Why does everyone hate cops?
i hate the police because they are always harrasing the wrong people, there is good people out there who dont Luxury Properties Millington-TN break into cars and houses,who dont beat their wives,and who dont beat their children but they do pay taxes just like the police and in many cases like mine, who work harder than the police, i am a 26 yr. old alaskan fisherman who lives in the yakima valley in washington state and i am constantly being pulled over and harrased like yesterday i was pulled over for expired tabs in my old truck i never drive and my insurance card was in the visor of my other car,guess what big surprise i got a $788.64 ticket then i explained to the cop that i was injured on the job wich is true and i dont get l&i money or unemployment because i am not physically able to work i am still on light duty and i have absolutely no money right now,i explained that to the cop and he didnt care,but one thing i really hate is how the cops screw you over but before they walk back to their cars they always want to play the nice guy all of the sudden then they start feeling compassion and saying they are sorry and telling me that i can get the ticket reduced wich is bullcrap because i have never gotten a ticket reduced in my life nor have i ever received a warning from the cops, i just would like to know what their deal is,are they that stupid or are they that naive?,dont they have anything better to do than hand out expired tabs tickets when our city has the second highest crime rate in washington,and before i go i wanted to tell the cop who said that they are always the first ones we call when we need help,you are a total douchbag ,first of all who are you to speak for eveyone second when have the police ever helped me?.i had my car stolen and set on fire did they help me no,did they catch the guy no,i had my house burglarized did they help me no,did they catch the guy no.i was beaten with a baseball bat did they help me no,did they catch the guy Most Expensive Homes Millington-TN no.so the answer to the question in my eyes is most people think the cops are worthless and are almost for crime because instead of doing something about the problem with crime wich is what the people want they want to sit on their asses and hand out tickets to pay for their dougnuts and coffee so my last words are fu** the police