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Buy, Drink, Toss, Repeat: Water Bottles Expire Too
Buy, Drink, Toss, Repeat: Water Bottles Expire Too by: Maria Zaky
More often than not, checking any product’s expiration date before purchasing is a normal activity that anyone would do. Whereas, checking the expiration date of water bottles may not be as popular. Well, the fact is plastic bottled water does expire. Many people know that they should not be drinking from a water bottle that has been sitting on your car seat in the sun for too long. However, what is new is that everyone should be also checking the expiry date of water bottles before buying them.
It is not the water quality that might be compromised; instead, it is the plastic that raises a red flag. The chemicals in the plastic may get leaked into the water once expired or exposed to heat including sunlight and hot vehicles. Many bottled water companies print a standard two-year expiration date; yet there is no precise timing for it. A bottle may expire even before it is open if kept in an improper or a hot environment or if exposed to chemicals.
This might sound too alarming; it is nearly impossible to know whether a certain water bottle is safe. Nonetheless, there are precautions to take to ensure its safety. Once a water bottle is bought, you should drink it all. If not possible, make sure it is not exposed to intense heat or chemicals. Otherwise, you should refrigerate it once open. Reusing the bottles is another concern. You may reuse the plastic bottles one more time only if you wash them with hot water and soap; however, this is not the healthiest choice. Recent researchers proved that plastic bottles of water , juice, and soda are disposable. They can have serious and harmful effects on your health in the event they are used more than once. The ideal solution to make sure you are drinking healthy water is to use a refillable bottle of your own. Aluminum and steel refillable bottles are the best. You would need to wash your refillable bottle once every day with soap and water, rinse it well, then add new fresh water.
A recent research done by physicians at Al-Qasr Al-Ainy Faculty of Medicine states that “when we reuse the disposable plastic water bottles, some cracks happen within the plastic which results in chemical leakages into the water. These chemicals are dangerous; they could affect the hormones released by the internal glands that, in turn, disrupt the immunity. It is especially dangerous for children as it can interfere with their development and growth. Also, in adults, it is linked with risks of breast and prostate cancer.
As a result, there are some corporate efforts to evade such consequences. “Agthia”, a leading Abu Dhabibased food and beverage company, has recently declared the launch of Al Ain Plant Bottle, the region’s first plant-based water bottle. At a press conference on the sidelines of Gulfood 2020 during UAE Innovation Month, Al Ain Plant Bottle came into the light; it is biodegradable and compostable within 80 days, helping to reduce the region’s CO2 footprint.The bottle is made by converting plants into polymer materials obtained from the fermentation of sugars in plant matter. The end result is a plastic-like material made without any petroleum.However, it is not yet declared whether it will be available in Egypt.
Whether it is an individual effort to carry your own reusable bottle or a collective act where more beverage companies resort to safer, recyclable containers, an action is needed for a healthier community and a cleaner environment. Every small action is counted, no matter how small your role in society may seem, it has a much bigger impact than you think.