055 andrew mccauley using social media & strategy to grow your business

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THE ENTREPRENEUR’S RADIO SHOW Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs that Grow Your Business

EPISODE #55: ANDREW MCCAULEY On this episode, Travis and Sandra connect with social media expert, trusted speaker, and successful entrepreneur Andrew McCauley. Andrew is a social media entrepreneur who shares his knowledge and expertise through his websites particularly the AutopilotYourBusiness.com and the SocialMediaBloke.com where he imparts his years of experience in marketing and social media know how to entrepreneurs who wants to grow their business. Travis, Sandra, and Andrew shares valuable lessons such as Andrew‟s take on the 5 things that business owners are missing that would help them take their business to that next level. As pointed out by Andrew, key attitudes and principles, passion for your work, concentrating on your company‟s financials, as well as improving customer service that would ultimately convert your customers to evangelists for your company and your products. Entrepreneurs who would listen to this episode would surely gain priceless information and principles that would help turn their business into a successful and established institution.

Andrew McCauley – Using social media & strategy to grow your business Travis: Hey, it's Travis Lane Jenkins. Sandra: And this is Sandra Champlain. Travis: Welcome to Episode 55, five-five of the Entrepreneur's Radio Show. Hi Sandra. Sandra: Hi Travis, I'm excited to be here. Travis: Yes, me too. Hey, listen, I want to cover something real quick before we talk about our wonderful guest today, is that okay? Sandra: Okay, sure. Travis: Before we get started, I want to remind you to be sure and stay with us until the very end if you can. As you know, we like to share a little inspiration with you and we'll also reveal who we're going to connect you within the next episode, right Sandra. Sandra: Yes.

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Travis: One quick reminder, if you enjoy these podcast that we create for you, we'd really appreciate it if you'd go to DIYOB.com, which stands for what Sandra? Sandra: Diamonds in Your Own Backyard Travis: Good girl, you're paying attention, and click on the iTunes icon, and then post a comment and rate the show. This would help us reach, instruct, and inspire more great entrepreneurs just like yourself, right. Sandra: Right. Travis: Our guest today Sandra is Andrew McCauley. Very funny guy from Australia, and we really talked about a wide variety of things. Andrew is a brilliant guy that got his incredible experience and wisdom in teaching and mentoring business owners through owning and operating his own business, which you'll hear the story of that. And so, we really kind of go on a variety of different directions about the top 5 things that most business owners are missing that helps them take their business to the next level, right. Sandra: Yeah, and also his website are--he's the social media bloke, and you get an idea of his sense of humour by that but really has a lot of expertise in social media and also autopilot your business. It's really fascination conversation. Travis: Yeah, I love the guy, he and I are two peas in a pod, I think--very much alike on a lot of the things, so it's--the interview's a blast and a lot of great information. Are you ready to get started? Sandra: Let's go. Travis: All right. So without further ado, welcome to the show Andrew. Sandra: Hi Andrew. Andrew: Hi Travis, hi Sandra, it's great to... Sandra: Hello. Great to have you. Travis: Andrew, you've gotten Sandra so excited that she just stepped all over you, she's that excited. Sandra: Sorry. Well, I've been looking at your website, checking it out, it's going to be a fun show, you seem like a giver. Andrew: Oh, I'm looking forward to, I've been checking you guys out to so don't think it's all one way.

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Travis: Hey Andrew, we love to get the back-story. In my experience, people don't care what you know until they know you care and a big part of what caused us to create the show is I feel like success is painted in an untrue light, a false light. I think that that super successful people are people that have found really high levels of success are portrayed in this light of very few flaws, very few mistakes, and just kind of a rocket ride to the top. And I find in my experience, and everybody that I've talked to is it's quite the opposite and so we like to get to the story behind it. Before we get in to some of the brilliant stuff that you teach, would you mind sharing us that back-story of what brought you to today? Andrew: Yeah, sure, and I agree with you. Before I even start, I know that that overnight success person usually takes 10 years or so to get there, and you don't see the back-story so, my back-story essentially is--when I was a really young kid my father and my mother were both into technology and computers back in the 70's. I was lucky enough to have the very first electronic tic-tac-toe machine in Australia. And in my house there was this huge box of things that all it could do was calculate whether three X's or three O's were in a row. And it fascinated me, "This is pretty cool." So I wrote my first computer program when I was about 8, and it was a very, very basic program but it fascinated me, computers and technology back then, this is late 70's. And then I sort of lost interest in computers a little bit. As boys get older, they get interested in girls and parties and all that sort of stuff. So I lost the interest in computers and that techie side of things. But then when I got out of school I picked up a job I thought was going to be 3-month job in hotels, in hospitality. And I did that while I was at union, I thought if I can just get through for the next couple of months and get some pocket money to survive I'll be happy. And three months turned into 17 years of hospitality management. I got good at that, I loved doing that sort of stuff, I become the youngest licensee in the state that I was living in to own a liquor license. At 23 years old, that was pretty young for a licensee, to have a liquor license and be the manager of a hotel. Travis: Right. Andrew: And in Australia, hotels are on every corner, they're like a Starbucks over here. They're an institution and they're not like dodgy, divvy sort of pubs, they are family places. You bring your family, there's kids playgrounds, there's restaurants, the grandparents go there and play on the slot machines and all that sort of stuff, and what I loved about pubs was that I got to interact with people one on one, building that sort of relationships with your customers. But more importantly, I also like the whole marketing aspect of it. I love being able to work out, how do you bring people into your venue? How do you put bums on seats? How do you fill your nightclub with patrons? What sort of things do you need to do to get traffic in the door? And one of the things that was scary and fascinating at the same time was that you knew instantly that if your marketing didn't work, you had a room that was empty. And you could tell pretty quickly, you couldn't hide behind a website and say, "Oh, my website's down” anything like that. You knew that if your marketing sucked, there's was nobody in the room and you are left there

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all alone, nobody to put money in your till so, you had to learn to make sure that worked pretty quickly. And I was looking at getting out of pubs after so long in pubs, I sort of thought, "Do I really want to be serving drunk and bums at 4 o'clock in the morning and looking after that sort of stuff when I've got a family or, at that stage I didn't have a family but I was looking into the future thinking, "I'll never have a family if I'm still working at 4 o'clock in the morning. I'll never see them” that sort of thing. So, how do I get out? And it took me 3 years to work out how to get out. And when I finally got out I started my own business consulting practice in 2006, and one of the very early in the piece, one of my first customers said, "Hey, what's this new Facebook thing, I see somebody using it for business” and I'm like, "Wow, I don't know, I'll go and check it out." And that got me involved in this whole social media world, like I saw somebody using Facebook for business and I was fascinated with how they were doing it and what sort of results they were getting. And that led me to Twitter and YouTube and all that sort of stuff, so when I started learning this sort of stuff, people were asking me how to use it, how do I make it effective for my business. And I got it pretty easily, I understood the concepts because the concepts weren't too different than they were offline, the principles are still the same whether you're online or offline, it's just the medium that is different. And so I was able to understand how to use it and talk about it in terms that most ordinary people would understand as well. Travis: Right. Andrew: And that got me involved with this whole teaching people about social media then online marketing and all the facets of online marketing that goes together with email campaigns and oil response and shopping carts and all that sort of stuff, it became natural to me but I also understood how to take that knowledge, technically, and transfer it to people so that they could understand it on a simple level. That's the overview of how I got to being here now, I'd love teaching this sort of stuff, fastforward I've got my own digital media agency where we do a lot of this work for people but at the same time I often--I'm travelling the world teaching this sort of people. I've been lucky enough to guarantee how they can stage for a number of years teaching it to the ultimate intern boot camp as well. So that's how I am here. Travis: Well, you know what I really like about your story and I think it's missing for a lot of people and I'd be interested to hear your take on this. I like the fact that you honed and sharpened these skills on your dollar, because that's the fastest way to learn rather than for someone else, so you're actually spending money trying to get button seats and people to consume your product at your business and there's an incredible number of people that are teaching a lot of techniques and strategies that they have not implemented themselves. And the problem with that is where the rubber meets the road it--

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when you implement, a lot of things require several tries and the only way you know how to get through those humps and bumps is through actual experience. Andrew: Yeah... Travis: And so, what I see is when people teach strategies that they haven't fully implemented themselves, when they have students that try to implement, they really can't help them because they don't have the real world experience, does that make sense to you? Andrew: Definitely, yeah. Definitely. It's one of those things that I always say, I would rather go and do something first so I know what's expected, at least do it once, if not do it regularly. But do it first so you know exactly what are the bumps and humps because when somebody comes to you--like everything looks good in a textbook but if something comes out of left field and you're not expecting it as the trainer, you don't have an answer to that person and you look silly because you don't have an answer. That's a classic--my wife is in to real estate investing and she was looking at her very first purchase of a house and she read all the books and went all the seminars, and that sort of stuff. And I said it doesn't matter how much of that you read, go and do your first one, even if you don't make any money on it, just go and do it because the experience you get from doing those steps will be so far advantageous for you than reading a bunch more seminars or books. And of course she went and did it and she learned stuff that you could never find in a book, you'll never find anywhere. Travis: Yeah, there's clarity that comes with that. Andrew: Yeah, exactly. Travis: And so, what's interesting, what's made it difficult for a lot of businesses is they can't tell the academics, and now I'm not trying to rail on academics because learning is a critical part but wisdom comes from acquiring knowledge and then implementing it and getting feedback on what is or is not working. And so there's an incredible number of people that are teaching strategies out there that haven't implemented and that what gets confusing for a lot of business owners is they can't tell the difference between one or the other, does that make sense? Andrew: Yeah, definitely. One thing I would like to add to that is that it's definitely good to go and do what you're preaching, but I know--there's a step that sometimes people miss and that is, if they make a mistake they don't change it, they keep doing that same mistake over and over again. So, always test and measure what you're doing as you're doing it as well, but definitely to your point, you've got to be able to walk your talk because it's only then you can really, truly teach what it is that you're trying to teach.

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Travis: So, in teaching business owners what it is you teach, you and I have a lot of alignment because I teach and mentor a lot of businesses or business owners myself. What are the common denominators, what are the things that you normally see that are missing? Andrew: Direction first, like what is their goal, what are they doing in business, like what do they want to get out of it, what's the end game for them. That's one of the big things I see at the start is that people, they want to get in business because they know their subject or they know what it is they're doing but they don't have a goal of where you're going to be in the--what's the end result, do you want to sell this business, do you want to become a bigger business. So one of the first things I find is that they just don't actually, haven't thought about that end step. Not saying that you have to end your business but where does the business go to, what's the next point? I think that's one of the biggest things I find, how about you, do you see that as well? Travis: Yes, it's clarity on several fronts, and that's definitely one of them. What's another thing that jumps out at you, I have several that come off the top of my mind but I'm excited about hearing things from your perspective. Andrew: Yeah. One of the other things that we find is that depending on what they want they actually have a very limited belief in what they're doing, like they'll believe in what they are doing to a point but know that their own belief limitations have limited from looking outside what else they could possibly do as far as their business goes. So we'll get to business when I say, "I want to be able to do XYZ but I won't do this ABC because I don't have the ability to do that. And their lack of confidence in that area, it's a mindset, it's just something they haven't thought of and they won't let themselves think that the possible--are capable of doing. Travis: You know something interesting you and I were talking about T. Harv Eker and I don't know if you were in this class and this speaks to the mindset. I was in a group of probably 800 people and have you ever seen him do the 100 questions, rank yourself from a zero to a ten on these hundred questions? Andrew: Yeah. Travis: And so, only me and one other person in the whole 800 people ranked under 10, and so the guy, I forget who was teaching the class, he said, "Stand up and then tell me are you guys financially, have you reached a level of financial freedom” and both of us had. And he said, "Because of the mindset that you have, is you didn't buy in to a lot of those things." And that speaks directly to what you're talking about, is if you don't have the mindset that you deserve it, or that you can, or that you will,

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or--all of these, there's so many limiting beliefs that get in the way of you taking it. So one of the things you were talking about is if you don't have those skills go hire someone that has those skills. Andrew: Yes, definitely, that's a big believer on that like, if you're not good at something, don't waste your energy and time trying to work it out, just get someone to do it. And while I was down to the whole outsourcing argument and Tim Ferriss was great when he released that book about the 4-Hour Workweek in a fashion where he was able to open people's minds to outsourcing, now, can you work 4 hours a week? I don't think it's possible, and I'd never work 4 hours a week because I love what I do, so I'd never limit myself just to 4 hours, I want to do more than that. But it did open people's minds to that concept and I actually taught a section. I was teaching some outsourcing stuff to people last week and one of the big things about that is that people are perfectionists, and they won‟t let go of anything, even the jobs that they haven't done for years and years and years, and they've been put off, they still won't let go of it. And if you're a perfectionist, let go of something that you haven't done and just experience somebody else doing it for you in the first place, and then that becomes like a drug after a while, and it's like easy to let go of other stuff and you can see people doing your stuff for you. Travis: Right. There's a naive belief that nobody can do it as good as you. Andrew: Oh, that's right, and that's the thing, you want to find people that are better than you, and then it's freeing up your time like nothing else. Travis: Right, and then basically rinse and repeat, do that again, find other issues that are similar and repeat that process. Andrew: As much as you can, yes. Sandra: Yeah, those other people love doing that and then we can stay in touch with what we love doing and, yeah, great results. Andrew: You're right, that's what I say to this, people that love doing this stuff you hate doing, and the key is find those people that love the stuff you don't like, and you've got a perfect match. You give them your work that you don't like doing all day long and you are set. Travis: There's a lot left brainer, base type work. I don't want to put anyone in--box anyone in to a certain category but left brainers tend to like a certain set of tasks and right brainers like another set, typically. Andrew: Yeah, absolutely.

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Travis: And I'm a right brainer and I developed my left brain skills and that's really what's brought me a lot of my success because I couldn't put systems together until I develop that skill set. Although I don't completely enjoy it, you know. Andrew: I think Travis a lot of entrepreneurs have to be both left and right particularly when they're starting up because you're it, you're everything, you are the visionary of the company, you are the systems person, you're the person looking after the facts and the figures and you have to come up with all of the other creative stuff as well. So I think entrepreneurs have a big fight on their hands amongst themself just to work out which brain to use at the right time. Travis: Yeah, and that's the tough phase of the business where you're trying to get it to, it's kind of like trying to get a brand new bicycle airplane to take flight. Andrew: Yeah. Travis: You're pedaling and pedaling, and 35 miles an hour is never going to be enough to lift that plane off the runway and so you've got to find a balance of those skills, and now what I found is the better the business-owner has become at developing a balance between that right and that left brain at least initially, really through the whole business, the more success they have and the bigger their bank account becomes, do you agree with that? Andrew: Yeah, absolutely. I read a book by a guy called Les McKeown and it was called predictable success, and he talks about that whole cycle of a business where there's visionaries looking at how to grow their business as an entrepreneur, and then they have to go and change that mindset at a time to go and make sure that the logistics of the business and the operations of it are working properly and it's trying to find that balance between both of them. And then talks about well if you're not good at one of them get rid that part of it and get someone else to do it for you. Travis: And then as your business grows, start bringing staff on to fill those voids for you, right. Andrew: Yes. Travis: And then, one of the things that's so exciting about what's going on today is I've noticed a hybrid business model to where--10 years ago you really had to bring somebody on, staff full-time to fill a void whereas now you can hire, basically hired guns, people that are incredibly good at this one key thing. And you can bring them in or you can partner with them or you hire them, or whatever, for a small amount of time to do exactly what they need to do and then they move on. Andrew: Exactly. Our business, we have 10, I call them employees in quotes but they're not employees, they're actually contractors, but they work for us pretty much the whole time. But they do a

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specific role in our business and if they have another job with somebody else I'm not too fussed about that, as long as the time and energy that I need from them is given to me at every week, they can do it on their own time. If they want to work 20 hours a day, I don't care, if they want to work at midnight they can do that as well as long as the deadline that I need by the end of the week or whatever it is, is achieved, then I'm happy with that. So, they may or may not have one, or two, or three other contractors that they're working with at the same time. But it lets me bring on a specific skill that I need for that, I don't need to go find them other work just to fill their 40 hours for the week. Travis: Right. And if you're not super on top of things, it's common for employees to take 2 hours and stretch it into 8, that's just what they do. Andrew: Well, they have to justify their time. So they'll stretch it out saying, "Oh, I've been working on this for X amount of time when you know it could've been done in a real short amount of time, and that you're right, it's a changing workplace right now, and I think that's just something that we got to get used to. Travis: Well, even like you were saying, rather than your business model is not [unknown word 22:40] but in a seat for 8 hours and work for me, these are the two or three or five things you need to accomplish this week. Whether you do it 2 hours, 5 hours, or whenever you do it. You're more focused on what they get done rather than the amount of hours that they put in, right. Andrew: Exactly, and you know they're going to do it quick because if they can do it quicker then they've got time for them and what they want to do rather than filling in that void of that extra 6 or 8 hours that they have to sit on the seat for. Travis: Yeah. So it just plays into our natural human nature, right. Andrew: Exactly, yeah. Travis: Selfish human nature. Andrew: Exactly, yeah, definitely. Travis: So what do you feel like the five most common things are people are missing? Andrew: Missing in terms of? Travis: And really just take, getting a business to take off and become successful. So the first one you said, a clarity of the end goal, right.

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Andrew: Yes. I think one of the biggest things is passion. Now, passion in terms of are they really passionate about their business because I've come across a lot of business owners which I was actually surprised at that are in the business because they did some research on what they thought would be the best money making initiative. They weren't really passionate about it, they're just were more greedy about anything, looking at the figures and thinking, "Wow, I've seen people make this much money from this business, I want to do that business as well." And when they're doing something that they're not passionate about you can see it come across, they don't really care about that business, they care about an end result, which is not the right result they should be looking at. I had a... Can I tell you a quick story about this passion thing? Travis: Sure. Andrew: From pubs I had a guy that used to run what we call an Over 28's Night. So anyone that was over 28, it was like a nightclub sort of for over 28's. So, nightclubs are traditionally full of young kids and that sort of stuff, and in Australia, they wanted to have a specific night for people that didn't feel old when they were 30 going to a nightclub. So he was a--this was his only business, was to run these nightclubs, and he ran them very, very well. He would run 2 or 3 a night in different venues, and he would go from one to the other and he'd make a lot of money doing this. And one night he would come around about 1am every Friday night to my club and he would look for his money and we'd sit down, have a coffee and talk about what was going on. And he comes in one night and he said, "How's things?” I said, "John I think we've got some competition down the road, they were in here tonight, they were looking at everything and they were taking notes." And he said, "That's okay. Did you show them around?" I said, "No." And he said, "I don't care if you show them around, I don't care if you take photos for them and give it them." I looked at him funny and I'm like, "What are you talking about?" He said, "Well, here's the thing. These come and go, I've been doing this for years. People will come in, they will try and steal my ideas, and they can look at everything they see. They can take photos, they can take notes, I don't care what they do. In a couple of weeks they'll open up a club down the road and we'll lose some customers for a week or two, and then they'll come back here because they know that this place is exactly what they're looking for." And I'm like, "Well how do you know that?" And he said, "Because I can tell you that they don't have the passion for what it is that this club is all about." Sandra: Yeah. Andrew: "I have this passion, this is my business. This is what I do, I run these clubs, I build them up, I make sure the music is exactly right, the right songs are played the right time, the right clothes are worn in the club, the right lights, the right candles, the right food that served. Everything has to be perfect." and he was extremely picky about these sort of stuff to the point that it was annoying. But he was very, very pretending and his passion was all about over 28 nightclubs. And he said, "They'll open up a club, they'll have all these other things, they'll put a 25 year old kid in charge at the club, he'll want to bring in Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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his latest music because he thinks it's better than what these oldies think it is, and they will turn the lights up, they'll have lights that aren't appropriate for these people, and the clients will just hate and they'll leave." And I'm like, "Okay, interesting" and sort of thought about that for awhile, and then sure enough, three weeks later a club opened, we lost a whole bunch of crowd, but within 3 or 4 weeks we had them all back again, and this other place shut down within 6 weeks. Sandra: Wow. Andrew: And I'm like, "That's a pretty good lesson. You've got to have passion about what you're doing and have the belief that it will always work." And I've carried that with me all the way through ever since I learned that if you're passionate about what you're doing then don't do it. Travis: Yeah, I agree with you. As a matter of fact that's one of the key things that before I'll work with someone I will sit down and talk to them and they've got to convince me that they're completely passionate about their success and what they're doing. Sometimes, maybe your business is building widgets, it's just a crazy example but you can be passionate about giving people a great experience with your widgets. Maybe you don't dream of widgets, but you dream of the incredible experience and the things that are beyond that widget that you can affect, right. Andrew: Yeah, absolutely. One of the, just on the--I guess one of the books that was influential that I read about that sort of thing was fish, about the Pike Place Fish Markets in Seattle, unless you're familiar with that, but... Travis: Yeah, I've been there. Sandra: Yeah. Andrew: I've been there, I'd say, the quick background stories these guys were fishermen, they hated fishing in Seattle, it was so cold in the mornings and that sort of stuff and they were grumpy, and they only said, "Well, 4 things you can choose your attitude, you can have fun, you can be there for the customer, and play, I think, with the other one. That changed the whole attitude around working, there were other people that wanted jobs and if you didn't like working there, don't work there, go somewhere else. And that was just a fascinating book, it's a quick read if you who wants to read a book about changing attitudes and work places, it's just brilliant. Travis: Yeah, it's something that I kind of accidentally tapped into even with my first business is, we used to make everything or a challenge between the teams. We'd race each other, we'd have all kinds of fun, and it turned into a fun environment, now we were doing home improvements. I mean, after so

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long, I've answered every question that I could possibly answer so that was boring, but all the other stuff that we brought to the table was a blast. And so that's a great way to look at it. So that would be number two, and I know I'm probably putting you on the spot. Can you come up with three other off the top of your head that you feel like people are missing and getting that business to that next level? Andrew: Yeah. One is--and this is probably more of one that I found out from our business but also noticing a lot of other businesses doing the same thing is not concentrating on financials enough. It's something that a lot of people don't like doing just because it's numbers but if you're not concentrating on your financials, you don't know where your ship is sailing, at any time, suddenly you get a knock on the door from a bank saying, "You owe me a whole bunch of money, or a credit or debit.” So, you look at your financials make sure you know your numbers like you've got to learn how much is it costing you to run your business, how much is it costing you to get a new client, how much is it costing you to service those customers, what's your lifetime value of a customer, like really, how much money are you spending on your advertising and marketing. Just know those figures so that it gives you a place to compare where you were and where you're going to. So I think financials is a big thing that people really need to look at in terms of their business. Travis: Yeah. You know what you should be doing less of and what you should be doing more of, right, based on those numbers. Andrew: What's bringing you the money and are you spending more effort on that whole protoprinciple, the 80-20 rule, 80% of your money will come from 20% of your customers or your efforts. Don't go and waste all your time on something that's not even going to bring you a small return. Travis: Yeah, I agree with you. So what would be the next one that would come to mind for you? Andrew: The next one would be... What would be the next one, in terms of, what have we've covered? Passion, we've covered financials, we've covered, these are the one I've covered. Travis: The big picture, the end goal in mind. Andrew: The end goal. Customer service I think is another one that people, particularly entrepreneurs and solo-preneurs, more customer service in the terms of follow-up, so once people make a sale, that's what they do, that's seems to be the end of the transaction and a big thing that a lot of companies are missing, a lot of particularly smaller business are missing is that--there's so much more money in people that've already bought your product that have already put their hand in their pocket for your services or your products, that it's easier to get money from people that have already spent with you because they know you, they like you, they've trusted you, as oppose to going and getting brand new

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clients that you have to work hard to convince them of those facts. So I think follow-up in customer service is a vital point that a lot of companies are missing. Travis: Yeah, I agree with both of those. I believe the stat is, is it cost 600 to 700% more to acquire a new customer than it does to encourage your previous customer to re-buy from you or to refer you. Andrew: Yes, yup. I think, I can't remember the numbers either but I know it's ridiculously high like that but people don't, they don't go and--I'm not sure if it's--they're too scared to go and ask for more money as far as, "Hey, I've got another product, come and buy my next product." Or they just don't think of it, it just boggles me that they don't actually do that sort of stuff. Travis: I think it's "They don't know what they don't know". They don't know how to follow-up, they think they're bothering their ideal customer or their customer, it's just they don't know what they don't know so there's 4 stages of competence, the first stage is you don't know what you don't know. The second stage is you now know what it is you don't know which is consciously incompetent. Andrew: That's right. Travis: And so they need to be moved by people like you and I to stage 2 of consciously incompetent, and saying, listen, have a reactivation program. I've got a we miss you letter we send out that reactivates--I've brought in insane amounts of money off this we miss you letter and it basically says something along the lines of, "Hi, this is Travis. It's been awhile you haven't heard from me, I'm sorry I dropped the ball. Forgive me." And then big spaces says „we miss you‟. Andrew: Uhuh. Sandra: Wow. Travis: And then it goes into this kind of explanation of why I dropped the ball and then it makes an offer. Andrew: Great. Travis: And the offer is, "Our business is based on great clients like you, here's a $125 gift coupon, and then if you decide to use it within the next 45 days we'll triple it. Andrew: Wow, that's great. Sandra: Wow.

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Travis: And people all of a sudden come out of the woodwork. I've used that on people that I have not spoke to--I'm embarrassed to admit this but I'm going to tell you the truth. I just sent this to people I did business 20 years ago Andrew. Andrew: Wow, really? Travis: Yes. Andrew: 20 years, so there is no time limit, this is a timeless piece of advice. Sandra: Wow. Travis: And it worked. Andrew: Wow, that's awesome, that's... Travis: And so there's several critical pieces to that but that's a reactivation, and one of the things you're talking about is just setting up a system to where you constantly stay in touch with them and you're providing value, and your top of mind, right. Andrew: Yeah, and at this day and age it's so much easier to do with all these auto respond to service and that sort of stuff, although one of the responders are good to us and extend, you'll still need to have that human touch. But having the ability to do that on autopilot is a great thing that many businesses aren't using properly these days. Travis: Hey now, do you use office autopilot? Andrew: Yeah, we do. Travis: You do? You know, I guessed that because you've got a URL which is autopilot your business, right. Andrew: Yeah, well that's funny. We've had that for a while and then we discovered office autopilot, and we thought, "Wow, that's funny." We went to the Office Autopilot Convention in Santa Barbara last year, and they made a big announcement, they said, "We're making an announcement, we're changing our name." And we're like, "Okay that's cool." Because a lot of people are thinking that we were the sort of the same business, and so we're changing our name because we go in trouble from a trademark, from Microsoft. One of the words in our name has been trademarked and we go in trouble so we have to change it.

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And we're sitting here going, "Oh no, don't tell me we got change our name too." And they come out and they said, "The word office has been trademarked" and we're like, "Cool, that means our business can stay the way it is. What happened?" Travis: A near miss, right? Andrew: Yeah very, very close. So, Office Autopilot actually is changing their name to Entreport, or whatever reason, but... Travis: Yeah, which I think is nuts. Andrew: Yeah. Anyway--- So, we work, we do a lot of work in Office Autopilot anyway, in fact my business partners wanted their--she's become a certified trainers for OAP, we call it OAP, she's become one of the certified trainers for OAP but they've been a great system and businesses using that can do some amazing sort of stuff with follow-up, and tagging, and putting people into different filters. If someone buys a product from you, you can put them in a certain list of a person that has bought that product, and going back to our follow-up talk, you can put them in all sorts of list, so that you've got the in the specific list you need them for so that you don't look like--or you look like you know exactly who they are and what they've bought. Travis: Yeah, it simulates a real conversation. Andrew: Yeah, absolutely, yeah. It's very, very powerful stuff. Travis: Hey, why OAP over Infusionsoft? Andrew: We found that the interface was a lot easier than Confu--I mean, I shouldn't say Confusionsoft, Infusionsoft. We just liked what they were offering at the time, since then Infusionsoft's been--has had a massive injection of funds and they've changed a few things around, but we just found that Office Autopilot was a bit more of a hipper, cooler thing to use and it did what we wanted to do and we're happy to stay with it. Travis: Yeah, they kind of come out of nowhere didn't they? Andrew: They did. They've got a really good culture, they were really laid back but they're very big on their customer service, they just seem to be good bunch of people that are really--they have passion about what they do, they love this sort of stuff that they're into. And they're really excited about what they do with that sort of stuff. We love doing business with people that are very passionate about it.

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Travis: Right. Okay, so you wrapped up the top 5 with, it was customer service and then also follow-up. So can you go deeper on what your feelings of customer service should be because I really view those as two separate things, right. Andrew: Yup, sure. So customer service to me is very much about how do you keep that interaction alive with that customer, because you've done the hard work getting them to your door, now it's time to turn that into a relationship, and if you can build a relationship so that that person is not just a customer but an evangelist, so to speak, you've got somebody that automatically turns into almost a free affiliate. Somebody that's out there spreading your message for you without you having to pay them anything. And although it's cost you in time and effort to turn them into an evangelist, the rewards are tenfold, they're out there telling people about you. Anytime somebody mentions, "Oh I've got a problem with this issue." And if that's the issue that you solve, then they're out there saying, "Oh, you should use this company." Because you want those people selling, they're almost like having a sales force out there that you don't have to pay for. So ultimately having an evangelist as a customer is, for me, the end goal because that's what I want, I want people out there selling our stuff for us who believe in us because people buy into people's beliefs rather than the actual product and service itself. Travis: Yeah, and they're more effective than an actual sales person also. Andrew: Oh, definitely. And now I think just to sort of side step that, that's all about word of mouth and social proof. And if you've got somebody that you know, like, and trust who's given you a recommendation about a product, then that social proof is going to go a long way, much more than any advertising or marketing dollar you can spend on trying to convince somebody that you've got the right product for them. Travis: Right. So how can someone create evangelist in their business, what advice--if I was--I'm listening to this and I'm thinking, "Okay Andrew, so how do I turn someone into an evangelist? Andrew: Give them what they want and more. Understand what they want first, don't try and push what you think they need because a lot, and I was only reading something about that today. I comment about somebody saying, "I've got a product. The difference between what I'm giving them and what they want is that these customers just don't understand that they need my product." And I'm like, "Wow, I just think that's a wrong way to look at it." Because the customer has an image of what they think they need, meet them there, and then show them how else that you can help them, by naturally leading them to what else it is that you have. Don't try and tell them what they need, because people hate getting told what they need, they'd rather discover it themselves.

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So if you can meet them where they are, and say, "Well, if that's what you're looking for I can certainly do that, and also, what I'm also going to do is show you XYZ." And they're going to say, "Wow, that's something that I really need." And you'd be like, "Yes, that could be the case." So you're adding value to people's already existing needs. And then they'll start thinking, "You've given me answers to problems I didn't even know I had." And they'd start turning into people that want more of what you got because if you've discovered a problem I didn't even know I had, you probably can discover some more. Let me know what else you've got. Travis: Right. What else am I not seeing? Andrew: Yeah, so I think that was a big key for us, showing people--because in our web design side of the business, we'll have people come along and say, "I want a website." "Okay, that's great. What do you want a website to do?" "Well, I just want to have my products and an About page." "Okay, is that all you want?" "Yes, that's all I want." So we'll talk about developing that, and I'll suggest something like, maybe you want to turn your product into a member's site where you can get money every month. "Oh, wow. You mean I can do that?" "Oh, absolutely." So you know, we're giving them stuff that they never knew that they could have, but all of a sudden, they're becoming open to new possibilities because we're not telling them they need it, we're just offering suggestion and value adding what it is that they already need. Travis: Right. So you're basically putting your needs behind theirs and that's what business is--the onestep marketing is over and done with. The day of buy my stuff with a slogan that says, "Job quality is number one.", those are still reserved for the commodity-based businesses. Andrew: Yes, definitely. Travis: And if you want an evangelist, you need to set your goals aside and focus on getting down to-walking them down a path that's beneficial for them, and if it results in business with you then you've got an evangelist, and if it doesn't then it's probably a good thing that they've been eliminated in the process anyways. Andrew: Yeah, and I think the other part to that is not only does it have to be on the buying your extra services sort of side but adding value to after sales people too. So anyone that comes along and has bought a product, it doesn't matter whether they've just bought a small product or larger product from us, we want to still add value, whether they need that or not. Like if it might be hey we've just done a video on the latest changes to Facebook, here check-it out. And we're not selling anything, we're not asking them to do anything, we just want them to say it's available for you because you've been a customer of ours, we want to make sure you're keeping up to date. And it's like that touch point you talked about with your emails, it's giving them something to add value to so that your name is always on

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their minds anyway. So at any time they need something else later they can go,"Oh, I know who to call because they're the only name I can think of is the people that keep sending me value added stuff every week or every month." Travis: Hey Andrew... Sandra: Can I jump in when you have..? Travis: Yeah, sure, go ahead Sandra. Sandra: I'm just looking--you have two websites, autopilot your business and the social media bloke, looks pretty fun too. And given, I just want to ask you what you're passionate about that you can share with our listener that maybe there's a few things that they can get started with right away that can actually move the needle for people. Andrew: Yeah, sure. Well, the 2 things, the social media bloke is my own blog site which I'm actually, I'm starting the renovations of that today. It's been around for a little while, it's an overhaul work anything, it's been there. But the social media bloke is my--one I started about three years ago and it was all just things about social media, my discoveries about what's happening with social media, have to do certain things on different channels and different platforms. And I don't really, I've got a list building mechanism in there which I use to give people free Twitter videos and couple of other things. But mainly it's there as a service, and that sort of been growing every--every week I'm getting new people coming through and finding information and signing up to the list and stuff like that. So I'd love looking at different, I love marketing aspects of social media and I love sharing with people because what I really love seeing is people saying, "Oh you're the only one that can help us." Not me but maybe on say Facebook, anyone can help me with Facebook and then someone mentions my name, that's what I love seeing. It's like, hey it's great to see that I'm the first person they think of when it comes to that sort of thing. So I love helping people navigate that jungle of social media because I think we spoke about this, maybe off hair is how things are changing so much every day, that everyday where there's a new Facebook layout or every second there's something new on YouTube or Twitter, and people just don't have time to keep up with this sort of stuff, they don't understand what the aspects are of each of these little pieces of these sites. And thankfully, because it changes so much I'm always going to be kept busy creating new content for people because it is changing all the time. Travis: Right. Andrew: So, passionate about teaching people social media stuff, on the other hand Sandra, the autopilot, your business website is our main business website, we have about another 20 or so different sites that come off that as well. But we'd love helping businesses put this stuff in practice. People will come to us and they'll say, "We don't know how to tell you technically what we need but at the end of

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the day here's what the big picture looks like." And we'll put that together in practice, and what happens is that we've come up with a product called Spare me the Details, because people don't want to... Sandra: That's funny. Andrew: They don't want to know these stuff, they don't necessarily need to know that an autoresponder's connected to this and that and this goes with this and that goes with that, they don't want to know that, they just want to know, how can people buy my stuff, can I make more money from them after I've sold them something, and can I keep connecting with them at the end of the day. Sandra: That's right. Andrew: And a lot of times is I want to be famous. So, we put that together, so we love coming up with strategies for that sort of stuff because there's so many different strategies out there for different people, and that's the sort of stuff we love coming up with is how do we create a strategy for them so that they can get their end result. Sandra: Thank you. Travis: I like it. Andrew: I hope that answers that question. Sandra: Uhm hmm... Travis: Hey, I noticed that you left out Twitter. I know you're pretty big on Twitter and the strategies you teach on that, can you give us a few minutes on some of those strategies and what you teach? Andrew: Yeah, sure. Twitter's one of those things that people still find a mystery even though it's been around awhile, they don't get it, they don't understand he can connect with people in a hundred and forty characters or less, but one of the big things about Twitter is that it's not so much Twitter itself but all of the other applications that are out there that lets you do so many more cool things particularly connecting with people or finding the right target market. Everyone seems to be on Twitter, how do you find the right people, there is so much noise out there about Twitter--I'm sorry, so much noise inside Twitter when you see all these tweets coming through from different people. How do you narrow that down to find the people that, A interest you, B are interested in you, and C want to know more about what you do. And some of the tools like Twellow, which is like the yellow pages for Twitter. Some of these things you can go and narrow down, who are the target market, where are your target market hanging out, and you can do a search for sort of the right people. Things like Twitter Advanced Search where you can narrow down the actual words and Tweets so that you can find if somebody's tweeting about your subject or even a phrase like, "need business advice" for instance. You can type that in and

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anyone that's written the words need business advise, Twitter would deliver you the tweets at what time they were tweeted and who they are, so you can connect with those sort of people. So for instance if you're a business adviser or a business consultant and you typed in, in the search box "need business advise" you'll get a whole bunch of people that will have those particular words in a phrase. Now for instance if you has somebody that mentioned that a couple of minutes ago, you can connect with them and say, "Hey, I'm a business adviser, I'd love to help you, what do you need?" So you're connecting with people that are already asking for your help, you just got to find out where they are and how they're using Twitter. Travis: So it turns it into more of kind of a proactive type tool used that way instead of just a broadcasting type thing. Andrew: Yeah, absolutely. And then you can do things like Twilert, everything involved with Twitter seems to have a TW in front of it. Twilert is an alert feature that lets you set-up that original parameter, and then it will send you an email however often you want, maybe once a day, every couple of hours, that will send you an alert when somebody types that particular phrase in. So all of a sudden you don't have to sit there and punch in that phrase every couple of hours to see if anyone's using that, you can set-up a whole bunch of alerts, so that your emailed on a daily basis, hey all these people mentioned this phrase in their tweets, so you can go back and you can contact them. So it gives you a summary where you can work smarter rather than sit there every day and punch it in to see who's been talking about your phrase. Travis: Nice. Andrew: There's a whole bunch of tools out there, these third part tools that lets you really narrow down what's going on and how you can maximize your time spent on these social platforms to find the right people. Of course you'll still going to interact with people and there's things like Hootsuite where you can send out your timed tweets so you don't have to sit on there every couple of hours and post a new tweet, you can schedule all this sort of stuff. It lets you look through all of your different social profiles and read the messages coming in and out so you don't have to log-in and out of all of the social platforms. So, there's a whole range of different third party tools around Twitter and some of the other platforms that lets you manage your time more effectively than what probably being managed right now. Travis: Right. Hey, what do you feel like the value to sales messages should be, so, how many sales messages should be or what the percentage is--I said that backwards. Andrew: I know, the question is, let me guess, the question is “How many times should I sell my stuff versus value added tweets?”

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Travis: There you go, much better said. Andrew: I've never heard that question before. I like to say, usually around one in six or one in ten. So, everytime you do a sales like, "Hey, come and buy my stuff. Well check-out my own stuff." Then do another five or six value added tweets, meaning you might direct people to another person‟s blog post that's not in competition to you, or you might give a code or a piece of information, or a picture, or something like that. And then you can come back and do another buy my stuff sort of tweet later. Now, how many of those do you do a day. You know, if you do a couple of tweets a day, it's fine, you don't have to sit there and do 57 tweets a day, even a couple, just to keep you looking like you're actually partaking in the discussion throughout the day. Travis: Yeah, I've been on a mission to where I've just been deleting, even in emails and other things, people that constantly sell stuff. And the reason why is I feel like I'm a herded cattle or something when somebody is constantly selling me stuff, and they've always got a scarcity subject headline and I'm just fed up with it, you know... Andrew: It's becoming prolific now, it's everywhere and I think we're becoming more thick skinned and it's becoming harder and harder as marketers to get through because we've been bombarded with so many messages every single day about buy my stuff, and I look at emails, I have some pretty serious filters on my email system so that a lot of this stuff just go straight to junk or--I'm going to read it on a weekend and just flick through, I'm looking for headlines that may interest me just for my swipe files but most of the time we're getting bombarded, it's becoming harder and harder to break that particularly if you're one of those pushy sales people like that. I think the personalized messages that we're doing now, the connections we're making on social platforms, as real connections, is going to be much more valuable than giving in this time-limited offer that's only available for you and one other person in the whole world sort of thing. Travis: Yeah. I'm glad to hear that you feel the same way. I think there's several of us that are just to that point. It's really settled down my inbox because I've unsubscribed to so many of them now, to where I just really don't have to deal with it anymore.

Andrew: Yeah. Travis: Hey, we're getting close on time, I have to tell you something very interesting, obviously me and you have a lot of the similar experience and background, but there's something that I think will probably surprise you that we have in common. Andrew: Okay. I'm sitting down.

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Travis: Yeah, you are sitting down, okay. I've got to ask you, what is your record for stacking coins on your elbow? Andrew: I know what you've been reading; I only heard that once but... Travis: To let everybody know what we're talking about is you held the Australian record, unofficially, for stacking coins on your elbow and then catching them in your hand. Sandra: That's funny. Travis: How many was it? Andrew: I'm glad you read that. You know what, that record was, I think it was around about 43. Travis: Wow. Andrew: I think it's 43, and I had to stack them in 3 piles because I couldn't stack them in 43 on one pile high, because my hand wouldn't wrap around it, but in short stacks, my hand wrapped around it. Travis: I'm impressed. Sandra: Pretty good. Andrew: I think I had 60 on the stacks. Travis: What you call 43. Andrew: I got the few but had 43 and it's funny because I did it in a library of all places. I was supposed to be studying and I was bored and I stacked it in a library. And for some reason, I don't know how I found it but I did find that there was a record of the actual record meaning that I did find somebody who had the record with how many they had on there and I'm like, "Wow, I must have beat him." Travis: Too funny. Andrew: I know, I'm very happy that I did it. Travis: Hey, so Sandra, are you ready for us to move in to the lightening round with Andrew here? Sandra: Yeah. Sure, I'm just--very interesting interview, I've been quiet because it's just--I didn't know exactly what to ask and you guys really shed a lot of light on some great things. Andrew: I'm sorry, I was scared that because you're thinking, "Oh my god, what is he saying?" Travis: No. Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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Sandra: No, I listened to all of these, I'm an entrepreneur also and this show is just as much for me and Travis as you, as our listeners. So, I listened for the gold as well, so hit it, hit the lightening round Travis. Travis: Alright, so let's shift gears here. So what book or program made an impact on you related to business that you would recommend and why? Andrew: The book I like to talk about is called The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs, by a guy named Carmine Gallo, and the reason I like that is because Steve Jobs fascinated me with--wasn't the products that he was selling because the products themselves were, they were replicas or remakes of other products, but they were--what he was selling was his belief in the product and his passion about what it is that he was selling, and he was a fascinating speaker. People would love these Apple conferences that he would--when there was a new Apple product launch it was hard to get a ticket to those sort of things because they wanted to see not only the product but also Steve Jobs talk about it. And this book is all about how to sell yourself, your passion and your belief to people. It doesn't matter whether it's one person in front of you, if you try to pitch your idea even if it's your spouse, or to a board of people or a whole entire room full, in front of a stage full of people. It just talks about how he creates the aura around the belief that he has about the product, because the product itself--the product still has to be relatively good but having the belief in that product and the passion around it is part of what he was able to do for people. So I just found that book fascinating that I read it all the time, I regularly read it particularly when I go on stage because it reminds me of when I am on stage teaching people, get them to believe in me rather than the product because that belief in the product will follow. Travis: I've got that on my list, I think I actually have the book, I just haven't read it so that's going to-thanks for that, that's going to force me to move it up in the to-read list. What's one of your favorite tools or pieces of technology that you've recently discovered, if any, that you would recommend to other business owners and why? Andrew: You know I'm always discovering new ones. One of the ones that I really, and I still use all the time, is a thing called MySpeed by, I think it's called Enounce is the company that makes it. And what my speed does is it lets you speed up videos. I do a lot of educational--I'm always educating myself, and a lot of that education is involved with videos, watching videos about „how to do stuff.‟ And you know sometimes they talk a little bit long and they may take more time than they need to. So what MySpeed does is speed up the video without giving it the chipmunk voice, and you can understand what the people are saying pretty clearly even if two or three times the normal speed. So it means that you're watching your video, instead of a 15-minute video you could be watching it in 5 minutes, which just means I can get through so much more education that way than sitting there listening to a video that takes forever. I can also slow it down, so if it's something technical that I really want to slow down and work with them as they're going, I can slow it right down to a half speed so that they talking a little Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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bit slower but I can still understand them without that really slow voice. So, yeah, that's one of my favorite tools right now and it's one that sits on my computer and I've got it set so anytime I watch a video it pops up to say, "Hey, you want to speed it up?" Travis: Hey Andrew, do you want to pick up the pace?" "Yeah, why not." Great recommendation. What famous quote would best summarize your belief or attitude in business? Andrew: And I've been living this one for the last 7 years, pretty much since I got out of pubs is, "Your network is your net worth." One of the early things I picked up was that you've got to hangout with the right people, you've got to know the right people because it's not what you know, it's who you know. And I early on developed an interest in making sure that I was mixing with the right, not mixing, not to hangout and stroke egos, but to align myself with the right people because with the right people, the right mindsets as well, not just the right sort of connections because I wanted to make sure that I was getting the right knowledge in my head, I wasn't hanging out with people that were knocking what I was doing particularly in the early days. When you're starting out as a business owner and you're hanging out with people that are only ever worked for companies all their life, they're pretty quick to knock you down and say, "Well, you'll never save money and blah blah blah..." And I didn't want to live with those sort of people. So your network is your net worth. Hangout with the right people, go to functions, go to networking events that I know it's a pain in the backside to do, but at the end of the day after you break that ice, it's not as hard as what it is for the first couple of times, but go and find the right people, you'll be surprised at what sort of results you can get just by knowing the right people. Travis: Yeah, I agree with you, you manifest the attitudes of the people that you're around. Andrew: Yes, you do, exactly right. If you're looking for negative people you'll find them, you'll be attracted to them automatically. Travis: Oh, they're everywhere, yeah. Andrew: Yeah. Sandra: True. Travis: Yeah. Great advise. Man, excellent interview, I've thoroughly enjoyed our time together. You're a very wise man, I want to stay connected with you and help support you in what you're doing. Andrew: Yeah, sure. Absolutely, I'd love to stay connected and thanks for having me on the program, it's been great--as I said, I love talking about this sort of stuff because it's stuff I'm living all the time and anyone out there struggling with starting entrepreneurial ventures it's not an easy road but it is a road that's winnable and listen to the right advise and you'll get through it. It's just stick to your guns.

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THE ENTREPRENEUR’S RADIO SHOW Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs that Grow Your Business

Travis: Yeah, I agree. How do people connect with you? Andrew: They can look for me on the social media bloke or autopilot your business; all of my connections are on there as well. Facebook, Twitter, all of those connections, LinkedIn, you'll find me on LinkedIn as well, so yeah. Travis: Cool. Sandra? Sandra: Wonderful. No, I'm thrilled, it's funny because Travis and I speak that when we're on these interviews, important to be present and listening, and I found myself just wanting to be at the keyboard and know more, and know more. So, of course I don't do that so I don't make any noise clicking away during our interviews but you left me really wanting to know more that there's another world available. So thank you for giving us your time and being so generous, it was fun. Travis: Hey, can you hangout for a couple of minutes Andrew? Andrew: Yeah, sure. Travis: Alright, great. Listen, I want to remind you that all of the links for the books and the resources that Andrew shared with us is going to be on the show notes so you can go to DIYOB.com which stands for what Sandra? Sandra: Diamonds in Your Own Backyard. Travis: That's right, see she's paying attention Andrew. Sandra: Aren't you funny. Andrew: I'm glad she did, I'm glad she knew that one.

End of Interview Travis: I like to throw her curves and see if she can catch them at times, so... Sandra: Throwing back at you... Travis: That's right. Also, listen, while you're there enter your name and we'll send you the 2013 Business Owner's Guide to a Profitable Million Dollar Business. It's a candid behind the scenes look at what you need to know to grow your business to incredible levels of success. Some of the things that Andrew and I talked about are in there, plus some other things and I'm sure a lot of the secret

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THE ENTREPRENEUR’S RADIO SHOW Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs that Grow Your Business

strategies and tools that Andrew uses as well. What we'll tell you in this guide is critical to your success and no one's talking about many of these issues because either it's not in their best interest financially or they just don't know. In the guide we'll cover the 5 things that you should know before hiring anyone to handle your marketing, 6 marketing common misconceptions that are costing you a fortune, the 5 skills that will determine the success of your business over the next 18 months, and lots more information for taking your business to that next level. And all of it for free just for becoming a part of the authentic entrepreneur nation. On the next show Sandra, we're going to be connecting our wonderful listeners, our friends with JD Roth from Get Rich Slowly, which he's a brilliant, personal finance guy, something that affects all of us. So as always you won't want to miss hanging out with us during this guy--during this interview and when we connect you with him. Sandra, do you have anything you want to add? Sandra: No, I just want to challenge our listener today to take one bit of action that you'd normally wouldn't and make a difference in your business and in your life, and thanks for being here. Travis: Yeah, well said. Before I close the show today I want to tell you, you may not know this. No matter where you're at as an entrepreneur, you're an inspiration to those around you to stop making excuses and go after their dreams too. So I want to encourage you to keep it up, what you're doing really does matter. Our quote for closing the show today comes from Confucius and the quote reads, “The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential, these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.” This is Travis Lane Jenkins signing off for now, Sandra? Sandra: Yeah. Have a great day everyone, thanks for joining us on this show. Travis: Yeah. To your incredible success, we'll see you on the next one, take care.

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THE ENTREPRENEUR’S RADIO SHOW Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs that Grow Your Business

How We Can Help You We know that finding someone that you can trust online today is hard and that so many “so called gurus” are self-‐appointed and have never really even done what they teach you to do. That‟s exactly why we created the Double Your Profits Business Accelerator. This is an exclusive offer for our fans at a fraction of its normal cost. Here's what to expect. We'll Schedule a 'One on One' private session, where we'll take the time to dive deep into your business and tell you what is missing, so that you can have your best year ever! We'll do this by performing a S.W.O.T. Analysis. This tells us your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats within your business. This will be an eye opener for YOU, for several reasons, however some of the most common reasons are. As the 'Business Owner' it‟s difficult to see the big picture of your own business because you‟re in the middle of a daily management. And you are too emotionally involved to completely impartial. This is a common problem for EVERY business owner. It doesn‟t matter if you are a one-man army, or an army of 150, the problem is still the same.

Travis Lane Jenkins Business Mentor-Turn Around Specialist Radio Host of The Entrepreneurs Radio Show “Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs That Grow Your Business"

Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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