Consider this guide a resource to aid you in selecting sessions tailored to your area of learning interest and/or professional focus.
The NCEO has plenty of ways to support you in making employee ownership thrive at your company, from resource toolkits, to original research, to dozens of publications. We’ve tucked some of those resources throughout this curriculum guide as well.

Job Title
The two most common things I hear at the conference are: “Everyone is so welcoming!” and “There is so much to learn I’m drinking from a firehose.”
This curriculum guide can make the conference content manageable by helping you find your top-priority sessions and other resources. No matter where you are in your company or your employee ownership journey, there’s something for you in each time slot that will help you leave this conference ready to take your next steps.
To learn the basics as quickly as possible, flip to the section of this guide entitled “New to Learning about Employee Ownership.”
If your company is a newcomer to employee ownership, begin with the section entitled “Launching an ESOP.”

If you ’ re here to learn best practices to build the “magic” of employee ownership engagement, recruitment, and retention there are sections for you as well, in addition to sections on sustainability, plan operations, management, leadership, strategy, and corporate governance.
We also have a group of sections that break down topics by job title, including CEO, CFO, member of the board, operations, HR/benefits, and general counsel...and for those of you serving on communications committees, there’s a section for you as well.

Topics include: CEO
Tuesday, April 25th
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
9 Innings of an ESOP Transaction
Becoming a Strengths-Based Organization
Disarming Mines – Risks Facing ESOP Trustees
Managing Conflicts of Interest with the Board of Directors
OWN Health Captive: Community and Collaboration Driving Improved Cost and Health Outcomes
Pre-Feasibility Checklist: Are You a Good Candidate for an ESOP?
Repurchase Obligation Funding Strategies
10 Tips to Improve Employee Retention
360-Degree Review of Cybersecurity Insurance for an ESOP
Aspects of ESOP Valuations and Leveraged Transactions Frequently Scrutinized by the DOL
Financing for New and Existing ESOP Companies
Internal Trustee Fiduciary Duties and Liability
Is an ESOP Right for Your Company?
Plan Design and Redesign
Setting the Stage for a High-Performance Culture
The Effect of Turbulent Market Conditions on ESOP Transactions and Annual Valuations
The Impact of Assumptions on the Ownership Mindset
What to Do When You Find Mistakes with Your ESOP – And How to Avoid Them
Pros and Cons: Rebalancing, Account Segregation, and Early Diversification
11:15AM - 12:15 PM 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM 02:15 PM - 03:15 PM
Employee Ownership When You're Not Looking to Sell
ESOP Valuation in Uncertain Economic Times
From Burnout to Flourishing: Develop High-Quality Connections to Increase Employee Engagement to Prosperity: Developing High-Quality Connections to Increase Employee Engagement
Haves vs. Have-Nots – The Challenges of a Mature ESOP and Solutions to Level the Playing Field

Topics include: CEO
Tuesday, April 25th
02:15 PM - 03:15 PM
Information Sharing in Employee-Owned Companies: What to Share and How
Mastering the Power of the Dream ESOP Team: Co-Elevate Your Mutual Success
Own Your Reputation: Crisis Communications for ESOPs
Ten Key Issues You'll Likely Encounter in Your First Ten Years as an ESOP
Understanding the Share Price: ABCs of Business Valuation
03:45 PM - 04:45 PM
A Guide to Post-Transaction GAAP ESOP Accounting – Common Entries, Effect on Financial Statements and Bank Covenants, and Common Mistakes
Complications and Lessons Learned from a Minority-Owned ESOP Company
Executive Compensation in ESOP Companies
Fiduciary Issues
How NCEO Research and Data Can Help You and Your Business
Preparing for a CEO or Other Key Executive Transition
Private Capital Investments in ESOP-Owned Companies – The Developing Trends
Pros and Cons: Rebalancing, Account Segregation, and Early Diversification
The 1042 Rollover
Wednesday, April 26th
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Board Fiduciary Duties and Risk Mitigation
Conversation on Cost and Fit in Partnering with a Transaction Advisor
Debt Restructuring Considerations in ESOP Companies During Uncertain Times
From Mad Men to Mayberry – Changing Culture in a Service Industry with Trust and Communication
Living in a Consolidating Industry – What Your Governance Structure Needs to Consider
Not Just ESOPs: Different Paths to Employee Ownership
Planning for Success: Short-Term and Long-Term Cash Flow Planning Going Into the Initial Transaction
Synthetic Equity Uses in ESOPs and Executive Compensation
Topics include: CEO
Wednesday, April 26th
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Collaborative Roundtables on Recruitment and Retention
Leadership Development, Culture, and Sustainability
01:30 PM - 02:30 PM
Capital Markets Considerations for ESOP-Owned Companies
Engaging Employee-Owners to Shape and Implement Your Strategic Plan
ESOP Transaction Loan Length: How Long is Too Long?
ESOP vs. EOT: One Company's Journey
Evolution of Executive Compensation over ESOP Life Stages
How to Make Your Company an Idea Factory
Plan Design Options for Established ESOPs
Stakeholder Considerations in ESOP Company Governance
The Truth About ESOP Releveraging
Trust the Process: Getting Financing for a Leveraged ESOP Transaction in the Open Market
Who Owns Performance in an Employee-Owned Company?
02:45PM - 03:45 PM
Board Governance Through the Life Cycle of an ESOP
Cyber Risk: Best Practices for Protecting Your ESOP and Responding to Cyber-Related Incidents
ESOP Companies and an Acquisition Strategy
Government-Backed Funds to Support Employee Ownership: SBA, SSBCI, States
How to Grow Old as an ESOP: Governance, Plan Design, & Administration
Journey to a 100% S ESOP
Renewing Ownership Passion in Mature ESOPs
Reviewing ESOP Valuations: Best Practices for Trustees and Plan Sponsors
03:00PM - 04:00 PM
The Effect of Turbulent Market Conditions on ESOP Transactions and Annual Valuations

Topics include: CEO
Wednesday, April 26th
04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Creating Your Culture of Excellence Through Communication
ESOP Board of Director Responsibilities in the Face of Economic Headwinds
ESOP Company Boards – a High-Functioning Board, a New Board, and a Dysfunctional Board
Common Valuation Pitfalls
Incentive Plans That Support Employee Ownership
Is Your Home at Risk? How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Inadequate Fiduciary Insurance
Seizing Transitions as Opportunities for Culture Change
The Colorado Employee Ownership Ecosystem
The Single Most Important Metric in Creating Employee Ownership Culture
ESOP Company Boards – a High-Functioning Board, a New Board, and a Dysfunctional Board
Thursday, April 27th
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
ESOP Holding Companies
How a Company Is Reaching New Frontiers Through the Power of Employee Ownership
Humanizing Employee Ownership: Ways to Make It Feel "Real"
Investment Policy Statements – What Are They and Why Do We Need One?
Sustainability Throughout the ESOP Life Cycle
The Use of Warrants in an ESOP Transaction
Topics include: CFO
Preconference, April 24th
09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
High-Involvement Planning Workshop – People Support What They Help Create
Tuesday, April 25th
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
A Primer on ESOP Distribution Policies
Accounting and Financial Reporting Implications for ESOPs
9 Innings of an ESOP Transaction
Disarming Mines – Risks Facing ESOP Trustees
OWN Health Captive: Community and Collaboration Driving Improved Cost and Health Outcomes
Pre-Feasibility Checklist: Are You a Good Candidate for an ESOP?
Repurchase Obligation Funding Strategies
11:15AM - 12:15 PM
360-Degree Review of Cybersecurity Insurance for an ESOP
Financing for New and Existing ESOP Companies
Internal Trustee Fiduciary Duties and Liability
Plan Design and Redesign
The Effect of Turbulent Market Conditions on ESOP Transactions and Annual Valuations
What to Do When You Find Mistakes with Your ESOP – And How to Avoid Them
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM
Pros and Cons: Rebalancing, Account Segregation, and Early Diversification
02:15 PM - 03:15 PM
Employee Ownership When You're Not Looking to Sell
ESOP Valuation in Uncertain Economic Times
Haves vs Have-Nots – The Challenges of a Mature ESOP and Solutions to Level the Playing Field
Mastering the Power of the Dream ESOP Team: Co-Elevate Your Mutual Success
Ten Key Issues You'll Likely Encounter in Your First Ten Years as an ESOP
Understanding the Share Price: ABCs of Business Valuation
Topics include: CFO
Tuesday, April 25th
03:45 PM - 04:45 PM
A Guide to Post-Transaction GAAP ESOP Accounting – Common Entries, Effect on Financial Statements
and Bank Covenants, and Common Mistakes
Watch Out for the Land Mines! An ESOP Legal Update
Complications and Lessons Learned from a Minority-Owned ESOP Company
Executive Compensation in ESOP Companies
Fiduciary Issues
How NCEO Research and Data Can Help You and Your Business
Preparing for a CEO or Other Key Executive Transition
Private Capital Investments in ESOP-Owned Companies – The Developing Trends
Pros and Cons: Rebalancing, Account Segregation, and Early Diversification
The 1042 Rollover
Wednesday, April 26th
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Basic ESOP Repurchase Obligation and Distribution Payments
Board Fiduciary Duties and Risk Mitigation
Conversation on Cost and Fit in Partnering with a Transaction Advisor
Debt Restructuring Considerations in ESOP Companies During Uncertain Times
Living in a Consolidating Industry – What Your Governance Structure Needs to Consider
Planning for Success: Short-Term and Long-Term Cash Flow Planning Going Into the Initial Transaction
Synthetic Equity Uses in ESOPs and Executive Compensation
01:30PM - 02:30 PM
Current Trends in Mergers & Acquisitions
Capital Markets Considerations for ESOP-Owned Companies
ESOP Transaction Loan Length: How Long is Too Long?
ESOP vs. EOT: One Company's Journey
Plan Design Options for Established ESOPs
The Truth About ESOP Releveraging
Trust the Process: Getting Financing for a Leveraged ESOP Transaction in the Open Market
Topics include:
Wednesday, April 26th
02:45PM - 03:45 PM
Administrative Tips to Protect Your Plan by Satisfying DOL or IRS Inquiries
Board Governance Through the Life Cycle of an ESOP
Cyber Risk: Best Practices for Protecting Your ESOP and Responding to Cyber-Related Incidents
ESOP Companies and an Acquisition Strategy
Government-Backed Funds to Support Employee Ownership: SBA, SSBCI, States
How to Grow Old as an ESOP: Governance, Plan Design, & Administration
Journey to a 100% S ESOP
Reviewing ESOP Valuations: Best Practices for Trustees and Plan Sponsors
03:00 PM - 04:00 PM
The Effect of Turbulent Market Conditions on ESOP Transactions and Annual Valuations
04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
ESOP Board of Director Responsibilities in the Face of Economic Headwinds
ESOP Company Boards – a High-Functioning Board, a New Board, and a Dysfunctional Board
Is Your Home at Risk? How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Inadequate Fiduciary Insurance
Incentive Plans That Support Employee Ownership
Seizing Transitions as Opportunities for Culture Change
The Colorado Employee Ownership Ecosystem
Thursday, April 27th 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Investment Policy Statements – What Are They and Why Do We Need One?
ESOP Holding Companies
Sustainability Throughout the ESOP Life Cycle
The Use of Warrants in an ESOP Transaction

Topics include:
Tuesday, April 25th
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Color Wars: National Employee Ownership Month – Month-Long Team-Building Event
The Advantages of Video Media in ESOP Education
Engaging, Innovative, and Interactive Ways to Celebrate Employee Ownership and Educate Professionals About Being an Employee-Owner
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Communicating the ESOP to Your Employees
Setting the Stage for a High-Performance Culture
The Impact of Assumptions on the Ownership Mindset
Internal Trustee Fiduciary Duties and Liability
2:15PM - 3:15 PM
What Is Working in Onboarding, Learning and Development, and Engagement as the Workforce Evolves
From Burnout to Flourishing: Develop High-Quality Connections to Increase Employee Engagement to Prosperity: Developing High-Quality Connections to Increase Employee Engagement
Drafting the Perfect ESOP
Information Sharing in Employee-Owned Companies: What to Share and How

Own Your Reputation: Crisis Communications for ESOPs
Ten Key Issues You'll Likely Encounter in Your First Ten Years as an ESOP
Employee ownership lowers voluntary turnover rates and, anecdotally, many employee-owned companies believe they have more applicants than average per position. The goal of this toolkit is to help NCEO member companies improve their ability to recruit and retain employee-owners.
Topics include:
Wednesday, April 26th
09:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)? What Does It Mean, and How Does Any of This Connect to ESOP Culture?
11:00AM - 12:00 PM
Collaborative Roundtables on Creating an ESOP Communication Plan
Public Speaking with Executive Presence
01:30 PM - 02:30 PM
How to Make Your Company an Idea Factory
Engaging Employee-Owners to Shape and Implement Your Strategic Plan
ESOP vs. EOT: One Company's Journey
02:45PM - 03:45 PM
Flash Fiction: What's Your Story?
Renewing Ownership Passion in Mature ESOPs
Create a Winning Culture in 90 Days with MiniGames
Collaborative Roundtables on Recruitment and Retention 04:00PM - 05:00 PM
Evolving Ownership Engagement: Keeping Pace with Changing Times
Creating Your Culture of Excellence Through Communication
ESOP Company Boards – a High-Functioning Board, a New Board, and a Dysfunctional Board
The Colorado Employee Ownership Ecosystem
Thursday, April 27th 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Communicating Value Drivers to the Board and the Employees
How a Company Is Reaching New Frontiers Through the Power of Employee Ownership
Preconference, April 24th
09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
High-Involvement Planning Workshop – People Support What They Help Create
Tuesday, April 25th
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Engaging, Innovative, and Interactive Ways to Celebrate Employee Ownership and Educate Professionals About Being an Employee-Owner
9 Innings of an ESOP Transaction
Disarming Mines – Risks Facing ESOP Trustees
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
360-Degree Review of Cybersecurity Insurance for an ESOP
Internal Trustee Fiduciary Duties and Liability
Plan Design and Redesign
What to Do When You Find Mistakes with Your ESOP – And How to Avoid Them
2:15PM - 3:15 PM
Drafting the Perfect ESOP
Own Your Reputation: Crisis Communications for ESOPs
ESOP Valuation in Uncertain Economic Times
Haves vs. Have-Nots – The Challenges of a Mature ESOP and Solutions to Level the Playing Field
Topics include:
3:45PM - 4:45 PM
How to Create a Talent Management Strategy for Your ESOP
Watch Out for the Land Mines! An ESOP Legal Update
Fiduciary Issues
How NCEO Research and Data Can Help You and Your Business
Preparing for a CEO or Other Key Executive Transition
Wednesday, April 26th
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
From Mad Men to Mayberry – Changing Culture in a Service Industry with Trust and Communication
Board Fiduciary Duties and Risk Mitigation
Conversation on Cost and Fit in Partnering with a Transaction Advisor
Living in a Consolidating Industry – What Your Governance Structure Needs to Consider
Synthetic Equity Uses in ESOPs and Executive Compensation
01:30 PM - 02:30 PM
Engaging Employee-Owners to Shape and Implement Your Strategic Plan
Evolution of Executive Compensation over ESOP Life Stages
Who Owns Performance in an Employee-Owned Company?
ESOP Transaction Loan Length: How Long is Too Long?
Plan Design Options for Established ESOPs
02:45PM - 03:45 PM
Create a Winning Culture in 90 Days with MiniGames
Board Governance Through the Lifecycle of an ESOP
Cyber Risk: Best Practices for Protecting Your ESOP and Responding to Cyber-Related Incidents

Topics include:
Tuesday, April 25th
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Managing Conflicts of Interest with the Board of Directors
Disarming Mines – Risks Facing ESOP Trustees
11:15AM - 12:15 PM
Aspects of ESOP Valuations and Leveraged Transactions Frequently Scrutinized by the DOL 360-Degree Review of Cybersecurity Insurance for an ESOP
What to Do When You Find Mistakes with Your ESOP - And How to Avoid Them
Plan Design and Redesign
Internal Trustee Fiduciary Duties and Liability
02:15 PM - 03:15 PM
Understanding the Share Price: ABCs of Business Valuation
Drafting the Perfect ESOP
ESOP Valuation in Uncertain Economic Times
Haves vs. Have-Nots – The Challenges of a Mature ESOP and Solutions to Level the Playing Field
Own Your Reputation: Crisis Communications for ESOPs
02:45PM - 03:45 PM
Private Capital Investments in ESOP-Owned Companies – The Developing Trends
The 1042 Rollover
Executive Compensation in ESOP Companies
NCEO Publication
A fresh look at what we can learn from trends in ESOP litigation in the last few years.

Topics include:
Wednesday, April 26th
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Not Just ESOPs: Different Paths to Employee Ownership
Debt Restructuring Considerations in ESOP Companies During Uncertain Times
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)? What Does It Mean, and How Does Any of This Connect to ESOP Culture?
Board Fiduciary Duties and Risk Mitigation
Living in a Consolidating Industry – What Your Governance Structure Needs to Consider
01:30 PM - 02:30 PM
Current Trends in Mergers & Acquisitions
Stakeholder Considerations in ESOP Company Governance
02:45PM - 03:45 PM
How to Grow Old as an ESOP: Governance, Plan Design, & Administration
Cyber Risk: Best Practices for Protecting Your ESOP and Responding to Cyber-Related Incidents
04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
ESOP Board of Director Responsibilities in the Face of Economic Headwinds
ESOP Company Boards – a High-Functioning Board, a New Board, and a Dysfunctional Board
Thursday, April 27th 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Humanizing Employee Ownership: Ways to Make It Feel "Real"
The Use of Warrants in an ESOP Transaction
Topics include:
Tuesday, April 25th
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Becoming a Strengths-Based Organization
Color Wars: National Employee Ownership Month – Month-Long Team-Building Event
The Advantages of Video Media in ESOP Education
Engaging, Innovative, and Interactive Ways to Celebrate Employee Ownership and Educate
Professionals About Being an Employee-Owner
OWN Health Captive: Community and Collaboration Driving Improved Cost and Health Outcomes
11:15AM - 12:15 PM
Setting the Stage for a High-Performance Culture
The Impact of Assumptions on the Ownership Mindset
Plan Design and Redesign
Internal Trustee Fiduciary Duties and Liability
02:15 PM - 03:15 PM
What Is Working in Onboarding, Learning and Development, and Engagement as the Workforce Evolves
Drafting the Perfect ESOP
Mastering the Power of the Dream ESOP Team: Co-Elevate Your Mutual Success
03:45PM - 04:45 PM
How to Create a Talent Management Strategy for Your ESOP
Executive Compensation in ESOP Companies
Preparing for a CEO or Other Key Executive Transition
Topics include:
Wednesday, April 26th
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Moving from Employee Performance Reviews to SAFE Check-Ins
Recruiting and Retaining Employee-Owners
Basic ESOP Repurchase Obligation and Distribution Payments
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)? What Does It Mean, and How Does Any of This Connect to ESOP Culture?
From Mad Men to Mayberry – Changing Culture in a Service Industry with Trust and Communication
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Virtual Wellness – How to Stretch, Move, and Breathe at Your Desk to Feel Better
11:00AM - 12:00 PM
Accounting Basics for Non-Accountants
Leadership Development, Culture, and Sustainability
Collaborative Roundtables on Recruitment and Retention
01:30 PM - 02:30 PM
Evolution of Executive Compensation over ESOP Life Stages
How to Make Your Company an Idea Factory
Who Owns Performance in an Employee-Owned Company?
02:45PM - 03:45 PM
Flash Fiction: What's Your Story?
Renewing Ownership Passion in Mature ESOPs
Topics include:
Wednesday, April 26th
04:00PM - 05:00 PM
Ready-to-Use Tools for Employee Ownership Month…And Every Month
Creating Your Culture of Excellence Through Communication
ESOP Board of Director Responsibilities in the Face of Economic Headwinds
Thursday, April 27th
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
The Use of Warrants in an ESOP Transaction
Topics include:
Tuesday, April 25th
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
A Primer on ESOP Distribution Policies
Accounting and Financial Reporting Implications for ESOPs
Disarming Mines – Risks Facing ESOP Trustees
11:15AM - 12:15 PM
What to Do When You Find Mistakes with Your ESOP – And How to Avoid Them
360-Degree Review of Cybersecurity Insurance for an ESOP
Internal Trustee Fiduciary Duties and Liability
02:15 PM - 03:15 PM
Understanding the Share Price: ABCs of Business Valuation
ESOP Valuation in Uncertain Economic Times
Haves vs Have-Nots – The Challenges of a Mature ESOP and Solutions to Level the Playing Field
03:45PM - 04:45 PM
Pros and Cons: Rebalancing, Account Segregation, and Early Diversification
Wednesday, April 26th
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Recruiting and Retaining Employee-Owners
Debt Restructuring Considerations in ESOP Companies During Uncertain Times
Board Fiduciary Duties and Risk Mitigation
Living in a Consolidating Industry – What Your Governance Structure Needs to Consider
Wednesday, April 26th
1:30 PM - 02:30 PM
Current Trends in Mergers & Acquisitions
Stakeholder Considerations in ESOP Company Governance
02:45 PM - 03:45 PM
Reviewing ESOP Valuations: Best Practices for Trustees and Plan Sponsors
04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Common Valuation Pitfalls
Is Your Home at Risk? How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Inadequate Fiduciary Insurance
ESOP Company Boards – a High-Functioning Board, a New Board, and a Dysfunctional Board
Thursday, April 27th
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Communicating Value Drivers to the Board and the Employees
Investment Policy Statements – What Are They and Why Do We Need One?
Sustainability Throughout the ESOP Life Cycle
The Use of Warrants in an ESOP Transaction
The survey report includes detailed compensation data for independent, affiliated, and inside directors, data on ESOP trustee types and compensation, the composition of the board, and other governance topics.

Preconference, April 24th
09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
High-Involvement Planning Workshop – People Support What They Help Create
Tuesday, April 25th
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Engaging, Innovative, and Interactive Ways to Celebrate Employee Ownership and Educate Professionals About Being an Employee-Owner
Becoming a Strengths-Based Organization
Color Wars: National Employee Ownership Month – Month-Long Team-Building Event
11:15AM - 12:15 PM
What to Do When You Find Mistakes with Your ESOP - And How to Avoid Them
360-Degree Review of Cybersecurity Insurance for an ESOP Internal Trustee Fiduciary Duties and Liability
Haves vs. Have-Nots – The Challenges of a Mature ESOP and Solutions to Level the Playing Field
Mastering the Power of the Dream ESOP Team: Co-Elevate Your Mutual Success
Own Your Reputation: Crisis Communications for ESOPs
From Burnout to Flourishing: Develop High-Quality Connections to Increase Employee Engagement to Prosperity: Developing High-Quality Connections to Increase Employee Engagement
Information Sharing in Employee-Owned Companies: What to Share and How
What Is Working in Onboarding, Learning and Development, and Engagement as the Workforce Evolves
02:15 PM - 03:15 PM 03:45PM - 04:45 PM
How to Create a Talent Management Strategy for Your ESOP
Topics include:
Wednesday, April 26th
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)? What Does It Mean, and How Does Any of This Connect to ESOP Culture?
Recruiting and Retaining Employee-Owners
Moving from Employee Performance Reviews to SAFE Check-Ins
11:00AM - 12:00 PM
Collaborative Roundtables on Recruitment and Retention
Public Speaking with Executive Presence
01:30 PM - 02:30 PM
How to Make Your Company an Idea Factory
Who Owns Performance in an Employee-Owned Company?
02:45PM - 03:45 PM
Cyber Risk: Best Practices for Protecting Your ESOP and Responding to Cyber-Related Incidents
Administrative Tips to Protect Your Plan by Satisfying DOL or IRS Inquiries
Create a Winning Culture in 90 Days with MiniGames
04:00PM - 05:00 PM
Ready-to-Use Tools for Employee Ownership Month…And Every Month
The Single Most Important Metric in Creating Employee Ownership Culture
Evolving Ownership Engagement: Keeping Pace with Changing Times
Thursday, April 27th
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Humanizing Employee Ownership: Ways to Make It Feel "Real"
The Use of Warrants in an ESOP Transaction
Topics include:
Tuesday, April 25th
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
A Primer on ESOP Distribution Policies
Accounting and Financial Reporting Implications for ESOPs
Managing Conflicts of Interest with the Board of Directors
Pre-Feasibility Checklist: Are You a Good Candidate for an ESOP?
Repurchase Obligation Funding Strategies
Disarming Mines – Risks Facing ESOP Trustees
11:15AM - 12:15 PM
Is an ESOP Right for Your Company?
Aspects of ESOP Valuations and Leveraged Transactions Frequently Scrutinized by the DOL
Financing for New and Existing ESOP Companies
The Effect of Turbulent Market Conditions on ESOP Transactions and Annual Valuations
360-Degree Review of Cybersecurity Insurance for an ESOP
Internal Trustee Fiduciary Duties and Liability
02:15 PM - 03:15 PM
Mastering the Power of the Dream ESOP Team: Co-Elevate Your Mutual Success
Understanding the Share Price: ABCs of Business Valuation
Drafting the Perfect ESOP
ESOP Valuation in Uncertain Economic Times
Haves vs Have-Nots – The Challenges of a Mature ESOP and Solutions to Level the Playing Field
03:45PM - 04:45 PM
Private Capital Investments in ESOP-Owned Companies – The Developing Trends
Watch Out for the Land Mines! An ESOP Legal Update Executive Compensation in ESOP Companies
Preparing for a CEO or Other Key Executive Transition
Topics include:
Wednesday, April 26th
09:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Debt Restructuring Considerations in ESOP Companies During Uncertain Times
Not Just ESOPs: Different Paths to Employee Ownership
Planning for Success: Short-Term and Long-Term Cash Flow Planning Going Into the Initial Transaction
Board Fiduciary Duties and Risk Mitigation
Living in a Consolidating Industry – What Your Governance Structure Needs to Consider
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Virtual Wellness – How to Stretch, Move, and Breathe at Your Desk to Feel Better
11:00AM - 12:00 PM
Accounting Basics for Non-Accountants
Leadership Development, Culture, and Sustainability
01:30 PM - 02:30 PM
ESOP Transaction Loan Length: How Long is Too Long?
How to Make Your Company an Idea Factory
Capital Markets Considerations for ESOP-Owned Companies
Current Trends in Mergers & Acquisitions
Stakeholder Considerations in ESOP Company Governance
The Truth About ESOP Releveraging
02:45PM - 03:45 PM
Administrative Tips to Protect Your Plan by Satisfying DOL or IRS Inquiries
Renewing Ownership Passion in Mature ESOPs
ESOP Companies and an Acquisition Strategy
Journey to a 100% S ESOP
Cyber Risk: Best Practices for Protecting Your ESOP and Responding to Cyber-Related Incidents
03:00PM - 04:00 PM
The Effect of Turbulent Market Conditions on ESOP Transactions and Annual Valuations
Topics include:
Wednesday, April 26th
04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
The Effect of Turbulent Market Conditions on ESOP Transactions and Annual Valuations
Common Valuation Pitfalls
ESOP Company Boards – a High-Functioning Board, a New Board, and a Dysfunctional Board

ESOP Board of Director Responsibilities in the Face of Economic Headwinds
Thursday, April 27th
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Communicating Value Drivers to the Board and the Employees
Investment Policy Statements – What Are They and Why Do We Need One?
Sustainability Throughout the ESOP Life Cycle
The Use of Warrants in an ESOP Transaction
ESOP Holding Companies
Topics include:
Preconference, April 24th
01:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Preconference: Business and Financial Literacy: Profit and Cash
Tuesday, April 25th
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
A Primer on ESOP Distribution Policies
Color Wars: National Employee Ownership Month – Month-Long Team-Building Event
11:15AM - 12:15 PM
Plan Design and Redesign
03:45 PM - 04:45 PM
A Guide to Post-Transaction GAAP ESOP Accounting – Common Entries, Effect on Financial Statements and Bank Covenants, and Common Mistakes
Wednesday, April 26th
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)? What Does It Mean, and How Does Any of This Connect to ESOP Culture?
Basic ESOP Repurchase Obligation and Distribution Payments
11:00AM - 12:00 PM
Being on an ESOP Board: Beyond the Basics Exhibit Hall Exploration
04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Is Your Home at Risk? How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Inadequate Fiduciary Insurance
Topics include:
Tuesday, April 25th
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
Drafting the Perfect ESOP ESOP Basics
Wednesday, April 26th
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Conversation on Cost and Fit in Partnering with a Transaction Advisor Planning for Success: Short-Term and Long-Term Cash Flow Planning Going Into the Initial Transaction
11:00AM - 12:00 PM
Trust the Process: Getting Financing for a Leveraged ESOP Transaction in the Open Market
NCEO Booklet
This booklet answers frequently asked questions, describes the sale process, and features key research findings on the impact of employee ownership.

Preconference, April 24th
09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Stronger Economies EO Summit
Tuesday, April 25th
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
A Primer on ESOP Distribution Policies
Accounting and Financial Reporting Implications for ESOPs
Disarming Mines – Risks Facing ESOP Trustees
11:15AM - 12:15 PM
Aspects of ESOP Valuations and Leveraged Transactions Frequently Scrutinized by the DOL
Plan Design and Redesign
What to Do When You Find Mistakes with Your ESOP – And How to Avoid Them
02:15 PM - 03:15 PM
ESOP Valuation in Uncertain Economic Times
Haves vs. Have-Nots – The Challenges of a Mature ESOP and Solutions to Level the Playing Field
03:45 PM - 04:45 PM
Executive Compensation in ESOP Companies
Private Capital Investments in ESOP-Owned Companies – The Developing Trends
Watch Out for the Land Mines! An ESOP Legal Update
Wednesday, April 26th
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Basic ESOP Repurchase Obligation and Distribution Payments
Not Just ESOPs: Different Paths to Employee Ownership
Synthetic Equity Uses in ESOPs and Executive Compensation