Chapter Coordinator’s Role Coordinators play a diverse role in the EnvironMentors program. They are the liaison between the students and mentors, serving as important resources for both Lead Teachers and Students. In this sense it is important that Coordinators maintain strong communication between each individual within the EnvironMentors Program. In addition, Coordinators organize activities that will foster the learning of students and create a lasting relationship with mentees and mentors. Therefore the Coordinator role is valuable to the overall success of the EnvironMentors program. A strong Chapter Coordinator will commit approximately 50% or more time to their chapter. The following are sample activities to be completed by Coordinators: •
Work with Lead Teachers at partner schools to identify and recruit approximately 20 students for participation in your EnvironMentors program. - Identify if the Class Integration Model or Club Based Model is best suited for your program - Develop your annual program calendar. - Develop a student incentive package.
Recruit mentors among faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students, and working professionals in your community to provide one-to-one mentoring with your students.
Coordinate EnvironMentors events including: program orientation, kick-off event, field trips, college access activities, and chapter fairs.
Conduct a mentor and mentee training workshop and skills training workshops on topics of Project Design, Science Writing, Experimental Methods, Lesson Planning, and Presentation Skills.
Oversee students and mentors, troubleshooting challenges with student participation and retention, and/or student-mentor relationships.
Serve as main point of contact for mentors through weekly e-mail updates, regular phone and e-mail support, coordination of mentor social events and occasional one-onone in-person meetings.
Hold students accountable for all assignment deadlines.
Participate in webinars and conference calls.
Make use of the EnvironMentors Community for communicating with your chapter participants and exchange of information and ideas with Coordinators from other chapters.
Plan and conduct your Chapter’s Fair in April 2012.
Submit all Chapter Reports by designated due dates.