Core EnvironMentors Activities ACTIVITY EnvironMentors Orientation Event
DESCRIPTION The Orientation Event is traditionally an upbeat and fun event to provide an opportunity for students and mentors to meet one another for the first time, learn more about the program, and consider whom they might like to work with as a mentor or mentee.
TIME FRAME September
Kick Off Event
The Kick Off Event introduces students and mentors for the first time in a non-threatening, group setting. Student-Mentor Manuals will be distributed and each mentor-mentee pair will work through the Getting to Know You pages and submit completed Student Mentor Commitment Forms.
Mentor/Mentee Training Workshop
This workshop will provide a deeper understanding of the roles of mentors, the fundamentals of a mentoring relationship, and review the program calendar and expectations.
EnvironMentors Meetings
EnvironMentors meetings are where students receive the EnvironMentors curriculum, workshops, events, or meet with their mentors. It is best to have EnvironMentors meetings at least once a month, in a place that has the necessary resources needed for that meeting (i.e. computers with internet access for research).
Throughout the Year
Scientific Method and Project Design Workshop
The project design workshop will give students a greater understanding of the scientific method. Students will learn the difference between independent, dependent, and controlled variables, as well as experimental methods, sampling techniques and create a materials list.
Scientific Writing Workshop
This workshop is to familiarize your students with proper scientific writing techniques. Students will receive tools for best conveying their data, conclusion and discussion.
Background Research Workshop
This workshop will review the process of conducting a Literature review and annotated bibliography, including primary and secondary sources of information and citation guidelines.
Experimental Methods Workshop
The experimental method workshop will present tools to help students develop a detailed materials list, and replicable experimental procedure. Students will also learn how to accurately collect, record and interpret scientific data.
Lesson Planning and Presentation Skills Workshop
This workshop will equip students with skills for writing/implementing lesson plans for elementary school students and presenting to fair judges to prepare students for their elementary school and fair presentations. The workshop should address everything from project display to proper presentation attire.
Chapter Fair
The Chapter Fair represents the culminating event and ceremony for your students and mentors. Top three students from each chapter will go on to compete for college scholarship at the National EnvironMentors Fair in Washington, DC.