15 a単os
The Challenges of Regulation 2015 July 7th, 8th, 9th
15 años
Bullard Falla Ezcurra + tiene una perspectiva distinta de la consultoría legal y económica. Nuestra actividad profesional está ligada a nuestro compromiso académico. Ello nos ha permitido desarrollar durante nuestros 15 años de experiencia, un alto nivel de especialización en el análisis económico del derecho y en la regulación de mercados.
La Escuela de Gestión Pública ha sido creada por la Universidad del Pacífico para contribuir con la mejora de la gestión pública en nuestro país, a partir de la formación académica, el desarrollo de competencias, y de la conducta ética de los funcionarios del sector público y privado que participan en el diseño y la implementación de las políticas públicas.
Conscientes de la importancia de la regulación para el buen clima de negocios y desarrollo en el país, Bullard Falla Ezcurra + y la Escuela de Gestión Pública de la Universidad del Pacífico, en un esfuerzo conjunto, hacen posible la presencia de los profesores Robert Baldwin y Veerle Heyvaert de London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) para “The Challenges of Regulation”
15 años
The workshop is intended for participants who may have varying familiarity with regulation. It will both introduce participants to key issues and develop understandings of these. The sessions will be of special value to professionals who are moving into regulatory affairs from other areas and to those who have some regulatory experience but who wish to set that within a broader framework of understanding. No prior knowledge of regulation, law or economics will be assumed by presenters. The workshop will look at how regulation operates on the ground but will also cover regulatory theory and all stages of the regulatory process — from law and rule-making to institutional frameworks and enforcement. It will consider regulation from the perspectives of economists, lawyers, sociologists, political scientists and others. Individual seminars will examine not merely how regulation ought to be carried out and evaluated but how regulation tends to develop and how its incidence and shape can be explained. The utilities, financial and other sectors will be covered.
Professor —
Professor —
Robert Baldwin
Veerle Heyvaert
Robert Baldwin is a Professor of Law at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), where he teaches Regulation and Criminal Law at undergraduate and graduate levels. He has published widely on regulation and acted as a consultant to such bodies as the Health and Safety Executive, the European Commission, the International Labour Organisation, and HM Treasury. He has been a member of the National Audit Office Committee of Regulation Experts for six years where focussed on the NAO’s reviews of the UK’s Regulatory Impact Assessment processes. His books include: Regulating the Airlines, (Oxford, University Press, 1985); Rules and Government, (Oxford University Press, 1995); Law and Uncertainty (Kluwer, 1996); Understanding Regulation, (Oxford University Press, Second Edition 2012 with Martin Cave and Martin Lodge); The Government of Risk (Oxford University Press, 2001 with Christopher Hood and Henry Rothstein); and The Oxford Handbook of Regulation (Oxford University Press, 2010 edited with Martin Cave and Martin Lodge).
Veerle Heyvaert is an associate Professor of Law at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). She studied at Ghent University and Harvard Law School, and has a PhD from the European University Institute in Florence. Prior to coming to the LSE, she worked as an attorney in the EU law department of US law firm Akin, Gump in Brussels. She was Sir Peter North Fellow at the Oxford Centre for Socio-Legal Studies and Keble College, and a UNITAR Special Fellow. Her publications include: Globalising Regulation: Reaching Beyond the Borders of Chemical Safety (2009) Journal of Law & Society; Facing the Consequences of the Precautionary Principle in European Community Law (2006) European Law Review; and Institutions for Regulating Risk in Revesz, Sands and Stewart, Environmental law, the Economy, and Sustainable Development: the United States, the European Union, and the International Community (2000, CUP).
15 años
9:15 a.m.
INTRODUCTION Professor Robert Baldwin
9:30 a.m.
SESSION ONE: WHY REGULATE? Reasons for regulating – economic and social rationales (Case study used) Professor Robert Baldwin
10:15 a.m.
SESSION TWO: REGULATORY STRATEGIES Moving away from command and control methods and the search for imaginative alternatives – what are the options? (Case study used) Professor Robert Baldwin
11:00 a.m.
Coffee break
11:15 a.m.
SESSION THREE: COMMAND TECHNIQUES OF REGULATION AND ALTERNATIVES Discussion of conclusions to be drawn from case study Professor Robert Baldwin
12:00 p.m.
SESSION FOUR: WHAT IS GOOD REGULATION? HOW CAN REGULATORS SECURE PUBLIC SUPPORT? How regulators can secure legitimacy in the eyes of relevant groupings (Case study used) Professor Robert Baldwin
12:45 p.m.
Lunch break
13:45 p.m.
SESSION FIVE: RISK REGULATION: AN INTRODUCTION Integrating information gathering into regulation. Standardizing risk assessment processes. Risk identification and setting risk management targets in regulation Professor Veerle Heyvaert
14:30 p.m.
SESSION SIX: RISK-BASED REGULATION How risk-based regulation works and how regulators can react to institutional, behavioral and other challenges Professor Robert Baldwin
15:15 p.m.
Coffee break
15:30 p.m.
SESSION SEVEN: COPING WITH UNCERTAINTY: THE PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE IN REGULATION Regulating when the evidence is not conclusive Professor Veerle Heyvaert
9:30 a.m.
SESSION EIGHT: HOW SHOULD REGULATORS DEAL WITH LOW RISKS? Much attention is devoted to high risks but how should lower risks be addressed? Can they really be left uncontrolled? (Case study used) Professor Robert Baldwin
10:15 a.m.
SESSION NINE: REGULATING SYSTEMIC RISKS The special problems of dealing with pervasive and systemic risks. Combining and orchestrating regulatory approaches to risk management Professor Veerle Heyvaert
11:00 a.m.
Coffee break
11:15 a.m.
SESSION TEN: DEALING WITH REGULATORY CHANGE Businesses and regulators need to plan but how can they predict regulatory change?(Case study used) Professor Robert Baldwin
12:00 p.m.
SESSION ELEVEN: FRANCHISING STRATEGIES Franchising as a means of harnessing competitive forces. Professor Robert Baldwin
12:45 p.m.
Lunch break
13:45 p.m.
SESSION TWELVE: PARTICIPATION IN REGULATORY DECISION-MAKING How can regulators ensure that they allow the optimal level of access to their processes? Professor Veerle Heyvaert
14:30 p.m.
SESSION THIRTEEN: COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS AND ITS APPLICATION TO REGULATION The CBA method and its application to regulation: technical and other challenges Professor Robert Baldwin
15:15 p.m.
Coffee break
15:30 p.m.
SESSION FOURTEEN: COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS: CASE STUDY Professor Robert Baldwin Professor Veerle Heyvaert
15 años
9:30 a.m.
SESSION FIFTEEN: REGULATORY IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND THE POLICY PROCESS – HOW CAN RIA PRODUCE BETTER REGULATION? How can RIA be used to foster low cost, effective regulatory strategies? Professor Robert Baldwin
10:15 a.m.
SESSION SIXTEEN: RULES, STANDARDS AND PRINCIPLE BASED REGULATION How do choices of rules and principles affect matters such as enforcement and uncertainty? (Case study used) Professor Robert Baldwin
11:00 a.m.
Coffee break
11:15 a.m.
SESSION SEVENTEEN: ENFORCEMENT Enforcement within the regulatory process. Strategic choices, intervention methods and timing (Case study used) Professor Robert Baldwin
12:00 p.m.
SESSION EIGHTTEEN: HARMONISING REGULATION What are the pros and cons of approximating national regulation with third country or international regulation? What are the different ways of harmonizing regulation? Professor Veerle Heyvaert
12:45 p.m.
Lunch break
13:45 p.m.
SESSION NINETEEN: REGULATION BY NUDGE The potential of ‘Nudge’ as a control device. Professor Robert Baldwin
14:30 p.m.
SESSION TWENTY: REGULATION AND COMPETITION USING MARKETS TO ACHIEVE OBJECTIVES When markets and competition, rather than regulation, can be identified as the solution Professor Veerle Heyvaert
15:15 p.m.
Coffee break
15:30 p.m.
SESSION TWENTY ONE: PLANNING REGULATORY CHANGE How can regulators make changes in their rules, methods and regimes so as to maximize the excess of gains over losses? Professor Robert Baldwin
certificación —
Los participantes que cumplan con el 100% de asistencia, recibirán un certificado emitido por el Centro de Educación Ejecutiva de la Universidad del Pacífico.
07, 08 y 09 de Julio De 9:15 a.m. a 4:15 p.m. S/. 5,800 (incluye almuerzo y coffee break) Nivel de Inglés Intermedio. Las clases y materiales serán en idioma inglés. Aula magna H·304 - Universidad del Pacífico
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De 4 a 6 participantes:
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INFORMES Jr. Sanchez Cerro 2141 Jesús María, Lima T. 2190100 / anexo: 2399 Claudia Marquez: cm.marquezh@up.edu.pe
www.egp.up.edu.pe www.bullardabogados.pe