Body Powered SenSE Zero Power Medical Devices
Annual Plenary Meeting Bern, May 4th, 2015
P.-A. Farine, J. Gutknecht, T. Gross, C. Hierold, D. Atienza, D. Briand, M. Knyazeva, G. Wohlrab Milad Ataei, PhD student, ESPLAB, EPFL
1. Introduction | 2. Harvesters | 3. Conversion | 4. Processing | 5. Clinical | 6. Industrial partner
• Patient’s physiological state requires long-term monitoring in order to precise a diagnosis or to evaluate the efficacy of an on-going treatment. • Today’s wearable solutions invade the user’s normal life as sensing platforms have batteries issues including size, weight, operating lifetime or convenience.
o Improve Health Care through Smart, Convenient Wearable Sensors o Advance Human Energy Harvesting towards a “fit and forget” and “no recharge” goal. o Target Energy Optimization and Usage o Apply the technology in Real and Demanding Clinical Use cases, ensuring fitness for purpose o Involve Industry in multi-disciplinary IT research
Convenient optimized system in Energy and Monitoring functionality from low levels to high levels 04/06/15
NanoTera BodyPoweredSense
1. Introduction | 2. Harvesters | 3. Conversion | 4. Processing | 5. Clinical | 6. Industrial partner
BodyPoweredSense –Partitioning and Challenges Amplified and digitized E EG and ECG signals
Energy Harvesters
Power Supply
Personal Environmental monitoring powered by solar cells 04/06/15
-‐ Optimize the methods of analysis for long-‐term low-‐ density EEG
Energy info
Integrated Circuit ESPLAB
-‐ Development and o ptimization of compliant nano-‐composite piezoelectric materials
AC/DC Converter
Sensor Data
DC/DC Converter
-‐ Optimized output power -‐ A lightweight, compact and comfortable wearable system
-‐ Modelling and predication of energy harvesting -‐ Energy-‐aware runtime for smart medical sensors
Low Power Processor unit
Apply the technology in Real and Demanding Clinical Use cases -‐ EEG recording and data analysis for Epilepsy in children -‐ Advice on hospital best practice
Self Optimising Firmware maximising the results/energy ratio
Optimised Power Conversion from the Energy Harvesting (EH) sources to storage
-‐ Power converter efficiency -‐ Limited sizes -‐ Ultra-‐low power design
-‐ Energy-‐ efficient a nd real-‐time multi-‐ lead biosignal analysis
Low Power Processor unit
µC Low power
-‐ Provide a complete medical Human Centered Design -‐ Provide medical processing platform
Low Density EEG
-‐ Support data capture trials
Epilepsy in children (KISPI), Alzheimer’s disease in the elderly (CHUV) NanoTera BodyPoweredSense
1. Introduction | 2. Harvesters | 3. Conversion | 4. Processing | 5. Clinical | 6. Industrial partner
Thermoelectric energy harvesting of human body heat, MNS Local energy harves/ng and conversion Heat sink TEG Heat transfer
Electronics IsolaFon Electrode 12 mm
• Autonomous sensor nodes • Biopoten/al readout 04/06/15
Thielen, et al. ICT 2014
Large-‐area harves/ng (20 cm2)
Electronics Reference electrode
Heat sinks Thielen, et al. NT Annual MeeFng 2014
• Data processing • Wireless communica/on
NanoTera BodyPoweredSense
1. Introduction | 2. Harvesters | 3. Conversion | 4. Processing | 5. Clinical | 6. Industrial partner
EEG electrode for application in hair with TEG, MNS Current status: -‐ Prototyping -‐ TesFng of new TEGs
Heat sink Stacked TEG Thermal insulaFon Heat transfer structure AgCl pins
NanoTera BodyPoweredSense
1. Introduction | 2. Harvesters | 3. Conversion | 4. Processing | 5. Clinical | 6. Industrial partner
Compliant piezoelectric harvesting band, SAMLAB
q Synthesis of homogeneous piezoelectric nanocomposites via stabilized nanoparFcle suspensions. q UFlizaFon of large area fabricaFon methods: Inkjet prinFng for electrode deposiFon, bar casFng for acFve layer deposiFon. Piezoelectric NPs / PDMS Piezoelectric Composite Material opFmizaFon
• • •
Ball milled BaTiO3 NPs Carbon filler (CNT, CB) PDMS, SU-‐8
Milled and filtered BaTiO3 a0er 24hours
Nanocomposite (PDMS/BaTiO3/CNT)
NP/CNT/PDMS mixture Au/Ti Nanocomposite (PDMS/BaTiO3/CNT)
PDMS dielectric
Kapton Measured Piezoelectric Constant: 5 pC/N McCall et al. (2014): > 100 pC/N
0.1 µW / cm2 (x 1000 cm2) = 0.1 mW
NanoTera BodyPoweredSense
1. Introduction | 2. Harvesters | 3. Conversion | 4. Processing | 5. Clinical | 6. Industrial partner
T op view
R equired C omponents
D esigned P C B with a small form factor
Energy conversion implementation, ESPLAB
E E G/ E C G A ctive E lectrode
H eat sink T E G power converter and E E G signal conditioning T E G transducer
O .C . O utput T E G V oltage of output T EG Impedance T hermal 1 20-‐40mV 2.5Ω T hermal 2 80-‐200mV 182Ω T hermal 3 100-‐400mV 50Ω 04/06/15
B ottom view
S witches
P ulse Generators
C ontrol S ections
O scillator
T E G A vailable P ower 40-‐160µW 8.8-‐54µW 50-‐800µW
P ower needed for amplifier 5µW 5µW 5µW
NanoTera BodyPoweredSense
W eight= 2.8g
T hermal isolator ring T hermal contact E E G electrode 12mm
M easured E fficiency U sability for O utput P ower of system load of system 22-‐128µW 54% OK 5.3-‐44µW 60-‐80% OK 35-‐458µW 58-‐70% OK 7/16
1. Introduction | 2. Harvesters | 3. Conversion | 4. Processing | 5. Clinical | 6. Industrial partner
Energy conversion design and measurements, ESPLAB
Challenges: § Harvesters produce small power at low voltages, processing are power hungry: Power converter efficiency § It will fit in size of an electrode: Integrated circuit with limited passive sizes To realize a high efficient system here, 4 criteria have to keep in mind: 1- Ultra low power blocks in circuit level
C arlson, B andyopadhyay S hrivastava, T his work J S S C 2010 , J S S C 2012 J S S C 2015 measurement
2- Minimizing loss 3- Limited form factor
T opology
Inductor based
4- Maximizing power transfer
Inductor based
Inductor based
Inductor based
T echnology
V oltage C onversion
20mV ~ 100 ~ 100mV to 2V mV to 1V
20mV ~ 300 mV to 1V
~ 10mV to 0.9V
O utput P ower
25µW @20mV
1.3mW @100mV
22µW @20mV
Q uiescent P ower
ɳ at 20mV
ɳ at 100mV
C ore area
0.12mm 2
2.5mm 2
0.12mm 2
0.14mm 2
NanoTera BodyPoweredSense
Demonstrator, LST
1. Introduction | 2. Harvesters | 3. Conversion | 4. Processing | 5. Clinical | 6. Industrial partner
• Will demonstrate • TEG and Solar energy harvesFng • Modeling and PredicFon of energy harvesFng • EEG recording and seizure predicFon using energy aware run Fme
Final version with ESPLAB’s chip
ACTUAL PCBs of Processor Unit and AcFve electrode 04/06/15
NanoTera BodyPoweredSense
1. Introduction | 2. Harvesters | 3. Conversion | 4. Processing | 5. Clinical | 6. Industrial partner
Real-world testing, MNS and LST
First feedback: -‐ Improvements on wire connec/ons needed for kids -‐ Results vary strongly for different subjects à StaFsFcs needed
NanoTera BodyPoweredSense
1. Introduction | 2. Harvesters | 3. Conversion | 4. Processing | 5. Clinical | 6. Industrial partner
Smart WBSN concept for ECG, ESL Smart Node
Displays the received data and relays to medical personnel
Noise filtering
ECG delineaFon
ECG Analysis (arrhythmia)
ECG-‐aware compression Energy-‐efficient and real-‐Fme mulF-‐lead ECG biosignal analysis (1) (2) (3) (4)
Low-‐complexity filtering methods using integer compuFng and bio-‐signal operators Limited-‐memory methods to dynamically adapt ECG thresholds for each person Low-‐energy mulF-‐lead ECG arrhythmia analysis in real-‐Fme Energy-‐efficient communicaFon. storage exploiFng biosignal-‐adapted compression
Automated ECG diagnosis
DetecFon of normal beats (N), premature ventricular contracFon (V), led bundle branch block (L), right bundle branch block (R), and atrial premature beats (A)
ClassificaFon by majority vo/ng
Baeery of n(n-‐1)/2 one-‐vs-‐one classifiers Neuro fuzzy classifier accuracy: ~ 84% Support vector machine accuracy: ~ 91% 04/06/15
Lead 1 Delineation
NanoTera BodyPoweredSense
Filtered ECG DWT Transform Fiducial Points
Random Projection Random Projection
Diagnosis (‘N’, ‘V’, ‘L’, ‘R’, ‘A’) 11/16
1. Introduction | 2. Harvesters | 3. Conversion | 4. Processing | 5. Clinical | 6. Industrial partner
High- to low-density EEG monitoring
Ø Goal: To OpFmize methods for monitoring of some pathological condiFons with low density EEG. Ø Method: To use funcFonal connecFvity based on source analysis of EEG. Ø Steps: To adjust these methods from high density to low density EEG. Step 1
Func/onal connec/vity based on source analysis of high-‐densty EEG: To use an usual analysis of hdEEG.
High Density EEG The differences of funcFonal connecFvity were observed in PNES paFents vs. healthy controls [1].
[1] Barzegaran, E., Knyazeva, M., JNNP, accepted, 2015. 04/06/15
The result of funcFonal connecFvity analysis, using corFcal parFal coherence, were different with different EEG densiFes.
110 sensors 61 sensors 18 sensors
Step 2
Func/onal connec/vity based on cor/cal par/al coherence analysis of high-‐densty and low-‐ densty EEG: To use a method designed to work with high and low density EEG.
NanoTera BodyPoweredSense
Step 3
validate cor/cal par/al coherence method for ldEEG using simulated data: To simulate EEG data with different locaFons of acFve sources in the brain, and evaluate the method for esFmaFon of sources
Low Density EEG
This Method performs accurately on simulated data when the locaFon of sources are close to the electrodes.
This method does not perform accurately when the locaFon of sources are not close to the electrodes. 12/16
EEG signal analysis
1. Introduction | 2. Harvesters | 3. Conversion | 4. Processing | 5. Clinical | 6. Industrial partner
• Supported partners with EEG signal capture of BPS test subjects • CollaboraFon with ETH-‐NSG with Real recording experience and data analysis for the early detecFon of epilepsy • Provided ESPLAB with training data for good and bad electrodes analysis • Provided advice on hospital procedures and best pracFce • Provided signal to noise data to ESPLAB for circuit design consideraFons
NanoTera BodyPoweredSense
1. Introduction | 2. Harvesters | 3. Conversion | 4. Processing | 5. Clinical | 6. Industrial partner
Industrial partners •
PFIM, Support to clinical approach and to data capture trials , providing children as test subjects and clinical aeendance
ByElement, has provide a complete medical HCD Engineering consisFng of several developer workshops with medical experts, applying HCD. Methodology, idenFficaFon of criFcal acceptance elements, idenFficaFon and descripFon of medical usage scenarios, including device acceptance dimensions.
Children: Wearable Energy HarvesFng Measurement and EEG capture
Focus group meeFng ETH Zurich
Human Centred Design in pracFce
EXPLORIS, collaboraFng with ETH-‐NSG and with CHUV provide medical processing plaoorm NanoTera BodyPoweredSense
1. Introduction | 2. Harvesters | 3. Conversion | 4. Processing | 5. Clinical | 6. Industrial partner
System Energy Budgets EEG Sensor
EsFmated Power Consump9on 1.5mW to 3mW, over 24 hours 44.5mWH for 64 electrodes EsFmated Energy Harves9ng levels: TEG 72 cm2 1.2mW, Solar 5 Cm2 75mWH, esFmated total circa 100mWH
Available Power: 4mW Converted power: 2mW
ECG Sensor
EsFmated Power Consump9on 0.5mW to 1 mW , 24mWH EsFmated Energy Harves9ng levels: 9 cm2 TEG 0.2mW, Piezo 1000 Cm2 1mW, esFmated total circa 30mWH
Electrodes uC Amplifier ADC Data flow Raw data size 24h uC frequency uC Consumption Sub total (uC+A+ADC) Energy per day Flash storage e nergy Total per day 04/06/15
# # uW uW kbps Gb MHz uW mW mWh mWh mWh
1 -‐ 5 10 1.2 0.1
16 1 80 160 19.2 1.7 1 400 0.6 15.4 0.6 15.9
32 1 160 320 38.4 3.3 1 400 0.9 21.1 1.2 22.3
64 2 320 640 76.8 6.6 1 800 1.8 42.2 2.3 44.5
128 4 640 1280 153.6 13.3 1 1600 3.5 84.5 4.6 89.1
NanoTera BodyPoweredSense
MSP430FR5739 uC active power Flash memory Flash memory
MB/J Gb/mWh
100 2.88 15/16
Conclusion Smart Node
P ulse Generators
Moritz Thielen MNS, ETHZ
S witches
Christopher Borsa SAMLAB, EPFL
C ontrol S ections
O scillator
Milad Ataei ESPLAB, EPFL
Francisco Rincon ESL, EPFL
Ivana Unkovic Elham Barzegaran LST, ETHZ CHUV
Thank you for your attention 04/06/15
NanoTera BodyPoweredSense