Student Success
# of students across the country who completed EnvironMentors in 2011-12
Average score of EnvironMentors student (out of 100) at the 2012 National Fair, up from 81 in 2011
# of students who competed in the National Fair in Washington, DC in May 2012
Explore Your World EnvironMentorsTM (EM) mission is to mentor and motivate high school students who are underrepresented in the sciences as they plan and conduct environmental research and acquire skills that will allow them to build careers and become more active stewards of their communities and the environment.
# of students who won scholarship
EnvironMentors supports students through
worth a total of $15,750
One-to-one mentoring relationships
Rigorous environmental science projects
College Prep Resources
Engaging with nature
Colleges and majors of recent graduating seniors ~ Alabama State University Biology (pre-veterinarian)
Trinity Washington University
EnvironMentors students gain •
Confidence from conducting hands-on research that is student-directed
Interest and curiosity about the natural world
Strong critical thinking, writing, and presentation skills
Independent thinking and decision-making skills
North Carolina State University Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management
Wentworth Institute of Technology Mechanical Engineering
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Biochemistry
EnvironMentorsTM 1101 17th St. NW, Suite 250 Washington, DC 20036
ph 202-530-5810 I f 202-628-4311 I