Mentor Evaluation Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the Mentor Evaluation. This should not take more than 15 minutes. Please return by Friday, June 3th to: (You, Phone/Email) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name (Optional) ____________________________________________________________________ I) Participation: 1) How did you learn about EnvironMentors? _____A colleague/friend _____Presentation from staff member _____Notice in the Washington Post _____E-mail notice _____Notice in the Washingtonian Magazine _____Surfing the Web _____Flyer on Bulletin Board _____ Other 2) How many years have you participated in EnvironMentors? ___1 year ___2 years ____3 years ____4 years ____5 years ____ more than 5 years 3) What motivated you to mentor with EnvironMentors? (Check any/all that apply). ____Desire to help a student. ____Desire to share my love of the environment with a student. ____Desire to develop an environmental project with a student. ____Desire to share my professional interests with a student. ____Desire to do something beyond the boundaries of my job description. ____Other._________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 4) On average, how often did you met with your student? ____ Once per week. ____ 3-5 face to face meetings per month, interspersed with phone calls and e-mail. ____ Approximately once per month ____ Less frequently 5) What were your expectations for mentoring with EnvironMentors and do you feel these were met. "In general, my expectations included____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Do you feel these expectations were met? ____ Yes, I feel these expectations were met
____ No, these expectations were not met.
6) What currently does, or does not, motivate you to consider mentoring with EnvironMentors in the future? (Check all that apply. Your answers in no way bind you to actually participating next year). ____Positive experience this year motivates me to do it again next year. ____Satisfactory experience this year motivates me to expand my efforts next year. ____Less than satisfactory experience this year leads me to not want to participate in EnvironMentors next year. ____Other, please explain.
7) Are you considering mentoring in next year’s program? Your response, positive or negative, does not bind you to mentoring next year.) ____Yes, I am considering participating in next year’s program and would like to do so with my current student(s). ____Yes, I am considering participating in next year’s program and would like to do so with a new student(s). ____No, I am not considering participating in next year’s program. 8) If you are not considering participating next year, can you tell us the reasons why? (Your responses are extremely valuable and confidential). ____Time commitment more than my schedule will allow. ____Work with student too difficult. ____Work with the EnvironMentors organization too difficult. ____Relocation ____Additional reasons/comments ________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 9) Please let us know your overall thoughts regarding your level of satisfaction with EnvironMentors. a) What aspects of EnvironMentors worked well for you?
b) What aspects of the program did not work for you?
What are some of the most significant things you would like to see changed/improved to increase your level of satisfaction with EnvironMentors and enhance the program for other new mentors?
II) Program 10) Please indicate in which of the following events/workshops you participated and whether they were valuable to your role as an EnvironMentor.
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Program Orientation Program Kick off Mentor Training Workshop Project Design Workshop Science Writing Workshop Experimental Methods Workshop Lesson Planning/Presentation Skills Mentor Happy Hours
Moderately Valuable
Not Valuable
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
11) Please indicate topics for additional training you think would be valuable to you as a mentor and/or students. ____ More effective mentoring trainings Comments/Suggestions_______________________________________________________________ ____ Mentor Happy Hours --More opportunities to get together in informal situations. Comments/Suggestions_______________________________________________________________ 2
____ College awareness and preparedness (joint mentor-student session) Comments/Suggestions_______________________________________________________________ ____ Career awareness in environmental professions (joint mentors-student session) Comments/Suggestions_______________________________________________________________ ____ Time Management (joint mentors-student session) Comments/Suggestions_______________________________________________________________ ____ Basic Composition and Research Paper Writing (joint mentors-student session) Comments/Suggestions_______________________________________________________________ Other Topics________________________________________________________________________
12) Please indicate activities you believe would strengthen the program and your work with your student. (rank in order 1-3). ___ more workshops geared to skills building. ___ more workshops geared to awareness of environmental topics and issues ___ more field trips geared to promoting bonding and team building between and among mentors and students. ___ more field trips geared to expanding awareness and understanding of local ecology and environmental issues
13) Because skill building is a necessary component of EnvironMentors, some forms of training sessions are inevitable. Please let us know what would be your preferred time for workshops. ___ Saturday mornings ___ Saturday afternoons ___ Early evenings ___ For mentor-only workshops, noon-time brown bag meetings would work for me III) Communications: 14) Please indicate the methods of communication that worked for you. ____ E-mail updates ____ Workshops and events ____ Mentor/Student Manual ____ Telephone reminders and contacts with Student Coordinator 15) Please indicate whether the quality of staff support and communications met your needs. (responses are confidential) Staff support was: ____Excellent ___Satisfactory ___Unsatisfactory 16) Please state whether the quantity of staff communications met your needs. ____ Just the right amount of communication. I felt well supported by the staff and chapter. ____
Not enough communication. I felt less than well-supported by the staff and chapter. I often didn’t know what I should be doing next with my student. ____ More information than I could handle; I found the level of communication overwhelming. Please let us know of any other ideas for improving communications with mentors. __________________________________________________________________________________ 3
__________________________________________________________________________________ 17) Please check all that apply in-person and technology-based methods of support you would be valuable your work in EnvironMentors. ____ More mentor Happy Hours ____ Mentor brown bag speaker series on mentoring skills ____ Mentor Manual and other mentor training materials in online instructional format. ____ Mentor list-serve to facilitate easy idea exchange among mentors. ____Other options? IV) Will you help? 18) Quotable Quotes It is extremely valuable to have supportive quotes from participating mentors when we tell others about the program--through grant proposals, newsletters, media communications, and public presentations. Your words of support in the form of a few sentences, a paragraph, or even a quick letter are much appreciated. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________