Solomon Islands District Tok Stori (Volume 6, Issue 2)

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Tok Stori

Solomon Islands District

Gudfala Laef for Evri Gele an Evri Boe

Throughout the Pacific, Gender Based Violence (GBV) is prevalent,withSolomonIslands ranking equal second with 64% of women experiencing intimate partner abuse. Kiribati is first with 68%, Fiji 64% and Vanuatu 60%. With this statistic being so high and agencies across the Solomon Islands wanting to decrease these concerning numbers, it was wonderful to see 14 members of Honiara Corps and 4 members of Gateway Corps come together and take part in the ‘Gudfala Laef blong Evri Gele an Evri Boe’ (Good Life for All Boys & Girls) Sunday School Curriculum,facilitatedbyWorld Vision. The material equips Sunday School leaders to teach on gender equality and positive gender relations. By using this curriculum, we are able to teach our young people that GBV is not acceptable in our society nor in our churches.

Each module has a time of singing, story telling (whether a bible story or a story on how one of the churches came to Solomon Islands), Scripture readings, activities, questions and answers time and a thought for the day. The first two days of the training

Build Relationships, Come Prepared and Be Flexible; as well as different ages and stages of learning, how boys and girls learn differently, classroom management tips and inclusive classrooms. On the third day, the 18 new and current Sunday School teachers were broken into small groups where they were given the task of preparing a lesson and presenting it back to the whole group. This activity was filled with a lot of laughter, naughty behavior (participants were acting certain ages 3-6, 6-12, 12-18) and fun activities that showed how much each of the participants had learned the previous two days. At the end of the training, each participant was excited by how they would be able to use this new Sunday School material in their respective churches across the SolomonIslands.

Inside this issue: Special points of interest:

 Year of Regeneration

 Continuation of Service

 Youth Mission

 Mission Support

 Change of Venue

 Community Networking

FEBRUARY 2023 Volume 6, Issue 2
Launchof Territorial 2023Theme 2 DistrictOfficer’s Extensionof Service 2 Malaita Combined Youth Event 2 YWAMDonationto MundaNewOpening 3 HoniaraCorps Changeof Location 3 USEmbassyOpening Reception 3 PersonalReflection 4
1. IntroductiontoGender 2. Dignity & Value of all Human Beings 3. PartnersinGod’sFamily 4. Character,Conduct,Actions

Launch of Territorial 2023 Theme

The Solomon Islands District launched the PNGSI Territorial 2023 theme ‘A Year of Regeneration’ on Sunday, 5th February, starting at Honiara Corps. Major Robert preached from Titus 3:4-7, reminding the congregation that we are made clean “through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit,” which is God’s work in us and through us. This divine process of regeneration was then applied to the outworking of local mission that engages in “Urban regeneration [as] a deliberate process that seeks toreverse urban decay or urban degeneration … [by] infusing ‘life’ into ‘dying’ neighbourhoods, or

District Officer’s Extension of Service

On the 14th December 2017, Majors Robert and Vanessa embarked on a two year appointment to the Solomon Islands as the Officers in Charge of a relatively new ministry of The Salvation Army. This initial term was extended to three years, in line with IHQ changes to international appointments, at which time they were appointed by the PNGSI Territorial Leaders as the District Officers of Solomon Islands. A second term of three years was accepted and approved, which is due to conclude on December 13th this year. During discussions with the Territorial Leaders in October last year,

Malaita Combined Youth Event

Over the weekend of the 11th and 12th February, Salvation Army youth from Rauai Fellowship in West Kwara’ae and Gateway Corps in North Malaita join with 700 young people from other churches around Malaita Province for an interdenominational youth event at the Assemblies of God (AOG) church in Kakara Village, Kwara’ae. The theme for the event was ‘One New Man in Christ’ which was summarized by one of the leaders at the event, “we have one heart and pursue only one purpose and that is to see that Christ’s glory reveals in and through His church and that God’s

reconstructing what is broken” (Stephan De Beer, Faith-Based Action & Urban Regeneration). Variations of this opening message have been shared throughout February by other leaders on the District Team and will be preached by local leaders at each of The Salvation Army village churches between now and Easter. This is a timely and applicable theme for Solomon Islands at a time when there are many spiritual and social challenges manifesting in civil unrest, political instability, and community and environmental degeneration. Solomon Islands need visions of regeneration that arebirthedfromwithincommunities.

Majors Robert and Vanessa expressed their strong desire to continue on for a third term in their appointment, which was enthusiastically endorsed by THQ. With the support of their home Territory in Australia and approval by IHQ, an extension to their service in the PNGSI Territory has been granted until December 2026, bringing their time in the Solomon Islands to a total of nine years. This further extension will allow time for the completion of a number of key projects, training of local leaders through the Officer Training College and theadvancementofnewministries.

kingdom and Gospel is preached and demonstrated in these last days” (Charles P. Tena, Solomon Islands Interdenomination Youth Combine). The District Team is excited to see Salvation Army young people from our village churches taking the initiative to engage with the other churches at such events. It was also great to see some of the boys from Gateway Corps participating in the event through the performance of a cultural dance from North Malaita. The Salvation Army youth ministry in Malaita Province continues to grow in numbers andmissionengagement.

Solomon Islands District Page 2

YWAM Donation to Munda New Opening

During the installation of the solar freezer fish project at Munda New Opening last year, church leader Rex Tiokomateana spoke with the Area Officer about the need for a solar powered water pump to make access to their community water bore hole easier and more efficient. A local YWAM representative in Western Province heard about this need being discussed and brought it back to their mission leaders for consideration late last year. To the surprise of the District Team, YWAM contacted Envoy Alick Hagi to announce that they were donating the equipment for a solar pump to The Salvation Army Learning Space in Munda, valued at $14,000 SBD. All they required from The Salvation Army was

Honiara Corps Change of Location

SincetheofficialopeningofTheSalvation Army Solomon Islands in November 2011, Honiara Corps has been meeting for their weekly Sunday morning service in a rented conference room at Rock Haven Inn. While this venue has served themwell forelevenyears,the Corps has longoutgrownthis space. Theneedfora larger space, combined with an unexpected letter outlining a significant rise in rent and restrictive changes to conditions of use, effective immediately, the Honiara Corps Council made the decision to discontinue their use of this location. This sudden change of

US Embassy Opening Reception

Majors Robert and Vanessa had the honour of attending a reception for the opening of the US Embassy in Honiara. The reopening of an embassy in the Solomon Islands by the USA follows decades of a consulate presence under the leadership of Keithie Saunders who served as the US Consular Agent for over ten years. Recently appointed Charge d’Affaires Russell Comeau referenced the enduring relationship between the US and Solomon Islands, forged during WW2,andhighlightedtheopeningof the embassy as a platform for increased cooperation and engagement between

$200 SBD to cover the cost of freight to transport the equipment from Honiara to Western Province. This donation was a huge boost to Rex and Manalyn, who have up to 50 children from the surrounding community meet in their home daily for literacy classes through The Salvation Army Learning Space. Western Province Area Officer Envoy Alick says, “It will greatly help the learning space and it will also be a blessing for the fish filleting project. The community will directly benefit. It will be a great testimony of The Salvation Army presence in Munda.” The District Officers are very grateful to YWAM for initiating this donation and supporting The Salvation Army mission in Munda.

circumstances resulted in Sunday services defaulting to the District Quarters until an alternative location could be found. Fortunately, this temporary location was only required for three weeks, with a new venue being found at Mbua Vale High School in central Honiara. The new venue is a large hall that will easily seat 200+ and is available for the whole day, giving scope for other Sunday activities. The rental is also much cheaper than what was being paid, which will save the District $1200 SBD a month! Sunday services will commencehereonthe5thMarch.

the two countries to advance shared interests and values. The evening was attended by other diplomatic missions, government representatives, NGO’s and community, church and business leaders, providing an ideal opportunity for networking across multiple sectors. This sort of community engagement enables the District Officers to promote their mission in the Solomon Islands and connect with organisations who are willing to support The Salvation Army. Majors Robert and Vanessa are grateful for this opportunity and the inclusion of TheSalvationArmyinsuchanevent.

Volume 6, Issue 2 Page 3

The Salvation Army Solomon Islands

District Officers - Majors Robert & Vanessa Evans

PO Box 323 Honiara, Solomon Islands

Phone: (677) 30344

Fax: (677) 30344

Mobile: (677) 749 4524



Support Needs:

 Building funds for new Officer Quarters: You can support by donating funds to contribute to the construction of Officer Quarters at our village churches in the provinces.

 Purchase of furnishings for Officer Quarters: You can support by donating funds to purchase furniture and appliances for Quarters at each of our village churches.

 Purchase of Toyota Hilux for SAES: You can support by donating funds to purchase a suitable vehicle to tow our Emergency Services trailer.

Please contact Major Robert Evans at for more information if you are able to help with any of these needs.

Prayer Points:

 New property proposal for Honiara Corps

 Preparation of Candidates for Officer Training College

 Follow-up of three New Opening opportunities in Malaita

 Employment of a District Social Enterprises Manager

 Land dispute at one of our churches in Malaita

Personal Reflection…

Around this time six years ago, Vanessa and I were sitting in a meeting at THQ in Melbourne discussing our readiness to serve overseas. When we were asked to consider an appointment to the Solomon Islands, we could never have imagined then the journey that lay ahead of agreeing to this appointment. Within a very short time of arriving in Honiara, it was evident to us that this was going to be a much longer term than our initial two year commitment. Now that we are five years into this appointment, we still don’t feel our work here is complete. Our commitment to serving The Salvation Army mission in the Solomon Islands remains strong, but we acknowledge this commitment comes at a cost, both personally and to our family back at home. Leaving our children in Melbourne after their completion of year 12 was not easy and being away from them for much longer than we intended hasn’t got any easier, despite the fact that they are now well and truly independent young adults. During our

time away, my father died of cancer, my mother was in intensive care with a critical illness, our daughter had two car accidents, our son got married, and Vanessa’s family have experienced their share of crisis and challenges. For us personally, Vanessa required a medevac to Brisbane for emergency surgery and I’ve broken bones as a result of a couple of bike accidents and required surgery locally after being attacked by five dogs. Additionally, we have lived and served in an environment that has been in a constant state of crisis, enduring cyclones, earthquakes, two riots, COVID lockdowns and curfews, and challenging everyday living conditions in a city that is grossly under-resourced. It is fair to say that our commitment to stay in the Solomon Islands has quite literally been bathed in ‘blood, sweat and tears’. Yet, despite it all, we have the firm support of our family, friends, Territorial and local leaders, along with a conviction that this is a God-ordained appointment. The cost of discipleship is far outweighed by

the extraordinary privilege and blessing of being a part of the growth and development of The Salvation Army in theSolomonIslands. Wearesurrounded by beautiful people who have embraced us as a part of their ‘wantok’ and we are incarnating ourselves in a culture that is rich beyond the obvious deficits that challenge us daily. So, the official announcement this month from IHQ that our service has been extended for a third term comes with a deep sense of peace that is found being in the centre of God’s willandfulfillingHispurposes.

Major Robert Evans

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