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souvenir BOOK
his year’s March “You Are Not Alone” is being dedicated to one of the truly unsung superheroes of the pro-life movement. From its earliest days, Karen Murawsky was there. No task was too great or too small for her to tackle. When there was a job to be done, she was there to quietly do it...all for the love of God’s littlest human beings. Once abortion was allowed, albeit under certain circumstances, she and others realized that people had to be educated to the humanity of the unborn child. And so, she joined Action Life, the educational arm of the pro-life movement in Ottawa. Here she helped collect 1,000,000 signatures to present to Parliament, helped organize The Festival for Life in 1977, was involved in fundraisers, helped with bazaars, manned the pro-life booth at the Central Canada Exhibition, spoke in high schools, and universities (yes, back then, we were invited in). These presentations did not always go well. At times pro-abortion students would rail against her message and even against her. One time, after a university presentation, she was so upset, on her way home she pulled over to the side of the road and cried. By the time she got home, the student who had asked her to come in, had phoned to thank her profusely saying that although she was pro-life, she could not stand up to her pro-abortion classmates, but Karen had given her the courage she needed. Eventually, Karen became Executive Director of Action Life. She was on the Board of Directors for Alliance for Life. Soon it became apparent that to get legal protection she would have to devote more time to the political arena and so she became a valued part of Campaign Life. She wrote letters, helped draft policies, did media interviews, organized local meetings and everything else that was asked of her. She was CLC’s lobbyist to the Senators and Members of Parliament and was the first secretary of the Parliamentary Pro-life Caucus (PPLC). She was always the voice of reason and encouragement. If you came up with an idea that impacted ‘saving babies’, she would explain the difficulties and then tell you to ‘go for it’. She would support other pro-life groups’ initiatives. When the pro-life witness started at the local hospital, (in 1983 and continuing every Sunday to this day) Karen, her husband Jim and their boys would always be there. Even as her health was failing, she and husband would be there to witness at the hospital the first Sunday of every month.
Previous marches have been dedicated to Dr. André Lafrance, Frank Mountain, Fr. Ted Colleton CSSp, Fr. Bob Bedard CC, Nellie Gray, Fr. Tony Van Hee SJ, Linda Gibbons, Mary Wagner, Denise Hounjet-Roth, Elsie Wayne, Kathleen Toth, and Fr. Alphonse de Valk CSB.
Karen was also very active in her church. Over the years she was President of her parish CWL, was a member of the parish Pro-life Committee and a consultant for the Pro-life Week activities for the diocese. Although faith and pro-life were very important to her, she was an active member of her community too. She received the Nepean-Carleton Jaycees Outstanding Young Citizen Award in 1978, and the CWL certificate of merit in 2001. She was a member of the Mothers Club at her boys’ high school, and she was chairman of the parent’s association of the special needs program her youngest son attended. Along with Karen’s gifts of kindness, wisdom, humility, compassion, perseverance, and a strong faith, she was also given the gift of a loving and supportive husband and family, without which she could not have accomplished all she did. God puts people in our lives for a special reason. Karen’s unwavering dedication was the special reason she was put in our lives: to inspire us, mentor us. encourage us to never give up until all, from the time of conception till natural death, are protected by law. Thank you, Karen.
ear Pro-life friends,
This marks the 24th year we have been witnessing nationally against the horrors of killing pre-born children in the womb. Each year we are met with challenges and rewards. This year is no different. But wait, this year is different. From its inception until last year, on the Thursday closest to May 14, 1969, the anniversary of the infamous omnibus bill (which allowed for abortion under certain circumstances) the March wound its way through the streets of Ottawa to focus on our demand to get legal protection from the time of conception till natural death. Last year, of course was different. There was no visible march through the streets. But one solitary Marcher, Father Anthony Hannon, walked the route alone, in remembrance of the millions of babies worldwide killed by abortion. A flotilla of cars drove the route with pro-life signs and blasting horns. And a group of dedicated pro-lifers with signs, stood on the sidewalk in front of Parliament Hill. This was a far cry from the 15-25 thousand people that annually come to Ottawa on this special day of remembrance. And still these preborn children have no legal protection in Canada. It is said ‘that behind every dark cloud there is a silver lining’ and perhaps the silver lining in this was that the March went on-line. Thousands more got to participate. Themed, “You Are Not Alone”, this year will be a ‘hybrid’ March. It will be the on-line virtual March but also a ‘boots on the ground’ march with a limited number of participants One of the great injustices of the covid pandemic is the fact that governments, Canada included, declared abortion to be an essential service. Think about it…while Canadians are mourning the deaths associated with covid, first in the nursing homes and then in the general population, our government says ‘women must be able to kill their pre-born child if they want.’ How sad is that? When all efforts were put in developing a vaccine that would stop this ‘deadly virus’ instead of developing a cure, I wondered if there was a silver lining behind the push for vaccines. Prior to covid, many people didn’t realize that babies had been sacrificed and their bodies used supposedly for the betterment of mankind. Because of committed pro-life people investigating these vaccines, the community now knew that whether in the research, manufacture or testing of these vaccines, stem cells or fetal cell lines were being used, though vaccines can be made without them. Perhaps the silver lining would be the watershed moment when all people would refuse to take a vaccine tainted by fetal cell lines or embryonic stem cells. If most refused, pharmaceutical companies would no longer make these ethically tainted vaccines because no one would purchase them. Unfortunately, governments and religious leaders succumbed to the narrative that only vaccines can stop the spread and we must be vaccinated immediately, to save our fellow man. And so those tiny innocent babies will continue to be sacrificed in the labs of the nations. No matter what obstacles are put in our path, we must continue to be the voice of reason, the voice of compassion, the voice of the unborn. Thank you for caring for God’s littlest human beings. The pre-born are counting on us. Forever for life,
Marg Mountain and Ambrose Atkins Co-chairs of the National March for Life 2021
es chers amis,
Depuis 24 ans, nous luttons comme mouvement national contre l’horreur de l’avortement. Chaque année amène son lot d’épreuves et de succès. Depuis son lancement jusqu’à l’année dernière, la Marche nationale pour la vie a pu se dérouler dans les rues d’Ottawa (elle est tenue le jeudi qui coïncide le mieux avec l’anniversaire du projet de loi omnibus qui, le 14 mai 1969, a légalisé l’avortement à certaines conditions). Mais l’an dernier, nous avons dû procéder autrement. Il n’y a pas eu de marche dans les rues. Pourtant, il y a eu un participant, l’abbé Anthony Hannon, qui a procédé à la marche – seul – en hommage aux millions de bébés tués partout dans le monde par l’avortement. De même, quelques voitures, portant des messages pro-vie, ont elles aussi fait le parcours, au son de leurs klaxons. Et un petit groupe de manifestants pro-vie ont assuré une présence sur le trottoir en face de la Colline du Parlement. On était donc loin des quelque 20 000 personnes qui viennent habituellement, chaque année, pour réclamer que la loi protège les Canadiens de la conception à la mort naturelle. Mais, « à quelque chose malheur est bon », et l’année dernière a été l’occasion d’offrir une gamme d’activités en ligne. Des milliers de personnes ont ainsi pu participer à distance. La Marche de cette année, sous le thème « Vous n’êtes pas seuls », sera « hybride » : elle combinera un programme virtuel en ligne avec une marche réelle dans les rues d’Ottawa (le nombre de marcheurs sera limité). Dans le contexte de la pandémie, les gouvernements du monde, dont celui du Canada, ont déclaré que l’avortement était un « service essentiel ». N’est-il pas tragique que, alors que les Canadiens pleurent les victimes de la Covid-19, tant dans les maisons pour personnes âgées que dans la population en général, nos gouvernements osent affirmer que la destruction des enfants à naître est « essentielle »? Tout a été fait pour trouver un vaccin contre le virus de la Covid-19. Or, on sait maintenant, grâce aux efforts des militants pro-vie, que des lignées cellulaires fœtales ou embryonnaires sont utilisées dans le développement, la production et la mise à l’essai de certains vaccins – et ce, alors qu’il n’est pas nécessaire de le faire. J’espérais que la population décide en bloc de ne pas accepter les vaccins anti Covid produits à l’aide de cellules fœtales ou embryonnaires, de manière à ce que les sociétés pharmaceutiques, incapables de les vendre, cesse de les fabriquer. Malheureusement, les gouvernements et même les autorités religieuses ont tous dit qu’il fallait accepter n’importe quel vaccin pour être vacciné le plus vite possible. Les bébés avortés continueront donc d’être exploités dans les laboratoires du monde entier. Mais quels que soient les obstacles, nous devons continuer d’être la voix de la raison, de la compassion, des enfants à naître. Je vous remercie d’être cette voix
Marg Mountain et Ambrose Atkins Coprésidentes de la Marche nationale pour la vie 2021
ear Friends of Life,
I am honoured to greet all of you to the 2021 National March for Life. You are the backbone to our work- I know this, I witness it every day. And I am continually inspired by your faithfulness and engagement in the pro-life cause.
(#whywemarch). We come together to show a united force of people who care for and defend the defenceless. We are here to make it known, Canadians inside and outside the womb are not alone.
And thanks most of all to God from whom we draw our strength to persevere in the battle for life!
Thank you for standing in the gap. Your prayers and support are encouraging and effective! With God, all things are possible. We believe that deep within our soul.
Here we are, a second year of presenting our National March for Life in a less personal way, perhaps, but we are so blessed to be able to reach many of you who are unable or who have never joined us in Ottawa to physically protest to parliament and the nation, our dismay there is no protection for the child in the womb. Why is killing people through a fatal injection and preborn babies through violent abortion permitted in Canada? We know the answer to that question and that is why we march
Thank you and God Bless! For life,
Jeff Gunnarson National President
hers amis de la vie,
J’ai l’honneur de vous souhaiter la bienvenue à la Marche nationale pour la vie de 2021. Vous êtes la colonne vertébrale de notre mission, et je le constate tous les jours. Votre fidélité et votre dévouement à la cause provie sont de constantes sources d’inspiration pour moi.
Merci de vos prières et de vos encouragements. Nous croyons fermement, du fond de notre âme, que rien n’est impossible à Dieu. Que Dieu vous bénisse,
J’en rends grâce à Dieu, qui est notre force dans ce combat pour la vie! Pour une deuxième année, la Marche pour la vie prend une forme moins personnelle. Mais sous cette forme virtuelle, elle réunit des personnes qui, par le passé, n’ont jamais pu se rendre physiquement à Ottawa pour réclamer la protection des enfants à naître. Au Canada, il est permis de tuer, que ce soit par une injection mortelle ou par le recours à la violence de l’avortement. C’est pour nous opposer à cette situation que nous nous réunissons. Nous réclamons la protection de ceux qui, avant leur naissance ou après, sont sans défense. Merci de votre participation dans ce combat.
Jeff Gunnarson Président national
ear pro-lifer,
Thank you for answering the call implicit in our 2021 National March for Life theme of “You Are Not Alone.” You showed up—whether virtually or on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. You added your voice to the thousands calling for legal protection for all human beings. You made the pledge of “I Am With You.”
and tried to preserve that.
Along these lines, I must point out that if the comforts in our lives are stripped away, we’re left with a fundamental truth: The vulnerability of the human condition, and our corresponding dependence on others, especially God. We are most dependent in the womb, and in sickness and old age, but It is an honour to metaphorically stand arm in we are always, to varying degrees, depenarm with you in what feels more like a siege dent. You are not alone, because you cannot than a battle for a Culture of Life. It was an be. honour just to be with people, frankly, during the rally and the march, of course, but to a The National March for Life always reminds lesser extent, in Zoom calls and the YouTube the Canadian pro-life movement of this chat during our various online events. reality, and provides us the opportunity to fortify each other in our ceaseless efforts to I, and many others at CLC, have been left with safeguard the human family and prevent its the impression that this year’s March was splintering. I was so grateful to be a part of somewhat of a return to the basics, a coming that this year, and I am so grateful for all of home so to speak. The rally and march were our supporters—You—for making our colsmall and grassroots-led, like the very first lective witness possible. one in 1998. Our 100-day countdown reflected considerably on marches past. Through God bless, our Candlelight Vigil, Masses for Life, and prayer services, our emphasis on prayer was renewed, almost more desperate. We had to make a lot of accommodations due to COVID-19 and related restrictions, but we asked Josie Luetke ourselves what was the essence of the March, Youth Coordinator, Campaign Life Coalition
United Nations
Youth Banquet + Conference
Virtual Pro-Life Clubs
Political Action + Activism
Washington, D.C. March for Life
Pro-Life 101 Presentations Bring in a speaker to your school/church: youth@campaignlifecoalition.com 1-800-730-5358, ext. 220
CLC YOUTH is a network of pro-life young people working to: Educate ourselves and others on life and family issues Inspire our communities through activism and other outreach Enact political change on municipal, provincial, federal, and international levels As youth, we are uniquely positioned to lobby for the protection of life from conception to natural death and to transform the future of our country.
Join us in fighting for a culture of life. @clcyouthprolife
416-204-9749 or 1-800-730-5358 youth@campaignlifecoalition.com www.campaignlifecoalition.com/clc-youth
thanks to our generous sponsors ROSE
OUR MISSION Niagara Region Right to Life is a registered charity and educational partner that believes all human life should be protected from conception to natural death. We work to provide education on life science, supported by empirical evidence and logical reasoning, and to engage and empower youth to become integrated citizens who are willing to take a stand and be an effective voice to restore respect for all human life.
Every year, our Father Ted Colleton Scholarship Contest awards three high school students from grade 11 and 12 with monetary prizes for writing the best essays on life issues.
We strive to educate youth, providing up-to-date research and evidence-based approaches on human life issues, including: prenatal development, abortion, physician-assisted suicide, euthanasia, and crisis pregnancies.
Approximately 1,000 young people attend our National March for Life Youth Banquet and Youth Conference, which feature speakers who encourage them to make a difference in their own lives and communities.
My Prenatal Development
We publish literature to educate and raise awareness in children about human life from conception, including prenatal development, birth, childhood, and the various life stages of life. We help them to internalize basic scientific facts, and to also understand their own conception and prenatal development and that of others.
FR. TED COLLETON SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM The Interim newspaper and Niagara Region Right to Life are co-sponsors of the Father Ted Colleton Scholarship program named in honour of a great Canadian pro-life leader, writer, and activist. High School students in their senior years (grades 11 and 12) are eligible to apply for the scholarships. Three prizes are awarded ($1500, $800, and $500 respectively) and students are urged to apply. The essay must be an original work and must not exceed 1,200 words. The following essays are the winners from 2020.
od created the womb as the sacred vessel in which the nurturing of a baby takes place until birth. The womb provided a perfect and inimitable environment for the preborn child’s development. Here, the baby had a place of safety and protection wherein every life-sustaining need was met. The year was 1969, when the Criminal Law Amendment Act radically changed the course of history (Legal). Humanity witnessed the dawn of unthinable laws, barbaric medical procedures and legal abortifacients, and a distorted approach to so-called “healthcare.” Before long, the womb became a war-zone, and the safety of its inhabitant compromised. Once a vessel for a child’s sustenance, the womb has now become a death trap. No longer desired, the unwanted, preborn child was violently disposed of through an agonizing medical procedure called abortion. This narrative illustrates the regression of humanity in its understanding of the noble purpose of the womb. Due to erroneous laws, pro-choice marketing campaigns, and the false notion that abortion is justified because the
womb is a woman’s property, the womb has become the most unprotected place in the world. Since Canada’s Criminal Law Amendment Act in 1969, human life has been incessantly devalued. This act legalized abortions when pregnancy endangered the woman’s life or health (History), initiating the abortion debate in Canada. In 1988, the Supreme Court deemed abortion “unconstitutional” in the R v. Morgentaler case (History). That Court ruled that the abortion law violated Section 7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms on the grounds that it contravened a woman’s right to “life, liberty and security of persons” (History). R v. Morgentaler permits abortion in all cases regardless of circumstances or motivation. This disastrous ruling made abortion morally acceptable for many people because of the misconception that legal means moral. This toxic way of thinking is responsible for the death of approximately 4 million unborn children in Canada alone (Coalition). Numerous rulings followed expanding access to abortion. In addition to pro-abortion laws, the pro-choice marketing campaign contributes to the womb’s lack of protection. The pro-choice agenda encourages abortion through their marketing strategy, thereby increasing the number of abortions procured. The campaign’s objective is to convince the patient that abortion is in their best interest and having an abortion is their right. Many women hear this message and are convinced that abortion is the right choice. Planned Parenthood, the
largest abortion provider in the U.S. (Cassata), even goes so far as to claim: “Both in-clinic and medication abortions are very safe. In fact, abortion is one of the safest medical procedures out there” (Parenthood). These erroneous statements mislead patients. As a result, abortions are in higher demand and the life of the unborn child in the womb is at an elevated risk. Pro-choice advocates also advertise abortion as “healthcare” to convince women that the procedure is necessary for their health and wellbeing. According to Campaign Life Coalition, evidence shows that most abortions are procured for the same reason that contraception is used: to be able to engage in sexual activity without the risk of pregnancy. Planned Parenthood admitted to this fact saying that the decision to have an abortion is of the same character as choosing to use contraception (Coalition). Therefore, abortions are requested mainly because the child is unwanted, not because the child is posing a health risk to the mother. In addition, post–abortive women experience numerous devastating health concerns, including but not limited to, depression, anxiety, regret, suicidal thoughts and attempts, risk of breast cancer and damage to internal organs (Risks). Planned Parenthood’s website makes the appalling claim that abortion does not pose health risks, stating: “Unless there’s a rare and serious complication that’s not treated, there’s no risk to your ability to have children in the future or to your overall health. Having an abortion doesn’t increase your risk for breast cancer, and it doesn’t cause depression or mental health issues. Abortions don’t cause infertility either.” This erroneous information lures women to abortion clinics because they believe that their unwanted pregnancy will be resolved. The reality is that the devastating result of an abortion does not align with these false notions.
to graduate high school because you had me as a teen.” These advertisements intentionally ignore the numerous resources available for expectant parents who find themselves in a difficult financial situation or who do not wish to parent a child. Support for crisis pregnancies include organizations such as Aid to Women and The Sisters of Life. Adoption is also an alternative which can be considered unpopular and/or be overlooked. Yet adoption provides a moral way in which loving couples who cannot conceive a child are blessed with the gift of parenthood. Sadly, many hopeful couples must wait up to 10 years before bringing their child home, as many expectant women choose abortion over adoption (Coalition). The prochoice argument that the womb is a woman’s property puts the pre-born child in a place of unthinkable danger. Over the years, the womb has been reduced to a mere “property” out of which women can evict their unwanted babies through the act of abortion. Abortion activists repeatedly argue that abortion is a critical women’s right, employing the popular phrase: “My body, my choice.” Their argument for women’s rights denies the fundamental human right to life of the child in the womb. This phrase is the ultimate reason why the womb is the most unprotected place in the world; the right to life is not accepted by many as applicable to unborn children. Various passages in Scripture reference the womb as a sacred place created by God for the sole purpose of nurturing and protecting the unborn child, as His creation. Psalm 139: 13-14 reads: “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” The womb is a vessel for God’s creation in which each person is formed by God - His son, His daughter, His property. How then can it be a woman’s choice to murder her unborn child on the grounds that the womb is her property?
Furthermore, pro-choice advocates convince women that they do a disservice to their child if they cannot provide “sufficient” childcare, or, that the inconvenience of the baby will ruin their career. This selfish and short-sighted way of thinking has resulted in a dangerous place for the vulnerable unborn child. A certain advertisement released by the Bloomberg Administration depicts a toddler with the words: “Dad, you’ll be paying to support me for the next 20 years.” Another depicts a crying baby with the words: “I’m twice as likely not
As our world continues to be consumed by the culture of death, the womb becomes increasingly hazardous for the unborn. This is a result of the laws which have legalized abortion, the misguided pro-choice marketing campaign, and the misconception that because the womb is a woman’s property, abortion is her right. The pro-life movement must continue to propagate the truth of the inherent dignity and rights of the child in the womb, restoring the vessel created by God to its original God-given purpose.
hen Saint Gianna Molla was pregnant with her fourth child, a tumour was discovered in her uterus. Although it was the riskier option, St. Gianna rejected abortion, choosing instead to simply remove the tumour in order to save her baby. She said, if “you must decide between me and the child, do not hesitate: choose the child.” This decision ultimately cost the saint her life. (Catholic Online) This notion of heroic self-sacrifice is alien in our society. According to Campaign Life Coalition, over 4 million children in Canada have been victims of abortion since it became legal in 1969. The womb has become the most dangerous and unprotected place for a child because of society’s rejection of moral absolutes. The near total lack of moral absolutes in society endangers unborn children because it has created a culture where sex has become trivial and sacrifice and personal accountability are no longer valued.
nothing to guide it except our own desires. The rejection of moral absolutes has contributed to a culture where sex is treated as a trivial form of amusement, and the virtues of chastity and self-control are discarded in favour of satisfying lustful passions. Since the sexual revolution of the 1960s, society has increasingly marketed sex solely in terms of entertainment and pleasure. (Belshaw) Instead of being understood as an expression of love and self-gift in a committed relationship, this view of sex has normalized society’s enslavement to its sexual desires. Ironically, that which those who acknowledge sin recognize as enslavement, society proclaims as an expression of liberty. This is obvious in the prevalence of pre-marital sex as well as in the common notions of “one-night stands” and “friends with benefits” in modern culture. Sexual promiscuity is a cultural issue. Casual sex on its own, however, would simply result in an increased number of pregnancies and births outside of marriage, and is not responsible for the culture of death surrounding children in the womb. Casual sex coupled with the fact that sacrifice and personal accountability are no longer valued has resulted in unborn children being seen as a problem to be disposed of by means of abortion. Pregnancy and children are seen as undesirable by-products of intercourse. If the woman is unable or unwilling to care for her child, if her child is abnormal or disabled, or if the circumstances of conception were perverse, the child’s right to life is considered inferior to the woman’s choice in the name of “bodily autonomy”. Women are taught that terminating the life of their unborn child is not only permissible, but even praiseworthy. Actress Michelle Williams was applauded during her acceptance speech at the 2020 Golden Globe Awards when she stated, “I wouldn’t have been able to do this without employing a woman’s right to choose.” She sacrificed the life in her womb in exchange for her career, and her decision was celebrated. (Precious Life) In a world that exclusively champions the career and views motherhood as incompatible with success, children are scorned and their lives are endangered.
Modern society’s tendency to reject the idea of moral absolutes has left children in the womb defenseless against abortion. Society teaches that what is right for one person is not necessarily right for another. We are expected to choose what feels good over what is morally sound, and we are condemned if we judge someone else by our own moral principles. The rejection of absolute morality lowers standards in society. After all, what would those standards be based on if goodness and morality are subjective? Who are we to tell someone else they are wrong because they do not fit our idea of what is right? The moral relativism that society preaches, however, is not consistent with reality. In the absence of moral absolutes, who could argue with the evils committed during the Holocaust? No one would say that the systemic extermination of six million Jews was morally acceptable. But the only way that action could be considered wrong is if there was indeed such a thing as absolute morality- that an action by its very nature could be intrinsically right or wrong. The rejection of this truth allows people in society to choose comfort over character, selfishness over sacrifice, vice over virtue, and what is easy over what is right. The refusal to judge an action based on universal ethics means society has lost its sense of sin, and integrity has become a matter of personal discernment with
Not only is this perversion of values a result of the lack of absolute morality present in our culture, it also echoes a false claim made in society: women must choose between motherhood and having a successful career. It is absolutely possible to be a mother while maintaining a successful career, however, it requires a level of sacrifice that many in society are unwilling to make. They would rather sacrifice the life of their child than their own desires and personal comfort. They are reluctant to hold themselves accountable for their actions. According to a 2004 study conducted by
time work of Spiritan missionary priest, Father Ted Colleton. Many longtime readers of this newspaper may well recall Father Ted’s columns and may also have read one or other of his books, like Yes, I’m A Radical and Yes, I’d do it Again. Since that first edition of the scholarship program,
more than 900 high school students have written something meaningful on various academic themes focusing Two decades ago (2001-2002 year) on the evil of newspaper abortion. Over the years the The Interim launched the some FatherofTed themes have includedwith these: Colleton Scholarship the purpose of honouring
the lifetime work of Spiritan missionary priest, Identify and discuss the most significant which have Father Ted Colleton. Many longtimefactors readers of this spawned “themay culture of recall death”.Father SuggestTed’s a solutionthat newspaper well columnswould and foster of life”. may “the also culture have read one or other of his books, like Yes, I’m A Radical and Yes, I’d do it Again. There no first justiceedition withoutoftruth, and truth is program, a precious Since isthat the scholarship commodity. Christian Andersen’s fable “The more than Read 900 Hans high school students have written Emperor’s New Clothes” and a commentary on the something meaningful on write various themes focusing fable as it might apply to the abortion debate in society. on the evil of abortion. More been organized by More recently recently the theprogram programhas has been organized Niagara Region RightRight to Life the origiby Niagara Region to (NRRTL), Life (NRRTL), the nal financial sponsor of the This This year original financial sponsor of scholarship. the scholarship. the drew 67drew candidates from 60from different yearprogram the program 67 candidates 60 schools from all provinces of Canada (public, private, different schools from all provinces of Canada Christian, and Catholic schools and bothschools official and lan(public, private, Christian, and Catholic guages). A large pool of evaluators assessed the essays. both official languages).
the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, 74 percent of women surveyed stated one of their reasons for obtaining an abortion was that having a child would interfere with their education, work, or ability to care for dependents. Yet early feminist Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s seven children did not prevent her from advocating for women’s rights and suffrage with Susan B. Anthony. (Schnittman) Justice Amy Coney Barret, recently elected to the Supreme Court of the United States (Baker), and January Donovan, author and founder of The Woman School (The Woman School), are modern mothers of seven who also prove that motherhood is not incompatible with a successful career. Because unborn children have no voice of their own, they are easily taken advantage of by society’s lies. Few are willing to admit that there is such a thing as absolute morality. That there is such a thing as sin. That sex should be saved for marriage, and that under no circumstance is it okay to kill an unborn child just because its parents don’t want to be held responsible for the consequences of their actions. As long as these truths are suppressed by society, children in the womb will continue to be abused and killed in the name of “freedom”.
This were asked to answer and and disThisyear, year,participants participants were asked to answer cuss thisthis question: discuss question: “Why has the womb, traditionally the safest place in the “Why has the womb, traditionally the safest place in the world, become the most dangerous, unprotected place in the world, become the most dangerous, unprotected place world? The latest edition has concluded and the Board in the world? The latest edition has concluded and of Directors of NRRTL is pleased to announce the the Board of Directors of NRRTL is pleased to prize winners for 2020-2021: announce the prize winners for 2020-2021:
1 $1500
The plight of the unborn is unlikely to change until society’s values and perspective change.
2 $800
3 $500
The upcoming year will mark the 20th anniversary The upcoming year will mark the 20th anniversary of the scholarship program. Niagara Region Right to of the scholarship program. Niagara Region Right Life would like to encourage you to support this eduto Life would like to encourage you to support this cational outreach program. You can do so by donateducational outreach program. You can do so by ing to NRRTL, and you will receive a charitable tax donating to NRRTL, and you will receive a charitable receipt for your donation. (Mail to Father Ted Colleton tax receipt for your donation. (Mail to Father Ted Scholarship, c/o NRRTL, 157 Catherine Street North, Colleton Scholarship, c/o NRRTL, 157 Catherine Hamilton, ON, L8L 4S4). Street North, Hamilton, ON, L8L 4S4). Content sponsored by Niagara Region Right to Life.
It should come as no surprise that the womb has become the most dangerous and unprotected place for babies in a society that recognizes virtually no moral absolutes. The plight of the unborn is unlikely to change until society’s values and perspective change. As long as personal enjoyment and freedom are seen as the ultimate “gods”, an unborn baby’s right to life will be undermined by the parent’s false “rights” to avoid responsibility and inconvenience.
hroughout the history of the world, a common link between generations, cultures, and civilizations has been the family. Within that basic cell of society there has always been a sacred and almost unexplainable relationship between a mother and the child in her womb. The most important duty of any parent is to protect and nourish their child throughout the stages of their development, while in the womb and until reaching maturity. However, in recent times this safe and blessed time in a young child’s life is being threatened by forces so much more powerful than him. The womb has become one of the most unprotected places for human life in the entire world. Through an anti-life culture, weak opposition to abortion, and an ever expanding abortion license across the world, the human life of children in the womb is being tragically ended, often for cruel and selfish reasons. Together, all people must begin to step up and realize that this death culture is hurting the fabric of society and torturing a helpless and voiceless population. The world has undergone great change in the past century and various views on many social issues have created a culture in which the womb has become a dangerous place for the unborn. The sexual revolution of the 1960s promoted ideas such as sexual freedom, the practice of birth control and abortion. At the heart of it all was a cultural change, the breaking away from tradition, faith and societal norms resulting in a radical rebellion (Belshaw, 2016). As sex was so- called liberated or separated from marriage and procreation, birth control for many became the key to maintaining such a way of life. Abortion in turn has become a way in which it can be used as a form of birth control. This great cultural change has created a selfish outlook in which our desires and pleasures come before morals and the common good. Just look to the words of Saint Mother Teresa, a woman who gave her entire life to the poor, who said that “It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish”. This mentality is one of the principal reasons why abortion has become what it is today. However, in this huge and sensitive moral dilemma, it is very easy to simply blame women who have had abortions, but the fact is that we are all guilty of this selfish and
wrongful cultural attitude that has created abortion. The societal desire for liberated sex, freed from the pressures of marriage and raising a family, and the adoption of a general “live and let live” mentality have created a scenario in which the selfish will of individuals supercedes the rights and needs of even the poor and innocent lives of the unborn. The pro-choice movement does not even debate the science of life in the womb, but its spokespersons simply chant their infamous mantra “my body, my choice”. This proves the fact that the morals and ethics of abortion are not seen as important simply because abortion is convenient or in the woman’s perceived best interest. Altogether, one of the greatest dangers to life in the womb is the fact that we have collectively turned a blind eye to one of the greatest moral evils of modern times. There will be no end to abortion without a great cultural change in the morals and values of Western society. Even among the faithful and conservative minded, there remains a serious lack of opposition required for putting a stop to abortion. In the words of the great Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, “The refusal to take sides of great moral issues is itself a decision. It is a silent acquiescence to evil. The tragedy of our time is that those who still believe in honesty lack fire and conviction, while those who believe in dishonesty are full of passionate conviction.” The pro-life movement is actively being censored and criticized to such a point that many who are in the least sympathetic to prolife causes are fearful of society’s repressive consequences. Although this is a very understandable situation in the lives of many, for the common good it is necessary that there be meaningful opposition to abortion. The pro-life movement has been pioneered by so many brave individuals, such as Fr. Ted Colleton, who have done such amazing work to save the lives of the unborn. Fr. Ted Colleton believed so firmly in his pro-life convictions that he spent his whole life fighting for the right to life of the unborn, even being arrested in the process. The fact is, we lack this certain passion which is necessary in creating a culture which chooses to protect life in the womb. Although it is true that abortion is a deep-rooted personal moral and cultural issue, the government has played an integral role in expanding abortion access, doing away with any legal protection for the unborn across Canada, as well as in countries across the world. This has legally made the womb one of the most unprotected places in the world as the government does not recognize the right to life of a fetus. The founding fathers of the United States, in writing the Declaration of Independence recognized the error of the government giving (and taking away) rights by
saying “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” (Jefferson, 1776). The right to life is a God given right which cannot be taken away. However, some governments across the world are trying to go as far as making abortion a constitutional right in and of itself. In Canada, there is no law that governs abortion, therefore there are absolutely no restrictions on abortion to protect the fetus, even up to the third trimester (Abedi, 2019). Every person, in Canada, all Western countries and in the vast majority of nations across the world, is afforded very basic human rights, the most basic of all being the right to life. However, one category of human beings are made an exception, the unborn. Therefore, through the legal practice of abortion, the traditionally safe and peaceful existence of the child in the womb has realistically become the most dangerous and unprotected place in the world. Modern Western society, through our lack of morality and values have collectively created one of the worst legal practices in modern times, abortion. It is incredibly naïve
to look at abortion as the direct moral evil it may be, but instead as result of our deep cultural issues. The life of the child in the womb is no longer being protected and revered as it once was, but instead the womb has become a dangerous place for the youngest and most innocent members of humanity. The cultural changes of the recent century, together with the existence of a largely weak and quiescent public unable or unwilling to oppose governments consistently expanding abortion access, have created a world in which abortion is not just tolerated, but instead is celebrated as “women’s rights”. In the face of this reality we must hope and pray for an end to abortion by building a new cultural revolution, one in which we begin to live for God, others and the common good. Once society begins to move in this direction the rest will follow suit, the poor and hungry will be fed, the sadness of life will become joyful, and the great gift of life that God has given us will be cherished in all of its stages. This includes the most helpless and innocent time in one’s life, the stage in which we are but a spark of God’s creation of life, a stage in which the sins of humanity are threatening so dangerously.
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“I will never as long as God gives me breath, vote for anyone who would allow one baby to be killed.” - Dr. James Dobson
Vote Pro-Life
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NATIONAL MARCH FOR LIFE you are not alone Each year, a culture of fear, loneliness and abandonment is resulting in the death of thousands of Canadians through abortion or lethal injection. Each day, 300 Canadian women undergo an abortion, where her baby’s body is ripped from the womb in a brutal procedure. That same day more than 15 vulnerable Canadians will be killed by a doctor under the deceptive euphemism known as Medical Aid in Dying. Many believe these insidious acts are being carried out in the name of ‘choice’. The real reason is ‘fear’ and a government obsessed with promoting a culture of death. We are Canada’s National March for Life: one of hundreds of marches held all over the globe which stands in solidarity with society’s most vulnerable with one voice, one message: “You Are Not Alone.”
MAY 9-16, 2021
2 0 2 1
April 18: Roe v. Wade ($15 ticket & fundraiser) April 25: Euthanasia Deception May 2: Obsessed: Canada’s Coercive Diplomacy May 9: Divided Hearts of America (Canadian Premiere) May 10: Breaking down Gosnell: A Conversation May 11: Hush May 16: Blood Money
May 13: National Mass for Life from Notre Dame Cathedral (airing on EWTN) More Masses and Prayer Services listed at marchforlife.ca
Includes your private link and a digital copy of the 2021 NMFL Souvenir Book. The Rose Dinner will feature a panel discussion on the PRO-LIFE MOVEMENT IN A CANCEL CULTURE including many guest appearances from pro-life, religious and political leaders.
candlelight VIGIL: I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS MAY 12 8:00 pm EDT (ONLINE)
12:30 PM: Rally on Parliament Hill & March through downtown Ottawa (Airing on EWTN) If you can’t make it know that CLC will be on the Hill on your behalf.
Featuring prayers, testimonials and music.
Panel Includes: Kristan Hawkins
President of Students for Life of America
Rev. Dr. Andrew P.W. Bennett Former Canadian
Ambassador for Religious Freedom
Tanya Granic Allen TV host and political commentator
Relationships Matter
Joseph Backholm Family Research Council Merely Human Ministries
subscribe to YOutube.COM/marchforlifecanada 23
Jay Watts Will Witt PragerU
Organized by
MAY 13 AT 7:30 PM (ONLINE - $25) Ticket includes a digital copy of the 2021 National March for Life Souvenir Book
MC’ed Bereit, THE
President former TV also
CANCEL Dunn, of
Andrew and
TANYA GRANIC ALLEN TV host and political commentator
Former Canadian Ambassador for Religious Freedom
KEVIN DUNN Award-winning filmmaker and international speaker
Strategic advisor and international speaker
President of Students for Life of America
If you missed it, you can still watch it on www.webcastsuccess.com/rosedinner 24
Tune in online Friday, May 14, from 3-8 PM EDT Register for free at marchforlife.ca Hosted by: Josie Luetke, Campaign Life Coalition Youth Coordinator Mattea Merta, Global Policy & Advocacy Advisor for Campaign Life Coalition
Featuring: Toni McFadden of Relationships Matter Jay Watts of Merely Human Ministries Joseph Backholm of the Family Research Council Will Witt of PragerU
The 100 day countdown to the National March for Life kicked off on February 1, 2021. The countdown featured short videos with a special theme for each day of the week. Watch all the videos on marchforlife.ca or youtube.com/marchforlifecanada
SUNDAY LIFE ON FILM A review of some of the greatest pro-life films ever produced.
WORLD WEDNESDAY A look at our March for Life partners throughout the world.
MONDAY MARCH MOMENTS A look back at powerful moments that have led up to what the March is today.
THURSDAY THANK YOUTHS A salute to Canada’s vibrant prolife youth.
SATURDAY SPEAKERS A look back on some memorable speakers from the March for Life.
TUESDAY TESTIMONIES Inspirational stories from individuals who have lived the pro-life.
FRIDAY FACTS The truth about abortion and euthanasia in Canada.
candlelight VIGIL 2021
speakers ON THE HILL
Jeff Gunnarson National President, Campaign Life Coalition
David Peters, Ontario State Deputy, Knights of Columbus
Angelina Steenstra, National Coordinator, Silent No More Awareness, Canada
Debbie Duval, National Capital Organizer, Campaign Life Coalition
Deacon Peter Kelly
Josie Luetke, MC CLC Youth Coordinator
Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition
Rod Taylor, Leader, Christian Heritage Party
Julia Bissonnette, MC CLC Youth
Georges Buscemi, President, Campagne Quebec-Vie
Therese Dunn, Singer of the National Anthem
MP Derek Sloan (Hastings-Lennox and Addington) was joined by his wife Jennifer, and children Fiona, Callum, and Nora
Hannah, Expectant mother
Jean-François Denis, Vice-President - ThéoVox
Fr. Mark Goring, St. Mary’s Parish, Otttawa
Haley Kimball, Expectant mother
best wishes for the 2021 NATIONAL MARCH FOR LIFE FROM OUR LEGISLATORS Honoured to strongly support the Right to Life for all Canadians
DEREK SLOANMP Hastings-Lennox & Addington
To those supporting the 2021 March for Life: Thank you for continuing to speak for those without a voice. Contact: derek.sloan@parl.gc.ca
Bob Saroya MP Markham–Unionville Welcomes All Pro-Lifers To The National March For Life 2021 Ottawa, Ontario Bob.Saroya@parl.gc.ca 8300 Woodbine Ave, Unit 201 Markham, Ontario L3R 9Y7 905-470-2024 33
March for Life 2021
CHP Leader, Rod Taylor, invites you to put Life! Family! and Freedom! on the ballot. The Christian Heritage Party is the ONLY federal Pro-Life party committed to defending innocent Human Life from conception. 1-888-868-3247
CHP National Leader, Rod Taylor
Supporting the 2021
Blessings on your important work!
Dr Harold G. Albrecht
Member of Canadian Parliament 2006-2019 HaroldGAlbrecht@gmail.com @Albrecht4KitCon @haroldalbrechtmp
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Thank you to our pro-life, religious and political leaders who offered their greetings, prayers, and discussions to the 2021 National March for Life! 43
HISTORICAL TIMELINE OF PRO-LIFE BILLS AND MOTIONS On May 14, 1969, the passing of the Omnibus Bill under Pierre Trudeau, opened the floodgates to abortion on demand in Canada. Within the first year, 11,152 abortion were committed in Canada, a drastic increase from when abortion was criminalized. In 1988, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down section 251 of the Criminal Code, the section governing abortion, declaring it unconstitutional. At the time, the Supreme Court did urge Parliament to introduce legislation that would fill in the gap for the lack of legal protection for children before birth. Over the past 5 decades, there have been dozens of pro-life private members bills and motions introduced in the House of Commons and Senate (as well as some pro-abortion ones). While none of these efforts passed – many were never voted on and some died when the House was prorogued or the Writ was dropped, it is worth recognizing the work of various Members of Parliament and Senators who have challenged the status quo of abortion on demand in Canada.
1987 M-37
Motion to amend Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to include unborn persons.
1988 S-16
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (Protection of the unborn child).
1989 S-7
Reintroduction of Act to amend the Criminal Code (Protection of the unborn child). (S-16)
1989 C-268
Bill to amend Canada Health Act to allow the federal government to penalize any province which paid for abortions that were not deemed necessary for preserving the life of the mother.
1989 C-277
Bill to define a fetus as a person, prohibiting abortion. Exception including when the abortion was medically authorized to save the life of the pregnant woman.
1989 C-266
Bill to define a fetus as a person, prohibiting abortion. Exception including when the abortion was medically authorized to save the life of the pregnant woman.
1989 C-261
An Act to amend Section 287 of Criminal Code to ban abortion in all cases, while permitting medical treatment necessary to prevent the death of the mother.
1989 C-275
Bill to redefine human being to include an embryo and a fetus, thereby extending the prohibition against killing a human being to include the killing of fetuses and embryos.
1991 C-214
Reintroduction of Bill to redefine human being to include an embryo and a fetus. (C-275)
1991 C-222
Reintroduction of Act to amend Canada Health Act. (C-268)
1991 C-221
Bill to protect the conscience rights of health care workers being pressured into taking part in abortion procedures.
1991 C-302
Reintroduction of bill to define a fetus as a person, prohibiting abortion. (C-266).
1994 C-302
An Act to amend the Criminal Code by adding the following after section 288: Every person who directly or indirectly requires a physician, nurse, staff member or employee of a hospital or other health care facility to perform or participate directly or indirectly in an abortion procedure is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.
1996 C-208
Reintroduction of Bill to redefine human being to include an embryo and a fetus. (C-275)
1996 M-91
Motion calling for national referendum on government funding for abortions.
1997 S-7
An Act to amend the Criminal Code for the purpose of preventing coercion in medical procedures that offend against conscience.
1997 M-268
Motion calling for national referendum on government funding for abortions. (M-91)
1998 M
Motion to set up a Special Joint Committee on the Unborn to examine and report upon the feasibility of legislation in the area of fetal rights in order to provide some protection to the unborn child.
1998 C-461
Bill to ensure that health care providers working in medical facilities of various kinds will never be forced to participate against their will in procedures such as abortions or acts of euthanasia…. Bill is similar to Haidasz’s conscience clause Bill S-7. (1996)
1999 C-515
1999 C-207
1999 S-11
An Act to provide for a referendum to determine whether Canadians wish medically unnecessary abortions to be insured services under the Canada Health Act and to amend the Referendum Act.
Reintroduction of Bill C-461
Reintroduction of Haidasz’s conscience clause Bill. (S-7, 1997)
1999 C-422
Reintroduction of Bill C-207.
1999 C-360
Motion urging the government to bring in legislation defining a human being as a human fetus or embryo, from the moment of conception, whether in the womb of the mother or not and whether conceived naturally or otherwise and making any and all consequential amendments required.
1999 C-246
Reintroduction of Bill C-422.
2001 M-228
Reintroduction of motion on redefining a human being (M-360, 1999).
2001 M-392
Motion that the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights review the current definition of human being in section 223(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada and report (a) whether the law needs to be amended to comply with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child so as to provide appropriate legal protection for a child before as well as after birth; and (b) whether the law should be amended so that an unborn child is considered a human being at the point of conception, when the baby’s brain waves can be detected, when the baby starts to move within the womb, or when the baby is able to survive outside the womb.
2002 C-452
Reintroduction of Bill to repeal government funding of abortion. Also stipulated that a referendum be held on tax funding of abortion. If a majority said “No” to funding, government would have to financially penalize provinces that continued to pay for abortion. (C-515).
2002 M-83
Motion that the Standing Committee on Health should fully examine, study and report to Parliament on: (a) whether or not abortions are medically necessary for the purpose of maintaining health, preventing disease or diagnosing or treating an injury, illness or disability; and (b) the health risks for women undergoing abortions compared to women carrying their babies to full term.
2002 M-523
Reintroduction of Motion 83, (2002) on the medical necessity of abortion.
2003 C-482
Motion asking Parliament for a Woman’s Right to Know Act, that would guarantee that all women considering an abortion would be given complete information by their physician about all the risks of the procedure before being referred for an abortion, and provide penalties for physicians who perform an abortion without the informed consent of the mother, or perform an abortion that is not medically necessary for the purpose of maintaining health, preventing disease or diagnosing or treating an injury, illness or disability in accordance with the Canada Health Act.
2004 M-70
Reintroduction of Motion asking Parliament for a Woman’s Right to Know Act. (M-482).
2004 M-560
Motion asking Parliament to introduce an amendment to the Criminal Code creating a new offence to ensure that any person who murders a woman knowing that she is pregnant, shall be charged with the murder of the unborn child.
2006 C-338
Act to amend the Criminal Code to create the offence of procuring the miscarriage of a female person after her twentieth week of gestation subject to certain limited exceptions.
2006 C-291
An Act to amend the Criminal Code so that anyone who injures or kills an unborn child while committing an offense against its mother would be guilty of a separate offence.
2007 C-338
Reintroduction of Bill C-338.
2007 C-484
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (injuring or causing death of an unborn child while committing an offence) - Unborn Victims of Crime Act.
2008 C-537
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (protection of conscience rights in the health care profession). Conscience clause protection similar to his previous bills: C-461, C-207, C-422, C-246.
2010 C-510
An Act to amend the Criminal Code to make it an offence for someone to coerce or attempt to coerce a female person to have an abortion.
2012 M-312
Motion calling for the formation of a committee “to review the declaration in Subsection 223(1) of the Criminal Code which states that a child becomes a human being only at the moment of complete birth.
2013 M-408
Motion calling the House to condemn discrimination against females occurring through sex-selective pregnancy termination.
2016 C-225
Read 2nd time and referred to Standing Senate Committee An Act to on amend Legalthe andCriminal Consti- Code (injuring or causing the death of a preborn child while committing an tutional Affairs; not offence). reported back before prorogation on Sept. 18 1999.
2018 C-418
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assist¬ance in dying) also known as The Protection of Freedom of Conscience Act.
2020 C-233
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (sex-selective abortion).
2021 C-268
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (intimidation of health care professionals). Protection of Freedom of Conscience Act.
2 21 of waiting?
for parliament to do their job On January 28, 1988, Canada's Supreme Court struck down our abortion law, removing all protection for preborn children. However, the Supreme Court urged Parliament to pass new abortion legislation. Some 33 years later, Canada continues to operate in a legal vacuum when it comes to abortion, as Parliament has ignored its responsibility to provide protection to the most vulnerable. Tell your MP you are tired of waiting.
FR. TONY VAN HEE S.J. "Prayer and fasting can change the world." In thanksgiving for his more than 30 years of pro-life witness on Parliament Hill.
Fr. Tony Van Hee & his sister, Sister Mary
Following the March for Life through downtown Ottawa, marchers laid down 300 roses at the Centennial Flame on Parliament Hill in memory of the 300 children who are killed by abortion every day in Canada. Each rose representing one child. The rose memorial was a moving experience for many who remained praying for their own healing, and for an end to this devastating reality in our country.
On October 24, 2018, Fr. Tony Van Hee S.J. was arrested and charged while praying peacefully and holding up signs about free speech across the street from the Morgentaler Abortuary.
The signs read: “The Primacy of Free Speech: Cornerstone of Western Civilization” and “Without Free Speech The State is a Corpse”. Fr. Tony has been charged with intimidating or attempting to intimidate people going to the abortion center under Ontario’s totalitarian abortion bubble zone law, even though he wasn’t advocating against abortion. When speaking to media, Fr. Tony said “I will fight it on my own and if they fine me, I will not pay it and go to jail…If they jail me, I will fast.” For more than 28 years, Fr. Tony has been a prayerful and powerful pro-life presence on Parliament Hill, praying and fasting for an end to abortion. Over the years, he has been jeered and heckled, parliamentarians have tried to silence him, his signs and property have been vandalized, and he was even harassed by a Member of Parliament who was offended by the truth Fr. Tony was presenting. For almost three decades, Fr. Tony has been a tremendous witness to life. The late New Brunswick MP Elsie Wayne once said that he “is someone the whole country should admire.”
Please consider donating to help Fr. Tony with his legal and other fees. All donations (less credit card/processing fees) will be sent to Fr. Tony. Campaign Life Coalition has set up this crowdfunding page on his behalf.
Not only do we admire him, we have promised to help him. .
We do not expect an update from Health Canada until July 2021.
The April 2021 (MAiD) euthanasia data for Ontario indicates that even though the Province of Ontario has been under a strict COVID-19 “lock-down.” April 2021 saw the highest number of euthanasia deaths since legalization. Since the federal government has been slow in releasing euthanasia data, the death data from the Office of the Chief Coroner of Ontario, which represents 39% of Canada’s population, provides us with a strong indication of the trend in euthanasia deaths in Canada. The Ontario data indicates that in the first four months of 2021 there were 853 reported assisted deaths. April 2021 had the highest number of assisted deaths ever with 241. As of April 30, 2021 there has been 7549 reported assisted deaths in Ontario since legalization. 7547 were euthanasia deaths (lethal injection) and 2 were assisted suicide deaths (lethal prescription). The number of assisted deaths has been continually increasing in Ontario. There was a 33% increase in 2020 with 2378 reported assisted deaths, up from 1789 in 2019, 1499 in 2018, 841 in 2017, and 189 in 2016. Euthanasia was legalized in June 2016. The number of cumulative assisted deaths in Ontario alone indicates a trend: December 31, 2018 - 2529 deaths (30 months), First 6 months of 2019 - (774 deaths), Second 6 months of 2019 (1015 deaths), First 6 months of 2020 - (1127 deaths), Second 6 months of 2020 (1251 deaths), First 4 months of 2021 - (853 deaths).
The data from the report indicated that in 2019, there were 5,631 MAID deaths reported in Canada, up from 4467 in 2018, accounting for 2.0% of all deaths. When all data sources are considered, there were 13,946 medically assisted deaths reported in Canada from legalization until December 31, 2019. Since we do not have national data, I can only estimate the number of assisted deaths since legalization. Based on a 33% increase in assisted deaths in Ontario in 2020 and based on the 5631 assisted deaths reported in Canada in 2019, I predict that there were approximately 7489 assisted deaths in Canada in 2020. Based on the current 10% increase in assisted deaths in the first four months of 2021, I predict that there were approximately 2745 assisted deaths in Canada in the first four months of 2021. Since there were 13,946 reported assisted deaths (legalization to December 31, 2019) + approximately 7489 reported assisted deaths in 2020 + approximately 2745 assisted deaths in the first four months of 2021. I predict that there has been approximately 24,180 (or more than 24,000) assisted deaths in Canada from legalization to April 30, 2021. When (MAiD) assisted death was legalized in Canada we were told that it would be rare, that the law had “stringent” safeguards, and that euthanasia death would be a “last resort.”
CANADA EXPANDED ITS EUTHANASIA LAW On March 17, 2021 parliament passed Bill C-7 expanding Canada’s euthanasia law by:
In July, 2020, Health Canada released its first annual report on (MAiD). The data was gathered from the reports submitted by the physicians and nurse practitioners who assisted the deaths. There is no requirement that a third party or neutral person submit the euthanasia reports to ensure accuracy.
Bill C-7 removed the requirement in the law that a person’s natural death be reasonably foreseeable in order to qualify for assisted death. Therefore, people who are not terminally ill could die by euthanasia.
Bill C-7 created a two track law whereby a person whose natural death is deemed to be reasonably foreseeable has no waiting period, and could die on the same day as their request, while a person whose natural death is not deemed to be reasonably foreseeable would have a 90 day waiting period before being killed by lethal injection. Bill C-7 permits a doctor or nurse practitioner to lethally inject a person who is incapable of consenting, if that person was previously approved for assisted death. This contravenes the Supreme Court of Canada Carter decision which stated that only competent people could die by euthanasia. Bill C-7 approved euthanasia for people experiencing mental illness alone. Parliament placed a hold on this category of deaths for 24 months to enable the government to establish protocols for killing these people. When Canada legalized euthanasia and assisted suicide (MAiD) in June 2016, a section of the legislation required the government to conduct a full five-year review of the legislation, starting in June 2020. Instead of conducting a full review of the law, the Canadian government decided to expand the euthanasia law and then do a limited review of the law. The Canadian experience with legalizing euthanasia has been that there are never enough reasons to kill.
For example — how can the doctors and nurse practitioners who assess patients’ suitability for MAID determine whether a psychiatric condition is irremediable? Many psychiatric conditions can be treated with drugs or other therapies, or can improve if life conditions that contribute to poor mental health — such as poverty, loneliness or lack of housing — are addressed. “There is simply not enough evidence available in the mental health field … to ascertain whether a particular individual has an irremediable mental illness,” the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto stated in 2017. Jones quoted from long-time academic euthanasia activist Jocelyn Downie on the topic of euthanasia by advanced request who stated: “You make much better decisions when you’re not in a state of intolerable suffering,” Downie said. “So we want people having conversations and coming to an agreement with their clinician about a future provision of MAID.” Downie left out the fact that euthanasia by advanced request will only be an issue when the person slated to be killed has become incompetent, meaning, euthanasia will be imposed on a person who is unable to legally change their mind. Concerning the issue of euthanasia for mature minors, Jones also quoted from Downie who stated:
An article by Ryan Patrick Jones for CBC News examines the direction of the Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying that is conducting the review of the law.
Downie said that if mature minors have the legal right to refuse life-saving treatments, they should have the right to choose assisted death.
Jones writes about three main areas of the review, that being: euthanasia for mental illness, euthanasia by advanced request and euthanasia of mature minors.
The government is examining future expansions of euthanasia without regard for the problems and misuse of the law.
None of these categories pertain to a full review of the law.
Recently ten Belgian medical care-givers participated in the publishing of a book titled: Euthanasia: Searching for the Full Story. This book represents a collection of essays and thought provoking stories from people with professional experience with euthanasia in Belgium. It is my hope that books, like this one, will re-open the debate on euthanasia in Belgium.
The review may not look deeply into the issue of euthanasia for mental illness since Bill C-7 already approved it but placed a 24 month “hold” on euthanasia for mental illness to devise protocols around the killing. Jones wrote: The expansion of MAID to people suffering primarily from depression, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental illnesses left lawmakers with a number of unanswered questions.
Similar stories and experiences need to be collected and published concerning Canada’s euthanasia law. We will continue to stand against the euthanasia tide. Alex Schadenberg is the Executive Director, of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition
euthanasia is legal in canada Protect yourself with the Life-Protecting Power of Attorney for Personal Care. Become a member of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition for $25. The life you save may be your own.
Have you watched “Fatal Flaws”? Powerful testimonies & expert opinion from both sides of the issue uncover how euthanasia laws affect society.
Print and fill this form or visit www.epcc.ca Membership with the EPC: q Individual: $25 q Group: $50
q Life-Protecting Power of Attorney: $10.50 ea q Fatal Flaws DVD: $15 ea + tax Name: Address:
l speci a ! g pr icin
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Mail this form with payment to the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC): Box 25033 London, ON N6C 6A8 Tel. 1-877-439-3348 Email: info@epcc.ca
We at CitizenGO are honoured to have the opportunity to be a sponsor for the National March for Life. CitizenGO is an independent, non-profit, global grassroots activism organization that works to ensure that the views and values of everyday pro-life and pro-family people inform global decision-making. We are a movement of ordinary people from around the world standing up for liberty and fundamental human rights. What we do works. Together with our community of over 15 million active members around the world we’ve influenced the outcomes of global summits, held rallies across the world to defend marriage and the rights of children, campaigned to protect the life of the unborn and lobbied governments to protect the freedom of believers. We rely entirely on small donations and receive no money from governments or corporations. Our online team, based in more than 25 countries, ensures even the smallest contributions go a long way. Our global team at CitizenGO works tirelessly to fight for you and to provide you with opportunities to raise your voice against those in power who wish to go against the common good. Our website also acts as a platform where you can create your own online petitions to fight for just causes in your community. Recently, CitizenGO has collaborated with Euthanasia Prevention Coalition to create a petition rallying behind Bill C-268, also known as the Protection of Freedom of Conscience Act. Bill C-268 is set to have its first debate in Parliament on May 27th. The Protection of Freedom of Conscience Act, sponsored by Kelly Block, MP (Carlton Trail - Eagle Creek) protects conscience rights for medical professionals by preventing coercion and intimidation to participate in acts and protects employment for medical professionals who conscientiously object to certain acts. If Bill C-268 passes, it would be a criminal offense to intimidate health care professionals to take part in medical assistance in dying. It would also be a criminal offense to refuse to employ medical professionals, or to fire them, based solely on their refusal to take part in medical assistance in dying. Medical professionals in Canada need to have their conscience rights protected. I urge you to go to our website and sign our petition in support of the Protection of Freedom of Conscience Act, and to contact your MP to ask them to support this essential bill. This petition and many others can be found at www.citizengo.org/en-ca.
In Memory of
Karen Murawsky (1943 – 2020)
on the occasion of the NMFL 2021
From her husband James and his family. Children – Chris (Joanne), Tim (Kelly), Patrick (Tracy), Greg (Lisa) and John. Grand children – Daniel, David (Elizabeth), Jennifer (Matthew), Marianne, Michael, Mackenzie(Michael), Rose, Noah, Elijah, Grace, Hannah, Nathan, Sarah, Jonathan and Anna. Great grandchildren – Henry and Charlotte.
Business For Life
BUSINESS FOR LIFE & DERRYDALE GOLF COURSE A R E P R OUD TO PRESENT T H E 12TH ANNUAL R O S E G OLF TOURNAMENT & FUNDRAISER Thursday, September 9, 2021 185 Derry Road W., Mississauga Call 905.670.3030 for Tee-off Time. Please arrive 15 minutes before your Tee-off time. Unfortunately, due to Corona Virus Restrictions, we are unable to hold the Putting Contest, Sit-down Dinner, Prize Presentation or Raffle. The entry fee has been reduced to a $75.00 non-refundable donation to Campaign Life Coalition which includes 12 holes of golf with a cart and a bag lunch.
NATIONAL MASS FOR LIFE (OTTAWA, ONTARIO) Celebrated by Archbishop Marcel Damphousse (Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall) with greeting messages from Thomas Cardinal Collins (Archdiocese of Toronto) and Archbishop Christian Lepine, (Archdiocese of Montreal)
TRI-DIOCESAN MASS FOR LIFE (WINNIPEG, MANITOBA) Concelebrated by Archbishop Albert LeGatt (Archdiocese of St. Boniface), Archbishop Richard Gagnon (Archdiocese of Winnipeg and President of the CCCB), and Archbishop Lawrence Huculak (Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Winnipeg and Metropolitan of Canada)
MASS FOR LIFE (VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA) Celebrated by Archbishop Michael Miller (Diocese of Vancouver), assisted by Deacon Bruce Fraser
MASS FOR LIFE (SAINT JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICK) Celebrated by Bishop Christian Riesbeck, CC (Diocese of Saint John, New Brunswick)
DIVINE LITURGY FOR LIFE (EDMONTON, ALBERTA) Concelebrated by Bishop David Motiuk (Eparchy of Edmonton), Fr. Michael Bohun (Assistant Pastor), and Fr. Michael Winn (Rector of Holy Spirit Ukrainian, Catholic Seminary, Edmonton)
MENNONITE REFLECTION Thom Vandycke, Steibach, Manitoba
MESSE POUR LA VIE (MONTREAL, QUEBEC) Celebrated by Archbishop Christian Lépine (Archevêché de Montréal/Archdiocese of Montreal)
ROSARY FOR LIFE Life’s Vision Manitoba
PRAYER SERVICE Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church, Ottawa
MESSAGE OF THANKS On behalf of Campaign Life Coalition and the 2021 National March for Life Organizing Committee, thank you to our spiritual leaders across Canada for lifting up the National March for Life in their prayers. Let us continue to join in prayer for an end to abortion.
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PROUD SPONSOR DunnMedia was pleased to co-produce nearly 30 hours of pro-life programming for this year’s Virtual National March for Life. It is always an honour to serve alongside the dedicated team at Campaign Life Coalition.
The 2021 March for Life Kick-Off Event was an online screening of Roe v Wade. Campaign Life Coalition purchased a licence to make the film available to view from March 30 to April 30th. To watch, go to www.roevwademovie.com 68
belgium’s 15 year experiment with euthanasia has gone terribly wrong. this film is a dire warning for the rest of the world.
A one-hour documentary featuring powerful testimonies from Belgium and beyond of lives devastated by the false ideology of ‘mercy killing’.
Resource materials can be found at: VulnerableFilm.com and CaringNotKilling.com. Your support allows Euthanasia Prevention Coalition to continue opposing the acceptance of euthanasia while providing jurisdictions with data to resist its legalization.
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Box 25033 London ON N6C 6A8 / Box 611309 Port Huron MI 48061-1309 Tel. 1-877-439-3348 / 519-439-3348 info@epcc.ca www.epcc.ca
The Euthanasia Deception aired on April 25th. To watch, go to www.vimeo.com/ondemand/theeuthanasiadeception 69
Obsessed: Canada’s Coercive Diplomacy aired on May 2nd. Former Canadian diplomat and leading expert on China, David Mulroney sits down with author, film maker and global human rights activist Obianuju Ekeocha to discuss how the West (Canada) is funding abortion in Africa. To watch, go to www.coercivediplomacy.ca
Divided Hearts of America (Canadian Premiere) aired on May 9th. Featuring NFL Star, Benjamin Watson who unveils the truth about abortion, the laws, the history and where our country is headed. To watch, go to www.thewatsonseven.com/theirs/divided-hearts-of-america 70
Breaking down Gosnell: A Conversation aired on May 10th. The true story of the investigation and trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell - his 30 year killing spree and the political and media establishment that tried to cover it up. To watch, go to www.gosnellmovie.com 71
Hush aired on May 11th. An award winning documentary investigating the health risks of abortion. To watch, go to www.hushfilm.com 72
Blood Money aired on May 16th. A documentary film that exposes the truth behind the Abortion Industry from the Pro-Life perspective. 73
n May 25, 1978, a group of pro-lifers, met in Winnipeg to form a new national political pro-life organization.
With representatives from local pro-life groups in Quebec and Ontario and Western Coalition groups from Saskatchewan, Alberta and B.C., Campaign Life was formed, dedicating itself to the mission of questioning political candidates and raising public awareness on life issues throughout Canada. Another catalyst for the new group was the realization that pro-life educational groups were being stymied in their attempts to become involved politically, risking their charitable tax status. Stephen McDonnell, president of Campaign Life Toronto, noted at the formation of the new organization: “The abortion law will only be changed when a large number of Canadians publicly demand, with unified voice, a change. The creation of Campaign Life Canada brings that day a little closer.”
One of the first strategy meetings of Campaign Life in Sharon, Ont., in 1979.
Jim Hughes, who would become president of the national organization in 1984 after Alberta-based Kathleen Toth, who had served for six years, resigned the post once the Charter of Rights was passed, said that Campaign Life, and the national umbrella organization for educational groups, Alliance for Life Canada, worked together on and off for years, until the latter’s demise in the late 1990s. He said the two groups would coordinate their efforts, with Alliance working with Right to Life groups to educate the public at the grassroots level on specific issues and Campaign Life – and later Campaign Life Coalition – working with MPs on those same issues.
Jim Hughes, Paul Formby, and Earl Amyotte at the founding the Pro-Life Party of Canada.
Gwen Landolt, one of Campaign Life’s founders with Paul Formby and Paul Dodds, credited the Toronto priests of the Basilian order with an integral role in the startup of the new pro-life organization. “The Basilian fathers were wonderfully generous,” she said. “We used rooms and equipment at their seminary. They also freed up Paul Formby, who at that time was a seminarian, to carry on with his pro-life responsibilities. Without them, there would be no Campaign Life Coalition today.” The Basilian Formby left the Coalition to work with Campaign Life and became its national co-ordinator. He left the seminary to study law. Hughes credits fine legal minds such as Dodds, Formby, and Landolt, as well as scholars such as Professor David Dooley, Fr. Ian Boyd, Fr. Alphonse de Valk, and medical experts like Dr. John Shea as being important in adding a professional-
Participants of the meeting in 1986 that led to the merger of Campaign Life and the Coalition for the Protection of Human Life featuring (back row) Jim Hughes, Rollie LaPrairie, Frank Foley, Harry Schadenberg and Paul Dodds (front row) Anna Desilets, Ed Newell, and Sue Hierlihy.
ism to the grassroots organization as they developed questionnaires, strategized about politics, wrote press releases, talked with the media, made presentations to legislatures and conferences, among other projects.
volvement in the political process is growing and becoming stronger. Jim Hughes joined Campaign Life Toronto in 1978, thinking it would be a two-year commitment before he returned to sales. But 40 years later, and after 35 years serving as National President, Jim continues to work full-time in his new role as President-Emeritus, working with current President Jeff Gunnarson and his team, offering his insights, international network, editing and writing skills. Jim has always been a “connector” because he links people with solutions to problems that need to be solved. Over the past few decades, he has found people to take on projects that Campaign Life and CLC have initiated or brought to Canada, including organizing the National March for Life in Ottawa following in the footsteps of the late Miss Nellie Gray and the March for Life in Washington. “There are more projects and organizations than we can remember, but when there was a need, we found a way to address it,” said Hughes.
Fr. Boyd and Formby helped create Campaign Life’s first questionnaire which asked two questions: one about whether abortion should be legal and another about abortion funding. In a trial run of two dozen by-elections in 1978, CL found the questionnaires effective in garnering information about candidates. Formby told The Interim in 2003 that they were instrumental in defeating two pro-abortion NDP candidates in a pair of Toronto ridings. CL printed tens of thousands of pamphlets and distributed them in all the Toronto ridings that held a by-election. An analysis of the results by polling stations found that where Campaign Life distributed the pamphlets, pro-life candidates received more votes than they would otherwise be expected to win. Hughes noted that while the questionnaire has been tweaked over time, it is still an important educational tool. He said it is important to “use objective standards to qualify candidates.” With the internet, pro-life voters come to CLC nowadays looking for that information.
By 1986, the few people who remained with the Coalition for Life agreed with Campaign Life on political strategy, and those who favoured compromise had left the movement. A meeting organized by Alliance for Life president Ed Newell included Hughes, Anna Desilets, Sue Heirlihy, Rollie LaPrairie, Harry Schadenberg, Paul Dodds, and Frank Foley resulted in the Coalition and Campaign joining forces under one, new banner: Campaign Life Coalition. The two groups merged in 1987. Hughes wanted someone from the Coalition side to take the presidency, but they convinced him to stay on as leader. Hughes said that Campaign Life had a mailing list of 200 names in 1978 but that after the Charter battles, during which ads appeared in the Catholic Register, Toronto Star, and other publications, it had grown to more than 8000. Today, hundreds of thousands of households receive CLC’s mailing.
While Campaign Life has been involved in every political battle affecting life issues, the three biggest are probably their fight to include protection of human life in the Charter of Rights in 1982 (or defeat it), the Mulroney abortion bills that had loopholes that would not have reduced abortion, and the stem cell research bill in the early 2000s. CL’s Landolt prophetically warned that the Charter would be used to strike down the minor limits that existed on abortion. Formby said of the Charter battle, “we were effective in waking people up to the issues.” When the standing committee taking input from the public refused to grant Campaign Life an appointment, that didn’t deter Toth, Landolt and company, who went to Ottawa anyway and walked right into the hearings. “We made our presentation and were very well received, but we weren’t able to get the unborn into the Charter,” Toth recalled.
Asked what Campaign Life, and Campaign Life Coalition’s greatest success is, Hughes said that ultimately success will be defined by God, but that “in human terms, the fact we are here today,” can be counted as a victory. “We continue to grow, and we are finding more young people willing to take up the pro-life mantle. We adopted Nellie Gray’s slogan, ‘No Compromises, No Exceptions’ and added our own ‘No apologies, No excuses’.” He said CLC is laying down the tracks on which future pro-lifers will work to return legal protection for unborn life. “We are putting everything in God’s hands and trust that it will work out in the end.”
Of course, CLC’s main influence for the last 40 years has been in electing pro-life candidates, starting with local nominations and culminating in influencing Federal and provincial leadership contests. From Tom Wappel’s Liberal leadership race in the 90’s to Tanya Granic Allen’s Provincial Conservative race in 2018, and everything in between, Campaign Life Coalition continues to mobilize the pro-life and pro-family grassroots to get involved in politics like no other. With tens of thousands of memberships sold to various political parties, and thousands of volunteers recruited, CLC supporters continue to influence party conventions and change election outcomes every time. CLC’s recent efforts in the last two Conservative leadership races for Brad Trost and Pierre Lemieux in 2017, and Derek Sloan and Leslyn Lewis in 2020 continueto show that pro-life in-
A version of this appeared in the May 2013 issue of The Interim. Updated in May 2021.
From the time of conception…
Organize the annual National March for Life in Ottawa and numerous provincial marches for life, LifeChain and 40 Days for Life campaigns in Canada and countless pro-life conferences and activist meetings across the country.
From the time of conception to the moment of natural death, the human being is at all times a human person. Personhood is not derived from man-made law and it cannot be awarded, diminished, or withdrawn from any human being by an act of Parliament or by any judicial decision. The human person has immeasurable dignity and an inviolable right to life upon which all other human rights depend. It must be defended with conviction and with our utmost effort.
Produce and distribute pro-life information including pamphlets and fact sheets, books, videos, monthly newsletters and e-updates, websites such as campaignlifecoalition.com and iamahumanbeing.ca, provide sample legislation to politicians and students, send out voice blasts and e-mail blasts in support of pro-life political candidates.
What is Campaign Life Coalition? Campaign Life was founded in 1978 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and in 1986, merged with Coalition for Life to become Campaign Life Coalition (CLC). For over 40 years, it has been a national pro-life organization working at all levels of government to secure full legal protection for all human beings, from the time of conception (fertilization) to natural death. CLC defends the sanctity of human life against the threats posed by abortion, euthanasia, doctor-assisted suicide, medical and scientific research that results in the killing of an unborn child, infanticide, the practice of eugenics, population control, and developments that threaten the family. Campaign Life Coalition never compromises on basic principles; but it supports incremental policies that do not compromise the lives of unborn children.
Support crisis pregnancy centres and sidewalk counselling to help distressed pregnant women to choose life, and support organizations dealing with the aftermath. Recruit young people through Campaign Life Coalition Youth, educating, informing and inspiring them to become leaders of the pro-life movement. We also hire and train up to a dozen summer interns each year. Promote pro-life activism and influence public opinion in favour of life through the use of traditional and new media.
Our political activity consists of:
How are we organized?
Recruiting, nominating, and supporting pro-life candidates
We are a grassroots movement. We come from all walks of life. Each of us contributes according to our individual strengths to the needs of the movement as required from time to time: whether spiritual support, financial assistance, or political activism. The national office in Toronto acts as a link between our provincial groups and strengthens the pro-life effort by coordinating strategies across the land.
Lobbying elected officials at all levels of government. Preparing and presenting briefs to parliament, provincial legislatures, city councils, and school boards. Publicly supporting elected officials who speak up for the unborn, the elderly, and the vulnerable in our society.
Our Ottawa Bureau is responsible for lobbying MPs and Senators, assisting with the National March for Life, and collaborating with the provincial offices through our National organizer.
Running campaigns at the provincial and federal level to stop the public funding of abortion, both in Canada and by Canadian agencies in developing countries. Monitoring anti-life and anti-family activities at the United Nations and abroad, and assessing its potential impact on Canadian public policy.
What we do: Defend life and family at the international (United Nations), federal, provincial, municipal and school board levels. 76
Our emphasis during election campaigns GET INVOLVED is to: Join us in restoring a culture of life in Canada. Encourage pro-lifers to run for office and to work within each party to nominate pro-life candidates.
National Office:
Identify candidates who are pro-life and those who 157 Catharine St. N. Unit 2 are pro-abortion. Hamilton, ON, L8L 4S4 Mobilize supporters across the country to help pro- Phone: 416-204-9749 life candidates from all levels of government get Toll Free: 1-800-730-5358 Fax: 416-204-1027 elected, and defeat those who are pro-abortion. Email: clc@campaignlifecoalition.com Organize leafleting, door-to-door canvassing, and Ottawa Bureau: phoning – especially in swing ridings.
Four point approach to restoring a culture 5450 Canotek Rd., Unit 51 Ottawa ON K1J 9G3 of life in Canada: 1. Support Pregnant Women in distress and help Phone: 613-729-0379 them to choose life and support organizations to Email: clcottawa@clife.ca deal with the aftermath of abortion. 2. Influence Public Opinion so that the public is better educated about the facts of abortion, the breast cancer connection, the development of the unborn child, and the nature of euthanasia. Make the public aware of a dangerous anti-life, anti-family world agenda being pushed by nongovernment organizations through the United Nations. 3. Engage in Political Action to change the minds and hearts of our fellow Canadians, and work to ensure that our elected officials restore full legal protection for all human life. 4. Trust in Spiritual Action since the attacks against life and family are real and the culture of death is heavily entrenched in our institutions. Fervent prayer and reliance upon God, the foundation of our pro-life work, is essential.
/CampaignLifeTV @CampaignLife /CampaignLifeCoalition
24 Years: A Brief History of the National March for Life
he he National March for Life is an event inspired by the late Miss Nellie Gray, founder and lead organizer of the March for Life in Washington D.C. At a pro-life leaders event in the ‘90s, she turned to Jim Hughes, national president of Campaign Life Coalition, and suggested to him that Canada should “march for life” too. Upon returning from the meeting, Jim spoke to Father Alphonse de Valk, founding editor of Catholic Insight Magazine who echoed Miss Gray’s suggestion, and the National March for Life was born. The Canadian march is in many ways modeled after the Washington march. We march and bring our concerns to the foot of our federal government on Parliament Hill. We include Masses, Prayer Services, a candlelight vigil, youth events and Silent No More Awareness Campaign testimonies. We have had many suggestions to add or to change the events and we considered each and every tactic as to what will most impact the three-days of support for the cause of the unborn. A brief summary of past marches: eld yearly on or near May 14 to commemorate the passing of an Omnibus Bill May 14, 1969. On January 1988, H the Supreme Court struck down the previous legislation but did not give women the right to abortion and stated that Parliament could legislate, if they chose. To this day, there is no law in Canada restricting abortion. First march was held in 1998 and began at the Supreme Court of Canada with more than 600 participants walking/marching up Wellington Street to Parliament Hill – speaker Rev. Ken Campbell. In 2000, it was decided to gather on Parliament Hill and walk through downtown Ottawa, returning to Parliament Hill. Took on the name National March for Life in 2003 to differentiate us from the March for Life in Washington D.C. T hemes over the years include: Equal Rights for All Human Beings (2000), No To Discrimination (2001), Let Them Live (2002), Life is the ONLY Choice (2003 & 2004), Abortion NO: Life is the Only Choice (2005), Abortion is Killing Canada’s Future (2006), Justice for the Unborn (2007), Life: The First Human Right (2008), Exodus: A
Future Without Abortion (2009), Abortion: A Crime Against Humanity (2010), Abortion Kills a Human Being (2011), Abortion Hurts Everyone (2012), End Female Gendercide (2013), RU-4LIFE (2014), Let Life Win (2015), #EndTheKilling (2016), Life, We Stand on Guard for Thee (2017), Pro-life: All. In. (2018), #50YearsTooMany (2019), Be Not Afraid (2020), and this year’s theme You Are Not Alone. ver the years the march has picked up momentum and school groups have bused in from various parts of O Ontario including greater Toronto, Hamilton, Kingston, Pembroke, Sault Ste. Marie, Sudbury, Southwestern Ontario and, of course, Ottawa. Beginning in 1998 with several hundred participants, in 2016 there were more than 20,000 participants with two-thirds being under 30 years of age. T he late Dr. André Lafrance was the mastermind behind the candlelight vigil. It was his dream to have candlelight vigils across the country, simultaneously held, in memory of the unborn. He died Nov. 23, 2005, and in the past few years his vision has been fulfilled. T he National March for Life also sparked numerous provincial marches across Canada. Every year, marches are held in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland. T he first banquet was a luncheon event at the Ottawa Congress Centre with 330 attendees. The following year it was moved to an evening event and in 2005 named the Rose Dinner. When the numbers began to swell to 1,000 attendees, a decision was made in 2010 to hold both a Rose Dinner and a Youth Banquet simultaneously. D e d ic ate d
T he idea of having a youth conference was entertained for a few years and in 2002 it became an addition to the NMFL events. The first year, 172 young people attended; in the past few years closer to 800 youth have attended. This year, CLC Youth together with Niagara Region Right to Life hosted a virtual youth conference that was made available online. any prominent pro-life leaders have spoken at the rally on Parliament Hill and the banquets. These include: M many MPs and Senators, Dr. John C. Willke (former president of International Right to Life Federation), Angelina Steenstra, Georgette Forney and Janet Morana (Silent No More Awareness Campaign), Ted Morton (former Alberta Cabinet Minister), Sandy Rios (Concerned Women for America), Carl Anderson (Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus), His Eminence Marc Cardinal Ouellet (former Primate of Canada), former MP Elsie Wayne, Father Frank Pavone (Priests for Life USA), Rebecca Kiessling (author of Conceived in Rape: From worthless to Priceless), Eduardo Verástegui (Actor), Dr. Alveda C. King (Priests for Life USA), former MP Tom Wappel, Melissa Ohden (Abortion survivor and international speaker), Lila Rose (Live Action), David Bereit (40 Days for Life), Mario St. Francis (Motivational Speaker), Steven Mosher (President of Population Research Institute), Rev. Patrick Mahoney (Christian Defense Coalition), Reggie Littlejohn (Women’s Rights Without Frontiers), Ryan Scott Bomberger (The Radiance Foundation), Carol Everett (The Heidi Group), Jason Evert (The Chastity Project), Eric Metaxas (Author, speaker, TV and Radio host) and Matt Fradd (Author and speaker), Obianuju Ekeocha (Founder and president of Culture of Life Africa), Matt Walsh (Writer, blogger and speaker), Steve Karlen (Director of North American Outreach, 40 Days for Life), Transform DJs (Pro-life and Christian Electronic Dance Music Group), Jim Hughes (National President, Campaign Life Coalition), Abby Johnson (founder of And Then there were None and author of Unplanned), and Ann McElhinney & Phelim McAleer (Producers of Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer). This year, the National March for Life committee welcomed Rev. Dr. Andrew Bennett (Former Canadian Ambassador for Religious Freedom), Tanya Granic Allen (TV Host and political commentator), and Kristan Hawkins (founder and president of Students for Life of America).
GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN Saying goodbye to relatives, friends, and neighbors who are called to their eternal home is a reality of life that cannot be ignored. Many years ago, Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) realized the need to recognize the contributions made by grassroots supporters who worked to protect unborn children, their moms, and families from the scourge of abortion, and restore a culture of life in Canada and abroad. The attacks on the family broadened the pro-life work to protect the vulnerable and elderly from euthanasia, assisted suicide, etc. To honour the work and memories of these deceased pro-lifers, the monthly pro-life/pro-family newspaper, The Interim, carries a CLC Memorial page. We have begun dedicating the yearly National March for Life to one outstanding pro-lifer. For those who have been involved in the pro-life struggles for a long time, it’s somewhat surprising that September 23, 2021 marks the 25th anniversary of the death of pro-life hero Joseph P. Borowski. The past 12 months have seen the deaths of many heroic grassroots pro-lifers, but a few leaders should be especially remembered in addition to Karen Murawsky for whom this year’s National March was dedicated; MaterCare’s Dr. Rob Walley of St. John’s Newfoundland and pro-life giant Joseph Scheidler of Chicago’s Pro-life Action League.
Dedicated to:
Dr. Rob Walley Dr. Robert Walley was the founder of MaterCare International, a pro-life international organization of Catholic health professionals dedicated to the care of mothers and babies. It has projects in Nigeria, Ghana. East Timor, Sierra Leone, Uganda, and Rwanda, and on on-going project in Nigeria where it maintains the hospital it built for high-risk mothers. Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) was honoured to have Dr. Walley speak as an expert panelist during our recent United Nations event on best practices in maternal healthcare, where he shared his tremendous experience and success stories, but also the tragedies that continue to occur, CLC Vice-President Matthew Wojciechowski told LifeSite News. Walley also shared the fact that “his decades long lifesaving work was entirely dependent on generous donors and that he never received a cent from government grants compared to the many other organizations who treat pregnancy as a disease and commit abortions in the developing world and receive millions in funding annually”, he said. “Walley was relentless in his efforts to raise attention and
funds to help mothers in Africa particularly to build ‘special hospitals’ to treat obstetric fistula, even though he ran into roadblock after roadblock. In one instance, Walley was on the verge of getting large endowments, and the donor said, ‘of course you’ll provide birth control information as well’, and he said, ‘what are you talking about? These women aren’t looking for birth control. Their insides are blowing up,” shared Jim Hughes past president of CLC. And they didn’t give him the money because of that. Walley met his wife Susan, a nurse from Guernsey when they worked together at a London hospital. When he decided to do part of his training in Canada because abortion had been legalized in England, he asked her to marry him, and they spent their honeymoon on a boat
crossing the Atlantic. He helped start the Family Life Bureau in Newfoundland, worked with the Canadian bishops on life issues and in 1985, Pope John Paul II appointed him to the Pontifical Council for Health where he served for 15 years. The CWL (Catholic Women’s League of Canada) remains one of its major donors as MaterCare continues its vital work under medical director Dr. Bogdan Chazan of Poland and Project Manager Simon Walley. May he rest in peace. Excerpts from LifeSite News
Dedicated to:
Joe Scheidler Upon his death, The Chicago Sun Times reported that Scheidler was known as “the godfather of pro-life activism” and praise poured in immediately for the deceased pro-life leader. American Life League president Judie Brown said he was the “pro-life movement’s gentle giant” – he stood at six feet four inches – who showered kindness on all he met. Brown said the Pro-life Action League was “an organization that would become the driving force behind peaceful prolife action across this nation.” Joe Scheidler was born in Hartford City, Indiana in 1927, served as a military policeman in the U.S. Navy during World War II, and returned home to the seminary to become a priest. He discerned that he was not called to the priesthood and moved to Chicago. Scheidler was active in the pro-life movements, but his son Eric said that during a demonstration in Chicago in 1972, Joe saw a picture of an aborted baby that reminded him of his son; the abortion issue became deeply personal, and he dedicated his life to fighting for the protection of preborn life. He made images of preborn babies a large part of his work. Joe Scheidler was a larger-than-life pro-life leader. His 6’4” frame was dominant in any on-street demonstration. He was forceful, determined but kind and gentle. His sidewalk counselling, prayer focus, and inspirational presentations moved thousands to take a stand against killing children before birth. He had no time for phonies, compromisers, or bullies.
He wanted to participate in a National March for Life in Canada, so he and his wife Ann, attended the 2019 March for Life in Ottawa, where at the Rose Dinner, he spoke enthusiastically of his relationship with Canadian prolifers and our joint efforts of protecting the lives of all human beings from the time of conception until natural death.
For over 35 years, his book Closed: 99 Ways to Stop Abortion has been a must read for dedicated pro-lifers.
May he rest in peace.
Joe was a great admirer of the late pro-life hero, Fr. Ted Colleton, whom he called the best pro-life priest since Cure of Ars.
With excepts from The Interim and LifeSite News
Dedicated to:
Ambrose Atkins
Ottawa lost another pro-life warrior on June 6th, 2021. Maybe it’s not correct to call Ambrose Atkins a warrior, for he was Navy through and through. And doing his tour of duty in Alert, being separated from family for months at a time, he quickly learned the importance of family. His own family was front and centre in his world and you rarely saw Ambrose without Edna at his side. But he cared about all families,- his faith community family, his pro-life family and in fact the world was his family. If you do not recognize his name it’s because the thousands of things he did for God’s littlest ones and for Saint Patrick’s Basilica, he did with humility and dedication, persistence and focus. He went to great lengths to stay in the background, to let others have the glory. But he was always willing to step up when he was needed. His deep faith inspired him and his wife to start a religious book store after all the Masses at St Pats. He was the prolife rep for years and years and took charge of the Hike for Life, a fundraiser for Action Life. He lined up a local priest to walk and parishioners to sponsor him. He collected, counted and rolled Coins for Life, a fundraiser for Campaign Life Coalition. From the moment that a weekly witness was started in front of the Civic Hospital, you could count on Ambrose and Edna being there every Sunday from 2:00 to 3:00. In 1995 Karen Murawsky asked Edna and Ambrose to join the steering committee for the local CLC office. Ambrose never turned down an opportunity to save babies so of course he took up the challenge. If a problem occurred he would come up with a viable solution and follow through with it. When the National March for life began in 1998 Ambrose was there organizing, recruiting, meeting with RCMP, Parliamentary Protective Services, and local Ottawa police to iron out the logistics of the March. In 2009 he became co-chair of the National March for Life. You could count on Edna and Ambrose to be at all of the annual Ontario strategy meetings. He would be at every pro-life meeting whether it was for Action Life or Campaign Life- always willing to
learn and always willing to help. He worked tirelessly for the unborn. There was no job too great or too small he would not tackle. Speaking of ‘tackle’, his greatest love outside faith, family, and pro life was fishing. When meeting up with fellow Islander Bill Mullally, Ambrose’s standard greeting was, “How are the smelts running in Souris?” He was a skilled fisherman, knew all the best fishing holes and was only too glad to take my two sons, six and eight, on their first fishing trip. They still treasure the memory. As Bill’s young son, once said, “He is a beauty”. Ambrose will best be remembered for his quiet gentle way. We will miss you, Ambrose and may you enjoy a well-deserved ‘rest in peace’. ~ Margaret Mountain
WE CAN TRAIN YOU ON HOW TO COMMUNICATE FOR LIFE... AND MAKE CONNECTIONS... AND SUCCEED! Campaign Life Coalition works to educate, nominate and elect candidates who are willing to advocate for the respect and dignity of all human life.
Each project is operated by Campaign Life Coalition, a national pro-life & pro-family organization which works at all levels of government to secure full legal protection for all human beings, from the time of conception to natural death.
Upcoming Events Business for Life Annual Rose Golf Tournament September 9, 2021, Mississauga, ON 40 Days for Life Fall Campaign September 22 - October 31, 2021, across Canada National Life Chain Sunday, October 2, 2021, across Canada Next Year’s National March for Life Thursday, May 12, 2022, Ottawa, ON 86
NEW PRO-LIFE APPAREL Help spread the pro-life message all year round.