Dear Friend, Since 1992, EnvironMentors has supported over 3,000 underrepresented high school students in fulfilling their dreams of going to college. This year at our National Fair and Awards Ceremony we are offering 12 environmentally-related scholarships, including one $10,000 scholarship. With your generous support, you too can help EnvironMentors students: •
Donate to the EnvironMentors Scholarship Fund
Vote daily for EnvironMentors in the Pepsi Refresh Challenge and help EnvironMentors win $25,000 to support our National Fair and student scholarships.
All support makes a difference and will directly help an EnvironMentors high school student, like Oliver and Shaunise (see below). Oliver and Shaunise are two of six students in the running for the $10,000 scholarship to pursue an environmental related college degree program.
Oliver Tran Arkansas State University
Shaunise Stewart Washington, DC Chapter
Project: Building Durability and Earthquakes
Project: Wind Energy
“EnvironMentors helped me decide what I want to do in the future. I intend to major in mechanical engineering and use my skills to help solve environmental issues of today.”
"Developing two award winning projects has raised my environmental awareness and further encouraged me to become a chemical engineer."
This is my second year in the Arkansas State University (ASU) EnvironMentors Program and it has been a positive influence in my life. My first year in the program I had an interest in natural disasters, which led to a project on earthquakes and building an earthquake model. With the support of my mentor, Keith Morris, I produced one of the top three projects in the ASU EnvironMentors Chapter Fair
After learning about the opportunity to gain science skills and a mentor I decided to join the program my freshman year of high school. Now, my mentor and I are working together for a third year. Our relationship has helped me develop useful skills and great projects.
and competed in the National EnvironMentors Fair.
My first project won a DC EnvironMentors Fair scholarship for Chemical Analysis and my second year project won first place overall at the DC EnvironMentors Fair.
We encourage you to contribute to the EnvironMentors Scholarship Fund, helping our students reach their academic and lifetime goals. Show your support for EnvironMentors by voting daily for the EnvironMentors Pepsi Refresh Challenge. We hope to see you at this year’s National Fair and Award Ceremony on May 26, 2011! Sincerely,
Susan Carlson EnvironMentors Director
Veronica Johnson NBC4 Weather Meteorologist EnvironMentors Development Chair
How To Give Donate Online Click Here Donate by Mail Mail your check made payable to EnvironMentors: National Council for Science and the Environement - EnvironMentors 1101 17th Street NW, Suite 250 Washington, DC 20036 Share this Email If you are unable to give, please share this wonderful giving opportunity with family and friends. Vote in the Pepsi Refresh Challenge Your vote is valuable! You can spread the word and vote every day: EnvironMentors is a program of the National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE). NCSE is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax-deductable to the extent by law. 1101 17th St NW Suite 250 | Washington, DC 20036 US