Sample Mentor Email Do You Want to Give Back to the Community? Do You Want to Give Back to the Community and Help Interest Youth in Environmental Science …..BE AN ENVIRONMENTOR! What is EnvironMentors? EnvironMentors is an environment-based mentoring program that helps prepare high school students for college studies and careers in environmental fields. Students develop environmentally-based science projects and present them to an elementary school class as well as at the annual EnvironMentors Science Fairs. Students who do well at the Fair and excel in the overall program are eligible to compete for college scholarships. What role do mentors play? Mentors work with their student protégés throughout the school year to develop an environmental research project on a topic of the student’s choosing. All aspects of the student’s and mentor’s work together is supported through a series of skills workshops, Student and Mentor Manuals, weekly meetings of EnvironMentors staff with the students in their science classes, and regular e-mail and phone communications with EnvironMentors staff. Expertise in environmental science or previous mentoring experience is NOT a requirement for participation. The most important criterion for success in EnvironMentors is the desire to have fun and work with youth. To learn more, please visit, or contact your local chapter!