021 croix sather

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THE ENTREPRENEUR’S RADIO SHOW Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs that Grow Your Business


Croix Sather Travis: Hey, it‟s Travis Lane Jenkins and Sandra Champlain is missing today unfortunately she couldn‟t make it on the call so we are going to try to forge onward without her. We have an exciting guest for you today. But before we get into that, I want to cover some things that I have neglected. I should have been asking you to go to iTunes and post a comment and rate the show. This would be a big help for us in reaching and helping as many entrepreneurs as possible. And then if you take a minute and take that comment that you wrote on the iTunes and you go over to our Facebook page, there is a fan review section. Just paste it in there also, and what you can do is you can use the one comment in both areas. Now, as a way of saying thank you, a lot of you guys know that we are having a drawing for a Galaxy Tablet. We will give you 20 chances to win the Tablet for each comment. So, you 20 chances for the iTunes and then 20 chances for pasting your comment there in the fan review section. We‟ve got several people who have started posting reviews for us. Janet Johnson said she wished that she had a resource like this one whenever she started her business. Now we interviewed Janet, she was on the show. Mike Page said he really enjoyed the interview. He was also on the show. Kellan Flukiger left a comment. Morgan Giddings, Sabrina Teekah, all of these people that I have mentioned are people that we have interviewed on this show and really feel that this is a resource that they wished was around whenever they started their business. In a way we have listeners like Ruth Phillips and Mike Espie, and Gel Keller that left great reviews so thank you guys. Thanks for taking the time to do that, if you would go to iTunes, and post those comments there also. Basically, that covers the things that I have been dropping the ball on. I want to get to our guest that we have today. I‟m super excited, because I met this guy about a year ago and I absolutely love him. I think you would love him too. His name is Croix Sather. Croix is an internationally known author, an inspirational speaker in the field of personal transformation and the psychology of success. Now, Croix‟s accomplishments set the standard for living a lifestyle by Design or a Life by Design. He is most well known for his 2007 run across America. Based on my memory, that was when he ran a hundred marathons in a hundred days back to back and gave a hundred keynote speeches one each day. This was after running 26+ miles a day. Croix has been on an inspirational speaking tour and as an author of Dream Big, Act Big and a Better Body, Better Life. Without further ado, welcome Croix. Croix: Glad to be here thank you. Travis: Did I say your last name right? Croix: It is actually Sather but either one works.

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Travis: Sather got it. I had a suspicion that I messed that up. You scared me there for a minute, whenever we start this recording we drop you a minute ago and there for a second I thought you were gone. Now, Croix did I get that right? Did I remember that correctly? A hundred marathons in a hundred days? Croix: Yes. Last year in 2011, I ran from San Diego to New York. Like literally running on my feet, it took me a hundred days and each one of those days I did a marathon distance plus gave a full keynote speech. So every single day, a hundred consecutive days and my joke is that my day off I only ran 18 miles on that day. Travis: So, what 26 marathon, 24, 26 miles? Croix: 26 miles. It was over 26 miles everyday. Yeah. Travis: Okay, so the key part of this is you don‟t have a background of being a runner, right? Croix: No, just less than 3 years ago I started running. Before that I was a novice, very, very casual runner and I go out for a few runs in a season and that literally was it. Then, I had this idea like what can I do? What‟s amazing? What‟s the craziest, most difficult, almost seemingly impossible thing that I could possibly do? I am being a non-runner that is why I chose to run across America because that was something that I should not be able to do. At least by most people would think, including myself at that time. Travis: Right. Croix: When I said that, there is my challenge, and it is how it all started. Travis: There are some key underpinnings of this whole story. I don‟t know if you know the back story. I want to back track a little bit. The name of the show is Diamonds in your Own Backyard. It is from a true story of acres and acres of diamonds to where this fellow had heard about incredible wealth in diamonds. He actually owned a successful ranch and he really never could shake this fantasy of diamonds and incredible wealth. Ultimately, he had this happy family, this successful business. He ended up leaving his family behind, selling the ranch, and going on this many years journey to find these diamonds and he died in the process. Some years later they found that there were acres and acres of diamonds on his property. Are you familiar with that story? Croix: I am, very much. Travis: Okay. The surprising part of the story is this guy‟s dream and fantasy was right under his feet. While this is a true story from the 14th or 15th century, it is a great metaphor for life. I know for me, there was a point in my life where I lost everything. Everything financially, and I really thought it was the end Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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of my life. Ultimately, it really becomes the turning point of my life. That was my diamond in my backyard. I could not tell it at that time that that was my diamond, and that was my turning point. It was really the birthing part that was the most important part of my life, which is using the skills that I developed to build that business back in 18 months to help other businesses. And I know there is a similar story for you that could have been a turning point to where you could have just laid down, I‟m not sure how I want to say it, but I know that doctors had said that the event that you went through that you wouldn‟t walk again. It‟s my perception based on what I know about you, that that is your diamond in your own backyard. I don‟t want to tell you a story because I want you to tell it. But would you agree that that is your diamond. Croix: It is certainly one of them. It is one by far the most difficult things I have to go through and there were others as well later on life. But it‟s when you are faced with a challenge that big you have to make a decision. Am I going to lay down and die eventually, or am I going to stand back up and get back at the horse and go forward and figure this out. Travis: Right. Because in my mind, now I go, I do what I call a WAG where I walk and jog a couple of miles everyday. But you know, I never had a serious physical ailment like you. Once our listeners get the feel of what you actually gone through and then pair it with your accomplishment here, I think it‟s really going to blow your mind. Would you mind taking a minute sharing with us that story of that 1 st diamond we were talking about? Croix: Yeah, absolutely. It was quite a few years ago now. I was 14 years old and I‟m riding home, my friends and I were getting an ice cream, and I‟m riding home on my bicycle, and I‟m going down the roadjust outside New York city. I‟m going down the road side riding with traffic. So I was 14 years old riding on my bicycle, I‟m with 2 friends and there on the other side of the road, there on the shoulder and they‟re going against traffic, and were coming to the tiny little crest up the hill. Ironically, just the other day I happen to be driving right there. Every time I go by, you know this is the spot, it‟s interesting in the sense of reliving that but as we were coming up on this crest up the hill, there‟s a drunk driver coming up over the other side in the middle of the afternoon. She was moving pretty good and she sees my friend and she swerves to miss them and she does by inches which is a great thing of course but imagine what must have happen if she must have been looking back over her shoulders saying “My God that was close!” But she never slowed down as she crossed the double yellow line, she never swerve, or she never tried to break and she crashed into me at full speed. My bike was crushed over the big metal bumper and I was launched into the windshield and then ricochet up into the air. The police report said that my body flew 50 feet before it hit the ground. Travis: Right.

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Croix: The ambulance came and they rushed me to the local hospital. The injuries were so severe that they couldn‟t handle it so they sent me down to New York City where they worked on me for hours. My parents eventually got down there. They called them and they got down there. They came to the outside of the operating room and the Neurosurgeon the guy who works on brains and skulls from where I have fractured my head. He comes out and he tells my parents and I‟m quoting “If your son survives the night he would be a vegetable for the rest of his life.” Travis: Right. Croix: My young mom with her beautiful long blond hair collapses into my Dad‟s big arms and they cry and they pray and they pray for miracle and this was on a Friday afternoon. So Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday I was in a coma. I was in intensive care and it was until Monday that I woke up and first thing that I felt when I woke up is my mom‟s beautiful blond hair holding my hand and they were both there waiting for me the whole weekend. Now I have two little kids now 5 and 6 years old and I can‟t imagine what that must that have been like. I think they went through way too much trauma than I did because I was unconscious I don‟t remember any of it. Travis: Right. Croix: But it was just absolutely devastating and so 4 days in a coma, 2 weeks in the hospital, a year of cast rehabilitation and years of other issues that persisted from my fractured skull. So not only that I should not be walking, but I should not be alive. The doctor said that there is no medical reason why I‟m still here. Except by the grace of God and that I‟m here, and one thing that I‟ve learned through all of that and it‟s a list that I hold every single day. Even at 14 years old, I understood that I survived for a reason. I just didn‟t know what it was. It took me a long time to figure this out but I didn‟t know what it was, but I knew that I was here for a reason. I believe that in everybody. That everybody is here for a reason. The challenge is for us to figure out what that is. What is our call, what is our purpose? Travis: What is that reason for you? Croix: For me, it is to be out there on the international stage and teaching people these lessons that they need to find that seed of greatness within them. I believe that the phrase that Jim Rohn used to use, one of the Grandfathers of personal development. Is the seed of greatness is inside of you, we all have it, but most of us or a lot of people don‟t know how to nurture that or grow it, fertilize, and water it. To turn it into this amazing blossom, and that‟s what the challenge is in life. Travis: Right, so inspiration, inspiring people to do more, to dream bigger to go after those dreams. Croix: All of that. Yes.

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Travis: Yes. Croix: To live up to your fullest potential. We have all heard that we only use a small portion of our brain. I believe we only use a small portion of our physical abilities, and actually we only use a small portion of our potential, a very tiny small percentage of our potential. That is what my gift is, my call and purpose in life is to show people to find that and grow that. Travis: How long did it take you to realize your calling? Croix: A better part of my life. When I grew up my dad was a carpenter. My grandfather was a painter. Everybody in my family were either carpenters, painters, electricians, plumbers, whatever, they were all trades people. Blue collar to the core, so what I did was the obvious thing and I went to carpentry just like my dad and I was good at it, and made money at it, but it wasn‟t my calling. It didn‟t matter how good I was. I like it pretty much but it wasn‟t my passion. It didn‟t fulfil me. It wasn‟t until my mid 30‟s that I started looking for other things and the other part is when I went to a seminar with one of the world‟s best personal development gurus and that is when I realize that there was something else, and I started searching. So after 4 days with this guy, I realized I wanted to do something other than build houses. Travis: Who was that guy you were talking about? Croix: Tony Robbins. Travis: Okay. Croix: That‟s where my journey started and originally with Tony Robbins. Travis: Right. Croix: At that seminar he teaches to find the secret that‟s within you, unleash the power within you. I realized that there is more to life than what I have been giving it, and I didn‟t want to swing a hammer for the rest of my life. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but I just knew it wasn‟t me. Travis: Yeah, it was just not the right fit for you. I had the same background. My father was in the construction of new homes, so I naturally migrated to that direction although I quickly figured out that it was not my true calling. Croix: But it served me well for a long time. It‟s not like I spent almost 15 years of my adult life in the wrong trade. It served me well. It gave me the financial stability. Allowed me to grow as a person, as you know, you go through your 20‟s and you can go through your 30‟s. When you figure your life out you don‟t know what‟s going on at all. You think you know everything, but then your 25 and you think

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you know everything and then you get to 30 and then you think back, at 25 I didn‟t know anything. Then you get to 35 and you would think back at 30 you didn‟t know anything. Travis: Right. Croix: It served me well. It‟s not like a mistake. Nothing in life is a mistake. Travis: Yeah, I think it is a stepping stone for who you are going to be in the future. It‟s hard to have clarity on the 5th step until you take the 3rd step. Right? Croix: Absolutely. Travis: Whatever it may be, whatever your calling is, even the phases in your life, I still have to remind myself of that at times. Just take this step right now; I don‟t have everything figured out. I have a habit at times of wanting to figure out 8 steps ahead and I really need to pull myself back and focus on just taking 1 or 2 steps ahead and stay in action. Taking action, because no matter how much I think about it and sketch it, pontificate and all of that other stuff, and talk about it. I just don‟t make that forward movement until start taking action. Have you found that out to be true? Croix: Absolutely! One of my favourite quotes is from Martin Luther King, and it says ““Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase.” Travis: Right, right. Croix: And that‟s what we have to go through as we go through life. Keep taking steps because if you don‟t take the steps you don‟t get anywhere. You also have the faith that the next step is going to reveal itself, and the next step will reveal itself and the next one and you don‟t have to know what all the steps are, you don‟t have to see or understand the staircase you just have to keep taking steps towards your direction, towards your goals, wherever you want to go, and achieve your goal in life. Travis: With failure, a lot of times I find that failure, I guess small failures and even catastrophic failures are a lot of times are great ways to break bad habits and get you to start new ones. It seems to me like your catastrophic failure, not failure but incident you were hit by this car with the different catalyst somehow taught you that tenacity and that drive for accomplishment because the first thing you had to master was rehabilitation. Correct? Croix: It is. It was a lot of physical therapy, rehabilitation therapy, there were a lot of challenges that went with it. Physical, emotional and mental of course, they all go together. One other thing that learned through that is, and I didn‟t even know that I was blessed in the sense that at 14 years old you just do whatever it takes, because you don‟t have a choice. You just go through it. As young enough not to have deconstructs that we have as adults to complain and be negative and be down and be so hard on Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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ourselves. At 14 I just did it. I didn‟t know it any better, my parents supported me and they help me believe that and brought me to therapy and supported me through the whole thing. They were my best cheerleaders. That is something we lose in life, we don‟t cheerlead ourselves. We don‟t have too many cheerleaders, you can do it, you are amazing, and you have to keep persisting no matter what. You are going to come against roadblocks whether it‟s a big trauma in your life, or great big financial setback like financial loss, we have that in common in our lives. Whatever it is you have got to come back. I was reading a great article, reading a book this morning from Dan Kennedy, one of the greatest marketers on the planet. Travis: Right. Croix: In the book he talked about how some of the most financially successful people that ever walked this planet was the commonality they all have is that they were completely bankrupted at one time. Travis: Right. Croix: So it is interesting. Henry Ford and whole bunch of other these major icons they had this incredibly difficult times and yet they come back and they set the standards for wealth and achievement. Which is absolutely amazing, yeah you can‟t actually give up. You have to have the tenacity. You have to be in the game and you have to keep going forward no matter what other people say. Even when you doubt yourself you still have to go forward. That‟s normal. Don‟t think you‟re going to go through this without doubting yourself, we all do that. Travis: Right. The interesting thing is I think the failure percentage of businesses is at the 91 to 92 percent range after I think 7 years. The interesting thing is once someone has a complete failure or bankruptcy in a business the success rate is 80% for the second business. Were you aware of that stat? Croix: No. I did not I haven‟t heard that. That‟s interesting. Travis: Yeah. It‟s fascinating. That it completely is the reverse the second call around. Because what happens is, before you lose everything you allowed to perpetuate inaccurate thoughts, so you continue to think that this is right. But once you lose everything, bankruptcy in the business, you got to rebuild it yourself or give up. It forces you down the path of complete clarity and truth to where you just drop the ego and drop the nonsense and that really kind of ties back to what I was talking about my diamond is letting go of the things that I needed to let go. I just didn‟t do that until it was out of my hand. Right? And another thing that you mentioned is something that is important to me also is the circle of 5 is the 5 people that you surround yourself in on a certain maybe it is for business. Now, there‟s a friend of mine that once told me, Ron Reardon said that there are friends you know meaning that people that you‟ve known based on your family and your geography based on where you live, and there are friends that Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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help you grow. These are the people that you should seek out either accomplished what you want to accomplish, And they are willing to mentor, teach and inspire you, or they have a common goal and you need to surround yourself with those 5 people, because a lot of times your family is not equipped to support you on that level. In fact, normally they are negative when it comes to things like entrepreneurship. Have you found that out to be true? Croix: Families are the first one to bring you down not because they want to hurt you, just the opposite because they want to protect you. My parents told me not to run across America, not to run through Death Valley. They didn‟t want me to do that because they didn‟t want to see me fail. I started my first company at 24 and they thought it was crazy. It was a construction company. I didn‟t even own a pickup truck at that time, I had a convertible. And I used to carry the lumber, I used to put the top down on my convertible and carry the lumber from the windshield to the trunk going to the jobsite, and of course they are going to doubt me, you don‟t even own a truck and now you‟re going to start a construction company. Travis: So how do you? Is that the path that you were going down? When you say that most people don‟t have cheerleaders leading them on? Croix: That‟s exactly right because they don‟t have the right circle of friends, they don‟t the right circle of influence, and were unfortunately most of us, a vast majority of us were not born into that because were born into families that are regular working families. So they don‟t have that knowledge they don‟t have that experience of being in the successful businesses understanding the psychology of success and the psychology of transformation. We‟re not just born to that. My family was blue collar, nobody in my family until me, even had a high school education. I was the first one to graduate and then got a college degree. So you have to find other influences that support you. We met at a conference a year ago and as you know we go to conferences all the time for what? Want to learn and be educated of course by someone who is more successful than us. But then it is also for the camaraderie and making the connections of the people that are there. So I was just in California and an interesting story too. We talked about it recently, and to find 2 leaders that‟s related to finding the acres of diamonds in your own backyard. I was at lunch and I walked by a guy who had a book that I wanted to read, so I stopped, then I ask him if that book was good is it worth reading. We opened up a conversation and we started talking and I invited him over to have lunch at the table that I was at and we had a great time and conversation. I see him the next day at the foyer of the hotel and he‟s there sitting with some of the other guys. So, I went over to say hello to him because I thought he was flying out, and I said “I thought you were flying.”He says, “No, not until tomorrow morning.” And he says, “Croix I need you to meet Larry Bennet.” I recognize the name, Larry Bennet, but I couldn‟t get who he was, and we were talking and Larry was asking about me and Run Across America and all that. Then I realized who this guy is, he has a networking company called Sang one of the most influential people in the world with

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connections. So it was serendipitous or maybe it‟s more than that but I if I can meet this people in this room, and meet one of the people who are the most instrumental in my life as far as connections. Travis: Right. Well you make a great point. Where else could you be at that environment? Nowhere. You can‟t go to a country club and find like minded business people, you may find a couple. I guess what I‟m pointing is there is no natural environment to where you could be surrounded by business by entrepreneurs. They want to better themselves and help each other right? Croix: Yeah. It‟s the only place to go just to find a culture, or a group of people that share that same belief system and the same culture. It‟s kind of like going to church. If you‟re a Baptist you don‟t go to a Jehovah Witness church or you wouldn‟t go to a synagogue. You want to be with people who are of like minds. The same thing in business, you need to be around people with the like minds whatever industry you‟re in. So, the event that I was just at was 600 speakers, professional speakers, and that‟s what the group was with the like mind. Travis: Now for me, and this is my personal preference, I like conferences that cross multiple boundaries of industries because I have been to conferences to where it‟s one themed maybe it‟s a construction industry. For me, it‟s kind of like playing one note on an instrument. While they‟re talking of some variety of things it‟s just very, I have found that some of the most brilliant thoughts, strategies, tactics, come outside of industries so when people come across multiple industries and collaborate together, really special things happen. Have you paid attention to that and do you agree if you have? Croix: Oh yeah, absolutely. I call that cross pollination. The event that I was just at which was 600 speakers were all speakers. While were all speakers, we were all in from different industries, so, anything from energy, healing to financial speaking. One guy was there, he sells gold coins. In fact, he is from Texas as well. That‟s his gig so you get a variation that way, but what you‟re talking about is really true cross pollination. We were meeting people like in the event that we were in California where there are experts, and speakers, and consultants, and coaches, and it brings you in from all sorts of different environments and cultures and belief system. Travis: Yeah, you know where it‟s going to go right? Croix: You know and somebody, like us with our construction background we have a completely different perspective of life from somebody who grew up in a cubicle. Travis: Right. Croix: You know working in a cubicle is very different compared to a scientist. I have a couple of scientist friends. One of them is actually a rocket scientist. So there‟s always a joke.

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Travis: Hey, who is the gold guy? I bet you I know him. Do you remember his name? Croix: On top of my head I do not. Travis: Don‟t worry about it. Croix: Forest was his first name; I don‟t remember his last name. Travis: Okay. It‟s not the guy that I was thinking of. Croix: A 120 million dollar company. Travis: Wow. Croix: And I‟m rubbing elbows with him. The guy is the most humble casual and easy going person you could possibly meet, and then were talking about what we do. Yeah I got a gold coin company, and we made $120 million last year. Travis: Was it the same thing for you at Experts Industry Association also? Croix: In a lot of ways, Yeah. You just don‟t know it. The next person sitting down next to you could be someone who is just starting out and owning their business for the first time, and the person on the other side of you could be somebody making 50-100 million in their company. Travis: Yeah. I‟ve met a lot of great people at that event, I sat next to a guy that owns a very large construction businesses 285, 000 million dollars sitting right next to me. The guy sitting behind me and we were kind of getting together and doing a group thing was the president of Conan Nightingale. We went and did kind of a think on getting his business to the next level and the incredible part of coming together at associations or events to where you meet people from all this different industries that‟s kind of the illustration of who you meet and kind of what comes from those types of mind-sets being around with this type of people, right? Croix: You just don‟t know who‟s who. At this last event I was at, there‟s some guy who sat next to me at the restaurant to a table next to us. I just don‟t like the guy, I don‟t like his energy. It‟s just rubbed me the wrong way. So I didn‟t talk to him, I found out later he is this famous producer slash actor. I had no idea who he is I don‟t watch TV or movies all that much so I absolutely don‟t know who he was and it turned out to be some famous guy. A couple of months ago I was at another event and there was a guy who look like Larry the Cable guy with a hat down, who look scraggy and he didn‟t look like anything but guess he is out there and he is making the hundreds of thousands of dollars a week. You just don‟t know who you are next to. The person who is dressed in the nice suit is just starting out in business.

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Travis: Yeah. Now take me back to, I want to hear you more about your Dream Big Act Big so it‟s clear of the physical and mental thing is that you have overcome as a young man. Here you are as an adult that has run very little and you‟re doing things that I really can‟t even get my arms around. I can‟t begin to understand how you can run 26 miles a day back to back, 5 days straight much less a hundred days. So there‟s obviously some mind set things that you‟ve figured out that allow you to take it to the next level. I‟m pretty accomplished that mind over matter stuff that‟s how I found my success so obviously you found something that is pretty incredible and that‟s got to be the antithesis of what you teach in the Dream Big Act Big, am I right? Croix: You are exactly right that is what I specialized in is the mindset game. If your listeners want to go to TedAx, Google my name Croix Sather and Ted Ax and Google‟s to and you‟ll come across a great video of mine. At the end of my video I hold my hands up about 11 to 12 inches apart right in front of my face and I ask the audience to do the same thing. Lift your hands up make like a kind of a field goal which is 2 points or finger out about a foot apart and I tell them this is how far you are from your goal. Just less than a foot this is how far you are from your goal. Then I bring my fingers up and I touch my temples, it illustrates that it‟s all a mind game and that‟s all I face is a mind game it‟s our belief systems. We are talking about before about how after about bankruptcy then we got 80% success rate in business and how after bankruptcy that‟s how some of the wealthiest people were created some of the most amazing things. It‟s because in the financial aspects of it because they‟ve lost their fear of losing money. They have lost their money once and they gained it back again so now there‟s no fear of losing money and we operate from a place of fear. It‟s the same thing with me running across the country. I had no idea how I was going to do it. Nobody had ever done that before in the way that I was doing it so running and speaking towards the same time. All the people across America but nobody ever done both and how do you schedule a hundred speaking events approximately 25 to 35 miles apart, it‟s a huge challenge. So that‟s my specialty it is the mindset game. I will give you a quote that I absolutely love and I have this memorized because it is something that we all should live by. This is from Theodore Roosevelt and he says, “The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood. Who strives valiantly, who errs, and who comes short again and again because there is no effort without error and shortcoming but who does actually strive to do the deeds. Who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion. Who spends themselves in a worthy cause, who at best knows in the end the triumph of achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least he fails while bearing great deed.” Travis: Right. I love it. Croix: Yeah. It‟s a fantastic quote and there is a couple really key points in here is one is going through life in great enthusiasm. One of the definitions of success is going from failure to failure to failure without the loss of enthusiasm. Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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Travis: Right, right. I agree with you. Croix: The last one is to go after something even if you are going to fail. My philosophy in life is I rather I end up at the end of my life knowing that I‟ve tried and die broken and unsuccessful. But I‟ve always pursued my goals than to have never pursued them. I know I will never end up at the end of my life broken and not accomplishing. It‟s not a concern because I committed myself. That‟s one of the ways to success is commitment. Travis: Yeah. I‟ve read in several places that at the end of people‟s lives they‟re only regret is the things that they didn‟t do, it‟s not the things they did do, it‟s the things they didn‟t do. If failure is in the presence of taking action then where is the shame, right? Croix: There‟s never shame but that‟s the social construct we have is that if you don‟t do something and you don‟t succeed and that failure. It‟s not failure it‟s just in advent failure is the death admission we get to it. Travis: Right. Croix: My definition of failure is not trying, it‟s not going out.

Travis: Or give up. Croix: Or give up, yeah. Travis: Right. Croix: Failure for me is not getting the outcome that I was expecting, that‟s not failure. Not trying and giving up that‟s the failure that‟s the definition for me. Travis: Yeah. Is it something that transitions to people in what you teach is this gear towards individual or the gear towards the business owner? Croix: It‟s really for both. It‟s the same strategies who I work with is generally people who are already successful, have already achieved some level of success and they are looking to get the next level. You can‟t solve the problem, I think it‟s in our last conversation I think you were saying the quote by Albert Einstein. “You can’t solve a problem in the same thought process that created it.” Travis: Yeah. The same level of thinking that created the problem is rarely ever the same level of thinking that solves the problem.

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Croix: So this guy that I met we are talking about the gold coin. His company was 60 million dollars last year and then he got training from the coach and gave him some distinctions and some new ways of thinking and he ends up doing a $120 the next year. Travis: Right, right. Croix: He couldn‟t get pass the 60 mark because that was the level of thinking that he had until somebody showed him how to go further. Travis: Most people are myopic they are so close to running their business or the things they are doing. They have this pre set, pre defined conclusions of XYZ and they are close to themselves that they really can‟t separate themselves from fact to fiction. It‟s really incredible when someone that is not on your payroll meaning it‟s tough to get advice from an employee because they are paid hourly. They don‟t want to offend you but you bring somebody in that is experienced and what you need coaching on they can be objective about what you are doing and give you the insights and perspectives to tweak and refine things and it should be an ongoing thing with the coach whether it‟s personal or professional, do you agree with that? Croix: Yeah. Absolutely and in addition to that as a consultant or coach we can go in there and we can say things that nobody else will say because we don‟t have a long term relationship with them. Travis: Right. Croix: We can give them answers and suggestions that one they don‟t probably want to hear or they are not ready to anyway. Then give them some advice that that is different from anybody else will be. That is why the president of United States will, regardless of which one it is, every president will have so many different consultants to give him different opinions. And they bring in outside people because the people closest to them will give them a perspective that is either tainted in one way or another worst position or one way or another for their best interest. Travis:Well, that is where the „yes‟ man thing come from even before I had experienced that failure in my business that‟s what happened. I was surrounded by a group of „yes‟ people that they didn‟t want to rock the boat. We were often left filled all of us were often left filled and no one said “Hello, hey are you guys serious?” That was the problem we didn‟t have an outsider looking, calling on some of the BS, right? Croix: That‟s it and that‟s why I hire a coach or an outside consultant. My job is to give those sorts of answers to someone and give that perspective to someone because I know my relationship with someone is short term. It‟s going to be several coaching and sessions maybe a year but I know I am not in there for a long term so my goal with anybody that I worked with is to get them the results that

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they are after and whether they like me or not during the process it doesn‟t matter to me because we are after a certain result. You know how it is sometimes somebody tells you something and you don‟t want to hear, somebody else tossed you same thing you don‟t want to hear, then somebody else tossed you same thing you don‟t want to hear but eventually you figure out that yeah, this is what I really need to do. It happens all the time in life. Travis: Right, right. Croix: Sometimes the thing we need to hear is the thing we want to hear at the least. Travis: This is true. For me, one of the things that help me with success is I‟ve become comfortable with change and I found that a lot of people are horrified of change and every time that I use-overcame an obstacle or found an incredible level of success. I‟ve had to learn to become friends with the obstacle. That may sound silly to some people but as long as I resisted it. Let‟s take fear as an example or let‟s take change as an example. If I was afraid of it, if I hid from it, if I regret dealing from it I would stay in a certain place within my business and I wouldn‟t move forward because I was afraid of it. But once I learned to embrace it and look at it as a positive thing it allowed me to move forward. I found that as soon as I make friends with that barrier or whatever it is that‟s owning me then typically, I can move forward. Maybe it‟s physical pain, once they say “Oh I love this type of pain.” It‟s a little trick that I play with myself and then once I trick myself into a belief that I really do love that pain, I can take a lot of it. I shift into that next level and I have a suspicion that you do something similar to that also. Croix: Especially with the physical aspect when I‟m running across the country you have to change your belief system, you have to change your relationship with the idea, the concept of pain, physical pain. I can‟t explain to you how much pain I was in running across America specially the first 4, 5 weeks because it‟s beyond words that the pain was so severe, so significant especially in my feet. I think back to how did I do this? It seems that bad and put you in the moment you just separate yourself, I separate myself fromthe pain. So I actually change the relationship with pain in the moment. If I go step my toe it‟s going to hurt a lot. When I‟m running that kind of distance from across the country or running through that valley then it‟s a different mindset in the moment so I don‟t even embrace it. I just kind of separate myself from it so it‟s kind of like departmentalizing that. I hear from some runners and I haven‟t achieved this yet I‟ve only heard this from two people that say it‟s possible and that they have experienced it. But there becomes a point that when you run, run enough and run hard enough that you actually lose track of time. You‟ll run for 30, 40, 50 miles and you won‟t even remember it so much how you go to pilot in a car. Travis: Right.

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Croix: That‟s for me to even up to the next level and I haven‟t figured out that yet. So you can do what you are talking because I do that also is embrace the pain, embrace the challenge, whether it‟s emotional or financial, physical, whatever it is. Or you can do what I also do which is compartmentalize. It‟s something that men tend to be very good at, women not as much. But as men we could compartmentalize our feelings, how we get so focused on certain things. That‟s how we forget birthdays and anniversaries because we were working on something so hard over so in the moment. Travis: Right. Croix: Not that it‟s an excuse for missing anniversaries and birthdays. Travis: Right, right. Croix: But that‟s what happens for us. Travis: Right. Even as young man and this is going to sound terribly insensitive but my father thought me to compartmentalize physical pain. As a young man I broke my thumb on the job when we were working and he took a Popsicle stick and some great tape and we were back to work in 10 minutes. While that surprise me and offended me as a young man, I grew to disassociate injury with very much pain. Now I can cut myself and not noticed it and several people think that‟s weird. Years ago I decided to turn off and it‟s off. Is that a fair example of what you are talking about? Croix: I‟ve learned the same thing let‟s go tape and a napkin that has stopped many bleedings. Travis: Yeah. Croix: Over the years and we just don‟t stop unless the injury and construction is so significant. Travis: Right. Croix: But that is one thing, that‟s physical pain and that‟s dealing with that. But how does that apply to business say it‟s the same concept. You get into business when you‟re like say you are in sales or you are selling something we all do sell something at some level. You‟re getting rejection after rejection, people saying “no” I should say rejection that‟s a wrong word. People saying “no” it‟s not that they‟re rejecting you. They‟re saying “no” because either it‟s not the right place, right time, right product for them or you haven‟t done a good enough job in explaining to them why it‟s the right product, it‟s the right time it‟s what they need. So you can‟t stop because you have a hundred “no‟s”. Travis: Right.

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Croix: You have to adjust and then keep going forward and you have to come to compartmentalize those no‟s those event of people saying no‟s say why do I keep getting no‟s. Why are people not buying my product, why am I not getting new coaching clients, why am I not getting that dream job that I want even though you keep applying? Travis: Right. Croix: You have to compartmentalize those no‟s and then ask yourself what am I doing wrong? You may have the perfect pre-sales presentation and you may be doing everything absolutely right but if you are in front of the wrong client then you are not going to sell anything. Travis: Right. Croix: You are not in front of the right target market, it doesn‟t matter how great your product is, it doesn‟t matter what the price is, it doesn‟t matter how good you are, and if you are in front of the wrong person then you are not going to sell them. You can‟t sell snow to an Eskimo. Travis: Right. Croix: or Inuit excuse me. Travis: Right. Croix: But that‟s not it but maybe it‟s the absent, maybe you are in front of the right people and then you have to ask yourself what can I do better to get the result that I am after. We are natural born sales people but we grow up with this idea that we shouldn‟t sell to people. Travis: Right. Croix: It‟s just crazy; we were natural born sales people, think of it as a 5 year old child who wants some lollipop. What do they do to get that lollipop or ice cream or whatever it is? Travis: Present his case in a compelling way. Croix: Anything, everything, and if it comes to a temper tantrum that‟s what they will do. They will laugh, plead... Travis: They will charm. Croix: Everything, and then if it comes down to it, they will throw a fit. Travis: That‟s right.

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Croix: But we lose that somewhere along the way. And this is in no way means of taking advantage of people and selling them something they don‟t need. It‟s finding the right clients for your product or coaching or whatever it is that you‟re doing, and it‟s finding the right people that are the right fit that have the money to buy which one. So my coaching program is very, very expensive, but if I go after somebody who‟s only making 30,000 a year, as my client, I‟m never going to get clients because they can‟t afford me. I‟m after somebody who is successful, someone who is affluent, and they need to get to the next level but have just not been able to break through. Travis: Right. Croix: So, it doesn‟t matter what I sell if I am in the wrong community. Travis: Yeah, and the good thing about that is these are typically people who have proven that they take action, right? Croix: Yeah. Travis: Because it‟s frustrating when you can show someone the answer to their solution and they won‟t apply it. Personally, it offends me. Maybe I need to get over that. At times it seems like I want their success more than they want. Croix: And you probably do. Travis: Yeah, and so, I see that they are 6 inches from that success that you talked about and it drives me crazy. At times I just want to scream because they are just almost there, they just got to take action. There is a misconception of success. I think high levels of success in business. I believe that a lot of people have this perception that it is reserved for the brilliant few and really it is reserved for the tenacious few. For people that are willing to buckle down and keep trying. You don‟t need to be a genius. I think that is what a lot of people believe is to have incredible financial success to be in the top 1% of the earners you need to be a genius, and that is just not true. Do you agree with that? Croix: No and yes, to be exact last time it was the opposite some of the successful people I know, most of the most successful people I know are people with have a little education. None of them are PHDs, few of them are MBAs, most of them at best they have a 4 year college degree, I guess that is a bachelor‟s degree, and a lot of them have high school degrees, and a few of them don‟t even have that. Yet they are the most successful people that I personally know. I think sometimes our education actually gets in our way because we think that we had to out think the idea when it‟s really we had to out act something. We have got to take constant action. We got to be as Theodore Roosevelt said, “You have got to be in the arena.” You got to be taking action.

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When I went to run across America, and I had this idea, from the conception of the idea to-- I was actually leaving California, it was only 9 months. It essentially took over my life to get ready for that in physical training and business preparation for it. When I went into that, it was about taking what is the action I have to take today to be able to take the next step tomorrow. Making sure that most important thing gets done and then keep doing it every single day? What is the most important thing that I have to do today that if I get nothing else done, if I get this one thing done today would today be a success? Travis: Right. Croix: Then every day what is that one thing that I have to do today to make me a success, make me go to sleep. I heard this MMA fighter from mix martial arts fighter this past weekend at the event that I was at, and this MMA fighter who is a great guy with tons of muscles. What do you think of an MMA fighter? Not too smart right? He‟s in the ring punching. “But Jesus, I didn‟t kill the guy.” But he starts talking. He got off to a slow start, but then he starts talking, he gets into it, he gets passionate, and he was like, “Everyday when I go to sleep, I ask myself, „was I a winner or was I a loser?‟ And if didn‟t accomplish that thing that I needed to that day, I go to sleep and I am mad. I was a loser that day and I don‟t like to be a loser!” One of the best MMA fighters in the world, he‟s going on about this and that‟s the most important thing, that at the end of the day you have to judge on whether you had a successful day or not by the actions that you accomplished. Travis: Right. Croix: Your intelligence is almost no relevance in what you accomplished. You have to start accomplishing things and he said something else that I found it very, very interesting. I‟ve heard this before but I‟ve never heard the way he said it. He is almost enraged passion and that every morning he wakes up and he starts his engine, he starts his day by listening to something empowering and positive and he ends the day by doing the same thing. You put garbage in your head, you get garbage coming out but if you put good stuff coming in then you‟ll get good stuff coming out. Travis: I like that because I feel like it‟s a programming; we have the subconscious mind that never sleeps, right? Croix: Never. Travis: The sub conscience is some kind of like the music that you hear in the department store that just constantly playing. I think when you start your day and finish your day with things like that then what you are doing is you are programming that recording that going to be playing while you are sleeping, right?

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Croix: Absolutely and your subconscious mind will continue to work while you are sleeping and it‟s like you go to sleep if you watch a horror movie especially if you‟re younger. If you‟re a kid and you watch a movie and then what happens when you go sleep you get nightmares. You could get nightmares for weeks sometimes months. Having little kids, they see the wrong thing and it didn‟t turn out to be that scary but they‟ll be in bed with me maybe because they‟re having a nightmare. So just the opposite also happen you feel with good stuff and your subconscious mind starts accepting that and it marinates and it becomes part of your program part of your belief systems. So whether it‟s reading personal development stuff, success stories like Chicken Soup for the Soul has great tons of stories in that. I just picked up a book from a lady that I saw speaking last week. She is 20 years old and she was born with leukaemia they discovered it at 2 years old. They gave her medication at 2 years old assuming she was ready so she put it in her left hand it ended up burning that hand so the hand that she now writes with was severely disabled. She has to have transplants and basically spent her childhood in the hospital. I read that book and I was so motivated because this girl does not give up no matter what and that‟s what life says never giving up and moving forward and everyday was I successful, was I not? Travis: Right, right. I saw a cartoon, it was weird but it really illustrated the great picture. And it had an arm coming out of the TV with a gun and the gun was to your child‟s head, and it said, “Would you let someone coming to your home and hold the gun to your kid‟s head?” and obviously, the answer‟s no. I said why do you allow news and other negative things like that to come in and constantly fill your family and your children‟s head with such incredible negativity and negative news. It really hit me in a way that made me reconsider recording all the news and I just quit watching the news because it‟s a perpetuation of negativity and I don‟t need that. I don‟t need more that in my life. I need more positivity than negativity. Croix: Absolutely. I stopped watching the news, in general, stopped watching news years ago. Anything major that happens, you‟ll hear about it from friends on Facebook or whatever. But I rarely watch the news except for catching the weather and even that I can catch online. Travis: Right. Croix: I heard another speaker that say similar thing and I don‟t remember who it was I can‟t tell you who to give credit to. He started talking about how he walked into a house or heard a story of a guy who walks into a house. He goes over to his house, he knocks on the door just friends and he walks in and he has a great big can in his hand. He‟s like “John, I got to come in, I‟d like to come in”. Of course he‟d like to commend his buddy and he walks into his living room and he takes the lid off the big can and it‟s garbage that‟s weeks old and he dumps the garbage around his living room. The guy was like “Oh my God, what are you doing? Why are you throwing garbage, my house stinks now I‟m never going to make this room clean.

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Travis: Right. Croix: He said to me, “This is what we are doing with our lives is that we keep putting garbage into our minds and our life turns out to be stinky and smelly all of the time. But if you clean it up and you add the right empowering things then your life will be filled with amazing things, all of the things that you want because you filled your life with positive empowering messages. Travis: Exactly. I agree 100%. Croix: Do you want garbage or do you want a nice, clean, beautiful living room? Travis: Yeah, I agree. Hey Croix, do me a favour spell your first name and last name because we are getting close to the time of wrapping up. I want to link up to that Ted talk that you gave and then I also want to put some links to where might people come and learn more about you. Croix: Okay. My first name spelled C_R_O_I_X like the Islands of St. Croix if you ever heard of that so C-R-O-I-X and my last name is S-A-T-H-E-R. Travis: Okay. Do you have Twitter, Facebook or anything we connect you to Facebook through the other things, what is your website? Croix: Ah yes, just Google my name you‟ll find tons about me I am the only Croix Sather in the world which is a nice benefit in my business anyway. One of the best websites to get me on which talks about what we‟ve been talking about this whole hour is to go lifebydesign.com and it spelled lifexdesign.com so like a multiplication table in the centre -- lifexdesign.com.

End of Interview Travis: Yeah, so what I will do is I will link that up in the bottom part of the show to where we do a quick explanation of what the show is about. Man, lots of great information! You‟re the real deal. I appreciate your taking the time out in coming and educating our listeners on how to get more out of their lives and out of their business. When I met you I just have a deep connection with you. The people, you guys don‟t get the full connection with Croix unless you meet him and there‟s going to be a time. We are going to put to an event and I am going to ask Croix to come to that event and speak with us. Because you really get the chance to connect with this guy on a deep, deep level, he is the real deal so I want to thank you for taking your time out. There are a couple of things that I need to do. I want to remind you guys that when you go on to Facebook and you put share, take friends and post of this show. If you‟ve

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hit share and you like the page that will help us reach more entrepreneurs. Again, we want to impact as many people as possible. Now we are also putting together a drawing or we put together a drawing for a 30 minute consultation with either me or Sandra. Something like that, traditionally, cost a charge right around thousand dollars an hour currently and so, 30 minute with a consultation with me or you would rather have a consultation with Sandra, completely up to you, we‟ll have a drawing for that. Once you become a member of our tribe when you opt in, there‟s a consumer guide and now this, it has taken me 2 decades to come up with the information on marketing. What works, what doesn‟t? What is nonsense and so without, to illustrate the level of knowledge, I generated $70 Million using the information that I share with you on this guide. I tell you that number because I want you to understand the amount of information and knowledge that‟s in there. Now, this is for small local business, this is not some large and conglomerate corporation. This is an advice that main street type of businesses and exports can apply to grow your business and take it to the next level. Go to travisandsandra.com, enter your information and stay connected with us. Ultimately, what I want to do is there is a way that I like to wrap up a lot of my videos and it changed your strategy, change your business and it will change your life. What I mean about that and that is the purpose of the show, what we are teaching you are strategies that we found to make ourselves and our business successful. So if you change your strategy then it will change your business and I promise you it will change your life. So enjoyed it, I will look for you on Facebook. Take care.

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How We Can Help You We know that finding someone that you can trust online today is hard and that so many “so called gurus” are self-‐appointed and have never really even done what they teach you to do. That‟s exactly why we created the Double Your Profits Business Accelerator. This is an exclusive offer for our fans at a fraction of its normal cost. Here's what to expect. We'll Schedule a 'One on One' private session, where we'll take the time to dive deep into your business and tell you what is missing, so that you can have your best year ever! We'll do this by performing a S.W.O.T. Analysis. This tells us your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats within your business. This will be an eye opener for YOU, for several reasons, however some of the most common reasons are. As the 'Business Owner' it‟s difficult to see the big picture of your own business because you‟re in the middle of a daily management. And you are too emotionally involved to completely impartial. This is a common problem for EVERY business owner. It doesn‟t matter if you are a one-man army, or an army of 150, the problem is still the same.

Travis Lane Jenkins Business Mentor-Turn Around Specialist Radio Host of The Entrepreneurs Radio Show “Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs That Grow Your Business"

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