031 guy kawasaki author, publisher, entrepreneur

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THE ENTREPRENEUR’S RADIO SHOW Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs that Grow Your Business

EPISODE #31: GUY KAWASAKI In this episode, Travis interviews Guy Kawasaki, a best-selling author, Silicon Valley venture capitalist, as well as former Apple Evangelist. Guy has written over 12 books that caters to various readers and enthusiast which were born out of sheer interest; from authors who would like to self-publish their books to budding tech entrepreneurs, which reflects Guy's personality of being a product-driven person rather than a marketing-driven person. Guy also talks about his early days in Apple and how he turned down the opportunity for long-term work with the tech giants twice and his determination to start his own company and making a name for himself, which he know ultimately enjoys. Guy's work ethic and dedication to his family, which he considers his priority, teaches entrepreneurs the importance of balancing work and their personal lives.

Guy Kawasaki – Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur

Travis: Hey, it's Travis Lane Jenkins, welcome to episode 31 of Diamonds in Your Own Backyard, the entrepreneur's radio show, conversations with successful business owners that grow your business. Sandra my good friend and co-host is still in the center of Daytona International Raceway. Sandra we miss you, get back to us as soon as possible. Today we're talking about becoming an author, publisher as a strategy for your business or for business owners like you and I, or at least that's how I perceive it. Before we get going I want to ask you to stay with us until the very end of the show because I have something that I want to share with you too. Also if you enjoy this free podcast that we create for you, we would really appreciate it if you'd go to iTunes and rate the show, and write a comment, give us your feedback, tell us what you think about it. This would be a big help for us impacting as many entrepreneurs as possible. Now for some quick perspective on the show for our new listeners that just joined us. Even though we're having a conversation with some of the brightest entrepreneurs and brilliant thought leaders around, even from around the world. I want you to think of this as a conversation between 4 friends, me, Sandra when she's here, you, and, of course, our guest. Everyone that we're talking with has found success doing what they teach and they want to help you by sharing what they've discovered. Normally, the only way to get this level of personal access to so many high level entrepreneurs beyond having your own show, is to join a high level mastermind, or go to seminars, events, and just build those relationships over several years. And now through this show, I'm super excited that we get to share these great people with you to fast forward your success. Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur’s Radio Show

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Today our guest is Guy Kawasaki. Guy is the author of APE of A-P-E, What the Plus, Enchantment, and 9 other books, I believe, maybe even more. He's also the co-founder of AllTop.com which is an online magazine rack of popular topics on the web. Guy is accomplished on many levels that bring value to entrepreneurs like you and I. So without further ado, welcome to the show Guy. Guy: Thank you for having me on your show. Travis: Man, thanks for taking the time-out. Before we get into what you teach in your latest book, would you mind sharing with us kind of the backstory on how you got to where you're at today and how you found success? Guy: You mean in my whole life? Travis: Well, from being, well maybe not that far, but transition, I know that you worked with Apple and so how did you transition working for someone into becoming a successful entrepreneur? Guy: Sure. So just to give you a little bit of history on checkered path, I worked for Apple for '83-'87. I was Apple's software evangelist, and my job was to convince people to write Macintosh software. Then I left Apple to start some software company, I did that, I returned to Apple as Apple's Chief evangelist. And then I left that to start another thing, a venture capital firm, and now I'm primarily a writer and a speaker. I had served 2 pivotal jobs in my life; one was working in the jewellery business for jewelry manufacturer prior to Apple, and then Apple itself. And then I started several software companies and usually it's because I just fell in love with the product, so I'm a product-driven person, not a marketingdriven person, even though I'm a marketing person. Travis: Well, so, but how did you make that jump? Did you, since I don't want to understand the backstory, did you make a lot of money when you worked with Apple and you were able to transition to some of these high level things, or..? Guy: No, I'm one of the few people who worked at Apple twice and quit both times before I could've made a lot of money. Travis: Before the big pay-out. Guy: Yeah. So, maybe people should not listen to my advice because I'm clearly not too smart. If I had stayed at Apple either of those two times, well, I wouldn't be doing this interview right now because I would be someplace where there's no phone and would not be 30 degrees.

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Travis: You know, Guy, I've successfully sold all of my Apple stock at its all-time lowest point twice, so, I can join you, you know. Guy: Maybe we should do a radio show and it should be about investment tips. Travis: Yeah, exactly. Guy: Yeah. And we'll tell people what we're doing and then they can just go off of it and make a lot of money. Travis: Exactly. So draw that line, how do you go from just blazing your own trail to what seems like you have incredible levels of success now through all this recognition. Is it the books, it kind of draw that journey for me there, maybe a little deeper if you don't mind. Guy: I have written 12 books now in my life, in the last 25 years or so. And to be quite honest, I never intended to be an author, and even after the first book, if you had said to me, "Okay Guy, you wrote one book, you got lucky. You see you're going to write any more books." I would've told you no. Now I look back 25 years later and 11 more came. I would've never predicted that, that's just--I'm the most surprised person in the world. I have written books when I have fallen in love with stuff, you know, I fall in love with Google+, I write a Google+ book, I fall in love with self-publishing, I write a self-publishing book, I fall in love with influencing and persuading people all of the Carnegie’s so I write a book called Enchantment. So I wish I could tell you I have this all planned and everything but it would just be a lie. Travis: Interesting. I don't know that really I've had my life planned out like that either, it's just things that just kind of unfold naturally, it sounds to me like you have that excessive gene, and I don't want to say this in a wrong way, and the wording in excessive seems wrong immediately but I think one thing that most entrepreneurs have is this incredible ability to be overly tenacious and also to be excessive, and so to me, what I hear you saying in, because I have this gene is also. I can get involved with something and I'm just so focused on it, I love it, I think about it, I eat it, I sleep it, I dream it, and then I become really, really good at it, and so I come to realize as I got older that I'm excessive, really in anything that I do, whether it's good or bad. That kind of sounds like what's going on with you and how you're compelled to write a book. Guy: So far I haven't heard of problems. Travis: Well it's recognitionof; I think a trait that probably explains some of the mysteries of success. Even for us to get on this call here, I didn't once think of--we had a lot of challenges connecting today just for several reasons. And not once that I think of giving up, it's just what's the next thing that we

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need to do. But then you--getting back to that successful piece, how did you--I've struggled with balance because I'm so focused on the things that I love that everybody else finally says, "This guy is nuts.", and I'm left walking down this trail on my own. Guy: I, in fact, have a wife. And I'm still on wife 1.0 and I have four children, they are 7, 11, 17, and 19. So, if you are a father, by definition, you're going to have things pulling you off your OCD entrepreneurial track, unless you totally ignore them, and they you will be a step-father. I attribute a lot of this to my wife and family, and I have to tell you, some people, they have a self-identity as an entrepreneur, some people have a self-identity as an employee of a large company. I view my selfidentity as a father. And so that's the core of my existence, and one of the responsibility of a good father is providing. So all the writing, and the speaking, and the social media, everything I do, they are means to an end of my identity as a father. So, my writing, my speaking, all that stuff, they don't define me. I am a father, and that defines me, and one of the roles of being a father is providing. Travis: That's a great point. And so, it sounds like this level of success that you've found is really all of these obsessions that you've had, but maybe for a lack of a better, back. I don't want to put a word in your mouth, but... Guy: That's okay, it's accurate. Travis: Okay. So maybe it is all of these dots connecting of these obsessions that you've had that come together and ultimately make you uniquely skilled to experience a level of success. You had like,Enchantment is what you turned you into this marketing machine, right? Guy: Yup. As long as people understand it, I didn't have a grand plan, it just happened opportunistically. I would say that's accurate. I have noticed that people who are successful usually are obsessive. Like entrepreneurs who kind of shock and drive and they're working on 3 business plans at once and they have 3 great ideas, if somebody came in and said, "Okay, here are my 3 ideas. Which one would you like to fund?”We would just throw him out because--by definition, if you can't pick, if one of them would just appeal to you so much, then why would we back any of them? So there is a degree of obsession, and--entrepreneurship, or authoring or parenting for that matter is so hard that if you're not willing to grind it out, you're not going to succeed. If entrepreneur was easy, everybody would do it, everybody would be a billionaire. Travis: Yeah, I agree with you and I struggle with that because at times I feel like it's a weakness.My strength is my weakness because I built a business to a pretty successful level, and I always knew that I could beat the competition because I would stay up later. I would work harder, I would work longer, I would think deeper, I would, you know. And just most people weren't prepared to go that hard against Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur’s Radio Show

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me. And so, the more and more I speak with entrepreneurs like myself I see that that's a common trait in us. So yeah, great point. So it was just the culmination of all of those things that brought it together. Take me on, kind of the journey of what you brought you to the book that you've recently brought out and tell me more about that. Guy: So I wrote a book called Enchantment with a traditional publisher, big advance, all the good stuff. And I got an order for 500 copies of the eBook and they could not process it. They do not sell directly, told the person to go to Apple, Barnes and Noble, or Amazon, and Apple tried to get her to buy 500 gift cards and scratch off the promo code. And so that was a non-starter, and eventually she ended up buying 500 books, one at a time, using a credit card. And so I was so amazed that that was the way to do that, that I decided my next book would be self-published so that I could control how a book was sold and do it in more flexible ways. And so that lead to this whole thing about--now I'm self-publishing What the Plus!this Google book. And my god, it's not so easy to self-publish a book. So when I learned how hard it was, and complex and idiosyncratic, that's when I decided to write a book so that other people won't go through what I had to go through. Travis: It seems like such a simple process to--standing a hundred feet away, looking at it, self-publish a book with today's technology, organize it, and send it to a print-on-demand, but that's just... Guy: If you are a novelist, I would say that what you just said is pretty accurate, particularly deploying it as an eBook. You write your book in word, you upload it to Kindle, and two days later you're in business. But if you're a non-fiction writer where you have bullets, and tables, and captions, and pictures, and numbered lists, and footnotes, it's a nightmare. And that's what I tried to do. So I had the worst case, because I write non-fiction, and I have all those things, there are 125 pictures in the book, and I wanted to deploy it to Amazon, and Apple, and Barnes and Noble. Trust me when I tell you that that is a challenging process to this day. Travis: With this new book, has it opened you up to a new audience, and let me explain to you. Guy: Yes. Travis: Let me explain to you why I say that okay? Because I want to give you a unique perspective, or what I think is unique and it may not be unique at all, okay? So I was somewhat familiar with your name, although I really never thought you were speaking to me as an entrepreneur, okay? Guy: Okay. Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur’s Radio Show

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Travis: And that's why I--because I'm on a mission with entrepreneurship and helping entrepreneurs and making a difference with business owners. And then when I saw your book, I read what APE stood for, and I understood. I understand the strategy of being an author and publishing your own book, right? From a positioning standpoint, even--that's how I describe the opener of this show, is from a positioning standpoint. And so. immediately, it made me start and thinking, okay, alright. Well maybe I've been wrong and guy is speaking to entrepreneurs and it opened my eyes up. Is that something unique to you or is that something that's happening right now with this book? Guy: The new market that this book has opened out for me is a market of authors. I wrote a book called The Art of the Start, which has become somewhat of a standard for people starting tech firms. So I kind of reach to tech entrepreneur already, but now, I'm reaching people who are writing children's books and people who are writing romance novels, and stuff like that, that I'd never would've reached before. So that's the new market that I'm reaching. Travis: Interesting, okay. That I'm just not familiar, I need to go back and spend some time and start digging through all of your books here and get more familiar. I'm kind of excited that I've found someone that's a new resource that I can start reading up on. Is a lot of your books in audio format? Guy: Several of them are, but not all of them. Putting a book into audio format is a considerable undertaking because it takes so many hours. I think, let's say you're final product is, pick a number, 6 hours. To get 6 hours of audio, you probably have to do it for 55 hours, it's like 7, 8, 9 to 1. So that's a non-trivial task. Travis: Right, okay. Because I think that's becoming even more important nowadays than it ever has before with the proliferation of podcast and all these other things. I've gotten to where I--I like to try and consume all of my books in audio form if possible. I... Guy: Oh yeah? Travis: Yeah, because it allows me to drive, and workout, and do my exercises, and everything else on the go, so, only I have a limited amount of time to get things done, and so I can just take it with me and I like to consume sometimes two books a week. And so it's super important to me. As a matter of fact, I looked for APE on the audio version first and I couldn't find it there, so... Guy: Yeah, I know, it doesn't exist. Travis: Yeah, and I wanted to support you. And so, "Heck, I'm going to buy his book online.", so... Guy: Well thank you, but you can't. Travis: Well, I--did you say I can't? Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur’s Radio Show

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Guy: You cannot, I mean, the audio book? Travis: Oh no, I looked for it there and it wasn't there. I did buy the digital version and bought it through Amazon because I know you were trying to take the book up to number one, right? Guy: Yeah, well, that's the only places available so, thank you. Travis: Okay, cool. Anyways, let's go back to talking about author and publishing as a business strategy. Is that the way that you meant it or can you expand on that, where were you coming from? Guy: I was coming from the 3 steps that are necessary to think of a book as if you were an entrepreneur starting a company around that book. So it really, whether you are selling a book, or a computer, or a phone, or a new restaurant, basically you have to create your product, you have to manufacture it, and then you have you to market it, and that's true of all entrepreneurship. And so, in the case of a writer, you have to write the book, you have to publish the book, and then you have to sell it. And so that's the three steps that I walk people through. Travis: And so, go deeper on the entrepreneur part of things because I've been present at some events to where they're, I guess, putting on events for authors, and one of the things that I see, and now I'm a novice, I don't even know that I qualify as a novice, I write a lot, but how to put a book together, and I see a lot of people that write the book and then feel like, that's all they talk about, is their book rather than anything else and that seems backwards to me, and I'm not an expert but, am I right? Guy: When you say, "That's all they talk about", in what context do you mean, where are they only talking about that? Travis: Well it seems like they haven't put the time in to build up a platform to where people are already interested in who they are and what they have to say. Guy: Excellent point. Yes. So I agree completely with you and one of the things I say in APE is from the moment you decide to write a book, you have to be building your marketing platform, so that's 6 months, and 9 months from now when you finish your book, you already have a marketing platform, and is that any different from any other entrepreneur who--if you're starting to make a new computer, you have to start planning your marketing from the day you're designing the computer, not after you finish, and that's my whole point. Travis: Right. So I drew the parallel with businesses, because I see great businesses, great craftsmen, great business owners go out of business all the time because they haven't paid attention to the marketing piece of things. It doesn't matter how much of an artisan you are or an artist you are. If people don't know about you, they’re not going to take a minute to care.

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Guy: Yup, it won't matter. Travis: Yes, and so, I'm amongst a lot of great people, I've been to these events. As a matter of fact I was there supporting our co-host, which she wrote a great book called We Don't Die. So I got an opportunity to meet a lot of authors, and that seemed to be a glaring issue that nobody was talking about, or at least not in my presence. Guy: Yeah, well... Travis: Everybody was talking about the process and the book but nobody had put any time into the platform, so you really didn't know who that person was. Guy: Well, in the end that's going to be more important than anything else if you ask me. Travis: Right. And so, that was my suspicion, and of course, I didn't want to say anything because I'm there as a guest, and I'm just paying attention to what's going on. I wanted to cover a couple of observations that I've noticed, and I want to understand--this show is about, a lot of times, getting to the business under what's going on, because I like people to see the underbelly and really kind of understand what's at play there. And also, it fits my inquisitive style of just wanting to know. Guy: Okay. Travis: I looked at your book, the cover. And I noticed that your cover, as well as several well-known websites have started using more of kind of a retro look in the design, and is there an underlying trend there that led you on that direction? Guy: I kind of told the cover designer that I want to depict an APE, either intimidating, or destroying, or something over New York is where are the traditional publishers are. Well the picture is supposed to communicate this APE who is destroying New York, just as if you self-publish, you'll kind of feel of destroying New York, but you'll definitely hurt New York publishing. So that was the thinking, I hope I pulled it off, but that was the thinking. Travis: Interesting, I guess I didn't realize that, it's nice to know the story behind that. It has a very retro feel. I've noticed that with Chris Brogan's website and just other people, have really gone in that direction. It has kind of a 1950's, 1960-ish feel to it, does it to you? Guy: Yes, yes, definitely. Travis: Yeah, and so...

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Guy: But I must admit, I didn't specify that it looked retro, I just told her, "Give me an ape destroying New York." Travis: Okay, yeah. I was wondering if there was a strategy behind that. In researching you, I watched something unfold that I thought was really interesting, and I was impressed at the way you guys dealt with it. And so, I noticed that you had 260 stellar reviews, and then 1 or 2 people just really ripping you guys a new one. And I loved how graceful both you and the author handled that book, or handled his negative comments. I think it linded credibility to you guys and it made it clear that this guy is someone that I would consider--this is my purview or my perspective. I'd consider that guy someone, like an emotional vampire that wants to suck the life out of others. We all know those people right? Guy: We sure do, we sure do. Travis: I own multiple businesses, and so I work with the public, and sometimes no good deed goes unpunished. And so you could do something incredibly kind for someone and then could still find a way to put a negative spin on it. And this guy went on and on, on and on, on and on, on and on. And he's quite well-spoken also. And you guys really handled that impressively. Guy: Thank you. It was more a Shawn than me, but, you know, I mean, what is there to gain by looking that we're all flying off the handle and getting bent out of shape. Also, the trend is not in his direction. There's something like 262 Amazon reviews and out of the 262-- 230 are five star, 230 are five star and 20-30 more are four star, and there's some three star, a couple of two star, and a one star. And still averages out to five star when you round it. And when you have 230 five stars and you have two one star, I'm not too worried. And one of the one star, if you read it, the guy said, "I ordered your book and I got two SD cards." So Amazon put the wrong thing in the box. So he ordered a $16 book and got two 64GB SD cards. So I sent him a message, I said, "You know, can I just point out to you that you should just reorder our book and keep the other thing because you cannot buy two 64GB SD cards for $16.” The guy should give us a freakin' 10 star review, this is the best way to get 64GB SD cards to $8 each, man, I'll take some of that action. So it's all about how you look at the world, right? Travis: Yeah, sounds like an Amazon issue rather than an issue with the book. Guy: So that guy, from his standpoint, he's not rating the book as much as he's rating the experience in Amazon ship the wrong thing. So really, you can't take that one personal, it would be nice if he realized that he's penalizing the author for something the shipping department did. It's not really the quality of the book, he hasn't got the book yet, they even judge, right?

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Travis: Well, I wanted to mention that because I thought it was a good illustration of how to handle negative people gracefully, and continue building loyal followers because I think it actually gives the people that have given a good review something to get frustrated about when they see someone doing that, right? Guy: Yeah. Travis: So I think it has more of a positive effect than a negative effect, ultimately? Guy: Yup, I agree. Travis: I read a great article about--I forget the name of the guy that, Darren Hardy, the puts out success, and he says that you're really not successful enough if you're not getting a lot of complaints. Guy: I don't know if I would go out and search for complaints. Travis: I think it's a by-product, that's what he's saying, right? Guy: Yeah, I understand that logic and I kind of agree actually. Travis: Do you feel like, would you consider yourself a successful entrepreneur? Guy: Honestly, by Silicon Valley standards, no. You know in Silicon Valley, if you don't start a Google, or a YouTube, or a Yahoo, or an Apple, that's successful. So by those standards, I have to say no, honestly. Travis: How about your own standards? Just the world according to you. Guy: Even by my own standards I haven't gotten the $100 million cash-out deal, so, I have a pretty firm grasp of reality, for better or worse. Travis: Okay, so with this book, with APE be an illustration of positioning and expertise and things for business owners as I described it, is it a how to book or advice on growing your business or both? Guy: Honestly, APE, the book APE is really for someone who writes a book. It's a person who's a novice writer, even an experienced writer, but this book is about subject of writing, and publishing, and selling a book. Yes, you could draw lessons from it and apply it to other businesses, but I don't want to deceive someone. If you're starting a tech firm, or you're starting a restaurant, or you're starting a consultancy, or an agency. This is not the book for you. Art of the Start that I wrote is for the tech entrepreneur, but I really, you know, just--this is also something about credibility, right? I could say, "Oh yeah, everybody should buy this book." It's not true. This is for an author.

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Travis: I definitely understand where you're coming from because you don't--I don't think you're for sale that you're willing to say slightly modify your feelings to sell some extra books. I just see the importance of it, to build credibility. Now of course there's multiple ways to build that credibility so I definitely understand where you're coming from there. So as far as the entrepreneurs in--maybe you haven't achieved the level of success that these guys in Silicon Valley consider success. What is your advice for entrepreneurs you have found a higher level of success than probably, 99% or 97% of the people out there?What do you feel like some of the keys are to success in today's environment, any advice in that direction? Guy: Yeah, I think that this is a great time to start a company because it's much cheaper to start a company, and because it's less cheaper to start a company, you don't need to raise venture capital, you can use Indiegogo, you can use Kickstarter, and in this way, it's one of the best times ever to be an entrepreneur. You don't have to buy a room full of server, you don't have to buy tools, everything's open source. You put your website in the Cloud, you have a virtual team all over the world, you use Google+, and Pinterest, and Facebook, and Twitter for marketing, all of those things are free. So it is a good time, it's a good time. Travis: Right. I agree with you. It made me think of something. 7-8 years ago, 9 years ago, I used to have a server room with cooling towers in there and you make a great point. Now most people don't even know what that is but the overhead alone just to cool your servers. You know it's insane, so everything in the cloud and all the technology today, it really is much more convenient. Now the problem is a lot of people that haven't adopted themselves to that technology, you find it to be a barrier rather than an ease of business, so we're just kind of at that, that transitional phase, kind of a tipping point for a lot of people. Let me ask you, let's move to what I would consider the lightning round, I have a couple of questions that I want to ask you beyond the book if you don't mind. Guy: Fire away. Travis: Great. What book or program beyond your own book, you're at least 8, made an impact on you related to business that you would recommend. Guy: Can I only give you one or I can give you multiple? Travis: No, give me a multiple. Guy: Okay, so one would be Innovator’s Dilemma by Clayton Christensen, the second would be Crossing the Chasm by Geoffrey Moore, the third would be The Effective Executive by Peter Drucker,

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the fourth would be Influence by Bob Cialdini, and the fifth would be How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. Travis: Excellent, I know half of those books, thank you. Guy: Alright. Travis: What is one of your favorite tools or pieces of technology that you've recently discovered, if any, that you'd recommend to other business owners? Guy: Well, just to get you through the word recently in there. I haven't recently discovered anything so great, but I'd think that obviously, a Macintosh will be the computer people should use. I don't use any iOS, I use Android phones and tablets. I think Android is a better operating system for tablets and phones. And now, within a Macintosh I can tell you a bunch of tools, but yeah, I'm a Macintosh guy. Travis: Yeah, I am too. Okay, so what famous quote would best summarize your belief or attitude in business? Guy: Well, I don't know if it's a famous quote but it's a piece of wisdom, and the piece of wisdom is that, "You should never ask people to do something that you would not do."And I think that's very important that you--if you wouldn't do it why do you think anybody else would do it, you shouldn't think that. Travis: Great advice. So those are the three questions that I sent you, I want to throw you a fourth, it's kind of a curve, right? Guy: Okay, okay. Travis: If you were a tree--no, I'm kidding you. What do you dream of? Right now, what do you dream of? Guy: You mean, if I could what, if I could, do you think differently or what have you? Travis: Yeah, what's next, what are you dreaming of that you're aspiring to do or to be or, what's that dream? Guy: Oh man, I hate to disappoint you but I am kind of living my dream, so I'm writing and I'm speaking, I have four kids, I play hockey all the time, so I'm happy. Travis: That's not a disappointment, that's just a reality. Guy: Okay, I'm not in a place that I wish I could be. I am where I wish I could be.

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Travis: Man, that's incredible, not a lot of people can say that, and it's not always just money that gets you there either. Guy: Yeah. Travis: How do people connect with you Guy? Guy: Probably email is the best; it's Guy@alltop.com, A-L-L-T-O-P dot com. If they want to see what I did in social media, go to Google+ and I'm just Guy Kawasaki there, and that's probably the best ways. Travis: Are you active on any of the other social media, Twitter and stuff like that? Guy: A little bit, but it's not me, I have some people who are contributing and ghosting me. If you really want me, it is Google+. Travis: Maybe I need to read your book What the Plus! but the level of success that you've had there is incredible, do you attribute that to books? Guy: Being successful on Google+? Travis: Yeah, being successful in Google+, the book says have built a following that met you, that... Guy: No, if you really want to know the reason why I'm successful in social media in general is because I curate good stuff. People follow me because I find interesting stuff. The reason why I'm specifically successful in Google+ is because Google made me a suggested person to follow. So when someone signs up for Google+ the first time, they are told, you should probably follow Guy, and that is a tremendous advantage. That's the god's honest truth. Travis: Wow, man, I love it, I wouldn't mind being on that list of recommendations, I checked you out on Google+ and I thought-- Whoa! I need to know what his secret is there, so I appreciate that. Guy: Yeah, well that's--it's good when Google does that. Travis: How often are you publishing to Google+, daily? Guy: Oh yeah, like 5 to 10 times a day. Travis: Wow, okay. And so I guess that almost seems, that would seem like too much to me. I guess as long as it's quality content then they're probably... Guy: We'll that's partially an answer, and also Google+ and all the social media sites, they're busy places. You can't assume that someone who's following 300-400 people, if you post 1 thing a day and

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THE ENTREPRENEUR’S RADIO SHOW Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs that Grow Your Business

they happen to be a sleeper at lunch or working out, they might not scroll back and look for what you posted so you have to post all the time. CNN is broadcasting 24 hours a day, they don't assume everybody's watching at 8 a.m. and go off. Travis: Yeah, so the answer is are you re-posting the same thing occasionally or just constantly a new flow of stuff. Guy: On Google+ it's constantly new, on Twitter it repeats, and for Facebook and LinkedIn, what I'm doing is I am posting, someone, a virtual assistant takes my Google+ post and repost it to Facebook and LinkedIn. Travis: Okay, and LinkedIn. Guy: Yes. Travis: Very cool. Guy you've been an excellent resource for a lot of different information and a great guest, I appreciate you taking out the time. Can you hangout for like 2 minutes longer, let me wrap things up?

Guy: Sure.

End of Interview Travis: Okay, so remember to go to DIYOB.com which is really short for Diamonds in Your Own Backyard. So it's DIYOB.com and enter your name and we'll send you the 2013 Business Owner's Guide, from frustration to $70 million. It's a behind the scenes look at what you need to know to grow your business during incredible levels of success. And of course this applies to really any size business. There's a lot of things that people aren't talking about when it comes to growing your business and the obstacles that you face, that you really need to know to take it to the next level. So when you opt in, you become a member of the Authentic Entrepreneur Nation, which is really a network of people, tools, and resources that you can refer to, that you can trust to grow your business. This is basically our private roll-o-decks that we use and recommend. Then we'll give you access to as soon as it goes live, and then of course you'll have access so that you're able, or maybe a better way of saying that is now you'll have access so that you are able, or maybe a better way of saying that is, now

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THE ENTREPRENEUR’S RADIO SHOW Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs that Grow Your Business

you'll have access, so that you are able to connect with Highly competent people through our network, to help you grow with whatever you may need. Today I want to close the show with sharing some inspiration with you. By reminding you how important you are to the community. Entrepreneurs are a living-breathing model of what it looks like to go after your dreams and take action, no matter what. Even in the face of fear and uncertainty. So whether you know it or not, you're an inspiration to those around you, and I want to encourage you to keep it up. No matter what size your business is no matter where you're at in your business. What you're doing matters, keep it up. Try to surround yourself with fellow entrepreneurs whenever possible to stay on that path of success. In the next episode, I'm going to connect you with, Jason Van Orden. Jason helps businesses launch a podcast to generate leads, extend their brand, establish thought leadership, and accomplish really any other goals they have in their business. So that's all for now, this is Travis Lane Jenkins, signing off for now. To your success, may you inspire those around you to go after their dreams too. Talk to you in the next episode.

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THE ENTREPRENEUR’S RADIO SHOW Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs that Grow Your Business

How We Can Help You We know that finding someone that you can trust online today is hard and that so many “so called gurus” are self-‐appointed and have never really even done what they teach you to do. That’s exactly why we created the Double Your Profits Business Accelerator. This is an exclusive offer for our fans at a fraction of its normal cost.

Here's what to expect. We'll Schedule a 'One on One' private session, where we'll take the time to dive deep into your business and tell you what is missing, so that you can have your best year ever! We'll do this by performing a S.W.O.T. Analysis. This tells us your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats within your business. This will be an eye opener for YOU, for several reasons, however some of the most common reasons are. As the 'Business Owner' it’s difficult to see the big picture of your own business because you’re in the middle of a daily management. And you are too emotionally involved to completely impartial. This is a common problem for EVERY business owner. It doesn’t matter if you are a one-man army, or an army of 150, the problem is still the same.

Travis Lane Jenkins Business Mentor-Turn Around Specialist Radio Host of The Entrepreneurs Radio Show “Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs That Grow Your Business"

Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur’s Radio Show

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