Networking Lunch Table Topics
Wednesday, April 26, 12:15-1:30 pm/ Ballroom 2500
Highlighted area = Discussion Tables

No sign up required to attend. Just choose your topic and make your way to the table. All tables will have signage. If you prefer to have your own discussion or eat lunch with friends, pick a non-discussion table.
Employee-owned S Corporations of America (ESCA)
Meet People from Ohio (OEOC)
Meet People from Vermont (VEOC)
Meet People from Pennsylvania (PaCEO)
Meet People from Colorado (RMEOC)
Colorado Office of Economic Development and
International Trade
Democracy at Work Institute
Employee Ownership Expansion Network (EOX)
Meet People from Missouri
Meet People from Georgia
Meet People from North Carolina
ESOP Emerging Leaders Forum
Private Directors Association
Meet People from Tennesse
Meet people from Michigan
Federal Government Contractors
Topics and Tables - Company Type
Small manufacturing
Large manufacturing
Professional service
Topics and Tables -Job Category
Board of Directors
Inside trustee
Topics and Tables -Topicc
Communications to existing employees
Community involvement
Creating more effective teams
Creating state employee ownership legislation
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Employees and boards
Explaining ESOPs to candidates
Getting more ideas from more employees
Having fun while working
Recruiting / retention
Repurchase Obligation
Women's networking
Topics and Tables - Fun Topcs
Beer or Wine or Cocktail
Kansas City or. Texas
Emails or conversations
Dogs or Cats
Beach or Mountains
Favorite Sports Moment
See the future or change the past
City or Countryside
Books or Movies
Smartphone or tablet
Coffee or Tea
Start work late or leave work early
Work from the office or work from home
Hot coffee or iced coffee
What is the greatest movie of all time?