Responsorial Psalm 22nd Sunday_In Your Goodness, O God, You Prepared a home for the poor

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In Your Goodness, O God, You Prepared a Home for the poor Responsorial Psalm, 22nd Sunday on Ordinary Time (Year C) Our Lady Help of Christians Parish Luton, England 5.00pm Mass Doh is C

Text: CTS New Sunday Missal Tune and Cantor: Edewede Oriwoh

q = 75

Refrain Voice

4 4 |d In


.m :f .m |m Your good ness, O


:d God,


:m You

.m pre

:r God,


|r pared

.d a

:f Home

|m for

.r the

:d poor.



Verse I


. s| : d The just

|d .d :m shall re joice

|r at

.d :r .r |m The Pre sence of

:d they

|d .d :m shall ex ult


.d :r and dance

|m for

:r joy.



:d O

.d sing

|d to

.d The

:m Lord,


.d make

:r mu

.r sic

|m to

.m :r His Name;


:m Re

:d God,


.f joice

|m in

.r The

:d Lord,




.d ex

:f ult

|f at

.f :m His Pre



:d |sence.


|d . m : f . m | m In Your good ness, O


:m .m |r .d :f You pre pared a Home

Verse II

|m for

.r :d the poor.




|d in

.d :m His Ho

|d ly

: t| Place.

:d Fa

.d |d ther of

.d :m the or

|m . d phan, de

:r fen

.r |m .m :r .r der of the wi dow,


:d such

|d is

:m God



:d God

|d .d :m .m gives the lone ly


.d :r a home

|m .m :r to live in;


.m :m .f |m .r :d He leads the pri s'ners forth


:m .m |r .d :f You pre pared a Home




:f in

|f to

:m free


:d dom.



|d In

.m :f .m |m Your good ness, O


:d God,

Verse III


|m for

.r :d the poor.




. s| : d |d .d :m You poured down, O God,


.d a

:r ge

.r |m ne rous

:r rain:

|d .d :d When Your peo

|d that

.d Your

:r peo

|d .d :m ple were starved



.d You

:r gave

.r them

|m new

:r life.


:d It

|d was

:m there

.r ple

|m found

.m a

:r home,




:m .f |m pre pared in

.r :d .d Your good ness,

|d O

:f God,


:m for

|r the

Š 2016

:d poor.



|d . m : f . m | m In Your good ness, O


:d God,


In Your Goodness, O God, You Prepared a Home for the poor Responsorial Psalm, 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)



:m You

.m pre

|r pared

.d a

:f Home

|m for

.r the

:d poor.



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