104 brandon schaefer reaching your full potential

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THE ENTREPRENEUR’S RADIO SHOW Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs that Grow Your Business

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THE ENTREPRENEUR’S RADIO SHOW Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs that Grow Your Business

Episode 104: Brandon Schaefer In this episode, Travis had an interesting talk with successful entrepreneur and business growth expert, Brandon Schaefer. Brandon and his online company 90-Day Entrepreneur has helped struggling entrepreneurs grow their business and achieve their true potential. His website, the 90dayentrepreneur.com, has been a key resource as well for entrepreneurs with their questions and basically a hub for them to share ideas and establish connections. Travis and Brandon give out valuable tips and inspirational stories that entrepreneurs can certainly learn from. Brandon‟s desire to sincerely help his clients resonates well through his teachings and gives valuable insight on how to establish your business and have a positive impact on personal life as well. He also gives his top 3 things that you should surround yourself in your life as well as focusing on sincere connections in order for your business to grow and succeed. These and so much more are what you can expect from this episode of the Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show.

Reaching your full potential TRAVIS: Hey, it's Travis Lane Jenkins welcome to episode number 104 of the Entrepreneur's Radio Show, a production of rockstarentrepreneurnetwork.com, where each and every week I connect you with rock star entrepreneurs that explain their journey to success and what's been the key principles to finding a high level of success as an entrepreneur. So that you can see that successful entrepreneurs are just every day people that stayed committed to taking action each and every day. Makes sense, right? Also, as a side objective, I want the show to become the Circle of Five for you, which basically means that the five people that you spend the majority of your around will become the reflection of your income, your knowledge, your success, and just basically your life. So what I want you to do is I want you to pretend that each and every episode, it's just me, you, and our guest having a candid conversation in our own private little mastermind, okay? Today, I'm going to connect you with Brandon Schaefer who is a business growth expert. Although before we get started I want to take a minute and thank another person for writing a great review for us over on Stitcher. Again, we're just starting to get some traction over there and the person that I want to recognize is Massimo. One of the really exciting things about the review from Massimo beyond the great review and the awesome 5-star rating is Massimo says they're working-- I say they're because I don't know if it's a he or she, is working on a start-up in Kenya, and every day learned something new to apply and ultimately says thank you. First and foremost I want to thank you for taking the time to write the review. But second of all I love the fact that we're helping make an impact all the way over into Kenya. So, congratulations on your start-up, keep up the hard work. I'm excited for you Massimo. Now, just in case you don't know, writing a review really helps us reach more entrepreneurs just like yourself. The reason for that Copyright © 2012, 2013 The Entrepreneur‟s Radio Show

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is iTunes and Stitcher believes that if you're leaving a comment, then the show must be valuable, and therefore they'll serve it to more of their audience. So if you have the time, I know it's a pain, but if you have time and you find value in the show I'd really, really appreciate it if you'd go in and leave us a review and tell us how you're doing. Give me an honest review. And of course, I'll recognize you on air and say thank you for taking the time to do that. One last thing, before we get started I want to remind you that there's 3 ways you can take these interviews with you on the go, working out, or driving, or however you can listen to them passively while getting other things done. So you can go through iTunes, Android, or Stitcher. Just go to rockstarentrepreneurnetwork.com, click on the ITunes, Android, or Stitcher, they're on the menu bar. And it will take you directly to the podcast. You don't even have to search for it. Or you can subscribe to the show and hopefully leave a review. So, now that we've got all this stuff out of the way let's go ahead and get down to business, what do you say? Without further ado, welcome to the show Brandon. BRANDON: Hey, thanks for having me Travis, I appreciate it. TRAVIS: Man. I'm super excited. Hey, do you mind giving us the back-story of how you got to where you're at today? BRANDON: Sure. It's a short story but a long story in one aspect. It's long, very short, and short and long, whichever way you want to look at it. But for years I've just been kind of messing around different types of ideas to help businesses really grow and share some of the street knowledge that I've learned throughout my entire life since I was a young kid. Helping out companies grow on their social media presence. TRAVIS: Right. BRANDON: Helping them bring products and services to market, simple WordPress questions, all different types of stuff. I just wanted to kind of have a hub where people can kind of check-in and like entrepreneurs can kind of come and check-in and just get their questions answered. Because you get tired of searching on the web man. You first like page of a results is all paid for advertising so half of it is not valid. So I just wanted to kind of make a central place where people like myself, people like you could come and just shoot questions off of me and I can point them in the proper direction. TRAVIS: Right. So where did that come from? How did you get a background, how did you build up to doing that, that you're doing today? BRANDON: Oh my goodness. Well, since I was a young kid my life wasn't always as fantastic as it is today. So, when you're in that type of situation, it's kind of like survival skills.

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TRAVIS: Right. BRANDON: And you either learn to be successful or you learn to fail. And for a while I think I was on the path to learning to fail. And then one day I don't know, it was kind of like a light switch where I was like I'm not going to fail. There's too much in life. I have a good attitude, I had a good effort, I had the physical skills. I just needed to bring along the mental skills. And when I brought along the mental skills, things just started to kind of click, and things just form. When you're in the right mindset, when you wake up in the morning and say, "You know what, I don't care what happens today, I'm just going to be successful." I'm telling you first hand and if you don't believe me, or if anybody doesn't believe me who's listening, reach out to them personally, I will personally go over with you. But when you wake up with the right attitude, things will happen. I assure you 100%. TRAVIS: Now, are you talking about from a business perspective, or personal, or both? This is kind of rhetorical question because I agree with you. But take me down the path deeper of what you're thinking there. Is it just living in a place of gratitude, or what are you talking about? BRANDON: No. I'm just saying that to be successful in business-- I'll just talk in my own sense here. What I needed to be successful in business, what I needed really like 4 different things. I needed to be surrounded by family, right? I need to be surrounded by other successful people. I needed to get in some type of-- I just say like yoga and meditation. Some type of like physical workout or mental kind of program, and you can get that through running, or through working out or something like that-TRAVIS: Right. BRANDON: ...whatever you need to do. And I don't mean it in a religious sense I just mean it in just giving your head right and clearing out your thoughts. And the last one I forget right now. So I'll circle back on that one. TRAVIS: Yeah. I'm the same way. I space at times on things. Even people will talk to me about things that I've written. And I don't want to give the impression that I'm this massive novel writer but I have written a lot of my experiences of growing business in other things. And sometimes my own writing is like someone else has written it for me. I still deeply internalize and believe those things. But it's just kind of part of the process. People think that you would recognize writing as if it were your own child. And it's really not like that. Your mindset, your thoughts, your beliefs, all of those things run much deeper than most people realize. And so, I completely agree and understand where you're coming from. And I those things change a little bit with people. For you, you said the 4 things, are family and other successful people, healthy activities. And I think there's a core set of things that people need to be around, and then maybe a couple

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of those items. Maybe for the other it's 5 or 6 things. A couple of those things change that are relevant to the individual. Does that make sense? BRANDON: Oh yeah, 100%. And this is also where say is that, there's these core ingredients that make up successful people, right? So I had the core, and then I needed to get some other ingredients from other successful people. And then I needed to put them in a bowl, and I needed to mix them all up, right? TRAVIS: Right. BRANDON: And I needed to add that extra bit of salt, or not that I cook, but I needed to add-I'm just using this as an example because a lot of people can relate to it. And I talk about this all the time. For all your core points, you core success values in a blender, put your own other ingredients in there, put your own amounts in there, put grandma's recipe in there, granddad‟s little secret, and blend it up and then make your own recipe. And that's what's really going to propel you to success is when you kind of put your own twist on things. Because like for me I always wanted to be somebody else. I would see somebody who is successful and I will want to be like them. So I would do everything and mimic about them. But people like me, right? And they like my spin on things, they like the way I talk, they like the way that I portray things, or share things. So, I really didn't take off until the point where I started to say I'm special, I'm going to use my core ingredients, and I'm going to take away like a top thing from top 10 people that I admire. And I'm going toss them altogether, mix them up, and come up with an exciting, new me. And that's what I did and things just exploded. TRAVIS: Right. I'll even take the example of writing. I had surrounded myself with people that I thought did a great job of conveying who they are, what they believe, and their message through their writing. By the way, I was a terrible writer in school and even a terrible student in school. So it's very ironic that I wanted to develop the skill later in life. But through watching these other super successful people, I learned how to dial in my own unique tonality and letting my own personality come through. And what I view it as is kind of like a framework. I used what they were doing as a framework to teach me how to maybe use those in my business but letting my own uniqueness do the talking for me. Is that kind of an iteration of what you're talking about? BRANDON: Yeah, very similar. We're on the phase Travis. You can talk to somebody for 2 or 3 minutes, or even in the first 5 seconds of a conversation. You can really tell a lot by their voice inflection. So, I know if I mentioned we'd be hanging out in 5 minutes-TRAVIS: Yeah.

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BRANDON: You meet those types of people, and those are the types of people that when I meet them at conventions and meetings and stuff, you just kind of like, "Hey man, let's get a project going sometime. You'd be fun to work with." And see how things work out, and they become a great resource and someone you could bounce questions off of. And it works out well. TRAVIS: Right. I completely agree. So bringing you down this path, what took you down this path? Have you built other businesses? What made you realize that being involved in the entrepreneurial journey and teaching and mentoring people was a path that really lit you up? BRANDON: Well, I'll put it in as simple as possible. I just started to make what I was keeping private public, right? So I was learning all these stuff, I was studying, I was constantly staying updated with people, I'm staying updated with information, I was finding helpful, useful, relevant information. And I just said, I'm just going to start sharing it publicly. And then when I started sharing it publicly people started eating it up because they have the same concerns that I have, right? They wanted to know how to do this, or how to do that. Most people have the same-- they all kind of want similar things if you're in those certain groups. So I just started hanging out in the entrepreneur groups and stuff. And started just sharing helpful, useful, and relevant information, right? I'm never selling. Now we sell kind of services but I'm never selling anything. In fact I never mentioned anything about sales or anything else because eventually people say-in fact I just wrote this a couple of minutes on Denice waiting and post that she sent me a couple of minutes ago. But eventually they ask me, "Hey, don't you do that?" And I'm like, "Sure", right? But to get back to your direct question with how I got into it, it's kind of like I had a cigar shop with my mom. I was always involved with my family business. My mom's a successful entrepreneur herself, so she had a bunch of different like juice bars and stuff as I was growing up. And I used to be like the gopher between the shops, right? I would go and bring food to this one or whatever, and I would always be hustling around if somebody called out sick or anything else like that. And that's all well and good, but eventually you get to the point in family business where it's just-- how far are you really going to go, right? And this might be leading to kind of a conversation later on. But the potential to earn, right? I see my potential as unlimited. And being in the line that I was with my family business, I was limited, right? I didn't want to be stuck in retail where I was waiting for people to come out to me-- you can always make it so attractive, right? If you have a couple of stores and you're there, it was tough for me to attract people into the store unless you were inside of the location already, then we could attract you. So we did that and then I jumped out of that and I just started getting to other ventures. And today a lot of people bring stuff to me. That's the beauty of it Travis as you probably know is that people are constant-- and once you become the industry kind of resource of one of the industry resources to bounce questions off of-- People bounce questions off me all the time and sometimes-- I'm involved in a couple of different sites and projects right now that will really have some good promise in them. So, the opportunity has kind of come to me at this point.

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TRAVIS: Right. I'm to the point to where I'm actually going to look at potentially partnering with people that I believe in their business. And I come in and slide in infrastructure under their business and show them how to scale. But that's what a lot of people are missing is taking a quality business and then putting an infrastructure in it, making it consistently profitable, and then scaling to the next level, right? BRANDON: Yeah, for sure, 100%. TRAVIS: And you get a lot of those opportunities coming to you because the people are looking for that type of guidance. So, after working I understand the intricacies of family businesses. There's some positives and there's a whole lot of negatives that come with that because there's just not the natural elements that need to be present when the employees are family members. Employees need to have the job and need to be able to follow the guidelines and all of those other things of the business. And so there's a whole lot of elements to that that really prevent people from reaching their true potential. I know I'm going to step on some people's feet by saying that but it is what it is. BRANDON: Yeah. I think I already stepped on a couple of people's feet in saying what I said. TRAVIS: Right. BRANDON: Especially my family. TRAVIS: Right. BRANDON: But they understand, they're family, right? TRAVIS: Yeah, exactly. So after growing up and that tells me a lot. Growing up in an environment around an entrepreneur is an education in itself, because my father was selfemployed also. And so, I got to see things from a complete different perspective. I was expected to go to work by the age of 11 years old. I had money, and vehicles, and things way before all of my friends did because I was out working every holiday, every weekend, or not every weekend but a lot of weekends, and all summers. And so, I had a problem with it as a young man, and then I grew to realize it was really an advantage to me as I got older. After that transition with your mother, what did you strike out doing from that point on? BRANDON: I just kind of went out on my own and started kind of writing. And it's funny you mentioned earlier as well with your writing. You weren't a stellar student. I wasn't a stellar student myself either, and I kind of got by. I did what I had to. I played a lot of sports and stuff. So, that usually helps, you probably played a lot of sports too. And so that helps. But I just started, again, just kind of going out and I was always kind of involved in multiple things. So, I

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just kind of ventured out on my own and said, "Hey, I'm just going to provide information to people, I'm going to try to put together a couple of different groups. And I'm just going to answer a lot of questions, and eventually the business will come. And that's really what I've been doing. I had multiple different sites. Before this I had a site called eioLIFE which was named after my wife and my 3 children. And again, that was a blog that was successful. And it was just all based around entrepreneur information, sharing information, sharing some services that we offered, and so forth. And always just now networking and staying in touch with people, and looking for different projects, looking for opportunities where we can generate some revenue on multiple types of projects. That morphed into-- actually that had a different business before that which was called World Design Agents, which was screen printing, and embroidery, all types of promotional items and stuff. It was a successful online business. I got an ad and then now I'm just over here at our site called 90-Day Entrepreneur. And it's been nationally phenomenal. It's fulfilling. At the end of the day you got to feel fulfilled. And if you're not feeling fulfilled at the end of the day it's a long, long life. And I just said „screw it‟. I'm just going to feel fulfilled at the end of the day and put myself in that position. So, it's kind of where I'm at right now. TRAVIS: Right. One of the things that I see that you, as your business model of scaling at this business is placing your focus on helping people rather than selling, which I think is a lesson in itself. Focusing on a sincere connection and finding a way to bring value and be of service to someone. And then if a sale occurs, naturally, organically, then good. And if not that's okay too, right? That's what I see as your approach with that business model. BRANDON: 100%. It's not even-- This is the funny thing is that once you become the industry leader or resource where people go to ask questions and they know they're going to give an unbiased question from you, it's not even a sale then, right? TRAVIS: Right. BRANDON: It's like picking up your fork and knife and eating and cutting your food because you're helping. You just become a utensil to help businesses and people get to where they want to go. And it's not about the services. And this is the one thing that drives me nuts. This is one of the things that drive me nuts. People want the instant answer, they want the instant solution. And they want to know the one thing that's going to change the way they do business, right? So people calling up all the time and say, hey, can you quote this up, or quote this out, or so forth. How am I suppose to quote something when I don't know about you, I don't know about your likes. Like in a 15 minute conversation I could rattle off 10 or 15 things, subtle suggestions that are probably all free for you to do. And they would help you out tremendously. But the people, they want to know the one thing, and they're willing to go online and pay thousands and thousands a month to have somebody do it, but they have no idea how to do it. So, do you ever see that Travis with people? Like sometimes with business, you stop looking for the quick fix, or that one answer, or that one thing?

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TRAVIS: Yeah. The misconception of the easy button out there that this one answer is going to solve the problems, when it's really a series of things. And even a lot of programs teach strategies or tactics. And most often what people need is a guiding hand along the way because people get overwhelmed, they get lost. And it's very tough to be impartial about what you're working that's normally why you have to have somebody that is not emotionally involved in what you're doing, give you perspective, right? And so, that's a long answer to your question of yes. BRANDON: Yeah. And that kind of leads me to kind of what the total goal for me long term is and as well as my organization is kind of like to be a guy. So, if you're going to climb Mt. Everest, you get to the bottom, or Camp 1, or whatever, there's a guide there, right? And that guide kind of guides you up to Level 2. And then there's another guy that meets you and they guide you up to Level 3. The main thing for me and what I want people to know is that I want to be there to help guide you. And we'll guide you through in what you need. Now, we're probably not going to have 90% of the services that you need during the process, and that's fine. But you're going to need somebody to guide you through and talk you through it all. And I'm not talking about like a coach that be like motivate like Tony Robbins like motivational coach. I'm talking about someone that can make sure your rubber is hitting the road. When it needs to someone that can make sure that someone that knows about the industry, knows that business insiders that can kind of shake and move things up for you, that can rattle your brain a little bit and give you a couple of different ideas. That's truly what we want to be as an organization. It's kind of like an entrepreneur guide and business guide. So if you have a product and you're trying to bring it to market like Kickstarters are great, everyone goes on Kickstarter. Then launches a program. But you know what; they raise $0.0, right? Because they don't know how to do it. They think if they just go on there and signup that they're going to get traffic. No. You need to get out there on the social channels. You need to promote your Kickstarter project, right? Because not all of them are like fantastic. So we like to kind of guide Kickstarter start-ups through the process and help kind of guide them along. How does that sound? TRAVIS: Yeah. Let me add some color to that, because it's an interesting observation and it's an observation that I have made also, is where I think a lot of people go wrong is they ask someone 2 for guidance that is not in a position to give them impartial guidance. BRANDON: Yeah. TRAVIS: And so, I'm going to draw a simple example. If you ask a surgeon, should he operate on your knee, what do you think he's going to say? BRANDON: Yes. TRAVIS: If you ask a pharmacist if you should take medication for it, what do you think he's going to say?

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BRANDON: Yes. TRAVIS: Yeah. And it's not even necessarily that they're out to do something dishonest; it's just what they believe, right? BRANDON: Yes. TRAVIS: And more interestingly, or a better solution to that is find someone that understands your problem more globally, and can guide you to the best option based on your unique situation. And that's what I hear you saying. BRANDON: Yeah. 100%. And they're not going to like-- that's like I know a lot of companies would guide you into what services they have. And that's the other thing to; it's like having a bias. I would not specifically into guiding you into services like-- Probably one of the most empowering things that we do as an organization is we'll pick and choose who we want to work with. So people will come to us, or companies will come to us and we'll have a conversation for 45 minutes, or half hour, or an hour long. At the end of the conversation we might say, "You know what, it's just not the right fit." And when you can walk away from business like that that's being handed to you because it's not a real fit, you're in a real place, you're in a proper place. And it's going to help to find out in the long run and it's going to help your company out, my company out in the long run as well. But that is probably one of the best things that have ever happened as well as learning to say no, right? Because people come to you with business, you want to take advantage of the opportunity, and the opportunity is really not a good opportunity and you take advantage of it. The best thing you can do is learn to say no. TRAVIS: Right. BRANDON: That's what I would say. TRAVIS: Right. Well, you know, I work with a lot of businesses and one of the most common problems with businesses that are not making a profit on a regular basis is they're spending the majority of their time, at least 80% or more, serving people that are not they're ideal clients. BRANDON: Yeah, exactly. TRAVIS: And they're losing money in the process and they don't realize it. BRANDON: Yeah. Well, that's the thing. You want the business-- but I always say, you got to sell cupcakes. You want to sell 10 cupcakes at a dollar, or do want to sell 2 cupcakes at $5? TRAVIS: Right.

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BRANDON: Which ones do you think you can support more? Which ones do you think is going to cause you to create more high quality? It's the two cupcakes. Now, that's a perfect scenario but in the perfect world you need to find that balance and by saying no you're actually helping yourself with a lot of stuff. Because it will open up opportunities for you to be able to say yes to other things. But it's a balance, like in anything, it's a life balance. TRAVIS: Right. And so, one step further with that example on the cupcakes is most businesses are setup to where they have to sell 10 cupcakes every day just to break even. And see that's the problem. No business is going to perform at optimum levels every day. And so what happens is a business, once it's setup properly, should make profits even on a poor day, right? And so, I would imagine in your example, every shop out there could sell 2 cupcakes, right? BRANDON: Sure. TRAVIS: On average. And of course this is a crazy example, but just to continue it through, assuming that 2 cupcakes, or maybe 50 cupcakes for a day is all you need to sell to be profitable instead of 500, right? And so many businesses, they have to hit that 500 mark every day, every day, every day. Well, most businesses will do 300 one day, 600 another, 400, 200, 200, 500, right? BRANDON: Yeah. TRAVIS: And if the pricing model was setup right you would have been making a profit as soon as you hit 200 on every single one of those days. BRANDON: Yeah. And another big thing is that people new to business go out, and I'm guilty of this too. When I did my whole screen print thing and that whole business which ended up being successful, thank goodness. But I went out and invested immediately. I'm going to do this, I went out and invested in the very best equipment, right? TRAVIS: Uhm hmm BRANDON: I didn't have any customers. TRAVIS: Right. BRANDON: I just felt like, "Hey, if I have good equipment, these customers are going to show up and getting construction or something else." It's like the new truck, the new tools, the new gear, and you have no clients. You just start off small is what I tell people. And then the other thing is they get suckered into these advertising programs, or these pay per click stuff. Everything is online now so people think that, hey, you can just online and do this. And then

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next thing you know you're paying for this service, $20 here, you're paying $15 here, you're paying $60 here, another $100 there, $15 there. The next thing you know you're paying out 3 or $400 and nothing is happening, right? Because if you don't add your personal touch to things in the world, believe me, people love personalization. If you're not adding a personal touch, it's probably not going to work out for you this morning. In fact, I just quoted that this morning, was make your business personal and your business will succeed, or something like-- or one of those things. I don't even know what it was but I just shared about that this morning, earlier today. TRAVIS: It was brilliant at the time. BRANDON: It was brilliant I'll tell you Travis, it was totally brilliant. Yes, everything's brilliant when you're not live and on the air, right? TRAVIS: Right. BRANDON: It just works better. TRAVIS: Yeah, there's something about that memory doesn't like to work when you're under pressure or when the spotlight's on. The subconscious acting up on you, right? BRANDON: Yeah, 100%. TRAVIS: So 90-Day Entrepreneur, explain that to me. BRANDON: Alright. First of all, I went to go see an author who just wrote-- oh my goodness, he's a professor at Wharton right here in Pennsylvania. TRAVIS: Wharton School of Business? BRANDON: I went to go see him speak and it was like on why people actually do things. TRAVIS: Oh, okay. BRANDON: And he shared a lot of good stuff. So I immediately came back and I kind of changed things around because I wanted to have kind of like a call to action in our title, right? TRAVIS: Okay. BRANDON: So the 90-day is-- Hopefully, this is what 90-day is. Hopefully it means that within 90 days we can teach you to get up on your own two feet and we can teach you to walk and

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kind of do a lot of the stuff actually on your own that we're teaching you. So, we're giving you basically like 3 months. The 90 days is really our trial period to see if we really want to continue to work with you. Subliminally, I shouldn't be saying that out loud here. But really, after 90 days we're going to do all kinds of validations, and checks, and see if you really are a client that we feel we can take to the next level. If you are we'll kind of continue to work with you. It's not-- we'll kind of part ways at that point. It might sound crazy that we're kind of doing that but within 90 days if you're not actually implementing some of the stuff that we're suggesting, and we'll do it all for you but you need to add some personal skin to the game, you need to add your personal touches because we're not going to be there forever and you are. So if we're working with a construction company or something, Successful Home Builder or whatever, we'll do everything for them, but we need his or her feedback, and we need him or her to actually put their personal touch on their plan, right? Because it can't be all us doing it for you. We need to have your kind of backing behind it because that's what made you successful is your personality. So we need some input from you. If you're not willing to put the input in, ultimately, I don't know we would continue to work with you in the long run. It doesn't matter how-TRAVIS: I completely agree with you and I understand, I like the fact that you are calling the spade of spade. I've got a program to where we're giving away $73,000 in cash and prizes, and also a chance my Lamborghini and it's based on them taking action. And it's not buying anything, just reading 5-800 words in an email doing this, maybe clicking on this link then telling me what their big reason why is, what keeps them awake at night. It involves their interaction. And what you're describing is if people aren't taking action in 90 days, then no amount of time and effort that you put in is going to help them. And the reason why I share the story of this giveaway is the majority of people-- I want to say majority, 95% of the people that enter this sweepstakes to win this can't even open up the emails. They're so distracted and they're so not following through that it just blows my mind. And if you don't take action, how the heck can you expect to be successful, right? BRANDON: Yeah, you're not. And it's not saying like people are different points in their life too, right Travis? TRAVIS: Right. BRANDON: People are at different point. So, if somebody is overwhelmed they might be getting split up from the wife or husband, there might be kids, whatever. And I'm cool with that, I'm totally fine with that, but we need to work with you and you're willing to participate in here. And if you want to pay somebody-- I'm just having a conversation 2 days ago with somebody. I said, "Listen, go to the other company, pay them. Come back to us when you're ready. There's no hard feelings here, just go. You're not ready to really--" And I keep saying, take it to the next level, stuff like that, but maybe in a year or two years you'll be ready. And it's not to say that somebody who wasn't ready now isn't ready today because like going back to school again and

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even college and stuff like that, I wasn't ready then. If you told me I was going to be doing what I was going to be doing today, people would've laughed. I didn't even talk until I was 3 years old. I had an injury and I didn't even talk until I was like 3 1/2 years old. And when I did talk I stuttered. You would not believe it. I was not able to say a single word, I would stutter tremendously through school, up until about 5th or 6th grade. And again, you kind of make these decisions and you kind of slow stuff down, and I had to start thinking about it and stuff. And I wasn't ready then. But you get to the point where-- I was even at this Italian restaurant and the guy comes up, the owner of the restaurant. A really nice guy in our town, I'm there with my wife and Italian guys they're all bringing food and everything else, and all these stuff. So, he said, "Friend, I was shining shoes. And one day I said, screw it, I'm in America and I'm going to be successful." And boom, that was it. He said he never, ever looked back. And now he's got this tremendously successful Italian restaurant. But if you have the will and you had the determination, really, you can do it. Travis, are you saying, what did you think you were going to be doing when you were growing up? TRAVIS: I didn't know. I had this crazy innate feeling that I was going to be successful even though I come from very low income background. I didn't have any clarity. And I surely didn't think I was going to be teaching anybody anything because I barely made it out of high school. I think they finally just said, "Give this guy the last credit and get him out of here please." BRANDON: Oh yeah. Hey Travis, you have to talk to my buddy Aaron Fessler at Twine Social. TRAVIS: Oh yeah? BRANDON: You got to reach out to him man. If you're giving away a Lamborghini man, he's got a whole racing school out there in Vegas, he's got whole kind of cars. You go out there and race him around and stuff like that. You ought to get him on the show sometime. TRAVIS: Oh yeah. Send him my way. I've been wanting to drive one of the open Grand Prix cars on the track. BRANDON: Yeah, he doesn't have that but he's got Ferraris and Lamborghinis and all kinds of cars. They go out on the street and do a tour and stuff like that. He's great guy for you to talk to too man. He's a shaker and mover. I'll send you his information. TRAVIS: Yeah, definitely. Send him my way. BRANDON: Yeah. TRAVIS: Okay. I like the thought process behind the 90-Day Entrepreneur. It has kind of a builtin call to action to it, right?

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BRANDON: Exactly. TRAVIS: And one of the reasons why I ask so many questions is I really like to understand why. One of the reasons why I was such a terrible student in school, and it took many years to figure this out is I don't follow directions very well and I push the button that says "Do not push." Because I had an overwhelming desire to understand why and what happened if I did. And so, I come to realize that, that was a strength, and that's actually what made me successful is I had this insatiable desire to understand why. And I think when we look at people's journey; it's so illustrative for other people because everyone else listening can put themselves in the same place, their unique situation. And I think I've come to realize, and I hope that everybody else realizes it to, that the restraints that we've placed on ourselves are handcuffs that we put on ourselves, nobody else. We put them on ourselves, and I want you to take them off. BRANDON: Yeah. TRAVIS: At some point you decided to take the handcuffs off yourself. BRANDON: I had to. TRAVIS: You hit a point when you decided that you were not going to stutter anymore. How did you overcome that? BRANDON: Yeah. I had worked at it, I worked at it for years. I went to speech therapy for years, all kinds of stuff. But yeah, you get to the point-- and I'm saying there‟s certain thing. I was able to overcome that because I just was able to overcome it. TRAVIS: But you made a decision even at some point to where I want to try to do what it takes to overcome this, right? BRANDON: Yeah, 100%. TRAVIS: Mom and dad can decide it for you but it's not going to take until you decide. BRANDON: I deal with that with my son with school all the time. TRAVIS: Right. BRANDON: 14 1/2 year old, and I'm like, "Oh my goodness. Study this, that." And that point you don't think you need it, anything else is not important, you're just thinking about today. And that leads to the other thing is that, what I'm trying to do is just make a surrounding where we can help you be successful, right? Make a safe area where you can bounce ideas off of people that

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you can hopefully make as like a safe haven. With like parents and stuff, people have the parent, that‟s kind of like their safe haven. And I kind of want to do that same thing with my business and entrepreneurship. It‟s kind of making a safe haven for people to come to and ask questions, if it's kind of like the parents. Someone you can always check-in with. When the profits came in you can always check-in, we'll always recommend something good for you, so forth. So, that's a good point. TRAVIS: Yeah. I think Brandon that; I don't think very many good things come from negativity. But I do believe that hardships, especially early on in life a lot of times can groom you to push through barriers that other people are not prepared to push through. Does that make sense to you? BRANDON: Oh, my goodness. It's like I'm talking when you're talking. TRAVIS: Right. BRANDON: It's crazy. Again, you're experiences as a kid, like my worst days, my worst experiences are my biggest assets today. When I was this, or that, or whatever, those experiences are my biggest assets today. Because I raised the game. I went to everything, you name it. All different types of different experiences. And those experiences, here's the difference, is that those experiences that I went through just growing up, and everybody goes through different experiences. Mine are probably no worse than anybody else‟s, but when you're a kid everything's a big deal and your experiences are most important. So, those experiences, people either take those experiences and they let those experiences hold them down and limit themselves. Or they take those experiences and they say, "I'm going to use these things as building blocks here. And I'm going to do something about it and I'm not going get burned again, and I'm not going to do that." It's unfortunate that only a small percentage actually takes those experiences and flips them. They flip them over. And I know someone like yourself has done that. You know, growing up here on a relatively good neighborhood, stuff like that, working from when you're a young child. Your father was an entrepreneur, he was on his own, maybe he wasn't that successful, I don't know. Maybe he was mega successful, who knows. But it's kind of like you could have whatever life you want. You could grow up with all the money in the world as kid and end up doing nothing. You could grow up with no money and do everything. TRAVIS: Right. BRANDON: I say this too. Pick your 5 closest friends-- You probably heard this a thousand times Travis, but pick your 5 closest friends, that's who you are. TRAVIS: Right.

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BRANDON: If one of those people aren't who you want to be, then start to work your way into a different group. Or, you are who you hang around. And that's so vital as kids too. You hang around different types of people, or doing this, doing that. And it goes so true in business as well. You are who you hang around. TRAVIS: Right. Yeah, I completely agree with you. I've got a 14-year old daughter and she's going through a tough time with some things socially. And it's just killing her mother. And I said, "Hon, she's growing, she's learning, she's skinning her knees right now. She's going to be fine." And it is painful to see your child go through those things but on the other side I'm anxious for her to learn because she is bright. And I know that she'll come out of this stronger and with some wisdom. When I dealt with those problems as a young man, I sit in my room and I thought about what I needed to do to turn those things around. And those shaped who I am today and made me tough, and made me harder, and made me-- I've said this before, entrepreneurship is kind of like a fireman, we train ourselves to walk towards what everybody else runs from, right? BRANDON: Yeah. TRAVIS: And when I was a kid that's what I was training myself to do. I was having to walk towards what I was afraid of rather than run from it. BRANDON: Yeah, 100%. And those things today are what really drive you. You don't want to go back to that spot so you do everything you can possible. And then with your daughter, I think you have another 2 or 3 years of going through that. TRAVIS: Right. BRANDON: That's like 13 to 17, or 13 to 22 TRAVIS: Right. BRANDON: I'm going to be there too. I have 3 kids so we have the 14 1/2 year old, 11 1/2 year old who's our daughter, and then 7 1/2 year old. So, we're going through the same thing. And in relation to entrepreneurship, having a family life and having balance, you need that in business, right? I think all successful people need to have some type of like outside relationship. I don't care if it's a partner, wife, husband, family, whatever; you need to have that balance. And that's one of those core success traits that I've talked about is family. And family doesn't need to be blood, it can be a friendship, it could be a relationship. You need to have a couple of strong relationships. You'd have one super strong relationship, and then you need to have a couple of other word like semi-strong where you can just count on people. And you being there for your daughter is another thing too, it‟s like how special is that, that your daughter can come home and have you listen to her. That's life, right? The business is the business, but when you're

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hitting on all cylinders and you're successful, and you can apply the business, the success, you can apply your family success; you can apply your attitude. There's nothing stopping you, right? TRAVIS: Right. BRANDON: So, that's really what I have on that. TRAVIS: Yeah. So the 4 things, family, other successful people, healthy activities, and has the fourth come to you? BRANDON: No. Surprisingly. I'm going to look it up. I'm really been having a good time talking to you man, I feel like we're brothers. TRAVIS: Right, we are. We definitely are. BRANDON: I haven't done anything since I've-- I haven't even multi-tasked Travis. TRAVIS: Sweet. BRANDON: We got to talk again man; we were having a good time. TRAVIS: Yeah, you're totally present. Now, I got a question for you while you look that up, okay? BRANDON: Yeah. TRAVIS: Are you ready for the lightning round? Do you need to do anything to get your blood circulating to get ready for the lightning round? BRANDON: I'm ready. TRAVIS: Do you need to drop down and do push-ups, do you need to do some pull-ups, or anything like that? Or are you just ready to go? BRANDON: I'm ready to go. TRAVIS: Alright. Now, I did send you 3 questions. We're big about just having a natural, organic conversation. But I did send you 3 questions and I wanted to give you a little time to think about them. And so the question was what book or program made an impact on you related to business that you'd recommend and why?

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BRANDON: What program? TRAVIS: Book or program. BRANDON: I would have to say the program would be probably the author I went to go see speak who's the professor over at Wharton? TRAVIS: Wharton Business School? BRANDON: Yeah. I would have to say that his presentation was probably one of the most powerful that I've heard. And that would definitely do the difference for me. TRAVIS: Do you remember the name of it and why did it make an impact on you? BRANDON: It made an impact on me because it just made sense. It was so simple that it just made sense. TRAVIS: So it turned a light on for you? BRANDON: Yeah. It definitely turned a light on for me. TRAVIS: And so, this was a pivot point in your business, in your life, or both? BRANDON: Both. Yeah, everything. TRAVIS: Now. Do you say he wrote a book and he did the presentation on that book, is that right? BRANDON: Yeah. The book was called Contagious. TRAVIS: Oh yeah, I know the book. BRANDON: Yeah. The book was called Contagious and it was written by Jonah Berger. TRAVIS: Yeah, he talks about how something spreads, right? BRANDON: Exactly. Yeah, how things catch up on, something like that. TRAVIS: Okay cool. I'm definitely familiar with the book and actually an excellent book. I've listened to it. I'm a big audio book person because I can multi-task, and listen to books, and get other things done at the same time. So I completely agree with you on that. What's one of your

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favorite tools or pieces of technology that you've recently discovered, if any, that you'd recommend to other business owners and why? BRANDON: I don't know if it involves technology. I think it involves your mind and I would say yoga. And I know you're probably not looking for an answer like that. TRAVIS: I want the answer to be whatever you want it, whatever you want to say. BRANDON: Yeah. I would think-- you always say technology but I would think getting in the right mindset is very, very important, and will put you through-- you're going to need to have mental strength to be successful in business. And you're going to need to be able to relate to other people. And not so much in the technology standpoint but I would say introducing yoga or some type of mini meditation into your daily routine would be one of my largest things. On a technology standpoint. I'm from a technology side, I would say just get out there and get it on the social networks, and just start sharing-- well, talk to somebody first, but start sharing about your business and how it relates to your clients. What's important to your clients. TRAVIS: Right. How do you use yoga to help you in business and life, just curious? BRANDON: Oh my goodness. It allows me to think clearer. It flat out allows me to think clear. It helps me to stay balanced throughout the day. It helps me to stay calm. It helps me to just relate to people, right? It helps me to understand and understand why somebody may be making a decision and that is not upon-- it may not have to do with me. It's maybe a business decision or something. TRAVIS: Right. Yeah, I think a lot of the conclusions that I have come to in life have come from deeper thinking. BRANDON: Yeah. TRAVIS: And today, with all of the technology and everything going on, the one negative that I see is not conducive. It keeps you at surface level thinking, right? BRANDON: Yeah. TRAVIS: Emails, text, tweets, all of these things keep you 3 to 5 inches deep, which is not very deep. Whereas, if you can get past the crust and get beyond all of that distraction and all of that stuff. And sometimes go down 15, 20 stories and think about what's going on and why it's happening, and what needs to be done. Now, I've done some yoga and that for me is what it does. And so, what I hear from you is the same thing as it gets you beyond that surface thinking and to a much deeper place and calms you down, right?

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BRANDON: Yeah, 100%. And I think it's important for everybody to get in touch with some type of inner self, or whatever you want to call it. I don't want to go too deep off the deep end here or whatever, and I'm not on the deep end at all either. But you just want to get in touch with some type of inner being or whatever, whatever it is. I don't know, nature, with your dog, whatever. TRAVIS: Yeah. I completely agree with you. Is there a quote that would best summarize your belief or attitude in business? BRANDON: 100%. “You don't have to be great to start, just start to be great.” TRAVIS: Oh, I like that, taking action right away. BRANDON: You don't have to be great to start; just start to be-- You can tell Travis, everything I do involves some type of action. If you haven't noticed so far. TRAVIS: Yes, definitely. So, did you come up with that 4th? BRANDON: I didn't. You know what; I'm going to have to circle back. It gives me a reason to get back on the show with you time. TRAVIS: That's right. BRANDON: See, there's another call to action TRAVIS: That's right. BRANDON: ... available call to actions, I'll email it to you. TRAVIS: You're opening a loop. BRANDON: I'm opening a loop, that's right. I've read that book too, that's a great book too man, that's awesome. TRAVIS: Yeah, that you'll close in another interview. BRANDON: Yeah. And here's another one, just real quick. I know we're winding down but the How to Get Someone to like you in 90 Seconds or Less. I don't know who wrote that, but as a book and stuff like that, that was a pretty good book that I like as well because it kind of broke it down-- it gets a little bit deep on these things, but it's kind of great, broke it down into how people think and stuff like that.

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TRAVIS: Very cool, I'm going to have to check that out. Hey, how do people connect with you Brandon? BRANDON: They can just go on 90dayentrepreneur.com. I know it's tough to spell. If you Google it, it will come right up. Just try to spell entrepreneur as best as possible, and it's 90dayentrepreneur.com. They can just go on there, request a consult, and just hit that. It doesn't opt you into like some email list or any junk like that. You'll hear back from myself. And I'll either work with you directly or I'll get you setup with one of our business sponsors who are paid to do everything.

End of Interview TRAVIS: Excellent. Thank you for that. Remember that you can find all the links to the books and the resources mentioned in the show notes. Just go to rockstarentrepreneurnetwork.com. It's a relatively new site we've been building out that's completely focused on giving you resources to grow your business. Before I close the show today I want to read a quote from Mary Anne Radmacher, and the quote reads, "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying 'I'll try again tomorrow'." This is Travis Lane Jenkins signing off for now, to your incredible success my friend, take care.

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How We Can Help You We know that finding someone that you can trust online today is hard and that so many “so called gurus” are self-‐appointed and have never really even done what they teach you to do. That‟s exactly why we created the Double Your Profits Business Accelerator. This is an exclusive offer for our fans at a fraction of its normal cost. Here's what to expect. We'll Schedule a 'One on One' private session, where we'll take the time to dive deep into your business and tell you what is missing, so that you can have your best year ever! We'll do this by performing a S.W.O.T. Analysis. This tells us your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats within your business. This will be an eye opener for YOU, for several reasons, however some of the most common reasons are. As the 'Business Owner' it‟s difficult to see the big picture of your own business because you‟re in the middle of a daily management. And you are too emotionally involved to completely impartial. This is a common problem for EVERY business owner. It doesn‟t matter if you are a one-man army, or an army of 150, the problem is still the same. Travis Lane Jenkins Business Mentor-Turn Around Specialist Radio Host of The Entrepreneurs Radio Show “Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs That Grow Your Business"

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