Buy & Sell

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Addison Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 Black Hawk Real Estate . . . . . . . . .24-25 Brandon W. Frazier, Attorney at Law PLLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 Cabin & Creek Real Estate . . . . .26-27-28-29-30-31-32 Conner Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Crye-Leike Stedman Realtors . .54-55-56 Debbie Stovall Realty, LLC . . . . . . .10-11 Doug Rushing Realty, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36-37-38-39-40 . . . . . . . . . . . .41-42-43-44-45-46-47-48 Doug Rushing Realty, Inc. Wild & Associates . . . . . . . . . .49-50-51 Dream Builders Realty . . . . . . . . . . . .60 EXIT Miss Lou Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 EXP Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61 4 Corner Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58

First Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 First South Farm Credit . . . . . . . . . . . .64 Frazier Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Homes and Land Real Estate . . . . .34-35 Larry Bright Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Latter & Blum Hometown Realty . . . . . . . .18-19-20-21 Lott Furniture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 NOLA Lending Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Pike National Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Quality Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 R & C Realty Group . . . . . . . . . . . .22-23 RE/MAX Southland Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . .14-15-16-17 Robison & Holmes, Attorneys . . . . . . .13 Services Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Southern Ag Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 United Country Gibson Realty . . . .52-53

To sell your home quickly, tell your Realtor to advertise in Buy & Sell and get results!

Buy & Sell Buy & Sell is a bi-monthly publication of the Enterprise-Journal. All rights reserved. All advertising photos and copy ads contained herein are solely the responsibility of the advertiser. All advertised houses are subject to prior sale. The Enterprise-Journal reserves the right to edit or refuse any advertising submitted to this publication. All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of dwellings, and in other housing-related transactions, based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under the age of 18), and handicap (disability). This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.

601-684-2421 tÉ=aç=_ìëáåÉëë=áå=^ÅÅçêÇ~åÅÉ=táíÜ=íÜÉ=cÉÇÉê~ä=c~áê=eçìëáåÖ=i~ï EqáíäÉ=sfff=çÑ=íÜÉ=`áîáä=oáÖÜíë=^Åí=çÑ=NVSUI=~ë=^ãÉåÇÉÇ=Äó=íÜÉ=eçìëáåÖ=~åÇ=`çããìåáíó=aÉîÉäçéãÉåí=^Åí=çÑ=NVTQF

Frazier Realty wants to see county grow Central location pivotal for area! BY GOPIKA NAIR ENTERPRISE-JOURNAL

McComb realtor Wayne Frazier enjoys seeing the county grow. “It’s a good market for buyers right now and I love to see Pike County grow, so I’m constantly trying to get commercial businesses out here,” Frazier said. Frazier began his career working for a company that did work out-of-state and in several foreign countries. Deciding that he wanted to come home, Frazier established Frazier Realty Co. in Pike County. For the past 25 years, Frazier has had residential, commercial and industrial listings primarily in Pike, Amite, Walthall and Lin-

People from Louisiana like Pike County and don’t want to go any farther, Frazier said. Because Pike County is around an hour away from cities such as New Orleans, Jackson and Hattiesburg, the county is regarded as a hub. “We still have a good many Louisiana folks looking for properties,” he said. “We’re kind of a hub location and that’s something we need to keep reminding our clients. When I’m showing property, the first

Wayne Frazier owns and operates Frazier Realty Company in McComb, where he has served customers from Southwest Mississippi and Louisiana for more than 25 years. coln counties. “It’s a buyer’s market,” Frazier said. “There’s a good supply of homes on sale and the interest rates are still relatively low and there are a lot of houses on the market.” Though the demand for rental property is high, Frazier said now is a good time for somebody to be looking for a house and the demand has not fallen for those wanting to buy houses.

On the


As Autumn approaches we’re reminded of the many bountiful blessings that we have received throughout the year. Frazier Realty wishes all a Happy Thanksgiving and to view all their listings on Page 6. 4

thing in real estate, commercial or not, is to let people know that we’re kind of centrally located.” buying.” vous about competition. You If something doesn’t feel right Several other real estate com- should welcome it.” for the county or the community, panies are emerging in the area, Frazier prefers not doing it. Describing himself “We’re kind of a hub location and that’s someas “an old-school thing we need to keep reminding our clients. When guy with oldschool ideas,” I’m showing property, the first thing in real estate, Frazier’s No. 1 goal is to help his commercial or not, is to let people know that we’re clients. “I like to give kind of centrally located.” them one-onWayne Frazier, Realtor one help if I can,” he said. “The goal of the n n n Realtor is to help your client and but Frazier said he is glad to see I try to give it my best attempt. … them. Frazier Realty is located at When you come to closing, you “More the merrier,” he said. 346A Scott Dr., McComb and can want both sides happy. The sell- “Anytime somebody gets nervous be reached by phone at 601-684ers are happy they’re selling and about competition, something’s 7770 or on the web at: www.frathe buyers are happy they’re wrong. You don’t need to be ner-


Buy Sell • October-November 2018


601-684-7770 e-mail address:

Wayne Frazier, Broker Cell: 601-248-9264

Check our Website for local listings that we can sell!

346A Scott Dr., McComb, MS 39648 • RESIDENTIAL

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FOR SALE OR LEASE We offer property management services on residential and commercial properties. Also offering property rentals. Call Frazier Realty at 601-684-7770 for details.

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Buy Sell • October-November 2018

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Your personal service

Phone 601-876-3654 1211 Magnolia Ave., Tylertown, MS 39667 ESTABLISHED - 1966 Located 3 blocks west of the Courthouse


in Tylertown

Web Site: Larry Bright Broker/Realtor

607 Maryland Avenue - So neat, 1200 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large den, covered deck on back for entertaining. Two storage buildings, very large lot, all brick, all fenced for privacy. $82,500.

911 Pecan Lane—Pretty home on corner large lot. 2,200 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, elegant breeze way, double carport. Only $112,000.

414 Broad Street—Classic style, 2,112 sq. ft. home in great neighborhood on dead-end street. Its privacy is great, back of lot goes all the way to Dry Creek. 3 bedrooms, updated 2 baths, and kitchen, hardwood floors, has a living room and a den. $106,000.

1134 Hwy 48 E—This nice home at Dexter is a beautiful setting with live oak trees in front—all on 1 acre, 1880 sq. ft. with a front porch and also a back deck. Three bedrooms and 2 baths, large living room—diving room, spacious kitchen. Great neighborhood. $89,500

506 Tyler Avenue—A spacious fixer upper home over 2300 sq. ft. plus separate apartment in town. It is perfect for a large family. $85,000.

Great Business Opportunity! Corner Hwy 98 and Hwy 27—1.5 acres southeast corner for a business of your choice. Only $49,500.

120 Lehr Crossing Rd.—Near La. Line, south of Tylertown, just of Hwy 27. This is a perfect get-a-way to enjoy country life. Home and 10 acres. Home is so well kept. 1355 sq. ft., 2 bedroom, 1 bath. There are 3 out buildings for storage. All this for only $112,000.

Lehr Crossing - Timber 20 years old. Beautiful cared for timber. 227 acres. Two miles off Hwy. 27 South of Tylertown. Your soon to be harvested dreams come true. $671,000.


Investment Land—20 beautiful acres in town. Trees and open spaces. $60,000

601 Broad St. - THE BILBO HOUSE - This Tylertown historical monument has been used for special occasion events for the past 5 years. Its 2000 sq. ft. of architectural and interior finery was completely restored and landscaped to perfection. Own this treasure for only $129,500.


Buy Sell • October-November 2018

Payne Road and Hwy. 98 - 19 wooded acres just on the edge of Tylertown - off Hwy. 98. $79,500.


Where Experience & Professionalism Go Hand In Hand

1154 Stewrt Mill Road, Summit - 31 +/- mostly wooded acres with 50’ x 30’ metal building with 1 bedroom, bath and kitchen on one end and other side has 2 large roll up doors, also has attached 20’ x 50’ drip shed. Approximately 1/4 mile paved road frontage, Clear Creek runs through property. Great residential, recreational and hunting property, located in North Pike School District. $209,900. MLS# 127612

1037 Boone Rd. - Double wide mobile home needs a lot of TLC, 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, located on 5 acres +/- North Pike Schools. Asking $39,900. Broker/Owner.




4114 & 4116 Hwy. 51 M-M - Two metal buildings, 4114 has 5 offices, waiting area, central heat & air and 1/2 bath. Back of 4114 has lounge area with large living area, resting area and full bath. 4116 is shop area with approximately 2420 square feet. All located on approximately 1 acre. Asking $325,000.


217 S. Broadway - Commercial location could be nice office location, entry foyer, 3 offices, kitchen and break area. Heart pine floors, mostly beaded board walls, 3 antique mantels. Reduced to $69,900. Broker Owner


1.5 Acres +/McComb Cedar Ridge Residential home site on private road. REDUCED $29,900. By IC Lake. Broker/Owner

655 DELAWARE AVE. - Commercial or residential, large living room, large dining room, 3 offices (bedrooms) and 1 bath. Reduced to $39,900.





This commercial building is located at 622 Edgar Street in McComb. Currently being used as a day care. Has 1800 sq. ft. on corner and fenced-in playground. REDUCED TO $114,900.


129 Acres +/- Smithtown Rd. - Approx. 1/2 mile frontage on Topisaw Creek. Back 90 acres has approx. 47 acres of planted pine ready to thin and balance in young hardwood and front 39 acres mostly cutover with some regeneration. $520,000. BROKER/OWNER

Buy Sell • October-November 2018




42.3 acres +/- SUMMIT-HOLMESVILLE RD. at RABBIT LN, approximately 40 acres in 3 year old planted pines balance in hardwoods. North Pike School Dist., excellent hunting and close to Bogue Chitto River. Asking $124,900. BROKER/OWNER.


Buy Sell • October-November 2018


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Relocating Families Across America or Across Town with Years of Experience... We ª Referrals

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703 Laurel St. • Summit, MS 39666 601-276-2100 GRI



E-mail: jÉãÄÉêë=çÑ=jp=dìäÑ=`ç~ëí=jip

Kit Stovall, GRI

Jacob Brumfield

Martha Simmons




Professional REALTOR

Professional REALTOR

Professional REALTOR

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Buy Sell • October-November 2018

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Relocating Families Across America or Across Town with Years of Experience... We ª Referrals

oÉ~äíóI=ii` oÉ~äíóI=ii`

Wxuu|x fàÉätÄÄ?

703 Laurel St. • Summit, MS 39666 601-276-2100 GRI



E-mail: jÉãÄÉêë=çÑ=jp=dìäÑ=`ç~ëí=jip

Kit Stovall, GRI

Jacob Brumfield

Martha Simmons




Professional REALTOR

Professional REALTOR

Professional REALTOR

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Buy Sell • October-November 2018



Teri Hawn Broker/Owner 601-310-8304

Justin Hawn Realtor 601-467-2627

Angela Melson Realtor 601-248-0643

Tyrrica Hill Realtor 601-810-4436


95 Willie Cothern Rd., Jayess MLS# 124506 • $249,900 4BR/3BA w/2 bonus rooms situated on 3.31 acres. Custom home with all upgrades. Closed cell foam insulation keeps power bill to a minimum, 3500 SF home. Agent owned.

91 Dinan Church Rd., Tylertown • MLS# R127810 Come take a peak at this beautiful, custom 3BR/2BA home on 19.2 acres tucked away from the hustle and bustle. Are you ready to live the country life? This is the place for you! Quiet country with enough space for kids to play and for the adutls to do a little hunting. You are only 10 minutes from Tylertown and conveniently located less than 2 hours from Jackson, New Orleans, or Baton Rouge. The home features hardwood, ceramic, and carpet floors, a home office and a nice sun room to enjoy your backyard views. With gas logs you can warm up by the fireplace when it’s cold outside. There’s a formal dining room along with a breakfast nook that complete the kitchen. If you are ready to see yourself here, give us a call.

Under Contract 1061 Great Point Rd., McComb • MLS# R127764 NORTH PIKE SCHOOL DISTRICT - Spacious 3B/2BA home on 1.3 acres located in a great neighborhood. Master has Jacuzzi tub, separate shower, his & her sinks, and a walk in closet. Gas fireplace in living room with ope concept to dining area. 1 year home warranty provided! Perfect home for a growing family.


4070 C.D. Rayborn Rd. MLS# 127133 • $127,000 Beautiful piece of property in the country. Well maintained 3BR/2BA DW on 9.28 acres in NPSD. Amazing hilltop views looking out on beautiful landscaping from your very own front porch. Back yard boasts pond that is surrounded by pine trees. Home has wood burning FP and very large laundry room. Property has 2 storage sheds and 3 metal carports. Before you blink, this one will be gone so call your Realtor today.

944 Sams Rd NW, Brookhaven • MLS# $127667 Take a look at this 4BR/2BA home home locate din desired Loyd Star School District. Home has been recently freshened up for you. Home sits on 1.25 acres in a seemingly quiet neighborhood. New septic system in place. Lets take a look at this one. OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE THROUGH VANDERBILT MORTGAGE.

34 Festus Sumrall, Jayess • MLS# R127988 • $160,000 Must see. This meticulously kept 3BR/3BA home is move-in ready. Home is approx. 2015SF and features an approx. 20x30 master suite with large master bath including a claw foot tub, as well as large walk-in closet. Interior is all handicap accessible and low maintenance and easy cleanup, with vinyl, ceramic and one room of carpet flooring. Exterior consist of brick and vinyl for very low maintenance. Also features 2 car attached garage. Don’t miss this one! Call for your appointment today.

SOLD 329 Lawrence Reid Rd., Jayess • MLS# R127786 If the idea of drinking coffee in the evening on your front porch watching the sunset in the quietness of your country home is somehting that appeals to you, this property is one you want to view today. This 4BR/2.5BA mobile home hosts an open floor plan with 2 living areas and a huge island. Screened in back porch also screams for evening entertainment and lots of fun with family and friends. Master is amazing with a garden tub and very large walk in closet. Lots of storage in this home and its ready for a new family. Won’t you entertain the idea?

520 N. Live Oak St., McComb MLS# 125932 • $75,000 3BR, 2.5BA with large jacuzzi tub. Recess ceilings in living room & master bedroom. Huge spacious den with high 9’ ceilings, great for hosting. Gourmet kitchen with island. Office/Study available. Sits on corner lot with perfect sized yrd that is partially fenced in. Oversized 2 car garage. This home is priced to sell! A must see!


Lots & Land For Sale

PENDING 706 Pearl River Ave. • MLS# 126583 • $32,475 Take a look at this nice 2 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom home located in the East McComb area on Pearl River Avenue. Property is located minutes from Kennedy Elementary School. Property has wooden floors in den area. Home could be a great investment property with a little TLC. Make offer today due to it will not last long.


811 Summit St., McComb • MLS# C127825 Thisproperty features a generously open area to accommodate your needs. Looking for a retail location? Perfect spot! Or looking to open a salon/barbershop location? This could be for you. Depending on how you utilize the space, this property could even be converted into a duplex for a great investment opportunity. Plenty of storage rooms available. Two bathroomos plus two of the storage rooms can be converted into bathrooms as well. Endless opportunities! Don’t miss out on this great investment.

14 Old Holmesville Rd., Tylertown, MS MLS# 127382 • $110,000 Take a look at this spacious, well-built 4 bed, 2.5 bath brick home. Home has approx. 2691 sq. ft. with a fireplace. Located in Salem School District, just minutes from school and with 7 acres to have your own mini-farm or quiet little getaway. WIth a little TLC you could make this diamond in the rough shine again.


Buy Sell • October-November 2018

• Hamilton Rd., McComb, 2.81 acres ML - $15,000. • Crippe Ln., Brookhaven, 10.95 acres MOL - $54.750.

Real Estate Guide Services Directory McComb Wholesale Carpet

KIM SCHMIDT Area Manager

Owners Dwayne & Tamela Golmon 29 Years Experience

Wholesale Prices Carpet • Vinyl • Tile • Laminate Sales & Installation Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5 & Sat. 9-1 Store (601) 684-6102 616 S. Broadway Cell (601) 757-3619 McComb, MS 39648 Fax (601) 684-6818

Ph: 601.876.3317 P.O. Box 268 Voice Mail Ext #11 Tylertown, MS 39667 Cell: 601.810.6566

Magnolia Home Inspections Joseph A. Cornacchione • Specialization in older/historic homes • Over 20 years experience Assure Confidence in your Largest Investment

Cell: 601-248-0544



Selling your home is a complex transaction requiring time, effort, patience and know-how. Selling it fast at its full value requires the expertise and experience of a real estate professional — especially a broker or agent who is a REALTOR®. Unlike many real estate agents who are simply licensed by their state to do business, REALTORS® have taken additional steps to become members of the local board of REALTORS® and have agreed to act under and adhere to a strict Code of Ethics. This membership obligates them to be fair to all parties involved in a transaction, be it buyer, seller or cooperating agent. Be sure your real estate agent is a REALTOR®.

REALTORS® do more... Much More...Than you may think The REALTOR® you list your home with, works for you and with you throughout the home selling process. It is the business of a REALTOR® to help yo sell your home with minimum delay, and to help you realize every dollar it’s worth. Expect commitment, integrity and professionalism from a REALTOR®.

Southwest Mississippi Board of Realtors® &

Buy Sell • October-November 2018


Now Leasing North Pike Condominiums 2 Bedroom/2 Bath Apartments

1074 Brandon Drive - Acadian style home located in one of the most prestigious neighborhoods in McComb! Walk in to luxury living as you enjoy the arched doorways, cathedral ceilings and wood fireplace! Beautiful kitchen features custom hardwood cabinetry, granite countertops, a chef’s island, Jenn-Air appliances, coffee bar and a gas fireplace. The home has plenty of room for your family with 4 bedrooms and 3.5 bathrooms with additional media room that could be converted to another bedroom. Recent updates have been made to the master suite including his and her vanities, stand up shower, soaking tub and sliding anitque door! If you need a home office, no worries, we have you covered! You will be the envy of the neighborhood with your heated, gunite salt water pool surrounded with wrought iron fence! Entertain by the pool with the pergola and fire pit! It could be your very own paradise!

Live the life of luxury in this brand new development located in NPSD. Comes with refrigerator, stove and dishwasher. Taking applications for October 15 move in. First come, first serve. No pets, no Section 8.

$950/Deposit $950 per month.



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367 Hwy. 44, Jayess – Well designed, newer construction home situated on a 4 acre wooded lot. This home features an open floor plan with a formal dining room and separate breakfast area. Master suite provides a private sitting area overlooking back deck and his/her closets. Extras include an above ground pool, a pantry, 2 gas log fireplaces, wired surround sound and an office/hunting room!


1016 Lakeview, Summit - Live the life of luxury in this dramatic masterpiece that sits on 4.8 acres with 6 bedrooms and 5 baths that provides rare offerings such as majestic foyer with imported hand-carved columns towering up the 22’ ceiling. Embossed with crown molding, wrought iron railing overlooking balcony, piano room and dining room gleams with its travertine flooring. Double sided fireplace extending into private office/library with wood coffered ceilings, built-ins and finishes. Chefs kitchen includes solid granite countertops, built in Kitchenaid refrigerator, GE profile double oven, and a 5 burner gas cook top. Walk-in pantry. Private Master bedroom suite with 3 tier tray ceiling, his and her walk-in closets, and glass enclosed rainfall shower and 6 body jets. Massive den with stairway leading up to the unique themed media/game room. Sunroom overlooking custom hot tub and pool with stone decking inlays with cascading waterfall and deck jets with multi-colored LED lighting.


7079 Hwy. 98 E – Luxury living with a 6.34 acre setting only 10 miles from I-55! This newer construction home makes a statement as you walk in to see top end amenities such as the hand carved wood flooring, white columns tiered 9 and 12 ft. ceilings with gorgeous wrought iron lighting, a kitchen that would delight any chef with its custom cabinets, granite countertops, Viking range, food warmer, appliance cubby, and a custom island. To top it off this home has a bonus room that could be a 4th bedroom, on-demand hot water heater, handicap doors and well insulated for energy efficiency.

Buy Sell • October-November 2018





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New Listing - Come see this spacious, well-maintained cottage! Home is in an excellent neighborhood not far from Delaware Avenue. Featurs include 12 ft. ceilings, beautiful wood flooring, and large rooms to stretch out in. Home would be perfect starter hoome! Make an appointment to view this property today!

416 Railroad Ave. E - Property located downtown Osyka. It can be sold with property next door (384), and with adjacent lot on the north side of property. Great investment property or as a second home for people escaping hurricanes.

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620 Jackson Ave. – Adorable Cottage on a corner lot just a walk from Edgewood Park. This 2 bedroom, 1 bath home has a new roof and has been freshly painted with many more upgrades. You can enjoy your screened in poch and all the amenities the city has to offer just minutes away.

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McComb - Completely Renovated - Come home to this 1875 Charmer!! Totally renovated home features tall ceilings, a formal dining room, 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. Enter the home through a lovely wood carved door to the living room that has a wood accented wall. The kitchen is completely remodeled featuring granite countertops and a contemporary backsplash! The home also has a nice screened in front porch to keep the bugs away!

McComb - $100,000 - Don’t miss this EXTREMELY IMMACULATE, SUPER COZY and NEWLY RENOVATED HOME in the heart of McComb!!! This 3 bedroom/2 bath home features hardwood and ceramic tile floors and stainless steel appliances. The home also has a 2-car carport and a convenient half fenced yard for children/pets that is separated from the carport area.

121 Fox Run - Newer construction home FOR SALE located in Fox Chase Subdivision!! Beautiful and roomy, 3BR/2 Bath that contains 1,370 SF! A landscaped sidewalk that leads to the front porch makes you feel right at home. The living room is nice and open, featuring a cozy fireplace with gas logs. The kitchen is nice and bright and opens to the dining ara.



$99,000 - McComb - High traffic commercial building with 6 Ft. fenced perimeter up for sale. Perfect location for a mechanic shop/start up car dealership. Why rent your business location when you could buy at this price? Don’t miss your chance to own!



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300 Broadway St. S. - ALL YOU NEED IS CUSTOMERS! Step right in to a ready-made business in a high traffic setting with plenty of parking. Includes all equipment, but can be sold without equipment. $125,000.




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Home Away From Home - Bigger than it looks! Aframe cabin with new upgrades is built sturdy from cypress, pine and burch in a serene setting. This beautiful gated property has quick access to the Bogue Chitto River with a wonderful sandbar.


S. 4th St. – 3 bedroom and 1.5 bath home in the historic section of McComb. Close to schools and shopping. Home is in need of TLC. Home is sold “as is”. Homeowner would like to sell both this property and the one next door. (218 4th Street) as a package deal.


Owner Finance - This property is a hunter’s dream! Newly built 2 bedroom/1 bath cabin. Camper that sleeps 7 is included in sale of property. Two RV hook-ups with 2 - 1,000 gallon concrete septic tanks, power supply and water ready for use. Cabin sits on 4MOL secluded acres of prime hunting land and established hunting stands!


5175 Centerville Rd. – Cottage with 3BD/2BA. It was an old dairy farm in its former life, but now it can be a nice getaway property. Back sunroom has been used as a nursery to grow plants year-round. Hardwood floors, very large bedroom, and a beautiful view from the deck. There are fruit trees and bushes all over the property. Several other buildings are on the site and has its own water well.

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Magnolia - Adorable 2 bedroom, 1 bath cottage that has been completely remodeled and renoated! Includes 1.9 acres! Just missing you! Exterior of home is vinyl for easy maintenance. Priced to sell!






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North Pike - If you are looking for a modern home in McComb, this home is just for you! Built in 2008, this 1868 SF home has 3 BR/2BA. Home is a split floor plan with 9’ and 10’ ceilings with crown molding throughout. Master bedroom features tray ceilings and master bath has whirlpool tub. Backyard is perfect and roomy! So much to love about this house!!





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Delaware Ave., McComb - Located right before downtown McComb, this property is perfect for your budding business! Spacious building has hardwood floors throughout and ample lighting with all of the windows and lots of attic space for storage. There is a big back yard and a convenient wrap around driveway. Utilities are very reasonable on this efficient property as well!




Commercial - 601 Bendat Street - $65,000 – 1935 sq. ft. Commercial property in prime location. This property has high traffic count and plenty of parking. Start your business today, give us a call.

View additional listings at


Buy Sell • October-November 2018




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$114,900 – Perfect 3BR starter home that easily converts to a 4BR with a minor modification to part of the large laundry room to add a closet. Enjoy the comforts of an updated kitchen, a wood-burning fireplace, and a fabulous fenced-in yard that is well landscaped. Absolutely perfect for any family and convenient to local schools and shopping.



1051 Moulder Lane, Magnolia – This 3 Bedroom, 2 bath brick rancher is surrounded by rolling pasture land deep in the heart of Chatawa. Features of the property include a gorgeous stone fireplace, stunning oak cabinets, a practical but fun lazy susan, stocked pond, catch pen, large barn, well organized workshop, and a sunset view that let’s you know you’re in God’s country.




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617 Laurel St., McComb - Large 4BR home has lots of potential, 3 year old roof and new A/C. Needs updating. Large living room, separate dining room, separate formal living room, patio and brick outdoor grill.


Completely Renovated - This home is nestled in seclusion on a dead end street, but close to town! This 2,574SF home has 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. The open kitchen is to die for with the beautiful cabinets (and plenty of them) and countertops! The spacious den is great for family and the home features a large wrap around deck. The man of the house will also love the large workshop!


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NPSD - 5.61 Acres - Secluded, well built 4 bedroom custom home is designed with plenty of room for a large family to enjoy! Everything is BIG and spacious in this home starting with its vaulted ceilings in both kitchen and den that gives an open flow. Big bedrooms that’s a rare find, big kitchen filed with birch cabinetry with island, lots of closet space, big utility room, big deck, big shop, big oak trees, and the biggest amenity is its privacy back off of the road. Broker/Owner.



971 W. Whitesand Rd., New Hebron - Built in 1910, this home sits on 15 beautiful acres and features 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. The home also has a spacious screened in front porch. Property includes a barn and a pond and is fenced for horses. The kids will enjoy all of the room that allows them to play and imagine outdoors! Don’t miss out on making this property your home!



5183 Meadville Road, Liberty – Newer construction with a rustic, artistic and western flare! Beautiful handcrafted and custom built home with large beams. Open floor plan with vaulted ceiling and farmhouse doors. Bathrooms have completely custom ceramic tiled, stand up showers. Enclosed expansive sun porch that overlooks the backyard and has a built in buffet that is great for entertaining! Patio overlooks the two ponds. Property comes complete with a guest house and old farmhouse! Paved drive is definitely a bonus!

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1001 E. West St., Gloster - Don’t miss this 3BR, 2 BA hidden gem located in Gloster, MS. It features a built in workshop off the carport sure to please the handy man and a quiet, fenced in back yard with covered patio for the nature lover. Enjoy this quiet life of the country with the advantages and conveniences of small town life. This one is move in ready and priced to sell! Located only 1 hr. north of Baton Rouge and within 5 miles of the Homochitto National Forest!


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McComb - $59,900 - Adorable starter home perfect to a new family. This property stands out from the others in the area with its unique window awnings and arbor arch that not only adds curb appeal, but instantly make you feel right at home. This 3 bedroom, 2 bath home has been well kept and will prove easy to maintain. Come see it today!


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$135,000 – Great starter home in North Pike School District. Brick rancher that sits on 2 acres with 3 bedrooms/2 baths. Features include trey ceilings in the master bedroom, master bedroom, fenced yard, and shed. Septic system has also been updated.


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513 Hillcrest - Cute as a button, recently renovated 2 bedroom home, that has an additional Den that could be a third bedroom. Beautiful hardwood floors throughout this home with all kitchen appliances included. Large fenced in back yard completes this no-work move in ready cottage close to hospitals and shopping.

108 Wilson Drive - Great home for the first time homebuyer located in a great neighborhood and convenient to all amenities the city has to offer. NICE BIG BACK YARD!!



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1501 Theresa Drive – If you are looking for a house in town, look no further! This beautiful ranch hoome sits on 0.237 acres and has a 4 bedrooms and 3 full baths! Very spacious living room with built in bookshelves and a fireplace. Galley kitchen with water filter, pot filler, garbage disposal and open dining room. The master bath has beautiful tile detail with a walk-in shower. Another bathroom has a jacuzzi walk-in tub. Huge den that has a wet bar.

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Summit - $189,900 – Just minutes from I-55, this old home place has recently been updated on a beautifully landscaped 2 acre lot with large oaks and azaleas. This home features hand carved pine flooring, new countertops, new roof, new plumbing, new water heater, new ceiling fans, new A/C, new flooring, new appliances, updated bathrooms and all new windows!! Just right down the way from Percy Quin Park and Quail Hollow Golf Course!!


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225 Shannon Dr., McComb - This 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath home is tucked in quaint neighborhood that is quiet and has lots of friendly neighbors. The dining room and living room are open to each other, along with an extra room the current owners use as a play room. It could be turned into another bedroom or craft space. The possibilities are endless.


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$49,900 - Tylertown - This 4 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath low maintenance brick rancher is perfect for a large family!

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Buy Sell • October-November 2018







619 Live Oak St. N. – Located in McComb, this 1,060 SF home has 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths. Has a large fenced in yard and the carport is screened in for enjoying the outside with no bugs! Paved drive and has a new security system! Additional house available.



Tylertown - If you are looking for a home that would be a great starter home, then welcome home! Nestled under beautiful oak trees just minutes from Tylertown, this home needs a little TLC. Home features 2 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms, paved driveway on one acre lot. Don’t dilly dally, this one won’t last long!



Investment Opportunity - This whopping 2,228 sq. ft. home boast 4BR and 2 BA. Recently renovated, this home is now jam packed with value-enhancing updates. All windows/doors were replaced by seller during renovation and an upgraded metal roof was installed in 2014 which includes a warranty that is fully transferrable to the new owner.


Business/Residential - $55,900 - This property offers the best of both worlds for any small business owner. Large enough to grow your business and opportunity to make rental income from the one bedroom apartment behind the main home.




913 9th St., McComb - GREAT INVESTMENT PROPERTY!! New flooring and new paint! This one is a great deal and too good to pass up at this price point. Don’t wait too long on this one!


315 Liberty Street, Osyka - Minutes from Louisiana line, this modern home is located in the small, quiet town of Osyka, MS. This home features 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, located on a beautiful corner lot. This open floor plan features a beautiful kitchen with modern cabinets and built-in entertainment center in living room. A combination of carpet and ceramic tile compliment this home with beautiful French doors in front and rear of home.






316 Pike St., Osyka - This home is as solid as they come. On an exquisite corner lot, it has plenty to offer in a quiet setting with landscaping and abit of rustic charm. With almost 5000SF, this 4BR/3.5BA 1.5 level beauty provides plenty of space for everyone in your family. This well built home features a large living room w/beautiful fireplace, galley kitchen, large bedrooms and baths and a spectacular master bath w/whirlpool tub, and a spacious utility/laundry room. Call today to see this hidden gem.








31 J.W. Pigott Road - Don’t miss out on this secluded, well-maintained mobile home that sits on 1.81 peaceful acres! This 1,920 SF home has 3 bedrooms and 2 baths and has a nice, large open floor plan. The home is raised on a brick foundation and has a great front and back porch for enjoying the scenery. The entrance is gated and leads to the lovely hard with scattered pine trees. There is also a metal shed for storage. Schedule your appointment today!!






440 W. Holly St., Magnolia - Charming home close to South Pike Schools! This spacious 3 bedroom/2.5 bath home features hardwood floors throughout. Relax in the cozy den with a fireplace. Convenient garage and workshop attached. This is a must see and will not last long!





$20,000, McComb - Own a little piece of country right inside of town on this large corner lot! This property has tons of potential and with a little TLC would be an investor’s dream.





47 Ed Boyd Road, Jayess – If you are looking for country living, then you have found it! This home is surrounded by beautiful pasture land is in the COUNTRY!! Privacy is what you will find here in this 2 BR home. Home is newer construction with lots of amenities. Great for first time home buyer or for that couple looking to slow down. Peaceful and calm are words to describe this location. Call today to set your appointment.


477 Water Tank Rd., Sandy Hook - Looking for the peaceful, quiet living of the country, then this is the place for you. This property is a beautiful 1 acre lot featuring a 2008, move-in ready manufactured home. This double wide home provides a spacious 3BR/2BA. Enjoy cooking in a dream kitchen with lots of cabinets, counter space, and an additional island to provide even more cabinets ane counter space. Perfect for your new family home, an excellent investment property, or a weekend getaway. OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE THROUGH VANDERBILT MORTGAGE!

RE/MAX Southland Real Estate Land Listings Lot #3 Business Center Dr; McComb - .62 acres

Bond Circle, Sumrall - 13.5 Acres

000 Railroad Ave. East, Osyka - 0.80 Acres

Lot #4 Business Center Dr; McComb - 1.43 acres

Hwy. 587 Robinwood Rd., Monticello - 3.73 Acres

0 Forest Road, Tylertown - 38.41 Acres - NPSD

Lot #5 Business Center Dr; McComb - 1.38 Acres

00 Lin Frank Road, Smithdale - 13.21 Acres

2078 Centerville Road, Magnolia - 73.66 Acres

Lot #7 Business Center DR; McComb - .94 Acres

00 Manning Cross Road, Jayess - 20 Acres

0 Atkinson Road, Ruth - 10 Acres

Buddy Price Rd; Prentiss - 5.92 Acres

0 Pleasant Springs Road, Magnolia - 10 Acres

0 Antler Drive, Summit - 1.35 Acres

657 Hwy. 98 West; Kokomo-28.8 Acres

00 Chisholm Road, Brookhaven - 80 Acres

4009 Summit Holmesville Rd., McComb - 6 Acres

View additional listings at


Buy Sell • October-November 2018


601-249-0485 Kelly Adams Angela Bates 601-248-7291 601-810-9696

Carol Easley Broker-Owner 601-810-0221

June Gilbert 601-248-3738

Robin McDaniel Broker-Owner 601-249-9520

Bob Miller 504-621-5895

Lindsey Wool 504-237-2145

David Turnage 601-248-7732

Randy Gordon 601-730-5886

1534 Hwy. 51 N. • $539,000

1130 Slay Road • $799,888 Elegant home in Amite County, beautifully landscaped lawn w/fountains, creek and 2 ponds on approx. 20 acres. 5BR, 4.5B, lg. open foyer, LR w/fireplace, DR, office, laundry, media room and game room, kitchen w/butlers pantry. Also included is an attached guest house.

Jenna Karl 601-248-6300

Barry Smith 601-248-3734

3899 Chisholm Dr. SW • $549,000 With brand new epoxy floors throughout the living, kitchen & dining area this property has so much to offer. This is an outdoorsman’s paradise! Also includes approx. 78 acres w/5 acre pond and gorgeous in-ground swimming.

Turn-key graphics design & sign printing shop including all equipment, training, & inventory. Includes everything you need to start a profitable business from day one. Established customer base and business name. Property also includes a 3BR/2BA house to be occupied by new owner or continued as a rental!

3078 Hwy. 98 East • $525,000 Operating as a used ar dealership and mini storage facility; this property has a nice office plus a heated and cooled shop, several outbuildings and a large shop.





1191 Anglin Rd. • $259,000 1119 Guiding Light Rd. • $395,000 Beautiful 3377 Sq. Ft. 2 Story, 5 bedroom, 4 bath home situated on 7.87 secluded acres in Magnolia, MS. This home features a formal dining room, large kitchen with separate dining area, high ceilings, gas log fireplace and spacious rooms throughout, plus an inground pool.

539 Dexter Rd. • $299,900 Peaceful country living at its finest!! Unique opportunity to own this southern home with 3 bedrooms and 4 baths on 7.8 acres. This home was completely renovated in 2007, the porches, new roof, new kitchen, wiring, plumbing, etc. were added during this time.

3080 Hwy. 98 East • $275,000 This large building is open to all possibilities for your business. Features a kitchen, stage and multiple rooms.

This cmmercial property located on 2.5 acres M/L is conveniently located just west of Summit, MS. It could be used for many purposes. Once utilized as an agricultural supply store. It has 6000SF in the main building and 8250SF under roof. Three phase electrical with loading docks and overhead doors will accommodate all needs. Currently being used as a country store and a truck rental outlet. Call today.

754 Branton Bay Rd., Foxworth • $225,000



511 Westover Dr. • $217,000 110 Beulah Ave., Tylertown • $250,000 This property is the old Stinson service station. Magee Creek borders the entire east property line.

Located in Westover Subdivision, this 4BR, 2.5 bathroom brick home has plenty of room for all your needs. Fenced yard with covered patio AND a guest house just make this an even better property.



4080 Magnolia Pisgah Rd. • $196,500 This spacious home features 4BR/3BA, den w/gas logs in fireplace and an eating area. Custom built kitchen is beautifl and also includes a formal living room and dining area.


This rare find is located in Enterprise School District and has all the amenities. It features beautiful wood and brick flooring, 3BR, an office and a bonus rooom upstairs.




3063 Kinder Trail, Bogue Chitto • $230,000

Here is a new spacious home located between Tylertown & Columbia, that would make a great home or great weekend getaway. Sit back & watch the kids or grandkids fishing from the porch overlooking the pond, or hunt on the 27.5 acres of 12-15 yr. old pine that surround the house. It has a 2 car detached garage with plenty of storage and work space. It also has a special bonus, a small building that is a man cave with electricity and water that could be converted into a doll or play house.









912 White Blvd. • $205,000

2105 Woodlands Dr. • $199,000

This is a great location right off Highway 98. The heated and cooled area has a small kitchen and office spaces. The building has 4 overhead roll up doors that range from 10x9 to 12x12. Only part of the property in fenced in.

Located down a dead end street inside McComb city limits. This 3 bedroom, 2 bath house has lots of potential. It features a large living room with wood floors, fireplace and built-in book case. Kitchen has been updated and has brick pavers on floor.


Buy Sell • October-November 2018




2028 Willis Cotton Rd. • $132,000 NPSD - This home features 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. It has a spacious living/dining area and a nice kitchen. Call today for your appointment.

703 Delaware Ave., McComb, MS 39648 • 601-249-0485 • Fax 601-249-0496 • D



R 1612 Lissa Dr. • $209,500 This is a must see home in Westover Estates, recently painted throughout and updated half bath. Home has underground utilities and on the hospital grid so power loss is minimal. Recently installed privacy fence and chain link to keep pets safe, with covered pavilion and includes wooded lot for privacy.

701 Lakeshore Ave. • $189,900

2034 W. Topisaw Rd. • $182,000

1119 Dudley Rimes • $119,000

Located in one of McComb’s most popular neighborhoods, check out this 3BR/2.5BA home with a pool.

Located in NPSD on approx. 5 acres with a pond. Beautiful with lots of wood and open plan, spacious master suite.

3BR/2Bath home recently remodeled on approx. 2.3 acres.

1056 Hutson Circle • $175,000

584 Azalea Trl. SE, Meadville • $169,900 Look no further for a secluded country property on 10+/- acres at a great price! Make your appointment now to see this open floor plan 4BR/3BA brick home in the Franklin County School Dist. Property attaches to National Forest Property.

Make your appointment today to see this home that sits off of the road and is secluded away from neighbors. It has an open concept living & kitchen area, the master bedroom is on one side of the house and the other 2 bedrooms are on the other and the laundry room is very spacious. It also has a fenced in backyard and a nice covered patio.





510 Hart Rd. • $169,000 Bargain of the year...4BR/2.5 BA home with approx. 3800 SF on an oversized lot with an outdoor patio...and much, much more.

Great neighborhood on quiet street in North Pike School District. The house has a split floor plan, all new appliances, a new roof and a low maintenance exterior. Has concrete patio overlooking a large back yard perfect for kids to play on or to have a vegetable garden.

1009 White Horse Lane • $156,000




L SO 306 Green St. • $151,500 Move in ready home located in a nice neighborhood on a quiet street. Beautiful wood floors throughout, open floor plan with kitchen/dining and living room. Landscaping has been updated and the back yard is enclosed with a fence. Also included is a covered back patio and portable building.

2088 McComb-Holmesville Rd. • $150,000 9 unit Mobile home park, with 8 acres, 6 mobile homes re for sale with the property, 3 are lot rentals, 8 acres are surveyed, taxes and parcel number TBD.


1406 Vermont • $147,500 4BR/3BA renovated brick home with new wood floors. Approx. 2400 SF with large den, separate dining room and nice overed back porch.

529 Louisiana Ave. • $142,500 Completely renovated 3BR, 2 BA home with new appliances, granite countertops, new roof & electrical updated. Possible owner financing.












1503 Theresa Ave., McComb • $129,900 Beautiful remodeled like new 3/2 ranch style home. Hugh family room with cathedral ceiling, custom book cases and display cabinet. Custom kitchen cabinets. Large formal dining room with crown molding. Separate breakfast area. Master suite with walk in closets. Security system. Close to schools and shopping. Must see to appreciate. Owner financing available.

128 Woodland Ridge Dr. • $129,500

518 Oakbrook Circle • $120,000

Super clean, very spacious 2/2 townhouse with great outdoor living araes. Cozy wood-burning fireplace and cathedral ceiling in living room. New private patio area in rear of home. If you’re looking for low maintenance - you’ve found the perfect home.

Beautiful brick home located in a quiet neighborhood close to schools and shopping. This home features three bedrooms, two full bathrooms, kitchen, dining room/living room combo, family room with wood burning fireplace and laundry room. Enjoy the outdoors on your spacious patio.

5168 Centerville Road • $120,000 Nestled in 5 acres, this home is located just a few miles north of LA state line. 3BR/2BA living room with fireplace and spacious kitchen.

805 Pennsylvania Avenue • $117,000 Located on a corner lot, this 3bed/2 bath home is ready for you.

5675 Tangipahoa • $127,500 This cute brick rancher is in move in condition. It features an updated kitchen, open floor plan and spacious bedrooms. Located in Amite County but close to town.




2085 Van Norman Curve • $129,900 Move-in ready! Looking for great country living just minutes away from town in the NPSD? Check out this open floor plan 3BR/1.5BA brick/vinyl ranch home situated on 8 acres. Tons of storage and cabinets throughout the home. Outdoor space includes a large covered porch in the back, as well as a patio and pergola. New smudge-proof stainless steel appliances and fresh paint throughout. New flooring in bedrooms and utility room. Owner/Agent.


Buy Sell • October-November 2018

1072 Coffey Rd. • $109,900 North Pike Schools, move in ready, just renovated, new roof, stove, paint, landscaping, water heater, ceramic tile, granite counters.


703 Delaware Ave., McComb, MS 39648 • 601-249-0485 • Fax 601-249-0496 •






1729 Hwy. 27 N.

1043 George Edwards Rd. • $105,000 Beautiful ranch style home located between McComb and Summit on a quiet street. This would be a perfect starter home for a growing family.

129 N. Locust St. • $89,000 This is a well kept home currently used as rental property. It is section 8 approved an has a long term tenant in place.

3 bed, 2 full baths, completely renovated, hardwood floors, ceramic tile, 3.5 acres with pond and beautiful white oak trees. Shed has a half bath with storage. Possible lease purchse/rent to own, $5,000 option consideration, $850 rent and $850 nonrefundable deposit for 1 yr. rent only.

811 Minnesota Ave. • $84,000 Large home close to everything. Located on a corner lot just off Delaware Ave. with large back yard.

1355 South Prewett Street • $96,500 Spacious 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom mobile home located on a little over 2 acres of land. Large master suite with his and her bathrooms as well as a sitting area. The living room has an open floor plan concept with a wood burning fireplace.

644 Hwy. 48E, Tylertown • $80,000 Nice 2BR/2BA home with plenty of extra rooms and updated floors. Close to the Bogue Chitto River to be able to enjoy all the summer activities it has to offer.

406 Aston Avenue • $90,000 Conveniently located close to schools and shopping. It features a spacious den and living area and 3 bedrooms. Situated on a nice lot. Call today.

1019 Park Dr. • $72,000 Move in ready, just remodeled, new flooring, paint, beautiful cottage in McComb on Park Drive.





1026 Griffin Rd. • $77,900 3BR/1.5BA house has new flooring and is ready for you. It also includes a large 30x50 metal workshop.



114 4th St. • $70,000 This 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath house has living room & den, was constructed with steel frame and previously used as an office but built from house plans. Priced to sell quickly!

3122 Summit Dr., Bogue Chitto • $154,000 Call today to make your appt. to see this very spacious house in a quiet area on 5 acres. Open kitchen and living room plus large room for entertaining.

1024 Pinecrest Dr. • $75,000 New double wide on 1.49 acres - Located in North Pike School District in a low traffic, quiet area with a large shop. Property has several fruit trees for your enjoyment.

724 Beech St., McComb • $75,000 Call today to view this unique property with an in-law apartment located in the back of the house (that’s the 4th bedroom & 2nd bathroom).







315 Franklinton St. • $57,500 Looking for an older home with tons of character? Check out this 100-year old 3BR/2BA bungalow. Many original details including a butler's pantry, original light fixtures, plate rail in dining room. Outdoor living spaces include front and side covered porches. The detached 12'x24' garage would also make a great workshop or man cave. Fenced in back yard.

617 Caston Ave. • $68,000 Conveniently located in the hert of the city. It features 3 spacious bedrooms and a nice den. It also comes with a shop/office area.

710 South Broadway • $60,000 Situated Downtown this building is priced to sale. Building would make a great auto shop or parts store.



2105 Wardlaw Rd. • $55,000 Nice starter home with large lot, covered porches front and back. Close to town but still in the country.


4007 Magnolia Holmesville Rd. • $55,000 Nice starter home or investment property on corner lot in quiet setting.


318 Virginia Ave. • $49,900 Newly remodeled, move in ready. New heating/air conditioning, plumbing, electrical, refrigerator and stove.

Buy Sell • October-November 2018

607 Hickory St., Summit • $39,500 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom home just one block from downtown Summit with a large back yard.



1001 Mulberry Dr.

703 Delaware Ave., McComb, MS 39648 • 601-249-0485 • Fax 601-249-0496 •

We helped the buyer find just the right home. Let us help you too, give us a call.


SO 717 Avenue E • $39,000 If you are looking for an investment property or a starter home this is it. It features a living room and a den area and three bedrooms. There is a workshop storage area that was previously used as a guest house all on a fenced lot.

1030 Ave. C • $39,000 This home is a great investment property. It is currently leased. Features 3BR. 2BA and a workshop.

426 Edgar St. • $27,500 Duplex Investment Property. Currently rented 1 bed, 1 bath each unit.

1026 Hwy. 51 N. • $29,500 NPSD - 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom house.






322 Virginia Ave. • $38,500 Cozy home, totally redone inside and out. New roof, paint inside and out, flooring, kitchen cabinets, new electric stove and refrigerator.




529 Presley Blvd • Commercial Lease

232 S. Cherry St. • $12,500 Great investment. Priced to sell.

26 Cherry Dr. • $15,000

Call for info.



1008 Kori Lane Located in NPSD.

1109 Boyanton Rd. • $155,600 NPSD - THis spacious home can meet all your family needs. It features a den and family room, large kitchen, formal dining room as well as 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.

Hwy. 584 W - $290,000. 0000 Cutrer Road - $88,000 - 40 acres Hunters Paradise. Liberty White Lane - $115,000 Check out this opportunity to own almost 40 acres close to the interstate and new commercial development. The possibilities are endless. .84 acres are inside the city limits and the remaining are outside. Hillcrest Farm - $11,500. Lot 34 Dixie Springs Estate -

711 E. Washington St • $37,000

$17,000. 000 Hwy. 44 McComb - $30,000. 5.8 acres in NPSD. No restrictions. mbkafkd 1063 Quin Ln. - $16,000. plia Hwy. 48 - This is a rare find acreage with lake frontage adjoining Pinehurst Estates on one side. Perfect for a home site or multiple sites. $225,000. +/- 1.94 Acres in Howell Subdivision - Beautiful wooded site with electricity. Only $19,900.


Buy Sell • October-November 2018

623 Louisiana Ave. Let our office help you find your home. Give us a call today.

701 Locust St. $15,000. Corner lot in city. plia 799 Hwy. 585 - $99,000. Pine Grove Lane NE - $68,000 000 Chestnut - $35,000. Lot D Ridgewood Drive $24,000. Paige Drive - $17,900. 000 Quail Ridge Drive - $10,000 (2 Lots)



Residential • Land • Commercial 4080 Hwy. 24 West, McComb, MS 39648


Rick McAlister

Connie McAlister

Broker/Owner 601-218-1150

Realtor/Owner 601-831-0225






OAK HILL ESTATES...Here is one of the nicest properties in Pike County, MS. Nestled on 22+/- Acres with mostly Pasture Land, mature Oaks & Pines, gentle rolling hills, stocked pond (Bass), deer food plot, 2 Beautiful FUrnished homes (3BR/2BA & 2BR/1.5BA), 4 Horses, Barn/Tac Room, Storage Bldg/Shop with 35 HP Kubota Tractor, Zero Turn Mower, 700 Kawasaki Brute Force 4 Wheeler, Tools, including All Furniture and Appliances for $350,000. “This is a Must See” One-Of-A-Kind Property, located 5 minutes from Interstate 55, Exit 8. Give Rick 601-2181150 A Call Today To See! jip@=MMMMMM APRMIMMM






SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE! ENJOY THE BREATHTAKING VIEWS AND PEACEFUL COUNTRY LIVING IN THIS BEAUTIFUL, SPACIOUS, 3500 Sq/Ft HOME on 3 wooded acres, in the Loyd Star School District! This home has 3 levels, 4 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, a living room with a wood burning fireplace, a formal dining room, an office, and a HUGE bonus room! A 600 Sq/Ft workshop equipped with all utilities. The elegant staircase, custom deck railing, and built-in display/storage unit under the stairs, lend impeccable style to ths home. The large master suite has a walk-in closet and a huge bathroom featuring a separate shower, a claw-foot tub, and a double sink vanity. jip@=NOSVVPJAOQRIMMM=EeçìëÉ=~åÇ=P=^ÅêÉëF==√==jip@=NOTRQQJAOSSIRMM=EeçìëÉ=~åÇ=NM=^ÅêÉëF jip@=NOTRQT=J=AOVOIRMM=EeçìëÉ=~åÇ=NUKTN=^ÅêÉëF



Buy Sell Sell• •October-November February-March 2011 Buy 2018



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Connie McAlister

Broker/Owner 601-218-1150

Realtor/Owner 601-831-0225







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Buy Sell • October-November 2018


BLACK HAWK REAL ESTATE 601-276-9551 1136 Hwy. 51 South Summit

FAX 601-276-9552

Gerald Honea REALTOR Cell 601-551-5148

Ray Smith Broker Cell 601-249-6957

Ray Smith, Broker - Home, 601-276-2129 Realtor Associates








2050 W. Topisaw Rd. S., NPSD with 5 Acres This brick with vinyl with new architectural shingle roof on 5 acres is ready for immediate occupancy. House features 3BR’s, 2 1/2 baths, family room, KIt., DR and double garage. Fenced pasture with pond and workshop. $222,000. $208,000


1037 Golf Lane, Summit This executive home is in excellent condition and a must see if you are looking for quality. The kit. has new appliances, new sink, and new granite countertops. House features 3BD, 2 baths, LR, Den, DR/office, screened porch, great patio, double garage and shop building. $254,900.





1110 New York Ave. Looking for a spacious comfortable home in McComb? This 4BR, 4 bath home, featuring sun room, large kit., and large LR will fit the needs of a large family. Priced to sell at $155,000.


Greaet Investment Opportunity 4-Plex, NPSD





This is a quality investment opportunity in a 4-plex NPSD. Each unit has garage, LR, Kit. with appliances, 2BR’s and two baths. Phone Black Hawk for details. 601-2769551, Ray Smith, Broker.






626 Marion Ave., McComb 126 Woodland Ridge Dr.

Ready for retirement then this townhouse is ready for you. Features 3BR’s, 3 baths, modern kit., LR with fireplace, and DR. $165,000.



This 3BR/2BA home has lots of space with the double garage enclosed. Located on corner lot of Marion and Stewart St. close to shopping, hospital and churches. $140,000.

Buy Sell • October-November 2018



Hwy. 51 South, Summit

Ray Smith, Broker - 601-276-9551, 601-276-2129 • Email

Black Hawk Sales People Can Show You Any Listing in this Guide G






6112 Enterprise Rd., Summit This brick home on an acre is located close to medical, banking and shopping. House has been updated with granite countertops. Features include vaulted ceiling LR, 3BR’s, 2baths, modern kit., double garage and covered patio. Ready for you to view. $199,000.









402 Myrtle St. South, McComb This one is a well kept older home in good condition on corner lot. Features 3BR, 1 1/2 bath, LR, DR, modern kit. and utility. Double detached garage. $45,500.

Great retirement or first home in this 2BR, 1 bath cottage with LR, kit. and single carport. Only $33,500.

$18,000 each $12,000 each. Community water available. --Log Cabin and 26.9 acres. plia --New Listing - 28 Acres on Burt Jordan Rd., Franklin County. $3,500/Acre --We are selling and we need your land listing here. Call today for a quick sale. 601-276-9551. --NEW LISTING - 28 Acres Burt Jordan Road in Franklin County. $3,500/Acre. Current survey.


504 Laurel St., Summit

Don’t miss seeing this great family home featuring 4-5BR, 2 baths, featuring hardwood floors, CH/A and fenced yard. $99,500. $89,500.

Black Hawk

1038 Deerfield Rd., NPSD Better hurry on the quality listing in Deerfield Subdivision. This 3BR/2.5BA home features an open plan with spacious kit., vaulted ceiling LR, formal dining and office. Phone 601276-9551 to schedule your appt. to see. $229,900.

Confidential professional office building located near Southwest Regional Medical Center. Serious inquiries only $240,000.


3128 Pike 93 Log Cabin & 26.9 Acres

1401 Vermont Ave., McComb This brick home on corner lot with double garage and fenced yard is priced for a quick sale. Home features formal LR/DR, large kit. and den, 3BR’s and 2.5 baths. Only $139,900.




2087 Barnett Road

This 4 Bedroom, 2 bath 2016 model mobile home is in new condition and ready to be moved to your lot. $64,000. $62,00. MUST BE MOVED.



Hwy. 51

I-55 Edgewood Mall Smithdale Road



710 Avenue B, McComb




To see our Listings go to NEW LISTING - 17+ acres inside Summit city limits with all utilities, water, sewer, electrical, and natural gas on site ready for development. $97,000. --Just listed 13.5 acres Magee Rd., NPSD. Great home site or development property with 1/4 mile road frontage. $85,000. plia LOTS High Point Gated Subdivision, Summit - Three one acre lots available, prices range $25,000 to $35,000. Deed restrictions --Three 1 acre building lots Golf Lane, Summit - Your choice







The home at 1017 features over 2,000 sq. ft. of living space with 3BR’s, 2 baths, double detached carport and a 1500 sq. ft. quonset metal shop building with overhead doors. The home at 1021 is a 1997 double wide featuring 3 BR’s, 2 baths in 1420 sq. ft. of living space with large front porch. Homes are located on a wooded 10.3 acres in North Pike School District. $175,000. MLS 119943

Buy Sell • October-November 2018

This is no doubt the best built log cabin on the market and the 26.9 acres +/- is ready to hunt with food plots and trails. The cabin features 3BRs, 2 1/2 baths, setting balcony overlooking large family room with stone fireplace, the kit. has custom built cabinets and all appliances, breakfast area and large dining room. The handyman in the family will enjoy the large workshop with full power and tractor and equipment shed. $274,900. $265,000.



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Buy Sell • October-November 2018


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Buy Sell • October-November 2018


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Buy Sell • October-November 2018



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Buy Sell • October-November 2018

HOMES • LAND INVESTMENTS 203 Laurel St., Suite B Summit, MS 39666


601-680-4606 NMRN=mêáÅÉÇ~äÉ=aêK=J=qóäÉêíçïåI=jp APUIMMM √=TRS=pcI=N=_ÉÇêççãI=N=_~íÜ √=`çòó=`çíí~ÖÉI=pÉÅäìÇÉÇ √=O=píçê~ÖÉ=pÜÉÇëI=cÉåÅÉÇ=v~êÇ


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Buy Sell • October-November 2018




Buy Sell • October-November 2018


Buy Sell • October-November 2018


Homes and Land Real Estate Co.

Benton Thompson Broker/Owner 601-341-0441

Jennifer T. Gayden REALTOR 601-341-0521

Leal McMullen Broker Assoc. 601-395-9500

Alesia Butler REALTOR 601-810-3140

Sonja Wells REALTOR 601-249-9955

Felicia Thornton REALTOR 601-810-3868



“Our Staff can show and sell you any listing in this Guide.” ING




PNN=NíÜ=píKI=jÅ`çãÄ J=dêÉ~í=ÜçìëÉ=çå=~=ÅçêåÉê äçíI=P=ÄÇêãI=NKR=Ä~K=bñÅÉääÉåí=ëí~êíÉê=çê=áåîÉëíãÉåí éêçéÉêíóK=fí=åÉÉÇë=~=äáííäÉ=qi`K=iáëí=éêáÅÉ=ASVIMMMK jip@=NOSSMS





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NMQP=dÉçêÖÉ=bÇï~êÇI=jÅ`çãÄ=J=jip@=NOSPNT eçãÉë=C=i~åÇ=plia=áí>

521 Argyle St. McComb



3BR/1BA, wood exterior house that needs a lot of work.

SMP= jçÅâáåÖÄáêÇ= aêKI= _êççâÜ~îÉå= J= ^ ÖêÉ~í= éêáÅÉ= ~åÇ= ~= ÖêÉ~í= ÇÉ~ä= J= Q= ÄÇêãLPKR Ä~íÜ=ÄêáÅâ=ÜçãÉ=çå=~=ÅçêåÉê=äçíK=fí=áë=ëé~J Åáçìë= ïáíÜ= O= ã~ëíÉê= ÄÉÇêççãë= ~åÇ= Ä~íÜë áå= É~ÅÜK= ^= ÑáêÉéä~ÅÉI= ÑÉåÅÉÇ= Ä~Åâ= ó~êÇI= O Å~ê=Ö~ê~ÖÉK=fí=Ü~ë=~=Ü~äÑ=Ä~íÜ=áå=íÜÉ=Ä~ÅâJ ó~êÇ= Ñçê= Ä~êÄÉÅìÉÛë= ~åÇ= ÉåíÉêí~áåáåÖK= iáëí éêáÅÉ=AVRIMMMK=jip@=NOTVOO


List price: $9,900 plus a buyer’s premiun of $2,500. Being Sold in auction at and place your bid.

Buy Sell • October-November 2018

NMQ= pK= iáîÉ= l~âI= jÅ`çãÄ= J= pé~Åáçìë ÄêáÅâ= ÜçìëÉI= P_oLNKR_^= åÉÉÇáåÖ= ëçãÉ qi`K= fí= ïáää= ã~âÉ= ~= ÖêÉ~í= ëí~êíÉê= ÜçãÉK jip@=NOUNQNK=iáëí=éêáÅÉ=APVIVMMK





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Homes and Land Real Estate Co.

Benton Thompson Broker/Owner 601-341-0441

Jennifer T. Gayden REALTOR 601-341-0521

Leal McMullen Broker Assoc. 601-395-9500

Alesia Butler REALTOR 601-810-3140

Sonja Wells REALTOR 601-249-9955

Felicia Thornton REALTOR 601-810-3868



“Our Staff can show and sell you any listing in this Guide.”





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Buy Sell • October-November 2018

UMP=máåÉ=aêKI=qóäÉêíçïå=J=jip@=ONTNMQ eçãÉë=C=i~åÇ=plia=áí>

LAND LISTINGS 5.14 Acres +/- on Old Hwy. 24 - Lots of road frontage and previously surveyed. Excellent home site or mobile home site. List price $25,700 or make an offer. 5.14 Acres +/- on Old Hwy. 24 - MAKE AN OFFER! Lots of road frontage and previously surveyed. Excellent home site or mobile home site. List price $25,700 or make an offer. 15.38 Acres Old Hwy. 24 - List price $35,000.


qóäÉêíçïå=lÑÑáÅÉ=J=PMN=cê~åâäáåíçå=píKI qóäÉêíçïåI=jp=PVSST=√==iáÅÉåëÉÇ=áå=jp=~åÇ=i^

Office: 601-876-3409 Fax: 601-876-2971

Alan Bridevaux, Broker 601-249-8436

Members of the New Orleans MLS Service

Gloria Fortinberry, Realtor 601-876-8646

McNeil Mitchell, Realtor 601-876-1638

Ginntown Rd., Tylertown, MS - Rustic log home - “REDUCED”!! This is truly a one-of-a-kind dream home in the country. Resting over a hill in the midst of the trees is this very, very uniquely constructed log home. There is over 6,000 sq ft. under roof w/wrap-around porches that will ABSOLUTELY leave you breathless with all the old ranch/farm cabin appeal & rocking chairs & such. HUGE rustic porches seem to wind around this place forever with beautiful views of the pond & rolling hills out through the hardwood trees. The cabin has one big bedroom and one big bath w/large walk-in shower and old timey tub. On one end of the house is a huge study/office area that’s over 900 sq. feet alone! Bay-type windows completely line one side of this room & open up in sections to allow fine autumn breezes to pass through. Stairs lead from the study to a unique type of upstairs observatory ideal for sipping coffee and enjoying the views. Deer galore on this 17 acre tract! Price slashed $20,000.00 to a ridiculous $179,500. MLS# 126371 617 Ball Ave., Tylertown - Modest home in quiet neighborhood. This is a very nice 2BR,1 BA brick home located not far from downtown Tylertown. Recent upgrades & improvements have been done such as new floor covering, new carpet, new paint inside & out, wiring & new handicap-accessible handrail/ramp built under the carport. Home is super cozy & has approximately 1090 sq. ft. of living space, central heat/AC & nice kitchen open to den & living area. There’s a huge utility room that has another bathroom & shower, an attached carport, and concrete drive. Outside in the front yard is a huge shading hardwood that gives the place a very homey and charming appeal. There’s a large backyard with plenty of room for kids to play or for family cookouts and gatherings. This would make an awesome fit for the small family just starting out or the couple ready to enjoy retirement. Very reasonable priced at $55,000. Call for appt. MLS# 127572 27 Gonzales Rd., Roxie, MS - Cabin surrounded by Homochitto Forest!! Finally, listing that’s always searched for N but RARELY found. For the folks who PE want hunting land & weekend getaway, but haven’t been able to fork out couple hundred grand. This is for the folks who want peace and quiet and a good relaxing time away from the hustle and bustle of the city and the rat race. This is for the folks who wanna do all that in a beautiful scenic part of Mississippi - The Homochitto National Forest. Rustic cabin is located in SE Adams Co. approx. 14 mi. SW of Roxie, MS. Sits way off the county road & nestled under beautiful towering hardwoods. 2BR’s, 1 full bath, laundry room w/washer & dryer staying. It’s approx. 800 sq. ft. and is cooled by 3 A/C units and heated by the same # of heating units. AND ALL furniture & appliances REMAIN! Property is surrounded by Homochitto Forest on front and back sides! Won’t last long at $59,500. MLS# 127670.

Jacob Cantrell, Realtor 601-876-7984

Jason Lee, Realtor Dan Parker, Realtor 601-303-0826 601-248-0670




104 Robert Road, Tylertown, MS - Unique California-style home on lot in beautiful neighborhood. Landscaped, sits on 3/4 acre, 3 car garage and has over 3700SF! Huge living room, decorative windows, his/her lavatories in the MBA. Very spacious kitchen w/island/breakfast bar, 10” ceilings, ceramic and wood flooring, nice sized office as well. MLS# 123127. List price $119,500.

100A New River Road, Tylertown - Camp with frontage on Bogue Chitto River in Tylertown, MS accessed off of New River Road. Cool little place here with 720 square feet anda nice big covered front porch overlooking an awesome scene of the river. Interior of the camp is a 2 bedroom, 1 bath set up and has all new appliances. Accessed down a private drive that is tucked away from any noise. Located min. from I-55 and Magnolia exit. Asking $57,500. MLS# 126641






27 Maplewood Lane, Monticello, MS - This is an amazing place! Huge brick home roughly 4,600SF heated w/about 5100 under roof. Overlooks a 6 ac. stocked lake w/gazebo. In-ground pool, shop w/apartment, big equipment bldg., etc. Approx. 357 acres of park-like property; roughly 30 ac. in pasture 9about 10 of which is awesome dobe field w/dummy power line). Balance of prop. in big timber; approx. 10 yr. old planted pine, 17 & 20 yr. old. Some natural timber roughly 16-17 yrs. old. Trails, food plots, deer stands galore, as well as fishing, deer, turkey, rabbit and other game. Other ponds & seasonal creek also. Fencing and much more. $1,725,000. MLS# 128214

5164 Hwy. 48, McComb - Beautiful 3BR home on just under seven acres that is a stone’s throw from Percy Quin State Park in Pike County, MS. Home is situated right outside city limits of McComb and has a country feel to it, however it is a short drive to restaurants, shopping, and the interstate. Home has everything you need from a two car garage and private home office to a spacious workshop out back with a roll up door for lawn mowers, boats, or atvs. House sits in the middle of the property putting you far enough off the highway to have some privacy, but far enough from the private lake to give you plenty of room in the back yard for a garden or other activities. Make your appointment today to come see this stunning custom home on the water. Asking $375,000. MLS# 127695


Buy Sell • October-November 2018

116 B Old River Rd., Tylertown, MS - Come sit on the deck overlooking the Bogue Chitto River with a nice fire in the pit. Secluded camp on 3.5 acres. 4 bedroom, 2 bath with a large open living area with a pond. Camp is set up to sleep up to 11 people, would make an excellent family camp. MLS# 127352. $199,000.

150 Oilfield Rd., Other, MS - Stunning log home on 402 acres overlooking a beautiful stocked lake. Home has 3BR/3BA with large rooms. Large front porch overlooking lake. Property is heavily wooded with open areas. A great combination for everyone. An additional stocked lake is behind the house along with miles of trails and numerous food plots for the hunter. A true one of a kind property in south Mississippi. Shown by appointment only. Listed at $1,650,000. MLS# 127628.



RE Office: 601-876-3409 Fax: 601-876-2971 Members of the New Orleans MLS Service

711 Ball Ave., Tylertown, MS - Cozy home in town - brick home on Ball Ave. in a very quiet & peaceful neighborhood in Tylertown. 2BR/1BA. There’s roughly 1050 sq. ft. of living area and besides the bedrooms & bath there’s a laundry room, spacious den, & large kitchen open to the dining area. A huge attached, single car garage is through the door right off the kitchen & has remote door opener. There is much more space for storage even after the space for your vehicle. Listed at $64,500. Call for appt. MLS# 127721.

193 Johnnie Foxworth Rd., Tyleown, MS - Huge spacious home on 21 acres in East Walthall County. This well built brick home is perfect for a family looking for some room to spread out as well as have a convenient drive to Tylertown or Columbia. The front yard is well manicured and has a park like setting, while the backyard is wooded creating a perfect place to set up a cuple of deer stands for hunting season. Appointment only. Asking $199,999. MLS# 126928

100 Front St., Tylertown - Lg. brick home on 12 ac. IN TOWN. Located in beautiful neighborhood on the NW end of Tylertown is this 4BR, 2 full BA & 2 half BA home. Gorgeous setting w/house kinda perched on hill overlooking an attractive landscaped w/large trees all around & scattered throughout this enormous property. Home is approx. 2500+SF living area, about 3400 under roof w/formal DR & LR, HUGE sunken den w/cathedral ceiling & upper large bay windows. Outside is 12 acres with beautiful trees scattered throughout the yard, and the bulk being wooded w/seasonal creek. Needs TLC, maybe remodeling. Already one of the most grogeous setting in town; needs an owner with vision and can be one of the biggest eyepoppers in county! Listed at ONLY $125,000. MLS# 128260

262 Airline Hwy., Walthall Co. - A true showplace on 38.5 acres. 3552 SF home with 3BR/4BA and large great room. Swimming pool, large patio area with a hot tub. Large barn and 30 acres of pine timberland with a large stocked pond. A must see property. $499,500. MLS# 124457.

1605 Wellman Dr., Brookhaven, MS - Three bedroom, 1 bath house on 5 acres in the Wellman/Enterprise community. This house would make a great starter home for a young family with kids looking for a great school district. This would also make for a great investment for some rental income. Make your appointment today. Asking $80,000. Appointment only. $70,000. MLS# 126907

506 Beulah Ave., Walthall Co. - One of Tylertown’s oldest homes located on Beulah Ave. 3BR/1BA, formal dining and living room, large wrap around front porch. Spacious kitchen and bedrooms. Well maintained and move in ready. $109,500. MLS# 123776

172 Hwy. 48 West, Tylertown - Very nice brick home on 4.7 acres less than 5 minutes from Tylertown on Hwy. 48 E. Home has 3 bedrooms and 1 bath, an outside storage shed on a beautiful piece of property. Only asking $83,500. MLS# 128259

14 Riverbend, Tylertown, MS - Attention Investors! This mobile home needs some work, but could be purchased for a steal. It sits on 2 acres just north of Warnerton on a dead end road in a nice neighborhood. Would make an excellent investment property or weekend get away. Sold AS IS WHERE IS. Asking $32,500. MLS# 127032

40 Mesa Road, Tylertown, MS - 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on 15 beautiful acres, fenced and open just 3 miles out of town in a very nice area. MLS# 127196. $149,000.

284 Mail Route Road, Columbia, MS - Beautiful home & 170.5 Acres on Mail Route Rd. in south Marion County. This is an all around special property as it covers about every need you could imagine for a family homestead/getaway. Very well kept 1829 square foot home with front & back porches sits well off the road & gives you the perfect secluded feel. Interior of the home has the warm feel of granite counter tops, new flooring throughout & has a 3BR/2BA layout. Beside the main residence, there’s a 30x60 on slab shop w/a big lean off the rear that will store every need you could have. 25 acres of the land fenced for cattle (approx. 15 acres of imporved pastured) with a nice pond & barn that possesses a corral area along with a small holding area. The balance of the property has been setup magnificently for a hunting enthusiast. Miles of trails, 8 food plots, box stands & a very nice hardwood bottom that would make for some excellent bow hunting. All around deal at $779,000. MLS# 127735.


Buy Sell • October-November 2018

1655 Carmel-New Hope Rd., Monticello, MS - Executive home on 20+/- acres with pond and just outside of Monticello, MS. This home features 4 bedrooms with its own private full bath along with walk in closets. The large master bath features a whirlpool tub, separate shower and a large walk in closet. This home also features a large game room with sink for entertaining guests, an office and separate bonus room. Also, an in ground pool lying off of the large back porch for endless family entertainment. Other features include a Viking range, Sub-Zero appliances, granite counter tops, three gas log fireplaces, two tankless water heaters and three heat/cooling units for energy efficiency. In the rear of home is a 40’x60’ metal shop/storage building suitable for a RV or boat with plenty of room to spare. With over 4000 sq. ft. of living area this is truly a place to see and only a 20 minute drive from Brookhaven. MLS# 127292. List price: $574,500.


241 Berry Rd., Sandy Hook, Ms - 2 houses & 65 acres on creek! In deep SW Marion County & only 15 minutes SE of Tylertown is an A-1 getaway & hunting/recreational property. 2 camps on 65 acres, each being approx. 760 sq. ft. One is 1BR, 1BA w/kitchen, breakfast area, den, covered back deck, & all furniture & appliances remain! The 2nd is 2BR, 1BA framed in & watertight; just ready for you to finish out the inside. Both are about 5 years old. There’s also a storage shed for tools & equipment & tractor shed; tractor & implements are included w/sale. The property is big rolling hills & consists of roughly 53 acs. in approx. 22 yr. old planted pine, perimeter road around 3 sides w/the entire southern border being a nice flowing creek (Hurricane Creek). There are 3 food plots, each w/box stand, other trails & cross trails throughout. A fruit orchard is toward the south end of prperty w/pears, peaches, plums, nectarines, figs, mulberries, blueberries, & thonless blackberries. Asking $309,500. MLS# 127060

Office: 601-876-3409 Fax: 601-876-2971 Members of the New Orleans MLS Service

REDUCED!! 14 Acres on beautiful Magee’s Creek! A property that rarely comes on the market is finally available! This tract is approximately 5 minutes SE of Tylertown off Ginntown Rd. with an attractive gated entrance across from the Tylertown Country Club. Down a private gravel road & more than a mile off public road sits this 14 acres laced with big hardwoods around small open field areas, very scenic! There’s roughly 700 ft. of frontage on the locally famous Magee’s Creek, a wide flowing creek, popular for kayaking, canoeing, and has some of the finest fishing in the entire area! There are also 2 ponds on this property, each fed constantly by the same artesian well. The owner also put a free-flowing well on the property, along with a septic tank. This tract makes the word ‘Getaway’ jump right into your mind! All you need is your camper or lumber to build your cabin. These type listings do NOT last long, so call for apt. today. Big price reduction from $130,000 to just $109,500! MLS#125432

28536 Cheif Rd., Angie, LA (Washington Parish) - Very nice 2 bedroom camp overlooking the Pearl River in Angie, LA. Large back deck, perfect for a family weekend getaway. Secluded on the high side of the river. MLS# 127376. List price: $127,900.

Beautiful 2 story home on 20 acres this 3BR, 2 1/2 BA home is immaculate and located approx. 10 minutes south of Columbia, MS. It features a spacious living room, large kitchen w/breakfast bar, wood floors, bay windows & big master bath w/huge garden tub. There’s a 2 car garage w/storage, covered porch across the front as well as covered back patio that’s ideal for entertaining. Property is approx. 3 to 4 acres open w/balance in 10 plus year old planted pines that could use thinning now, generating an immediate income. Also, there are shooting lanes & a deer stand or two. This is an exquisite hilltop country setting, secluded down a small lane away from traffic and FAR away from the hustle & bustle of the city. Listed at only $249,500. MLS# 122579. OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE FOR QUALIFIED BUYERS. Call for appt.

5136 Gatesville Rd., Harrisville, MS (Simpson County) - Country home on 96.26 acres with Pearl River frontage in northwest Simpson County on Gatesville Road. Situated only 8 miles from I-55, the property offers easy access yet has that country seclusion everyone wants. Land is approximately 1/2 wooded with towering pines & hardwoods, balance in pen pasture with 2 ponds & good fencing & cross fencing. Property also has over 1/4 mile of high-side river frontage that is lined with big beautiful hardwoods and has a couple places where you can get down to a smaller sandbar. The home is an older 1,200 square foot farmhouse with a nice carport that was remodeled in the early 80’s and is in great condition. Residence possess a 2 bedroom, 2 bath setup and can be easily converted into a 3 bedroom if needed. There is a nice screened in sun room on the rear of the house and just across the yard sits nice workshp with a lean-to storage area. A truly rare find with the ability to have livestock, hunting, and fishing. MLS# 127484. List price: $399,000.

20 Bullock Rd., Tylertown, MS - Country home & 66 acres of 12 yr. old planted pine. Excellent stand of timber! House is very neat and clean; has been very well kept over the years and is very appealing from the road. This place appears to be the definition of a beautiful country home in a very peaceful area. Gorgeous yard w/pecan tree, pear tree, fig tree & blueberry bushes; as well as azaleas, day lilies, and yellow bells, just a very attractive country place. $279,500. MLS# 127808

One of a kind! True cabin on approx. 4 acres located in the secuded area of south west Walthall County near the LA line. Good country setting and being just 1500 feet from the Bogue Chitto River. The cabin is new 1,500 sq. foot heated and cooled construction all in beautiful wood interior possessing 2 large bedrooms downstairs w/1.5 baths and 1 bedroom upstairs with a bath also having a loft room overlooking the living room. The exterior is treated log and has a metal roof. Front and back porches span 30x8 with the rear porch screened in and the front porch with rocking chairs overlooking the front yard. This is a truly remarkable property with tons of fun to offer as a getaway or a home. Come and see at $149,000. MLS# 121623


98 West Lexi Rd., Tylertown, MS - Immaculate new brick home and 18 acres located on Ed Magee Road situated S. of Tylertown and1 mile N. of the MS/LA line. Home consists of 2,476 sq. ft. heated & cooled with a total of 3,587 sq. ft. under roof consissting of a nice front porch, a very neat outdoor entertaining area, & a 2 car attached garage. Layout ahs a 4BR/3BA setup with a sprawling open floor planw ith the ktichen flowing into the living room. Throughout the interior you will find granite countertops, stained concrete floors, high end stainless appliances, over sized closets, 2 hot water heater & 2 ac units for comfort. Residence is tucked away behind field planted 11 year old pines with a winding driveway for access. There is a 30x30 shop with 2 roll up doors for all your storae needs. Balance of land is in plantation with a nice little hardwood draw crossing the center of property. There is also road frontage on Ed Magee Rd. for a little hunting & recreational fun. $350,000. MLS# 127836.


Buy Sell • October-November 2018

518 Old Hwy. 24 West, Marion Co. - Virtually new 2012 custom built 3BR/2BA, 2560SF with fireplace, huge master suite with garden tub and generous shower. Kitchen appliances stay (has monster fridge!). Storm rated Zone. 25 acres of ready to thin 12 year old plantation pines. $149,500. MLS# 120972

38.4 Acres Timberland •Approx. 10 miles SE of Tylertown is this nice tract of pine plantation sizing just under a square 40. There’s roughly 20 acres of 23 yr. old w/15 acres of 15 year old, and balance in open land and mixed woods. There’s approx. 1200 ft. of rd. frontage, power nearby & abundant wildlife. This one would make an awesome hunting tract and excellent timber investment. Also a detailed survey is available. This property has a lot of potential and priced right. MLS# 125304. $109,440.

40089 Mini Fortenberry Rd., Mt. Hermon, LA •Fixer Upper on 6 acres. The Triple One’s - 1BR/1BA, approx. 1 year old is this very nice & secluded house sitting back off public road on 6 acres. This relatively new construction is unfinished and just yelling out for someone to apply the finihsing touches & move in. Most of the material needed to completel the house is on site & comes w/the sale. There’s approx. 1,000 SF H&C, wood floors, nice kit. w/breakfast bar that’s open to LR. Beautiful view of property coming off the back of the den area. Huge covered deck, ideal for porch swings or gathering w/family and cooking out. MS/LA state line goes through toward the south end of surveyed 6 acres. About 3/4 of ancre is in Louisiana w/the house & remainindg 5 1/4 being in Walthall Co. $59,500. MLS# 126689

1600 Acres +/- Located on Ragland Lane in Bogalusa, LA. This may be one of the last Great Hardwood hunting retreats this far south. Property is completely setup for hunting and recreation with miles ad miles of gravel roads (heavy duty steel bridges crossing waterways) throughout the whole property accessing just about every point on the land. There are numerous large planted food plots (15+) along with shooting lanes scattered about. Property is very diverse with having everything from cypress sloughs with virgin cypress to a large 15 acre plus lake possessing a great duck hunting solution and 1 mile of frontage on an old oxbow lake. All filled with white perch, tabby cats, and bream. That’s not all - property also has 1/2 of a mile of frontage on the Pearl River in two different areas - both areas are high on a bluff and remains of an old camp can be found overlooking the bend in the river. In the northwest area of the property has frontage on Pushapatapa Creek + more. $1,495/acre. MLS# 121516

100 Moses Lane, Prentiss, MS • Hunters/Getway setup located north of Hwy. 84 just west of Prentiss on Moses Lane. Amazing setup here with 2 sleeping quarters that are separated by an outdoor entertaining area that fits anyone’s needs. First sleeping quarters has a full kitchen, bunks & full bath. The 2nd quarters is larger & is 2 story with full kitchen, nice living room, 2 full baths & a bunk room that can sleep 6. An ATV & feed shed (16x20), skinning shed with electric hoist and water (24x13), tractor shed (21x28). Land is completely loaded with 25+ year old pine plantation with a beautiful stocked pond that has its own well. Property is covered in trails set up with 3 big box stands. Great setup and ready for the next owner to come on in! $214,500. MLS# 128014.

Hwy 43N, Marion Co. - 2 story cabin and unlimited recreation on 183+/- acres! Recently updated, top to bottom, 2 living rooms, 2 kitchens, 6BR/3BA, open living plan, lg. screened porch overlooks lake! Also features 2 pavilions, barn, seasonal creek, foodplots, shooting lanes. Acreage is 10-14 yr. old pine, scattered hardwoods, exlnt trails, 1400’ private access road. $795,000. MLS# 125630

Perrytown Rd., Wilkinson Co. - “Man Camp” & 315 acres that adjoin the Homochitto Nat’l Forest on 2 sides. 15 yr. old pines, hardwoods, Homochitto River frontage, 6 lg. food plots, interior roads, duck sloughs. Awesome getaway investment! $1,250,000. MLS# 125474

Office: 601-876-3409 Fax: 601-876-2971 Members of the New Orleans MLS Service


229 Brockdale Rd., Tylertown - Opportunity in the country, large country store/restaurant opportunity is about 10 miles SW of Tylertown and less than 1 mi. from Bogue Chitto River canoeing & campground facilities. Store dates back several years but was recently completely remodeled inside, re-wired & re-plumbed, new septic system, the works! Now has beautiful wood flooring, all new furnishings, and equipment needed to run this type of business. There are 2 restrooms, large walk-in cooler & breakfast bar in this 2600 plus SF facility. Equipment remaining includes big commercial oven, 3 compartment sink, gas fryer, a tabletop electric fryer, huge commercial refrigerator, big freezer, 6 burner griddle, steamer table and much more. As mentioned, very nice tables and chairs throughout most of the area for lots of customer seating. Being located close to the campground and canoe rental can be a huge advantage. Building sits on one acre so plenty of area for parking. MAJOR REDUCTION. $59,000!!! MLS# 123095


1612 Hwy. 27, Jayess, MS - Tons of potential in this commercial property sitting at the corner of Hwy. 44 and Hwy. 27 in Sartinville comm. Property features a building that has been used as a gas station, a country store, and mostly recently a restaurant as well as a large shop with 4 bays for doing all kinds of car maintenance. Behind the two main buildings are three outbuildings for storage. With a little work and a little imagination this property could generate several revenue streams for an entrepreneur or investor alike. Come start your commercial real estate empire today. Asking $165,000. MLS# 125939

Buy Sell • October-November 2018



Office: 601-876-3409 Fax: 601-876-2971 www.doug r ushing Members of the New Orleans MLS Service

WALTHALL COUNTY 48 Acres • 48 Acres +/- located at the corner of Old State Line and Old Settlement Road with road frontage on both roads. Property consist of approx. 2/3 wooded with towering hardwoods that follows a hollow that runs east and west through the property. Acreage is balanced in two sections of pasture. The first pasture has frontage on Old State Line road and the other small pasture area is accessed off of Old Settlement road. Both pastures have fencing and one has a nice sized pond situated in the hardwoods. Very well priced hunting, livestock, and hardwoods property.

$21,000 • MLS#127640 15 Acres • Nice home sites. 15 acres of mostly wooded property with frontage on 2 roads. Hwy 48 and Johnston Smith Rd. Very nice home site in a great area of Walthall County.

List price: $52,500 • MLS#127378 8 Acres • Located Lawrence Reid Road north of Tylertown, MS off of Hwy. 583. Nice small tract here that has scattered pines up front and a bit thicker in the rear of the property. Nice little trail around and through the property. Land has an owned 30’ access. Newly surveyed.

Asking $40,000 • MLS#126588 2 Acres


• Located south of Tylertown in the Lexie Community. Lot is fully cleared and has a home pad in place. Great little location and is situated about 6 miles north of the MS/LA line.

Asking $15,000 • MLS#126643 30 Acres • Great small property that has it all! About 2/3 wooded and 1/3 open pasture. Great place to build a camp, have a getaway, or permanent home. Power is on ptoperty & offers great hunting. Great location, less than 5 min. from Tylertown on Hwy 48E.

36 Acres

174 Acres

• 36 Acres timber/hunting property. This is a very attractive stand of 14 year old plantation pine about 10 minutes SW of Tylertown & only 15 miles east of Magnolia & I-55. Located over 1/4 mile off the county road this tract has a very appealing entrance on a private drive leading back to the gate. Terrain in & around the area is absolutely gorgeous rollin g hills & beautiful views. TImber on this tract sustains a healthy appearnce as it looks older than 14 years. It is also immediately surrounded by other timberland & deer & turkey are abundant in this area as the property is less than a mile off the Bogue Chitto River. This would make an awesome hunting property as well as a top notch place to build a permanent home! The entire area is absolutely beautiful!

• 174+ acres of pine plantation located in SW Lincoln County, MS. This property’s timber breakdown consists of about 140 acres of 8 year old pine plantation with 30 acres of 4 year old. It sits in the coveted West Lincoln School District and there are several home sites within walking distance of this tract that the owner currently has for sale as well. This area is loaded with deer and turkey and is about a 20 min. drive away from Lake Okhissa. At $2,850/acre this tract is one of the better deals in the area. Make your appointment to come see this tract today.

$479,000 • MLS#127324

10.35 Acres

Hammond Rd. • 40 acres consisting of mainly 6-7 yr. old plantation pine and a large food plot. 12 acres to the south of the road and 28 to the north of the road, community water and power. North portion has been tested and does have a large gravel deposit of good value. Great lil hunting tract with a little bit of dozer work. $117,000 • MLS#125718

• Commercial land with Highway 98 frontage right by the Bogue Chitto River in Pike County. This property sits next to and behind Hilltop Gas Station on 98 and also has frontage on Dogwood Trail.

LAWRENCE COUNTY 21.2 Acres • 21.2 acres located on Sauls Road in Ruth, MS. Property is situated in the southwest portion of Lawrence County and adjoins the Lincoln County line. Tract is all cutover with about a 3 year regrowth along with some new trails mulched in. Property does have 700 foot of road frontage (with good home sites) and the power is located about 100 ft. away.

List price: $42,379 • MLS#127379 283 James Cox Rd. • Multipurpose buiding on one acre right outside of Monticello that is convenient to Hwy. 84 and Hwy. 27. This 40x60 metal building is on a slab and would make an excellent deer camp or shp for a small business. The previous tenent had the downstairs set up as a music studio and the upstairs loft as his living quarters. The upstairs has running water and several bunk beds for plenty of people to sleep. The downstairs has two living areas as well as a bedroom. There is also a large kitchen area and a 20x40 garage/storage are that could be turned into additional bunks for a deer camp. Make your appointment today.

Asking $99,900. • MLS#126358

MARION COUNTY Hwy. 43 South • 16 Acres of waterfront property on Pearl River about 12 miles S. of Columbia. Beautiful hardwood, pine timber, duck slough, boat launch adjoining at SW corner. $89,500 • MLS#113369

Listed at $37,500 • MLS#128123 4.5 Acres • Right outside town in excellent area THAT DOES NOT FLOOD! Come build your dream home or country getaway in woods on this small acre tract with tons of potential. ITS only 3.5 miles from red light in down Tylertown, but feels like you are WAY out in country. WIth water and power at road, this piece of heaven is ready to go. Owner/Agent.

$24,500 • MLS#127999 25 Acres • Located on Carto Rd., Tylertown. Property is settled approx. 2 mi. out of city limits of Tylertown but is far enough out to make for great little hunting tract with deer signs all over place. Tract has excellent home-site that has scattered hardwoods with power & electricity on site (Also has 350’ of elevation). Balance of tract is rolling topography and has young pine and saw tooth oak mix. 3 sides of property has freshly done perimeter trail. Great opportunity to build that getaway or home you have always wanted. Owner/Agent

Asking $60,000 • MLS#126531

WILKINSON COUNTY Sam Leake Rd. • 178 acres timberland w/64 ac. in 20+ yr. old pine, 64 ac. 3 yr. old pine, 42 ac. lg. hardwoods along creek and internal drains. Only 1/4 mile SW of Buffalo River and has creek frontage on Dry Fork Creek (200-300 feet). Good internal roads and ready for hunting.

$495,000 • MLS#121908

315 Acres

National Forest/ and a Man Camp located on Perrytown Road in Wilkinson County, MS. Located in a area known for its prized wildlife you also have access to the National Forest on 2 sides. Property consist of approx 1/2 in 15 yo plantation with some mixed in mature pine saw timber and 1/2 in towering hardwoods. Throughout the hardwood area we have water sources from small duck sloughs to drainage creeks that look to flow year round with ATV crossings. The north line of the property looks to touch the Homochitto River on the high side giving for an incredible view. Plantation stand is excellent and will need a good thinning soon. Topography of the property is very mild for Wilkinson County (see topographical map). A very well laid out trail system will get you to every corner of the property including access to 6 large planted food plots and most of them have high density feeders. New well-built box stands are all positioned perfectly in all of the food plots but 1 and there are numerous areas in the hardwoods for climbers and lean-to stands. Secluded off the road is a 2 year old shop/camp that includes: bunk room, bathroom w/ shower, living room set up with fireplace, TV's, full kitchen, and it is heated and cooled. Man Camp does have a lean-to shed attached to it but even better there is an already constructed foundation that is plumbed - ready for the main cabin to be built. And also attached, is a very well done deer cleaning room with winch and drain. This place does have it all from Virgin Hardwoods to Recliners in the Kitchen

$1,250,000 • MLS#125474

Asking $3,250/Ac. • MLS#128258 10 Acres • 10 wooded acres just above LA line, awesome little tract roughtly 2mi. above stateline on Hwy. 27 in Walthall Co. Only 45 minutes from north shore this 10 acre parcel will make great getaway spot for you to build your 2nd home, camp, or simply park your camper and enjoy some downtime from city. Made up of mixed hardwoods & pine, deer, turkey & rabbit are abundant. Wildlife is a-plenty in this are ESPECIALLY being located only about a mile from famous Magee’s Creek & Bogue Chitto River. Small timbered tracts with convenient location like this just don’t come on the market that often, so it won’t last long.

Listed at only $119,500 • MLS#127877


List price: $125,000 • MLS#127605 4 Acres • 4 Acres located on Ethan Fortenberry Road in Tylertown, MS. Rare find here with 4 acres of pasture with scattered shade trees throughout and a nice small pond for livestock. Property is fully fenced (new) and is cross fenced giving way for two (2) acre fields. We also have a nice 3 bay barn/storage building and a nice home sits just beside it. Land has community water on site and power ran into property. This would be a great little mini farm or a nice place to build.



60 Acres • SECLUDED home site on 60 acres! Approx. 10 miles SE of TYlertown just into Marion County is this beautiful 60 acre tract already fixed up w/a secluded home site way back at the end of a l ong winding driveway. A home burned down there years ago, so the slab is still there; as is what was the back deck oving the in-ground swimming pool. This site is unseen from what is a short, dead-end road with practically zero traffic, make this THE property for the folks who like their privacy! With the home site & driveway being approx. 2 to 3 acres, that leaves roughly 56 or so being in LARGE pine timber and mixed hardwoods. Wildlife is abundant and there are trails, hills, and a branch creek that runs through the property. With power, water, septic, and slab already in place, the possibilities are numerous.

Listed at only $179,500. • MLS#127157 40 Acres • Located on Mt. Sinai Road in Morgantown/Marion County, MS. FUlly wooded property here with good road frontage with access to power. Property has been untouched for almost 34 years and is scattered with mature pines and oaks throughout the whole tract. This tract is situated in an excellent area just up from the Taylor Farms and just south of Red Bluff. Land is ready for you to make it as-you-like.

Asking $120,000 • MLS#127145

•130 acres located on Joe Dear Rd. in NW Simpson Co., MS. Property is situated approx. 11 miles from I-55 and sits 10 miles south of Florence. Well priced timber/recreational hunting tract in a good area. Timber consist of 45 acres of 10 year old plantation, 30 acres of new cutover, with a balance hardwood bottoms where the creeks are located. The sandy bottom creek system on this propety is like no other and gives it excellent hunt-ability throughout the whole tract - deer tracts all over the fresh logging road.

Asking $2,350/Acre • MLS#127837

PEARL RIVER COUNTY 1.27 Acres • This is a beautiful 1.27 acre (MOL) lot on Silver Ln. in the ehart of the coveted Anchor Lake Subdivision. Lot is covered with large azaleas that hide it from the road giving you plenty of privacy as well as a beautiful view. Lot gently rolls down to a nice dock on a canal that gives you boating access to Anchor Lake. This means all kinds of summer activities on the water. Power and water are currently available on the lot and an older well is also located on the property. (The working condition of the well is unknown.) Only an hour drive from Covington, New Orleans and Hattiesburg.

$39,500 • MLS#127566


• Located on Carto Rd., Tylertown. Property is settled approx. 2 mi. out of city limits of Tylertown but is far enough out to make for great little hunting/recreational tract. Land is mostly wooded with young pine and sawtooth mix along with a beautiful hardwood bottom at south of property. Home-site has been freshly cleared and good trail system has been put in place & includes 3 perimeter lanes opened up. Home-site has 350’ elevation point & has access to community water and power. Property is ready for “The Camp” or “New Home” you have been thinking about. Owner/Agent.

• 5.21 Acres on Brandi Lane located in Summit, MS. Property possesses over 200 ft. of frontage on Bogue Chitto River and has excellent cleared campsite/home-site overlooking river with raised small shp and river pier. Total of 5.21 surveyed areas you have plenty of room to have multiple home sites if need bed. Tract is sitauted down a private roadway back off in woods so if it privacy you want, you got it! Homesite has power & water! Excellent fishing/canoeing property.

obar`ba> • Turnkey 40 hunting property on state line - 40 acres timberland approx. 3 miles NW of Angie, LA already set up and equipped w/practically all you need! This property is loaded with 20 plus yr. old planted pine timber w/mixed hardwoods, has food plots, deer stands, rolling hills & more deer & turkey than you can shake a stick at. Located a few miles west of HWY 21 above Angie & w/the northern property line being on the state line, it’s only 1 hour north of Covington, making it an easy drive from the north shore. WITH THE SALE are 2 campers fully equipped w/BR’s, BA’s, appliances, furniture, AC/Heat, covered eck, storage shed w/skinning area, tractor, implements, 4 wheeler, various tools, deer stands (ladder & box), feeders & more, power & septic system in place, turn-key-deal

$60,450 • MLS#127996

Asking $70,000 • MLS#128029

List Price: $179,500. • MLS#127211

$83,750 • MLS#127997 13.5 Acres


PIKE COUNTY 5.21 Acres


Buy Sell • October-November 2018

601-249-3400 McComb, MS •

Jo-Jo Kent 601-810-6371

Ron Rushing 601-249-7684

Steve Rushing 601-303-9900

Alan Bridevaux 601-249-8436

Blake Bridevaux 601-395-2619

Seth Touchstone 601-248-9656

Amy Watts 225-281-1714

Max Stinson 601-303-0043

Cliff Magee 601-551-0670

1171 Nelson Drive, McComb, MS Executive style home situated on approximately 108 acres. This home is U D located at the dead end of a county RE road that offers great seclusion. Property has two large ponds that offer great fishing. Property has approx. 1,000 ft. frontage on the Bogue Chitto River with its own rock bar, great for camping, swimming, canoeing, tubing, fishing or picnicking. Property is mostly hardwoods with two large food plots, excellent for deer or turkey hunting. Home has approx. 3,677 sq. ft. of living area with 4 bedrooms, 3 baths and 2 half baths. Home is quality construction with solid wood doors, large molding, hardwood floors, granite countertops, butlers pantry, study with built in bookcases, argon gas filled double pane windows, spray foam insulation, large master suite with large walk in shower and garden tub. The kitchen has commercial grate appliances, 5 burner Viking gas cooktop, sub zero refrigerator, double convection oven and a Bosch stainless steel dishwasher. To many amenities to list. MLS# 127053. List price: $699,900.

1026 Northwest Avenue, McComb, MS - Beautiful Lake Front Property...Unbelievable views best describes what you will find. The home has approx. 2880SF of living area, 3 bedrooms with office area that couldbe used as a 4th bedroom, 3 full baths, spacious den with built ins and gas log fireplace, kitchen w/lots of cabinets and island, cathedral ceiling, large sun-room and screened in lounging area, low maintenance (vinyl siding & metal roof), and large rear deck across the rear of home overlooking the lake and fishing gear. The home sits on 2.09 acres and has over 700’ of lake frontage, fantastic fishing, large shade trees, conveniently located to shopping & medical facilities. MLS# 127256. Listed at $199,500.

2091 Smithburg Road - Osyka, MS Gated Country home on 17.38 acres in a Park Like setting!! This home features 2,592SF of living area, 3/4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, spacious kitchen with lots of cabinets, large den, dining room, sun room, open floor plan and a whole house generator, the perfect place for entertaining, family gatherings and much more... The property has gently rolling terrain, mature timber, winding drive leading to home, blacktop road frontage, good hunting, great pond site, 30’ x 50’ galvanized steel open shed perfect for keeping vehicles, tractors, RV and or ATV’s out of the weather, there is also a new 26’ x 60’ enclosed and insulated shop building with three roll up doors. Both buildings have electricity an dwater. Sit on the back deck and enjoy nature, ride four wheelers, hunt and enjoy country life at its finest for only $350,000. Located just north of the LA line in south Pike County. Additional acreage available. MLS# 128064.

120 New Home Church Rd., Jayess, MS - Secluded Log Cabin on 40 wooded acres in Walthall County with a nice pond. Home sits way back off the road with beautiful views of the pond, the mature pine and hardwood timber, the blueberry orchard and the abundant wildlife that frequent the yard. THere is an outdoor kitchen with patio area and hot tub and a great front porch for relaxing. Outback you will find multiple barns, sheds and workshop. This property checks all the boxes on most country home buyers checklist complete package. $325,000. MLS# 127852






2502 Highway 44 E - Columbia, MS - What a great multi-use property. The home is built into the side of a hill with concrete and masonry walls and ceilings, you could not find a better storm getaway, the patios and porches are set up for entertaining and relaxing with a great view of the stocked pond. The 4 bedroom, 2 bath home has been updated and remodeled. The 92 acres of land is mostly wooded with trails (four wheeler riding and hunting), food plots and a couple of barns. Good pine timber, a great pond, lots of wildlife and very convenient to Harrisburg and Columbia. All for $450,000. MLS# 127846.


1002 Chesterfield Dr., McComb - Spacious! Spacious! Home overlooking 2.03 acres. As you enter through the front door you immediately feel and see the endless possibilities of family entertainment and comfort viewing the very large den with stone fireplace, cathedral ceilings, wet bar and floor to ceiling glass offering fantastic views of the fenced back yard and in ground pool. The home offers 5/6 Bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, approx. 4870SF of living area, formal dining, spacious kitchen w/lots of cabinets and breakfast area, large library/office, master bedroom has his/her walk-in closets, sunken-jetted tub, 2 car garage, and so much more. Outside you find beautiful shade trees, in groun pool, nice landscaping, lare wooden fenced in back yard, nice back patio for entertaining and concrete drive leading to the home. Located approx. 1 1/2 miles west of the south McComb exit/I-55. MLS# 127296 List Price $279,000.

Buy Sell • October-November 2018


Office: 601-249-3400 McComb, MS www.doug r ushing

918 College St., McComb - Make your appointment to view this brick home located on a corner lot with fenced in back yard. Home would be an excellent starter or retirement home. Home has approx. 1,562SF of living area with 3BR/2BA. Home has an attached 3 car carport with concrete driveway. Home has C H/A. Make your appointment to view this listing today. MLS# 128102. List price $64,000.

301 N. James Ave., McComb - This brick home located on a corner lot would be an excellent starter home or retirement home. Home has approx. 1,990 sq. ft. of living space. Home has 3BR/1BA, with additional stand up shower in the 2nd BR. Home has beautiful hardwood floors, large living room, large dining room and a sun room. Home has C H/A. Corner lot has a detached carport and a well maintained yard. Home is conveniently located to medical facilities, churches, shopping, restaurants and schools. Make your appt. to view this charming home. MLS# 126630. Price: $74,900.

4025 Highway 51, McComb, MS - 3BR wood frame home on 2 1/2+ acres located approx. 3/4 mile south of Hwy. 98 on Hwy. 51. Home has approx. 1292SF of living area, formal dining & living room, country kitchen, window units, gas space heaters, 10’x27’ porch across the front, carport, storage building, large shade trees, pecan tree, two large fig trees with frontage on Hwy. 51, Mary Dr. and CC Bryant St. MLS# 127509. List price $49,000.

1011 Griffin Rd., Magnolia, MS - Home and 38 acres with the most beautiful setting in Pike Co. 2758’ of living space with 3BR/3BA, indoor pool with perfect deck over-looking pond. Stocked pond, beautiful pasture for horse and cattle. Mixed in timber-land for hunting. Barn and shop, stalls and tack room for keeping horses. MLS# 124722. Reduced to $279,999

714 Ave. L, McComb - Excellent investment opportunity! This 1689 sq. ft., 5 bedroom, 2 bath house would make an awesome fixer upper for your residence or rental property. MLS# 126672. Price: $17,000.

87 Mt. Moriah, Tylertown, MS - Ranch style brick overlooking 35 wooded acres. Home has approx. 1713 SF of living space, 3BR/1BA, country kitchen, spacious den with wood burning fireplace, central air/heat and carport. Property has frontage on 2 county roads, large shade trees around home, hardwood drains, good hunting, mostly 4 yr. old planted pines and is located approx. 5 miles from Tylertown. $159,000. MLS# 127737





508 Hunt Road, Kokomo, MS - Almost bomb proof. This modern custom built home was designed and built to withstand the strongest storms. High and dry in the hills of Marion County, MS situated on 34 wooded acres with a nice pond. The home is 3 bedroom, 2 bath with a game-room and enclosed garage features custom oak and cherry cabinets with tonue and groove pine ceilings. There is outdoor pavilion with kitchen and a 3/4 bath as well as a large back porch for entertaining. The acreage is mixed pine and hardwood with fruit trees scattered about, good hunting and interaction with all that nature has to offer. $239,000. MLS# R126412

723 Virginia Ave., McComb, MS - Newly renovated 4 bedroom, 2 bath home in the city of McComb. This home has two carports and a hardy board exterior which will last a lifetime. It is in a convenient location and would be great for a family with kids or a rental property. $84,500. MLS# 127776




R 1621 Hwy. 27 N, Jayess - Quality is what this home is all about. This 2 story Executive style home boast 4084SF of living area and overlooks 5.32 manicured rolling acres with nice pond, and is being sold completely furnished. Large master bedroom downstairs with x-large bathroom with Jacuzzi tub and separate shower, large den w/fireplace, entertainment center, formal dining, spacious kitchen with lots of cabinets, breakfast area and 12’ snack bar, large utility, 2 car garage, 50’ long porch across the front and large deck at rear of home with view of pond, lots of fruit trees. Upstairs 2BR with 2 x-large bathrooms each having Jacuzzi tubs and separate stand-alone showers, x 39’ x 16’ bonus room. Located approx. 12 miles north of Tylertown in the Sartinville Community. REDUCED TO $299,900. MLS# 122706

1069 Love Creek Dr., McComb, MS - Very nice move in ready 4BR/2BA home on 11 fenced acres in the Walkers Bridge community. Home has been updated with new flooring and paint throughout, remodeled kitchen and bathrooms, a whole house generator and is mostly furnished. The land is open pasture with great shade trees and shrubs in the yard. MLS# 127465. Listed at $159,000.

2001 Deerfield Rd., Summit - Welcome to Deerfield! Located in NPSD is this 3BR/2.5BA home with large family room, gas log fireplace, formal living, spacious kitchen with snack bar and eating area, office/fitness room, extra large master bath with garden tub and separate shower, large utility room & 2 car garage that has been decked above (lots of storage). Home has also been wired for generator. Outside you will find lots of room for family to roam along with back patio for just haning out or cookouts. $249,500. MLS# 127956

135 6th St. S, McComb - Completely updated and renovated, this adorable cottage, 3 bedroom, 2 bath is located on a corner lot in the heart of McComb with a fully fenced backyard and deck and sunroom for entertaining. $84,900. MLS# 127958

32 Carney Rd., Jayess, MS - 2 Homes on 15 acres in Salem School district. Both homes were identically built with 3 bedroom, 1 bath / 1188 sq. ft. The homes need some TLC but would be great rentals or homes for someone trying to put their kids in a good school district. There are scattered hardwoods. The property was recently cut and ready to replant or create pasture land. $89,900. MLS# 127891.

653 Nebraska Ave., McComb, MS - Built in 1955, this 2 bedroom, 1 bath 900 sq. ft. bungalow, hardwood floors, is packed with so much character and is a part of the Historic District of McComb, MS. Walking distance from the school, across the street from the city park and a great neighborhood, this is a great investment property, starter home, or retirement!!! $36,000. MLS# 127653



Buy Sell • October-November 2018

97 Mesa Walkers Bridge Rd., Tylertown, MS - 3 Story home overlooking 10 rolling acres. Executive style home with a little taste of country, 5/6 bedrooms, 3 full baths, 2 1/2 baths, approx. 5009SF of living area, kitchen w/lots of cabinets, snack bar, formal living with lots of windows, large den with fireplace, office with fireplace, brick and old heart pine flooring downstairs, one of the bedrooms could be used as a very large hobby room or play room for the kids, and has a entertaining room with separate seating and kitchen. The roof and windows have been recently replaced and seller is willing to offer a 1 year Home Warranty. Outside you will find nice landscaping, large shade trees, in ground pool, covered sitting area, paved drive, 60’x60’ barn, cattle catch pen, graden area, rolling terrain and has a nice brick entrance leading to the home sitting back off of the road. (Additional acreage available). $499,500. MLS# 127692

Office: 601-249-3400 McComb, MS 3139 Wardlaw Rd., McComb - Nice newly renovated cabin style home on D N 45 acres overlooking a PE very nice pond in Pike County, MS. Home is a newly renovated 3BR/2BA home with lament wood floors, all new kitchen appliances, central heat and A/C, large utility room and living room. There is a large metal barn/workshop on a slab with power and two metal frame covers behind it to keep equipment out of the weather, a shed for the well on a slab and a large gazebo type deck overlooking the pond. Property also has a place overlooking the pond with an RV hookup.The 45 acres is mostly a mix natural regeneration with branches of mature hardwoods, roughly 9 acres of mature hardwoods along the Little Tangipahoa River. MLS# 126829. Price: $279,500.






3188 Leatherwood, Tylertown - ALMOST NEW Secluded Cabin with 20 acres of land in North Pike School District. The land is 6-8 year old regeneration with pockets of mature hardwoods making it have plenty of vegetation for wildlife. There is trails and a small pond that needs a little work. The cabin is actually a metal building with log decor in the front consisting of 3 bedroom, 2 bath, approximately 1375 sq. ft. with a large open floor plan. It is wood floors on a slab with a metal roof built in 2014. Central air and heat electric and has a water well. There is an additional 800 sq. ft. of building area for storage which is large enough to store a camper, tractor trailers or would also make a great workshop. MLS# 126665. Price $187,450.

850 McNeese Road, Bassfield, MA - “The Old Home Place” - Step back in time when you walk into this old home place built in 1903 on 35 wooded acres. Home is very solid with updated wiring, plumbing, central air/heat, spacious kitchen and den, 2BR/2BA approx. 1545SF of living area, wood floors, walls, ceilings, nice front porch, metal roof and just full of the old timey charm. Property is all wooded except for a small area around the 30’x30’ barn, good hunting and timber investment (approx. 15 yr. old planted pine with scattered hardwoods), pond, blacktop road frontage and is located approx. 12 miles north of Columbia, MS. MLS# 127423. Listed at $225,000.

5093 McComb Holmesville Rd., McComb - Cabin style manufactured home with an addition, located on 8.5 acres of mature hardwoods. The home is tucked back off the road on top of a hill with azaleas, other flowers and bushes. It has a beautiful view surrounded by mature, majestic trees. Front porch and gazebo on the hill with cooking area is ideal for entertainment. Home is currently set up as a 2 bedroom, 2 bath home but could use it as a 3 bedroom easily. Property would be an excellent getaway or home for someone who enjoys serenity. $79,900. MLS# 128024

80 Union Creek, Tylertown, MS - Very nice 3BR/2BA country home on 7 1/2 acres of land located north of Tylertown in Union community of Walthall County. This low maintenance hoome sits off the road down a long paved drive. Features include spacious living room, kitchen and dining area, large master suite, large deck and fenced back yard. Land is some open and some wooded, lots of nature and wildlife and in a great location. Listed at $165,000. Homes like this don’t come on the market often in this area, call today! MLS# 128022.

1074 Johnston Chapel Road, Summit, MS - Spacious and modern top of the line, 2016 mobile home sitting back off the road, on 7 beautiful acres in the sought out North Pike School District. Inside you will enjoy the spacious rooms, and a kitchen that any chef would love. Or sit on the screened porch and enjoy the quiet country setting. This one is a must see!! $120,000. MLS# 128044

7048 Centerville Road, Magnolia - COUNTRY LIVING at it’s best!! Here is a newly renovated 4BR/2.5BA traditional style home with 2120SF heated & cooled on 1.743 acres. New heating and cooling system, 2009 in and out. Re-insulated in 2017. A MUST SEE!! MLS# 126900. List price $189,900.

602 Magnolia - Summit, MS - Built in 1964, this 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 2500 sq. ft. completely renovated home in the city limits of Summit is move in ready! A kitchen that any cook would love, formal dining room, sitting room, living room, a relaxing front porch and large back deck for entertaining are just some of the great features of this home. Call to set up your appointment today! $114,900. MLS# 127635

1003 Waterfall, McComb - 1 bedroom, 1 bath camp in the Bogue Chitto Yacht Club! This cute little camp is the perfect get-a-way, in a gated community, the Bogue Chitto Yacht Club offers 2 sandbars, picnic area, and playground common areas. A $240.00 a year association fee includes water, garbage and road upkeep. MLS# 126736. Price: $36,200.

1028 Deer Creek Lane, Summit, MS - Excellent starter home in a very nice neighborhood. This home features 3 bedrooms, two baths, hardwood floors and 52 cabinets for storage throughout the home. New roof. Out of the city limits but only 5 minutes to town. New architectural shingle roof put on in May 2018. $79,900. MLS# 127627

136 Old Hwy. 98 E, Tylertown, MS - Newly renovated hoome in small town of Tylertown. This 2524SF, 3BR, 3 bath has a great open floor plan. New appliances. Big rooms and nice bathrooms. Floors have been redone, walls have been painted, new central air conditioning has been put in and the property comes with 5 acres. Truly need to see to appreciate. MLS# 124960. $145,000.


Buy Sell • October-November 2018






Office: 601-249-3400 McComb, MS





6690 Robertson Road, Gloster, MS - Beautiful 8 acres on Brushy Creek in Amite Co. with 3 camps, the views are breathtaking with over 1000 ft. frontage on crystal clear Brush Creek. Huge sandbar to relax and enjoy the water and views, thereare 2-3BR/2BA mobile homes both with decks. There is also a rustic cabin on property that is 1BR/1BA (cabin is approx. 10 yrs. old, 500 sq. ft., MH’s are 2007, 1200 sq. ft.). This property has fruit trees, muscadines, and towering hardwoods, there are several sheds that come with property as well. Oh, I almost forgot to mention this property adjoins the Homochitto National Forest providing hunting and recreational opportunities in addition to the property itself. This would make a great family getaway or with the 3 camps a grat place for a group of friends to buy allowing a camp for 3 different families. If you are looking for peace and tranquility this is the perfect place for you. Schedule your showing now and get ready to fall in love with this unique property. Priced at $179,500. MLS# 127972

175 Hwy. 583 N, Tylertown, MS - Beautiful country home on just over an acre. The home has 4BR, (Master Bedroom is 15’x28’) 3 full baths, plus 1/2 bath, master bath has Jacuzzi tub and separate shower, large den with gas log fireplace, custom built mantle and built in oak entertainment center, kitchen has custom oak cabinets, refrigerator included and separate washed ice-ice machine, custom oak pantry with drawers, formal living room, formal dining room, sunroom, and has approx. 3900SF of living area, concrete drive, fenced in yard with lots of mature shade trees, beautiful live oak out front, outbuilding that could be used for hobby room, office or shop, 20’x50’ tool room and storage for tractor, equipment, etc. $199,900. MLS#R124416


5678 Hwy. 568, Gillsburg, MS - I don’t list houses often but when I do I list in Amite Co. Home of cheap taxes and quiet country living. Located in the low pressure, Mayberry style living community of Gillsburg, MS. This 4BR/3BA 3000SF home is located on 3.5 acres of beautiful, shaded paradise. Over looking large fgarm where the neighbors leave you alone but are more than willing to help. MLS# 127390. Listed at $125,000.

330 Wilson Drive - Magnolia, MS - Looking for a great starter home. New roof, newly renovated!! Listed at $64,500. MLS# 127477

1056 Blazo Rd., Osyka - Country estate on 8.5 manicured acres overlooking a gorgeous stocked 2 acre lake. This exquisite 3BR/2.5BA home is custom built with all the amenities. Home has a large master bedroom, great family room & kitchen with granite countertops as well as another den that has multiple possibilities. The flooring is hardwood, tile and carpet. The property is a nice mix of towering hardwoods, pine plantations & manicured pasture. The yard is landscaped with multiple types of trees that provide a shaded spot for relaxing & watching the deer & turkey feed. The pond has a gazebo overlooking making it the perfect spot to watch your kids or grandchildren fish & play. The gated New Orleans style entrance as well as the privacy fencing allows the security & privacy to enjoy your home or weekend getaway without interruption. There’s a large workshop, a huge covered parking area and shop, a well house, and other storage buildings. Don’t miss the opportunity to see country ranch before it’s sold. Additional acreage available. MLS# 126688. Price: $269,500.

619 4th Street, McComb, MS - 3 Bedroom home located in downtown McComb, MS at 619 4th St. The home has been newly updated with all new appliances, new paint throughout, new floor coverings and more, central air & heat, approx. 1524 SF of living area, 3 bedroom, 1 full bath, spacious den, dining room, bonus room for o ffice or other hobbies, nice front porch for sitting and relaxing and is move in ready. Owner/Agent. REDUCED $69,500. MLS# 125925

22 Carney Rd., Jayess, MS - Home on 5 acres in Salem School District. Home is 3BR/1BA and approximately 1188SF. Home needs some TLC but would be a perfect first home or rental property for someone looking to get their children in the Salem school distirct. The home has a nice yard with mature oak trees. $39,900. MLS# 127459.

105 Railroad Blvd N., McComb, MS - Downtown McComb building - Great investment opportunity. The building is located on a corner lot at Main and N. Railroad, adjoins the city parking garage, has approx. 9423 sf of heated/cooled area and is divided into 5 rental units - each having separate meters for utilities. The owner is currently operating as a dance studio (business not for sale) so it has been well maintained. If you have been searching for good opportunity for investing in commercial real estate or area in the need for a location with good visibly for retail or office space etc...give us a call today and let’s take a look. $199,500. MLS# 126195

1112 Robb St. Ext. W., Summit - Nicely secluded, just minutes from town, 3BR/2BA, low maintenance brick home on almost 16 acres. Home has a very open floor plan, lots of cabinets, large pantry, large bedrooms and is very well insulated. Big pretty oaks and very nice yard surround the home, the balance of the property is wooded with lots of wildlife, great for hunting or nature watching. Listed at $219,000. Call today to schedule your appointment. MLS# 127971

409 Jackson St., Tylertown, MS - Great starter home or retirement home conveniently located to shopping, churches, school and medical facilities. Priced at only $47,500. MLS# 123528




8165 Hwy. 98 East, McComb - Secluded home on 9.58 wooded acres. The home sits back off the road (cannot be seen from the public road) has 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, spacious den-dining combo, country kitchen with lots of cabinets, large garden tub, approx. 1144SF of living area plus porch across the front of home, central air/heat, all electric but does have gas space heaters for back up and is neat as a pine & move in ready. Outdoors you will find large shade trees, large blueberry bushes and thickly wooded acreage making it perfect for wildlife habitat, enough open area around the home for a garden spot, 12’ x 32’ storage/workshop building with power & power, 18’ x 20’ portable shed for vehicles or tractor and equipment and would be perfect for a residence or getaway. Located only 9 miles east of McComb making it convenient to hopsitals, restaurants, shopping etc. $99,500. MLS# 127550.


Buy Sell • October-November 2018

1000 Isydore, Wesson, MS - Nature Lovers Paradise!! Secluded Home/Lodge sitting back off the road, high on a hill overlooking beautiful hardwood bottoms. Home has 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, country kitchen, very large den with vaulted ceilings, all wood construction outside and inside, central a/h, wood burning stove, lots of windows with fantastic views, decks with outdoor kitchen and much more. On the land you will find creek, pond, rolling hills, lots of wildlife, fruit trees, trails, workshop, sheds, in-ground salt water pool and seclusion bringing out the peace and quiet of the country yet conveniently located from I-55 from the Wesson exit. $399,500. MLS# 128007

Office: 601-249-3400 McComb, MS





940 Fordsville Rd., Tylertown, MS - Home on 1 acre in rural part of Walthall County. Home is a 3 bedroom, 2 bath 1800 sq. ft. It is a brick home on a slab and is ready to be lived in with the exception of some cosmetics. $89,500. MLS# 128246

3151 Hwy. 44, McComb - If you enjoy outdoor entertaining, then this is the place for you! This 3BR/2BA home sits on almost 1 acre in the NPSD, with a spacious kitchen and living room for family gatherings. Outside you will find a back deck for relaxing, an outdoor kitchen area under the patio, above ground pool with deck and two sheds/workshops...all with a beautiful landscaped yard. This one will not last long, priced at $99,900. MLS# 128116.

135 LL Coon Rd., Jayess, MS - Home & 32 wooded acres located approx. 20 minutes east of McComb, MS. The home has 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, approx. 2942SF of living area, large den with fireplace, central air/heat, spacious kitchen was under renovation and needs completing), nice rear porch sitting area, double car garage and more. The land is all wooded with some trails, great hunting, small pond, blacktop frontage, rolling terrain, and has a 30’ x 36’ barn on slab. Call today to make your appointment for viewing. $195,000. MLS# 125381

602 Franklinton St., Tylertown, MS - Two for one, 4 bedroom, 2 bath home with 2 bedroom. The main house is homey, warm, spacious & unique. Home features 3,000 SF of living space with 4 bedrooms and 2 baths, lots of storage and ubilt-ins, central vacuum, literally to many extras to list. Glass porches and bay windows all around help bring the outside in the most comfortable way. Well insulated and built to last with beautiful landscaping, patios, and a gazebo. Located in south Tylertown convenient to schools, church and shopping. Shown to qualified buyers by appointment. NOW REDUCED $129,000. At this price you could rent the guest house to pay your note. MLS# 123538

3120 Mrtinsville Road, Wesson, MS - 80 acres & lodge. Immaculate property with 2600SF lodge with the remainder in heated shop overlooking 3 acre lake. The 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath lodge has bamboo wood floors with granite tops. Large decks across the front overlooking property. Elevator for bringing in the groceries or any materials for the living quarters. Bottom floor is a heated 1400 sq. foot shop insulated for all your equipment. RV cover & additional over hangs on each side of lodge. THe 3 acre lake is stocked and trails throughout leading to the food plots that are loaded with deer and turkey. The land is open, wooded and perfect for that weekend getaway. Additional acreage available. Asking $665,000. MLS# 128210

27 Dillons Bridge Rd., Tylertown - 50 acres with nice mobile home on beautiful Magee’s Creek having over 1000’ frontage & offers swimming, fishing, canoeing/kayaking and more...located south of Tylertown near the LA line. Property is mostly open land, great for horses and cattle and will have lots of deerk and turkey. Home has 3BR/2BA, nice den for family gatherings, large covered area for parking or cookouts and is move in ready for home or getaway. $289,500. MLS# 128177.

221 Enon-Sartinville Rd. Jayess, MS - Ranch Style Brick on 2 acres shaded by beautiful Live Oaks... The home has been very well maintained and has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, office or hobby room, formal living and dining, large den with fireplace (gas logs), spacious kitchen w/lots of cabinets & snack bar, large utility room, single car garage and has central a/h. Outside you will enjoy the 14' x 45' covered rear patio for entertaining or just relaxing, beautiful Live Oaks, 14' x 14' workshop w/ additional 14' x 14' covered storage area and very well kept yard. $149,500 MLS#128168

319 Laurel St., McComb, MS - This 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with central heat and air would be an excellent starter home. Home is located on a corner lot with a spacious back yard. It is in a perfect location near the shopping centers, schools, medical facilities and churches. Make your appointment to view this home. $76,500. MLS# 126550.

401 Laurel Street - McComb, MS - This stand out traditional three bedroom, two bath home located in Mccomb, MS has a unique wow factor. This home has curb appeal, from the beautifully landscaped front yard that is located on a nice sized corner lot, to the spacious, privacy fenced back yard, this home is sure to grab your attention. The backyard offers a shaded deck area overlooking the back yard, as well as a nice sized storage shed. Large windows throughout the home offer in lots of natural light, adding to the garden charm of this home. You will want to act fast, priced to sell, this home will not be on the market for long. $104,000. MLS# 127893


Buy Sell • October-November 2018

120 Thompson, McComb, MS - BEAUTY SALON WITH EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES INCLUDED!! This salon includes 10 hair stations, a shampoo bar, 3 manicure stations, 2 pedicure stations, facial room, 1 tanning bed, 1 massage room with massage table, storage lockers, and utility room with washer/dryer and 2 half baths. The salon also has a furnished waiting area with a cashier station and cash register and comes fully furnished with an extra 12x12 room that can be used for many projects. Paved parking for 10 and a 50 foot front porch with a swing and outdoor furniture are just an added bonus. This is a move in ready business!! $79,999. MLS#C124108


Office: 601-249-3400 McComb, MS www.doug r ushing

254 Old River Road Tylertown, MS - Charming 1910 Farm Home on 33 acres that has been totally updated. Home has approximately 2,142 sq.ft. of living area, 3 bedroom, 2 baths, central heat and air. Property is mostly planted pines that has just been thinned the first time. There are areas of mixed hardwoods and a stocked pond. Property has a 24 x 30 metal shop building on slab with one 14 x 30 drop shed for equipment storage and another 20 x 40 drop shed with a 50 amp service and water for RV. Home has a porch across the front and a screened in porch on the rear of the home. Make your appointment to view this charming home today. Priced at only $249,900 MLS#128117

49229 Highway 60 Franklinton, LA - Great camp with lake in Enon LA. 22.5 acres with a 4 acre +/- spring fed lake, some wooded ground for hunting, and 5 camper hookups for your friends. The 2 bedroom 2 bath camp is very nice and in great condition (just a few years old). Just a 1/2 hour from Covington and the North Shore, or 10 minutes from Franklinton LA. Call for more information. Priced at $189,000 MLS#128096

COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 307/309 Apache Drive, McComb, MS - Distinctive Corporate Address. This is a fantastic investment opportunity with high visibility from I-55, ample front door parking, convenient location, lighted boulevard entrance, personal on-site mailbox, individual climate control, windows in each office, private bath, kitchenette area, and storage areas. This offering consists of 2 office buildings set up as: 309 Apache Dr. having a total of 2082SF, Suite A, 1150SF with 4 offices & break room; Suite B, 820SF with 3 offices and 307 Apache Dr. having 1950SF total: Suite A 670SF with 3 offices; Suite B 500SF: 2 offices; Suite C 70SF: 2 offices & conference room. All units have been well maintained and have all city utilities. $470,000. (Owner will consider selling an adjoining 3rd office building, 311 Apache Dr. which consits of 1993SF total, 6 offices, reception area, 2 bath, 2 supply rooms, large conference room & kitchenette and also has an adjoining lot offer. MLS# 125012

529 Bluff Springs Rd., Gloster, MS - Lodge and hunting with 18 acres in Wilkinson county. 2000 Sq. Ft. cabin with large kitchen and living area. Master bedroom and bath with two additional rooms and bath. Hardwood floors with rustic features throughout. Outdoor kitchen, fire pit with covered sitting area for the after hunt story telling. Extra living quarters with barn for plenty of storage. The living quarters in the barn has 2 bedrooms, living room, bathroom and kitchen. The setting is peaceful with 18 acres of timberland and food plot. New pond accentuates the view from lodge. Great weekend getaway with all the amenities. $220,000. MLS# 125164 2300 Delaware Ave Ext, MS - This is a 4.157 acre (181,100 sq. ft.) parcel of commercial property with R improvements located a block W of I-55 and Delaware Ave. interchange with 344 ft. of road frontage on the N side of Delaware Ave. Ext and 400 ft. of road frontage on the W side of Apache Dr. Improvements include a 9,900SF commercial metal bldg. with 288 SF attached metal canopies, 33,600 SF od concrete, 36,600 SF of asphalt, and gravel paving - current use is automobile dealership. Floor plan includes a sales/showroom, individual sales offices, manager’s office, general office, customer waiting area, restrooms, parts and service office, and a parts dept. and service repair garage with overhead doors, sealed concrete floors, strip fluorescent lighting, and suspended gas heaters. The property was renovated approximately 4 years ago with a new facade, renovated showroom, and additional parking. $699,500. MLS# 127599

Apache Drive, McComb - .481 Acre Commercial lot (20,952.26SF) located on Apache Dr., between Downtown McComb - Delaware Ave. Exit and Veterans Blvd. exit and being on the west side and visible from I-55. The tract offers all city utilities, cable, high speed internet access, 105.06’ of frontage, professional offices adjoining, additional access down a private-paved -lighted boulevard, near restaurants, shopping, hospital and all conveniences of the city. The lot topo is levfel and zoned C-2. $146,500. MLS# 125166

2300 Delaware Ave. Ext., McComb, MS 2 acre (87,100SF) U D parcel of commercial RE property with improvements located a block W of I-55 & Delaware Ave. interchange with 344 ft. of road frontage on the N side of Delaware Ave. Ext. & 400 ft. road frontage on the W side of Apache Dr. Improvements include a 9,900SF commercial metal bldg. with 288SF attached metal canopies, concrete, asphalt, and gravel paving - previously used as an automobile dealership. floor plan includes a sales/showroom, individual sales offices, manager’s office, general office, customer waiting area, restrooms, parts and service office, and a aprts dept. and service repair garage with overhead doors, sealed concrete floors, strip fluorescent lighting, and suspended gas heaters. $499,500. MLS# 127600

2301 Delware Avenue, McComb, MS - 3.287 acres (143, 186SF) Located on Delaware ave., approx. 1000 ft. west of I-55 and the downtown McComb exit, great building site, across from the Rainbow-Dodge-Jeep dealership. $299,500. MLS# 127598

301 South Broadway McComb, MS - Great commercial spot for any type business. Income producing warehouse with offices connected. Roll up, doors, new roof spacious parking and loading dock make up this gem. Currently rented for 3,000 a month for storage but the uses are multiple. Call today to view. $349,000 MLS#128089

1144 Dixie Springs Rd., Summit, MS Multipurpose Industrial/Commercial Building on 4.88 park like acres. The D E R building is a 15,000 sf. clean span metal building that’s in good condition. Once used as a water bottling operation, this prime facility is perfect for a mid-sized manufacturing plant, warehouse & distribtion facility, micro brewery, water bottling plant, or even a personal survivalist compound. The building includes 4-truck docking with overhead doors, 2 overhead drive through doors, roughly 4,000 SF of office/living space, 2 12,500 galon fiberglass water tanks supplied with certified spring water drawn from a citronelle aquifer, 3 phase power and is wired for a generator. The property has a gently rolling terrain, fruit trees, lots of shade trees, spring fed creek and sits at the dam side of Lake Dixie Springs. This prime location offers a beautiful view, wildlife & the relaxing sounds of the water fall at the spillway. This multi-use facility offers a feel of the country while being close to town & interstate. $249,500. MLS# 126103

2012 Natchez Dr. McComb, MS - 2 Commercial Buildings each having approx. 5075 sf. on 2.2 acres all under commercial grade fencing with asphalt parking. The owner is operating a construction company at the subject property (Business not for sale). The east buildings features, 10' x 10' roll up door at the rear, insulated, 3 restrooms, offices, central air/heat, entry area with granite counter tops and custom built cabinets, approx 1/2 is office space and 1/2 warehouse area. The west building features three 22' x 10' roll up doors, loading dock, one restroom, insulated, all warehouse space and has fluorescent lighting. Roofs are approx. 4 yrs old and pre wired with cat.5 cable and phone cable outlets.Conveniently located just off of and visible from I-55 near the north McComb Exit. $549,500 MLS#128171

303-A Mall Dr. McComb, MS - Locate your business at this superior location next to Walmart Super Center and Edgewood Mall... This facility has 25 offices, 7128 sf, reception room, large conference room, lots of storage areas, kitchenbreak room, patio, climate control zoned areas, brick exterior, 30 off street concrete parking spaces, visible from I-55, constructed in 2004, great condition and is zoned C-2. Owner would consider leasing. The building is vacant and can be shown at most anytime...$739,500 MLS#128169




200-218 Main St., McComb - 41,811SF. Commercial building located in downtown McComb fronting on Main st. and N. Front St. At street level there are 6 rental units totaling 6948SF of which 3 are rent able at this time and below is a partially finished basecond level consits of 21,157SF, would need extensive work and use to be known as the old McCoglen Hotel. This sale will also include the adjoining parking lot which has approx. 27,900SF. There is also a neighboring public parking garage so although in the middle of town, parking should not bea problem. Investors may also want to take advantage of the historic tax credit program available. This property offers unlimited opportunities for an investor and is available to be shown at most any time. Give us a call today for additional info or to set up a time to get together. $199,900. MLS# 125445






Buy Sell • October-November 2018

Office: 601-249-3400 McComb, MS www.doug r ushing

1150 Acres - Marion County - The Great Outdoors! Deer, Ducks, Fishing and more...for the outdoors men this tract has a little bit of it all; 2 oxbow lakes (20 acres & 15 acre +/) with fantastic fishing and duck hunting, Pearl River frontage (1 mile+/-) for boating, fishing or just hanging out on the sandbar, creek, excellent trail system throughout, approx. 100 acres of fenced and cross fenced pasture. Secluded 5BR, 2BA cabin, guest bunk house, pavillions, equipment sheds, hay barn, horse barn, smoke house, walk in cooler and much more, all sitting way back off the road down a winding lane with nice gated entrance. MLS# 126729/730. Price: $3,750,000.

AMITE COUNTY 18.8 Acres •18.8 Acres- 18.8 wood acres of about 10 year old re-growth pine and hard woods and stocked pond makes for the perfect property. The new timber growth is perfect for wildlife habitation, the blacktop highway makes for easy access and the pond makes for the perfect view. Whether you are looking for a good hunting tract, a get-a-way property, or the perfect property to build your dream home, then you do not want to miss this one. $59,000 . MLS#126724 73 Acres •73 Acres-73 Acres Amite Co. Great Hunting, cutover with county road frontage.Perfect opportunity to buy Amite co land close to State line in awesome area at rock bottom prices. You will be able to set the tract up the way you want while investing for your future. Rolling property with unlimited potential. Owner/Agent $153,300. MLS#128201 91 Acres •91 Acres- Land for a Heck of a Price. Hunting land with rolling terrain will be cutover with county road frontage. Great opportunity for an investment that you can set up the way you like and enjoy for years to come. Will not last long. Owner/Agent $191,100 MLS#128200 2.3 Acres •2.3 Acres in Amite County with no restrictions. Property has a l ong private driveway that is secluded off the road. Perfect weekend getaway or place to build. Fruit and shade trees, a pond, food plot and all utilities. The property includes a covered camper trailer, cover is 16x32, and a shed, on a slab, for storage and laundry room. There is power, water and septic. Mineral rights also includes. $35,000. MLS# 127500. 163 Acres • 163 acres Easley Rd., Amite Co. Close to the state line, easy access. GREAT INVESTMENT. Timber is sold and will be cut. Tract will not last long. $321,925. MLS# 127625 5.28 Acres •5.28 mostly wooded acres with approx. 718’ frontage on Hwy. 24 four miles east of Liberty, MS. and also has frontage on Ludie Bates Rd. Good hunting, camp/homesites or suitable for a commercial site. Community water available. $39,900 MLS# 125023 9 Acres • This property joins the Homochitto National Forest with easy access to some of the best hunting in Southwest Mississippi. Located only 8 miles from Lake Okhissa for those who enjoy a day on the water. This property is in the perfect location, only 45 minutes from Natchez and 1.5 hours from Baton Rouge. This property will give you the weekend getaway you have always dreamed of. $76,500 MLS# 127204

PIKE COUNTY 109 Acres •This 109 acre tract is an excellent recreation or hunting tract, with a 3 bedroom, 2 bath camp house. Property has creek frontage and has a mixture of pine and hardwood timber. Make your appointment to view this property, priced at only $319,500……MLS#123731 1.38 Acres • Fun on the Bogue ChittoRiver;Getaway for some family fun; swimming, fishing, tubing, canoeing, kayaking and the list goes on....Property has been surveyed, has lots of scattered mature shade trees making it perfect for camping or for building a home/cabin. Located just off of Hwy 98 approx. midway between Mccomb& Tylertown... $22,500 MLS#126264 40 Acres • 40 acres of open ground with scattered hardwoods. The property was cut and cleaned up. Would be a great property to replant or take stumps out and turn into pasture ground. It is secluded and has power at the property. There are two ponds....$104,500 MLS#128247

1479 Highway 13 N Columbia, MS - Carwash for sale in Columbia, Ms. 3,564 sqft building that is a 6 bay self service carwash and also has a touchless automatic wash in the center of the building with a storage area along side of it as well as another storage area along the northern end of the building between bay 5 and 6. Each bay is 16X25. Mark VII equipment, with a high pressure hot wax, regular rinse, high pressure soap, foaming brush, tire and engine cleaner. 1 shampoo vacuum and 3 regular vacuums....$64,900 MLS#127967

215 Beulah Tylertown, MS - Income producing property!!! 2 Bay Car Wash with Vacuum Systems located in downtown Tylertown.All equipment updated and ready to bring in the cash. $49,500 MLS#127839

3.46 Acres • 3.46 Acres-You are looking at a rare find! 3.46 more/less acres of land for sale on the western most end of Lake Dixie Springs. You will appreciate the natural surroundings including the frontage directly on the springs and creek feeding the lake. This prime property offers a beautiful home site. There are restrictions on the property to ensure its value is protected. Located in the sought after North Pike School District, this beautiful tract has water and electricity at the road. It is also conveniently located just a few miles north of Summit and McComb, MS and is minutes away from Interstate 55….. $43,795 MLS#127981 112 Acres • 112 Acres-112 acres located in Pike County, MS, on a secluded dead end road with a newly constructed approximately 3 acre lake, property consists of approximately 10 acres of pasture ready for cattle or horses with the balance being in mixed pine and hardwood timber and several food plots, property has fenced and gated entrance and roads and trails throughout, in addition to the new lake there is also another pond on the property, camp site overlooks both pond and lake, deer and turkey are abundant on this hidden gem $299,500 MLS#128112 68 Acres • 68 acres prime hunting tract on Hartwell Road in northern Pike County, 2/3 of property is in pine timber with balance being in aged cutover, great camp site with power available at road, Whether you want to hunt or just watch your timber grow this has it all, Don't miss this one, Priced at $166,600 MLS#128159 11 Acres • 11 Acres-Great Opportunity to purchase 11 acres in North Pike School District with a 1/4 mile black top frontage on Hartwell Road, Perfect for a country home place or for subdividing, Rare find with with this much potential, Build your dream home on this gem, Priced at $33,000 MLS#128158 113 Acres • 113 Acres-113 acres of pine timberland that offers great recreational and hunting opportunities while managing your investment, paved road frontage with electricity and the perfect spot for a camp or home, located on Fred Bacot Road north of Summit, MS, call now to come view this property, priced at $299,450 MLS#128153 67 Acres • 67 Acres- 67 acres with black top road frontage on Fred Bacot Road in Summit, MS, Beautiful hilltop homesite with towering oaks, Property is loaded with pine timber, This tract is also in North Pike School District, Great opportunity to grow pine trees and hunt, Call now to schedule your appointment to see this property, Listed at $179,225 MLS#128152 490.84 Acres • 490.84 acres of high grade pine timberland in Northern Pike County, MS, property has almost 2 miles of county road frontage and is located in North Pike School District, over 90% of the property is in 17 year old pine timber or older, property was thinned a couple years ago, the possibilities are endless, There are multiple camp or home sites with great hunting potential, This tract also offers potential real estate sales of smaller pieces to a buyer, Rarely do these types of properties come on the market for a reasonable price, owners will consider selling of pieces, Listed at $2500/acre MLS#128150 22 Acres 1121 Causey Rd., McComb, MS. This 22 acre tract is an excellent recreational tract. Property is partial open and wooded. Property is conveniently located to Interstate 55 and Percy Quin State Park. Property has a 40x40 metal covered RV shed and a 10x16 portable building. Property has power, water and septic. Travel trailer to be moved. Schedule an appointment to view this property. Priced at $93,500. MLS# 126923. 48.26 Acres Great hunting / timber tract with pond in Northeast Pike County. Mostly 17 & 5 year old planted pine with some nice hardwood around the pond. Isolated with a lot of game sign on the property. Nice roads and trails give good access to the whole property. Property is accessed by permissive / transferable use from an oil company. This is a great buy on this 48.26 surveyed acres for $110,000. MLS# 127882. 40 Acres 40 Heavily timbered acres with a 1/4 mile of paved road frontage on Gibson Road. This property is conveniently located and would make a great timber investment, hunting and recreational property or a beautiful home place. If you are looking for a property with mature timber from corner to corner this is it. Timber cruise is available, properties like this don’t hit the market often, schedule your showing today, priced at $155,000. MLS# 127794. 37.4 Acres 37.4 Wooded acres with approx. 1/4 mile frontage on beautiful Topisaw Creek. Great all around recreational tract offering great hunting, fishing, swimming, canoeing, trails for 4 wheeling, beautiful views (like in the mountains) from tall bluffs along the creek as well as easy access point to the creek, mostly plnted pine approx. 7 year old with areas of mature hardwoods and nice secluded campsite. Located approx. 12 miles east of McComb on Matthews Rd. MLS# 126995. List price: $125,000.

2.76 Acres Beautiful 2.76 acre residnetial lot in Rusland Village near Percy Quin State Park, hardwoods scattered throughout. Nice, recently constructed homes on this dead end street. Covenants and restrictions provided. Build your dream ome in this beautiful area close to town. MLS#127049. List price: $36,000 20 Acres 20 Acres of pristine rolling pastureland with two nice ponds. Community water and electricity at property. In a great location/community. Rural property in the city limits/NO MOBILE HOMES, other than that no restrictions. Rural property with the cnveniences of being close to town. Property is fenced and ready. MLS# 127111. List price: $99,900 FIRM 27 Acres Pike Co. MS hunting land with food plots in place. Power and water with two RV hook ups. Interior road with nice stand of pine timber. Large hardwood trees and some open land. Lots of game. Two storage buildings and a shaded wooden deck between RV hook ups. Approx. an hour and half north of N.O. and Baton Rouge. Listed at $110,000. MLS# 127169 Crab, Poplar, & Holmesville St., Summit 23 acres +/- fronting on 3 city streets and has all city utilities. The property is all wooded, with frontage on Crab St., Holmesville St. and Poplar St., approx. 1000’ frontage. Great spot for home and or apartment construction. $149,500. MLS# 126113 32.96 Acres 32.96 acres timberland and hunting property in Pike County, MS, loaded with deer, planted in 3 yr. old pine trees, great opportunity to own a small hunting property for a cheap price, great camp site on county road, trails and food plots in place on property. Owner/Agent. $89,500. MLS# 126334 Broadway, McComb, MS 3.55 acre Commercial site with road frontage on 3 city streets. Fantastic location for business needing visibility. All city utilities available. $129,500. MLS# 123827 11.5 Acres 11.5 Acres located on Dixie Springs Rd. loaded with mature timber, beautiful home site and country road frontage, super location in a much desired part of Pike County, MS, Beaver Creek is the south property line. Community water and power are available, located in North Pike School District. NO MOBILE HOMES ANDMINIMUM 2000 SQUARE FT. HOME. Priced $79,500 MLS# 127248 27 Acres Pike Co. MS hunting land with food pltos in place. Power & water with 2RV hookups. Interior road with nice stand of pine timber. Lg. hardwood trees and some open land. Lots of game, two storage buildings and a shaded wooden deck between RV hookups. Approx. hour and half N. of NO & Baton Rouge. $110,000 MLS# 127169 75 Acres Hunting and investment property very near the Louisiana state line in southeast Pike County, Mississippi. Property has paved road frontage with electricity at the road, established trails give god access to the whole property and the food plots. The two box stands remain with the property. It is mostly 5-6 year old planted pines with a hardwood bottom (lots of white oak) running the length of the property. Priced to sell at $2,650/Ac. MLS# 125860 1.84 Acres 1005 Red Oak Dr. just west of I-55/McComb off of Park Dr. Extension & being on Cedar Cove Rd., beautiful homesite shaded by towering oaks, 225’ blacktop frontage, power & water available. $14,800. MLS# 128017 28.52 Acres 28.52 surveyed acres of mature merchantable planted pines and scattered hardwoods. There is electricity and communityw ater at the proeprty with perimeter trails, a secluded campsite and a small pond. Perfect timber investment and/or hunting property. Excellent hunting and location being only about 15 miles from the Louisiana line. MLS# 126666. Price Reduced: $109,802. 4.32 Acres This 4.32 acre tract located on a corner lot in a rural country setting with power already on the property would make an excellent place to build your home or place a mobile home. Property has road frontage on two roads and is in the North Pike School District. Make your appointment to view this property today. MLS# 126764. Price: $24,000. 70 Acres 70 acre hunting and timberland investment property located just north of the LA line, property has food plots and internal trails already in place, great camp or home sites with a couple potential pond sites as well, loaded with deer and other wildlife, property consists of 4-5 year pine plantation, call now to schedule your appointment, listed at $187,250 MLS#128122 54 Acres This 54 acres has the idea location in Osyka, MS, just north of LA state line in a great area, great deer hunting with food plots and internal trails, located on Pike 93 highway just east of Osyka this property is easy to access, Build your camp or home and sit back and relax and enjoy the peace and tranquility of MS, Property also offers timber investment opportunities, this tract want last long priced at $144,450 MLS#128121


Buy Sell • October-November 2018


Office: 601-249-3400

165 Acres The Perfect Place is Here. 165 acres and Camp Franklin Co. Located 15 minute north of Liberty Mississippi is what you have been looking for. Camp with rustic feel, big kitchen outdoor kitchen wood fireplace that sleeps over 15 nestled on the tract. 15 plus acres of pasture with two ponds surround the cabin, the rest of the property has 7 food plots, big bucks, strutting turkeys, pine plantation and hardwoods. Look around these tracts are not on the market..give us a call today to see it . $599,500…..MLS#126878

70 Acres •70 wooded acres located approx. 12 miles east of TYlertown with frontage on Hwy. 48. Except for food plots, the entire proeprty is in highly managed 24 yr. old planted pine with some scattered hardwoods and hardwood drain & gently rolling terrain. This tract has been managed so the owner can maximize returns when ready to harvest the timber. $227,500. MLS# 126532


43 Acres •43 wooded acres located approx. 12 miles east of TYlertown with frontage on Hwy. 48, North Patten Rd. and Morris Rd. The property consists mostly of 24 yr. old planted pines that have been well managed, food plot, shooting lane on pipeline and has water and power available. $149,900. MLS# 126533 306 Acres •306 acres of well managed timberland as well as managed for hunting. The property has a great trail system throughout, creek with about 30 acres of hardwoods & food plots. The timber has been well managed with various ages of timber to receive a more regular income at different times throughout this investment. (Yes, you do have control of it/when you would like to cut and or thin timber). The timber breakdown is as follows and are approximate: 50 acres of hardwood, 135 acres of 12 yr. old planted pine, 40 acres cutover (schedule to be planted this spring and has been sprayed, 50 acres of 24 yr. old planted pine, 20 acres of 10 yr. old planted pine. If you are looking for an all around recreational tract with great potential for returns, you won’t be disappointed with your time spent previewing this one. $902,700 MLS# 126534

30 Acres 30 acres in Osyka, MS, great small hunting property or home site located convenient to I-55 and close to the Louisiana State line, property offers multiple uses and is covered in pine timber, power is available, tracts like this are hard to find, call to make your appointment now, listed at $88,500 MLS#128120 154 Acres 154 acres located close to the Louisiana State line just east of Osyka, MS, Property has frontage on Pike 93 and power is available, Property consists of 4-5 year old pine plantation and mixed mature timber, there are several nice food plots and trails, Great hunting or timber investment tract with a convenient location, priced at $385,000 MLS#128119 15 Acres •15 acre getaway, camp or home site just minutes off I-55. Property is all wooded and offers nice seclusion in a very good area of Pike County, MS. Located about 10 minutes north of LA state line. $59,000. MLS# 126431 498 Pearl River Ave. • 2.78 Acres zoned commercial/industrial just over the tracts on Pearl River Avenue. Good location for a start-up or someone looking for a location closer to town. $29,000 MLS# L124493

8 Acres 8 wooded acres in the much desired NPSD. A part of a newly developed subdivision. There are 3 homes already in the development. THere is an additional 5 acres adjoining the property for sale but has a different owner and would need to be simultaneously closed if bought together. It is all raw land with a mature mixed stand of hardwood and pine. Community water and power is available. Come build your dream home in a nice subdivision that the owners own large enough tracts that you will have plenty of privacy. $72,500. MLS# 126605 37 Acres 37 Acre +/- hunting and getaway tract in southeast Pike County MS with old farmhouse. The pine timber has been thinned to let in the sunshine and is growing great game cover underneath the 21 year old pines, all the oak and hardwood trees remain. The old farmhouse is nicely secluded would make a great camp with a little work and has electricity and a water well on site. Great location on the Pike/Walthall county line. $125,000. MLS# 126593 23 Acres 23 acres of Prime real estate located on Dixie Springs Road in the Lake Dixie Springs community, this property has excellent timber as well as frontage on Beaver Creek which feeds Lake Dixie Springs, plenty of paved frontage with power available along the road, located in North Pike School District this property would make an excellent home place, this property has tons of development potential as well. Properties with this location don’t come along often. $142,500. MLS# 126379

FRANKLIN COUNTY 2 Acres 2 residential acres in Franklin county near the Homochitto National Forest and Lake Okhissa. Property has power and water available. It is wooded but with a little clearing could make a beautiful homesite. There are restrictions. NO mobile homes. $19,500. MLS# 127510 23.3 Acres Robertson Rd. in Franklin Co., MS that is les than a mile from Caston Creek WMA and the Homochitto National Forest, property h as power access at property, has been surveyed, and has blacktop road frontage located in a great community, loaded with wildlife. Tract is long and narrow which makes hunting 23.3 acres feel like you are hunting 100 acres. Property is not far from Homochitto River and Lake Okhissa. Great camp sites on property. Don’t miss the opportunity to take a look at this one. Priced at $87,950. MLS# 126109 102.15 Wooded Acres Horseshoe Rd., Smithdale. Fantastic hunting with about 45 acres in 4-5 year old cutover (great bedding area for deer), the balance is in 18-20 yr. old pine that will have good future returns. Frontage on small county road, there is a nice campsite and power is available. The property is located approximately 10 miles west of I-55 (Summit exit). Property will not long long. $264,500. MLS# 125967


10 Acres 10 Wooded acres along the beautiful Magee’s Creek located only 1 mile north of Tylertown, MS. Property is located on a private deeded drive that approx. 4 land owners share behind a locked gate. Property is secluded with massive hardwood and some pone. There is a great trail system giving access to every corner. Roughly 800 ft. of frontage on Magee’s Creek. Magee’s Creek is excellent for swimming, fishing, canoeing and much more. Don’t miss this quiet secluded waterfront setting. Priced at $99,500. MLS# 127866 22 Acres 73 Leonard Holmes Rd., Tylertown, MS - 22 acres and home ready to finish. Great tract with home for and another great homesite overlooking huge pond. Wooded with mature timber and cleared land for pasture. Easy access, great retreat or home place. Listed at $99,500. MLS# 127820. 173 Acres • 173 Acres on beautiful Magee’s Creek just north of Tylertown, MS. Property consists mainly of towering hardwood timber with some pine plantation that is ready to be thinned, cypress, white oak, poplar and red oak timber covers the bulf of the property. Property boasts an internal road system that allows access to several points on the creek, great camp site leading into property accessed through a gated entrance. Whitetail deer, turkey, and squirrels are abundant on property and bass, catfish and bream are a few of the fish species in Magee’s Creek. If you are looking for a great recreational year-round property this is it. Call to schedule your appointment now. REDUCED TO $464,850. 40 Acres • 40 Acres of high grade pastureland with fencing, property has been used to grow soybeans and raise cattle, beautiful homesite with access to power and community water, property is in a great location, convenient to highway 98 and to Tylertown, MS. This type property is rare to find, priced at $129,500. MLS# 127290 37.9 Acres • This 37.9 acre tract is an excellent recreational tract. Property has 4 established food plots with 2 box stands and 2 (2 man) stands. Property has a covered 28 ft. travel trailer with an additional trailer hook up. Property has power, water, tractor shed, pond and a covered skinning area. Make your appointment to view this property. MLS# 127044. List price $113,500.


207 Acres 207 acres of well managed timber with great hunting. This tract has over 60000’ of blacktop frontage on tree public roads - Hwy. 48, North Patten Rd. and Morris Rd., power and community water, trails throughout, old camp house, great hunting, gently rolling terrain, lake sites, hardwood drains, food plots and the majority of its timber is 24 yr. old well managed planted pines. Not only is this a fantastic timber investment opportunity but if you decide to sell in the future, this tract could easily be split into numerous smaller tracts for a greater return on your investment. $672,750. MLS# 126536

97.99 Wooded Acres Mannings Crossing Rd., Tylertown. Fantastic hardwood tract, good hunting, surveyed, blacktop frontage, perimeter trail, small creek. $3,322/Acre. MLS# 122514 10.71 Acres 10.71 newly surveyed wooded acres in Walthall County on David Jefferson Rd. There is a nice homesite with shade trees with a well manicured yard. The remainder of the land is mostly 12-15 yr. old pine with scattered hardwoods. Perimeter trails around the entire tract. Property lines arew well identified. Bring us an offer. $35,500. MLS# 126571 59.13 Wooded Acres Mannings Crossing Rd., Tylertown. Mostly hardwoods, blacktop road frontage, surveyed, perimeter trail, good hunting, small creek. $3,500/Acre. MLS# 125516 Hwy. 98 Tylertown This 11 acres +/- located on Hwy. 98 just west of Tylertown is perfect for any business or commercial user desiring a high visibility and high traffic area. Property has over 2,000’ of road frontage, two state highways and a county road. $225,000. MLS# 122745 38.86 Acres •Mannings Crossing Rd., Tylertown - 38.86 wooded acres, fantastic hardwood tract, good hunting, surveyed, blacktop frontage, perimeter trail, small creek. $112,111 MLS# 122515


99 Acres Price Reduced, substantial timber value , great hunting, beautiful property. 99 Acres of well managed timber and hunting land in Walthall County. Property is well stocked with 25+ year old planted pine, 20 year old planted pine, 12 year old planted and a beautiful hardwood bottom running all the way thru the property. Great roads and food plots throughout. Now Reduced to $277,200 1 Acre 1 Acre-Beautiful Bogue Chitto River Lot located on Dillon's Bridge Road in Tylertown, MS, Property has power, water and septic services on sight, The views from this lot are amazing and there is access to a huge rock and sand bar off the west side of the lot, also access to a secluded an private part of the river to the south, would be a great place for some friends to buy and put 3 or 4 campers and enjoy the river, located on a beautiful part of the river with easy access to tube and canoe rentals as well, you will fall in love with the view of the river and all the potential areas for enjoying and relaxing on the river. Priced at $35,000… MLS127093 15.5 Acres 15.5 Acres-15.5 acres on Highway 27 just north of the Louisiana State line in Walthall County, MS, Property comes with an artesian well that flows crystal clear water year round, the well also feeds a nice pond on the property, home site with power already on property, Community water is also available, front 3 acres is in pasture and balance is in mature timber, Properties like this are rare finds, this property would make a great weekend hunting and recreational property or a place to build your dream home, this won't last long listed at $69,500 MLS#128242

LAWRENCE COUNTY 40 Acres 40 Acres of mature timber with paved road frontage, rolling hills, power and water on site, pond, great hunting, property is completely timbered with hardwoods and pines, old house on property that could be made into camp, located on Lambert Road in Lawrence County, don’t miss seeting this one. $129,500. MLS# 124356

JEFF DAVIS COUNTY 44.35 Acres 44.35 Acres of hunting land with flowing creek frontage in Prentiss, MS. Property is located less than a mile from Jefferson Davis Lake. Paved frontage with power and community water, great camp site, great hunting, swim or fish in the creek. DOn’t miss this one priced at $1,850/acre with all the amenities and recreational opportunities it has to offer! Call now to schedule your showing. $79,900 owner/agent. MLS# 127821

LAMAR COUNTY 84.7 Acres Between Lumberton & Purvis, MS, Red Creek running through property. Great camp site with power & water. Owner/Agent. MLS# 126838. Price: $127,500.

WILKINSON COUNTY 336 Acres 336 Acres-332 acres Pristine Hunting .The finest Deer and Turkey Hunting in The State of Mississippi. A camp, bunk house and storage building are nestled along a beautiful ridge overlooking mature timber. 180 acres of Park like Hardwoods, 20 plus year old pine plantation and food plots are on this turn key weekend Mecca…… Asking $1,327,668 MLS#128059

Buy Sell • October-November 2018

MARION COUNTY 169 Acres 169 Acres-Well managed 169 acre timber tract with Great hunting and a nice farmhouse / camp. The property is set up to hunt with food plots, stands and a trail system that gives access to the whole property. The house is three bedroom one bath with central heat and air, carport and porch. There is also 48' x 36' equipment shed for storage. The land is in beautiful pine timber with hardwood throughout. All very well priced at $550,000…MLS#127419 1.92 Acres • “Bring the Horses” 1.92 Acres of fenced pasture wrapped with board fencing and divided into 3 sections all under board fence. Land was used for horses, has 6 stall horse barn and round training arena containing approx. 3850SF, high on hill with fantastic home site, power and water available, blacktop frontage on Hurricane Creek Road located east of Hwy. 35 and about midway between Sandy Hook & Kokomo. MLS# 127223. Listed at $25,000.

LINCOLN COUNTY 90 Acres Set Up and Ready to Go !!! Don't want the hassle of setting up your home/camp, getting utilities, creating trails and food plots etc... the owner has done it all and it's ready to move in. This Custom Built Mobile Home sitting on a slab is set back off the road and has 3 bedroom, 2 full baths, large den, spacious kitchen with center island, central air/heat, Sheetrock walls, laminate wood floors and a has a large 16' x 44' covered deck for your outdoor entertaining. All furnishings negotiable. The land boast the words Timber & Hunting!!! The entire tract has merchantable timber mostly pine with some mature hardwoods bottoms, 4 food plots, 8' x 20' container unit for storage, 12' x 20' skinning shed, trails throughout and blacktop frontage on public road. The property is just minutes west of I-55 and the Bogue Chitto Exit. Call today to set up a time for us to get together $424,500. MLS#126909 95 Acres Excellent Hunting with 5 year old Wildlife Habitat and 15 year natural pines makes this a great getaway. Deer and turkey live on this tract year round. Priced to sell in an excellent area surrounded by big land owners. Be the first to see this gem of a weekend getaway. Asking $247,000MLS#128180

WASHINGTON PARISH 60 Acres 60 Wooded Acres located approx. 7 miles west of Folsom, LA. and about the same east of Loranger, LA. the property sits at the end of a public road and has a deeded access to complete it's access from the end of the public road for approx. 250'. The property has trails throughout, offers great hunting, seclusion, mature hardwood and pine timber, great homesite, and would be a great getaway property for those not wanting to travel far from Covingonor New Orleans Areas....$188,500…MLS#124754 40 Acres Othaney Simmons Rd., Franklinton, LA - This 40 acre tract would be ideal for row cropping, cattle or horse farming. Approximately 30 acres is open with approximately 10 acres being wooded. Schedule your appointment today to view this property. Priced at only $140,000. MLS# 127644 245 Wooded Acres 245 acres of Mature Hardwood (Oaks) & Pine Timber on the Beautiful Tchefucte River located just N of Folsom, LA off of Hwy. 450 & at end of Reeves Rd. Tract is located at end of parish road offering privacy, seclusion and offers the best of all recreational worlds, fishing, swimming, hunting, ATV trails for riding, camping, campsites, & much more. The timber has been valued at over $300,000 so would be a great timber investment with substantial future returns to help pay for place. When viewing property we have seen nice bucks & does, hogs, rabbits, squirrel & one large moccasin which is longer with us. For LA clients, this tract is obviously located in LA so would only need a Residence License to enjoy all the outdoor sports. With all the above this tract has to offer and being a short drive from Covington, NOLA and Baton Rouge, it shouldn't be around long. $565,000…MLS#124741

WEST FELICIANA PARISH 30 Acres 30 Acres West Feliciana Parish with mature hardwood timber, creek and two travel trailers set up ready to go. Unbelievable hunting just outside of St. Francisville. Rolling hills overlooking huge white oak bottoms with winding creek. Perfect hunting tract and no need to buy out of state license. $199,900 MLS# 127013

TANGIPAHOA PARISH 45.597 Acres 45.597 Acres in Tangipahoa Parish, LA, in Spring Creek/Jewell Sumner School District, located in a beautiful, highly sought after area of Tangipahoa Parish. Property is wooded with nice rolling topography. Property has frontage on Highway 1061 and has multiple home sites. Property is currently used as a hunting/timberland property but has potential residential development opportunities, there is a seasonal creek on the back side of the property as well. Land in this area doesn’t come available often, call for maps or more information. $199,500 MLS# 127045A

WILD & ASSOCIATES 200 North Broadway, McComb, MS 39648


gail King, CRS 601-551-6719

Shannon Boone 601-341-4775

Marilyn Abadie 601-783-5216

Angela Harvey, Realtor 601-810-5092

Beth Wild, Realtor 601-551-6319

Noggin Wild, CRB, CRS 601-684-2131

Kristen McBeth 601-249-6101




186 CEDAR RiDgE RD., McCOMB - A rare opportunity to live in your own private resort at Lake Bevin. This luxurious estate sits on 9+ beautiful landscaped acres providing a park-like setting. Restrictive covenants protect the value of your home investment, as well as a Homeowners Association for which there is a $1K per lot joining fee. MLS# 127279. List Price $575,000.

1059 EMiLEigH DR., SuMMit From the 10’ and 14’ tray ceilings, to the cstom crown mouldings, hardwood and ceramic floors, granite counters, and stainless appliances, there is EVERYTHING to love about this beautiful and nearly new home. All rooms are generously proportioned, providing ample space for even the bulkiest furniture. The master suite includes his and her lavatories, separate shower and garden tub, and walkin closets. In addition to ample closet space, a stairway leads to a large floored area of the attic, the perfect area to store seasonal items. This attic is well insulated to minimize energy consumption and keep utility bills at a minimum. In North Pike on nearly 4 acres at the cul de sac of Emileigh Dive, you’ll enjoy privacy and a ‘woodsy’ feel. $349,500. MLS# 127691

526 BuRKE AVE., McCOMB - This is a spacious and time-honored property located in Edgewood Subdivision. The 3356 sq. ft. rancher is a great family home that was built to last. The floor plan includes 3BR/2.5BA, dining room and formal living with a cozy gas log fireplace, high ceilings and wood floors throughout. Kitchen sits between these two areas. $129,900. MLS# 127592

150 CAROLiNE DR., MAgNOLiA - This completely custom home features an airy, open plan with great flow for entertaining. Interior and exterior walls, arches, and floors are finished in Old Chicago brick. MLS# 127311. List price: $325,000.

105 CEDAR RiDgE RD., MCCOMB, MS Exquisite views and lush landscaping provide a park-like setting for this spacious executive home in the exclusive Cedar Ridge subdivision of Edgewood. Quality materials and workmanship - no detail overlooked in the construction of this home overlooking Lake Bevin. Special features includes generously proportioned rooms, fully equipped kitchen, custom cabinetry, whole home back-up generator, 3 gas log fireplaces, intercom, decorator blinds and window treatments, irrigation system, and much more - even a safe room and a hothouse for the green thumb of the household! Heating and cooling is separated into 3 zones - upstairs, downstairs living area, and downstairs bedroom area. There are also two on-demand hot water heaters - one for the kitchen/laundry, and another for the bathrooms. Homeowners Association membership is required with a $1,000 joining fee, plus $400 annual dues. Restrictive covenants apply. Call today to view this custom executive home. MLS# 127442. List Price: $390,000.

1105 WHitE St., MCCOMB - Listed at appraised value. This 3BR/2BA house has vinyl siding & metal roof for easier maintenance. Property has a guest house with kitchen/living room, 1BR/1BA, carport, also a shop, and a shed. Guest house is currently being used for storage and being sodl AS IS. $96,500. MLS# 127741


1018 MARCuS LANE, McCOMB - This lovely home is tucked at the end of Marcus Lane on a wooded azalea filled 3.81 acre lot. Downstairs you have master suite plus 2 other bedrooms, a bath, dining room, large kitchen, breakfast room, family room, sunroom, and laundry room. Upstairs you have 2 additional bedrooms, a children’s den, and a bath. Too many special features to describe! $319,000. MLS# 127753

Buy Sell • October-November 2018

902 BENDAt, MCCOMB - Well maintained 2 bedroom, 1 bath, wood floors, front & back porches, and storage building. Located on a large corner lot for more privacy. $52,000. MLS# 127614

700 LAKESHORE DR., McCOMB There is much to love about this home, starting with its Edgewood location that includes more than 200’ of frontage along the south shore of Lake Bevin. 5BR/4BA 3835 sq. ft. H&C. Den boasts a wood burning fireplace, hand-selected raised cherry paneling, and an expansive bank of windows that take advantage of beautiful lake views. Between the den & dining room, the kitchen features matching cherry cabinets, Corian counter surfaces, decorative ceramic splash guards, & built-in appliances. A washer and dryer in the utility room are also included. Heating and cooling is zoned into living, bedroom, basement & garage areas to keep down utility costs. $285,000. MLS# 127796


WILD & ASSOCIATES 200 North Broadway, McComb, MS 39648

601-684-2131 LD


3071 Hwy. 570 W McComb - Spacious 4BR sits on 2 wooded acres with pond, few minutes west of Edgewood Mall. House includes separate LR & DR, family room that features exposed beams in vaulted ceiling. Upgrades performed in recent years include new AC&H, new roof. Huge 40’x75’ shop located behind house. Must see property. $197,500. MLS# 128033

1048 HAWTHORNE DR., MCCOMB - This 4/5BR/3BA and (3) 1/2 BA’s home is located near Quail Hollow Golf Course/Percy Quin State Park and I-55. Sitting on 3.87 acres in Pinehurst Estates with a beautiful landscaped yard, a fenced backyard, and a wooded area behind for extra privacy. MLS# 127440. List price: $324,500.

610 Northwest Ave., McComb - Enjoy ownership of this property with a very unique setting. Frontage on NW Ave., Park St. & James Ave. Charming 2BR/1BA house has pine floors, crown molding, remodeled kit. with appliances and brick floors. House to see if you are looking for character. Garage connected by breezeway and overlooks patio that is enclosed by fence. $79,000. MLS# 128068

PINEHURST ESTATES. 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath features tons of storage, appliances, window treatments, fireplace, outbuilding for shop, RV, or storage, & much more. $231,500. MLS# 126813.




NORTH PIKE HOME WITH 2 HUGE WORKSHOPS! This 3 bedroom and 2 bath at 1024 Starnes Rd. also includes an RV shed, huge back yard. ONLY $45,000. MLS# 126607.

102 MYRTLE ST. W, MAGNOLIA, MS - 4BR/3BA Victorian, known as “Belle Maison” circa 1902, is registered with the Historical Society. It has been extensively renovated while retaining original features of the Victorian Era. The most current renovation includes stripping the exterior siding to original wood with priming and painting. Property also includes a guest house or rental unit, RV shed and storage building $212,000. MLS# 127872

1098 EAGLE RIDGE RD., SUMMIT - Feel at home in comfortable, cozy 3BR,2BA multi-wide MH. Features open concept kit., LR & DR. Separate desk/office area, laundry room & bonus room which can be used as 4thBR. Lg. master BR with walk in closet. Master bath w/dbl. sinks, garden tub & walk in shower. 12x32 workshop insulated with OSB board & 2 extra open stalls 12x24. Concrete fenced patio at 1440 SF. Beutifully landscaped. Home come with 13,000 KW generator. Listed at $135,500. MLS# 128071

423 DELAWARE AVE., MCCOMB - Totally renovated property will make great headquarters for a business or retail establishment. Three private offices and central file room open into a central hallway with lovely refinished floors, period millwork, and decorator colors. Spacious and comfortable, private bathroom adjoins executive office and 2nd bath for public and employess. Plenty of parking. $78,500. MLS# 127915

2220 VETERANS BLVD., MCCOMB - From top to bottom, everything about this incredible home is custom tailored to luxurious, yet very functional, living. Expansive rooms are made to feel even larger with ceilings that range from 9’ to 22’ in height. Flooring includes exquisite marble, ceramic, & hardwood surfaces. Energy efficient Pella windows allow in lots of light with views of naturally wooded surroundings. A Kitchen Kreators designed kitchen is the perfect place to prepare your next gourmet meal. Other special features include an art studio, executive office, sunroom, adult’s and children’s dens, huge walk-in closets everywhere, 4 fireplaces, a pool & courtyard with a tropical setting, lighted tennis court, and extensive landscaping. Priced with 5 acres, but an additional 32 acres +/- is available. Shown strictly by appointment to prequalified candidates. $750,000. MLS# 128142

1400 STOKES AVE., McCOMB - Perfect spot for families with a playground across the street in Douglas Park. 3BR/2BA rancher is on a corner lot with a fenced back yard. All kitchen appliances are included. $124,000. MLS# 127920

COUNTRY LIVING JUST MINUTES FROM TOWN! On 2 acres at 2054 Magee Rd., this 3 bedroom 1 1/2 bath includes kitchen appliances, fireplace, and was recently re-roofed. $70,000. MLS# 120303



ATTENTION INVESTORS - TWO HOMES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE! House at 910 Avenue C (MLS# 118052) contains 3 rental apartments. 914 Avenue C (MLS# 123951) is a 3 bedroom, 2 bath, single family dwelling.

Buy Sell • October-November 2018

ON 39 WOODED ACRES, 47 Ed Taylor Rd. Bag your next trophy buck just outside the back door! This 3 bedroom, 2 bath includes appliances, fireplace, blueberry bushes. $168,000. MLS# 126504.

520 OAKBROOK CIRCLE, MCCOMB 3BR/2.5BA in Oakbrook Circle is tucked away from busy streets yet very near schools, medical facilities, and shopping. The kitchen/breakfast room has walnut cabinets, built-in desk area, double ovens, two pantries, den has fireplace with gas logs, a formal living room & dining room, and a large laundry room. MLS# 127503. List price: $184,000.


WILD & ASSOCIATES 200 North Broadway, McComb, MS 39648

601-684-2131 ED




MULTI-FUNCTIONAL BUILDING on an acre at S. Magnolia and Avenue C. Includes office and warehouse space, loading dock, several overhead doors. $97,500. MLS# 127722

237 CAZZIE COTHERN RD., JAYESS - Great vacation home or permanent home in country situated on 7.85 acres. Home sits on 1.30 acres & 6.55 acres adjoining with separate parcel number. Spacious living room with wood-burning fireplace & dining area. Kitchen has custom birch cabinetry as well as a pantry, master BR has French doors leading out to deck, walk in closet & separate bath. Spacious bedrooms. Enjoy wildlife from your covered deck. Home also has inground heated pool and pool house. Seller is motivated, will pay closing cost. $150,000. MLS# 128126

RESIDENTIAL BUILDING LOTS, CHASE DRIVE.  1.73 acre site with community water available just a couple of minutes from McComb. $10,500. MLS# 121349. North Pike - Beautiful 1.9 acre building site on Cedar Lane, Dixie Springs Estates. Restrictive covenants apply. $18,800. MLS 120643 WILL SUBDIVIDE 564 ACRE +/_ RECREATIONAL & ING INVESTMENT PARADISE, FRANKLIN COUNTY! - Includes D N PE mature timber, several food plots, interior road system, 1+ mile of Middlefork Creek frontage, $1,974,000. MLS# 125784. CONFIDENTIAL - Upscale commercial space with off-street parking in high-traffic area. Will consider lease or sale. For further details, contact Watkins Wild at (601) 551-9453.

1956 Brumfield Rd. SW, Summit, MS - Take a look at this more-for-your-money home in the Auburn community. 1490 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Kitchen includes relatively new appliances, custom cabinets, & a generous pantry. Built-in cabinets & closets throughout. A large, air-conditioned shop behind the house and a loft inside of it provides for lots of extra storage. There are also two sheds to park lawn & utility vehicles. Listed at $88,500. MLS# 127965.

BUY OR LEASE THIS PRIME LOCATION  at 1400 Harrison. Main building of nearly 5,000 Sq. Ft. & 2nd with over 1,000 SF. Own for $440,000 or lease at $11/Sq. Ft. MLS# 126742.

PRIME OFFICE SITE NEAR SW MS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER, corner of Marilyn Butler Drive and Llewellyn, next door to the new Children’s Clinic. $3.50/square foot. For further details, contact Watkins Wild at (601) 551-9453. 4 SOLD - ONLY 1 LEFT, SO ACT NOW! Lot 3, nearly 3/4 acre, site with lake view on Cedar Ridge Road. Homeowners Association membership & restrictive covenants. $29,500. MLS# 123133. 39.7 ACRES WITH CREEK - MIXED OPEN & TIMBER. Just off LaBlanc Road. Suitable for subdividing, hunting/recreation, or an investment. $115,000. MLS# 121208.




OPPORTUNITY TO LIVE IN THE “INDIAN RESERVATION” Beautiful wooded homesite on Arrowhead Drive. Restrictive covenants apply. $28,000. MLS# 127424.

39.7 ACRES - MIXED OPEN & TIMBER - WITH CREEK just off LaBlanc Road. Suitable for subdividing, hunting/recreation, or investment. $115,000. MLS# 121208.

1058 DOGWOOD LANE, McCOMB - Cozy hideway located just outside entrance to Bogue Chitto Water Park. Great starter home, retirement home or recreational retreat. Abundant wildlife and property includes Artesian well, while conventional well supplies water to home. In addition to C A/C the house has propane heater that allow you to selectively warm specific areas. $68,500. MLS# 127916

WILL SUBDIVIDE 564 ACRES +/- on Stroud and McNair Rd., Franklin County. $1,794,000. Mature timber, food plots, road system, 1 + mile on Middlefork Creek. $1,974,000. MLS# 125784.



225 22ND STREET, MCCOMB - Start working tomorrow as your own boss! Formerly the home of Nunnery Tires, one of McComb’s most successful auto shops, property has a great history. Turn-key, ready-to-roll automotive business with tools, fixtures, inventory, and equipment. Included in equipment are several lifts (including a heavy-duty one rated at 9,000 lbs.), tire dismounts and balancers, 2 heavy-duty air compressors, a brake lathe, a pipe bending machine, an alignment rack with lift, a hydraulic press, hand tools, shelves, cabinets, and automotive diagnostic equipment. Very few items are excluded from the sale. A large portion of the nearly 1 acre corner lot is surrounded by security fencing. Call Today! $130,000. MLS# 126966

Buy Sell • October-November 2018




Buy Sell • October-November 2018


Buy Sell • October-November 2018

53 Branch Office: 463 East Main Street, Liberty, MS

Deanea Causey Brent Barron Brent McMillan, ALC Realtor Realtor/Forester Broker Assoc. 601-551-2166 601-248-3849 601-248-1925

601-657-5858 135 HATTIE STREET












This charming 3BD/2BA home sits on a large lot at the corner of Hattie & Main street in Liberty, MS! Home has updated kitchen & original hardwood floors. SELLER MOTIVATED! $89,000. MLS# 126440.

This IMMACULATE, custom built, 3BR/2BA home boasts almost 2700SF of living space and is situated on 17.2 acres. Home overlooks a pond stocked with bass and perch. $319,000. MLS# 126924

This 2BD/1BA, 980 sq. ft. home may be small, but has a lot to offer. It is located less than a mile from the Homochitto National Forest in the quaint little town of Crosby. Home is only 30 miles from Natchez & 65 miles to Baton Rouge, LA. $37,900. MLS# 127071.

108 +/- Acres - SPORTSMAN’s PARADISE! The entire western boundary of this tract is the beautiful and scenic East Fork of the Amite River in Liberty, MS. This is an excellent hunting and recreational property. This tract offers something for everyone from hunting and fishing to swimming on the hot summer days and even offers areas for building a camp or your dream home. $335,265. MLS# 127884

1199 MS HWY. 584

HWY 27 - TRACT 1










This 3 BD/2BA sits on 13 +/- ac. and is move-in ready! Inside, you will find a beautifully updated kitchen with granite counters, under cabinet lighting, stainless steel appliances, and an oversized island with seating. Huge Master Suite and ceramic tile throughout. Only 2 miles from I-55. $209,000. MLS# 127875

This 164 +/- acre property has paved frontage on Hwy. 27 and Dewey Ballard Rd. There are a number of interior roads and trails allowing easy access to the entire property. The hunting for all game is excellent. Food plots have been planted. This property literally has something for everyone. Utilities available. $410,000. MLS# 127511

This property is located in southwest Lawrence County, MS between Topeka and Monticello. The property consists of beautiful rolling fields, various age plantation pines and beautiful hardwoods. Halls Creek flows through the property. Fields are fenced/cross-fenced & water lines have been run to the fields for watering livestock. Utilities are available. $1,040,250 MLS# 126446

This 30.9 acre tract is in McCall Creek and is close to the Homochitto National Forest, it would be a nice place to build, set up camp or have your own small hunting tract. The long gravel road leads to an old gravel pit and there is also a food plot on the property. Seller Motivated. $94,000. SELLER MOTIVATED! MLS# 124525


2051 MS HWY. 569 S








Immaculate 3BD/2BA, Ranch style home on a beautiful 1.9 +/- lot in the town of Liberty, MS. Large open Living/Dining area, new carpet, and large porch. Roof is less than 5 years old. $147,000. MLS# 127962

SECLUDED, PRIVATE HUNTING LODGE! This 4.712+/- sq. ft., 6BD/6.5BA cedar lodge sits on 95+/- acres south of Liberty, MS and has the potential to be your very own private resort! Property needs some TLC, but has good potential. Timber consists of mostly mature hardwods with some mature pine timber near the front of the property and is bordered by Weyerhaeuser property on two sides. $625,000. MLS# 127935

This property is located a few miles NW of Liberty, MS and fronts the county paved McClain Rd. Property offers excellent hunting and beautiful views. Entire east boundary is Tanyard Creek and the entire west and south boundaries is McClain Rd. Property has been clear cut and offers the buyer a blank canvas. $395,000. MLS# 127094

This 107 acre tract is located just north of Gloster, MS and has paved frontage on both Hwy. 33 and 3. Homochitto Rd. It’s just over a mile from thousands of acres of the Homochitto National Forest. This tract offers excellent hunting and timber investment. $358,450. MLS# 128188











This 302 acre tract offers excellent hunting and wildlife habitat. There is approximately 190 acres south of Antioch Perkins Rd. and west of Will Rd. The remainder of the property is south of Antioch Perkins Rd. and east of Will Rd. $845,600. MLS# 128186











This 42 acre tract is located a couple of miles north of Gloster with paved frontage on Bluff Springs Rd. This is a great timber tract that also offers good hunting. Beautiful, home or camp site with gorgeous oak trees. Close to the Homochitto National Forest. $125,000. MLS# 128190.



NE Tract 2 - The west boundary is McClain Rd. and the east boundary is Tanyard Creek in Liberty, MS. There is a pond on this tract and other potential pond sites. This property has recently been clear cut leaving the buyer a blank canvas to either replant for future timber investment, turn the property into open pasture or simply let it naturally regenerate creating excellent wildlife habitat. $76,250. MLS# 127096

Buy Sell • October-November 2018

Conveniently located between McComb & Liberty in low-tax Amite County! This Executive style, custom built, 5BD, 4BA home is situated on 9.21 +/- acres. The kitchen was recently updated with new granite counters, glass Jen-air cook top, and more! $429,000. MLS# 126149 Branch Office: 463 East Main Street, Liberty, MS

Deanea Causey Brent Barron Brent McMillan, ALC Realtor Realtor/Forester Broker Assoc. 601-551-2166 601-248-3849 601-248-1925

601-657-5858 HWY. 27 - TRACT 3



78 +/- ACRES - HWY. 584 NG







NE This property has paved frontage on Hwy. 27. The property consists of beautiful rolling fields and younger plantation pines. The fields are mostly fenced with net-wire fencing. There are a number of trails allowing easy access to the entire property. The hunting for all game is excellent. There are numerous home or camp sites that offer excellent views. Utilities are available. $136,800. MLS# 127516


Own a piece of history with this charming 2400 sq. ft., 4BD, 2BA Victorian style home in the heart of Gloster! The home was built around 1900, but completely renovated and rewired in 2011 and is move in ready! $99,000. MLS# 125961

Located on a large lot at the corner of Burke & Aston Avenue, this 3BD/2BA home boasts over 2600 sq. ft. of living space and is full of character and charm! Home has been completely remodeled but has original hardwood floors, intricate trim in the foyer, and a solid marble mantle with an ornate Victorian ear, cast iron hearth grate. $138,000 MLS# 128004

This is a beautiful property located approximately 3 miles east of Liberty with frontage on Hwy. 584. This property has it all. Beautiful rolling pasture overlooks a 25 acre lake and 2 stands of plantation pine. The lake is privately owned and this property includes approximately 2.5 acres of the lake. SELLER MOTIVATED. $200,000. MLS# 125969














This 4BD/3BA, two story home boasts approx. 2,800 sq. ft. of living area and is move-in ready! Features that add to the character of this home include a beautiful solid oak mantle with surround, antique transoms, large foyer/dog trot, original hardwood floors, hand-painted claw foot tub, ornate woodwork, and 12 ft. ceilings throughout. $86,500. MLS# 128137

This 3BD/2BA well-maintained, brick home sits on a beautiful 2.75+/- Acre lot just outside the city limits. The home has formal dining adn living room, breakfast nook, and den with wood burning fireplace, brick paver flooring and vaulted ceiling. $175,000. MLS# 127952





Nice home located in Summit, MS in a growing community off of Kenna Rd. Located in North Pike School District, this 3BR/2.5BA, 2,454 sq. ft. home sits on a beautiful 2 acre lot at the corner of Timberline Drive and Kenna Rd. The sellers are VERY motivated! Home is in NEW CONDITION and it is priced to sell! $248,000. MLS# 128034

This custom built, 2BD/2BA home sits on 7.85 +/- acres & is an ideal mini-farm! Built in 2011 with a New Orleans flair, the sellers brought together elements from a variety of locations to make this one-of-a-kind home, something you will have to see to believe! The upstairs bonus room offers a little over 800 sq. ft. of additional living space. $195,000. MLS# 128238

2052 W. TOPISAW RD. S.

HWY. 27 - TRACT 2

Tract 3 - This property is located north west of Liberty, MS and fronts the county paved McClain Rd. The west boundary is McClain Rd. and the east boundary is Tanyard Creek. This property offers great home or camp sites with beautiful views from the rolling hilltops. Recently clear cut. $103,250. MLS# 127097

Tract 4 - This property is located north west of Liberty, MS and fronts the county paved McClain Rd. The west boundary is McClain Rd. and the east boundary is Tanyard Creek. This property has recently been clear cut leaving the buyer a blank canvas to either replant for future timber investment, turn the property into open pasture or simply let is naturally regenerate creating excellent wildlife habitat. $129,800. MLS# 127098

32.01 Acres for sale in the North Pike School District! This tract is covered in mixed mature hardwoods and pine timber providing as a great timber investment and also a great hunting tract! Easement off of W. Topisaw Rd. S. is well maintained. $77,000. MLS# 126291

Located in Lawrence County, MS between Topeka and Monticello, this 226 acre tract has paved frontage on Hwy. 27. The property consists of beautiful rolling fields, various age plantation pines and beautiful hardwoods. Halls Creek a beautiful spring fed creek flows through this proeprty. There are numerous home or camp sites that offer excellent views. There are several potential pond or lake sites as well. This property literally has something for everyone. Utilities available. $598,900. MLS# 127513

4767 MS HWY. 569N






Tract 1 - This property is located NW of Liberty, MS and fronts the county paved McClain Rd. The west boundary is McClain Rd. and the east boundary is Tanyard Creek. This property offers great home or camp sites with veautiful views from the rolling hilltops. There are several pond or lake sites. $153,900. MLS# 127095











This property is located in Franklin County and adjoins the beautiful Homochitto National Forest on its southern border and on parts of the north and eastern border. This is a turn-key property that includes a small camp, storage shed, multiple deer stands, established food plots and much more. $382,800. MLS# 127132


Situated on 2+/- acres, the main house is 1BD, 1 BA and there is also a 1BD, 1 bath guest house. Could possibly be used as a rental, nice camp, or weekend getaway! Lake Okhissa and Homochitto Forest only a short drive away! $65,000. MLS# 123702

9.33+/- Acres with frontage on Brushy Creek in Amite County, MS! Located just across the creek from Brushy Creek Ranch and adjoins the Homochitto National Forest. Won’t last long! $88,500.


72+/- Acres - This 72.12+/- acre tract South of Liberty, MS has a little bit of everything! Property has good road frontage, seasonal creek, food plots, good trail system & a mixture of pines and some mature SMZ hardwoods. Not far from the Louisiana State line. $183,855. MLS# 127677

Buy Sell • October-November 2018



We had the perfect buyers for this home on 7 acres in Amite County!

55 Branch Office: 463 East Main Street, Liberty, MS

Deanea Causey Brent Barron Brent McMillan, ALC Realtor Realtor/Forester Broker Assoc. 601-551-2166 601-248-3849 601-248-1925

601-657-5858 LOTS & LAND

Ox Bow - 251 +/- Acres - $679,347 Cody - 430 +/- Acres - $852,766 Hwy. 27 - 438 +/- Acres - $1,040,250 Hwy. 27 - Tract 1 - 164 +/- Acres - $410,000 Hwy. 27 - Tract 2 - 226 +/- Acres - $598,900 Hwy. 27 - Tract 3 - 48 +/- Acres - $136,800 Tilton Creek - 554.27 +/- Acres - $1,369,047 Sontag - 156.65 +/- Acres - $391,575 Raymond Sills Rd. - 115.56 +/- Acres - $302,767 Schmidt Rd. - 38.40 +/- Acres - $90,048

Amite County McClain Road - 158 +/- Acres - $395,000 McClain Road - Tract 1 - 54 +/- Acres - $153,900 McClain Road - Tract 2 - 25 +/- Acres - $76,250 McClain Road - Tract 3 - 35 +/- Acres - $103,250 McClain Road - Tract 4 - 44 +/- Acres - $129,800 Berwick Cassels Rd. - 72.12 +/- Acres - $183,855 - mbkafkd Forest Rd. 160A - 9.33 +/- Acres - $95,000 Oxford Meadville Rd. - 502.40 +/- Acres - $1,306,240 Winding Rd. - 179.60 +/- Acres - $475,940

Marion County

Copiah County

Ten Mile Creek - 811 +/- Acres - $1,764,382 Firetower Road - 15 +/- Acres - $52,675 Saint Paul - 325 +/- Acres - $713,414 Turkey Hound - 119 +/- Acres - $189,395

Dye Branch - 677 +/- Acres - $1,571,290 King Creek - 113 +/- Acres - $289,409 Hwy. 18 Carpenter - 495 +/- Acres - $1,263,678 Brooms Road - 49 +/- Acres - $136,752 Wesson Lake - 274.19 +/- Acres - $685,890 Colonel Neill Rd. - 212.68 +/- Acres - $558,285 Georgetown Rt. 28 - 73.15 +/- Acres - $157,272 Union Church Rd. 547 - 180.75 +/- Acres - $418,436 Tract 16 - 19.98 +/- Acres - $42,957 Tract 16 North - 8.99 +/- Acres - $26,970

Pike County Hwy. 51 & 98 - 2.1 +/- Acres - Commercial - $55,000 2052 W. Topisaw Road - 32 +/- Acres - $77,000

Simpson County Grubbs Hog Farm - 372 +/- Acres - $767,247 Jupiter - 311.70 +/- Acres - $467,550 - PENDING Jupiter North - 96.76 +/- Acres - $201,745

Franklin County Freewoods Road - 116 +/- Acres - $382,800 Horsecreek Road - 30.9 +/- Acres - $94,000 Hamburg Rt. 33 - 362.84 +/- Acres - $925,242 McCall Creek New Salem Rd. - 75.85 +/- Acres - $184,695 Neal Posey Rd. - 92.35 +/- Acres - $203,170 Kirby Rd. Hwy. 84 South - 128.53 +/- Acres - $311,043 Burt Jordan Rd. - 105.45 +/- Acres - $240,953 Southgate-Locust - 119.80 +/- Acres - $276,738 Green Lumber Co. A - 113.46 +/- Acres - $280,814

Walthall County Darbun Creek - 163 +/- Acres - $412,516 East Fork - 148 +/- Acres - $366,644 Kennedy - 40-40.62 +/- Acres - $54,837 Saint Paul - 280 +/- Acres - $565,026

Wilkinson County Coonsville Mill - 37 +/- Acres - $111,264

East Feliciana Parish

Jefferson County McBride - 75.54 +/- Acres - $182,807 Lorman - 349 +/- Acres - $710,215

Bluff Creek - 195 +/- Acres - $479,392

Livingston Parish

Jefferson Davis County

Poley - 138 +/- Acres - $441,600 - PENDING Hwy. 16 - 94 +/- Acres - $373,946 Taylors Branch - 104 +/- Acres - $359,180 Duff Rd. W - 319 +/- Acres - $1,167,160 Nancy Drive - 157 +/- Acres - $576,262 Springfield 160 - 160 +/- Acres - $744,000

Jaybird Creek Northeast - 39+/- Acres - $81,755 Jordan - 19+/- Acres - $41,499 - PENDING

Lawrence County Bismark - 229 +/- Acres - $559,458 Beaver Creek - 222 +/- Acres - $397,112 China Grove - 72 +/- Acres - $166,089 Holmes 2 - 22 +/- Acres - $58,496 Billy Newson West - 1,049 +/- Acres - $2,344,716 Arm Road - 148 +/- Acres - $328,782 Divide West - 49 +/- Acres - $118,050 Divide East - 96 +/- Acres - $222,634


Saint Helena Parish C. Overton Road - 132 +/- Acres - $327,896 PR171 - 11.09 +/- Acres - $37,152 - PENDING Cullen Harrel Road - 68 +/- Acres - $221,000 George Lee Road - 118 +/- Acres - $356,950


Buy Sell • October-November 2018

LLC Kalynthia Addison Broker/Owner 601-810-7030

Loronto Jackson Realtor 601-303-1677

1106 Shady Lane, McComb, MS 39648 • 601-810-7030




3068 Irene Rd., Summit - Take a look at this 4 bedroom, 2 full bathroom home with pier 603 Avenue H, McComb - Come take a look at this 3bedroom/2 bath home in McComb foundation located in South Pike School District. This home is in a quiet neighborhood School District priced to sell!!! This home is immaculate and move in ready. Bring that minutes from Percy Quin State Park and I-55 highway. The property sits on 1 acre of offer in today because this good deal will not last. MLS# R128262A. $75,000. land. MLS# R127221A. $63,000.




229 PIne St., McComb - Take a look at this great investment opportunity in east McComb area located minutes from Higgins Middle School. 2 Bedroom, 2.5 bath brick home. Home features a large living room and dining area. Also has a separate room in the back that was used for ahair salon and also has a lot of storage space. Home needs TLC and the owner has priced it as is. No repairs will be made at this location. call today to put an offer in. NO PCDS only exclusion. Sale price $35,000 As Is.

Bertha Lane, Magnolia - Take a look at this 20 acres of land that has been put back on the market. Area is secluded and great hunting land. Also a great site for camping due to seller has placed plots on the property. Accessed by deeded easement off of Gladhurst Road. Priced at $60,000 so that is $3,000 an acre. Call today to put in an offer. MLS# L127331A

HAPPY CLIENTS - Addison Realty helped these clients find the property of their dreams. Let Addison Realty help you with your next real estate need. 601-810-7030.



1082 Hillcrest Farms Lane, Summit - Brand new construction in NPSD. 1950SF, 4BR/2.45BA on beautiful acres. Open floor plan, great room with lots of windows, galley style kitchen, granite counters, stainless steel appliances. Outside you will appreciate wooded hilltop location with paved drive, sodded yard and large patio. MLS# R126956S, Listed by Cabin & Creek Real Estate and Sold by Addison Realty LLC.


300 Wilson Drive, McComb - Located in the heart of McComb and features pristine landscaping, in-ground salt water pool, security doors and includes 3BR/1.5BA, huge den and was used as a barber shop. Convenient to shopping and schools and perfect for entertaining! MLS# R127630S. Listed by RE/MAX Southland Real Estate and Sold by Addison Realty.

Buy Sell • October-November 2018



Gary Stewart Owner/Broker MS/LA Realtor 601-757-3009

Tonya Stewart MS/LA Realtor 601-754-3006

Lila Robin MS/LA Realtor 601-748-3080

Clint Stewart MS/LA Realtor Forester 601-757-8787

Charles Carruth Realtor 601-551-3111

Cathy T. Bradley Realtor 601-320-4663

Madeline Walker Brookhaven Office Mgr. 601-990-2132


Just A FEW of Our Listings IF YOU ARE A BUYER, WE ARE THE AGENT!!! iáåÅçäå=`çìåíó √==PPO=^ÅêÉë=áå=kb=iáåÅçäå=`çK √==UM=^ÅêÉë=áå=kb=iáåÅçäå=`çK √=NKSU=^ÅêÉ=äçí=çå=mÉååáåÖíçå píKI=_êççâÜ~îÉå √==NRS=^ÅêÉë=J=mÉêÑÉÅí=ÅçãÄç=çÑ íáãÄÉê=C=ÜìåíáåÖ=çå=d~êåÉí=qê~áä √=NMM=^ÅêÉë=áå=kb=iáåÅçäå=`çìåíó √==`çããÉêÅá~ä=ÄìáäÇáåÖ=çå= _êççâï~ó=_äîÇK=E^äêÉ~Çó= Åçåíê~ÅíÉÇ=íÉå~åíë=áå=éä~ÅÉF √=NTOV=eÉìÅâë=oÉíêÉ~í=oÇK=mbkafkd √==NMKPTR=^ÅêÉë=çÑ=mêáãÉ=_áÖ=_çñ oÉí~áä=mêçéÉêíó=çå=_êççâï~ó _äîÇK=áå=_êççâÜ~îÉå √==NMV_=oáÅÜãçåÇ=qê~áä=áå _êççâÜ~îÉå==plia √==_É~ìíáÑìä=C=ìåáèìÉ=ê~åÅÜ ëíóäÉ=ÜçãÉ=çå=b~ëí=iáåÅçäå=oÇK √==P_oLO_^=ÜçãÉ=áå=cáëÜÉê=m~êâ pìÄÇáîáëáçå √==QN=jçêÉíçå=mä~ÅÉ=RÄÇLRKR Ä~íÜ=ïLëïáããáåÖ=éççä √==PPNV=háåÇÉê=qê~áä=RÄÇLPKR Ä~íÜ=çå=Q=~ÅêÉë √==`çããÉêÅá~ä=äçí=çå=eïóK=RN ÄÉëáÇÉ=_ìãéÉêë

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BUYERS...Call 4 CORNER PROPERTIES today...We don’t want you to OVERPAY!!! 58


Buy Sell • October-November 2018


Buy Sell • October-November 2018


DREAM BUILDERS OF MS, LLC Dream Builders Realty, LLC `^ii qla^v=ql _rfia vlro aob^j eljb _ìáäÇ=çå=óçìê=eçãÉ páíÉ=çê=çåÉ=çÑ=çìêëK mêáÅÉë=Ñçê=~ää=ÄìÇJ ÖÉíëKKKvçì=aêÉ~ã=fq tÉ=_ìáäÇ=fq> tÉ=Å~êêó=~ää= `çåëíêìÅíáçå=äç~åë=áå ÜçìëÉI=ëçãÉ=äçåÖ íÉêã=lïåÉê= cáå~åÅáåÖ=^î~áä~ÄäÉK

päçï=`êÉÇáíI kç=`êÉÇáíI= _~Ç=`êÉÇáíKKK `~ää=qla^v J.W. & Dottie Burt, Owners Todd Phillips, Developer ~ 601-551-3377 Lance Gatlin, VP of Sales & Marketing ~ 601-320-1352 Diane Greer, Broker/Agent ~ 601-551-3700 Tina Spurlock - REALTOR - 601-996-9261 225 Canal Street, McComb, MS 39648 • •

601-684-3267 60


Buy Sell • October-November 2018

101-B Railroad Ave S., Osyka, MS 855-647-7397

Tammy Strickland Broker Associate 601-341-1285

Lisa Dillon Realtor 601-810-8326


Mechelle Clark Realtor 601-940-6562

Mark Metcalf Broker 601-455-0101



375 Carmel-New Hope Rd. - Jayess, MS $375,000 • 2 story executive home, 3245SF, 4BR/3Ba • 8.5 Acres of country living • Bonus room over double garage

1530 Big Creek SW, Bogue Chitto, MS $199,000 • 1848 SF 3 Bed, 3 Bath • Oversized family room, abundant cabinets • 40 Ac., Hunter’s Paradise, sand bars along creek • Bogue Chitto School District

701 Locust St. N - McComb, MS $174,900 • 2752 Sq. Ft., 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath • North Pike School District • Secluded 10 acres with pond



292 Airline Rd. - Tylertown, MS $174,000 • 1894 Sq. Ft., 3 Bed, 2 Bath • Recently remodeled, granite counter • 5 Acres, Home Warranty, Fenced • New central air & heat system


111 Fox Run Dr., McComb, MS $ 147,500 • Well-maintained 3BR/2BA home • 10' ceilings , fresh paint throughout • Spacious Master w/Whirlpool Tub

1136 Pounds Rd. - Magnolia, MS $164,500 • 1793 Sq. Ft., 3 Bedroom, 2.5 Baths • Open living, recently updated • Wood burning fireplace insert • 13.5 Acres, great hunting, country charm

1024 Forrest Rd. - Tylertown, MS $158,900 • 2043 Sq. Ft., 3 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath • Open kitchen, custom oak cabinets, formal L&D • 1.96 Acres, double car garage, workshop • North Pike School District




806 Union Street - Tylertown, MS $135,000

1105 Long Branch Dr. - Summit, MS $ 124,900

• 1476 Sq. Ft., 2 Bed, 2 Bath, possibly 3BR • Recent total renovation, hardwood floors, granite counters, stainless steel appliances • 1 Acre, well maintained neighborhood

• 2240 Sq. Ft., 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath • NPSD, 1.68 ac., gorgeous master, office • 2 living rooms, a cul-de-sac





402 Eitel Place - Brookhaven, MS $99,500 • 3Bedroom/2Bath • NEW granite in kit., stainless appliances • Fenced-in backyard

LAND LISTINGS 2.1 Acres - Summit-Holmesville Rd., McComb, MS • NPSD, 2.1 Acres • Deed restrictions $18,900

1.98 Acres - Rolling Oaks Dr., McComb, MS

1016 Berry Ln. - Osyka, MS $95,999 • 2560 Sq. Ft., 4 Bed, 2 Bath • Immaculate home, open floor plan, lg. master • Porches, Decks, Pool • 5 Ac., country seclusion, close to MS/LA line

Muddy Bayou Rd. - Lorman, MS $74,500 • Historic Old Rodney Presbyterian Church • National Register of Historic Properties • Late Federal Architectural Structure, Circa 1832 • No restrictions to renovate


516 Avenue K - McComb, MS $55,900 • 1352SF, 3BR/1.5BA • Corner, double lot • Convenient to shopping & hospital

Buy Sell • October-November 2018

• NPSD, 1.9 Acres • Deed restrictions $24,000

6.66 Acres - Pearl Ln., Magnolia, MS • Country living, lots of road frontage • No restrictions $24,000



FA FAQs B uying a home home for for the the first first time time can can be be overwhelming. overwhelming. Our Our knowledgeable knowledgeable p professionals rofessionals ccan an a answer nswer yyour our ttitle itle a and nd Buying closing closing questions questions and and we we are are committed committed to to making making the the home-buying home-buying experience experience a satisfying satisfying one one for for you. you. To To help help you you begin begin your your jjourney, ourney, h here ere a are re ssome om e a answers nswers tto o a ffew ew o off tthe he q questions uestions tthat hat fi first-time rst-time h homebuyers omebuyers m may ay a ask sk a ass tthey hey b begin e g in their their quest quest to to purchase purchase their their slice slice of of the the American American dream. dream. W hy sshould hou ld I b uy iinstead n s tea d o ent? Why buy off rrent? A home is an investment. When you rent, you write your monthly check and that money is gone forever. When you own your home, you can deduc t the cost of your mor tgage loan interest from your federal income taxes and usually from your state taxes. You can also deduc t the proper t y taxes you pay as a homeowner. In addition, the value of your home may go up over the years, building equit y for you. H ow d do oIk know now iiff I a am m rready eady tto buy home? ob uy a h ome? How You can find out by asking yourself a few questions:

N Do I have a steady source of income? Have I been


employed on a regular basis for the last 2-3 years? Is my current income reliable? Do I have a good record of paying my bills? Do I have few out standing long-term debt s, like car payment s? Do I have money saved for a down payment? Do I have the abilit y to pay a mor tgage ever y month, plus additional cost s?

If you can answer “yes” to these questions, you are probably ready to buy your own home. W hat iiss ttitle it le iinsurance n s u r a n ce a nd w hy d oIn eed iit? t? What and why do need An Owner’s Polic y of title insurance protec t s the buyer against l o s s f o r t i t l e t h r e a t s u n d i s c ove r e d a t t h e t i m e of c l o s i n g a n d

p rov i d e s a d e f e n s e i n t h e e v e n t of c l a i m s a g a i n s t t h e t i t l e pursuant to the terms of the polic y. much money will need upfront buy home? H How ow m uc h m oney w ill I n ee d u pfront tto ob uy a h ome? In general, you need enough money to cover three ex penses: the earnest money (variable), down payment, and closing cost s. addition mortgage payment, what other do IIn na ddition tto he m o r t g a ge p ayment, w t her ccosts os t s d o tthe hat o oI need n eed tto o cconsider? o n s i d e r? Utilities, proper t y taxes, homeowners insurance, and maintenance cost s are a few of the ex penses to be considered. Additionally, there may be homeowner association or condo association dues. H How are and pre-approval different? ow a re pre-qualifying p re - qu a l i f y i n g a if ferent? nd p re -approval d Pre-qualification is an informal way to see how much you may be able to borrow. A pre-approval is the lender’s commitment to lend to you. S Should hou ld I u use se a rreal eal estate es t a te a agent? gent? H How ow d do o I fi find nd a g good ood o one? ne? A g o o d r e a l e s t a te p r o f e s s i o n a l c a n g u i d e y o u t h ro u g h t h e e n t i r e process and make the ex perience much easier. All of the details involved in home buying, par ticularly the financial ones, can be mind-boggling. Star t by asking your family and friends if they c a n r e c o m m e n d a n a g e n t . L o o k f o r a n a g e n t w h o l i s te n s w e l l a n d u n d e r s t a n d s yo u r n e e d s . T h e i d e a l a g e n t k n o w s t h e l o c a l a r e a well and has resources and contac t s to help you in your search.

The mor e knowledgeable you ar e about the home-buying pr ocess, the better pr epared you ar e to make an infor med decision. more are process, prepared are informed Once you have found the home of your dr eams, contact our of office provide protection fice so we can pr ovide the pr otection you need and the service dreams, you deserve.

Brandon W. Frazier, Attorney at Law, PLLC 346 Scott Drive McComb, MS 39648 O: (601) 684-1125 | F: 601-684-1171

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