043 ari galper trust based selling to grow your business

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THE ENTREPRENEUR’S RADIO SHOW Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs that Grow Your Business

EPISODE #43: ARI GALPER On this episode Travis talks with Ari Galper, a successful entrepreneur and the world's number 1 authority on trust-based selling. Ari is also the creator of Unlock the Game, which teaches entrepreneurs to change their mindset on selling and marketing as a whole in order to increase their sales and create trust with their clients. Ari shares his radical thinking on how to remove the pressure on your potential customer and ensure that they become your client in the future. He also provides valuable insights on the three principles behind his system and methodology and how to effectively use his trust-based language in order to earn clients trust and get their loyalty in the beginning phase of each sale. Entrepreneurs will surely save time, money, and effort when they employ Ari's methodology and through the trust that is built, create a client base, which comes to you instead of you chasing them. These are only some of the things that Ari and Travis shares with everyone on this episode and entrepreneurs would surely find valuable as they listen through this podcast.

Ari Galper – Trust based selling to grow your business Travis: Hey, it‟s Travis Lane Jenkins, welcome to episode number 43 of “Diamonds in Your Own Backyard, the Entrepreneur's Radio Show, conversations with high-level entrepreneurs that grow your business.” Sandra, my co-host is at Sebring International Raceway in Florida, so Sandra, we miss you, get back to us, I'd like to have you back with me on the show as soon as possible. For all of our friends listening to this show, I want to ask you to be sure and stay with us until the very end, if you can. I'd like to share a little inspiration with you and I'll also want to reveal who I'm going to connect you with in the next episode. One quick reminder, if you enjoy these free podcast that we create for you, we'd really appreciate it if you'd go to iTunes and post a comment, and rate the show. That would help us reach, instruct, and inspire more great entrepreneurs like yourself with each and every guest that we bring on the show. Now before I introduce you to our guest to today, I want to give our new friends that just started listening to us some perspective about the Entrepreneur's Radio Show, with Diamonds in your Own Backyard. Here, every interview is basically a conversation between four friends, me, Sandra when she's here, of course you, and then our great guest. Even though we're talking with some of the

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brightest, high-level entrepreneurs and brilliant thought leaders around, this is still just as if we're sitting at a table with each other having just a normal conversation. Everyone that we're talking with has found success doing what they teach, and they want to help you by sharing what they've discovered. Normally, the only way to get this level of personal access to so many high level entrepreneurs beyond having your own show is to join a high level mastermind, go to seminars, events and build those relationships over several years and spending a fortune in the process. Now with this show or this podcast and this platform, I get to share these great people with you to fast-forward your success and your connections that grow your business. Today our guest is Ari Galper. Ari is the world's number 1 authority on trust-based selling, and the creator of Unlock the Game, a new sales mindset and approach that overturns the notion of selling, as we know it today. Ari is based out of Sydney, Australia. He is a sought after international speaker and trainer. His personal insights on how to build trust between buyers and sellers continue to break new ground in the sales industry. Now Ari is very accomplished on many levels so I could go on with a long list of accomplishments, although I want to spend as much time as possible getting to know him on a personal level and then have him teach you some of those skills to take your business to that next level. So without further ado, welcome to the show Ari. Ari: Thank you Travis, I appreciate it. Thanks for having me. Travis: Yeah. So we were just talking about you travelling back in time to join us. Man, great connection considering you're almost around the other side of the globe. Let me ask you, before we get into some of the things that you talk about and teach with sales, can you give me the back-story of how you found success and how you got to where you're at today? Ari: Sure. Well, at the practical level how I got here, you hear my accent, it's not Australian, I'm actually from California, from San Diego. But how I physically got to Australia is I met my wife online 10 years ago on the internet and she worked in Los Angeles, I was in L.A., she's from Sydney. And we met online and she emails me and I use my trust-based to sales approach, and then the next thing I know we're having a relationship and she said, "You want to come visit my family in Sydney?" And so I fly here with her, and we got engaged in Sydney, I'm married and then we're going to move back to Los Angeles but we decided to actually move to Australia. Then we had our son Toby, he's been a special boy and he needs more support so at a small family California and she has large family in Sydney so we decided to take the chance and just pack everything up 10 years ago and just move here. So I'm dual citizen, I go back and forth and that's my story in terms of why I'm in Australia and why you don't hear an accent pretty much.

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Travis: Right. How did you get to being this well-respected leader in the field of sales, have you always been self-employed and it's just something that you discovered and evolved and grew into a system, or what's the genesis of that? Ari: Yeah. Well you just use kind of words evert and there's this story that I'll share with you now on why I discovered my trust-based selling approach called Unlock the Game, and usher that so we get down to your list because I'm sure you probably can relate to this. But this is the epiphany moment, the story where everything changed for me. And from then it's been straight up, sky rocketing, it's been great. But 19 years ago, I was a sales manager at a software company, and I was managing 18 people. I was also the top sales person at the time, I was selling also to the large accounts and addition to managing 18 people. And we sold like online, real-time data collection for websites, like hits and traffic and page use. All the stuff like this which is free on Google now, pretty much. Travis: Right. Ari: That didn't actually cost a lot of money. And so I remember we had one large account I've been working on for about 6 months. And if I close this one customer it would double the revenues of the company in itself, by just that one customer. So you can imagine my entire sales team and whole CEO is all excited about me and this opportunity. And my contact at this company working with me finally agreed to a conference call with myself and all the decision makers and back east to kind of do a final call to kind of give a demo of our product and kind of make things happen hopefully. So, you can imagine after all these contacts I was pretty excited that they finally came, it was a Thursday, 4 o'clock in the afternoon, I was coming back from lunch, giving high fives in the hallway saying, "Ari, come on, bring this baby in" because if this sale came through, everyone got bonuses that year, you know. So it finally came, I was in the conference room with our CEO and I remember that that room had like a windows and outside the windows had like the whole office had their ear against the window. And I'm like, "Gosh, give me a chance here." I pulled the blinds down, introduced myself and the CEO and the middle of the table is a speakerphone. One of the spacious big phone that has three legs on it. And I hit the speaker button; I dialled the number my contact gave me for the conference call, right, 4 o'clock, I dialled right into their offices in New York, and as I dialled in their main conference room I can actually hear people talking amongst themselves. And my contact welcomes me, “I'm glad to have you here, why don't you go around the room now, introduce everybody in the room and who's here and we'll go from there.” I said, "Great." So they went around the room, one by one, "Hi, my name is Mike, I'm head of sales, „My name is Julia and I'm head of marketing‟ „I‟m Michael in charge of I.T.‟" everyone in that room Travis was a decision maker. This is the perfect sales scenarios that we all dream about, you know.

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Travis: Right. Ari: And so went around the room and then I finally introduced myself and I began to demonstrate our software live over the web to them, describing it and selling it. And as I'm talking, hearing these noises and the sounds on the phone like, "Wow, this is great! We could use this tomorrow. This could be second par conversary." I mean really good sounds you want to hear on a sales call. Travis: Buying signs. Ari: And they start asking me all kinds of questions and I had all the right answers. I was trained to sale, I had all the CD's in my cars, I've been a sales guru in conferences and there was so much chemistry on this call, it was like a love fest on the phone, you know what I'm talking about. Travis: Yeah, I do. Ari: When it feels so right, the customer asks you the question, you got the answers, you say to yourself, "This is like a slam dunk." There's no resistance here, right? So I do the hour of call, they're asking the questions, we're going through data, and they're all happy and I'm happy and the call comes to an end. They said to me, "Ari, thank you so much for a great demonstration, and what you had to say." And I said, "Thank you so much. Give us a call a couple of weeks and we'll follow up with us and we'll go from there." So, and as I'm kind of finishing the call, I could see my CEO in the corner on his cell phone calling the Porsche dealership, and his new Porsche is waiting for him for a long time because you know that this deal is going to pay for that and then more. Travis: Right. Ari: So we said our goodbyes on the call and as I take my hand and reach for the conference room table, the phone on the table, hit the off button. I'm reaching for the off button and by complete accident instead of the off button; I hit instead the mute button, which was right next to the off button. They were so close together I hit the wrong button. And for a split second they started talking amongst themselves thinking I had left the call. And at that moment, a little devil inside of me, left ear said, "Listen in. Go to the dark side, do what they have to say, go to a place where no one's ever been before." You know like the Star Trek thing? And then my right ear, a little angel says to me, "Just hang up the phone, you did a great job, it'll all be fine, just move on." So, who do you suppose had won that battle? Travis: Well, I'm going to guess the devil in this case. Ari: That's exactly right. So I pulled my phone back, just for a couple of seconds, or a couple of minutes, and they kept talking amongst themselves thinking I had left the call. And what would you Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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guess, what do you think they may have said given the call we just had? Any ideas, or any general guesses? Travis: Well, in the moment I would assume that I would hear some encouraging things, maybe some inside details as to when this thing is going to close, but my intuition is telling me that you heard the reverse. Ari: Okay. Yeah. So let me share it to you what I heard verbatim, word for word, I'll never forget it. And it's the premise behind everything that I teach. And here's what they said, they said this, they said, "We're not going to go with him. Keep using him for more information and make sure we shop someplace else cheaper." Travis: Which is fairly common. Ari: Knife in heart, twist. Travis: Right. Ari: I was in a state of shock. Travis: Hard in the stomach, right? Ari: Yeah, I was like, "What, after that call?" I had enough strength to finally hit the off button, go to the wall and said to myself, "What did I do wrong?" I did everything I was trying to do in sales, present, trial close, build rapport, everything I was supposed to do from the gurus, and the first epiphany hit me at that moment, I realized that moment that somewhere along the way it has become socially acceptable not to tell the truth to people who sell. Are you getting me on that? Travis: Yes. Ari: Right? It‟s okay to say things like it sounds good, send me information, I'm interested, but having no intention to buy, right? Travis: Or "Let me get back to you" or "Wow" "Give me some time on this", right? Ari: Exactly. Then another epiphany hit me. I ask myself, why were they afraid to tell me the truth? What are people sales, or business, or entrepreneurs are trying to do when they hear a no or resistance from a potential opportunity, what are they trained to do instinctively? Travis: Or well are you saying what the salesman is trained to do? They're trained to overcome objections and still go after the sale, right?

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Ari: Yeah. We're trained to sell harder, right? Travis: Right. Ari: And what that does it puts sales pressure on people then resistance. And what I realized that moment was here's my break, I realized it that there is an invisible river of sales pressure that flows underneath every conversation you have with a potential client. Now you can't see it and they can't see it, but the question is can you both feel this? Travis: I think the answer is yes. Ari: Absolutely. Yeah, exactly. We all know it's there and I realize that invisible thing, I could see it for the first time in my entire career of business. And I realize if I can create a system that removes the pressure from the conversation, I'll be the first person ever to create a sales breakthrough model that essentially helps your potential clients tell you the truth in the process. And that's where I invented my entire system called Unlock the Game, unlock the crazy game of chasing people who have no intention of buying. And the whole mindset that we teach is a major shift in thinking, the shift is this. Now we'll talk more about it in just a few minutes. The shift, the premise behind unlock the game in my system of trust-based selling is it's your goal of the process it's not too focused on the sale. Your goal of the process is remove the pressure from the process to help your potential client tell you the truth of whether you're fit or not. And that is the premise behind our talk today, is how to explode your balloon to make more sales without chasing people, closing people, putting pressure on people, but instead being authentic, helping them trust you to tell you the truth. Travis: Right. Well, let me give you some of my experience and perspective and you tell me what's going on, alright? Ari: Sure. Travis: So, number one what I hear you saying is maybe the underpinnings of--say when you walk into a store and the person comes up to you and says, "Can I help you?" and you say, "No" when you really do need help. And so it sounds to me like you're explaining that problem although it comes in a multiple of modalities that's just another form of a theory, is that correct? Ari: You're absolutely right. It was happening there and the truth is not being told. Travis: Yeah, I really need help but I just don't want to be pressured, that's really what I'm trying to say, is I want to be pressured, I want to take my time. Okay, so now I had built my first business to really some epic levels and for many years I was under the misconception that science was an art and so I was given the gift of sales and so I was unconsciously competent. I could just really sell and when I

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was most effective I was focused on giving the client what they needed even if it meant taking them away from me, even if it meant selling them less, even if it meant telling them not to do the project. And for years I really didn't understand the reason why I was effective at that and I found it, surprising that when other people came along and I tried to grow my business initially, that they couldn't sell as much as I could at that time. Now I grew to understand this at a later time but is that some of the core of what you're talking about, would that be the explanation on why I was successful early on in sales is I was focused on helping rather than selling them something? Ari: Yes, so what you did back then, unconsciously, unknowingly, I have put into a conscious system. Travis: Okay. Ari: To allow other people to be as natural as you in those moments. Travis: Right. And so for many years I thought it was an art. This was early on in my career and I didn't realize that, I have come to realize that actually sales is much more of a science with some art added to it. Would you agree with that analogy? Ari: I'll definitely say, it's a combination of the two, I'm not sure what the percentage of both but I think that a lot of it has to do with our conditioning about what we believe selling is about and a lot of success is about de-conditioning or letting go of the old habits that are hurting you and not even knowing it as well. Travis: Right. Okay, so you have this epiphany. This is the eye opening point when you see that you're fighting an uphill battle and something's got to change, right? Ari: Uhm hmm... Travis: And then you transition into doing this for yourself, you decide to device the system and find success in the company that you're working with and then transition into becoming an entrepreneur at a later date? Ari: Yes. I had left my company immediately after that experience. Travis: Oh, okay. Ari: Because I realized that I have found something that no one else has found before. I went to the dark side, then came back to other side of it. And I brought something with me that no one's ever had before, it's like Kryptonite, I've got my thing that no one had and that is I saw the light, I saw what the problems are, I saw what they were lying, I figured if I can build a system that gets the truth fast and quick. I can stop chasing what I call ghost, people who express interest and I'm chasing and following

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up with and never call me back. I obtained an entire model altogether. I can remove rejection. I can change the entire industry, and that's where I move and went and began to develop the system, for other companies from there. Travis: So what did you do initially as you went out on your entrepreneurial pursuit? What was it, how did you start applying that skill initially? Ari: Well, obviously I started giving clients, making calls, and a unique way of making any outbound calls and builds trust and I got some engagements and did some live trainings. And then I take video of myself, put that online and started selling the video, and adding more pieces to it, and creating a home study kit, it was about, 6-7 years ago. And then I got involved with some mentoring, it just evolved to a point now where we don't even offer our program at all to the consumer, we only license out the rights for other consultants to do what we do. Travis: Okay. So you're first entrepreneur pursuit was teaching the sales, mindset, and methodology then? Okay, alright, great. So that makes sense. So now I know that this is made up of a system here. So I know there's some sales myths first that typically, you like to bust. Why don't you take me down that path and tell me what those are and explain them in a way that would make sense to us. Ari: Sure. I think to help everyone who's listening, you give them some skills and some new ideas today, it's a big important to clean out the subconscious of certain sales myths that are sure holding them back, to free them to a whole new level. So myth number one and I tell people it's this idea of the selling is a numbers game. You have that before right? Travis: I have, yes. Ari: Okay. And you know that comes from? It comes from a sales person making a phone call, getting rejected, and the boss said just call someone else. Call someone else because the more calls you make, the more chance of making the sale. Travis: Right. Ari: That was fine in the 80's and 90's where you can burn through leads, you have that luxury. But in this day and age, I'll claim that selling is not about, anymore, how many contacts you make; it's about how deep you go on each conversation. It's about how good you are at creating trust in the dialog, that's where the real opportunity is, not burning through opportunities and chasing leads anymore. And that's the first myth that I wanted to address for those people on this call who still think your success is tied in to the amount of behaviours you do as opposed to how good you are at creating trust in a conversation. That's number one.

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Travis: Okay, that makes sense. Ari: Okay? The step 1 is this kind of the sale is lost at the end of the process. You've been there before, I'm sure Travis, where you were with a potential client, all is going well and at the end it falls through, and you say to yourself, "Damn, I didn't close it.", or, "What happened?" You start blaming yourself. Travis: I had that all the way until the last minute, I had that. Ari: Exactly. So what's changed in this new economy is the sale is no longer lost at the end of the process, it's lost at the beginning of the process. And that's lost at Hello, I'll give an example right now. Let's just have a call at your office this Monday morning, and you pick up the phone and you hear, "Hi, my name is... I'm with... We are a...” what goes to your mind about 3 seconds? Travis: Oh, sales call? Ari: Yeah. It's over, right? Travis: Right. Ari: In your mind the wall goes up almost instantly. Now you're going battle this whole selling concept, and stereotype, and the pressure, and that's where sale's lost at the beginning. So our way of thinking and methodology is around the point of the beginning of the process so we can create enough trust and begin the sales happens on its own at the end. About how that you can if you call somebody or close them, which is so opposite of most sales thinking because most sales thinking is about all about their close, or realize it's all about the open. That's number two. Travis: Okay. Ari: And the last one, which I'll focus on, is this idea of rejection. And there's this concept where rejections part of sales, if you can't take it you're not macho enough, you're not strong enough, you can't take the no, you should get out of that business, and... you know what we discovered with our clients? Travis: What's that? Ari: We discovered that rejection is triggered. You figure about certain things you say and do that cause your client to push back on you. And I'll share some of the triggers to today. Travis: Okay.

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Ari: So those are the 3 myths, so when they kind of bring out, it's going to jar people's thinking, to get them to be a bit open to what we're about to share with you. Travis: Okay. Alright, so let's see. So, we've got, and what I did is I've been reading and going through your information for quite a long time. You and I had met awhile back and so I'm familiar with a lot of your stuff. And so the four objections, I'm getting some crazy feedback, is that? Hold on just a second. Ari: I can hear you fine by the way. Travis: Are you getting that feedback over there? Ari: No feedback, I can hear you fine actually. Travis: Okay, alright. Then we'll just ignore it since you're not hearing it on your end. Ari: Sure. Travis: Okay. So we have those sales myth there and those make sense and I guess, why don't you go ahead and walk us through those 3 things because I have some things that I'm curious about but let's go deeper into those 3 things that the 3 principles or the mindsets, and then we'll delve into maybe some of those questions from there, if you don't mind. Ari: Sure. So, no problem. So, we have three principles behind our system and our methodology, and there's two core elements that make this whole thing work. One is the mindset shift. We're just focusing on the truth of the conversation. And then the thing is that we invented is called, we had our own what we call Trust-based Languaging. Our words and phrases that create trust instantly with people that does not trigger rejection. And one of triggers of rejection is languaging. And I'll point out a few things that might shock some of your listeners who are still doing certain things that actually might be causing a client to push back on them. So let me kind of walk to the first principle and that is number one, is always focused on diffusing pressure. Take them that river of pressure out of the conversation, and how you do that is you use our trust-based languaging, and let me give you an example right now, what I mean by that, okay? Travis: Okay. Ari: So let's do a live scenario. Let's say for instance that you are having a first conversation with a potential customer on the phone or prospect, and either you call them or they call you. It's a good conversation, the call's going well, could be an opportunity, and the call's coming to an end. What are people trying to do, typically selling at the end of a call like that, what are supposed to say, what are we supposed to do?

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Travis: Well, if--I would imagine schedule an opportunity to follow-up with them again. Is that what you're talking about in the first phase? Ari: Yeah, exactly. The typical model or next thing you're going to say is, "Hey, how about a next step, right? Let's get together. Let's move this thing forward. Let's close this thing." Right? Travis: How about I come out and visit with you guys and let's see if we can find something that works and get your project going. Ari: Exactly right. But what can happen if you attempt to move things forward and they aren't ready yet. What can be broken right at that moment? Travis: Well, I sense that you're saying that element of trust, is that what you're saying? Ari: Exactly right. They're not ready yet... Travis: Why I know that what they'll do is they'll move away from you by saying, "Oh, well, I don't have my schedule in front of me, I don't know what really--Let me get back to you, I need to check with my wife and then we'll see about scheduling an appointment," is that what you're talking about? Ari: Yep, exactly right. So we're conditioned to move the sales process forward yet we risk losing trust. So let's rewind the tape now, we go back to the same scenario and let me share with you some of our trust-based languaging in that scenario to make a difference, okay? Travis: Okay. Ari: So same scenario, good call, call comes to an end, rather than saying, "Hey, let's move things forward towards the sale,” which is my goal, instead we'd say something like this, it goes right from our system. It goes like this. So call comes to end, all going well, we'd say this, we'd say, "Where do you think we should go from here?" Travis: So you put the ball in their court. Ari: Yeah, where do you think we should go from here? That's right. Now what do you suppose that, how does that change the moment when I say to them, "Where do you think we should go from here?" Travis: Well, you're no longer rushing out, you're not perceived as rushing at them so it has more of a consultative approach to it that I no longer feel--the way you're presenting that, I no longer feel like you're sitting across the table from this so I feel like you're sitting beside me.

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Ari: Well, let me tell you what their first reaction is when they hear someone say it in that way. They are in a state of shock. Okay, they are in a state of shock. They can't believe they're being treated like a human being in that prospect. Travis: Right. Ari: And that in itself creates instant trust, because you are not moving towards a sale. And what happens is when you deliver this right and own this way of thinking, they begin to tell you the truth. They say things like, "I've got one more question. I'm not sure yet." Or if they're actually qualified they're going to say, "Okay, how about we move things forward" and they without you having to push it forward. And that's the moment where you have a trust-based selling situation. So that was a little piece of languaging, if we hung up the call right now, and your listeners took that one phrase and deliver that at those moments, you watch for the change and the other, I want to mention something about triggers of rejection. What did you notice when I used the language when I said, "Where do you think we should go from here?" What did you notice when I delivered that? Travis: The slow inflection, the cadence to that is something that stood out to me. Ari: Yeah. So the words are one thing but the delivery is other thing. The delivery also configure rejection so being staying calm and centered, slowing down and being yourself is what creates the trust. I have so many people who had listened to me, I was, "Oh, what a great line, and then they'll use it the next day and they say it real fast, "Hey, where should we go from here?" Travis: Right. Ari: They're back to square one again. This has to be authentic; it has to be delivered with sincerity, without momentum. So, trigger number one is languaging, number 2 is delivery. And the more you own that centeredness, the more people are drawn to you and they see you as a human being, not as someone trying to sell them something. So, ultimately what we're doing here is humanizing the sales process and stripping out all the elements that connect you to negative salesperson stereotype. Does that make sense? Travis: Oh, definitely. I think there's some underpinnings there too because there's a part of us where we're wired to run away from things that rush at us anyways. And so there's something at a deeper level at play here as well is rather than, again it's a consultative approach rather than someone rushing at you. Even though you need help, you say, "No, I don't need help" so yeah, it definitely makes sense.

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Ari: Good. Now I'll tell you, I'll give you a little example here. A phrase that's been used by most business people and sales people out there and they don't even know it. And I used to tell folks to take oath of me and never use it again, and it's the word "follow-up." What's the only industry in the world that uses the word follow-up? Travis: I guess I've never really thought about that Ari but a quick assessment of that seems like it would be sales and sales alone, I believe. Ari: Absolutely, and that--follow-up is the worst phrase ever used and I'm going to ask everyone listening to this call to remove it from the vocabulary, never use it again. And I'm sure that'll probably shock people because they'll probably say, "Oh my god, I use it on email, my follow-up, my voice mail. You have to strip out and remove all phrases that connect to that stereotype and follow-up basically moves the company towards a sale. So you call somebody, "Hey, I'm just going to follow-up." What are they thinking? They‟re thinking, "Oh, here he is again calling to move this thing towards his sale." So we have new languaging that replaces all the languaging like that, so in this scenario you replace the word follow-up with, "I'm just giving a call to see if you have any feedback. I mean feedback from our previous conversation we had a week ago." See the difference there? Feedback goes the opposite direction of follow-up, because follow-up goes forward, feedback goes back. Feedback takes the pressure and momentum out of the conversation to allow them to feel comfortable telling you the truth. Travis: Well, you know Ari it does something else as well. I noticed great copy that communicates with people the, written word focuses on the person you're speaking to rather than the person that's writing, and that's what I'm seeing here is you're moving the shift if I'm the salesman and you're the prospect, I'm moving the shift from what I want from me to you which really where the focus should be if you're trying to help someone with an outcome that's for their best interest, right? Ari: Correct. And the reason why this is a tough shift for a lot of people who are in business, entrepreneurs, because we have been commissioned by the old gurus to focus only one thing, the sale. Which is our goal, not the customer's goal. So, the way we work with our clients, it's a bit of a detox system, it's de-conditioning and letting go of the old ways of chasing people, focusing on your goal. Just like you said, being present, stepping on their shoes, and not worrying with the next step, because the more present you are with people, the more they trust you and connect with you. Travis: Right. Ari: And that's what this whole thing is about, is trust-based selling is about creating trust with people where they can see you don't, and here's the big idea, you don't have a hidden agenda. That's where

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you go to a whole new level because people start buying from you because they can see you actually do care. Travis: Right. And so, now that cadence is--does that cadence come naturally to you because that seems to be kind of part of your vernacular almost, it's probably not even the proper description for that. Is that a cadence that is natural to you or something that you've evolved to unlearned and re-learned this new cadence over time? Ari: Natural. I had, just like you said; I actually talk fast when I get excited. I slur my words sometimes. I've had to listen to myself and realize that the way I'm being perceived and coming across that way is like a locomotive train going through a station not stopping. And people in sales are wired that way to not pause, not enjoy the selling, so they're wired to keep things going because they're afraid if they slow things down, they're going to lose the sale, because they're still locked into that notion. So, I've had to all the time to slow myself down and let go of the goal of the sale and focus only on the truth, and that lead us to our next principle. Principle number 2, which is getting to the truth. Getting the truth. Travis: Right. Ari: And people say to me, "Ari what does that mean, it sounds so abstract." I'll tell you what it means in a practical way. What that means is helping your clients and prospect feel comfortable telling you the truth on what's on their mind. What they're actually thinking, so then you can assess and now whether they're interested or not. Let me give you an example of this real quick. I got call weeks recently in my office here in Sydney, and I picked up the phone, this random call and unscheduled call was unusual for me. And I picked the phone up, I heard this from the phone, I heard, "Hi, my name is Michael, I'm with XYZ Computer, Big International Corporations you recommend, I promise you. I'm the head of global sales. We're looking to bring in a thought leader to change our culture and as a result we're looking at you and two other people. And we're on Facebook right now, just plug it down all your information and we like to know, one, why should we hire you, two, what do you have that no one else has, and three, give me your best sales pitch." So he's putting pressure on me, right? That's the game isn't it? He expects me start doing what? Travis: Selling, presenting. Ari: Start dancing, right? He called the wrong guy, at the wrong time, at wrong place, at the wrong time. So remember, we unlock the game, we don't play the game. We know what happens when pressure people to make pitches and put pressure, so... Travis: Right.

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Ari: Let me tell you how I responded based on my principles, okay? So I took a deep breath, so I'm a human being too, and I have a big company, and I took a deep breath, go back to that principle of diffusing pressure and get the truth. And I said this, I said, "Well isn't that interesting? Because always sure our company, we have a very similar process to you. We have a phase 1 where we ask some questions, get to know each other, see if we're a good fit and work for a good fit and we decide to go from there. Would you be open to obtain any information about that, ask some questions, would you be open to that?" That's all I said in a very soft voice. Next thing I heard was nothing, not a word, I mean dead silence. Then I felt his breath across, he sounded like he actually breathed from the first time. He lowers his voice and he says, "Okay, what kind of questions do you have for me?" Next thing I know we're having a natural, normal, 2-way conversation. There are no games, no pitches; it's like having coffee with a friend. We're going back and forth for about 5 minutes and in that dialog I determined, one, he's not a decision-maker, two, he has no budget, and three, he's just curious as to what I do. So I gracefully send him off on his happily way in our website for some free PDF's, he's happy with that and off he went, I hung up the phone 10 minutes later, now what did that process just save me months of? Travis: Well, pursuing a sale that was never going to happen. Ari: Yeah. It's actually this drug that it's in our veins that gets active at moments like that; you know what it's called? Travis: Dopamine? Ari: No, it's called Hopium. You know the Opium drug? Travis: Hopium. Oh yeah. Yeah, that's right up there with the Kraken, very addictive stuff. Ari: Yeah. You go home, you tell your wife, you say, "Hey honey, guess what, I got the call. I'm so excited. I got the opportunity; this is--looking for a long time." You know, when you're high in that drug and you‟re so excited then all of a sudden you start chasing the guy, and they didn't call you back then you just like drop it go, "Man, selling sucks." That hopium drug, everyone's got in their veins. It is active and there for most people everyday who still sell the old way, who focus on the pitch, who focus on the sale, who are trying to close, they're in hopium mode and they're hitting the wall, playing the numbers game, and that is just very unproductive and it's terrible for the soul. So the way to shift is to change that mindset and languaging, and we make that shift, you watch people around you. Who you talk to start coming towards you; giving you money because you‟re not doing that game anymore. So that's number two, the last principle was this idea of becoming a problem solver, not a pitch person, a problem solver. What I mean by that is that we have met something called a problem statement, meaning taking your pitch, your solution and converting it into the problems you help people solve, Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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because some people are wired, when they say what do you do or you're at a moment describe what you do. We're conditioned to jump to the solution and describe what we do, because we're comfortable there. We're not comfortable diving in and describing the problems we help people solve. And let me tell you, when you shift to that mode and you articulate the issues you help people solve. When I say to you what do you do, you don't describe your software, you don't describe your company, you don't describe anything about you at all. What you say, we help people solve these 3 problems, you now become a trusted adviser and they have those problems, you will have a natural conversation to a sale and never have to make a pitch. So being a problem solver, diffusing pressure and getting to the truth is how you make a breakthrough to unlock the game. Travis: It definitely makes sense. It's even; there's been a big shift in the way business is getting done on many levels. And I really like the angle that you take on, really all 3 of these. The problem solver so many people I see when I interact with them even at events that I go to is they get caught up IN trying to explain a very wordy, confusing definition of what they do rather than saying I help X do Y by this. And so that's definitely a brilliant way to go about it, I agree with you 100% on the problem solver angle. One of the things that in dealing with my salesman for several years, the cadence is so important to--it's not always what you're saying; it's how you're saying it. And so, I want to come at some of these things that you've taught from a different angle. And so one of the examples I used to teach my guys is we take, I think it was 6 or 7 words and we'd say it with a different inflection and cadence and it changed the meaning all 3 times. And so it was a crude example of, I didn't steal your car, so that means the inflection is, I didn't steal your car, but I did steal someone's car. Another way to say it is, "I didn't steal your car," that means I don't know who did and I didn't do it. Or you could say, "I didn't steal your car", and that means, "I didn't do it but I know who did." And I give that example to highlight the importance of the cadence and the inflection that you're talking about. Ari: Yup. Travis: And so, it's super important in building those relationships with people. So how long--this is brilliant, it's--even several steps beyond what I finally evolve to over time. As a system of teaching my guys how to go in and focus on giving people what they need and accomplishing their goals at the same time. This is interesting, there's a lot to digest here. And I'm quite accomplished in sales. Ari: This is not a quick fix, this is not a couple of tips to close a sale, this is letting the whole sale letting go or what you believe is right from the past and being open to being a student again and learn to be fully authentic with able to methodology that can be followed in order--openly just be your natural self. So this is like a martial art, this is a white belt, green belt, black belt mastery level type of approach, and you get more authentic over time the more you replace your languaging with sales languaging, and the more your mindset shifts towards not the sale but focuses on the truth of helping people. And that's why what we do is wrapped around the support, coaching and licensing because it is a long term Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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commitment but the results come immediately, literally, if you took my languaging I just gave you from this call, and did nothing else with us ever again, you'll watch what'll happen, in terms of people opening up to you will be shocked. It's just really potent in terms of the languaging specifically. Travis: So there's an unlearning process. Yeah, I want to learn a lot of the old ways and vernacular and things that you use and then relearning. What's a time frame? How long does it take to--I know different people learn at different paces, what's the time frame to shift over to this new way of doing things. Ari: Well, the variable in terms of the speed is "How humble you are and how much your ego gets in the way." Travis: Why is that? Ari: Because, meaning the more, the person want to say to themselves, "You know what, I've been doing this for a long time in sales but I want to start again, be fresh. I'm not going to fight this thing, I'm here to learn." The person that comes to that open mindset, they get traction really fast, like with the 90 days, it's already at level where things are doubling, tripling, they're getting calls back, it's all just change. Those were kind of fighting it, but we're kind of holding on to you all the way and that kind of questioning and I'm not sure this is right. I think we should go back to those on the fence; they take much longer to crack. Travis: Well, I've gone in and done a lot of implementation in companies and if they're not going to take ownership of the system, you may never crack them, right? Ari: Correct, exactly. Travis: You may never get them to transition. Ari: Right. Travis: There's so many different things to think about this. Ari: Well, what I see about it is if your entire business and most businesses are driven by making sales then this become sort of a priority, you know, in terms of anything else that any business owner does, which is optimize the way to sell better. So we're kind of on a spot where companies go, "Well, this is kind of important, it's how we make money so we probably should think about this." Travis: Right. Okay. So what do you see, is the difference--when you go into companies and you see one salesman selling, and I'm just going to pick some arbitrary numbers here. You have one salesman

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selling $200,000, $250,000 a month and you have 3 salesmen struggling to sell $75,000 a month, is it just--what's the difference between those guys? Ari: Well, a lot of course is mindset, large experience, a lot to discuss, being centric. There's a lot of variables in between, and what's interesting about that is even the guy is doing really well. We get a lot of guys that come to us and they're like superstars among everyone else, and they go, kind of, "I'm just looking for a few tips, I just want to improve my game." Shouldn't we have a dialog with them, when we say, "How you doing, how well you doing?" and "I'm doing great, I'm a top guy in my company, I got a good month this month." So let me ask you a question, "How many opportunities are you losing every month?" They go, "What do you mean? All the people in your pipeline, how many are not closing?" And that's a complication that they've never been asked before, they don't want to go there, they want only talk about what they've been making, and we dig in to that, they realize they've been burning and chasing these opportunities and never realizing it. And half their opportunity of growth is sitting in their current through put, and by optimizing, changing the way they approach those calls, they just pick up a whole bunch of opportunity and they can literally jump to a whole new place. Travis: And so, is there a benchmark, I know this is a really broad question because teaching sales skills could really apply to just an endless number of combinations of businesses, right? And so, is there a traditional bump does the--to use more sales vernacular bump and stuff like that. You go from 10% closing to 20, to 30, to 50. What kind of transition do you see there? How big of a variance is it? Ari: We see 50% increase of the sales over 90 days if what you're selling, your prize points over a thousand dollars. If it's under a thousand dollars, it's a little bit harder you have more a commodity you set-up consulting, any kind of service, any kind of product, anything that's over a thousand dollars, if you implement this, you're looking at an immediate increases because what you're doing is you're just saving the one's your about to lose anyways. You‟re picking all that stuff, you're losing them, whatever I was doing in the pipeline, you're now sifting out early on and letting go the one--so you're not chasing anymore. So, a lot of this productivity, where you stop chasing deals that you know are lost, and the other area is, well you have new opportunities, you immediately create trust in the beginning to detect who's real and who's not real. So, there‟s a significant improvement instantly, and we allow that success story you're going to cite it, tell those stories. And it's just common sense; you build more trust, what's going to happen? People start buying from me more. Travis: Right, plus you'll lower the opportunity cost because for all of the reasons you just explained. You're not spending all of this time, money, and effort pursuing opportunities that are never really going to become sales anyways, and therefore you're spending the time on the people that really are interested or viable sales candidates. Ari: You're right.

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Travis: Interesting. Great stuff. It really is a complete different approach to the whole thing. I've seen other really good salesman similar to myself when I was in the home improvement industry. I still own that business but I don't work in that business anymore. And what I'm noticing as I'm consolidating everything that you're saying here and I'm present although I'm going back and rethinking about some of the things that have happened in different people, and what comes to mind is I think those extremely successful salesman that are selling 200-250,000 dollars a month are closer to the description naturally of what you just described, does that make sense? Ari: Yeah. Absolutely right. Travis: They're just--of the four stages of competence the third stage is unconsciously competent, they're just wired that way. Ari: Exactly. Travis: And so, it's just a natural gift to them and so that's one of the reasons why they excel so much and so it's a system that regardless of whether you've been taught those, those skill sets come to you naturally not, it's basically a formula for acquiring those skill sets. Ari: Exactly right. Travis: Good deal. Now, I'm a little easier because I've been reading your stuff for a long time although it still is a lot to digest so thanks for going deep with us on that. We're getting close on time. We probably went too deep on a couple of things but it's just really interesting and extremely important to the health of businesses. So thank you for that. Let's transition into the lightning round if you don't mind. Ari: Sure. Travis: Okay, great. So I sent you three questions, did you get a chance to look at those? Ari: Sure did. Travis: Alright. So what book or program made an impact on you related to business Ari, that you'd recommend and why? Ari: Well, I've had a lot of Robert Dan Kennedy in the past, I was in this platinum group a couple of years back with a whole bunch of guys like Bill Glazer and Frank Kern, and we got a lot of insight from him in terms of simplification around positioning. And I think his book, Trust-Based Selling with Matt Zagula. Matt and I are partners by the way; we're customizing programs for financial advisers in the US. But that kind of thinking around trust really has impacted me in many, many ways where we take what we're doing now, and cross marketing as well. So, he's had a big impact on me.

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Travis: Okay, and so that book is, what did you say the name of that book was? Ari: No BS Trust-Based Marketing. Travis: No BS Trust-Based Marketing, yeah, I think I've got that book. What is one of your favourite tools or pieces of technology that you've recently discovered, if any, that you'd recommend to other business owners and why? Ari: It's actually old technology but it's as potent as it ever has before, and that is Live Chat. Travis: Live chat. Ari: We have a Live chat in our website, we got leads from them every single day. We actually applied our trust-based methodology to using Live chat.The words we use in the chat draws the truth out and creates leads for us so we don't use, "Hi, how can I help you?" like you just said earlier, there's no store talk. We have our own customized trust-based languaging for live chat that we use to build trust and the cadence about how we type, same motto, different medium, key results. Travis: So is that something that people can, that you guys drive and people can download on their website or what? Ari: No, we don't sell it, we just use it. We're not a provider of software anyway. Travis: Okay. Ari: We just use the tool for ourselves. Travis: But using Live chat as a tool for conversion while people are on your site is what you're talking about then? Ari: Absolutely right, yeah. Travis: Do you mind sharing the name of that online chat service? Ari: We use LivePerson.com, live person. Travis: Live person, okay. What famous quote would best summarize your belief or attitude in business? Ari: I'd say "Stand guard at the door of your mind to prevent negative thoughts," because I think a lot of those thoughts enter our mind every day, and it suppresses our potential, and the more alert we are to

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how we think and how we view things, and the more we leap through certainly to the gates and keeping then, the more, so that's what we'll be over time. Travis: Right. Let me ask you one off topic question, I'm going to throw you a curve here at the last minute. What do you dream of? Ari: What do I dream of? Travis: Personally, professionally, what are your aspirations? Ari: I'd say, well, I have a vision that the more trust that I can help put out to the world, the more toll I can make I seat with them on a client-base and I see people absorb trust-based communication and what it means for their families. I have a father who got myself recently, he's been using trust-based selling for their kids and as he had a huge difference in communication, using my languaging, I think the more I can get to side of the world, the more difference there'd be politically, economically in many, many ways which is more trust in people. Travis: I like that. How do people connect with you? Ari: Just go to unlockthegame.com, just like it sounds, unlockthegame.com. There's a free test drive there, you can take a free test drive, listen to the some of the materials, the audio, there's a little quick started kit you can get on the site. But we don't provide, offer, and if you can buy online to get access to the core mastery systems that we have, we now license out the rights to access and get certify what we do through our mentor program, it's on the site, it‟s called mentor program. And so, we kind of become the wholesaler now so we have consultants and coaches who fly to Australia and get certified on what we do and they have the rights to go out and deliver this training and make a difference. So, we've kind of, over the years we've evolved. We used to have self-study kits and membership programs, but now we're kind of moving behind the scenes and offering license to other people, certify what we do and teach it. Travis: Well, that's a brilliant way of doing that. Ari: Yeah, on the website, to become a mentor there's an application there and all that kind of thing... Travis: And so basically they could go there and start getting the core skills and things that we had talked about today. And then since you have people that are doing the mentoring, then if they wanted somebody to come in and help them implement then they could use one of them, right? Ari: Yeah, or they can become one themselves. I'll be assessing a lot of entrepreneurs who aren't themselves--they just want a master for their own companies, they just join for that.

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Travis: Oh it makes sense, I didn't think about that way, that definitely makes sense. Excellent interview Ari, and a cool name too, I dig the name Ari. Hey, let me wrap things up, can you hang out a couple more minutes with us? Ari: Sure.

End of Interview Travis: Okay, great. So listen, I want to remind you about the show notes here, I'm going to place at the bottom of Ari's show and I'll place all of the book links, the resources, and of course, a way that you can directly connect with Ari under the profile. I want to remind you to go to DIYOB.com, so that's short for Diamonds In Your Own Backyard, so it's DIYOB.com, enter your name and email and we'll send you the 2013 Business Owner's Guide, From Frustration to $70 Million, a candid behind the scenes look at what you need to know to grow your business to incredible levels of success no matter where you're at in your business even what size you want to build your business to. What I'll tell you in that guide is critical to your success that no one‟s talking about because I don't feel like they're not telling you because it's not in their best interest financially, really aligns with what we were talking about today with Ari. When you opt-in, you'll become a member of the authentic entrepreneur nation, which is really a network of people, tools, and resources that you can trust to grow your business. And that's our private rolodex, that we use and recommend and we'll give you access to that as soon as it goes live. In the next episode, I'm going to connect you with Andrea Vahl. Andrea helps entrepreneurs leverage the power of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn to grow their community and increase their revenue. It's really, really good stuff for growing your business. As always you won't want to miss that episode either. Today I want to close the show with another famous quote by Babe Ruth, which reads, "Don't let the fear of striking out hold you back." I chose this quote so that I could remind you to take action even if it's imperfect. This is Travis Lane Jenkins signing off for now, I want to remind you that what you're contributing as an entrepreneur and leader matters more than you may realize. So to your success, may you inspire those around you to go after their dreams too. Talk to you in a few days. Take care.

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How We Can Help You We know that finding someone that you can trust online today is hard and that so many “so called gurus” are self-‐appointed and have never really even done what they teach you to do. That‟s exactly why we created the Double Your Profits Business Accelerator. This is an exclusive offer for our fans at a fraction of its normal cost. Here's what to expect. We'll Schedule a 'One on One' private session, where we'll take the time to dive deep into your business and tell you what is missing, so that you can have your best year ever! We'll do this by performing a S.W.O.T. Analysis. This tells us your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats within your business. This will be an eye opener for YOU, for several reasons, however some of the most common reasons are. As the 'Business Owner' it‟s difficult to see the big picture of your own business because you‟re in the middle of a daily management. And you are too emotionally involved to completely impartial. This is a common problem for EVERY business owner. It doesn‟t matter if you are a one-man army, or an army of 150, the problem is still the same.

Travis Lane Jenkins Business Mentor-Turn Around Specialist Radio Host of The Entrepreneurs Radio Show “Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs That Grow Your Business"

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