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Top five books for leaders to lead exceptionally well in 2023

By Dr. Wilbert R. Mutoko (PhD, FHEA)

Dr. Wilbert Mutoko is a Strategist, Professional Speaker, Educator, Coach, Consultant, and Author. He writes in his personal capacity. You can connect with him on LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook or send feedback on email: wilbertmutoko@ gmail.com


Finally, the year 2022 is over and congratulations we are now in 2023. We are cognizant of the fact that the world is still going through difficult times, but leaders do not fold their hands and watch. Good leaders are hungry and thirsty to find new ways of doing things. Therefore, this is time for leaders to strategize and raise hopes of their firms to recuperate and/or thrive. However, strategizing is not effective without new information. As J.F. Kennedy once remarked, leadership and learning go hand in hand. Thus, any leader who stops learning is assured of less impact. This article suggests five top books that leaders should read in 2023 to equip themselves with the relevant information and inspiration needed to take their firms to the next level. The books are not arranged in any order of importance.

1. She thinks like a boss: Leadership: 9 Essential Skills for New Female Leaders in Business and the Workplace. How to Influence Teams Effectively and Combat Imposter Syndrome by Jemma Roedel

This book will inspire both new and experienced female CEOs to stand up for their rights and speak out where it is necessary. It gives leaders, including male leaders, the guts to share their thoughts where necessary without feeling any remorse.

The book has empowered leaders across the world to make better decisions and get promoted in firms where it looked difficult or impossible.

3. Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek

This book helps leaders to ask pertinent questions that in the end bring about effectiveness in the workplace and in business. Some of the questions include why some organizations are more profitable, successful, influential, and innovative than others. Furthermore, leaders are challenged in the book to think about why some firms command loyalty of employees and customers, while others do not. Finally, the book urges leaders to acquire more influence to increase their chances of success.

2. Stop Overthinking: 23 Techniques to Relieve Stress, Stop Negative Spirals, Declutter Your Mind, and Focus on the Present by Nick Trenton

The book empowers leaders to get out of their self-imposed prison of past negative thoughts, feelings, and experiences. The book suggests that most leaders fail to be creative because they over think. The reader learns how to break loose from destructive patterns of thought and become stress free, resulting in coming up with new ways of free thinking.

4. The Power of One More: The Ultimate Guide to Happiness and Success by Ed Mylett

In this book, the author argues that every person is much closer to success than assumed. It reveals that most people look down on themselves and get discouraged that they have not achieved enough. As a leader, you will learn from the book how to use the power of one more strategies to solve challenges and achieve levels of success that you never imagined.

5. Endurance by Alfred Lansing

The book is written in traditional story-telling style. If you love poetic and novel style, this is your book. The author outlines the dangerous voyages of British explorer, Ernest Shackleton in 1914. From the book, you will learn how to endure and come out as a survivor from catastrophic events.


In this article we have looked at five books recommended for leaders to read. It is my sincere belief that these books will add value to your already blossoming library. Remember that leadership and learning are twin sisters. I wish you the best of every success as a leader. Together we will sail through the crisis. Feel free to email me any feedback and/or suggestions for the future articles.

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