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Fouele New Opening Mission & Ministry

Following the Christmas holiday period, Fouele has had a very active start to the year reconstructing their church building and serving their community from the funds they have raised through their fuel depot social enterprise. The materials donated by their local member of locally obtained bush materials to upgrade their deteriorating church. Under the shelter of their partly rebuilt church, the Fouele Home League conducted a special program to feed the widows from around their village. This beautiful time of service and fellowship was a practical demonstration of The Salvation Army’s ‘Heart to God, Hand to Man’ mission, which was well deeply appreciated by their community. Under the leadership of Robinson Fugui and Fred Abana, Fouele New Opening is growing in their mission impact and has proved their viability as a Salvation Army congregation. Last month, the District team recommended that Fouele be granted Fellowship status (the next step in formally recognizing church growth anddevelopmentinthePNGSITerritory). Their mission and ministry activity this monthaffirmsthis recommendation.


Emergency Relief for House Fire Victims

A few weeks ago, Envoy Alick presented a request to the District team for emergencyassistancetosupportafamily in his community who were victims of a house fire. Their house was burned to the ground and they lost all their belongings, leaving them only with the clothes they were wearing. To facilitate this request, Envoys Alick and Esther were given access to a supply of Vilij Kaleko at the District Quarters, where theywereabletogatherenoughclothing for the parents and household goods to replace some of their lost items. The District also contributed funds to replace

Preaching Workshop

As a part of his training plan for 2023, Aux Capt Wency asked the District Leaders to conduct a preaching workshop for Honiara Corps. He proposed for the workshop to coincide with the upcoming District Easter Campaign, to equip the travelling teams for their ministry in the villages. The one-day workshop was conducted by Major Robert with 32 participants from Honiara Corps, including a few from North Malaita and South Malaita who were in town. The format of the training included two morning sessions on defining preaching, types of sermons, preparing sermons and preaching resources. The two afternoon sessions provided an opportunity for the participants to put the theory they learned in the morning into practice by breaking into two groups to write sermon outlines for this year’s Good Friday and Easter Sunday messages, using the theme ‘Sacrificial Living’ and associatedScripturesprovided. Thelevel of enthusiasm by all and quality of their participation was inspiring! It was also great to see the equal participation of both men and women, not yet a cultural norm in the Solomon Islands. Most of their mattresses and bedding. The Salvation Army Solomon Islands has received a number of requests over the past couple of years for emergency assistance that fall through the cracks in the very limited emergency support structures in Honiara. To be better equipped to fill these gaps, the District is looking to establish a local emergency relief fund to more adequately respond to future requests. The recipients of this most recent support expressed their appreciation to The Salvation Army affirming, “This is the kind of help churchesshoulddo.” the young adults present will be accompanying the District Team Leaders to various locations across the district over the Easter weekend and will be using the sermon outlines prepared during the workshop on Good Friday and EasterSunday.

The Salvation Army Solomon Islands

District Officers - Majors Robert & Vanessa Evans

PO Box 323 Honiara, Solomon Islands

Phone: (677) 30344

Fax: (677) 30344

Mobile: (677) 749 4524

Email: solomon.islands@png.salvationarmy.org

Website: www.png.salvationarmy.org

Support Needs:

 Building funds for new Officer Quarters: You can support by donating funds to contribute to the construction of Officer Quarters at our village churches in the provinces.

 Purchase of furnishings for Officer Quarters: You can support by donating funds to purchase furniture and appliances for Quarters at each of our village churches.

 Purchase of Toyota Hilux for SAES: You can support by donating funds to purchase a suitable vehicle to tow our Emergency Services trailer.

Please contact Major Robert Evans at robert.evans@png.salvationarmy.org for more information if you are able to help with any of these needs.

Prayer Points:

 District Easter Campaign

 Preparation of Candidates for Officer Training College

 Follow-up of three New Opening opportunities in Malaita

 Establishment of a District Emergency Relief Fund

 New Mission Support Projects (MSP) proposals

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