Green Papers Environmental Innovations as part of is service to business, the community and the environment have produced a series of Green Papers that cover many topical issues that face both business and the environment.
Green Paper: Environmental Pollution: Ignorance is No Defence Eil/wp/ignoranceNDW06.2010/01 The worldwide adoption of the Polluter Pays Principle with regard to environmental contamination and pollution makes it abundantly clear that ignorance is not a defence. However, from our extensive independent research we have been shocked to discover that 93% of Directors are under the misapprehension that the laws and the risks apply only to............................Download Here
Green Paper: Fines and the Hidden Costs of Environmental Pollution Eil/wp/fines+hiddencostsW11.2010/01 It's worth remembering that in the vast majority of cases, it's only the court fine which is made public. It's important to bear in mind that in almost every case there would be even larger penalty costs relating to returning the polluted area back to preincident levels, this would include restocking rivers etc. The Environment Agency and other related bodies will also pass on their investigation costs, in November 2010, a Chemical company in Yorkshire were handed a bill for £300k for the investigation costs relating to a blaze that had resulted in Firewater runoff pollution. The other 'hidden' cost is lost production, the Yorkshire chemical incident is estimated to have cost the company £6m in damage and lost......Download Here
Green Paper: The New Civil Sanctions for Environmental Offences 2010 Eil/wp/CivilsanctionsW 11.2010/01 On 6th April 2010 the Civil Sanctions order came into force. It allows the environmental regulator to impose civil sanctions on a business committing certain environmental offences, and acts as an alternative to prosecution and criminal penalties of fines and imprisonment. The new civil sanctions will allow regulators to distinguish more effectively between those with a good general approach to compliance and those who tend to disregard the law. They will enable regulators to respond
appropriately to the circumstances of each case; for example, ensuring that those who have saved costs through noncompliance do not gain an unfair advantage over those who have complied. This represents an important change in the way that enforcement is conducted and is expected to foster improved communication and co operation between regulators and those they regulate. The EA intends to start to use these new powers on 4th January 2011.........................Download Here
Green Paper: Spill Containment in Extreme Weather Conditions Eil/wp/firewaterW11.2010/01 No matter how well prepared a site is for a spill incident, everything changes in extreme weather conditions. Basic spill equipment is rendered virtually useless during periods or heavy rain, snow and ice. If you can't find a drain because it's covered with snow and ice, or heavy rain washes away drain mats and spill boons, how can you protect your site and the environment?..............Download Here
Green Paper: Firewater Eil/wp/firewaterW11.2010/01 Despite being one of the most common pollution incidents that the Environment Agency attend, it's an area which the vast majority of businesses are completely ignorant about. Firewater this term refers to water and or foam used to fight a fire which requires careful disposal, due to it's potential toxicity. The Firewater runoff from a blaze is a deadly cocktail that should be a paramount Health and Safety concern for virtually all businesses...........Download Here
Green Paper: Radical Reforms Facing the Environment Agency Eil/wp/earadicalreformW10.2010/01 With the budget cutting axe swinging mercilessly around all Government departments, it was the Environment section which felt the blade more than most. Although savings must be made, there is a danger that the vital educational and advisory roles will be scaled down with a greater emphasis being placed on revenue creation. The concern is that a 'speed camera policy' will result in a more reactionary stance from the Environment departments.............Download Here
Green Paper: Flooding, Flood Alarms and the Spiralling Cost of Flood Insurance Eil/wp/floodingW11.2010/01 Flood victims continue to face spiralling home insurance costs, even when premiums remain unchanged, excesses for flood cover are rising to levels that are making their properties virtually unsellable. The Environment Agency calculates that nearly two and a half times more properties are thought to be at risk than estimates made just seven years ago. Preventing flooding is virtually impossible, so it's imperative for homes and businesses to get as much warning as possible, in any
emergency situation time is the most valuable commodity. Even a few extra minutes can make a crucial difference, rescuing passports, driving licences, insurance forms etc will save weeks of inconvenience. For businesses, time to backup digital work, move equipment and files to a higher floor will allow work to continue or resume once the flood waters have subsided. That's why EIL's Community Flood Alarms are a necessity not a luxury.................Download Here
Green Paper: The European Liability Directive and the Polluter Pays Principle Eil/wp/ppp+eldW09.2010/01 The Polluters Pays Principle at the heart of the European Liability Directive (ELD 2004/35/EC) is set to dwarf the Environment Agency's fines, and hangs like the sword of Damocles over any business that fails to understand it's importance and potential impact. But how many businesses know about the ELD, and have taken steps to mitigate the risks?...............Download Here
Green Paper on the Hidden Dangers of Storing, Transporting and Using BioFuel November 2010 Eil/wp/BiofueldangersW 11.2010/01 The natural desire to find sustainable alternatives to petroleum based fuels has resulted in a growing acceptance of BioFuel. However, the speed of its adoption looks to have outstripped industries ability to contain it safely. Although BioFuel containment is claimed by various spill companies, there is no mention made of anything that takes into account the special separational properties of the material. There is very clear evidence that the very composition of BioFuel disables the capabilities of industry standard fuelwater separation devices......Doiwnload Here
IMPORTANT The information contained within each Green Paper is gathered from multiple sources and collated and edited to produce a single document. Where appropriate source references and/or acknowledgements have been given. Under no circumstances whatsoever will Environmental Innovations Limited or any of its Agents accept responsibility for damages or losses arising from the use of this information consequential or otherwise. Ultimately it is the users responsibility to check all sources of information for accuracy and validity before using.