Lif.e : Opus 001

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EnsĹ? opus_001

Connections. Our lives connect like branches as years pass, branches connecting our existence to the outer world as we evolve. A myriad of nerve endings connecting our being to an external, natural force. Just as life evolves layer upon layer, year upon year, branches of a tree are attached to the tree trunk by interlocking branch and trunk tissue. A new layer of tissue is produced each year over the previous layer. A branch collar, produced by the trunk, holds the branch base. When the branch/trunk union has a narrow angle, the branch and trunk bark become overgrown and is referred to as included bark. Like overgrown relationships, this results in a weak union that is likely to split.




Concrete on Sky.

Precision stone cuts into natures sky. Our source of light, heat, oxygen, sustaining our atmosphere.

A clash of God and Man, Structures created from the earths stone.

This is when opposites attract.

If you understand, things are just as they are; if you do not understand, things are just as they are.

Old Zen Proverb


Dying Rivers. Everything has a begining and an end. We are born alone into an unforgiving system, just like a stream, as it provides flow to the river, the larger of the two organisms. And someday, a drought will come, like the water taken from the stream, our blood will run dry, leaving stones which have been touched by water, now coated in a green moss left over, providing everlasting warmth to those it leaves behind.

An adapted Zen Quote.



Wednesday 200405 : 22:57 p.m. GMT


Everything in its right place. Our days deconstruct as we progress through them, un-wrapping and evolving. Twists and turns create different paths, choices in life that have to be made. The right place, the right choice has no purpose or meaning, no global position that can be tracked by technology, it is where it is and that is where it was meant to be.

Code Phase Tracking (Navigation) The GPS receiver produces replicas of the C/A and/or P (Y)-Code. Each PRN code is a noise-like, but pre-determined, unique series of bits. The receiver produces the C/A code sequence for a specific SV with some form of a C/A code generator. Modern receivers (humans) usually store a complete set of precomputed C/A code chips in memory, but a hardware, shift register, implementation can also be used.

You are here.


Wednesday 200405 : 23:25 p.m. GMT


Inward timelines Looking back in our time, we understand, we forgive, we forget. Time “a limited stretch or space of continued existence, the interval between two successive events�. We glance at our time pieces and notice the hands slowly counting on... Moving forward.

Memories, the smell of warm bread, the colour of the sky, a familiar perfume or song that enables momental time travel, unlocking windows to our inner soul. The inward journey. Time gets lost, just like footprints in sand, a moment that no longer exists in reality and can only be recalled by memory.

These moments are precious. Store them well.


Wednesday 270405 : 23:25 p.m. GMT


Pushing the Senses

the hazy light brings tiredness and with it a flurry of distant memory. these memories remain locked in, they provide...

a feeling of deprivation fills us at times like this. the things we missed or may have missed, lost and broken dreams, encounters and possibilities. regret love hate fantasy emotion sense gratification


Wednesday 270405 : 23:46 p.m. GMT

Life is spent wondering where it will take us. pre empting what will happen, why things happen the way they do, Is everything planned or are we simply puppets in the grand play of time. Fate, luck, missed opportunities and gambles will be taken. These are our times.


Now is the only moment.

We forge our own paths, cutting through layers of time, leaving small markers as reminders to our memory. We cannot remember the future, and the past becomes a blurred thought on a hot summers day, Now is the only real moment,


Wednesday 040505 : 23:42 p.m. GMT


fear lives within us all. a feeling of agitation and anxiety an imminence of danger a state of feeling apprehension dread I fear the unknown I fear death, an unstoppable force, the only gurantee in life, opossites attract, black and white, good and bad, life and death, without death what is life darkness light evil good the darkest memory, a falling shadow, a place where I will not return from, nervous responses to un answered questions.



There are two ways to live your life, One is as though nothing is a miracle, The other is as though everything is a miracle.

--Albert Einstein


Fear Wednesday 110505 : 23:46 p.m. GM Close up on mans worn and shabby h cient Sony Walkman. He hits the play by raging dance track... Ryan is loving camera pulls back slowly to reveal larg through everything seems very brigh track now, we see his frantic legs and a man!... Suddenly a large hand cuts int across the back of the head a big bra screams at him to slow down, he rips on telling him how he isisnot supposed of the others... how he setting a BAD Camera continues to pull back, the sc to a long wall consisting of other scen are adjoined to hospital looking walls and blackish grey vinyl flooring enter pital ward. The camera continues to p low patients, all sitting around in a hal ward and forward, murmuring, dribb Wednesday 27th October, 8.00 p.m. C nacy Ward, Bedlam, London. A thin in a dark dingy under funded office, w man is grumbling to himself, he stops, and slams the others to the desk. He f grasped file, stops, scratches his head a the large black security officer from ea how he will be clamping down on Ry how Ryan needs to be shown some di ering it. this ward is a tight well looked how hesetting cannot have anyonefor stepping tients, bad examples the oth Close up on mans bare feet and over walking followed by big size 11 DM’s, walk along a dimly lit corridor toward opposite end. Kev is talking to Ryan, t to change, how he needs to start actin to be dealt with accordingly... he expla look after him forever... There needs t could get out of hand! Kev opens green door with a series of trousers caretaker style. The door is p as Kev swings it open to let Ryan in, it door several thousand times, large den face... 5ft up and entered is a small win slide a plate of food through but not b gently pushes Ryan inside the room w door. Small 8ft x 6ft padded cell, this used to greenish hue to it with various brown dried blood or shit. Ryan spins around the room flinging home he shouts, which echoes throug sound. Page_18

Fear Wednesday 110505 : 23:46 p.m. GMT

large men but strangely look under nourished, they all wear the same ward uniform consisting of a blue dressing gown, over large blue and purple stripped pyjamas trimmed underneath with a deluxe off white vest. Nobody wears slippers or shoes - they are too dangerous, instead they all walk around bare footed on the cold black vinyl floor. None of the men put up a fuss, they just move around slow and sluggish, some dribble, some just stare at us... they have all been sedated, they live in limbo.

MT putting cassette tape into anyghands button and we are blasted away this, he starts doing running man, ge glass window, light streaming ht. Ryan is really getting into this arms swinging around like a mad nto shot and smacks him one right awny black security looking guard off the head phones and continues dD toEXAMPLE bring his Walkman out in front to all within. cerenic looking glass window belongs nrenic looking glass windows, these -pull off white tiles, dim flickered lighting into shot, we are in some sort of hosback, Ryan is surrounded by fellf moon shaped circle, rocking backbling, watching. Central Administrators Office, Lugrey man sits looking through files hear shuffling of papers, the thin s,we he finds the file he is looking for frantically starts looking through the and shouts across the room to Kev, arlier. The grey man tells the officer yan Holdings outrageous behaviour, discipline and how Kev will be delivd after ward, he continues to tell ghers! out of line here... especially newKev, palong stripped pyjamas bottoms ,dtelling shinny and well looked after. They a puke colored green door at the him how his behaviour needs ng like the others or things will have ains how he is on Ryans side but cant to be an order in this ward or things fts keys he keeps dangling from his pretty bashed up, we see close up been scratched up and down the nts and flaking paint scatter its surindow type opening big enough to big enough to escape through. Kev which we cant see until he shuts the be white but face nowlevel has aresembling nasty grey, nostains around histhe arms outcorridor like a child, home sweet gh entire as we follow the Close up on mans worn and shabby hands putting cassette tape into ancient Sony Walkman. He hits the play button and we are blasted away by raging dance track... Ryan is loving this, he starts doing running man, camera pulls back slowly to reveal large glass window, light streaming through - everything seems very bright. Ryan is really getting into this track now, we see his frantic legs and arms swinging around like a mad man!... Suddenly a large hand cuts into shot and smacks him one right across the back of the head - a big brawny black security looking guard screams at him to slow down, he rips off the head phones and continues on telling him how he is not supposed to bring his Walkman out in front of the others... how he is setting a BAD EXAMPLE to all within.

Camera continues to pull back, the scerenic looking glass window belongs to a long wall consisting of other scenrenic looking glass windows, these are adjoined to hospital looking walls - off white tiles, dim flickered lighting and blackish grey vinyl flooring enter into shot, we are in some sort of hospital ward. The camera continues to pull back, Ryan is surrounded by fellow patients, all sitting around in a half moon shaped circle, rocking backward and forward, murmuring, dribbling, watching. Wednesday 27th October, 8.00 p.m. Central Administrators Office, Lunacy Ward, Bedlam, London. A thin grey man sits looking through files in a dark dingy under funded office, we hear shuffling of papers, the thin man is grumbling to himself, he stops, he finds the file he is looking for and slams the others to the desk. He frantically starts looking through the grasped file, stops, scratches his head and shouts across the room to Kev, the large black security officer from earlier. The grey man tells the officer how he will be clamping down on Ryan Holdings outrageous behaviour, how Ryan needs to be shown some discipline and how Kev will be delivering it. this ward is a tight well looked after ward, he continues to tell Kev, how he cannot have anyone stepping out of line here... especially new patients, setting bad examples for the others!

10.04 p.m. Central Administrators Office, Lunacy Ward, Bedlam, London. We hear the distant sound of the last cell door slam shut, it echoes down the corridor... the grey man stands up from behind his desk, puts his arms behind his head and stretches... as he moves away from the desk to grab his hat and coat the camera turns toward a huge day planner spread across the back wall. We can make out various jottings, planned days, schedules to adhere to, appointments, holidays etc... we notice that the calender also has the lunar cycles clearly marked out across it... as the camera leaves the wall it makes an obvious point of picking out that Friday 29th October is a very special occasion, its an eclipse of the moon, the first ‘blood’ moon in nearly twenty years. The grey man has clearly marked this with a large RED star. 11.00 p.m. Staff Office, Lunacy Ward, Bedlam, London. Kev sits with feet up on desk watching a BBC documentary on wolves... he tries to educate himself during his night shifts. Behind him we see stacks of National Geographic’s, Dictionaries and general books of intellectual nature. Hung in a locked cabinet to the left of him we see some pretty hard core weaponry that doesn’t seem to go with the surroundings as they either cost too much money or contain too much technology... Night sticks, stun guns, some sort of tracking devices and a dirty old double agreed shotgun, sawn off for easy hiding and handling. 11.55 p.m. Lunacy Ward, Bedlam, London. Long shot of corridor, dimly lit, flickering lights, distant sounds of mumbling and banter... then silence. Camera pushes into one of the green doors, we get a close up of a key hole, a hand moves into shot dressed in a black rubber glove... it pushes a rusty looking key into the hole and turns it clockwise then moves away... we get this a couple of times as the owner of the hand moves silently down the corridor.

Close up on mans bare feet and over long stripped pyjamas bottoms walking followed by big size 11 DM’s, shinny and well looked after. They walk along a dimly lit corridor toward a puke colored green door at the opposite end. Kev is talking to Ryan, telling him how his behaviour needs to change, how he needs to start acting like the others or things will have to be dealt with accordingly... he explains how he is on

11.58 p.m. Same Ward. Ryans room. He lies in his thin crappy bed, holding his head between both hands, mumbling and applying pressure - he is trying to hold in some pain... but ends up laughing silently to himself... as he moves his hands away we see he has his Walkman on again and is locked in and amongst soundtrack and volume. Camera cuts to external of Ryans door and focuses in on the keyhole. We see the same key move up toward the hole, enter it and unlock it before silently moving away.

Ryans side but cant look after him forever... There needs to be an order in this ward or things could get out of hand!

12.00 a.m Main Corridor, Lunacy Ward. Camera follows a series of mankey bare feet and overlong stripped pyjamas dragging themselves along the corridor, the light is dimmer than ever... camera swings behind the feet as they move forward toward the end of the corridor...

Kev opens green door with a series of keys he keeps dangling from his trousers - caretaker style. The door is pretty bashed up, we see close up as Kev swings it open to let Ryan in, its been scratched up and down the door several thousand times, large dents and flaking paint scatter its surface... 5ft up and entered is a small window type opening big enough to slide a plate of food through but not big enough to escape through. Kev gently pushes Ryan inside the room which we cant see until he shuts the door.

Small 8ft x 6ft padded cell, this used to be white but now has a nasty grey, greenish hue to it with various brown stains around face level resembling dried blood or shit. Ryan spins around the room flinging his arms out like a child, home sweet home he shouts, which echoes through the entire corridor as we follow the sound.

Other end of corridor, Lunacy Ward, Bedlam, London. Kev is frantically man handling the other patients we saw earlier, he needs to get them locked down before 10.00 p.m. These men are strange in appearance, they all look like they have been generated from the same DNA, all top 6ft at least, they are shabby looking, bearded, grey faced shadows of men they used to be... as Kev herds them up for lock down we catch quick snippets of the patients hands, feet and faces... their toe and finger nails are long and overgrown, they are

12.01 a.m Ryans Room. He lies there bouncing up and down in his bed still listening to Walkman and holding both hands around his head... We are now in Ryans P.O.V, camera blacks out we hear loud music frantically beating... shot reopens with sudden jolt as large shabby hand reaches across Ryans mouth. He sits up in horror as we now see his cell filled with 4 of the patients we saw earlier... they still look as grey and undernourished as they did earlier but have strange looking eyes. One of the men smacks Ryan across the skull with his fist spinning him out of grasp... Ryan pulls himself up leaving a bloody trail across the white canvas padding. Another, larger patient levers Ryan up to the wall pushing his neck into his head. Ryans P.O.V looking into patients face and eyes... he smiles and whispers to Ryan that his time is nearly up, that there is no one to run from anymore, that his secret is known and understood. He manages to elbow Ryan square on the jaw leaving him sprawled up against the padded wall, dazed and confused... back in Ryans P.O.V He looks up with blurred vision at the 4 looming nutters before him, they are staring back with strange lifeless eyes... they slowly shuffle out of the room and quietly close the door. Ryan blacks out...


Wednesday 180505 : 22:22 p.m. GMT


What is a dream.

fragments of memory, blasts of unconsious recognition, people and places, objects, colour, smell - constantly downloading this information and rebuilding it during sleep. only the strongest dreams remain - some during our day walking hours, dreams of far places, of



I am accustomed to sleep and in my dreams to imagine the same things that lunatics imagine when awake. Rene Descartes


Wednesday 180505 : 22:52 p.m. GMT

To be still

quiet, alone.

a still mind, uncluttered, de-fragmented. a place, to be ones self, to understand, meaning, purpose. to see with open eyes when they are shut.



Wednesday 180505 : 22:52 p.m. GMT


Emotional_landscapes lifes long road of despair - of happiness ups downs familiar faces, tired places. warm hearts_cold fights dreams, lifes illusion. success, failure. lifes painting, a vivid landscape of emotion/ a perfect day in the park. /stop.


Tuesday 230505 : 23:35 p.m. GMT


Opposites attract

A life filled with love and hate, confusion and understanding. Back stabbing bastards but good friends. When opposites attract. Black, white, good and bad. Yin and Yang - Lifes Balance.

Like an empty open box. flooded with light cut off and discarded when it is closed.


Wednesday 230505 : 00:12 a.m. GMT


Hold onto this - its all slipping away


Friday 100605 : 22:23 p.m. GMT



today, my youngest son realised his own mortality he is five. he has begun to understand that nothting lasts forever. it was both an amazing and most upsetting moment.


Friday 230606 : 15:49 p.m. GMT

I havent touched this book for nearly 12 months

BECAUSE_life has been hectic, there isn’t enough time or space for life, AS I get older, time becomes more important, the end is a reality... I remember being a kid, when old age is something that happens to old PEOPLE_ when exams are things that kids in the class next to yours, “IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN TO ME”_ I used to THINK. I have been on this earth just over 13,000 days now, these days fold into weeks, months, years... the mind expands but the body fades. we all have to realise that someday, we will die, we will become distant memories on the minds of few... BUT) There is a trick to defying time,







I decompose_ slowly fading away, becoming what I originally came from... a nothing, a void, dust floating in the still air of time. breathing slowly i take in oxygen filling my lungs with the source of this LIFE. In tune with nature I sometimes feel imortatlity, is this a taste of a heaven I desire, a safe place to rest - a comfortable pillow to lay my head. as I clear my mind it begins to fade, decomposing into time and space. /end. 00:00:00:01


Friday 230606 : 16:20 p.m. GMT


Light Darkness, a mass constant in our lives, Sunlight, an energy with the power to awaken us, we become aware again. aware; an understanding of our natural surroundings, thought processes, darkness lifts. These energies which we try to caculate, with such personal and varied results. The average energy of the sun of the whole earth’s surface is 2 calories (cal)/ square centimeter (cm2) / minute (min). It is also called the solar constant. Seasonal fluctuations as well as differences in the exposition (southern or northern slope) cause differences in the order of magnitude. The solar energy reaches thus a mean value of 3,000 - 4,000 kilo calories (kcal)/ m2 (120,672 kilo joule (KJ)/ square meter (m2) / day) or 1.39 KJ/ m2/ second. A part of this energy is reflected by the earth surface and is thus not available for biosynthetic processes. The remains are called the net radiation that is 1 million kcal/ m2/ year over the sea between 40° north and 40° south. The net radiation over land is 0.6 million kcal/ m2/ year.

i cannot explain how the sun makes me feel, it awakens me by just doing what it does. i am aware.


Friday 230606 : 18:26 p.m. GMT

trash dump tramp prostitute gAY_straight black white yellow green flies sick rubbish rotten composte decompose dead


Rejected 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

To refuse to accept, submit to, believe, or make use of. To refuse to consider or grant; deny. To refuse to recognize or give affection to (a person). To discard as defective or useless; throw away. To spit out or vomit. fail to accept as part of one’s own body.

/end_ to reject or be rejected. we consider our worth by engaging the thought of being rejected. denied a personality - becoming a human chameleon hiding amongst our possible rejectors.





some will never see signs, read signs, believe signs and observe signs with amazement, signs we are given everyday. some of us are blind, weary from dictated signs pushed at our fragile minds, they will become numb to their own signs, deaf to the discussions between the earth and stars, blind to the intercourse of day and night. our signs are random, accidental, they get caught in a fabric of our own time and space. some remain untouched, unread, hanging for an eternity. these signs are not to be touched by anyone else. they will eventually waste and wither if they are not collected...





Tuesday 250706 : 18:00 p.m. GMT


Monday 150507 : 18:45 p.m. GMT

We pray.


we pray. MercY we pray.


It is poetry from the soul,


words and pictures play to unlock visions of a life once had or of a life yet to come.


Saturday 131007 : 00:46 a.m. GMT

i was walking. cold, its gettin dark now.

Love for

ipod on and mind somewhere else, a draft of perfume wafted over me. it was your smell. didnt know what day or year it was for that split second, time stood still. you where there, eyes blazing in the city light, a bus, red and noisy passes, i am back, its cold, dark. autumn leaves =




Wednesday 311007 : 23:46 p.m. GMT

Uncertainty and flighted path..

we simply like to control things, people, technology, our lives. there is one thing f last forever, all that we have to help us carry on is hope, hope that the uncertaint everyday lives. some solidity to the uncertainty, that everything will be ok. like a b place it hopes to find. it has no uncertainty, just hope and flight.



for certain, nothing lasts forever. nothing lasts forever - 3 simple words which resonate so much meaning, so much doubt, disorder and panic. we will not ty of our death will bring a flighted path to someplace new, someplace new. that we will be able to see with our own eyes the very certainty we build into our bird looks ahead, flaps its wings and acends to unknown and uncertain places, never a doubt in its mind that it must keep on flying, keep on flying to the


Thursday 011107 : 00:19 p.m. GMT / Re-Edited 02122008 : 23.57 p.m.

hopE. hope of a better day. some good luck, but luck plays no part in better days, no part in the creation of paths to and from varying positive connections. Its these paths that create everything, oportunities, good and bad, hopes and dreams... hopE. I have had and will always


have hopE._ a feeling of expectation a feeling of desire, desire for a specific event to happen, when i want it to happen. hopE. the antibiotic of the mind.



Wednesday 141107 : 00:16 p.m. GMT

Black red jacket, close. Train. Home, beautiful, destiny. Streets, share. Eyes, she said yes.Contact


with push window. Rain. Pain flowers. Black red jacket, close. Train. Home, beautiful, destiny. Streets, share. Eyes, she said yes. Contact with push window. Rain. Pain, flowers. Black red jacket, close. Train. Home, beautiful, destiny. Streets, share. Eyes, she said yes. Contact with push window. Rain. Pain flowers. Black red jacket, close. Train.Home, beautiful, destiny. Streets, share. Eyes, she said yes. Contact with push window. Rain.Pain flowers.


Wednesday 02122008 : 23:58 p.m. GMT

Empty and alone. Our lives, filled with surface smiles and laughter, facades of pretend and emotional scaffold, but deep down an emptiness sits, a gut level pain wrenching at our very being, the thought of being alone, loveless and forgotten. The still, dark emptiness of night, forgotten by days to come, But so full of stars and galaxies and unchartered paths, how is it possible to forget such beauty? A need to be loved, listened to and held,

to be remembered...


生亦未曾生 Birth is also before birth, 滅亦未曾滅 Death is also before death. 了見無生處 If you have attained no-mind, 自然無法説 Naturally there will be nothing left. Ju-man (The Complete Book of Zen 242-3)


Monday 12012009 : 23:46 p.m. GMT


Human Plateau. Random in time, a perfect moment, a level reached, an understanding, not wanting, nor reaching. A moment so dedicated, an ideal, consummate, unrivaled.

Delicate and rare...

we continue the search.


Wednesday 18032009 : 22:40 p.m. GMT

Prisoner Locked up, bound, trapped, anticipating escape.

To dream dreams, Vivid but distant, of snow covered mountain of blue blue ocean. To awaken to a reality no longer wanted.



Wednesday 15042009 : 22:33 p.m. GMT



Wednesday 15042009 : 22:45 p.m. GMT

Waiting. People stare into sunlight, waiting... for a train? for an excuse? for someone to tell them how much they are loved? or missed when they are away? waiting for a redundancy, an excuse, for another direction? waiting to prove a point, have an argument,

fall in love?


We are all wating for something, someday soon it will come, maybe not in the guise we expected, but maybe as a shadow draped in sunlight,

alone and FREE.


Wednesday 15042009 : 23:13 p.m. GMT

For the first time i will speak my mind... The pages before this have been inspired by imagery, visual poetry, Pictures that have inspired words, Words that have regressed memories. I need a change, i need to turn it around. From this marker forward, this will be about me. A diary, journal, blog - entries made when i can make them, not when a calendar tells me too. Today I feel lost, AGAIN. Its not the first time and im sure its not the last. As the years fall upon me I begin to sum up my worth, What I have acheived, what i havent. A nagging feeling i havent completed the task i was put here for, i havent been the best i can be. Ive been waiting for my time, but i now understand the lesson, i cant wait for my time, my time is now! I feel uncomforatable, mind wandering, romantic thoughts of beaches and sunlight - a defense mechanism, built to hide the truth I describe above.

I have not completed my mission.

I will dwell on this for a while, off to bed now to eventually awaken, thinking the same thoughts,




Tuesday 20072009 : 23:24 p.m. GMT


Listening, to my mind, to my soul to my own awareness. 2 months have passed since i awakened, metaphorically slapped by a good friend, bringing me too my senses, demonstrating how rich life can truly be. A positive energy, running through me, guiding and directing me, navigating all obstacles big and small. My universe, my god, my horizon, my faith - restored.

Fighting off my demons with mind and sword, a crescendo of light and energy enters my chest. Its not the first time, but it was long forgotten. Smothered by the realities of my life, drowning as each problem wave crashed. My eyes, seeing a new dawn, with every breath, an energy, bestowed upon me, a duty, willing and unbound.

My life is good, I am grateful, For i am life,



Tuesday 04082009 : 23:38p.m. GMT

Small text to represent small sporadic thoughts. I met with a friend today, We saw, heard, talked and contemplated, I was relaxed and switched on. On the way back we talked some more, Thames, concrete, people, bustle. A goodbye and I was on my own, listening, enclosed, contained, my thoughts racing. For the first time in a long time i felt content, grateful, for simple and small things, basics, just myself and my mind. I enjoyed my own company, the silence, the thought, I understood what actually makes me hapopy, it wasnt material or egotistical, just an honest understanding that I am happy. But sometimes, to be honest with ones self, it takes a certain condition to create this feeling, which will be different for everyone. Tonight I was effected by the tempreture, the colour of the evening sky, people bustle, my music, my mind. They all became as one, the music pulling everything into a single thought. Small, compact and satisfied. Living and experiencing these most basic of moments are what life is all about. For that moment, I was truely happy.



Thursday 28012010 : 23:04p.m. GMT



Thursday 28012010 : 23:04p.m. GMT

_soo n Page_76

n. Page_77

Ensō (円相) is a Japanese word meaning "circle" and a concept strongly associated with Zen. Ensō is one of the most common subjects of Japanese calligraphy even though it is a symbol and not a character. It symbolizes enlightenment, strength, elegance, the universe, and the void; it can also symbolize the Japanese aesthetic itself. As an "expression of the moment" it is often considered a form of minimalist expressionist art. This first opus is about poetry, design and image. -- an outlet, enabling me to reflect the qualities of Ensō perfectly.

End opus_001

©Paul Boulding 2005-2010 Page_78

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