS • 87.5 Acres Hunting Land • Electricity, Blacktop road frontage • North Pike School District MLS# 122830 $209,000

86.93 Acres - 2100 Bala Chitto Rd., Magnolia, MS • 87 Acres gorgeous hardwoods on Bala Chitto Creek • Interior roads, cypress shop, Pike County • Secluded cabin, great hunting, rare find! MLS# 122724 $267,000

80 Ac. - Albert Lane, Magnolia •80 Acres 3/4 rolling pasture, 1/4 wooded • Community water and power on site • Interior road, huge oaks, great hunting property MLS# 123625 $264,000

79.17 Ac. - Candy Lane/Hwy. 98E, McComb •Great hunting tract. Electricty at property • Internal roads, good timber MLS# 121829 $198,000


Buy&Sell • June-July 2016

77.88 Ac. - Hwy. 98 & W.A. Walker, McComb • Pike County, frontage on Hwy. 98 • Frontage on W.A. Walker MLS# 123028 $219,500

77 Ac. - 4080 West Topisaw W, McComb •MS Hunting land, Pike Co. • Fishing on the Topisaw Creek • Good deer and turkey hunting MLS# 122290 $399,000

54.31 Ac. - Country Club Rd.,John E. Lewis Dr., McComb •54.31 Acres bordering Fernwood Country Club • Residential or Commercial, city sewer • Great development potential, no restrictions MLS# 121861 $868,960

LAND 20.88 Ac. - Hwy. 48 East, Magnolia

8.7 Ac - 1068 Carpenter Lane, Summit

• 20.88 Acres hunting, 8 yr. old timber • $2,750 per acre MLS# 123151 $57,420

• 8.7 acres with shop/living quarters, great home site NPSD • Pond MLS# 123715 $159,900

7.46 Ac. - 2074 Lazy Creek Lane, Summit 18.92 Ac. - McComb Holmesville Road, McComb • North Pike School District • Potential for Subdivision • Just outside McComb city limits MLS# 121817 $69,000



Office: ïïïKÖáÄëçåêÉ~äíóãëKÅçã

17.9 Ac. - Hwy. 48 East, Magnolia • 17.9 Acres hunting, 8 yr. old timber • $2,750 per acre MLS# 121150 $49,225

17.57 Ac. - John E. Lewis Dr., McComb


• 17.57 Ac., John E. Lewis Rd. adjacent to Fernwood Airport • Zoned commercial, city water, sewer MLS# 121602 $351,400

51 Ac. - 6149 Gladhurst Rd., Magnolia

16.59 Ac. - Ole Springs Road - Summit

• 51 Acres with 1BR camp and 20x36 shop • Awesome hunting property, food plots, trails • Gated entrance, mature timber, planted pine MLS# 120369 $229,500

• 16.59 Acres in SW MS • I-55 frontage & visibility • Subdivision potential MLS# 119562 $175,000

45 Ac. - 1056 Addo Barnes Rd., McComb

16.29 Acres - Hwy. 24 West, McComb

• 45 Acres getaway property with 3 houses • Spring fed creek, fruit trees, secluded • 4000 SF home with 3 kitchens, 3 water wells MLS# 122115 $295,000

44.15 Ac. - 2038 Wardlaw Rd., McComb • I-55/Wardlaw Rd. frontage with commercial building • 20 +/- acres pine plantation • Investment property, pipeline & 2 ponds MLS# 120328 $399,000

• 16.29 acres commercial/residential • 650’ frontage on Hwy. 24 • Located just west of Exit 15, I-55 MLS# 122596 $489,700

16.15 Ac. - Presley Blvd., McComb • 16 acres zoned C-2 commercial, Seller will divide • 1900ft. of Hwy. 98 frontage, high traffic and great visibility • Just east of I-55 at the intersection of Hwy. 98 and Parklane Rd. MLS# 120228 $2,110,482

41 Ac. - 2002 Bala Chitto Road, Magnolia • House & 41 +/- Acres • 2 BR, 2 Baths, 1456 Sq. Ft. H & C • Great recreational, getaway property MLS# 122025 $229,000

40 Ac. - 2029 Old 24 Ext., McComb • 40 Ac., Pike Co., wooded with food plots • Trails, gate entrance, great hunting or recreational property • Electricity on site, perimeter fencing MLS# 121688 $109,000

35.65 Ac. - Irene Road, McComb • 35.65 acres in SW MS • Paved road frontage on 2 roads • Open pasture - Home site MLS# 119851 $105,950

33.38 Ac. - Hwy. 48 East, Magnolia • 33.38 Acres, timber and hunting • $2,750 per acre MLS# 12311 $91,795

33.36 Ac. - Terry’s Creek Rd., Magnolia • 33.36 acres hunting or home site • One mile west of I-55 • 1380 ft. paved road frontage MLS# 120378 $116,760

33.1 Ac. - D.P. Guy Road, Ruth • 33.1 surveyed acres - NPSD • Paved road frontage • TImber value of $78,810! MLS# 121031 $$148,950

32.6 Ac. - Pike 93 South, Osyka • 32.6 Acres timberland • North of Osyka, MS • Over 1500 ft. road frontage MLS# 123366 $128,770

29.43 Ac. - Old Mill Rd., Osyka • 29.43 Acres, beautiful rolling hills pastureland • Old Mill Rd. near Osyka, good fencing • Scattered oaks, beautiful home site MLS# 122055 $110,362

27 Ac. - 1036 Rayborn Rd., Magnolia • Hunting & recreational land, timber investment • R.V. hookups, water & electricty at property MLS# 121500 $98,000

25 Ac. - McComb, MS p^ib=mbkafkd • NPSD • TImberland Investment • Great location, road frontage, development potential MLS# 119206 $92,500

23 Acres - Raborn Road, Magnolia • Hardwood timber, road frontage • Hunting MLS# 122580 $98,900

22.88 Ac. - 1170 Mudline Rod, Magnolia • 22.88 acres hunting, 8 year old timber • 400’+ blacktop road frontage MLS# 123066 $62,640

22.46 Ac. - Paige Drive, McComb • 22.46 acres bordering Howell Subdivision • City utilities available, 12 open, 1/2 wooded • No restrictions except for 2 acres, west of McComb MLS# 123090 $110,000

6 Ac. - Old Liberty Rd. - McComb mbkafkd • 6 acre lot in beautiful, established neighborhood • On site well • Underground utilities in place MLS# 119403 $41,400

Dale Woods Estate Lots • 1.049 Ac. - MLS 121239 • $24,000 • 1.591 Ac. - MLS 121240 • $24,000 • 2.762 Ac. - MLS 121241 • $32,000 • .703 Ac. - MLS 121250 • $15,000 • .703 Ac. - MLS 121242 • $15,000 • .881 Ac. - MLS 121243 • $29,000 • .77 Ac. - MLS 121244 • $25,000 • .858 Ac. - MLS 121245 • $25,000 • .998 Ac. - MLS 121246 • $29,000 • 1.321 Ac. - MLS 121247 • $39,000 • .857 Ac. - MLS 121249 • $22,000 • 1.158 Ac. - MLS 121248 • $37,500

6.4 Ac. - Stovall Lane, Summit • 6.4 Acres (residential or commercial) • Just west of I-55, Summit, MS, additional access MLS# 000000 $xxxxxx

6 Ac. - Dogwood Trail • Part of the old raised railroad bed near the Bogue Chitto River • No deed restrictions MLS# 118135 $40,000

5139 US Hwy. 98 W., Summit

44.43 Ac. - Hwy. 570, Summit • 44.43 Ac., 2000ft. frontage on Topisaw Creek • NPSD, Great hunting, wooded, water well, power pole in place MLS# 121613 $165,000

• 7.45 Acres fronting the beautiful Bogue Chitto River • Septic, water well, driveway and power in place • Wooded with scattered oaks MLS# 120419 $65,000

16.14 Ac. - Hamp Lea Road, Magnolia • 16.14 Acres in SW MS • Tangipahoa River frontage • Weekend get away, camping, hunting MLS# 122170 $106,665

15.5 Acres - Raborn Road, Magnolia

• 5 Acres commercial property, 1000’ from I-55 • High traffic area US Hwy. 98 W MLS# 121517 $1,219,462

4.5 Ac. - Clearview Subdivision - McComb • Nice home site. • Deed restrictions MLS# 000000 $16,030

• Quiet area, hardwood timber • Great community MLS# 122578 $66,650

4.5 Ac. - Magnolia Pisgah Rd.

15.3 Ac. - Centreville Rd., Magnolia

4.14 Ac. - Hwy. 98 East, McComb

• 4.5 Acres, no restrictions, pond, additional land available • Open pasture, fenced, great home site MLS# 123792 $29,500

• 15.3 +/- acres • Mature hardwoods on part • Two paved roads frontage MLS# 120579 $57,375

• Riverfront property, 4.14 acres • 12 RV hookups, water & septic MLS# 120633 $77,500

14 Ac. - Hwy. 51 North - Magnolia

• 4.01 Acres & pond • Great new home site, Double lot MLS# 122150 $29,500

• Zoned commercia/industrial • Easily accessed from I-55 & US Hwy. 51 • Located adjacent to Pike County Industrial Park MLS# 119297 $168,000

13.92 Ac. - Magnolia Pisgah Rd., McComb • 13.92 +/- acres • Heavily wooded pines and hardwoods • Minutes from Percy Quin State Park MLS# 120577 $48,270

12.1 Ac. - 100 Bilbo Lane, Magnolia • 12 Acre mini farm hot house • Tomato Greenhouse • House 3 bedrooms, 2 baths MLS# 121905 $149,000

10.48 Ac. - Country Club Dr., McComb • 10.48 ac. prime residential property • Timber investment, food plots, shooting houses MLS# 121665 $1,584,000

10.41 Ac. - Johnston Chapel Rd., Summit • 10.41 Acres hadrwoods • North Pike School District • No restrictions MLS# 121859 $55,173

10 Ac. - Country Club Rd., McComb • 10 ac. adjoining Fernwood Golf Course, great development potential, no restrictions, city water & sewer, owner financing MLS# 121633 $200,000

10 Acres - 2067 Archie Boyd Rd., Jayess • 10 acres, Archie Boyd Rd., nice home site • NPSD, small church building on property • Rolling hills, mostly wooded, good hunting MLS# 122529 $36,000

9.83 Ac. - Beaver Creek Lane, Summit • 9.83 Acres on Bogue Chitto River & Beaver Creek • NPSD, Power, All hardwoods, food plots, private • Great cabin site, great hunting/fishing MLS# 121206 $75,000

9.59 Ac. Hwy 51 N - McComb • 9.59 Commercial acres just across from Walmart • Hwy. 51 Frontage between Reliable and State Bank • Zone C-2, High traffic location, owner will divide MLS# 119630 $875,000

4.01 Ac. - Great Point Dr., McComb obar`ba

3.73 Acres - Kori Lane, Summit • 3.73 acres corn lot, North Pike School District • 24x32 shed, circle paved drive MLS# 000000 $39,000

3.7 Ac. - Lakeview Drive, Summit • Home sites in Pike County, Lot 9 (1.9 Ac.) & Lot 11 (1.8 Ac.) • Dixie Springs Estates Subdivision MLS# 123791 $55,000

3.68 Ac. - Bucky Moore Rd. - Summit • 3.38 Acres, Pike County on Bucky Moore Rd. • Gorgeous corner lot, scattered trees • Restrictions apply, West of I-55, dead end street MLS# 120752 $40,000

3.57 Ac. - Cheyenne Dr., McComb • 3.57 Acres, Commercial property • Close to I-55, Mall & Hospital MLS# 122089 $622,000

2.663 Ac. - Parker Rd. - Summit • 2.663 Ac. home site lot in NPSD • 2200SF minimum, Dead end road MLS# 120750 $39,750

2.09 Ac. - Hillcrest Farms - Summit • 2.09 Nice home site lot. • North Pike School District • Deed restrictions MLS# 000000 $20,000

1.94 Ac. - Paige Dr., McComb • Beautiful 1.94+/- Acre lot on Paige Drive, Pike County • Howell Subdivision, Water and Electricity nearby MLS# 120292 $34,800

1.7 Ac. Lot - Chase Drive, McComb • 1.7 Acres, Chase Drive, NPSD, Restrictions, no mobile homes • Dead end paved street MLS# 123677 $8,000

1.69 Ac. - Timber Dr. - McComb • North Pike lots in great condition • Nice quiet neighborhood restriction, Elec., community water MLS# 118970 $16,000

1.62 Ac. - Timber Dr. - McComb • North Pike lots in great condition • Nice quiet neighborhood restriction, Elec., community water MLS# 119179 $16,000

1.53 Ac. - McComb-Holmesville Rd. - McComb, MS • Great home site in NPSD • No mobile homes MLS# 117069 $18,000 Buy&Sell • June-July 2016


25 Acs. - Hwy. 51, Brookhaven

100 Ac. - Hwy. 569 - Smithdale, MS

• 25 Acres Hwy. 51 Lincoln County • Open scattered trees • Older home - Bogue Chitto River MLS# 120120 $98,750

• Amite County, 3-4 yr. old planted pines • Pond stocked with catfish MLS# 117786 $300,000

13.97 Ac. - Glenwood Road SE, Ruth

88 Ac. - 4883 N. Greensburg Rd., Smithdale • 88 acres east Fork, Amite County, interior roads • Nice hunting cabin in very good condition, barn, covered pavilion • Planted pine, dove field, creek, and hardwoods MLS# 12066 $340,000

• 13.97 Acres - Ruth, MS, great combo open & wooded • Hunting, home site, get away MLS# 123498 $54,900

WALTHALL COUNTY 124 Acres - 1316 Hwy. 583, Jayess



Office: ïïïKÖáÄëçåêÉ~äíóãëKÅçã 1.5 Acres - 1032 Winding Road, McComb • 1.5 acres, community water, power • NPSD, brand new subdivision off River Rd. • Restrictive covenants, no mobile homes MLS# 122466 $20,000

1.45 Ac. - Timber Dr. - McComb • Nice North Pike lots in great condition • Nice quiet neighborhood restriction • Electricity, community water MLS# 119177 $16,000

1.37 Ac. - Deer Ridge, McComb • 1.37 Acre lot, North Pike School District • Cleared lot with community water MLS# 123664 $17,500

1.15 Ac. - Business Center Dr., McComb • 1.5 Acre lot on Business Center Drive • Curb and Butter streets and utilities in place • Next to Social Security Administration Building MLS# 122252 $100,000

1.13 Ac. - Antler Drive, Summit • 1.43 Ac. building lot on Antler Dr., NPSD, dead end paved street • Nice area north of Summit MLS# 123676 $16,000

1 Ac. - 8096 Hwy. 48 East, Magnolia • 1.0 acres, Mobile homes welcome MLS# 123122 $9,500

1 Ac. - 8096 Hwy. 48 East, Magnolia • 1.0 acres, Mobile homes welcome MLS# 000000 $9,500

Lots - Magnolia • 100x200 Lot - Berryhill Drive, Magnolia - MLS# 123163 - $7,500 • 100x200 Lot - Berryhill Drive, Magnolia - MLS# 123614 - $7,500 • 100x200 Lot - Berryhill Drive, Magnolia - MLS# 123165 - $7,500

Hart Road - McComb, MS • 90’x150’ lot cleared and ready for construction • One block south of Delaware Ave. obar`ba MLS# 111503 $35,000

Industrial Park Road - McComb, MS • 4 lots available - each over 1 acre, Tree shaded privacy - NPSD • Blacktop road frontage w/utilities MLS# 118497 • 4-6 Ac. Start at $17,500/Lot

923 Live Oak, McComb • Lot in McComb with big hardwoods, 163x612 • Could be two lots MLS# 121634 $15,000

White Blvd. - McComb, MS • Nearly one acre commercial lot, just south of Hwy. 98 • High visibility MLS# 118802 $200,000

44.75 Ac. - Casey Johnson Road, Magnolia • Pike County land for sale • Pond, scattered hardwoods MLS# 123554 $163,000

LINCOLN COUNTY 160 Acs. - Pleasant Grove Dr., Ruth • 160 acres timberland • Great hunting and timber investment • Blacktop road frontage MLS# 120024 $480,000

107 Ac. - 4080 Hwy. 583 - Jayess • Mostly open pasture • Hardwood trees & 1/4 mile creek frontage • Great hunting in a nice area MLS# 119451 $347,750

101 Acres - 960 Bogue Chitto Road SE, Bogue Chitto • 101 Acres with farmhouse, timber and open land with creek • Lincoln County, MS MLS# 123375 $299,000

38.54 Ac. 3323 Chisholm Drive, Bogue Chitto • 38.54 acres Lincoln County, mostly wooded • Great hunting, trails, and 4 acre food plot • Interior rods, private, great recreational property MLS# 000000 $89,000

38 Ac. - Hwy. 51, Brookhaven • 38 Acres Lincoln County • Hwy. 51 Frontage • Woods/Open Bogue Chitto River frontage MLS# 120121 $150,100

27 Ac. - Hog Chain Drive SE - Bogue Chitto • Hunting tract in SW MS • 40 acres - open & wooded • Bogue Chitto river frontage MLS# 120855 $51,300

• Hunting land with large ponds • 124 acres with 7 food plots • Nice 4BR, 2 bath house with barn MLS# 122510 $575,000

117 Ac. - 100 Kioto Rd., Tylertown • Premium investment or recrational property • 117 acres, large pond, blacktop road frontage • Great deer and turkey hunting MLS# 123807 $365,625

80 Ac. - Hwy. 586 - Walthall County 17 yr. old pine plantation • Pond for fishing • 2 food plots make for great hunting! MLS# 118896 $238,000

76 Acres - Jayess Road, Jayess • 76 Acres of well managed pine timber • Seasonal creek, hardwood bottoms • Interior roads, pond MLS# 122792 $269,500

42.17 Ac. - West Lexie Road, Tylertown • Walthall County 42.17 acres • Loaded with timber, great location MLS# 123554 $163,000

39 Ac. - 56 Tom Lewis Rd., Tylertown • 39 Acres pasture land • Large shop with apartment • 2 ponds and artesian well MLS# 121977 $247,000

36.3 Ac. - East Sunny Hill Rd., Tylertown • Hunting land, rolling, some hardwoods, ready to replant trees • 2 great pond sites MLS# 121546 $87,500

20 Ac. - East Salem Rd., Tylertown • 20 Acres, Salem School District., Walthall County • Great location, good hunting, mostly wooded, paved frontage MLS# 123082 $48,000

20 Ac. - Lewis Road, Kokomo • 20 acres hunting/timberland • Deeded access from paved road • Deer, turkey & squirrels abound MLS# 121023 $70,000

20 Ac. - Victor Boyd Road, Jayess • Walthall County, MS, 20 acres • Hardwood/Pine timber MLS# 123536 $68,000

13 Acres - 454 Elliott Cemetery Rd., Tylertown • 13 acres with pond • Great recreational, hunting property • Community water, septic & electric MLS# 122438 $69,900

11.1 Ac. - Lot 4 Highway 583 North, Jayess • 10 acres Walthall County - loaded with deer & wildlife • Scattered large mature pines • Great home site MLS# 120557 $36,908 p^ib=mbkafkd

.9 Acre - Lot Front Street, Tylertown • Great home site • Conveniently located to town • Heavily wooded MLS# 118925 $11,000

AMITE COUNTY 3478 Lower Gladding Rd., Magnolia

• Rustic 2000SF hunting lodge, 80 ac. pine & hardwood timber • Incredible big deer management program MLS# 121670 $530,000

77 Acres - 3315 Sherman Church Road, Magnolia • 77 Acres with camp, Amite County • 45 Acres pasture, 30 ac. timber • 2 ponds MLS# 122482 $285,000

60 Ac. - 1350 Brabham Road, Osyka • Hunting, 2 ponds & timber, 2,100SF home, 3BR/2BA • 60 Acres - pasture/timber MLS# 123579 $325,000

52 Ac. - Hwy. 24, Liberty • Commercial site for TMS • Plenty Hwy. 24 frontage • Graet location MLS# 122586 $208,000

51.56 Acres - Wroten Road, Smithdale • Amite County - 51.56 Acres • Great deer hunting • Creek MLS# 122869 $123,900

42 Ac. - Adams Rd., Smithdale • 47 +/- acres • Near Homochitto National Forest • Paved road access to right of way MLS# 120578 $105,000

30 Acres - 6133 W. Homochitto Road, Gloster • 30 Acres and camp Amite County • Surrounded on 3 sides by National Forest • 2 Food plots and creek MLS# 122872 $149,000 mbkafkd

23 Ac. - Hwy. 48, Liberty • 22.9 surveyed acres, Amite County • Hunting & Timber investment MLS# 122542 $79,950

18 Ac. - Gloster, MS • 3BR/2BA home on 18 acres in Northern Amite County • Border National Forest • Great location w/endless opportunities MLS#000000 $149,000

14 Ac. - Hwy. 24, Liberty • Residential or Commercial • Hwy. 24 frontage • Great area MLS#122589 $63,000

12 Ac. - 5167 Mary Wall Ridge, Liberty • 12 acres Amite County, MS • Pristine river frontage • 3BR/1BA camp MLS#122273 $120,000

12 Ac. - MS Hwy. 567, Liberty • 12 ac. amite CO., great homesite w/electricity & water • Timber investment as well as home site, getaway prop. w/camp site MLS#121567 $90,000

6 Ac. 650 Bluff Springs Road, Gloster • 6 Acres - hunting/timber • Mobile homes/campers • Near Homochitto Nat. Forest MLS#121774 $45,000

4 Ac. - 650 Bluff Springs Road, Gloster

• 1.5 Acres in Amite County • Electricity and well in place, no deed rstrictions MLS# 121301 $24,900

• 4 Acres - hunting/timber • Mobile home/campers • Near Homochitto Nat. Forest MLS#121830 $16,000

2200 Ac. - Tatum Plantation - Gloster

28 Acres - 6132 West Homochitto Rd., Gloster

• 2600 acres, high fenced • 2 homes on lakes • World renowned hunting MLS# 119066 $11,975,000

397 Ac. - Hwy. 24 - Centreville • 397 acres Wilkinson/Amite county line • Pine plantation • Great hunting MLS# 119092 $1,150,000

180 Ac. - Womack Lane, Liberty • 180 Acres Amite Co., MS • Large shop • Mature pine & hardwood timber MLS# 120507 $625,000

169 Acres - 2853 Womack Lane, Liberty • 169 Acres Timberland, Amite County • Beautiful brick home • Beaver Creek frontage MLS# 122536 $880,000

169 Acres - Rollinson Road, Smithdale • 169 Acres Amite County, MS • Managed pine plantation • Paved access with electricity MLS# 122502 $599,000

128 Ac. - 6524 Hwy. 24 - Liberty • 128 ac. & 2983 sq. ft. home • 1 ac. stocked pond • Food plots, trails, barn & shed MLS# 119295 $498,000

113 Ac. - Old Hwy. 24, Liberty • 113 Acres, Timber • Food plots and stocked pond MLS# 000000 $400,000


80 Ac. - 3607 Pepper House Rd., Gloster

Buy&Sell • June-July 2016

• 28 acres and camp Amite County • Surrounded on 2 side by National Forest • 2 foot plots and creek MLS#122950 $125,000

MARION COUNTY 180 Ac. - Stringer Bullock Rd., Columbia • 180 Acres timberland, hunting and recreational land w/creek • Timber investment MLS# 123048 $585,000

47.24 Ac. - 466 Brandon Bay, Kokomo • Hunting, pond & timber near US Hwy 98/Kokomo, MS • 47.24 Ac. - interior roads MLS# 123526 $118,100

5 Ac., 4.5 Ac., 12 Ac. - Kokomo - Marion County • Paved road frontage • Mostly wooded, Nice home sites • 5 Ac. - $36,000 • 4.5 Ac. - $32,400 • 12 Ac. - $144,000 MLS# 117922

HINDS COUNTY 775 Ac. - 100 Elton Road, Jackson •775 Ac. on Pearl River, 10 min. from Downtown Jackson • Hardwoods and 3 lakes MLS# 122547 $2,695,000

184 Ac. - 1143 Old Oak Tree Lane, Raymond •Pasture land with lake and pond, Hinds County, MS • Commercial development or potential subdivision MLS# 123661 $496,800

585 Acs. - 1000 Doloraso Loop Rd., Woodville • 585 Ac. & 8000 SF lodge • 15 ac. lake surrounded by mature hardwoods • Incredible Wilkinosn county hunting MLS# 122543 $3,100,000

436 Acs. - Jackson Point Road - Woodville, MS • Over 3000 feet of MS river frontage • Hunt trophy deer, large hogs, small game • Duck hunt and fish on Old Homochitto river MLS# 117439 $765,000

283 Ac. - Jackson Point Rd., Woodville



Office: ïïïKÖáÄëçåêÉ~äíóãëKÅçã

JEFFERSON COUNTY 90 Acres - Hwy. 552, Lorman •Custom 3400SF hunting lodge • 6 acre stocked lake • Mature hardwoods, 3 large food plots MLS# 122888 $875,000

15.9 Ac. - Hwy. 550, Union Church • 15.9 Acres on Hwy. 550 • Hunting, camping, weekend getaway • Close to Homochitto National Forest MLS# 120348 $55,650

FRANKLIN COUNTY 261 Acs. - Hwy. 33, Roxie •Great deer and turkey hunting • 1.8 miles of Wells Creek frontage • Mature hardwood timber MLS# 119853 $640,000

250 Ac. - 664 White Apple Rd. SW, Roxie •250 Acre hunting lodge in Franklin County • 5 BR/3BA 2000SF lodge overlooking lake • 120 acres huge hardwood timber, creek MLS# 122338 $995,000

169 Acres - 4417 Seale Road, Roxie • Franklin County, MS • Beautiful hardwoods, creek & camp • Joins Homochitto National Forest MLS# 121837 $595,000

155 Ac. - 6701 Hwy. 33, Roxie • Mature hardwoods and pines • 5 food plots with excedllent hunting • 2 miles of Wells Creek frontage MLS# 121879 $449,000

106 Ac. - 6701 Hwy. 33, Roxie • Great timber, Hwy. 33 frontage • Great hunting MLS# 123444 $289,000

80 Acs. - 3676 Burt Jordan Rd. SE, McCall Creek •80 Acres Franklin County, mature timber • Great hunting, pine plantation, 2 ponds • 3 BR, 2 Ba brick home way back off the road MLS# 121142 $359,000

104.72 Ac. - 3676 Burt Jordan Rd. SE, McCall Creek • 105 Acres Franklin County, mature timber • Great hunting, pine plantation, 2 ponds • 3BR/2BA brick home way back off the road MLS# 121142 $425,000

67.8 Ac. - Meadville-Gloster Rd. - Bude

• 283 Acres at Fort Adams • Waterfront • Excellent deer and duck hunting MLS# 121003 $424,500

250 Ac. - 2522 Smith Rd., Woodville • 250 acres timberland, Wilkinson County • 2 Bedroom camp on property • Great deer & turkey hunting MLS# 120289 $715,000

218 Ac. - 11051 Pinckneyville Rd., Woodville • 218 Ac. Hunting tract, Camp, pond and creek • Timberland MLS# 123855 $776,750

155 Acres - Macedonia, Centreville • 155 Acres Hunting Land • Mineral Rights! • Timber investment MLS# 122979 $589,000

150 Ac. - 2522 Smith Rd., Woodville • Pine timber and mature hardwood • Great deer hunting & food plots • Big Buck management program MLS# 120673 $472,500

125 Ac. - Whetstone Road, Woodville

• McNair Rd., .3 acre lot • Bank owned MLS# 120249 $4,900

WILKINSON COUNTY 1095 Acs. - Woodlawn Rd., Woodville • 1095 Acs. - WIlkinson County • 40 Bedroom lodge • Mature hardwood timber - WiIldlife Bonanza MLS# 120091 $3,300,000

600 Acs. - Pecan Grove Road - Woodville, MS • Beautiful prime hunting land w/hardwood • Loaded with wildlife - roads, food plots, stands • Duck pond w/blind - access to Lake Mary MLS# 117433 $1,320,000 mbkafkd

92 Ac. - Heidelberg • 92 acres paved road frontage, recentlly harvested • Good investment, hunting MLS# 000000 $119,600

40 Ac. - Heidleberg • 40 Acres • Great timber and hunting • Road frontage with power and community water MLS# S00003 $85,000

LAWRENCE COUNTY 720 Ac. - Bob Boone Lane, Monticello •Great hunting property, turnkey w/camp, creek frontage • Recently harvested, hunting land MLS# 000004 $1,584,000

387 Benson Rd. - Silver Creek •52.5 acres with frontage on 2 roads • Good hunting with pines & hardwood and 5+/- acre pasture • Private setting with old home place & barn MLS# 119771 $105,000

300 Ac. - 5153 Hwy. 43 New Hebron

130 Ac. - Hwy. 27, Monticello

• 106 Acres prime hunting, Wilkinson County • Waterfront MLS# 121952 $201,400

•1 mile frontage on Little Bahalia Creek • Hardwoods, pine plantation, great hunting • Metal building 60x40, interior roads, food plots MLS# 122271 $349,000

100 Ac. - 2522 Smith Rd., Woodville

40.89 Ac. - Hwy. 27, Monticello

• 100 ac. w/camp Wilkinson Co., pine & hardwood timber • Incredible Wilkinson County hunting MLS# 121693 $365,000

19.5 Ac. - Pat Leake Rd., Woodville • Copy • Copy MLS# 122500


.64 Ac. - 1533 Pecan Grove Rd. - Woodville • Enjoy 80 ft. of lakefront on Lake Mary • Pier and utilities are in place • Fish, hunt, ski or just relax - no crowds MLS# 115576 $25,400 obar`ba

.58 Acs. - Lake Mary Road - Woodville, MS • Enjoy the privacy and beautiful sunsets • Ski, fish, hunt - NO CROWDS! • Clear lot ready for camp/camper MLS# 116863 $44,500

.48 Ac. - Lot 3351 Pecan Grove Lane - Woodville • Lakeview • Septic MLS# 118556


.22 Ac. Lot - Pecan Grove • LOT AT LAKE MARY • Fish, ski, hunt MLS# 118168 $7,500

• 3/4 Mile Buffalo River frontage • Hardwood and pine timber, great hunting MLS# 121297 $510,000

.3 Ac. - Lot McNair Rd., Meadville

• 200 Ac., water & sewer, no restrictions • Fronts Fernwood Golf Course MLS# 121581 $209,600

106 Ac. - Jackson Point Road, W0odville

22.34 Ac. - Watts Road, Smithdale

• 15 Acres, wooded hunting land • Franklin Co., rolling hills, hardwoods • Home site, hunting land, or recreational land MLS#123149 $52,500

CLARKE COUNTY 200 Ac. - Quitman

•House & 300 Ac., 3BR, 1.5 bath, 1,737 SF • Timber, pond & creek MLS# 123740 $790,000

Lake Mary lot - Wilkinson Co.

15 Ac, - Lin Frank Line Dr. SW, McCall Creek

• 355 Acre Fish Farm with 50 acre lake • Recreational land with 21 ponds • Commercial land Jones County, MS MLS# S00009 $1,026,000

• 125 Acres Wilkinson Co., Miss • Beautiful timber land tract with green field and roads • Electricity on site MLS# 122004 $425,000

• 68 Acres 9 miles SW of Lake Okhissa in Franklin County • 2000 ft. of Caston Creek frontage, Hunters Dream • 1/2 wooded, 1/2 open hardwood and pine timber MLS#120827 $196,620 • 22.34 Acres - Franklin Co., MS • Great combo open & wooded & 2 ponds • Hunting, home site, get away MLS#123242 $79,000

JONES COUNTY 355 Acres - Ellisville, MS

• 125 lake frontage. • Pier and septic in place MLS# 118556 $44,500

3700 Macedonia Rd., Centreville

COPIAH COUNTY 1200 Ac. - Tower Rd., Wesson • 1 share of stock and a furnished condo, water & power • Slay Wilderness, Copiah County • 2,600 acre hunting retreat MLS# 118870 $135,000

60.69 Ac. - 1045 Terry-Gatesville Rd., Crystal Springs • 60.69 acres • Deer & turkey hunting • Copiah County MLS# 122164 $199,500 obar`ba

31 Ac. - 11115 Old Port Gibson Rd., Hazlehurst • 31 Acres Copiah County. Pond, Creek, Pines & Hardwood • Deer stands & food plots MLS# 120204 $149,500

WASHINGTON COUNTY 11,500 Ac. - Greenville, MS • 1 share - Refuge land company loaded with ducks, geese & turkey • No maintenance fees or work days • Pays dividends MLS# 121193 $650,000

• Fronts Little Bahalia Creek, pine plantation • Hardwoods MLS# 123142 $114,500

CLAIBORNE COUNTY 460 Ac. - Old Hwy. 61, Port Gibson • 460 Acres hardwoods, Claiborne Co. • Great deer and turkey hunting • Interior roads, food plots & shooting houses MLS# 121862 $1,541,000

402 Ac. - Ramola Rd. • Perfect for hay production or livestock • 2 large ponds, several smaller ponds • Retire and raise cattle or timber MLS# 117968 $1,085,400

325 Ac. - Hermanville Patterson Rd., Hermanville • 325 Acres hardwood Claiborne County, MS • Antebellum Home • Mature timber & wildlife MLS# 120113 $1,075,000

LOUISIANA PROPERTIES 2,200 Ac. - 120 Griffin Lane, Paradis, LA • 2,200 acres Paradis, LA • Included 500 acres under game fence with outstanding deer, duck, and gator hunting • Beautiful lodge with multiple outbuildings and all equipment included MLS# 120678 $6,300,000

15 Ac. - Hwy. 1061, Kentwood • Investment property • Recreational/hunting land • Road frontage MLS# 2052117 $105,000

3-7.5 Ac. - Joe Turner Rd. • 7 lots available - 1 Pending & only 1 left • East Feliciana Parish • Affordable and rural MLS# 118542 $40,800 to $60,800

.29 Ac. - Lot 312 Rokofee Rd. - Vidalia, LA • Waterfront lot, located on Old River (Lake Minorca) • 70’x180’ lot MLS# 120811 $16,000

.26 Ac. - Lot 310 Rokofee Rd. - Vidalia, LA • Waterfront lot, located on Old River (Lake Minorca) • 70’x160’ lot MLS# 120810 $15,000

.26 Ac. - Lot 318 Rokofee Rd. - Vidalia, LA • Waterfront lot, located on Old River (Lake Minorca) • 70’x160’ lot MLS# 120807 $15,000 Buy&Sell • June-July 2016

53 Branch Office: 463 East Main Street, Liberty, MS

601-657-5858 5446 HWY. 24

Brent McMillan, ALC Broker Assoc. 601-248-1925

Sally Toler Deanea Causey Polly Anderson Realtor Realtor Robertson, Realtor 601-248-9899 601-551-2166 318-547-4259







This beautiful executive home on 8.04 acres is conveniently located between Liberty and McComb in Amite County. Outside you’ll find a nice back porch area overlooking the in-ground pool. THere’s an attached pool room with a full bath so no wet feet in the house! There’s also a 30 x 40 workshop with power and an RV shed and tractor shed. Inside features include: large great room, formal dining, large kitchen and a breakfast nook. The master suite includes a spa-like bathroom with a vaulted ceiling. Upstairs you’ll find another suite with ample closet space and a door to walk in the attic and floorng for more storage. Listed for $339,000. MLS# 123784

4008 HWY. 569 NORTH








We sold this “For Sale by Owner” and we can sell yours too! Give us a call today.

Located just 7 miles west of I-55 in Northeast Amite County, is this spacious 4 bedroom, 3 bath home on 3.25 acres. This home features beautiful landscaping, large family room, cathedral ceiling accented by wood beams, and a huge walk in closet in the lrge master bath. There’s plenty of room for a large family in this home! Being sold AS IS - WHERE IS. Listed for $131,250. MLS# 123657.

















“Low Maintenance Brick Ranch in Liberty, MS” - Don’t miss out on this well-maintained 3 bedroom, 2 bath home just on the outskirts of Liberty, MS! Situated on just under a half acre, this home offers an open floor plan in the kitchen and living area, ceramic tile floors, and a spacious covered porch perfect for entertaining. Offered at $115,000. MLS# 123815

This cute 1940s cottage is the perfect getaway or retirement home! This property features 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, large picture window in the living room, front porch, gas range, small lot with little maintenance and located in a quiet neighborhood. Offered at $45,000. MLS# 123853

4767 MS HWY. 569 N




Enjoy all of the conveniences of life in the city but live like you’re in the country when you purchase this nice brick home on 2.18 acres on the outskirts of Liberty, MS! You’ll love sitting outside on the deck overlooking the above ground pool and beautiful backyard. The home is all brick with a metal roof and gutters - very low maintenance! Inside, the home has beautiful hardwood floors, an extra room that could be used as an office, dining room or fourth bedroom and a nice bright updated kitchen. $138,000. MLS# 123632

3140 W. TOPISAW RD. N.














This home was once a country store, but it has been transformed into a warm, welcoming home! Situated on 2+/- acres, the main house (approx. 620 sq./ft. H/C) is 1BD, 1BA with an open kitchen living area and high ceilings. Front and back porches offer a great place to relax and unwind. The 1BD, 1 bath guest house (approx. 610 sq/ftH /C) has everything your guest will need for a comfortable stay, or could possibly be used as a rental property. The possibilities are endless with this one of a kind property! Property sold AS is. $98,000. MLS# 123702

RARE FIND! Small acreage, in the country, less than 2 miles from the Homochitto National FOrest, in low tax Amite County, MS! Metal roof was added to the vintage mobile home which has been used as a hunting camp. This is a pretty, shaded lot and there are some small pines on the property a swell. Priced at only $15,000, this would be a great camp or rental property. Property sold AS is. $15,000. MLS# 123775

If you are looking for a nice starter home in North Pike School District, then you have just found it This 3BD/2BA home sits on 2.19+/- acres and is only about 10 miles from schools, shopping and more. Upon enterting, you will feel right at home with the open kitchen/living area which has vaulted ceilings. French doors open to a back deck and a large back yard making this is a great place to entertain or just enjoy some family time. Come and see this great home, today! $143,000. MLS# 123822


5023 HWY. 567 NORTH





Beautiful executive home in a great neighborhood! This home features 4 bedrooms and 3 full baths, a spacious family room with wood burning fireplace that is also plumbed for gas logs, a large kitchen with granite countertops and breakfast nook and a formal dining roomthat is great for the holidays! The interior also features spacious bedrooms and bathrooms along with walk in closets. The exterior features a beautifully landscaped yard, in-ground pool with a brick courtyard, wrought iron fencing and a pool house. Listed at $295,000. MLS# 123493


Completely renovated, this charming older home sits on 6.68 acres 5 miles north of Liberty in Amite County. The kitchen boasts a gas cook up, new granite counter tops and new antiqued kitchen cabinets. There is also new flooring, new sheetrock and new interior paint throughout the home! The split floor plan provides privacy for the lovely master bedroom and spacious master bath with garden tub and large walk in shower. All new electrical wiring, all new appliances and a large upstairs bonus room also makes this a hard one to pass up. Listed at $259,000. MLS# 121994

Buy&Sell • June-July 2016

Large well-built home on 3+/- acres in the quiet secluded GIllsburg Community. Large rooms, plenty of cabinet space and storage. The hoome is dated but with a few cosmetic upgrades it would make a beautiful home. Listed for $129,000. MLS# 123477 Branch Office: 463 East Main Street, Liberty, MS


Brent McMillan, ALC Sally Toler Deanea Causey Polly Anderson Broker Assoc. Realtor Realtor Robertson, Realtor 601-248-1925 601-248-9899 601-551-2166 318-547-4259


6524 HIGHWAY 24








Great location! +/- 18.3 acres. Beautiful acreage! House needs some TLC. Good investment opportunity. House has a nice front patio and sunroom. Nice barn/shed behind house with electricity. Easy access from I-55. Priced at $125,000. MLS# 123297

Come explore this beautiful Victorian located in the historic district of McComb, MS! Tastefully renovated from the beautiful wood floors to the updated bathrooms, venture out to the well-manicured backyard to see the inground pool. Located only a few minutes from the hospital, restaurants, and shopping, this property has a lot to offer. Seller will pay up to $3,000 in closing costs. $109,900. MLS# 122327

Make your appointment today to view this charming, beautifully landscaped, renovated home located in a quiet neighborhood in McComb. This home has new flooring and new interior paint throughout. The appliances are only 4 years old, the new AC unit comes with a 10 year warranty as well a a 25 year warranty on the new roof making this a solid investment. Priced to sell at $97,000. MLS# 122002







MALL TOWN SOUTHERN CHARM! This 3/4 bedroom, 2 bath home has large rooms, 12 ft. ceilings, large foyer with original hardwood floors, and many extras including butcher block style countertops, a huge dining room, and lots of storage & built-ins! New metal roof put on less than 2 years ago! It sits on a large corner lot with huge oak, pecan & pine trees as well as a variety of fruit trees! Also includes a 12x20 motorcycle shed with roll up door, 20x24 workshop with pole shed, perfect for storing your boat between trips to Lake Okhissa, which is only 6 miles away! MOTIVATED SELLERS! Listed for $85,000. MLS# 123407

This Southern beauty sits on a manicured corner lot waiting to be restored! The lovely Victorian has 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, beautiful wood floors throughout, and the wonderful fluted molding common in older homes. The home is currently occupied and can be lived in while it’s restored. Home is being sold as is! Reduced tp $74,750. MLS# 122218

Scenic 9.36 acres in Amite County with immaculate manufactured home. This property features a gated entrance, crushed limestone driveway, and a like new manufactured home overlooking hardwood bottom with a year round flowing creek. The owners have added a deck and a metal roof over the home. The property also has a gravel pit. Don’t miss out on this unique place! $89,000. MLS# 122362












This is a beautiful 1920’s home located on a spacious corner lot in Gloster, MS. Features of this home include: spacious open kitchen and den area, formal living & dining room, a wonderful master suite with his and her closets and bathrooms, a large brick patio for entertaining and an in ground pool. $54,900. MLS# 122973

Check out this remodeled Victorian in Gloster, MS! This home has all new flooring and new tile in the bathroom. Roof was replaced in December 2015. Nothing to do but move in! Priced at $50,000. MLS# 123349

This 3 bedroom, 2 bath home sits on a large corner lot, is neat as a pin, and move in ready! With original hardwood floors, updated solid oak kitchen cabinets, carport and three porches for outdoor living, you will feel right at home! Property is completely fenced and has a detached garage with storage room. Sold As Is. MOTIVATED SELLERS! Priced to sell at $49,000. MLS# 123428




This is a great opportunity to own a large piece of land in the city limits of Liberty! There is an approximately 3,000 square foot metal shop located on the property that is set up for a machine shop and currently rented for $200 per month. Located on a quiet street, feel like you’re in the country but with the amenities of town. Offered at $40,000. MLS# 122331

Gillsburg Community - This is one of the finest small tracts on the market. The 8.5 surveyed acres include approximately 2 acre pond stocked with hybrid bass, hybrid bream and catfish. There is an aboslutely gorgeous home site on atop a hill and overlooks the pond and the view from the east is breath taking. You m ust see this property to truly appreciate it. Power and ater are on site. Deed restrictions will be applied. Priced at $85,000. MLS# 123564



Whether you’re an investor or looking for a low-maintenance forever home, this property located in a quiet neighborhood in McComb fits the bill! Priced to sell, this house needs repairs, being sold as is, cash offers only. Owner will provide recent inspection report. Priced at $33,000. MLS# 122092

Buy&Sell • June-July 2016

55 Branch Office: 463 East Main Street, Liberty, MS

601-657-5858 Adams County 344 Acres +/- • This tract is located on H wy. 84 just east of Natchez. This is a great hunting and recreational property. There are numerous miles of interior roads, 6 nice large food plots, creek frontage and the vast majority of the tract is mature hardwood timber. The property also includes a nice mobile home camp and pole barn.


Amite County 96 Acres • $188,699 - This property is located in northwest Amite County, MS. The tract is joined on three sides by the Homochitto National Forest. The majority of this tract consist of young planted pines that were planted in teh 2014-2015 planting season. The balance coonsist of SMZ pine/hardwood mix timber. The terrain is gently rolling. The property doe snot have road frontage, however it can be accessed by way of a god gravel National Forest road. 73.07 Corman O’Neil Road • Located approximately 4 miles from the Homochitto National FOrest, this property offers 7 year old planted pines, 3 food plots, and a small pond. The dense brush provides a great habitat for deer. Priced at $2,800 per acre or can be sold in 2.36 acre tracts for $3,200 per acre. 86 Acres +/- • This property was clear cut earlier this year. It offers good hunting and numerous camp or home sites. This property has approximately 1 mile of paved county road frontage and utilities are available. 200 Acres +/- • This is a great tract with approximately 100 acres in open pasture grazing and hay fields and 100 acres of 18-25 year old pine timber. There are 4 ponds and the property is fenced and cross fenced with frontage on Hwy. 24. 40 Acres - Smithdale • A 40.7 +/acre tract located along Hwy. 98 in






Smithdale, MS just across from Cotton Branch Plantation. The property is located approximately 12 miles from Meadville, Ms and approximately 18 miles from Summit, MS. This tract has good road frontage and is bound by private landowners and Hwy. 98. This tract has several potential home sites, open pasture and around 15 acres of approximately 10 year old planted pines.


Franklin County 177 Acres +/- • $388,405 - This tract is in northwest Franklin County and has frontage on Seale Road (gravel). The terrain is hilly and utilities aren’t available. 118 Acres • $246,223 - This tract is approximately six miles south of the McCall Creek Community, west of Burt Jordan Road and east of Horse Creek Road. Approximately 100 acres has been harvested and hasn’t been replanted. The balance is in SMZ with mixed hardwoods and pine. There is a small branch that runs through the north and west portions of this tract that begins on the east side of Burt Jordan Road. Utilities aren’t available. 65 Acres +/- $141,458 - This tract is in west Franklin County, south of US Highway 98 & 84, west of MS Highway 33, with frontage on Beach Road. The terrain is very hilly and the timber has recently been harvested. Utilities aren’t available. 120 Acres +/- • $210,795 - This tract is in north central Franklin County approximately 12 miles northwest of Meadville, MS. The western corner of this tract borders Arch Byrd Road. The terrain is very hilly and approximatley 91 acres has been harvested. The remaining 28 acres are in SMZ with bottomland hardwoods and pine. Utilities are not to the property, but are nearby. 119 Acres +/- • $179,448 - This tract is in east central Franklin County, south of the McCall Creek Commu-

Brent McMillan, ALC Sally Toler Deanea Causey Polly Anderson Broker Assoc. Realtor Realtor Robertson, Realtor 601-248-1925 601-248-9899 601-551-2166 318-547-4259 nity, east of the Burt Jordan Road and south of the Felix McCall Road. The terrain is rolling and there are two un-named spring fed branches that run through this tract. There is 62 acres of one year old planted pines. The remainder of the tract is in SMZ, wich mixed bottomland hardwoods and some pine. A ROW will need to be obtained for legal access. Utilities aren’t available. 37 Acres • $This tract is in northwest Franklin County near the Adams/Franklin County line and just north of US Highways 84 & 98. The terrain is hilly except for approximately three acres bordering Walden’s branch along the northern boundary line. Access is from the south through private ownership. Utilities aren’t available. $69,863. 199 Acres • $371,850 - This 199+/acre tract is in north central Franklin County and has frontage on Arch Byrd Road. The terrain is very hilly. Approximately 30% of the tract is in SMZ with bottomland hardwood and some pine. The balance of the tract is one year old planted pine. There is a gas transmission line that borders the tract on the northwest corner. Electricity and phone service area vailable. There are several sites for a camp.

Jefferson County 38 Acres • $79,571 - This tract is in southeast Jefferson County east of Elmo Road. Access is through private ownership via a gravel driveway. The terrain is very hilly and there areseveral spring heads in the low areas causing boggy conditions. The timber is natural regeneration and is a mixed stand of pine and hardwoods. The south boundary is the Jefferson/Franklin County line.

Lincoln County 30 Acres • $87,822 - This property is located in northeast Lincoln County. THe east boundary line is the Lincoln/Lawrence County line.

Buy&Sell • June-July 2016

This property has paved county frontage on Mose Hilliard Road. The property consists of approximately 16 acres of 16 year old planted pine with the balancebeing in bottomland hardwood. THere aresome interior roads and one small food plot in place. This is an excellent recreational hunting and timber investment tract. Utilities are available.

Marion County 64 Acres +/- • $225,000. This tract is located approximately 6 miles north of Columbia, MS and has paved county frontage on Conerly Rd. The majority of the tract consists of 6-8 year old pine plantation. There is a small creek with a nice hardwood bottom and 1 food plot. Utilities are accessible.

Wilkinson County 125 Acres • $350,000 in the Lake Mary Area. This property ofers excellent hunting and good timber along with a great campsite, with water, electricity and road frontage. 37 Acres • $116,465 - This property is located in southeast Wilkinson County and has approximately 3/4 of a mile frontage on the county paved Coonsmill Road. The property has a good interior road system and includes several food plots making this tract a good recrational tract. The timber consists of approximately 24 acres of five year old planted and pre-commercially thinned pines. The balance is in hardwood bottomland. Utilities are available.

We have ready, willing & able buyers looking for land. Call one of our Land Professionals if you are thinking about selling yours.

Gary Stewart OWNER/BROKER/MS/LA REALTOR 601-757-3009

Tonya Stewart REALTOR 601-754-3006

Clint Stewart REALTOR/FORESTER 601-757-8787

Rob Fisher REALTOR 601-754-6781

Charles Carruth REALTOR 601-551-3111

Lila Robin MS/LA REALTOR 601-748-3080

Madeline Walker Brookhaven Office Mgr. 601-990-2132

g~Åâëçå=lÑÑáÅÉW=RTT=eïóK=RNI=pìáíÉ=^I=oáÇÖÉä~åÇI=jp=√=SMNJVROJOUOU dêÉå~Ç~=lÑÑáÅÉW=NPON=^=pìåëÉí=aêáîÉI=dêÉå~Ç~I=jp=√==SSOJPMTJOTTN i~ìêÉä=lÑÑáÅÉW=POPV=läÇ=_~ó=péêáåÖë=oÇKI=i~ìêÉäI=jp=√=SMNJPQMJPQRT

If you like the way SOLD sounds...Call 4CP! Buy&Sell • June-July 2016




LINCOLN CO. - 38 AC. - Looking for a weekend getaway or great hunting tract?

SOLD LINCOLN COUNTY - 2.33 Ac. on Elbert Rd. & fronts Hwy. 84E.

PIKE COUNTY - 213 Acres of Timberland. Smaller acreage available.

LINCOLN COUNTY - 71.5 Acre Weekend Retreat in Bogue Chitto & Enterprise School District.

LINCOLN COUNTY - Beautiful Harper Lakes lots, choose your lot size! 2-16 acres.


PENDING LINCOLN COUNTY - 4.5 Ac. Commercial property - Hwy. 84E.

PIKE COUNTY - 245 Clark 5BR/2.5BA, Magnolia, MS.


LINCOLN COUNTY - 510 Red Oak St. 3BR/2BA

FRANKLIN COUNTY - 10 Ac. Weekend Get-a-way with live creek!

COPIAH COUNTY - 4120 Sylvarena Road w/acreage, Wesson School District.

Buld the home of your dreams! 2+/acres on Airport Fernwood Rd.

PIKE COUNTY - 83 acre dirt track complex.

Some surrounding area listings Marion County - 28 acres of pasture land & beautiful homesite Pearl River County - 112 Prime Hunting 100 Acres of awesome turkey hunting & campsite Simpson County - 786 Shivers Rd Ranch Style Home- Simpson Co. School District

AMITE COUNTY - 46 Acres loaded w/Deer & Turkey.

AMITE COUNTY - 40 Acre Hunting tract in Gloster, MS.

Hinds County - 279 Acres of multiple homesites w/utilities & incredible hunting. 44 acres minutes from downtown Byram

This is just a sampling of our many listings! Call your 4CP Agent TODAY! 77 Hwy. 84E

Brookhaven, MS Gary Stewart, Owner/Broker 58

Buy&Sell • June-July 2016

DREAM BUILDERS OF MS, LLC Dream Builders Realty, LLC

`^ii=qla^v=ql=_rfia=vlro=aob^j=eljb _ìáäÇ=çå=óçìê=eçãÉ=páíÉ=çê=çåÉ=çÑ=çìêëK mêáÅÉë=Ñçê=~ää=ÄìÇÖÉíëKKKvçì=aêÉ~ã=fq=tÉ=_ìáäÇ=fq> tÉ=Å~êêó=~ää=`çåëíêìÅíáçå=äç~åë=áå=ÜçìëÉI=ëçãÉ=äçåÖ=íÉêã=lïåÉê=cáå~åÅáåÖ=^î~áä~ÄäÉK

päçï=`êÉÇáíI=kç=`êÉÇáíI=_~Ç=`êÉÇáíKKK`~ää=qla^v J.W. & Dottie Burt, Owners Todd Phillips, Developer ~ 601-551-3377 Lance Gatlin, VP of Sales & Marketing ~ 601-320-1352 Diane Greer, Broker/Agent ~ 601-551-3700 225 Canal Street, McComb, MS 39648 • •

601-684-3267 Buy&Sell • June-July 2016


DREAM BUILDERS OF MS, LLC Dream Builders Realty, LLC



1004 Mallard Trail - 4BR/3BA 2400SF New Acadian style construction in the new Ole Springs Subdivision in Dixie Springs. Call today, this is a must see.

1003 Mallard Trail - 4BR/3BA 2100SF new Acadian style construction in the new Ole Springs Subdivision in Dixie Springs. Call today this is a must see!.

New Development coming soon to Fernwood Country Club

1170 Country Club Rd - 3BR/2.5BA 2200 SF new Acadian style construction overlooking the beautiful Fernwood Country Club greens. Call today this is a must see.

New Zero lot line Lots are being Developed across from the Beautiful Fernwood Country Club for anyone looking to get a beautiful home with less yard upkeep. This is the place to be. Homes starting at 1400 Sq. Feet and up. Call today before all the Lots are spoken for.

LOTS FOR SALE • Beautiful Lots available to build in Fernwood Farms II Estates • 8 beautiful lots left to build your dream on in the brand new Oaklocated at the Fernwood Country Club. • 10 lots left in Old Spring Subdivision to build your dream home located in Dixie Springs.

dale Estates in Monticello. Homes starting at $185,000. • Beautiful lot in the gated community Grove Place in Summit. Call today to view and build your dream home.

Dream Builders also has mobile homes for sale with owner financing.

225 Canal St., McComb, MS 39648 • 601-684-3267 • 60


Buy Sell • June-July 2016

601-551-6700 Land Company Real Estate Inc. P.O. Box 746 Magnolia, MS 39652

Paige Alexander Broker 601-551-6700

Kay Lampton Realtor 601-832-6302

1094 Glenn Carter Road, Magnolia, MS -Travel back in time with all the conveniences of today this exclusive one of a kind 36+ acre property property has been owned by one family.The original home place was built in 1880s. This apx 2570 sq ft home was completely updated thru out including all electrical, mechanical and air conditioning, septic and water well. The exterior has just been repainted. 3 bedroom with office that could be used as a 4th bedroom 2 bath home. Partially renovated upstairs office. The gourmet kitchen using only the best appliances Wolfe gas stove, Kitchen Aid full size side by side refrigerator and freezer, subzero beverage refrigerator, ice maker, concrete counter tops, glass door cabinets, heart pine island counter top. Heart pine floors, energy efficient windows thru out except for the front of the house which still has the original windows put in the home is the 1880s. In ground swimming pool, 3 outbuildings and huge barn all lighted, includes horse barn overlooking stocked pond, chicken coop. The 36+ acre property is fenced and partially cross fenced with about 23 acres in 13 year old pines. $450,000.$415,000. REDUCED TO $399,000.

417 Nebraska Ave., McComb, MS Renovated 3 Bedroom, updated kitchen, central air/heat, hardwood floors, 10’ ceilings, enclosed garage, fenced back w/storage building. Well located near schools. Priced to sell at $65,000. Owner/Agent.


Buy Sell • June-July 2016



601-684-7770 e-mail address:

George LeBlanc, Realtor Wayne Frazier, Broker Cell: 601-248-9264

Check our Website for local listings that we can sell!

346A Scott Dr., McComb, MS 39648 • RESIDENTIAL is New L

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Buy Sell • June-July 2016


Licensed in Louisiana & Mississippi Member of Baton Rouge MLS & SW Miss. Board of Realtors Land Specialist & Accredited Land Consultant Candidate

Office: 601-730-8202

MaryAnn Simoneaux Broker-Owner 225-335-9954

225-335-9954 Direct

Natalie Hebert LA Realtor 225-209-7059

3054 Hwy. 44E - McComb


oÉ Beautiful custom built home in North Pike School District has been well insulated and constructed with steel framing, commercial grade wiring, 24 gauge standing seam metal roof and sits on 9.557 acres with paved road frontage on Highway 44 East. Inside the home features beautiful hardwood floors in the large family room and bedrooms, spacious kitchen with an island and oak cabinets that pull out and double doors leading out to the large back yard. All interior walls also have been insulated and pre-wired security system that allows you to have access for use outside the home if needed. Property also included a barn with electricity, water and gas has been supplied to and a partial cement slab with a new roof that has been installed in 2014. Additional septic, water and power included for an RV site. List Price $238,000. w/9+ ac. or $210,000 w/2 ac.

1028 Waterfall Drive - McComb

Cozy little cottage nestled in Bogue Chitto Yacht Club, this lil’ gem includes 4 lots, beautiful crafted wood decks, car/boat port, separate indoor recreation building with 1/2 bath, sink, range oven that can be used for entertaining and plenty of storage. Home sits on hilltop and overlooks the private gated community. THere are several outdoor activities which include biking, hiking, four-wheel riding, swimming, tubing and boating and common area on the Bogue Chitto river. Association annual dues $240 pay to maintain gate, garbage, common area maintenance, road and water. List Price $84,900.

72 Bunkley - Meadville

Must see this well kept home in Franklin County, MS. This cozy well decorated 3 bedroom, 2 full bath home features ceramic tile and laminate wood floors throughout, spacious kitchen and dining area, large laundry room with separate exit deoor. Home is priced below last recent appraisal and has a three year old roof and new survey. Must see this well kept home in Franklin County, MS. List price $82,000.

62 Oak Grove Road - Meadville

Hancock & Coldwater Church Rd. - Meadville

+/- 62 Acres located in Franklin County and is ready to be set up for your hunting retreat. This tract is a clean slate and ready for camps, interior roads, food plots, box stands, your choice. Tract includes property on both sides of Oak Grove Road mature 23+ year old pine timber which is ready for next thinning or harvesting for income profit, power at the road. List price $217,000.

LOCATION! LOCATION! Tracts 4, 5, 6, & 7 are each +/- 5.74 acres located on Hancock and Coldwater Church Road in Franklin County. Tracts vary with terrain soe with beautiful open fields or natural hardwood and timber lots your choice. Paved road frontage and minutes from HNF and Lake Okhissa and is ready for a ca mp site or home site. Each +/- 5.74 ac. tracts are listed at $35,000.

1101 West Oak Street - Suite 2, Amite, Louisiana 70422


Buy Sell • June-July 2016



Office: 601-730-8202 225-335-9954 Direct Licensed in Louisiana & Mississippi Member of New Orleans Metropolitan Association of Realtors Member of Baton Rouge MLS & SW Miss. Board of Realtors Land Specialist & Accredited Land Consultant Candidate 36 Corban Lane SE - Meadville

Hwy 98 & Hancock Rd.-Meadville

53.73 Ac. - Oak Grove Rd. - Franklin County

Hunting Camp on +/-4.5 ready to move in! This cozy little camp is located of Yap Road & Corban Lane in Franklin County with underground electric, food plots and box stands and minutes from Caston Creek and Lake Okhissa. $49,900. List Price

+/- 100 acres in FRANKLIN COUNTY!! Road frontage on Hwy. 98 and has paved highway frontage, natural growth pine timber & hardwoods with plenty of wildlife. Portions of the acreage adjoins the HNF and minutes from Lake Okhissa. MLS# 122419. Call Sportsman for prices.

This tract is in Franklin County northeast of the town of Meadville. Approximately 315’ road frontage, +/- 53.73 acres. The boundary on the west side and north is private ownership and the east side of Plum Creek. Tract has interior roads, 2 food plots, tri-pod and box stand. The terrain is rolling to hilly; the tract has about 12+ year old pine growth and is ready to be thinned and will produce income at thinning. This tract is a good recreational hunting property, timber investment or nice home site. Electricity is available. List Price $171,936.


18500 George Watts Rd. - Livingston, LA

Beautiful ranch style home on 18.37 acres in St. Helena Parish minutes from I-55. Home features stain concrete floors, 2 jack-n-jill baths and a private master bath, 4-5 bedrooms, 9+ ceilings, kitchen has granite countertops, eat in bar. Riding areana, pastures, portion of acreage is wooded.

Perfect country setting in a wonderful location. This cozy home features split/open plan with vaulted ceilings in the living room with all new laminate flooring in living rooms and bedrooms. Master bath has separate shower and walk-in closet and a very nice large porch for relaxation. Livingston Parish school district. List price $110,000.


908 JR Lane - Kentwood, LA

Sportsman Buyers - WE SOLD IT in LA! Congratulations to the McDaniel’s!! 33897 Hwy. 43 - Independence, LA

12563 S. Lakeshore Dr. - Walker, LA

17320 Hwy. 444 - French Settlement, LA

15059 Hwy. 16E - Amite, LA

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LD SO A must see! Solid oak cabinets, ceramic oversized tile in kit. & baths, real wood floor in living rm & hall. FP in living room, dbl. vanity & jacuzzi tub in master ba. huge master closet, dbl. finished garage w/automatic door. Lot fully landscaped & back up to lake.

Great location for a commercial business on a busy 1.134 ac. corner lot on Hwy. 16 & 444 in French Settlement, nearby businesses includes schools, restaurants, condos, boat storages, marinas, boat launches, dentist offices, gyms and subdivisions on nearby Diversion Canal River. List price $299,000

30596 Crain Rd. - Albany, LA

Squirrel Run Lane - Amite, LA


Ora P. Lane - Kentwood, LA

A great +/- 2.04 tract just a few miles outside city limits of Amite, LA, would make great location to build a home site or camp site with 10-12 year old natural growth hardwood and pine timber. List Price $27,500.

Waterfront lots in Livingston Parish!! 12.3 acres located off Highway 22 with access and frontage on Old River and ready for a home, camp site and piers, where you can enjoy f ishing, swimming, boating or just a fun get away. Old River has some of the most beautiful views of winding rivers, bald cypress trees that leads to either Lake Maurepas, Lake Ponchartrain or Diersion Canal where you can enjoy dining on th eriver while boating. Can be subdivided. $170,000 MLS# 000000

2- 45'x185' lots Nice Country Setting Lots- St. Helena Parish just minutes from I-55. These two adjacent lots would be perfect for building a new home, weekend get-a-way or hunting camp. $16,000. List Price


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Beautiful home conventionally located between Albany & Independence just off Hwy. 43 and minutes from either I-55 or I-12. Must see 2BR/2BA home has something to offer for everyone. Too many amenities to list. List price $399,900.

Building is located on 0.4 ac. approx. 3.5 miles from I-55 off Hwy. 16E and with plenty of traffic flow. Property has a separate office, store front, large warehouse shop area with over head door and adjoining additional lobby or office area. Building is fenced in on sides and back with plenty of space for parking. Kitchen area has large industrial hood and would be an added convenience for a kitchen. Property has many potential business uses. List price $79,900.

Log cabin tucked away in Albany just a few minutes from town. Beautiful log cabin has an open floor plan and comes with refrigerator, built in oven with island counter top stove in kitchen and dining area. Large acreage includes a pond and 30+ yr. old scattered pines throughout and 196’ paved rd. frontage all sits on a 3.34 surveyed acres. Covered porch area to enjoy the view. Seller is offering a $1,000 floor allowance with full offer. List price $125,000.

LAND LISTINGS 2143 Horseshoe Dr., Summit, MS • 20 +/- acres located on Horseshoe Drive just off of Hwy. 24 West and would make a good homesite and approximately 6 miles from I-55 which is conveniently located just a short distance from shopping and etc. $70,000 MLS#119500

LOTS in St. Helena!! on Ora P. Lane - Kentwood, LA, - 2 - 45’ x 185’ lots, nice country setting lots. St. Helena Parish just minutes from I-55. These two adjacent lots would be perfect for building a new home, weekend get-a-way or hunting camp. $16,000

1101 West Oak Street - Suite 2, Amite, Louisiana 70422 64


Buy Sell • June-July 2016

Your personal service

Phone 601-876-3654 1211 Magnolia Ave., Tylertown, MS 39667 ESTABLISHED - 1966 Located 3 blocks west of the Courthouse


in Tylertown

Web Site: Larry Bright Broker/Realtor

911 Magnolia Ave. - This conveniently located home sits on 1 acre. Recently renovated, beautiful pine floors and newly finished drywall is beautiful. Price adjustment allows your choice of kitchen. Only $69,500. Two bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, dining room, office.

597 Hwy. 98 - Popwell’s Family Restaurant - half way between Tylertown and Columbia at Kokomo. Recently refurbished successful restaurant. Seats up to 275 people. All tables, seating, complete cooking, freezers, kitchen appliances, all on 5.7 acres fronting Hwy. 98 and Old Hwy. 24. This is a real business opportunity and a well established business. $225,000. Call for an appointment to see this over 6,000 sq. ft. opportunity.

410 Enoch St. - Small starter home in a nice location in town. Two bedrooms, and 1 bath. $55,000.

1016 Beulah Avenue - 1590 sq. ft., well kept home with all hardwood floors. Beautifully antique setting, walls, and colors. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, kitchen, dining room, butler’s pantry, living room and front porch. Great location across from Pike County Bank. It’s presently used as an antique shop, but is a home. $89,500.



Great Business Opportunity! Corner Hwy. 98 and 27 - 1.5 acres southeast corner for a business of your choice. Only $49,500.

110 North Sandifer, Tylertown - Over 5,000 sq. ft., cement block storage building, across street from post office. Access from Beulah Avenue and Sandifer Street. $55,000.

719 Crawford - Retirement dream home. Recently updated. Large master suite with hot tub and all new bath, large walkin closet. Hardwood floors, new kitchen, screened porch, vinyl outside. 2BR, 2 bath, 1586 sq. ft. heated and cooled. $89,500.

Investment Land—20 beautiful acres in town. Trees and open spaces. $80,000

601 Broad St. - THE BILBO HOUSE - This Tylertown historical monument has been used for special occasion events for the past 5 years. Its 2000 sq. ft. of architectural and interior finery was completely restored and landscaped to perfection. Own this treasure for only $169,500.

River Property - Walker’s Bridge, Lot 2.17 acres in Walker’s Cove. Lot is wooded with small lake. Pretty level building site. $32,000.

Horseman’s Paradise - Between Columbia and Bogalusa—467 Hwy. 35 South, Sandy Hook, MS. - Beautiful rustic style, 3,000 sq. ft. home, log interior, stove fireplace, flagstone floors, truly a dream home. Many amenities—landscaped grounds, orchard with fruit trees, 10,000 sq. ft. red barn, 14 stalls, concrete floors, round pen training, truly top of the line barn. All on a beautiful 12 acre setting. $369,000.


Buy Sell • June-July 2016


Where Experience & Professionalism Go Hand In Hand 1007 Clear Creek Road, Summit - Secluded 4BR, 3 bath, 1 & 1/2 story home on 20+/acres. This well maintained home is in the NPSD. Home has separate dining room, large kitchen with island, large family room with fireplace, large utility, room, upstairs has den, 2 bedrooms and 1 bath, central heat & air, front and back porches, 3 car carport, stocked pond, workshp, barn. Subject property has gated entry and part wooded and part one. MLS 123212. $399,500.



417 S. Cherry - RESIDENTIAL AND BUSINESS - Berner Flower Shop is operating business with display area, office space, 2 walk in coolers, green house and storage buildings. Also, includes 2 bedroom, 1 bath home with den, living/dining room and enclosed front porch. Has fenced in back yard and patio. Asking $79,900.










655 DELAWARE AVE. - Commercial or residential, large living room, large dining room, 3 offices (bedrooms) and 1 bath. Reduced to $45.000.

42.3 acres +/- Summit-Holmesville Rd. - Pine timber has been harvested, but still has large area of hardwood. Excellent hunting close to Bogue Chitto River in North Pike Schools. Fronts Summit-Holmesville Rd. and Rabbit Ln. Asking $124,900. BROKER/OWNER.

1029 Erin Dr., Summit - Five bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, large family room and nice kitchen, central heat and air. All located on 4.15 acres +/- in the North Pike School District. Asking $159,900. MLS# 123612.





555 7th Street - Remodeled 4 bedroom, 2 bath home, separate dining room, living room, sun porch and one car carport, central heat and air on large lot. Home is convenient to schools, shopping and dining. Asking $99,900. $79,900. Owner will consider any offer.

1.5 Acres +/- McComb Cedar Ridge Residential home site on private road. REDUCED $29,900. By IC Lake. Broker/Owner 66

4114 & 4116 Hwy. 51 M-M - Two metal buildings, 4114 has 5 offices, waiting area, central heat & air and 1/2 bath. Back of 4114 has lounge area with large living area, resting area and full bath. 4116 is shop area with approximately 2420 square feet. All located on approximately 1 acre. Asking $325,000.

217 S. Broadway - Commercial location could be nice office location, entry foyer, 3 offices, kitchen and break area. Heart pine floors, mostly beaded board walls, 3 antique mantels. Asking $89,900. Broker Owner





This commercial building is located at 622 Edgar Street in McComb. Currently being used as a day care. Has 1800 sq. ft. on corner and fenced-in playground. REDUCED TO $114,900.


129 Acres +/- Smithtown Rd. - Approx. 1/2 mile frontage on Topisaw Creek. Back 90 acres has approx. 47 acres of planted pine ready to thin and balance in young hardwood and front 39 acres mostly cutover with some regeneration. $520,000. BROKER/OWNER

Buy Sell • June-July 2016




521 Marion Ave., McComb - Office building with approx. 2,262 sq. ft. Prior use as a medical office and zoned medical with other business use possible. Subject property has 2 1/2 baths several examining areas, office, and large open areas. Good off street parking. Asking $225,000. $189,900.


Buy Sell • June-July 2016


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