Entertainers Press

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28 I Feature

The sincerest form of flattery

Oscar Wilde who coined that immortal line “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”, and the evolution of the tribute sector over recent years to theatres and even arenas – helping to sustaining many venues large and small along the way – proves it’s now part of the mainstream live music industry, as Allan Glen reports on one company’s landmark anniversary

I Mike Taylor

f you ever thought the epithet ‘tribute act’ was mildly derogatory, but have been having doubts over recent years, then an Essex-based family firm can likely help you resolve the issue. While acts paying nightly homage to perennial favourites such as the Rolling Stones, George Michael, Elton John and Robbie Williams were primarily consigned to working men’s clubs and pubs in the early 2000s, certain entrepreneurial types began to see far greater poitential, not least the elevation of the art-form to traditional theatres and concert halls.

April 2019 • Issue 231 • www.liveuk.com

Now everyone is in on the act, as James Taylor, director of Entertainers, which celebrates its 25th anniversary this year, proudly declares. “I would say Entertainers is the market leader in the tribute show space – we did 1,200 shows and sold more than 500,000 tickets worldwide last year,” he says. “Now you have all these big companies moving in.” He cites Live Nation Entertainment’s acquisition of Cuffe & Taylor, which he says works with established tribute shows, and German entertainment conglomerate Deutsche Entertainment AG (DEAG), which through its majority

ownership of Kilimanjaro Live, owns a majority stake in the Flying Music Group as indicators of how much the market has changed, with DEAG also parent company to Kilimanjaro Live, co-promoter of Ed Sheeran’s shows. “If DEAG are doing Ed Sheeran shows [via Kilimanjaro] and tribute acts, it must show there is something in it – and we’re the forefathers of that.” If Entertainers is the forefather of multiple tribute shows, then that must elevate Taylor’s father, Michael, to the position of godfather. “Dad created The Magic of Motown 13 years ago and that’s the one that

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