007 sabrina teekah

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THE ENTREPRENEUR’S RADIO SHOW Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs that Grow Your Business

EPISODE #7: SABRINA TEEKAH Intro: You‟re listening to Diamonds in Your Own Backyard. The business owner‟s guide to discovering success, wealth, and happiness within your own business where each week you‟ll hear inspirational stories, strategies, and inside secrets of some of the most powerful small business owners themselves. On the Amazing Women of Power Network powered by Raven International, and now here is your host Travis Lane Jenkins and Sandra Champlain.

Sabrina Teekah Travis: Hello, I‟m Travis Lane Jenkins. Sandra: And I‟m Sandra Champlain. And we‟d like to welcome you to our show today. Travis: How are you Sandra? Sandra: Travis, I‟m doing great and I have had a burning question since I spoke to you last. You were committed to getting your exercising done today and I‟m wondering if you did those lunges. Travis: Oh, you are trying to throw me a curve, aren‟t you? Sandra: Yes, I am. There‟s a reason to it. But did you, did you do them? Travis: No, But I didn‟t do my lunges but I did go for a walk, does that count. Sandra: You did. Travis: Or actually what I call walk. So it‟s a combination of running and walking. Sandra: Well, the segue I was going into is to ask if you had a room to exercise in your home? Travis: I do, yeah. Sandra: You do. Travis: I actually have an entire gym that I‟ve set up. Sandra: You have. And the second question I had was when you designed your home, did you design it or did you have the aid of an interior designer. Travis: Well, I designed it myself because I‟m in the industry, I owned a construction company for years. And so I have had the experience of building tons and tons of things for lots of other customers. And so unlike most homeowners I had some advantage in that area. Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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Sandra: Oh great. Well, here‟s where I‟m going it‟s because we have a fabulous guest today named Sabrina Teekah who is an Interior designer. And she is the owner of Elegant Interiors which she formed in 2002. And she is a beautiful woman. And I‟m sure you can agree that if you‟ve been into a home that‟s been professionally designed versus one that maybe the family just put together, you see there is just profound difference in the quality. Do you agree? Travis: Oh definitely, even though everybody, all of this reality shows, everybody feels like they are a designer there really is a difference when you bring it professionally and kind of put a finishing touch on it, right. Sandra: And what I like about Sabrina is that even though she maintains her Elegant Interiors business, she is using the same qualities that she has in design and helping women business owners and entrepreneurs design their businesses. Travis: Right. Sandra: And so she is a brilliant woman. Travis: in the business anyways, right? Sandra: Yeah. I‟m so delighted that she is our guest today, so Sabrina welcome to our show. Sabrina: Oh, thank you, thank you guys. It‟s so great to be here. Thank you for asking me. Travis: No problem. So Sandra I normally take the floor, why don‟t you run with it for awhile. You‟ve been griping at me for hogging the show. Sandra: I have not been griping at you at all. Travis: You can make suggestions, okay? Not griping. Sandra: Well, okay. See Travis and I both offers different perspective and he is very analytical and he is very business minded and he really gets into the meat of success and I‟m someone who likes to find out your story. First of all, I‟ve been to your website Elegant Interiors by Sabrina, that website. I know you have another website for your new business. But your work is just masterful and it‟s beautiful. And could you tell us how you got to be so good and how you found this passion. Sabrina: Oh thank you, thank you for that compliment. I got into design because I really wanted to control my own time. So back enough a little bit to let you know how I got there is I started out in Computer Science. I went to school for Computer Science and worked in the Computer Science industry for many, many, many, many years. If I tell you how long I‟ll hate myself. I actually know assembler code that‟ll date me. And I work in that industry for so long and what was happening is it is so demanding. And at the time I decided to start Elegant Interiors I had two young kids. And both my Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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husband and I work in Computer Science, and we were both so busy nobody was there to really, you know be there for the kids. So even though we were there we kind of work there. So I stepped out of that industry and decided to do something I love -- I love design. So I went back to school for design and decided that I‟m not going to work for someone, I‟ll just start my own business because then I can control the projects I work on, what time I‟m going to be there and I could be there fully for my kids because they‟re my priority one. So that‟s kind of how the design business started. Travis: Right. Sandra: And obviously you have had a love of design. Sabrina: Absolutely, absolutely. I actually even have taught Interior design at two of the community colleges right here a couple of years. I‟m now stepping out of that role and going more into really designing businesses and business models and things like that but yes I did go back - I love design. I absolutely love design and I spent years learning perfecting all the principles that we use in design and it‟s an awesome field it‟s like you‟re a kid in a candy store and we go to the design centre to put things together, and so it‟s a really, really an interesting and fascinating field. Sandra: And when you say you‟re an award winning, tell me about the last part the award. Sabrina: Yes, so there was this award for new designer coming up on the scene at the International Women Window Coverings Association and they had, you can submit your design and so it was in a room. The room had to have a window treatment welded in it. So I submitted my room that I had just completed. A living room for a client and I had done everything. Everything was custom designed. I won that award so it was really; the award was called the Designer‟s Debut. And I won that in 2007. It was great, it was fascinating. Sandra: Congratulations! Sabrina: Thank you. Travis: We talked about this a little bit before, one of the thing is so many shows that I listen to, we always hear about everything that they have done right and we never really hear the true behind the scenes stories what they had done wrong. In my experience, some of the most wisdom, largest amounts of wisdom that I‟ve ever gained is from my failures instead of my victories and I know that every business has their own set of struggles. So my ultimate goal is that when you‟re listening to this episode, it‟s clear to you, you‟re not the only one that struggles in business. So, can we kind of talk about the underbelly of some the trials and tribulations that you‟ve gone through? I also know that you segued into a new part of your life to where you have a new passion; we‟ll talk about that a little bit more. Sabrina: Okay. Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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Travis: What are some of the struggles that you went through in the 10 years of building this successful business? Sabrina: A couple of things, when I started I went back to school and everything I came from an IT world where I was paid very well and coming into this, I had no clue how to charge for design services. So somebody told me, “Oh just take your last job and figure out what you earn in that job per hour and charge that.” So I was like, “Okay, fine.” So when I calculated that, my hourly rate was quite high because of where I came from and everybody was like, “Are you crazy?” I was like, “Well what do you mean?” They were like, “No, designers don‟t charge that much.” This was 10 years ago. That was one disappointment to me because I was like, “Oh, I can‟t.” But then again looking back, I shouldn‟t have listened to people. I should have just done what I felt was right. A lot of times, you need to do what you feel feels right. The other thing was in the design world, not everybody, this is not an across the board, but in my experience was that a lot of people didn‟t want to share their resources. So for example, if I needed to do a custom sofa, nobody would share the details of how do I need to do that? Designing a custom sofa and getting a custom sofa done you have to have their many little pieces to that. One of which is you have to warehouse it yourself when it comes from the manufacturer and you got to have a company that ships it to your client. Well I had no clue about that. But nobody would share that information with me, so it took me years of trial and error, and frustration, and whatever else and failure as well to really find those things out. So that made me really passionate about, anybody that I could help that I would give them all the information I had because I thought it was silly that nobody would tell me something that they could teach me in 5 or 10 minutes that taking me years to learn. Travis: I agree, I think that‟s why you got to surround yourself with a community of business owners that come from a place of abundance. So people scarcity, when you‟re around people that come from a scarcity mindset they would rather see you fail. Whereas when you‟re in a community of people that have an abundance mindset they‟re free flowing with what you should do, why you should do it, even how much you should charge right? Sabrina: I totally agree, I‟m coming from the IT world, where we share, I mean we always work as a team, we share information. Coming to this world was a total shock to me and it‟s really frustrating in those first few years. That‟s why I decided to actually teach interior design because then any student who went through that, in any of my classes I would be the most open instructor ever because the other instructors didn‟t share a lot of their resources. I shared everything. I was like, “Email, call me, anytime you have a question, if you need to know something.” I mean something simple as we were doing a sofa one time and it required I think 27 yards of fabric. The fabric had to be treated right? It wasn‟t unbathed and everything like that. It wasn‟t an upholstery fabric, but it had to be treated and bathed for upholstery weight. Now I had no clue that when you‟re doing that on this particular fabric I would lose 2 and half yards of fabric just because of the shrinkage. Travis: Right. Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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Sabrina: I was like “Holy crap!” I had to go buy more fabric which now I‟ve told a customer it cost this much money and now it cost this much money. So it‟s a lot of little tiny things that, It‟s a hard learning process if somebody doesn‟t sort of mentor you just give you a helping hand when you‟re first starting. Travis: Yeah, and a couple of those mistakes and you‟re not only not making any money, you‟re losing money. Sabrina: Absolutely, absolutely, you‟re totally losing. The amount of time that it takes it‟s totally ridiculous that somebody could have saved you 5 hours if they just gave you 1 or 2 tips. Travis: Let me ask you, I would be interested in your perspective and it sounds like you were going to say something there and Sandra also just a second. I was going to ask you in my experience I have found really successful people in any industry are normally the ones that came from the place of abundance and wealth and will teach you and the less successful are the ones that have the negative scarcity mindset. Is that same true for you? Sabrina: Absolutely, absolutely true, I totally agree, totally, totally, because I see it every day. I see it every day. Travis: Sandra, what were you going to say there? Sandra: Well it‟s more of the same, in any business it is beneficial to share what you know because everybody‟s got a little bit different slant on the business. So, you might specialize in one sort of interior design and not be able to accommodate someone else. So, you would share that information of who the other person is and I think it just makes the industry stronger to share. So same kind of thing coming from scarcity and I won‟t tell you my secrets and that just doesn‟t work, there is really enough business for everyone if you come from that place of giving. Sabrina: I want to be really clear, there are designers that are absolutely amazing that share information but I found that the majority they don‟t want to share. Travis: I agree. Sabrina: They don‟t want to share resources but. I think it‟s not just in this industry, I think it comes down to what Travis said. It‟s the mindset. Is it an abundant person? Coming from an abundant place? Or are you coming from a scarcity place? Travis: Right, right. What were some of your biggest struggles in building your business? The learning curve stuff. Sabrina: Some of the biggest struggles were juggling my young kids, going to school and starting a business. That was one struggle and that‟s where determination. You have to be determined. You have to love what you‟re doing, and it is possible. You may not be getting there as fast as you want to get Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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there, but you‟re consistent and if you really persevere, then it happens. One day the kids will grow up and they can do things for themselves and I know a lot of women struggle with this because it‟s hard for them to figure out, I want to be there for my kids, I want to do this, I want to do that, and I have to say that I‟m really fortunate that I was able to do that. You know the first few years I didn‟t make a lot of money in the design business. But that was a choice because I didn‟t take on a lot of projects because I want it to be able to go pick up my kids, to take them to where they need to go, to be there for them. So that was a choice, but you know after they grew up and they could start taking share of themselves and they don‟t need me at much. And that‟s when I realized that, “Okay, I need to learn business and how to grow a business because I knew design. I knew how to run projects and how to do design projects and how to do project management.” But I just didn‟t know enough things like marketing and sales because I got clients mostly by referral but then at some point in time that‟s not very sustainable. You have to have some strategy behind that but you‟ve got to know what it is first that you are doing. Travis: Right. Sabrina: So that‟s when started learning going to this conferences that I go through. Travis: Yeah I think which is leaning out there is you were wearing all the hats in the business, you were the purchasing, a head purchasing, you were customer service, you were sales, you were bookkeeping, you were all of these things. You say your kids... Sabrina: That is definitely true. That is the big frustration as well. Travis: Right. Well, you know actually your business can take so much of your time that you don‟t have many time for your personal life, and that was kind of struggle you were dealing with. Sabrina: Right. Travis: You didn‟t have any time to spend the ideal amount of time with your kids that you would like to, right? Sabrina: Oh, definitely, definitely. You know even something as simple as how do I set up this filing system. Because I got to be the filer, and I have to be the purchaser, and I have to be this, that and the other. And that takes a little getting used to and it takes some time to really get over that frustration and a challenge. Some days are better than some and sometimes a lot of times things gets left behind like a lot of people I see it‟s happening to their you know bookkeeping gets less behind, or tracking all sales or tracking all your expenses or something like that. Those things get left behind but they are very important to running a business. Travis: Yeah, yeah, all the critical parts of running a business. Now one of the things that I really like about your story is that you had the courage, you walk up one day and decided that you were really fulfilled in what you are doing and you had the courage to pursue something else. And I want to point Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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out something out about that, I think a lot of people start a business and they feel like it‟s „til death do we part‟ this business. I‟m a designer so I‟m going to be a designer until you can‟t work anymore and that is not just true. Sabrina: Right. Travis: The person that you were 10 years ago that started that business isn‟t around anymore, right? Sabrina: Correct. That is absolutely true. Travis: And so your passion is not there. Sabrina: Well, the passion sort of guide in this design world. Because I had, I knew deep down in my heart I had a greater role to play. And as I went to more and more conferences and I see more and more small businesses struggling with some really simple things just because they don‟t think a certain way. I mean because I am very analytical as well but I also have a creative side to me in the design world. But coming from a computer world I do have more analytical side too. So I can marry these two together. Travis: Right. Sabrina: And so I was like, I can help these people. I can help so that‟s how some kind of my other business started. Travis: Right. Sabrina: I just don‟t know I had a bigger role to play, and my purpose was bigger let‟s put it that way. Travis: And what‟s interesting is that your two career path, one was a left brain career and one was a right brain career and that‟s rare. Sabrina: Yes, yes, yes, yes. Travis: You know because most business owners are right brainers because right brainers are not adverse to, they don‟t have the aversion to risk. Sabrina: Yeah, you know it‟s so funny because I think it comes from my upbringing. Like I was born in South America in British Guyana, and we had to be good at everything while we went to school. We had to be good at the sciences and the art. We didn‟t have the choice like we were brought up that way. We didn‟t have the choice and maybe that‟s why I don‟t know. Travis: Well, that could be the explanation because that‟s not common here. Sabrina: Right. Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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Travis: Normally what happens is the closer that your left brain skills set and your right brain skills set are imbalance in how successful you are. So those who don‟t know the right brain is typically an artist, as good salesman, musician, someone that loves creative things and doesn‟t necessarily like repetitive stuff. And so that‟s the polar, that‟s the far right. And then there is the left which is the analytical, attorney, accountant, someone like that and everyone says well I‟m left and right. Well, everybody is a little bit left and right. But most people aren‟t well versed in being right brain and left brain. So you have to be well versed in both in order to be highly skilled in IT. Sabrina: Right. Travis: And you also have to be extremely well versed in right brain to be successful in design, right? Sabrina: Right. Exactly. And it‟s interesting in the design business; the projects that I absolutely love were the more complex project things like an entire house renovation. I had everything planned, and everything executed perfectly so that my contractor can have everything when he needs to have everything I mean, and the client could stay out of being overwhelmed because I would run it exactly the way as an IT project. Travis: Right. I‟m sure that‟s probably where you excel because most right brainers have a hard time staying organized and keeping up with things and so you are excelling on that having everything planned in return. Sabrina: Exactly. There is no drama in my construction project, which I‟m sure you have experienced a lot of those. Travis: Ah, just a little. Sabrina: Yeah. Travis: Hey Sandra what were you going to say there? Sandra: Well I just love Sabrina‟s story, and I have obviously similar story because now I‟m an author and I still have a coffee and chocolate store with my passion is not in chocolate and coffee anymore although I have a General Manager who is running the business and hers is but just the fact that where you are today Sabrina without your Interior design company, you would have never gotten the distinctions and clarifications to be able to create this new business. So every step of your journey seems to taking you to where you are now. And I‟m wondering my question for you is, why are you so passionate about making a difference with others? What is your love for giving back, can you share to us about that? Sabrina: The reason why I‟m so, so passionate about helping small business owners, women business owners in particular is that I really want them to feel empowered, and feel like they have the Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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knowledge to do what they want to do. And for them to feel that not to feel isolated, not to feel discouraged to really give them that power back that they can have the business, they can be successful and they can make money and have fun at it. What happened and the reason I think this came from many, many years ago when I was a really, I think I was less than ten. I grew up in a family that we had everything we needed. We were very happy family. I had lots of cousins and lots of aunts and uncles, very close by. So we had a very close relationship with those families. I had an aunt and uncle, and my uncle had a problem. At that time I didn‟t know what old he was but he would probably drink, he would really put my aunt out of the house so to speak. And she would come to us and it really terrified me when I would stay with them and he would behave this way because he was drunkard or something like that. And now they were a very wealthy family, they had businesses, they were very wealthy but here she was, very like what would she do, she put out her own house for several days and it was really terrifying for me and so I think what does left in my brain was that, you can be, I don‟t want, I want to have the wealth because I grew up around it. I didn‟t grew up my family to have this for we didn‟t you know we were very happy and we‟re very content but at the same time I grew up with relatives that was very, very wealthy. And they had businesses and they were powerful people. So I knew that from my young age you can be wealthy, you can be powerful, you can have a lot, you can do a lot. However, as the women, like for example my aunt, she didn‟t have that confidence in herself. And she wasn‟t empowered, I feel like I wanted to make sure that I was empowered myself and I could make my own money and make a big difference and be a powerful woman. And so I think through the years that always stayed in the back of my head and I think the way it played out in my life was, I started like I said in Computer Science. When I left that field I was an independent consultant, I mean I did everything from programming to project management to independent consulting for the railroad. I had the courage to start the business on my own, it was not a question if I can do it or I can‟t do it. I just had you know the courage to do it. The other business I see small businesses especially women they keep taking care of everybody and everybody and they don‟t feel like they have enough know how, enough knowledge, they get scared. I really think that a little bit of help they can really shine with their gift and help other people. Sandra: Wow! Sabrina, when a new person comes to you as a client, I can see a person coming that‟s got a business maybe started it, they‟re frustrating and maybe failing. What are the first conversations that you have with people to actually give them hope and to see that there is actually a way for them to be successful? Sabrina: Well the first question that I usually ask is, “What are you frustrated about today? What is your biggest frustration with taking your next step?” Once I have an understanding of what that frustration is then I can leave them to some different areas. Sometimes it could be that they‟re doing their marketing and it‟s not sticking or something like that and analyze that a little bit more. Sometimes it could be that Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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they‟re just scared or they just don‟t know how to move forward and something is blocking them. So we kind of worked through a little bit of the mindset issue on how to move forward that next step. And I think a lot of times business owners think that they have to, they get stuck because they think they have to make a hundred steps today. It‟s really all about taking one step at a time and identifying what is that one step that is very important for today. Sandra: Oh, I‟m just going to ask as your coach you hold them accountable that okay this is the step you‟ve chosen, you‟ve taken follow through they take that step. Sabrina: Yes, yes. I actually do follow up with them, I do give them a plan with what is their next and mostly I focused on what are their growth projects. Because they are caught up in their everyday project already, so I really focusing on what is their growth project because what happens is that a lot of times they wanted to grow to that next level and they know that they need to do business but that gets like shoved in the back burner because they are too busy caught up in the business of life and that their everyday work. That‟s why I try to let them see that look, if you want to continue that way, that there is no room for you to grow because you are not giving that time and attention. So if we come up with a plan that helps them this is how you can change the current things that you‟re doing to really help you get to that next level. Whatever is that next level is for somebody. Like for example I have one client and she doesn‟t like one to one coaching, well actually it‟s a consulting, one to one consulting. She needs to do more of a oneto-many because that‟s the only way, she only has so many hours of the day, so she needs to maximize her time and the way to do that start to doing one-to-many type of model. And one thing she needs to do, she needs to put an event. She wants to put on an event. So it‟s going to be a one day event to start off with. But getting to that event there‟s so many pieces to make that a reality and she is so busy with her everyday client that it‟s really, it gets pushed in the back burner so I‟m holding her accountable, and we‟ve work out with the plan, step by step plan of what has to be done. We‟ve actually put a timeframe on every single one of them but we spread it out, so that it‟s not everything she is doing, so it‟s not overwhelming. She could still do what she is doing. We‟ve design a high performance day for her that can fit all these little pieces, because as you know little by little by little it has a huge compounding effect. Travis: Well Sabrina, it sounds to me like what you‟ve done you‟ve taught a road map together for her that is going to move her from working in her business to working on her business. Sabrina: That is absolutely you got it exactly right. Travis: Right, because so many people confuse busy work with accomplishment don‟t they? Sabrina: Yes. I‟m guilty of that too. I think we‟re all guilty of that, but I‟m committed to improving myself even if it‟s half a percent every day from yesterday. One of the things I do every day, this was Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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something that I committed myself into years ago is I study and I learn about business and selfdevelopment and whatever other topic I‟m interested in every single day including the weekend and I carve out anywhere from 1 to 4 hours a day because I drive a lot when I have a design project. I have to go from one client to client. My car is like my little university in there. Travis: Right. Sabrina: My phone has reminders on my IPhone. I have different things just to keep me making the best use of those little bits of time that I have and that‟s kind of why I started. I designed it what I call my high performance day because I don‟t get sidetracked, I try to get all those little movers done first. At the beginning of the day, I do leave a part of the day where anything can happen and it‟s okay, but there are times of my day that is very structured and very focussed and nothing gets in the way of that. The computer doesn‟t turn on, nothing else I‟m focussed on what I‟m doing. Travis: Right. You have mentioned earlier you use the word micro that your market is that you‟re focussed on females, right? Sabrina: Yes, but it doesn‟t mean that if a male comes to me I wouldn‟t talk to them. Travis: Okay don‟t let me misspeak here, but I think more of the focussed is that it‟s micro businesses? Is that right? Sabrina: Yes because 5 and 6 are bigger businesses as of the moment, 5 and 6 figure businesses. Travis: Okay. So, what exactly, let‟s say that someone has a 6 figure a year business, is it a consultant‟s ideally or it doesn‟t matter what industry you‟re in? Sabrina: It doesn‟t matter which industry. For example right now, I have a few coaches, consultants; I actually have a brick and mortar type of things. I have a karate school they have 2 locations, hair salons, many coaches. It‟s just really a small business. First of all, is what I do is I offer to Catholic people so what‟s really fascinating to me is over the last 2 and a half to 3 months I just put it out there. If you‟re frustrated about something, let‟s have a chat. I have had over 40 people that took me up on that. I just put it out there I wasn‟t looking for anything back; I just really wanted to help them move forward. Travis: Well imagine that, giving before getting. It‟s a great concept. Sabrina: Amazingly, I see other people scheduling getting-to-know-you session, right? And basically it was the same thing I was doing. Getting to know what I was already was coming to getting to know you from a sales mindset. I was really coming from a different mindset. I was coming from a mindset that said, “Look, if you‟re frustrated, there are people who are frustrated too. Let‟s just talk. Maybe, I know a little something that can help you just move that one step forward.” Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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Travis: Right. The reason I joked about that, so many people, so many businesses focussed on getting before giving. So, I love the concept of giving before getting. Sabrina: Absolutely, I totally, totally agree with that. I‟m here is where my mindset is I‟m the person who I am today has totally changed from 10 years ago when I was in the design world fully. I am still in the design world but not as much as the other world right now, but I go to a prospect and we chat about something and I would hold back because they haven‟t hired me yet. So what I found was that was definitely a scarcity mindset to be in and now, today if I speak to a business owner I don‟t hold back whatever I need to say. Because they will see if I can provide that information that‟s going to help them even more with other things that they have. There‟s a complete shift just because I‟m a different person like you said. I‟ve grown, I‟ve learned a lot. I have evolved as a person as well. I‟m more in balanced with being a hundred percent more of an abundance mindset. I think back then 10 years ago I think I was half and half. Travis: Yeah, I think you have been exposed to a lot of groups and training that Sandra and I have been to as well. Experts Industry and Brendon Burchard. Sabrina: Brendon, Yes. Travis: Yeah and several of those guys. Sabrina: Darren Harty. I look at these guys and they have accomplished so much in one day that that‟s what drove me to create my own little framework of what a high performance day looked like for me, because I marvel at how much these guys can get accomplish in a day, this is my boggling so there is always something to strive towards. Sandra: But the truth is without new actions there are new results and so it really sounds to me that you give your clients that framework, the coaching, the compassion, you don‟t have them in overwhelm. You know you support them in taking those little actions that actually will lead to great things. I keep having those visual in my mind of your beautiful interior design that I found in your website. I mean really masterful I mean just absolutely gorgeous. Sabrina: Oh, thank you. Sandra: You‟re welcome. What I see Sabrina, is that you are using that same gift you have to create in sort of people‟s dream homes, it‟s their dream lifestyle. Sabrina: There you go, that‟s it. Sandra: That‟s what you give and it takes something but it‟s like I really see that you connect people to that. I also really want to drive home the message of I mean Travis says this all the time people love to buy but they hate to be sold. And anyone of us knows what it‟s like to be around a sales person. And Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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you are just waiting for that moment that they‟re going to ask you to buy and it‟s just feels creepy and I acknowledge you for just saying you know “Are you frustrated? Let‟s just have a chat.” Because just spending this time with you on our show today, I know you now, I like you, I trust you, you‟re giving really great information that I can use for my life right now. Whether it be we taking action or what are we looking at the big picture I suppose to just doing the same thing and doing over and over again. And for our listeners and just all of us to really remember that it‟s in the giving and having people to trust us. Someone would follow you anywhere, a new business follow me because of Sabrina and have her help me with this. And to create ourselves every one of us business owners is just that trustworthy person that gift that you stand out amongst beyond everybody else. I really just want to acknowledge you for operating in that way and out of that I see that I mean there‟s no doubt in my mind that it‟s only a matter of time I know it‟s a new business the second one that on your website you are going to have be filled with testimonials and the difference is that “Use me” in people‟s lives. You know that dream lifestyle really does include not just the financial freedom but time freedom for people to be with their families and to tap into some of the dreams that they have had in their life and actually be able to do that and have some love in their life and spend more time with the people they care about. So I really want to acknowledge you for using everything that you‟ve done, even your own business frustrations and your failures. And that you continue to do what it takes to continue to learn everyday and then you just continue to give. Sabrina: Yes I continue to give, yes. And you know, I am so excited about being able to help people not just for my business perspective but if they have, if they‟re working and say that‟s not supporting their creativity then I can help them with that as well. I can help them reorganize and you know put a fun color on their walls or whatever it takes. But like you said it‟s a lifestyle because we all have everything going on in our lives, because you design your life and then design your business. Sandra: I like that. Sabrina: Yes. I think I really believe that we shouldn‟t be like so wrapped up in our business that we have no time for our life. We can very much create the lifestyle that we are dreaming of or dream lifestyle because it‟s possible, there‟s many people out there doing it. It‟s possible. Travis: I agree. I think we are brushing over a couple of things, important things that we need to point out is number one, most people in micro businesses that are just getting started or had been around very long. They normally don‟t have a whole lot of money and so this is an untapped market. I think you‟re going to be overwhelmed with people seeking your help and you are going to have to add staff pretty quick to this, so the micro businesses what you can bring to them is a level of affordability and help to where you could advance their business by two, three, four, five years. Just by taking your advice and shortcuts and steering clearer of some of the most common obstacles that new business owners make, right? Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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Sabrina: That is absolutely correct, yes because the way I have my services is that it‟s very affordable it‟s not going to be a very you know. But the whole thing is that I really want them to get on the right track. I don‟t want them to be going down the track that‟s going to keep them in overwhelm because a lot of micro businesses are totally overwhelm because like you said before you have to wear all the hats when you‟re now starting out or when you don‟t have the money to have a staff just yet. Travis: Right. Sabrina: You have to wear all the hats. So it‟s really trying to keep them to be more focused and not overwhelmed. But focus on the right thing because what‟s right for you to do today, next week it might be a different focus because something else is on the critical path. Travis: Right. And I‟m afraid this is a show about business owners, for business owners. And in mine and Sandra‟s biggest fear is that a lot of business owners are heading towards in extinction because of the struggles and because of all of the other challenges that are placed on us. When actually once they have access to the knowledge that you have, that I have, that Sandra has, we all come from a place of abundance. We want to help. We want to tell you the shortcuts and secrets because each one of them are a vital part of our economy, our tax base, our community. Normally business owners are also the leaders within the community as well. Sabrina: Yes, absolutely, absolutely. Travis: And we need those guys. Sabrina: We do, we do. We do and I also feel very strongly that entrepreneurs are very, very important to just things working, everything working. Travis: It‟s a life blood. It‟s a life blood of our community. Sabrina: Exactly. It‟s a life blood and I teach my children. I am teaching my children how to be entrepreneurs as well; they still have to working in a corporate world because they still need to understand that. But they need to be entrepreneurs. They need to look at life at what are some of the challenges that they have the tools and the knowledge to solve. Travis: Right, right. There‟s a story I read about on sounds like it‟s a complete separate story but it really relates to entrepreneurs. I read kind of a scary story about if bees, how bees were disappearing. And they said most people don‟t realize but bees are what makes, everything they go around, they pollinate the flowers, they perpetuate our environment. And the parallel that I draw there is that business owners are the bees, we pollinate things, we make jobs, we inspire people, we help charities. We do all of those things that the government tries but cannot do successfully.

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Sabrina: That‟s I totally; totally agree with you Travis because that‟s how I feel as well. We are definitely; it‟s like word of foundation to making things go around. Developing what has to happen because as small businesses we can change or tweak our direction and change things much quicker than a large corporation can. Travis: Right, right. Yeah we can turn on the dime; we‟ve very agile. Sabrina: Exactly. And the other thing too is that think about this if you and I, and Sandra as business people can help. The people that we can help, and then they can help their people, what a ripple of fact that is, that‟s huge. Travis: I agree, I agree. I have a passion, I help; I teach larger businesses how to ramp their profits and everything else by setting up the entire system. And so one of the things that I ask them to do is I ask them to commit if we take their business and a lot of times we triple, quadruple or will improve their income by a thousand percent or sixteen hundred percent. Sabrina: Wow! Travis: And so what we do is we ask them and this is something recent that I‟ve kind of put in there is, we ask them to find a charity that they care about. And they commit to plugging their business into the financing of that charity. Sabrina: Oh wow, that is really amazing. That‟s awesome. Travis: Yes, and so they now have this quality of life and their business because typically what happens when you start making three hundred, four hundred percent more, you can hire enough staff and you get a quality of life, right? Sabrina: Correct. Travis: And then once you get the quality of life the only other thing to do is travel, pursue your passions and help others. Sabrina: Yes. Travis: And that‟s really the reason why all of us went into business for ourselves, right? Sabrina: That‟s right. That‟s right. It‟s important that we remember that we are here to help others. Travis: So that‟s the circle of life and circle of giving and making a difference. I know that I would like to help you extend your cause as much as possible. Once were ready we‟ll set this up and place it on our page so you can promote it to your people. I knew you had something that you wanted to talk about Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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that‟s kind of a guide for these micro businesses that they could go to your website and they can find out more about you. Download something that they could use as maybe a starting up template, right? Sabrina: Yes they can, the website being working on will be finished by the end of the year, the www.teekahgroup.com and what I would like to share with your listeners is my framework for a high performance day and maybe they can take that, they can look at it and see where they can take it and tweak it to what works for them, and it really helps you to keep focussed but also helps you to carve out the time to really work on your business not just in your business. Travis: So now that is the T-E-E-K-A-H-G-R-O-U-P.COM Sabrina: That‟s correct. Travis: Okay. What we‟ll do is we‟ll place that link below or on the episode interface there? Sabrina: Okay. Travis: That way people can just click on it and go directly to your site rather than typing it in. I don‟t know how you‟ll listen to this through iTunes, or through our website. As a matter of fact we‟ll handle that business right now Sandra. Depending on how you listen to things, you can go to www.travisandsandra.com where you‟ll have a chance to interact with us, you can ask us questions, you can post comments, you can even suggest people for the show, or really interact with us on anything. And also get set up for our list to where what we‟ll do is we‟ll reach out and let you know when the new episode comes up. What am I leaving out there Sandra? Sandra: How do we request on iTunes but I think that‟s through that link as well travisandsandra.com Travis: Yeah you can go to iTunes and just look up diamonds in your own backyard. Now the reason why we don‟t have diamonds in your own backyard URL is because #1 it‟s way too long #2 it was taken and so URL to find this is at www.travisandsandra.com. Sandra: One thing I would like to add Travis, is, as business owners you and I have discussed and Sabrina may feel the same way. It gets very lonesome; it really can occur that were working this business by ourselves, we‟re tired, we‟re frustrated, we give, we give, and we don‟t have too many friends, we don‟t have a network of people that we can get great information from. One of the ideas behind creating this show is that every business owner, every entrepreneur feels at home with us, can contact us, can listen to our guest‟s stories for inspiration and know that they have a resource to win in whatever game they are up to. So I really want our listeners to use us and be in touched and there‟s gold in every episode. Travis: Right, right. And we‟d like to support you in what you are doing Sabrina and we would like for you to become a part of our community. Stay involve with us on Facebook and everything. What are we Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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going to do is we are going to bring together a group, we are going do a master mind event either actually as I‟m going to say either this year, but not later this year, next year in a matter of months and we would like for you to be part of that. Sabrina: Oh, I would love to. Travis: We are going to have an alignment in what we are doing and trying to help business owners, so we want you to stay involve with what we are doing for the community. Sabrina: Absolutely, absolutely I would love that. Travis: Great, great. What else do we need to cover Sandra? Sandra: I think that‟s it. But I just, a really a warm heartfelt thank you to Sabrina Teekah of the TeekahGroup.com for just giving us your generous time for being an inspiration, for taking your life and out of it just creating two successful businesses that you just keep on giving. I mean what a delight it‟s been to have you to be our guest and I‟m really looking forward to being connected with you and seeing you when we see you next.

Sabrina: Thank you. Thank you.

End of Interview Travis: Thanks Sabrina. What you are doing is important work. Thank you and I look forward to meeting you in person. Well listen, I want to thank everybody for listening, I want to thank you personally for taking your time out of your day to listen to Sabrina‟s story, and me and Sandra and I look forward to talking to you at Travisandsandra.com. Sandra? Sandra: Alright everybody, thank you. Thank you for joining us. Have a great day. Travis: Alright, Thank you.

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How We Can Help You We know that finding someone that you can trust online today is hard and that so many “so called gurus” are self-‐appointed and have never really even done what they teach you to do. That‟s exactly why we created the Double Your Profits Business Accelerator. This is an exclusive offer for our fans at a fraction of its normal cost. Here's what to expect. We'll Schedule a 'One on One' private session, where we'll take the time to dive deep into your business and tell you what is missing, so that you can have your best year ever! We'll do this by performing a S.W.O.T. Analysis. This tells us your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats within your business. This will be an eye opener for YOU, for several reasons, however some of the most common reasons are. As the 'Business Owner' it‟s difficult to see the big picture of your own business because you‟re in the middle of a daily management. And you are too emotionally involved to completely impartial. This is a common problem for EVERY business owner. It doesn‟t matter if you are a one-man army, or an army of 150, the problem is still the same.

Travis Lane Jenkins Business Mentor-Turn Around Specialist Radio Host of The Entrepreneurs Radio Show “Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs That Grow Your Business"

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