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Solomon Islands District

International Women’s Day

(Report by Major Vanessa Evans, District Director Women’s Ministries)


women also shared in some cultural dancing, which was great to see the police force having some fun; which the crowd loved. The other event was the International World Day of Prayer, with Taiwan this year’s focus. Major Robert had the opportunity to share the Word of God from Ephesians of Women. It is a month when women of all walks of life are celebrated through the annual International World Day of Prayer and International Women’s Day. This year, The Salvation Army in Honiara was able to celebrate and take part in events that were held in Honiara. On International Women’s day, a small group of members came together and tookpartinthemarchfromthe Honiara City Council to the Justice Park. The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) Band led the parade, followedbyastrongcontingent of RSIPF, Australian Federal Police, Correctional Services, Australian High Commission staff, The Salvation Army, Ministry of Education, World Vision, Oxfam, Church of Melanesian Mothers Union, Catholic Women, as well as and private sector organisations. The program at the Justice Park included speeches from the Minister for Women, Youth, Children & Family Affairs, the Australian High Commissioner and Christine Lasaqa, who is the first woman to serve as the CEO ofOur Telekom. Christine spoke about women, young and old, pursuing their goals with ambition, confidence and responsibility. The RSIPF

1:15-19 ”I have heard about your Faith,” as the youth of Honiara Corps held an all night prayer meeting. Throughout the program different people read aloud the stories of women from Taiwan and how they had been impacted by the Gospel. It was great to see the many different age groups come together to spend time praying, not only for the country of Taiwan and for the support that Taiwan has given the Solomon Islands over the last 40 years, but also for the Honiara Corps and Solomon IslandsDistrict.

Honiara Corps New Home

On Sunday, 5th March, Honiara Corps commenced worshipping at their new location in the Mbua Vale High School Hall. Thisnewfacility isideally located in central Honiara, behind the new Kukum Market, with excellent exposure to the public and a welcomed sea breeze that provides natural cooling. The much larger open space easily accommodated the 114 corps members who were delighted to make this place home. At the previous location, Honiara Corps was restricted to three hours on a Sunday morning, before being rushed out by hotel security to make way for the next group using the same space. This prevented any meaningful time of fellowship after church. The small space also limited Sunday School to colouring sheets in the corner during the service. OnthefirstSundaytheCorpsdisplayeda high level of energy and excitement by the freedom to linger and enjoy each

District Trip to Auki

MajorRobertandEnvoyAlicktravelledto Auki in Malaita Province earlier this month to address a leadership matter at one of the village churches. During this visit, a couple of unexpected encounters presented themselves that opened the door to future mission opportunities. One of these encounters was a meeting withLazarusfromMagetodiscussalong standing invitation for The Salvation Armytocommenceinhisvillage. Lazarus was keen to share his vision for Mage andpleasedthatMajorRobertandEnvoy Alick took the opportunity to walk to his village to scope out his mission context s company after the service and the48children had alot more funwith a fuller Sunday School program. While Honiara Corps continues to pursue the purchase of a suitable property for their permanent home, the move to Mbua Valeisasignificantstepforward. during their visit to Auki. The second encounter was with the Director and CoordinatoroftheRuralTrainingCentres (RTC),whohappenedtobestayingatthe same motel. Together, they discussed the possibility of engaging the carpentry students at local RTC’s to build Officer Quarters as their practical assignment. This proposal was received with great enthusiasm, as this is exactly what the RTC’s are looking for in the provinces, instead of sending their students to Honiara for their practical field training. These unexpected encounters added enormousvaluetothis24hourtrip.

Gateway Corps Mission Trip to Kafomuari

Over the weekend of the 18th and 19th March, members of Gateway Corps set off for a mission trip to Kafomauri New Opening in north east Malaita. A small group of Gateway youth initiated this mission and ministry to their neighbouring Salvation Army church. The

Salvation Army has two active churches in North Malaita who are proactively supporting each other and serving their surrounding communities. Since Envoy Charles was ‘promoted to glory’, his wife Envoy Judith has been supported by her daughter Margaret, CSM Sam and Nominees Jimlee and Joanna in leading Gateway Corps on a trajectory of growth that has positioned their church as a powerful ministry in North Malaita. The District Team is deeply encouraged by the regular stories of mission, service, combined church interaction and youth ministry in this remote area. It is also terrific to see how Gateway Corps takes the initiative to support Kafomauri New Opening through these type of mission and ministry trips, as an encourage to congregation leaders Moses and Mary, who are actively engaged in ministry around Suafa Bay, North Malaita. During the District Easter Campaign this year, Webster and Elizabeth will travel to Kafomauri with a team from Honiara Corps to conduct the Easter services and provide training in the new Gudfala Laef fo Evri Gele an Evri Boe material to equip the Sunday School leadersatourvillagechurches.

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