Contribute to the EnvironMentors Scholarship Fund Help build the next generation of environmental professionals EnvironMentors is a national, college access program that prepares high school students from underrepresented backgrounds for college degree programs and careers in environmental and related scientific fields. We mentor and motivate students as they conduct scientific research and acquire skills that will allow them to build careers and become active stewards of their communities and the environment. With the support of a mentor, students develop academically rigorous environmental research projects. EnvironMentors also provides general college preparation and assists students in the college admissions process. As a university-based program, students are exposed to science, natural resource management, and environmental degree programs that many choose to pursue in their careers. While many of our students receive some financial aid, most cannot afford the full cost of a four-year college education. Your contribution to EnvironMentors Scholarship Fund can help ensure that one or more Environ-Mentors students succeeds in and graduates from college, thereby you will be helping develop a knowledgeable, skilled, and culturally diverse cadre of future environmental leaders.
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the Environment-EnvironMentors. Please indicate EnvironMentors Scholarship in memo line of check.
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* You may wish to dedicate an EnvironMentors Scholarship in a particular topic area such as “Energy Efficiency,” “Biodiversity Conservation,” Water Quality” or other topic, or in honor of a family member. If so, please designate the special significance of your scholarship here so that it may be credited accordingly.
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_______________________________________________ m Check enclosed, payable to National Council for Science Please charge my credit card: ___________________________________ Signature and the Environment-EnvironMentors. Please indicate m Visa m MasterCard m American Express EnvironMentors Scholarship in memo line of check. _______________________________________________ EnvironMentors is a program of the National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE). NCSE is a 501(c)(3) m Credit card, please fill out information on the right. are tax-deductable Credit Card Exp Date nonprofit organization. Contributions to Number the extent by law. m Donate online at
_______________________________________________ Name of Cardholder
* You may wish to dedicate an EnvironMentors Scholarship in a particular topic area such as “Energy Efficiency,” _______________________________________________ “Biodiversity Conservation,” Water Quality” or other topic, Phone E-mail or in honor of a family member. If so, please designate the special significance of your scholarship here so that it may _______________________________________________ EnvironMentors is a program of the National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE). NCSE is a 501(c)(3) be credited accordingly. _________________ Signature nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax-deductable to the extent by law. ________________________________________________
NCSE-EnvironMentors, 1101 17th Street, NW, Suite 250 Washington, DC 20036 202-530-5810 www.NCSEonline/EnvironMentors