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Nยบ2 CURSO 2010-2011

Agradecimientos Nos gustaría dar las gracias a todos aquellos que han hecho posible esta revista o han ayudado a su difusión como los más adelante mencionados, además de la librería Rayuela Idiomas de Málaga y las editoriales Stanley, SGEL, Hachette y Corona del Sur. Licencia Se permite la distribución y publicación total o parcial de la revista siempre que no sea con un fin comercial ni lucrativo. En este caso, se deberá reconocer la autoría del siguiente modo: “Nombre del artículo”, nombre del autor/a. Revista Escuela Oficial de Idiomas Fuengirola. No se permite un uso comercial de la obra original ni de las posibles obras derivadas.


Editorial · Página 05: “Presentación del Libro <<Through The Eyes Of Love>> de Shiobhan Galvin” Reportajes · Página 08: “Memories and Thoughts of a Spanish Woman”, “Children’s Art”, “Eine Spanierin in Wiesental”, “La France à Fitur”, “Group Therapy Is Being Used to Quit Smoking with a Success Rate of 40%”, “My Favorite Tapas Bars In Granada”, “Interview mit dem Gitarristen Rafael Aguirre Miñarro”, “Entretien avec Victor de los Riscos, Sommelier”, “Killer Whales and Love in the Strait of Gibraltar”, “Pumu Dance Crew”, “Unwrapping the Danish Christmas” Invitados · Página 24: “Lifestyle at Riviera del Brenta, Venice”, “Mårhøj Jættestue. Un sitio secreto de mi isla” Destinos · Página 28: “Alfarnate, l’essence d’un Petit Village Andalou”, “Un Jour et Une Nuit a Mijas”, “Discover Kew!”, “Les Alpujarras”, “Le phare de la Jument. Histoire d’une photo”, “Two Wonderful Days in Buenos Aires”, “Jerez, the Perfect Place to Live and to Visit”, “Une Cathédrale Inachevée” Tú Opinas · Página 39: “L’amour et les Rencontres par Hasard”, “L’égalité Professionnelle”, “La Tyrannie de la Mode chez les Jeunes”, “L’Autorité”, “La crise économique en Espagne”, “Nouvelle Législation sur le Tabac”, “Teaching in a Bilingual School”, “Why is Breastfeeding in Fashion Again?” Reseñas · Página 48: “Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain”, “Anne Frank’s Dairy”, “A Tale of Love and Darkness”, “Moulin Rouge!”, “<<Through the Eyes of Love>> by Siobhan Galvin” Narrativa · Página 54: “A Close Friend”, “My Most Desired Trip”, “Fear In The Enclosed Convent”, “Birdy”, “La Griffe”, “Destiny”, “The Princess of Candyland” Personajes · Página 68: “Marion Cotillard”, “Marie Curie” Poesía · Página 32: “Le Panama ou les Aventures de mes Sept Oncles”, “Poème Collectif”, “Poème Dadaïste”, “Lament Of The Over Forty Female”, “We Met In The Lift”, “Poesía Visual en la EOI Fuengirola” Humor · Página 74: “Jokes”, “Le Mariage et ses Clichés” Recetas · Página 76: “Crêpes”, “Italian Tiramisu”, “The Only, World Famous Chocolate Mousse Cake”, “Ham and Cheese Quiche”, “Leek Quiche with Onion and Bacon”, “Alhaurin Style Cod Fish Omelette” Música · Página 83: “Burzum”, “Triste anniversaire musical. Lhasa et Mano Solo”, “My Spanish Guitar and a Little Bit of Music”, “Interview with a Rock Singer”, “Entretien avec Nate, Rappeur Américain”, “Northern Soul” Misterio · Página 93: “Abductions in Málaga and in the World: We Are Not Alone...” Naturaleza · Página 94: “Records in Nature” Pasatiempos · Página 96: “Riddles and Tongue Twisters”, “Twentieth Century Technology”

COORDINACIÓN GENERAL: Marta Moreno López de Uralde EDICIÓN EN INGLÉS: Departamento de Inglés EOI Fuengirola EDICIÓN EN FRANCÉS: Departamento de Francés EOI Fuengirola EDICIÓN EN ALEMÁN: Departamento de Alemán EOI Fuengirola CONCEPTO Y DISEÑO: Sara Cáceres Eleria DISEÑO PORTADA: Javier Ramírez Santos FOTOGRAFÍA: Lorenzo Hernández ( DISEÑO LOGO: MªJesús Fernández Jesús Alba Amador Alumnos B1 Francés Antonio Aragón Guerrero Mª Luisa Arcos de Torres Ana Mª Ayora Vivas Lady Birdy Clara May Canosa Yarnold Charo Carmona Arufe Plácido Cobo Romero Lourdes Cortés Marie Chantal de la Crevette Judit Elvira Vicente Toñi Escribano Baeza Trinidad España Marfil Miriam Gallardo Reiné Faustina García Calero José Juan García Mayorga Luis González Emilia Gutiérrez José Juan Guzmán García Carla Hernández Nieves Iraundegui Raquel Laya Pérez Beatriz Lloret Márquez

Olivia López Bueno Mayte Luengo Araceli Maestre Suárez José Madrid Mo Malone Alba Martín de Pedro Laura Martín Rodríguez Marta Moreno López de Uralde Ana Belén Moreno Luque Jesús Oliveros Anarte Pilar Orejas Fuentes Jorge Pastor Rodríguez Alejandro Pérez Alba Quero López José Antonio Ríos González Soluna Salles Bernal Luz Mª Santos Moreno Carlos Sarria Gómez Germán Soriano Peña Carolina Tessainer Cabellos Nocq Albert Torés García Mª Belén Vázquez Coronas Laura Valdés Lola Vigil Pauline Vijgen

Claudio Cifuentes desde Odense (Dinamarca) Lidia Martínez Fernández desde Ribera del Brenta (Italia)

Editorial 05

Muy buenas tardes a todas y a todos y sobre todo nuestro agradecimiento más sincero por vuestra presencia hoy aquí. Lamento comunicarles que el servicio de traducción simultánea nos ha fallado en el último momento. Bueno para ser honestos, nunca existió ese servicio, pero las ilusiones forman parte de nuestras vidas y son materia prima de la literatura. Por ello, estos preliminares lo haremos en lengua cervantina y después será la lengua de Shakespeare la que se apoderará del lugar con las voces de Marta Moreno y de Ana Quijano, con resonancias de música celta, con imágenes de nuestra rosa y si fuese oportuno con algún coloquio. Albert Torés Albert Torés García (Paris, 1959). Professeur de français à l'école de langages et directeur du magazine littéraire Canente, il a publié de la poésie, du essai et de la traduction. Il a reçu le prix Bahia de poésie pour

Antes de iniciar el acto, se instalaba en el aula un manifiesto aire de tristeza, pero hemos decidido combatirlo con el recuerdo sereno del dulce acento de Siobhan Galvin y especialmente con la lectura de sus relatos , que, al fin y al cabo es la razón que marca este encuentro.

El hombre del puente, le prix de la critique andalouse pour El salón de la memoria et le prix Joaquín Guichot a l'innovation éducative pour Bajel, navegando por la literatura andaluza. Il a reçu aussi une bourse du Ministère de Culture pour El jardín en penumbra.

Hola queridos lectores: Volvemos a estar en contacto un año más a través de Collage. En este número han sido muchos los que han participado con ilusión para que podáis disfrutar de nuestra revista. Como artículo editorial hemos elegido la presentación que hizo nuestro compañero del Departamento de Francés y poeta Alberto Torés del libro "Through the Eyes of Love" de la autora irlandesa Siobhan Galvin el pasado 10 de noviembre de 2010. Alberto se encarga de coordinar la publicación de la colección Collage por parte de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Fuengirola. Dicha colección tiene como objetivo la difusión de textos originales en inglés, francés y alemán con un sentido didáctico. De hecho, los profesores del Departamento de Inglés están ultimando un cuadernillo didáctico que acompañará a las historias de Siobhan, que ya pueden adquirirse independientemente. Para más información podéis contactarnos en la siguiente dirección de correo: Esperamos que disfrutéis de este nuevo número.

En el lugar que debiera ocupar nuestra autora, se encuentra una rosa. Una rosa que sin duda representa el espíritu de Shiobhan, o si se quiere y lo certifica un ateo en toda regla desde el laicismo más agresivo, nos da permiso para empezar. Me permitiré referirme a mi añorada escritora como la Galvin más que nada por no caer en la tentación de mal pronunciar su hermoso nombre. La historia con independencia de que se rubrique con minúsculas o mayúsculas es fiel compañera a lo largo de toda nuestra existencia, y es, a todas luces un compendio de hechos que nos va colocando en nuestros justos lugares. La hemos sentido cercana, en avenidas desprovistas de farolas o en campos de frambuesas, la hemos rastreado en salas de espera o en los andenes de medio mundo. Rompemos con ella mil y una vez, desatendemos a sus amenazas porque la balanza de lo justo se desequilibra, pero la historia corre paralela al tiempo, aun tratando de no arrinconarme ante mi furia, ni presentir mi rabia, ni dar golpes porque la lógica no acompaña, acepto mi tristeza, incluso la ausencia de mi amiga escritora, Pues me dejó literatura con la que fundirme. Through the eyes of love (a través de los ojos del amor).

Editorial 06

La historia de Galvin marca con toda nitidez, la obra de una escritora con voz singular, escritura original y actitud de compromiso ante el texto. Es un sentimiento de continua compenetración con la naturaleza o de íntimo apego al entorno, rasgos, por otro lado definidores, de este volumen del que nos ocupamos. Por tanto, no le falta realismo a esta colección de relatos aunque su esencia es una frase elegante, precisa y certera. En honor a la verdad, cumplidora de las exigencias formales de toda literatura que se precie. Testimonia un sentir vitalista y en ocasiones casi libidinoso del ser humano, atestiguando que la vida es un eterno retorno en cuya vorágine lo humano se renueva y se repite. En esta idea de retorno transformador se halla la base de referencias sobre el tiempo, el recuerdo, la memoria que a la postre nos constituye como la nube al río o la madera a la llama. Os haría la pregunta sabiendo de antemano la respuesta, pero, acaso no son los ojos del amor un navío cargado de inteligencia y pasión? En efecto, es un nuevo ingrediente narrativo de la Galvin, tal es su capacidad de aunar en proporciones equilibradas las dosis de pasión con las meditadas técnicas de la reflexión. La literatura como género de ficción al que se le añade un manifiesto pacto autobiográfico precisa de riesgos, pues de lo contrario sería imposible que encajara en los presupuestos artísticos y haría aburrido matrimonio con cualquier otra esfera. No en balde, un tipo nada sospechoso de ser un descabellado como Georges Steiner señalaba que la literatura era el antídoto de la locura a la lite. Las dosis narrativas de mi querida Galvin descansa a menudo en tiempos del pasado, pero es un pretérito que busca una continuidad narrativa para que los relatos se sucedan sin aspectos arbitrarios ni factores extraliterarios. Como botón de muestra, el primer relato se inicia con un referencia temporal clara desde sus primeras líneas, un personaje, Ursula está embarazada de cinco meses. En el siguiente, Dominic tiene 10 años, el tercero nos presenta a una niña de 11 años, Cathy,

el cuarto escrito también se inicia en la infancia, con unas hermanas de 5 años, por tanto la infancia sí se convierte en el territorio o patria de la escritura. El quinto texto, inicia otra etapa que se define como un relato hispano-irlandés que comenzaba hace 20 años, un relato que enmarca el mensaje esencial: El amor lo es todo. En este segmento se traza la sexta composición en el verano de 1989 en Madrid para dar paso al séptimo relato en Dublin en una noche vieja de 1998. En cambio, la última narración trata de borrar esas pistas, probablemente porque deja abierta la puerta de nuevas aventuras, porque ahora es el terreno de la otredad, de los dobles, de los reflejos, de los engaños, porque casi a ciencia cierta nuestros desastres y tragedias sólo son anécdotas para otros. Es una fórmula de insistencia que ahonda en ese concepto en virtud del cual no quedarían territorios por explorar, entre otros motivos porque la disponibilidad cuando no saturación de medios ha conseguido paradójicamente liberarnos de cualquier certidumbre. Por eso Galvin, emprende un viaje desde el mismo origen, llenando su maleta de testimonios y mapas, de fechas y memorias, de olores y tiempos como deseando presionarnos hacia el conocimiento, como si debiéramos vivir en la libertad de lo simbólico. De ahí la gran tarea de la combinación de los tiempos, de esa mirada sobre los tiempos perdidos, sobre el paso del acontecer que inexorablemente transforma tantos nuestros recuerdos como afectos, pero a la vez sobre los tiempos recobrados, de ese modo Galvin suma la mirada del entorno, la mirada que señala los permanentes cambios. En esa hendidura nos transmite la construcción de la esperanza, con los planteamientos de la cotidianidad y actualidad. Así por ejemplo, se abordarán temas como la violencia de género, la bisexualidad o adulterio, los placeres más terrenales, el secreto como fuente de tradiciones literarias y vivenciales, en definitiva, la construcción de un mundo en perpetuo movimiento y contradicción. A mi modo de ver, como lector interesado aunque sin control de la lengua inglesa, por ello le confiero mayor valor literario si cabe, la Galvin tensa la cuerda del

Editorial 07

arco y revitaliza su propio proyecto personal a la vez que potencia no tanto la inconsistencia de nuestras existencias como la necesidad de entenderlas.

presara en directo ante el lector. Para ello, con buen criterio, invitó a Siobhan Galvin, el curso pasado para una charla y lectura con los alumnos de inglés.

Galvin tiene plena conciencia de obra: busca el enlace de un relato a otro, busca la cohesión para insertar sus reflexiones sobre la cotidianidad, los actos humanos, los viajes, los sentimientos, y a menudo lo hace efectivo con una dimensión irónica primordial, que es un eje constructivo de primer orden y casi una seña de identidad en su obra general.

Toda vez, que resultó ser una experiencia enriquecedora en ambas direcciones, y a tenor de los propias comentarios de los alumnos, decidimos presentar un proyecto de elaboración de materiales curriculares y recursos didácticos enmarcado en un plan, el plan de fomento del plurilingüismo que tuvo la fortuna de ser aprobado por la propia Junta de Andalucía. Lo que dicho sea de paso y sin que sirva de precedente, hay que felicitar a la Consejería de Educación por apostar en tiempos de crisis por la literatura. El resultado es el libro ya publicado. Quedaría una segunda parte que atañe más a estrategias didácticas y que también se verá bajo formato libresco, como el complemento o si se quiere como el elemento de interacción entre la escritora y el lector.Estamos trabajando en ello. En cierta medida, es el deseo de todo escritor, que sus textos sean leídos y que esos lectores puedan identificarse y asimismo nuestro convencimiento de usar la literatura como un vehículo de gran eficacia en el proceso de aprendizaje.

Me permito insistir en la visión global de una obra literaria que iba tejiendo con tanta sabiduría como sencillez. Quiero recordar que Galvin tiene además dos novelas escritas, y en nuestra voluntad queda el deseo de hacerlas visibles. The neighbourhood (el vecindario) y Behind the smile (detrás de la sonrisa). En cualquier caso, no es nada casual esa esperanza fundamentada en el amor y en la belleza. Por ejemplo, haciendo un cotejo de términos de ambos campos, la palabra “horrible” o que tenga que ver con la fealdad, aparece en dos ocasiones frente al término “hermoso” que aparece 16 veces, sin tener en cuenta derivados o sinónimos. No digamos ya, el espacio del amor al que se alude en 58 perspectivas. De ahí, que tengamos la rosa también, porque simboliza la energía, el amor y es manifiestamente la reina de los aromas, lo que sentimos sin lugar a duda en este libro. Es un libro que casi puede olerse desde la verde campiña del norte de Europa a los frutales del Sur. Hagan la prueba: Pisto y tortilla, y aquí, fish and chips. Con toda seriedad tiene el don de hacernos sentir , de visualizar con exactitud, especialmente a través de las descripciones y de los diálogos, en otro de intento de comunicar con el lector en el mismo plano.

Por ello, el volumen de Galvin es lectura en nuestros cursos avanzados, pero es lectura abierta para quien desee adquirir un ejemplar. Me toca hacer publicidad, lo que hago sin rubor y con toda mi gratitud, a las librerías Rayuela de Málaga, Homero de Arroyo de la Miel y Bookworld de Fuengirola, donde pueden adquirirse ejemplares.Conviene por mi parte un prudente silencio y dar paso a la lectura de algunos fragmentos del libro, no sin antes proponer un sentido homenaje a nuestra escritora con música celta de fondo. También por mi parte, me apropio de algunas frases del primer relato THE MOST BEAUTIFUL NAME, para agradecer vuestra presencia una vez más y atención y para decirle a la Galvin :

Quisiera por ello detallar el contexto que marca la publicación de estos relatos:

“Hasta siempre, Siobhan, we will always remember you”.

El departamento de actividades culturales, que coordina la profesora de inglés Marta López de Uralde, entre sus numerosas inquietudes, propuso invertir el sistema de lectura. Es decir, que no fuera el lector el que acudiera al libro, sino que el autor del libro se ex-

Enlace a El Sur in English costasol-malaga/lrish-writer-celebrated-posthumous201011132151.html

Reportajes 08

by Judit Elvira Vicente

Memories and A visit to the National Thoughts of a Museum of Airports and Spanish Woman Air Transport in Málaga

Judit Elvira Vicente was born in Spain

had always told my daughters that one day I would write down my memories. I wanted them to know how different life was, how much things have changed. Time went by and I never seemed to find the right moment. One day I sat down and started writing. Here is what I wrote about my first ten years of life.

by their owners after spending the day on the fields.

I was born in a very small village in the west of Spain back in 1956. I had a normal childhood, at least I have no sad memories of those years. Well, just a few! One of them is of a day at school when I was six. I was learning numbers and had to write them on the blackboard in front of the other children, I was trembling and shaking and red in the face. For whatever reasons, I didn’t write them properly. The teacher got angry, called me stupid and ...... I peed right there. Everyone burst out laughing.... I started crying and was sent to my place. No friendly words, no understanding smiles. It took me quite a long time to forget the incident and the saddening feelings associated with it. Looking back now, I realize how important it is to have a school where children can learn, feeling supported and sure that ,whatever they do, no one is going to laugh at them. What children need is support to get the best out of each one of them. No need to become a famous showman, a well known writer or a rich entrepreneur.... living a satisfied life enjoying and collecting happy moments is what we should teach them to pursue. It’s quite a difficult task I haven´t been able to achieve myself but which, I´m convinced, is worth trying. The village where I spent the first ten years of my life has changed so much that I wonder if I will be able to describe what it was like. There was no running water!! Can you imagine? When it rained the streets were full of mud and it was difficult to walk. At any time you could meet cows, goats, hens or sheep in the street, mainly in the evenings when they were brought home

(Salamanca). She spent three years in Germany as a child. Back to Spain, she studied English Language and Literature at Salamanca University. She had her own language school for 6 years in Torremolinos (Málaga) and since 1991she has been working as a German teacher at different language schools in Andalucia.

One sunny day when I was almost five both my grandmothers came to our house and insisted that I should stay outside. I couldn’t understand what was going on... Suddenly they called me, urged me to go inside to... see that my sister had been born. There, at home , with just the help of two women, without a doctor my sister was born. When I was seven my parents decided to go to Germany. My uncle Jesus, my father´s brother, was already in that country and he found a job for them. I was left with my father’s parents and my sister, who was just two, stayed with my other grandmother whose husband had died. You might think I was very unhappy those days... I probably was, but I don’t really remember being sad. I do remember receiving long letters from my mother. She was having a terrible time in Germany. She didn’t speak the language, she had never before been away from home, she had to get up at five in the morning in order to be at six in the factory where she worked...She cried and cried and was about to leave for Spain but she wanted a better life for her daughters and, somehow, she found the power to continue. These are things my father told me many years later. I know that he also had a difficult time but the company of my mother was his power. He always loved her immensely. There were other people from our village living there in a small town called Wiesental and when they came home my parents used to send us , me and my sister, a new dress or some toys, which made us very happy. After sixteen months in Germany working for Siemens, my parents came back to Spain on their holidays. That summer I had my first communion. At the end of September I left with them for Germany and a new and exiting part of my life was about to begin.

Reportajes 09

Children’s Art

Alba Quero López


a biological or expressive component. They look for a place where they can leave their mark, where they can do their doodles; it can be on paper, the wall, sand, etcetera. In brief, they look for a way to communicate their feelings through different signs and symbols.

I am currently studying children’s art at university. I am discovering the way children express themselves through pictures. Children's psychology is fascinating and it is quite different from adults' psychology. So, in this article I am going to show some characteristics which are typical of this type of art.

Alba Quero López (Málaga, 1992) currently is studying teaching at university. She likes dancing and travelling. Her dream is to travel abroad in order to know new cultures.

2. Recreational tendency: child’s art is a type of game, an enjoyable activity.

Children's art as a form of representation Firstly, we must bear in mind that there is a communicative nature in children’s art. Apart from its intuitive, qualitative, expressive and subjective components, art during childhood is an organised system of signs that creates a kind of language which acts as a communication vehicle. Spoken or written language is an already established means of communication, known and used by a group of people, while the spontaneous picture is part of the child’s own nature. Adult art has an intentional aim, a final goal in mind. However, children enjoy the process. When they draw, they are focused on the present and not on the possible results. Therefore, they are not conscious of the adults’ expectations. Finally, art in childhood progresses with child development and evolves with it. Factors that help the development of the artistic expression 1. The biological impulse: children start doing their first scrawls when they are 18 months old thanks to

3. The need of integration: this art constitutes a representative vehicle and it helps children represent themselves, the world around them and the way they relate to it. This expression is essential in the child's process of adaptation to society. 4. Communication: children show their emotions through art. When they draw, they send a message that can be understood by everybody. Art as an educative vehicle Here you are some reflections on how we should use children's art in education. Children should not copy a picture that they have not created, because a picture suggested by an adult does not provide situations in which they can express themselves or organise their thoughts, feelings or emotions. Thus, a picture that has been copied lacks in educative and artistic values. The child's impulse should be spontaneous. All things considered, art is really important in children’s development and it helps them in their process of adaptation to society.

Reportajes 10

Eine Spanierin in Wiesental

Judit Elvira Judit Elvira ist in Spanien geboren. Als 9-jähriges Mädchen zog sie mit ihren Eltern nach Deutschland, wo sie drei Jahre die deutsche Schule besuchte. Später studierte sie Anglistik an der Universität Salamanca. Zurzeit ist sie Deutschlehrerin an der Sprachschule Fuengirola.

n einem Sonntag Nachmittag Ende September 1965 bin ich in Wiesental angekommen. Die lange Autoreise von Salamanca in Spanien nach Baden Würtemberg in Deutschland war für mich ein unbeschreibliches Erlebnis. Wir sind mit Helga und Helmut, den deutschen Freunden meiner Eltern, nach Deutschland gereist. Die Reise hat drei Tage gedauert, da es damals keine Autobahnen, wie die von heute, gab. Am ersten Tag sind wir gegen Abend in Irun bei meiner Tante Felicia angekommen. Diese Stadt liegt in Nordspanien an der Grenze zu Frankreich. Unsere Verwandten sind mit uns nach San Sebastian ge-

Reportajes 11

fahren und haben uns den Hügel “Monte Igueldo” und den Strand “La Concha” gezeigt. Für ein Mädchen, das zum ersten Mal das kleine Dorf verlässt, wo es geboren wurde, war das alles märchenhaft. Wir mussten ganz Frankreich durchqueren und durch das Autofenster sah ich mit grosser Neugier die Häuser, die Leute und die Landschaft. In der Pension, wo wir übernachteten, konnte ich nichts verstehen. Niemand hatte mir erzählt, dass es andere Sprachen gibt. Das war also auch eine der vielen Entdeckungen, die ich auf der Reise gemacht habe. Nun war ich in Deutschland. Alles neu, alles sauber, alles schön. Mit der Zeit habe ich erfahren, dass

gerade damals das so genannte deutsche Wirtschaftswunder statt fand. Gleich am Montag Morgen hat meine Mutter unsere Hausbesitzerin gebeten, uns in die Schule zu begleiten. Wie ihr das gelungen ist, ist mir heute noch ein Rätsel, da sie nur ein paar Wörter auf Deutsch konnte. Der Schulleiter hat uns empfangen und nach meinem Alter gefragt. Ich war neun, aber es wurde entschieden, dass ich in eine Klasse mit 8-jährigen Kindern komme. Ich musste ja erst die Sprache lernen! Meinen ersten Schultag in Deutschland möchte ich gerne beschreiben. Er ist wie ein Film in meinem Gedächnis geblieben: Also.. Ich wurde in ein Klassenzimmer gebracht und Fräulein Möllenhof vorgestellt. Sie war nett und freundlich zu mir. Das muss der Grund sein, warum ich bis heute weder ihren Namen noch ihr Aussehen vergessen habe. Sie war gross und schlank und hatte lange blonde Haare. Sie hat mir einen freien Platz gezeigt, wo ich mich hingesetzt habe, während die Schüler mich anstarrten.

Erst in der Pause auf dem Schulhof hat die “Show” angefangen. Ich war die erste Ausländerin der Schule und alle Kinder haben einen Kreis um mich gemacht, um mich anzusehen, als wäre ich ein Affe im Zoo. Ich hatte ein “bocadillo de jamón” dabei, aber ich habe mich nicht getraut es auszupacken, ich war zu schüchtern. Ich bin einfach da gestanden ohne ein Wort zu sagen, bis die Pause zu Ende ging. Ich habe einfach und mühelos Deutsch gelernt und Freunde gefunden. Das Foto zeigt meine Freundinnen aus Wiesental, deren Namen ich nicht vergessen habe. Von links nach rechts: Renate, Jutta Zimmermann, Rita, Manuela, Brigitte und ich. Mit ihnen bin ich in der Freizeit durch ganz Wiesental Rad gefahren

und oft haben mich Bekannte meiner Freundinnen angesprochen und gefragt: Bist du nicht das Mädchen, das sonntags mit den Eltern in die Kirche geht?? Es sind viele Erinnerungen, die ich von diesem Jahr in Wiesental habe. Da habe ich zum Beispiel mein erstes Fahrrad bekommen, zum ersten Mal Schnee gesehen und die Sprache gelernt, die mir beruflich so nützlich sein würde. Jedoch gab es auch traurige Momente, wenn ich alleine zu Hause bleiben musste, weil meine Eltern lange arbeiteten oder als ich im Schwimmunterricht ins Wasser gesprungen bin, wie alle anderen, obwohl ich nicht schwimmen konnte. Wie meine Mitschüler gelacht haben, werde ich nie vergessen!!! Von Wiesental sind wir dann nach Bruchsal umgezogen. Da hatten meine Eltern bei Siemens eine Stelle bekommen. Was mich da erwartete, erzähle ich ein anderes Mal. Versprochen!

Reportajes 12

Trinidad España Marfil B1 Français Trinidad est étudiante en Niveau Intermédiare de français. Elle adore cette langue et la culture française.

La France à Fitur

a France est à nouveau présente à Fitur, l’une des foires du tourisme les plus importantes qui a lieu en Espagne. La France comprendra au maximum 20 exposants qui pourront informer tous les visiteurs et répondre à leurs questions pour découvrir la France, et pas seulement la capitale. Ce sera une foire où les exposants pourront offrir des informations détaillées sur d’autres lieux - tout aussi intéressants - en France. C’est surtout la ville de Paris qui sera présentée, mais les visiteurs pourront aussi connaître quelques nouveautés concernant les hôtels en France, d’autres destinations telles que Toulouse et d’autres villes. Toutes les personnes qui veulent en savoir beaucoup plus sur la France afin de faire un voyage, doivent absolument visiter fitur le 22 et 23 janvier, date d’ouverture au public. D’autre part, nous trouvons quelques aspects intéressants de la France qui vous ouvriront l’appétit pour découvrir ce beau pays, tels que sa culture, la gastronomie, les options Voyage et bien plus encore. La présence de la France à Fitur est déjà un classique et c’ est l’un des pays qui est toujours présent à cette foire du tourisme pour que tout le monde puisse connaître ce beau pays et que tous les visiteurs puissent tenir compte de la France pour leur prochain voyage parce que c’est un bon choix et les gens pourront profiter de nouvelles expériences.

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Group Therapy Is Being Used to Quit Smoking with a Success Rate of 40% Charo Carmona She was born in Larache (Morocco) but moved to Madrid when she was two. She studied contemporary dance

long way. From this point, one can set a plan in motion that includes: choosing a day to quit in less than one month; seeking support from family, friends and workmates; learning from previous attempts, and removing tobacco and related items from the places where one spends most time such as home, the car and the workplace, for example. Can the person who wants to quit smoking consult with their doctor? Yes. Doctors are ready to offer support and help to the patient who wants to quit smoking.

for three years when she was in her teens, giving two live performances. From 1980 to 1986 she worked as a nurse in Madrid at the Primero de Octubre Hospital and in 1986 she moved to Fuengirola, where she works at the Health Centre in Fuengirola West. She enjoys travelling, trekking, canoeing and photography.

he Spanish parliament has approved a tough anti-smoking law which restricts individuals from smoking in all enclosed areas. The ban came into effect on January 2, 2011. Now smokers are not allowed to smoke in bars, restaurants, or near school playgrounds and hospitals. According to Dr. Rodrigo Mayo, who is in charge of the anti-smoking program at Fuengirola West Health Center, “smoking is the main cause of preventable death in our country�. Dr. Rodrigo Mayo works with smoking patients at Fuengirola West Health Center" Are there many people who smoke? Yes. In our country, people who smoke add up to about 30% of the population, and there isn't a large difference between men and women. What diseases are related to smoking? There are many diseases related to smoking, both regarding smoking people and those who are continuously exposed to tobacco smoke, which affects life quality and causes death. These diseases are, for instance: chronic bronchitis, cardiac arrest, lung cancer, bladder cancer and many others. What would you say to those smokers who would like to quit? To quit smoking, the most important thing is to make one's mind up and to be willing to make a serious attempt. Willingness, motivation and self-confidence go a

How can a doctor help their smoking patient? The health professional knows that smoking is a chronic addictive disease. A doctor can help the smoker who has not made up their mind through motivation, and the one who has through medicine and therapy, by programming several successive visits before and after quitting smoking, either in the form of consultations or group therapy. What is group therapy for giving up smoking? Group therapy, at our health centre, consists of sessions for 15 to 20 people who have decided to quit smoking, led by a doctor or a nurse. There is a 90 minute session once a week for six straight weeks. The first three sessions are preparatory, and the next three are for monitoring after quitting smoking. Afterwards, monthly sessions are organised for six months. The method we use includes behavioural-cognitive therapy for confronting smoking-related situations and for modifying habits, as well as the use of drugs that have proven their effectiveness if the patient needs them. How can someone join these groups? At our health centre, the doctor or nurse evaluates the smoking patient. If they are determined to make an attempt within the following month, they are asked to join the next group to be organized. How many people quit smoking through group therapy? Around 40% of the people who attend group therapy remain abstinent for the first year, excluding patients who succeed after a relapse by attending group therapy again. What happens to the people who suffer a relapse and smoke again? The relapse is part of the process of giving up smoking. Many people have succeeded after the third try. Giving up smoking is a learning process that is reinforced with every attempt. Getting ready for a new attempt is what we recommend to achieve success.

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My Favorite Tapas Bars In Granada

Germán Soriano Peña Germán Soriano Peña was born in Antequera, but his favourite city is Granada, where he moved to study Sociology and ended up staying for eight years. He came to Fuengirola a few months ago to teach History at Sierra de Mijas high school.

ranada, the city of the most famous and visited monument in Spain, the Alhambra, is also well-known within Spain due to its prestigious University and, nowadays, vibrant nightlife. In fact, it is said that it is one of the three best cities for university students (the other two are Salamanca and Santiago de Compostela). But in Andalucía the city is also well-known for its tapas. Granada is one of the few remaining cities in Spain still serving tapas on the house - which is as close as you're going to get to a free lunch, and many bars take more pride in their tapas than in their selection of drinks Some authors assert that the tapa was born when, due to an illness, the Spanish king Alfonso X the Wise had to take small bites of food with some wine between meals. Once recovered from the disease, the wise king decreed that no wine was to be served in any of the inns in the land of Castile, unless accompanied by something to eat. This was a wise precaution to counteract the adverse effects of alcohol on those people who, through lack of money to buy a nourishing meal, drank alcohol on an empty stomach. In Granada, the people with no money who had tapas were not the workers, but the students.

The problem is that Granada, as a very touristic city, is full of tapas bars in the main streets which are specially focused on the tourists, and not always offer the best tapas (those that only the people living in the city know). This article intendes to be a guide for those who want to enjoy different tapas in different venues. 1. MAESE PÍO The Maese Pío bar is right in the heart of the old part of the city, in the Placeta del Pulgar (close to San Agustín market). It’s ideal for a snack at midday, when the bar has speciality fried dishes, lovely little stuffed mussels, and little pieces of cod and home-made albóndigas with tomato sauce, washed down with a good wine. Its specialty is the fideua, a delicious dish made in the same way as the paella, but with noodles. This is also a good place for trying a good Valencian paella. It is great for eating out, with a dining room offering beautifully-prepared, affordable daily menus. In summer it is divided into a bar and a terrace area and designed to appeal to even the most discerning guests, making it a place apt for having long conversations, both formal rendezvous and juicy gossip with friends.

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2. SAINT GERMAIN This small and effortlessly cheerful bar is definitely one of my favourite in the city centre, just off the Gran Vía de Colón, close to the Hotel Macià Gran Vía. It’s dedicated to Marcel Proust’s books and life, with many portraits of the writer and a big painting by Toulouse Lautrec. The tapas aren’t here too big but literally flamboyant. As they state on the menu, the tapas are a gift of the house, which you cannot choose or send back. And who is going to argue with this? It’s a very popular and well-attended bar; if you go there, ask Juan Carlos or Fran –the waiters- for the special tapa: a toast with brie cheese and pepper jam: simply delicious as you can see in the photo. This is also the perfect bar if you are a wine lover: dozens of whites, reds and rosés are waiting for you. 3. BODEGAS CASTAÑEDA Bodegas Castañeda’s local fame doesn’t stem from its beautiful interior swathed in posters of bullfight and fiestas (even the head of a bull), but from its selected traditional tapas. You would be mad to order anything but a dry buttery Manzanilla sherry, which will most likely come accompanied by the most simple and delicious of tapas: a slice of crusty bread topped with mature Manchego cheese and a sliver of ham from Trevélez. Don’t miss the opportunity to order one of its selections of Tablas Frías or Calientes, to share between three or four: delicious and really cheap! The bar is in the Elvira street area, just 2 minutes' walk from Plaza Nueva. Everybody knows it! 4. FENG SHUI This amazing bar is perfect for hungry travelers or university students who want to satisfy their appetite quickly. Its location is perfect at the end of Elvira Street and in front of Plaza Nueva, just in the heart of the city.

This bar is very unique because of the fusion between the Chinese cuisine and the Spanish tapas. In fact, you can order spring rolls, Chinese rice, Chinese pasta, etc. everything with sweet and sour sauce or soya sauce. The tapas are really big, being it possible to have a perfect lunch with only 2 or 3 tapas for about 5 Euros. 5. POË In the Magdalena quarter, a labyrinth of small streets near the Trinidad neighborhood, at the end of Paz street, it is possible to enjoy tapas of the world in this small bar decorated with African articles all around. The owners are a pleasant couple formed by an English man and an Angolan woman, so it’s a very interesting place if you are studying English at the EOI and you want to practice it. For the same reason, the bar is the meeting point for Erasmus students, and looks like a little tower of Babel most of the days. Once there, don’t miss the opportunity to order chicken in coconut sauce with polenta, Brazilian black bean and pork stew, Portuguese style saltcod, chickpea salad, or its delicious skewer of grilled pork and pineapple, everything with beer for only 1,50 €. 6. PAJUANA. This sleek black and white bar may not scream traditional Andalucía, but the tapas are tasty, well-presented and large, making the bar a hit amongst the young local crowd. The bar is at the end of Navas street, one of the traditional and most famous tapas bar streets in Granada, but its atmosphere is quite intimate and relaxed. As well as Spanish favorites pork loin and croquettes, they serve great heaps of tortellini and pasta salad, and a large selection of creative cuisine tapas. The bar prides itself in the preparation as well as the presentation of its tapas, making your visit unforgettable.

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Interview mit dem Gitarristen Rafael Aguirre Miñarro

Mayte Luengo Hallo ich bin Mayte Erika Luengo Pérez. Ich bin 1967 in Fulda geboren. Als ich sieben Jahren alt war, sind wir nach Spanien gezogen. An der Universität von Sevilla habe ich dann das Germanistikstudium abgeschlossen. Dank eines Erasmus Stipendiums habe ich erst ein Jahr in Erlangen studiert und danach bin ich noch zwei Jahren auf eigene Faust dort geblieben. Später war ich noch ein Jahr in Neuwied als Fremdsprachenassistentin tätig. 1998 fing ich an, an den EOIs zu arbeiten. Jetzt habe ich hier, in Fuengirola meine feste Stelle

Judit Elvira Judit Elvira ist in Spanien geboren. Als 9-jähriges Mädchen zog sie mit ihren Eltern nach Deutschland, wo sie drei Jahre die deutsche Schule besuchte. Später studierte sie Anglistik an der Universität Salamanca. Zurzeit ist sie Deutschlehrerin an der Sprachschule Fuengirola.

m Freitag den 5. November hat der 25jährige Rafael Aguirre im Theater "Las Lagunas" in Mijas ein Gitarren-Konzert gegeben. Der aus Fuengirola stammende Gitarrist ist an vielen anderen Bühnen weltweit aufgetreten, kommt aber immer wieder in seine Heimatstadt zurück. Zur Zeit lebt er in Düsseldorf (Deutschland), wo er Flamencomusik unterrichtet. Die Englischlehrerin Marta Moreno, die für die außerschulischen Aktivitäten der Sprachschule in Fuengirola zuständig ist, hatte ein Interview mit dem Gitarristen arrangiert. Nach dem Konzert haben ihm zwei Deutschlehrerinnen, Mayte Luengo und Judit Elvira, und zwei Mädchen, Silvia Raquel Martin und Carolina García, die in der erwähnten Schule Deutsch lernen, ein paar Fragen gestellt.

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Hier das Interview: -Mayte L.: Guten Abend Herr Miñarro. Ich bin Deutschlehrerin und würde gerne mit Ihnen auf Deutsch sprechen und Ihnen Carolina und Silvia vorstellen, die Sie etwas fragen möchten. -Rafael A.: Guten Abend. Aber natürlich, aber ich .... habe in den letzten Tagen kein Deutsch gesprochen. (Er lacht, ist sehr sympatisch) -Judit E.: Ich möchte Ihnen zu dem Konzert gratulieren. Sie spielen wirklich himmlisch!

-Silvia Raquel: Wann haben Sie Ihre erste Girarre bekommen? -Rafael A.; Schon als Kind war Musik bei uns sehr wichtig. Mein Vater ist nämlich Gitarrist und meine Mutter spielt Klavier. Aber meine erste Gitarre war eine ganz billige, eigentlich ein Spielzeug. Ich ahnte damals nicht , dass mir dieses Instrument so viel bedeuten würde. Ich habe angefangen zu spielen und mit der Zeil hat sich ein besonderes Gefühl für diese Musik entwickelt. -Silvia Raquel: Ist diese Gitarre, mit der Sie heute gespielt haben, Ihre Beste?

-Rafael A.: Es freut mich, dass es Ihnen gefallen hat. -Mayte L.: Sie leben zur Zeit in Deutschland, nicht wahr? -Rafael A.: Ja, ja. In Düsseldorf. -Judit E.: Übrigens. Ich kenne Ihren Bruder Viktor. Ich war seine Deutschlehrerin. Sind Sie zusammen in Deutschland? -Rafael A.: Nein. Nein. Er ist in Salzburg, in Österreich. -Judit E.: Ach ja, stimmt. Hatte ich vergessen. Grüßen Sie ihn von mir. -Rafael A.: Mache ich. -Silvia Raquel Martin: Was stellen Sie sich vor, wenn Sie auf der Bühne sind? -Rafael A.: Ich denke an nichts Konkretes, vielleicht an etwas Schönes, das mir passiert ist. Der Fotoreporter dieses Interviews, Lorenzo, möchte etwas wissen und Mayte übersetzt seine Frage ins Deutsche. -Mayte L.: Unser Fotograf fragt, wohin Ihre Gitarre kommt, wenn Sie fliegen. Haben Sie die im Handgepäck oder kommt sie in den Koffern? -Rafael A.: Normalerweise trage ich sie bei mir im Handgepäck.

-Rafael A.: Die habe ich den USA bekommen, sie gehörte einem sehr guten Gitarristen aus Andalusien. Sie hat im Inneren zwei...... Wie sagt man auf Deutsch "imanes"? -Mayte L.: Magnet, das nennt man Magnet, also zwei Magnete. -Rafael A.: Ja, zwei Magnete, das ist etwas ganz Besonderes. Sie klingt herrlich und sie hat auch hier an der Seite ein Loch, um sie besser stimmen zu können und um sich selbst beim Spielen zu hören. Carolina hat sich nicht getraut etwas zu fragen, da sie etwas schüchtern ist. Außerdem kennt sie den Künstler schon aus der Schulzeit. -Judit E.: Vielen Dank für das Interview. Wir hoffen, dass Sie bald wieder nach Fuengirola kommen und wünschen Ihnen weiterhin alles Gute. -Rafael A.: Ich komme alle zwei oder drei Monate. Es gefällt mir, in Düsseldorf zu wohnen. Ich mache lange Spaziergänge am Rhein entlang, um mich zu entspannen, aber ich muss immer wieder an meine Familie und Freunde denken... Also bis bald! Mit einem Lächeln und seiner Gitarre in der Hand verabschiedet er sich von uns. In diesem Moment nähert sich eine Gruppe von Freunden, die ihn umarmen. Wir hören, wie sie ihm gratulieren und vermuten, dass er die Bühne noch lange nicht verlassen kann.

Reportajes 18

Entretien avec

Marta Moreno

Victor de los Riscos,

Marta Moreno est professeure


cinquième année de français à l'École

d'anglais à l'École de Langues de Fuengirola. Elle est aussi étudiante en de Langues de Malaga. Elle aime la musique de Radiohead et l'humour de Gad Elmaleh. Un roman? Suite Française d´après Irène Némirovsky.

Víctor de los Riscos est le propriétaire du magasin Vino Calidad. Los Dominios de Baco. Quel est l'origine de ton goût pour le vin? Tout a commencé un petit peu par hasard. Au début je n'avais jamais goûté un vin et tout à coup j'ai bu un vin qui m'a vraiment surpris et j'ai vu quelque chose que je ne m'attendais pas à trouver dans un vin. Désormais ce monde a commencé à m'intéresser un petit peu, et de fille en aiguille j'ai appris, premièrement avec l'a expérience et puis j'ai fait des études de sommelier avec mon frère à l'école de Barcelona. Pour être sommelier, il faut avoir un talent naturel ou c'est quelque chose qu'on peut apprendre? On peut l'apprendre, mais il faut toujours avoir un petit peu d'imagination; plus que capacité, imagination. On doit imaginer le vin comme une chose changeante; on ne peut pas imaginer le vin comme quelque chose de statique; autrement, apprendre à goûter sera très difficile. Souvent, on doit imaginer c'est que pourrait arriver ou ce qu'a arrivé; ce pourquoi que un peut d'imagination est nécessaire. Alors, l'expérience est importante aussi, il faut goûter beaucoup de vins pour avoir un ample éventail de comparaison: un vin n'est pas meilleur qu'autre, tous sont différents et les gens ont des gouts très différents.

Quand est-ce que vous avez ouvert votre magasin? C'est notre deuxième magasin, qui est comme une rénovation du premier. Mon frère et moi avons commencé vers 1998, il y a 12 ans. En fait, à cette époque il n'existait pas ni le club du gourmet ni aucun magasin spécialisé en vins; le vin ici s'achetait au supermarché et ça était comme ça. Il s'appelait Vino Calidad... Il s'appelait Vino Calidad et maintenant nous sommes Vino Calidad. Los dominios de Baco. Ce magasin est un défi pour nous. Qu'est-ce que vous offrez aux clients de votre magasin? Plutôt, on offre du conseil, parce qu'on considère qu’en matière de vin, comme chacun a son propre goûte, on ne peut pas se limiter à un certain type de vin qui attire à tout le monde en général. On doit offrir le type de vin demandé par le client, n'importe quoi. Premièrement, on donne du conseil, on recommande selon le goût du client et alors on offre tout type de vins, mais plutôt de vins un peu différents, un peu hors du marché, hors des grandes distributions, des grandes productions qui d'une certain façon diminuent la qualité en faveur du prix. On considère qu'il y a de vins qui ne discriminent pas la qualité à fin de obtenir un prix inférieur: le producteur préfère ne pas commander un

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panneau publicitaire qui coûte 5000 euros et que la bouteille coûte un euro de mois à fin de que tout le monde profite de ce vin. Vous organisez des cours de dégustation dans votre magasin... Bien sûr. Nous donnons des cours de type basique ou on peut apprendre les trucs nécessaires pour se débrouiller dans le mode du vin. Normalement les cours ont lieu mercredi, jeudi et vendredi soir et on dégoute 6 vins. Gouter plus de vins n'est pas si intéressant car on peut se saturer. Le fin du cours ce que quand on l'a terminé, on peut se débrouiller un petit peu, on connaît les variétés de raisins, l'état du marché... et fondamentalement son propre gout. Un bon vin doit être nécessairement cher? Pas du tout. Par exemple, un des meilleurs vins d'Espagne (on ne peut pas dire « le meilleur » parce que ça dépend du goût de quelqu'un), coûte quatre ou cinq fois moins que ses homologues. C'est un vin élaboré en Toro par un œnologue français et il est considéré le meilleur vin d'Espagne par des prestigieuses revues à niveau international. On peut acheter ce vin pour 35 euros autant que des vins de caractéristiques similaires coûtent 100 ou même 200 euros. Un proverbe espagnol dit que c'est une sottise confondre qualité et prix (Es de necios confundir calidad con precio). En fait, beaucoup d'œnologues affirment qu'on ne peut pas justifier le prix d'un vin qui coûte plus de 50 euros. La valeur des processus, de la machinerie est le même pour tous. Alors, comment il y a des vins fait avec les mêmes moyens et qui montrent des différences de prix si grandes? Décrivez un bon vin. Un bon vin c'est plutôt un vin rond, qui a des qualités et pas ou presque pas de défets. C'est à dire, un vin dont les sensations en bouche sont équilibrées et aucune ressorte sur les autres. Un bon vin c'est un vin qui contient de bonne fruit, de bon bois, qui a une acidité correcte, ni trop haut (parce qu’il serait agressive en bouche) ni trop bas (parce qu'il ne durerait presque pas en bouteille). Et alors on doit ternir en compte le goût et la situation de chacun. Quelqu'un m'a qui dit que le meilleur vin c'est le vin qu'on boit

entre amis. C'est vrai, l'endroit et l'occasion sont des choses très fondamentales parce qu'on peut boire le même vin dans des situations diverses et avoir des sensations complètement différentes. C'est ne pas le vin, c'est la personne. Qu'est-ce qu'on doit tenir en compte quand on dégoute un vin? Quand on dégoute un vin, on considère la couleur, l'arome et le goût, ce qu'on appelle le bouquet, et on suive toujours le même ordre. Premièrement, la vue nous indiquera des détailles sur la jeunesse du vin , son temps en bois et en bouteille... Ensuite, le nez nous dira s'il y a des défets. C'est important de suivre cet ordre, parce que si le nez détecte des défets dans le vin, ça nous empêchera de le mettre dans la bouche. Après, le nez pourra se concentrer en chercher les vertus de ce vin. Ce nous indiquera comment on va le trouver en bouche. Et finalement, le goût sera le dernier indicatif. Quelle est la différence entre les vins français et les espagnols? Surtout le climat et les variétés des raisins. Aussi, les vins français ont une acidité un petit peu haute et il faut les garder en bouteille pendant plus temps á fin de réduire cette acidité. Dans le cas des vins espagnols, on ne doit pas les garder si longtemps; notre problème est un petit peu la fruit ou al puissance de nos vins. Qu'est que vous pouvais nous dire sur l'accord mets et vins? L'accord consiste en donner de la puissance à un bon vin avec un bon plat ou, au contraire, souligner un bon plat avec un bon vin. Il y a des accords de contraste et d'élévation. Je préfère le dernier, qui faire ressortir les nuances ou les textures du plat au moyen du vin. Mais il y a des personnes qui aiment le contraste, le choc entre le plat et le vin. Par exemple, ils choisissent un Pedro Ximenez pour les crevettes. On peut l'aimer ou non, mais c'est toujours surprenant. Merci beaucoup Victor. Nous nous rencontrerons dans ton magasin, un endroit vraiment magique. Vino Calidad / Los dominios de Baco C/ Segura, 3, 29007 Málaga Téléphone : 952 61 75 60

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Killer Whales and Love in the Strait of Gibraltar

Luz María Santos Maths teacher Luz María Santos was

How do you combine this profession with your personal life? Rafa: It’s easier to combine both because Arantxa also does the same. Arantxa: It’s not difficult but sometimes you need discipline. In our personal, life as Rafa has said, we share the same hobbies, so there are no problems. Do you need a specific diet to be in shape? Rafa: We modify our diet depending on the goal. Arantxa: Sometimes,when we have to prepare a specific crossing, we change our diet, always controlled by a sports medicine doctor.

born in Málaga in 1984. She enjoys surfing the Internet and chatting with friends, and she spends most of her spare time studying English. Her goal this year is to obtain the B2 certificate of this language at the Official School of Languages in Fuengirola.

rantxa and Rafa are a couple who have the same passion for swimming.They have crossed the Strait of Gibraltar from Tarifa (Spain) to Morocco twice. The most incredible thing is that the second time in 2010 they were almost in their fifties and they looked perfectly in shape. They met each other swimming, Arantxa only swam on the swimming pool but when she met Rafa, she started swimming with him in the sea. I have had the opportunity to speak with them and they have told me about their last experience crossing the Strait of Gibraltar, which was an amazing fight against high tides, killer whales and other dangers. When did you realise that you wanted to be a swimmer? Rafa: I discovered it little by little. As for long-distance swimming, once I started, I became more and more passionate about it. Arantxa: When I was a child it was an obligation imposed by my parents. But after having stopped for 20 years, it has become a way of living for me. How long have you been swimming? Rafa: I became a swimmer at the age of 14. Nowadays I swim regularly. Arantxa: I started swimming at the age of 5. I stopped when I was 17 and after 20 years I picked it up again and have continued until now, at 52.

How was the idea of crossing the strait of Gibraltar born? Rafa: After having swam long distances between islands in the Canaries, we needed new challenges. This is how we decided to cross the Strait of Gibraltar in 2004. As we really enjoyed the experience, we decided to repeat it in 2010 with two close friends from Madrid. Arantxa: We had already swam long distances in the Canary Islands and in other parts of the world, but the idea of swimming between two continents was really attractive. Besides, this is a crossing which is different every time because of the changes in the ocean currents, the tides, etc. Crossing the strait of Gibraltar is very risky, what kind of difficulties did you find there? Rafa: In our first crossing, while we swam, a group of six killer whales came near us without us noticing it, Suddenly, we saw that the boat that accompanied us was very far away. When we asked what had happened, they told us that they had gone to fill up the fuel tank. They didn’t tell us the truth and, to be honest, when we saw the pictures, we preferred the white lie. Arantxa: All that Rafa has said and also the changes in the temperature, the tides, our sensations... What recommendations do you have for crossing the strait of Gibraltar? Rafa: It’s a risky adventure, but it is controlled at all times by the the Strait of Gibraltar Swimming Association and there are no problems. We are totally safe. Arantxa: With the Strait of Gibraltar Swimming Association you’ve got all the guarantees, because for them the swimmer's security is the most important thing.

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Pumu Dance Crew Miriam Gallardo Reiné 18-year old Miriam Gallardo Reiné was born in Málaga. She is currently

We mix many different styles of street dance such as locking, popping, break dance, new style, hip hop and krumping. Apart from these, we dance funky too. Dancing on stage is something that takes up time and dedication. The choreography must be completed in time to try to keep it clean and perfect, because on stage your nerves may betray you. Sometimes we change parts of it the day before the show, and hopefully it comes out perfect, but I think that sometimes we take too many risks.

studying the last year of English at the Official School of Languages in Fuengirola. One of her hobbies is dancing. She loves it and she is a dance teacher too. In this article she tells us

To create a choreography we consider several things: a varied choreography that includes moving, doing things in groups, exchanging positions, special sound effects, and a sense of humour.

about he dance group, Pumu Crew.

umu crew is a dance group composed of six dancers who love dancing on stage and give it their all. The dancers are Jesus (Pumu), Miguelito, Marisol, Sergio, Alba and me (Miriam). We are all very good friends and that really helps when we have to make a choreography.

One of the most important things for the show is the costumes. The costume is the first impression you give and it must be perfect and original. The group choses the costumes and I normally do the makeup we have to wear for the show. One of the costumes I like the most is the mime costume. It consists of black trousers and shirt, a white tie, suspenders, white trainers and of course mime face paint.

At first, we were just four and we did not do shows or anything like that, we only went to the classes taught by Pumu. Gradually, we got six dancers together and we realised we could go far, we had the capacity to do shows. We started dancing at small private parties until we started to dance in theatres. We're proud of where we are and each member of the crew wants to grow and excel as a dancer.

We usually set the mood on stage by decorating and adding objects such as boxes, textiles, water guns or lights to interact during the dance.

Jesus (Pumu) is our teacher, as I have said, and he is responsible for inventing the steps, although all the dancers create the final choreography.

Here are some pictures of our group in different outfits and a video from one of our shows. I hope you like this video as much as we enjoyed dancing in it. We have more videos in “YouTube”, if you are interesting you only have to search our name “Pumu crew”.

The name of the group (Pumu crew) came from our teacher's nickname, Pumu, but we are thinking about changing it. Some of the proposals are "Wild Monsters" or "Six Elements". Pumu is a break dance and street dance teacher. Some of the dancers in our group are also teachers. Sergio is a funky dance teacher and I am a street dance teacher. This really helps because we can exchange our choreographies and make the final dance longer and more diverse.

We have many anecdotes. For example, one day, dancing at the academy where we usually rehearse, we were trying to do a somersault in the air and we almost broke the ceiling. Needless to say, we didn't try again.

I have written this article with the help of the whole group and we're all happy to have shared our experience with you. Finally, here's some advice for those whose passion is dancing: never stop dancing because dancing is a lifestyle. Greetings from the Pumu Crew.

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Unwrapping the Danish Christmas José Juan García Computer science teacher and B2 English student José Juan García Mayorga likes sci-fi films and reading scientific books and magazines. In this article he tells us about a country that he considers his second home: Denmark. His advice to fellow students? Watch films and series in the original version with subtitles in English.

enmark is located in the North of Europe. The most popular and longest holiday celebration in Denmark is Christmas. The light in winter is scarce and the days are very short. That’s the reason why electric lights are on all the time, inside the houses and out on the streets. To get over this dark period, the Danes light candles, thousands upon thousands of candles. Actually, the Danes burn so many candles that the nation consumes more candles than any other country on earth. Lighted Christmas candles are seen everywhere, in homes, schools, and churches. Ending up with wrong statements, let me explain to you how everything is for the Danes in this season. The Christmas starts with the Advent wreath, a tradition which is not celebrated in Spain. It consists in four candles, one by one candles are lighted every Sunday, the four ones before Christmas Eve. The word “Adventus” is Latin and means “come” and it means of course the count down to what comes at Christmas, the birth of Jesus.

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Nothing, in this period of the year, is more important that the Christmas calendars. They appear in many formats. It could be tiny surprises wrapped in and put inside socks or hanging in a daily calendar. Also you could find them in shops being a big box with 24 windows or doors, which you have to open everyday to discover a little toy or a piece of chocolate. Furthermore, the two big television channels, DR1 and TV2, produce a special soap opera divided into 24 episodes to keep the children’s and adult’s excitement.

Most important in the Danish holiday season is Christmas Eve. However, the day before Christmas Eve is the busiest. Preparing the courses, tiding up the entire house to make it nice and cosy, wrapping the gifts, etc... After a copious meal, which consists in roast duck, roast pork with crackling rinds, all served with boiled and sweet potatoes, red cabbage and beets and cranberry jam, it is time for presents. Danes usually have a high pile of presents beneath the tree and one of the children, normally the youngest one, will choose one of the wrapped presents under the tree and hand it in one by one. After the last present, it is time for “ris à l’amande” (rice pudding with whipped cream, vanilla and almonds) with hot cherry sauce, it is not necessary to explain how heavy this kind of dessert is. The procedure is as follows; a peeled almond is hidden in the dessert bowl, everybody has to serve a plate of the dessert, looking for the peeled almond. But if you are lucky enough and end up finding it, you are not allowed to reveal that you have got it, in order to leave the others serving again and again. Finally, whoever has found the peeled almond gets a present. Regarding to one of the weirdest and strangest things that happen every year, not only in Denmark but in

most of the Scandinavian countries, there is a sketch broadcasted on TV. Dinner for One, also known as The 90th Birthday, or in German title, Der 90. Geburtstag, is a sketch comedy written in the 1920s by Lauri Wylie, a British author. The 18 minutes’ sketch has become an important part of the New Year’s Eve.

King of the programming in New Year’s Eve is this black-and-white sketch comedy, featured by British comedians. The sketch is about the 90th birthday of an elderly upper-class Englishwoman who is named Miss Sophie. She celebrates a dinner every year for her close friends Mr Pommeroy, Mr Winterbottom, Sir Toby, and Admiral von Schneider. The funny situation is as follows; Miss Sophie is a very old lady, she has outlived all of her friends. Besides, her manservant, called James, has the same age as she. Due to the fact that all the guests are dead, he has to make his way around the table, impersonating each of them in turn. The crucial exchange during every course is: James: The same procedure as last year, Miss Sophie? Miss Sophie: The same procedure as every year, James!

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Lifestyle at Riviera del Brenta, Venice Lydia Martínez Fernández 23-year-old Lydia Martínez Fernández has recently graduated in Advertising and Public Relations. Currently she is doing the EVS (European Voluntary Service) in Dolo, Venice, helping create communication campaigns for an association called Il Portico. If you want to know more about her experience, just read this article.

t is difficult to start writing when you want to share so many feelings, not always good ones. But, first of all, I have to tell you that I am currently doing the European Voluntary Service with three more people: Anete from Latvia, Stephan from Germany and Jakub from the Czech Republic. They’re one of the best things about my experience. What is the “European Voluntary Service”? It is simple. The EVS is a European Commission programme that promotes tolerance and solidarity among young people by offering them the possibility of doing voluntary service working for an association in any country of the EU. It is financed by the Program Youth in Action and the participant entities (the sending organization and the hosting association). The costs of transport, accommodation, food, language lessons, medical insurance, etc. are all covered. It’s a good opportunity for people between 18 and 30 to learn a foreign language, meet people from different nationalities, visit unusual places and work at the same time.

unique association, Il Portico. By unique I mean special, unusual. The Association has been working with disabled people for 25 years, and the workers / volunteers have established this initiative as the centre of their young lives. Il Portico is a kind of healthy addiction, there are good times and bad times, but overcoming the latter is our principal aim. Actually, its history starts when the local postman suggested that a group of young people from the town should visit Ennio, a solitary man affected by multiple sclerosis. Throughout the years, Ennio’s villa became the meeting point for a hundred young people from this town, with or without disabilities. Nowadays there are more than 700 volunteers: some of them are workers, some collaborators, some sympathisers, relatives and friends. The principal aims of the association are to liven up the social life of those who are marginalized or have different disabilities, to provide people with difficulties with temporary accommodation and to organise social activities in the Riviera Del Brenta and Miranese area.

We have been residing in a small village called Dolo, in the province of Venice, since the 21st of September. Our contribution to this community will be provided for nine months, working and living at a

I consider myself truly lucky for having met these captivating people, even if working with them is not always easy. Being a volunteer at “Il Portico” means to give understanding and affection, but you can also

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receive a master class in passion for living. For instance, last Sunday, we were invited to enjoy a Volley Series A match in Padova. Until here it sounds like a usual trip, but to my surprise Francesco, our lively friend with Down’s syndrome, started livening the up the match by cheering enthusiastically until the end of the game, instead of being a common spectator.

But not all is idyllic. Living in a foreign country implies fitting into new habits, and in Italy the new habit has a name, pasta: alla Bolognese, con panna e formaggio, con burro e salvia, alla veronese…Madonna mia!! Also the weather changes your mood. In the Veneto area the fog is really common, creating the same mysterious atmosphere we can find in Stephen King’s books. And nightlife is different; pubs close early and young people are also more reserved.

Venetia (Venice) It is one of the few cities in the world that can truly be described as unique. Venetia is built on a patchwork of more than 100 low-lying islands in the middle of a swampy lagoon, and it is divided into six districts or sestieri, preserving each one its own distinct character. There is something that you must try if you visit Venice: after eating a “panino” in Piazza San Marco sitting in front of the Adriatic Sea, go to the covered pavement of Palazzo Doge. The legend says that if you manage to go around the fourth column of this Palazzo just touching its border, not the ground, you can carry on living because you deserve to be alive. In fact, in the past the Doge let convicts escape from death penalty, when they made it. Padua Padua is one of the most important university cities in Italy, where relevant scientists like Galileo or William Harvey have taught. There’s a jovial atmosphere which contrasts with the cultural Padua, full of monuments and places under the protection of the UNESCO because of their beauty: the Botanic Garden, for example, the oldest in the World, Saint Antonio’s Basilica, “Prato della Valle”, one of the biggest squares in the World, the Chapel of Scrovegni, with the most important frescos of Giotto, etc.

Fortunately, the places around you will make you forget the little issue with the food. The Veneto region is the most visited in Italy, having one of the country’s richest historical, natural, artistic, cultural, and musical heritages. For a millennium, the Veneto was an independent state, known as the Venetian Republic, and the region was annexed to Italy in 1866 after a brief Austrian and French rule. This part of Italy is also known as “The Germany of Italy”, because of the cold and wet weather, and also because of the character of the Venetians, more reserved than the Italians from the South. Our charming village, Dolo, lies halfway between two amazing cities; it is 30 km away from Venice and 20 km from Padua. It means that we have the Venetian dialect in one direction and the Pavano, the dialect from Padua, in the opposite way…è un casino! But don’t worry, if you ask the people in Italia n they’ll try to answer also in Italian (Just kidding). Let me describe you the most charming places that we have visited so far.

Other fantastic places are Verona, the city of Romeo and Julieta, Torino, Chioggia, the Venetian islands Burano and Murano, the Dolomites… Finally, there is a piece of advice that I would like you to keep in mind: “You have got the world under your feet; you only need to make it spin.” Buona fortuna!!


Claudio Cifuentes-Aldunate Claudio Cifuentes Aldunate es chileno de nacimiento y danés de adopción. Doctorado en literatura hispanoamericana por la Universidad de Friburgo, Suiza, con un doctorado sobre Mario Vargas Llosa publicado en Odense University Press, 1983, con el título Conversación en la Catedral, Poética de un Fracaso. Durante toda su vida académica ha tenido como foco central de interés la semiótica y el análisis literario. Una parte de su investigación se centra

or alguna razón, el destino ha querido que mi vida se tuviera que desarrollar lejos de la tierra que me vio nacer y…no me lamento. El cielo, y las estrellas de este lugar, se asemejan demasiado a las mías.

en la escenificación de la la verdad en la historia y en la literatura. Por el momento es miembro de LEIA (Laboratorio de estudios italianos ibéricos e iberoamericanos) de la Universidad de Caen, Baja Normandía, donde se ha ocupado especialmente del microrelato y de la representación literaria de la ciudad. Actualmente se ocupa de un proyecto sobre las últimas tendencias en el cuento argentino y chileno, así como también de un proyecto "de vida" sobre semio-estética.

Desde Odense, esta ciudad en que naciera Hans Christian Andersen, debemos movernos hacia el norte de la isla de Fionia. Bordear el fiordo de Munkebo (entrada de mar que quiere ser lago) y orillear esa costa de aldeas guardadas por el tiempo, hasta llegar a la hermosa ciudad de Kerteminde donde nos recibe su luz de dos espejos: el fiordo por un lado y el mar Báltico por el otro. Seguimos el borde del mar donde molinos de viento y lujosas casas, desde la colina bordeante, no se cansan de mirar el atardecer…y así, al final de esta playa, llamada del norte, entramos en la zona boscosa del castillo de Hværringe por el camino que nos llevará hacia La cabeza de Fionia, (en la lengua de este lugar: Fynshoved).

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perla de ámbar…fue la única recompensa a su gran esfuerzo de excavación. Sin embargo, al visitar este lugar, quien lo haga, no deberá olvidar llevar algunas velas para iluminar su oscuro interior. Luego de pasar a gatas por el pasaje de entrada, se descubrirá que dicho pasaje hace una T en relación a la cámara mortuoria.

El camino mismo a ese sitio feérico compite en hermosura con su destino: el subir y bajar de colinas verdes por un camino a ambos lados bordeados de árboles peinados por el viento, y…de pronto el mar. Nuevamente dos espejos: a nuestra izquierda el fiordo de Odense, a nuestra derecha otra vez el Báltico. Es aquí, en este punto, que el paseante debe mirar con atención y tratar de observar y descubrir, en este paisaje de dulces colinas, la aparición repentina de una colina pequeña y abrupta intentando mimetizarse con las otras. Que no les engañe. Esa colina es Mårhøj jættestue, la tumba de un cacique de la región cuyo origen se remonta a 3000 años antes de Cristo. El lugar está en medio de un campo de trigo. El campesino-propietario del lugar ha hecho un camino que atraviesa el trigal para poder acceder hasta allí. Un letrero explica que el antiguo dueño de esas tierras, Anders Larsen, en en el mes de julio del año 1868, descubrió primeramente el pasadizo que entraba en la colina. En dicho pasadizo de tres metros de largo, encontró un esqueleto y una urna. Al llegar a la cámara mortuoria, encontró otros esqueletos y una

Allí, ya podemos estar de pié: una amplia sala de dos metros de ancho por ocho de largo en donde se podrá apreciar la refinada técnica de aquellos proto-daneses, que construían con piedras enormes de granito, piedras de la altura de una persona y del ancho de dos, y que nadie se explica cómo esos hombres las hicieron llegar hasta allí ni cómo las movieron, colocándolas así que no quedara ni un milímetro entre sus junturas, y rellenando con pequeñas piedras los lugares en que la forma natural de la piedra dejaba filtrar imperfecciones. Hay algo hermoso e inquietante en eso de estar allí. Llevo siempre a los amigos que me visitan, y siempre los comentarios -de pronto- caen en un silencio iluminado por la velas, como queriendo escuchar ”otra cosa”. Estamos de pié, tocando con nuestras cabezas la humedad de las piedras-techo de esa sala. Reflexiono en torno a ese esfuerzo increíble de querer perpetuar un cuerpo que fatalmente terminará en esqueleto…y –la verdad- no es el cuerpo lo que se perpetúa…es lo que puede hacer un cuerpo, o varios: una sala maravillosa intacta desde hace cinco mil años para visitar con mis amigos. Hay siempre algo mágico en esa visita: los amigos, contaminados por la resistencia al tiempo de aquellas piedras, nos volvemos… más amigos!

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Carlos Sarria Gómez Maîtrise en Histoire (Université de Malaga) et professeur d´enseignement secondaire depuis 2003. Actuellement élève de 5e année à l´École Officielle de Langues de Fuengirola. Loisirs

n Andalousie, la grande région mediterranéenne du sud de l’Europe, nous pouvons trouver un petit village situé entre les montagnes à 50 km de la grande ville de Malaga, c’est Alfarnate.

(très communs): Lecture, voyager, footing et surtout la musique (groupe radiohead ou la musique française)

Son prénom d’origine arabe signifie “moulin à farine. Ses racines remontent donc au temps des musulmans, ou bien plus puisqu’il existe quelques sites préhistoriques et romains autour du village. Au fil du temps, son isolement a préservé ce petit bijou de l’architecture traditionelle andalouse. Nous pouvons y observer de différents bâtiments agricoles, des maisons de paysans et surtout une auberge très connue, “la venta de Alfarnate”. Cet établissement est ouvert depuis le XVIeme siècle et il continue encore à proposer des repas traditionnels de la zone comme: “las migas” (une sorte de pain haché et frit à l’ail) et “le morrete de setas” (un ragôut de champignons et de pommes de terre). De plus, la gastronomie se complète avec de merveilleux gâteaux comme: les “roscos de vino”, les “roscos carreros”, les “tortas de aceite”, etc…. Ces recettes utilisent les produits qu’apporte un magnifique environnement natural très bien préservé. Tous ces éléments on fait de ce lieu un exemple de mixité historique, culturelle et anthropologique. La combinaison d’aspects qui a transformé l’Andalousie en une des régions les plus touristiques et visitée du monde entier. Venez à Alfarnate ! Un petit trésor caché au coeur de Málaga.

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Un Jour et Une Nuit a Mijas

Emilia Gutiérrez Emilia Gutiérrez est de Málaga et

ijas Pueblo est le typique village andalou blanchi à la chaux d’origine mauresque. Il est situé à 430 mètres d’altitude, à 30 kilomètres de Málaga et à 8 Km. de la ville voisine de Fuengirola, dans la région de la Costa del Sol occidentale.

elle est infirmière. Elle a une passion pour les langues et les cultures. De fait, elle parle l’anglais, le portugais et le français. Elle voyage si souvent que possible et son projet immédiat est de travailler dans la coopération internationale.

Pour profiter de notre visite, on doit se promener dans les rues étroites de la petite vieille ville où on sera surpris par les nombreuses échoppes du petit commerce. On pourra remarquer, dans les ruelles et sur les petites places, le passage des célèbres “burros-taxi” (taxis à dos d’âne). L’ermitage de la Virgen de la Peña est le temple où l’on vénère la patronne de la localité. Il fut creusé dans la roche par les frères de la “Merci” au milieu du XVIIe siècle. Depuis l’esplanade de l’ermitage se trouvent de beaux jardins qui constituent un point de vue sur l’ensemble du territoire de Mijas et Fuengirola. On peut y boire un rafraîchissement dans le kiosque en observant le paysage. L’église de la Inmaculada Concepción date du XVIe siècle et se dresse sur l’esplanade d’un coteau. L’interieur est divisé en trois nefs. La nef centrale conserve son plafond de style mudéjar. La Plaza de Toros (les arènes), edifiée en 1900, se trouve dans le quartier de la Muralla. Son architecture est très originale car l’arène est ovale et l’extérieur est quadrangulaire. Le Carromato de Max (la roulotte de Max), dans l’avenue del Compás, est considerée comme le premier musée mondial de miniatures. La Casa Museo collectionne des outils agricoles et traditionnels qui plongent le visiteur dans la vie rurale de la région. Il vaut la peine de rester le soir à Mijas pour observer le coucher de soleil et, juste après, savourer un dîner dans un des nombreux bons restaurants que cette ville nous offre.


Ana Mª Ayora Vivas Ana Mª Ayora Vivas was born in Málaga in 1962. She studied Biology at the University of Málaga. In 1985 she passed the exam to become a Secondary School Biology teacher. She has been teaching in Ronda, Arroyo de la Miel and Torremolinos. She has also worked at the Teachers Training Centre in Málaga for six years. She loves Botany and gardens. She has colaborated in several publications about Nature (“Flora ornamental de Málaga”, 1988. “Por los Montes de Málaga”,2001). She has two children.... and a desire:to improve her English.

f you are going to spend some days in London, a relaxed weekend or a family holiday far from the most famous and touristic monuments, don’t miss a visit to the Kew Gardens, and Discover Kew! The Royal Botanical Gardens in Kew cover an area just over 132 hectares on the banks of the River Thames between Richmond and Kew in south-west London. Augusta, Princess of Wales, founded a botanic garden in 1759 on two estates which belonged to the Royal family. Later on, King George III (Augusta’s son) inherited the Richmond estate and Sir Joseph Banks¹ became the unofficial director and it was under his influence that the botanical garden became world famous. Today it is an international powerhouse for plant conservation. Kew’s living plant collection is the largest and most comprehensive in the world. With its collections, it forms an encyclopedia of knowledge, as well as a beautiful place to visit.

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Kew Gardens is 10 miles away from central London and adjacent to the river Thames. I encourage you to visit Kew Gardens via public transport, both for environmental reasons and because they have limited parking. I suggest using the London underground². You can take the District Line in the Richmond direction from central London: Kew Gardens station is the closest London underground station. From Kew Garden station it is 5-minute walk through Lichfield Road to Victoria Gate entrance. Kew opens at 9.30 am every day except 24/25 December. Children under 17 are free , adults £ 13.50, and concessions £11.50 (students). For groups of 10+ there are group discount rates. It’s good value for money. I recommend you plan your day: On a typical 2-3 hour tour, you can visit Kew attractions. Take a look at Kew map at the entrance and enjoy all the attractions: The Palm House, one of the most important Victorian structures in glass and iron shows tropical rainforest; the Temperated House, the largest glasshouse at Kew; The Princess of Wales conservatory with ten different environmental zones; the Davies alpine house; The Sackler Crossing over the Lake. Lastly, the Rhizotron & Xstrata treetop walkway gives visitors a unique opportunity to stay into the underground world of trees. Don’t miss other hidden treasures of Kew such as the Waterlily House (my favourite in Kew) where tropical climbing plants surround a pool of waterlilies and other gigantic aquatic plants such as the Victoria amazonica, and the Pagoda, one of the best features in the Kew landscape.

If you have children, I suggest following the children activities of Kew such as Climbers and Creepers, where the children can wiggle through tunnels like a field mouse and slide down a giant pitcher plant. In Badger Sett, the children can discover what a badger’s home is really like. They really enjoy these recreational areas. One thing to be wary of is eating at Kew. There are cafés and two restaurants but it is not all it’s cracked up to be. The restaurants are a bit overpriced and the range of dishes is very limited. So, if I were you, I’d take my own lunch and I’d enjoy my own sandwiches in one of the many beautiful gardens inside Kew. My last suggestion is to visit the shop. You will find a wide range of products such as jewellery, books, gardening equipment, souvenirs, children gifts and food and confectionary. You can select from their delicious range of preserves made especially for Kew by Peyton and Byrne. If you like English marmalade, you should try one of them. The three fruit marmalade is delicious!! ¹ Joseph Banks was a British explorer and naturalist who, as long-time president of the Royal Society, became known for his promotion of science. In 1768, he joined the Society’s expedition, led by Captain James Cook, to explore the uncharted lands of the South Pacific. Banks collected an enormous number of specimens on the way. After becoming president of the Royal Society in 1778, he promoted the career of many scientists and as director of the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew, he sent many botanists abroad to find new plants and extend the Gardens’ collection. ² To find out the best route to Kew by public transport, use the Transport for London Journey Planner.

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Les Alpujarras Lola Vigil Lola Vigil est née a Grenade, dans les Alpujarras, dans un petit village à côté d’Órgiva qui n’apparait pas

es Alpujarras est une région montagneuse du sud de l’Espagne entre les provinces de Grenade et d’Almería, dans le Parc National de Sierra Nevada et la mer Méditerranée.

sur la carte . Elle a fait des études de tourisme a Grenade, puis a séjourné à Londres et à Avignon pour compléter sa formation. Après avoir fini ses études, elle a travaillé à l’Hôtel Byblos, à Malaga, jusqu’à sa fermeture au mois de mai 2010. Actuellement, elle a repris ses études à l’école de langues de Fuengirola.

Dans ce paysage de montagnes, vous allez trouver de petits villages blancs très proches entre eux. Tous ces villages ont leur église et comptent une population entre 100 et 800 habitants, dont la plupart sont des retraités. Il ya aussi une autre partie de la population venue de différentes régions attirée par la paix et la beauté du paysage. Ils y ont trouvé un mode de vie grâce au tourisme : ils tiennent des bars, des boutiques de souvenirs ou de tapis, des petits hôtels etc. Les plus grands villages de L’Alpujarra de Grenade sont : Órgiva, le chef-lieu de la région, Lanjarón, très connu pour ses eaux minérales, Trevélez, le village le plus haut de l’Espagne, à 1746 mètres d’altitude et très connu aussi pour son jambon ; Ugijar, Cádiar… déjà en descendant sur la côté sud en direction Almería et la mer Méditerranée. La faune et la flore sont exceptionnelles, la région est classée Réserve Naturelle. Vous pouvez en profiter pour faire des randonnées. Il y a beaucoup de routes/ sentiers à parcourir, qui étaient les anciens chemins avant la construction des routes actuelles. Ces chemins étaient la seule manière pour se communiquer entre villages. Si vous visitez cette région, n’oubliez pas de faire des promenades et d’essayer de monter à sa plus haute montagne, le Mulhacén, à 3479 mètres au dessus de la mer. Il faut être courageux et être en bonne forme!!

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Le phare de la Jument. Histoire d’une photo

José Madrid Jose a fait des études de tourisme et a travaillé dans plusieurs entreprises touristiques le long de sa carrière. Maintenant, il travaille dans un projet de création d’une agence de voyages en ligne pour développer des produits de tourisme culturel sur la ville de

ous avez peut-être déjà vu cette térrifiante photo quelque part. Un phare enroulé par une vague gigantesque qui est sur le point d’engloutir son gardien. Et, bien sûr, après avoir vu cette photo, vous pouvez vous demander ce que cet homme faisait là-bas en risquant sa vie et, même, comment cette photo a-t-elle pu être prise à ce moment là?


Le phare, c’est le phare de «La Jument», un des nombreux phares qui se trouvent dans l’île d’Ouessant. Cette île se trouve dans le Finistère français, dans la région de Bretagne, à 20 km. de la côte, une des côtes les plus dangereuses de l’Atlantique pour la navegation. Il a été construit en 1940, il mesure 47 m. et sa lumière atteint 39 km. Le 21 décembre 1989, la côte bretonne subissait une tempête extrêmement forte et, son gardien, Théodore Malgorne commençait à s’inquièter ou plutôt à s’effrayer du fait que les vagues avaient cassé plusieurs fenêtres au premier étage et l’eau était entrée à l’interieur du phare en inondant la partie inférieure de celui-ci. Il attendait donc d’être repêché d’un moment à l’autre. Ce jour-là, Jean Guichard, le célèbre photographe de paysages maritimes, survolait la zone en hélicoptère en prenant des photos pour un de ses reportages. Quand Théodore a entendu le son de l’hélicoptère, il a descendu rapidement les escaliers et il est sorti à l’exterieur. Tout de suite, il s’est rendu compte de son erreur: ce n’était pas les services maritimes qui venaient le repêcher. Soudain, il a pris conscience de la grande vague qui se formait autour de lui en rentrant rapidement à l’interieur du phare. D’un autre côté, Guichard, il venait de prendre une des photos les plus surprenantes de toute sa carrière.

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Two Wonderful Days in Buenos Aires

Soluna Salles Bernal Photography: Mallku Salles Soluna Salles Bernal was born in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and she has lived in Spain for more than twenty years. She lives with her husband, their threes sons and their daughter in a house in the countryside near Mijas (Málaga). She's currently studying to obtain her B2 English certificate at the Official School of Languages in Fuengirola.

uenos Aires, Argentina’s capital, one of the biggest cities all over the world and the second-largest metropolitan area in South America, with almost 13 million inhabitants, is located on the western shore of the Río de la Plata estuary . Considered the most European city in Latin America, Buenos Aires has an intense and diverse cultural life to discover. The Porteños or people of the port, as the inhabitants of Buenos Aires are known, are very proud of their city and expert at getting newcomers hooked soon after arriving. So, let me show you what you can do and see in just 2 days. To start with, book a suite at the Home Hotel situated in the fashionable Palermo Viejo neighborhood, where the old and the new Buenos Aires meet. This award-winning establishment matches perfectly sleek Scandinavian furniture and gorgeous floral wallpaper. Relax, have breakfast in the garden and get ready to set off for the bustling city center. Hail a taxi and ask the driver to take you to Plaza de Mayo, the city’s political and commercial hub. Along the way, enjoy the taxi driver's philosophical talk and admire the world famous Obelisco (Obelisk), placed right in the middle of the Avenida 9 de Julio, Buenos Aires widest driveway, an authentic traffic madness. Once you reach the square, get your bearings by looking at the national government building, the Casa Rosada, or Pink House, whose particular colour comes from the simple combination of red and white, which was decided by president D. Sarmiento in the 1860’s to quell a dispute between two political factions. You will see the white shawls of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo painted on the ground. This unique

association of mothers convenes every Thursday claiming the right to know the fate of their children, who were abducted during the last military dictatorship. On the western edge of the plaza there is a singular whitewashed building, the Cabildo, where the revolution started back in 1810, leading to the independence from Spain. There you can and have a look at the museum and the original artisan tents placed on the patio. Exiting the plaza on Avenida de Mayo you will come across Cafe Tortoni, Buenos Aires's oldest and more storied café, which dates from 1958 and where writers and intellectuals of the stature of Borges or Lorca once scribbled fine literature on its marble tables. The city will be nothing without its wide and peculiar net of public transport. Just cross the avenue and enter Piedras A line subway station. The trains, made entirely of wood, are authentic survivors of olden times. After a short journey in a creaking and shaking carriage, get off at Saénz Peña station and come out to light to admire the eclectic building of the Palacio Barolo. Built in the 1920s in Art Nouveau style, it pays homage to Dante’s Divine Comedy, where the ground represents hell and the tower signifies heaven. This is just a little sample of Buenos Aires’s architectural wonders. Now, turn clockwise and walk straight ahead to Avenida Corrientes, the culture thoroughfare par excellence, bustling with cinemas, theatres and bookshops, which will trap you at once in a world of paper and words. Get lost and enjoy it. By this time you will be hungry and thirsty, won’t you? Then ask for Pippo Restaurant to any stroller and once

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there don’t hesitate to ask for ravioli with tuco and pesto, a delicious ensemble of sauces and traditional Italian pasta. Then, if you still have room in your stomach, you can try a flan con dulce de leche (caramel custard with milk jam) for dessert. Next destination: the chic and rich Recoleta neighbourhood. Are you ready for a new challenge? Now you have to experiment Buenos Aires’s buses, or colectivos as they call them. So once you find the 10 line stop, be ready to hop on as quickly as you can when it arrives. By now you will have noticed that travelling in BA means a lot of jolting and rushing; just think that you would have to pay more money for this in an adventure park. Get off at Plazoleta Pellegrini and saunter down Avenida Alvear admiring the most expensive residences in the city. Now that you have seen where the city’s bygone oligarchy once lived, why not see where they are buried? Just across the street is the world-famous La Recoleta Cemetery. I know it is a bit weird and spooky to visit a cemetery, but believe me, this is worth seeing. Walking around among its magnificent marble mausoleums you will discover plates with the names of presidents, writers, etc. who are resting their souls here. The day is ending, so go to the hotel and choose an outfit for the night. Take a taxi to go back to Avenida Corrientes, where you will find the San Martín Theatre Complex. Built in the 1970’s, it is the city cultural referent with 3 spectacular theatres and a number of halls for exhibitions. Just select one of the many performances and get a ticket, all of them are top quality and very reasonable in price. By now you will be wondering where is the world-renowned Argentinian meat. Don’t waste your time and go directly to La Estancia situated in Lavalle Street. Sit, chill out and ask for a bife de chorizo (huge juicy sirloin), pairing it with a bottle of rich and smoky 2004 Escorihuela Gascon Malbec. Once you have recharged batteries, do you fancy watching a bit of tango? Then Salón Canning is the place where you can see, learn and, if you have enough courage, even dance a tango. End of the first day. Day two. Good morning Buenos Aires! To combat the hangover, the best you can do is have a light breakfast of orange juice, cafe latte and a butter croissant.

There's no time to waste, today you will breathe the original scent of the city, La Boca (and its river, the Riachuelo). This neighborhood was founded back in the late XIX century by Genovese immigrants, who built up their houses with simple metal sheets, later painted with their distinctive vivid colours. Nowadays, La boca is considered Buenos Aires’s Brooklyn, a mixture of cultures bustling with artistic exhibition halls, such as the recently renovated Fundación PROA, which is the city’s best modern and contemporary art space. There is so much to see and so little time to do it... However, you can’t leave Buenos Aires without tasting the authentic Italian pizza. You are a lucky person because you are at the right place: just go to the intersection of Olavarría with Martín Rodriguez Street. Once there, spot a tiny business which sells take-away pizza. I strongly recommend the fugazzeta with faina, made of spongy dough with creamy cheese and flavored onion. But the sin will not be fully committed if you don't accompany it with a Quilmes chilly beer. To end with, you must see Buenos Aires’s greenest face, the Parque tres de Febrero, better known as Palermo Woods. An exact copy of the Parisian Bois de Boulogne, this huge extension of gardens is spotted with several lakes where couples can hire a boat to have a romantic ride. The planetarium, named after the famous astronomer Galileo Galilei is the pearl of the park. Inaugurated in 1966, it is one of the jewels of Buenos Aires’s architecture. If you are still willing to do something more, you can devote your last afternoon to wanton consumerism. Take a cab to Plazoleta Cortázar, the heart of Palermo Viejo. This revamped district is riddled with trendy boutiques and design goods shops, so be selective or your plastic will melt. The good news is that the hotel is right around the corner. You can walk there as you breathe the scent of fruit and vegetables from the greengrocers' along the way. There are many Buenos Aires to discover, think that you have just tasted a bit of it, so inevitably you will have to come back.

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Jerez, the Perfect Place to Live and to Visit Araceli Maestre Araceli Maestre was born in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, where she grew up and attended university to study Industrial Engineering. Since 2002 she has lived in Benalmรกdena, where she has worked for different electricity installation companies. She is currently studying the last year of English at the Official School of Languages in Fuengirola. She enjoys travelling around the world, especially to warm destinations.

A marvellous geographical situation Nestling in the south-western corner of Andalucia, in the north-west of the province of Cadiz, Jerez enjoys a truly privileged geographical location: lying in a fertile area formed by the plain of the Guadalquivir, on the banks of the river Guadalete and just a short drive from both the Atlantic beaches and the Gaditana mountain range. It's a marvellous geographical situation, midway between the mountainside and the coast, where over 3.200 hours of sunshine grace the town with mild temperatures year round. The gentleness of the temperatures, averaging 11ยบC in winter and 25ยบC in summer, softened by both its proximity to the sea and its very geographical latitude, means that the winters are mild and the summers pleasant. It's present and its past Throughout its long history Jerez has been strongly influenced by the different cultures that have settled in its lands, each leaving its mark upon the already deep-rooted traditions of the city. These legacies now form an essential part of the life in this city. The cultures of the Phoenician Xera, the strongly Roman Ceret, and the important Muslim Sherish all

made their presence felt up until Alfonso X The Wise took Jerez back from the Moors in 1264 and was responsible for the conversion of the city to Christianity. This melting pot of cultures and knowledge has helped to enhance the artistic heritage of the city. The old centre is full of squares and quaint streets where you can discover hidden corners among fountains, orange tress, palaces, churches and sherry bodegas. Few places in Spain can be said to enjoy the international renown of Jerez given that, thanks to its sherry wines, the name of the city crossed the international borders many years ago and has since gone on to become truly universal. But Jerez is not just a city of wines and beautiful buildings, it has much more to offer than that: it's the home of the Carthusian horse, the fighting bull, the cradle of flamenco, the capital of motorcycle racing and, on top of all, it has been declared to be of artistic and historical interest. Nowadays Jerez is a large city where long-standing traditions coexist in perfect harmony with the modern: large shopping centres and wide avenues converge upon the cheerful and bustling historic centre, where shopping and tapas go hand in hand.

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All of these distinctive features make Jerez the perfect place to live in and to visit. The Andalusian Horse Since ancient times, alongside Sherry and Flamenco, the horse has been one of the strongest symbols of Jerez. A period of great importance in this long tradition was in the 15th century, when the Carthusian monks brought the world famous Carthusian horse to Jerez.

of Flamenco. The most important churches in Jerez, built after the Christian conquest of the city, have lent their names to its most traditional quarters: Santiago and San Miguel, where the roots of the Buleria are to be found. In the very heart of The Santiago quarter, located in the Pemartin Palace, stands the Andalusian Flamenco Centre, equipped with the most up-to-date audiovisual technology and understanding of this very special art form which is so deeply rooted in the spirit of the local inhabitants. Jerez offers the very best of Flamenco each day in its famous tablaos, in addition to some very interesting flamenco performances: from flamenco recitals in the numerous Peña Flamenca clubs to be found dotted around the city, to the traditional Buleria Festival, in September, and the famous Jerez International Flamenco Festival, which takes place each year from February to March.

Today there is a staggering number of equestrian events in which this noble creature can be seen. “The Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art” and “the Yeguada la Cartuja-Hierro del Bocado”, have weekly shows. There is also the annual Horse Fair and many equestrian events forming part of the Harvest Festival. The place where Sherry is born and aged Jerez has an exceptional geographical location. Its close proximity to the Atlantic, the local chalky soil, the “Palomino” grape, and the careful ageing of the grape must all combine to give the world the pleasure of this unique product known all over the world as Sherry. The production of these wines and the Jerez vinegar is protected by the “Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen Jerez-Xerès-Sherry”. Both products use the traditional ageing process known as “solera” and “criadera”. The wine cellars in Jerez are large spacious buildings with high-tiled roofs. They are designed to keep a constant temperature and humidity in semidarkness, conditions which are essential for the production of Sherry. Jerez the Birthplace of Flamenco Jerez is considered the “birthplace of Flamenco”. This city has been, since the turn of the last century, the city which has produced the most and best singers, dancers and guitarists in the whole history

Capital of motorcycle racing Jerez also has the only Permanent Speed Circuit in the south of Spain, one of the best in the world, where many different and important motor races take place throughout the year, such as the World Motorcycle Championship.

Gastronomy Jerez enjoys the best of fresh local produce. Shelfish and fish from the bay, meat and game, salads and traditional stews, each different dish and tapa acquires its maximum expression when cooked al jerez or a la jerezana, always served with Fino, Amontillado, Oloroso, Pedro Ximénez and Brandy. All in all, I consider Jerez as both a wonderful place to live and the perfect destination for a short holiday all around the year.

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Une Cathédrale Inachevée

Alejandro Pérez Né au Maroc, à 13 ans il s’installe à Fuengirola avec ses parents. Il y

nachevée et majestueuse, la cathédrale s’élève au centre de Malaga comme guide insigne pour ceux qui se promènent dans la ville. Son intérieur garde des trésors comme les sculptures de Pedro de Mena, l’un de plus grands sculpteurs de l’art baroque hispanique.

fait ses études au lycée et deux ans de biologie à l’Université de Malaga. Il travaillé pendant 25 ans dans un hôtel et maintenant il se trouve au chômage.

Elle est construite sur une ancienne mosquée, qui était soutenue par 113 colonnes de marbre. Sa construction s’est étalée sur presque trois siècles, et a été financé grâce aux impôts sur chaque arrobe de vin et d’huile qui sortait du port. La cathédrale a trois nefs de la même hauteur et le corps central a deux niveaux et trois arcatures séparées par des colonnes corinthiennes. Trois arcs triomphaux occupent la partie inférieure sous lesquels s’ouvrent les portes, flanquées par des colonnes corinthiennes de marbre.

LA MANQUITA C’est le nom populaire donné à cette cathédrale dont une des tours et d’autres éléments sont inachevés. La légende raconte que l’argent de la tour a été destiné aux Américains dans leur lutte contre l’empire Britannique. Beaucoup de malaguènes croient qu’il faudrait la finir

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L’amour et les Rencontres par Hasard Plácido Cobo Romero Il est né en 1969 à Madrid, où il a fait des études de Physique à l’Université Complutense et il a obtenu son diplôme de Master 2 (Bac+5) en 1993. En 1995 il est devenu professeur de l’Education nationale espagnole à titre provisoire et il a enseigné la Physique/ Chimie, et surtout, l’ électronique, dans quelques établissements du second degré. En 2000, il est devenu professeur de l’Education nationale espagnole à titre définitif comme fonctionnaire, par la spécialité de Physique/Chimie, mais il commence aussi à enseigner la Technologie : spécialité de Technologie obtenue en 2004. Il a étudié la «Technologie de l’Energie

’était en novembre, un lundi matin de bonne heure, sur un ciel automnal, un mince croissant de lune s’effaçait lentement devant la montée du jour. Je venais de traverser l’avenue pour entrer à la halte où, d’habitude, je prenais le train de banlieue pour aller au travail.

Solaire Photovoltaïque » à l’Université Internationale d’Andalousie et il a obtenu son doctorat (Bac+7) en 2010. Il a aussi étudié et obtenu les diplômes d’Anglais et d’Allemand à l’École Officielle de Langues de Malaga et aujourd’hui, il est élève de 5ème année en Français à l’École Officielle de Langues de Fuengirola.

Ce jour là, le train était en retard et quand je venais d’entrer à la petite gare, j’ai rencontré un copain du cours d’anglais et nous avons commencé à parler. Quelques minutes plus tard, le haut-parleur annonçait que le train était en panne et une jeune femme nous a demandé comment on pouvait aller au centre ville. Nous lui avons expliqué où était l’arrêt de l’autobus et nous sommes partis parce que mon copain y avait sa voiture. Le lendemain, j’ai rencontré une autre fois la jeune femme et je me suis excusé de ne pas l’avoir emportée la veille, parce que j’allais dans la voiture de mon copain. Nous avons commencé à parler et depuis ce jour-là nous sommes allés ensemble au boulot chaque jour. Elle avait de l’allure, de la classe, elle ne passait pas inaperçue, un rien lui allait parce qu’elle pouvait mettre n’importe quel vêtement et elle bougeait de manière harmonieuse. Quelques mois plus tard, nous sommes tombés amoureux et en ce moment nous sommes ensemble.

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L’égalité Professionnelle

Plácido Cobo Romero e viens de lire l’article « Quelle plusvalue féminine ? », de Valérie Lion, publié par L’Express, le 4 juillet 2005, et je voudrais réagir à cet article avec quelques réflexions sur l’égalité des femmes et le monde du travail. Je suis tout à fait d’accord avec l’égalité des droits et des chances parmi les hommes et les femmes, mais je suis radicalement contre les accords d’égalité professionnelle, qui sont une loi sur la parité obligatoire dans le monde du travail, spécialement dans les campagnes de recrutement et dans le nombre de femmes, qui occupent les emplois de cadres ou de chefs d’entreprise. Comme dans d’autres pays de notre entourage, en Espagne, on a depuis longtemps considéré que le rôle de la femme était de prendre soin de l’intérieur de sa maison, d’être femme au foyer, de s’occuper de ses enfants et de leur transmettre les valeurs familiales. Grâce au mouvement féministe, les femmes ont conquis les droits fondamentaux que l’ancien Code Civil, ou Code Napoléon, leur déniait, puisque ce Code les réduit à l’état de mineures dépendantes de leur père puis de leur mari. Mais les luttes pour les droits de la femme continuaient, et aujourd’hui, il y a beaucoup de lois qui ont permis l’émancipation féminine, comme la loi d’obligation scolaire, qui a permis aux filles de suivre

leurs études et d’envisager une carrière professionnelle, le droit de vote, le droit à la contraception, le principe d’égalité de rémunération pour le même travail et l’interdiction de toute discrimination de sexe.

[...]on a depuis longtemps considéré que le rôle de la femme était de prendre soin de l’intérieur de sa maison, d’être femme au foyer, de s’occuper de ses enfants et de leur transmettre les valeurs familiales On a maintenant tendance à croire que toutes ces lois ont permis à la femme de s’émanciper aussi bien que l’égalité des femmes dans le monde du travail, mais aujourd’hui, une femme gagne encore en moyenne 20% de moins qu’un homme pour un travail égal et les tâches ménagères sont effectuées le plus souvent par les femmes ainsi que les tâches éducatives au foyer qui sont prises en charge par elles aussi. Je ne suis absolument pas d’accord avec cette situation et je m’y oppose, mais je me rends compte que la loi sur la parité obligatoire dans les campagnes de recrutement de l’industrie ou du BTP (Bâtiment/Travaux Publics) réduit une autre fois les femmes à l’état de mineures, dépendantes de la loi pour leurs opportunités de carrière, même qu’elles ont un meilleur relationnel, plus d’aptitudes et valent plus que les hommes sur le plan intellectuel et professionnel. C’est pourquoi je suis sûr que la situation des femmes dans le monde du travail va très vite changer

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La Tyrannie de la Mode chez les Jeunes

Plácido Cobo Romero l s’agit d’un livre sur les jeunes qui sont «des fashion victimes» parce qu’il y a beaucoup de jeunes déboussolés qui sont prêts à se ruiner pour acheter les fringues et les accessoires qu’il «faut avoir» pour appartenir à un groupe défini par les medias, spécialement par la télé. Aujourd’hui l’influence de la TV est de plus en plus importante et les jeunes ont une énorme difficulté à être eux-mêmes. Ils sont tous désorientés, déboussolés, ils ont vécu quatre révolutions: technologique, économique, politique, et même sociale avec le sida, mais ils n’ont participé à aucune d’entre elles, ils appartiennent à une génération plutôt spectatrice qu’actrice. Leurs espoirs, c’est que leurs craintes ne se réalisent pas. Chez les jeunes, il existe les pressions à la conformité de plus en plus forte; conformité aux codes qui ne sont plus dictés par des adultes, mais par les jeunes entre eux; il s’agit de codes vestimentaires, de langage, de goûts culturels… Aujourd’hui c’est très difficile pour un jeune d’être différent des autres, il risque d’être marginalisé socialement et de ne pas avoir d’amis. L’enseignement est plus difficile que dans le passé parce qu’il y a beaucoup d’élèves qui sont aux lycées et qui ne veulent pas y rester jusqu’à 16 ans; ces élèves sont dans les lycées sans rien à faire, ils

s’ennuient avec leurs camarades et il y a beaucoup de difficultés pour enseigner. Les émissions télévisées, qui pulvérisent l’intimité des individus, font un véritable tabac et la télé-poubelle essuie un échec. La presse des jeunes, incluant les revues de bandes dessinées présente des personnages que les jeunes connaissent à travers la télévision et ses émissions enfantines. Les magazines pour adolescents sont souvent liés au monde de la musique, des variétés et des vedettes de la chanson. Beaucoup de jeunes filles lisent des magazines spécialisés de la presse féminine qui consacrent leurs articles à la beauté et à la mode ou aux travaux et activités qui sont censés intéresser les femmes (recettes de cuisine, informations sur la santé et problèmes féminins) ou qui sont spécialisés dans les romansphotos sur des thèmes sentimentaux, «la presse du cœur». Aujourd’hui, les études sont de plus en plus longues, mais les diplômes représentent de moins en moins l’assurance de trouver un emploi et la connaissance de la politesse, des usages et du savoir-vivre. Cependant, il faut que les parents élèvent leurs enfants et leur apportent de l’attention, ménagement, une protection morale et matérielle. Il est essentiel de faire distinguer entre le strict nécessaire et les caprices de la mode qui tyrannisent nos enfants et les transforment en «victimes de la mode».

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L’Autorité Plácido Cobo Romero elon le dictionnaire, l’autorité est le droit ou pouvoir de commander, de se faire obéir, l’influence qui s’impose aux autres en vertu d’un privilège, d’une situation sociale, d’un mérite et aussi, la personne ou ouvrage dont les jugements sont admis comme vrais et les représentants du pouvoir politique, policier, hauts fonctionnaires. L’étymologie d’autorité nous montre qu’il s’agit d’un lien moral spécifique, où la personne qui fait autorité est autorisée de fait à exercer cette autorité, autant qu’elle s’y autorise, dans la pleine reconnaissance réciproque. L’autorité est en effet ce lien moral spécifique que les Romains distinguaient comme «auctorita» de la «potestas», pouvoir légal, ou encore puissance publique. Cette séparation indique que la puissance ou le pouvoir administratif, voire politique, ne suffisent pas à déterminer cet ascendant, cette influence, qui caractérise l’autorité des chefs, des leaders, plus ou moins naturels. En fait, l’autorité est un phénomène social, psychologique, où celui ou celle qui fait autorité est investi(e) à la fois d’une compétence identifiable sur le terrain, mais en même temps d’une capacité à représenter des idées, les institutions, qui probablement le (la) désignent au respect et à l’affection publique. Je pense qu’on doit respecter la loi et l’autorité et que les personnes qui exercent l’autorité doivent respecter les droits de tous sans aucun abus d’autorité, parce que nous sommes tous égaux en droits et devoirs et nous naissons et demeurons tous sous la même loi. Dans toute société démocratique, il est essentiel de reconnaître et d’exercer ses droits sociaux et politiques, parce que comme on dit dans le Code civil, ‘Nul n’est censé ignorer la loi’, et l’un des fondements de tout État pluriel et démocratique est la reconnaissance et l’acceptation de droits et de devoirs citoyens pour tous les hommes et toutes les femmes vivant dans un même pays.

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La crise économique en Espagne

Luis González González Luis Gonzalez est étudiant en Niveau Intermédiare à l’école de langues.

e gouvernement socialiste, qui a refusé de voir venir la crise économique, est presque au bord de l´abîme. Après la Grèce et l´Irlande, le Portugal se trouve au bord du précipice, et l’Espagne le suit. Notre économie est entrée en récession, le PIB est en chiffres rouges, et l´Espagne a 3.000 millions d´euros en dette publique. Mais le gouvernement a prévu de réaliser trois ventes d´actions . Plusieurs mesures ont été mises en pratique pour s’attaquer à la crise, par exemple la plus récente, le « chèque bébé » de 2500 euros pour la naissance d´un enfant qui a été supprimé le premier janvier. L´aide de 470 euros que recevaient ceux qui sont au chômage a été aussi supprimée. Selon le dernier sondage, les Espagnols pensent que les politiciens passent leur temps à se critiquer mais ne trouvent pas de solution ensemble pour sortir de la crise. Les familles espagnoles continuent à mal vivre quotidiennement, les aides ont été éliminées, et pour la plupart d’entre elles, c´était le seul moyen de subsistance. Elles veulent seulement un emploi pour pouvoir subvenir à leurs besoins. On demande à la classe politique de se mettre d´accord pour en finir avec la crise économique , de réduire les dépenses publiques, de trouver une solution à la reforme du travail, de rendre la confiance aux investisseurs pour que l´Espagne redevienne comme avant. Pour les commerçants de l´hôtellerie, ils veulent avoir leur ancienne clientèle, ces tables pleines de familles qui mangent et parlent en même temps et les enfants qui bavardent à l´aise, le comptoir plein d´hommes qui parlent du dernier match de football et pour les hôtels, les réservations complètes à l´avance.

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Nouvelle Législation sur le Tabac

Lourdes Cortes Lourdes Cortes est professeur dans une école primaire. Elle fait ausi des études de pédagogie.

e derniér 2 Janvier est entrée en vigueur l’interdiction de fumer, qui, entre autres nouveautés contemple l’interdiction de fumer dans tous les établissements publics. Cette loi a divisé l’opinion publique. Traiteurs, serveurs, et en général toutes les entreprises de restauration ont déjà exprimé leur opposition à une norme qui nuit à leurs intérêts économiques. Outre les pertes économiques, de nombreux établissements seront obligés de fermer et des milliers de travailleurs vont se retrouver soudainement au chômage. Aussi, il y a des personnes qui pensent que cette loi viole les droits de l’individu, le propriétaire d’un établissement privé a le droit de décider s’il est possible de fumer ou non dans son établissement en invoquant le droit d’admission.

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D’un autre cĂ´tĂŠ, ceux qui sont favorables Ă la nouvelle loi estiment que le problème du tabagisme en Espagne est très grave pour la santĂŠ. Selon le Ministère de la SantĂŠ , 50.000 personnes meurent chaque annĂŠe Ă cause du tabac . Ils ajoutent ĂŠgalement que si la loi prĂŠcĂŠdente interdit dĂŠjĂ la consommation de tabac dans les lieux de travail, la loi de 2011 prend en compte que les bars et restaurants sont ĂŠgalement un lieu de travail. La loi ĂŠvoque la possibilitĂŠ de fumer dans des espaces amĂŠnagĂŠs dans certains ĂŠtablissements tels que des institutions psychiatriques ou des prisons, car ce sont des endroits que les gens ne peuvent pas quitter et qui peuvent ĂŞtre considĂŠrĂŠs comme leur rĂŠsidence. Les associations de consommateurs, des patients, des mĂŠdecins approuvent un projet de loi qui a bien fonctionnĂŠ dans de nombreux pays.

La loi ĂŠvoque la possibilitĂŠ de fumer dans des espaces amĂŠnagĂŠs dans certains ĂŠtablissements tels que des institutions psychiatriques ou des prisons, car ce sont des endroits que les gens ne peuvent pas quitter et qui peuvent ĂŞtre considĂŠrĂŠs comme leur rĂŠsidence Dans les hĂ´pitaux psychiatriques et les prisons, mais seulement dans des espaces dĂŠsignĂŠs Ă cet effet. t 7PVT QPVWF[ GVNFS Ă‹ M FYUĂ?SJFVS EF M FODFJOUF EFT universitĂŠs. t %BOT MFT IĂ™UFMT Z BVSB VO NBYJNVN EF EF chambres pour fumeurs, en outre, ces chambres doivent ĂŞtre sĂŠparĂŠes. Quelles sont les sanctions si quelqu´un enfreigne la loi? MĂŞmes sanctions que pour la loi prĂŠcĂŠdente t JOGSBDUJPOT NJOFVSFT Ă‹ ĂŠ BNFOEF t *OGSBDUJPOT HSBWFT Ă‹ ĂŠ QFJOF t *OGSBDUJPO USĂ’T HSBWF ĂŠ

En conclusiĂłn, la polemique est servie et dans quelques mois nous pourrons en voir les consĂŠquences. OĂš vous ne pouvez pas fumer? t 4FMPO MB OPVWFMMF MPJ JM FTU JOUFSEJU EF GVNFS EBOT tous les bars, restaurants et lieux de divertissement fermĂŠs. t -F UBCBD FTU JOUFSEJUF EBOT MFT Ă?DPMFT TBVG EBOT MFT espaces ouverts du campus universitaire. Il est interdit de fumer dans les parcs pour enfants. OĂš vous pouvez fumer? t -FT GVNFVST TPOU BENJT EBOT MFT TUBEFT MFT BSĂ?OFT et les terrasses t 7PVT QPVWF[ GVNFS EBOT MF CJOHP FU MFT DBTJOPT mais pas dans les espaces de jeux.

Tú Opinas 46

Teaching in a Bilingual School

Faustina García Calero Faustina García Calero has been teaching for twenty years and she still loves her job. Children are able to surprise her and put a smile on her face every day. In the evenings, she studies the last year of English at the Official School of Languages in Fuengirola.

f you are a teacher and you are thinking of working in a bilingual school, be careful, my friend. Be prepared to be a super-teacher, capable of teaching foreign languages, reading and completing a mountain of reports and lesson plans. And also, last but not least, you will have to be an experienced showman ready to organize festivals and events. To start with, you will need to take training courses all the time in order to improve your English and your methodology. There’s a long list of new terms that you will have to manage such as ITC, CLIC, CEFR, ILR , ACTFL, NB OPS, ANL, TEFL, L1, L2, L3, CAL, EOI, MAC, Twining, PEL, CIL, BEC, BULATS, CAE, FCE, FCT, GESE, ISE, KET, PLC, SIRHUSE, ARCE... both in English and Spanish. There, there… put that gun down and relax. If you want, I can send you a document with the meaning of each acronym, and in a couple years you will be able to understand almost all of them. Besides all this, you must be able to use a computer, to fix your pupils’ ones when they break, to introduce their parents to the ITC (in English and Spanish of course, don’t forget we are bilingual). You will have to use the intranet (Seneca) and simultaneously fill in forms with exactly the same information you are uploading. But don’t worry; you will have free time

in the afternoon. Or maybe not. On Mondays and Fridays there will be English lessons to attend at the Official School of Languages. On Tuesday afternoons there will be parents meetings and teachers meetings. Then, when you arrive home there will be e-mails waiting for you to answer. And don’t forget about the distance training course on social networks in which you will have registered. Finally, you will have to check your pupils’ tests, prepare your lessons and update your class blog. But do not despair that now comes the fun part: festivals and trips. At school we celebrate Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, St. Valentine's day, Peace day, and this year, as a novelty, we have also celebrated Groundhog day because we have been studying the weather in Science lessons. Finally, I have saved the best for the end. We are twinned with a British school in Warrington and they are coming in spring, which entails to prepare a proper reception, book accommodation, rent a bus and plan the trips, meals and teacher meetings. And what about the headmaster? He is terribly sorry, but he can’t speak English properly. So, if you are thinking of working in a bilingual school, think twice. I swear every word I have written here is absolutely true and I could tell you more...

Tú Opinas 47

Why is Breastfeeding in Fashion Again?

Carolina Tessainer Carolina Tessainer was born in 1986. She studied Nursery at Malaga University and is currently studying the last year of English at the Official School of Languages in Fuengirola.

utrition is one of the main pillars of good health and it should be suitable in each period of human life. The baby’s diet is based exclusively on milk during its first five months of life. Since this stage new food is introduced gradually. For a long time breast milk was the only food for babies, It was so important that upper class women contracted wet nurses for feeding their children. In the 1950s women started to work outside their homes and, because of this, when they recovered from labor, babies started to be fed by bottle. This kind of feeding was very comfortable and easy to prepare. Nevertheless, after some research showing the benefits of maternal milk, breastfeeding is in fashion again and it is recommended to be done as long as possible. It is so essential for the baby's development that many advertising campaigns are being carried out to promote this type of nutrition. Breast milk is the most suitable food for the new born baby because of its chemical composition and because it adapts to the baby’s nutritional needs. Moreover, it is important because it favors the development of the digestive system and it is fundamental in

the relationship mother-baby. What is more, this food protects the baby against infections and prevents certain kinds of allergies because of some of the proteins contained in it. Finally, it is cheaper: it costs three times less than artificial feeding. To breastfeed properly, the mother must be healthy and she mustn't take certain types of medication. Besides, during breastfeeding, the mother should have a suitable diet with proteins (meat, fish, eggs…), vegetables and dairy products (it is recommended to drink at least two glasses of milk a day) and, moreover, it is important to drink more water and take vitamin supplements, as well as doing some exercise. To finish with, breastfeeding has psychological advantages for the mother and for the baby too. First, it improves the emotional development of the baby because of the contact between mother and child. And second, it provides emotional and physical pleasure to the woman and it helps the womb return to its normal size as it stimulates its contraction after labor. Taking into account all these arguments, it is proved that breastfeeding is the best way to feed babies, whenever it is possible.

Reseñas 48

Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain

Pauline Vijgen Pauline Vijgen est née le 25 janvier 1966 à Heerlen ( Pays Bas). Elle habite à Málaga depuis 1994, choix quelle ne regrette pas du tout car elle s’intéresse à sa nature, à sa culture et

e voudrais vous parler de ce film, que j’ai vu un dimanche après-midi plutôt maussade. C’était le moment parfait pour se laisser entraîner dans l’étonnant univers mental d’Amélie Poulain, une fille pas comme les autres.

à sa joie de vivre.

Amélie a vu son poisson rouge jeté dans les égouts municipaux, elle a vu mourir sa mère sur la place de Notre Dame et son père consacrer toute son affection à un nain de jardin. Soudain, à l’âge de 22 ans, Amelie découvre que son seul objectif est d’organiser secrètement la vie de ses singuliers voisins. Mais sa mission peut mettre en danger la poursuite de son propre bonheur. Et alors, qui s’occupera d’Amélie? “Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain“ est un film français réalisé par Jean-Pierre Jeunet et sorti en 2001. Il s’agit d’une comédie romantique écrite par Jeunet et Guillaume Laurant avec Audrey Tautou dans le rôle-titre. Le film est une représentation originale et parfois idéalisée de la vie contemporaine à Paris dans le quartier de Montmartre. Pour moi, Amélie est un personnage impressionnant grâce à son imagination étonnamment riche, sa bonne humeur, sa joie, sa compassion et sa modestie sur la vie. Son visage angélique et son regard toujours attentif en font un film spécial et particulièrement divertissant. Mais je ne veux pas vous raconter davantage... Allez voir le film vous-mêmes et vous serrerez également pour toujours Amélie dans votre coeur !

Reseñas 49

Anne Frank’s Dairy

Soluna Salles Bernal Soluna Salles Bernal was born in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and she has lived in Spain for more than twenty years. She lives with her husband, their threes sons and their daughter in a house in the countryside near Mijas (Málaga). She's currently studying to obtain her B2 English certificate at

nne Frank, The diary of a Young Girl, written by herself while she was in hiding during the Second World War, is one of the most powerful books ever published. Despite the fact that more than sixty years have passed since the first edition came out, this compelling story is able to bring us into the life and feelings of those who were hidden with her in the “secret annex” in Amsterdam.

the Official School of Languages in Fuengirola.

The book starts in the summer of 1942, when Anne receives a diary from her beloved father as a present for her 13th birthday. Soon after this, things get worse for the Jewish people who were living in Amsterdam, forcing Anne’s family to go into hiding in a small apartment situated in the upper floor of Otto Frank’ office building. They have to share with four more people the so called “secret annex”, where all they are going to remain until August 1944. Anne documents the daily life of those who share the “secret annex”. She writes about their experiences, but also about the tragic situation in the streets, the destruction caused by the war and the effort of their helpers. However, the diary is above all, the friend she never had; in its pages she can confide her feelings, her fears, her love, her hate and incomprehension. Sensitively and sharply written, Anne Frank’s diary is simultaneously a historical book, showing us the horrors of the Second World War, and an up-to-date story, which tells in detail and sincerely the feelings and thoughts of an intelligent teenager who is changing from girl to woman. Thus, this is a classic book that should be read by everyone who wants to know about human happiness and suffering. Anne Frank’s Dairy is among all her legacy to the human beings, a gift to all of us, making true what she wrote in April 1944, “I want to go on living even after my death!”

Reseñas 50

Ana Mª Ayora Vivas She studied Biology at the University

A Tale of Love and Darkness

of Málaga. In 1985 she passed the exam to become a Secondary School Biology teacher. She has been teaching in Ronda, Arroyo de la Miel and Torremolinos. She has also worked at the Teachers Training Centre in Málaga for six years. She loves Botany and gardens. She has colaborated in several publications about Nature (“Flora ornamental de Málaga”, 1988. “Por los Montes de Málaga”,2001). She has two children.... and a desire:to improve her English.

From the cover of “A Tale of Love and Darkness” a family picture invites us to meet Amos Oz's familiar family history. We can see a lovely child and a young couple in the 1940s . We can imagine that “A Tale of Love and Darkness” will be related to these people, but who are they? In this elaborate, non-linear autobiography, Oz and his family are shown as the archetypal immigrants to Jerusalem, people who arrived when the land was still under British rule and who helped create a new homeland. The history of Jerusalem combines with the author's own genealogical records and his memories about his family to create a broad picture of the society in which he grew up and in which his writing talent took root. Through Oz's memories, we can witness the development of real and important events of the Twentieth Century, and also we can enjoy several fascinating real characters: his parents Fania Mussman and Yehuda Arie Klausner were born in Europe (Poland and Latvia) and arrived in Palestine, where they married. They were a scholarly family, which encouraged Amos's precocity. His father understood sixteen languages, wrote poetry and had an enormous library, while his mother spoke four or five languages, could read seven or eight and told elaborate stories. Amos's grandparents and aunts told him about his mother's family history in Rovno. His great uncle Yosef Klausner, Chair of Jewish History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem stars in one of the most picturesque episodes of the book. His farcical encounter with Menachim Begin and a huge gallery of characters keep our attention for their own interest and their authenticity.

Detailed, highly descriptive and filled with introspection about his unusual life, the book shows the tensions within the society and within his family. His observations about himself and the real story of the long war between the Jews and the Arabs invite us to reflexion. I admire him because through his writing he examines human nature, recognizing its frailty but glorying in its variety. He touches us and lets us know about a distant political and social context only known through breaking news or history books. As a writer, Amos Oz is the author of prose for both children and adults, as well as an essayist . He has written many works of fiction and non-fiction, including “ A Perfect Peace”, “To Know a Woman”, “Don't say night” (the first novel I read, which analyses the universal relationship between a man and a woman). He is a professor of literature at Israel's Ben Gurion University of the Neguev. He has been honored with the French Prix Femina, the Frankfurt Peace Prize and the Prince of Asturias Prize. Also, he has been a candidate for the Nobel Prize of Literature. As an important person in his country, Amos Oz contributes to the understanding of the growth of a Jewish homeland and consistently makes the plea for the end of ambivalence, for the dialogue between the Arab - Palestine people and the Israeli people, for the channelling of passions towards the faith in a common future in a conflictive region. For all of this, if you enjoy a good novel and you are concerned about the historical events in the twentieth century, do not miss the opportunity to read “A Tale of Love and Darkness”. You will not regret it!

Reseñas 51

Moulin Rouge! Laura Martín Rodríguez Laura Martín Rodríguez was born in Málaga in 1992. She's currently doing a Media Studies course at Malaga university. She's also stutying the last year of English at the Official School of Languages in Fuengirola. She likes science fiction, adventure, and suspense films. She also likes video games and manga/anime

oulin Rouge!, is a 2001 musical film directed by Baz Luhrmann. It is set in the Paris of the beginning of the 20th century, specifically in the cabaret Moulin Rouge. The main characters are the bohemian writer Christian, portrayed by Ewan McGregor, and the cabaret star and courtesan Satine, portrayed by Nicole Kidman. The story is a romance with comedy elements and drama.

(Japanese comics and cartoons).

The plot revolves around Christian, an English young man who moves to the Montmartre district of Paris to become a writer among the bohemian culture. One day he meets by chance a group of bohemian performers whom he helps to finish writing a show for the Moulin Rouge. At the cabaret, Christian falls in love with Satine, the main star of the Moulin Rouge who is engaged to a wealthy Duke that is also the main investor of the cabaret. In order to be able to continue with the show, Satine and Christian have to hide their love from the evil Duke. The acting in general is excellent; not only the main actors, all of them are very powerful and with personality, letting the audience know exactly the feelings of each character. As it is a musical, the film is full of magnificent dances and songs. Most of them will be very familiar to the audience, since they are adaptations of famous love songs like “Your Song” by Elton John, but performed by the actors. However, there is an original song called “Come what may” performed by Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor, that was recorded exclusively for the film. Despite the fact that the story is a drama, it has many points of humour, like the tragicomedies, which make the story more dynamic. If you like musicals and love stories that are not the typical corny romances, you should definitely see Moulin Rouge!, a film that nowadays has become a classic of its kind.

Reseñas 52

“Through the Eyes of Love” by Siobhan Galvin

Though the Eyes of Love was published by the EOI Fuengirola in 2010. For information about how to order the book write to:

Soluna Salles Bernal Soluna Salles Bernal was born in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and she has lived in Spain for more than twenty years. She lives with her husband, their threes sons and their daughter in a house in the countryside near Mijas (Málaga). She's currently studying to obtain her B2 English certificate at the Official School of Languages in Fuengirola.

Introduction hrough the eyes of love is, as it says in the front page, a collection of eight short stories written by Siobhan Galvin. Each of them tells us something about feelings and relationships. I think that every story is like a hidden camera peering at people's actions and reactions, looking through interior emotions, trying to show us the thin thread that joins people’s lives.

Reseñas 53

Developing each story. The book begins with a story entitled “The most beautiful name”, whose main character is Ursula, a clever woman married to a traditional Irish man, Paudie. The story shows the contrast between freedom and tradition, being the character of Ursula the bridge which connects both sides of life not by confrontation, but through persistence and intelligence. “Dominic’s daddy” is the second story, a touching child vision of divorce. Dominic is a ten years old boy whose parents are getting divorced after his dad’s infidelity. It is a very moving story about adult feelings from the simple but at the same time deep point of view of children. “Jenny and June were sisters…. (June) was (…) her mother’s support…. the seeds of distance and jealousy were sown.” These sentences from “The blooming of jealousy” sum up very well the theme of this story: the jealousy between siblings. June was the eldest, the cleverest, the responsible, the one her mother trusted. Jealousy grew up together with them, big and strong, as opposite branches of the same tree. Can jealousy be more powerful than love? The following story, “Through the eyes of love”, relates the love-hate relationship of a father and a daughter. Cathy lived her childhood under her powerful father’s authority. She wanted to please him, but the more she tried the more she failed, growing up weak and psychologically vulnerable. Suddenly one day her life changed and nothing would be the same ever again. From Dublin to Fuengirola, passing through Madrid and Seville, “The woman with no name” illustrates the isolation and loneliness suffered by the people who decide to move to a different country. The story opens with the optimism of a young girl who goes on a fun-filled holiday in Seville, where she enjoys

life as she had never imagined before. Some years later, she comes back, this time to Madrid, but now she finds a very different environment to cope with. She tries but she doesn’t fit in, even her name is an obstacle. This is probably one of the most personal and real-life based tales of the book. Again, Siobhan sorts out the cultural differences between Ireland and Spain with hope. “The Italian legionnaire” is a story about personal relationships. Encarna and Ramón are innocently spied through the eyes of a young Irish girl who goes to Madrid for a Spanish course in the late eighties. The story is set in a typical Spanish neighbourhood, where everything is spread out to whoever wants to hear it. Siobhan resorts to her sense of humour and subtle look to write this original narration. The following story, New Year’s Eve, is the hardest for me because the tragedy can be felt from the very beginning. A party is arranged by a working class couple in a working low class neighborhood. Men who make drinking into a way of living and who use violence as a form of “love” set the background of this thrilling story. Siobhan brilliantly succeeds in attracting the reader and bringing it to an unexpected and breathless outcome. The book ends with “The insurance man and the hairdresser”. The story involves four very different characters which are forced to mingle in a life-maze. Something that was perfect and untouchable at the start, turns out unexpectedly, as life always does itself. To sum up, every single story of this beautiful book is watered with Siobhan’s witty point of view and her subtlety. She uses her knowledge of both, the Spanish and Irish cultures and idiosyncrasies to show us that, despite the differences, people are people with similar problems, similar solutions, but above all with the same feelings. It is a really amazing book for everything it offers us. You should definitely read it.

Narrativa 54

A Close Friend

Jesús Alba Amador Jesús Alba Amador was born in Casablanca in 1954 and lived there till 1971, when he moved to Fuengirola. He is married and has two children. He is a keen sportsman. In 2007 he won the Andalusian Mountain Bike Championship in the veteran category. He is currently studying to obtain his B1 certificate in English at the Official School of Languages in Fuetngirola.

arthélémy became my close friend forty-two years ago. I first met him on a football match in Casablanca, Morocco. He was an A.C. Milan supporter while I was a Real Madrid one and we both argued during the match. We remained friends until I left Casablanca two years later. Barthélémy was quite good looking. I would even say handsome. He was average-height and slim, with tanned skin and shoulder-length wavy blond hair and light green eyes. He was French but not with the typical French sense of style. He always dressed in casual clothes. Barthélémy was very outgoing. He was always friendly and loved to be funny and to play jokes on everybody. He had a fantastic sense of humour. However, when his Milan lost, he acted differently and sometimes, I’ll say, even in a rude way but not for a long time. Barthélémy was very keen on all kinds of sports, like me. He was fond of racing with bicycles and won some amateur competitions. He enjoyed to play football with our local team as well as handball. I’m glad to have had Barthélémy as my best friend. It was a pleasure to spend a lot of time with him and I really enjoyed his company and, all that, thanks to the football match we saw together. By the way, Real Madrid won that match two nil.

Narrativa 55

My Most Desired Trip

Jesús Olivero Anarte Jesús Oliveros Anarte is a biologist and he's currently working at the University of Malaga as a researcher dealing with the understanding of biodiversity. Writing about trips throughout space is only a way to have fun while learning English, but he admits that, of course, he would like to travel to Jupiter and Mars.

ne never knows what is going to be possible tomorrow. Last year we were offered a trek along the canyons of Mars, while only one decade ago the Silent Sea, on the Moon, had been the most popular destination among the members of the “Last Frontier Travel Club”. Indeed, despite the fact that the announced FourthGeneration Time-Sucking Engine has not yet been tried out, travel agencies were already selling trips to Jupiter and Uranus. They trust new technologies so much that they invest in advertising campaigns based on machines which are yet to be invented. This is not, however, surprising at all. Who, in the 21st century, would not have fallen about with the single thought of flying at 300000 miles per second, almost double the speed of light? I am dying for the arrival of the moment in which I can fly to Jupiter and explore some of its moons in only one month. That is my most desired trip, and will be eventually accessible in just a couple of years. Our spaceship will approach the biggest planet of the

Solar System, apparently slowly, but such a sensation will end as soon as we see the tremendously huge Jupiter globe growing in front of our astonished eyes. The “VACUUM-Bus” will then stop suddenly, and despite this the passengers will have no feeling of being submitted to a fast deceleration, that unpleasant sickness one suffers when a rising elevator arrives at the chosen floor. Then, from a Jupiter-stationary orbit, small Space Cabins, only three hundred feet-long, will take us to visit the frozen surface of Europa, the volcanos of Io and the craters of both Ganymede and Callisto. In two weeks we will have been eyewitnesses of sunsets and Jupiter-rises in not less than fifteen beautiful moons. Before leaving the planet, we will travel, within a specially reinforced cabin, to the most exciting –and dangerous– experience of our lives: an immersion in the middle of the great red turbulence of the Jovian atmosphere, one of the most violent storms in any planet around the Sun. In the end, after one month and before arriving home, the spaceship would orbit around the planet that makes people feel the most intimate and spiritual sensations along a trip across the Universe: the Earth.

Narrativa 56

Mª Luisa Arcos Mª Luisa Arcos de Torres was born

Fear In The

in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria but

Enclosed Convent

her Biology studies at Málaga Univer-

she moved to Málaga when she was eleven years old. When she finished sity, she passed the exam to become a High School Biology and Geology teacher. Nowadays, she works at the Al Baytar High School in Arroyo de la Miel (Málaga).

he enclosed convent where Sister Magdalena and nine old nuns lived was ten kilometres away from the nearest village. The convent consisted of an imposing stone building with a richly ornamented façade, reminders of a glorious past, and a rather neglected small garden. A long narrow dark path surrounded by tall trees which didn’t let the sunlight go in connected the building with the main road. The nuns dedicated themselves to pray and pastry. Their only outside contact was through a huge black grating. When they died they weren’t even taken to the village cemetery. They were buried inside the convent in a room with a big glass window locked with an enormous padlock. This room overlooked the main convent courtyard, which was surrounded by old tall cypresses. One stormy night, a horrible roar shook the convent. All the nuns were frightened and the abbess ordered Sister Magdalena to discover the cause of such a horrible noise. Although she disliked the idea because she was not bold, she would never dare not to follow one of the abbess’ orders. So, she obeyed reluctantly. Sister Magdalena put a long cloak on and went out to the corridor. The convent was only lit by the light of lightning, the windows were strongly beaten by the rain and the doors squeaked. As she approached the main courtyard, the noise became louder. It sounded like moans which made her blood curdle. A flash of lightning let her realize that the cemetery-room padlock was destroyed because three of the old cypresses had fallen and had crashed through the glass window.

The wind whistled around her. When Sister Magdalena came into the cemetery-room, the blood drained from her face: Many tombs had been broken and groaning shadows moved everywhere! It seemed that the nuns’ spirits had come back to the human world! Sister Magdalena could not stand this situation anymore. She left the room and began to run, as fast as she could, across the ramshackle wooden corridor which led straight to the room where the other nuns were waiting. Suddenly, she couldn’t move. She felt as if someone were grasping her! She could not keep on running! Sister Magdalena was terrified. Although she hadn’t had a sinful life, she always feared that her few sins hadn’t been forgiven yet and that she would have to pay for them. She believed that the nuns’ ghosts wanted to take her. “Please, if you come from the afterlife, tell me what you want and I’ll do it”, she begged with her closed eyes and without daring to look backwards. Sweat fell over her body and her teeth chattered. “Please, have mercy on me and let me go!”, she begged again. A new flash of lightning lit the corridor and Sister Magdalena turned her head with a great effort and a lot of terror. Amazingly, she didn’t see anybody. “What’s going on?”, she thought. After a few minutes, she realized that her cloak was wrapped around a big nail on the floor !!!!! She heaved a sigh of relief, released the cloak from the nail and went on walking to tell the abbess about the consequences of the storm. When Sister Magdalena remembered her midnight adventure the next morning, she laughed and was sure her sins had already been forgiven. THE END

Narrativa 57


Bernadette Labeyrie Bernadette Labeyrie, d'origine normande, née à Lisieux le 17 août 1959, parisienne de coeur, et que ma jeune existence torturée, soustraite à sa famille biologique, a fait surgir, auprès de sa famille d'adoption aux talents d'écrivain et de cinéaste reconnus, l'expression d'une écriture" d'une nouvelle tendance littéraire, celle de la littérature en action, baignée dans des espaces interdisciplinaires".

e suis debout et regarde la nature. Isolée comme une île au milieu des arbres qui se taisent, je sens pousser en moi des ronces qui m'enserrent, ligaturent mes membres. Des milliers d'épines sortent des tiges, s'enfonçant dans ma chair tendre et blanche jusqu'au cœur. Roide comme un i, une petite sueur froide glace le milieu de mon front. Mes yeux fixent l'infini d'un ciel sans nuage, où quelques oiseaux se livrent à l'ivresse d'un vol serein et feutré, célicoles gracieux qui m'arrachent un soupir. Où s'en vont-ils ? Partir, sans peur ni de la solitude, ni des dangers... J'ai peur de ma propre peur. Si elle émane de moi, c'est à ce moi étranger que je m'identifie, bien malgré moi. Si je viens à la braver, que je feule et crache sur elle, elle vient toujours me rattraper... et les épines assiègent ma volonté, la veulent aboulique. Nulle pensée religieuse, l'âme est vide, elle n'abrite pas de dieu bénin, seulement la volonté de vivre un peu de cette vie qui m'est donnée, pouvoir la goûter comme une boisson chaude l'hiver, liqueur qui réchauffe le ventre et endort les sens. Car j'ai mal, j'ai le mal de vivre. Je ne sais plus vers quoi me tourner. Le dedans ? J'en ai fait le tour. Le dehors m'est hostile. Me restent les étoiles et le silence, l'inéluctable silence. J'aime ce silence, pourtant. Il veille sur mon esprit agité par les agressions, il recueille mes peines et les pansent. Oh, parfois je voudrais mourir ! Tous les mots sont vains, ils ont la froideur du baiser que l'on dépose négligemment sur une joue, souffle retenu, frimas glacé. Comme la joue du mort est froide aussi ! Aussi dure que le marbre était la peau de mes pères, et la chaleur de mes lèvres n'a pas suffit à leur donner un semblant de vie, un frémissement. Le sang est figé dans les veines, il règne comme une présence teintée d'absence. C'est à ce moment précis que l'on sait qu'un être cher vous a quitté à jamais, et pas même un dieu ne pourrait insuffler une prière.

Narrativa 58

La Griffe

Nieves Iraundegui NOM : Mari Nieves ÂGE : 45 ans PROF : chef de postiers COURS : 4ème année de français HOBBIES : la lecture et les films de mystère

´était en 1895, une maison tranquille dans une banlieue de l´Angleterre, la nuit était froide, il pleuvait, il faisait orage, il pleuvait beaucoup.

elle m´a aussi accordé les trois désirs mais dès lors qu´elle a commencé à me concéder les désirs, ma vie a changé, et je n´ai pas la paix, je ne peux pas dormir, j´entends des bruits, des sifflets de serpents, il y a toujours quelque chose qui me surveille, j´ai quitté La famille était à la maison, le père et l´Inde en pensant que tout cela irait terminer là-bas, le fils jouaient au jeu d´échecs, la maman cousait, ils mais non dans le bateau j´ai ressenti à nouveau sa attendaient l´arrivée de leur neveu, il avait habité en présence et je n´en peux plus. Ind´pendant trente ans, ils étaient très contents de le - Bon, ne t´inquiète pas, ici tu seras bien, toutes ces revoir. La porte a été frappée… choses appartiennent à ce pays-là, ici tout va changer. - Bonsoir Ricardo, bienvenu chez nous, bon… dès - Bon, merci à nouveau, vous êtes très gentils, mais ce moment notre maison est aussi ta maison. je crois que vous vouliez vous reposer, il est très tard. - Bonsoir à tous, merci de votre accueil, merci. - Oui, je dois me lever tôt pour aller au travail, c´et - Mais entre, tu seras tout mouillé, assieds-toi, ta une papeterie, si tu veux je peux parler à ta faveur, tante va préparer un peut-être tu pourrais y punch bien chaud et ton Le cousin Gerardo a monté les valises à travailler. cousin montera tes valila chambre et quand il est descendu, il - Oh, cela serait très bien, ses à ta chambre. portait à sa main une griffe merci. - Allez, on y va, tout le Le cousin Gerardo a monté les valises à la chambre monde à dormir, et la main je la laisse ici au-dessus et quand il est descendu, il portait à sa main une de la cheminée, au cas ouuuuu…. griffe. - Non, ne rigole pas et jette-la au feu, ça sera mieux. - Ne t´inquiète pas, laisse-la, tu verras, je vais lui de- Ricardo !- a-t-il exclamé-, j´ai ouvert tes valises pour mander, comment est-ce qu´il faut lui demander ? qu´elles se sèchent et regarde, cette chose est tom- Il faut la prendre avec la main droite et lui dire très bée, qu´est-ce que c´est? sérieusement ce que l´on veut. - Ah bon, c´est une griffe, une patte d´un singe dissé- Alors je te demande, non ! Ne commence pas, si tu qué et ensorcelé par un fakir. commences les problèmes viendront tout de suite, - Ah oui, mais tu croisà ce genre d´histoires ? Ce ne oui elle accordera ce que tu lui demandes mais après sera pas vrai… ce seront les souffrances et les malheurs. - Oui, c´est vrai, j´y crois, et en plus la raison pour la - D´accord Ricardo, on va la laisser pour le moment quelle j´ai quitté l´Inde, ici sur la cheminée. Tout le monde à dormir. - c´est cela, c´est Elle, la griffe… - Mais pourquoi ? quel pouvoir a-t-elle ? Pendant la nuit on entendait la pluie, tous dormaient - Elle a le pouvoir de rendre trois désirs à trois homsauf Ricardo, il ne pouvait pas, il lisait un livre, à un mes, le premier a demandé les trois désirs et à la fin moment donné Paul s´est réveillé, il a commencé à il est mort, et maintenant je suis celui qui la tiens, entendre certains bruits, alors il est descendu à la

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salle, il n´y avait rien, mais il s´est rendu compte que la griffe était tombée, il l´a prise et à nouveau il l´a laissée sur la cheminée. Après il a monté les escaliers, et il a vu la porte de son neveu ouverte, il est entré et ! Son neveu était pendu, il s´était suicidé. Le lendemain les problèmes pour cette famille avaient déjà commencé, après avoir payé le funéraire ils étaient restés sans argent, et un avocat leur a informé que son neveu avait une dette de mille deux cents livres, ils n´avaient rien ; comment allaient-ils faire ?

- Madame, je viens de vous dire que cela ne me plaît pas du tout, il a été pris par une machine, mais ce fut sa faute car il n´était pas attentif au travail alors nous ne prenons pas en charge cette affaire mais de toutes façons l´entreprise veut avoir la déférence de vous accorder mille deux cents livres. - Madame, monsieur, mes condoléances. Bonjour. Le couple est restée sans paroles, ils avaient à ce moment- là l´argent, mais cela avait été à cause de la mort de son fils. Elle était comme une folle, ne mangeait pas, ne dormait pas, elle ne faisait que penser, ses yeux fixes. Il voulait la consoler me il n´y arrivait pas.

- Papa, pourquoi tu ne demandes pas à la griffe l´argent ? Ricardo il a dit qu´elle concède tout ce qu´on lui demande. -Oui c´est possible mais, Quelques jours après, tu crois ? Elle était comme une folle, ne mangeait pendant la nuit elle s´est - Oui, on va essayer, pour- pas, ne dormait pas, elle ne faisait que souvenue de la griffe, quoi pas. penser, ses yeux fixes alors elle a dit à son mari - Vous êtes complètement de prendre la griffe et de fous, d´où va-elle sortir de l´argent ? Allons, on va nous lui demander que son fils revienne, le mari lui a réponreposer et demain on verra, peut-être qu´il serait posdu que non, que cela serait une folie encore pire que le sible de demander un prêt à la banque. souhait de l´argent, elle a insisté: - Non, on va lui demander, la banque jamais nous prêtera une quantité si grande. - demande-le lui, demande-le lui. À la fin le mari a accepté et en prenant la griffe il a exclamé : Alors il a pris la griffe avec la main droite et à haute - Griffe je te demande que notre fils rentre. voix il a exclamé : La griffe a bougé, mais rien, la porte n´a été pas fra- Je te demande mille deux cents livres ! ppée, la maman regardait à travers des fenêtres mais personne arrivait, complètement découragée elle est La main a bougé et elle est tombée, Paul a senti la retournée dans sa chambre. peur et aussi sa famille. D´autre part dans le sol mouillé du cimetière une main - Peut être elle nous a accordé l´argent, pourquoi tu ne sortait en enlevant la terre qui l´avait couvert. regardes pas dans tes poches ? - Avoir, un mouchoir, la pipe, non rien. Le lendemain ils ont entendu des bruits aux dehors de - Tu vois, qu´est-ce que je t´avais dit ? la maison, ils sont descendus à toute vitesse, elle criait oui, oui, c´est lui ouvre, Paul ouvre la porte, cours, Le lendemain, le couple parlait à la maison tandis que ouvre la porte. Gerardo attends, nous t´ouvrons, mais son fils travaillait, ils rigolaient sur la griffe et l´argent quand elle a regardé par la fenêtre, elle a exclamé : quand la porte a été frappée. -Non, non comme ça non, il est complètement défigu- Bonjour madame, monsieur, je viens de l´usine, estré, non c´est horrible, il semble un fantôme, non cours, ce que je pourrais entrer ? prends la griffe à nouveau et demande lui qu´il retour- Oui, oui, bonjour, (ils pensaient que l´homme était ne au cimetière, vite. venu pour leur prêter l´argent alors ils se montraient contents). Et tout va bien au travail ? Notre fils est làGerardo poussait avec force, elle ne pouvait plus, elle bas, il est bien ? n´avait pas suffisammentde forces pour le contenir - Madame, je viens pour vous donner une nouvelle, (il et au moment de l´ouverture de la porte, Paul avait parlait très sérieux), pour moi cela n´est pas du tout exclamé. facile, je dois vous informer que votre fils est mort. - Non, non, non, ce n´est pas possible, non vous êtes - Griffe, je te supplie de me laisser retourner au cimeun menteur, que dites-vous ? tière.

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Laura Martín My name is Laura Martín Rodríguez and I’m 18 years old. I was born in Malaga on 17th March 1992. I’m currently doing a Media Studies course at university. I like science fiction, adventure, and suspense films. I also like video games and manga/anime (Japanese comics and cartoons).

t was a dark and silent night in winter and Richard Evans, a door-to-door salesman, had received a box with some curious items to sell at a hotel called Stars. Richard was driving to the destination but, as he couldn’t find any place to sleep, he decided to continue driving, even though he didn’t like the idea of driving alone along a deserted road in the middle of the night. Everything was so dark and desolate that Richard decided to listen to the radio so that he could break the horrible silence. He changed the channels looking for some radio programme or music, but he found nothing. The only sound he could hear, though, was a strange noise that seemed like a whistle, so he continued looking for channels hoping to find one that worked. Suddenly, he heard a very loud scream coming from the radio. Richard briskly stopped the car. -“What the hell was that?”-, thought Richard looking at the radio. He tried to find the same channel again and check if the scream was part of a programme or something, but the only thing he could hear was the same whistle as before. Richard looked at the road to continue his driving when he saw a hotel in the middle of this nowhere . -“I swear that hotel wasn’t there just a moment ago”-, said Richard out loud, puzzled. He looked for the hotel’s name and discovered that was exactly his destination, the Hotel Stars. Richard felt relieved but worried at the same time because the hotel had appeared suddenly in front of him. He got out of the car, carrying his briefcase, and rang the hotel’s doorbell. An old woman dressed in black opened the door. -“I’ve been waiting for you Mr. Evans, come in and I’ll give you your bedroom key”said the woman, smiling. The hall was decorated in a classic but elegant style. The old woman gave him the room 115. -“Well, at least it is on the first floor”thought Richard because there was an elevator but it didn’t seem to work.

His room had a double bed, a wardrobe and a table. There were two windows covered with curtains and a tiny bathroom. It was enough for him. He placed his briefcase on the table and lied down on the bed. Many weird things had happened since he received the box with all those items: the mysterious scream he heard from the radio, the sudden appearance of the hotel, the woman who seemed to be waiting for him… Richard was falling asleep when, suddenly, someone knocked hard on the door, so he went to see what was going on. He opened the door but found nobody, there was just a white envelope without a sender with a letter with the words ‘before it dawns’ written. -Before it dawns, thought Richard. He looked at the corridor to see if there was someone but there wasn’t even a soul, so he returned to his room and closed the door. Richard went to bed again thinking about all the strange things that were happening. But he couldn’t sleep so he decided that the best thing he could do was to go out for a walk. All the lights were on but there the corridor was empty and everything was silent. He realized that there were more floors, so decided to have a look at the rest of the hotel. When he reached the third floor’s landing, though, he glimpsed a sign of “NO ENTRY”. Full of curiosity, Richard went up to investigate. The fourth floor’s landing was different from the rest of the hotel, it looked older and had a lot of cardboard boxes piled up in a corner. In the middle of some of the boxes there was another white envelope similar to the one that he had found before. Inside the envelope there was a letter with a message: “The mystery of twenty years ago must be solved”. The letter also had written on it “4th floor” in the lower-right corner. Two similar letters with two sentences that, read together, made a kind of message: “Before it dawns, the mystery of twenty years ago must be solved”.

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What most caught Richard’s attention was the “4th floor” annotation written in the second letter. Whatever had happened twenty years ago was related in some way to that floor of the hotel. Richard tried to open the door to go into the corridor, but the old woman that had received him at the entrance of the hotel suddenly appeared.

to sell, and discovered something that disconcerted him.

The list that he had found in Room 415 looked a bit older than his but, except for that, they were completely identical. It couldn’t be a simple coincidence; definitely, something happened in that hotel and someone or something wanted “Mr. Evans, what are you “Curiosity, huh? Be careful Mr. Evans” [...] Richard to find it out. He doing here at this time of However, Richard gave no importance to decided to continue with the night?”, asked the old what the woman said and continued with his investigation of what woman. his walk had happened in the hotel “I-I just couldn’t sleep, and, more specifically, so I decided to see the rest of the hotel”, answered on its 4th floor. “First of all, I’m going to ask some Richard, a bit frightened because of the old woman’s questions to that old woman”, he thought. He took sudden appearance.“By the way, could I ask you a his briefcase with all the items that he had to sell and question? Why is this floor different from the rest?”, went downstairs. It was pretty late but something told Richard was full of curiosity and now knew he had to him that woman wouldn’t be sleeping yet. investigate that floor at all costs. “Why so much interest, Mr. Evans, perhaps you have “Mrs…. ehmm”- Richard realized that he didn’t know discovered something?” Richard didn’t want to tell the woman’s name yet. her about the letters. “Were you calling me, Mr. Evans? By the way, I’m –“It’s nothing… I’m just curious”-, answered Richard. Mrs. Robbins”. The woman came up behind Richard –“Curiosity, huh? Be careful Mr. Evans”- exclaimed who jumped when he heard her voice. the woman while going down the stairs. “Ahh, so… Mrs. Robbins, no? Ehmm, yes, I wanted to ask you something. The case is that, well, I have However, Richard gave no importance to what the a list of objects to sell here in this hotel but I haven’t woman said and continued with his walk. The last seen anyone yet, so I would like to know how many floor was a terrace, an empty and silent terrace. There guests there are right now here, to get an idea – ” was nothing in the surroun“I’m sorry Mr. Evans, but I dings of the hotel, absoRichard was surprised to see all the cannot give out that inforlutely nothing, except for rooms that had previously been closed mation. Wait until tomothe road and Richard’s car were now open rrow… if you can, of courparked outside the hotel. se”, and then Mrs. Robbins Then suddenly, a very loud noise startled Richard. He went inside a room and closed the door, leaving went down the stairs back to the fourth floor and saw Richard alone in the hall. that the corridor’s door was open. After hesitating a bit, Richard decided to pass through the doorway to What did she mean with “if I can”, and what’s more, check it out, after all, he couldn’t lose this opportuniwhy couldn’t she tell me the number of guests, after ty. all, it’s just a number, now Richard was really concerned. He had to find the client list at all costs. He Just as he had thought, the corridor was different carefully inspected all the papers and books at the from the rest of the hotel. The whole corridor was reception and finally found the hotel’s guests book. very filthy, as nobody had cleaned it for years. RiThere was a long list of people who had been in the chard tried unsuccessfully to open the different doors hotel, and in the last place he saw his name. But, because all of them seemed to be locked. The only when he saw the date of the previous client he was open one was Room 415. This room was similar to petrified. It was from 20 years ago. 20 years! Did this Richard’s but much older and dirtier, with a double mean that he was the first client in 20 years?. Richard bed, a table and a bathroom. There was no wardrobe. remembered the letters that had found before. This On the table, Richard found another envelope, but hasn’t got any sense; it must be some kind of joke, he this time there wasn’t a letter inside but instead an old mumbled. paper with a list of items which seemed quite familiar to him. Puzzled, he returned to his room looking for Richard went out of the reception and rushed to the his own list of items, the ones that he was supposed 4th floor. His intuition told him that he would find all

Narrativa 62

the answers there. Once on that floor, he went inside the corridor and tried to get into the rest of the rooms. Richard was surprised to see all the rooms that had previously been closed were now open. He entered the first room on his left but it was empty, it was just a big room with two windows covered by filthy curtains. The floor was covered with dust. Richard pulled back the curtains to see the outside but he didn’t see what he expected. There was daylight and he could see cars parked outside the hotel. However, the oddest thing he saw were construction machines. He closed the curtains quickly. Richard couldn’t believe what he had seen. According to his watch it was one o’clock in the morning so the daylight was completely impossible where he was. He went to the next room, but this time it had furniture – a double bed, a table and a wardrobe as in the rest of the hotel’s rooms. And there was something on the floor. Richard saw that it was a calendar, however it wasn’t a current one but a 30 year old one. The 25th of January had a circle. “Today is 25th of January, but this calendar is from 30 years ago… what’s going on here?” muttered Richard as if he didn’t want anyone to hear him. “HEEEEEEEELPPP!!!!” Richard couldn’t move. Wasn’t he supposed to be alone? He tiptoed outside the room and saw nothing. It was my imagination? Yyes, it MUST have been my imagination, because I’m alone, thought Richard, trying to convince himself of it. Then, the room’s door in from of him suddenly opened. Richard was completely terrified but he wanted to know what was happening, so he entered the room. It was different from the rest of the rooms that he had already seen. A magnificent wallpaper covered the walls and there was a double bed with a bedspread of the same colour as the curtains. Next to the bed there was a table that seemed more expensive than the other tables he had found before. But those weren’t the only differences from the other rooms. This one also had an armchair and a desk.

Richard inspected the desk and found some photographs inside a drawer. A woman appeared in the photo with a man that looked a bit older than her. There was a date on its back “November 1950”. Richard stared at the woman. He had seen her before. I think that this woman is Mrs. Robbins, so this man could be her husband, thought Richard inspecting the photo. He found another portrait, this time, of a young man but it didn’t have date. There were some letters attached to this photo, and they were signed by Mrs. Helen Robbins and Mr. James Johnson. According to the letters, Mrs. Robbins and Mr. Johnson had been lovers, and Mrs. Robbins had being trying to hide it from her husband. It seemed that Mr. Johnson had been a member of the hotel staff who had fallen in love with his boss’ wife. Richard took all the letters and photos and went to another room. He was still frightened, but his curiosity was stronger than his fear. Although he had already been in Room 415, something was telling him to go there again. Richard carefully looked over the room and found a notebook with a lot of documents. It belonged to Mr. Tom Smith, and according to the notes it looked like they had belonged to a detective or policeman who was investigating a murder case. There was an old folded newspaper with an article about a murder in this hotel. It seemed that Mr. Johnson had been killed by Mr. Robbins and then someone stabbed him in the back, but nobody discovered who had killed Mr. Robbins. Richard read in the notebook “I’m in the old hotel Destiny, now called Stars. Everybody thinks that I’m a simple door-to-door salesman who came here to sell my products. I have discovered what happened 10 years ago and I suspect I know who killed Mr. Robbins. I need to find proof before tomorrow or else I won’t be able to close this case”. Richard realised that the objects he had to sell in this hotel had belonged to this detective, Mr. Tom Smith, but he couldn’t understand how they ended up in his hands. Among the papers there was a drawing of the 4th floor with a big X on Room 414. It was the room where he had found the photographs and the letters. Richard thoroughly investigated the room again and found a little door behind the wardrobe. He opened it and saw a narrow hollow that finished in a kind of room. There was enough space for him to pass through.

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The hidden room was very tiny but could fit at least one bed. It was very dark but luckily Richard had a flashlight with him. He pointed it at the walls and went petrified. They were full of scratches and blood, as if someone had tried to escape from there. In a corner of the room there was a paper with something written: “Helen Robbins is the murderer, she assassinated her husband. Mr. Johnson and Helen were lovers and met in this room everyday until Mr. Robbins discovered them. This is my end, but I hope someone will find this so that everybody will know the truth”. It was written with the same handwriting as Mr. Smith’s notes. Next to the paper, there was a newspaper with an article that said: “The owner of the Hotel Stars, Mrs. Robbins, died last week, leaving the hotel in the hands of her nephew Steven Robbins, who has decided to demolish it and sell the land. The hotel will be demolished on the 25th of January”. The newspaper was from 20 years ago so things didn’t make sense. If the hotel was supposed to be demolish 20 years ago, what was Richard doing there? And, what was more, if Mrs. Robbins had died 20 years ago, who was the old woman that had received him before?

Suddenly, a message appeared on one of the walls “you have to prevent that the same incident happens again” “This hotel shouldn’t be here. This hotel shouldn’t exist any more!” shouted Richard full of panic. He tried to get out of the room but it was closed. -“SOMEONE HELP ME, PLEASE!!!” yelled Richard, but it was useless, there was nobody else in the hotel. “Hahahaha, I told you to be careful, Mr. Evans…” mocked a deep voice. Suddenly, a message appeared on one of the walls “you have to prevent that the same incident happens again”. Then, the words “ESCAPE” and “TRUTH” started to appear all over the walls. Richard was trying to break the little door open to escape from there when the hotel started to shake. The door eventually gave away and Richard was able to run out of there. There wasn’t any light so he had to continue using his flashlight. The room was completely changed. It was empty and much older than before. Richard dashed off from the room and went to the corridor. It was different, too. The walls were covered with blood and covered with the message “YOU WON’T ESCAPE”. Richard continued running while the hotel was still shaking. He had to get out of the hotel or he would

die like the detective did. He was running downstairs when suddenly something hit him in the head and he began to bleed. Richard felt faint. As he reached the downstairs and approached the hotel entrance things went worse. The ceiling started collapsing, but Richard protected himself by huddling in a corner where the debris couldn’t fall on him. Finally, he reached the entrance area but he couldn’t find the main door. “Where the hell is the door? It must be here!”shouted Richard, desperate. “You won’t escape Mr. Evans!”- exclaimed a voice that seemed to be Mrs. Robbins’. “WHAT’S GOING ON HERE?? WHAT HAVE I DONE?” screamed Richard. “You won’t escape Mr. Evans”,- repeated Mrs. Robbins. “This cannot be happening, this is just a nightmare!!!” gasped Richard, terrified. He was searching the walls for the door when suddenly he saw an open window. This is my opportunity!, he thought and jumped through it. Once he was in his car, he realised that he had forgotten the detective’s notebook and the proof that incriminated Mrs. Robbins, but the only thing that he wanted in that moment was to escape from that hotel.

It was the same box he had received with all those weird objects. Richard was sure that he had left it at the hotel, so it was impossible it could be there Richard left the hotel behind him, and saw how it collapsed. “I hope everything is over now”, he exclaimed. He continued driving without direction. However, there was something that didn’t make sense, he had been driving for hours and had seen nothing but road and desert. Exhausted, Richard stopped the car to have a rest. Then he saw that there was a box on the rear seat. A sudden shiver went through his whole body. It was the same box he had received with all those weird objects. Richard was sure that he had left it at the hotel, so it was impossible it could be there. “I’m dreaming, this is not real”, wailed Richard. Inside the box, there was another envelope with a letter that had written: “The mystery of twenty years ago must be solved”. Terrified, Richard lifted his head and glimpsed at the Hotel Stars. In that moment, he realised that nothing was over yet, it was just the beginning of everything.

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Carla Hernández Carla Hernández was born in Malaga

The Princess of Candyland

in 1994. She will finish high school next year and she is also getting ready to obtain her B1 certificate at the Official School of Languages in Fuengirola. In her free time, she sings in a choir (Orfeón Preuniversitario de Málaga). Apart from singing, she likes spending time with her friends, watching movies and listening to music.

y name is Ashley and I am the princess of Candyland. I´m turning 4 today and I´m preparing a big party. This is a very special birthday for me because in my kingdom when someone turns 4 years old, magical powers are bestowed upon them. My powers will be to be able to fly and to make children smile when they are sad, so I´m very happy because I love helping people. I´m very excited, too, because all my best friends are coming today: Mery the giant ladybird, Flu the pink butterfly, Lana the royal ballerina, Chip the white bunny, Foxy the red fox and Bambi the fawn. They’ll all come to my palace and we will have a lot of fun. My kingdom is made of jelly beans, candies and lollipops and everything there is eatable. It has a sea of vanilla milkshake, its fields are made of apple leatherstrips, there are lots of flowers, the clouds are made of cotton candy and the rivers are fruit juice and they have fish of all colors. There are also animals of all classes and of all colors and they even can speak!. My palace is made of chocolate and adorned with candy bars and heart-shaped jellies. My friends and I love to walk through the meadows and go boating on the river of strawberry juice. We also love playing tennis with giant lollipops and a lemon head as the ball. Tonight we have planned a great afternoon. They will arrive at 6:00 and we will eat the pink and purple chocolate cake. Then, we will play a lot of games in the garden and later we will play in the bouncy castle. After that we will watch a movie and have supper and alas we will go to sleep. I’m looking forward to this afternoon and for my party to come, we will have a great time.


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Personajes 66

Marion Cotillard Pilar Oreja Pilar Oreja Fuentes est étudiante au lycée et fait sa troisième année à l’école de langues.

lle est née le 30 septembre 1975 à Paris. Sa mère est comédienne et son père est comédien, mime, metteur en scène et directeur pédagogique de l'École Supérieure d'Art Dramatique de la ville de Paris. Elle a deux frères jumeaux, l'un est peintre et sculpteur et l'autre est scénariste et réalisateur. Elle a commencé sa carrière avec des rôles dans des séries et puis avec des rôles dans quelques films. En 2000, elle a obtenu un rôle qui lui vaut une première nomination aux Césars dans le film Taxi. Un peu plus tard, en 2001, elle est à nouveau nommée aux Césars. En 2004, elle a obtenu le César de la meilleure actrice dans un seconde rôle. En 2007, elle jouera le rôle d'Édith Piaf dans le film La Môme. Au début, l'actrice principale était Audrey Tautou mais finalement, on a choisi Marion. Le film sera un succès mondial et il lui vaudra de nombreuses

récompenses qu'aucune actrice n'avait obtenu avant pour un même rôle. Elle a été nommé aux Golden Globes, au BAFTA, au César et, surtout à l'Oscar2008 de la meilleure actrice. Elle est la seconde actrice française à gagner une statuette, à être sacrée aussi pour une interprétation dans une langue qui n'est pas l'anglais et la seule interprète à être couronnée pour un rôle en langue française. En 2009, elle joue des rôles avec des acteurs remarquables comme Johnny Depp, Nicole Kidman, Penélope Cruz, Kate Hudson ou Leonardo Dicaprio. En 2010, elle reçoit sa seconde nomination pour les Golden Globes. L'été 2010, elle obtient un rôle dans un film avec Kate Winslet, Jude Law, Matt Damon et Gwyneth Paltrow, et est annoncée comme premier rôle féminin du prochain film de Woody Allen, aux côtés d'Owen Wilson. Cette année, en 2011, elle jouera un rôle à côté de Robert Pattinson.

Personajes 67

Marie Curie Plácido Cobo Romero

arie Curie, née Maria Sklodowska le 7 novembre 1867 à Varsovie en Pologne, et morte le 4 juillet 1934 à Sancellemoz en France, fut une des plus importants physiciens de l’Histoire. Elle a été la première femme à recevoir le Prix Nobel de Physique et la première personne à obtenir deux Prix Nobel pour ses travaux scientifiques. Le premier Prix Nobel, en 1903, avec son mari Pierre Curie et Henri Becquerel, en reconnaissance de leurs services rendus, par leur recherche commune sur le phénomène des radiations découvert par le professeur Henri Becquerel, et le second Prix Nobel, en 1911, cette fois-ci en Chimie, en reconnaissance des services pour l’avance de la Chimie par la découverte de nouveaux éléments : le radium et le polonium, par l’étude de leur nature et de leurs composés. Elle est également la première femme nommée professeur à la Sorbonne, la première femme lauréate de la Médaille Davy pour ses travaux sur le radium. Elle est la seule femme à participer au premier Congrès Solvay en 1911, qui réunit de nombreux physiciens, tels que Max Planck, Albert Einstein et Ernest Rutherford, qui vont changer notre façon de percevoir le monde.

À l’âge de 17 ans, avant de commencer mes études de Physique à l’Université Complutense, j’ai lu la biographie de Marie Curie, écrite par sa deuxième fille, Ève, et sa vie m’a marqué parce qu’elle est un symbole d’engagement avec la Science, avec les droits de la femme et avec la recherche médicale contre le cancer et son traitement par radiothérapie. Elle participe à l’éducation clandestine des masses en réaction à la russification de la société polonaise sous la domination de la Russie ; elle étudie à la Sorbonne parce que l’accès à l’université est interdit aux femmes en Pologne ; elle est la première de sa promotion quand elle obtient sa licence et elle travaille dans des conditions difficiles, dans les locaux dépourvus de tout confort pour obtenir moins d’un gramme de radium, qu’elle donne à la science et, malgré sa faiblesse par la leucémie, elle dirige le laboratoire de Physique de l’Institut du Radium jusqu’à sa mort. Pendant la Première Guerre Mondiale, Marie Curie est mobilisée et participe à la conception d’unités chirurgicales mobiles, à l’Institut du Radium, elle forme des aide-radiologistes, elle obtient son permis de conduire et part régulièrement sur le front pour réaliser des radiographies. Aujourd’hui elle reste la seule femme honorée au Panthéon de Paris.


Poesía 69

Le Panama ou les Aventures de mes Sept Oncles

...Comment voulez-vous que je prépare des examens? Vous m´avez envoyé dans tous les pensionnats d´Europe Lycées Gymnases Université Comment voulez-vous que je prépare des examens Quand une lettre est sous la porte J´ai vu La belle pédagogie! J´ai vu au cinéma le voyage qu´elle a fait Elle a mis 68 jours pour venir jusqu´à moi Chargée de fautes d´orthographe... ….Oh mon oncle, ma mère m´a tout dit Tu as volé des chevaux pour t´enfuir avec tes frères Tu t´es fait mousse à bord d´un cargo-boat Tu t´es cassé la jambe en sautant d´un train en marche Et après l´hôpital, tu as été en prison pour avoir arrêtè une dilligence Et tu faisais des poésies inspirées de Musset San Francisco C´est là que tu lisais l´histoire du général Suter qui a conquis la Californie aux États-Unis Et qui, milliardaire, a été ruiné par la découverte des mines d´or sur ces terres Tu as longtemps chassé dans la vallée du Sacramento où j´ai travaillé au défrichement du sol... Et il y avait encore quelque chose La tristesse Et le mal du pays.

Le Panama ou les aventures de mes sept oncles (Junio 1913Junio 1914), Blaise Cendrars

Panamá o las Aventuras de mis Siete Tíos

...¿Cómo quieren que prepare exámenes? Me han enviado a todos los internados de Europa Liceos Institutos Universidad Cómo quieren que prepare exámenes Cuando hay una carta bajo la puerta He visto ¡Hermosa pedagogía! He visto en el cine el viaje que ha hecho Ha tardado 68 días en llegar hasta mí Repleta de faltas de ortografía... ...Oh tío, mi madre me lo ha contado todo Robaste caballos para huir con tus hermanos Te hiciste grumete a bordo de un cargo-boat Te rompiste la pierna al saltar de un tren en marcha Y después del hospital, estuviste en prisión por haber detenido una diligencia Y hacías poesías inspiradas en Musset San Francisco Allí leías la historia del general Suter que conquistó California para los Estados Unidos Y que, ya multimillonario, se arruinó por el descubrimiento de minas de oro en sus tierras Cazaste durante mucho tiempo en el valle de Sacramento donde yo he trabajado roturando el suelo... ...Y había aún algo más La tristeza Y la nostalgia.

El Panamá o la aventura de mis siete tíos, Editorial MediaVaca, Valencia, 2003. traducción de Albert Torés García

Poesía 70

Poème Collectif

Poème Dadaïste

Groupe B2-1. Voilà les élèves du premier année du niveau avancé (B”-1). Il y a des musicians, des professeurs de musique, d'histoire, d'education physique, des futurs étudiants de traduction e interpretation qui font le BAC, des licenciés en droit, des employés d'agence de voyage, de la poste.... en bref, une diversité qui ont en commun le plaisir d'étudier la langue française.

Par délicatesse j´ai perdu ma vie, le bonheur de mon coeur s´est définitivement enfui, mais comme je suis si positive j´ai redéfini ce que je suis et je refuse le malheur et à la vie je lui crie. Par amour je me suis retrouvée et ma vie j´ai rencontrée, puis, par lui, j´ai été capable de voler et tuer même si ses caresses et paroles me faisaient peur, J´ai besoin de sentir l´amour une autre fois dans mon coeur. Habillée avec la nudité de ton espoir si triste je voulais réagir face à l´impossibilité, vider la solitude d´habitudes et de yeux sombres et vides comme une multitude en état d´absolue passivité. Par égoïsme, j´ai perdu ma vie et je suis très seule voyant nos existences passer, chacune de son côté. Malgré tout je saute dans les signes du texte, en fluidité avec le temps et en attendant l´impunité de mes actes.

Après 15 jours, un festival de cinéma n´est qu´un palais pour l´amour, une salle de projection où nous présentons les étoiles, la mèche su savoir éternel et l´expérience de la misère. Voilà encore une retouche de maquillage, la sublime Sharon Stone m´attrape avec ses yeux (aussi avec ses jambes mais ce sera une autre histoire...), Nicole Kindman est plutôt jalouse, l´apparence de la coutume, peut-être même de la fantaisie qui revient sans cesse et par fortune. Je vous offre la palme d´or de l´émotion, celle du charme et celle du plus beau sourire. Ne l´oubliez pas, mes bien chers élèves, j´habite Paris au 23 Avenue de Tourville. Nicole et Sharon sont devenues de très bonnes amies.

PoesĂ­a 71

Mo Malone Irish poet Mo Malone lives in Mijas Costa with her daughters. She is completely in love with Spain and her people. She loves literature, cinema and travel. She has recently recorded Siobhan Galvin's stories on audiobook.

Lament Of The Over Forty Female

We Met In The Lift

Look at me, well over forty, constantly seeking a date, while keeping decorum, quite haughty, remember there's no time to wait as I visit the venues for single ladies and gents of my ilk, chin up, breasts lifted I mingle, a vision in sapphire and silk. I play not alone this rehearsal; pretending to be what I'm not. If you thought in gender-reversal I'd then get away with a lot more. I'd not be a shallow old slag, but merely in need of a shag.

We met in the lift as we quite often do, you smiled your sweet smile, radiant, true. We spoke of the tourists and weather and such trivial happenings that don't matter much. Then of your dear brother you told us his plight, to the modern plague he's losing his fight. As we were alighting, unaware of your torture, you blurted the same had taken your daughter just one month before, then you strode on, into the damp half-light you were gone. We travelled just minutes together that day, not long, but enough as you walked away, to leave on my soul a slice of your pain, for me to consider in the cold and the rain.

Poesía 72

Poesía Visual en la EOI Fuengirola

Marta Moreno López de Uralde

uizás os sorprenda el encontrar un artículo en español en la revista Collage, pero voy a hablaros de una actividad en la que se han visto involucrados alumnos y profesores de los tres idiomas que se imparten en nuestra escuela, inglés, francés y alemán. Así que lo más justo es no decantarse por ninguno y utilizar la lengua que todos tenemos en común. Me gustaría hablaros de una exposición muy especial que llegamos a conocer gracias a nuestro compañero de francés, el poeta Albert Torés: la muestra de publicaciones de poesía visual Visual Libros (2001-2010) organizada por Francisco Peralto, reconocido poeta e impresor malagueño. En Marzo de 2011 la visité junto con un grupo de alumnos de último curso de inglés y quedamos muy gratamente impresionados.

Poesía 73

Se trata de una exposición atípica y muy especial. En primer lugar, por dónde se celebra, el taller Corona del Sur, una imprenta donde nada más llegar te recibe el olor a tinta y el sonido de las máquinas. Además, el visitante es acogido con gran cariño no sólo por Francisco, sino por Carmen y Rafael Peralto, también grandes artistas por derecho propio. Dada las características del lugar, no pueden ir más que grupos reducidos y con cita previa, lo cual contribuye a que el visitante se sienta único. Tras aprender cómo funciona una imprenta, pasamos a ver la exposición propiamente dicha, una colección de más de quinientos libros de poesía visual que incluyen contribuciones de autores de todo el mundo. La muestra incluye libros intervenidos, es decir, libros que han sido alterados para convertirse en obras de arte, diversas publicaciones de poesía visual e incluso una revista objeto en forma de tartera. No hace falta ser un experto en la materia para disfrutar de este arte, que está abierto a todas las disciplinas (dibujo, fotografía, escultura...) y a todo aquél que quiera expresarse. Y con las explicaciones de Francisco, todo resulta mucho más ameno y fácil de comprender. Finalmente, los organizadores de la muestra nos pidieron que hiciéramos unas acciones mínimas, es decir, una performance utilizando los carteles de la muestra. Y he aquí una de las fotos que Rafael Peralto tomó de los alumnos de nuestra escuela y que fue publicada en la web de esta exposición:

Si estáis interesados en visitar Visual Libros, podéis hacerlo hasta el 31 de octubre de 2011. Corona del Sur se encuentra en la C/ Jaime Serrano 2, Málaga 29014. Podéis concertar una cita en la siguiente dirección: Esta visita nos entusiasmó hasta tal punto que decidimos pedirle a Francisco que nos diera una charla a los alumnos de la escuela como parte de los actos del día del libro. Y a fin de conectar este encuentro con el aprendizaje de idiomas, decidimos organizar una actividad en la que los alumnos prepararon sus propios poemas visuales en inglés, francés y alemán. Esta actividad, diseñada por nuestro compañero Albert Torés, consistía en dividir las clases en grupos y darle a cada uno un texto en el que debían subrayar unas palabras al azar (el número oscilaba entre 6 y 12, dependiendo del nivel). A continuación, cada grupo debía crear un poema que incluyera estas palabras. Y finalmente, debían darle una dimensión visual jugando con distintas fuentes, imágenes o cualquier otro medio. Tras la charla de Francisco Peralto, en la que nos reveló los secretos que se esconden tras la elaboración de un libro, los alumnos le mostraron los trabajos realizados. Aquí debajo podéis ver algunas muestras de estos poemas, que están expuestos en la propia escuela. Se trata de la primera muestra de arte visual que se celebra en un centro educativo malagueño.

Humor 74


Jesús Alba Amador Jesús Alba Amador was born in Casablanca in 1954 and lived there till 1971, when he moved to Fuengirola. He is married and has two children. He is a keen sportsman. In 2007 he won the Andalusian Mountain Bike Championship in the veteran category. He is currently studying to obtain his B1 certificate in English at the Official School of Languages in Fuengirola.

The comments of an Israeli, a German, a Russian and a Spanish Doctor in a conference: The Israeli says: “Medicine in Israel is so advanced that we remove the balls of a man, transplant them to another one, and in six weeks' time they are looking for a job”. The German answers: “That’s nothing. In Germany we remove part of somebody's brain, transplant it to another person and in four weeks' time they are looking for a job.” The Russian says: “That’s nothing my dear colleague. In Russia the medicine is so advanced that we remove half of somebody's heart, transplant it to another person and in two weeks' time they are both looking for a job.” Then the Spanish doctor answers: “This has nothing to do with what we have done!! In Spain, we took a person without a brain, without a heart and without balls, made him President and now all the country is looking for a job”.

A man is getting into the shower just as his wife is finishing hers when the doorbell rings. The wife quickly wraps herself in a towel and runs downstairs. When she opens the door, there stands Jose, their next-door neighbour. Before she says a word, Jose says, 'I'll give you 1,000 € if you drop this towel.' After thinking for a moment, the woman drops her towel and stands naked in front of Jose. After a few seconds, Jose gives her 1,000 € and leaves. The woman puts the towel back on and goes back upstairs. When she gets to the bathroom, her husband asks, 'Who was that?' 'It was Jose our next door neighbour,' she replies. 'Great,' the husband says, 'did he say anything about the 1,000 € he owes me?'

Humor 75

Le Mariage et ses Clichés

Marie Chantal de la Crevette La professeure Marie Chantal de la Crevette est notre blogger spécialiste en tout ce qui concerne l’amour, le mariage et les sentiments. Elle aime la musique rap, le reggae (sa chanson préférée est la Marseillaise de Serge Gainsbourg) et les mets puissants comme le boudin, les tripes ou la potée auvergnate. Elle ne boit que du champagne. "

Le mariage est une des institutions les plus anciennes du monde et il est plein de clichés et d'idées reçues. On peut être d'accord ou non. Aujourd'hui on va faire une petite sélection. Le mariage est le jour le plus important de la vie du couple Pas nécessairement; mais c'est une idée très utile pour justifier les énormes dépenses que les couples font précisément pour un jour de diversion. En fait, ce serait très triste de penser que dès qu'on est marié la vie ne peut nous offrir rien de meilleur. Tout le monde rencontre la personne de sa vie vers l'âge de trente ans C'est vrai, il faut finir les études, trouver un travail, faire des économies pour acheter un appartement et, en particulier, pour payer les frais du mariage ( qui peuvent revenir à 12000 €). Pourtant, on peut rencontrer notre partenaire idéal à l'âge de douze ans, de trente ans ou de cinquante ans. On pourrait dire d´une manière ou d´un autre que les femmes deviennent nerveuses à l´approche de la trentaine . Elles sont prêtes à mettre le grappin sur n'importe qui. Cela pourrait expliquer le nombre considérable de mariages qui échouent. Le mariage est pour toujours Cela dépend de la maturité de chaque membre du couple. Souvent, il faut « essayer » la vie en commun quelque fois jusqu'à trouver l'équilibre qui permettra la réussite d'un mariage. Le mariage est organisé par la future mariée Tu parles! Le mariage est organisé premièrement par la mère de la mariée, qui considère toujours l'opinion

de la mère du marié de crainte de créer une brouille familiale. Le futur marié, son père et son futur beaupère sont tout simplement des spectateurs. La future mariée pense qu'elle contrôle tout grâce à l'habileté de sa mère. Tous les couples veulent un mariage très original Peu de gens y arrivent. Tous les futurs mariés ont l'illusion d'avoir un mariage différent. Je ne sais pas si l'influence des mères et des amies est néfaste, mais quand le jour arrive, on a l'impression que la robe, la cérémonie, le repas, les photos et le vidéo, le voyage de noces, même la surprise « powerpoint » des amis sont les mêmes. Quand on assiste à un mariage on a toujours une sensation de « déjà vu ». Faut-il arriver aux 200 invités? Quand un couple commence à planifier son mariage, ils souhaitent quelque chose de simple, un mariage intime avec la famille et les amis proches. Mais pas question d´en parler avec les parents: il faut inviter tous les oncles, tantes, cousins et membres de l'entourage professionnel de papa parce qu'autrement papa et maman se sentiront déçus. Je voudrais vous demander: Vous voulez vraiment être invité au mariage d'un cousin que vous n'avez pas vu depuis qu'il a fait la communion ou bien vous préférez passer le samedi à la plage? On pourrait argumenter que c'est une bonne occasion pour rencontrer des gens qu'on n'a pas vus depuis longtemps et refaire des liens, mais normalement on se trouve assis à côté de son frère et de sa belle sœur, qu'on voit tous les dimanches autour de la paella. En conclusion, on ne peut pas lutter contre le pouvoir des mères à moins qu'on soit prêt a payer un haut prix. Alors, mon conseil est: « Détendez-vous et profitez de la fête ».

Recetas 76

Crêpes Ana Belén Moreno Belén Moreno est professeur d’anglais dans un lycée et étudiante de français (Niveau Intermédiaire) à l´école de langues. Elle aime beaucoup toutes les langues en général mais c´est la langue française qu’elle trouve la plus mélodieuse et charmante.

a Chandeleur se fête le deux février. Son nom vient du mot "chandelle".


Á l´époque des Romains, il s’agissait d’une fête en honneur du dieu Pan. Toute la nuit, les croyants parcouraient les rues de Rome en agitant des flambeaux. En 472, le pape Gélase décide de christianiser cette fête qui deviendra la célébration de la présentation de Jésus au temple. On organise des processions aux chandelles le jour de la Chandeleur, selon une technique précise. Chaque croyant devait récupérer un cierge à l’église et le ramener chez lui en faisant bien attention à le garder allumé. Un dicton de Franche-Comté dit d’ailleurs :

Préparation : 20 minutes. Cuisson : à la poële.

Celui qui la rapporte chez lui allumée. Pour sûr ne mourra pas dans l’année.

1. Mélanger tous les ingrédients dans un grand saladier.Si nécessaire passer la pâte pour enlever les grumeaux.

Pendant la Chandeleur on fait des crêpes pour toute la famille et les amis. C´est la tradition qui attire la Bonheur. Et voici la recette pour faire des crêpes.

2. Chauffer une poêle avec un peu d'huile et versez une louche de pâte à crêpe. Il ne nous reste plus qu'à faire sauter les crêpes dans la poêle!

Ingrédients (pour environ 20 crêpes ): - 4 oeufs. - 1 pincée de sel. - 1 verre (20cl) de farine. - 1 cuillerée du beurre. - 1 verre de lait tiède. Préparation:

Recetas 77


Italian Tiramisu (1) Separate the egg yolks from the whites in two different bowls. Beat the yolks and the sugar until creamy. Add the mascarpone and mix until blended. Leave this mixture in the bowl.

(2) In the other bowl, beat the egg whites until they are stiff. Fold the beaten egg whites into the mascarpone mixture. Mix carefully to blend.

(3) Dip the ladyfingers lightly in the black coffee bowl and place them forming a layer in a 25 x 20 container, which should be at least 5cm-deep. Pour half the Mascarpone mixture across this layer of ladyfingers.

(4) Dip another layer of ladyfingers in the coffee and lay them on the mascarpone mixture. Spoon the remaining Mascarpone mixture across the second layer of ladyfingers and smooth the surface.

Toñi Escribano Toñi Escribano is currently studying the 3rd year of English at the Official School of Languages in Fuengirola. She likes travelling and learning about other cultures. She also likes listening to music and reading. However, sharing good times with her Italian husband, Gian Luca and her two daughters, Marina and Claudia, is what she loves the most.

Tiramisu is my favourite dessert so my mother in law, who is an excellent Italian cook, gave me this recipe some years ago. Since then, whenever we are invited to a meal, I usually make tiramisu for dessert, and it is enjoyed even by those who don’t like sweets. Ingredients 3 eggs 100g (4 tablespoons) sugar 250g (8½ oz) mascarpone cheese 250ml (9fl oz) cold strong black coffee 200g (7oz) savoiardi ladyfingers Unsweetened cocoa powder

(5) Sift cocoa on top of the tiramisu using a small sieve. Cover and refrigerate for at least 3 hours before serving.

Recetas 78

The Only, World Famous Chocolate Mousse Cake

Alba Martín de Pedro Alba Martín de Pedro is currently teaching English at the Official School of Languages in Fuengirola, and this recipe is one of her best "souvenirs" from the nine months she spent as an Erasmus in Edinburgh. Some French friends of her Finnish flatmate gave it to her and since then some modifications have been added to make it the delicious, death-by-chocolate cake it is today. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. For sweet-tooths only.

INGREDIENTS For the sponge cake: 50g flour 100g sugar 150g butter 250g chocolate 4 eggs For the topping: 150g chocolate 4 tbs icing sugar Approximately 3 shot glasses of mildly warm water COOKING

1. Pre-heat the oven to 200ºC. 2. Melt the butter together with the chocolate in the microwave or in a saucepan.

3. While the butter and choc are melting mix the flour and sugar in a large bowl. 4. Separate whites from yolks and add the yolks to the bowl with the flour and the sugar.

5. Whip the whites until they become a consistent foam (the more consistent, the better) and mix them with the chocolate dough with slow and ample movements.

6. Mix the molten chocolate and butter with the flour, the yolks and the sugar until it becomes a uniform dough.

79 Recetas

7. Spread some butter on a baking tin or mould with the help of some kitchen paper, and fill it with the mix. 8. Leave it in the oven for about 15 to 20 minutes, middle shelf. The cake will be considered to be ready when you pinch it with a knife and the blade remains clean.

9. For the icing topping melt the chocolate in a small saucepan that has been previously put inside a bigger one full of boiling water. 10. Once the choc is molten, dissolve the icing sugar in a bit of warm water.

11. Add it to the molten choc and stir until it achieves the desired consistency.

12. Take the sponge cake out of its baking tin or mould and cover it with the icing topping.

Some tips: t 5IF NPSF CVUUFS ZPV VTF UIF KVJDJFS UIF TQPOHF DBLF will be. t 4JMJDPO CBLJOH NPVMET XJMM GBDJMJUBUF UBLJOH UIF DBLF out in one piece. t 8F TIPVME USZ UP NBLF UIF JDJOH BT DPOTJTUFOU BT cough medicine; it will equally harden although it will take longer, and it will give moisture to the sponge cake. t 5IF DBLF JNQSPWFT JG JU IBT TQFOU B GFX IPVST JO UIF fridge. It tastes even better if it was made the day before. t %FDPSBUF JU XJUI GSVJUTy .PTU BDJEJD GSVJUT SBTQberries, strawberries, cranberries, kiwi..) pair well with the sweetness of the cake and offer a delicious contrast.

Recetas 80

Ham and

Jesús Alba Amador

Cheese Quiche

1971, when he moved to Fuengirola.

Jesús Alba Amador was born in Casablanca in 1954 and lived there till He is married and has two children. He is a keen sportsman. In 2007 he won the Andalusian Mountain Bike Championship in the veteran category. He is currently studying to obtain his B1 certificate in English at the Official School of Languages in Fuengirola.

Ingredients: 230 g shortbread Pastry 150 g ham 150 g emmental Cheese 200 g cream 3 Eggs Salt Pepper Nutmeg Cooking time: 30 to 40 minutes. Preparation:

1. Take the shortbread pastry out of the fridge 15 minutes before using. 2. Preheat oven to 200ºC for about 15 minutes. 3. Cover the cookie plate with the piece of oven paper included in the shortbread pastry package, stretch the shortbread pastry on top of the paper and prick it with a fork.

4. Beat the eggs with a bit of salt, pepper and nutmeg (season to taste). 5. Cut the ham and the emmental cheese in small square pieces. 6. Mix all together with the cream.

7. Pour the mixture onto the shortbread pastry. 8. Put the cookie plate in the preheated oven. Low the heat to 180º and bake for about 30 to 35 minutes until the pastry is golden brown.

Finally, enjoy your quiche.

Recetas 81

Leek Quiche with Onion and Bacon

Raquel Laya 29-year-old Raquel Laya was born in Bilbao, and she moved to Fuengirola four years ago. She works as a secretary for a phone company. In the afternoons, she studies English and French at the Official School of Languages of this town. As a good Basque, cooking is one of her main hobbies. Today, she reccommends you to try this delicious recipe.

Ingredients: 5 fat leeks 1 medium-sized onion 150g bacon 30g grated cheese 500g cream 3 eggs Salt, pepper, nutmeg, sugar and vinegar Pastry

Start by cleaning and slicing the leeks and boil them for about 10-15 minutes. While the leeks are cooking, cut the onion into julienne, and fry them lightly. When the onion is soft and clear, add two spoonfuls of sugar and a splash of vinegar and let it boil down. Meanwhile, fry the bacon in another frying pan.

Finally, when the leeks are cooked, mix all the ingredients except for the three eggs, which must be beaten separately (it is important not to beat the eggs together with the cream because the quiche would not cook well). Add salt and a little bit of pepper and nutmeg.

Cover a baking tin with the pastry. Pinch the pastry with a fork to prevent it from raising. Pour the mixture on top of the pastry and cook in the oven for about 20 minutes.

Recetas 82

Antonio Aragón Guerrero

Alhaurin Style

Antonio Aragón Guerrero was born

Cod Fish Omelette

his life. He is a graduate in Businness

in Málaga in 1972. She has lived in Alhaurín el Grande (Málaga) most of Administration from Malaga university. He's currently the owner of a metal carpentry company. As for his interests, he likes relaxing music, travelling, gardening, trekking and languages. He's married and has one daughter.

INGREDIENTS FOR 2 PEOPLE: - 2 cloves of garlic - ½ l olive oil - 350 g fillets of salted cod - A handful of parsley - A pinch of salt - Water - 1 beaten egg - A pinch of yeast - 1 tbsp paprika - ¼ kg flour

METHOD: Soak the salted cod in water for 48 hours before rinsing it well under running water. Peel the cloves of garlic, chop them with the parsley and put them in a bowl. Add a pinch of yeast and salt, a spoonful of paprika and pour in the beaten egg. After mixing, crumble the fillets of cod and add them to the bowl together with the flour. Stir the dough while pouring water slowly until it is slightly thick. Pour the olive oil into a frying pan and heat until it boils. Use a tablespoon to add the mixture to the boiling oil. You can fry two or three tablespoonfuls at the same time. Turn the omelettes with a spatula and cook the other side until brown. Once they have set, it is recommended to put the omelettes on a plate covered with kitchen paper, so that the left over oil might be absorbed. Serve while they are still hot.

Música 83

Burzum Laura Valdés Laura Valdés, 16 ans, étudiante au lycée à Mijas Costa.

urzum est un groupe musical de black metal qui a débuté en 1991 à Bergen, en Norvège. Ce groupe a la particularité d'être composé d’un seul musicien, Varg Vikernes. Les thèmes abordés dans les chansons sont d'inspiration épique ou mythologique et empruntés à l'univers de Tolkien et à la mythologie nordique. Le nom Burzum tire son origine d'une langue inventée par J. R. R. Tolkien et présente dans son roman Le Seigneur des anneaux. Ce mot signifie « ténèbres » dans le Noir Parler. Il est né le 11 février 1973 (37ans) en Norvège.

Il a commencé sa carrière à l'âge de 15 ans au sein d'un groupe nommé d'abord Kalashnikov, puis Uruk Hai et plus tard, en 1991, il commencé à produire seul sa propre musique. En 1993 Vikernes a arrêté de composer des chansons car il a incendié trois églises et il a tué Øystein Aarseth, un chanteur de black metal.Il a été condamné à 16 ans de prison. Grâce à une carte qu’ Øystein a écrite, on sait que Vikernes voulait le tuer et d’ailleurs, ce n’était pas la première fois qu’il tuait : avant, il avait emposonné un homme au cyanure.

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Triste anniversaire musical. Lhasa et

Olivia López

Mano Solo

& RR.PP à l’Université Complutense

Olivia López est née à Melilla en 1981. Elle a une maîtrise en Publicité de Madrid. Dessinatrice graphique Publicitaire à Madrid, actuellement elle habite à Fuengirola et a l’intention de se consacrer à l’enseignement des techniques audiovisuelles dans un avenir proche. Elle fait des études de français –Niveu Intermédiaire- à l’Ecole de Langues de Fuengirola.

u mois de janvier a eu lieu le premier anniversaire de la disparition de deux des figures les plus charismatiques de la musique francophone. Deux personnes aussi différentes que passionnelles par leur musique et leur vie. Lhasa avait seulement 37 ans quand elle est morte d’un cancer le premier janvier 2010 dans sa maison à Montréal. Dix jours plus tard, Mano Solo est décédé à l’âge de 46 ans. Il avait été hospitalisé après son dernier concert à Paris le 12 novembre 2009. Lhasa est née prés de Woodstock (Nueva York), en 1972. Fille d’un professeur et écrivain mexicain et d’une photographe américaine, Lhasa de Sela a passé son enfance en parcourant les autoroutes du Mexique et des États-Unis dans un vieil autobus scolaire où toute la famille habitait (quatre filles, deux adultes, trois chats, un perroquet, deux tortues et un chien). Pas de télévision, pas d’électricité, pas d’eau courante ni de téléphone. Puis, elle s’est installée à Montréal (Canada) à l’âge de 19 ans, où elle a fait des études dans un école de cirque avec ses trois soeurs. Paru en 1997, La Llorona, premier album écrit, composé et interprété par cette jeune inconnue, est devenu un classique en quelques années, un incontournable qui ne cesse de faire de nouveaux adeptes.

Un peu avant, Emmanuel Cabut (plus connu comme Mano Solo) commençait dans la musique à l’âge de 17 ans, dans un groupe punk, Les Chihuahuas, au sein duquel il était guitariste. Né le 24 avril 1963 à Chalons sur Marne (nord-est de France), fils du génial dessinateur de presse Cabu et de la journaliste Isabelle Monin, Mano Solo développe de manière précoce un talent artistique certain et de fortes convictions politiques. Mais c’est au début des années 1990, après avoir appris (en 1986) sa séropositivité, qu’il passe derrière le micro et interprète ses textes. Le premier album, la Marmaille nue sort en 1993 et se vend à 100 000 exemplaires la première année. En 1995 sort le deuxième album, Les Années sombres, quand il annonce lors d’un concert au Bataclan qu’il a contracté le SIDA. On pourrait continuer longtemps à parler de la vie et de la discographie des ces grand artistes, mais mon intention dans cette article n’est pas tant de vous raconter leur biographie que de vous les faire découvrir par leur musique. Je vous invite donc à écouter et lire les paroles de deux des chansons qui représentent le mieux leur complexe personnalité. C’est un triste anniversaire, mais leur musique peut encore nous faire éprouver/ressentir ? de nouvelles émotions.

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LA CONFESSION LHASA DE SELA &feature=related Je n’ai pas peur de dire que je t’ai trahi par pure paresse par pure mélancholie qu’entre toi et le diable j’ai choisi le plus je me sens coupable mon cher ami Je n’ai pas peur de dire que tu me fais peur avec ton espoir et ton grand sens de l’honneur tu me donnes envie de tout detruire de t’arracher le beau sourire et même ça n’est pas pourquoi Je me sens coupable c’est ça le pire je me sens coupable parce que j’ai l’habitude c’est la seule chose que je peux faire avec une certaine certitude c’est rassurant de penser que je suis sure de ne pas me tromper quand il s’agit de la question de ma grande culpabilité je n’ai pas peur de dire que j,ai triché j’ai mit le plus pur de mes pensées sur le marché j’ai envie de laisser tomber toute cette idée de « verité » je garderais pour me guider plaisir et culpabilité je me sens coupable parce que j’ai l’habitude c’est la seule chose que je peux faire avec une certaine

certitude c’est rassurant de penser que je suis sure de ne pas me tromper quand il s’agit de la question de ma grande culpabilité A 15 ANS DU MATIN MANO SOLO A 15 ans du matin, j’ai pris par un drôle de chemin, des épines plein les bras, je me suis troué la peau mille fois. A 18 ans du matin, j’étais dans un sale pétrin, je vends du poing, de la chignole, de la cambriole, du vol des bagnoles. Ca fait du temps maintenant, inexorablement, passe le temps qui tue les enfants. A 18 ans du soir, j’ai perdu la mémoire... A 20 ans du matin, j’ai vraiment connu l’amour qui devait rimer avec toujours, il a rimé avec hier. A 23 ans du matin, tout seul comme tout un chacun, les yeux grand ouverts de ne rien voir, j’ai peint des tableaux tout noirs. Ca fait du temps maintenant, inexorablement, passe le temps qui tue les enfants. A 23 ans du soir, j’ai perdu la mémoire. A 24 ans du matin, la mort m’a serré la main et en me tapant un coup dans le dos, elle m’a dit : Salut et à bien tôt! A 27 ans du matin, j’ai chopé ma putain de guitare et à grands coups de butoir j’écrase le cafard. Ca fait du temps maintenant, inexorablement, passe le temps qui tue les enfants. A 29 ans du soir, j’ai perdu la mémoire. Je t’abandonne ma mémoire...

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My Spanish Guitar and a Little Bit of Music José Juan Guzmán José Juan Guzmán García was born on Wednesday, Febuary 6, 1963. He is an Electronics Engineer and has worked for a Japanese company in the engineering and technical printing production department. Currently he works as a Technology Teacher in a High School in Torremolinos. He is participating in the school bilingual project and next year he will probably be teaching in English.

Inroduction When I was 12 years old, my father gave me a guitar as a present, and since then “she” has been one of my favourite friends. I must confess that my formal knowledge about music is zero, and that all I play is by ear. In this article I am going to introduce you to some pieces of music in different styles, and try to explain a little what these pieces are about. I hope you enjoy it. “The Malagueña” You cannot walk through the little towns in the South of Spain without hearing a strange sound between crying and chanting that drifts out to you from behind the barred windows. This kind of sound is what we call “Malagüeña” but it has no more to do with Málaga than the Mosque in Córdoba has to do with the soil on which it stands. It is a very antique melody, similar to the music of the tom-toms and gongs. It is a melody of Arabic origins which has reached us untouched by the invention of the modern scale. The passion of the Malagueña is like no other passion; fierce, immoderate, sustained; it is like the

crying of a wild beast in suffering, and it thrills those who listen to it precisely because it seems to be so far from humanity, so inexplicable, so deeply rooted in our own animal essence. CANCIÓN DE CUNA This song is a beautiful lullaby by the Balearic composer Bartolomé Calatayud Cerdá. The lullabies written by classical composers adopt the shape and name of berceuse, which means lullaby. Famous berceuses were composed by Chopin and Johannes Brahms. This song is easy to play, but its simplicity makes this piece of music even nicer. The piece that I play has a soft and relaxed rhythm, which tries to help a baby sleep. However, I hope you don´t fall asleep while listening to it. ALLEGRO DE LA PARTITA IX This music was composed by Giusepe Antonio Brescianello. He is a recently “recovered” musician who had been long forgotten by the guitar music world. Brescianello is a contemporary of Bach, and many of his masterpieces are closer to the post baroque style.

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Brescianello knew how to take the style of Vilvady's concerts and adapt it to the style of the great German masters, Bach, Hendel or Telemann. Brescianello's music was actually made for an instrument called “Colascione”. This instrument was very popular in the Bohemian music circles. It may be also called “colachón”, “gallichone” or “calichon”, and it belongs to the lute family. In fact, it is basically a lute with a long neck and a small box. It used to work as a bass. In Spain, the Colascione was known from the XVIII century, and it had four strings. In the XVI century this instrument had only two or three strings. Many fragments of this music have parts which are repeated, which is something typically baroque , when the echo technique was usually applied. This piece I have taped for you took me lots of hours of practice, and I hope you can appreciate this.

A CANOA VIROU This is a Brazilian piece of music titled The Boat Turned Over. It is a beautiful song for children. It was composed by Villalobos in 1930, and it describes with realism and fun the long and tiring journey of a little rural Brazilian train. It is a Bachiana Brasileira. It is important to emphasize the sound of the bass accompanying the main melody. You can follow this link watch?v=QHuOAZB7xUI, where you can listen to the original song. GREETINGS I would like to thank the magazine called “Acordes”, which helps me improve with my guitar day by day and little by little.

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Interview with

Mª Belén Vázquez

a Rock Singer

but what she really wants to do is to

22-year-old Mª Belén Vázquez Coronas has a degreee in Tourism, travel around the world and get to know new places and people. She is currently studying to obtain the B1 certificate in English at the Official School of Languages in Fuengirola.

Interviewer: María Belén Vázquez Coronas. Interviewed: Roberto Rincón from the band Strange Days. Hello Roberto, thank you for receiving us. You are a singer in a rock band, What is the name of the band? What style of music do you play? What are your main influences? We are “Strange Days”, we play rock music, but we like to mix it a little bit with some others styles such as funk, jazz or reggae. We have a lot of different and varied influences in our music, from Incubus to Guns and Roses, going through Jamiroquai, Stevie Wonder, Maroon 5 and Hoobastank. When did the band start to play? Who are the members of the band? Which instrument does each one play? We officially started playing in 2006, but we had a previous band. The members are Juan, who plays the lead guitar, Fran who plays the bass guitar, Mario who plays the drums and me. I also play the guitar. Why did you choose to play the guitar? Which other instrument would you like to play if you could? I chose to play the guitar because I think that it is an instrument that allows you to express a lot of different emotions. If I could, I would like to play the piano and the saxophone, they amaze me! Why do you always sing in English? Do you express yourself better in English? We decided to sing in English because at the begin-

ning we started playing covers of the bands we liked, which were in English, so we started to make our own songs in English too. I don’t know if I express myself better in English or not, but what I know is that I feel more comfortable than in Spanish. Has music helped you to improve your English? Not my own music, but listening to American and English music has helped me a lot. You are a very talented rock band, but you aren’t very famous. Have you thought of changing your music style to be more successful in the music industry? We would never do that! We only play to have fun, not to be successful. We know that it is very hard to make it in the music industry and because of this we don’t care if we are more or less known. I don’t think that I could make good music if I didn’t like what I play. If you had the opportunity to play with a very famous rock band, which band or person would you choose? I can’t answer the question for the four of us, but personally I would like to play the guitar with Michael Jackson, but… Have you ever thought of focusing your life on playing music? Yes, I have, but I have not won the lottery yet, so I will have to keep on waiting. For further information check myspace:

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Entretien avec Nate, Rappeur Américain Albert Torés García Albert Torés García (Paris, 1959). Professeur de français à l'école de langages et directeur du magazine littéraire Canente, il a publié de la poésie, du essai et de la traduction. Il a reçu le prix Bahia de poésie pour El hombre del puente, le prix de la critique andalouse pour El salón de la memoria et le prix Joaquín Guichot a l'innovation éducative pour Bajel, navegando por la literatura andaluza. Il a reçu aussi une bourse du Ministère de Culture pour El jardín en penumbra.

omme tant d´autres déclarations d´ecrivains qui chercherait à traduire la vocation littéraire, à expliquer aussi les aspects particuliers de l´écriture ou tout simplement pour inventer d´autres mondes et justifier nos actes, « Écrire est un besoin ». L’acte d’écrire est, selon cette affirmation, dicté par une forte motivation intérieure : le besoin. Or, ce besoin concerne-t-il seulement les écrivains consacrés ? S’agit-il d’un besoin purement individuel ou peut-il en même temps prendre une ampleur collective ? Bref, un groupe social peut-il lui aussi chercher à combler ce manque ? La littérature, cette discipline si difficile à définir serait liée à l’urgence de comprendre le monde, afin de se comprendre surtout soi-même et de communiquer avec les autres. Cette urgence peut concerner sans doute un groupe qui cherche à se comprendre, à remplir un vide de visibilité et qui est en quête d’un « nous » social. Je vous l´avoue en toute sincérité dans les quartiers du monde la poésie est le rap. Les penseurs de la plainte, les puristes de l´alarme manifestent une virulente critique pour la langue parlée par la jeunesse, dans les banlieues défavorisées ou dans les salles de lycée et veulent nous mettre en garde devant les groupes de rap et d´en faire de nouveaux Baudelaire. Mais au moment même de traduire cette crainte, l´ellitisme nettoyant exprimait que le trône classique de la littérature avait une expression si singulière comme le rap, car avant d’être un texte à transmission sonore, le rap est le

résultat d’un travail d’écriture , en fait, une pratique qui concerne la littérature liée au désir de combler un sentiment de manque, au besoin éprouvé par un groupe social particulier d’investir une pratique d’écriture afin de tisser son expérience et son ressenti et d’essayer de survivre. Survivre. Probablement, mais le rap apparaît comme une vraie possibilité de participer au delà de la survivance, puisqu´en fin de compte son origine se trouve dans le Bronx de New-York, là où les faits émigrants et les faits déracinés se serrent la main non pas par un simple phénomème de mode mais à partir d´un besoin esthétique et aussi éthique, par ailleurs, à partir d´une urgence littéraire. Je voudrais donc changer la parole. Marquer un mot qui puisse ressentir le poids de l´histoire, la tyrannie actuelle d´un système absolument injuste, insolidaire et sans aucune vision de futur qui mérite une action révolutionnaire. Entendons-nous, comme Karl Marx nous voulons transformer le monde et comme ArthurRimbaud nous voulons aussi changer la vie. Le rap devient notre espoir. Aujourd´hui Nathan Keegan, camarade américain et musicien universel sera notre invité:

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Pour ceux qui ne te connaissent pas, peux-tu te décrire en quelques mots ? Je suis américain, et je suis enseignant d´anglais à la EOI de Fuengirola. J’aime la musique (j’ai passé un an comme professeur de musique dans un lycée américain), et je suis notamment un grand fan de rap. Mon autre passion; oui, c´est le sport. Comment as-tu commencé dans le monde du rap? Quand j’avais 16 ans, j’ai commencé à écrire des chansons de rap—ma première chanson était un freestyle sur “Ready Or Not” des Fugees. Mais au lycée, j’étais guitariste dans deux groupes de rock, donc, je n'ai pas eu le temps d'explorer le monde du rap. Quand je suis arrivé à l’université, j’ai commencé à écrire dans un groupe de rap catholique—c’était une blague au début, mais nous avons fait deux vidéos qui sont devenus populaires sur le campus. Ensuite j’ai commencé mon propre groupe de rap avec mes deux frères, et on n'a pas mal réussi: on a gagné un concours de vidéo pour étudiants avec notre première video.

parce que mes deux frères vivent à Boston. Maintenant je travaille tout seul, et j’aime écrire des chansons entières sur une personne, peut-être une fille que j’aime, ou la soeur d’une fille que j’aime, ou une personne intéressante que je connais. J’aime les chansons intimes, j’aime quand une chanson semble parler à une seule personne, parce qu'on manque de sentiments dans le monde du rap. Ouais, j’aime les grands rappeurs qui semblent parler à tout le monde avec leurs paroles, mais ça a toujours été difficile à faire pour moi. Disposes-tu d'une structure pour promouvoir ton travail? Et laquelle serait vraiment nécessaire? Je “produis” des chansons pour des plus gros groupes. “Produire” signifie que je fais toute la musique, le batterie, la mélodie, l’accompagnement, et je gère les paroles. J’aime faire ça, parce que c’est toujours difficile de réussir dans le monde du rap américain si tu es blanc et tu n’es pas Eminem. Haha (traduction française jaja). Quel rap connais-tu bien? Je supppose que c'est l´américain, mais le français et l´espagnol, qu´en penses-tu?

Qu´est-ce que cela représente pour toi? J’ai étudié la linguistique à l'université, et ç'est pour cela que j’aime beaucoup les paroles qui sont comme une sorte de poésie moderne. Pourquoi avoir choisi le rap et non un autre genre musical ? Je joue du piano, de la guitare, de la basse, de la batterie, mais j’ai toujours eu du mal à trouver des gens pour jouer avec moi. Avec un ordinateur, un micro, un synthétiseur et une batterie, on peut faire tout ce que l´on veut, sans l’aide des autres, libre de faire tout soi-même. Quelle genre de musique aimes-tu? J’aime tout, mais récemment j’ai écouté beaucoup de musique latino. Peut-être les Etats-Unis me manquent, parce que maintenant j’écoute Juan Luis Guerra, Calle 13, et Luis Enrique. Aux Etats-Unis maintenant il y a beaucoup d'hispanophones, donc on peut écouter de la musique latino partout.

Une prof m’a donné le nouvel album de Toteking, un rappeur espagnol, et j'aime beacoup. Toteking était joueur de basket, donc ses paroles traitent de la NBA des années 80 — elles sont tres intéressantes. Et comme je l'ai déjà dit, j’aime les rappeurs latins, comme Calle 13 et Pitbull, qui sont très populaires aux Etats-Unis. Il y a 5, 6, 7 ans, quand j’étudiais le francais, j’aimais beaucoup Diams, MC Solaar, et Alphonse Brown (Michael Youn). J’ai toujours aimé les rappeurs, en anglais (Nicki Minaj, MIA, lil’ Kim) ou en français. Et tout le monde sait que MC Solaar est le meilleur du rap français. J’ai eu une petite amie qui s’appelait “Caroline” et je lui chantais “Caroline” de MC Solaar. J’ai aussi eu un collègue francais qui s’apelle Etienne, et il m’a fait découvrir pas mal de rap français (mais il n'aimait pas du tout Diams). Récemment, il m’a rendu visite ici à Fuengirola, et m’a fait découvrir Stromae, que j’aime beaucoup. Et je connais bien le rap américain—Kanye West, Lauryn Hill, et Eminem sont mes artistes préférés. Je pense que je connais un peu de tout!

Quels sont les thèmes abordés dans tes textes? Après l’université, j’ai dû quitter mon groupe de rap,

Quelle tendance ou école de rap a été décisive pour toi?

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Comme j’ai déjà dit, j’aime les rappeuses comme Lauryn Hill et Nicki Minaj maintenant, et Lauryn Hill en plus d’ être ma première rappeuse préférée (le premier CD que j’ai acheté était The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill) a été ma première celebrity crush! Mais je dois dire que les deux disques les plus importants de ma vie ont été The Marshall Mathers LP, le deuxième disque de Eminem et The Chronic de Dr. Dre. J’avais 13 ans et je peux toujours me souvenir de la première fois que j’ai écouté ces disques. Que pourrais-tu tirer comme conclusions à propos du rap américain? Maintenant, le rap Americain est à un carrefour. On peut continuer à faire du rap gangster—Lil’ Wayne, Young Jeezy, Dr. Dre—ou on peut renouveler l’art. Je pense que dans les prochaines années on va voir que le rap moins violent va beaucoup se développer. Cinq mots pour définir les États-Unis? Et pour l´Espagne? US: Indépendance, division, sport, diversité, immensité. Espagne: Cuisine, amour, beauté, decontraction, bavardage. À la fin de cette interview je vais te demander de rapper, mais maintenant tu nous réciterais par coeur un de tes raps? Ce rap vient d'une chanson qui s’appelle “No Sleeves”: “No sleeves are you fact or fiction

Im crushin’ up on you and its become an addiction You’re a cruel laundry landlord with your sleeve eviction But your arms speak to me with such impeccable diction When you’re at the plex liftin’ You´re sweatin and you´re dressin’ to a T like Lipton The sinews of your arms are ripped and its like you’re carved by Michelangelo and Donatello chipped in Your sleeveless style is wild and bewitchin’ And though your cottons Egyptian, Your arms are the Sahara and I know they´re missin’ The rain of my love and the taste of my kissin’” Quelle lecture fais-tu de la situation politique actuelle aux États-Unis ? C’est très problématique. Nous sommes tres divisés maintenant, et Obama n’a pas assez de pouvoir pour changer les choses. Je pense qu’il ne va pas réussir en 2011-2012, et en 2012, il va perdre les élections présidentielles. J’espère vraiment avoir tort, parce que j’aime Obama, mais les Etats-Unis sont vraiment dans la merde. Pour finir, quels sont tes projets pour l'avenir? J’ai un nouvel album à partir de janvier, c’est un projet que j’ai fait avec un ami du lycée. Notre groupe s’appelle “Chinny Craig”. Watch out for “Chinny Craig!” Quelque chose d´autre à ajouter my brother? Je pense que ç’est tout!

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Northern Soul

Clara May Canosa Yarnold Clara May Canosa Yarnold is studying the last year of English at the Official School of Languages in Fuengirola. One of her passions is music, especially the one from the 60s and 70s. Her mother, who is from Blackpool (England), introduced her to Northern Soul.

orthern Soul is made up of soul recordings with an up-tempo beat from American cities like Detroit and Chicago. The phrase 'Northern Soul' was coined by journalist Dave Godin sometime around 1971 in his Blues and Soul magazine column. He was referring to the difference in the music played in the Southern and Northern Soul clubs of England.

of the sound is very similar to R&B, but has a harder rhythm with a faster beat that makes it very energetic and likable.

The first Northern Soul club which defined the Northern Soul sound was the Twisted Wheel Club. Among the others were the Torch in Stoke on Trent, the Wigan Casino, and the Blackpool Mecca.

These are a few interesting links that you could have a look at if you fancy. The first one is the trailer of the movie SoulBoy, directed by Shimmy Marcus, the plot focuses on the story of Joe McCain, a seventeen year old boy that gets involved with the Northern Soul movement of the mid 70´s.

Northern Soul is still a form of culture and has a particular identity with elements of its own, like the way Northern Soul fans dress and dance. The dancing moves of Northern Soul are much more athletic than the ordinary soul ones, as they are similar to disco or break dance moves. The legend says that these moves were first released at the presentations that The Imperials and Jackie Wilson made in England, where they used dance moves such as "spins", "flips" and "backdrops". The trick for a basic Northern Soul dance is being able to slide your feet at the rhythm of the beat. The clubs where Northern Soul music is played have a fantastic wooden floor where the dancers can slide the night away. Expert dancers usually take talcum powder and a special pair of shoes with slippery soles to make the dance smoother. The sound of Northern Soul music is unique, the base

Usually the people that like this type of music are the ones that lived their youth in the 70´s in England, but nowadays there are also many youngsters that like Northern Soul, and they don’t necessarily live in England. In my case, I was introduced to it by my mother, who spent my whole childhood playing her old records, which I now value as my own treasures. This second one is a video footage from one of the original Wigan Casino allnighters, where the people who loved this type of music used to spend the whole night dancing. Finally, I would like to recommend some of my favorite songs to you all.

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Abductions in Málaga and in the World : We Are Not Alone...

Jose Antonio Ríos 26-year old Jose Antonio Ríos was born in Fuengirola (Málaga). He is a Law student at Málaga University and he also studies the last year of English at the Officila School of Languages in Fuengirola. His hobbies are music, painting and computers. A dream? Living in a world without wars.

What is an abduction? An abduction can be defined as a temporary kidnapping of human beings by extraterrestrials. A common characteristic of all the abductions is the fact that most of the abducted people only remember a few scenes about their contact with aliens, or even nothing. Only in the United States the number of supposed abducted people exceeds the million of cases. Nevertheless, some experts who reject this hypothesis consider that this could be a case of “group paranoia”. The aim of these abductions is unknown. Some experts who believe in them assert that the intention of the aliens is to create hybrids; other experts have declared that the kidnappers are not aliens, but workers of the government of the United States who do experiments with human beings. According to Budd Hopkins, a specialist on the subject, “Extraterrestrials are solving their own problems about their genetics using human genes in their experiments”. All the people who have experienced an abduction suffer amnesia from the moment they observe an intense light until they wake up in the same place. On most occasions there are signs of the supposed abductions, such as marks on their bodies or later dreams where the victims can see some scenes of the abduction. Nevertheless, the abducted people need to undergo hypnotic regression sessions to know what really happened. During these sessions, the victims of the kidnapping share some experiences, such as the memory of being lying down and paralyzed on an examining couch while some strange beings examine their anatomy. The first abduction in the world The cases of abductions have risen gradually since 1961, when the first case of abduction was documented. One midnight in 1961, the couple Barney and Betty Hill were coming back to New Hampshire when they saw a luminous object in the shape of a

ring, with wings and with two rows of windows. When they tried to escape from it, a mist appeared in front of their car and, two hours later, they woke up without remembering anything. During the hypnotic session they described one meter and a half tall beings with oval eyes, similar to the eyes of a cat. Furthermore, Betty Hill stated during the session that the strange beings took a sample of her skin and inserted a needle into her stomach to do a pregnancy test. Abductions in Spain In Murcia, a forty year old man called Joaquín used to see UFOs frequently. He decided to consult a psychologist because he thought that extraterrestrials had experimented with him recently. During the hypnotic regression, he described similar anatomical experiments to those performed on other victims of abductions. However, when he was asked about his age, he answered he was only eight years old. According to the experts, people who have been abducted recently, had also been abducted when they were children. In Málaga there are several cases of abducted children. For example, in 1975 an inhabitant of the town of Teba called Carmen Romero was missing for twenty-two hours. When she appeared, she showed the symptoms of an abduction. Francisco Suárez is another malagueño who claims to have been abducted when he was a child. He was a young shepherd who could not read or write. Nevertheless, after being missing for several years, he returned talking about his stay with “extraterrestrials friends”. What is more, he declared they taught him to write and to read perfectly. Real or not, it is true that the abduction phenomenon has become more popular as a result of the première of the film “The Fourth Kind”. Have you seen this film? Have you heard about this phenomenon in your country? Write to

Naturaleza 94

Records in Nature

Mª Luisa Arcos de Torres Mª Luisa Arcos de Torres was born in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria but she moved to Málaga when she was eleven years old. When she finished her Biology studies at Málaga University, she passed the exam to become a High School Biology and Geology teacher. Nowadays, she works at the Al Baytar High School in Arroyo de la Miel (Málaga).

WHO ARE THE OLDEST LIVING BEINGS? Animals are nowhere near as old as plants and bacteria. The oldest living being on the planet is a Californian plant which is 11,700 years old. There is also a kind of pine tree in California that is 4,700 years old. In addition, some bacteria can live lethargically for millions of years. However, no animal has lived for even 300 years. THE BEST PILOTS HAVE FEATHERS Some birds are able to do non-stop flights miles better than planes. For example, the arctic swallow can fly for 22,500 kilometres without stopping. Besides, although birds are not quite as fast as airplanes, it is surprising that birds like the peregrine falcon can reach a speed of 300 km/h. WHO DRINKS MORE WATER? The inhabitants of the USA consume a great deal more water than the people who live in Africa. The daily average water consumption in the USA is about 7,000 litres whereas in the Sub-Saharan countries is hardly 40 litres. This consumption includes not only the water used at home but also the water used by industry and agriculture. Spain is a country where droughts are quite common. However,

Naturaleza 95

Spanish people consume eight times more water now than at the beginning of the century. The shortage of water is an important problem whose main cause is not the lack of rain but the waste of water. THE FATTEST STARS Stars have considerably more matter than planets. For instance, the Sun is 109 times bigger than the Earth. Nevertheless, the Sun is a medium sized star. The biggest star known is Betelgeuse whose diameter is 500 times greater than the Sun’s diameter. Eta Carinae is slightly smaller than the Sun but it has 200 times the mass of the Sun, which makes it one of the stars with the highest density.

reason to protect the plants as much as possible, isn’t it? Biodiversity is the variety of living beings that live on Earth. Although only one million and a half of them are described, it is believed that there are about 15 million different living beings. However, many of them will not be discovered because they are dying. Between 40 and 140 species are extinguished a day because of human activity, which destroys forests and other natural habitats. There are some spiders which play the guitar. When a giant tarantula, which lives in America, feels that it is threatened by an animal, it makes its spider’s web vibrate like a guitar. The vibration produces a high pitched sound which is enough to scare the stranger.

KINGS OF CAMOUFLAGE If you are far away from a trunk, you will probably see nothing but a trunk. However, if you pay attention, you may see a butterfly. Don’t worry, you don’t suffer from short-sighted vision. Some butterflies’ wings have the same colours and markings as the trunks where they settle on. Thus the butterflies avoid being eaten. Seaweed decorator crabs are experts at camouflage to protect themselves from their predators. The crabs chew seaweed and stick them on their shells by means of their own saliva. If you are ever pinched by seaweed, you now know what the truth is.

Dolphins use sponges. Obviously, they don’t use them to have a bath, as they are aquatic animals .Dolphins put the sponges into their mouths when they dive to feed to avoid the spines that some animals have to protect themselves from their predators. Moreover, they use the sponges to sweep the bottom of the sea because many of the animals they eat are hidden under the sand.

The ostrich is a strange bird. It is so heavy that it cannot fly and it is so big that it is difficult to miss it. When an ostrich is in danger, it tries to cheat the predator by putting its head into the soil in order to look like a bush. With a bit of luck, the hunter will pass over. Zebras are white and black striped animals. They usually form a huge herd with almost 1,000 members. When zebras move, all the stripes are mixed. This mess doesn’t let lionesses distinguish the zebras’ necks to attack successfully.

BIBLIOGRAPHY -BAREDES, C., 2003 ¿Por qué se rayó la cebra? Ediciones iamique, Argentina.

DID YOU KNOW THAT...? 30,000 plants per person are needed to produce the oxygen we need to breathe? Breathing is a good

-FERNÁNDEZ BAYO, I., 2002. Ciencias de la Naturaleza. 1º ESO. Sección “Mundo y Ciencia”. Ediciones SM, Madrid

Pasatiempos 96

Riddles and Tongue Twisters

Jorge Pastor Rodríguez Jorge Pastor Rodríguez, our specialist in riddles and tongue twisters, was born in Barcelona in 1974. After living in Jaén and Granada, he finally moved to Arroyo de la Miel (Málaga). He is a civil engineer and works for a constructon company in Málaga. Currently he is studying to obtain the B1 certificate in English at the Official School of Languages in Fuengirola.

RIDDLES 1. My life can be measured in hours. I serve by being devoured. Thin, I am quick. Fat, I am slow. Wind is my foe. 2. Full of holes, I am only useful when I am full, yet I am always. 3. I run through hills. I veer around mountains. I leap over rivers and crawl through the forests. Step out your door to find me. 4. What can you catch but not throw? 5. What is the difference between a jeweller and a jailer? 6. I walked and walked and at last I got it. I didn’t want it, so I stopped and looked for it. When I found it, I threw it away. 7. Why do bees always have sticky hair? 8. Big as a biscuit, deep as a cup, even a river can’t fill it up. What is it? 9. A man rode to town on Friday. He stayed there all night, and came back on the same Friday. How can this be? 10.What starts with “t”, ends with “t” and is full of “t”? ANSWERS 1. The candle 2. A sponge 3. The road 4. A cold 5. One sells watches and the other one watches cells 6. A thorn 7. Because they have honeycombs 8. A kitchen strainer 9. His horse is named “Friday” 10. A teapot TONGUE TWISTERS How many saws could a see-saw saw if a see-saw could saw saws? (¿Cuántas sierras podría un balancín serrar si un balancín pudiera serrar sierras?)

How many sheets could a sheet slitter slit if a sheet slitter could slit sheets? (¿Cuántas hojas podría una cortadora de hojas cortar si una cortadora de hojas pudiera cortar hojas?) If Stu chews shoes, should Stu choose the shoes he chews? (Si Stu masca zapatos, ¿debería Stu elegir los zapatos que masca?) Big black bugs bleed blue black blood but baby black bugs bleed blue blood. (Los bichos grandes negros sangran sangre negra azulada pero los bichos bebés negros sangran sangre azul) While we were walking, we were watching window washers wash Washington’s windows with warm washing water. (Mientras caminábamos, estábamos viendo limpiadores de ventanas limpiar las ventanas de Washington con agua templada para lavar) There was a writer called Wright, he taught his son to write Wright right: “It’s not right to write Wright ‘Rite’, please try to write Wright right!” (Había un escritor llamado Wright, él enseñó a su hijo a escribir Wright correctamente: “No es correcto escribir Wright ‘Rite’, por favor, intenta escribir Wright correctamente!”) She sells seashells on the seashore; The shells that she sells are seashells I’m sure. So if she sells seashells on the seashore, I’m sure that the shells are seashore shells. (Ella vende conchas marinas en la orilla del mar. Las conchas que ella vende son conchas marinas, estoy seguro. Por lo que si vende conchas marinas a la orilla del mar, estoy seguro de que las conchas son conchas marinas)

Pasatiempos 97

Twentieth Century Technology




4 5 6

Beatriz Lloret 7

Criminology student Beatriz Lloret was born in Malaga in 1992. Her interests range from travelling, reading and drawing to swimming, volley and




Answers Across 2. Automobile 5. Microwave 7. Cinema 8. Bulb 10. Radio

Down 1. An instrument for speaking to someone from a distance 3. An optical instrument used for viewing very small objects, such as animal or plant cells 4. An antibiotic discovered by Fleming in 1928 which kills many harmful bacteria. 6. A photograph of the internal structure of an object, especially a part of the body 9. The production of books, newspapers, or other printed material


Down 1. Telephone 3. Microscope 4. Penicillin 6. X-ray 9. Printing

Across 2. A car, a road vehicle, typically with four wheels, able to carry a small number of people 5. An oven that heats or cooks food very quickly 7. A theatre where films are shown for public entertainment 8. A glass globe surrounding the element of an electric light 10. The transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves, especially those carrying sound messages

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