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Arch315 2020





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Towards A Climate-responsive Architecture

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………............... 3.1 Sunlight Architecture 1.

Solar Analysis

3 8

2. Rivet


3. Project


4. Sky Cover


5. Masonry Heat Storage

26 29

3.2 Temperature 1.

Surfaces Properties


2. Measuring Temperature


3. Thermal Conductivity


4. Sunspace


5. Thermal Lag


6. Heat Transfer Control


7. Indoor Air


8. Thermal Capacity


3.3 Wind 1.

Site Protection And Design

38 40

2. Natural Ventilation Strategies [Solar &Wind Chimneys]


3. Wind Analysis & Air Pollution


4. Pollution Resources & Resistance In Wind


5. Efforts To Resist Pollution Risks


3.4 Humid 1.


Urban Water


2. Control Function


3. Controlling Moisture


4. The Causes for Humidity


5. Controlling Humidity


6. Techniques Used to prevent Humidity


7. Roof Ponds


8. Measuring Humidity Levels


3.5 Natural Light 1.

Windows and skylights

72 75

2. Natural light comes into the building


3. Day-lighting Fixtures


4. The visual comfort


5. Windows


6. Skylight


7. Distribution of natural light


8. External Shading System


9. Light shelves


10. Lightning differences


11. Variance and glare


12. Natural light components


13. Analysis natural lights


11. Luminance


12. Factors affecting of natural light


13. Building orientation


3.6 Earth


Ground temperature distribution

91 92

2. Energy potential estimation in a built environment; Soil temperature


3. Earth-coupling systems


4. Direct contact foundation slab


5. Earth shelter


6. Energy piles


7. The impact of Climate change


8. Global warming 3.7 Thermal Conservation 1.

Adaptable Insulation

110 120


2. Thermal shutter


3. Dynamic insulation


4. Translucent insulation


5. Thermal buffering and thermal distribution


6. Thermal mass


7. Thermo-activated building elements


8. Cavity wall heating


9. Ventilated hollow core elements



The environmental impact of biomaterial in construction


2. Importance of biomaterials


3. Biomaterials in design and architecture


4. Biological organisms on building faรงade


5. Designing building skin with biomaterials


6. Biological organisms on the facade of the building


7. Material computation, silk pavilion


4. Conclusion


5. Acknowledgment


6. References



Climate-responsive design makes the complex task of designing even more complex, yet a lot more efficient (Looman,2017). Environmental control relates to the study of human needs and comfort in relation to the natural and man-made environment, and to clarify how to deal with and control environmental factors as an integral part of architectural design At present, we are witnessing a global transition through the age of computation, digital mass customization and parametric design. Which created a higher demand towards more smart, sustainable and responsive systems within the build environment. maintaining and designing a climate responsive system in buildings is a significant challenge faced by a majority of the developing countries, responsive building design is recognised to be a key factor for a sustainable and secure global energy future. In this study, Sunlight and Temperature and Wind and Humid and Natural Light and Earth and Thermal Conservation are studied.


INTRODUCTION Environmental control is the provision of a suitable environment for human life, its activities in the internal spaces .The process of designing buildings in a manner that respects the environment, taking into account the reduction of energy, materials and resources consumption is extremely important in the operation and efficiency of buildings while minimizing the effects of construction and use on the environment while organizing harmony with nature. And based on the importance of reducing the negative environmental impacts in buildings by enhancing the efficiency of the use of materials and energy, the need for the concept of environmental control or environmental design emerged. Environmental control is the theory and application of climate and the use of energy as determinants of the architectural form, the method of focusing on the architectural and mechanical methods of the ventilation system, the method of benefiting from natural lighting, the reduction in the use of electrical sources, the cooling and heating system, the waste system, and the method of disposal with internal load.

there was little to no concept of an environmental control system. It was difficult to live everywhere due to the presence of very high or very low temperatures and it was difficult to control the resources and we can notice at the present time that the architectural designs differ in different regions of very hot countries or cold and coastal areas with high humidity and the extent of the impact of humidity on some harmful materials . The floor-to-air heat exchanger draws the ventilated air through buried ducts or tubes. Since the ground has a temperature of less than 3 meters it is practically stable, so it provides yearround air conditioning, as the incoming air is heated in winter and cooled in summer by means of earth coupling. Some designers have succeeded in using design techniques to make you live in comfort by carefully studying the site and the compensation method in the design to make the place more comfortable for the user. In this research, we and a thoughtful architectural design results.

In the research mission of ARCH315, we collected information and conducted research on climate responsive design in terms of elements and principles, and how it affects architecture in application, making robust architecture well thought out and providing a framework for performing design decision support. In the environmental design control system, emphasis is placed on resetting the climate by choosing the appropriate architectural design and studying some of the paths of the sun and the temperature of the place that affect the method of selecting the materials used in the external structure. Any substance or structure that interacts with biological systems. It can be derived either from nature or from the laboratory using composite mineral ingredients, polymers, ceramics, or composite materials. For years,




Archdaily.com , sunlight architecture





Sunlight is light that comes from the sun Architecture : the art and practice of designing and making buildings ,the style in which buildings are made. Using the sunlight in construction made our life easier and healthier . The sun has a lot of benefits on the building , human health , nature preservation and power saving . Sunlight benefits to the site . First step in site study or building study is determination the north to know the sun direction and start the design of the building base on that . Some of the annexes of the building depend on sunlight, such as living rooms, bedrooms, outdoor living rooms, swimming pools and landscaping . Sunlight benefits to nature preservation When sunlight reaches any window or entrance at the right angle, it can be an alternative to electric lights. Also, with the help of some inventions, the sun can be a major source of energy and heating: Radiant Panels: A solar radiant panel is simply the metal absorber plate of a south-wall solar collector directly exposed to the room. The room is heated by direct thermal radiation. Massive room surfaces function as thermal storage the sky cover in surface weather observations, a term used to denote one or more of the following the amount of sky covered but not necessarily concealed by clouds or by obscuring phenomena aloft (AMS) ,The ambient temperature The temperature of the troposphere, that part of the atmosphere closest to the earth’s surface (Looman 81) ,Sunbreakers ,Solar shading is primarily about the exclusion of undesired solar radiation through transparent openings at those times that air temperatures are high. Shading devices come in many different variations. (Looman 193)


What is day light duration problem ?


The illuminance created on the surfaceof the earth The brilliance of direct daylight shifts via season, season of day, area and sky conditions. architectural design is required In a radiant atmosphere, smart compositional plan is needed, with cautious administration of diffusing and shading .

Figure 1:1: Because of the way that darkness is considerably more hard to gauge precisely https://www.archdaily.com/505184/egww-seraarchitects-cutler-andersonarchitect/536fbc84c07a80c585000057-egww-seraarchitects-cutler-anderson-architect-diagram

What’s the human needs from Daylight in brightness duration?


Daylight is an energy efficient procedure that combines several innovations with a mindset plan. They are only a straightforward detail and can change drastically in span and cost. It is likely that many components of daylight use will be necessary to date to plan a structure or retrofit (for example windows and lighting devices) •Glazing materials •Hatch location •Reflection of room surfaces •Integration with electrical lighting controls •Other lighting control schemes

Figure 1:2 :Daylighting is the controlled


What is the framework?




A daylighting framework comprises of frameworks, advancements, and engineering. While not these parts are needed for each daylighting framework or plan, at least one of coming up next are commonly present:

• • • • • • • • •

Daylight-optimized building footprint Climate-responsive window-to-wall area ratio High-performance glazing Daylighting-optimized fenestration design Skylights (passive or active) Tubular daylighting devices Daylight redirection devices Solar shading devices Daylight-responsive electric lighting controls


Figure 1:3: advancements, and engineering


GLOBAL SOLAR RADIATION solar radiationIt is the amount of solar rays falling over a certain area and capable of generating an electrical capacity. Accurate measurement of the intensity of solar radiation is important in the design and implementation of solar energy projects. Before starting a project, engineers seek to gather information about the state of solar radiation in the work area and its value in order to design a project and ensure good work for it during its future work period. Direct radiation has a definite direction but diffuse radiation is just going any which way. Because when the radiation is direct, the rays are all travelling in the same direction, an object can block them all at once. Some of the Sun’s energy is diffuse, and some is direct Both forms are useful in most solar thermal applications.

Solar radiation types: •Direct radiation

•Diffuse radiation Direct radiation has a clear heading yet diffuse radiation is simply going whichever way. Since when the radiation is immediate, the beams are on the whole going a similar way, an-article can obstruct them at the same time. Diffuse radiation is sun-oriented radiation arriving at the Earth’s surface in the wake of having been dispersed from the direct sun powered pillar by particles or particulates in the climate. Additionally, called sky radiation, diffuse lookout window, or just bay window, it is the determinative cycle for changing the shades of the sky.

Figure 1:4: Solar energy application in builldings riyadh saudi arabia 2019

Figure 1:5: Advanced buillding sustainability New York, United States



The sun's rays are the absolute source of nearly every movement that occurs on the Earth's surface.


SOLAR ANALYSIS analyzes how much of the sun’s energy hits your site or building. This analysis doesn’t measure illuminance (light level). Solar study. Visualizes the sun path and shadows that a site or building element generates during a specific Rme. You can generate an animated study or a srll image. Solar analysis. Visualizes and quanRfies the distribuRon and intensity of solar radiaRon on Revit model surfaces. The analysis considers shading by adjacent objects such as vegetaRon and surrounding buildings. Although not intended for sizing photovoltaic panels, solar analysis can help idenRfylocaRons for maximizing solar gain by considering shading effects and seasonal variaRons in solar radiaRon. The Solar Analysis tool is a part of the Insight plug-in. As much as 90% of a building's environmental impact comes from the energy it uses during its lifeRme. You can reduce this impact by using renewable resources such as solar power. A passive design uses energy that is already available, like the sun's heat and light. If you use passive strategy effecRvely, you can downsize or even eliminate the cost of heaRng or air condiRoning and save money. If the sun hits the building through its outer skin and windows, good passive design can even turn the building into an energy asset.

With the RenderWorks plugin the program can perform the following analyses: SOLAR GEOMETRY Sun/ shade analysis Solar animaRon • VisualisaRon Solargeometry IS THE DETERMINING FACTOR OF HEAT GAIN, SHADING AND THE POTENTIAL OF DAYLIGHT PENETRATION. Temperature, precipitaRon, wind and sunshine have a direct effect on buildings. A deliberate choice of surroundings may permit us to take advantage of the elements that make the environment more favorable. ClimaRccondiRons are measured and recorded, the data collected over a period of Rme provides a staRsRcal record which shows the mean, maximum, minimum and variaRon of temperature, hours of sunshine

Figure 1:6: permit us to take advantage

Figure 1:7: for sizing drains and culverts

wind, etc. PrecipitaRon records provide an indicaRon of the availability of water; temperature records provide a measure of space heaRng requirements; rainfall records provide a basis for esRmaRng run-off rates for sizing drains and culverts; wind and snow records provide a basis for esRmaRng winds and snow loads on building structures.


Figure 1:8 : Archdaily, Sun/ shade analysis, In April 2015

Sun/ shade analysis By entering the locaRon of the project (longitude and laRtude), the date and the Rme, VectorWorks can generate a sunlight object for any posiRon in the world. Using this object VectorWorks can render correct shadow posiRons for the given date and Rme.

Solar animacon

Vector Works can create a solar animaRon for a given date and geographical posiRon. The output is generated in a ".mov" file viewable in a stand-alone viewing somware



Of solar installaRonsby using the Render Works plugin, photorealisRcrepresentaRons of solar installaRons may be created, including simulaRon of colour, materiality and reflecRvity. Figure 1:9 : Iaacblog,VisualisaCon, in DECEMBER 24, 2011


Using the free Solar Analysis for Revit technology preview, you can visualize and quanRfy the distribuRon and intensity of solar radiaRon on various areas of a mass, taking into account the shading effects from adjacent objects, such as vegetaRon and surrounding buildings in an urban seqng .

Ladybug What is Ladybug?

Ladybug imports standard EnergyPlus Weather files (.EPW) into Grasshopper and Dynamo. It provides a variety of 2D and 3D interacRve climate graphics that support the decisionmaking process during the early stages of design. Ladybug also supports the evaluaRon of iniRal design opRons through solar radiaRon studies, view analyses, sunlight-hours modeling, and more. IntegraRon with visual programming environments allows instantaneous feedback on design modificaRons and a high degree of customizaRon.

Figure 1:10 autodesk.typepad, Rivet, October 21, 2014.

Figure 1:11: Zigersnead, Rivet


Lady bug tools













The challenge of the Austrian model home was to create a house that taps the full potenRal of the plot (like the wonderful views, exposure to the sunlight, maximum of privacy between the exisRng houses, ...) on one hand and to develop an energy and ecology concept to erase the ecological footprint of the house within the next thirty years on the other hand. What disRnguishes this project from many ambiRous preceding projects is the need and wish to combine minimized numerical values for energy efficiency with ambiRous architecture. The challenge of the Austrian model home was to create a house that taps the full potenRal of the plot (like the wonderful views, exposure to the sunlight, maximum of privacy between the exisRng houses, ...) on one hand and to develop an energy and ecology concept to erase the ecological footprint of the house within the next thirty years on the other hand



1 comfort level.


- Study shading devices under real condiRons, by using many research tools. - Study the effect of shading devices on heat absorpRon by different surfaces. - InvesRgate how shading devices effect distribuRons of sunny and shaded areas. Explore how to integrate the solar gain, daylight distribuRon, and spaces use. Improve thermal and daylight performance by integraRng with user behavior. Large windows and glass fronts are increasingly being used in new buildings, allowing access to daylight, obtaining solar energy and the outside view. Sunlight passing through unshaded windows and glass façades greatly increases the air temperature in summer, especially in hot climates. In general, shading devices are used to protect indoor spaces from direct gain of the sun through openings, windows, and large glass surfaces in such a direcRon, windows require special consideraRons to control solar gain, improve the visual environment and reduce glare. The research used real-Rme experiments and computer simulaRons to study how shading devices work in controlling air temperature and improving lighRng.

Figure 1:15: Archdaily, comfort Illuminance level,

Figure 1:16: Streeteasy, comfort Illuminance level,


Project case study theposiCve effects of green roofs on environment:

on buildings roofs. This system hasmany advantages both in urban and smaller scales (buildings). In single building term, green roof results inenergy saving.The amount of energy saving is significant in hot climate condiRons.By execuRng green roof, the thermal capacity of roof increases and the temperature fluctuaRon decreases; leading in turn to cooling the space below roof in summer and reducRon of heat energy in winter. ProtecRng building against heat is one of the characterisRcs of green roof and could significantly decrease the high thermal load from building in summer. Establishing green roof is a desirable ecological soluRon that not only helps lowering thermal load of external parts of building; it helps in quality improvement of dense urban centers with litle surface of natural environmental

Model predicCventrol Control of solar reactors Solarthermal

-A linear model predicRve control system for a solar-thermal reactor was developed.-Disturbances in solar irradiaRon were rejected through manipulaRon of flow rates. -Robust control was achieved by tuning the controller with conservaRve parameters. -The proposed controller outperformed a mulR-loop feedback control strategy. The controller aimed at rejecRng the disturbances in solar irradiaRon, caused by the presence of clouds, through the manipulaRon of the flow rates into the reactor. SimulaRons of a first principles dynamic model were used to fit a linear, Rme-invariant model, to be used directly in the MPC algorithm.


Quancty differences : • • • • • •

• •

• •

Sound insulaRon ReducRon of thermal islands effects Lowering air polluRon Lowering carbondeoxide Lowering sewage canal system loads ReducRon in heat transfer through saving building energy To protect roof shell To expand green site and animal organism living environment Food producRon Beauty, welfare and hobby

Figure 1:197lacritics.blogspot, greenroof, QuanCty differences, January 27, 2012

Figure 1:18 zinco-greenroof, QuanCty differences


As all buildings receive heat and light from the sun, so there are angles very important angles are those required to define the position of the Sun in the sky at any moment. They are the solar altitude angle and the solar azimuth angle. These angles are physical parameters of the position of the Sun with respect to a given place on Earth To determine the solar position in the sky vault, two angles need to be established: a. The solar altitude angle b. The solar azimuth angle

A. Solar altitude angle The solar altitude angle is the angle between the sun’s rays and a horizontal plane. It is related to the solar zenith angle, Ό, which is the angle between the sun’s rays and the vertical. The highest angle would be due south at midday. The mathematical expression for the solar altitude angle is:

where L = local latitude, defined as the angle between a line from the center of the earth to the site of interest and the equatorial plane. Values north of the equator are positive and those south are negative.


B. The solar azimuth angle The solar azimuth angle is the azimuth angle of the Sun's position. This horizontal coordinate defines the Sun's relative direction along the local horizon, whereas the solar zenith angle (or its complementary angle solar elevation) defines the Sun's apparent altitude. The greatest angle would be on the horizon at sunrise/sunset The formulas is

Sun Path Diagram The sun's position at any time can be located by observation through surveyor's instruments or calculated. Both methods are well known. Solar charts and sun path diagrams have been devised as visual aids so that the solar position can be easily and quickly established for any hour in any day. use the diagram to find the position of the sun in the sky at any time of the year.There are lots of Web sites and application :SunCalc,SunPath3D and SunPath2Dsolar orientation and building form constitute two of the most important passive design strategies for reducing energy consumption and improving thermal comfort for occupants of a building. Building designs vary according to context of its location and climate. However, the underlying principle remains the same, maximising amount of solar radiation in winter and minimizing the amount in summers. In predominantly hot regions, buildings should be ideally oriented to minimize solar gains, the reverse is applicable for cold regions

Figure 1:19: nzeb.in, The solar azimuth angle


The placement of a building in relation to the sun to maximize the amount of heat gained during the coldest months and minimize the amount of heat gained during the warmest months. Sun charts and software assist in orienting a building for maximum solar benefit

Figure 1:20: nzeb.in, azimuth angle




Sky cover For the purpose of daylight design, two extreme sky conditions are distinguished: Clear and cloudy. In a clear sky, there are no clouds blocking the sun, unlike a cloudy sky. Light levels vary with the time and day of the year and are highest in cloudy skies. Generally, the luminance is not distributed evenly across the sky.

Figure1:21: Avionicswest, Sky cover


A tricky aspect of estimating cloud cover is that lower-altitude clouds block the view of higher-altitude clouds that might or might not really be there. To be conservative (i.e. extra safe), weather observers should always assume that if any clouds are visible at mid or higher levels, then clouds at those same levels are assumed to exist even if they are hidden by lower-altitude clouds, The advantage while flying over or under clouds is that you can keep track of the clouds and clear spaces as you fly. So by looking vertically, you can create a fairly accurate estimate of cloud cover. Also, if the sun is fairly high in the sky, you can look toward the ground to see what fraction of the ground is covered by shadows of clouds. (Aviation Weather Services)

Figure 1:22: Taylor& francis,2015, Effect of Clouds and Dust Storms on the Sky Radiation Exchange for Buildings Located in Hot-Dry Climates.


Impact factors: •

Solar radiation, outdoor air temperature, sky longwave radiation, and other factors strongly affect inside comfort of the building and the cooling equipment Capac.

Sky radiative exchange is a parameter that generally con tributes to reducing building cooling loads and is mainly a function of the effective sky temperature.

Generally, evaluation of sky temperature is a strong function of site location and climate conditions. (Algarni and nutter 5)

where the sky view factor with respect to flat roof equals:

a,. Clear sky

b. Scattered cloudy sky

e. Partly cloudy sky

d. Overcast cloudy sky

e. Blowing dusty sky

f. Storm dusty sky.

g. Severe storm dusty sky. Not shown are daily absorbed solar .(Algarni and nutter 5)

Figure 1:23: building and the cooling


Ambient temperature is the air temperature of any object or environment where equipment is stored. The adjective ambient means "relating to the immediate surroundings." Also sometimes referred to as the ordinary temperature or the baseline temperature, this value is important for system design and thermal analysis, )rouse) The temperature of the troposphere, that part of the atmosphere closest to the earth’s surface. s for the most (indirectly) heated by the sun’s radiation, Unlike maximum high and minimum low temperatures, ambient air temperature tells you nothing about the weather forecast. It simply tells what the air temperature is right now, outside your door. (Oblack)In general, a safe range is between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit or 15 and 25 degrees Celsius, there are factors that may affect how the ambient temperature feels, but not the temperature reading. (rouse)Some of these factors include: • Humidity • wind chill insulation

The ambient temperature is more dependent on nature and hence not very easy to control, however the designers can limit the power dissipation of the components to avoid reaching extreme temperatures. This is achieved through limiting the current in applications with high ambient temperatures in what is referred to as derating, and achieved with the aid of derating curves. (Sunpower)

Figure 1:24: sunpower-uk, Ambient temperature


Ambient measurements


are a crucial component in maximizing the longevity of devices, preventing malfunctions and avoiding damages, Measuring a room or component’s ambient temperature is accomplished by using a thermometer or sensor. In order to make sure the reading is the most accurate, the measuring device should be kept in the shade, in the middle height of the room and in a wellventilated space that allows the air to circulate freely. (rouse) Ambient air temperature measurement method:

Keep the thermometer out of direct sunlight. If the sun is shining on your thermometer, it's going to record the heat from the sun, and not the ambient heat in the air. For this reason, always be careful to place thermometers in the shade.

Don't place your thermometer too low near the ground or too high above it. Too low, and it will pick up excess heat from the ground. Too high and it will cool from winds. A height of around five feet above ground works best.

Place the thermometer in an open, well-ventilated area. This keeps the air circulating freely around it, which means it will represent the temperature of the surrounding environment.

Keep covered. snow,



Shielding it from the sun, rain, and frost provides a standardized


Place it over a natural (grassy or dirt) surface. Concrete, pavement, and stone attract and store heat, which they can then radiate towards your thermometer giving it a higher temperature reading than the actual environment. (Oblack)



It can either be fixed (i.e. not able to change position or state during occupation) or adaptable (i.e. able to alter position or state during occupation). The adaptable behaviour can relate to movability (e.g. folding, retractable or mobile shading devices) or changeability of optical properties of the glazing (switchable window system) (Looman 193)

Figure 1:25: books.bk.tudelft.nl, Sunbreakers

Process, When designing shades, both site location and orientation of windows need to be considered with respect to heating and cooling demands. Since any shading device has an effect on received levels of daylight, this should also be part of consideration during design, together with the aspect of outside view. (Looman 194)

Figure 1:26: books.bk.tudelft.nl, Sunbreakers



Architectural consequences Shading devices come in different forms and when positioned at the exterior of the building, such devices can be considered as an iconic architectural feature. Typical exterior shading devices are overhangs, louvers, curtains, among others that can either be fixed or movable after being mounted to the building. (Looman 194)

Figure 1:27: books.bk.tudelft.nl, Sunbreakers

Glazing embedded shading can be realised as an after-treatment to standard glazing or as a whole new glazing typology. The aftertreatment of standard glazing can be directly. (Looman 194

Sunbreakers they provide excellent protection against overheating, are energy-saving and offer the possibility of regulating light inside the room. (soltec) Sunbreakers protect against: Glare while providing a high level of transparency distinguished by stability in high winds hail resistance and exceptionally long service life. (solte Sunbreakers they provide excellent protection against overheating, are energy-saving and offer the possibility of regulating light inside the room. (soltec) Sunbreakers protect against: Glare while providing a high level of transparency distinguished by stability in high winds hail resistance and exceptionally long service life. (solte

Figure1:28: whole new glazing typology

Figure 1:29: The after-treatment of standard


Masonry heat storge Structed of masonry to insure that there is enough surface area of exposed mass for adequate heat absorption and storge . water storage, on the other hand ,is usually contained in only one wall of the space . the water wall is located in the space in such away that direct sunlight strikes it for most of the day . materials commonly use it to construction the wall are plastic or metal container . during the daytime , the mass is charged with heat so that it night when outdoor and space temperatures begin to drop ,this heat is returned to the space

Indirect Gain

Fig. 1.31 : Section, Karen Terry house, Santa Fe New Mexico

In the winter of 1975-76, the auxiliary heating supply for this house consisted of one-half cord of wood, burned in a small adobe fireplace. Without applying insulating shutters over the glazing at night, the house maintained tempera trues in the 70s and high 60s for most of the winter. The coldest recorded temperature in the house that winter was 53°F early one morning.

Figure 1:30: Slideplayer, Masonry heat storge

Another approach to passive solar heating is the concept of Indirect Gain, where sunlight first strikes a thermal mass which is located between the sun and the space. The sunlight absorbed by the mass is converted to thermal energy (heat) and then transferred into the living space. There are basically two types of Indirect Gain Systems: Thermal Storage Walls and Roof Ponds. The difference between the two systems is the location of the mass; one is contained in a wall and the other on the roof of the space being heated

Figure 1:32: Slideplayer, Indirect Gain

Figure 1:33: Slideplayer, Indirect Gain


Pool roof

The skytherm system, a roof covered with water-filled plastic bags and equipped with movable insulation, has been studied, and a model is presented to predict its thermal behavior. A computer program has been written to calculate the hourly requirements for the building's cooling and heating loads and is validated by comparison with field data taken from an actual home in Shiraz, Iran. Then this software is used to simulate metal and concrete bridges. It turns out that for a onestory house of 140.55 square meters, the skytherm system is able to reduce heating requirements by 86% and cooling loads by 52% pool system that uses water and the sun to heat and cool without electricity. Roof pool: The steel roof deck has four tall water-filled bags and retractable insulation panels that work together to keep indoor temperatures constant. Retractable sandwich panels covered with foil (open area)

Figure 1:34: Misfitsarchitecture, Pool roof

Figure 1:35: Sciencedirect, Pool roof



Daylighting is the controlled affirmation of normal light, direct daylight, and diffused-bay window into a structure to diminish electric lighting and sparing energy. daylighting establishes an outwardly invigorating and profitable climate for building inhabitants, while decreasing as much as 33% of complete structure energy costs. When there is sufficient encompassing lighting given from sunlight alone, this framework has the capacity to decrease electric lighting power. When properly designed, daylighting can provide significant energy savings for building owners. With recent concerns over global warming and the need to conserve fossil fuels, it is imperative to use daylighting as a primary strategy for building illumination. Daylight, or the lack thereof, affects in no small way the psychological and physiological health of building occupants and their overall well-being. In addition, windows connect those who are confined indoors with the outdoors and allow them to feel closer to nature.




Physical bio serpentine lace Made from :algea extract and silk cocoon protein ) The lab tasted biotextile decompose within 24 hrs in water in natural environment


Introduction Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of molecules, physical quantity that expresses hot and cold, this assignment aim to get more knowledge about the Temperature and how can it effect the building at self and the sounded, a well designed building can determine the need Temperature in the space and not overheating it with good use of materials that support the building systems.

Figure2.1 http://twijaya.staff.ugm.ac.id/2020/05/05/ This image describe how the temperature impact on buildings


Figure2.2 Construction and Building Materials , Michael C. Forde , 2017 Building materials and how they different in characteristics

Types of insulation materials: -Panels :They are used as finishing panels for the facing of buildings and are also placed on the waterproofing layer. - Dielectric reflectors : depend on reflecting heat and not absorbing it like felt. - Concrete insulators : rigid sheets or plastic foam for walls, ceilings and floors. -Concrete blocks : placed to isolate walls and bases. Thermal Insulation Benefit: A heatinsulated building saves energy expended to heat it or cool it. It also makes the indoor temperature of the building equal and non-volatile.

Surface Properties (Construction Materials & Material Behavior) Surfaces properties, it is important to design buildings that their structure and interior are made to have the best ability to keep hot air away, because as a result, living in a hot climate become uncomfortable for their residents with extreme heat. When designing the building structure, it must be noted that the solid materials expand in hot climates and shrink in coldness, so it is important to leave a small distance between the concrete so that it expands without any damage and take into care that the wires between the columns are not tight so that their shrinkage in winter does not lead to cutting them

Best Roofing Materials for Hot Climates: - Terra-Cotta Tiles and Ceramic Roofs. - Concrete Tiles and Slab Roofs. - EPDM Roofing Membranes.


Measuring Temperature Thermal Conductivity Thermal conductivity is what determines the amount of thermal energy that passes through one area through a certain surface. The higher this indicator, the faster the building cools, and the lower the thermal conductivity index of building materials, the warmer the place. The main factors affecting thermal conductivity are: 1- Density of the material: With the increase in the density of the material, the heat transfer improves, which leads to a faster temperature transfer. 2- The porosity of the material: the porous materials are heterogeneous in their structure, which means that it is difficult for the particles to transfer heat energy and accordingly the coefficient of thermal conductivity increases. 3- Humidity: Moist surfaces of materials allow more heat. In the design stage of the building, the thermal conductivity is taken into consideration the ability of the materials to retain heat.

Figure2.3 how the temperature change in buildings according to use of materials

One of the main determinants of choosing a building's design and elements is temperature. What is the temperature? It is a direct result of the sun's rays and is greatly affected by it, as the surface of the earth is heated due to the rays of the sun falling on it, which leads to a rise in temperature. The temperature measurement changes according to the climate and the way the buildings are designed, for example in hot areas, the temperature increases, which leads to an increase in the heat flow inside the building, and in cold areas, heat is acquired by the sun's rays and trying to reduce the heat loss from the building. Protecting the building from sunlight in hot areas is one of the things necessary to reduce the thermal gain of the building and it depends on two main factors: 1- Building orientation. 2- The mass and shape of the building. The mass and shape of the building has great importance in determining the amount of shading. The amount of shadows increases as the shape of the building becomes more complex due to the less exposure to sunlight, which helps reduce the temperature in the building.

Figure2.4 thermal mass in buildings , Matthew R Hall , 2020 The image shows how heat is stored in the walls in the morning and releases hot air at night


Sun Space A sunspace is a room for collecting sunlight and heat. SUN spaces are also known as solar energy, and insolation.They are included in homes which have large areas. It is lead with a drive and makes the home more comfortable and enjoyable to live in. When designing a building in area with a high temperature, it is necessary to study the path of the sun around the building in general, to know the times when the temperature is high and the sun is perpendicular to the building, and here we benefit from the method of choosing the architectural openings correctly and how to benefit from the sunlight indirectly. And if the design of the building is ready, but there is a problem we have in terms of architectural openings and their orientation to the sun's shade directly and large here we use plants and external trees to break and disperse the angle of the sun considering that the floor absorbs heat in the day and releases it at night and here we benefit from choosing the final materials for the house so that we reduce the absorption the heat The main axes that must be taken into account when designing according to solar energy data: - Directly acquired solar energy. - Indirectly acquired solar energy - The stored heat. - Insulation and glazing. - Cooling according to solar energy data.

Figure2.5 The Changing Lanes of the Sun , four string farm , 2013 How the direction of the sun affects buildings and the way the sun enters


Heat Transfer Control How to control : There’s many guides on designing energy-efficient buildings, both residential and commercial Buildings. But what do you know about heat transfer and what can you do when your building is too hot? We’ve produced a few tips to help you understand overheating and how to control it! Heat transfer in and out of a building occurs in only three ways: 1-Radiation. 2-Conduction. 3-Convection. How can you reduce Radiation heat transfer? Remember that is from both reflecting direct sunlight and indirect skylight. -Use light colors on the roof and external walls. -Increase wall shading with verandahs, patios, pergolas or carports on North. -Reduce window sizes on West facing walls. -Add window shading, awnings or louvres on East, North and West walls. -Curtains & heavy drapes with pelmets reflect more. -Consider window tinting or reflective film.

Figure2.6 thermal lag , Hadi Ramin , 2015 The image shows how thermal lag impact on the buildings .

Thermal Lag

Thermal lag is the time delay for heat to be conducted through a material. A material with high heat capacity and low conductivity will have a high thermal lag. Thermal lag times are influenced by: different temperature between each face, air movement ,and air speed, texture and coatings of surfaces, thickness and conductivity of materials .Thermal lag can be used to ease out internal/external diurnal temperature variation. In temperate climates, external wall materials with a minimum time lag from 10 to 12 hours can be very effective to reduce internal/external temperature variations during day and night. If it is required to keep the heat for a longer time, a layer of insulation can be added to slow the rate of heat transfer and moderate temperature differentials



Indoor Air Quality

How can indoor air quality affect the temperature? temperature is one of the main factors that affect in indoor air quality there is no ideal temperature for all people, and building, people respond to indoor air temperature differently, so temperature have a strong and significant impact on the perception of indoor air quality so the recommended indoor air temperature is between 69 and 73 degrees so you can achieve thermal comfort because Indoor temperatures affect thermal comfort, you can change or higher indoor temperature by using fans to increase air speeds and moving air around a building ,the perceived air quality decreases with increasing air temperature. thermal comfort: It means that a person feels neither too cold nor too warm, Air temperature is also affected by the people inside the building and they activity they are doing. There are Environmental factors that Can affect thermal comfort: heating and cooling and passive systems such as shading, install different airflow patterns, adapting or changing clothing, -Air speed ,Humidity.

Figure2.8 thermal comfort , Manat Srivanit , 2015 How the thermal comfort and air quality make change in the place


Thermal capacity What is thermal capacity? Thermal capacity is a physical quantity that describes the ability of a substance to accumulate temperature from a hot environment. Building materials with high thermal capacity are used to build heatresistant structures, and this is very important for private homes where people live permanently. these structures allow you to store or accumulate heat, preserving a comfortable temperature in the house for a sufficiently long time The process of how this heat-resistant structures: - The heater heats the air and the walls. - After that the walls themselves heat the air This process save money on using the heaters and make the stay on home more comfortable, for a house where people live temporary such as on weekends it Will have opposite affect because the high thermal capacity of building materials it takes long time and difficult to heat

The building materials and their thermal capacity: - THE CONCRETE: 0.84 - THE WOOD: 2.3 When we look at first time, we will think that the wood is more heat-consuming material than the concrete that’s right because the wood contains nearly 3 times more heat energy than concrete, so to heat 1 kg of wood we need to spend 2.3 of thermal capacity but when its cools it will also give 2.3 in space. Wood is the best choice for houses not only permanent but also the temporary, a wooden building that has not been heated for a long time responds well to changes in air temperature, therefore this building will be heated quickly and efficiently. The brick had good strength and resistance to negative environmental influences. However, the fact that the brick wall is mainly constructed with a thickness of 51 and 64 cm, then in order to create good thermal insulation they must also be covered with a layer of thermal insulations material. brick houses are great for permanent living, when heated these structures are able to release the heat accumulated in them into space for a long time. The brick has a high thermal capacity, so it's ideal for building houses

Figure2.9 . Preserving a comfortable temperature in the house for a sufficiently long time


Indoor Air Quality How can I improve indoor air quality? indoor Air Quality of some old indoor air and heating systems may be affected by the amount of allergen dust and some window openings that do not open on a daily basis may be affected by indoor air, These are somethings that you can use to improve the air quality in your home: cleaning: you must clean your house to avoid dust, mold and other element that can affect the indoor air quality. open windows and let the fresh air in: opening windows for extended periods of time allows fresh air to spread throughout the home, 15 minutes is enough to air the house properly What happens if you never open your windows? not opening a window in your room will eventually cause health issues and a low immune system, And the air inside the house will not be renewed.

what is indoor air quality? Indoor air quality is the components of indoor air affecting the health and comfort of those living in a building the environment within buildings is a major topic and important in public health, Outdoor air can enter and exit a building by means of: infiltration, natural ventilation, and mechanical ventilation. In a process known as infiltration, outside air flows into buildings through openings, joints and cracks in walls, floors, ceilings, and around windows and doors. In natural ventilation, air moves through open windows

and doors.

Figure2-9 : temeature is one of the factors influencing air quality




zean macfarlane works by zean mair-macfarlane


INTRODUCTIO N The change in the direction of the

wind pattern has a great impact on safety, Wind is air in horizontal motion in response toa pressure gradient (The temperature variation is the main cause of winds.The urban environments are influenced by the wind condition that significantly affected by high-rise buildings. There are major effects of wind movement in the environment which is next downward deflection upward deflection, flow throw marrow spaces, low velocity of structures, counter current effects.Wind also affects businesses in cities which can cause issues for. If it is in an area where there is strong air, the area must be changed because the majority of business buildings have public services such as outdoor seating and courtyards, which affect them negatively because employees do not come to them from strong winds.

CFD simulation shows the effect of the building casing on the flow at the planning stage thus avoiding negative effects. Their operations are not limited to fixed size and simple buildings, but they can deal with curved walls, holes, tunnels and even structures that slow down the wind such as fences, trees, perforated panels, as well as sloping lands (hills and valleys) and all kinds of terrain. Wind rose is the ancient way of displaying wind conditions, direction and speed graphically over a given time period at a particular location. Before the development of the compass rose, a wind rose was included on the maps to inform the reader of the directions in which the eight main winds blew.

It may affect the maintenance budget in the event that repairs are required .the locations of the entrance and exit ventilation can also cost the operation of the internal air conditioning of the building Meaning, if there is an outlet that is exposed to high pressure that makes the fan work in a different direction, it will directly lead to more electricity consumption. On the contrary, if the entrance is found in the right place, the pressure teams will push the air into the entrance (absorbed from the building at the exit) which helps save costs.


SITE PROTECTION AND DESIGN every protected site has a site license. it may be given for multiple use; it is being used for both seasonal and residential. therefore, if the site of a mobile home is protected it will be conditional on the site license for practical design, winds might be handled as lateral or horizontal loads. even though the loads of wind might have vertical parts, these in general small and it can be easily resisted by pillars and bearing walls. sometimes the wind creates notable raise forces that is essential to vertical control and lateral brace for members in reverse curve. the weight constructional components are mainly in danger from the storm wind loads can dangerously effect on the constructional components whether on roof or front. besides, the low the winds that is caused by a storm are known by their fast movements and massive energy. it can seriously destroy buildings and structures. using the help of an actual planning, construction methods and continently observing, the extent and damage of the storm can be reduce finally, the last image

the pressure distribution along wall roof assumed for design of wind bracing of a building



the first image shows the airflow at the building

Figure3: 1:Civil engineering, wind protection,2012. Figure3: 1Design; Code Consulting; Construction Administration.

for the second image , explain how the wind applies a preusser against the windward wall

Figure3: 2:Civil engineering, wind protection ,2012.

the third image if there any steep roof the inward pressure will act on the windward side of the roof and will not effect on another side just the leeward side

Figure3: 3:Civil engineering, wind protection,2012

Figure3: 4:Civil engineering, wind protection,2012

Figure3: 3:Civil engineering, wind protection,2012



1. INTRODUCTION: Natural ventilation uses the natural forces of wind Buoyancy to introduce fresh air and distribute it effectively in buildings for the benefit of the occupants. Fresh air is required to achieve a healthy, fresh, and Comfortable indoor environment for people to work And live in. Natural ventilation can ensure or support The supply of adequate breathing air, adequate ventilation of contaminants, adequate thermal conditioning and moisture dissipation, and contribute to well-being through a connection to the dynamics of 2. nature.GLOSSARY Ventilation: Provides fresh air into a building to ensure good air quality for occupant health and well-being. Ventilation effectiveness: The ability of a ventilation system to exchange the air in the room and also the ability to remove airborne contaminants. Natural ventilation Use of natural forces, i.e., pressure differences generated by wind or air temperature, to introduce and distribute outdoor air into or out of a buildings. Advanced natural ventilation system (ANV) Integration of basic natural ventilation strategies such as cross ventilation and stack effect with smart control. Hybrid ventilation Combined natural and mechanical ventilation (also called mixedmode ventilation). Solar chimney is an excellent passive ventilation system which relies on natural driving force, that is, the energy from the sun.


1. Ventilation air provides oxygen that is needed for human life processes

2. Ventilation promotes and directs air movement in the space, removing excessive heat and/or moisture essential for comfort and well-being 3. Ventilation air dilutes; the contaminants may be CO2 from respiration, odors secreted through the human skin, cigarette smoke, or emissions from other process such as dust, allergens, aerosols, toxic gases, and particulates in general. Natural Ventilation Design Requirements: The specific approach and design of natural ventilation systems will vary based on building type and local climate. Provide ridge vents A ridge vent is an opening at the highest point in the roof that offers a good outlet for both buoyancy and wind-induced ventilation. Allow for adequate internal airflow In addition to the primary consideration of airflow in and out of the building, airflow between the rooms of the building is important. Consider the use of fan-assisted cooling strategies Determine if the building will benefit from an open- or closed-building ventilation approach. A closed-building approach works well in hot, dry climates where there is a large variation in temperature from day to night.




stack effect

wind tower

courtyard effect

Stack effect or chimney effect: it is the movement of air into and out of buildings, chimneys, flue-gas stacks, or other containers, resulting from air buoyancy.

Figure3: 5: Great Northern Insulation,2020.


Figure3: 6: :archi monarch, Stack ventilation sections ,2020

In winter, warm air inside a building rises . This pressurizes the top of the building, pushing hot air out and sucking cold air in at the bottom.

In winter, warm air inside a building rises . This pressurizes the top of the building, pushing hot air out and sucking cold air in at the bottom.


WIND TOWER: Air enters in wind tower through openings-cooled downbecomes heavier and sinks down ( presence of air movement ) After whole day air exchange tower beomes warm in the evening Tower walls absorbs heat during daytime and relases at night warming cool night Air at night.

▪ ▪






Figure3: 7:archi monarch, different types of wind towers,2020.


- Due to incident solar radiation in courtyard, air gets

warmer and rises, cool air from ground level flows Through the lower

Single-sided single-opening

Single-sided double-



Cross ventilation

opening Figure3: 9 Erin McConahey , The Feasibility of Natural Ventilation , 2019.




Ancient humans may have been affected by air pollution when they set fires in the poorly ventilated Caves, since then, we have started polluting a lot of areas on Earth's surface. Until recently, local and minor environmental. pollution problems were due to the Earth's ability to absorb the property and purify trace amounts of pollutants. Industrialization in society, the introduction of motor vehicles, and the explosion of the population are contributing factors towards the growing air pollution problem. At this time it is necessary to find ways to clean the air. The major air pollutants found in most urban areas are carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, hydrocarbons, These pollutants spread throughout the world's atmosphere in concentrations high enough to gradually cause serious health problems. Sources of air pollution refer to the different locations, activities and factors responsible for the seepage of pollutants into the atmosphere. These sources can be classified into two main types: Human resources (that is, related to human activity). Most of these activities are related to the combustion of different types of fuels. Fixed sources, which include stacks of electric power plants, industrial facilities,

Figure 3: 10: green living detective ,does “reduce ,reuse ,recycle “do anything ,2018

and garbage incinerators.



Moving sources, which include the engines of cars, marine vehicles, and airplanes. Chemicals, dust and directed fire activities that are used in agriculture and forestry management Targeted or intended fires are a method that is sometimes used in forest management, agriculture, green land conservation and greenhouse gas mitigation. It is worth noting that fires are a natural component of both forests and grassland ecosystems.

Fumes from paint, hairspray, aerosols and other solvents.


Disposal of garbage at landfill sites, a process that produces methane gas. Methane is not a toxic gas, but at the same time, it is a highly flammable gas and may lead to the formation of some explosive materials in the air. Methane is also an asphyxiant and may displace oxygen in enclosed spaces. Asphyxiation may occur Dust emitted from some natural sources. Methane, which is emitted from the digestion of food by animals.

Radon gas that is emitted from radioactive decay in the earth's crust. it is a radioactive gas that is formed from the dissolution of radium. Radon gas emitted from natural sources can accumulate inside buildings, Figure 3: 11 :Aralik ,make climate change the highest political commitment ; nation say ,2016.

especially in narrow


spaces such as the basements. It also ranks second in the list of causes of lung cancer, after smoking cigarettes.

Smoke and wildfires.




Figure 3: 12 : tasc, Radioactive discharges from Sizewell C under the microscope in new consultation, 2020.

Volcanic activities that release sulfur, chlorine, and ash particles. So The lack of adequate indoor ventilation helps to concentrate the percentage of polluted air in those places where people spend most of their time.

EFFORTS TO RESIST POLLUTION RISKS There are many modern technologies that are used to control air pollution in addition to the strategies available for land use planning in order to reduce the percentage of air pollution. Land use planning at its most basic level includes zoning and infrastructure transfer planning. In most developed countries, land use planning is a very important part of social policy, which confirms that land is used very effectively for macroeconomic and people benefit, in addition to environmental protection. Efforts to curb pollution from moving sources include setting basic laws.


I. Introduction 1. The Relationship Between Air Pollution And Wind Analysis II. Body 1. Wind Analysis a. Computational Engineering (CWE)


b. Online Wind Simulation c. Analysis







d. Wind Comfort e. External Wind Analysis

f. Internal Wind Analysis 2. Air Pollution a. Effects of Air Pollution b. Types of Air Pollution c. Causes of Air Pollution There is a relationship between air pollution and wind analysis, for example when analyzing the winds of a building site and using natural ventilation is one of the reasons for getting rid of pollution by using it correctly and controlling its movement inside the building. There will be no pollution in the building and this affects people and their health, whether negatively or positively. It depends on the correct use of natural ventilation in the building and getting rid of pollution

WIND ANALYSIS Wind analysis is a very important requirement to present planning to know the effect of wind on the facility, and wind is one of the factors most affected by changing weather patterns seriously, as wind engineering has become very important for all engineers alike through wind analysis.

Wind analysis is considered very important for architects when studying the site. They must analyze the winds to use in a correct and useful way in the building and to avoid serious problems such as placing the parking in front of the building in the direction of the winds, as when a car is burned, it will be in the direction of the wind and the fire increases and the rest of the cars are affected and the fire moves to the building and this is considered Disaster due to ignoring the direction of the winds of the site Computational wind engineering combines structural and mechanical engineering with meteorology and applied physics to study the effect of winds by analysing them.

Computational wind engineering is the analysis of winds by means of computer assistance and the analysis of their effect, to obtain suitable living conditions and the safety of building structures.


Figure 3: 14: force technology ,Computatio Wind Engineering, 2014

ONLINE WIND SIMULATION Simulating winds via the Internet is a very useful technological development. Urban areas have become complex and crowded. Therefore, advances in technology have allowed the creation of tools (computer-aided engineering) to allow users to easily create, improve and test their designs over the Internet.

DIFFERENT TYPES OF WIND ANALYSIS Figure 3:13: force technology ,Computatio Wind Engineering, 2014

There are different types of wind analysis, which is wind analysis to see its effect on building structures, and the other type is wind analysis to obtain natural ventilation and reduce pollution

Figure 3:15: force technology ,Computatio Wind Engineering, 2014


DIFFERENT TYPES OF WIND ANALYSIS There are different types of wind analysis, which is wind analysis to see its effect on building structures, and the other type is wind analysis to obtain natural ventilation and reduce pollution.

WIND COMFORT Wind comfort is one of the branches of wind engineering, and it is devoted to knowing the effect of wind, how it develops, its causes, and how to control it. EXTERNAL WIND ANALYSIS EXTERNAL WIND ANALYSIS: WIND LOADING

Figure 3:17: techbalcony top quality, resist wind pressure in waterproofing in balcony (wind test ),2020.

The wind affects the building structures greatly, especially if the building faรงade is flat and in the direction of the wind, so when the winds are strong, this will affect the structure of the building and may cause vibrations of the building.


INTERNAL WIND ANALYSIS INTERNAL WIND ANALYSIS: POLLUTION CONTROL & NATURAL VENTILATION Every building must have natural ventilation because it is one of the most important reasons for reducing pollution, because when there is natural ventilation and its movement in the interior spaces, there will be no pollution in the place because the air is constantly changing

Figure 3:18: Simscale , Meg Jenkins ,wind analysis : the ultimate guide that will blow you away, 2020.

AIR POLLUTION Air pollution is the exposure of the atmosphere to chemicals, material particles, or biological compounds that cause harm to humans and other living organisms, or lead to damage to the natural environment.

Figure 3:19: news landed ,Bhushan Krishnamurthy, young brains get damaged on getting exposed to air pollution , 2020.

EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTION Pollution is very harmful to all organisms and its effect on human health is very serious and also has a very bad effect on the environment. There are many effects, including: Climate Change - Acid Rain Smog effect - Deterioration of fields Extinction of animal species - Respiratory health problems - Deterioration in building materials - Chemical Sensitivity - Skin Damage


EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTION Pollution is very harmful to all organisms and its effect on human health is very serious and also has a very bad effect on the environment. There are many effects, including: Climate Change - Acid Rain - Smog effect - Deterioration of fields Extinction of animal species Respiratory health problems Deterioration in building materials Chemical Sensitivity - Skin


particulate matter nitrogen dioxide. ozone sulphur dioxide

Figure 3:20: Iuliana Florentina Gheorghe, Global polluants circuit ,2011

CAUSES OF AIR POLLUTION There are many causes of pollution, but I will mention in this research the main causes, which are: The Burning of Fossil Fuels - Industrial Emission Indoor Air Pollution - Wildfires Microbial Decaying Process Transportation - Open Burning of Garbage Waste - Construction and Demolition - Agricultural Activities Use of chemical and synthetic products.

Figure 3:21: Jason Hill is a fellow of the Institute on the Environment, which publishes Ensia.


It is very important to preserve the structures of buildings and the health of the population and provide a healthy and adequate place to live and this can be provided by wind, as this can be done when analyzing and benefiting from it and eliminating pollution, and there must be awareness of the dangers of pollution and the way to reduce it because it is very dangerous to the health of living organisms And the environment in general.

KINETIC ARCHITECTURE architecture allows buildings to perform beyond their intended purpose and also mean that the building designed to move and also allowed parts of structural to move without reducing overall structural integrity so in my opinion this the important thing in kinetic architecture for specific circumstances such as: enhance its aesthetic qualities; respond to environmental conditions; and perform functions that would be impossible for a static structure. the kinetic architecture not just in building it also can be in bridges that can rise allowing ships to pass here's some examples, to learn about the kinetic architecture more

Figure 3:23: YAZDANI STUDIO,2020 .

it's designed by CannonDesign in my opinion it’s a successful design the design about the façade for the threetower CJ Blossom Park complex in South Korea the materials was an aluminum scrim of curved, perforated panels that moved based on the sun or clouds outside


Abraj Al Bahr is a unique project also called Towers Dancing with the Sun, and overlooks the capital of the United Arab Emirates at a height of 145 meters, which makes it exceptional it's an eco-friendly and I appreciate it , The British agency Aedas Architects has partially covered the façades with a double skin of removable panels controlled by a computer which an wonderful idea because if there climate change they can stop for working : that open and close according to the needs and the sun’s course, thus limiting the use of air conditioning and artificial lighting of offices in broad daylight.

Figure 3:24: photos : Christian Richters

Figure 3:25: BY JAMES BILLINGTON ,2019.

lastly for the huge project the MercedesBenz Stadium in Atlanta, it has 70,000 seats. and for many people including myself it is the most innovative stadium in the world. and there’s a many reason why this project is a successful and the main reason is a gigantic roof that magically opens, the architectural firm HOK designed a retractable roof made up of eight translucent triangular panels which, once opened, give the impression of being spread bird wings. Another special feature is a glass wall that can be opened at the same time as the roof in order to aerate the stadium it helps when there is a change in the climate the game will not stopped



Figure 3:27: Francesco Maldera ,2020

Figure 3:26: Building and Environment , volume 153 ,2019


Figure 3:28: images by photographer Laurian Ghinitoiu .



YEAR:2017 LOCATED: IN CHINA Inspired by traditional Chinese weaving that helps withstand earthquakes, and severe weather. the moving veil creates a unique backdrop

Figure 3:29: images by photographer Laurian Ghinitoiu .




Figure 3:30:Lilly Cao ,arch daily ,2019.



Figure 3:31: Autodesk , Creating a Shadow in Abu Dhabi: Al Bahr Towers Adaptive Architecture,2017 Figure 3:32: Autodesk , Creating a Shadow in Abu Dhabi: Al Bahr Towers Adaptive Architecture,2017


Figure 3:33: Karen Cilento, arch daily ,2012.



Figure 3:34Campus Kolding, Kolding, Denmark. Architect: Henning Larsen Architects, 2015.

Figure3: 35: Campus Kolding, Kolding, Denmark. Architect: Henning Larsen Architects, 2015.


Figure 3:36:archdaily ,photograph by : Parham Taghioff, Mandana Mansouri, Salar Motahari, Majid Jahangiri,2014.



Figure 3:37:archdaily ,Sharifi-ha House / Next Office–Alireza Taghaboni,2014

FIVE PRINCIPLES CATEGORIZE : Basic options how architecture can deal with wind: Minimum resistance, Concentration, Diffusion, Deflection and Materialization.

Figure 3:38:



Figure 3:42: A place to review and voice opinion and insight on the development of environment,2017

Figure 3:43: A place to review and voice opinion and insight on the development of environment,2017.




Figure 3:45: AD Classics: Centre Culturel Jean-Marie Tjibaou / Renzo Piano,1998.

Figure 3:46: AD Classics: Centre Culturel Jean-Marie Tjibaou / Renzo Piano,1998.

MATERIALIZATION The skeletons made of plastic yellow tubes are constructed. The element of wind is materialized in this project and transformed into something that looks almost alive.

Figure 3:47: Theo Jansen on his passion for developing strandbeests into ever evolving creatures, by Rahul Kumar ,2020.




INTRODUCTION What Is Humidity?

Urban water:

Ever heard the state 'It's not the warm, it's the humidity'? Individuals say this since stickiness, which is the sum of water vapor within the discuss, can make hot temperatures indeed more agonizing than they as of now are. Mugginess is really a broad term, and we are able portray distinctive sorts of stickiness in several ways. Humidity is a vital thing to get it since it affects both climate and climate as well as worldwide climate alter. Stickiness too influences indoor situations, so understanding it can assist you decide the leading put to store your books, clothing and other imperative things in your house

Urban water management takes into thought the entire water cycle, facilitates the integration of water variables early within the arrive arranging handle, and energizes all levels of government and industry to embrace water administration and urban arranging hones that advantage the community, the economy and the environment. Urban water alludes to all water that happens within the urban environment and incorporates thought of normal surface water and groundwater, water given for consumable utilize, sewage and other 'waste' waters, stormwater, surge administrations, reusing of water (third pipe, stormwater gathering, sewer mining, overseen aquifer revive, etc.), procedures to make strides water utilize effectiveness and diminish requests, water touchy urban plan methods, living streams, natural water and security of natural wetlands, conduits and estuaries in urban landscapes. The point of urban water administration is to make cities and towns that are versatile, habitable, profitable and economical. They interact with the urban hydrological cycle in ways that


Humid is the state of air when it’s full of water vapor. Humidity is the thing shape of the descriptive word humid, which is utilized to portray wet air—air that’s full of water vapor. Humidity is most commonly utilized in reference to climate or the common climate of a put, particularly when the temperature is hot.

• provide water security through productive utilize of the different water sources available • protect and reestablish the wellbeing of conduits and wetlands -mitigate surge chance and damage • create open and private places that collect, clean and reuse water, coming about in water asset, natural and social live ability benefits. • provide water for beneficial, feasible, habitable and flexible communities


Water infrastructure for a sustainable urban development: Alternative wastewater infrastructure at neighborhood level: Rainwater is utilized to supply neighborhood waters, for the water system or is penetrated. Can wastewater (blackwater) be getting to a biogas or composting plant rather than entering the blended water transfer and household wastewater without latrine water (greywater) is treated and can be reused for can flushing or other household purposes whereas experiencing warm recuperation.


Example An example of an innovative system arrangement that empowers the change of the existing water framework is appeared in Figure 1. The partitioned collection of greywaters (moo sullied wastewater created amid showering and hand washing or from the washing machine and in a few cases from the kitchen sink) permits an uncomplicated treatment and warm recuperation. After all, the normal water temperature clears out the building at 22°C. The recouped warm is utilized to warm

drinking water and to back warming spaces within the house. The treated greywater can at that point be utilized for can flushing, for the washing machine, to inundate green spaces or to supply an adjacent water body. The blackwater (wastewater from toilets) is transported with negligible water substance through vacuum or overabundance weight. Its natural fabric can produce vitality by the implies of a biogas plant or substrate for soil by a composting office. As for the water administration, green roofs or retention basins (that are as of now as often as possible utilized) vanish or leak the larger part of the water locally. All these conceivable outcomes appear the tremendous plan possibilities: water, filtered greywater and blackwater can be utilized for green spaces and open waterways, which in turn deliver nourishment (urban cultivating, urban cultivating), make, keep up and extend recreational ranges (parks), secure environment administrations and secure against the impacts of climate alter (dry seasons, warm waves, surges, strongly precipitation).


Control function: to the in general execution of the envelope. The control work alludes to the capacity of a building envelope to control and direct the trade of mass (discuss and dampness) and vitality (warm and sound) due to the division of insides and outside environments. A building envelope includes a set of useful prerequisites that must be met, and the control capacities are a subcategory of these in general functional necessities. In terms of the control function, the main reason of the building envelope is to preserve a specific, comfortable inside climate in spite of changing conditions within the outside environment. Its reason is to create a building comfortable and livable.


Controlling Moisture: Controlling moisture is one of the most important functions that the building envelope serves, since the hurtful impacts of water in building materials is broad. Shape and spoil are two destructive impacts • of .dampness interruption in a house. In spite of the fact that in numerous occurrences the water by itself isn't hurtful (as it were when combined with other impacts) it is crucial to control water and dampness interior a building to avoid expensive repairs and progress adequacy of separator endeavors. For this reason, tending to the dampness in building walled in areas for the most part takes priority over other measures. Since water more often than not gets into the domestic through discuss streams, diffusion, or warm exchange it is exceptionally straightforward to control dampness. Appropriately fixing breaks and ways that discuss can come in anticipates damp discuss from entering the domestic. Choosing viable building materials for siding and separator makes a difference anticipate rain or damp discuss from entering the domestic As well, the use of vapor barriers in walls avoids water coming in through dissemination. At long last, slanting of the ground absent from the establishment and the correct utilize of weatherstripping and caulking in fenestration anticipates overabundance water from entering the home. Experience demonstrates the control of dampness development is most crucial. When this can be fulfilled, the other control necessities are either at the same time fulfilled, or more effectively satisfied.


The causes or the reasons for humidity Household activities such as cooking, washing, drying clothes inside and using unfluted gas heaters, as well as peoples’ breathing, provide the primary sources of moisture that cause humidity indoors.

Other sources of moisture may also include: •

water leakage through building envelope.


damp ground conditions under suspended timber floors.

retained construction moisture, i.e., moisture retained in building materials such as timber framing, concrete floors and plaster, after installation.

Controlling humidity Internal humidity can be controlled by:

removing moisture at source, for example, using an extract fan in the bathroom, using a rangehood in the kitchen, venting a dryer to the outside and using only externally vented gas heaters.

passive ventilation by opening windows. BRANZ testing has found that opening windows wide for just 10–15 minutes each day can lower moisture levels inside a house.

raising indoor temperatures by effective insulation and heating. Data from BRANZ research shows that houses heated to 18˚C experience far fewer periods of high humidity.

occupants not drying clothes on racks inside.

plumbing leaks

To prevent moisture from the space under a floor getting into the building and increasing the levels of internal moisture: •

ensure there is good ventilation under suspended timber floors – clear openings of 3500 mm2 per square meter of floor area must be provided.

cover the ground with a vapor barrier such as polyethylene sheet where there is high ground water content under the building or where sufficient underfloor ventilation cannot be provided.


Techniques used to prevent humidity -HVAC System -Passive Cooling -Draught proofing •

Draught proofing, or sealing up gaps and cracks, will minimize the amount of heat entering your home and reduce your cooling bills.

-Window design, orientation and coverings •


-Fixed horizontal shading devices, such as eaves and pergolas, are ideal for shading north-facing windows. -Adjustable external shading, such as blinds, awnings, roller-shutters and conventional shutters, are also suitable for shading north-facing windows in summer. The external shading should be adjustable to allow the sun in during the winter months and on cooler summer days.



HVAC System




Passive Cooling



Window design, orientation and coverings

Figure 6


Figure 7


The work or the performance of roof pon It can be assessed in terms of thermal emittance, solar reflectance or solar reflectance index that measure both emittance . and reflectance.


Figure9 Types of roof ponds 1-Uncovered pond with sprays 2-Covered without sprays 3-Skytherm 4-Walkable pond 5-Energy roof 6-Wet gunny bags 7-Coolroof

8-Cool-pool 9-Ventilated roof pond 10-Shaded pond

Figure10 67

Measuring Humidity Levels: Levels of humidity are estimated utilizing an instrument called a hygrometer. A basic hygrometer is known as a psychrometer which comprises a dry bulb and a wet bulb thermometer. Vanishing from the wet bulb brings down its temperature in this manner typically peruses lower than the dry bulb. Anyway, when air temperature is underneath freezing the wet bulb might be shrouded in ice giving it a hotter perusing than the dry bulb. Relative humidity is estimated utilizing the encompassing temperature as appeared by the dry bulb thermometer and the distinction in the temperature appeared on the wet bulb. Relative humidity can likewise be estimated by putting the crossing point of the wet and dry bulb on a psychrometric graph. A gadget called the sling psychrometer utilizes the wet and dry bulb strategy to quantify humidity. Surrounding humidity can likewise be estimated utilizing different sorts of basic hygrometers.




A large number of these meters utilize a creature or human hair put under pressure and others record the humidity on a bit of graduated paper so qualities can be perused off a diagram. More current instruments utilize electronic methods for recording the data, the 2 most normal electronic sensors are capacitive sensors which sense water by applying an AC signal between 2 plates and measuring the adjustment in capitaine because of the measure of water present. Resistive sensors utilize a polymer layer that changes conductivity as per ingested water. Temperature should likewise be estimated with these meters as it influences the adjustment. Hygrometers can be utilized in numerous spots including industry, green houses, saunas, and humidors.


Air Humifying: A humidifier is a gadget, fundamentally an electrical apparatus, that expands humidity (dampness) in a solitary room or a whole structure. In the home, purpose of-utilization humidifiers are regularly used to humidify a solitary room, while entire house or heater humidifiers, which interface with a home's HVAC framework, give humidity to the whole house. Clinical ventilators regularly incorporate humidifiers for expanded patient solace. Huge humidifiers are utilized in business, institutional, or mechanical settings, frequently as a feature of a bigger HVAC framework. Low humidity may happen in hot, dry desert atmospheres, or inside in misleadingly warmed spaces. In winter, particularly when cold external air is warmed inside, the humidity may drop to as low as 10–20%. This low humidity can cause antagonistic wellbeing impacts, by drying out mucous films, for example, the covering of the nose and throat, lead to a wheezing issue, and can cause respiratory distress. The low humidity additionally can influence wooden furnishings, causing shrinkage and free joints or breaking of pieces. Books, papers, and works of art may therapist or twist and become fragile in low humidity.


Figure15 69

Case Study

Figure16 Abstract: This paper will present case studies of the investigations exhibiting moisture control problems along the Gulf Coast. We will briefly discuss the original, or existing, conditions that led to our involvement, as well as analysis of the problems, and recommendations for correction. the project will be classified as full airconditioned building in a hot, humid climate, and subject to the problems and design issues concomitant with these types of projects The case study was a new premanufactured residence located in the pine woods of Southeast Texas. The residence had been occupied for two summers when the occupants began to complain of adverse health effects. Indoor air quality testing revealed the presence of mold spores, which prompted the residents to vacate the premises to allow appropriate remediation. Our investigation occurred simultaneously with the remediation and allowed us to determine the sources of moist air infiltration that had resulted in the wall condensation and mold growth.

scheme without making alternative provisions for code stipulated ventilation rates. The vapor retarder installed on the bottom side of the floor joists provided appropriate resistance to the predominately inward vapor drive and eliminated the concealed condensation previously experienced at this project. These corrective measures were implemented during the summer of 1999.


Construction: of this pre-manufactured residence consisted of typical materials with a steel framed base, typical platform wood framing, and exterior ribbed vinyl siding installed over 7/16" thick oriented strand board with unknown weather barrier or underlayment. The walls were common 2 x 4 studs with fiberglass batt insulation, which had been provided with a kraft facer and friction fit between the studs. Interior finishes consisted of 3/8" thick gypsum board that had been prefinished using a heavy vinyl wall covering. The entire floor assembly had been provided with a reinforced plastic vapor retarder installed between the metal framing and wood framing of the floor system. Although this component of the home construction was predominately intact, we observed several anomalies that would have violated its integrity and effectiveness. The roof system was comprised of three-tab composite shingles installed over 7/16" thick roof deck that was supported by pre-fabricated gangnailed wooden trusses.


Natural Light


Lighting Studies. https://80.lv/articles/lighting-studies-in-ue4/


HEGE in France . https://www.hegeinfrance.com/roof-windowsincreased-natural-light/

INTRODUCTION The scientific basis of the luminous environment and how to shade, redirect, and frame natural light for a variety of purposes and user needs. He explains how to reduce energy use and costs and maximize the effective use of natural light through building design. The sun lighting design process is examined from the site through interior stages. Integration of building systems and architectural design with sun lighting equipment is covered; programming, analysis, computer models, and post-occupancy evaluation are stressed. Twenty-five case studies illustrate a range of in-place projects. Natural light creates a comfortable environment, improves concentration and it is beneficial for health, as it is a good source of vitamin D and helps in regulating the body clock, it also reduces energy consumption.

Day-lightning Fixtures : There are a lot of daylighting fixtures including Light reflectors, Atrium, tubular lights, Redirection devices, daylightresponsive electric lighting controls‌.etc. Windows and Skylight being the most common fixtures.


Natural light is the light produced naturally, the sun being the most common source of it.

Natural light comes into the building from 3 sources: As it has been proven to increase the health and comfort of the occupants and reduces energy consumption, a technique called Day-lightning, is encouraged to be used. Day-lightning is a Technique in which that natural light comes into the building efficiently by placing openings such as windows or skylights, and reflective surfaces.

1/ Direct Sunlight : direct light from the sun. 2/ External Reflection : light reflecting off of external surfaces

3/ Internal Reflection : light reflecting off of internal surfaces (walls, ceiling.. etc).


THE VISUAL COMFORT Visual comfort is the right amount of light that falls smoothly into the eye without straining it. To achieve visual comfort, natural light must be supplemented with artificial light. To reach the visual success, the following must be taken into account: • Flash rate • Glow level • Light blindness • Color representations • Low reflection • uniform light distribution Improving the number and location of openings in the building envelope to control the intensity of natural light Levels of light or sharp contrast "whether too little or too much" affect human behavior, by means of (what enters through our eyes affects the health of our bodies and minds, affects our biological clock (sleep and wakefulness), heart rate, and the functioning of our organs and our mental state.). When designing for visual comfort, natural light takes priority.

Figure 5-73:glass architizer.com, glass wall

The effect of visual comfort on humans: • •

Health and well-being Increased awareness "during the day" • Improving sleep patterns • Reducing the risk of depression • It generates energy savings by reducing the use of artificial energy. In conclusion comfort highly depends on natural light, therefore we must use the natural light as much as possible.

Figure 5- 75: Natural light for health and well-being edyza.com, Natural light for health and well-being

Figure 5-74: Children Reading ideas twitter.com, Children Reading ideas


Windows An opening in a wall, door, or a roof that allows light, air, and sound into the building Windows come in a variety of size, shape, and functionality Fixed : A window that can not be opened, its only function is to allow light into the building and provide a nice view for the occupants. Louver : Horizontal slats that are angled to allow light and air in, and limits the vision from outside to provide privacy. Single-hung sash : A window with only one movable sash, and the other sash is fixed.

Skylight Types

Open Skylight : Unglazed opening Fixed: Fixed glazing, allowing only light in Opérable : Uses a hinged sash, a venting unit. Rétractable : Used for maximum fresh air, circulation and view. Pavement lights : A walk-on skylights. Materials used for Skylights : -Glass -Plastic we can achieve that by designing the direction of the room's openings taking into account the specific use of each area.

Double-hung sash : A window made of one or more movable sashes. And Hopper, Awning, Eyebrow, Fold-up, Horizontal sliding sash, Tilt and slide, Tilt and turn, Casement, Cross-window, Pivot, Transom, Clerestory, Stained glass….. etc. Material for windows ls used : • • • • •

Wood Vinyl Composite Aluminum Fiberglass

Figure 5-76: advantage of the natural prettyingreen.com, advantage of the light, November 07, 2019

light . natural

Skylights Skylight : A structure that forms all or part of the roof space of a building to allow sunlight in. Uses of Skylights : -Daylighting -Visual aesthetic -sustainable building

Figure 5-77 : Reflection of Natural light movement velux.com, Reflection of Natural light movement


The physiological aspect of VISUAL COMFORT:

Divided into - light sources (artificial / natural), light distribution within space (color, intensity) and perception. The light has a direct effect on the biological functions of the human being as the light emits "whether natural or artificial" from the energy of propagation in a limited range of wavelengths "that includes between infrared and ultraviolet rays, and the eye receives it as light. The eye perceives the light." By the amount of radiant energy that passes through it and its spectrum.

The socio-psychological aspect of VISUAL COMFORT: Figure 5-78: Design Example adcitymag.ru, Types of natural light

Visual comfort is divided into: The physical aspect of VISUAL COMFORT It is a person's reaction to the amount of light in a specific area and time, depending on the levels of ambient light. The light levels vary according to the display time, the type of light, the person’s age, and the color of the eyes. For example, lighter eyes are more sensitive. VISUAL COMFORT encompasses a variety of aspects, such as aesthetic quality, lighting ambiance and view: • Views of outside space and • connected to nature • Light quality • Luminosity • Absence of glare There are studies were they divided people into two groups, the first group was of those who worked in an office without windows and with adequate lighting, while the second group were people who worked in an office with natural lighting, the results showed that the second group had a lighter mood, and were more productive.

Culture and human history value visual and visual environments Light and visual environments have a long history and culture in humans, and differ based on age and culture. For example, the favorite colors in lighting are different in Asia than in Europe. Light independence is determined by location, orientation, window shade, position, as well as window-to-floor ratio and visible light transmission to the glass. to be successful, the principles of effective balance of all variables must be achieved: Window-to-Floor Ratio(WFR): • It is the process of calculating the relationship between apertures and area. • The area of the openings is divided by the total area associated with them. • It should not be less than 17%, which is most appropriate Visible Light Transmission (VLT): • It is the amount of visible light that passes through the glass, allowing 50% to enter and blocking the rest. • Helps to control the amount of light entering and add protection "blinds”. .


Visual Comfort Success Factors: Window-to-Floor Ratio(WFR): • It is the process of calculating the relationship between apertures and area • The area of the openings is divided by the total area associated with them • It should not be less than 17%, which is most appropriate Visible Light Transmission (VLT): • It is the amount of visible light that passes through the glass, allowing 50% to enter and blocking the rest. • Helps to control the amount of light entering and add protection "blinds”. • Finally, we can say that visual comfort depends entirely on natural daylight, which is what our eyes adapt to directly and naturally.

It is the second most important standard in our environments and helps us feel a sense of psychological and social balance. variance & glare: The room light should be comfortable for users and not obstruct their ability to see, allowing them to move easily at all times. Lighting conditions: contrast, glare, brightness, and flicker differ. If one of them is not suitable, then a negative effect on the visual apparatus may occur: headache, eye irritation, fatigue. Lighting differences: 1:10 -> Suitable for daylight, the eye accepts variations in natural lighting, unlike artificial lighting 1: 20 to 1: 40 --> Glow induces, as eyes adapt to higher glare and it is difficult for the user to perceive details in the dark or less lit area.

Figure 5-79: How to Design for Visual Comfort Using Natural Light saintgobain.com,How to Design for Visual Comfort Using Natural Light

Types of glare: Disability glare: It is the effect of scattered light in the eye, which reduces vision and visual performance. Glare occurs when it is in the field of view It is fixed before it becomes a problem Discomfort glare: The effect is distracting, annoying, and often ineffective. Affected by the internal environment "windows, interior surface Reflections or veiling glare: t occurs in the display areas of "paper" tasks and screens. Reduces contrast between background and foreground, reducing visibility.


Source of glare: the sun , bright sky, the clouds and reflective surface. To reduce the incidence of glare, shading devices such as Venetian blinds, awnings, panel blinds and roller blinds should be used, but the specific material characteristics should be taken into consideration. Finally, we conclude that the glare depends on the design, especially the daylight, because if the design is good, it will give us a light without glare. But if the opposite happens, it will provide insufficient lighting, and thus the user will be directed to use artificial lighting that produces glare.

Figure 5- 81: sources of glare supervisor.store, sources of glare, May 2018 Discomfort glare results in an instinctive desire to look away from a bright light source or difficulty in seeing a task. It generally does not impair visibility but causes an uncomfortable sensation. It increases when the light source is facing the observer

Figure 5- 80: Luminance map of a task area showing sun patches causing glare (left), Luminance map of task area showing glare control with external solar shading (right).


Natural Light Components Natural light is balance for gaining and losing heat carefully with controlling the glare and variation in availability of daylight. Also, adequate natural light should be provided for a specific area without causing unwanted side effects. And to successfully utilize daylight, shading must be used to reduce excessive contrast and glare.

There are three separate components of natural light :

Clear sky

1/ / Sky Component 2/ Externally Reflected Component (ERC). 3/ Internally Reflected Component (IRC). Sky Component: Sky component also known as vertical sky component, is the light which comes directly from the sky, it is often expressed as a percentage, so it is the ratio of daylight that falling on vertical surface to daylight available under an unobstructed sky. It varies from 0.01 to 15 %. The sky component usually refers to the diffused sky not direct sunlight.

Cloudy sky

There are different conditions for sky: Clear sky: sky that is less than 30% cloud cover . Overcast sky: sky completely covered by clouds . Cloudy sky : sky have more than 70% cloud cover. The conditions for the sky will effect on the quantity of the daylight.

Overcast sky Figure 5-82 : conditions for sky ( Lighting design in architecture) photospublicdomain.com, financialexpress.com, conditions for sky


Sky component depend on: 1/ width of window. 2/ distance between the point and window

Figure 5-83: natural light components. ( Lighting design in architecture) nzeb.in, natural light components

Figure 5-84: natural light components ( Lighting design in architecture) slideplayer.com,natural light components

Externally Reflected Component : Externally Reflected Component : The sunlight reflected from an exterior surface like building, walls or trees.

Analysis light :


Daylight is an important element of architecture and designing since the benefits of it are constantly being uncovered like daylight improves learning in school, improves recovery rates in hospitals, improves productivity in workplaces, and improves psychological wellbeing nearly everywhere as well there are energy benefits that provides. So that was the reason of daylight being an important element in the stage of designing buildings despite of the variation in functions of spaces. Luminance is a photometric measure of the luminous intensity per unit area of light travelling in a given direction. For the qualified design of natural lighting designer should consider some important points like : -Place knowledge. -Distribution of reflected light in the internal environment. -Reflection of light coming from external structures and environment. -Cloudiness ratio and time frame. .

These points should be considered when analysis the daylight in designing areas to avoid the unwanted situations like the reflection of the glare when it effects on the materials used on the faรงade to the interior can create visual discomfort so when follow these points will avoid this problem.

Internally Reflected Component: The inter reflection of sky component and externally component off surfaces within the room.


Ways of analyzing natural light Grid Based ( often work plane) : Used to determine lighting levels and balance. 3D view: Used to look at lighting balance and potential glare

Figure 5-86 : 3D view (Climate Analysis)

Figure 5-85: grid based( Climate Analysis)


Measuring Daylight The way of calculated the daylight component: The ratio of daylighting illumination indoors and outdoors expressed as percentage. For Clear Sky :

Daylight simulation tools : These tools used to evaluate the quantity and distribution of daylight in a place. Here examples for some tools: Simulation tools like Daylight Visualizer used by the professionals to make decisions about the daylight and how to design the building . below shows a luminance rendering with photo-realistic and false color images.

DF = Sk + ERC + IRC Sk : sky component Erc : Externally Reflected Component Irc : Internally Reflected Component For Cloudy Sky : DF : Ei/E0 * 100 % Ei : illuminance due to daylight at a point on the indoors. E0: simultaneous outdoor illuminance on horizontal plane from an unobstructed hemisphere of overcast sky .

When the DF ( Daylight Factor) average is exceed the 2 % or more can be considered as a daylight room but at the same time the room itself will need electric lighting to perform visual tasks. As wall as , when the DF ( Daylight Factor) average is 5 % or more , in this situation the room will not need an electric lighting during the day light.

Figure 5-87 : Drawing showing the values measured by the daylight factor method (the internal and external daylighting (unobstructed) . (Daylight calculations and measurements). Drawing showing the values measured by the ،velux.com daylight factor method

Figure5-88 : Luminance rendering of Sunlight House shown with photo-realistic and false color images velux.com ،Daylight simulation tools

Velux Daylight Visualizer is a simulation tool for analysis the daylighting in a building. It has a quick and easy interface, users can use it easily.

Figure 5-89 : Section views of a luminance rendering showing the effects of VELUX Modular Skylights in the atrium space of an office building (Daylight simulation tools) Velux Daylight ،velux.com


Figure 5-90: Screenshots of VELUX Daylight Visualizer (Daylight simulation tools) velux.com ،Velux Daylight

Illuminance Illuminance is the measure of the amount of light received on the surface. It is typically expressed in lux (lm/m2). The Illuminance can measured with a lux meter , shown in figure 5-92 or by using the simulations tools in computer like Velux Daylight Visualizer. Figure5-93 shows an example of an illuminance rendering.

Figure 5- 92: Lux meter (Daylight calculations and measurements). velux.com, Lux meter

Figure5-93: Illuminance diagram (Daylight calculations and measurements). velux.com Illuminance diagram

Figure 5-94: Illuminance rendering of Maison Air et Lumière (Daylight calculations and measurements). velux.com, Illuminance rendering of Maison Air et Lumièr

Figure 5- 91: illuminance table value (Daylight calculations and measurements) velux.com, illuminance table value


Luminance: Luminance is the measure of the amount of light reflected or emitted from a surface. It is typically expressed in cd/m². Luminance can measure by luminance meter, shown in figure 5-95 or by using high dynamic range (HDR) imaging techniques together with a digital camera and luminance mapping software (e.g. Photolux), example shown in Figure 5-96.

Figure 5- 95: Luminance meter (Daylight calculations and measurements ). velux.com , Luminance

Figure5- 96: Cool pix camera and fisheye lens used to create luminance maps. (Daylight calculations and measurements). velux.com , Luminance

Figure5- 97: Luminance diagram (Daylight calculations and measurements).

. Figure5- 99 : luminance table value (Daylight calculations and measurements) velux.com , luminance table value

Figure5- 98: Luminance map showing the distribution of luminance values in Atika, a concept house by VELUX, under overcast sky conditions (Daylight calculations and measurements). velux.com , luminance table value


Building Orientation :

Distribution Of Natural Light As the desire for sustainable design grows, passive strategies such as daylighting have been adopted in the design process, and with todays tools it has been easier to tame daylight than ever. Passive daylighting is a strategy that assist the quantity and even distribution of daylight throughout the building, by using the sunlight to its fullest potential without any special mechanical equipment or energy sources. Architects customize passive daylighting strategies depending on the building use and location, here are some design elements that architects use to maximize the natural light inside the buildings :

The direction in which the light comes from is important, and we most take it in consideration while designing, for example rooms that are most lively should be facing the south or north since sunlight is consistent throughout the day and year in these orientations, while rooms that are the least lively such as a storage should face the east or west because the light coming from this orientations is harsh and best be avoided. Windows : The most common daylighting fixture, and to maximize the natural light in a building, architects use large or a lot of windows. Skylights : Useful in places where light coming from the windows cannot reach, such as the middle of a building. Clerestories : Clerestories can light up an entire room, usually combined with reflective walls or roof to spread the light throughout the room. External Shading System : At each orientation at certain time of the day, the light will be too bright and to prevent a glare custom external shadings are used Light Shelves: A reflective shelf above windows to reduce glare and direct light. Wall Color : light and dark colors reflect the light differently. Factors Affecting of Natural Light


1-Type of Window : Day light penetration is determined by window type 2-Type of Glass : Different glasses exhibits distinct energy-performance 3-Position of the Sun : The position of the sun in the sky is always subjected to certain changes throughout the seasons which effects the availability of daylight.


Case Study LMN Offices Location: Seattle, Washington

Project size : Renovated area: 26,000 square fee

Selected awards: 2015 Lighting Controls Innovation Award Lighting Controls Association, 12/17/15 Figure 5-100: : LMN office building

Introduction: When the team redesigned the offices, they wanted to create a design that would allow the sunlight to enter as much as possible, as they reserved a large area from the perimeter of each floor to allow the entry of sunlight and daylight through the 10-meter-high windows, The team provided comfort and efficiency through numerous researches where they did the research into data-driven design methods, a finely tuned system of automatic sunshades responds to daylight sensors, programmed to optimize light levels for a balance of useful daylight without glare and heat gain.

Also, they used a light lifting technique to study the best case of the place. Work was completed in several stages to ensure efficiency to reduce the disruption of the work currency or the lack of completion of the area well.

Working in combination with automatic overhead lighting dimmers, the system reduces our electrical lighting needs by 58%. In addition, occupancy sensors installed throughout the workstations constantly monitor temperature, humidity, light, and sound, enabling a post-occupancy process of fine tuning mechanical/electrical systems for optimal comfort and efficiency


Sunlight study We studied the sun during summer and winter time. The times were chosen to be at the beginning of the day, the middle and at sunset. We notice that the sun’s rays enter through the facades throughout the day and this helped a lot by using the sun’s rays instead of internal lighting.

The design of the interior space in a way that allows sunlight to enter the largest possible area. A study of techniques:

Before starting to think about work and technologies, the place was completely redesigned, as they demolished rooms and closed spaces, and relied on open spaces and glass rooms.

Figure 5- 103: Demonstrate automatic shading systems created a large useful daylight zone and provided better glare control than a light shelf or pairing the light shelf with manual shades.

Awnings technology was used on the windows and linked to light-sensing devices so that automatic control was made to raise and descend the delusions. It was distributed on all windows. This technique proved successful in places near the windows, but it was not effective in the interior of the building, so other techniques were used light shelf. Figure 5-101 : Sunlight Study

Figure5- 104:Images courtesy of LMN Architects

Figure 5-102: The design of the interior space in a way that allows sunlight to enter the largest possible area



The useful daylight zone indicates the area that benefits from daylight and makes up %90of the working day's time With this technique, their places of placement were studied, where they were installed on all the front windows, and the other was installed on the side windows, but it was lowered slightly so that the sunlight was controlled and distributed to the interior spaces. This technique has proven its effectiveness as it succeeded in reducing the working hours of indoor lighting by 90% and making use of the sun's rays more, but there has become a problem facing which is the entry of the sun's rays strongly all the time.




The final results: With light shelf without shading Useful daylight illumination (udi):


daylighting illuminance >10fc and The two technologies were combined to obtain better results, as the results proved the success of the two technologies together and the lighting was greatly improved LMN installed automated shades with local sensors throughout the entire office. Figure 5-108: LMN installed automated shades (with local sensors) throughout the entire office

There are several methods for measuring glare this study uses dgp: (daylight glare probability). this uses daylight simulations combined with luminance contrast assessments. Figure5-106


Questions: •

Does a light shelf provide adequate glare control?

Where should desks be located based on day lighting levels?

How much ‘daylight autonomy’ can we expect? Answers:

No, additional measures necessary

Near windows, not too near.


54% of the electric lights necessary

year not


Conclusion In this research we have focused on the importance of natural light, considering it as a basic material in architecture that gives warmth and influences the perception of space, among others.




INTRODUCTIO N An earth-to-air heat exchanger draws ventilation supply air through buried ducts or tubes. As the temperature of the ground below 3m is practically constant, it substantially reduces ambient air temperature fluctuations. It therefore provides space conditioning throughout the year, with the incoming air being heated in the winter and cooled in the summer by means of earth coupling.

System options Systems can be driven by natural stack ventilation, but usually require mechanical ventilation. In some cases air is circulated via air handling units, allowing filtering and supplementary heating/cooling. Earth-to-air heat exchangers are suited to mechanically ventilated buildings with a moderate cooling demand, located in climates with a large temperature differential between summer and winter, and between day and night.

Size and output The optimum pipe length is a function of pipe diameter and air velocity. Small pipe diameters of between 200 and 300mm are thermally more efficient. Pipes should be buried at a minimum depth of 2m and separated by 1-2m to allow heat dissipation. The optimum air velocity is typically 2m/s. The ground temperature is based on ‘undisturbed’ conditions. When the ducts are installed beneath the building, or even within a built up area, this will be affected substantially. The effect that the duct has on the ground temperature also needs to be considered. Optimisation of the design requires a complete thermal simulation of the system. In principle, these are low-cost systems – the excavation is the major part of the installation cost. Maintenance is minimal, but regular

Ground temperature distribution


Energy potential estimation in a built environment,

Soil temperature:

Soil temperature is the measurement of the temperature of the soil, its measure how hot or cold the soil, when the temperature go up 10 C or down, we expect biological activity that will happen in the soil for example, the plants or any life in the soil will be dead. Soil temperature is the factor that drives germination, blooming, composting, and a variety of other processes. Now when we talk about the built environment in the same topic we can refers to it as the human-made surroundings that provide the setting for human activity, ranging in scale from buildings and parks or green space to neighborhoods and cities that can often include their supporting infrastructure, such as water supply or energy networks. The built environment is a material, spatial, and cultural product of human labor that combines physical elements and energy in forms for living, working, and playing. It has been defined as “the human-made space in which people live, work, and recreate on a day-to-day basis�. It’s the places that have been created by the people and the lifestyle in the city or how the government decides how life will be in that city either to be as a village or a modern city. Its developed to satisfy the human requirements or the human needs.


The consideration of the climate and its importance. Just as the animals and plants adapted to the surrounding environment, the building does. In this adapting process, there are some points to take account of

Site Analysis: It is so important to understand the ramifications of the building through site analysis. This analysis includes taking a comprehensive analysis view of the site and its suitability for the internal and external building foundation.

Sun direction: The cardinal directions should be considered in choosing the place of the building in order to maximize the amount of sun that heats space in the winter and reducing the sun heat in the summer.

As it shows in the above figure that there’s a malty force that affects how the people live in the city or we can say that it affects the Built environment. This lifestyle is affecting the nature and affecting population which a lot of governance and institution are fighting and trying to find solution to not harm the greenhouse and nature cause the built environment is raising the tempura in the world cause of the global warming that is effected from building energy that generate carbon dioxide emissions, that raise the temperature will in the same time regarding our concept will affect the soil temperature will that will make the life disappear in the soil and will make the greenhouse also vanish.

Windows: In addition to placing the windows according to the views, a double or triple-pane Low-E- coated glass should be used to reduce the amount of heat in the hottest months. On the other hand, it keeps the heat inside during winter.


Modeling and Analysis: Many useful samples can be used by architects and designers to understand how the design best integrates with the local climate and microclimate for this specific location. For example, lighting models, energy modeling, computational fluid dynamics, and daylighting studies.

Natural Ventilation: Designing natural ventilation serves in making the building cool through a good design of the air vents.

Multiple Iterations: In the beginning, the practice of climateResponsive architecture needs more time to model the project along with multiple iterations

Conclusion: In conclusion, our houses are our longterm investment as we have seen during the pandemic of Corona. Thus, harnessing our efforts, our energies, and our money in order to design the dream house is not a waste of our time nor our resources.


Earth-coupling systems

WHAT IS GROUND COOLING/COUPLING? This technique is used for passive cooling as well as heating of buildings, which is made possible by the earth acting as a massive heat sink. Passive cooling: •It is a building design approach that focuses on heat gain control and heat dissipation in a building in order to improve the indoor thermal comfort with low or nil energy consumption. • .This approach works either by preventing heat from entering the interior (heat gain prevention) or by removing heat from the building (natural cooling). •Natural cooling utilizes on-site energy, available from the natural environment, combined with the architectural design of building components (e.g. building envelope), rather than mechanical systems to dissipate heat. • Therefore, natural cooling depends not only on the architectural design of the building but how it uses the local site natural resources as heat sinks (i.e. everything that absorbs or dissipates heat).


PRINCIPLE: At depths beyond 4 to 5m below the surface of the earth, both daily and seasonal fluctuations die out and the soil temperature remains almost constant throughout the year. Thus, this constant temperature of the earth is used to cool the air entering a building. The Earth acts like a heat sink, as it absorbs the heat from the air thus cooling the air efficiently.

. •Pipes are laid in the earth at least 4 to 5metre deep in the ground through which air is passed. •The air passing through a tunnel or a buried pipe at a depth of a few meters gets cooled in summers and heated in winters. •The air in these pipes(which is now cooled by the earth) is made to enter buildings, Sometimes using a fan to draw air from the pipes. • Parameters like surface area of pipe, length and depth of the tunnel below ground, dampness of the earth, humidity of inlet air velocity, affect the exchange of heat between air and the surrounding soil.


PROCESS: • A building can be indirectly coupled with the earth by means of earth ducts. • An earth duct is a buried tube that acts as an avenue for supply air to travel through before entering the building. .Supply air is cooled by way of conductive heat transfer between the concrete tubes and soil. • Therefore, earth ducts will not perform well as a source of cooling unless the soil temperature is lower than the desired room air temperature. • Earth ducts typically require long tubes to cool the supply air to an appropriate temperature before entering the building • A fan is required to draw the cool air from the earth duct into the building.

theFigure 6:6: an avenue for supply air to travel through before entering

Figure 6:3: conductive heat transfer between


Figure 6:4: an appropriate temperature


TYPES OF EARTH COUPLING: Vertical ground loop system: •Used mainly in commercial buildings or where space is limited. •Vertical holes 100 to 400 feet deep are drilled in the ground, and a single loop of pipe with a U-tube at the bottom is installed. • The borehole is then sealed with grout to ensure good contact with the soil. •The earth's temperature is more stable farther below the surface which is an advantage for the system. •Vertical ground loop fields may be located under buildings or parking lots. The life expectancy is in excess of 50 years.



Horizontal ground loop system: •This

type of design is cost effective on smaller projects or where there is sufficient space for the loop. •Trenches, 3 to 6 ft deep, are created and a series of parallel plastic pipes are laid inside them.

Figure 6:11: type of design is economical

• These pipes can also be laid in loops.

•This type of design is economical when a project

is located near a body of water. Fluid circulates through polyethylene piping in a closed system, just as it does through ground loops but in this case underwater. The pipes may be coiled in a slinky to fit more surfaces into a given amount of space. The lake needs to be a minimum size and depth depending on the load.

Figure 6:13: The lake needs to be a minimum size and depth depending on the load.

• Lake loops have no adverse impact on the aquatic system

The fluid/air is then circulated, absorbing or rejecting heat to the earth depending on the mode of operation. •

•A typical horizontal loop will be 400 to 600 feet long for each ton of heating and cooling but will vary according to the soil type and the layout of the piping. Some of the factors that affect the performance of an earth duct are: duct length, number of bends, thickness of duct, depth of duct, diameter of the duct, and air velocity.

The temperature of the earth ten feet or more deep is slightly above the average annual air temperature. This temperature can be further lowered by these techniques: •mulching with pea stone or wood chips to a depth of at least four inches, and irrigating if necessary to provide moisture for evaporation. The mulch must be vapor permeable. •Shading the earth's surface of which one way is to raise the building above the ground on posts.

Figure 6:14: polyethylene piping




Direct contact foundation slab The advance of cities is known by its interface starting from small houses, ending with large buildings. A good building necessarily has a good foundation. The foundation is the bedrock, the first step that ended up as a great facility. The consideration of the climate is also playing a major role in determining the quality of the



Regarding the foundation, it has different features depending on the area where the building is sited. For example, the concrete slab on grade is the most popular foundation type in the Southeast, while basements are the most common type in the East and Midwest and crawl spaces are common in the Northwest as well as Southeast. Generally, the foundation consists of a footing, wall, slab, pier, pile, or a combination of these elements. There are several types of foundation, listed below:

. •


monolithic slab;




alternative methods

slab-on-grade with stem wall



In the table above, each type is represented with its graph. In the process of building the basics choosing the material with its weight/strength as well as its type is considered the main factor to have a successful basic in addition to other minor factors. The material consists of concrete, the concrete compressive strength used in residential construction is typically either 2,500 or 3,000 psi. Regarding the type of cement Portland cement is more common to use in the majority of construction projects. Other types of cement are appropriate in adapting conditions related to the heat of hydration in massive pores and sulfate

Figure 6:18 Other types of cement are appropriate

Earth shelter is a structure made of soil and it was used mainly by environmentalists due its ability in maintaining room temperature which reduces energy consumption, not to mention that it will keep the temperature within a comfortable range. Shelter remains a source of inspiration and invention. Including the nuts-and-bolts aspects of building Dwellings: 1- Iron Age huts 2- Bedouin tents 3- Togo's tin-and-thatch houses 4- nomadic shelters from tipis 5- housecar 6- domes 7- sod igloo 8- treehouses


Earth shelter

Advantages: 1- the base isolated by a layer of gravel or sand, which is an earthquake-resistant structure. 2- the aerodynamic form resists hurricanes. 3- the use of sandbags is flood resistant. 4- the earth provides insulation and fireproofing. 5- performs as a unified monolithic piece

Figure 6:27: sandbags is flood resistant

Dobraca House in Kragujevac, Serbia : 1- inspiration by the early Neolithic led to the design of the bermed underground earthsheltered house. 2- The daily temperature inside and outside the bermed 3- analyzed with focusing on the insulation layers and wind speed 4- the temperature inside this bermed-earth sheltered house was in the range from 15.8 â—ŚC to 20.6 â—ŚC ,even on the coldest winter day in 2012.

Figure 6:28: a layer of gravel or sand

5- the water from the well could also be used as separate open loop systems with water for heating and cooling the house.

Figure 6:29: aerodynamic form resists hurricanes

Figure 6:30: thermally efficient than the aboveground homes because it is

Figure 6:31: It shows that even today the underground homes are more


Situated in the Swiss village of Vals : 1- the house is almost undetectable and placed in the mountain. 2- Set below ground 3- the concrete structure features a wide oval opening and a set of stones are embedded in the inclined surface. 4- provide luminous reflections of the Alpine vista on the opposite side of the narrow valley. To illustrate, at the top of the stairs, a central patio is surrounded by a wide-spanning faรงade formed of large window openings. 5- it has an abundance of natural light. 6- It includes all of the typical amenities such as kitchen, dining area and guest room. 7- the underground pathways give the residence a feeling of military flair.

Figure 6:32: the Alpine vista on the opposite side of the narrow

8- By building the house underground, the architects were able to almost completely eliminate the need for heating or cooling in the winter and summer seasons.

Energy piles:

Figure 6:33: medium as a heat absorbent in the ground due to its good

Introduction The projected increase in population and living standards around the world is leading to an intensification of the search for energy sources. Because fossil fuels are a nonrenewable source of energy, and burning them contributes to the greenhouse effect, there is an urgent need to find alternative, renewable and sustainable ways to generate energy. The heat pump (HP) system is one of the promising renewable energy technologies that can be used for cooling / heating buildings. In contrast to the vast majority of wind and solar energy generation sources. Although HPs are powered by electricity, they provide more heating / cooling in the most cost-effective manner and, most importantly, have less greenhouse effect than direct electrical methods. In principle, HPs use electricity to transfer heat from one place to another rather than using electricity to generate heat


Heat transfer The process takes place through a cooling cycle in HP that has five components:

1. Compressor 2. Condenser 3.Stretching device 4. Cooler

5. Evaporator.



Energy piles:

A geothermal heat pump (GSHP) is a type of HP that pumps heat from or to the ground using a coil placed inside the ground 5 meters or more below ground level, where temperatures are relatively stable regardless of the ambient air temperature. This method has wide appeal because concrete is an ideal medium as a heat absorbent in the ground due to its good thermal conductivity and thermal storage capacity). These pillars may be called "energy piles." They can be described as dual-purpose structural elements because they use the required ground concrete. A connection element created for structural reasons such as a heat exchanger unit. Forming a power pile is a relatively simple process that involves inserting U-shaped tubes around the surface of a concrete pile that pour into the site of each flexible pile a plastic ring (generally, one tube down and back) attached to rigid pile cages. U tubes are usually 3/4 or 1 inch (27 or 34 mm) in diameter An earth-to-air heat exchanger draws ventilation supply air through buried ducts or tubes. As the temperature of the ground below 3m is practically constant, it substantially reduces ambient air temperature fluctuations. It therefore provides space conditioning throughout the year, with the incoming air being heated in the winter and cooled in the summer by means of earth coupling

Figure 6:34: draws ventilation supply air through

promising and environmentally friendly technology for heating or cooling buildings. The energy piles can be exploited as geothermal heat exchangers for a geothermal heat pump system. , The energy pile and the surrounding soil are subject to temperature changes that can greatly affect the interaction behavior between the substrate and the soil. Design of energy piles in terms of ground installation and heat exchanger functions. The potential temperature affects the mechanical behavior of the piles promising and environmentally friendly technology for heating or cooling buildings. The energy piles can be exploited as geothermal heat exchangers for a geothermal heat pump system. , The energy pile and the surrounding soil are subject to temperature changes that can greatly affect the interaction behavior between the substrate and the soil. Design of energy piles in terms of ground installation and heat exchanger functions. The potential temperature affects the mechanical behavior of the piles


•. • The placement of the reinforcing cage is required at the level where the exchange of temperature (heating/cooling) should take place. • The energy pile is equipped with individual or several pipe circuits made out of plastic (polyethylene) so as to exchange heat with the surrounding soil. • A heat exchange fluid, usually simply clear water, circulates in the pipe circuit (‘pipe loop’) and into a collector supplying one (or more) heat pump(s). In winter, with the help of the heat pump, when the water is colder than the soil, the heat is removed from the circulating liquid (and it is extracted indirectly from the soil) which causes the heating temperature to rise. In summer, on the contrary, when the water is warmer than the soil, the heat is dissipated in the soil for cooling during the fixation phase, and the screw head displacing the soil inserts the guide tube to the correct design depth during the tension phase - the auger is pulled out simultaneously during the rotation . The concrete is pumped into the borehole through the central hollow tube. The reinforcement, with heat exchangers incorporated into HDPE (“collector tubes”), is placed in the concrete substrate. Liquid circulates

In winter, with the help of the heat pump, when the water is colder than the soil, the heat is removed from the circulating liquid (and it is extracted indirectly from the soil) which causes the heating temperature to rise. In summer, on the contrary, when the water is warmer than the soil, the heat is dissipated in the soil for cooling during the fixation phase, and the screw head displacing the soil inserts the guide tube to the correct design depth during the tension phase - the auger is pulled out simultaneously during the rotation . The concrete is pumped into the borehole through the central hollow tube. The reinforcement, with heat exchangers incorporated into HDPE (“collector tubes”), is placed in the concrete substrate. Liquid circulates

Figure 6:37: with individual or several pipe

Figure 6:38: when the water is colder than the soil

Figure 6:39: The concrete is pumped into the borehole


Climate change and sustainability Climate change caused by the global increase in temperatures triggers multiple negative effects on the planet . These effects interrelate with each other and increase their violence, putting at risk the species that inhabit the Earth, including the humans. In this infographic you can see how the rise in temperatures caused mainly by greenhouse gas emissions affects multiple scenarios: Three main levels of climate impact The global increase in temperatures can influence the physical, biological and human systems. First, variations in the physical systems of the planet can be observed in the melting of the poles, which at the same time cause glacial regression, snow melting, warming and thawing of permafrost, flooding in rivers and lakes, droughts in rivers and lakes, coastal erosion, sea level rise and extreme natural phenomena. In the biological systems, there is death of flora and fauna in terrestrial and marine ecosystems, wildfires and flora and fauna displacement searching for better life conditions. In human systems, climate change affects and destroys crops and food production, causes disease and death, destruction and loss of economic livelihoods and migrations of climate refugees

The impact of Climate change

The impact of Climate change Climate and its relation to architecture and urban design Architecture is one of the most important engineering disciplines that study weather and climate and its effects on homes, cities, countries, and others. Because it has a direct relationship with influencing urbanization, cities, dwellings, parks, etc., which are primarily concerned with humans and nature. The architecture takes into account the factors of compatibility and balance, and takes into account that the determinants of the surrounding environment represent a necessary need to provide comfort, safety, privacy and the continuation of the harmonious development of the person and the place. The specialization of architecture has an inherent relationship with the climate, as there is no project of any kind that does not have a link with the climate, in terms of natural lighting, solar radiation and the height of the sun in summer and winter, wind movement and direction, precipitation rates and types and humidity down to temperatures, all of which are studied on a scale the four Seasons . The climatic influences also have a direct effect on the shape of the building, its height, the materials used in its design, the shape of the window openings, its area, the degree of reflection of the glass used, down to the plants used in the gardens, their types and shapes ... etc. Biominach : is the study of the effect of climatic factors on living organisms, and from it it is evident that bioclimatic science studies the biological 3


The impact of Climate change - Climatic regions: the design climate region: it is a region of the land characterized by a specific climate pattern that imposes the needs of a special environment that requires a planning and architectural approach. From an environmental perspective, climate has five levels, graded as follows: Figure 6 :41: Regional climate depends on the temperature

Global climate: It includes the general climatic characteristics of the Earth and contains several geographical areas, and its field of influence extends about 2000 km.

Regional climate: It includes the climatic characteristics of a region or region of a specific nature that are similar in general features, and its impact may reach about 500 km. Figure 6:42: precipitation, and winds experienced over the long term at

Local climate: It includes local changes in a specific area of the land, such as the location of the water, its impact ranges between 1 km to 10 km, and the local climate is affected by environmental determinants of topographical, natural and other human-made characteristics.

Figure 6:43: natural and other human-made



Micro-climate: It includes climatic characteristics in the range from about 100 m to 01 km and is affected by the built environment and urban design.

Indoor climate

Figure 6:43: natural and other human-made

It includes the climatic characteristics within the internal space of the buildings, and is affected by the external environment as well as the characteristics and specifications of the architectural void, and each location has a general climate in which it shares with the region that surrounds it, and also has its own local climate, which is formed according to a set of local factors, such as: the topography of the site, and its height above The sea surface, as climate is expressed by a group of buildings and climatic information, includes: temperature, solar radiation, relative humidity, wind and rain. These data are formulated in the form of averages for relatively long periods of time, and through this, a diagnosis of the state of the climate is obtained.

Climatic elements: When studying any architectural or urban project, we must carry out the process of gathering the necessary information about the environment surrounding the project site, as the study of the terrain, geology, soil, groundwater, plants and natural hazards from torrents, floods and earthquakes, local climate elements, and the study of vision and landscape trends. Figure 6:45: The sea surface, as climate

These data are formulated in the form of averages for relatively long periods of time, and through this, a diagnosis of the state of the climate is obtained.m

Climatic elements:

When studying any architectural or urban project, we must carry out the process of gathering the necessary information about the environment surrounding the project site, as the study of the terrain, geology, soil, groundwater, plants and natural hazards from torrents, floods and earthquakes, local climate elements, and the study of vision and landscape trends.

The most important elements of the climate that the architect and urbanite need to study: Heat and solar radiation - Air pressure and winds - Humidity Precipitation and its types.



Global warming: Is the rapid increase in the average surface temperature of earth due greenhouse gases.

Figure 6:50: Increasing temperatures

Figure 6:49: Melts ice caps and glaciers

Figure 6:47: Increasing temperatures Figure 6:47: Increasing temperatures

Figure 6:51: Alters the ranges of some infectious diseases

Figure 6:51: Alters the ranges of some infectious diseases

Current warming is not Natural:

In the past, climate change was not affected by human activity but rather natural causes which had small impact on it, this was before the industrial revolution.

Models predict:

The temperature will continue to increase even if the usage of greenhouse gases is reduced because earth is not adjusted with the current environmental changes.

The impact of global warming: 1- Increasing temperatures 2- Modifies rainfall patterns 3- Amplifies coastal erosion 4- Lengthens the growing season in some regions 5- Melts ice caps and glaciers 6- Alters the ranges of some infectious diseases


Global warming and changes in drought: Increased heating from global warming might expedite the occurrence of droughts and increase its intensity.

The natural greenhouse effect: This absorption and radiation of heat by the atmosphere is beneficial for life on Earth. If there were no greenhouse effect.

Figure 6:52: atmosphere is beneficial Figure 6:54: droughts and increase

Figure 6:53: absorption and radiation

Figure 6:55:consists of non-photographic

The architecture of climate economics: Designing a global agreement on global warming:

Hundreds of scientists have been working hard setting up systematic knowledge and incontestable proofs concerning the extreme risk of the present negative ecological trends, and hundreds of country governments try to tackle pending environmental disaster, pledging to lower down planet global warming by emission mitigation designing an effective political and economic strategy to control climate change will require the second culture—the social sciences—to analyze how to harness our economic and political systems to achieve our climate goals effectively and at low cost.


Global Warming Versus Green Architecture: Studies reveal that the building sectors consume more than one third of the world's energy, and contribute to global warming. A more sustainable energy approach is green architecture for the following reasons,

It focuses on:

saving energy production consumption through green buildings. Green buildings: 1- emit fewer greenhouse gases, 2- consume less energy, 3- use less water, 4- and maintains a high level of internal thermal comfort, regardless of prevailing solar radiation outside so it offers occupants healthier environments. It is therefore necessary to promote the construction of earth structures and combine it’s potentials with modern technology so as to produce a new generation of buildings that require no mechanical air-conditioning during summer.

Biomimicry architecture:

Figure 6:56 : global warming

Figure 6:57: the effect it has on global climate change


Another sustainable energy approach is biomimicry architecture. Biomimicry is refined and developed by nature and it is about solutions. Moreover, the inspiration from nature is the driving force in this approach, resulting in creative works of architecture approaches, levels and principles. For any sustainable building design: 1- need to consider structural efficiency 2- water efficiency 3- zero-waste systems 4- thermal environment

Figure 6:58 : It is therefore necessary to promote


Case Study


•every architect should know, buildings consume some 40 percent of the energy in the U.S. annually, and they emit nearly half of the carbon dioxide (CO2) •As the world migrates towards a more sustainable future, engineers face an important goal of design models that reduce impacts on our environment due to construction, and to make this a reality, designs are guided by the principles of green architecture. THE GATE HELIOPOLIS 113

The ambition of the Gate Project is to create a new prototype of an inhabited ecosystem that combines passive house principles and renewable energy technology to assure 50% of energy saving. The building is designed to decrease its carbon footprint, and to recycle a part of its own waste as the grey water for example â—?



This second skin in white steel and cables enables to integrate on the roof the photovoltaic cells, the thermal tubes, and the vertical living walls. The horizontal surface of the roof is turned into giant trees in order to down, towards the basement, the loads of the structure. These Mega trees become the strong sculptural identity of the project but are firstly conceived to ventilate naturally all the basement spaces and to refresh naturally the patios and the inner street

Consequently, the Gate project is eco-designed according to the bioclimatic rules (solar cycle, prevailing wind directions, endemic plant species, etc.) on the one hand, and by the integration of renewable energies (wind turbines, thermal solar energy, photovoltaic solar energy, geothermal energy, biomass, etc.) on the other hand.


Figure 6:64

Figure 6:65


Green Architecture Features integrated in the project are : •The Wind catchers transformed into mega trees in the middle of each green patios. •The Passive Geothermal Cooling System integrated along each core with the vertical shafts. •The Solar Photovoltaic Cells cover all the solar roofs and the west and east facades. •The Solar Heater Tubes located on the roof above each core. •The Wind Turbines integrated along the axial spine at both ends of the Promenade. •The Roof Food Gardens covering the whole complex improving the thermal inertia of the roof. •The Living Walls growing along the 9 Mega trees and the Fogger system for the automatic watering refreshing the atmosphere. •The use of Recyclable and/or Recycled Furniture (Cradle to Cradle) recommended

to the future residents in order to decrease their carbon footprint The project include all these system





Figure 4:67:

Figure 6:66

: 115


•In Egypt the wind catchers are known as “Malqaf”. The windcatcher can function in three ways: directing airflow downward using direct wind entry, directing air flow upwards using a wind-assisted temperature gradient, or directing airflow upwards using a solarassisted temperature gradient. •The 9 mega trees are in fact 9 big windcatchers and the potential benefits regarding this natural passive cooling system may include: •Improved passive cooling during warm season (mostly on still, hot days) •Improved night cooling rates •Enhanced performance of thermal mass (cooling, cool storage) •Improved thermal comfort (improved air flow control, reduced draughts).

PASSIVE GEOTHERMAL COOLING AND HEATING Passive Cooling is a building design approach that focuses on heat gain control and heat dissipation in a building in order to improve the indoor thermal comfort with low or nil energy consumption. This approach works either by preventing heat from entering the interior (heat gain prevention) or by removing heat from the building (natural cooling). In The Gate Project, we propose to integrate air shafts of 1 square meters along all the cores to refresh naturally each apartment. Using ground loops, the geothermal heat pumps enable to move heat energy back and forth between the building and the earth to provide an efficient and environmentally friendly method for heating and cooling apartments and commercial spaces, and even to help to provide hot water.

Figure 6:70: In The Gate Project

Figure 6:70: In The Gate Project


SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAICS CELLS Most conventional solar cells use visible and infrared light to generate electricity. In contrast, the innovative new solar cell also uses ultraviolet radiation. Used to replace conventional window glass, or placed over the glass, the installation surface area could be large, leading to potential uses that take advantage of the combined functions of power generation, lighting and temperature control.

Figure 5:71: the solar roof will be covered

In the project, the solar roof will be covered by walkable solar panels creating shadows above the patios and the promenade and generating in situ a big part of the electricity necessary for the building. The solar cells will be integrated in a double glass layer easy to clean.


Figure 6:72: lighting and temperature control

Solar water heating or solar hot water systems comprise several innovations and many mature renewable energy technologies that have been well established for many years. Solar water heating systems are designed to deliver hot water in all the bathrooms and kitchens of the building for most of the year. Glass-metal tubes collecting the warm of the sun and heating the water will be integrated in the elliptical shapes covering the mechanical rooms in each core on the roof.

Figure 6:73: Glass-metal

Figure 6:74: mechanical rooms


VERTICAL AXIS WIND TURBINES Vertical-axis wind turbines are a type of wind turbine where the main rotor shaft is set vertically and the main components are located at the base of the turbine. These helical twisted wind turbines are located in the project along the inner street on the roof in order to benefit from the prevailing winds and generate a maximum of electricity. Along Nozha Street, we propose to develop for the City a new energetically self-sufficient prototype « The Phylolight », new hybridization between an urban light and vertical wind turbines.


The primary cause of heat build-up in cities is insolation, the absorption of solar radiation by roads and buildings in the city and the storage of this heat in the building material and its subsequent reradiation. The green walls enable to reduce overall temperatures of the building. Effectively, plant surfaces, as a result of transpiration, decrease more than 4–5 °C below the ambient. Living walls may also be a means for water reuse. The plants may purify slightly polluted water (such as greywater) by absorbing the dissolved nutrients. Bacteria mineralize the organic components to make them available to the plants. They are also suitable in arid areas, as the circulating water on a vertical wall is less likely to evaporate than in horizontal gardens. In the project, the 9 mega trees will be covered by living walls. Along the inner street, the curtain walls will be punctuated by green walls to design the main entrances towards each housing block.



Community gardens provide fresh produce and plants as well as satisfying labor, neighborhood improvement, sense of community and connection to the environment.

Community gardens may help alleviate one effect of climate change, and improve users’ health through increased fresh vegetable consumption and providing a venue for exercise. The gardens also fight against two forms of alienation that plague modern urban life, by bringing urban gardeners closer in touch with the source of their food, and by breaking down isolation creating then a social community


The user interfaces enable to control the different zones/ rooms/temperature (heating & cooling) control /lighting control/ Ventilation control. Multi-sensors are used to detect the number of persons in the room, motion, temperature, and light level (Day/Night). Natural HVAC automation enables the perfect climate. Using an automation application to control the required temperature before reaching your home while saving electricity.



In conclusion, our houses are our long-term investment as we have seen during the pandemic of Corona. Thus, harnessing our efforts, our energies, and our money in order to design the dream house is not a waste of our time nor our resources


Thermal conservation



Adaptable insulation The metric levels of insulation imposed by the building regulations affect the reduction in heating energy use while increasing the use of Acooling energy or reducing the high electric charge fantastically in the summer and in the possibility of providing heat insulation techniques and in the possibility of modifying the use of energy

Figure 7.3

Figure7.1: Improve Basement Air Quality Martha June 15, 2018

Figure 7.4 , Thermal Insulation Matters , insulfoam Good insulation ensures a pleasant indoor climate

Figure 7.2 , Unionfull (Insulation)


Thermal shutter Shutters in Europe Traditionally, in Europe shutters were installed for security, noise reduction, insulation, and to protect the windows to extend their lifespan. These houses are called Swiss chalets and are found in the mountainess parts of Switzerland. The main reason why shutters survived throughout history was because they improved the aesthetics of the house.

Figure 7.6

Traditional Shutters in Japan

Old Japan found similar reasons to install shutters. The main purpose for these sliding door shutters was to protect the house from intruders because the doors were very thin. But like in Europe, they also helped protect the exterior doors, kept the house warmer in winter, and reduced noise coming from the outside.

Figure 7.7

Why Thermal Shutters? Aesthetically Pleasing So the window is not just a hole in the wall Additional Insulation Windows with thermal shutters closed have an increased insulation​ value of R-10 , Shutters are typically closed at night when temperatures are lowest Ability to make a room completely dark and sound proof Research has proven that people sleep better in complete darkness , Certain illnesses can be prevented sleeping in dark rooms , Good for daytime sleepers Security Shutters are locked from the inside and will keep law breakers away Provide hurricane and storm protection.

Figure 7.8

Figure 7.9

Figure 7.5 window shutters are not only functional

Figure 7.10

and attractive but also very energy-efficient


How Are Shutters Attached? •

Because the shutters are large and heavy, they needed to be bolted to the structure before the insulation foam boards go up.

Here is what the finished hinges look like. Here is how the seal was installed. The house shown here may be the very first house with workable shutters that not only close, but are also air tight and help insulate.

Here you can see how the shutters seal to the windowsill on the top and bottom of the window. And you can also see how it locks from the inside of the house.

Figure 7.15

The inspiration for matching the back side of the shutters to the walls was to mimic the function of the human eye. As the shutters are closed in the evening, it leaves the impression that the house has gone to sleep for the night, just as our eyes close when we sleep.

Figure 7.11

Figure 7.12 , window

shutters are not only functional and attractive but also very energy-efficient

Figure 7.13


Figure 7.14


Insulated window innovative design



Certified quality for heat-insulated window shutters

The sandwich construction, which consists of highly insulating rigid polystyrene foam enclosed by two aluminium panels, provides excellent insulation.

The insulating models have been tested by the independent ift Rosenheim institute (in Germany) for additional resistance to heat passage in accordance with European standards. For this application, EHRET uses installation elements that do not form thermal bridges and guarantee a force-fit connection. The excellent values can be seen in the test reports which serve as proof of the energy performance

Regardless of whether the model is a closed window shutter in a simple or special shape, with a slat design, the insulating models guarantee thermal comfort throughout the day and at any season of the year.

Functionality and concept insulated window shutters


In winter, window panes cool down and then warm up in the summer. This influences the temperature inside your home. With insulating window shutters, the indoor temperature can be regulated without incurring any additional operating costs. If you are renovating or fitting a new build – less loss of energy means you get to save more energy. • Window cold




• Window shutters without insulation against cold • Window heat



Figure 7.18 , find-clever


• Window shutters without insulation against heat

Figure 7.17 with innovative design


History A cavity wall is a wall formed by an inner skin and an outer skin of masonry (sometimes referred to as ‘leaves’ or ‘wythes’ if they are a single unit wide), connected by ties, but separated by a cavity. The masonry is formed by units such as brick, stone or block. Very generally, if the external walls of a building are less than 30 cm thick, then they are unlikely to include a cavity. Cavity walls existed in Greek and Roman times, but only developed as a component of more recent construction in the 18th and 19th centuries. Even during this time, they were very rare, and generally involved two skins of masonry bonded by headers spanning across the cavity. The use of metal ties to connect the two skins only emerged in the second half of the 19th century and then became more common towards the beginning of the 20th century.

Cavity trays are included where there are penetrations across the cavity, such as: At an abutment with a roof. Above openings such as doors and windows. Where extensions are constructed against existing walls. Above concrete slabs or beams. Above airbricks, ducts and pipes. At the bottom of a wall, if the cavity does not extend 225 mm below the dampproof course

In the UK, most new, external masonry walls have been cavity walls since the 1920s. Figure 7.20: Cavities are ventilated to ensure that any accumulating moisture is able to evaporate and vent to the outside.


Figure 7.19 , 29 Oct 2020, designingbuildings.co.uk

Penetrating damp The inclusion of a cavity in the construction of an external wall prevents moisture transmitting from the outer skin to the inner skin. Any moisture that reaches the cavity from the outside, runs down the internal surface of the external skin and is directed to weep holes in the outer skin by cavity trays, where it will drain to the outside.

Cavities can also provide a space for the installation of thermal insulation, and as the requirement to reduce the passage of heat between the inside and outside of buildings has increased, so the width of cavities has also tended to increase. This means that older buildings tend to transfer more heat between the inside and outside and so can be colder in the winter, hotter in the summer, can suffer condensation, can be expensive to run, are high emitters of carbon and may not provide very good levels of thermal comfort.


Figure 7.21 The exact dimensions required to satisfy Part L of the building regulations will depend on the type of building and the thermal conductivity of the materials selected.

Typically the Uvalues (a measure thermal conductance) of walls are: Solid brick wall 2.0 W/m2K. Cavity wall with no insulation 1.5 W/m2K.

Insulated cavity wall 0.3 W/m2K or less. The approved documents to the building regulations set limiting fabric standards for the elements of buildings. These are area-weighted averages that those elements may not fall below, and generally, to comply with the building regulations, fabric performance will need to be significantly better than these limits. The limiting U-value for walls in new dwellings is 0.3 W/m2K and for buildings other than dwellings is 0.35 W/m2K. Where new thermal elements are constructed, such as in a new extension, they should be at least 0.28 W/m2K. Insulation is generally fixed to the external face of the internal skin of the cavity wall. This allows the remainder of the cavity to be ventilated without significant heat loss. However, in some cases, particularly where insulation is retrofitted, the entire cavity is filled. Great care must be taken in this case to ensure that a path is not created for the penetration of moisture between the outside and inside.

The exact dimensions required to satisfy Part L of the building regulations will depend on the type of building and the thermal conductivity of the materials selected. Typically, with the correct selection of materials, a 102.5 mm external skin, 100 mm cavity (either filled or part-filled) and 100 mm internal skin, plastered on its internal face can be made to comply with part L. Cavity walls that are not insulated can have insulation retrofitted by drilling small holes at regular intervals in the external skin and then ‘blowing’ or ‘injecting’ insulation into the cavity from the outside. Typically, waterrepellent insulation is used such as expanded polystyrene (EPS) beads combined with a binding agent, or urea formaldehyde (UF) foam insulation. The drilled holes are then filled to match the existing finish. See Cavity wall insulation for more information. Vapour barrier As warm, moist internal air permeates through the structure of the wall towards the outside, it will tend to cool. When it reaches its ‘dew point’ temperature, moisture will begin to condense as water. If this happens within the structure of the wall, this is known as interstitial condensation, and if this occurs within the inner skin of the wall, this can cause problems such as: • •

• •

Mold growth, migration of salts, mildew and staining. Corrosion and decay of the building fabric. Frost damage. Poor performance of insulation.

To prevent this, Vapour Control Layers (VCL) or vapour barriers are positioned on the warm side of the cavity insulation, (i.e. between the insulation and the inner masonry skin), preventing the warm moist air from penetrating to a point where it might reach its dew point temperature.


Dynamic insulation It is one of the important innovations in the construction fabric that have been applied by architects seeking to reduce the capital and operating cost associated with mechanical systems, without losing comfort.

How does it happen? When air enters through the fabric of the building, the insulation acts as a backflow heat exchanger.

Figure7.22: The passivhaus uses a combination of low-energy building techniques and technologies

What does dynamic isolation depend on? It is based on a constant air flow and then is controlled across a membrane due to the pressure difference across it. The pressure difference can be induced by natural or mechanical means. The continuous air flow from the cold side to the warm side effectively ventilates the building and the building. Since air is always moving to the warm side, its ability to retain moisture increases, and because typical ventilation rates the velocity of the inlet air overcomes the outside diffusion of water vapor, condensation cannot occur.

We can check indoor air quality: When the intake ducts are removed, they are a known source of indoor pollution, and the presence of filtration sides helps in the quality of the indoor air, because the surface is very large and the speed is also low, but it is required Collage Design and Architecture that it be at the correct scale so that dirt does not accumulate. It works by ventilation system on short periods of time (24 hours). Dynamic isolation also allows us to deliver large quantities of air without causing disturbance through high speeds and a large difference in the incoming room air temperature without causing discomfort and we can also get a clean room, because the goal of dynamic isolation was to provide a healthy and energy-saving building Reduce the temperature. And the temporary humidity contributes to making the high internal temperatures that help in the production of steam and controlling the relative humidity is essential to maintain the structure of the building and its texture in a healthy condition, while the areas loaded with moisture are the last areas that are ventilated because they are more sensitive, in this way we can get rid of the humidity and reduce mold, bacteria and virus problems. The transfer of heat and moisture through the dynamic insulation layer to determine both temperature and humidity characteristics and the risk of any damage to the fabric or the dynamic insulation itself through high humidity levels, particularly over wet areas.

Figure 7.23 Components of a Building Enclosure


Transparent insulation The era of innovation, enthusiasm and confidence in technology seemed to start, with many designers and architects to focus attention primarily on formal and aesthetic issues, rather than focusing on the implications for energy and comfort conditions. So, we were allowed to use new materials (steel, concrete, glass, etc.), which helped us in making some designs by (stripping) the roofs of the building envelope and creating a functional structure that helps it to resist such as heat resistance, preventative and also aesthetics, which helped us to deviate from building designs in a way. Conventional Now we can make it lighter, by introducing elements (excellent for ventilation) and transparent lighting, and in certain cases, surfaces are completely opaque, so we must use them. Transparent insulation is a good use in building envelopes because it can reduce heat loss through the availability of high thermal resistance with its effectiveness, it responds to climate change, it can transmit solar energy and also contribute to the luminous environment and also contains thermal and visual behaviors and we can benefit from it by applying it to Buildings.

What does transparent insulation provide? • Collage Design and Architecture Saves energy in buildings. • Comfort in daylight for buildings exposed to climatic conditions. • Highlights. • The possibility of improving building performance.


The technological theory means: the thicker the insulation layers in opaque walls and ceilings help in eliminating the entry of heat, in return we add heat recovery units and passively enhance energy, unlike when the building envelope is transparent or solar greenhouses, so they are active from the method of solar thermal systems. When using large glass surfaces the excessive volume of the need for daylight. This configuration gives the façade the origin of large heat losses during the winter season and huge gains from the sun's heat in the summer.

As progress continued, this approach appeared very clearly, and defects appeared over time, the most prominent of which are: rise in temperature; Because it is known that many modern buildings today also need cooling during the winter season, even in places with a cold climate, they are suitable for non-residential buildings. A change in the relative weight of heating, cooling, lighting and the demand for electrical energy, with energy consumption associated with refrigeration and artificial lighting.

Figure7.24: Principle types T and O for solar wall heating with transparent insulation (type O can be vented in summer for effective overheating protection) (Platzer, 2000


The defects led to the consequences, including: the increased costs, the lost heat flow became cumulative through transport across the façades and the difference in the indoor and outdoor air temperature, as well as the loss of enthalpy flow with the rate of the ventilation air flow and the difference in the internal and external air temperature. The goal of transparent insulation is to have building envelopes that are almost self-sufficient from an energy point of view, and to create systems that incorporate many functions such as: Ventilation, heat exchange, heat recovery, lighting, thermal storage, energy conversion systems and components, solar shading devices etc.

Image Typical examples of building envelopes that are not designed in relation to exhibition and climate: different exhibits and climatic contexts, same facade design philosophy. Typical examples of building envelopes that are not designed in relation to exhibition and climate: different exhibits and climatic contexts, same facade design philosophy.

Figure 7.26 Poorly designed and installed forcedair systems can create strong pressure imbalances inside the home whenever the heating and cooling system operates.

Thermal buffering and thermal distribution Figure 7.25 , The Australian Window Association

Some basic features common to multif

Collage Design and Architectureunctional building facades: Improving daylight and making use of it Reducing energy building level




• On-site conversion of solar radiation, using active systems

The role of thermal mass in buffering the interior temperature of a naturally ventilated building from the diurnal fluctuations in the environment. The effective thermal mass which is in good thermal contact with the air is limited by the diffusion distance into the thermal mass over one diurnal temperature cycle. The effective thermal mass may be modelled as an isothermal mass. Temperature fluctuations in the effective thermal mass are attenuated and phaseshifted from those of the interior air, and therefore heat is exchanged with the interior air.

• The ability to store energy Integration with mechanical systems, using the interface as a peripheral device, heat recovery system, inlet / inlet for ventilation, or as a source.


The evolution of the interior air temperature is then controlled by the relative agnitudes of the time for the heat exchange between the effective thermal mass and the air; the time for the natural ventilation to replace the air in the space with air from the environment; and the period of the diurnal oscillations of the environment. Through analysis and numerical solution of the governing equations, we characterize a number of different limiting cases. If the ventilation rate is very small, then the thermal mass buffers the interior air temperature from fluctuations in the environment, creating a near-isothermal interior. If the ventilation rate increases, so that there are many air changes over the course of a day, but if there is little heat exchange between the thermal mass and interior air, then the interior air temperature locks on to the environment temperature. If there is rapid thermal equilibration of the thermal mass and interior air, and a high ventilation rate, then both the thermal mass and the interior air temperatures lock on to the environment temperature. However, in many buildings, the more usual case is that in which the time for thermal equilibration is comparable to the period of diurnal fluctuations, and in which ventilation rates are moderate. In this case, the fluctuations of the temperature of the thermal mass lag those of the interior air, which in turn lag those of the environment. We consider the implications of these results for the use of thermal mass in naturally ventilated buildings.

Thermal buffering of naturally ventilated buildings

Figure 7.27

Figure 1. A sketch of a simple ventilated space with a well-mixed interior and internal thermalmass (shaded). Heat is transferred between the interior air and the thermal mass by convection,shown as the single solid arrows, and between the interior air and the environment by the ventilation flow, shown as the double solid arrows. In general, the environment temperature varies approximately harmonically on the diurnal cycle, with moderate day-to-day variations as the weather changes. Therefore, much work has focused on the response of a building to a harmonically varying environment temperature. Theoretical calculation of the interior temperature of a thermally massive building without ventilation, or with forced (constant flow rate) ventilation, is possible in many simplified cases. A number of examples are given in Pratt (1981). The large heat store provided by thermal mass attenuates the environmental variation, and introduces a phase lag, owing to the time taken for heat to diffuse into and out of the thermal mass. Both these features are useful in moderating interior conditions, as the peak interior temperature can be delayed beyond the period of use of the building. Models of the heat balance in more realistic buildings are usually based on the ‘conduction transfer function’ (CTF) method or on the ‘response factor’ method.


In the CTF method, linear relationships connect the Fourier components of the temperature and heat flux at the two surfaces of any thermal mass across which the heat flow is one-dimensional: A Thermal Distribution Efficiency Standard The most basic definition for thermal distribution system efficiency is: the ratio of the energy that would be consumed by a house using a given piece of heating or cooling equipment, to the energy consumed by that house with the thermal distribution system connected to that same piece of equipment. In other words, All space conditioning energy without Efficiency of distribution system distribution = All space conditioning system energy with distribution system This ratio assumes that all interactions are included, but some formula has to be devised for quantifying or isolating those interactions. The yardstick we came up with combines 1) the way the ducts affect the equipment and 2) the interactions between the ducts and the envelope. Each is incorporated into the basic formula by means of a multiplicative factor (see Figure 1). The factor for the impacts of the ducts on the heating or cooling equipment takes into account

The temperature of the air (or water) entering the distribution system--rated and actual. The heat exchange efficiency due the air (or water) flow rate--rated and actual. The efficiency of the equipment due to fixing the duct. The factor for the interactions between the ducts and the envelope incorporates The envelope infiltration rate due to the operation of the system. Natural infiltration when the system is not operating.

Thermal exchange with the buffer zones (unconditioned spaces) due to the operation of the system. Thermal exchange with buffer zones when the system is not in operation (for example, thermal siphon effects).

Any heating or cooling recovery of losses from the ducts to the conditioned space. Changes in the required thermostat setting due to the distribution system. Zoning. Typical Ducts

The base case for the house with a 100% efficient distribution system is one without a distribution system. In the real world, studies of Sunbelt and Frostbelt houses have allowed us to categorize the duct systems of houses. Four prototypic houses emerge: 1) Attic supply and return ducts with R--4 insulation, a single return register, 12 in2 of supply leakage and 12 in2 of return leakage, connected to a furnace, a heat pump, and an air conditioner. 2) Uninsulated supply and return ducts with plenums in an unconditioned basement and half the ducts rising through exterior walls, including two return registers, 25 in2 of supply leakage and 25 in2 of return leakage, connected to a furnace, a heat pump, and an air conditioner. 3) Uninsulated supply and return ducts installed in the space between floors in a two-story house with two return registers, and specified air and thermal connections between the duct space and the attic or outside, including 25 in2 of supply leakage and 25 in2 of return leakage, connected to a furnace, a heat pump, and an air conditioner. 4) A hydronic, heating-only system installed in an unconditioned basement without pipe insulation.


Conclusions The air temperature inside a building depends on many factors, including the environment temperature, building geometry and heating. In buildings with significant thermal mass, the building fabric acts as a heat store, and the flux of heat between the fabric and air depends on the time history of temperature of the system. With modern construction techniques, the thermal mass in a building is typically insulated from the environment. While numerical integration of thermal diffusion within the thermal mass can give an exact solution, more insight and greater applicability in the design process can be gained from lumped models, in which the thermal mass has a uniform temperature. An internal thermal mass under timeperiodic forcing can be characterized by two parameters: the ratio Ξ of the time for convection to affect the thermal mass temperature to the forcing time scale, and the ratio Ρ of the layer depth to the penetration depth, through thermal conduction, of the varying signal. The evolution of the mean temperature of an internal thermal mass in contact with interior air at a harmonically varying temperature is reproduced exactly by a generalized lumped.

Thermal mass

Introduction n building design, thermal mass is an attribute of building mass that enables it to store heat, providing " inertia"" against temperature fluctuations. It is sometimes known as the thermal flywheel effect. For example, when outside temperatures fluctuate throughout the day, a large thermal mass within the insulated part of the house can " flatten out" the daily temperature fluctuations, because the thermal mass absorbs thermal energy when the surrounding areas are at a higher temperature than the block. And restore thermal energy when the surrounding areas are cooler, without reaching thermal equilibrium. This differs from the insulating value of the material, which reduces the thermal conductivity of the building, allowing it to be heated or cooled relatively separately from the outside, or even to retain the thermal energy of the occupants for a longer period.

What is thermal mass is material that has thermal mass is one that has the capacity to absorb, store and release the sun’s heat energy. Its density and levels of conductivity help to keep the internal temperature of a building stable. Objects that have thermal mass have inherent qualities for both heating and cooling.



Thermal mass properties:

Allow thermal mass to absorb heat during the day from direct sunlight or from radiant heaters. It re-radiates this warmth back into the home throughout the night.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

High density Good thermal conductivity Appropriate thermal lag Low reflectivity High volumetric heat capacity (VHC)


Figure 7.28 , Chris Reardon, 2013, During the day

A lot of thermal mass in a home can help naturally balance temperatures in spring and fall when days are warm but nights are still cool. That will either increase comfort or reduce the need for heating and cooling. disadvantages

Summer: Allow cool night breezes and/or convection currents to pass over the thermal mass, drawing out all the stored energy. During the day protect the thermal mass from excess summer sun with shading and insulation if required.

In summer, thermal mass is only beneficial if night-time ventilation (or some other means of cooling) can be used to remove the heat absorbed by the building fabric during the day. Local issues such as, noise, pollution and security concerns can sometimes make this impracticable, although there are design techniques that can be applied to overcome these problems.

Figure7.29: good access to winter sun

Typical applications: In rooms with good access to winter sun it is useful to connect the thermal mass to the earth. The most common example is slab-on-ground construction. Less common examples are brick or earthen floors, earth-covered housing or green roofs (see Construction systems).


The effectiveness of some common materials:


Specific heat capacity





unfired clay bricks

dense concrete block

gypsum plaster

aircrete block



mineral fibre insulation
















thermo-active building elements Introduction

How Do Work

The climate is changing due to the greenhouse effect, and occupants in buildings require better thermal comfort. Thus, the heating and cooling Advantages:

Principally, thermo-active systems work by activating the mass of the building and employing the inherent heating and cooling characteristics of the building material to facilitate the process of temperature control. In radiant cooling systems, this would be done through a relationship known as thermal coupling – using water flow to influence the temperature of the concrete and thereby active the transfer of energy.

A lot of thermal mass in a home can help naturally balance temperatures in spring and fall when days are warm but nights are still cool. That will either increase comfort or reduce the need for heating and cooling. loads of buildings have increased. The peak electricity load is also increasing every year, and reserved electricity is decreasing. An unexpected high peak in electricity may cause a major blackout, and it is best to maintain a similar level of electricity use to stabilize the system.

concept understand about thermo-active building systems is that they make use of the existing thermal capacity of the building, rather than requiring any additional occupational space for the installation of a conventional HVAC system such as pipes for central air-conditioning. In modern multistory buildings, this would be the space between the concrete floors and ceilings of the structure.

Use Less Energy The physical properties of water allow radiant cooling solutions to remove a proportionate amount of thermal energy using less than 5% of the energy that a fan in a conventional HVAC system would use. Water has a much greater density than air, as can be seen in the diagram below, which in essence means that energy transfer within buildings can take place at greater efficiency using considerably less space – making radiant cooling systems possible for commercial application.

Save Costs Because water can hold a greater amount of energy per given unit than air, it therefore requires a relatively less amount of energy to pump that same amount of energy through water. In this way, operating costs of radiant cooling systems are greatly reduced when compared to conventional HVAC systems, particularly on an industrial scale. Radiant cooling systems are also maintenance free after installation, making the plausibility of an optimal relationship between an air and water system a reality, while still allowing for greatly reduced maintenance costs

Figure 7.30 , What is reinforced concrete


Cavity wall heating Cavity wall is constructed with two separate walls for single wall purpose with some space or cavity between them. These two separate walls are called as leaves of cavity wall. The inner wall is called as internal leaf and outer wall is called as external leaf. Cavity wall insulation (or CWI) can cut down the amount of heat lost from your home, lower your heating bills and reduce your carbon footprint. It is also quick and fairly easy to install.

Figure 7.33

In this same way, it can help to keep your home cool in the summer by stopping the heat from outside transferring into your home. Benefits •

save energy

cut your heating bill

reduce your carbon footprint

Figure 7.34

Figure 7.31

Figure 7.32


Ventilated hollow core elements Introduction Buildings are major energy users, accounting for 32% of total global final energy Use and 19% of total energyrelated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Building stock, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions increase in this It is constantly increasing, which contributes to the increase in global average temperature and possibly Lead to the adverse impact of climate change. TES in buildings are an attractive option for reducing and improving energy use in buildings Inner thermal comfort. The building's TES system can store thermal energy using reasonable and latent thermal heat Energy storage methods. In a sensible heat storage method, energy is stored by change The temperature of the storage media (for example, masonry walls, concrete, rock strata). On the one hand, in the method of storing latent heat, a substance stores heat by changing its phase. Subject Known as a phase change material (PCM). One way to use building fabric as reasonable thermal storage is to pass cold / hot Cores that make an air passage inside a precast concrete slab. In the hollow core Concrete slab system, uses air as a heat transfer fluid. Air passes through multiple coresBack and forth using the increased heat transfer area of the inner surface of the cores. During the summer nights, the cool ambient air removes heat from the plate as it passes through the hollow Cores, and lowered its temperature for daytime use. During the day, the warmer outside air is cooled The air supply is distributed over the hollow panels with a vertical operating central distribution duct To panels every plate connected to this air duct. Air supply, either from Outside or HVAC system, it is sent through the distribution duct and then through the hollow core

Figure 7.35

Ventilated floors: Aerated concrete floors: Ventilated floors are a high energy efficiency solution. The underground ventilation area gives you the freedom to choose the thickness of the insulation. Effective ventilation under the floor structure also helps control the effects of moisture. Find the requirements for these in Building Codes. Cover the ground with plastic foil or insulation to reduce the amount of moisture underneath. Isolate the foundation from both sides.

Figure 7.36

Make ventilated concrete floors with hollow core slabs. Install insulation on top of the supporting structure as follows:

Concrete floor, step sound Flooring materials Reinforced concrete floor slab Casting protection THERMAL INSULATION: PAROC GRS 20Supporting structure: hollow board Ventilation space Finnfoam Ventilated foundation, hollowcore slab, crawl space


Uniqueref.:AP04 Brand:Finnfoam Product family: Finnfoam is an exceptionally diverse same, regular insulation bthermal insulation material. The oards are suitable for numerous applications and purposes – from ground frost protection to foundations, sub-floors, roofs, walls, etc. Normal board 600x2,500 mm = 1.50 m2 Renovation board:600x2,600 mm = 1.56 m2 Special lengths available upon order. Useful dimensions of half-inter fitting boards: 585x2,485 mm = 1.45 m Thickness options: 20 mm–120 mm Fire classification: F

X 300 mm) an aluminum air duct was used in the experiment to represent the supply air duct for a Hollow slab system. BioPCM mat is 300 mm wide and 1200 mm long with a surface density 1.5 kg / m2 was used.

Material: Extrusionompressed polystyrene Cell structure: Closed, does not absorb water Product148 This study adopts both an experimental and numerical approach to148 This study adopts both an experimental and numerical approach to investigating 149 PCM Efficacy. The experimental study investigated heat transfer and 150. reactions between air and PCM in supplied air duct without any hollow plate. The

Figure 7.38 material

151. experimental data were used to validate the developed CFD model for the integrated supply air into the PCM 152. channels. A second CFD model for the hollow plate system has been developed and validated 153. experimental measurements are available in the literature. Finally, Verified Offer CFD Models A total of 154 ductwork and hollow slab were used to verify the effectiveness of PCM on 155 thermal performance of the cavity system during the summer

Figure 7.37

The pilot test setup is 2 m in length in a rectangular (300 mm) shape


Biomaterials and them Environmental Impacts in Construction


Physical bio serpentine lace Made from :algea extract and silk cocoon protein ) The lab tasted biotextile decompose within 24 hrs in water in natural environment


INTRODUCTION Biomaterials are any matter or construct that interacts with biological systems . They can be derived from either nature or the laboratory using synthesized metallic components, polymers, ceramics, or composite materials. This research report overviews the evaluation of biomaterials and their environmental impacts in construction.

The first use of biomaterials in history was when ancient Egyptians used sutures made from animal fibrous tissues. Hence, natural materials such as wood were used in an attempt to structurally replace tissues lost to disease or trauma. For example, prosthetics fashioned from natural materials: wooden toe, 1065–740 BC, used as a prosthetic to replace an amputated toe by Egyptians.

In fact, biomaterials have been implemented in architecture for different applications especially in responsive building facade and surface design. They have been used as building bricks, recycled wooden doors and the combination of the glass and biomaterials used as a building façade. Furthermore, projects. such as the “Organic MushroomBrick Tower” by the Living and “Grow Brick” by bio-MASON introduce the novel uses of biomaterials to synthesize bricks directly in buildings.

However, the molecular biology revolution of the 1970s and the advances in genomics and proteomics in the 1990s and 2000s significantly affected the ways in which biomaterials are designed and used. In fact, this revolution resulted in increasing the importance of biomaterials over the past decades; in which the growth of biomaterials both as an academic discipline and as an important industry. For instance, there has been a precipitous increase in scientific publications in the biomaterials field over the past 30 years. Therefore, biomaterials became a major field of study in universities programmers and is increasingly being emphasized in engineering departments. In fact, the modern field of biomaterials combines medicine, physics, biology, chemistry and engineering. For example, in medical devices, biomaterials are often used to replace heart valves and hips. Biomaterials functions and uses have grown not only in medicine. Their applications have multiplied to reach fashion design, architecture and construction

Figure 5.1 : introduction (Sock ) timetoast.com , (introduction ) Derivation of biomaterials


Figure 5.2 :murphy law firm ,2020wikipedia.org, murphy law firm

Figure 5.3 :intdiscpa ,Organic Mushroom brick tawer ,2014 The biodegradable material, which is generally used to make packaging, has been used to grow bricks and stacked to create three merging cylinders. Grow Brick” by bioMASON& Hy-Fi Mushroom Tower pavilion at the museum of modern art in New York

Figure 5.4 : intdiscpa ,Organic Mushroom brick tawer ,2014

archdaily.com ,Organic Mushroom brick tawer

archdaily.com ,Organic Mushroom brick tawer , 2014

Figure 5.5 : Biomaterials for building skins ,Anna sandak mJakub sandak ,Marcin brzezicki,Andreja kutnar,2019. Recycled wooden doors used as a building façade Such resources are of high graded quality , It is an experimental transportable house constructed entirely from cross-laminated timber panels recovered from the building structure of the SOFIE project

Figure 5.6 Combination of the glass and biomaterials as a composite building façade of Bayerische Vereinsbank in Stuttgart (arch. Behnisch and Sabatke)

Link.springer.com , Biomaterials for building skins

Link.springer.com , Biomaterials for building skins


The environmental impact of biomaterial in construction For environmental awareness, biomaterials are revving an alternative to other construction techniques to be used for constructing sustainable buildings. The unique properties and their biobased materials make them desired in various applications, including construction and interior and exterior design. In fact, because of their renewability and cascade use, biomaterials have a low environmental impact. For example, the amount of energy needed to manufacture wood is low in comparison to other materials when used in construction. The production of wood as a building material involves approximately about 10% of the energy . consumption required to produce equivalent amounts of steel. Also, it can be processed using simple tools, they enable prefabrication and fast

biomaterials have low or almost zero linear coefficients of thermal expansion while metal and concrete can be easily affected by temperature because of their high linear coefficients of thermal expansion. Therefore, biomaterials have high vapor diffusivity, high specific heat capacity and low thermal diffusivity. Finally, the energy consumed by all of the processes associated with using biomaterials in construction is less when compared with different materials nowadays. Thus, biomaterials have lower embodied energy.

installation. Furthermore, the low thermal conductivity of timber increases its applicability in the façade interface between the inside and the outside of a constructed building. Thus, biomaterials provide us with the opportunity to capture and exploit properties that have evolved in nature. Therefore, biomaterials have the potential to provide construction materials with lots of benefits. In fact, when biomaterials capture light’s energy, they also benefit the environment by capturing and storing CO2. Also, since some biomaterials can be taken from crops, biomaterials have sustainable production because the annual growth of the crops has a longer harvest-cycle forest. Furthermore, when compared with concrete and metals.



Smart biomaterials and constructs refer to those that: possess instructive inductive or triggering/stimulating effects on cells and tissues by engineering the material’s responsiveness to internal or external stimuli.” (Bone Research.2018, 1). Such as :PH, temperature, ionic strength and magnetism, to enhance damaged tissue repair and regeneration. Also have intelligently tailored individual properties and controlled functions to actively participate in tissue regeneration in a valuable way. Smart biomaterials have the ability to respond to changes in physiological parameters and exogenous stimuli and continue to impact many aspects of modern medicine. Smart materials can promote: promising therapies and improve treatment of debilitating diseases. “(Kowalski, Bhattacharya, Afwerki and langer Research, A). Smart biomaterials respond to one or more environmental variables: temperature, pH, Ionic concentration, Light electric and magnetic fields.



Figure 5.7: smart biomaterials x-mol.com , smart biomaterials

Figure 5.8: Smart Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering. europepmc.org , Smart Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering.

Figure 5.9: Smart Biomaterials for Drug Delivery and Medical Devices jpet.aspetjournals.org , Smart Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering

SMARTBIOMATERIALS: o Smart Biomaterials Engineering. (figure1)



o Smart Biomaterials for Drug Delivery and Medical Devices. (figure2) o Smart Biomaterials Engineering. (figure3)



Figure 5.10 : Smart Biomaterials in Immune Engineering researchgate.net , Smart Biomaterials in Immune Engineering


Unique Characteristics of Biomaterials Biomaterials is characterized by: Fire proof, Acoustic, Liquid absorbent Thermal insulation, Recycling of household waste and Resist chemicals. (figure4, figure5).

Advantage & Disadvantage of biomaterials:

Bio material in design and architecture The combination between design and natural materials leads to the creation of advanced biomaterials inspired by nature grown from the basic elements of life. The uses of biomaterials are: fashion, design, architecture and construction.

Advantage: Their nature and other assets compatible with the human physiological deactivation. Disadvantage: It is combustible, less safe than steel and masonry, and Combustibility

Some of the creations of the designers:

• •

Figure 5.12 : Made of: recycling of household waste Made by :malen picuki.com , recycling of household waste

• •

Figure 5.11 : Made from local waste ,oyster shells , egg she lls potato starch , coffee grounds ,bone glue Made by: master student (carolinahardh) picuki.com , creations of the designers


Biomaterial in architecture The natural ability of saprophytic fungi to bind and digest lingo-cellulose, is utilized to develop natural bio-composite materials for novel applications in design and architecture. Biomaterials have been considered in architecture, because they have potential to interface with living matters. Bio-based materials are considered a promising resource for buildings in the twenty-first century due to their: sustainability and versatility. They can be produced locally, with minimum transportation costs and in an ecological manner.

Figure 5.13 : Honorable Mention , archidose.blogspot.com , Skyscraper Competition Skyscraper Competition, 2011

Why Build with Biomaterials? Revival of constructing green building is the current trend, as an alternative to other techniques. The unique properties and the beauty of natural bio-materials makes them desirable in many fields such as interior and exterior construction and design.

Figure 5.14 : Sino-steel International plaza, inhabitat.com , Sino-steel International plaza MAD ,2013

• •

Figure 5.16 : The research pavilion at the University of Stuttgart based on a lightweightscaffolding structure made of thin veneer panels that are sewn together by ro bots9 Designed by :Uni Stuttgart inhabitat.com , The research pavilion at the University of Stuttgart

• • • • • •

Figure 5.15 :Biomimetic Pavilion in Stuttgart The structure was formed using additive manufacturi ng The translucent fibres are glass composites the black ones contain carbon-fibre for structural adv antage, and the whole pavilion is enclosed by an additional pl astic membrane Designed by: University of Stuttgart fubiz.net , Biomimetic Pavilion in Stuttgart


BIOMATERIAL IN DESIGN Biomaterials and their applications are constantly multiplying. And designers are responding to this revolution in many different ways Such as: Furniture and Fashion. Natural materials derived from: agricultural products and waste of food are the most innovative option in sustainable design.

Biomaterials in Interior design: A new project is embodied in the student hotel in delft, with interior surface and furniture made from recycled plastic waste. (figure8) Company: fiction factory. Amsterdam

Figure 5.17 : A new project is embodied in the stud

ent hotel in delft Surfaces-more.com , Biomaterials in design


Biological growth on a building façade


heat transfer :Heat transfer by conductivity, convection, and radiation in relation to transport of moisture (such as metals)

o heat transfer:Heat transfer by conductivity, convection, and radiation in relation to transport of moisture (such as metals) o Delivery:Thermocouple is an intermediate the material is transparent (like glass)


Thermal energy:The load affects heat transfer (like gases and moving fluids)


Delivery:Conduction is the transfer of thermal energy in a solid or liquid material while at rest. in A homogeneous, non-liquid substance with a surface area

o Pregnancy Convection heat transfer the transfer of heat energy between a solid surface and a moving fluid (such as air) Movement may occur due to dense air due to temperature changes o Heat (natural convection) due to wind or ventilation systems (Forced pregnancy) Give the flow rate Convection by: qcon = hcon (Tw – Ta) Newton’s Law of Cooling.

The façade is mainly exposed to different wind conditions and the value can be determined as follows: Windward weather side (speed of wind u 10 m/s): hcon = 5 + 4.5u – 0.14u2 On the leeward (speed of wind u 8 m/s): hcon = 5 + 1.5u Notice in calm weather: hcon = 5.

Figure 5.18 : Biological growth on a building facade researchgate.net , Biological growth on a building facade

It gives heat transfer under linearly constant conditions the temperature gradient is high to low


Radiation Conduction reversal because radiation is the transfer of thermal energy by means of electromagnetic waves Thermal energy is radiated continuously in the form of electromagnetic radiation from its surface at different wavelengths the electromagnetic spectrum covers wavelengths from radiation to radio waves

Thermal radiation is divided into two types: -The radiation of the sun and other light has a temperature of about 6000 K. -Thermal radiation from surfaces with a temperature of about 100

Figure 5.19 : radiation researchgate.net , radiation

Humidity Most building materials contain some absorbing water, which can bond more or less strongly to the material. sorption isotherm of a building material

Figure 5.20 : Humidity researchgate.net , Humidity


Designing building skin with biomaterials New biological systems Because some organisms can live on stones, vertical slopes of low growth rate are well adapted to the habitat .Facade organisms depend on biotic and abiotic factors the most important abiotic factor for growth on a facade is moisture. Living organisms must be able to withstand drought. Biofilm An interface is an accumulation of microorganisms at an interface that forms a biofilm. Algae They are photosynthetic organisms that are autotrophic. Using light as a source of energy by photosynthesis.

Figure 5.22: Left image: Green algae growth on the wall Right photo: Green algae sp. Seen in a light microscope. gharpedia.com , Algae



Molds It is synthetic from microscopic filamentous fungi.

Figure 5.23 : Growth of molds on a facade Bygl.osu.edu, molds

Lichens Compound organisms, symbiotic bond of fungi




The cross section of the lichen mold The unique symbiosis between the lichens, surrounds the fungi and protects the algae from dehydration and excessive light intensity, the fungi obtain the nutrients from the photoactive algae

Figure 5. 24 : The cross section of the lichen mold

courses.lumenlearning.com, Lichens Figure 5.25 : Image of single-celled green algae seen in a microscope pond5.com , single-celled green algae


Biological organisms on the facade of the building



They are simple little plants that share

Algae are predominantly aquatic and are

many characteristics of green algae.

known in both freshwater and marine

Light is used as a source of energy by

environments because they depend on



water. Some algae




terrestrial algae because they live in

habitats. The protective tissues lack sun

terrestrial environments, for example, in

protection found in all plants, but they are

soil, on tree trunks, or on building facades.

drought tolerant.

Because they are self-feeding, they only

It does not have specialized conductive

need sunlight as an energy source.

tissues like plants, but absorbs water

Algae expose strong light with dyed


materials to protect it from the extra

Meaning, it can absorb water and mineral


nutrition from the whole surface of the




It does not have any roots, but it uses small

The algae on the facades of the buildings

strings to attach it to the surface.

are mostly green algae, and the algae










turn green to gray on the facades, but it differs from the red algae, as it gets its red color from the Astraxanthin pigment that is present on the facades. Painting this moss gives the facade a reddish look.

Figure 5.26 :oppla study case, Moss for green infrastructure way to reduce the effect of climate change in cities.Reducing heat in buildings with urban green infrastructure.Thin mossy surfaces are lightweight and lightweight

Oppla.eu , theplaidzebra.com , mosses


Figure 5.27: In vivo XTU as architects ,2020 A biofacade interface producing microalgaefor medical . This new generation facade, operated by AlgoSource, will house microalgae cultures within «biological solar panels» (photobioreactors), providing valuable biomass for medical research. issuu.com ,




Molds are an artificial group of fungi.

Both are black due to the

The most important factor for mold




growth is availability of water, but it




also depends on the nutrients from the

strong UV rays. Indoor


mold growth is a known

It is possible that a lot of molds can

problem due to negative

grow well on dirty materials if moisture

health effects

conditions are appropriate.




several models to assess






the risk of mold growth.

building façades is the black-colored mold Cladosporium spp .It is often found in air samples, and another common airborne mold that can be








Bacteria Bacteria





Bacterial caps are invisible to the


naked eye, they can grow on a metal

They can be found in all ecosystems, some

interface, where they can be found in

are chemicals, and some are photosynthetic.

many numbers on clean surfaces.

Due to the small size of the bacteria, there are many forms of parasites and they spread easily through the air.

Cyanobacteria Cyanobacteria




algae). Capable






atmosphere and on ground substrates.

Figure 5.28: can establish growth on a mineral facade, where they can be present in large numbers on clean surfaces. Technologycards.net , bacteria

Figure 5.29 : In vivo XTU as architects ,2020

sites.google.com , cyanobacteria


Figure 5.30 : the silk pavilion was completed by 6,500 live silkworms. ArchDaily.com , the silk pavilion

Material computation The production of architecture, both intellectually and physically, is on the brink of a significant change. Computational design enables architects to integrate ever more multifaceted and complex design information, while the industrial logics of conventional building construction are eroding rapidly in a context of increasingly ubiquitous computer-controlled manufacturing and fabrication”. Menges, 16. “

“Material properties, characteristics, and behavior can now be employed as active design generators, and the microscale of material make-up and the macroscale of material systems in architecture can now be understood as a continuum of reciprocal behavioral characteristics and performative capacities”. Menges, 16 Nery Oxman

A novel convergence of computation and materialization is about to arise, bringing the virtual processes of computational design and the physical realization of architecture much closer together, more so than ever before”. Menges, 16. Computation refers to the act of processing and reckoning. Material has the capacity to compute. The combination of machine and material computation potentially has significant and surpassing outcomes for architecture, design, and the future of our built environment.

Figure 5.31: the silkworms positioned at the bottom edge of the structure. “Silk Pavilion / MIT Media Lab” ArchDaily, June 06, 2013

ArchDaily.com , the silk pavilion


Nery Oxman Oxman is a professor at the SONY corporation career development and professor of Media Arts and Science at the Media Lab, where she founded and directs the Mediated Matter research group. Her team conducts research at the intersection of computational design, Oxman is known for art and architecture that combine, materials science, digital fabrication, and synthetic biology Silk

designed the overall geometry of the pavilion using an algorithm that mapped a continuous thread path across patches providing various degrees of density laid down by a computer numerical control machine (CNC), inspired by the way silkworms weave cocoons out of a single one-kilometer-long silk thread. 6,500 silkworms were positioned at the bottom edge of the structure, spinning nonwoven silk patches.


Oxman and her team created a bespoke technology for digital construction to be used in real-world applications, they have generated a new structural concept that consists of the basic physical properties which can be used in structures. The silk pavilion, an installation designed in 2013 by the Mediated Matter research group, the project aim is to explore the relationship between digital and biological fabrication on product and architectural scales.

The silkworm is being used as a biological printer in the creation of the structure, affected by the environmental conditions, variation of the natural light and density, it was found that the silkworms were migrated to darker and denser areas due the natural instinct of the silkworms. therefore, fibers were laid more lightly distributed on the sunnier areas.

The base structure was created of 26 polygonal silk thread panels, the team

Figure 5.32: Sun path diagram mapping solar trajectories in space controlling size, location and density of apertures within the structure.

ArchDaily.com , the silk pavilion


Figure 5.33: silk work spin-model

ArchDaily.com , the silk pavilion


EcoLogic Studio Case Study

Figure 5.34: the founder of ecologic studio Marco Poletto and Claudia Pasquero, co-founders of ecoLogicStudio. From their London studio, the Italian architects tell us about their vision, for a new world of architecture designwanted.com Ecologic studio


Introduction Who id ecologic Studio? They are a group of architectural and urban design practice specialized in environmental design, urban self-sufficiency and building integrated nature. one of the services is designing and development of recommended building cladding prototypes of advanced environmental performance, integrating biological/living matter and producers of onsite energy/food. Also design for the definition of a new “ecology” of space and behavior. Established in London in 2005 by “Claudia Pasquero” and “Marco Poletto”, the office has received an international name for its modern work on “systemic” design a process describe by the blend and mixing of systemic thinking

The interface among living systems can only be fully conceived and expressed in real-time, for this reason we design platforms that cheer real-time participatory research ecologic Studio has advanced prototypes and fixings for main architectural biennales. And won the admired Idea Tops Award for best digital architecture where ecologic Studio was ranked midst the 10 most interesting global developing practices of 2014. The effort of ecologic Studio has taken part in several international fairs and venues, among others: Milan EXPO 2015, Astana EXPO 2017, Centre Pompidou, Mori Art Museum, Tallinn Architecture Biennale, MAK Museum

After architecture... a new Nature! As we can only imagine what we act or draw. our purpose is to develop the 3d programs or any program that support drawing or modeling


-H.O.R.T.U.S. XL “H.O.R.T.U.S. XL Astaxan thin.g” by ecologic Studio in collaboration with Innsbruck University - Synthetic Landscape Lab, CREATE Group / WASP Hub Denmark University of Southern Denmark, and "Xeno Derma" by Urban Morphogenesis Lab directed by Claudia Pesquera at The Bartlett UCL. (:: Eco Logic Studio :: )

ecologic Studio founders Claudia Pesquera and Marco Poletto have created “in-human gardens”, two 3D printed living sculptures receptive to human and non-human life. (Centre Pompidou hosts Living Sculptures investigating Life in a Digital Age)

This is examining the notion of “living” in a digital era, Permeating the entire urban scape, this global, distribution, and intelligence of manmade urban networks of in-human complexity, engendering evolving processes of synthetic life on Earth.”

Figure 5.35 Innsbruck University en.wikipedia.org , H.O.R.T.U.S. XL

Figure 5.36 : University of Southern Denmark arcdog.com, H.O.R.T.U.S. XL

Figure 5.37:. Claudia Pasquero” and “Marco Poletto” ecologicstudio.com , H.O.R.T.U.S. XL


•design incorporating living organisms, both structures contain colonies of photosynthetic cyano bacteria.• It was in the installation, a digital algorithm simulates the growth of substratum inspired by coral morphology, which is digitally deposited by 3D printing machines. The photosynthetic bacteria are inoculated on a bio gel medium in triangular units (or “bio-pixels”), arranged to form hexagonal blocks of 18.5cm.

•The metabolisms hosted by the structure are powered by photosynthesis, converting radiation to oxygen and biomass. The density of bacteria on each bio-pixel has been digitally computed to ensure the organisms are positioned in areas of increasing incoming radiation. According to the team, “cyanobacteria's unique biological intelligence is gathered as part of a new form of bio-digital architecture.” (arch daily)

Figure 5.38 : living sculptors they are showing zoom in process in this 3d printer sculpture archdaily.com, H.O.R.T.U.S. XL




XenoDerma, has been designed by Urban Morphogenesis Lab, directed by Claudia Pesquera at The Bartlett, UCL.. The “spider web morphogenesis” is interwoven with a man-made spatial scaffolding designed using algorithms and 3D print technology. The scheme is inspired by the relationship between a spider’s internal mind and the spatial thinking they exercise in the creation of a web. Their behavior is reprogrammed in XenoDerma through a 3D-printed substructure“revealing in the alien beauty of its silky morphologies, an intelligence that resides somewhere at the intersection of the biological, technological and digital realms.” (arch daily)

Figure 5.39 :spider web morphogenesis this is a living spider map by ecologic archdaily.com, XenoDerma studio.


Conclusion Biomaterials are materials, synthetic and natural, that are used mainly in medical devices or in contact with biological systems. However, biomaterials as a field have seen steady growth over its approximately half century of existence until they reach engineering and construction fields. They have been used and proven to be affected in building as well as environmentally friendly. As building materials, they have been proven as shown in the Hy-Fi Mushroom Tower pavilion at the museum of modern art in New York as well as different construction projects


Conclusion In the end, The aim of this thesis, is the provision of a suitable environment for human life, its activities in the internal spaces .The process of designing buildings in a manner that respects the environment, taking into account the reduction of energy, materials and resource consumption is extremely important in the operation and efficiency of buildings while minimizing the effects of construction and use on the environment while organizing harmony with nature. and try, dear reader, not to miss her knowledge and read about it, We have a lot to learn


Acknowledgment We use this opportunity to express our gratitude to everyone who supported us, throughout the course of this dissertation. All our sincerest gratitude goes to Ms.Fatima Almathal for her guidance and encouragement throughout the whole research and thesis writing. She always supported us.


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Figure 5-73 8

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Figure 5-74 8

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Figure 5-76 9

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Figure 5-77

Reflection of Natural light movement

10 velux.com, Reflection of Natural light movement Figure



Exampl e

11 adcitymag.ru, Types of natural light Figure 5-79


How to Design for Visual Comfort Using Natural Light

saintgobain.com,How to Design for Visual Comfort Using Natural Light Figure 5- 80

Luminance map of a task area showing sun patches causing glare (left), Luminance map of


task area showing glare control with external solar shading (right). Figure 5- 81

sources ofglare supervisor.store, sources of glare, May 2018 Discomfort glare results in an instinctive desire to look away from a bright light source or difficulty in seeing a task. It generally does not impair visibility but causes an uncomfortable sensation. It increases when the light source is facing the observer

Figure 5-82 17

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Figure 5-83 18

natural light components. ( Lighting design in architecture) nzeb.in, natural light components

Figure 5-84

natural light components ( Lighting design in architecture) slideplayer.com,natural light components

Figure 5-85 grid based( Climate Analysis) 19 Figure 5-86 3D view (Climate Analysis) Figure 5-87 Drawing showing the values measured by the daylight factor method 20 .the internal and external daylighting (unobstructed) . (Daylight calculations and measurements)) velux.com ,Drawing showing the values measured by the daylight factor method

Figure5-88 images

Luminance rendering of Sunlight House shown with photo-realistic and false color velux.com ,Daylight simulation tools

Figure 5-89 Section views of a luminance rendering showing the effects of VELUX Modula 21 r Skylights in the atrium space of an office building (Daylight simulation tools) velux.com ,Velux Daylight Figure 5-9

Screenshots of VELUX Daylight Visualizer (Daylight simulation tools) velux.com ,Velux Daylight

.Figure 5- 91

Lux meter (Daylight calculations andmeasurements) velux.com, Lux meter

Figure 5- 92

illuminance table value (Daylight calculations and measurements) velux.com, illuminance table value

Illuminance rendering of Maison Air et Lumière Figure 5-94 22 (Daylight calculations and measurements). velux.com, Illuminance rendering of Maison Air et Lumièr Figure5-93

Illuminance diagram (Daylight calculations and measurements). velux.com Illuminancediagram

.Figure5- 95

Luminance meter (Daylight calculations and measurements) velux.com ,Luminance

Cool pix camera and fisheye lens used to create luminancemaps .Figure5- 96 .(Daylight calculations and measurements) velux.com ,Luminance Figure5- 97 23

Luminance diagram (Daylight calculations and measurements). velux.com , Luminance diagram

Figure5- 98 Luminance map showing the distribution of luminance values in Atika, a concept ,house by VELUX .under overcast sky conditions (Daylight calculations andmeasurements) velux.com , luminance table value

Figure5- 99

luminance table value (Daylight calculations and measurements) velux.com , luminance table value

Figure5- 100

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Figure 5-101 24

Figure 5- 102

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Figure 5- 103 25

Sun path analysis

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Figure 5-104 26

LMN office building

Figure 5-105 27

Sunlight Study

Figure 34 28

LMN Architects Office Post-Occupancy Study

Figure 5-106 ble

The design of the interior space in a way that allows sunlight to enter the largest possi-

Area Figure5- 107

Demonstrate automatic shading systems created a large useful daylight zone and provided better glare control than a light shelf or pairing the light shelf with manual shades.

Figure5- 108 29

Images courtesy of LMN Architects

Figure5-109 30 Figure5-110

The useful daylight zone indicates the area that benefits from daylight and makes up 90% of the working day's time



Figure 5-112

LMN installed automated shades (with local sensors) throughout the entire office



Figure 6-1 there’s a malty force that affects how the people live in the city or we can say that it affects the Built environment



Figure 6-2. Natural cooling utilizes on-site energy, available from the natural environment, combined with the architectural design of building components building envelope 7

Figure 6-3 Pipes are laid in the earth at least 4 to 5metre deep in the ground 8 Figure 6-4 The air passing a buried pipe at a depth of a few meters gets cooled in summers and heated in winters


Figure 6-5 Vertical ground loop system•Used mainly in commercial buildings or where space is limited 9

Figure6-6 This type of design is cost effective on smaller projects or where there is sufficient space for the loop 10

Figure6-7 This type of design is economical when a project is located near a body of water 11

Figure6-8 the process of building the basics choosing the material with its weight/strength as well as its type is considered the main factor to have a successful basic in addition 12

Figure6-9 13

Figure6-10. Shelter r e m a i n s a source of inspiration a n d invention 14


F ig u re 6 12 15

F ig u re 6 13 16

Figure6-14 A g e o t h e r m a l h e a t p u m p p l a c e d inside t h e g r o u n d 5 m e t e r s or m o r e b e l o w g r o u n d level 17

Figure6-15 earth-to-air h e a t e x c h a n g e r 18

Figure6-16. A n earth-to-air h e a t e x c h a n g e r d r a w s ventilation s u p p l y air t h r o u g h b u r i e d d u c t s or t u b e s 18

F ig u re 6 17 19

F ig u re 6 18 19

F ig u re 6 19 19

F i g u r e 6 - 2 0 In winter, with t h e h e l p of t h e h e a t p u m p , w h e n t h e water is colder t h a n t h e soil In s u m m e r , w h e n t h e water is w a r m e r t h a n t h e soil, t h e h e a t is dissipated in t h e soil for c o o l i ng d u r i n g t h e fixation p h a s e 20

F ig u re 6 21 22

Figure6-22 R e g i o n a l climate: It i n c l u d e s t h e climatic characteristics of a r e g i o n or r e g i o n of a specific n a t ur e that are similar in g e n e r a l features, a n d its i m p a c t m a y reach about 500 km. 23

F ig u re 6 23 23

F ig u re 6 24 24

F ig u re 6 25 24

F ig u re 6 26 25

F ig u re 6 27 26

F i g u r e 6 -2 8 I n c r e a s ing t e m p e r a t ur e s 26

F i g u r e 6 -2 9 coastal erosion 26

F i g u r e 6 - 3 0 Modifies rainfall patterns 26

Figure6-31 L e n g t h e n s t h e g r o w i n g season in s o m e r e g i o n s 26

Figure6-32 s o m e infect ious diseases 26

Figure633 27

F ig u re 6 34 27

F ig u re 6 35 27

F ig u re 6 36 27

F ig u re 6 37 28

F ig u re 6 38 28

F ig u re 6 39 28

F ig u re 6 4 0 28

F ig u re 6 41 28

F ig u re 6 42 28

F ig u re 6 43 29

Figure64 4 30

Figure645 30

F ig u re 6 4 6 30

F ig u re 6 4 7 31

F ig u re 6 4 8 31

F ig u re 6 4 9 31

F ig u re 6 50 32

F ig u re 6 51 32

F ig u re 6 52 32

F ig u re 6 53 32

F i g u r e 6 - 5 4 solar cells u s e visible a n d infrared l i g h t to g e n e r a t e electricity 33

Figure6-55 Glass -met al t u b e s collecting t h e w a r m of t h e s u n a n d h e a t i n g t h e water will b e i n t e gr ate d in t h e elliptical s h a p e s . 33

Figure6-56 Vertical-axis wind turbines Used for generate a maximum of electricity 34

Figure6-57. Community gardens help alleviate one effect of climate change, and improve users 34

Figure6-58 The green walls enable to reduce overall temperatures of the building 35 Fig7.1

Improve Basement Air Quality - Martha June 15, 2018



window shutters are not only functional and attractive but also very energy-efficient



window shutters are not only functional and attractive but also very energy-efficient



window shutters are not only functional and attractive but also very energy-efficient



Thermal shutter



Thermal shutter



Thermal shutter



window shutters are not only functional and attractive but also very energy-efficient



window shutters are not only functional and attractive but also very energy-efficient



window shutters are not only functional and attractive but also very energy-efficient



29 Oct 2020 , designingbuildings.co.uk, Cavities are ventilated to ensure that any accumulating moisture is able to evaporate and vent to the outside.



29 Oct 2020 , designingbuildings.co.uk, Cavities are ventilated to ensure that any accumulating moisture is able to evaporate and vent to the outside.


29 Oct 2020 , designingbuildings.co.uk


AUGUST 18, 2013 , electrical-efficiency-The passivhaus uses a combination of low-energy building techniques and technologies





2 M a y 2018 , elsevier


P r i n c i p l e t y pes T a n d O for s olar w all h e a t i n g w i t h t rans parent ins ula - t ion (type O c a n b e v e n t e d in s u m m e r for effective o v e r h e a t i n g prot e ct ion) (Platzer, 2 0 0 0 ) Fig7.25 Fig7.26

T h e aus t ralian w i n d o w s - h e at transfer m a c h o n i s m s P oorly d e s i g n e d a n d ins t alle d force d-air s y s t e m s c a n cre at e s t r o n g pre s s ure i m b a l a n c e s ins ide t h e h o m e w h e n e v e r t h e h e a t i n g a n d cool- i n g s y s t e m operates.

13 14


T h e r m a l buffe ring of nat urally v e nt ilat e d b u i l d i n g s



T h e r m a l buffe ring of nat urally v e nt ilat e d b u i l d i n g s



C hris Re ardon, 2013-during t he d a y



C hris Re ardon, 2013-g ood a c c e s s to w int e r s u n



W h a t is re inforce d c o n c r e t e



iSock timetoast.com , (introduction ) Derivation of biomaterials murphy law firm , wikipedia.org

Fig8.2 Fig8.3

intdiscpa, Organic Mushroom brick tawer ,2014 The biodegradablematerial, ArchDaily.com intdiscpa ,Organic Mushroom brick tawer ,2014, ArchDaily.com

Fig8.4 Biomaterials for building skins ,Anna sandak mJakub sandak ,Marcin brzezicki,Andreja kutnar,2019, Link.springer.com , Biomaterials for building skins


Combination of the glass and biomaterials as a composite building faรงade of Bayerische Vereinsbank in Stuttgart (arch. Behnisch and Sabatke), Link.springer.com ,

Biomaterials for building skins



Smart Biomaterials, x-mol.com , smart biomaterials . Smart Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering, europepmc.org , Smart Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering Smart Biomaterials for Drug Delivery and Medical Devices, jpet.aspetjournals.org , Smart Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering

Fig8.8 Smart Biomaterials in Immune Engineering, researchgate.net , Smart Biomaterials in Immune Engineering


Made from local waste ,oyster shells , egg shells potato starch , coffee grounds ,bone glue Made by: master student(carolinahardh) Made of: recycling of household waste. Made by :malen

Fig8.10 Honorable Mention , Skyscraper Competition, 2011. archidose.blogspot.com , Skyscraper Competition

Fig8.11 Sino-steel International plaza, MAD ,2013. inhabitat.com , Sino-steel International plaza

Fig8.12 Biomimetic Pavilion in Stuttgart, fubiz.net



The research pavilion at the University of Stuttgart, inhabitat.com A new project is embodied in the student hotel in delft , Surfaces-more.com , Biomaterials in design

Biological growth on a building faรงade, researchgate.net

Dalal Alenizi

Afnan Almalki

Amjad Aldubaisi

Raghad Alqahtani


Nada Alluhaid


Haifaa Alshaqra

Sara AlGhamdi

Lamia Al Qahtani

Zainab Almomen


Hadeel Almarri

Sakinah AL Fwaiz

Fatema Alhashim

Dalia Alhowaish

Wajdan Almarri


Ghadeer AL Obaid

Reem Alqawo


Fatmah Alkhudair

Yara Ekhwan


Reem Alharbi

Sara Alkhaldi

Atheer Alomran

Asayel Alsharari

Nada Almutairi

Dalal ALRushoud

Norah Alshamsi


Fatimah Hamadah

Fadia Khan

Amerh Almutairi

Ghada Almarri

Hadeel Abdulhadi

Alanoud Albunyan

Waad AlKhalaf

Shoroq Alhamidi


Sara Alqahtani

Manal Alotaibi

Hagar Hafiz

Environmental control

relates to the study of human needs and comfort in relation to the natural and man-made environment, and to clarify how to deal with and control environmental factors as an integral part of architectural design At present, we are witnessing a global transition through the age of computation, digital mass customization and parametric design. Which created a higher demand towards more smart, sustainable and responsive systems within the build environment. maintaining and designing a climate responsive system in buildings is a significant challenge faced by a majority of the developing countries, responsive building design is recognised to be a key factor for a sustainable and secure global energy future. In this study, Sunlight and Temperature and Wind and Humid and Natural Light and Earth and Thermal Conservation are studied.

Arch315 Environmental Control 2020

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