Responsorial psalm 29th sunday ot (year c) our help is in the name of the lord who made heaven and e

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"Our Help is in The Name of The Lord Who Made Heaven and Earth" Responsorial Psalm for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) Our Lady Help of Christians Parish 5.00pm Mass, 16th October 2016 Words from the CTS New Sunday Missal

Tune: Oriwoh Edewede 9th October 2016

Cantor: Cathleen Mary Shields q = 40 Refrain

Doh is C

4 4


mf | r Our 3

.m Help

:r is

.d in

|d The

.f :m Name of

, d ..-r The Lord


.r :m Who Made

.f ,m He ea

||-r , t| ..-d :ven and earth.


Verse I

,r ..-d my head

|r to

:r shall

.d come

|r ,d from The

:r is

.d in

|d The

.f Name

,r a

..-d llow

| r , m ..-r you to stum

.d not

|r no

|r I

.m lift

:m up

|r My

.m Help

, m ..-r the moun

:r tains:


|r .m from where

:r shall

.d come

|r ,m my

..-r help?

, .-




. s| ord


.r Who

:m Made

.f He

,m ea

||-r ven

, t| ..-d :and earth.


||-r , t| ..-d :ven and earth


| r , m ..-r yo our Guard.

, .-


|r Our 9

..-r Lo

.m Help

:m of

,d ..-r The Lord


.r Who

:m Made

.f ,m He ea

Verse II

|r , r . .-m May He ne

:m ver

:r ble!


|r Let

.m Him

:r sleep


.r Is

:m rael's

.f I

.d not,


|r No, 13

:r sleeps

,d or

..-r slum

:r bers,

,m is

||-r rae

, t| ..-d :el's Guard.


||-r , t| ..-d :ven and earth.



|r Our 15

.m He

.m Help

:r is

.d in

|d The

.f Name

:m of

,d ..-r The Lord


.r Who

:m Made

.f ,m He ea

Verse III

|r The


:m is

|r By

.m day

:r the

,r ..-d your Guard

|r , m ..-r :and your shade;


|r at

.m your

:r right

.d side

|r ,m He

..-r stands.

, .-



.d sun

| r , m ..-r :shall not smite

.r you


.r nor

:m the

.f ,m mo on

||-r in

, t| ..-d :the night.


||-r , t| ..-d :ven and earth.



|r Our

.m Help

:r is

.d in

|d The

.f Name

:m of

,d ..-r The Lord


Copyright 2016

.r Who

:m Made

.f ,m He ea

Our Help is in The Name of The Lord Who Made Heaven and Earth.mus Responsorial Psalm 29th Sunday OT (Year C)

2 21

Verse IV

|r The


:r Will

.d Guard

|r ,m ..-r you from e

:r vil,


.m He

:r Will

.d Guard

|r yo

,m our

..-r soul.

, .-


|r . m , m ::-r , r ..-d The LORD Will Guard your go 25

| r , d ..-r ing and co


. s| ming


.r both

:m now

.f a

,m and

||-r for

, t| e

..-d :ver.



|r Our

.m Help

:r is

.d in

|d The

.f Name

:m of

, d ..-r The Lord


.r Who

:m Made

.f ,m He ea

||-r , t| ..-d :ven and earth.


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