F O U N D A T I O N S of
SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ADULTS Life and Faith (college age) Teachers: Mary and Eddie Crittendon Room: E204 Discovery Teacher: Kathy Lyles Room E203 Seasons Teachers: John and Allison LaBrash, Charlene Brock, and rotating teachers Room: E201 Seeking Fellowship Teachers: Duane Hurne and Daniel Lee Room: E205 Stages
Teachers: Dennis and Cherie Latham, and rotating teachers Room: E101
MEN’S BREAKFAST & BIBLE STUDY All men are invited to meet each Thursday at 7:00 AM on the Church Patio for fellowship, food and faith. The group rotates through a variety of books of the Bible and other Christian living books. All ages are welcome. Please contact Robert Sams (616-3987) for more information.
PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Presbyterian Women (PW) is an inclusive and caring community of women who are committed to nurturing faith through prayer, Bible study and supporting the mission of the church worldwide. PW Circles (small groups) meet regularly for fellowship and Bible study. PW also serves the church by providing missions-related or spiritual growth-related events and activities throughout the year. For more information please contact PW Moderator, Marcia Humbert , 770-630-7661, m.humbert@comcast.net FROG (Forever Relying On God) Circle meets the second Thursday of each month in Room E203 at 10:00 AM. Journey Circle meets the fourth Sunday of each month at 6:00 PM in a member’s home or the Church Library for a potluck supper. Joy Circle meets the first Tuesday of each month in the Church Parlor or a member’s home at 7:00 PM. Sisters in Christ Circle meets the third Tuesday of each month in a member’s home at 6:30 PM.
WOW (Women of the Word) Circle meets the third Sunday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the Church Parlor. Wednesday AM Circle meets monthly at 10:00 a.m. in the Church Library. The meeting day is to be determined.
SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR YOUTH 6th and 7th grades Teachers: Phil Darity, Kelvin Kearse, Barry and Lori Brock Room: E102 8th grade Confirmation Teachers: Mary and Kevin Taaffe Room: E104 9th-12th grades Teachers: Chad Lister, Paul Humbert, Pam and Eric Dillon Room: E103
EPC YOUTH EPCYouth follows the learning initiative Equip, Practice, Connect. Two groups formed by age - EPCMiddle and EPCHigh, meet weekly for Bible study, service and fellowship.
EPCMiddle 3:30 4:30 5:30 6:00
meets on Wednesdays. EPCMiddle Afterschool Youth Music Dinner Youth Group
EPCHigh meets on Sundays. 5:30 Dinner 6:00 Youth Group
SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN K3, K4, and K5 Teachers: Mary Katherine Martin, April Dubose, Mallory and Mike Bowers Room: S9 1st and 2nd grades Teachers: Laura and Russell Patterson Room: S1
3rd, 4th, and 5th grades Teachers: Becca and Michael Scott, Cindy Kilborn, and Tony Brock Room: E208
COMMUNION EDUCATION September 26 @ 10:00 AM in the Multi-Purpose Room This is an opportunity for third and fourth graders and their parents to explore together the why, how, when and what of communion. It is our hope that after this class, our third and fourth graders will have a better understanding of this important sacrament. This class is led by Christie Gravely and Ginna Lister.
FIRST GRADE WORSHIP EDUCATION This class begins after the new year during the 11:00 AM worship service. It focuses on all the parts of worship. Students will learn how and why we worship like we do. After the class, first graders will feel more confident and able to participate as they join their families in the full worship service each week.
Music and Choir There is a place for you in the Music Ministry of Easley Presbyterian Church. There are opportunities for singers, ringers, and instrumentalists of all ages and abilities. For more information about music ministries of our church, please contact Robert Norris at 478-278-2553 or robert@easleypresbyterian.org. Adult Choir Adult Handbell Choir Youth Music Youth Vocal Ensemble Children’s Choir 1st-5th
Wednesdays at 7:10 PM Sundays at 6:00 PM Wednesdays at 4:30 PM TBA Wednesdays at 5:00 PM
Important Music Dates October 6 December 5 December 15 December 24 April 10 April 27
Children’s and Youth Choirs singing for World Communion Lessons and Carols Service Children’s Nativity Youth and Children’s Choirs singing for Christmas Eve Service Palm Sunday Lenten Music Service Children’s Spring Musical
Children and youth will sing/play at other dates as they are ready to sing/play.
Wonderful Wednesday Take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and join us for a time of relaxation, fellowship, food and spiritual growth. You don’t even have to worry about cooking! Make a standing reservation or sign up by noon each Monday to reserve a spot for yourself and/or your family. Watch the weekly Connect Email for delicious new menus! Prices: $5 for everyone ages 5 & up. Children 4 & under eat free. 3:30 4:30 5:00 5:00 5:30 6:15 7:10
EPCMiddle After School Youth Music EPCMiddle Family Time in Youth Café Children’s Music 1st-5th Dinner in the Fellowship Hall Classes for all ages Adult Choir
Preschool and Elementary children will explore the Bible by studying one Bible story per month. Children will experience it through drama, art, science, cooking, movies, and games. This format makes the Bible come alive in new and exciting ways. EPCMiddle will have their time of study, fellowship and service. EPCHigh will enjoy a relaxed time of study and discussion after dinner each week. Adult classes will meet in the Sanctuary. These classes will be a place to deepen spiritual growth through a variety of topics and Bible studies.
CALENDAR OF EVENTS August 15 August 15 August 18 August 22 August 22 August 22 September 26 September 26 October 3 October 24 October 29-31 November 24 November 28 December 1 December 5 December 8 December 15 December 22 December 24 December 29 January 5 February 13 February 23 March 2 March 4-6 April 10 April 10 April 10 April 13 April 14 April 15 April 17 April 20 April 27 May 1 May 4 May 15
Rally Day EPCHigh Youth Group resumes WW resumes with Food Trucks and Fellowship Sunday School resumes in classrooms Confirmation Breakfast EPCHigh Parent meeting Communion Education for 3rd/4th Grade Choir Concert with First Baptist at Easley Amphitheater Church Family Gathering at Arran Farm Trunk or Treat Middle School Retreat @ Bonclarken No WW Advent Wreath Workshop Gift Making Workshop for Children Lessons & Carols Service Church-wide Christmas Caroling Children’s Choir Nativity No WW Christmas Eve Services No WW WW resumes Youth Sunday Rise Against Hunger Event Ash Wednesday Service EPCHigh to Mini-Montreat Holy Week Music Service Palm Sunday Lunch & Egg Hunt Confirmation meeting with Session No WW Maundy Thursday Service Good Friday Service Easter Services/Church-wide Breakfast No WW Children’s Choir Musical Confirmation Sunday Last WW - Fellowship Event Graduation Sunday