002 the one about how you get consumers to buy from you that made $27m

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EPISODE 2: The One About How You Get Consumers To Buy From You – That Made $27M Introduction: You‟re listening to Diamonds in Your Own Backyard. The business owner‟s guide to discovering success, wealth, and happiness within your own business where each week you‟ll hear inspirational stories, strategies, and inside secrets of some of the most powerful small business owners themselves. On the Amazing Women of Power Network powered by Raven International, and now here is your host Travis Lane Jenkins and Sandra Champlain.

The One About How You Get Consumers To Buy From You – That Made $27M Travis: Hello. Travis Jenkins here. Sandra: And Sandra Chaplain here. Travis: Hi Sandra, how are you today? Sandra: Travis, I‟m doing great. How about yourself? Travis: I am wonderful. Sandra: Wonderful! Travis: I am going to ambush you on this episode because I want to go on a different direction. I want to talk about something that a lot of people don‟t talk about or most people don‟t talk about in advice or just normal conversation that is related towards business. Sandra: And what is that? Travis: In my experience and the people that I‟ve talked to, that I‟ve met, there‟s an incredible number of people that are experiencing or their business is squeezing the life out of them, you know, they‟re, actually they‟ve gotten to a place to where they don‟t enjoy getting up and going to their job everyday or they don‟t enjoy what they do anymore. And there are several reasons for that. And you know it even happened with me, I started the business over 21 years ago, and while this has a negative connotation to it, it‟s actually I‟m going to take it in a positive direction, so bare with me for a minute okay?

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Sandra: I know just quite what you‟re talking about. I‟ve changed interest and have that same thing, so many hours in the day that‟s spent in work and gets frazzling. Travis: Yeah. Well you know, we touched on a little bit in the last episode and it just sparks an entire thought process for me. Now, 21 years ago I started a home improvement business and as you know it has become extremely successful. And you know the interesting thing is the person that I was 21 years ago is nowhere to be found. I am not even remotely close to that same person that I was back then. Sandra: And what do you mean by that? Travis: I was 20 years younger, the potential of the business, all of the learning phases of the business interested me, I was excited about it. Sandra: Gotcha. Travis: ...The income, you know. There were a lot of things and I was just a much younger man and I am much more experienced complicated person and so and I feel like, it‟s a movie that once was a favorite of mine and I‟m seeing it over and over and over and over and over. And so on some levels, I wished someone had come along and made a suggestion, or gave me permission to sell it, or to get rid of it or to do something about it, because I think what happens is we get locked in to this mould that we set 20 years ago… Sandra: Wow! Travis: ...and now we think we need to stay in that mould. And so that‟s one of the problems and many other problems is that maybe the choice of business isn‟t the best use of your time, maybe it‟s boring, maybe it‟s not bringing the type of money did you feel like you‟re worth. There are several reasons why you‟re the business are squeezing the life out of you or several reasons it could be. And so for me, when the business, when the construction business calls on me too much, I don‟t like to really spend more than 4 or 5 hours a week on the thing. And recently we have issues or where there are several of things got out of control and I had to spend 3 to 4 days getting everybody back in line and doing what they were supposed to be doing and following procedures, so it really frustrated me, and I wished that I didn‟t have to deal with it at all. Does that make a sense? Sandra: It makes a lot of sense. Travis: And so I want to draw parallel, so that business is a home improvement remodeling business. And so, I worked for customers and we have really two types of customers. I have one customer that we would fix up the house because they‟re moving in, and would customize it, we do everything to it, to

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where it completely suited their nature, and there was everything they ever wanted. Now, these type of people also if they ever decided just one day that they wanted to move, that they were no longer interested in the area whatever, whatever the issue was. They have a realtor to come out, sign in the yard and sell that place almost instantly, and I respected and admired that about them. Then there was the second group, that they‟ve lived in this house that was in terrible shape, needed a lot of attention and a lot of improvement, and I would be fixing up the house for them to sell it, and I thought, this is crazy because they are fixing up for the person that‟s buying the house, they could have lived in this house, enjoy all of the great improvements and remodeling they have to do now to sell it. And then they would able to sell it whenever they wanted to. Does it make sense? Sandra: It makes a lot of sense. Travis: And so if you take that parallel and you move it to your business, your business is the same way. You know a business that is tidy and organized, and have systems in places, has good marketing in place and it‟s consistently making money and doing all the things that it should be doing you can a) spend very little time there because you have enough money to work some, have someone else run it, or you if it really is getting under your skin you sell thing. Sandra: Right. Travis: And so, if you get your marketing and those other things set up, it‟s up to you, and you can put that proverbial realtor sign in the front yard, you can sell the thing if you want to. And so, that gives people the freedom of choice. And for me, the main reason why we‟re in business is -- I want a freedom of choice. I want to have time freedom, I want to have financial freedom, I want to have all of the choices. I don‟t like being told what, when, how, where. Right? Sandra: Yeah. I think that‟s why most of us business owners went into business for just that reason. Travis: Right, right. And so you know if they just work on dialing those things in, they could elect to get rid of the business if the business is squeezing the life out of them, so that‟s one point that I wanted to make. Because I don‟t think anyone ever talks about how their business, is squeezing the life out of them. It‟s just something that everyone is expected to be chipper about, excited about, although they lost the interest in the business ten years ago. Sandra: And oh a lot of people say aren‟t you lucky you have your own business, but then to be in our own experience like, oh if you only knew what it takes. Travis: Right.

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Sandra: How tough it is. Travis: Right. So, that lead into, I wanted to spend some time on setting up a marketing or positioning so that your business is in that shape, you know. I want to share some advice on things, one of the things you know, that made an absolute fortune for me that … so I built this business to this epic amount and then of course went bankrupt of which I‟ve explained my story in the last episode and then I‟ve been playing with online marketing, and some other things and you know, made an incredible amount of money within the next 18 months and basically I made everything back. And that was using a strategy that basically where we were positioning ourselves as the local expert. So I want to spend some time talking about that and so that, you the business owner, you can take and shift your marketing in a way that builds conditions of the prospects and know that I can trust you. And that is something I refer to as indoctrination. Sandra: Travis, can I interrupt you for a second? Travis: Yes, yes. Sandra: Well, you don‟t shoot your own horn to do just wonderful man, but I want people to really know who is on this show who„s speaking right now. And Travis Lane Jenkins is the greatest guy I‟ve probably ever met and he is someone that has earned a revenue of over 70 million dollars in his life. So everything that he is sharing right now, you may want to have a pen and a piece of paper and just listen for the gold because he has created something that when I first met him I have never heard of so many strategies, so he is a gold mine of information and I just want to put that in so that people listen with a key here to everything you have to say as I am, as well. Travis: Well, thank you. Sandra: Back to you, Travis. Travis: So basically one of my issues is this. You know we‟ve been taught as business owners to use ego based marketing and so I use, I use my construction company as an example, you know. So the old ways as we would do it is, quality is number one, when a good job matters call XYZ home improvement company, right? Sandra: Right. Travis: And it was the old style of ego based marketing that assumed that the customer was a little naive, and everyone said how wonderful they were, how great their services is. And basically was the same thing that everyone was saying, and it worked during the period when there was so much work to

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be had that really all you needed to do is just provide consistently good service, to stay in business, right? Sandra: Right. Travis: And in the game especially during, you know, the recession in everything we‟ve gone through and not to mention the evolution of internet, its completely changed, and you have to go much deeper than that, you have to focus on helping your prospects, and this is actually called the law of reciprocation, it‟s a psychological approach. And so it‟s used in several different situations. One of my favorite example is, I don‟t know if you remember that the Hare Krishna‟s in the airport. Sandra: Yes. Giving you flowers and congratulations and you get a flower. Yeah. Travis: Exactly. Travis: Yeah. So what they did is they gave you a flower. And even if you didn‟t want a flower the people who take the flower felt obligated to give them something in return. Sandra: Yes. Travis: And they typically give them a couple of bucks. Well, they built. I think they had managed to raise something like 350 million dollars using this technique. Sandra: Wow. Travis: Yeah, really impressive, and now they knew that the people didn‟t want the flower and they also knew that they would walk around the corner and threw the flower in the trash can. Sandra: But they got what they wanted two bucks, and that‟s a fact. Travis: Right. So every two hours what they do is they would go around there and open the lid of the trash can, and take all the flowers out and bring them back into the front of the airport, and hand them out all over again. Sandra: Brilliant. Travis: Yeah, so it‟s brilliant. That‟s called the law of reciprocation. So the reason why I‟m telling you that is because the best type of marketing is to help your prospects, someone that is looking for your services, understand the best way to hire the right person for the job, you know. And so, you do that by

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creating a consumer guide. And so, just off the top of my head with my construction company, the consumer guide that we created is The Seven Most Expensive Mistakes Homeowners Make When Hiring A Contractor, The Five Questions That You Should Ask Your Contractor Before Hiring Anyone, The Thirteen Questions That You Should Ask of The References, The Seven Most Vital Elements to Have Included in Your Contract. So you see where I am going here? Sandra: Brilliant. Travis: I‟m really breaking it down with all the things that they should have when they‟re hiring a contractor, right? Sandra: Or maybe things people don‟t even know that they don‟t know that they need to have. So you‟re educating them on that. Travis: Exactly, so were moving them from unconsciously incompetent to consciously incompetent. They did not know what they didn‟t know to now they know what it is that they didn‟t know. So a lot of times when they read, that if someone killed on their property that they‟re going to be held accountable for it legally, and that the only way to insulate yourself from that is to hire a company that has worked in its cost, right? Sandra: Right. Travis: Well, can you guess who the only company in a city with 4 million people in home improvements that has work ordinance cost? Sandra: That would be your company. Travis: That‟s right. Travis: And so, now what I‟m doing is you don‟t want to exaggerate any of this stuff, you know, because your integrity is on the line here. But what you‟re doing here is you‟re ethically educating them on the things they need to know, right? And so, what happens is, is really magic when you set it up right. It‟s your most ideal client. People that are valued buyers, people that are focused on quality. Rather than how cheap they can get you to come over. Sandra: Yes. Travis: And maybe put a shingle on their roof.

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Travis: Right? Sandra: Right. Travis: Those are valued buyers. Now what happens is those people have been indoctrinated. Indoctrinated, so that means that they now know why I can trust you and I haven‟t even met you. Sandra: Gotcha. Travis: That‟s powerful right? So what happens is if they‟re conditioned to know I can trust you before you get there, the seller is that much easier when you call them to qualify the lead you know. If your, that suits your business model, in a home improvements we have to call them and qualify the lead. Sandra: Okay. Travis: They are much more likely to answer the phone and be responsive if they have been conditioned to know I can trust them. Does that make sense? Sandra: Makes perfect sense. Travis: Right. And so, and then also, we used we have set up an auto responder to where so you may have downloaded our consumer guide. And so, on day one I„ll send you the consumer guide and I‟ll say, “Sandra thanks for requesting the consumer guide enjoy it.” Right? Sandra: Right. Travis: Day two we‟ll contact you with another message. Day three we‟ll contact you with another message that is relevant to what you requested. And so, what we do is we use the Rule of Seven, and the Rule of Seven is that typically once you touch a prospect seven times they‟re dramatically more likely to convert into a sale. Sandra: Interesting. Travis: And so a lot of people don‟t know that, and so we annihilate our competition because we touched that prospect seven times before we met them. And so they really show like they already know us. Now the interesting part is that we‟re typically 30 to 40, 50% higher than our competition. And so, on average we make 800% more profit per job than our competition but we still manage to outsell our competition even though they‟re cheaper. And the only reason why that happens is of course great salesmanship, but prior to that is conditioning the prospect to know they can trust you.

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Sandra: So you just give and give and give and give and when they‟re ready to buy you‟re the obvious choice. Travis: Right, right. Sandra: And then you follow through with having a high level of integrity, great salesmen, probably great guarantees so they recommend you as well. Travis: Right Sandra: Well, and also what happens is you know, a lot of times, let me give you an analogy, if your crowd, if you‟re speaking to a crowd of a thousand people, you know, our business is focused on high level of quality and customer service, and so there‟s normally going to be a smaller group of people within that thousand that are interested in that. Because there‟s a large number of people that are price buyers. And I‟m speaking, to my construction business and this applies really to anybody that is targeting a higher or more, a high end customer, someone that is a value buyer, right? Sandra: Right. Travis: What it does when you educate them is you can either try to sift through this thousand people and figure it out who is your best customer or who isn‟t or would this process what it does is it actually encourages the most ideal customers to raise their hands. Sandra: Excellent. Travis: And so imagine, you know, you are now walking through this crowd of a thousand people, but 20, or 30, 40, or 200, or even say 200 people of that thousand are your ideal clients and they‟ve raised their hands. They‟re much easier to spot when they raise their hands. And so, I say that it is an analogy because these people normally, aggressively will call you and try to get in with touch with you, because they see the value on what you are talking about. Sandra: Oh that makes sale so much easier, doesn‟t it? Travis: It does, it does. And you know, it is even more effective if you‟re not a high end, high range type business, or high dollar type business you‟re more of the midrange it‟s even more effective, because you have reached a larger number of people. And so for me, through my journey in business we‟ve become more targeted on quality rather than quantity because quantity can drive you in the ground, you know, and put you in that position where you‟re working seventy, eighty hours a week and just

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trying to keep up with the perpetual cycle. I‟ve already been there, and I don‟t want to go down that road again. So that makes sense? Sandra: Makes perfect sense. Travis: Okay. So that‟s one key element and that changes the conversation because you can look in the places where your competition is advertising and you‟ll find that everyone is focused on ego based advertising, and they‟re talking about their sales, how great they are, you know, of their accolades, or their awards. When really most customers want know that you‟re an expert, that you know your stuff, that you‟re accountable and that they can trust you. Sandra: That‟s right. Travis: And education-based marketing does that, and you end up standing out amongst your crowd because instead of becoming this carnival barker that gets everyone‟s attention, you‟re saying, ”Sandra let me help you make a decision that‟s right for you,” and then I take you down this road of education and when we‟re done you‟re either going to really like me and hire me, or you‟re going to say “ Uh, You know, these guys are too expensive for me”, and go away. Sandra: Either way I feel like I made an informed decision, you know, based on what I needed. Travis: Right. Right. Travis: Right, and instead of big savings, it was a gigantic savings for us because we no longer had to run the appointment to people that will never going to buy from us anyway. Sandra: Right. Travis: You know, and most people don‟t think about that, you know, I‟ve gotten a groundswell of leads in a large number of leads from a source a certain source that we used; we couldn‟t sell any of them. And you talk about labor intensive and time intensive and it really demoralizes your team that you can‟t sell to any of the people that are coming in and they think something is wrong. Sandra: Even... Travis, your advertising cost because I know you have done TV, in radio, and newspaper and all that and you just value based, and ego based it‟s like, you know that gets old it not drawing in customers and it sounds to me that it might be more cost effective to write the consumer guides. Have those all working in the background online. Emailing the customers giving, giving, giving, giving, giving, and then...

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Travis: Right. Sandra: …they raise their hands and then there they are. Travis: Right well...it‟s important to realize I have been a major offender of the ego based advertising when I, we used to do all the radio and TV that‟s all we did was ego based advertising, because that was all I knew how to do, and it wasn‟t until we lost everything. We had no budget to advertise, you know, we were also trying to compete against Home Depot and Lowes which at, you know, they are a billion dollar company, until we had to go about it the different way. And so yeah, this is a very grass roots approach at harvesting some of the most ideal clients that you‟ll ever find. Sandra: And I like your rule of seven because it don‟t just create a consumer guide and wait for people to start raising their hands and just keep giving, giving after about seven times okay you have indoctrinated them and they may be ready. Travis: Right. Sandra: Sounds to me like you given a lot of information to people and that really would set people up to be the expert in their industry. Travis: Exactly, exactly, yeah. And people are less concerned about price when you‟re the expert, there are actually a lot of people are worried about being too touchy about price if it clearly establishes that you‟re the expert. Most people just want to know when you can get started. Travis: Right? Sandra: Yeah. Travis: It really, it shortens the sales cycle. Now, we, our typical sales cycle so when someone decides, for the home improvement company again, let stay with this example, when someone decides to do home improvement on their house there„s normally an 18 day buying cycle. From the day that husband and wife say they are going to do something and start making phone calls to making the decision it‟s normally 18 days. And so, now of course sometimes shorter and sometimes longer, and so what we have done is we‟ve set up a 30 day auto responder to where we were constantly sending them messages. We send them a series of 15 messages over the 30 days. So, they were constantly top of mind with them while they‟re thinking about it. Right? Sandra: So the first time they go to your website, let me just get this straight, they‟ll end up requesting your consumer guide, or put their email address in, or their name in, or something what they‟re looking

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for information and then over the course of 30 days, you just kind of keep giving every few days, or how often and just to keep the conversation fresh in their mind because your waiting up for 18 days than it normally takes, is that right? Travis: Exactly. Yeah. Sandra: Okay. Travis: And so we, until they are either marked as the dead opportunity, or sold. So that, that auto responder keeps going until one or two actions is updated in our system. Right? Because we‟re not going to keep sending them messages to help them on a buying decision once they already buy. Sandra: Right. Travis: So the system recognizes because the salesman has a follow up for them, and so if they say if I choose to go with it then of course then we mark it sold, if I choose not to go with it then we mark it loss. And that stops the whole scenario. Is that easy to understand? Sandra: Oh, perfectly and I‟m just even thinking from a buyer‟s point of view, I had laser eye surgery done about five years ago. And who did I go to? I went to the guy that did Tiger Woods‟ eyes. You know. Yeah, was it more expensive? Yeah, but this was something that was important to me. So I get that, there are people ... my eyes and that people are serious about their homes, people are serious about any consumer, and not to believe that people are solely making their decisions on price. Travis: Exactly. Sandra: So, you know there is something much bigger than just the bottom line number. Whatever presents to them, and I want the best. Travis: Right, exactly. Travis: And so, you know, due to the fact he was positioned as the expert in that field, of course you didn‟t want to take any chances. So you were less touchy about price, you just wanted to make sure that you had all bases covered. Sandra: Exactly. Travis: Right.

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Travis: Now I want to be clear in this example, I‟m talking about home improvement, and you refer to the ophthalmologist. Now, you know, I do this, I mentor a large variety of different types of businesses and clients, and we set up consumer guides in every type of business. It doesn‟t matter what type of business you‟re in, there is a sweet spot of your market and that‟s the market that you ultimately want to target and this consumer guide is what targets that. Now anything that you get outside the sweet spot of your market is just additional money and considered a bonus. So that is one of the critical elements to setting up your marketing in a way that it establishes you as the expert, builds rapport with the prospects, and pre-sells them before you even meet them. It‟s the secret in annihilating your competition because they can‟t figure out what you‟re really doing. Right? Sandra: Oh brilliant. Really good. Travis: So you know and then now I want to segue about something did you and I talk about because it surprised me that it surprised you. It‟ll make more sense when I tell you what I‟m talking about. You know, I guess I said I didn‟t realize that most people don‟t know how to live vicariously through the business, and so when I talked to you about that one time, it really just kind of shocked you. Sandra: I wouldn‟t know what you were talking about? What do you mean? Travis: Well you know the, I‟ve done tons of things that are creative that, are legal by the way, but, so an example, when my business was growing we needed an office space. And so, this was this first time that we did it this was in the „90s, I own a construction company so I got loan for X amount dollars that basically I think the note was something like 400 dollars a month and I added 2000 square foot on to my house. You know gigantic addition. And instantly started leasing half of that addition to my company for 1200 dollars a month, so I had an immediate windfall, right? Sandra: Yeah. Travis: So, if my note is 400 hundred dollars four, five whatever it was and I‟m charging the company 1200, I would get 800 dollars positive. Right? Sandra: Yes. Travis: And basically I get this entire addition for free. Sandra: Wow. Travis: Added on to my house and now of course that increased the value of my house. I did it over again we had, we outgrew that office and so we needed another piece of property. And we were renting

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a space until again I bought the whole place. And my note was something like five, six, seven hundred dollars a month for that and I turnaround and leased that to my company for I bought it personally and leased it to my company for 5,000 dollars a month. It made us this huge monthly profit, just passive income, I‟ve done that with hot rods, I love old cars, fast cars, I‟ve got exotic cars, and hot rods and things like that. And I bring them in and promote the business with them and legally write the things off. And so, it makes a gigantic difference when you paying for these things with pre taxed dollars, you know, and don‟t get me wrong I‟m not giving tax advice here because it‟s different in each state but there‟s a lot of things you can do with pre-taxed dollars instead of spending your post taxed dollars personally, post taxed dollars with, that make a dramatic, that have a dramatic impact on your income, on your quality of life and everything. Right? Sandra: Now, I like to travel could I squeeze in a vacation and have my business facilitating that? Travis: Oh yeah, I mean, I travel, I do all types of things, you know. I try to weave as much business or personal into business travel as possible. So you know, again I always consult with my accountant on what I can and cannot do but here‟s the interesting thing, is it took me several years to figure this out, my accountant is not come out and tell me what I can do, and so and it has become this observation that just hit me. So let me ask you, do you ever expect your doctor to be responsible for your health care. Sandra: Oh, no! Travis: What I mean is, is your doctor responsible for you, keeping you in good shape? Sandra: In good shape, keeping me healthy, and all that. No, no. Travis: Right, right. Sandra: No, they just advice. Travis: Right. He looks at it he looks at you and tells you your current condition. Sandra: Uh huh. Travis: And tells you your current condition and tells you what to do on certain extent. But he does not give you advice on how to stay in shape and constantly give you creative ideas. Sandra: Right.

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Travis: Well, that‟s the same confusion of the same mistake that people make with their accountants. They think that if they could do it, then their accountant would have told them they could do it. Sandra: Oh. Travis: That‟s not good. And so, you know you have to be creative with this things, and you know you can get carried away with it, and get yourself in trouble and I‟m not recommending that, but there‟s a lot of things that you can do that facilitate your lifestyle that is well beyond the boundaries of the IRS code and will make an incredible difference in your accumulated wealth. Sandra: Or even those of us that likes to take different educational courses and continue learning and self growth and all that could be probably squeeze into this umbrella as well. Right? Travis: Oh, tons of it, tons of it, you know, as a youngster, as a young person in my teens and twenties I was a horrible student. But, now I‟m the complete opposite. I‟m a perpetual student. I‟m constantly learning and I‟ve probably spent, you know, oh no maybe well over, I know a hundred, hundred twenty, hundred fifty thousand dollars maybe more than that on travelling, and training, and programs, and all kinds of things. I know you spent a lot on yours just because of the things that you and I talk about. But, virtually every one of those was business expense for me. Sandra: And just to be clear, I think you told me this, you did not go to college, right? Travis: No, no. Sandra: Because I think it‟s easy to get caught up on, sorry for interrupting, like he can do that, you know, he‟s a smart guy. He probably had much more training than I did. You took it upon yourself to learn. Travis: Sandra, Sandra, I barely finished school, high school. I was just; I was the worst student that you possibly could ever ask for. Sandra: Then I‟m clear that, you know I‟ve always lived in this illusion that other people have something that I didn‟t have, and I could never be that, but I‟m clear after some of the education that I‟ve gotten, and It‟s just no! people have learned different things and they have applied them so you to the whole heck of a lot of research and learning, and education, And not just learned it you have applied it, and before you had tremendous success, so it is never too late for someone, you know we all grew up with the same two legs, and two hands, you know, and a brain. So we can learn. Travis: Correct.

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Sandra: And have our business pay for it. Travis: Exactly. Sandra: I like it, I like it a lot. Travis: Yeah. You know Sandra; it took me a long time to figure out why I was such a terrible student. I can‟t help but wonder if this would resonate with you are listener is, for years I was and I‟m still am little bit embarrassed of how I acted, but you know I was a wild young kid that was just wasn‟t challenged. I realized that I could manipulate adults and so really looking back, I think it‟s traits that all of us leaders have that if someone strong is not in our presence, if someone dominant is not holding our attention, we tend to walk all over them, we tend to not pay attention, especially when you‟re an uncivilized kid with raging hormones… Sandra: Uh huh. Travis: …you misuse all of that. When really, as I reflect on things and then I thought about it a lot is the leader and the rebel in me because you know, that same rambunctiousness and the willingness to go against the grain is really the same stuff that gave me the spirit and the courage to start my business. Sandra: And you were fuelled by something I would imagine, because it‟s great, and there‟s lot of people in the world struggling right now and they say, “If only I had more money, if only I had more money,” and that comes up, but I‟m sure money can be a definite fuel or desire but I think with you there must have been more than that, I think with all of us to have a, maybe you can touch on that a little bit you know, what can someone use to fuel them to actually take these suggestions and take some actions and tackle a little bit of desire if you would to fuel. Travis: Well, desire is different for each and every person. For me, I felt with a high level of certainty when I was a young kid. And now I come from a very, very rough side of town, and we didn‟t have anything, we were lower, middle, if even in the middle class at all. And so I come from a very, very rough childhood with no excess, but I always felt like I was going to be successful someday somehow for some reason and I just didn‟t, I don‟t know exactly why. So, I think the motivation is different for everybody. Sandra: Right.

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Travis: For everybody. I can tell you that the answer to my success is education, because and so I‟ve managed to not read a book from cover to cover all the way until I was 21 years old you know, conniving. Yeah pretty much conniving around things and getting out of things and I was trying to have a conversation with a couple of people that were educated and a banker type of person and someone else. And I heard myself with clarity and I realized how ignorant I sounded and all of a sudden it came to me how big of a mistake I‟ve made by not choosing education. And I, I was just, I was embarrassed and I thought I just had a holy you know „what‟ moment, I thought then I‟ve ruined it from myself, I‟ve ruined it from myself. Because I thought there is no going back, and so that really bothered me and after several sleepless nights and thinking about it I thought and you know you can, I can overcome this. And so, I just made a commitment to start reading, and so I got my hands on my very first book which was Psycho Cybernetic Sandra: Not an easy read. Travis: No, no. Why on earth I chose that book? I don‟t know but I got it and it was just very complicated and confusing the heck out of me, that was my first encounter with that negative voice. So, every time I would try to read, that negative voice would say “you don‟t know what the thing says.” “You don‟t even know what the entire sentence just said.” So, I couldn‟t get through a paragraph without me having negative dialogue with myself. Sandra: Uh huh. Travis: And this went on and on and on and on and on and I‟ve wrestled with it for several days. And then you know, finally out of frustration I threw a fist and had a conversation with that voice and I said “You know,” and I tested it out I said, “We‟re going to read this book, if I got to read five times, so if that‟s what you want to do, that‟s what we‟ll do, because I‟m going to read this book.” Sandra: Wow. Travis: And so finally, just after that conversation the voice shut up. And it, the light did not turn on and I didn‟t instantly start learning, but learning started. You know, I started at least being able to hear what was on the page. Now, I just also agreed to just keep reading the book even if didn‟t understand, keep moving to the next pages and I didn‟t understand what was being said. And so ultimately I read the book all the way to the end. Didn‟t get very much of it, went back, re read it again, and instantly got a whole lot more, and that to me was the beginning of everything for me. I had then realized that I do have the ability to learn and I have the ability to turn around this big mistake of being “a know it all”, an arrogant know-it-all kid that didn‟t take the time to learn these things.

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Sandra: I want to point out just a piece of gold that I don‟t want to miss. I want to make sure nobody misses. I know we spoke about it briefly on our last show about the importance of our thinking of some things in the world. But we are not in control of our thoughts we are in control of and you put your foot down with that negative voice inside your head about we‟re going to get through this book. But I believe and correct me if I‟m wrong, we all need to stand in that place, so this is how it‟s going to go draw the line and stand. You know it‟s my business, here we go, and in that you take actions correlated with those thoughts. But those thoughts don‟t have to run the show, which is so easy for so many of us to fall into that trap. I don‟t have this education, I‟m not this guy, or I could never do this. But that bit of gold is yes you can and it all starts with our own thinking. Travis: Exactly. You got to put your foot down, and I thought more than once, if I have a friend of mine talked to me like the way this negative voice talked to me, I wouldn‟t have anything to do with that friend. I‟d disassociate, I‟d disown that friend, yet I let this voice talk to me this way and it‟s crazy. And so, that was what started me on the journey of reprogramming that voice. And I don‟t know that you could ever completely get rid of it, but I know that you can completely change the majority of that dialogue that you have. To have the most positive methods rather than a perpetual negative message. Sandra: Yeah. It‟s like building up a muscle, when you start working out in the gym that‟s not easy and it hurts and all that but after time you actually gain a little mastery over it and it becomes easier to do. Travis: Right. Right. Sandra: Now there‟s something that‟s important to me on this show is that every week that we can actually leave the people with the tools that they can use. Travis: Uh huh. Sandra: Or an action that they can take will make a difference. Travis: Right. Sandra: You have an event come to mind? Travis: Well the way you were building it up that‟s what I thought at it. Sandra: I‟ll go first. I‟ll go first. Travis: Well, first and foremost I want to do this, we decided rather than you typing in a long URL diamonds in your backyard or anything, I set up TravisAndSandra.com so it‟s T R A V I S A N D S A N

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D R A .COM and so what were going to do there, is we‟re going to start building things up on this site little videos that we find hopeful, or inspiring, or meaningful, it means something to me or Sandra and we feel like its beneficial and so we‟ll put things there and that will be a place that we‟ll communicate with you on a regular basis. And so, you know it does not matter how you got the podcast whether it‟s from, iTunes or something else. If you go there, you‟ll get to interact with us in a variety of ways. So that is one thing that I want to talk about what was the other thing? That was, that you had in mind? Sandra: How about giving it a tip or a tool. Travis: Well yeah. Right. Either or. Sandra: Well, Okay. Thanks. This is something that people can look forward to every week, because we‟re going to meet some very successful people that have created some wonderful things and we want everyone to you know take diamonds home with you, so to speak. And for me, I just want to touch on when we wake up in the morning, you know how you say wake up on the wrong side of the bed I think it is easy to forget who we are and what were up to and I don‟t wake up feeling successful, feeling powerful, feeling like I can tackle the world. It is like psychology you know, hit the smooth button, you know, it been a long time since I was a little kid who didn‟t want to go to bed at night, you know. And we cannot feel excited in the morning. So one the habits that I have put in place is when I wake up in the morning, I have a notepad next to my bed that‟s actually a journal and I take just a few minutes, just five minutes and I start off writing out what are those things that I really want in life, you know, what are the things that I really desire, what‟s important to me, really important to me, and so I‟ll take a few minutes you know jot these things down. It‟s like yeah! That‟s in my radar screen. That‟s why I‟m going to work every day. That‟s why I‟m doing this and that for gold and all those things that I desire, and then I take those few the next part of it all happens in one sheet of paper so that‟s not more than five minutes this whole exercise is I write down what do people love about me. Now that might sound a little funny but I think in our own experience we can be very hard on ourselves. We‟re not good enough, or who am I to do that, or you have fear. But what do other people say about you the good stuff and I just jot that down. The people generous loving, and successful, grateful, funny you know all that and I‟m starting to think that‟s who we are what other people say who we are not the little voice in our heads and then I take this last bit this last bit of lines and I write down the successes that I had and again just five minutes for the whole thing and then look and see, oh my gosh you know I‟ve started two successful businesses, I‟ve written a book you know, wow! And I get excited get out of my bed in the morning. I am excited about taking action, excited about starting the day. I end up getting more things done and you know we all know that taking action the results in our lives not just wishing for them. So that‟s my tool. Travis: I love it. Sandra: Thanks.

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Travis: I love it. It‟s a great way to start off the day and get into a feeling of gratitude. I‟m really into psychology, and I enjoy psychology and what we do, why we do, and all of those other things you know, we have this record or CD running, giving away my age away when I say record, We have this soundtrack in the background that talks to us 24/7 while we‟re awake and while we‟re asleep and that is that little voice and that‟s our subconscious and part of what you‟re talking about there is reprogramming that sub conscience. So that you can teach it to start saying more positive things and focusing on more positive things and just becomes a very healthy cycle that when you go to sleep that track is playing in the background start shifting to these positive things and you know several great people have talked about that, Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich you know, several other incredibly brilliant people have talked about the power of this and so I love that idea, great recommendation. Sandra: So what can people do, before they reprogram their subconscious? Travis: Well for me, I get crystal clear on who I want to be and what I want to accomplish and I write that down, I write those things down. And so, something magic happens when you get it out of your head and you put it in a piece of paper, now I type it in to my computer. It‟s private, I don‟t share it with anybody else and so what I do is every night I read that and I read it with passion, and vigor and excitement and to myself so that no one thinks I am losing it and then I repeat it in the morning and so it‟s a clear concise set of things that I want to accomplish what‟s it going to look like when I accomplish them, what am I going to give in return for it and so it‟s gotten to that I don‟t need to read it anymore and so every night I close my eyes and I think about that and I actually got this technique from Think and Grow Rich which is an incredible book and I recommend everyone download the audio version of it and take it with you when you‟re walking or exercising because it will change your life it‟s what I read when I got my business started and it‟s just a way to start programming your mind. You don‟t, you‟re not in control of very many things in your life, everything is an outside force but the one thing you are in control of is the mind and very few people take control of that. And so if you control that then you can drive yourself to the destination of accomplishment and happiness and success you combine that with the techniques and the tactics we‟ll teach you and our guests will teach you without a doubt you‟ll achieve the level of accomplishment, and fun, and zest in life and all those other things that matter to you, and that are important to you because it‟s different for everybody. So that would be my recommendation. Sandra: Oh it‟s an awesome recommendation, and I really believe that every bit of change in the success we have it all starts within our own thinking in our own minds. You know my dad use to always to say “Whether you think you can, or you think you can‟t, you‟re right.” And I think a famous person said that two hundred years ago, and even some of the most successful entrepreneurs of all time, and some of the greatest thinkers are the people that figured out those inventions and things like that

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actually made that a practice so our thinking will change our actions and our actions obviously changes the results. Travis: Yeah. Sandra: For it all, it‟s a very powerful tool. Travis: Yeah, well I want to say that, that was Henry Ford that said that I believe. Sandra: Yeah. Travis: Well, you know it‟s interesting that you talk about that; I didn‟t mean to cut you off. Sandra: Oh just that our minds you know is a tough place to go in to by ourselves and just to let people know we do, having a program like ours is a good place to tap into every week. To kind of remember, you know, who you are, what you‟re up to and just to be part of the community. And you know you‟re not in it alone. But it does start with you, it starts with building that muscle and changing those thoughts, it‟s not easy. Travis: Right. Sandra: But it can certainly be done as you have shown. Travis: And it can be fun, it can be fun and you can fast track it now today is different you know you can build a successful business faster than ever before, you can make money faster than ever before, incredible things are happening right now and if you‟re just willing to listen, and focus, pay attention and learn from the mistakes of others. Sandra: Excellent. Travis: What do you think? Sandra: I think it‟s perfect. Travis: Yes. Sandra: But I think our time is just about up here, I wanted to close though by saying thank you for your generous listening and spending this time with Travis and I, and again we‟re at Travis and Sandra.com, and you‟re part of our community, and let us make a difference with you.

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Travis: Yes. We‟re going to have fun together.

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How We Can Help You We know that finding someone that you can trust online today is hard and that so many “so called gurus” are self-‐appointed and have never really even done what they teach you to do. That‟s exactly why we created the Double Your Profits Business Accelerator. This is an exclusive offer for our fans at a fraction of its normal cost. Here's what to expect. We'll Schedule a 'One on One' private session, where we'll take the time to dive deep into your business and tell you what is missing, so that you can have your best year ever! We'll do this by performing a S.W.O.T. Analysis. This tells us your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats within your business. This will be an eye opener for YOU, for several reasons, however some of the most common reasons are. As the 'Business Owner' it‟s difficult to see the big picture of your own business because you‟re in the middle of a daily management. And you are too emotionally involved to completely impartial. This is a common problem for EVERY business owner. It doesn‟t matter if you are a one-man army, or an army of 150, the problem is still the same.

Travis Lane Jenkins Business Mentor-Turn Around Specialist Radio Host of The Entrepreneurs Radio Show “Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs That Grow Your Business"

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