3 minute read
How Genetics May Affect Tasting Food
The food consumed is sensed by receptors that are located in the tongue and nose, however, food preferences vary from one person to another. According to a new study, presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions, a specific gene makes certain compounds taste bitter, which may further make it harder for some people to add heart-healthy vegetables to their diet. Everyone inherits two copies of a taste gene called “TAS2R38”. People who inherit two copies of the variant called AVI are not sensitive to bitter tastes, so they enjoy some foods like raw veggies such as broccoli and cabbage, dark chocolate, coffee and beer. Yet, those with one copy of AVI and another called PAV find those kinds of food exceptionally bitter. VR Cow Headset To Increase Milk Production Employees of one of the largest farms in the Moscow Region, together with IT experts, have been conducting an experiment, developing a prototype VR headset for cows in an attempt to improve their emotional state and increase their milk production. Dairy farms from different countries have allegedly shown that in a calm atmosphere, the quantity, and sometimes the quality, of milk increases as it solves pressing problems in milk production. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Moscow Region, farmers in Moscow suburbs have installed sound equipment for broadcasting classical music to create a relaxing effect for cows, which positively affects milk production.
Sobhy Kaber to Open a Butcher Shop

Amid the unrest and restaurants shutting down because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the iconic Egyptain restaurant Sobhy Kaber has announced opening up their new butcher shop on May 3rd where they will sell affordable meat to the public. Also, they announced that they will reopen the restaurant itself on May 8th where it
will only be available for delivery and takeout.

A New Place for Making Sauces and Only Sauces
Lou’sauce is the first brand in the Egyptian market to be producing only natural pre-made sauces that you can easily pour on your vegetables or pasta and Voila you have your dish ready in no time. They serve peas sauce, green beans sauce, spinach sauce, zucchini sauce, classic red sauce or with veggies, white sauce with mushrooms with prices ranging from 20 LE to 50 LE. Lou’sauce hasn’t opened their place yet, still they have an online presence and they deliver on weekends. Otlob Launches Supermarket Delivery Service With all that is going on around, the plague, selfisolation, and having to stay home, Otlob has made it easier and safer to order groceries while staying home and practicing social distancing. The new service allows users to order household necessities such as canned food, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, juice, and other products in hopes of encouraging people to stay home to help combat the novel COVID-19. Delivery time will range between 60 to 90 minutes, and the user can specify the date which they need their order to be delivered. The service includes various supermarkets such as Kheir Zaman, Alfa Market, Metro Market, as a few more are expected to join the application soon. Otlob has around 2,500 pilots in service and expects this number to rise to 10,000 by the end of the current year.

Starbucks Thanks the Egyptian Medical Professionals
Amid the world’s effort to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers are working longer, harder hours to take care of the community and save lives. Starbucks has decided to express thankfulness to the front-line warriors by offering them a free tall hot coffee around the globe.
According to the company, all first responders including paramedics, doctors, nurses, hospital staff, police officers, firefighters, and also researchers can get a free coffee in all Starbucks stores until May 3. For all medical workers in Egypt, all they need to do is show any proof that they work in a hospital.
Starbucks has recently closed most of its branches, if not all by the time this gets published, and is temporarily offering pick-up and drive-thru services
