GEO World 2Q2011

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A GEO Publication for Employees and their Families.

Chairman’s Letter George C. Zoley Chairman, CEO and Founder


o the GEO Family,

During the first quarter of 2011, our diversified business units continued to take significant steps that will deliver meaningful organic growth for our company. Our U.S. Detention and Corrections business unit has a number of projects under development that are scheduled for completion later this year and early next year. In Michigan, we are preparing for the May intake of California offenders at our North Lake Correctional Facility. The Facility will house up to 2,580 inmates under a contract with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. This important contract is expected to generate approximately $60 million in annualized revenues. In California, we are completing the renovation of our 650-bed Adelanto Processing Center East in anticipation of a potential use by a federal client. We had acquired this important Facility from the City of Adelanto in 2010. In Texas, we are underway with the development of a new 600-bed Civil Detention Center, which will be the first facility designed and operated for low risk immigration detainees in the United States. Once completed by the end of this year, the Center is expected to generate approximately $15.0 million in annualized revenues for our company. In Georgia, we are completing the construction of the new 1,500-bed Riverbend Correctional Facility in Milledgeville. This important facility, which will be operated under a contract with the Georgia Department of Corrections, is expected to generate approximately $28 million in annualized revenues.

Internationally, we are poised to continue our expansion into the UK market. During the first quarter, we announced that our newly formed joint venture, GEOAmey PECS Ltd, was awarded contracts for the provision of prison escort and custody services in three of the four geographical lots that had been procured by the Ministry of Justice in the United Kingdom. These contracts have an annual revenue value of approximately $150 million. Additionally, our wholly owned UK subsidiary, GEO UK Ltd., was selected as the preferred bidder by the United Kingdom Border Agency for the management and operation of the 217-bed Dungavel House Immigration Removal Centre located near Glasgow, Scotland with an expected annual revenue value of approximately $8 million. Our GEO Care business unit also achieved a significant milestone during the first quarter with the opening of the 100-bed Montgomery County Mental Health Treatment Facility in Texas. This important facility activation marks GEO Care’s entry into the Texas mental health market and is expected to generate approximately $12 million in annualized revenues for our company In addition to these facility activations and contract awards, we have continued to work on the integration of our two recent acquisitions of Cornell Companies and BI Incorporated. These two important strategic transactions have positioned GEO to take advantage of the strong fundamental trends in our core detention, corrections, and treatment market segments. With our diversified investment and growth strategy, we are uniquely positioned to continue to capture new and exciting growth opportunities.

a publication of The GEO Group, Inc. L-R: Walter MacGowan, Dr. George Zoley, Yvonne Walker, Philip Watkins, & John McClure.


Volume XVII Issue 2

EDITORIAL STAFF Copy Editors Alfred roman Abraham cohen

CONTRIBUTORS GEORGE ZOLEY ron maddux pablo paez

chairman’s letter 2 5 6

GEO UK Joint venture Dungavel house GEO Care’s New Addition

GEO Detention & Corrections U.S. Corrections 8 NAMI Award / Chamber of Commerce Award 9 African American History Month / Loop Count Puzzle 10 Western Region / Going Green 11 PACE 12 Speak Your Mind in 2011 13 The Oasis / Numerical Jigsaw Puzzle 14 Canines Come to Pecos / Hot for MAPC

COMMUNITY involvement 15 Reaching Out / Square Puzzle 16 Generous Donations / Heroes for Recovery 17 Every Day Heroes 18 His House Children’s Home / Christmas Wishes 19 Wheels for the World Project / Hamiltonian Maze

International Services 20 Innovative Program / Visit to Fulham 21 Australia & USA Share Expertise / Prison First 22 Discovering Talent / Crypto-Product Puzzle

GEO Care, Inc. 23 Something to Dance About / Renewed Hope

COMMUNITY involvement 24 “Heart” is Where it’s at! 25 83rd Rodeo / Desoto Fair 26 An Inspiring Tale of Real Life Heroes / Puzzle Answers 27 The Gift of Life / Puzzle Answers 28 American Red Cross 29 Kids in Distress / The Coalition of Texans with Disabilities

Equal opportunity employer The GEO Group, Inc. • One Park Place • 621 NW 53rd Street, Suite 700 • Boca Raton, Florida 33487 • 866.301.4436 • 561.893.0101 TABLE OF CONTENTS

GEO UK Joint Venture - GEOAmey Wins Ron Champion, Corporate Dr. George Zoley and Ann Beasley, Director General, Corporate & Finance Services, Ministry of Justice HQ.


with an integrated solution based upon GEO’s custodial management and offender transportation expertise and Amey’s fleet management and dispatch experience.

is expected to employ approximately 3,000 professionals who will be responsible for over 460 vehicles and approximately 2,600 daily prisoner movements.

GEO developed a joint venture with a UK transport and services company, Amey. This joint venture will provide the government

Prisoner Escort and Custody Services involve the movement of prisoners and provision of escort services in England and Wales, including police stations, prisons, and courts as well as the provision of custody for prisoners in court holding cells and courtrooms. The GEOAmey joint venture

The provision of these services is divided into four geographical areas of England and Wales. GEOAmey submitted a proposal for three of the four areas and was selected for all three areas bid. This award represents the largest award by the MOJ to one service contractor.

hrough its wholly-owned subsidiary, The GEO Group UK Ltd., and its newly formed joint venture GEOAmey, The GEO Group, Inc. was awarded three contracts by the UK Ministry of Justice (MOJ) for Prisoner Escort and Custody Services (PECS) in England and Wales.

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Major Prisoner Escort Contract

The strength of the GEOAmey solution for prisoner escort and custody services was greatly enhanced through our experience with prisoner transportation in the United States. In 2007, GEO established GEO Transport, Inc. (GTI) to meet the needs of our customers for secure transportation of offender and detainee populations. GTI has transported more than 500,000 prisoners/ detainees over 5 million miles incident free and has experience in both land and

air charter secure mass movements. GTI employs over 400 licensed and armed Transportation Officers and has over 225 secure Department Of Transportation compliant vehicles operating in 18 states. GEO is also no stranger to prisoner escort and custody services in the UK as these services were provided through its previous joint venture in England and Wales beginning in 1996 with over 250,000 prisoner movements a year.

The award of these contracts as well as existing contracts with Cabinet Offices places GEO in the top 30 list of key suppliers of services to the UK Ministry of Justice. To provide better coordination between Crown departments, Vincent Godfrey, Procurement Director for the Ministry of Justice, has been appointed as GEO’s Crown Representative. This high level of Cabinet coordination provides Continued on page 4. GEOworld | 3

L-R: Philip Watkins, Mudassar Malik, John McClure, Yvonne Walker, Martin Yale, Colin Punton, Dr. George Zoley, Walter MacGowan, Bob Evans, Alan Kittle, and Richard Titcombe.

Continued from page 3. GEO with an additional opportunity to work in partnership with the UK government as it develops its strategy to address crime and reoffending. Just as Crown Offices are moving to provide better coordination between departments to identify opportunities for synergy, maximize value of tax dollars spent and more efficiently resolve inter-departmental issues, GEO has expanded its range of services to offer governments a truly integrated Continuum of Care solution for offender management and rehabilitation. Through organic growth and strategic acquisitions, GEO is now the only private management company offering a coordination of programs over the entire span of time an offender is in the justice system. GEO has the ability to maximize the effect of care, intervention and programming services to address the individual needs of offenders thus maximizing their ability to rejoin society as effective law abiding citizens. GEO looks forward to pursuing Continuum of Care Partnerships with governmental partners worldwide, which will implement a coordinated and cost-effective strategy for breaking the cycle of crime.

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Colin Punton, UK Border Agency Commercial Director and Dr. George Zoley.

Dungavel House Immigration Removal Center Ron Champion, Corporate


he GEO Group through its whollyowned subsidiary, The GEO Group UK Ltd., has been selected to provide management and operation services for the 217-bed Dungavel House Immigration Removal Center located near Glasgow, Scotland under a contract with the United Kingdom Border Agency (UKBA). The Center will house men, women and families (with and without children) who are awaiting repatriation or other application disposition. The Center will

offer a full range of services specifically tailored to meet the needs of residents. GEO will provide an active and engaging daily regime as well as programs designed to assist the residents in their reintegration. The award of this contract represents a return of GEO as the management service provider for Dungavel House IRC as GEO previously managed this Center as part of a joint venture. The contract has an initial term of three years with extensions possible for a total of

eight years. GEO will provide all Center services with the exception of health care which will be provided by a specialist health care provider. Dungavel is a former Hunting Lodge owned by the Duke of Hamilton and also served as an open prison operated by the Scottish Prison Services. It was purchased by the Home Office in 2000 and operated as an Immigration Removal Center beginning in 2001. It was at that time that GEO initially began operating Dungavel House. GEOworld | 5

GEO Care’s New Addition Dale Frick, Corporate


he Montgomery County Mental Health Treatment Facility (MCMHTF) is the newest addition to GEO Care’s Residential Treatment Services Division. The newly constructed 100-bed forensic facility opened its doors on March 1, 2011 in Conroe, Texas. The project is the first of its kind in the state of Texas and is a public/private partnership among the Texas Department of State Health Services, the Montgomery County Commissioner’s Court, and GEO Care. The facility employs 187 people from Conroe, Texas and the surrounding Houston Community. State and County officials as well as GEO Care corporate representatives along with other facility

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staff hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony and dedication of the facility on Friday, February 25, 2011. MCMHTF is a forensic facility with 100 beds, designed to treat patients who are determined by the court system to be incompetent to proceed with their trial. The mission of the facility will be to restore these individuals to competency as quickly as possible so that they may be returned to court. The partnership between the State, Montgomery County, and GEO Care has resulted in a comprehensive plan for the operation and management of MCMHTF. In conjunction with Montgomery County Officials and the Texas Department of State Health Services, GEO Care has created a secure

and therapeutic environment which will foster recovery, community and criminal justice partnerships, and continuity of care. GEO Care’s experience in the operation and management of forensic hospitals is extensive, reducing patient seclusion and restraint, and creating working relationships with local advocacy organizations. As a licensed psychiatric facility, MCMHTF operations will meet or exceed local, state, and federal contractual requirements as well as the accreditation standards of The Joint Commission. We believe that our approach to mental health treatment is parallel with the approach of the Texas Department of State Health Services for Mental Health

Officials from the Texas Department of State Health Services, Montgomery County, and GEO Care attended the ribbon cutting and opening of the Montgomery County Mental Health Treatment Facility.

Transformation. GEO Care is committed to the Department’s goals of complete patient transformation and recovery. The ultimate goal of both parties is to construct a solid mental health system that promotes wellness, resilience, and recovery. GEO Care will promote and support this innovative system in Montgomery County where the quality of care is the highest priority. By providing effective and timely treatment to those in need, GEO Care will continue to seamlessly administer a continuum of care across all agencies.

Montgomery County Mental Health Treatment Facility

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NAMI Award Kalia Mancell, Corporate


ach year NAMI BROWARD COUNTY, INC. (National Alliance on Mental Illness) presents their TIMES AWARD (Targeting Individuals for Meritorious and Exemplary Service) to select Broward County citizens who have demonstrated by their actions, vocation, or advocacy, a desire to improve the lives of persons who struggle with severe and persistent mental illness.

This year, Dr. Zoley (pictured left receives his award from was recognized for his contributions with an award presented at the Annual TIMES Awards Luncheon. “I’d like to think that as a result of our work together there are many more people who will spend this Thanksgiving at home with their loved ones. We are grateful to all of our partners in the community and certainly to our caring staff at GEO for a job well done. Most of all I applaud you, NAMI, for your willingness and openness to participate with GEO in this outstanding achievement, and I sincerely thank all of you for recognizing our success.” NAMI)

Chamber of Commerce Award Sandra Miller, Blackwater River Correctional Facility


arden Mark Henry was pleased to receive the Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition, on behalf of The GEO Group, Inc. Blackwater River Correctional Facility (BRCF). The award was presented during the Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce 74th Annual Leadership Awards and recognized BRCF for outstanding and invaluable service to the community. At the banquet, GEO/BRCF was accredited as the Industry of the Year. BRCF began construction in early 2009. The construction phase proved to have a huge economic impact on the community as local vendors and services were utilized during this process. The Chamber of Commerce acknowledged that BRCF staff and GEO representatives hosted several job fairs, luncheons and community events to introduce the facility and educate the community regarding the opportunity and the purpose of the facility. The Chamber of Commerce announced that BRCF is “highly community focused.”

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BRCF currently employs over 325 staff. The majority of which, are from Santa Rosa County and surrounding communities. In addition, it has hosted several tours from local, state, national, and international organizations and affiliations. BRCF is truly a shining star. BRCF will consistently present itself in a DETENTION & CORRECTIONS

manner worth emulating. The employee’s pride and commitment to excellence and community involvement will continue to grow throughout future endeavors. Mark Henry accepting the Chamber of Commerce Award from Larry Strain, Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce President.

African American History Month Michael Thombelson, New Castle Correctional Facility


haplain Kathy Williams wrote and produced a two hour play entitled “Lessons from the Porch” which was presented in three shows to the facility staff, facility population, and some special guests from the community on February 21, 2011. The cast of the production included offenders, community volunteers, and staff at the facility (Estella Purnell, Mike Aviles, Jennifer Smith, Andrea Latimore, and Dr. Gary Chavoya).

Ms. Williams explained the play was an invitation to honor a culture rich with achievement, struggle, triumph and resistance all woven together with a spirit of overcoming. The play contained comedy, music, loss, conflict and resolution. The main theme of the play was generational, spiritual and cultural healings. The play incorporated original musical compositions, a mural of the Soul Train riding on the tracks of the Underground Railroad, and replications of the ten quilts of Gee’s Bend from

the USPS Commemorative Series. The cast included over 50 AfricanAmerican, Hispanic, Native American and Caucasian inmate performers. All three shows were presented to a full house and ended with an incredible standing ovation. In recognition of her hard work in writing the play, organizing the practices, and directing the performances, Ms. Williams was honored as the facility’s February employee of the month.

Loop Count Puzzle 5

Find a closed loop that travels horizontally or vertically through each square exactly once so that each number is the sum of the lengths of the two segments that pass through it. Below is an example of a solved puzzle. Each puzzle below has a unique solution. All puzzles copyright Erich Friedman, 2002.


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Western Region

One Step Closer To Accrediting All Facilities Pam Jones, Western Regional Office


n January of this year, Michael (pictured) Corporate Bradley, Accreditation Director, arranged for a special visit to the Kentucky State Reformatory in Louisville to see a pilot ACA project which utilizes only electronic ACA files. Members from all three regions were able to join Mr. Bradley in Louisville to get a firsthand look at this exciting new project. Jenny Noe, Accreditation Manager, has developed a process in which all 540 ACA files are in electronic format – no hard copies or reams upon reams of paper to manage. Jenny took it a step further by creating an interactive PowerPoint presentation with all the electronic documentation hyperlinked into the presentation proving each standard. It is user friendly and organized; all the auditor has to do is

point and click. Anyone who has ever had to maintain even one ACA file can appreciate the attention this new process is getting. So much so, it will be launched at the CAMA conference for all to see in Miami this May. In the quest to achieve ACA accreditation at all Western Region facilities, Michael Bradley was invited to present an “ACA 101” seminar to key individuals from each non-accredited facility in the region. On March 1, 2011, a total of 16 representatives from our California and Arizona state facilities were formally introduced to the key components of the American Correctional Association’s accreditation process. The key message to all was that the goal of ACA accreditation is not to achieve a perfect score during an audit; but to prove you

are operating a professional, well-run facility that consistently demonstrates good correctional practices and which offers varied programming opportunities to your inmate population…every day. All participants departed the seminar with a renewed sense of purpose and prepared to begin introducing the ACA process at their own facilities. By Fall 2012, every facility in the Western Region will have achieved ACA Accreditation...that’s just how we roll.

Going Green! Shihpei Stevenson & Bruce Scott, Northwest Detention Center


ne thing that was high on the to-do list for Mr. Bruce Scott (pictured), Fire and Safety Manager, since he joined the company last year was to implement a recycling program. Although staff explored the idea of such program several times in the past, it never landed itself as a feasible plan until the arrival of Mr. Scott. As an experienced fire fighter in the Air Force, Mr. Scott came to us with a wealth of knowledge in safety practices, as well as a can-do attitude in his approach to things. Following extensive research and careful budget analysis, Mr. Scott submitted a comprehensive recycling program for Warden Clark’s review. It was approved and the facility officially launched its recycling program on January 1, 2011. As part of that program, garbage was divided into four categories: regular garbage, food waste, cardboard, and mixed recyclables. Training was provided for the Food Service Department, including detainee workers, to isolate and deposit food

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waste in designated containers. This step alone saves an estimated $1,500 per month in garbage fees. Mr. Scott is developing another plan to compost food waste instead of having it disposed of by an outside source. This could have a potential additional savings of $8,000 a year. Paper products are separated from aluminum, plastic, tin and non-recyclable items, and then placed in designated containers throughout the facility. Then they are sold directly to a paperboard manufacturer for $120 a ton, which is more than what we would have received if they were sent to a recycle company. This manufacturer turns the recycled paper into useable paper products. Special containers are also provided for other mixed recyclables in various areas of the facility. Both processes have become revenue generators for the facility. Since recyclables cost approximately 50% less than garbage in disposal fees, it pays to recycle. Mr. Scott estimated that savings in garbage disposal fees this year would be somewhere near $30,000 DETENTION & CORRECTIONS

just for recycling! Also, it is needless to mention the positive impact recycling has on our environment. It just makes sense to recycle. Thanks to Mr. Scott the Northwest Detention Center is going green!

Top Row L-R: Daisy Borges, Adrian Sandoval, Jenna Piotrowski, Alfred Roman. 2nd Row L-R: Joey Del Valle, Renauri Castro, Lisa Clark, Yavon Hudgins, Viola Antia. Bottom Row L-R: Yolanda Hernandez, Millie Vargas, Jackie Santiago, Christa Siciliano, Sharon Varhola, Charmaine Wade, Eileen Roth.

PACE Eileen Roth, Corporate


ACE (Planning And Coordinating Events) has a new President, Millie Vargas and new Vice-President, Jackie Santiago, who have energized the committee into full gear. PACE wants to make a difference in the South Florida community by supporting many charities. Millie encourages each PACE member to oversee a special event that is close to their heart. Other members join in to have fun and give support to the event. PACE sponsored a hot dog fundraiser for “Walk for the Animals.” Everyone enjoyed a hot dog with lots of toppings, chips and a drink and raised $2,338. Team “GEO Paw Pals” walked March 5th in Ft. Lauderdale. Broward Transitional Center, South Florida Evaluation &

Treatment Center, South Florida State Hospital and South Bay joined PACE on this event. Next, PACE stepped up for “GEO Speaks for Autism,” when they hosted a pizza party on March 25th to raise money for Autism, and participated in the walk on April 9th. Selwyn Shakir’s son, Ian, started the walk. PACE wants to make a difference in the lives of the one million Americans living with autism today. Jackie headed up “Bring your kids to work” day, April 28th for kids 5 years and older. They learn all about GEO. Lunch is served with their parents. PACE is also planning a company picnic on April 30th at Lion Country Safari. Families can drive through the wildlife preserve DETENTION & CORRECTIONS

and see animals up close. Children can even touch the animals at the petting zoo. GEO employees will be able to mingle, talk and have fun with their co-workers. The food is tantalizing and the raffle prizes entice everyone to attend. In May, PACE will celebrate Mothers Day by selling baked goodies to support “The March of Dimes” and walking for the March of Dimes on May 14th at the FAU Campus and John Prince Park. We will have plenty of sunshine, shady trees, and lots of food, but most importantly we are helping the babies. Team GEO is excited to sponsor a team in honor of Tawanda Jackson who had her first baby boy, Dillon.

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Speak Your Mind in 2011 Stuart Marcus & Gina Larsen, Corporate


very other year, employees are encouraged to take part in GEO’s Employee Opinion Survey. Keeping the winning theme of our last survey, Speak Your Mind, we encourage you to do just that by voicing your ideas and opinions to help GEO become an even better place to work! Producing a 92% completion rate, the 2009 Speak Your Mind survey brought positive changes to the organization, and most importantly the talented employees that comprise GEO. Since 2009, the GEO family has more than doubled, and as we continue to grow as the industry leader, we need you to help us get there. To do this, our main concern is reaching the highest

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level of employee satisfaction. For that, in 2011, we have set the goal of once again reaching a 92% survey participation rate. The upcoming Employee Opinion Survey will take place May 9th - 31st. Soon after, HR Solutions, Inc., a private consulting firm, will analyze our survey results. Then, we will get to work implementing recommendations once again to improve your work life. Please take the time during paid work hours to complete the 2011 Employee Opinion Survey- your feedback is crucial to the company as we continue to expand and grow!

The Oasis Roy Nzurike, South Bay Correctional Facility


t South Bay Correctional Facility we have restructured the entire horticulture course to address Turf Operation, Nursery Management, Landscaping, Mathematical Application and the business aspect of the trade. These vocational courses instill valuable job skills that will enable inmates to reintegrate into society and become productive taxpaying citizens. Hands on training is synergistically blended with classroom work instructions, book work and course related software to enhance the learning atmosphere and give inmates the optimal vocational experience and skills necessary to secure employment in Horticulture related careers. The Horticulture class uses hands on training projects to lift the level of mastery

to new heights. A few examples are: the first annual students design competition, the creation of a computerized aerial view of the horticulture outdoor work area (mounted in the Visiting Park), a putting green with irrigation system, the mural on the staff dining wall, the renovation of a nursery greenhouse and the beautification of the pond area; comprising of a sculptured lion and a constructed Japanese style footbridge that spans the water pond. Hence, the name “Oasis.” (pictured above with Roy Nzurike.) When most people think of an oasis, they think along the lines of a place in a desert with palm trees, some green grass and maybe a pool of water. But it simply means a fertile green area in an arid region, which is exactly what we

Numerical Jigsaw Puzzle The vertical strips below each contain four numbers or symbols. Rotate and rearrange these strips so that four valid equations appear across the rows. In each equation, operations are done from left to right. Each puzzle below has a unique solution. All puzzles copyright Erich Friedman, 2000.

have accomplished here at South Bay. What started out as a simple thought to reinforce and patch up our leaky pond turned into a complex project. The knowledge and use of various trades were needed for this project including masonry, carpentry, general landscaping and even some specialized artistic skills. The final product….a masterpiece! an arch of hope and inspiration that sits in an atmosphere of education for the inmates. These projects reveal the ability and acumen of inmates taking vocational programs. When given the opportunity, they can bring to the table their talents and make good use of their skills. It is for their positive transition back into society, and we as a team take pride in what we do here at South Bay Correctional Facility.






























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Canines Come to Pecos Vanessa Simmons, Reeves County Detention Center


eeves County received two new residents, Jack (chocolate lab) and Spencer (Belgium malinois) who became permanent residents and part of their respective Agency’s team in January 2011.

With a $5,000 donation from GEO, the Reeves County Sheriff’s Office purchased “Spencer” for purposes of combatting the trafficking of narcotics along Interstate 20 from El Paso to Dallas and places in between. Spencer

can be seen patrolling the streets and highways of Reeves County with Officer Thomas Paz. Spencer is a dual trained canine who has been certified as a narcotics and patrol dog. Officer Paz and Spencer graduated from the New Mexico Corrections Department Canine Certification programs in January 2011. Additionally, Mr. Alfredo Paz, RCDC Training Director and 12 year veteran employee, was also sent to the New Mexico Corrections Department Canine Certification program in January 2011 to become a certified handler and care taker of Jack. Jack is a dual trained canine who is certified in narcotics and cell phone detection. This is the latest step RCDC has taken to combat contraband in the facilities. Mr. Paz and Jack will become an integral part of RCDC’s search teams. The employees of RCDC and citizens of Reeves County are looking forward to prosperous careers for the new residents of Pecos, as their success will only make us safer.

Handler, Alfredo Paz and Jack conducting vehicle searches at RCDC.

Hot for MAPC! Colleen Barrett, Marshall County Correctional Facility

Reeves County Deputy, Thomas Paz and Spencer prepare to hit the streets.


lthough many areas of Mississippi experienced record snow and ice storms this winter, nothing could cool the spirit of Marshall County Correctional facility (MCCF), MS employees, who eagerly attended the 2011 Chili Cook-Off to benefit the Mississippi Association of Professionals in Corrections (MAPC). Fourteen spicy chili offerings drew a large crowd of hungry staff members who, in addition, sampled hot dogs, hot wings, fruit dip, and homemade cupcakes, while enjoying the “serious fun” of judging the best chili. The winner, Sergeant John Smith from Transportation, is wellknown for his culinary skills. Although the 3-ft winner’s trophy is a real beauty, we all agree that the Grand Prize is the opportunity to display the GEO proud spirit, by supporting MAPC, an organization promoting continuous improvements in the practice of corrections, as well as offering love and support on behalf of nursing homes, food

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pantries, domestic violence shelters, and other community needs. As always, our MCCF family contributed generously to making the ‘delicious’ privilege of helping our neighbors a reality. Pictured below: Detra Clark, Class Instructor, tries the chili.

Reaching Out Chaplain J. Newbaker, East Mississippi Correctional Facility


arden Kenneth Reagans became Warden at the East Mississippi Correctional Facility less than six months ago and is already making a positive impact on the local community of Meridian, MS. Through employee contributions and funds raised through the facility, Warden Reagans and the East Mississippi Correctional Facility staff donated over $4,800 to two local charities in February 2011. 1. Feeding Hungry People (left photo)

The mission of Lauderdale Outreach and Volunteer Effort, Inc., known as LOVE’s Kitchen, is for the express purpose of feeding the hungry in Meridian and Lauderdale County, MS. Judge Billy Neville founded L.O.V.E.’s kitchen and charged that no person who

entered our door for a meal would be refused based on his or her circumstances. He felt that even people who had jobs could have situations, such as medical expenses, which would limit their ability to purchase food between pay periods. It is on this premise that we have built our service of feeding the hungry. LOVE’s Kitchen has been in operation since the 1980’s and is supported by businesses, churches and individuals in our community. Information from

out to another; one tutor to one child; one counselor to one abused child or sexual assault victim; one volunteer delivering food to a hungry family or clothes to a shivering child. Those who serve through Wesley House are the hands of God reaching out to those in need.

2. Wesley House in Meridian (right photo)

social services, helping people learn to help themselves.”

Since 1904, Wesley House in Meridian has been in mission to the underprivileged, neglected, and abused, helping people learn to help themselves. It is a hands-on, one-to-one, personal, touching, lifting, healing ministry; one person reaching

Wesley House Mission Statement: “Wesley House helps underprivileged, neglected, and abused persons through Christian relief, educational opportunities, child abuse prevention, sexual assault crisis intervention, community welfare and

Both charities were very excited to receive the contributions.

Square Puzzle Fill in the grid with squares (of any size) that do not touch or overlap, even at the corners. The numbers below and at the right indicate the number of grid squares that are filled. The squares will not cover an X. Each puzzle below has a unique solution. All puzzles copyright Erich Friedman, 2002.



3 4

3 4



3 4

4 2 4 4 3 2 1 5 5 5

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Generous Donations

to Bethany House Homeless Shelter Nadia E. Ortiz, Rio Grande Detention Center


ocal representatives from The GEO Group/Rio Grande Detention Center (RGDC) along with Congressman Henry Cuellar recently presented a special donation to Bethany House to help the hungry and the homeless of Laredo. We unloaded more than 20 pallets which equated to two semi-truck loads of donated items, just in time for Christmas. Many of our wonderful vendors; Shaver Foods, RC Produce, Keefe Commissary, Ben & Keith, Gulf Coast Paper, PFG, Single Source, LA Foods, and Double D joined in this venture of giving. Shaver Foods donated the largest quantity with five full pallets of food products. GEO purchased a large amount of food to stock the Bethany House inventory, as well as household items to outfit the eight transitional housing apartments for the Bethany House Shelter Complex. Additionally, GEO sponsored the entire Christmas Eve meal that was served to the hungry and the homeless of Laredo on Christmas Eve. Bethany House prepares over 325,000 meals annually helping feed anyone who is hungry. Bethany House meals are provided for people who are homeless, indigent, the homebound elderly and veterans.

Top photo: Staff delivers food to Bethany House Shelter Complex. Bottom Photo: GEO representatives who volunteered their time to help Bethany House Shelter Complex.

Heroes for Recovery Mike Smith, New Castle Correctional Facility


ew Castle Correctional Facility’s Deputy Superintendent, Craig Hanks (pictured) receives state-wide award from Mental Health America of Indiana!

On Thursday, December 16, 2010, at The Omni Severin Ballroom in Indianapolis, Indiana, Mental Health America of Indiana and Choices, Inc. welcomed guests to the annual Heroes For Recovery 2010 Awards Banquet. Carla Gaff Clark, Ph.D., Mental Health America of Indiana, Board Chair introduced ten Heroes For Recovery award recipients. Based on the nomination of the State Director of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, Craig Hanks, Deputy Superintendent for The GEO Group, New Castle Correctional Facility, received a Heroes For Recovery Award representing the Consumer Advocate category. The nomination sited Craig Hanks as, “Many people who work in Corrections are mission driven to their role as a public servant and want to serve in the most honorable of capacities. Craig Hanks has risen well above the ranks with that regard. This man truly knows he is in the human being business.” The nomination goes on to specifically site the development of curriculum for mental health training. This resulted in a dramatic decrease in the use of force, and improved staff’s ability to deescalate and avoid confrontations. Most recently, Mr. Hanks has been participating with a highly recognized group of experts who are launching Crisis Intervention Teams for Corrections through the National Institute of Corrections. We should all learn from his example when we think things are too big or larger than life. Yes, one person can make a difference. And, Craig Hanks from right here in Indiana, is definitely making a difference!” 16 | GEOworld


Every Day Heros Sheryl Augstums, Central Arizona Correctional Facility


ith a 24/7 – 365 days a year operational schedule, finding time for community involvement can be difficult, but like the old saying goes, “where there’s a will there’s a way.” In August 2010 Correctional Officer Johanna Huber represented GEO in the Police/Fire Motocross National held in Salt Lake City, UT. This race benefitted the Fireman’s Associations and Fallen Officers Fund. Amateur and professional motocross racers from Utah, Nevada, and Arizona joyfully participated. Graveyard shift C/O Marina Garcia, is happy to sacrifice sleep in order to run in the P.F. Chang’s Rock & Roll Marathon which benefits numerous charities such as Susan G. Komen and the American Diabetes Association. Day shift officer Chad Clement also participated in this same event. C/O Robert Velazquez serves on the volunteer Fire Department in Eloy, AZ, a neighboring community to Florence, where Central Arizona Correctional Facility is located. Correctional Program Manager Mary Zapponi has just entered the Civilian Volunteer Police Academy in her community. In addition, she is active in her local Food Bank. C/O Miguel Sallard works in our Maintenance Dept. as well as being a Self Defense Instructor. He has been coaching Little League for the past ten years. The girls he coaches have won State Championships and the boys took Regional last year. The last two years, he has been assisted by our HVAC Technician David Nugent. Food Service Manager Charles Krueger and his wife Lisa volunteer for Habitat for Humanity and Rebuilding Together. Rebuilding Together is unique in that the family works side by side with the volunteers in the painting and repair of their home. Charles formerly coached soccer for the Boys and Girl’s Club, and also contributes to their local Food Bank.

Every year Sheryl Augstums, Admin. Assistant, coordinates donation events for Operation Homefront to help provide school supplies and Christmas gifts to the children of military personnel serving overseas. It’s easy to recruit volunteers to help as all staff members are eager to do their part to support our military. CPOs Sunni Sepulveda and Cammie Valtierra are team captains for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life this April located right here in Florence, AZ. Some other members of the team are fellow CPOs Star Whitney & Christle Gordon, C/O Joshua Reza, C/O Graciela Nicoletti, C/O Victor Cooper, and Sgt. Robert Santos. On March 2, 2011 DW Bennie Rollins joined Linda Gay {Mrs. Warden} in the national kick-off day for “Read Across America,” by reading “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish” to four classes of first graders at the Florence K-8 School. This program is designed to motivate children to read, celebrates reading around the world and commemorates the birthday of Dr. Seuss (he would have been 107 in 2011).

C/O Johanna Huber (#232) at the Police/Fire Motocross Nationals in Salt Lake City, UT.

Warden John Gay is a member of the local YMCA Board of Directors and a founding member of the FUSD Foundation Committee. Mr. Gay is also a former school board member and a 22 year veteran coach for Youth League Baseball. There are countless unsung heroes out there we didn’t get a chance to recognize. Those who volunteer with children are striving to build self esteem for kids and keep them involved in healthy activities, away from gangs, drugs, alcohol and violence. Each and every person who volunteers or contributes their time and energy is doing what they can to bring their neighbors together and promote stronger communities.

Charles & Lisa Krueger on a Rebuilding Together project.

DW Rollins was very popular with the 1st graders at Florence K-8.


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His House Children’s Home Community Relations Coordinator, South Florida


able to create special memories for each child due to your generous support as you will read in a few of their comments below ...

This year, His House had double the amount of children as last, yet we were

On Christmas day after eating a delicious warm home-cooked meal prepared by many volunteers, the children in each house ran under their trees to find many gifts bearing their names. “Everything was awesome! This was the best Christmas ever, for me and my brothers,” exclaimed Charlie, age 12. Each child received plenty of clothing, shoes, and the toys they had asked for on their wish lists. Tommy, 2 years old, was so happy with his new scooter that he couldn’t help but show it to everyone who visited

he His House Children’s Home campus is still feeling the warmth and joy that the community’s love has brought this holiday season. Throughout the whole month of December, Christmas spirit filled the air at His House as the joint effort of all contributors varied in giving: hosting activities for the kids, shopping for gifts, cooking meals for the houses, gift wrapping, caroling, and much more. It was the helping hands and generous hearts of community partners like the GEO team that made this Christmas so special and even possible.

for the next week. Four-year-old Malika wouldn’t take off her new Dora the Explorer slipper boots-she loved them so much that she even wanted to sleep with them! Your efforts and hard work brought much joy to the lives of the wounded children we serve. Thank you for sharing your love. We value you and look forward to sharing many more successes with you as we continue to experience a growing number of abused, abandoned, and neglected children in South Florida. May God multiply your blessings this New Year!~Community Relations Coordinator

Christmas Wishes Nadia E. Ortiz, Rio Grande Detention Center


or the second year in a row, GEO/Rio Grande Detention Center (RGDC) and the office of Congressman Henry Cuellar teamed up to help give the children of El Cenizo, Rio Bravo and Sierra Vista Head Start Programs a very special Christmas!!! The children, between the ages of three to four, decorated very special gingerbread kids. RGDC Employees signed up to sponsor a gingerbread kid. All 227 children were given a Christmas toy and brand new shoes. A surprise guest helped make this delivery even better, the children were ecstatic to see Ol’ St. Nick (RGDC’s very own H.S.A. Paul Flores in his Santa suit). Before Ol’ St. Nick handed out the gifts the children joyfully sang Christmas carols for the RGDC staff. The greatest reward was to see the excitement on the children’s faces when they were opening their gift. We are very proud of our staff for making our 2nd Annual “Christmas Wishes on the Rio Grande” such a Huge Success!!! RGDC looks forward to continuing this annual event of ensuring less fortunate children are not forgotten during this special time of the year. Santa and His Helpers Load Up at RGDC

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Hamiltonian Maze Find a loop through the maze that passes through every circle exactly once. An example is below. All puzzles copyright Erich Friedman, 2009.

Wheels for the World Project Amy Gillus, Rivers Correctional Institution


ometimes when we look at our lives we feel like we are “OK,” but when we look at others who are less fortunate than us, we do nothing.

Mr. Kweku Boackye (pictured with two was traveling in a tro-tro (van) when in a split second his tire blew sending him helplessly in the path of another vehicle. Miraculously Mr. Boackye survived, but at the expense of his legs. His life was drastically changed and for a moment grew dim. Rivers Correctional Institution brought a spark to light a new


path for him. Rivers sent wheelchairs to Ghana, West Africa. Mr. Boackye was one of the blessed recipients, “God has blessed me, and I am forever grateful for this wonderful gift!” The Rivers Wheels for the World project works with the Joni and Friends Organization on refurbishing broken wheel chairs. The chairs are sent to third world countries to deserving people like Mr. Boackye giving them a newly lit path to take.


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Innovative Program

to treatment, supported and delivered via principles of motivational interviewing.

Sarah Schluter & Regina Regulska, Fulham Correctional Centre

The program is based on the understanding that we only initiate and follow through with the often difficult process of making change when that change feels meaningful, important, and aligned with our values. We then can perceive ourselves to be confident and capable enough to have a serious chance of success if we attempt to change.

Back (L-R): FCC General Manager Troy Ittensohn with Therapeutic Team members Lina Jvirblis; Sarah Ryan; Ka Ming Ng. Front (L-R): Ben Hyman; Kate Hindson; Aimee Stevens; Sarah Schluter


new moderate intensity program has been developed for Fulham Correctional Centre. The 40 hour alcohol and other drugs course was developed by clinical psychologist Helen Mentha and forensic psychologist Dr. Kylie Thomson, in consultation with the Offender Development team at Fulham Correctional Centre.

The 40 hour semi-intensive drug and alcohol program has a strategic focus on change, rather than on problems or solutions. The program’s aim is to assist participants to strengthen motivation and commitment to change by broadening the focus to include “why” and “how” rather than just “what.” The content includes cognitive behaviour therapy approaches

Following the recent completion of the pilot program, eminent clinical psychologist professor David J de L Horne has provided monthly group and individual supervision to the team. The team consists of a clinical psychologist, a provisional psychologist and six soon to be qualified provisional psychologists. Clinicians are working towards publishing the outcomes of the program and it is hoped that it will be assessed as a world’s best practice. The new program is giving the prisoners at Fulham the opportunity to overcome resistance to change and embrace a lifestyle that will be free from drug and alcohol dependence.

Visit to Fulham Regina Regulska, Fulham Correctional Centre


ictoria’s new Minister for Corrections Andrew McIntosh recently visited Fulham Correctional Centre. Accompanied by the Corrections Victoria Commissioner Bob Hastings and Deputy Commissioner Rod Wise, the Minister enjoyed morning

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tea with Fulham Correctional Centre General Manager Troy Ittensohn and Fulham’s Senior Management Team. Troy and the Senior Management Team provided the Minister with an overview of the Centre’s operation before taking the visitors on a tour of the facility

including, the industry areas and the protection unit. (L-R): Deputy Commissioner Rod Wise, Commissioner Bob Hastings, Minister for Corrections Andrew McIntosh and General Manager Troy Ittensohn


Australia & USA Share Expertise Maria Buckley, Junee Correctional Centre


n outstanding opportunity to learn from each other’s initiatives, innovations, good ideas and best practice.

(L-R) :

Joe Williams, Ed Wright, Geralyn Johnson, Tony Stepp and Mike Caruso.

That is the summary by the operational review team from The GEO Group, Inc. following its 14 day review of GEO’s Australian operations. The review is the first of a series of assessments on operational best practice and innovative approaches by multidisciplinary teams to review all aspects of operations at the different GEO facilities internationally. It was introduced to enhance GEO’s aim of seeking and deploying continuous improvements and to support the group’s innovation process. The American team who visited Australia consisted of Tony Stepp, vice president of Security Operations, Joe Williams, director of operations US Corrections, Ed Wright, warden Lawrenceville Correctional Facility, Mike Caruso, director of facility management Western Regional Office and Geralyn Johnson, vice president, GEO Care. The reviewers “ran the slide rule” over practices and processes in Australia as part of GEO’s ongoing determination to ensure international best practice is a day

to day occurrence across the worldwide organisation. The in depth review found many class leading operational practices already embedded in all of the Australian GEO facilities: dynamic security, effective staff/prisoner interaction, emphasis on community involvement and sustainable environmental initiatives within the prisons, to name a few. The expert team also found a number of opportunities for further development: intruder detection through ‘state of the art’ micro wave technologies, enhanced tool control and safe-storage of chemicals are a few of the areas that

have seen innovative approaches emerge from North America, capable of ready emulation and rapid implementation within the Australian scene. This kind of operational review carried out by technical experts in their fields provides a direct benefit to GEO stakeholders by providing independent assurance that local management has got the basics right. The added bonus was the interaction between local staff and the team’s technical specialists, both during the formal review as well as during the more informal, cultural activities after ‘business hours’ which provided further opportunities for team learning and building subject-matter networks.

Prison First Regina Regulska, Fulham Correctional Centre


n its efforts to provide innovative and effective programs to improve outcomes for prisoners, Fulham Correctional Centre implemented the Storybook CDs program as a module in the Reading and Writing Skills course offered to prisoners. Storybook CDs aim to keep children connected with their absent fathers. It also has the potential to address the problem of intergenerational illiteracy. It was developed by East Gippsland TAFE within Fulham Correctional Centre and is based on a project in England called “Storybook Dads.” The program invites prisoners to read aloud and record a child’s storybook onto a CD. The edited CD, storybook, personalised greeting card and bookmark are then sent to the prisoner’s children. Fulham’s initiative in implementing the program, the first of its kind in a Victorian prison, was commended by Corrections Victoria.

Heather Graham EG TAFE Manager Corrections Education, Peter Heilbuth EG TAFE Associate Director Business & Organisational Development, Jeremy Parker FCC Offender Development Manager, Maureen Marsiglio EGTAFE Coordinator Storybook CD’s Project, Angela Hutson EGTAFE Chief Executive Officer.


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Discovering Talent Regina Regulska, Fulham Correctional Centre

Art teacher, Sharon Anderson and Anthony Puser, Fulham Correctional Centre acting offender development manager. (Photo Courtesy of Hayley Plumridge)


n exhibition of prisoners’ artwork which showcased a large range of talent was recently featured at a local community exhibition centre. On display for a number of weeks, the exhibition featured a variety of mediums.

The arts program run by The GEO Group at Fulham Correctional Centre enables prisoners to express themselves in many forms and has proven to be very successful over the years. Formal art classes are run by trained professionals and an increasing number of participants

have discovered a passion for art they never knew existed. Exhibiting their work at an outside venue is an important step in the prisoner’s rehabilitation and they are encouraged to continue exploring these skills upon their release.

Crypto-Product Puzzles Insert a digit into each circle to make the multiplication true. Similarly colored circles should contain the same digit. Each puzzle below has a unique solution. All puzzles copyright Erich Friedman, 2009.

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Something to Dance About Melissa Houser, Herbert A. Schaffner Youth Center


011 kicked off a year of fitness and beauty for the young ladies of Schaffner Youth Center.

On February 21st, Zumba, a unique Latin-inspired dance-fitness program that blends the latest in international music and dance steps, made its debut as an innovative way to get the girls up and moving. To create a dynamic and effective fitness regime, the residents rely on two certified Zumba Instructors, Nicole Zimmerman and Angelique Barr (pictured with their class), from neighboring communities. One youth states, “It’s serious exercise, while having the most fun I’ve ever had at Schaffner.” Currently, the program is being supported through the partnering, Central Dauphin School District’s Title 1 funding. March 17th marked the first of a series of “feel good parties” for our impressionable teens. Tera Scott, local Mary Kay Representative, is working with our

females to teach proper skin care and focus on a beauty that starts from within. We, at Schaffner Youth Center, are excited about the continued avenues for growth as it pertains to resident programming.

With over 25 individuals volunteering their time and talent we recognize the impact they make on our young people and therefore, would like to highlight these community members as part of our own, “GEOCare.”

Renewed Hope – A Resident’s Perspective Enza Abbate, Treasure Coast Forensic & Treatment Center


n the daily grind of our challenging business of treatment and recovery the residents we serve often spend their days trying to make sense of the circumstances life has dealt them. Similarly our staff spend their time trying to enlighten and bring some level of hope to those residents in an attempt to educate them to their mental illness while trying to instill the ideal that recovery is real and hope is not lost; and there is life after mental illness. This article is not about TCFTC but rather about presenting a specific resident’s shared perspective and realization that recovery is real for him and hope is never lost if you keep it in your heart. The following letter is that courageous resident’s shared journey and realization: Dear Staff, Friends, Family: Arriving here October 7, 2010 I was a very angry, hostile, and frustrated man. Page 1 of my Recovery Plan states that I had problems adjusting to the NGI status. Problems?!? What an understatement. I didn’t plan to ever accept that status,

(being insane). To accept such status meant that I was a totally different person that I believed I was or thought myself to be. At this point let me inform you; I had no idea of my recovery plan or the issues covered concerning me. And if I had been aware of them, I would have reacted with hostility. What did you people know about me? Looking back, you all knew a lot and I must admit you all didn’t let up. From my point of view I was dealing with STAFF doing their job. I can’t say how or why I found myself in recovery specifically. Nor can I remember a day or specific event, or person that helped develop these new friendships. December 23rd is no longer a day that I hate because on December 23, 2010, the staff of TCFTC reached deep inside a hateful heart (mine) and filled it with reborn love. This was the day TCFTC gave the residents Christmas baskets. That simple act of giving had the effect of a personal rebirth so great that I will remember you all for the rest of my life. For me to be so touched by GEO CARE

the staffs’ simple act of giving was a big breakthrough. For the rest of that day I cried my heart out. In fact you all were a Miracle, especially to me. Thanks to all of you. As I prepare to leave TCFTC I can truly say, I’ll miss staff and residents. I’ll miss you all because of the respect you showed my person, the daily smiles of each of you when I didn’t want to see smiles (many times I wondered if I was at Disney World because the staff smiled so much.) But it is just what you try to do each and every day working here at GEO, make a difference. Please believe me when I say, I’m a happy man again. Those smiles do make a difference. If you ever have doubts, just think about how the quality of my life changed during my stay with you all. I too can smile again and I will be forever grateful to my GEO family. NOT STAFF, NOT RESIDENTS, but FAMILY.

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“Heart” is Where it’s at! Cathee G. Ford, Florida Civil Commitment Center

Payne/Nicklow: (left to right) Custody Officer Michael Payne, Administrative Assistant Cathee Ford, Recreation Specialist Darrell Nicklow, Secretary Samantha Rhymes and Facility Administrator Tim Budz.


iving from the heart at the Florida Civil Commitment Center (FCCC) in Arcadia, Florida is where it’s at! Throughout the year FCCC supports many local charities. During the past quarter, employees at FCCC have been involved in the DeSoto County Fair and Livestock Auction, the 83rd Annual Arcadia All-Florida

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Championship Rodeo and DeSoto High School Project Graduation; all while supporting our own FCCC employees in their time of need. FCCC was a Gold Sponsor of the DeSoto County Fair. The fair’s main focus is the Youth of DeSoto County. The DeSoto County Fair Association has no paid GEO CARE - COMMUNITY OUTREACH

employees. Therefore, all funds raised go into maintaining the fairgrounds, producing the yearly fair, and the awarding of ten $1,000.00 scholarships to deserving DeSoto County High School Graduates. FCCC purchased a 985 pound steer at the auction that was used for an employee recognition steak dinner on each shift (See photo).

83rd Rodeo Cathee G. Ford, Florida Civil Commitment Center


CCC was a Premium Sponsor of the 83rd Annual Arcadia AllFlorida Championship Rodeo from March 11th-13th. Showing that they are “Tough Enough to Wear Pink” many FCCC staff sported pink clothing in support of Breast Cancer Awareness. FCCC staff were joined at the event by Dale Frick, GEO Care, Divisional Vice President and Chuck Lister, Vice President of Special Operations. Chuck Lister carried the GEO Flag on horseback during the opening ceremony for the second year in a row. A portion of all ticket sales and sponsorship was donated to Breast Cancer awareness. Rodeo Association President, Judge Don Hall acknowledged, “FCCC is an important part of our community. Their contributions, which they don’t need to make, assist us in providing much needed services to DeSoto County.” (See photo).

Through the Project Graduation sponsorship, FCCC helps to support the DeSoto High School Class of 2011. Project Graduation is an all night drug-

free, alcohol-free and smoke-free graduation party. With the help of FCCC, the DeSoto County community has made a strong commitment to promoting a safe, wholesome, yet entertaining environment in which 2011 graduates can celebrate for the last time as a class. Not only does FCCC support our local community, our dedicated staff gives from the bottom of their hearts. FCCC is not only a place to work; we are a foundation that lift each other up. Our employees are selfless individuals who reach out in a time of need for fellow staff members. This includes holding bake sales, sharing their own personal spot bonuses with co-workers and giving from their own financial means which

in return eases the burden of their coworkers in need. FCCC Custody Officer Michael Payne was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor. FCCC staff has rallied around him during his illness and surgeries. CO Payne states, “My family and I have been the recipients of a lot of good will. Almost everyone at FCCC has donated hard earned money they needed for their families to help mine. I am grateful to everyone who has supported me through this difficult time.” Michael Payne is cancer free and on the road to recovery.

Desoto Fair Cathee G. Ford, Florida Civil Commitment Center


CCC Recreation Specialist Darrell Nicklow has a thirteen year old son who has been diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a severe form of Muscular Dystrophy. Although he is confined to a wheelchair, Darrell, Jr. was able to raise a hog to show in the DeSoto County Fair. FCCC provided a much needed “Add-on” contribution to Darryl Jr’s hog sale. In addition, FCCC staff recently sold teeshirts to raise awareness of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. The proceeds were donated to the Nicklow family. Darrel, Sr. offered, “My family is very grateful for the support received from my FCCC friends. It meant the world to my son to have FCCC support the purchase of his hog at the County Fair.” (See Photo)

Fair: (left to right) Business Manager Paul Pye, Accounts Clerk Kelly Bean, Admin. Assistant Cathee Ford, Facility Administrator Tim Budz, Youth Exhibitor Beth Fussell and the 2011 DeSoto County Fair Queen with the steer purchased at auction by FCCC.


Both in the community and at work, FCCC staff has given from our hearts to support those that are less fortunate. GEOworld | 25

An Inspiring Tale of Real Life Heroes Brian Stoesz & Bob Voas, Abraxas I


n Monday, January 24, 2011, two oil workers frantically entered the administrative building at Abraxas I in Marienville, PA. One of their co-workers was outside in their truck after apparently suffering a heart attack. They quickly located the automatic external defibrillator (AED) and asked if anyone was trained in its use. Cindy Russell and Kurt Nesbitt sprung into action and assisted in the use of the AED which checked the victim’s heart rhythm and advised the responders on providing him with a shock. Next, Guy Bloom, Darlene Gaston and Carrie Mitchell

arrived on the scene and administered CPR until Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel arrived at the facility. After approximately 10-15 minutes, the victim was resuscitated and transported by EMS to Clarion Hospital, which is approximately 30 miles from the facility. Later he was transported via helicopter to a Pittsburgh hospital where he underwent open heart surgery. The man survived and, according to a hospital representative, “this man is only alive because of the quick response of your [Abraxas] employees.”

Answers: 5

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While many other staff members were on hand to assist with this life saving emergency, this truly was an amazing response to a life and death situation by these five staff members. On Wednesday, March 2, 2011 Brian Stoesz, facility director, presented Cindy Russell, Kurt Nesbitt, Guy Bloom, Darlene Gaston and Carrie Mitchell with Certificates of Distinction for their unselfish acts of bravery. L-R: Guy Bloom, Kurt Nesbitt, Darlene Gaston, Cindy Russell and Carrie Mitchell.

The Gift of Life Barbara Kurts, Columbia Regional Care Center American Red Cross held a Blood Drive at Columbia Regional Care Center (CRCC) in January. Since 2002 CRCC has consistently held scheduled and impromptu blood drives to assist in meeting demands for blood in our community. When our American Red Cross Representative calls, we do our best to meet the challenge. In the United States one person needs blood every two seconds. Without generous donors many people would die. There is no substitute for blood.

Ms. Rolanda Hankins of the American Red Cross calls Mary Irvin, CRCC Infection Nurse, when they are running low on blood. Ms. Hankins considers CRCC her “standby blood drive.” CRCC partners with South Carolina Department of Mental Health (DMH), who have employees working in our building. CRCC and DMH employees always respond well knowing that we are helping put blood on hospital shelves.

employees regarding the timing of employees’ donation during the day in order to avoid long lines and ensure the efficiency of everyone’s time. Mary monitors the entire process to be sure that employees have proper recovery time and that the donation process goes smoothly.

CRCC and the American Red Cross are always appreciative of the way employees from CRCC and DMH step up and “give Mary coordinates ALL of this. She life” to others in our community with their works with employees and Red Cross blood. Ms. Hankins said, “I can always call on Mary to help us hold a standby blood (L-R): Dr. Cynthia McFadden, Assistant Facility drive. She is always Administrator; Mary Irvin, Infection Control there for me and I can Nurse; Steve Adwell, Facility Administrator. always count on her. I just can’t say enough about Mary.” CRCC is extremely proud that we have Mary as our catalyst in our contributions to our community through the Red Cross and rewarded Mary with a Spot Award during the recent January blood drive. We are also proud that since 2002 CRCC has donated more than 350 pints of blood to the American Red Cross.

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American Red Cross Hero Campaign


very 27 hours, a neighbor calls upon a Red Cross volunteer to support them after a fire, flood, hurricane or other disaster across our region. The GEO Group, Inc. has teamed up with the American Red Cross (ARC) to help those in our community who will face a hardship in the coming months and will need assistance to get back on their feet.

GEO made a generous donation of $10,000 through its charitable entity The GEO Group Foundation. A check was presented at the “Honoring the Hero in All of Us� event which was held on March 24, 2011.

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Kids in Distress


ids in Distress is a South Florida-based organization that partners with the Florida Department of Children and Families to provide shelter and support services to chidren and families in the South Florida area. Our Contribution of $10,000 will support the organization’s inaugural benefit concert: Little River Band with proceeds benefitting abused children and families in South Florida.

The Coalition of Texans with Disabilities


he GEO Group Foundation donated $5,000 to The Coalition of Texans with Disabilities. The Coalition supports many programs including the Pilot Program for Non-Violent Offenders. This program is used in the criminal justice system when individuals with mental illness or intellectual disabilities are charged with crimes but deemed incompetent to stand trial. When this occurs the person must be restored to competency and be able to participate in his or her defense before the legal process can continue.

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