Earthen Pots as Kitchen and Hotelware accessories Sometimes, going back to the basics seems like the most natural thing to do. From the Indian perspective, cooking in the earthen pots has remained a tradition from time immemorial. Thus, it is no wonder that the modern kitchen and hotelware accessories
also include these items. From the practical viewpoint as well, this material provides some distinct advantages over others. One question for the uninitiated have you tasted handi chicken ever? Anyone that answers in the affirmative knows very well how the taste of the ingredients changes completely when cooked in earthen pots. You will not be able to copy the aroma, the taste and the flavor any other way.
People in rural India still store water in the earthen pots and they use the handi of the same material for cooking purposes. This process keeps the flavor intact while keeping the preparations will be as well. Traditionally, earthenware is an intrinsic component of Indian homes. Even the urban households are not completely immune to the charms exuded by this material. Thus, you are going to come across designer clay plates, cutlery, and other items displayed proudly in the showcases. The slow cooking afforded by this material might seem mismatched in the modern fast times. Still, it will be worthwhile to understand the benefits of the earthen kitchen and hotelware accessories.
Just remember to purchase the unglazed varieties because the glazed materials are quite hazardous for your health. Advantages The major advantage associated with this material is that it provides multiple health benefits while making the cooking process quite easy retaining the nutrition and the flavor of the specific dishes. This material has insulation and porous properties may make the moisture and heat to circulate better across the pot. Ultimately, this makes cooking a slow process but
there will be no burning of the food even if you are not careful.
Porous nature When you want to retain the aroma and the freshness of all the ingredients used in the cooking, the earthenware is your best choice. This is because this material allows the heat and moisture to circulate freely throughout. In other types of materials, there is the loss of these aspects because the clay pots have thermal inertia that allows the meat to stay soft and tender
following denaturing of muscle protein and break down of collagen.
Less oil consumption When you want to prepare healthy and watch your weight, earthenware kitchen and hotelware accessories seem like a practical solution. It has slow cooking and heat resistance properties and as such the food will retain the moisture and the oil content. Thus, you do not have to provide additional fat and oil to impart moisture. This means, cooking is now
possible with lesser amount of oil and as such it is comparatively healthy.
Alkaline properties Clay contains alkaline nature that interacts with food acidity and neutralizes the related pH. For this reason, the food will be the tastier and healthier. Besides that, it also provides certain required minerals such as phosphorus, iron, magnesium, Sulphur, and calcium.
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