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Nยบ1 CURSO 2009-2010

Agradecimientos Nos gustaría dar las gracias a todos aquellos que han hecho posible esta revista o han ayudado a su difusión como los más adelante mencionados, ademas de George Prior, corresponsal de EL SUR IN ENGLISH, Fuengirola TV y Ana Quijano Lombardo del IES Vega de Mijas. Licencia Se permite la distribución y publicación total o parcial de la revista siempre que no sea con un fin comercial ni lucrativo. En este caso, se deberá reconocer la autoría del siguiente modo: “Nombre del artículo”, nombre del autor/a. Revista Escuela Oficial de Idiomas Fuengirola. No se permite un uso comercial de la obra original ni de las posibles obras derivadas.

Editorial · Página 05: “Siobhan Galvin”

Siobhan Galvin

Reportajes · Página 06 : “Giving more than time and knowledge”, “A visit to the National Museum of Airports and Air Transport in Malaga”, “Bilingual program theatre group to perform Summer Camp and Revolting Rhymes in Benalmadena” Invitados · Página 12: “A Day and a Night in San Francisco”, “Ein Tag und eine Nacht in Münster”, “Japan”, “Curitiba” Destinos · Página 20: “RYANAIR eröffnet neue basis in Malaga”, “Le site naturel des falaises de Maro-Cerro Gordo”, “Ronda, la plus belle ville du sud”, “La Côte du Soleil”, “Les plages à Fuengirola”


My perfect


Tú Opinas · Página 26: “Le nouveau rôle du professeur” Reseñas · Página 27: “Siobhan Galvin’s literary reading”, “The Barbarian Invasions”, “The Wave” Narrativa · Página 30: “My Perfect Weekend”, “Mr. Ramos”,





Poesía · Página 32: “Extrait Du Monde Entier, Au Coeur Du Monde”, “Parallèle Poignard”, “Voices”, “Sunset”, “Destination: Fuengirola” Humor · Página 37: “Interview with Bloodhound” Concursos · Página 38: “Coeducación”, “Concurso de Fotografía”, “Concurso Relato de Terror”, “Concurso Cuento Corto” Recetas · Página 54: “Petits Gâteaux au Fromage de Chèvre”, “Chocolate Palmiers”, “Preston’s Sushi”, “Gâteau aux Carottes et à la Noix de Coco” Música · Página 62: “Entretien avec Takeo, rappeur”

Entretien avec Takeo, rappeur

Pasatiempos · Página 66: “Let’s walk!”, “Have a look!”

COORDINACIÓN GENERAL: Marta Moreno López de Uralde EDICIÓN EN INGLÉS: Priscilla Schmidt y Marta Moreno López de Uralde EDICIÓN EN FRANCÉS: Albert Torés EDICIÓN EN ALEMÁN: Judit Elvira Vicente

CONCEPTO Y DISEÑO: Sara Cáceres Eleria DISEÑO LOGO: MªJesús Fernández DISEÑO PORTADA: Teresa Balbuena Cano FOTOGRAFÍA: Lorenzo Hernández (

Judith Arroyo Luelmo Virginia Benítez Cuevas Clara May Canosa Yarnold Blaise Cendrars Elena García Vila Marta García Villar Elena González Vega Luis Domingo Lòpez Pérez Carlos Domínguez Niebla Germán Heller Alonso Lorenzo Hernández / Teide TV José Manuel Jaime Porras Asunción Leiva Pérez Mª del Mar López Hoyos Francisco Javier Mesa Castro Carmen Molina Povea Marta Moreno López de Uralde Poesh José Carlos Pozo José Antonio Ríos González Samar Saber Rodríguez Israel Sánchez Mercedes Sánchez Ribera Priscilla Schmidt Takeo The Jumble Sale Theatre Company Albert Torés Haifa Tozri Manuel Vinuesa

Kathi Anlauf desde Münster Julia Halpin Jackson desde San Francisco Roberta Lantorno desde Curitiba Amy Nickerson desde Tokio

Editorial 05

por Marta Moreno López de Uralde

Me he tomado la libertad de redactar esta primera editorial de nuestra revista por un motivo muy especial. Y es que me gustaría, en nombre de todos los alumnos de la escuela, dedicárselo a una gran amiga, la escritora irlandesa Siobhan Galvin. Todos tuvimos el placer de disfrutar de sus maravillosas historias hace un año, cuando visitó nuestra escuela y nos cautivó con sus palabras. Desgraciadamente, Siobhan falleció el pasado mes de noviembre, dejando un gran vacío en los corazones de todos aquellos que pudimos disfrutar de su amistad. Por ello me gustaría dedicarle este recuerdo. Si tuviera que definir con una sola palabra a Siobhan Galvin, ésta sería pasión. Pasión por la vida, por su familia, por sus amigos, por sus historias. Era de esas pocas personas que dejan una impronta permanente en aquellos que tuvieron el placer de conocerla, incluso brevemente. Hay muchas Siobhan. En primer lugar, la escritora, a la que he tenido el privilegio de leer y disfrutar. Nos dejó una colección de relatos y dos novelas: “Behind the Smile” y “The Neighbourhood”. Muchos son los momentos que he pasado comentando con mi familia las vicisitudes de unos personajes que nunca te dejaban indiferentes, que eran tan reales que llegaban a formar parte de las conversaciones en la mesa al mediodía. También estaba la amiga generosa, siempre preocupada por nuestro bienestar, que incluso en sus momentos más difíciles encontraba tiempo para dar

un consejo y que si teníamos un problema le daba vueltas y más vueltas hasta que encontraba la solución. Y sobre todo, Siobhan era el timón, el centro de su familia. La que convertía su casa en un hogar. Siempre recordaré la pizarra que tenían a la entrada de su antiguo piso, donde apuntaba lo que había que comprar y donde los niños dejaban dibujos y mensajes. Nunca sabías cuando te ibas a ir de su casa. Sabías que ibas a merendar, pero siempre acababas cenando y si te descuidabas casi desayunando. Porque escuchar a Siobhan era como asistir a un espectáculo de fuegos artificiales. Sabía dotar de magia a las cosas más insignificantes, lo mismo una historia de juventud que una anécdota en la cola del supermercado. Escuchar a Siobhan. Eso sí que lo vamos a echar de menos. Porque era una hechicera que te seducía con sus palabras, con su voz y sus gestos. Y esto lo pudieron comprobar nuestros alumnos cuando tuvo la gentileza de venir a nuestra escuela a leer algunas de sus historias y todos quedamos atrapados por su magia. El estilo de sus relatos y novelas era ácido, irónico y con un sentido del humor muy fino. Leerla era como paladear un buen vino. Próximamente se publicará un volumen con sus historias. Os aconsejo que no se lo pierdan. Siempre estarás con nosotros.

Reportajes 06

Giving more than time and knowledge Luis-Domingo López (Santander, 1947) has a degree in Economics and has worked as Financial Manager for an international company of the Educational field for more than 30 years. He is a lover of the good cuisine and the railway world. In 2008 he published “Vías de Soria: A trip in the train of the nostalgia.” Nowadays he manages a Blog (www.viasdesoria. com) where comments current affairs while trying to succeed in improving

by Luis-Domingo López Pérez (4ºA)

his English.

reat, excellent, innovative, inclusive! With these adjectives British volunteers defined the experiment they are carrying out in the Vega de Mijas High School. It is Monday, the first day of February, though the sun is warm over the sport fields where students play. My appointment is at midday with Ana Quijano, the English teacher of the School, who has called all the volunteers who are reat, excellent, innovative, inclusive! With these adjectives British volunteers defined the experiment they are carrying out in the Vega de Mijas High School. It is Monday, the first day of February, though the sun is warm over the sport fields where students play. My appointment is at midday with Ana Quijano, the English teacher of the School, who has called all the volunteers who are participating in this novel experiment, developed two years ago by Mijas Town Hall,

Reportajes 07

Foreigners Department. Therefore, Anette Skow, Coordinator, and Marta King, Technician Responsible for the Project, attend the meeting as well. Local TV cameras are also in the meeting room. I am at the event on behalf of Fuengirola EOI´s on-line magazine, “Collage”.

and habits between both countries: “pure sociological interchange”, Eileen exclaims while she grins tenderly. She gives me a piece of paper with her phone number: “just in case you need more information”, she adds.

I “steal” volunteers from the group, where they The first thing I realize is are evaluating results and that everything is genuiactivities. Janet Powel, nely British in style: tea who is very interested in and a variety of English Volunteers Mrs. Eileen Watson and Mrs. Janet Powell improving her Spanish, cakes are scattered over defines the experience a small table. After the TV interviews, Ana Quijano as a real integration activity between Spanish teenareviews the objectives and goals with the volunteers, gers and English volunteers. She participated years all check the next schedule, propose suggestions and ago in a similar programme at the Canary Islands finally share experiences. Except for Martin Ross, all and remembers it with tremendous gratitude. She of the participants are women. When I ask him what is sympathetic with the pupils for their difficulties in he thinks about being the only man, he answers that learning English because she has the same problems he doesn´t think about it at all. He is simply delighted in Spanish. Janet, like the other volunteers, especially to be involved in this excellent project, after having wants to improve the pronunciation of the students, lived in Spain for six years. He is retired, loves the who usually have an Andalusian accent and so it is Mediterranean lifestyle, climate and people. Since last not easy for them to pronounce the final consonants. November he has been devoting one or two hours a week to help 12 and 13 year-old students improve This novel and useful experiment began two years their English while he tries to enhance his Spanish. ago at Virgen de la Peña Elementary School; then it was carried out at Mijas Village High School, and in the school we are visiting today. Other local schools The firtst thing I realize is that everything are applying for it, as well. When I go back to my is genuinely British in style: tea and a car, still with the echoes of the volunteers´ motivation variety of English cakes are scattered and enthusiasm, I wonder why we do not extend this over a small table programme to other major towns along the Costa del Sol, where so many English speaking people live. Eileen Watson feels very excited to participate in the Could it be just a matter of encouraging other Town programme. She is pleasantly surprised at the good Hall officers? education and manners of the Spanish pupils and thinks this could be because she is foreign. She loves Thanks Eilee, Martin, Ana, Anette, Marta, Janet and seeing how students gain confidence and fluency and all those who I couldn´t interview but who make it all how interesting it is to find out cultural differences possible. Good work!

Reportajes 08

A visit to the National Museum of Airports and Air Transport in Málaga

Marta Moreno was born in Malaga in 1967. She studied Semitic Philology and Translation and Interpreting in Granada. In 1992 she passed the exam to become an English teacher at the Official School of Language, spent a year at the EOI Ronda and then she worked at the EOI Jaen for the next seven years. She has been teaching at the EOI Fuengirola since 2000, where she is also in charge of the Department of Extracurricular Activities. She has directed the theatre groups “The Bandage” at the EOI Jaen and “The Jumble Sale Theatre Company”

by Marta Moreno López de Uralde

in Fuengirola.

ot many people know that Malaga has an aviation museum. Although I had some times seen the signs that announced it on my way to the airport, I’d never come round to visit it; not until a friend of mine, Antonio Meléndez Berrocal, told me that he was a member of the Association that looks after it (Asociación de Amigos del Museo de Aeropuertos y Transporte Aéreo) He invited me and my students for a visit. So, we arranged that Priscilla and me would go first in order to have a look and prepare some activities.

Reportajes 09

All in all, the visit was an amazing experience, not The two of us arrived on a rainy February morning only because of how much we learned but also at 10 o’clock, the opening time. You can easily walk because of the warm welcome of the museum staff, from the airport railway station to the museum. We who made us feel as if we were at home. What really were received by Antonio, who guided us around the makes a difference between facilities and entertained us this museum and others is with his highly interesting They do everything, from assembling and even amusing explanaand repairing old planes to organizing that it is alive and the visitor can feel the enthusiasm of tions and anecdotes. exhibitions and showing the place to the people who are making The museum was much big- school groups all of this possible. You can ger than I expected. Originasee not only the work that has been accomplished, lly, when it was opened in 1997, it occupied just the but also the one in progress, like their new project: first terminal our airport had, but over the years it has a helicopter they have recently brought in and which been extended to several other buildings. The memwill be repaired in the near future. So, if you visit the bers of the Association have worked hard with almost museum next year, you will be able to see it ready for no help in order to make their dream come true. They show. do everything, from assembling and repairing old planes to organizing exhibitions and showing the place When we arrived at the School of Languages in the to school groups. By the way, the didactic material they have ready for the children is amazing. afternoon, Priscilla and I couldn’t hide our enthusiasm about the museum. We are really looking forward to The visit started with a video that shows how an returning with our students next April 27. I’m positive Airbus is put together in the factory in Toulouse. Then, they are going to love it. we visited a room with interactive games where we could learn the basics of aeronautics. The next step was to learn about airport communications and finally we visited the old terminal, where we could see not only the origins of our airport, but also learn about the pioneers of aviation in Malaga. The visit took more than three hours, but Antonio was kind enough not to cut the time short in order to share his amazing knowledge with us. He was ready to answer all our questions and his explanations were clear and highly entertaining. Time passed without us noticing. But the visit wasn’t over yet, as he took us out of the building to show us the jewels of the museum: a DC3 they had bought for scrap and remade themselves and a Convair 440, the first plane that brought tourists to Malaga in 1959, which has also been If you want to find out more about the National Murepaired by the members of the Association. It came seum of Airports and Air Transport, you can check from Finland, not from Sweden, by the way. out their website:

Reportajes 10

Bilingual program theatre group to perform “Summer Camp” and “Revolting Rhymes” in Benamadena

Elena González Vega was born in Melilla but moved to Malaga when she was seven. When she finished her Spanish Philology studies at Malaga University, she spent two years in England. Nowadays she works as a Spanish teacher at the Cerro del Viento High School in Arroyo de la Miel (Málaga).

by Elena González Vega (5º)

ext May, the Muestra de Teatro de Centros Docentes of Arroyo de la Miel will be presenting, for the very first time, a play in English. The group which will be performing the play is the English Theatre Group from the Cerro del Viento High School, with fifteen boys and girls who are in their first or second year of secondary education in the bilingual program. It was only last year when this school started the bilingual program, but since the beginning, the teachers involved with the project have been enormously enthusiastic and have tried to offer a variety of activities for the children to experience the new language in real contexts. One of these activities has been the creation of the English Theatre Group. Last year, the English teacher and coordinator of the bilingual program, Carmen González, asked me whether we should participate in an English theatre contest for Andalusian schools. I was the Spanish teacher of the first and only bilingual group of the centre and my colleague knew I’m passionate about theatre. Of course, I said yes. The first problem we had to face was that we had thirty children in the group and most of them wanted to take part in the play, but the rules of the contest specified that only a maximum of twenty children could be accepted. We were not going to hold a casting, so we had a toss to see who would be out.

Reportajes 11

The second problem was that now that we had twenshort; it couldn’t have a protagonist, but fifteen equaty people in the group, we had to find a less-than-fiflly important characters; and the text had to be easy teen-minute play in which there were twenty characenough for the children to memorize it. ters, and of which none were a main character. It was quite difficult, but Carmen The result was a play finally came up with This is meant to be an activity for learning longer than what we had the solution: Revolting and enjoying, so the only thing they planned on, that we have Rhymes, by Roald Dahl. needed to have was enthusiasm. And named English Summer This is a funny little book they all have it, I can assure you, they do Camp. It is divided into which contains traditional three parts, and contains fairy tales which are told in very distorted versions, several choreographed musical numbers. Some of especially for the twisted endings. We chose Little the best known songs in it are: New York, New York, Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs among all by Frank Sinatra; Help Me, by Tina Turner; Spider’s the tales in the book and made the necessary chanWeb, by Katie Melua; or Sometimes We Cry, by Van ges to adapt the tales into a play. Morrison. But we also have Samba, Reggae and BoFrom then onwards the problems were numerous and llywood choreographies. diverse: the children had only begun to learn English, so they could only memorize a couple of sentences; This year we have asked for help so that we have we didn’t have a set time for rehearsal, so we had to more people to share responsibilities: Nines Algar, the work during regular school day breaks, which wasn’t mother of one of the girls in the group, who is a proenough time at all; and there was no one to help us fessional dancer, has prepared the choreographies, with the technical part of the show (music, lights, and Francisco Mendoza, a teacher at our school who etc). So, we did a botched job. As a result, when, by works really well with computers, is helping with the March 2009, we recorded the play to send it to the music and the lighting, as well as with the images that jury, it wasn’t at its best. We weren’t chosen among are going to be projected at certain moments during the contest finalists. the performance. Nevertheless, at the beginning of this year we decided to try again, but intent on not making the previous mistakes. First of all, we accepted all the children belonging to the bilingual groups in the first and second years of secondary education as long as they promised to rehearse every Tuesday afternoon. With this commitment, we gathered fifteen children, seven girls and eight boys. As I have said before, we never thought of having auditions to select the children who were better at acting: this is meant to be an activity for learning and enjoying, so the only thing they needed to have was enthusiasm. And they all have it, I can assure you, they do. As for the play, I thought this time we would do things the other way around: instead of looking for a play and making the group fit it, we have invented a play to fit the group. Also, it will be a musical. First, I selected songs which seemed suitable for the children. After showing the songs to the children and to Carmen, we all started developing the play whose final form everyone has contributed to in some way. Especially important, though, has been the job of Carmen González, as the specialist in the language. The requirements this year were: the play had to be

The result was a play longer than what we had planned on, that we have named English Summer Camp. It is divided into three parts, and contains several choreographed musical numbers Anyway, we haven’t finished the play yet. We actually saw this coming long before hand, so back in January we decided we wouldn’t take part in the contest as we did last year because we would have had to have it ready in March. However, we have been invited to participate in the Muestra de Teatro de Centros Docentes in Arroyo de la Miel. The organizers seem to be really excited about the idea of having English spoken plays for the first time in the history of the Muestra. We cannot forget that Benalmádena has a vast and increasing English speaking population. Also, as last year we couldn’t show Revolting Rhymes properly, we are going to perform both, Revolting Rhymes and English Summer Camp, in Benalmádena. I am very nervous and hope it all turns out well. But if, after all the work put on it, it doesn’t, I will not forget that it is just an activity meant for learning and enjoying, and I think we have already achieved both targets.


Julia Halprin Jackson is a writer, blogger, and professional editorial intern. Her fiction, nonfiction, and poetry has appeared in anthologies by Beyond Words Publishing, Scribes Valley Publishing, the American Diabetes Association, Flatmancrooked, and literary journals such as Quiet Lightning, Catalyst and Spectrum. She has worked in public radio, written for online magazines, and is a student publicist for San Francisco State University’s College of Creative Arts. Julia worked as a language assistant at CEP El Chaparral during the year 2006-2007. She currently lives in San

by Julia Halprin Jackson

hen friends visit me in San Francisco, they usually have a list of places they’ve been told to visit: Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, Golden Gate Park, Lombard Street (“the crookedest street in San Francisco,” although it’s not), the TransAmerica building (the pyramid-shaped building), Fisherman’s Wharf, Ghirardelli Square, Haight Ashbury, the Castro. The funny thing about San Francisco is, all of these landmarks are squished in to a seven-mile radius. Many tourists don’t realize just how small the city is, and often get trapped circling the same ten or twelve city blocks. Here’s my advice for anyone coming to San Francisco for the first time:

Francisco. Her blog is http://juliaintheraw. Comments on her work are welcome.

1. Look up the weather before you come, especially if you arrive between June and August. San Francisco is most beautiful in the early spring and early fall, but summer is the coldest, foggiest time of year. Different parts of the city often have microclimates, which mean that the weather will often change when you are going from one neighborhood to another. For example, I used to work downtown, between Chinatown and the Financial District. In San Francisco’s warmer months, I’d leave work and bike to my apartment in Bernal Heights, just three miles away, and the weather would be ten degrees warmer. Warmest areas of San Francisco: the Mission District, Bernal Heights, Noe Valley, SoMa Coldest areas: the outer Sunset, the Richmond, West Portal 2. Decide what kind of traveler you are. Are you a museum-goer? Do you like outdoor sports? Are you a night owl? Are you a “foodie”? Plan ahead to see just how many museums you’d like to see, what sports or teams you’d want to check out, or what kinds of clubs you’d most want to try.

Invitados 13

For the museum-goers: Check out Yerba Buena Gardens downtown. There are several prominent museums located all within the same five-block radius, including the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), the Contemporary Jewish Museum, the African Diaspora Museum, the Museum of Craft and Folk Art, and the Cartoon Art Museum. Not only that, but there’s a huge IMAX theater, an outdoor carousel, and an indoor farmer’s market every day of the week.

Decide what kind of traveler you are. Are you a museum-goer? Do you like outdoor sports? Are you a night owl? Are you a “foodie”? For the sports lovers: San Francisco is home to two big names in professional sports, the Giants (baseball), and the ’49-ers (American football). Depending on your preference, remember that these games are seasonal, and so baseball games are usually only available in the early spring through summer, and football in the fall and winter. While these games are great and particularly “American” in nature, I’d urge sports lovers to branch out—for example, the Bay Area is home to some great roller derby teams, such as the Bay City Bombers, a coed derby team. There are also lots of running and swimming events around the bay, as well. For the night owls: Each neighborhood and every district has a distinct personality, and so the bars, clubs and nightlife have different vibes depending on where you’re staying and where you go. Most of the latenight, fancy discos are located in the financial district and SoMa downtown (Ruby Skye is popular), while there are smaller bars with different themes in other parts of the city (111 Minna is also an art gallery, Amber is popular amongst Europeans visiting the Castro).

operate within San Francisco. Now that you’ve decided how best you want to take advantage of the city during your stay, I’ll offer you my personal favorite sight-seeing opportunities in this beautiful place I call home. First stop: Dolores Park. This park is located between the Mission District and the Castro, which not only places you in the warmest part of the city, but also puts you walking distance from a lot of the best (and often cheapest) bars, restaurants, and bookstores. Dolores Park sprawls at a downward slope, which at its top has a beautiful overlook of the entire city. There are also tennis and basketball courts, and on sunny afternoons, there are often impromptu music festivals or art fairs. Next up: Mission Mural walk. The Mission District is famous for its street art. During the 1970s, the neighborhood was home to a series of mural collectives such as the Muralistas, who covered the cityscape with enormous, colorful, and now historic images. Perhaps the best example is the Edificio de las Mujeres, which (coincidentally) is only about two blocks down from Dolores Park, just off Valencia, where many of the local bars and restaurants are located. You can basically navigate yourself through the neighborhood by snaking from mural to mural along Valencia and Mission Streets. On Saturdays: Check out the Farmer’s Market at any of its neighborhood locations. My preference is the Alemany and Bayshore market, which is smaller and cheaper than its cousin, the main market at the Embarcadero, but all of the markets are open air. The vendors are local, the food is delicious, and the atmosphere is fun.

Don’t forget: Golden Gate Park and Ocean Beach. The park is deceptively large (it’s the third biggest city park in the U.S.), home to both the Academy of Science and the de Young art museum, as well as two small lakes, For the “foodies”: San a polo field, a Frisbee golf Francisco is home to a few Don’t forget: Golden Gate Park and course, and even a buffalo major culinary schools, Ocean Beach. paddock. If you’re feeling and thus attracts internaambitious, you can follow tionally acclaimed chefs, as well as patrons with finely the park all the way to Ocean Beach, which is usuatuned palettes. At the same time, this is a student-frienlly beautiful, but especially stunning in the fall, when dly city, which means it is possible to get a great meal there’s less fog. Bring a good coat, though; beaches in on a budget. Perhaps San Francisco’s greatest asset is San Francisco are a great deal colder than beaches in its diversity, which means on any given night you can Malaga. find Mexican, Japanese, Chinese, Brazilian, Thai, InThere’s really so much more to San Francisco than dian, Peruvian, French, Italian, German, El Salvadorean, what I can capture here. My main suggestion for all Nicaraguan, Czech, Tibetan, and Cuban restaurants. If you would-be Californians is to do a little research, try you’re truly lucky, you might find a Spanish tapas bar, and connect with someone in the city, and to challenge such as B44 in the Financial District. yourself to go beyond the obvious landmarks. Half of the fun of being in San Francisco is simply absorbing So, now you’ve got some basic ideas about how to the true chaos within it.


Hallo ich bin Kathi, ich komme aus Münster im Norden von Deutschland und bin 27 Jahre alt. Ich studiere Englisch und Spanisch auf Lehramt und sehe meine Tätigkeit an der E.O.I. als große Chance, um meine Spanischkenntnisse zu verbessern und einen kulturellen Austausch zwischen Deutschland und Spanien zu ermöglichen.

par Kathy Anlauf ünster ist eine wunderschöne Studentenstadt im Herzen von NordrheinWestfalen. Sie hat etwas über 250.000 Einwohner und ca. 500.000 Fahrräder... Was?!! Ja, Münster hat mehr Fahrräder als Einwohner! Es ist die Fahrradstadt in Deutschland. Da es keine Berge und sehr gute Fahrradwege gibt und alles sehr zentral liegt, kann man überall bequem mit dem Fahrrad hinfahren. Und damit beginnen auch wir unseren Tag in Münster, wir mieten uns an der Radstation direkt am Bahnhof ein Fahrrad und fahren damit die Promenade entlang. Die Promenade ist ein kleiner Park, der wie ein grüner Gürtel um das Stadtzentrum liegt. Hier dürfen keine Autos fahren. Wir fahren weiter bis zum historischen Stadtkern in Münster, der Prinzipalmarkt. Hier gibt es wunderschöne alte Häuser und die Lambertikirche. An dieser Kirche hängen noch die Käfige, in denen früher die toten Körper der Wiedertäufer waren.

Invitados 15

Der Prinzipalmarkt mit der Lambertikirche im Hintergrund Wir gelangen zum Domplatz, dort gibt es jeden Mittwoch und Samstag einen Markt vor der wunderschönen Kulisse des St. Paulus Doms. Auf dem Markt gibt es viel Obst und Gemüse, aber auch Blumen, Käse, Wurst und „Fresstände“ mit Essen aus aller Welt. Ich esse am liebsten den holländischen Backfisch. Die Münsteraner nehmen das Essen auf dem Markt im Stehen ein und danach gibt es einen Kaffee in einem der Cafés, die direkt am Domplatz liegen. Wir trinken unseren Kaffee im Fyal, dort kann man wunderbar in der Sonne sitzen und die Menschen beobachten.

Ein Blumenhändler auf dem Domplatz Nachdem wir uns mit dem Kaffee gestärkt haben, besuchen wir das historische Rathaus mit dem original „Friedenssaal“, in dem zwischen 1643 und 1648 die Verhandlungen zum Westfälischen Frieden stattfanden und am 15. Mai 1648 der Friede von Münster geschlossen wurde. Wir fahren weiter zum Fürstbischöflichen Schloss, dieses im barocken Stil erbaute Schloss ist das Zeichen der Universität in Münster. Hier liegt die Verwaltung und auch einige Seminarräume.

Das Schloss wurde von 1767 bis 1787 erbaut Nachdem wir ein bisschen über die Geschichte gelernt haben, fahren wir mit dem Fahrrad weiter zum Aasee. Das ist purer Luxus, den der See liegt mitten in der Stadt. Hier kann man sich entspannen und erholen. Wir fahren ein wenig am Ufer entlang, mieten uns dann ein Tretboot und fahren damit über den See. Gegen Abend fahren wir weiter über die Promenade in das Hansaviertel, dieses ist ein alternatives Studentenviertel mit vielen Szenekneipen und Bars. Dieses Viertel liegt direkt am „Hafen“, dem DortmundEms-Kanal. Dieser kleine Abschnitt des Kanals bietet durch die Schiffe, das Wasser und den industriellen Hintergrund ein besonderes Flair. Auf der einen Seite des Hafens befinden sich viele schicke Restaurants. Hier essen wir im Café Prütt eine sehr leckere Pizza, schauen uns den Sonnenuntergang an und gehen dann auf den Hansaring, um im Plan-B, ein Bier zu trinken. Dann gehen wir weiter in die Watusi Bar, trinken dort einen leckeren Cocktail und sind so gestärkt um das Nachtleben am Hawerkamp zu genießen. Am Hawerkamp gibt es eine außergewöhnliche, alternative, künstlerische und musikalische Szene. Hier gibt es viel zu sehen und viel zu feiern in den Clubs Sputnikhalle, CafeSputnik, Triptychon, Favela, Fusion und Kcm/Livas gibt es viele Ausstellungen, Konzerte oder Partys. Hier können wir bis zum nächsten Morgen feiern und uns dann auf einen neuen Tag in Münster freuen.


Amy Nickerson worked as a languages assistant at the EOI Fuengirola during the year 2006-2007. She is from Spokane, Washington (USA), where she was born, grew up, and attended university. Her interests range from traveling, language and culture to dancing and water skiing. She currently lives in Tokyo, where she teaches English at Asia University. She loves to travel and is thankful that her job can lead her to exotic places that allow her to explore different lands while working.

by Amy Nickerson irst impression: Nice, considerate people, bright lights, and how the heck am I going to read anything? My first weeks in Tokyo, Japan, have been, well, pretty awesome. As you can imagine there is , everything from garbage cans with smiley faces to bank cards with Disney characters on them (like mine!) I would also like to note the toilets with singing flushes accompanied with bum warmers and washers! Oh yes, in most bathrooms you will find a “normal” looking toilet with an electronic panel attached with explicit pictures (helpful if you don’t read Japanese, yet a bit offensive all the same) on how to operate the system. I got this lovely surprise when I used the bathroom in the office today. So I have found that using the loo can be quite a nice experience Unless you encounter one of those “squatty potty’s” (which are actually more common for public bathrooms—even in malls!) that all American women hear and have nightmares about; then the pleasant experience of a warm bum is replaced by trying not to pee on the back of your pants as you take a squat to piddle in a hole in the ground. I can just hear my mother now, “You have to do WHAT to pee?!” Surely if she comes to visit, I’ll only direct her to the nice, luxurious singing toilets. My loo, unlike the lovely pink, warm ones of the uni-

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versity, isn’t so inviting. The toilet, sink, and shower are all crammed into a space the size of my cubicle (which is not very big by American standards, by the way) where nothing seems to ever get dry due to the

First impression: Nice, considerate people, bright lights, and how the heck am I going to read anything? lack of ventilation that passes through the bathroom. The rest of the apartment, though, is quite cozy. Yes, the kitchen is super small, but my living/sleeping area is very do-able. I have a large storage space (meant for storing my futon during the day) and a decent armoire that fits most of my clothes. The floor is made of bamboo which is soothing on the feet and is actually a bit cushy— but it isn’t really cushy to sleep on. The apartment provided a “futon” and a pillow, but it isn’t the kind of futon that we’re used to. Oh no. It’s basically a mat that lies on the floor which doesn’t really seem any better than lying on the actual floor. Most Japanese people sleep on the bamboo floor, which is supposedly good for your health, but I don’t find it good for my health. I’ve asked some of the other residents of my apartment to loan me any extra unused futons to pile on top of mine to cure my floorslept stiff back. So now, with a stack of three “futons” and a new pillow, I’m sleeping like a baby. The food here, let’s be honest, EVERYONE has the idea of squid bodies and fish eyes in their minds when they think of Japanese food, and I’m not gonna lie that I was a bit concerned about this issue as well. As a hater of most things fish, I was sure that I would involuntarily develop anorexia due the fact of not being able to eat anything Japanese—especially if it involved any kind of eyes or tentacles. But, to my great surprise, I was completely wrong about this Japanese food stigma. I have found Japanese BBQ restaurants to be very tasty with yummy meat. And I have even eaten at sushi bars where the sushi passes by your table on a conveyor belt and you choose what you want to eat. Yes, I did see some scary-looking sushi pass by my table, but I was also pleased to find the “California Rolls” that Americans love so much and lots of things with tofu. In addition to this new diet, my usual granola and fruit breakfast has now been replaced with Miso soup and rice. Who would’ve thought? Of all things Japan, Tokyo city is all that you would

imagine—HUGE bright lights, digital bulletin boards, colorful Japanese signs, crowded intersections, and fashionable (smaller) people walking around. I visited the famous “Times Square” replica in the Shibuya district and even saw a few Harajuku girls who wear the puffy pink dresses that Gwen Stefani made so famous. It’s definitely the hustle and bustle of thousands of people trying to get somewhere. As for where I live, this part of Tokyo is very lovely and quite quiet. It’s mostly residential houses with flower beds and mini farms spread randomly along the neighborhoods. It’s not like other big cities I’ve visited where all you see are buildings and cement. It’s quite refreshing, actually. But being that it is a suburb of one of the biggest cities in the world, even my little neighborhood couldn’t escape the lure of the bright lights, so the main drag of my town has the flashing, glimmering, sparkling lights and buzz of people you would imagine to see in Tokyo. Culturally, surprisingly, there hasn’t been too much that has stopped me in my tracks. I guess my other travels to distant lands have proved to season me for any kind of shock I would otherwise experience. This is not to say, however, that I feel at home here in Japan. Yes, I feel comfortable, but that’s only because of the support system I have.

It’s definitely the hustle and bustle of thousands of people trying to get somewhere. Kenny and Jesse (the other hires from my university in Spokane) are my good friends and I’m lucky to have them here with me. Not only that, but my boss and the other teachers couldn’t be more awesome. But if and when I do venture on my own, without their fuzzy bubble, I do get a little, um, well, nervous because I can’t read or speak any Japanese. But still, that hasn’t stopped me yet! In fact, I met with one of my Japanese friends who I used to study with at Eastern Washington University the other day in Tokyo and she said, “It’s weird, but you fit in here.” I didn’t realize it, but I was just going along with her, walking around the big city, hanging out. I just need to remember to walk on the left side of the road, stand on the left side of the escalators, and not stick my chopsticks directly into my bowl of rice. Yeah, this journey is going to be ok. Welcome to Japan, Amy.


Roberta Lantorno es brasileña con orígenes italianos y actualmente vive en Francia,concretamente en la estación de esquí de Curchevel, en los Alpes. Roberta estudió turismo en Brasil y posteriormente vivió en Málaga durante cuatro años, donde trabajó en hostelería y en la recepción de un hotel a la vez que hizo un master en administración de empresas. Actualmente trabaja en la recepción de un hotel.

por Berta Lantorno uritiba es una ciudad ubicada en el sur de Brasil. Está a 400 km de Sao Paulo y es la capital de la provincia de Parana, donde están, más al oeste, las cascadas del Iguazu, una de las mas grandes y bellas del mundo, que Brasil comparte con Argentina. Para alguien que va a Curitiba y sólo tiene un día y una noche en la ciudad, es muy difícil aconsejarle, ya que en la ciudad hay tantos parques que visitar y lugares donde pasear que no es fácil eligir sólo los mejores. De todas formas, intentaré hacer una selección dada la limitación de tiempo.

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Quien va a Curitiba también debe coger el bus, ya que es un modelo de desarrollo

Curitiba es conocida por ser Curitiba es un modelo de desarrollo en el conocida por sistema de trasportes y también ser un modelo por ser muy limpia, ademas de de desarrollo su estilo europeo. Lo que los en el sistema habitantes de la ciudad estamos de trasportes acostumbrados a hacer y nos gusta mucho es visitar sus bellos parques. El Parque Barigui, el Tangua, Tingui o la Opera de Arame son sitios maravillosos y muy agradables para dar un paseo. La Opera de Arame es un lugar donde hay conciertos y es genial.

Quien va a Curitiba también debe coger el bus, ya que es un modelo de desarrollo, así que aconsejo salir temprano, coger el bus, visitar los parques y almorzar en el centro histórico de la ciudad en un restaurante llamado Bar do Alemao, donde la comida es exquisita y la ubicación genial. Mejor si es un domingo cuando hay una gran feria de artesanía, donde además hay música, comida, mucha gente local y mucha alegría. Es realmente una experiencia única.

Por la tarde aconsejo una visita por el centro histórico con sus plazas e iglesias y luego un café en el Cafe do Paco, un local super simpático. Y por la noche, una visita por el barrio Santa Felicidade, que fue colonizado por los italianos, y una buena cena en uno de sus varios restaurantes. El restaurante Madalosso tiene muchos años y tradición, y es considerado uno de los mas grandes del mundo con plaza para millares de personas.

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par Israel Sánchez as ist eine gute Nachricht für die Menschen in Malaga. Die Fluggesellschaft hat 170 Millionen Euro in den neuen Flughafen investiert und es wird viele neue Strecken geben. Am Mittwoch 16. Dezember informierte der Direktor von RAYNAIR über die Eröffnung der fünften Basis in Spanien. In die Hauptstadt der “Costa del Sol” sollen 360 neue Flüge pro Woche anreisen. Die Fluggesellschaft wird auch 2000 Arbeitsplätze schaffen. Die Leute von Malaga werden viele neue Reiseziele genieBen können, ohne den Umweg über Madrid oder Barcelona machen zu müssen. Santiago de Compostela, Zaragoza, Valladolid und andere inländische Destinationen werden von Malaga aus zu sehr niedrigen Preisen verkauft werden. Die 19 neuen internationalen Strecken werden am 23., 24., 25. Juni 2010 zur Verfügung stehen: Aarhus in Dänemark, Berlin in Deutschland, Bratislawa in der Slowakei, Eindhoven in den Niederlanden, Göteburg in Schweden, Krakau in Polen, Maastrich in den Niederlanden, Memmeingen in Deutschland, Oslo in Norwegen, Paris in Frankreich, Pisa in Italien, Stockholm in Schweden, Tampere in Finnland, VenidigtTreviso in Italien und Wroclaw in Polen. Mit dieser Nachricht ist Europa für Schüler, die Sprachen lernen, näher als je zuvor dank des neuen Flughafens in Malaga.

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Elena García Vila (A2 Français) onda, situeé dans la montagne à quelques kilomètres de San Pedro de Alcantara, sur la côte de Malaga, dans le sud de l’Espagne en Andalousie. Pour aller nous avons pris la direction du nord, par une route de montagne. À notre droite s’élève la Sierra de las Nieves et le Col Torrecilla, qui culmine à quelque 1900 mètres. Mais ce panorama n’était rien en comparaison avec la rue qui nous attendait quand nous allions descendre vers la ville de Ronda. La ville fortifiée de Ronda a été habitée par les Celtes, les Grecs, les Phéniciens, les Romains, les Vandales et les Berbéres qui vainquirent les Visigoths au VIIIe siècle de notre ère. Aujourd’hui, c’est une ville touristique avec des monuments et d’une grande vie sociale. Quand nous arrivons, la première chose que nous trouvons c’est un profond tage qui la sépare en deux à quelque 180 mètres. La ville est pleine de vielles maisons nobles et de palais ; comme le Palais de Mondragon au le Palais de Salvatierra. Mais, surtout, la place de Taureaux, qui est la plus vielle d’Espagne ; inaugureé en 1785 et elle est la plus belle (élégante) d’Espagne. Ronda a été visitée par de célèbres visitants comme Ernest Hemingway, Paul Bowles ou Oscar Welles. En fin, visitez Ronda !. C’est une ville magnifique qui ne vous laissera pas indifférent.


Carmen Molina Povea e site naturel des falaises de Maro-Cerro Gordo Cet endroit est situé dans les limites des provinces de Grenade et Malaga entre les localités de La Herradura et Maro. L’an 1989, par la loi 2/89 de 18 juillet d’Espaces Naturels Protégés d’Andalousie, cet espace est déclaré Site Naturel Protégé. L’an 2003 les falaises sont déclarés Zones Spécialement Protégées d’Importance pour la Méditerranée dans le Programme des Nations Unies pour le Environnement. L’endroit est aussi une Zone de spéciale protection pour les oiseaux et un Lieu d’ Intérêt Communautaire. La zone terrestre protégée est d’une longueur de 12 kilomètres et 395 hectares de surface, avec une frange de protection marine d’une mille.

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Flore et Faune Le relief est escarpé avec des abruptes falaises de 80 mètres de dénivellation et petites criques. Les falaises sous la mer forment des grottes qui gardent flore et faune spécifique de la zone. La flore terrestre est composée des chênes, buis, myrtes, asperges, romarin, palmiers nain et sur les falaises on trouve fenouil et marguerite marine et espèces endémiques comment le romarin blanc et l’immortelle malaguène. La faune est formée par un grand nombre des oiseaux, petits lézards, couleuvres, hérissons, loirs, genettes, renards et des chèvres sauvages qui viennent de la Sierra de l’Almijara à une zone concrète près de la mer où elles ont l’habitude de se reproduire. Sous la mer on trouve les herbiers de Posidonie Océanique, lieux de frayère et de nurserie pour de nombreuses espèces animales comment la rascasse, murène, chapon et serran. Il y a un nombre important de petits mollusques autant que d’étoiles de mer, oursins, hippocampes, rougets et seiches.

Les tours de guet L’endroit naturel y comprend aussi cinq tours de guet disposées sur les caps qui rentrent dans la mer. Tous ces tours sont construites à la fin du siècle XVI à fin de surveiller cette partie de la côte méditerranée frontière sud du Royaume de Grenade. Les vigiles utilisaient pendant le jour signaux de fumée pour prévenir les habitants de l’arrivée des bateaux dangereux et si c’était nuit ils faisaient du feu.

pierres est très près de la tour. Cette tour connecte pour l’est avec la Batterie de La Herradura et pour l’ouest avec la Tour de la Caleta. Cette tour est aussi connue comme Tour de Cantarraiján ou du Cañuelo, elle est la plus orientale du terme de Nerja. À l’ouest on trouve la Tour du Pino et la Tour du Rio de la Miel. Cette dernière est presque détruite en restant seulement une partie du mur. La tour plus occidentale du site naturel est cela de Maro.

Randonnée Le sentier plus facile à faire est celui qui porte à la Tour de Cerro Gordo. Il faut prendre l’ancienne route N-340 direction Almeria et viré à gauche juste avant d’arriver au tunnel de Cerro Gordo, on a de suivi cette route jusqu’à le Mirador de Cerro Gordo où on trouve un petit sentier qui porte jusqu’à la tour. Le chemin est bien signalé et facile à faire. On peut aller au bout des falaises où on trouvera des vues spectaculaires sur la Méditerranée. Un deuxième sentier conduit jusqu’à la plage de Cantarriján. Il faut prendre la N-340 direction Almería et prendre un chemin qui conduit à la plage jusqu’à avant de prendre le virement pour aller a la Tour de Cerro Gordo. Les voitures et motos sont interdites donc il faut le faire à pied ou à vélo. Le dernier sentier est de long durée et parte de la rive droite du ruisseau de Cantarriján et mène jusqu’à la Tour de la Caleta.

Règles particulières Pendant votre séjour n’arranchez pas les plantes et ne dérangez pas les animaux. Respectez les signaux et suivez toujours les sentiers signalés. Ne jetez pas des ordures, verres, mégots ou allumettes. N’allumez pas du feu. N’oubliez pas que vous êtes dans le dernier endroit naturel de notre côte.

Plus d’information

La tour plus orientale est la Tour de Cerro Gordo construite sur le cap du même nom. Avant d’être construite il y avait un lieu de guet. L’an 1575 elle était déjà faite. On a utilisé pour sa construction des pierres du lieu et la carrière d’où on a extrait les Bloques_Tematicos/Patrimonio_Natural._Uso_Y_Gestion/Espacios_Protegidos/Parajes_Naturales/Itinerarios_PN_Acantilados_Maro_Cerro_Gordo/maro02.pdf htm

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Jose Manuel Jaime Porras uengirola c’est une municipalité à Málaga qui tourne autour du secteur touristique avec plus de 250 mille touristes, en étant la cinquième municipalité avec le plus nombre de touristes de toute la province à Málaga. Mais quand Fuengirola a commencé à être si importante?

Un peu d’histoire... Ce sont les romaines ceux qui avaient conquis Fuengirola des phéniciens et qui l’avaient appelé comme Suel. Déjà dans le siècle XVIIIe on commençait la vente de produits près de la plage, laquelle servait de logement pour les gens qui venaient de la mer. Peu à peu ils construisaient les prémières maisons à la plage. À partir des années 30, Fuengirola avait commencé à recevoir des demandes pour construire des hôtels près de la mer, et dans la décennie des 60 ils ont commencé à remarquer que le tourisme a grandi et que les touristes des pays nordiques (Le Royaume Uni, la Finlande, l’Irlande, la Suéde...) et des pays comme le Maroc, la Colombie, l’Équateur, l’Argentine et la Chine ont réussi à former plus du 30% d’habitants de notre municipalité.

Pourquoi les plages à Fuengirola sont si importantes? Fuengirola dispose des terrains de golf, parcs de distraction, terrains pour pratiquer l’équitation,

superbes bars et restaurants, grands hôtels... et de vastes plages. Les plages de cette municipalité sont distinguées des autres à Málaga par l’importance à la dédication à la propreté et maintenance du sable pendant les 12 mois de l’an.

Les plages plus importantes à Fuengirola Fuengirola a une étendue de 7 kilomètres de plage, divisées en 8 plages. La plupart des plages sont de sable fin et doré, d’eaux tranquilles: Plage Carvajal: se caractérise par une plage d’ambiance juvénile parce que, normalement, les gens jeunes vont là. Plage Fuengirola: ses eaux sont traquilles et posède grandes cantités du sable. Plage Las Gaviotas: c’est l’unique plage qui dispose d´une zone pour des handicapés et hamacs. Plage Los Boliches: présente des services d’hostelerie divers et de grande qualité. Plage San Francisco: cette plage est visitée par beaucoup de touristes et familles avec des enfants parce que ces plages sont idéales par sa peu profondeur. Plage Santa Amalia: c’est la plus proche au centre urbain. Plage Torreblanca: offre de bonnes vues à la baie de Fuengirola. Plage de Ejido-Castillo: c’est un endroit idéal pour rôtir poissons.

Le port à Fuengirola Le port à Fuengirola est utilisé pour l’usage sportif et de pêche, mais on ne l’utilise pas comme transport de passagers.

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Manuel Vinuesa ’il y a quelque chose obligatoire dans un recueil, c’est la nourriture typique de chaque région. Dans la “Costa del Sol” on peut aussi bien manger. Je veux parler sur la gastronomie de Frigiliana, un petit village près de Nerja, à l’est de Málaga. Le premier plat que je recommande tout le monde qui visite le village, c’est le “choto” (le chevreau). Ce produit se prépare avec différents sauces, mais la plus exquise manière, c’est la sauce d’amandes. Si le temps est froid, vous pouvez déguster les “potajes”, ce sont des plats avec des légumes secs. On peut rencontrer des divers types, le potage de chou, le potage de fenouils ou le potage de Pâques; ce dernier avec morue est très typique. Avant, personne ne mangait de la viande à Pâques et alors ils faisaient ces plats aussi riches. Le repas de Pâques se complète avec des crêpes avec miel de canne à sucre, autre produit fait en Frigiliana. Si le temps est à la pluie, vous pouvez demander aux restaurants s’ils ont des “migas”. Ici, on les cuisine avec farine de semoule et quelquefois avec du pan dur, et s’accompagne avec du poisson de la Méditerranée. Dans quelques restaurants, nous pouvez les rencontrer accompagné avec chorizo ou lard, mais vraiment ce n’est pas typique, et je peux dire cela, parce que je suis d’ici. Comme dessert, nous pouvez choisir parmi les patates douces, l’arropía (un bonbon de miel), la marcocha (pop-corn avec miel) ou gachas, tous ces plats avec miel du village. Si vous n’avez pas de conduire, vous pouvez boire le vin du pays, un vin rosé, semi-doux et bien fort pour la tête.

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José Carlos Pozo Journaliste et élève de 5ème cours de français es professeurs ont toujours été dans le point de mire des critiques des hommes politiques, des médias, des parents,... Tout le monde opinent avec des arguments plus ou moins solides sur l’éducation que nos adolescents reçoivent, notamment depuis que les institutions internationales, comme le Dossier Pisa, ont publié que l’Espagne occupe un des derniers postes de l’Union Européen quant au niveau éducatif et, en conséquence, l’échec scolaire est plus tenaillant.

parce qu’il n’ont pas la prédisposition pour traiter leurs élèves. S’ils n’avaient pas de vocation, ce serait mieux qu’ils changent le métier. D’un autre côté, les familles actuelles sont totalement différentes à celles des décades précédentes. Les environnements familiers se sont diversifiés, mais la plupart des familles ont un dénominateur commun : dans cette société de stress et de changement constant les géniteurs consacrent à peine leurs temps aux enfants, c’est pourquoi ils demandent plus de services et d’attentions aux institutions éducatives. Ce n’est pas exagéré d’affirmer que la seule préoccupation d’un grand nombre de parents est que l’école accomplisse sa fonction sociale d’accueil et de garde de leurs gamins. On voit un manque de responsabilités paternelles pas seulement en Espagne, mais aussi dans les autres pays européens. C’est plutôt l’aspect le plus négatif de l’évolution contemporaine des familles occidentales. Auparavant, les enfants apprenaient au sein de la maison les principales valeurs comme le respect, la tolérance ou la discipline. Actuellement, les enfants arrivent aux écoles avec ces déficits. C’est une des causes des problèmes d’indiscipline des élèves et de la démotivation des professeurs et, par conséquent, tous ces éléments provoquent le grave échec scolaire de notre pays. Nous tous (enseignants, parents, institutions et médias) sommes responsables de l’éducation des générations futures, mais les premiers qui n’accomplissent pas leurs fonctions sont les parents.

Dans les dernières années deux phénomènes sociaux ont extrêmement affecté les fonctions des professeurs. D’un côté, aujourd’hui la connaissance considérée comme valable n’est pas la même Faire face à la crise qu’auparavant. Ainsi, quelques savoirs comme les humanités ont subi une dévaluation, parmi les raisons On a vécu dans une économie de prospérité fugace sont les nouvelles technologies qui ont permis un ce grâce aux deux secteurs : la construction et le plus grand accès à la connaissance. Certes, l’idée tourisme. Maintenant on est plongés en pleine crise d’un « professeur savant» est d’une époque passée économique -une des pires de l’histoire récente- qui ; c’est une espèce en extinction. Dans son article « est train d’affecter les gens les moins préparés, les La valeur d’éduquer » Fernando Savater estime que moins éduqués. Toutefois, cette situation peut être « il faut créer des personnes capables d’apprendre, inversée si on travaille pour une société plus compécapables de recycler leurs tente et instruite, c’est-à-dire, si on parie connaissances, capables de La réalité est qu’il y a sur une meilleure éducation des généracontinuer leur éducation par des enseignants qui tions futures. eux-mêmes, qui recherchent et savent beaucoup de leur s’informent constamment ». En matière mais ils sont Pour conclure, l’éducation est le moyen effet, c’est le rôle que le profesincompétents quand il le plus efficace qu’un pays peut déveseur moderne doit poursuivre. s’agit de transmettre lopper pour élever ses citoyens comme En bref, il doit se transformer leurs connaissances des personnes libres et critiques. Usant en conseiller afin d’orienter l’exemple de l’histoire classique, si Sparl’apprentissage continu de leur élèves. La réalité te éduquait les siens pour être tyrannisés par l’État et est qu’il y a des enseignants qui savent beaucoup Athènes le faisait afin qu’ils participent à la démocrade leur matière mais ils sont incompétents quand il tie, cette dernière maxime athénienne, plus valable s’agit de transmettre leurs connaissances, soit parce que jamais, devrait guider nos professeurs comme un qu’ils ne savent pas bien expliquer les contenus, soit phare pour entreprendre leur énorme mission sociale.

Reseñas 27

By Virginia Benítez Cuevas hioban Galvin came to Spain about twenty years ago and decided to settle in Andalucia because, as she said; ‘she fell in love with the place’. She is a middle aged attractive woman who seems content with her life. She is gently spoken and bases her stories on the tales she heard in her childhood from the people who came to her parents’ shop. She has written two novels and a lot of short stories and her work talks about daily life experiences and gossip stories. When she visited us last February, she told us three stories that were interesting and funny at the same time. I was very impressed with the way she turned the pages as she read to us. There was something fascinating about the way she moved her hands and arms. It was delightful to listen and to watch. We were able to share her stories as if we were part of them. I’m looking forward to reading more of her work and would recommend everybody to read her stories or if it could be possible, to listen to her telling them, and feel the magic that surrounds her words.

Reseñas 28

by Elena González Vega (5ºA) eing, as I am a bit older, I’ve seen a huge amount of Films which have meant something to me. So, I don’t have a favourite film, as I don’t have a favourite book or anything else. But, when they ask me to choose just one film, the one that comes to my mind is “The Barbarian Invasions.” “The Barbarian invasions” is a Canadian film that narrates the last days of a man. But this topic, that could make the spectators feel sad, makes them feel full of hope instead. This doesn’t mean that the story is not touching. It is. The main character is going to die. His death is expected to be slow and painful, so his son helps him to die peacefully, surrounded by all his beloved ones. I wouldn’t say that this film taught me anything I didn’t know before. I knew about pain and death, and I knew about love and loyalty. But, in some way, it helped me to understand that loving someone means doing what is best for them, even if it hurts you. And it definitely has helped me to face death with ease.

Reseñas 29

Afterwards, Ben showed the students a big picture of a wave. We’ll call our team “The Wave”, he said. Then, he put his right hand up and moved it up and down. “Now all of you are members of “The Wave” and this will be our salute”- he said. Then, they all did it again. The students at Gordon High loved “The Wave” and every day, there were more new members. There were Wave’s pictures all over the school and the students did the Wave salute when they met. Many teachers included the director of the school, didn’t like Ben’s experiment, but Ben explained to them that “The Wave” was just a game and was a good thing for the students.

Carlos Domínguez Nieblas (2ºC) he book that I have read is called “The Wave”. It is a true story that happened in a school in Palo Alto, which is a town near San Francisco in California, USA. “The Wave” started in Mr Ross’s history lesson at Gordon High School. Ben Ross was a teacher and he wanted to teach his students about the German Nazis. In one lesson, a student asked him one question: With didn’t the Germans stop the Nazis? He couldn’t answer his question with words, so he started “The Wave”. The next morning, Ben Ross went to class early. When the students arrived, they saw some words at the front of the classroom. WINNERS NEED DISCIPLINE. Ben told the students that from that day, all of them had new rules of conduct in his classes. The most important rule was that they had to stand up next to their chairs and say “Mr Ross” when they asked or answered a question. The next day, the teacher arrived late for his lesson. When he came into the room, his students stood up. Then, he went back to the front and wrote WE ARE ALL IN THE SAME TEAM and WINNERS NEED DISCIPLINE. “Everybody must believe in those words”he said. “Now, I want us to say them together”- he said. After that, the students jumped up and said those words.

Some days later, “The Wave” turned into a big problem. “The Wave” was causing fights between Wave’s members and the students who didn’t want to be members. Then, everybody asked Ben to end “The Wave” experiment. He knew that he had to end it, but he didn’t know how. Then, Ben told his history students that next afternoon there would be a rally for Wave’s members only and they would see their leader on television, because he would start “The Wave” in every school in America. There were more than three hundred students in the room. At the front there was a television and above it there was a big Wave picture. Ben turned the television on and suddenly, a picture of Adolf Hitler appeared. Then, Ben said to the Wave members: “Men like Hitler lead things like “The Wave”. You all thought you were better than the other students. The Nazis thought they were better than the Jews. I didn’t want to be your “Hitler”, but that’s what happened”. Perhaps we all learned something from “The Wave. We must try and forget “The Wave”, but we must not forget what it did to us.

Opinion: I really liked “The Wave”, because I am a great fan of history, especially of everything related to the Second World War. In fact, “The Wave” has not been the first book that I have read on this matter. I think that it is a very interesting book and I would recommend it to the other students in the class.

Narrativa 30

By Clara May Canosa Yarnold woke up early on Saturday morning, with my mother shouting at me "Clara, Clara, you have won the competition on the radio". I had won two tickets and 500 pounds to go to see my favourite "Ska" group: "The Selecter". They were playing in Blackpool. I phoned my friend Carmen and we set off by private plane.

The next day, after a typical English breakfast of bacon and eggs with toast, we caught the tram to the shopping centre. We bought some clothes and make-up. I treated Carmen out of my prize money. Then we had a ride on the Big Wheel, which is situated on the south pier. We bought some rock (a hard sweet), for our friends back home.

When we arrived at Blackpool, we were met by the manager of the group, who took us to the hotel and presented us to "The Selecter". As we ate lunch, I was so excited I could hardly eat... They gave us signed T-Shirts, and badges.

After a traditional English dinner of roast beef and Yorkshire pudding with trimmings at the hotel, Carmen and I returned to the airport and caught the plane. We were tired and sad for leaving but we had nice memories of our weekend.

Later on, we went to "The Winter Gardens" by limousine and took our seats for the concert on the front row. The group called me up on the stage and I danced to my favourite song. It was the best expe-

I will enter more competitions in the future and see if I am lucky again.

"Clara, Clara, you have won the competition on the radio" rience of my life so far. When it finished, we went to a pub for a drink and then we ate some fish & chips walking to our hotel along the sea front. The sea was rough and the waves were crashing onto the promenade. We both got wet and could not stop laughing.

Narrativa 31

By Judith Arroyo Luelmo It was early in the morning on a greyish rainy September day, twenty-five years ago. I didn’t feel like going back to school at all after having so much fun during my summer holidays and, to be honest, I wasn’t very enthusiastic about the idea of studying, doing homework and taking exams again.

My Maths teacher was the epitome of evilness: he was cruel, ruthless, intolerant, narrow-minded and surly I was late because my alarm hadn’t gone off. I run as fast as I could to try to arrive on time. Exhausted and nervous, I knocked at the door and since I didn’t hear anything, I entered the classroom: it was the moment I spotted for the first time Mr. Ramos, my Maths teacher, the person who was to have an enormous influence on my career and as a consequence on my life. Mr. Ramos was as ugly as a sin. He was in his early sixties; he was small, plump and flabby. He had disgusting and oily short spiky ginger hair with a receding hairline. He had a pale complexion and was covered with freckles. In spite of his pretty green eyes, he had a glassy and piercing gaze under his bushy eyebrows. On his hook nose, a colossal hairy spot stood out. When smi-

ling, he showed a row of sharp and yellowish teeth between a white-haired moustache and an incipient beard. Seen from a distance, he resembled King Henry VIII of England. Dressed always entirely in grey, Mr. Ramos´ clothes smelled a mixture of mothballs and perspiration. My Maths teacher was the epitome of evilness: he was cruel, ruthless, intolerant, narrow-minded and surly. An example of this was the fact that he teased pupils who didn´t understand his bad explanations by humiliating them in front of everyone. The way he yelled at us whilst correcting a mistake is just another example of his behaviour. He had never married and lived with his elderly mother in a detached house, just like Norman Bates in Psycho. Mister Ramos used to go to the cinema on Saturdays, where I occasionally met him watching horror films. I had always enjoyed Maths until I met Mr. Ramos, this odious person. I will never forget the day I failed for the first time: I got three out of ten in this subject. Due to his disastrous explanations, I went on failing all the year, and I had to make a gargantuan effort to pass the following September. As a result, I have hated Maths since then and my fondest dream of becoming a Maths teacher was ruined. Instead, I studied arts and nowadays I am a French teacher.

Poesía 32

Blaise Cendrars Poésie/Gallimard Tu m’as dit si tu m’écris Ne tape pas tout à la machine Ajoute une ligne de ta main Un mot un rien oh pas grand chose Oui oui oui oui oui oui oui oui Ma Remington est belle pourtant Je l’aime beaucoup et travaille bien Mon écriture est nette est claire On voit très bien que c’est moi qui l’ai tapée Il y a des blancs que je suis seul à savoir faire Vois donc l’oeil qu’à ma page Pourtant, pour te faire plaisir j’ajoute à l’encre Deux trois mots Et une grosse tache d’encre Pour que tu ne puisses pas les lire.

Poesía 33

Albert Torés García (Paris, 1959). Professeur de français à l’école de langages et directeur du magazine littéraire Canente, il a publié de la poésie, du essai et de la traduction. Il a reçu le prix Bahia de poésie pour El hombre del puente, le prix de la critique andalouse pour El salón de la memoria et le prix Joaquín Guichot a l’innovation éducative pour Bajel, navegando por la literatura andaluza. Il a reçu aussi une bourse du Ministère de Culture pour El jardín en penumbra.

par Albert Torés Pointe du jour la nuit nous pleure, tes larmes et tes regrets ensemble, mon sang par des seringues sans secret qui nous fait sien par l´espérance. Quand tu forges des prisons en acier, nous conjurons l´amour à l´ombre fragile des arbres, mais j´attends le temps, le couteau à la main, car il assure un sourire éternel.Ensuite surgissent ses gardiens: diamants et rides, fugitives traces et torrentielles pluies. Hoy madrugando la noche nos llora, tus lágrimas y soledades juntas, mi sangre por jeringas sin secreto que por esperanza nos hace suya. Cuando forjas cárceles en acero, conjuramos amor a la sombra frágil de los árboles, mas al tiempo espero, cuchillo en mano, porque asegura eterna sonrisa. Después asoman sus guardianes: diamantes y arrugas, fugitivas huellas y lluvias todas.

PoesĂ­a 34

Priscilla Schmidt graduated in Anthro-

by Priscilla Schmidt

pology and Spanish Literature from the University of Oregon in 2007, and also studied philosophy, comparative religion, international relations. She has since worked as the Language Assistant at the Oficial School of Languages in Fuengirola, and hopes to continue living and working abroad in Spain. She enjoys traveling and writing, and is looking forward to the publication of her 2 in 1 novel All the Ancient Vocies: a Making of a Healer and Along the Shores and Out of Darkness: Stories for Healing.

Many voices speak to me. I speak with many voices Come and listen, Tell me if I am crazy. Old Man, Elder, Wise women, Maidens, Deer, Fire, Turtle, Waters, speak. Voices are rising within me, Grabbing, pulling, strangling, overtaking my vocal chords. Different people are wanting out. My people. Ancestors. With two legs, four, wings, and other. These are the bodies and sources of my words I am their channel. Nothing else. The voices come up out of me like boiling water Running over, escaping its container. Tears follow after, There are no burns, just an opened Rawness to my whole being, One much larger than what can be possessed by just my body speaks; One much greater than what my solo body can generate speaks through me, and i listen. and i write. Many voices speak to me. I speak with many voices Come and listen, Tell me if I am crazy. Old Man, Elder, Wise women, Maidens, Deer, Fire, Turtle, Waters, speak.

Poesía 35

by Priscilla Schmidt The sun is climbing over in the east, he will take his high seat soon. so high he climbs, and so far away he will be, yet he seems ever closer, the higher in the sky he sits. my eyes water with his reflection on the horizon of the waters the brightest light seeks to undo any distinction; and so the horizon vanishes to this light, and the light then moves to shore, aye, where I stand and the sun crests the sky and all that is a lie falls under his open observation and his light, his bright white light the last and ultimate truth takes all away and the sun continues, as always.. off to the west, he is still rising in the east. always balanced by his shadow, his sphere in the high dark sky and though it be that that bright white light has carried me to an obscured, distant shore, lost unto itself in that bright white light, and I have gone, also, to the east, away with the day’s last brightness dancing on the far-off water’s edge, a horizon again visible only under the sun’s shadow, do not swim for me. but instead, let me dance, too, in the sun’s shadow, as an uncountable glory of laughing stars dipping in and out of the water. let me be a candle in the night. and let my little candle, which has now transformed, be as warm against your heart in the cold of the shadow as is the high sun’s light on your face; as I am, in the sun of the next East.

Poesía 36

Haifa Tozri , (née le 3 Avril 1985 à

Haifa Tozri

Tunis ) A l'âge de 3 ans elle part vivre avec ses parents dans le Sud de la france , où elle entreprend des études de lettres .Elle obtient en 2006 une licence en Langues et Civilisations Etrangères Espagnol . Elle travaille actuellement en tant qu'auxiliaire de conversation dans l'école officielle de

« Haifa , tu dois contribuer au journal de l’école, tu ne veux rien écrire ? » A ces paroles , mille et une questions m’ont traversé l’esprit . Écrire, mais quoi ? Que pourrais-je bien raconter ? Puis, je me suis dis : « pourquoi pas évoquer mon expérience ici »

langues de Fuengirola .

Fuengirola est la ville dans laquelle j’ai atterri, j’étais pleine d’appréhension ! Mon Dieu, me voilà dans un autre pays! Mais ce que je ne savais pas en arrivant ici , c’est que ce voyage et les rencontres que celui-ci allait occasionner , allaient m’enrichir , et plus encore me faire grandir! Ici , j’ai rencontré des personnes de toutes les origines des français, des anglais, des latinos . Fuengirola est en somme , un véritable arc -en- ciel qui décline sous ces couleurs toutes sortes de personnes . La ville de Fuengirola, et plus particulièrement l’école de langues et en quelque sorte le miroir de la société espagnole . Une société plurielle que cela plaise ou non ! Laissez-moi vous parler maintenant des membres les plus importants de l’école autrement dit , des professeurs . Ils m’ont accueilli et m’ont montré en quoi consistait le métier de professeur .Un métier dans lequel il faut allier la passion (la vocation) et la dévotion , avec mes collègues et amis , j’ai appris que le métier d’enseignant réside en notre capacité à faire preuve d’empathie . La vérité , c’est que les membres de l’école de langues forment une grande famille , une famille dont je fais partie et j’en suis ravie!

Humor 37

by Miguel RĂ­os (B2) t (PPE NPSOJOH 8IBU JT ZPVS OBNF - I am ‘Bloodhound’. t 8IBU B TDBSZ OBNF 8FMM ZPV MPPL TP GSJHIUFOJOH and I can see some blood spots on your face. May you explain that? - I have just slit the throat of a goat and I have sucked its blood using my canines. t * DBOOPU CFMJFWF UIBU %P ZPV MJWF PO BOJNBMT - Yes. But I can feed on the blood from other living beings. For example, human beings are my favorite ones. t 4P ZPV BSF B DBOOJCBM - It is true. But it is something normal. t 8IBU :PV BSF NVSEFSJOH JOOPDFOU QFPQMF %P OPU you have a guilty conscience about it? - Certainly not! In my opinion, human beings are like animals. They are both fresh meat! t 5IBU JT JOTBOF 8FMM MFU NF BTL ZPV BOPUIFS RVFTtion. Why is your face so white? - It is easy to explain. Emm‌ I am not a human being, but a vampire. I sleep in my coffin during the day due to sunlight doesn’t agree with me. Owing to that fact, I have to do all my household chores and tasks when the night comes down. t 5BTLT *T LJMMJOH QFPQMF B UBTL - Of course! Don’t doubt it! t 0Iy :PV BSF B UFSSJGZJOH NPOTUFS * BN HFUUJOH TDBred of you. This interview has just finished. Thanks for all. Good bye and have a nice night! - Wait a minute! I am starving. What is your blood group?

Concursos 38

Cada año, desde hace dos, el Departamento de Coeducación de la EOI Fuengirola organiza el concurso de carteles "¿EN QUÉ IDIOMA HAY QUEDECIRLO?", en el que los temas y logos de los carteles deben ser alusivos a la VIOLENCIA DE GÉNERO o IGUALDAD DE GÉNERO y estar redactados en alguno de los idiomas que se imparten en la escuela: inglés, francés o alemán. Aquí os mostramos los carteles presentados en las dos convocatorias celebradas.

Curso 2007-2008 Cartel ganador Mª José Madueño, 4º Inglés

Concursos 39

Ana María Ponce Bermejo, 4º Inglés

Lucía Fernández Fernández, 2º Alemán

Mª Victoria López Castillo, 1º Inglés

Antonio Jesús Lara Aparicio, 5º Inglés

Concursos 40

Curso 2008-2009

Alba Pozo Garrido, Français A1

Milagros Sánchez Canales, Inglés A1

Ayelén Soledad García, English A1

Isabel Mendoza Torres, Français A1

Concursos 41

Curso 2008-2009

L'amour sur le sakura Alicia Rodriguez Toro Frances y 3º Inglés

The kiss Fco Javier Perez Martin 2º Inglés

Concursos 42

Love or leave me Marina Tirado Jiménez 3º Inglés

Curso 2009-2010

That's Love Conchi Mata

Concursos 43

Cuento Ganador “Bloody Classroom” de Asunción Leiva Pérez (B1 Inlgés) Emy, Chloe and Rachel came out of Philosophy class. It was a boring and unbearable lesson but they had to go because otherwise they would be penalized and that would be too bad. They spent every minute together. During breaks, they went to the toilets and they hid to smoke. There, nobody could bother them and they couldn’t hear any noises or anythin from the outside, and they could speak about their problems quietly. Sometimes it was impossible to do it in the corridors. Chloe was speaking about Christian, the boy who was in the class next to hers, when suddenly they heard a scream and somebody shouted “Help me!” The three girls looked around the room and decided to go out, but they found a surprise: everything was in silence and there wasn’t anybody in the corridors. Where were all the people? The three girls looked at each other and began to walk towards their classroom, but there was something strange going on there. There wasn’t anybody there. It was all so weird. In the class there weren’t any bags, any books or anybody. Where were all the students and the teachers?

Concursos 44

The three girls decided to go to the headmaster’s office to explain what had happened. But surprisingly there wasn’t anybody there either. It was incredible!!

The three girls looked around the room and decided to go out, but they found a surprise: everything was in silence and there wasn’t anybody in the corridors. They didn’t know what to do or what to think. They heard a scream again. What was happening? Emy began to cry, she was the strongest of the three girls but it seemed that she was the weakest now. She couldn’t stop crying, she was desperate. Then, Chloe started to cry too. Rachel, the smallest of the three -but also the bravest- said to the other girls that they should stay where they were while she found somebody to help them. When Rachel went away, Emy and Chloe hugged each other crying and prayed that nothing bad would happen to them. Meanwhile, Rachel walked along the corridor, searching in every empty classroom but she didn’t see anybody. She went into 3rd year class and when she went out, she could see that there was something written on the blackboard: “YOU’LL NEVER GET OUT” Rachel got scared and went to look for her friends. But when she went round the corner she saw a shadow coming into another classroom. She went in without thinking. “Oh God!! What am I doing?” she said to herself. She was very scared. She leaned her back against the locker. She looked at the number of the locker. Number 13. For a moment she stopped to think about all the things that had happened, trying to make sense of it all, but suddenly the locker opened and one hand touched her ankle. She shouted but the hand took her inside the locker. She was terrified “What’s happening? Help!” she cried, but the hand didn’t stop. She couldn’t shout anymore and then the locker was closed.

Emy and Chloe heard Rachel shouting for help. They thought “Oh, no!! Not her too!” But what could they do? They began to cry again. It was horrible, Rachel had been taken too!! What would happen to them? The two girls hugged each other crying. Then they heard noises on the first floor. It could be one of the school’s caretakers tidying up the classrooms –they thought. They looked at each other and with one gesture they began to walk along the corridor. Again, there wasn’t anybody in the corridor, all the doors were opened but they were too scared to get into the classroom. They walked past one of the doors which was half-opened and they saw a red sign… The girls held their hands and approached, slowly. They opened it carefully. In the blackboard there was something written: “YOU’LL BE MINE” Again, the two girls looked at each other and heard a big noise coming from the first floor. It’s was all a joke, it couldn’t be real, and Rachel was surely an accomplice. But why didn’t they stop doing that? It was definitely enough... –they thought. They went out of the class and started to shout Rachel’s name. While they were screaming her name, they saw a shadow running upstairs. They run too but it was impossible. There wasn’t anybody there. The girls held on their hands again and with a gesture they both went upstairs slowly, Chloe first and Emy right behind her. The stairs were endless. Then Emy felt one hand in her mouth, she couldn’t shout or say anything. She felt a big knock and saw her hand dropping from her arm. She was shouting but her friend couldn’t hear her. In a moment it all went dark and she fainted. Chloe was so concentrated that she didn’t realise her friend was gone. She continued going upstairs and she didn’t look back, trying not to make any noise. Suddenly she looked back towards the end of the stairs and tried to find her friend. She supposed Emy was behind her because she was still holding her hand. But when she turned back she could see that

Concursos 45

Emy wasn’t there but she still had her hand in her own! She jumped and shouted when she saw all the blood dropping on the floor and quickly got rid of her friend’s hand! “Oh, my God! Oh, my God!” –she repeated.

It’s was all a joke, it couldn’t be real, and Rachel was surely an accomplice. She couldn’t speak, she was so scared she couldn’t even walk, but she knew what she had to do to get out of that hell. She heard noises at the end of the corridor. She thought she couldn’t go back because she would be caught and killed but if she kept going along the corridor instead perhaps she would find an exit.

next to the locker. “What can I do? He’s going to come after me. Where are Emy and Chloe?” She began to shout their names but she didn’t get an answer. She saw the emergency exit at the end of the corridor and run to it as fast as she could, but the dark figure was already behind her. He touched her arm. She screamed horrified and began to kick him. The dark figure was laughing at Rachel’s fighting because she couldn’t reach him. “Oh, my God! I’m going to die!” She cried and tried to hit him again. He grabbed her strongly and she couldn’t do anything. That was it. “Your friends have died. Do you think you can save their lives? You’re a stupid girl. When you die I’ll get all the power… Nothing will stop me”

She ran towards the end of the corridor without looking back. In the middle of the corridor something When Rachel heard these words, she remembered all made her jump back. The dark figure she had seen the good moments she had had with Emy and Chloe, before was now standing in front of her. With one all the times they laughed together ... and then she hand, he was telling her to approach him and from surrendered with tears in her eye. The dark figure put the other hand blood was dropping down. Chloe his hands around her neck choking her out. Rachel looked around her and she understood that she had seemed hypnotized, she couldn’t breathe. Suddenly no way out “...I’m going all her thoughts sort of to die!” She was petrified, With one hand, he was telling her to came out from her head her body was shaking but approach him and from the other hand like arrows that began to she didn’t know if it was blood was dropping down pierce his head, his arms, her fear or if it was the his legs and every part of figure in front of her who his body. This made him was causing it. She began to shout. The dark figure let Rachel go. Rachel’s thoughts got into his mind, came closer to her. She fell on the floor, but it was and his head exploded like a balloon. The dark figure useless. The dark figure put his hands around her became dust. neck and lifted her. The hands were pressing her neck so much that her neck broke chopping her head off Rachel was still hypnotized with her owns thoughts. and, like a ball, it went rolling the floor. At the end of the corridor, somebody was calling her name, but she didn’t know who was shouting. The The dark figure took her body with an evil smile and voices were getting nearer. It was Chloe! And Emy! cried “They’re finally mine!!”The dark figure went to They run towards Rachel and helped her up, hugging locker 13, where Rachel was. It was her turn. When her at the same time. she died he would have the power of friendship only for him, he needed it to control the others. Chloe explained that in the exact moment when she thought of her friends, their three minds connected, He was in front of the locker now, smiling, and he liberating a great power. THE POWER OF FRIENDSbegan to open it slowly. HIP. That power was the one that killed selfishness, the dark figure that was chasing them. Suddenly Rachel opened the locker with a strong knock and the dark figure walked a few steps bacThe three hugged one more time and walked towards kwards, losing balance. the exit hand in hand. Rachel run, she didn’t know where to go but it didn’t matter, she didn’t stop running. She looked back a few times and she could see the dark figure still there,

“Got a ciggy, Emy?” “ ’Course I have, there you go…”

Concursos 46

Curso 2006-2007 Este cuento fue publicado en la revista Martiricos de la EOI Málaga y en el periódico EL SUR in English en

Cuento Ganador “The Moon’s Tears”

junio de 2007.

de Marta García Villar (alumna 4º Inglés) There was once a world that had been created by two powerful Gods. The first one was the God of Light, lord of the morning sun whose reign ended every day at twilight and rose again at dawn. The second one was the God of Darkness, lord of the quiet night and father of the stars. People believed that these Gods had created everything they could imagine, and they also thought that the two Gods were kindly disposed towards those who might ask for a favour; but no one had ever proved that. One day, just before sunrise, as the dew formed on the flowers, the young girl Lorlegrein woke up to find that her entire world had turned into hell after the death of her true love, a young man called Yazhek. After a few anxious days, she decided to go to the Sun’s temple in order to pray to the God of Light for Yazhek’s life. Her journey was long and arduous, but hope led her weak steps and there was no human or divine force that could stop her from doing what she was about to do. When she arrived at the ivory temple, the golden statue of the God of Light looked sternly at her with his cold stone eyes. Lorlegrein knelt down and started to beg him to bring her beloved back to life. Finally, after a few hours, her prayers were heard by the God, who decided to grant her her wish. The big statue began to shine and the God appeared in front of her. Unfortunately, in order to

Concursos 47

bring Yazhek back to life, she would have to accept a condition: Lorlegrein’s soul would be trapped in the bright side of the moon forever. When the young girl heard these words, she fell on the stone floor and cried, but she accepted without hesitation. After that, all that she could remember was a bright light. At that exact moment, in the village, Yazhek opened his eyes. He had lost his beloved Lorlegrein forever and he could feel her absence piercing his heart like a sword. Everyone had heard about Lorlegrein’s sacrifice and they told him at once. He felt devastated when he found out what his lover had done and he decided to visit the Stars’ temple, where he prayed and asked the God of Darkness to release her. One night, while he slept near a cliff, Yazhek felt a cold breeze blow by his shoulders and woke up

Unfortunately, in order to bring Yazhek back to life, she would have to accept a condition: Lorlegrein’s soul would be trapped in the bright side of the moon forever suddenly. In front of him there was a fantastic creature similar to a woman. Her entire body was made of light, her hair shone like gold and the tears falling from her eyes were as white as snow. Yazhek realized at once that she was Lorlegrein, but he remained speechless. His beloved just pointed at the full moon and explained to him that she could appear as a spirit as long as the moon shone brightly. He tried to touch her, but she was just a spirit, ethereal and untouchable. She cried too when Yazhek fell to the floor beating the ground with his fists. Lorlegrein told him again that she loved him and disappeared in the sea breeze. Yazhek could not stand the pain and he started to yell, insulting the two Gods and speaking words full of rage. His shouts were heard by the God of Darkness, who appeared in front of him. In that moment of despair, Yazhek cried, shouted, and asked the God to imprison him too so that he would be with Lorlegrein. The God accepted, but he was disappointed by the

human’s rage and his words full of hatred. On the other hand, he couldn’t interfere with the other God’s decision, so he decided to send Yazhek’s soul to the dark side of the moon. He would stay near Lorlegrein; however, they wouldn’t be together again as the light and the dark sides of the moon can never be together. Yazhek thought that nothing could be worse than being without his true love, but, when he realized that his entire body was being covered with darkness, he understood the God’s true intentions. From that moment, the lovers’ souls would live on the opposite sides of the moon forever. They would be together, but eternally separated at the same time. In the village, they all thought that Yazhek had killed himself because he could not bear the loneliness and the pain, and he and Lorlegrein were soon forgotten as time passed by. As their sadness grew deeper and stronger, Lorlegrein and Yazhek cried and cried for centuries until their tears flooded both sides of the moon on a midsummer’s evening. One day, the sun was setting behind the sea and the moon had just appeared. It was twilight, one of the two moments of the day when the two Gods’ powers encountered face to face. People raised their heads in order to see the tears that fell from the moon. It was such a sad but beautiful vision. They soon felt as sad as the sky. At that moment, the lovers’ sadness and love were so strong than they broke the barrier of the moon and their souls were released. The two Gods looked at the world, wonde-

In the village, they all thought that Yazhek had killed himself because he could not bear the loneliness and the pain ring about the strength of love that had been able to defeat them. Nowadays, it is widely believed that Lorlegrein and Yazhek found each other and now live in eternal happiness when the sun sets and the moon rises. It is also rumoured that Lorlegrein’s soul fell into the sea and turned into waves, while Yazhek’s soul turned into the cliffy rocks against which the deep blue waves eternally pound.

Concursos 48

“In the Light of Innocence”, de Mercedes Sánchez Rivera (alumna de 4º curso de Inglés). Este cuento fue

Tercer Puesto “In The Light of Innocence”

publicado en la revista Martiricos de la EOI Málaga en junio de 2007.

de Mercedes Sánchez Rivera Felisa went on playing with her dolls. Her bedroom was dark, cold and extremely small. Mum was in the kitchen with someone else. Felisa knew exactly what they were talking about, but she did not want to listen to it. She was used to those ‘conversations’. Sometimes, when they were to loud, she had to turn up the music volume. The little girl was sitting on the floor, playing with two girl dolls and a boy doll. “Mum, dad and their little daughter” -she used to say cheerfully. She brushed her little doll’s hair and sat her next to her ‘father’. Now she could hear her mum’s steps, she was walking straight to Felisa’s bedroom. She stared at the door with her big brown eyes until her mum opened the door, then she made a gesture for Felisa to go with her. They walked through the living room and headed toward the entrance, where it was Victor. He looked angrily at her mum and then he bent down and pinched the girl’s cheek and said “Oh, little girl, you look gorgeous today”. Her voice was loud and quivering, but at least he tried to be nice to her. It was a splendid day outside, the sun was shining and Felisa liked feeling the sun streaming in her face. Her mum pushed on with quick, nervous strides. She went so fast that she had now and again to quickly skip to keep up with her. Her mum did not seem to notice her difficulties to go on that fast because she kept on shouting at her every time she slowed down. If Felisa stopped to watch the children playing in the park or to watch the coloured birds flying around the trees, her mum would pull her delicate arm against her. “Daisy’s Street” she read in the corner of the street. That shell-like house was her grandma’s house, the one next to the big black mushroom. She entered the house calling up her grandma. Felisa looked like a little porcelain doll with her flowered dress and her nose completely red because of the cold outside. Her grandma hugged her and kissed her several times in her face so that it could get warmer. Mum had gone

Concursos 49

without saying goodbye, but nobody cared. “Go in there” - said grandma. She pushed Felisa gently into a small dusky sitting-room where grandpa was watching TV. “Go on” - he said, “you can have those sweets, we bought them for you”. She took one, and then two. When she saw her father’s picture she felt like crying, but instead she closed her eyes tightly and fell asleep. Mum was back late as always. It was dark outside and also inside her mum’s eyes. She was happy and speaking all the time with everybody in a cheerful mood. Her mum behaved strangely at nights. When she spoke to Felisa her eyes stared into the distance, although she was looking at her. Her words seemed to float inside her mouth and her tongue was an unsteady harbor where everybody got sick. She spoke and spoke and didn’t listen to anyone. Then it was time to go home. Mum cooked some dinner for Felisa, sausages and mashed were her favourite meal. Mum wasn’t hungry at nights, so she didn’t eat anything, she drank a beer instead. Mum seemed to be friendly with everybody but Felisa. She tried to make her laugh or play with her, but she was too busy with her mobile phone to pay any attention to her little daughter. “Come on, girl. Go to bed. Time to sleep”. Mum kept on saying without listening to her daughter. Felisa was not tired, but she was an obedient and responsible girl. She went to bed and stood still, looking at the ceiling. She loved being in solitude and thinking. She had a vivid imagination. But then she

Felisa looked like a little porcelain doll with her flowered dress and her nose completely red because of the cold outside heard the door closing and a pretended little slam at the end. “Where is she going?” - she wondered. “She’ll be right back” she calmed down. But as time went by she felt more and more scared, she did not

like being alone. . . She looked for her mother around the house. Nobody. She went out to the balcony.

Her words seemed to float inside her mouth and her tongue was an unsteady harbor where everybody got sick She shivered with cold. It was freezing. Her barefoot did not want to stand there any more. Felisa thought mum was in those bars around their apartment. “Mum, mum!” she cried. But it was useless. She came in again, and went to bed crying loudly. She got in bed and felt asleep after some crying. Daylight came into Felisa’s room. She jumped out the bed and opened the window. She loved the morning breeze, and this morning was very special for her. She went to her mum’s bedroom very excited. “Come on mum, dad will arrive soon! I have to be ready”. She had to push her mum again and again, because she wouldn’t wake up. “Mmmm” - she murmured. “Get dressed on your own, you can do it. You are four!” Her husky voice sounded broken, torn. Felisa obeyed, she took her nicest dress and put it on. But she could not button it up. “Mum, mum!” - she cried. “Please” Fifteen minutes later mum was there to help her. Soon they were having breakfast. But mum could not hold her cup of coffee, she was moving to and fro in the sofa. Felisa felt sad remembering last night. But then someone knocked on the door and a shiny smile invaded Felisa’s face. A tall charming man was standing in front of the door, Felisa’s father. She jumped at him and they hugged each other. He asked things to her, but she couldn’t do anything but smile. She felt the happiest girl in the world, and she knew she would live with her dad for good. Mum stood behind them, and a shy smile seemed to appear in her face.

Concursos 50

Curso 2007-2008

El cuento “The Temple of the King”,

“The Temple of the King”

de Germán Heller Alonso (alumno de 4º de inglés) fue publicado en la

de Germán Heller Alonso

revista Martiricos de la EOI MÁLAGA en junio de 2008.

“He’s back!” someone shouted. Everybody began to rush, trying to gather around the old man. I could barely see what was happening, as I was a small child among frenzied and yelling adults. I was unable to find mother in the crowd. The only thought that came to my mind was to run away from there and cry for mother, and I think I started to sob, but then I realised that my brothers were with me. I was responsible for the ones younger than me, and I couldn’t afford the older ones to see me cry. Besides, my curiosity was strong, and we together tried to get close to the man, just as everyone, although we didn’t know how we would be able to reach him. I tried to crawl through the legs of the men and women there, and after much struggling I was finally able to gain a good watching place. I knew him, he was our holy man. His name was Orthanach. He was quite old, we all knew that, although he didn’t seem to. His hair was still brown, and he didn’t have many wrinkles. My grandfather had a lot of wrinkles, but this man didn’t, and this one also still had his teeth, so I presumed he was old, but younger than my grandfather. I noticed Orthanach was trembling and sobbing. He had a strong and well built body for his age, but he was now a vision of weakness and helplessness. Tears were running down his cheeks. His bearded chin was resting on his chest. His shoulders were down, as someone who surrenders to a stronger foe.

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The mob was gathering around him. They all approached the old man, held his hands while they murmured something, and then left. Some left shouting and swearing, others left in sad mood and with their heads down, speaking to themselves. We didn’t know what all that meant, but we wanted to go and hold Orthanach’s hands just like everyone else.

We didn’t know what all that meant, but we wanted to go and hold Orthanach’s hands just like everyone else.

we felt everything he had felt, just like if we had been there with him” “What did you see?” -we were just itching to know. “What did you feel?” “We saw a big temple, built in blood and sweat, decorated with ivory and gold. We saw a king, dressed in white long robes, ruling the land with iron hand from his throne.” “Who’s that king, mom?”

We were trying to reach him when mother came to us. “What are you doing, little ones?” She grabbed our hands and started to guide us home, despite our complaints. “What happened, mom?” -we enquired, “What were you doing there?” “What will happen to Orthanach?” We assailed her with all sort of questions about the event.

“We saw his nobles, the purple lieges of that almighty king of kings, who spread his word and executed his justice.” -my mother was nearly in trance talking about the vision. “Who were they?” we enquired. By that time we had long ago forgotten about our meals.

“We felt how the lords “Let’s go home, Brannan.” “[...] We saw how they herded the people; of the land ruled by fear “I will tell you later, Conhow they managed to change their minds and guilt. How they made nigan.” “You don’t want to make them think it has always been people think they had to me to tell your father that that way, the only way be thankful and how they you ran away from me, allowed themselves to be do you Breasal?” Mother calmed us down, patiently, worshipped and revered like gods. We saw how they and finally promised that she would tell us later what herded the people; how they managed to change happened. So we spent the day wondering what all their minds to make them think it has always been that had been about, and longing for mother’s story. that way, the only way. Their way” That afternoon, while my brothers and I were having lunch, mother came to us and finally told us the story. “The holy man went into trance this morning, for he had received some omens the week before. He said he had dreamt about winter’s early arrival, and about a strange tolling of a black bell. So he underwent the ritual to foresee what is to come to our people.” “What did he see, mom?” -we all asked. “What is it to come?” “He received a vision while performing the ritual, and he shared it to all of us who wanted to see it. We only had to touch his hands…” “Did you do it, mom?” -we were eager to know. “…and everyone who did, was able to see and feel the very same way” Mother continued his tale relentlessly. “It was only a short moment, just a blink of the eye, but we saw everything he had witnessed, and

We were beginning to be a bit afraid, but we did want to know the ending, and who those kings and lords were. “We felt the fear of those who believed that free will should rule mankind, and we felt the hatred of those who wholeheartedly swore allegiance to this new ruler; hatred for everything that was different. We saw the ending of freedom, and we witnessed the beginning of slavery of mind and spirit. And we knew there was no escape. There is no escape. Many have already perished, we will perish as well, and there’s more still to perish.” “But mom, did you see their names? Who are they?” We had to know that, we didn’t want to face our fate unprepared. “We have no name for them, for they are still unknown to us” mother whispered. “But they call themselves Ecclesia.”

Concursos 52

El cuento “Flipi’s Story”, de Samar

“Flipi’s Story”

Saber Rodríguez (alumna de 4º de inglés) fue publicado en la revista

de Samar Saber Rodríguez

Martiricos de la EOI MÁLAGA en junio de 2008.

I’m not sure where I was born or who my parents are. My first memories of my childhood were of living with the family who took me into their home. Well, not really their home, it was a house where they were squatters. Maybe it wasn’t the best environment to spend my childhood in or the most suitable family to raise me, but what are you going to do? I can’t blame them for that.... I know they did what they could for me. I have forgiven them for my malnutrition and abuse which still feel the side-effects of, but not all my memories are bad. Hi my name’s Flipi! One sunny day in July, my life made a 180-degree turn; the family abandoned the house where they lived and left me in the street. For many days I was begging in the streets of Barcelona, after I lost the tracks of my family.. Ana, a young lady, walked up to me and saw me in that terrible state and she decided to take me to her house where I spent the. The next morning, after we went to the doctor for a check-up, we went to her office where, fortunately, she works to find homes for poor things like me. That same day I was adopted by a family who had a grumbling youth named Rocko who, in the end, became my big brother. The first contact wasn’t easy as I immediately discovered that Rocko was the jealous type and he saw in me someone who was invading his territory.

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My adopted parents, Sámar and Jordi, seemed to be very good and affectionate people. With the passing of time, I discovered that I wasn’t mistaken. We lived in the outskirts of the city in a little house surrounded by pine trees, I have great memories of that place. The smell of pine trees still reminds me of the place where I discovered brotherly love. I had a brother to have good times with, and why not say it: love.

The smell of pine trees still reminds me of the place where I discovered brotherly love The next year, my family packed their bags, but this time we weren’t going on vacation, nor was I to accompany them. Melancholic memories returned to my mind as I remembered how I had lived before, but instead of staying in the street I was left in the care of Pedro, a neighbor from Extremadura, a rural region that borders Portugal. He was a funny character because those who speak his language still have difficulty understanding his accent, so you can imagine my dismay! A month later, on a warm day in summer, Jordi and Rocko reappeared and we set off together on a journey to the South. It was a journey in a cramped van where I had to compete for a space with a washing machine and other random electronics. We arrived at last to a village, Alhaurín de la Torre, located in the mountains behind the city of Málaga. The smell of the South, the warmth, its people, Sámar, her food... It was wonderful. But this time the happiness lasted a short time. Sámar and embarked on a voyage to Albacete in the southeast of Spain. At first, I thought I was on holiday, but finally, it turned out to be my home for the next four months. What a vagabond life I lead! Villares, a little village in Albacete, is situated in the Sierra del Segura. There are only 60 habitants whose average age is 70 years old. Close the village there is a stream and a fertile plot of land where Sámar’s family grows almonds, olives and various other products. The smells of thyme, rosemary, almonds and olives provided a beautiful country for my nose.

During the summer, Sámar’s mother took care of me, it was great because I was never alone, we did lots of things together. Every morning we got up early to go to the orchard with her sister, Luisa, to pick different fruits and vegetables, after that we had lunch and we walked around the village for a while. Unfortunately, the end of the summer arrived and also the end of the days with Sámar’s mother. She packed her bags and I stayed alone in the house. Like all of the old houses, it’s a stone house, so the warmth provides comfort in the summer while the freezing cold invades your bones in winter. Sámar‘s aunt, Luisa, took care of me after Sámar´s mother left. We went together to the orchard during the day, but when I was bored I went into the to the village to lie in the shade and listen to the halting conversations of the old villagers. Sámar would come to the village on several weekends, and this filled me with a mixture of happiness and sadness. For as I was happy to see her, I knew that it would only be too soon before she left again. The autumn passed between the corn stalks and persimmon. The days became shorter and the nights longer and colder. Some days I remember the hunger, at least in my youth I learned to store food so as not

For as I was happy to see her, I knew that it would only be too soon before she left again. to starve, and I was able to stay happy. One day when the sun was shining brightly, Sámar appeared with her car full with her things, but fortunately, I found out that there was a spot for me! We returned to the South to be reunited with Jordi and Rocko and to live, the four of us, together at last! In my soul, I am squatter, my surroundings change frequently and I am pressed to feel at home wherever I may find myself. Thanks to the beauty of life, there’s always someone to care for you and to love you. Nothing else is more important. We are what we are and we have what we have, I am a dog and for me, the sun always shines and I have all that I want.

Recetas 54

Petits Gâteaux Au Fromage De Chèvre

Chef: Marta Moreno López de Uralde

Pour quatre personnes: Préparation: 45 minutes

Marta c'est la professeur d'anglais, mais elle peut cuisiner en français, bien sûr!

Ingrédients: Un rouleau de fromage de chèvre Deux plaques de pâte feuilletée congelée (une boîte) Un peu de farine Un peu de huile d'olive Un peu de basilic frais Une boîte petite d'olives noires Le jaune d'un oeuf

Préchauffer le four traditionnel à 200º. Hacher les feuilles de basilic frais.

Recetas 55

Couper le rouleau de fromage de chèvre en rondelles.

Couper les olives en deux. Saupoudrer de farine le plan de travail.

Étaler la plaque de pâte feuilletée avec un rouleau à pâtisserie. Diviser la pâte en cadres avec un couteau.

Poser une tranche de fromage au milieu de chaque cadre de pâte feuilletée et l'arroser d'un peu d'huile d'olive.

Saupoudrer les tranches d'un peu de basilic haché. Poser les olives sur les tranches.

Servir avec de la salade et du vin blanc. Bon appétit!

Faire un petit sac avec les cadres de pâte feuilletée Disposer les sacs sur un plat à four couvert du papier qu'on trouvera dans la boîte de la pâte feuilletée an qu'ils ne se collent Peindre les petits sacs avec le jaune d'oeuf. Mettre au four pendant 15 minutes.

Recetas 56

Chocolate Palmiers

Chef: Francisco Javier Mesa Castro Impress your friend with this delicious

Thaw the puff pastry: 45 minutes Preparation Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 15 minutes Makes: 24 pieces

recipe. The bitter dark chocolate mixes wonderfully with the sweetness of the pastry to make a tasty snack suitable for all occasions.



- 500g (2 sheets) puff pastry sheets - (1/2 cup) wheat flour - 1 egg - Lots of granulated sugar - 300g extra dark chocolate, melted - Baking parchment paper (2 sheets) - 50g margarine

Step 1.- Thaw the pastry sheets at room temperature for 40 minutes until the dough is easy to handle. Step 2.- Preheat oven to 200째C.

Recetas 57

Step 3.- Unfold one pastry sheet on a lightly floured work surface and roll it out with a roller to about 10X12 inches. Immediately afterwards, sprinkle about 1/2 cup sugar over the unfolded pastry sheet. After that, roll the top left and bottom right corners together to the centre. The two rolls should meet at the middle and touch. Press the two rolls together gently and let the dough chill. Repeat with as many more puff pastry sheets as you may have.

Step 4.- Starting at one end, cut off pieces of the puff pastry log in 1/2 inch thick slices. Lightly sprinkle sugar on each side of the slices. Pinch and press the centre of each slice so it keeps its heart shape as it bakes. Place the heart-shaped slices on large parchment lined baking sheets. The palmiers will increase in size dramatically, so leave plenty of room between and only bake up to a dozen at a time.

Step 5.- Brush the top of each slice with a beaten egg and sugar mixture before baking.

Step 7.- Melt the chocolate with the margarine and 2 tablespoons sugar. If you want, you can add a little bit of fresh milk. Step 8.- Finally, dip half of each palmier into the melted chocolate. Place on wax paper-lined baking sheets, and refrigerate until the chocolate is set.

Serve and enjoy.

Step 6.- Put the tray on the middle rack in a preheated oven for about 10-15 minutes or until the sugar has caramelized and the pastry is golden brown. Transfer them to a cooling rack for 10 minutes.

Recetas 58

Preston’s Sushi Chef: Priscilla Shmidt Priscilla, who comes from Oregon, loves the Mediterranean diet. “It’s gorgeous, diverse, healthy and very flavourful and satisfying. I won’t deny, however, that at times I like to spice it up a bit or put a zesty zing to things, or even roll up a fantastic, to surprise everyone, Asian home special from my twin brother Preston’s kitchen. So a few weekends ago, this is exactly what I found myself doing at a house luncheon with some of the teachers from the EOI Fuengirola”

Prep Time: about an hour Essential Ingredients Sushi rice* Rice vinegar White (refined) sugar* Salt Seaweed sheets (nori) Wasabi Soy sauce Pickled ginger And other fillings, which could be: Sesame seeds Fish (tuna or even salmon) Caviar

Bamboo shoots or other pickled veggies Fresh veggies like carrots, cucumber, green onion, avocado, and the like Really, the fillings are a picnic, as you like. Utensils needed: Cook pot for the rice Wooden spoon Bamboo roller One small bowl Hand towel Chopsticks Time and patience and a clean, flat work area

*You must use a specific Japanese rice and you cannot substitute refined sugar for another sweetener or sugar type. Everything you need, including some of the fresh veggies, you can find at any local Asian food store. Preparations: Filling Firsts Slice your veggies super duper thin and a bit long, like toothpicks. Use a sharp knife and, careful with fingers (fingertips down, never pointing towards the knife)

Recetas 59

Fish: If you are so wonderfully daring 1. Go to your local fishers market and ask for fresh, sushi grade tuna (or salmon) of the day. (Be sure to tell them you will eat it raw). Ask the person to skin the fish for you, as well. Buy nice looking fillets, but you needn´t a huge amount. 2. At home, rinse fish well. Check for bones by gently “massaging” the meat with your fingertips. If you feel a prickly something, its a bone. Pull it out. 3. Then cut the filt into petite fingers, so to speak. You want long, consistent strips about 1cm in diameter.

Rice: (the essential ingredient to any good sushi) Measurements are approximately one part rice to two parts water, use the same cup, whatever it is for your rice that you use twice for your water. 1. Rinse your rice very, very well in a fine colander under running water for about two minutes. Use your hands to move it around as you wash it. This removes the gluton. 2. Put rice and water over high heat to bring to a boil. Stir rice with your wooden spoon as it heats up so it doesn´t stick to the bottom of the pan. 3. As rice begins to boil, turn heat down to low so water only simmers. Also, stop stirring now. 4. When little air pockets start to emerge atop the rice, the rice is likely done. Check it. If it is too hard add a little bit of water at a time to keep it cooking (but don´t stir). If too moist but done, place a clothe over the pot to suck up the extra moisture. 5. When rice is done, remove it to a new pan (without scraping free rice which may have stuck).

Rice seasoning 1. Mix your rice vinegar, salt and sugar together. Start with approximately ¼ of your rice cup in vinegar, a teaspoon (or twelve shakes) of salt, and two tablespoons of sugar. 2. Pour your mixture over rice and stir well with your wooden spoon. 3. Taste rice. It should have a nice zing-zand, yin-yang flavour. If rice tastes too vinegary, add a little more sugar. If rice tastes too salty, add a little more sugar and perhaps vinegar. If rice tastes too sweet, add a little more vinegar. If you just taste rice, add a little more vinegar, and perhaps some more sugar and salt.

Recetas 60

Now, get rolling 1.Place your Nori smooth side down on your bamboo roller (or counter if you forgot roller) 2.Wet hands and place some rice on your Nori. Make little balls and spread them out until you have covered almost all the sheet with an even, thin (about 1cm thick) layer of rice. Be sure to leave about 2 cm (or two fingers) at the top (in front of your navel) uncovered.

3.Carefully place your array of fillings in a clean, collected line about 2cm from where rice ends. Start with vegg, then your fish, then avocado. (Rinse and dry your hands) 4.Generously sprinkle the whole of the rice with your sesame seeds.

5.Now, roll: your first motion will be swift and clean, being careful to turn over the top without your fillings falling out of place. When the roll has touched down on itself, be sure to also push it back (towards your navel), so as to start a tight roll.

6.Roll the rest of the way, pushing on the bamboo as well as pulling it up and away from you over the rest of the rice to still be rolled. Keep your motions and pressure even over all the length of the roll and when you reach the end the roller will just roll away. Wet the end of the Nori that is not covered with rice and it will stick down on itself.

7.Cut carefully with a very, very sharp knife (you don´t want to saw, not at all, or all your hard work will fall apart).

8.Serve with pickled ginger (white or pink), soy sauce and wasabi (the green paste that helps kill any bacteria that could be in the fish). Please remember, use the ginger and wasabi sparingly. (if you bought wasabi powder instead of paste, add just enough water to make it spreadable but not wet, per say). Enjoy!!!!

Recetas 61

Gâteau aux Carottes et à la Noix de Coco

Chef: Asunción Leiva Pérez This is the winning recipe of the second Saint Valentine’s cake contest. You’ll fall in love with it!

Ingrédients : 1 kg de carottes 500 de sucre 125 g de coco un peu de liqueur La préparation : Faites bouillir les carottes et le sucre . Triturez les carottes , ajoutez la noix de coco et un peu de liqueur. Mettez sur la première moitié de la pâte les biscuits et sur l’autre moitié les carottes , faites autant de couches que vous le désirez. Enfin , décorez le gâteau selon votre goût .


Propos Recueillis Par Albert Torés Photographie: Lorenzo Hernández e rap serait défini essentiellement comme la diction mi-parlée, mi-chantée de textes élaborés, rimés et surtout rythmés, s´étendant sur une base musicale produite par des mixages singuliers, extraits de disques ou toutes autres sources sonores, Cette performance de rue, apparue au cours des années 70 à New York, n´a pas disparu et ne semble pas s´effacer compte tenu des circonstances actuelles. Nous sommes vraiment face à un phénomène culturel spécifique et énormément complexe. Sans aucun doute, les alarmes de notre système économique aimerait envoûter un secteur florissant, avec de nombreuses et diversifiées possibilités de bénéfices. Placer le rap dans le rang de la mode serait idéal. Mais sans doute, oublie-t-on, que le rap reste une vocation de combat quotidien, une volonté sans contraintes de construire un mouvement social où la liberté, le respect, l´adhésion aux valeurs d´égalité, la revendication de la paternité des paroles, l´auto-production, la conscience, le désir de justice, bref, un domaine qui échappe à la tyrannie médiatique et aux impositions que les grandes maisons de disques habituellement nous tracent.

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Le pacte autobiograhique, suffisamment abordé en matière littéraire, appréhende avec force la dimension sociale mais aussi la dimension artistique dans le cas des rappeurs, enfin, des poètes qui réaffirment l´appartenance aux quartiers, voire même, à la réalité du ghetto. Le rappeur met en évidence l´authenticité de ses textes, raconte ce qu´il vit sans rien inventer et le degré de respect auquel nous faisions allusion antérieurement se trouve en exacte proportion avec le contenu du texte.

[...] le rap reste une vocation de combat quotidien, une volonté sans contraintes de construire un mouvement social où la liberté, le respect, [...] Je vous l´avoue avec enthousiasme, mes chers lecteurs et pour être politiquement correct, mes chères lectrices aussi, l´espoir m´envahit chaque fois que le rap prend place sur scène. L´espoir nous envahit quand nous vérifions l´engagement du rap, sincère et qui suivrait les demandes du génial poète universel Blaise Cendrars, d´aller jusqu´au bout. Cet engagement de la vie de tous les jours est une référence capitale, face au discours odieux, illégitime et inacceptable du néolibéralisme qui veut nous faire croire que les luttes sont inutiles, que le monde ne pas être transformé, que rien ne peut changer. Le rap, alors, devient un acte de réflexion, une permanente remise en cause des faits quotidiens, de l´histoire avec majuscules et miniscules, qui cherche non seulement la présence individuelle mais aussi une intense prise de position contre l´injustice. Le rap, ouvre les portes et fenêtres à l´espoir, au devenir majoritaire, à la certitude que le XXIe siècle sera spirituel ou ne sera pas. Pour ce faire, nous allons connaître un jeune rappeur de Málaga qui s´appelle Takeo. Suivez-le, il a la rage du débutant et la passion de la sagesse.

Pardon, aka c´est quoi? Comme tu es de l´école de langues, on va pratiquer le plurilinguisme, d´accord?(rires) Aka signifie also known as. Thank all right. Excuse l´ignorance. Excusez. Alors salut, Takeo est le surnom par lequel on me connaît. En fait, je suis né à Málaga il y a 16 ans (tu devrais le savoir). Je fais du rap, je lutte jour à jour et je peux assurer que Takeo est le nom qui prendra la relève (rires). Quand as-tu commencé avec le rap? À vrai dire ça fait 5 ou 6 ans que j´écoute du rap, je ne sais plus exactement, et au moins 3 ou 4 ans que j´écris du rap, puis deux ans d´enregistrements. Ma première mixtape “El barrio presenta”. Ça fait deux ans qu´elle était préparée mais ce fut l´année dernière quand on décida l´éditée. Comment donc as-tu commencé par le rap et non pas par le pop ou le rock par exemple? Je suppose que l´on commence comme un amusement ou une manière d´essayer et de ressentir des choses différentes.... pour approfondir un peu plus dans tout cela, tu sais.. En fait, écrire m´a toujours plu et je continue à le faire, et voilà les années passent et je suis là. Quelle genre de musique tu aimes?

Pourrait-on parler un peu de Takeo?

La bonne musique mon pote... en général toute la bonne merde... je flippe avec la musique noire, d´une manière spéciale avec le jazz puis sûr avec le rap. Réellement je ne méprise aucun genre musical, d´habitude un bon tube musical quelque soit son genre peut me plaire et je m´en fous du reste. J´aime trop la musique comme pour me renfermer.

Bon, Takeo c´et moi, comme la pub, Takeo c´est mon aka...

Quelle tendance ou quelle école de rap a vraiment été une référence pour toi, Takeo?

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C´est une question compliquée... J´appartiens logiquement a la New School....Ce que j´ai vécu au sein du rap aboutit à la nouvelle école...Je fais aussi de la musique nouvelle école...En revanche les valeurs de la old school et sa musique ont été et sont une marque essentielle, je m´identifie pleinement et je me sens tout à fait représenté. De toutes façons, la vie m´a vraiment marqué, comme tu dirais toi-même en reprenant Blaise Cendrars: “Je trempe ma plume dans l´encrier de la vie”.

Cela m´étonnerait beaucoup. Qu´on me demande qu´est-ce le rap et qu´on ne me demande pas qu´est-ce le Hip Hop. Les gens habituellement arrive à confondre ces deux termes, mais bon, je répondrais quand même que le hip hop est le mouvement culturel et alors que le rap, comme le graffiti ou le break dance en sont des composantes. Ouais, le rap est la musique du futur, il faudra laisser faire le temps. Pour le moment, ma réponse serait: ( jajajajajaja)

C´est vrai, vitalisme et authenticité, à mon avis deux caractéristiques qu´on peut appliquer à tes actes.Comment tu définirais ton style de rap?

Tu crois qu´il y a beaucoup de différences entre le rap américain, le français et l´espagnol, par exemple?

Je ne vais pas le faire, ce serait trop prétentieux d´un côté et il y a encore une raison plus importante, je déteste être encadré ou vivre avec des étiquettes, car basiquement je fais ce qui me plaît (rires à nouveau). Là où je roule c´est à moi, putain de merde. Puisque c´est pour la revue de ton école, que ce soit les lecteurs et auditeurs qui décident le style.

A vrai dire je ne peux donner une opinion absolue surtout à propos du rap français que je ne connais pas beaucoup. Mais actuellement et auparavant aussi, les différences entre le rap produit en Espagne et celui des Etats-Unis sont beaucoup et très significatives. Les Etats-Unis sont la source, la sustance, donc avec une autre perspective et vision tout à fait autre. En Espagne, il faut le dire , beaucoup de gens bossent et bien, mais la plupart en est vraiment loin. C´est mon opinion personnelle.

Quels sont tes projets d´avenir? Hum... projets, il y en a quelques-uns... le plus ambitieux cette année est la Westape, avec Poesh....son West de la M.... je préfère ne rien avancer...que la musique parle par soi-même. Mais tu sais, beaucoup de copinage, d´affaires, marketing.... Ce que je peux annoncer c´est le lien: Ici donc c´est l´avance, le sujet s´intitule Real Life. Après cela, ce sera pour l´été, en effet, je suis en train de préparer un autre travail avec Linares...ça s´appelle Summertape...qui aura un déroulement et aussi un résultat final très différent à la Westape. Il y en d´autres, mais je voudrais garder silence jusqu´à savoir vraiment les dates de sortie. Cette année vous allez en baver avec Takeo (rires). Si quelqu´un te formule la question, qu´est-ce le rap, que réponds-tu?

Allez, rapidement sans le penser, donne-nous une liste de 20 rappeurs indispensables. Uf mon pote, c´est trop long, mais bon, en premier lieu je dirai Biggie (RIP) y Pac (RIP) parcequ´on prend le pied là et parceque tout le monde les connaît. Nas est colossal et en plus il y aura un disque cette année avec le fils de Bob Marley que j´espère sera super. Big Pun (RIP), un génie que la mort emporta trop vite. Fat Joe (avec Terror Squad, D.I.T.C, en solitaire…), Busta Rhymes puisque avec lui je commençais cette magnifique aventure du rap. KRS One , ça fait si longtemps qu´il est là avec du matériel nouveau toutes les deux minutes (ja,ja). 50 cent à mon avis, qu´on dise ce qu´on voudra, mais après tout c´est un hitmaker du tonnerre. Les Wu (ODB (RIP)), Guru (RIP) de Gang Starr aux côtés de Premier… Jigga… Allez, on change de la côte est à l´ouest, mais la reine peut nous dire encore beaucoup NWA (Ice Cube, Dr

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Dre, Eazy E (RIP) presque rien, n´est-ce pas?), Snoop Dogg qui est toujours là. Too Short, E-40, la liste peut se prolonger à l´éternel. Si on change de zone, Bone Thugs N Harmony sont le flow réincarné, ils rappent comme le diable. Eminem ne reste pas à mi-chemin. T.I, Ludacris, Lil Wayne, Bun B (et Pimp C (RIP) qui formaient UGK), Kanye West. Il y en a vraiment trop, si je continue j´aurai besoin de votre Collage exclusivement. En Espagne, Triple XXX il représente une partie importante de l´histoire du rap, SFDK car leur parcours est extraordinaire, et aussi Mucho Mu. En fait, je ne dis plus car il y en a beaucoup, beaucoup de old school qu´il faut prendre en compte. Un autre jour on continuera (rires). Récemment un des grands rappeurs est décédé. Quels ont été ses apports? Oui, malheureusement, Guru est mort il y a une semaine à cause d´un cancer. Je crois qu´il nous a laissé un large legs, un héritage universel auprès de DJ Premier. Il nous laisse une discographie indispensable, parallèlement à GangStarr, Guru s’est également lancé dans des projets solos regroupés sous l’appellation Jazzmatazz. Ce n´est pas qu´il soit recommendable mais absolument nécessaire. RIP nigga.. Je supppose qu´il existe un genre de rap fade et

insipide qui apporte bien peu. Que pourrait-tu dire à cet égard? Oui, bien sûr, comme dans tous les domaines de la vie, il y a pile ou face. Je crois que tout le monde peut agir à sa libre volonté, mais si les résultats sont misérables, ce sera plus compliqué trouver un travail de qualité, une aiguille dans une botte de foin. Málaga, est-il un bon point de départ pour le rap? Bien entendu...Málaga aujourd´hui est un repère primordial en Espagne, au moins après Madrid. Beaucoup de disques, d´une grande qualité. HPS l´année dernière avait édité un super disque,, cette année a été le retour d un groupe mythique como Triple XXX . Il y aura de l´action de la part du Jefe de la M. Elphomega est toujours présent. Un nouveau travail de Sicario avec Hazhe. Les Malaga Royalz sont en pleine activité dans tous les sens, Je dois souligner aussi le nouveau disque de DJ Pera, et personnellement j´attends quelque nouveauté de Ijah. J´aime vraiment son rap. Ah, et j´oubliais, Takeo sera là aussi. (rires). Tu veux ajouter quelquechose de plus? Non, rien que tu ne saches pas. Te remercier pour l´entretien, bla bla et surtout beaucoup de chance et succès pour la revue Collage. Finalement, n´oubliez pas de visiter: www.myspace.comm/poesh

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Down 1.To look for a long time with the eyes wide open. 3. To casually or steadily look at someone or something because you find them interesting. 4. To look at something or someone carefully in order to discover or confirm information. 5. To stare carefully or with difficulty.

Across 2. To look with half-closed eyes. 3. To see something or someone for a very short time or only in part. 6. To steal a look. 7. To give a brief look

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Down 1.To walk slowly with a lot of effort or carrying something heavy. 2. To walk with regular steps keeping the body stiff, usually in a formal group of people. 3. To walk somewhere quickly with long steps. 4. To move around quietly in a place trying not to be seen or heard. 5. To walk in a slow relaxed manner, especially for pleasure.

Across 5. To walk in a slow and relaxed way, often in no particular direction. 6. To walk in a proudly way to look cool. 7. To walk taking slow heavy steps.




































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