2011-12 Chapter Reimbursement Budget Justification Program Support Funds will also be provided to chapters to meet their program implementation needs. This amount is based on the average outlays of existing chapters to implement key program components such as field trips, supplies for student projects, testing equipment, etc. Each specific university chapter will decide how to use these funds to support program. Technology Supplies Funds will provide each of EnvironMentors chapters with support for carrying out the technology aspects of the program via a tool-kit. The tool kit will include items such as a digital camera, GPS, basic water and air quality measurement devices, webcams, laptops, and or other equipment. Participant Incentives Funds will provide each EnvironMentors chapter to insure participation in the research, provide support for students to participate in research including student pre and post surveys and student focus groups. EnvironMentors Coordinator to May Fair Travel for EnvironMentors Coordinator is included to participate in focus groups during the annual National Fair and Awards Ceremony held in Washington, DC in May 2012. Funds include airfare, lodging for two nights, transportation, and per diem. Three Students to May Fair Travel for three students is included to attend the National Fair and Awards Ceremony in Washington, DC in May 2012. Funds include airfare, lodging for two nights, transportation, and per diem. Director to August Meeting Travel for chapter director to attend a 3day/2night meeting in summer 2012 to meet with the research team. Funds include airfare, lodging, transportations, and per diem.