Consider this guide a resource to aid you in selecting sessions tailored to your area of learning interest and/or professional focus.
The NCEO has plenty of ways to support you in making employee ownership thrive at your company, from resource toolkits, to original research, to dozens of publications. We’ve tucked some of those resources throughout this curriculum guide as well.
We understand that with a packed schedule and various sessions available, it can be challenging to attend everything you desire. However, fear not! Our curriculum guide is designed to assist you in prioritizing your sessions effectively or coordinating attendance among your colleagues.
If your objective in Tampa is to develop an ESOP education program within your company, our latest addition this year could be the ideal fit for you. By participating in the sessions within the ESOP education curriculum, you'll depart on Wednesday equipped not only with a comprehensive plan but also valuable resources and connections with peers from other companies, facilitating the exchange of innovative ideas.
For those with a broader focus on education, the education and communication track provides an excellent starting point. Additionally, if your company is new to employee ownership, the section titled "Establishing an ESOP" covers fundamental topics ranging from the transaction process to early-stage communications.
Individuals with extensive experience in employee ownership can tailor their focus to areas such as sustainability, plan operations, management, leadership, strategy, or corporate governance.
Alternatively, you may prefer to navigate through the sections categorized by job title. Whether you hold a non-managerial, supervisory, or executive position, our guide recommends sessions tailored to your role. Furthermore, we have curated sessions specifically addressing various job responsibilities, including CEO, CFO, board member, operations, sales/marketing, HR/benefits, general counsel, and even communications committees.
In addition to the sessions, the NCEO offers a wealth of resources to support the flourishing of employee ownership within your company. From our resource toolkit to proprietary research and numerous publications, we have integrated some of these resources throughout the curriculum guide for your convenience.
We are committed to providing you with the guidance and support necessary to ensure the success of employee ownership initiatives within your organization. We look forward to seeing you in Tampa and assisting you on this rewarding journey.
Warm regards,
Monday, April 29
GET IN THE GAME: Your Playbook for Engaging Employee-Owners and Driving a Winning Culture
1:00–2:00 PM
Before, During, and After Our ESOP Summit
Captive Health for ESOPs: Owning the Benefit of Collaboration
Growing Through M&A Activity as an ESOP Company
Harnessing the Power of High-Performing Teams with a One Team Mindset: Tips, Tools, and Stories
Selling an ESOP Company
Understanding ESOP Feasibility
What to Do When Your Fiduciary Liability Insurer Denies Coverage
2:15–3:15 PM
An ESOP Transaction Through Different Lenses
ESOP Leadership Dynamics: Exploring the Evolution of Directors' and Executive Officers' Roles in Ownership
How Employee Ownership Equips Us to Live Out Our Values
Implementing a Partial ESOP Transaction
Repurchase Strategies and ESOP Sustainability Case Studies
Wow Employees with ESOP Communication
Topics include: CEO
Monday, April 29 3:45–4:45 PM
A Mock DOL Investigation
Advantages ESOPs Have in Acquisitions
Creating an Emotionally Intelligent and Inclusive Culture
Delivering Corporate Communications: From Strategy to Execution
How to Make a Small ESOP the Right Way: From Analysis to SBA Financing to Completion!
In Search of the ESOP Booty & Bounty: Growing the Value of Your ESOP Post-Transaction
Overnight Success? How One Firm Built a Foundation for Long-Term Success as a 100% ESOP S Corp
Private Equity Investing for ESOPs: How to Diversify Your RO Assets and Fuel Growth
Strategic Planning and the Board of Directors
Who Said Educators Can't Be Owners?
Free for NCEO Members. Up-to-date information presented by experts. Always educational, never promotional.
May 7, 2024
Designing Effective Executive Compensation Programs for ESOP Companies
Tuesday, April 30
10:00–11:00 AM
Creating a Culture of Feedback
Developing and Executing a Growth-Through-Acquisition Strategy
ESOPs are Great, But Still Businesses: How to Survive a Downturn
Leadership Development Throughout Your Whole Company
Minimizing Board of Director Liability Over the Life of an ESOP
Repurchase Liability Strategies: Staying Three Steps Ahead of the Sustainability Game
Successfully Raising Financing for an ESOP Transaction
What is Management's Responsibility for Corporate Governance and the Board of Directors?
11:15 AM–12:15 PM
From Risk to Reward: Strategies for Maximizing Shareholder Value and Employee Engagement
Open Book Management and Financial Literacy Training
Overcoming the "Meeting Blahs"
Seller Financing vs. Bank Financing: Pros and Cons
1:30–2:30 PM
How to Develop a Professional Advisor Network That Drives Value
Negotiating an ESOP Transaction: Common Term Sheet Factors and What They Mean
Re-Designing Your ESOP Document
Responding to Purchase Offers
NCEO Resource
CEO Network: Whether your company is in growth mode or you’re in a rebuilding year, the Network is a great place for you to explore ideas with your peers.
The Trustee and Financial Advisor Annual Valuation Review: Impacts of Management Projections
Workshop: Mastering ESOP Acquisitions
Tuesday, April 30
2:45–3:45 PM
Developing Trends: Private Capital Investments in ESOP-Owned Companies
Direct Employee Ownership: An ESOP Alternative
ESOP Company Governance: Who Does What? (PLUS: Interactive Examples of Challenging Issues)
Legislative, Regulatory, and Case Law Update
Strategic Preparations for the Feasibility Study: Positioning Yourself and Your Company for Success
Why D&O, Fiduciary, and Cyber Insurance are Particularly Important for ESOPs
Winding Your Way Through Leadership Succession: Developing a Succession System for the Future
4:00–5:00 PM
A Valuation Checklist for ESOP Companies
Acquisitions: The Day After
Case Study: Accounting for an ESOP Transaction and Ongoing Operations
ESOP Company Executive Compensation: Is It Different?
How to Navigate a Second-Stage ESOP Transaction
Investing in the 1042 Rollover
Presenting Valuation So Employees Understand the Process, Apply Key Concepts, and Drive Company Value
Why Innovate? The Case for Renewal in ESOPs
Wednesday, May 1
10:00–11:00 AM
Capital Structure Alternatives for Mature ESOPs
CEO & Executive Succession: Building Leadership Profiles for Continued Growth
Debt Trends and Capital Markets Update
ESG 101: A Primer for ESOP Companies
How to Effectively Write and Speak About Employee Ownership
How to Manage Your Board & Fiduciary Succession
Preparing for a Transition to ESOP Ownership? 5 Things to Know in 2024
The Compounding Effect of Culture on Stock Value
Winning the Leadership Transition: Preserving Relationships and Retaining People
11:15 AM–12:15 PM
Case Studies: Incentive Compensation in ESOP Companies
ESOPs and M&A: Exploring the Intersection, the Prudence, and Process for Unsolicited Offers
Thriving Through Time: Overcoming Benefit Level Hurdles in ESOP Maturity
Using Earnouts & Clawbacks in ESOP Transactions Within the Current Valuation: Capital Markets & the Regulatory Environment
Using Employee Ownership and Public Benefit Corporation Laws to Reinforce the Principles of Long-Term Ownership
Using the Stewardship Climate Scale to Measure the Perception of Governance and Employee Ownership Culture
Monday, April 29
1:00–2:00 PM
Before, During, and After Our ESOP Summit
Captive Health for ESOPs: Owning the Benefit of Collaboration
ESOPs are So Complicated: How Do I Get Up to Speed?
Making the Most of Your Valuation Diligence Meeting
Selling an ESOP Company
Understanding ESOP Feasibility
2:15–3:15 PM
An ESOP Transaction Through Different Lenses
ESOP Finance Working Group: a small group of finance-focused professionals from NCEO member companies. Benefit from in-depth discussion with your peers at other ESOP companies to talk about tools, ideas, advisors, and governance.
ESOP Leadership Dynamics: Exploring the Evolution of Directors' and Executive Officers' Roles in Ownership
Implementing a Partial ESOP Transaction
Repurchase Strategies and ESOP Sustainability Case Studies
Unlocking Value: A Comprehensive Guide to Annual ESOP Valuations for CFOs
3:45–4:45 PM
Advantages ESOPs Have in Acquisitions
How to Communicate with Stakeholders from the CFO Perspective
How to Make a Small ESOP the Right Way: From Analysis to SBA Financing to Completion!
In Search of the ESOP Booty & Bounty: Growing the Value of Your ESOP Post-Transaction
Private Equity Investing for ESOPs: How to Diversify Your RO Assets and Fuel Growth
Who Said Educators Can't Be Owners?
Tuesday, April 30
10:00–11:00 AM
Developing and Executing a Growth-Through-Acquisition Strategy
ESOPs are Great, But Still Businesses: How to Survive a Downturn
Leadership Development Throughout Your Whole Company
Minimizing Board of Director Liability Over the Life of an ESOP
Not Your Basic ESOP Distributions
Repurchase Liability Strategies: Staying Three Steps Ahead of the Sustainability Game
Successfully Raising Financing for an ESOP Transaction
The CFO and the Board: Keys to a Strong and Effective Relationship
What is Management's Responsibility for Corporate Governance and the Board of Directors?
11:15 AM–12:15 PM
Annual ESOP Administration: "Don’t Get Behind the Eight Ball"
From Risk to Reward: Strategies for Maximizing Shareholder Value and Employee Engagement
Open Book Management and Financial Literacy Training
Seller Financing vs. Bank Financing: Pros and Cons
Tuesday, April 30
1:30–2:30 PM
How to Develop a Professional Advisor Network That Drives Value
Negotiating an ESOP Transaction: Common Term Sheet Factors and What They Mean
Re-Designing Your ESOP Document
Responding to Purchase Offers
The Trustee and Financial Advisor Annual Valuation Review: Impacts of Management Projections
Workshop: Mastering ESOP Acquisitions
2:45–3:45 PM
Developing Trends: Private Capital Investments in ESOP-Owned Companies
Direct Employee Ownership: An ESOP Alternative
ESOP Company Governance: Who Does What? (PLUS: Interactive Examples of Challenging Issues)
Legislative, Regulatory, and Case Law Update
Why D&O, Fiduciary, and Cyber Insurance are Particularly Important for ESOPs
Tuesday, April 30 4:00–5:00 PM
A Valuation Checklist for ESOP Companies
Acquisitions: The Day After
Case Study: Accounting for an ESOP Transaction and Ongoing Operations
Financing Your ESOP Transaction with Warrants
How to Navigate a Second-Stage ESOP Transaction
Investing in the 1042 Rollover
Presenting Valuation So Employees Understand the Process, Apply Key Concepts, and Drive Company Value
Wednesday, May 1 10:00–11:00 AM
Building Wealth: How an ESOP Can Change Your Life
Capital Structure Alternatives for Mature ESOPs
CEO & Executive Succession: Building Leadership Profiles for Continued Growth
Debt Trends and Capital Markets Update
Preparing for a Transition to ESOP Ownership? 5 Things to Know in 2024
Wednesday, May 1 11:15 AM–12:15 PM
Case Studies: Incentive Compensation in ESOP Companies
ESOPs and M&A: Exploring the Intersection, the Prudence, and Process for Unsolicited Offers
Thriving Through Time: Overcoming Benefit Level Hurdles in ESOP Maturity
Finance Toolkit: The goal of this toolkit is to help NCEO member companies secure financing, either for an ESOP transaction or commercial lending, and it includes guidelines to best practices when seeking financing as well as a directory of bank and non-bank lenders with ESOP experience.
Topics include:
Monday, April 29
GET IN THE GAME: Your Playbook for Engaging Employee-Owners and Driving a Winning Culture
1:00–2:00 PM
Celebrating Employee Ownership Month as a Multilocation Hybrid Firm
ESOPs are So Complicated: How Do I Get Up to Speed?
NCEO Resources for ESOP Education
2:15–3:15 PM
Company Podcast: Communicating Employee Ownership
How Employee Ownership Equips Us to Live Out Our Values
The Fun Stuff: A Share Session on Celebrations
Wow Employees with ESOP Communication
3:45–4:15 PM
Creating an Emotionally Intelligent and Inclusive Culture
Who Said Educators Can't Be Owners?
Tuesday, April 30
10:00–11:00 AM
Smarter, Better, Faster: The Value of Well-Trained Employee-Owners
NCEO Resource
Innovative Communication Coalition:
The purpose of this coalition is for participants to put their heads together to create and share communication initiatives, activities, and projects that make employee ownership stronger.
Topics include:
Tuesday, April 30
11:15 AM–12:15 PM
From Risk to Reward: Strategies for Maximizing Shareholder Value and Employee Engagement
Grow Your People: An Interactive Panel on Innovative HR/L&D Practices in Employee-Owned Companies
Not Your Typical Workshop: How Champ Camp Empowers Spokespeople and Ambassadors to Effectively, Consistently, and Passionately Advocate for Your Brand
Open Book Management and Financial Literacy Training
Overcoming the "Meeting Blahs"
Take Ownership: Cultivating an Ownership Culture Through Leadership Development and Storytelling
1:30–2:30 PM
Communicating the Value of a Mature ESOP
Destination Education: A Discussion of the Vehicles That Can Be Used on the Road to Employee-Owner ESOP Education
Estimating Repurchases: A Workshop
Madmen to Mayberry: Lessons Learned From Changing ESOP Corporate Culture in a Service Industry
Re-Designing Your ESOP Document
2:45–3:45 PM
Demystifying Financial Statements: Putting it in Plain English
Direct Employee Ownership: An ESOP Alternative
ESOP Committees: Fun Ideas for Educating and Engaging Employee-Owners
Establishing an Inclusive Culture Across International Offices
Topics include:
Tuesday, April 30
A Valuation Checklist for ESOP Companies
How to Create an INSPIRING Safety Culture
Wednesday, May 1 4:00–5:00 PM
10:00–11:00 AM
Building Wealth: How an ESOP Can Change Your Life
How to Effectively Write and Speak About Employee Ownership
The Compounding Effect of Culture on Stock Value
11:15 AM–12:15 PM
How to Build a Bench of a Players
Using Employee Ownership and Public Benefit Corporation Laws to Reinforce the Principles of Long-Term Ownership
Using the Stewardship Climate Scale to Measure the Perception of Governance and Employee Ownership Culture
Topics include:
Monday, April 29
GET IN THE GAME: Your Playbook for Engaging Employee-Owners and Driving a Winning Culture
1:00–2:00 PM
Before, During, and After Our ESOP Summit
Captive Health for ESOPs: Owning the Benefit of Collaboration
ESOPs are So Complicated: How Do I Get Up to Speed?
Harnessing the Power of High-Performing Teams with a One Team Mindset: Tips, Tools, and Stories
Making the Most of Your Valuation Diligence Meeting
The Take 5 Movement
2:15–3:15 PM
Basics of ESOP Distributions
Cybersecurity Issues in ESOP Litigation/DOL Enforcement
ESOP Leadership Dynamics: Exploring the Evolution of Directors' and Executive Officers' Roles in Ownership
Implementing a Partial ESOP Transaction
Repurchase Strategies and ESOP Sustainability Case Studies
Wow Employees with ESOP Communication
Monday, April 29 3:45–4:45 PM
Creating an Emotionally Intelligent and Inclusive Culture
Delivering Corporate Communications: From Strategy to Execution
How to Make a Small ESOP the Right Way: From Analysis to SBA Financing to Completion!
In Search of the ESOP Booty & Bounty: Growing the Value of Your ESOP Post-Transaction
Overnight Success? How One Firm Built a Foundation for Long-Term Success as a 100% ESOP S Corp
Who Said Educators Can't Be Owners?
Tuesday, April 30 10:00–11:00 AM
Developing and Executing a Growth-Through-Acquisition Strategy
Leadership Development Throughout Your Whole Company
Repurchase Liability Strategies: Staying Three Steps Ahead of the Sustainability Game
What is Management's Responsibility for Corporate Governance and the Board of Directors?
NCEO Resource
Recruitment & Retention Toolkit: The goal of this toolkit is to help NCEO member companies improve their ability to both recruit and retain employeeowners.
Topics include:
Tuesday, April 30 11:15 AM–12:15 PM 2:45–3:45 PM
Annual ESOP Administration: "Don’t Get Behind the Eight Ball"
From Risk to Reward: Strategies for Maximizing Shareholder Value and Employee Engagement
Not Your Typical Workshop: How Champ Camp Empowers Spokespeople and Ambassadors to Effectively, Consistently, and Passionately Advocate for Your Brand
Open Book Management and Financial Literacy Training
Overcoming the "Meeting Blahs"
Seller Financing vs. Bank Financing: Pros and Cons
1:30–2:30 PM
Negotiating an ESOP Transaction: Common Term Sheet Factors and What They Mean
Re-Designing Your ESOP Document
The Trustee and Financial Advisor Annual Valuation Review: Impacts of Management Projections
ESOP Company Governance: Who Does What? (PLUS: Interactive Examples of Challenging Issues)
It's Not Just a Retirement Plan: How to Make ESOPs Matter to Employees Every Day
Strategic Preparations for the Feasibility Study: Positioning Yourself and Your Company for Success
A Valuation Checklist for ESOP Companies
Acquisitions: The Day After
Investing in the 1042 Rollover
Presenting Valuation So Employees Understand the Process, Apply Key Concepts, and Drive Company Value
Why Innovate? The Case for Renewal in ESOPs
Wednesday, May 1 10:00–11:00 AM
ESG 101: A Primer for ESOP Companies
Tuesday, April 30 4:00–5:00 PM 11:15 AM–12:15 PM
Winning the Leadership Transition: Preserving Relationships and Retaining People
Internal Trustee Duties & Responsibilities: Legal, Administration, and Valuation
Monday, April 29 1:00–2:00 PM
Before, During, and After Our ESOP Summit
Selling an ESOP Company
2:15–3:15 PM 3:45–4:45 PM
Cybersecurity Issues in ESOP Litigation/DOL Enforcement
NCEO Resource
Lessons from Recent ESOP Litigation: A fresh look at what we can learn from trends in ESOP litigation in the last few years.
How to Make a Small ESOP the Right Way: From Analysis to SBA Financing to Completion!
Tuesday, April 30
What to Do When Your Fiduciary Liability Insurer Denies Coverage 10:00–11:00 AM 11:15 AM–12:15 PM
What is Management's Responsibility for Corporate Governance and the Board of Directors?
Seller Financing vs. Bank Financing: Pros and Cons
Topics include:
Tuesday, April 30
1:30–2:30 PM
Negotiating an ESOP Transaction: Common Term Sheet Factors and What They Mean
2:45–3:45 PM
The Department of Labor’s "Adequate Consideration” Regulation: What Now?
2:45–3:45 PM
A Valuation Checklist for ESOP Companies
Acquisitions: The Day After
How to Navigate a Second-Stage ESOP Transaction
Wednesday, May 1
11:15 AM–12:15 PM
This toolkit is a guide to the NCEO resources that can help you adequately plan for your repurchase obligation and become a more sustainable ESOP company.
ESOPs and M&A: Exploring the Intersection, the Prudence, and Process for Unsolicited Offers
Using Earnouts & Clawbacks in ESOP Transactions Within the Current Valuation: Capital Markets & the Regulatory Environment
Topics include:
Monday, April 29
1:00–2:00 PM
Before, During, and After Our ESOP Summit
Captive Health for ESOPs: Owning the Benefit of Collaboration
Celebrating Employee Ownership Month as a Multilocation Hybrid Firm
Harnessing the Power of High-Performing Teams with a One Team Mindset: Tips, Tools, and Stories
NCEO Resources for ESOP Education
The Take 5 Movement
2:15–3:15 PM
Basics of ESOP Distributions
Company Podcast: Communicating Employee Ownership
3:45–4:45 PM
Creating an Emotionally Intelligent and Inclusive Culture
Delivering Corporate Communications: From Strategy to Execution
NCEO Resource
HR Peer Networking Group: Join a community of passionate and likeminded individuals who are eager to share their knowledge and experience in the field. Share HR questions, ideas, and initiatives that make employee ownership stronger.
Topics include:
Tuesday, April 30
10:00–11:00 AM
Not Your Basic ESOP Distributions
Smarter, Better, Faster: The Value of Well-Trained Employee-Owners
What is Management's Responsibility for Corporate Governance and the Board of Directors?
11:15 AM–12:15 PM
Annual ESOP Administration: "Don’t Get Behind the Eight Ball"
Grow Your People: An Interactive Panel on Innovative HR/L&D Practices in Employee-Owned Companies
Take Ownership: Cultivating an Ownership Culture Through Leadership Development and Storytelling
1:30–2:30 PM
Estimating Repurchases: A Workshop
Madmen to Mayberry: Lessons Learned From Changing ESOP Corporate Culture in a Service Industry
Re-Designing Your ESOP Document
2:45–3:45 PM
ESOP Committees: Fun Ideas for Educating and Engaging Employee-Owners
Establishing an Inclusive Culture Across International Offices
It's Not Just a Retirement Plan: How to Make ESOPs Matter to Employees Every Day
NCEO Resource
Recruitment & Retention Toolkit:
The goal of this toolkit is to help NCEO member companies improve their ability to both recruit and retain employeeowners.
Topics include:
Tuesday, April 30 4:00–5:00 PM
ESOP Company Executive Compensation: Is It Different?
How to Navigate a Second-Stage ESOP Transaction
Wednesday, May 1
10:00–11:00 AM
Building Wealth: How an ESOP Can Change Your Life
How to Effectively Write and Speak About Employee Ownership
The Compounding Effect of Culture on Stock Value
NCEO Resource
The ESOP Communication Committee Guide: A complete guide to developing and improving ESOP committees, with case studies.
Winning the Leadership Transition: Preserving Relationships and Retaining People
11:15 AM–12:15 PM
How to Build a Bench of a Players
Using the Stewardship Climate Scale to Measure the Perception of Governance and Employee Ownership Culture
Since our founding in 1988, we have grown into one of the nation’s leading and most respected ESOP valuation firms. We have been 100% employee owned since 2021.
• Identify ESOP transaction structures that meet sellers’ and company goals
• Provide preliminary valuations and feasibility studies
• Assist with sourcing financing and Quarterbacking the transaction
• Advise ESOP trustees in the purchase of shares by an ESOP
• Provide adequate consideration, solvency, and fairness opinions
• Complete annual administrative valuation updates
Topics include:
Monday, April 29 1:00–2:00 PM
Making the Most of Your Valuation Diligence Meeting
Selling an ESOP Company
2:15–3:15 PM
Basics of ESOP Distributions
Cybersecurity Issues in ESOP Litigation/DOL Enforcement
Unlocking Value: A Comprehensive Guide to Annual ESOP Valuations for CFOs
3:45–4:45 PM
A Mock DOL Investigation
In Search of the ESOP Booty & Bounty: Growing the Value of Your ESOP Post-Transaction
NCEO Resource
The Inside ESOP Fiduciary Handbook: An essential resource for any inside fiduciary at an ESOP company, this book is meant to provide an overview of life as an inside ESOP fiduciary.
Overnight Success? How One Firm Built a Foundation for Long-Term Success as a 100% ESOP S Corp
Who Said Educators Can't Be Owners?
Topics include:
Tuesday, April 30
10:00–11:00 AM
ESOPs are Great, But Still Businesses: How to Survive a Downturn
Minimizing Board of Director Liability Over the Life of an ESOP
Not Your Basic ESOP Distributions
What is Management's Responsibility for Corporate Governance and the Board of Directors?
11:15 AM–12:15 PM
Annual ESOP Administration: "Don’t Get Behind the Eight Ball"
Seller Financing vs. Bank Financing: Pros and Cons
1:30–2:30 PM
Responding to Purchase Offers
2:45–3:45 PM
ESOP Company Governance: Who Does What? (PLUS: Interactive Examples of Challenging Issues)
Winding Your Way Through Leadership Succession: Developing a Succession System for the Future
The Department of Labor’s "Adequate Consideration” Regulation: What Now?
Topics include:
Tuesday, April 30 4:00–5:00 PM
A Valuation Checklist for ESOP Companies
Acquisitions: The Day After
Financing Your ESOP Transaction with Warrants
How to Navigate a Second-Stage ESOP Transaction
Wednesday, May 1
10:00–11:00 AM
How to Manage Your Board & Fiduciary Succession
11:15 AM–12:15 PM
NCEO Resource
The Fiduciary’s Guide to ESOP
Valuation: Written to teach inside ESOP trustees, company leaders, board members, and others how ESOP valuation works, how control is treated nowadays, how to read and understand a valuation report, and how to select an appraiser.
ESOPs and M&A: Exploring the Intersection, the Prudence, and Process for Unsolicited Offers
Internal Trustee Duties & Responsibilities: Legal, Administration, and Valuation
Topics include:
NCEO Resources for ESOP Education
Monday, April 29 1:00–2:00 PM 2:15–3:15 PM 3:45–4:45 PM 10:00–11:00 AM
Company Podcast: Communicating Employee Ownership
How Employee Ownership Equips Us to Live Out Our Values
NCEO Resource
Understanding ESOPs: A general, basic guide to ESOPs for public and private companies alike.
Creating an Emotionally Intelligent and Inclusive Culture
In Search of the ESOP Booty & Bounty: Growing the Value of Your ESOP Post-Transaction
Overnight Success? How One Firm Built a Foundation for Long-Term Success as a 100% ESOP S Corp
Who Said Educators Can't Be Owners?
Tuesday, April 30
Creating a Culture of Feedback
Leadership Development Throughout Your Whole Company
What is Management's Responsibility for Corporate Governance and the Board of Directors?
Topics include:
Tuesday, April 30
11:15 AM–12:15 PM
From Risk to Reward: Strategies for Maximizing Shareholder Value and Employee Engagement
Grow Your People: An Interactive Panel on Innovative HR/L&D Practices in Employee-Owned Companies
Open Book Management and Financial Literacy Training
Take Ownership: Cultivating an Ownership Culture Through Leadership Development and Storytelling
1:30–2:30 PM
Destination Education: A Discussion of the Vehicles That Can Be Used on the Road to Employee-Owner ESOP Education
Madmen to Mayberry: Lessons Learned From Changing ESOP Corporate Culture in a Service Industry
2:45–3:45 PM
Demystifying Financial Statements: Putting it in Plain English
4:00–5:00 PM
A Valuation Checklist for ESOP Companies
How to Create an INSPIRING Safety Culture
NCEO Resource
Ps for Employee Owners: in-depth, customizable uide to employee stock wnership plans for plan participants.
Topics include:
Wednesday, May 1
10:00–11:00 AM
ESG 101: A Primer for ESOP Companies
11:15 AM–12:15 PM
How to Build a Bench of a Players
Free for NCEO Members. Up-to-date information presented by experts. Always educational, never promotional.
June 11, 2024
Foundational Leadership Skills for Ownership and Inclusion
Topics include:
Monday, April 29
1:00–2:00 PM
Before, During, and After Our ESOP Summit
Growing Through M&A Activity as an ESOP Company
Selling an ESOP Company
What to Do When Your Fiduciary Liability Insurer Denies Coverage
2:15–3:15 PM
NCEO Resource
The ESOP Company Board Handbook: A practical, up-to-date guide for board members in ESOP companies that discusses crucial issues and best practices.
ESOP Leadership Dynamics: Exploring the Evolution of Directors' and Executive Officers' Roles in Ownership
3:45–4:45 PM
A Mock DOL Investigation
Advantages ESOPs Have in Acquisitions
Creating an Emotionally Intelligent and Inclusive Culture
How to Communicate with Stakeholders from the CFO Perspective
In Search of the ESOP Booty & Bounty: Growing the Value of Your ESOP Post-Transaction
Overnight Success? How One Firm Built a Foundation for Long-Term Success as a 100% ESOP S Corp
Private Equity Investing for ESOPs: How to Diversify Your RO Assets and Fuel Growth
Strategic Planning and the Board of Directors
Topics include:
Tuesday, April 30
10:00–11:00 AM
Developing and Executing a Growth-Through-Acquisition Strategy
ESOPs are Great, But Still Businesses: How to Survive a Downturn
Minimizing Board of Director Liability Over the Life of an ESOP
The CFO and the Board: Keys to a Strong and Effective Relationship
What is Management's Responsibility for Corporate Governance and the Board of Directors?
11:15 AM–12:15 PM
Seller Financing vs. Bank Financing: Pros and Cons
1:30–2:30 PM
How to Develop a Professional Advisor Network That Drives Value
Negotiating an ESOP Transaction: Common Term Sheet Factors and What They Mean
Responding to Purchase Offers
Workshop: Mastering ESOP Acquisitions
NCEO Resource
ESOP Compensation Survey: This yearly survey contains benchmark data on both executive and board director positions. The report includes base pay, cash incentives, stock-based compensation, and retirement contributions for eight common executive positions at ESOP companies.
Topics include:
Tuesday, April 30
2:45–3:45 PM
Developing Trends: Private Capital Investments in ESOP-Owned Companies
ESOP Company Governance: Who Does What? (PLUS: Interactive Examples of Challenging Issues)
Strategic Preparations for the Feasibility Study: Positioning Yourself and Your Company for Success
The Department of Labor’s "Adequate Consideration” Regulation: What Now?
Why D&O, Fiduciary, and Cyber Insurance are Particularly Important for ESOPs
Winding Your Way Through Leadership Succession: Developing a Succession System for the Future
4:00–5:00 PM
A Valuation Checklist for ESOP Companies
ESOP Company Executive Compensation: Is It Different?
How to Navigate a Second-Stage ESOP Transaction
Why Innovate? The Case for Renewal in ESOPs
Topics include:
Wednesday, May 1
10:00–11:00 AM
Capital Structure Alternatives for Mature ESOPs
CEO & Executive Succession: Building Leadership Profiles for Continued Growth
Debt Trends and Capital Markets Update
How to Manage Your Board & Fiduciary Succession
Preparing for a Transition to ESOP Ownership? 5 Things to Know in 2024
11:15 AM–12:15 PM
Case Studies: Incentive Compensation in ESOP Companies
ESOPs and M&A: Exploring the Intersection, the Prudence, and Process for Unsolicited Offers
Internal Trustee Duties & Responsibilities: Legal, Administration, and Valuation
Thriving Through Time: Overcoming Benefit Level Hurdles in ESOP Maturity
Using Earnouts & Clawbacks in ESOP Transactions Within the Current Valuation: Capital Markets & the Regulatory Environment
Using Employee Ownership and Public Benefit Corporation Laws to Reinforce the Principles of Long-Term Ownership
Topics include:
Monday, April 29 NON-MANAGER
2:15–3:15 PM
The Fun Stuff: A Share Session on Celebrations
3:45–4:45 PM
Creating an Emotionally Intelligent and Inclusive Culture
Who Said Educators Can't Be Owners?
Tuesday, April 30
11:15 AM–12:15 PM
NCEO Resource
An Introduction to ESOPs: This concise book explains the rules, uses, benefits, and other aspects of employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs).
From Risk to Reward: Strategies for Maximizing Shareholder Value and Employee Engagement
Grow Your People: An Interactive Panel on Innovative HR/L&D Practices in Employee-Owned Companies
1:30–2:30 PM
Destination Education: A Discussion of the Vehicles That Can Be Used on the Road to Employee-Owner ESOP Education
Estimating Repurchases: A Workshop
2:45–3:45 PM
Demystifying Financial Statements: Putting it in Plain English
ESOP Committees: Fun Ideas for Educating and Engaging Employee-Owners
It's Not Just a Retirement Plan: How to Make ESOPs Matter to Employees Every Day
Sunday, April 28
5:00–7:00 PM
The Sail Cocktail Reception
Monday, April 29
9:30–9:45 AM
Coffee Break
11:30 AM–12:30 PM
Welcome Luncheon
3:15–3:45 PM
Ice Cream Social Break
5:00–7:00 PM
Opening Cocktail Reception
Tuesday, April 30
8:00–9:00 AM
Welcome Breakfast
11:00–11:15 AM
Coffee Break
12:15–1:15 PM
Cuban Networking Luncheon
2:30–2:45 PM
Smoothie Bar Break
5:15–7:15 PM
Closing Reception
Wednesday, May 1
8:00–9:00 AM
Welcome Breakfast
11:00–11:15 AM
Coffee Break
Topics include:
Monday, April 29
1:00–2:00 PM
NCEO Resources for ESOP Education
2:15–3:15 PM
Wow Employees with ESOP Communication
3:45–4:45 PM
Who Said Educators Can't Be Owners?
Tuesday, April 30
10:00–11:00 AM
Smarter, Better, Faster: The Value of Well-Trained Employee-Owners
11:15 AM–12:15 PM
Open Book Management and Financial Literacy Training
2:45–3:45 PM
NCEO Resource
The ESOP Communications Sourcebook: Provides a jumpstart to your ESOP communications.
It's Not Just a Retirement Plan: How to Make ESOPs Matter to Employees Every Day
Topics include:
Tuesday, April 30 4:00–5:00 PM
Presenting Valuation So Employees Understand the Process, Apply Key Concepts, and Drive Company Value
Wednesday, May 1
10:00–11:00 AM
How to Effectively Write and Speak About Employee Ownership
NCEO Resource
Ps for Employee Owners: in-depth, customizable uide to employee stock wnership plans for plan participants.
Topics include:
Monday, April 29 1:00–2:00 PM 2:15–3:15 PM 3:45–4:45 PM
Making the Most of Your Valuation Diligence Meeting
Unlocking Value: A Comprehensive Guide to Annual ESOP Valuations for CFOs
How to Communicate with Stakeholders from the CFO Perspective
Tuesday, April 30 10:00–11:00 AM
The CFO and the Board: Keys to a Strong and Effective Relationship
Topics include:
Tuesday, April 30
10:00–11:00 AM
Minimizing Board of Director Liability Over the Life of an ESOP
What is Management's Responsibility for Corporate Governance and the Board of Directors?
1:30–2:30 PM
How to Develop a Professional Advisor Network That Drives Value
2:45–3:45 PM
ESOP Company Governance: Who Does What? (PLUS: Interactive Examples of Challenging Issues)
NCEO Resource
ESOPs and Corporate Governance: Discusses corporate governance in ESOP companies.
NCEO Resource
Board Excellence Toolkit: The goal of this project is to help NCEO member companies improve the effectiveness of their boards of directors, primarily by successfully recruiting and onboarding independent directors.
Topics include:
Monday, April 29
An Integrated Approach to Sustainable ESOP Ownership
1:00–2:00 PM
Captive Health for ESOPs: Owning the Benefit of Collaboration
Growing Through M&A Activity as an ESOP Company
Selling an ESOP Company
2:15–3:15 PM
Employee Ownership Trusts and Direct Employee Ownership
Repurchase Strategies and ESOP Sustainability Case Studies
3:45–4:45 PM
Advantages ESOPs Have in Acquisitions
How to Communicate with Stakeholders from the CFO Perspective
NCEO Resource
Sustainable ESOPs: Discusses how to remain successfully employee-owned for the long term.
In Search of the ESOP Booty & Bounty: Growing the Value of Your ESOP Post-Transaction
Private Equity Investing for ESOPS: How to Diversify Your RO Assets and Fuel Growth
Topics include:
Tuesday, April 30
10:00–11:00 AM
Developing and Executing a Growth-Through-Acquisition Strategy
ESOPs are Great, But Still Businesses: How to Survive a Downturn
Repurchase Liability Strategies: Staying Three Steps Ahead of the Sustainability Game
Shared Interests: Creative Ways to Integrate Your ESOP, 401(k), and Synthetic Equity Benefit Plans
11:15 AM–12:15 PM
From Risk to Reward: Strategies for Maximizing Shareholder Value and Employee Engagement
1:30–2:30 PM
Estimating Repurchases: A Workshop
Responding to Purchase Offers
2:45–3:45 PM
Direct Employee Ownership: An ESOP Alternative
The Department of Labor’s "Adequate Consideration” Regulation: What Now?
Winding Your Way Through Leadership Succession: Developing a Succession System for the Future
4:00–5:00 PM
ESOP Company Executive Compensation: Is It Different?
How to Navigate a Second-Stage ESOP Transaction
Why Innovate? The Case for Renewal in ESOPs
Topics include:
Wednesday, May 1
10:00–11:00 AM
Capital Structure Alternatives for Mature ESOPs
Debt Trends and Capital Markets Update
ESG 101: A Primer for ESOP Companies
How to Manage Your Board & Fiduciary Succession
11:15 AM–12:15 PM
ESOPs and M&A: Exploring the Intersection, the Prudence, and Process for Unsolicited Offers
Thriving Through Time: Overcoming Benefit Level Hurdles in ESOP Maturity
Using Employee Ownership and Public Benefit Corporation Laws to Reinforce the Principles of Long-Term Ownership
Free for NCEO Members. Up-to-date information presented by experts. Always educational, never promotional.
May 21, 2024
Review of Sustainability Analysis
Topics include:
Monday, April 29
1:00–2:00 PM
Understanding ESOP Feasibility
2:15–3:15 PM
An ESOP Transaction Through Different Lenses
Implementing a Partial ESOP Transaction
3:45–4:45 PM
How to Make a Small ESOP the Right Way: From Analysis to SBA Financing to Completion!
Tuesday, April 30
10:00–11:00 AM
Successfully Raising Financing for an ESOP Transaction
11:15 AM–12:15 PM
Seller Financing vs. Bank Financing: Pros and Cons
1:30–2:30 PM
NCEO Resource Selling to an ESOP and Financing the Deal: A detailed guide for owners, managers, and advisors of closely held businesses are who considering a sale to an ESOP.
Pre-Feasibility Toolkit: a collection of resources to help you determine if an ESOP is right for you, and, if so, what steps to take next.
Negotiating an ESOP Transaction: Common Term Sheet Factors and What They Mean
Re-Designing Your ESOP Document
Topics include:
Tuesday, April 30 2:45–3:45 PM 4:00–5:00 PM
Developing Trends: Private Capital Investments in ESOP-Owned Companies
Strategic Preparations for the Feasibility Study: Positioning Yourself and Your Company for Success
Financing Your ESOP Transaction with Warrants
Investing in the 1042 Rollover
Wednesday, May 1 10:00–11:00 AM
Preparing for a Transition to ESOP Ownership? 5 Things to Know in 2024
11:15 AM–12:15 PM
NCEO Resource
Understanding ESOPs: A general, basic guide to ESOPs for public and private companies alike.
Using Earnouts & Clawbacks in ESOP Transactions Within the Current Valuation: Capital Markets & the Regulatory Environment
Topics include:
Monday, April 29
GET IN THE GAME: Your Playbook for Engaging Employee-Owners and Driving a Winning Culture
Maximizing ESOP Success: Effective Communication, Cultural Engagement, and Technical Foundations
1:00–2:00 PM
Celebrating Employee Ownership Month as a Multilocation Hybrid Firm
Harnessing the Power of High-Performing Teams with a One Team Mindset: Tips, Tools, and Stories
The Take 5 Movement
2:15–3:15 PM
Company Podcast: Communicating Employee Ownership
How Employee Ownership Equips Us to Live Out Our Values
The Fun Stuff: A Share Session on Celebrations
3:45–4:45 PM
Creating an Emotionally Intelligent and Inclusive Culture
Delivering Corporate Communications: From Strategy to Execution
NCEO Resource
Beyond Engagement: The most successful ESOP companies have one thing in common: their employees are not just motivated and engaged, they are actively engaged in structured opportunities to identify problems and generate new ideas.
Topics include:
Tuesday, April 30
10:00–11:00 AM
Creating a Culture of Feedback
Leadership Development Throughout Your Whole Company
11:15 AM–12:15 PM
Grow Your People: An Interactive Panel on Innovative HR/L&D Practices in Employee-Owned Companies
Not Your Typical Workshop: How Champ Camp Empowers Spokespeople and Ambassadors to Effectively, Consistently, and Passionately Advocate for Your Brand
Overcoming the "Meeting Blahs"
Take Ownership: Cultivating an Ownership Culture Through Leadership Development and Storytelling
1:30–2:30 PM
Communicating the Value of a Mature ESOP
Madmen to Mayberry: Lessons Learned From Changing ESOP Corporate Culture in a Service Industry
2:45–3:45 PM
Demystifying Financial Statements: Putting it in Plain English
ESOP Committees: Fun Ideas for Educating and Engaging Employee-Owners
Establishing an Inclusive Culture Across International Offices
4:00–5:00 PM
How to Create an INSPIRING Safety Culture
Topics include:
Wednesday, May 1
10:00–11:00 AM
Building Wealth: How an ESOP Can Change Your Life
The Compounding Effect of Culture on Stock Value
11:15 AM–12:15 PM
How to Build a Bench of a Players
Using the Stewardship Climate Scale to Measure the Perception of Governance and Employee Ownership Culture
NCEO Resource Ownership: Reinventing Companies, Capitalism, and Who Owns What: How employee ownership originated, how it works now, and what needs to be done to expand it.
Topics include:
Monday, April 29
1:00–2:00 PM
Before, During, and After Our ESOP Summit
What to Do When Your Fiduciary Liability Insurer Denies Coverage
2:15–3:15 PM
Basics of ESOP Distributions
Cybersecurity Issues in ESOP Litigation/DOL Enforcement
3:45–4:45 PM
A Mock DOL Investigation
Demystifying the ESOP Trustee Team's Process in an ESOP Stock Purchase Transaction
Overnight Success? How One Firm Built a Foundation for Long-Term Success as a 100% ESOP S Corp
Tuesday, April 30
10:00–11:00 AM
Not Your Basic ESOP Distributions
11:15 AM–12:15 PM
Annual ESOP Administration: "Don’t Get Behind the Eight Ball"
Topics include:
Tuesday, April 30
1:30–2:30 PM
The Trustee and Financial Advisor Annual Valuation Review: Impacts of Management Projections
Workshop: Mastering ESOP Acquisitions
2:45–3:45 PM
Legislative, Regulatory, and Case Law Update
Why D&O, Fiduciary, and Cyber Insurance are Particularly Important for ESOPs
4:00–5:00 PM
A Valuation Checklist for ESOP Companies
Acquisitions: The Day After
Case Study: Accounting for an ESOP Transaction and Ongoing Operations
Wednesday, May 1
10:00–11:00 AM
Winning the Leadership Transition: Preserving Relationships and Retaining People
11:15 AM–12:15 PM
Case Studies: Incentive Compensation in ESOP Companies
Internal Trustee Duties & Responsibilities: Legal, Administration, and Valuation
This toolkit is designed to highlight the why behind Employee Ownership Month and to provide resources to assist with planning and execution.
This collection of resources focuses on how employee-owned companies can leverage their ESOP advantage to attract, onboard, and retain employeeowners.
The readings, webinars, and research in this toolkit will help you decide if it makes sense to take the next steps with an ESOP.
The Being Acquired by an ESOP Company Toolkit has been developed to help companies considering an alternative path to employee ownership.
Strengthen your recruitment and onboarding of independent directors with dozens of resources on all aspects of effective board governance in the Board Excellence Toolkit. Search for potential independent directors among more than 70 NCEO members using the Board Candidate Directory.
The goal of this toolkit is to help NCEO member companies secure financing, either for an ESOP transaction or commercial lending. It includes guidelines to best practices, plus a directory of bank and non-bank lenders with ESOP experience.
The Repurchase Obligation Toolkit is a guide to the NCEO resources that can help you adequately plan for your repurchase obligation and become a more sustainable ESOP company.
Guiding successful ESOP companies for over 35 years.