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Kingman Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility Connects with the Community
from 1Q2023 GEO World
Written By Shannon Hilton, Kingman Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility
Since GEO took over management of the Kingman Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility (KCRF) in 2015, a major emphasis has always been placed on demonstrating to the local community that GEO is a good neighbor. To support this objective, staff at KCRF are heavily involved in various community activities.
Partnerships formed over the past eight years have allowed KCRF to assist numerous organizations and citizens. Conversely, the relationships with community organizations have helped the facility to offer better services and programs for the inmate population.
A cornerstone for effective partnerships is an active community relations outreach program. KCRF has a very active, diverse group of community members who regularly provide feedback to the facility. Staff and community members meet in person quarterly.
During quarterly meetings, staff provide updates on facility operations and programs, along with community involvement projects. Community members offer insight on various topics ranging from ideas to recruit staff to resources to enhance reentry programs for inmates. The exchange of information has helped us form numerous collaborative efforts:
• A Mohave County Veterans support group, the Jerry Ambrose Veterans Council (JAVC), provided feedback that they could help KCRF increase inmate participation in vocational training programs. JAVC obtained a grant and partnered with KCRF having inmates build seven tiny homes for homeless veterans.
• JAVC also has partnered with our Continuum of Care program by providing counseling, housing, and employment resources for veterans.
• The organization Kingman Aid to Abused People (KAAP) regularly provides feedback during Community Relations Meetings about mental health issues. Through this partnership, KCRF established an MOU through which KAAP is included in some of KCRF's emergency response plans.
• The local college, Mohave Community College (MCC), suggested KCRF offer programs for inmates to obtain college credits and vocational certificates. KCRF established a Culinary Arts program, and is currently in discussions to expand MCC program offerings to other vocational specialties. Additionally, MCC established a Correctional Officer Training program that combines classroom and actual work experience at KCRF into a degree program for our staff.
• The organization Arizona at Work has networked with KCRF HR and Continuum of Care (CoC) staff on recruitment and obtaining resources for inmates completing the CoC program. Reentry services from Arizona at Works and CoC include assistance with housing, tools, uniforms, and employment referrals.