The Fall ESOP Forum Best Practices in Employee Ownership SEPTEMBER 22–24, 2020
Curated by NCEO Executive Director Loren Rodgers and Founder Corey Rosen to ensure you get the most out of the Fall ESOP Forum.
Recommended sessions by job description: 1 Board Member 2 CEO 3 Human Resources Staff 4 Communication Committee Member / Frontline Employee-Owner 5 Finance Staff
Pre-Forum Workshops Take the best of the Forum back to your company. Pre-Forum Workshops are designed to leave you with ready-to-use content, templates, community contacts, and information that you and your company can use to grow and improve throughout the following year. Register here.
Transition to Transformative Strategies to Sustain Your ESOP Ownership September 22, 10 am – 12:30 pm ET
Through practical case studies, learn creative ideas on how ESOP-owned companies use other ownership structures to align and incent key stakeholders to drive business results and achieve strategic objectives. Sponsored by
Strategic Planning Accelerator September 22, 10 am – 12:30 pm ET
Strategic planning doesn't have to be an onerous experience. High-involvement planning (HIP) takes strategic planning out of the boardroom and gives it to the people who must make it happen. A strong HIP planning process consistently involves, informs, and educates your entire organization on the realities of the marketplace and the strategic goals of the company. When people understand, they buy in; when they buy in, they commit; and when they commit, they execute! Sponsored by
The Fall ESOP Forum
The Fall ESOP Forum
These sessions are for new and established board members alike. If you would like to get a better understanding of the core tenants of serving on an ESOP’s board, start here. SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 ■ Big-Picture Perspectives on Sustainability: The Outcome of Dialogues Between Directors and Management
■ Building a Successful and Diversified Business to Sustain Long Term Employee Ownership ■ Effective Board Meetings and Independent Directors ■ Employees as Trustees What Do You Need to Know? ■ ESOP Company-Side Fiduciary Duties: What are the Risks to Boards of Directors and Selling Shareholders? ■ Legislative and Regulatory Update ■ Preparing for and Dealing with a DOL Voluntary Compliance Letter ■ Preparing for CEO and Key Employee Transitions ■ Reviewing ESOP Valuations: Best Practices for Plan Sponsors, Trustees, and Employee-Owners ■ Selecting and Training Outside Board Members ■ So Your ESOP Has Had a Cyber Security Assessment, Now What? ■ The Decade of the ESOP: Economic Recovery, Racial Justice, and Equity ■ Diversifying Your Company Through Leadership Development and Succession Planning: Practical Ideas for Getting Your Fiduciary Duties Right ■ Top Questions Any Board Member Should be Asking About Their ESOP
The Fall ESOP Forum
Online ESOP Training
This comprehensive, self-paced educational program includes five ESOP focused mini-courses on ESOP Basics, ESOP Communication and Culture Issues, ESOP Financial Issues, ESOP Governance, and ESOP Plan Operations. Visit our website for more information.
The Fall ESOP Forum
The ESOP Group Advising ESOP companies and shareholders since 1989
We believe our 30 years of wealth management experience and employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) execution have earned our clients’ trust. We help prepare clients for once-in-a-lifetime business transactions, taking them carefully through the process and onto the next phase of their financial lives with confidence. Business owner/shareholder services – Pre-sale cash flow and tax modeling – IRC Section 1042 rollovers and qualified replacement property portfolios – Pre- and post-sale financial planning – Personalized investment management Keith A. Mericka Managing Director– Wealth Management Private Wealth Advisor Family Office Consultant
Leslie A. Lauer, CFP®, ChFC®, CEPA® Managing Director– Wealth Management Private Wealth Advisor Family Office Consultant
Rebecca T. Glasgow, CFP®, CEPA® Private Wealth Advisor
Curt Rubinas, CEPA® Private Wealth Advisor
Catherine A. Mericka, CFP®, CEPA® , CRPC® Senior Wealth Strategy Associate
Eric Warters, CFA Senior Wealth Strategy Associate
ESOP company services – Manage ESOP repurchase liability – ESOP cash management – Manage ESOP escrow investments – Company-owned life insurance – Manage company balance sheet cash
The ESOP Group UBS Financial Services Inc. 3280 Peachtree Road NE, 21st Floor Atlanta, GA 30305 877-794-1042 toll free
As a firm providing wealth management services to clients, UBS Financial Services Inc. offers investment advisory services in its capacity as an SEC-registered investment adviser and brokerage services in its capacity as an SEC-registered broker-dealer. Investment advisory services and brokerage services are separate and distinct, differ in material ways and are governed by different laws and separate arrangements. It is important that clients understand the ways in which we conduct business, that they carefully read the agreements and disclosures that we provide to them about the products or services we offer. For more information, please review the PDF document at Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP® and Certified finanCial PlannerTM in the US. CIMA® is a registered certification mark of the Investment Management Consultants Association® in the United States of America and worldwide. For designation disclosures visit © UBS 2021 All rights reserved. UBS Financial Services Inc. is a subsidiary of UBS AG. Member FINRA/SIPC. CJ-UBS-1553915864 Exp.: 07/31/2022
These sessions will give CEOs insights into establishing, developing, and enhancing their ESOPs. SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 ■ Best Practices in Financial Forecasting ■ Building a Successful and Diversified Business to Sustain Long Term Employee Ownership
■ Effective Board Meetings and Independent Directors ■ ESOP Accounting ■ ESOP Company-Side Fiduciary Duties: What are the Risks to Boards of Directors and Selling Shareholders? ■ Forecasting ESOP Repurchase Obligations ■ Get the Most From Your Team of Advisors ■ Legislative and Regulatory Update ■ Preparing for and Dealing with a DOL Voluntary Compliance Letter ■ Preparing for CEO and Key Employee Transitions ■ Selecting and Training Outside Board Members
A National Leader in Financial Advisory Consulting
Corporate Finance
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ESOP Ownership Individual Ownership Executive Compensation Capital Structure
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Transaction Opinions
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Fairness Opinions Solvency Opinions
ESOP & ERISA Financial Reporting Tax, Compliance & Planning
Chicago · Dallas · Minneapolis · New York · Orange County · Philadelphia · Portland · Raleigh
■ So Your ESOP Has Had a Cyber Security Assessment, Now What? ■ The Decade of the ESOP: Economic Recovery, Racial Justice, and Equity ■ Diversifying Your Company through Leadership Development and Succession Planning ■ The Good, the Bad, and the Difficult ■ Recruiting Great Employee-Owners
The Fall ESOP Forum
■ Benefit Levels and Planning for the ESOP Repurchase Obligation ■ ESOP Financing Considerations During Turbulent Times ■ ESOP Sustainability: A Practical Review of Complex Scenarios
The CEO Network Interest Meeting
Learn from other ESOP CEOs in a closed network. Join our current cohort for an interest meeting during the Fall Forum on September 23rd. Questions? Email Loren Rodgers.
The Fall ESOP Forum
The Fall ESOP Forum
These sessions will address the concerns of ESOP human resources staff and allow for leaders to meet and learn from each other. SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 ■ Becoming the Employer of Choice: How to Use the ESOP to Recruit, Hire, and Retain Employees
■ Benefits and Pitfalls—ESOP, KSOP and Aggregated Compliance Testing ■ Beyond Engagement: How to Turn Your Company Into an Idea Factory ■ ESOP Basics: Example of an ESOP Rollout Communication Meeting ■ ESOP Distributions: Problems to Avoid ■ Evolution, Engagement and Equity Compensation: A Complement to Your ESOP ■ Maintaining Communications and Culture During Difficult Times ■ What to Do for Employee Ownership Month ■ Your ESOP and the NCEO Group Captive Insurance Programs ■ The Decade of the ESOP: Economic Recovery, Racial Justice, and Equity ■ Diversifying Your Company Through Leadership Development and Succession Planning ■ Recruiting Great Employee-Owners
The Fall ESOP Forum
The Ownership Culture Survey Our comprehensive employee survey gives you the tools to most effectively measure your employee ownership culture. Survey results include comparison data from over 26,000 respondents at more than 120 companies, with over 150 survey items to choose from. Companies receive summary report with specific recommendations based on your results and a personalized consultation with NCEO staff.
The Fall ESOP Forum
Get the latest information available from ESOP experts. Sessions will cover topics such as learning to develop an effective communications strategy, discuss common challenges and mistakes, create alignment with company leadership, and improve employee engagement strategies for the long term. SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 ■ Beyond Engagement: How to Turn Your Company Into an Idea Factory ■ Educate, Empower and Engage Your Team With MiniGames ■ Employees as Trustees What Do You Need to Know? ■ ESOP Basics: Example of an ESOP Rollout Communication Meeting ■ ESOPs A to V—Administration to Valuation ■ Evolution, Engagement and Equity Compensation: A Complement to Your ESOP ■ Maintaining Communications and Culture During Difficult Times ■ What to Do for Employee Ownership Month ■ The Decade of the ESOP: Economic Recovery, Racial Justice, and Equity ■ Recruiting Great Employee-Owners
The Fall ESOP Forum
Communications Committee Crash Course
Whether you are just getting started or trying to get back on track, this training program will offer communications committees from companies of all shapes and sizes a way to learn, engage, and network with others in the employee ownership community.
The Fall ESOP Forum
Take stock of your present and plan for your future with this collection of forward-thinking sessions. ■ Benefits and Pitfalls—SOP, KSOP and Aggregated Compliance Testing ■ Best Practices in Financial Forecasting ■ Building a Successful and Diversified Business to Sustain Long Term Employee Ownership ■ ESOP Accounting ■ ESOP Valuation Basics ■ ESOPs A to V—Administration to Valuation ■ Forecasting ESOP Repurchase Obligations ■ Preparing for and Dealing with a DOL Voluntary Compliance Letter ■ Reviewing ESOP Valuations: Best Practices for Plan Sponsors, Trustees, and Employee-Owners ■ Your ESOP and the NCEO Group Captive Insurance Programs ■ ESOP Financing Considerations During Turbulent Times ■ ESOP Sustainability, A practical review of complex scenarios
More NCEO Resources NCEO Webinars—Free for NCEO Members.
Up-to-date information presented by experts. Always educational, never promotional. 9:30–10:30 AM PST most Tuesdays. For more information, visit our website.
The Fall ESOP Forum
This book discusses how to remain successfully employeeowned for the long term. Members $25 / Nonmembers $35