Redevelopment in
context of the northern suburbs of Naples
3rd Place Maria Gallotto
Author Maria Gallo o Thesis supervisor Prof. Eduardo BassolinoThis project is the subject of a Master’s Thesis in Architecture and address the issue of urban and environmental redevelopment in the north Naples suburbs with the aim of defining a climate adap ve design strategy. Ini ally, the macro area of north Naples (at the municipal scale) was analyzed and then descended to the neighborhood scale, which led to the iden fica on of cri cal issues in the area in order to then intervene with ac ons aimed at countering the effects of climate change. Taking into account the guidelines dictated by the Green Deal, it was possible to iden fy the design ac ons with which to intervene in order to counteract the phenomena of the heat island and pluvial flooding. The main interven ons were:
Urban and Environmental Redevelopment in context of the northern suburbs of Naples Climate adap ve design in the Chiaiano district
Urban and
Using Rhinoceros 3D so ware connected to Grasshopper, environmental and microclima c analyses were developed throught ENVI-met.
These analyses were carried out on the ho est day of the year in Naples (July 26) at 12.00 pm referring to the curent clima c situa on comparing it with the projected clima c situa on to 2050s, using clima c files for that year.
Specifically, it was possible to analyse air temperature, surface temperture, PMV (Predictead Mean Vote) and wind speed As show in the project table, the implemented interven ons have significantly improved the comfort situa on of the area.
Given the centrality of the area withing the neighborhood and the services present, such as a kindergarten and a municipal park, this project has a character of social innova on, a posi ve impact on the health of ci zens, ecosystems while also affecting economic resources.