001 the one about travis and sandra

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THE ENTREPRENEUR’S RADIO SHOW Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs that Grow Your Business

EPISODE 1: The One about Travis and Sandra Introduction: You’re listening to diamonds in your own backyard, the business owner’s guide to discovering success, wealth, and happiness within your own business. Where each week, you’ll hear inspirational stories, strategies, and inside secrets of some of the most powerful small business owners themselves, on the Amazing Women of Power Network powered by Raven International. And now, here’s your hosts Travis Lane Jenkins and Sandra Champlain.

The One About Travis and Sandra Travis: Welcome to Diamonds in Your Own Backyard. I’m Travis Jenkins. Sandra: And I’m Sandra Champlain. Travis: And so, welcome to the show. Sandra let’s start off today. Let’s start off, by explaining what Diamonds in Your Own Backyard means. I know me and you both have heard that story from the different places that we have done all our training in. So, and I know there’s a lot of people that have maybe never even heard of the story. So, would you mind giving us a little bit of a background on that story, because I believe it is a true story, Right? Sandra: It is a true story. Travis: Yeah, tell them. Sandra: And it took place back in the day in India and there was a very wealthy man, who owned this orchard and farm and everything. And one day he met a traveler who talks about diamonds. And this was something this wealthy man didn’t have and he realized that it’s something he wanted. He wanted wealth. So he spent many, many years travelling through different countries and just searching for these diamonds. Well he didn’t find them, and he ended up perishing just being a broken man and never found his dream. And then one day, somebody stumbled upon his own property, that beautiful farm that he had left, and saw something in a river, and as it turned out that property he owned happens to be the world’s largest diamond mine, called the Golkonda Diamond Mine today that was discovered. Travis: Yeah.

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Travis: Now that happened, I want to tell the story was, I think, and I may be wrong about 13th or 14th century or something like that wasn’t it. Sandra: That’s correct. Yeah. Travis: What I thought was interesting about the story is the guy was a successful farmer, he really had everything already. He had a beautiful family, he had a successful farm. And it was the story of these unbelievable levels of wealth that just had him tossing and turning and really could not even focus on what he had there in his own life already and so that started him on this crazy journey on extreme levels of wealth. And so, the story goes on for a while, but the amount of heartache and turmoil, and everything that the guy goes through is just incredible, and beyond the fact that the diamonds were in his own backyard. It was acres and acres of diamonds, and if I remember correctly, the Hope Diamond is the single biggest diamond ever which I think is in the, I don’t know... Sandra: Naponian…something. Travis: ...come out of this piece of property, Sandra: Right. Travis: And so it’s a really interesting story. I know for me is that resonated with me because I’m guilty of the same thing in different ways, maybe not diamonds. I’ve had several times in my life when I couldn’t see the diamonds for what they were. They were, in saying in the analogy, they were dirt to me. The things that I thought they were useless or I didn’t pay attention to were some of the most powerful things, if I just recognize it and started using them in my business. Does that make sense? Sandra: It does, and thankfully that we have had the journey that we’ve been on because that we’ve been able recognize that we have like that man have been searching outside of ourselves for many years off and on only to find within ourselves that we have the answers. Many people go looking outside of themselves for success and meanwhile there just a few feet away right in their own backyard. That’s the name of our show. Travis: Right. Well it can be within yourself, within your reach, within your company, within your surroundings, within your network, diamonds are in, the nuggets, the diamonds are in several places around you if just know where to look for. Right?

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Sandra: Right. And that is why we are here today, and I believe you and I are both committed to having this show and share with our listeners, how you can harvest the diamonds you have. We’ll start off by interviewing each other; I would like to do that. Travis: Right. Sandra: And find out from each other how we found our own diamonds and who we are and what we’re up to. And then carry it forward to having guests on every week that can share their journey and it may have been a journey of struggle and then realizing the diamonds are in their backyard and where they are now. And so, we can present great strategy and action steps that we can make a difference in the listener’s life. Travis: Right. I want to be clear about who were talking to, because it is important, or the people that were talking to I think are some of the most important people in our society and that’s business owners, entrepreneurs, that’s people that make the world go round, it is people that drives capitalism. It’s 10% of our population drives 90% of everything - job creation, taxes, you name it. We’re both entrepreneurs and we have dedicated our lives to business and to helping others. Just the entrepreneurial pursuit, and so I want to be clear, that’s were focusing on. I think it’s easy as a business owner to feel lost or to feel like you’re an island. I know a lot of times I don’t have anyone that I can make sure that this idea works. I do not have anyone that I can talk to and I’m not trying to say that I don’t have anybody that loves me. I am just saying that I don’t have people that get what I’m going through, where I am coming from, and how to help me. At times, especially in tough times, it is a very, very lonely feeling. Sandra: And I can get that, because I met you just last year, and I’ve owned a business for 21 years and I’ve had my share of ups and downs and struggles and have been someone who has been doing it on my own. Travis: Right. Sandra: I have read the most that I can; I’ve studied what I can do. But I’ve only seen life through my own eyes, and when I met you, you had an incredible amount of success. And I saw, that “Oh my gosh, it’s somebody I can share this with.” And I have been able to learn from your past and really get some outstanding business coaching and it really does make a difference to have someone in your corner. Travis: Right. Yes, someone that gets what you’re going through. I want the show to be that source of inspiration and wisdom for entrepreneurs and business owners. Sandra: I agree.

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Travis: And the reason why I say entrepreneurs and business owners is of course most business owners are entrepreneurs. But there are also people, who are aspiring business owners, and I love the entrepreneurial experience, I love the attitude, so I want to be a part of nurturing that much as possible. Sandra: As do I, what do we let folks know who we are. Travis: Okay, what I would do is I’ll explain a little bit of who you are and you can explain who I am. And then later we can interview each other and kind of go deeper on that topic. Let me start off by explaining who you are. Sandra: Okay. Travis: So like you said, I met you several, about 8, 9 months ago and I was instantly drawn to you because of the things you have going on in you’re an extremely, extremely intelligent sensitive, kind, caring person, that’s has written a fascinating book about We Don’t Die. That’s also something that you and I had a very deep connection on because I lost my mother and it was a crippling event for me in my life. And it’s something that I still wrestle with. And you were in this stage of writing this book and I have proofed it or read it, parts of it, or so you’re an incredible author from that front. You’re a business owner of a multiple businesses, a wonderful chocolate, coffee and chocolate shop, and then also you’re a very, very serious player in the hospitality business with super high end race car teams. You are a fascinating person on many, many levels. One of the few people that I have met that has gone to so many different types of training. It’s just natural for me to have a conversation with you and share ideas in business and death and all of those other things. And so that’s a quick example of who you are, and why I think you are so great, and why I think as people start to listen to this, and listen to this program they are going to fall in love with you. Sandra: Oh, thank you. I have a big smile on my face right now. Travis: I mean it. Sandra: Thank you. Sandra: Who you are for me as I met you that was back in November, you were just a guy at the dinner table. There was a group of us that got pulled together for a last minute dinner. And we went around the table to introduce each other and I just didn’t expect what came out of your mouth. Travis owns a couple of businesses. In my mind he is beyond successful. He has generated over 70 million dollars in business. And that is something that I didn’t expect from a guy who’s just a couple of months older from

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me that I was looking across the table at, and you are not only successful in your business, but you are driven to give back and make a difference with others. To spend some time at that dinner table just freely talking to me about what I love about my business is, and how you can make a difference. I was sitting there, and what this guy doing talking to me? You know you have such a love of human beings and you want every person that comes, or cross your path to live the best life possible, and you clearly know something that I don’t know. And I m willing to bet some of our audience doesn’t know about. So, part of my passion is letting you do what you are good at and that is the business and you sharing in a way that makes a difference for all of us. I think you are an incredible person. You are a ton of fun, there’s never in every conversation we have that we don’t laugh, and so to join forces with you, to see an incredible entrepreneur and the incredible person that you are, I think it is a real gift to have you being able to coach, and give some great advice, and strategy and action stuff to our listeners. Travis: Thank you. It is very kind of you to say that. You know, Sandra, I feel like what is missing is and this is part of the reason why we ended up agreeing to do this show is so many of the business owners are really struggling with staying in business on some levels, some businesses are struggling just to survive. Some they are doing a lot better, than just, how do I want so say this, they’re doing more than just surviving but it’s taking practically every ounce and energy that they have and there’s no quality of life. In my story which we’ll get into later, as I’ve experienced incredible levels of success, but where I learned my biggest lesson is I lost it all, and I had to figure out how to start all over again. It was that journey of starting all over again, and the clarity that I got from that made it clear to me that my passion is really helping people get to a place in their life to where they can live through their business. So many people live to work and I think that needs to be flipped. You can set your business up so that it serves you, and it facilitates your lifestyle, and your family, and some of the most memorable things in life. But almost all the businesses that I see, that I interact with, are just the opposite of that, and so for me, that is no different than tail wagging the dog. Does that make sense? Sandra: Oh. It makes sense. I know even in my own life that there is been so many hours in a work week, 60, 80, a 100, 120 hours in a work week of doing, doing, and doing, and then time just fly by. I don’t have kids, but I do know of people that have worked so hard and they missed their kid’s baseball games and things like that, just driven to work. And what would life be like that people would actually have the time to not miss those little things in life. To be able to spend time with their family and do the things that are in their hearts. And what I know you can provide for people is giving them access to that, by giving them all access to that, so that, we have our business and that it supports our lifestyle, and our lifestyle includes doing the things that are important to us now and time, and financial freedom to do those things. Travis: Yes. I have been a business owner for 21, 22 years and I think the first 15 years into the business and I had a pretty high level of financial success at that time, but if I were to hear this

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conversation it might not hit home with me because I had not really got to the level of understanding yet. What I mean by that is after I lost everything, I went on this journey and I’ve become aware of what my flaws were and what I was doing wrong and why I needed to work eighty, ninety hours a week just to maintain the business and keep up with things. I think the first thing that’s important for most people to realize is there is, and I’ve talked about is the four levels of competence. So the first level is unconsciously incompetent, which means you don’t know what you don’t know. The second is, consciously incompetent which means you now know what it is that you don’t know, right? Sandra: Right? Travis: The third is, unconsciously competent which means your good at something you just don’t know how to teach it. And a lot of times that’s a God given talent also. I have a God given talent to sell things, and so that’s why I was able to start my business. And then the fourth is, consciously competent which means you know how to do something and you know how to teach it. And so, for the first fifteen years of my business although I had very high levels of financial success, I was really not, I hadn’t set up my business up in a way so that it worked for me. I wasn’t very strategic in the things that I did. We just tried to do a whole lot of it, and the more business we did, the more money I made or so I thought. Sandra: Right. Travis: And so, what happened is I built this big, this gigantic machine that was like this hungry beast that constantly needed to be fed more work to keep it happy and keep it profitable and in some months with extreme levels of financial success, and some months, would lose extreme amounts of money, and it was just this pendulum swung back and forth and I really didn’t feel that I was in control of it, and it was because I was in the first stage, I didn’t know what I didn’t know, and that’s really the explanation of the tail wagging the dog for me, my business ran me, I thought I was in charge of it and I really wasn’t. Sandra: What kind of business was it? Travis: It was a home improvement business. And so, I just didn’t know any better. And so I wasn’t strategic about how we priced things, I wasn’t strategic on how we got customers. I was great at marketing but I wasn’t strategic. I wasn’t strategic on how I built long term lasting relationships. Just a lot of things, I could go on. Sandra: Well I do think we continue with interviewing you if you don’t mind, until we get into your diamonds in your backyard what I think is important that we share is that I’m committed and you’re

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committed to that every listener hears as themselves in us that you were not born with millions of dollars. Travis: Yeah right. Sandra: We both come from a place that we’ve had struggles, and we will, and there will be things that happen in our future that’s just part of life. Travis: Yeah, I mean we’re both accomplished on some levels, but we still have struggles in other levels, and so what we want to do, is we want to take our competence, our skill sets and those things, and we want to share our success and our discoveries with you. And then you and I due to all of the training and things and we’ve gone through, on complete different paths, but similar paths, we know an incredible amount of people and we have access to those people, that have come from nothing to something also. And so while we don’t have the answers for everything, we know quite a few things in our fields. We have those relationships with those people and that’s where that value is going to be. I want to be that guiding light for those entrepreneurs that are ready to take a chance or have already taken a chance and they need to get things moving in the right direction or improve as soon as possible. I agree on you one thousand percent. Sandra: And that we all have this network to draw upon, one happy family so to speak, as our listeners access to you, me and to people that we have on call every week. Travis: Right. Sandra: So we are out for everyone’s success. No one has to feel that they’re going in this alone. Travis: Well, I agree one hundred percent. Another interesting thing is in the very beginning when I started reaching out networking with other people, it’s hard to figure out who you can trust and who you can’t trust, because everybody seems to be selling or promoting the next whiz bang thing, right? Sandra: Oh, absolutely. Travis: But once you’ve become you and I have paid high level masterminds where you are parts of groups of people that are not just teaching it but their living it. And that’s the people that you really want to learn from or take advice from or they don’t just make their living teaching this, because there are a lot of people out there that teach it and they really don’t know what they’re teaching. And that’s frustrating for me, so what I wanted to point out is the access to the people that we have that’s really

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become is a byproduct of the masterminds and other things that we’ve been in different ones all over the country. Right? Sandra: Oh yeah. We have a great connection and everybody comes from making a difference. There are people that have succeeded and are successful and they have really great wealth and they’re focused on giving back and making a difference for others, so that is the common denominator that we all of have and I think that’s perfect. Travis: Yeah, they all come from a place of abundance, they want to help. Sandra: Correct. Travis: Sandra, almost all of them have for the lack of a better term, they’ve had their teeth kicked in. They have lost everything along the way many of them and had to rediscover or re find it again, and there something about that process that when you go through it, there’s an incredible level of enlightenment and growth that happens. I know that it made everything crystal clear for me what my passion was is next go round I want to help. Sandra: Would you be willing to share with us now a bit of your struggle, and a bit about your past, and your journey. Travis: Yeah. Sandra: And tell us everything. I know when I met you first I was a little like “Oh, Intimidated,” how he’s got so much and after this short conversation. You’re no different than me and you’ve struggled you just did some things I didn’t know and look where you are now. So, I think it’s important here. Travis: Yeah. It’s a tough story it’s hard for me because there are parts of it that is very emotional for me. It was five, six years ago, my mother had passed away. She was the love of my life. So I went through a very, very tough time and I just really reached the point in business to where that I didn’t care, not only in business but in life I just didn’t care. I had this incredibly successful business and hundreds of employees and lots of incredible things going on when this happened, this event happened in my life. Looking back I just wanted break everything, I just threw a fit. For several, several months I spun out of control, I couldn’t pay attention to work, wouldn’t focused on work. Seven, 8, 9 months into it, I really realize that I need to pull my head out of the fog and focus on business and getting things back on track. I have a large number of people that were counting on me. Families that fed their families through this business and so I started focusing on business again and we were really in the state of trouble. The marketing wasn’t working like it had been, sales have dropped off. A business is

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like a child, it tended to, watched, and managed. Now, I have been doing this for fifteen years and probably a little arrogant. I felt like I could bring the business back under control and get a handle back on things, and so the business was struggling financially and we have managed to save quite a bit of money personally. So, I sit down and spoke with my wife and told her we needed to loan some of our savings to the company’s cash flow. We loaned a little, then a little more, and a little more, and before you know it we loaned our entire, all of it, to the company, which was scary in the process. But I just felt confident it would buy me enough time to turn things around. Three, 4, 5, 6 months went by and it became clear to me that I couldn’t turn it around. It just became inevitable that we’d have to file bankruptcy. Sandra: Wow! Travis: And so, I not only lost everything with the company. I lost all of the money that we had personally. And so, I was just lost. To let somebody down that loves you. I’m sorry. Sandra: No it’s okay. I appreciate you genuinely sharing, because this is what life looks like. I mean it’s, we all want to live each day be happy and make things work. You’re courageous enough to share what it’s like for you. Most of us put on a happy face and don’t ever let anybody know. I appreciate it. Travis: Well, it was a heart breaker for me because I felt like I had violated my trust. And I come very close to killing myself. I wanted to be with my mother. I have screwed everything up; it was nobody’s fault but mine. I was in a very dark place for a while. I just couldn’t shake it, I finally just had to commit to disconnecting myself for a little while, it was just too painful. I’ve been playing around with some online marketing things for the business before my mother passed away. I had to deal with the impact of what this meant to me as a person, what was I going to do to get us back on track. Once I was able finally to pull my head from out of the clouds and get back to focusing, some really incredible things started happening. Once I cleared myself of all of that fog, we decided to position ourselves as the experts in the industry, which we’d been really doing really for a couple of years already, and we just took it in a different approach, and it was focused on marketing online. Ultimately, over the next eighteen months I made it all back, I made my entire life savings back. I made every penny that we’d lost and this was a large sum of money. This was something that had taken us fifteen years to make and I made it back in 18 months. We were actually making 600% to 700%, to 800% more money per year than we were before we went bankrupt and it was due to just throwing away the old playbook and completely changing the way that we did things, the way we positioned ourselves, the way we priced our services, just the whole shooting match. We changed everything, and so within that short period of time, I regained my confidence. I proved to myself that I am competent enough to run a business; everything that caused us to fail was definitely my fault. Just what was successful in business had changed. Looking back, I think was my fault was I wasn’t willing to change with what the market wanted

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now. Whether it be advertising, or services, or pricing, or whatever, and so this catastrophic event where I lost everything just finally woke me up and made me pay attention and change. This was a life changing discovery for me and it also gave me some new perspective and that’s where the desire for wanting to help other people, whether a business is going to bankruptcy, coming out of it, or even just steering through the tough stuff with the economy. Which I think really applies to all businesses, there’s just a series of things that you can do if your services are focused on quality. There’s a series of things that you can do to make your business dramatically more profitable with a fraction of the effort, and that’s ultimately what I learned out of that whole event. Sandra: And it’s great. It’s so easy for us, I think it’s human to spend time I should have done this, I could have done this, why didn’t I do this, I do believe that any moment of time in our history we make the best decision we can for ourselves and for our family, and I’m sure you agree with this, looking back on your life everything had to happen the way it did for you to be here with us now and to create such wealth and instead of being unconscious competence now you have mastery. What you do know, you do know, you’ve been able to identify it, you’ve been able to figure out what works and what doesn’t work, and now you’re able to give that back to other people. And I want to first of all thank you for sharing genuinely and generously your story. I know it still emotional to feel it and remember it and all that, but it was out of that pain that you took action and you should know that something else you’re going to do when you did it. Not only that, now you’re at the point where you’ve created incredible sums of wealth. And now all there is for you to do in your heart is to share it with other people, because you see that people don’t have to live a life with struggle and even with me, you had this little knack of showing me things about myself that I didn’t see, and what a gift that is. Showing me what I’m capable of, who I am in your eyes and it’s like wow, and that I can act from that and that I can have more success. So, really, a great story, past is painful but without it you would not be the exceptional man that’s here today. And I really look to you for making a huge impact in business owners starting in the United States, but why not globally because you know the secret recipe of what it takes, and it’s just of matter of you know things that a lot of other people don’t know but you can teach it. And I really commend you for doing that. Travis: Well first of all, thank you. When I was going through it, I thought it was the end of the world. I felt it was the end of my life, the end of my existence. And you’re right if I hadn’t gone through those things, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I really went through the failure before the majority of everyone else went through failure. And so in turn, I was much more prepared than everyone else was feeling the grips of the economy and all the tough things that were happening with the economy. Yeah, it was a blessing in disguise; just it’s so hard to tell when you’re in the middle of a blizzard. Sandra: It stings actually. Yes.

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Travis: Yeah, because I’ve been to several of them. I could swear I was in the middle of the worst storms of my life which is probably true and the positive things that come from it are incredible. Sandra: Yeah, and I think the important thing is resources, now we have you and being in communication, and you were not alone. Travis: I remember when we were sitting down and talking and again, you have been in business for 21 years.

Sandra: Yes. Travis: When we brought down your pricing model and I showed you how just changing your price 10% would increase your income a hundred percent. It blew your mind. Sandra: Blew my mind! Travis: And when I showed you how a twenty one percent increase, most people no matter how many business owners I sit down with, and I show them the math -- they’re completely floored. It’s surprising to me and I went through the same thing. Fifteen years and millions and millions of dollars worth of revenue and once I learned that math, I had a holy smokes moment. I had an epiphany, I started seeing what it is that I couldn’t see all those years and so I knew the same thing happened to you when we were talking about that. So let’s put this shoe in the other foot. Let’s go the other direction, let’s talk about, you, your back story. Sandra: Sure. I will. Well what I want to say is even serving at a young age, I was a kid who wanted to either be a veterinarian because I loved the animals, or I wanted to be an airline pilot just like my dad. But I grew up not, I want to say I was searching for the diamonds. As a little hobby, I used to bake cakes and breads and enter them in the town’s fairs, things like that. But I went to high school, graduated from high school, hadn’t a clue what I wanted to do. And of course I was looking for what would be the right thing. What would be the thing to make money, have a career and didn’t know what it was. So back in 1991, 4th of July, I opened the Kemp Coffee and Chocolate Company in Connecticut. And I’m proud to say that twenty one years later it still stands. However, Still I’ve been searching for my diamonds because of five years, six years went by and again I work seven days a week, behind a counter, pouring coffee. I’m a social butterfly, I like to travel, I like to be out, and there I was stuck behind this counter. Now that’s something that I created. Something that made a difference in town but I wasn’t happy, and I got an awesome opportunity to become, I started as a Chef and cooking for one race car team that was a local team and there’s this twenty four hour race that happens in Daytona every year. And so out of the motor home, I ended up making breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a few

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days for this race team. And it was great! And it was hard work, but I didn’t mind. And then in 1996, I had gone to race and the actor Craig T. Nelson was co driving with the gentleman that I took for at Daytona and I got the opportunity to begin working for this team year round, not just this once a year for Daytona race. So my mom and I actually created this new business we called it Marian’s Hospitality, that’s her name and we started feeding this one team. And the next race that came along. I had Paul Newman walked under the tent with Don, and said “We like what you do, you should cook for our team too!” And Travis over the course of the years, what happened was the tent that we had that we provide hospitality for these race teams the folks that would eat under our tent started winning all the races and talk about exciting. So from 1996 to presently my mom and I travelled with our staff and we do provide unbelievable hospitality meals for some of the most successful race car teams, race car drivers, motor sports. Travis: Oh yeah, guys like Patrick Dempsey. Sandra: And Bobby Ray Hall and Andretti -- incredible people. Travis: Not only high level people but large numbers of people... serving something like six hundred people or something. Sandra: The last of it was six hundred people per meal. Daytona it was sixteen hundred people per meal. However, where I want to go is -- travelling on the road like we’re doing get’s tiring and I believe our show is about Diamonds In Your Own Backyard, I think throughout the course of my life and everybody’s life is normal for our interest to change. I would think I was a failure that I wanted to the race team and lose my chocolate shop. No I had just had a new interest and it’s not that at all and then something else surfaced while I was working with the race team. All this time, I had a secret hobby I guess you can call it, I’ve always been interested in what’s possible for human beings, I’ve always been interested in self growth learning what the human mind’s kick and all that and I have gone through an incredible fear of dying. I don’t know where that came from but I started on this path is there really good credible evidence that we go on. That’s it not just everything that we can see and touch. When our body dies, that’s it, it’s over. Many of us are religious, grew up in a church and have faith but I wanted something more than that. So I started this search and back in 2005, I found some incredible incredible evidence that we go on. That after physical death there is something else and I wasn’t, I was someone who laughed at psychics and mediums, and I was very opinionated at people would conned people out of their hard earned money and all that, and I want good proof. Now, the thing is I’m a nice girl and I like people to like me as I like to be thought well of as a business owner. I uncovered some really great information that would certainly make a difference in people’s lives. But I did not want to be thrown in the cause of one of those out there kind of people. So I kept quiet, however my own fears were gone. I though you know I nothing to worry about, isn’t this great? As time went on, I have had this desire, I’ve

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been saying for years to write a book on this. Again there was not the drive or the courage to do so, because other people write books, who am I, I don’t know if you’re this way, but I have a little voice in my brain in my head that doesn’t always say the most of positive things. It will remind me that I can’t do something, that’s for other people. Even when I first met you, and you’ve made this incredible wealth, well he did, but I’m different, a gal couldn’t possibly have that. I’m aware that this little voice in our head some people already have it, some people don’t know, the inner critique. Travis: I have it too. I have that little voice supposedly wisdom. The voice of wisdom. Sandra: It’s not. Travis: I know it’s not. But you know most people are surprised that I’ve extreme levels of success that I still have that voice. I have that negative voice that says well it works for her but it will not work for you or some kind of nonsense like this, yes I agree. Sandra: And I know what we’ll find when we interview people every week is everybody’s got that voice and it doesn’t mean that we need to listen to it. There is part of us; I think that little voice is there for survival. What we’ve done in the past, even though we might not have enjoyed it, it worked it kept us in the planet. I think that little voice wants us to stay small. So my voice didn’t want me to share what I was up to and I didn’t. I crave information but I kept myself busy working with race teams and travelling, and managing my chocolate and coffee shop from afar. However in 2010, my dad got diagnosed with cancer and in that I was the only single child he had, my siblings were married with families, and so I decided to move in with his lady friend and him. They were together for seven years and I moved to Daytona Beach Florida to be with my dad. And I spent the last five months of his life by his side. And I know you know from losing your mom that it is extremely scary and I was not aware of something called grief. I had this tremendous fear, tremendous sadness. I had in the past a really great relationship with my siblings and I found that we started to fight and made disagreements. I mean I’m a very peaceful person always happy, happy to tell a joke, put a smile on somebody’s face, and I really became this bitter angry person. And my dad ended up passing away on May 11th 2010. And I have never felt anything as painful ever. Travis: Right. Sandra: In that I was not only grieving the loss of my dad, but I was grieving the loss of my siblings, because the fights got so bad that it was, they never wanted anything to do with me again. And so even in my team, me the ultimate student who wants to know what’s happening. I had to look because I found out that over 60% of families, siblings like my own, separate when a parent dies. And even if a married couple has a child die, 90% of those relationships end in divorce. And there’s a very high

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suicide rate on the planet. Over a million people who experienced grief and depression commit suicide. And I started thinking, because I could not recognize who I was. This crazy, angry, my memory wasn’t working I mean all these breakdown of communication in my family. And so I started looking for what is grief. And grief is not something that we’re taught. I don’t think people, they have heard of it. I don’t think people really know it exist. But what I found Travis is that. Travis: Are you talking about how to manage grief? I mean because grief occurs naturally right? Sandra: It occurs naturally at first, but I don’t think people recognize that they’re even necessarily in it. And people think they’ll grieve when someone dies but not realizing that any time there’s a break up of any kind, whether it be a failed relationship, when you’re diagnosed with an illness, you lose your job, you lose your finances, it will put the blame in this thing called grief. Travis: Experiences of sudden loss that is important to you. Sandra: Exactly. And in that loss there is actually a neurotransmitter in the brain that gets depleted. As a side effect people’s memories are very poor, communication is poor, the way you look through your eyes and the way you perceive life happening, you store it in a certain way in your brain, but without this neurotransmitter you’re not storing it correctly. Also there is all the anger, the depression, can’t sleep, can’t eat, all those kind of things are all tied with this lack of this neurotransmitter in the brain. And it dawned in me that people don’t know about this. If people were to know that during the time of grief any kind of loss their brain is not going to be functioning correctly. My thought was families don’t have to come apart, relationships don’t have to end, suicides don’t have to happen. It can be, you’ve realized that okay my brain is not functioning correctly, we’re not communicating properly, I’m not seeing life really is. It just dawned on me that somebody’s got to do something about this. Well, who else but me? I decided to create a free audio and that it’s called How To Survive Grief and I have it still free at www.survivegrief.com to help people understand what grief is and just a year, I have a couple thousand people in fifteen countries listen to it. And the letters that I’ve gotten about how it has saved families. I have a gentleman looked me in the eye after hearing it he chose not to commit suicide. He was going through tremendous pain but he realized that it was normal and I thought wow, if I had thought of this who am I not to share it, so when I met you, back in November while I attended that conference, I decided to finally be public and create not only a book about grief because I don’t think necessarily it would be a best seller -- A book on grief. Travis: You are also a positive person that has a negative tone to more about surviving. Sandra: Yes it is, but I have had, back to diamonds in the backyard. One of the things that I have been so passionate about all my life, and you know this is learning. I mean, even looking right now in my

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books that I have, the amount of courses that I have gone through, and it’s all been about who we are as humans, and how to have a great life, how to be courageous in the face your fear, how to take actions, and how make things happen, and how to make relationships work. And so in my mind I thought you know what, it’s time for me to come out with all my information about life after death because there are so many people searching for answers, so many that people that have lost somebody that sure would like to know that they are okay. But I also you say this putting the medicine in the dessert, I do have a chapter about grief because I am really committed that people have a great relationships, part of success is not just financial success, or time success, is to within harmony, as love, and joy with those people that are in your life. I talk about grief but then that last turn of the book is about life. And really having a life playing full out and going out for your dreams and so everything that I have done thus far, and that adds up a little diamonds here, little diamonds there and I have enjoyed it where it’s all going, it’s really going to empower people in whatever dream they have is to have that be real for themselves and for their lives. That is who I am. Travis: Alright. Well, I want to say, just want several things about I like the book is, now I am a skeptic, in even in the title or the subtitle that has a skeptic’s discovery of life after death. So that really resonated with me because I am a skeptic, you’re perpetually more positive than I am. I am a positive person but I look it, I am cautiously optimistic way of saying it. What I really like about the book is that you base, number 1 is parable story that explains the journey which I really like, which it got in touch in the inner child in me. The other part is the empirical proof rather than everything being Sandra’s opinion. There is an undeniable proof from a large variety of different people that communicate in different ways. And so for me, it is easier to consume it and digest it with and let that negative voice inside of me silence it for awhile, because I am not reading a book that is all opinion. Does that make sense? Sandra: Yes, thank you for that. And I really, truly, it is a skeptic’s discovery in life after death, because unless I can prove something, it’s not real. Travis: It drives me crazy when people give recommendations on something and I haven’t used it. Sandra: Exactly. Travis: And so it’s not even an opinion, it’s a projection or an assumption, this is none of the above, all of the things together, wrapped in a fun, in very interesting way to look at things so I really, really love the book, it was a great book - so great Job. Sandra: Oh, I have a big smile on my face. Now there is something that is important to me in the book and also important to us on. I want to close I want to thank you for your generous listening and standing

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this time with Travis and I, and again we’re at TravisandSandra.com and be part of our community and what else make a difference with you. Travis: Yes, we are going to have fun together.

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Travis Lane Jenkins Business Mentor-Turn Around Specialist Radio Host of The Entrepreneurs Radio Show “Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs That Grow Your Business"

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